The Nintendo Entertainment System Series Title: Baseball Made By: Nintendo FAQ written: 5/29/98 FAQ version: 0.5 Written by: Barbossa Hello the first FAQ in the NES Series. Why is this the first game in the series. It was requested on So I decided to do one for it. This FAQ will be very small cause the game is very simple. CONTROLS Batting Start: Pause A Button: To bat Note: I have found no use for the B button and Select Button Pitching Start: Pause A Button: Pitch Fastball: Down+A Slowball: Up+A Note: I have found no use for the B button and Select Button TIPS --Since game doesn't keep the batting order you'll have to keep it yourself. --You'll big batters are usually 3, 4, or 5 in the order. CREDITS This FAQ is small, but i know there will be one more update. You can find this FAQ at E-mail me if you have any info at: Visit my Web page at Nintendo Entertainment System is a trademark of NoA