Battle Arena Toshinden 3 (e)

*                                            *
*        Battle Arena Toshinden 3 FAQ        *
*                                            *

version 1.0 (3-8-99)
by Walter F. Williams III (


This FAQ is intended for private use only, and may be
reproduced electronically. It cannot be distributed for
promotional purposes (that means that no game magazine,
book, etc. is allowed to publish this thing). You are
allowed to put this up on your Web page as long as this
FAQ remains in its original form, and I am given full
credit for it. One last thing - this FAQ is NOT FOR SALE!
I made this for free, and I want it to stay that way.
Do not sell this to anybody! That is all.....

*****Deafult Controls*****

Direction Pad (when facing right)
 Right - moves forward (F)
 Left - moves backward (also blocks) (B)
 Up - jumps straight up (U)
 Down - crouches (D)
 Up-Right - jumps forward (UF)
 Up-Left - jumps backward (UB)
 Down-Right - crouches and moves forward (DF)
 Down-Left - crouches and blocks (DB)
 double-tap Right or Left - dash forward or backward
(when facing left, simply reverse all forward and backward

Square Button - weak slash (WS)
Triangle Button - strong slash (SS)
X button - weak kick (WK)
O button - strong kick (SK)
R1 button - special move 1
R2 button - special move 2
L1 button - dodge into the foreground
L2 button - dodge into the background
Select - taunt
Start - pause

(S) - either Slash button
(K) - either Kick button

Energy moves can inflict a lot of damage if you can get in
close enough. To do so, press WS+WK.

Overdrive moves can be done when your Overdrive meter is full
(the one above your life bar). Press WS+SS or WK+SK.

All Desperation Moves can be done by pressing
F, B, F + SS when your character's energy bar is flashing red.
(For Kayin, substitute SS with SK.) Unlike in BAT 2, you
can't perform your Desperation move over and over. You can
only use it once, and you need to get hit before you can
use it again.

*****Play Modes*****

Arcade - Play against the 14 evil characters and the bosses, Sho
and Abel.

Vs Human - Fight against a friend with all of the characters
you have currently accessed.

Vs Computer - Fight against the computer.

Survival - Fight as many battles as you can on one life meter.

Practice - Practice your character's moves and combos.

*****Character Profiles*****

Some of the names of the special moves were made up by me,
(especially the moves of the secret characters)
because I can't find my instruction manual.

Weapon: Samurai Sword

*****Special Moves*****
Rekkuzan - D, DF, F + S
Hishouzan - F, D, DF + S
Mukurowari - D, DB, B + S
Syugekidan - DF + K (when running)
Rolling Throw - B, DB, D, DF, F + SS
Elbow Jab - B + WS
Enjinshuraha* - F, D, DF, F, D, DF + SS (3 hits)

Triple Slash-Rekkuzan Combo: WS, WS, WS, WS
Triple Slash-Hishouzan Combo: WS, WS, WS, SS
Triple Slash-Low Swipe Combo: WS, WS, WS, D + WS

Overdrive move - Jigokumon (5 hits; press SS at the end to
add an extra hit)
Desperation move - Byakki-mosyuken (7 hits)

Weapon: Long Sword

*****Special Moves*****
Sonic Slash - D, DF, F + S
Deadly Ray - F, D, DF + S
Leg Crush - D, DB, B + K
Scottish Moon - D, DB, B + K (in the air)
Shooting Star - D, DF, F + K (in the air)
Rolling Throw - B, DB, D, DF, F + SS
Vertical Slash - DF + SS
Rainbow Splash* - F, DF, D, DB, B, DB, B, F, B + SK (8 hits)

Double Stab: WS, WS
Triple Kick-Leg Crush Combo: WK, WK, WK, WK
Triple Kick-Scottish Moon Combo: WK, WK, WK, SK

Overdrive move - Hell's Gate (same as Eiji's Overdrive move)
Desperation move - Hell's Inferno (7 hits)

Weapon: Leather Whip

*****Special Moves*****
Thunder Ring - D, DB, B + S (can also be done in the air)
Aurora Revolution - F, DF, D, DB, B + S (can also be done in the air)
Jewelry Shower - B, DB, D, DF, F + K
Rattlesnake - D, DF, F + S
Salamander* (10 hits)

High Kick-Spinning Heel Kick: WK, WK, WK

Overdrive Move - Fascination (up to 21 hits; unblockable)
Desperation Move - Call Me Queen

Weapon: Club

Fire Strike - D, DF, F + S
Club Swing - F, DF, D, DB, B + S
Club Spin - F, D, DF + S
Brutal Stomper - D, DB, B + K
Diving Club - F, D, DF + K
Super Kicks* (7 hits)

Overdrive Move - Hyper Smash
Desperation Move - Fire Storm

Weapon: Fo's Claws

Monkey Blast - D, DB, B + S
Monkey Ball - F, DF, D, DB, B + S
Monkey Ball Walk - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Monkey Kick - D, DB, B + K
Monkey Drill - D, DF, F + K
Super Fart*

