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Azure Dreams (e)

Azure Dreams FAQ
Version 0.1
by Andrew Lee
(c) Copyright 1998, Andrew Lee, all rights reserved.

*Author's Foreword*
This FAQ is written to assist the player in getting a good start within Konami's 
Azure Dreams. Azure Dreams, being completely random each time you enter the 
dungeon, with the exception of levels 1 and 2, make it impossible to write any 
sort of walkthrough. Instead some general strategies will be discussed along 
with some various information pertaining to the game itself. There may be a few 
mini-spoilers within this FAQ, but they will be appropiately labeled in their 
corresponding sections. I have not yet beat the game, so some quests/info may be 
incorrect or unfinished. Please note that this is my first attempt at a FAQ, so 
don't expect any fancy ASCII art and please be kind with the comments.

Any corrections/additions to this FAQ are appreciated. To submit 
idea/correction, please mail me at and I will try to 
include the info you send me in my next revision.

Anyone viewing this guide may redistribute, use, print, etc. as long as you dont 
change any of the original content or claim that you wrote this whole FAQ. If 
you violate these rules, you shall face unimaginable consequences.

0.1 - Started the FAQ. Currently incomplete.

1. Characters
	O The Hero
	O Nico Southey
	O Selfi Rode
	O Fur Gots
	O Patty Pan
	O Vivian Merca
	O Mia Myria
	O Cherrl Child
	O Kewne
	O Wreath
	O Guy
	O Weedy
	O Ghosh Rode

2. Places in the Town
	O The Blacksmith
	O General Store
	O The Carpenter
	O Koppe's Restaurant
	O Bar
	O The Monster Store
	O The Fortune House
	O Clinic
	O Temple
3. Places you can build

4. Beginning Strategies

5. Strategies for longer lasting adventures

6. Items

7. Familiars

8. Tips
	O Money making strategies

9. Miscellaneous info

10. Credits

~ 1. Characters ~

- 1.1 The Hero -
The hero of the game, which you name yourself, is the son of the legendary 
monster tamer, Guy.           
Unfortunately, Guy has died rather early leaving the hero to fill his legacy. 
However most of the townsfolk believe him to be a brat only looking to cause 
trouble. It is his dream to enter the tower and find untold riches that he 
believes will help his family live a better life. And now that he has come of 
age, he may now enter, and he hopes that he will prove himself to the rest of 
the village.

- 1.2 Nico Southey -
Friends since childhood, it is Nico's job to wake the hero up every morning. 
Nico is known to be a tomboy and she admits it herself. Nico believes that 
Monsbaiya is very dull and boring and strives to make it a more cultural spot. 
By helping her achieve her dream, the hero may be able to win her heart.

- 1.3 Selfi Rode -
Selfi Rode, being the sister of the arrogant Ghosh Rode, is a wealthy, spoiled 
woman who wishes to be a sorceress. Seen frequently in the tower, she teases the 
hero and asks him irrelevant questions. 

- 1.4 Fur Gots -
Fur Gots is the woman who runs the general store at Monsbaiya. Fur tends to mock 
the hero whenever he stops by the store contemplating if his 10 gold purchases 
are worthwhile. However, when you begin to make money and buy regularly, her 
attitude toward the hero changes.

- 1.5 Patty Pan -
Patty works at Koppe's restaurant as a waitress. With a great personality, she 
has the customers returning for more.

- 1.6 Vivian Merca -
Currently unknown

- 1.7 Mia Myria -
Seen in the library, Mia keeps to herself, reading books, and is very shy around 
others. However, you may get to know her if you visit the library more often.

- 1.8 Cherrl Child -
A girl with a disease that gives her very little strength, she dreams to walk 
outside and live a normal life. Can you help her find a cure for her condition?

- 1.9 Kewne -
This is the familiar that joins you at the beginning of the game. He will prove 
very valuable as he will be stronger than most familiars at first and will serve 
as your only familiar in the beginning.

