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Baldur's Gate (e)

Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 03:52:27 -0800

Baldur´s Gate guide version 0.1
By Dosferra

1. New in this version
2. Intruduction
3. Starting a game
4. Walkthrough

1. New in this version: Everything in this version is new because this is the 
first version of this guide.

2. Intrudution: Welcome to my Baldur´s Gate guide. In this guide you will find 
everything you need to complet Baldur´s Gate. So lets get right to it, shall we.

3. When you start a new game you will get full freedome to what your character 
should be good at and to be bad at. This part of the guide will guide you 
through your creation of your character.

Gender:			This one is up to you

Race:			I would choose half elf if I was you, because they have 
infravision and 				good race bonuses. But this one does not 
make such a big matter.

Class:			This one makes alot of matter. I think my self that the 
multiclasses are 				the best, choose the Fighter/Mage/ Thief 
because the character is 				strong from fighter, can do 
spells from mage and can steal, pick locks, 				hide in 
shadows and have special back stab damage from thief.

Alignment:		This one reprecents how good or bad your character is. Choose 
true 				neutral because they get well along with both good and 
evil characters.

Abilites:			This depends on what class you took strenght is for 
fighters, dexterity 				for thief, constitution for rangers, 
intelligence for mage, wisdom and 				charisma for paladin, bard 
and druid. Try to get 18 on the one/s that 				you have, but 
be shoure that none of the abilites get too low.

Skills: 			If you have a thief or a multiclass with thief you will 
get a special skill 				window for thief skills. Stealth is 
for how good your character will be to 				hide in shadows, 
find traps is simple how good you character will be at 			
	finding and disabling traps, pick pocket is how good your character will 
				be at pick pocketing and stealing from stores and open 
locks for how 				good your character will be at picking 
locks. After that ther will pop up 				a screen where you will 
choose at witch weapon your character will be 				best at using. 
After that if you have mage or a cleric a screen for spells 			
	will then come.

Appearance:		Does not matter a bit.

Name.			Its up to you.

There now you will have your self a character.

4. Walkthrough

You begine your adventure in nice city Candelkeep. From the position that you 
begine, you can go to your left and enter the inn. Go talk to the in keeper and 
buy anything you like. If you have a thief you could steal instead of buying. 
But if you are going to steal, you better save first. If you like you can go and 
talk to every one in town so you will get lots of small quest, but that is not 
needed right now. Go around the castle that is in the mittle untile you find 
some fountains. If you have gone to the right place a girl will come and speak 
with you. It does not matter what your answer. Go up the stairs and talk to the 
man there, it is Gorion, your stepfather. Say that you are ready to go, if you 
are. After that it will be a long sequence where Gorion will be killed by a 
armed figure.

This faq is copyrighted to Promtech and Michael Tofer.
This faq may not be shanged in any way with out asking me or any other member of 
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