Overdrive Move - Mega Fireball (knocks opponent into the wall)
Desperation Move - Mega Monkey Blast

Weapon: Spear

Shippu Tsuki (high) - D, DF, F + S
Shippu Tsuki (low) - D, DB, B + S
Shippu Tentsuki - B, D, DB + S
Goriki Tenbu - F, D, DF + S
Goriki Raijin - D, DF, F + S (in the air)
Goriki Fujin - B, DB, D, DF, F + S

Overdrive Move - Choriki Mondohou
Desperation Move - Choriki Daibutsumetsu

Weapon: Broad Sword

Southern Cross - F, DF, D, DB, B + S
Cyclone - D, DF, F + S
Knight Strike - D, DF, F + K
Head Crush - F, D, DF + K
Uppercut Slasher - F, D, DF + S
Slashing Fury - B, DB, D, DF, F + S

Overdrive Move - Grand Cross
Desperation Move - La Fin

Weapon: Twin Daggers

Arc Slash - F, D, DF + S (knocks opponent into ceiling)
Spinning Kicks - F, D, DF + K
Sugar and Spice - D, DB, B + S (knocks opponent into wall)
Fly With Me - D, DB, B + S (in the air)
Crescent Kick - D, DB, B + K (in the air)
Tornado - D, DB, B + K
Shield Attack*

Overdrive Move - Angel Kiss (17 hits)
Desperation Move - Sweet Kiss (9 hits)

Weapon: Battle Sword

Flame Breath - B, DB, D, DF, F + S (10 hits)
Energy Slash - D, DB, B + S (5 hits)
Spinning Blade - F, D, DF + S
Moonlight - B, F + SS
Lion's Circle - F, B + SS

Overdrive Move - Dark Punisher
Desperation Move - Blazing Blow

Weapon: Twin Nightsticks

Shock Treatment - D, DF, F + S
Helicopter Spin - B, D, DB + S
Power Punch - F, D, DF + S
Ground Spark - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Jackpot - D, DB, B + K (can also be done in the air)
Flying Stomp - B, D, DB + K
Flip Kick - F, D, DF + K
Running Elbow*

Overdrive Move - Double Flip Kick (2 hits; last one knocks
opponent into the ceiling)
Desperation Move - Badge Barrage (17 hits)

Weapon: Chaos Scythe

Chaos Breath - D, DF, F + S (can also be done in the air)
Grim Reaper - F, DF, D, DB, B + S
Spider Walk - F, D, DF + K
Chaos Drill - B, DB, D, DF, F + K

Overdrive Move - Chaos Bringer
Desperation Move - Death Drill

Weapon: .38 Special

Six Shooter - SS x6
Low Sweep Kicks - D+SK x3

Overdrive Move - Shootout (13 hits)
Desperation Move - Iwashiro Special (8 hits; last one knocks
opponent into ceiling)

Weapon: Chainsaw and Pistol

Chainsaw Uppercut - D, DB, B + WS (2 hits)
Reversal Uppercut - D, DB, B + SS (4 hits; counter move)
Flying Punch - F, D, DF + S
Pistol Shot - Select

Overdrive Move - Buzzsaw (4 hits)
Desperation Move - Terminator

Weapon: Staff

Flower Dart - D, DB, B + S
Spinning Uppercut - F, D, DF + S
Flame Spin - B, D, DB + K
Flame Pipe* (12 hits)

Overdrive Move - Illusion Attack
Desperation Move - Flame Wheel

Weapon: Cutlass

Water Wave - D, DF, F + S
Maelstrom - F, D, DF + S
Overhead Slice - D, DB, B + S
Rolling Throw - B, DB, D, DF, F + SS
Tsunami* - F, D, DF, F, D, DF + SS (3 hits)

Overdrive Move - Neptune's Fury (5 hits; press SS at the end
to add an extra hit)
Desperation Move - Revenge (7 hits)

Weapon: Rapier

Death Darts - D, DF, F + S
Flying Spin - F, D, DF + S
Rainbow Kick - D, DB, B + K
Magic Kick - D, DB, B + K (in the air)
Rolling Throw - B, DB, D, DF, F + SS
Starlight Dance* (8 hits)

Overdrive Move - Dance of Despair
Desperation Move - Countdown

Weapon: Leather Whip

Flash Ring - D, DB, B + S (can also be done in the air)
Ballerina Dance - F, DF, D, DB, B + S (can also be done in the air)
Starstruck - D, DF, F + S
Catscratch* (10 hits)

Overdrive Move - Cat's Eye (up to 21 hits; unblockable)
Desperation Move - Doom Song

Weapon: Cannon Arm

Cannon Arm Smash - F, DF, D, DB, B + SS
Spinning Cannon Arm - B, DB, D, DF, F + S

Overdrive Move - Heat-Seeker (up to 12 hits)
Desperation Move - Plasma Shower (17 hits)

Weapon: Claws

Fireball - D, DB, B + S
Fire Burst - F, DF, D, DB, B + S
Fire Walk - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Pagoda Kick - D, DB, B + K
Cuiling Cutter*