- 1.10 Wreath -
The hero's mother, stores your possesions and saves your game. Ease her life by 
improving your house.

- 1.11 Guy -
The hero's father. Known to be a legendary monster tamer, he is thought to have 
reached the top of the tower and has never returned. Everyone thinks he is dead, 
but is that really the case?

- 1.12 Weedy -
The younger sister of the hero. Has a book which gives the details of every 
monster you encounter.

- 1.13 Ghosh Rode -
The hero's rival, tends to brag about his possesions and looks down upon you. 
You will meet him in the tower and around town quite often.

~ 2. Places in Town ~

- 2.1 The Blacksmith -
The blacksmith is a shop where you can sell possesions or buy weapons/items. 
However, the only things he sells is a copper sword and a medicinal herb so this 
shop isnt that special.

- 2.2 General Store -
This is the place where you can buy home improvements and gifts for other 
people. This is a place where you can spend your money on luxuries.

- 2.3 The Carpenter -
A rather important place, you can talk to him to build structures. You can 
expand your monster hut, house and buy new buildings for the town. Be aware no 
improvement comes cheap.

- 2.4 Koppe's Restaurant -
Nothing special here. You can indulge in food if you like. However, repeat 
visits will get your hero to know Patty and thus may start a relationship.

- 2.5 Bar -
You can get some beginners advice from the patrons. You can also spend some 
money on drinks.

- 2.6 Monster Store -
You can sell your possesions here. Other than that not much to do here other 
than get information regarding familiars from the people inside. They may sell 
familiars in the future, but I don't know that for a fact yet.

- 2.7 Fortune House -
In this facility, you can get some advice on fighting and how to impress the 
various women in this game.

- 2.8 Clinic -
You can buy medicinal herbs here. They are cheaper than the ones that the 
blacksmith sells. You can also improve this place into a hospital for a price 

- 2.9 Temple -
Talk to the priest here to get some beginners information. As you progress 
through the game, he will present ideas for new city structures you can build. 
Make him happy by paying for a new temple.

~ 3. Structures you can build ( Mini-Spoiler ) ~

- 3.1 Home improvements -
Home improvement 1- 6000 gold, triggers more events, increases storage space, 
allows more luxury items to be bought.

Home improvement 2- 60000 gold, a mansion.

The first home improvement is a must, however the second one is up to you.

- 3.2 Monster Hut Expansion -
Expansion 1 - 4000 gold, increases capacity to 9 familiars
Expansion 2 - 6000 gold, increases capacity to ? familiars. (I havent bought it 

- 3.3 Temple -
Temple upgrade - 4000 gold. Gain respect from the townspeople and get more 
structure ideas from the priest.

- 3.4 Hospital -
Clinic upgrade - 4000 gold. I think this building lets you meet Cherrl.

- 3.5 Library - 
Library - 8000 gold. Gain respect from the townspeople. Build to meet Mia Myria.

- 3.6 Theatre -
Theatre - 8000 gold. Talk to Fon to build this. Fon starts a stand up comedy act 
that you can particapate in. Gain more respect once again with this building.

- 3.7 Fountain -
Fountain - ??? gold. Donate money to Nico and this will be built. Nico will 
appreciate you more if you help her build this.

- 3.8 Racing Circuit -
Racing Circuit - 30000 gold, talk to Silver in the furthur most NW corner of 
Monsbaiya. Can make a lot of money here. 

- 3.9 Bowling Alley -
Bowling Alley - 40000 gold, not really bowling, but similar. Gain more respect 
once again.

- 3.10 Casino -
Casino - 100000 gold, can make money by either playing slots or roulette. Gain 
more respect.

~ 4. Beginning Strategies ~

- 4.1. Some things to keep in mind -
When you first start the game, you must play cautiously because you can't count 
on finding a wind crystal to return you to town with the egg you get. If you do 
then consider yourself lucky. 

Make sure you make use of the skip turn feature and the face change, that way 
you can lure the enemy to a better tactical position, because at this point, 
dealing as much damage as possible is crucial.

You may want to set your initial familiar to a AI setting of 4 or 5 because you 
dont want the enemy to target you directly. The enemy tends to attack the 
familiar first however there are a few exceptions (the trolls with bow guns)

Should you find an egg, bring it back to your house rather than hatch it in the 
dungeon, should you hatch it in the dungeon, it will leave you permanantly once 
you leave. If it is hatched in the monster hut, it will accompany you until you 
sell it or sacrifice it.

The orbs you find in the tower (flame orb, weak orb, restore orb) are worth a 
lot of money and are not necessary in the beginning. Its up to you however if 
you want to use it.

Find a weapon you like and continually use red sand on it to make it powerful. 
Be wary of rust traps as they will reduce the weapon/armors power. 

Do not uncurse items in the beginning, because when something is cursed, it 
tends to rake in a LOT of money, for example, a cursed diamond shield brings in 
about 6700 gold. If you uncurse it, the price drops down sharply. If you plan on 
getting far up the tower, then it may be a good idea to uncurse it.

Following the above idea, items with undesirable effects (malicious bell, scroll 
etc.) bring in quite a bit of money, so it may be a good idea to keep these 
items to sell in the beginning.

The elemental equipment (Gulfwind Sword, Ice Shield) may seem effective with 
there above average damage and defense, however use with caution, because with a 
elemental shield, you will take more damage from the element it is weak against 
but will protect more against the element it is stronger then. So if you are 
fighting a terrifying U-boat and you are wearing a scorching shield, then you 
will take a helluva lot more damage then if you were to use a iron shield. The 
same applies to the elemental weapons so switch accordingly.

Some familiars have abilities that can only be accessed through individual 
commands. Be sure to check the command menu to see if they have any extra 

In the beginning, the majority of the enemies are fire based, so it may be wise 
to change the genus of your familiars to water. The only enemy in the beginning 
that will prove a threat this way is the cyclone.

Do not underestimate the power of rods. While having very little attack power, 
they have tremendous effects with mixture magic. You can 30+ damage by using a 
rod and dealing damage the enemy is weak against, and the faster you kill them, 
the more likely you are to survive.

Skip turns to recover your hp and your familiars hp. You can also lure monsters 
to you this way and set yourself in a good position should the terrain warrant 

Most of the fruit is useless with the exception of a few and they fetch a low 
price, you may want to toss them for other items.

If you choose to fight Ghosh in the tower, make sure you have a familiar cast 
beneficial spells to give you an edge in combat.

The troll hammer you find is mainly to be sold because if you hatch a troll, it 
automatically comes with a hammer.

Dont use any of the stat boosting items on yourself, use them on your familiars 
because the hero always returns to base stats every time he reenters the tower.

~ 5. Strategies for longer lasting adventures ~
Coming soon

~ 6. Items ~

- 6.1 Swords -
Copper Sword - 2 attack, better than your bare hands is all I can say.
Iron Sword - 3 attack, better than copper
Steel Sword - 4 attack, better than iron
Gulfwind Sword - 5 attack, wind elemental, use against wind and water creatures, 
rather useless   
                         against fire creatures.
Blizzard Sword - 5 attack, water elemental, use against fire and water 
creatures, useless against
                         wind creatures.
Fire Sword - 5 attack, fire elemental, use against fire and wind creatures, 
useless against water
Vital Sword - 5 attack, keeps enemies from multiplying, useful for journeys in 
which you want to             
                   get to a high floor.
Gold Sword - 1 attack, purely a weapon to sell as it fetches a high price

- 6.2 Shields -
Leather Shield - 1 defense, better than nothing
Wood Shield - 2 defense, better than leather
Copper shield - 4 defense, decent shield
Iron Shield - 5 defense, good shiled
Steel Shield - 6 defense, sturdy shield
Diamond shield - 7 defense, great shield and valuable too
Wind Shield - 5 defense, wind elemental, weak against fire creatures, good 
against water 
Scorching Shield - 5 defense, fire elemental, weak against water creatures, good 
against wind
Ice Shield - 5 defense, water elemental, weak against wind creatures, good 
against fire
Live Shield - 5 defense, it sometimes returns a fraction of the damage you 
receive to the enemy.
Mirror Shield - 3 defense, reflects any magic cast upon you to the caster, may 
be effective in the 
                     future where enemies cast more brutal spells.