Overdrive Move - Spirit Ball (knocks opponent into wall)
Desperation Move - Fire Stream

Weapon: Partisan

Impaler (high) - D, DF, F + S
Impaler (low) - D, DB, B + S
Tornado - F, D, DF + S
Fire Bomb - D, DF, F + S (in the air)
Windmill - B, DB, D, DF, F + S

Overdrive Move - Cannonball
Desperation Move - Silent Fury

Weapon: Knight Sword

Psycho Crush - F, DF, D, DB, B + S
Genocide - D, DF, F + S
Rising Sword Wave - F, D, DF + S
Decapitator - D, DF, F + K

Overdrive Move - Blitzkrieg
Desperation Move - Death Blow

Weapon: Blowgun

Dart Gun - D, DF, F + S
Flying Kicks - F, D, DF + K

Overdrive Move - Blowgun Stabbing
Desperation Move - Voodoo Curse

Weapon: Dark Sword

Dart Attack - D, DF, F + S
Flaming Kick - D, DF, F + K (in the air)
Lunar Eclipse - B, F + SS

Overdrive Move - Crash Bomb
Desperation Move - Mystic Blow

Weapon: Nightsticks

Atomic Blow - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Jawbreaker - F, D, DF + S
Whirlwind Attack - B, D, DB + S
Slash Kick - F, D, DF + K

Overdrive Move - Double Slash (2 hits; last hit knocks
opponent into ceiling)
Desperation Move - Flashing Sun

Weapon: Sickle

Sickle Dart - D, DB, B + S
Sickle Uppercut - F, D, DF + S

Overdrive Move - Guillotine
Desperation Move - Executioner

Weapon: Revolver and Shotgun

Gunpowder - B, DB, D, DF, F + S

Overdrive Move - Hunter (8 hits)
Deseration Move - Peacemaker (10 hits)

Weapon: Chainsaw

Chainsaw Uppercut - D, DB, B + WS (2 hits)
Reversal Uppercut - D, DB, B + SS (4 hits; counter move)
Flying Punch - F, D, DF + S

Overdrive Move - Bloody Rage (4 hits)
Desperation Move - Black Night

Weapon: Staff

Dart - D, DB, B + S
Flame Whirl - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Lotus Wheel - D, DF, F + S

Overdrive Move - White Lotus (8 hits; last hit knocks opponent
into ceiling)
Desperation Move - Flame Wheel

Weapon: Samurai Sword

Rekkuzan - D, DF, F + S
Hishouzan - F, D, DF + S
Disappearing Attack - F, D, DF + SS
Crescent Kick - D, DB, B + K
Rising Sun - D, DB, B + K (in the air)
Hishouzan (Kayin Style) - B, D, DB + S
Overhead Slash - D, DB, B + S
Flying Pounce - D, DF, F + WK
Flame Kick - D, DF, F + SK
Diving Flame Kick - D, DF, F + SK (in the air)

Overdrive and Desperation moves are the same as Eiji.

Weapon: Fists

Shadow Blast - D, DF, F + S
Shadow Shoulder Ram - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Shadow Kick - D, DF, F + K

Overdrive Move - Fire in the Sky (12 hits)
Desperation Move - Shadow Crusher

Weapon: Evil Claws

Shadow Blast - D, DF, F + S
Shadow Shoulder Ram - B, DB, D, DF, F + S
Shadow Kick - D, DF, F + K
Teleport - B, D, DB + K

Overdrive and Desperation moves are the same as Abel.

Weapon: Kayin's Sword

Star Slash - D, DF, F + S
Death Dive - F, D, DF + S
Split Kick - D, DB, B + K
Flaming Charge - B, D, DB + S

Overdrive Move - Dragon's Breath
Desperation Move - Spinning Top (17 hits)

* - indicates super move.


To unlock any of the evil characters, you must beat the game on any
difficulty level with one of the regular characters.

To unlock Sho, you need to have unlocked all of the secret evil
characters, then beat the game as one of them. (You will only have
to fight Sho at the end.)

To unlock Abel, finish the game with Sho on the default difficulty
level or higher. (After beating Abel, you will have to fight another
hidden boss, Veil.)

To unlock Veil, finish the game with Abel on the default difficulty
level or higher. (You will only have to fight Sho at the end.)

To unlock Naru, finish the game as Veil on the default difficulty
level or higher. (After defeating Sho, you must beat Naru.)

After you have unlocked all 32 characters, you are now given the
ability to do the following:

Alternate color palettes - At the character select screen, press
either Square or X to get a different color palette for you fighter.

Easy Super moves - If you have the R1 and R2 buttons set on Special
Move 1 and Special Move 2, press both of them during battle to
use a super move that can knock a lot of energy out of your opponent.
(Note: Some characters do not have super moves. See character profiles
for details.) You can also use this command to activate Overdrive
and Desperation Moves.

*****Revision Information*****
version 1.0 - 3-8-99
= first version of this FAQ. It includes all characters' special


Playmates Interactive and Takara for doing a great job on BAT 3.