- 6.3 Herbs -
Medical herb - restores about 35 hp, good in emergencies
Antidote herb - cures poison, poison eventually wears off but it is best cured 
early lest you must 
                      recover about 20+ hp
Anti-Chaos herb - cures confusion, not that great if you are confused since you 
can skip turns
                          until it wears off but should your familiar get 
confused, it may be useful because
                          familiar can do a tremendous amount of damage unto you
Wake-Up herb - a must when your familiars fall asleep during a battle, 
especially in the higher 
                        tower levels where the enemies deal more damage.
Roaem Herb - Cures blindness, not that effective but should be used on familiars 
since they may            
                     stray from the hero or attack him.
Hazak herb - Restores weakened attack. Not sure what it does.
Cure-all herb - cures any condition

- 6.4 Sand -
Red Sand - permanantly increases the power of a weapon by 1. Hoard these up if 
you plan on 
                 sticking on a single weapon.
Blue Sand - permanantly increases the defense of a shield by 1. Hoard these up 
if you have a 
                  powerful shield or a shield with special effects.
White Sand - increases the number of charges of an orb. Useful for increasing 
the value of an 

- 6.5 Seeds -
Hazak Seed - Permanantly increases attacking strength by 1. Use on familiars.
Shomuro Seed - Permanantly increases defensive strength by 1. Use on familiars.
Mazarr Seed - Permanantly increases the users level by 1. Use on familiars.
Mahell Seed - Temporarily give a character double attacks. Indispensable.
Light Seed - Change familiar's element to fire.
Sea Seed - Change familiar's element to water.
Wind Seed - Change familiar's element to wind.

- 6.6 Food -
Pita fruit - restores 50 mp to a familiar. Always have some of these.
Big Pita fruit - restores 100 mp to a familiar. Try to have these in long tower 
Leva fruit - prevents a familiars race from changing in fusion. Not sure of any 
good uses for it yet
Tumna fruit - turns the eater into a frog. Not sure of its use
Laev fruit - forgot what it does
??? fruit - forgot its name, causes the familiar not to lose any mp for the 
tower level you are on.
Limit fruit - temporarily raises the chance to cause critical damage
Oleen fruit - sacrifices familiar and causes you to return to town. Cannot use 
on kewne.

- 6.7 Glasses/Loupes -
Star Glasses - reveals the entire map, items on that level and the elevator to 
the next floor.
Truth Glasses - Identifies an item. Tells what kind of egg you received. 
Unidentified items are
                       in green. Use to prevent equipping cursed items
Trap Loupe - Shows the location of all the traps on the level. Use to disarm 
traps to gain the 
                   hero experience
Treasure Loupe - Shows the location of all the items on the level. Use to get 
the items and head 
                         straight for the exit to save time.
Exit Loupe - Use to find the exit. Not the greatest of items
Monster Loupe - Use to find out the location of all the monsters on a level. 

- 6.8 Crystals -
Wind Crystal - Returns you to town with all the treasure you find in the tower. 
Try to have one as
                      much as possible
Fire Crystal - Summons a salamander that deals a lot of damage then leaves
Water Crystal - Restores the status, hp and mp of a familiar

- 6.9 Wands -
*All wands increase the power of mixture magic*
Wooden wand - no special effect
Money wand - sometimes changes the enemy into money
Life wand - restore some hp with each hit
Paralyze wand - sometimes stops the enemy. Useful IMHO.
Scarlet wand - fire element
Water wand - water element
Gulf wand - wind element

- 6.10 Bells -
Holy bell - Chases a monster out of the room
Malicious bell - raises the level of enemy monsters. Sell it.
Familiar bell - returns a lost familiar to you. Good to have.

- 6.11 Scrolls -
Holy scroll - makes a shield that protects you from attacks
Malicious scroll - causes the reader to become confused, sell
Trap scroll - causes all the traps to be invisible, sell

~ 7. Familiars ~
Familiars are an important part of Azure Dreams and your success depends on 
their abilities. Since they do not decrease in level each time they reenter the 
tower, it is in your best interest to build up you familiars as much as 
possible. Here are some guidelines to familiars.

Familiar eggs are a rare find and IMO you should never sell them. If you have no 
use of them, fuse them with another creature making that creature stronger.

The way you can tell if an ability will rise in level is if it has a background 
or not. If it has a opaque orange background, it will rise in level. If there is 
no background, it will not rise in level.
For example look at brid, it has a background. 

Having 2 familiars at once is a good combo, however it reduces the amount of 
experience you get. I think you find the collar to have two familiars at once 
around the 12th floor. Have one familiar cast support magic while the other 
attacks the enemy.

I will get into fusion later. If you have any good combos, be sure to mail me 
and I will give you credit.

List of familiars availible in the game and their traits in the next revision

~ 8. Tips and Tricks ~
- 8.1 Ways to make money -
There are many ways to make money in Azure Dreams. The only thing you can do to 
make money in the beginning of the game is to travel into the tower and try to 
return alive with all your loot. For one thing, selling is VERY important as it 
yields great sums of money and enemies do not drop gold.

During your early adventures, be sure to hoard up any useless sounding items 
(the kind that seem like they have a negative effect with the exception of 
fruit) as they are strangely worth a lot of money. Orbs are also worth a lot of 
money and have little use in the beginning of the game. Cursed items are also 
worth a fortune so make sure you dont uncurse them.

Once you get enough money to buy a race track, 30000 to be exact, you can make a 
LOT of money here. The way to make money here is to look at all the odds and 
ignore any of the 1-x ones because any of the 1-x involve you in the bet. So 
just pay attention to 2-3, 2-4 and 3-4 odds. If they are about 20+ odds, bet on 
it. Once you are in the race, pay attention to the numbers you bet on (i.e if 
you bet on 2-3, pay attention to racer 2 and 3). The way this race works is that 
2 cpu racers are fast and one is slow. If the two racers you bet on are the fast 
ones, prepare to rake in a lot of cash. As long as you dont finish 1st or 2nd 
(which isnt hard to do if you try to lose) and the ones you bet on are the fast 
racers, you win. I dont suggest betting on the 1-x ones because its hard to tell 
which cpu racer will end up 2nd place. IMO this makes more money then the 
casino. You can make up to 49000 gold if this is successful.

~ 9. Miscellaneous ~

- 9.1 Those faces in the save game screen -
From what I know, those faces are the hearts of the girls you won. They may 
affect your ending, then again, they may not.

- 9.2 Impressing various girls -
Nico - Just help build the town up and donate money for the fountain she wants 
to build.
Selfi - The way I did it was to tell Selfi that I was whatever she asked me. So 
if she were to ask if 
         I had scales on my back, I would just say, thats right. Not sure though 
if thats the way.
Fur - Keep shopping and if she asks special questions such as if you just 
visited to see her, then 
        answer yes
Patty - Keep eating at the restaurant, prawns seem to help as thats her 
specialty. Eventually you 
           will meet her when the restaurant is empty and she will ask you if 
you want anything she  
           make. From there are, complement her cooking etc etc.
Cherrl - Visit her often and find a cure for her I think.
Mia - Visit her often and answer positively to her questions. Once she begins to 
stalk you, go to
        the library and come out and tell her not to stalk you any more
Vivian - Don't know yet, havent met her.
Ghosh - Not sure yet.

~ 10. Credits ~
None so far but I would appreciate any help to this faq. E-mail me with 
corrections/additions and I will post your name/url/email here.