Andere Lösungen

Azure Dreams (e)

Date: Sat, 26 Sep 1998 09:52:19 -0700 (PDT)

Azure Dreams General Strategy Guide
Version 1.1
By Jim Tamangan

Try to find a font that will have the above block all lined up!!!  It would be easier for u

Note that this is a Full Guide!!!  RAther than answer a few questions I have written about
my full exploits on getting to the Top Floor and everything I have encountered!! 
If u don't wanna spoil the game then it would be best not to read!!!


This FAQ was compiled by ME and while I have no qualms about anyone using 
stuff from it it in their guides I would prefer that they do credit that it is MY GUIDE
and not theirs.  If I find out that it has, the Planet would not be a safe place for you 
to hide!!

So what's it about?

Azure Dreams is not your general RPG. While it does have the normal 
leveling up, magic etc.  The world map (what world map?) is not large.
It consists of the Town of Monsbaiya and the Monster Tower!  What does 
make the game good though is that it has elements of other games rolled
into this one!  The Town making (first really observed in Breath of 
Fire 2) is extremely cool, with you being able to build a theatre, Racing
circuit, casino and more!!  Thus  allowing u to further your chances with 
any of the seven love interests in the game!  You also get to raise your
own monster or monsters!!!!!

everything I know!!!!!!!

Revision 1.1:
Added some more monsters for Fusion(section 7)!  And also in the Monster Guide!  Found the
Holy Sword but couldn't remember how much I got for it!! Found the Amusement centre,
and thanks to the person that reminded me that the Mirror shield is also rust proof!  
And to the alternate way of getting Mia (shudder)!


1 Main Characters
	1.1	Koh
	1.2	Guy
	1.3	Wreath
	1.4	Weedy
	1.5	Ghosh Rhodes
	1.6	Nico
	1.7	Fur Gots
	1.8	Selfi Rhodes
	1.9	Patty Pan
	1.10	Vivian 
	1.11	Mia Myrnia
	1.12	Cherrl Child
	1.13	Kewne

2 The Town
	2.1	The Blacksmith
	2.2	The Monster Shop
	2.3	General Store
	2.4	Fortune Tellers
	2.5 	The Hospital
	2.6	The Bar
	2.7	The Restaurant
	2.8	The Carpenter
	2.9 	The Temple
	2.10	The Swimming pool

3 What u build
	3.1	Your House extensions
	3.2	Your Monster hut extensions
	3.3	The Temple Extension
	3.4	Bowling Alley
	3.5	Casino
	3.6	Theatre
	3.7	Racing circuit
	3.8 	Hospital Extension
	3.9 	Library
 	3.10	Fountain
	3.11	Gym
	3.12	Amusement centre

4 Strategies
	4.1	In the beginning
	4.2	So u can nearly Fuse!!
	4.3	U can Fuse!!! U wanna go higher?!?!?
	4.4	U can Swim U can walk
	4.6	It is time for the final battle
	4.7 	General changes in floor backgtounds

5 How to get the girl
	5.1	Nico
	5.2	Fur Gots
	5.3	Selfi Rhodes
	5.4	Patty Pan
	5.5	Vivian
	5.6	Mia Myrian
	5.7 	Cherrl

6 The monster book
	6.1	Fire
	6.2	Water
	6.3	Wind

7 Fusion Guide
	7.1	Fusion with Fire
	7.2 	Fusion with Wind
	7.3	Fusion with Water

8 Weapons, Armour, Items Guide
	8.1 	Weapons
	8.2 	Armour
	8.3 	Items

9 Miscellaneous

ALrighty THEN now WE START

		!!!!!!1 THE CHARACTERS!!!!!!

1.1 Koh- your character, you, you control him a brat!!! plain and simple!  In the beginning he is just 
known for being a plain irritating child!!  But this kid is special,
He is the son of the legendary "BEASTMASTER" Guy.  Koh has just turned
15 and now he is "officially" an "adult" (I wanna be there!!!) and 
with this comes the chance to start venturing into the tower!!!!

1.2 Guy- Koh's father
Guy earned himself the title of BEASTMASTER than just that of a simple
monster tamer by being the best!!  He is the only one to have reached 
the penultimate level in the tower and live!  Unfortunatly Guy never 
returned from his venture for the top of the Tower!  While it is believed
he got there, he never came back down!! *sob*

1.3 Wreath- Koh's mother
Having to have raised u and your sister has taken a toll on your mum, and
the finances!!  But no matter what she always has a smile on her face!
Wreath is there so u can [SAVE DATA] and place things in your safe!

1.4 Weedy- Koh's sister
Cute little thing who holds The Monster Book and wakes u up sometimes

1.5 Ghosh Rhodes- Rich b*****d
This is guy is supposedly a monster tamer too!  But in the Tower u will 
never see him past level 2 Infact level 2 is the only place u will see 
him!  He enjoys taking the piss out of u but soon u will get your own
back and embarrass him!

1.6 Nico
Your friend since childhood!!  In the beginning she has a habit of drop
kicking u every morning, what a way to wake up!!!!  bit of a tomboy- she says
so herself (maybe cos she war raised by her dad only) she would like
to see a bit of culture in the Town of Monsbaiya!

1.7 Fur Gots
Owner of the General Store!  Nearly as much as Ghosh, Fur likes looking down on
you!  But there is a twinkle in her eye!  Especially after u start making
loads of cash at the Tower hmmmmmm....

1.8 Selfi Rhodes
Yes she is the younger sister of Ghosh Rhodes!  And during the game you will run 
into her in the Tower in place of Ghosh!!  Found also to be asking u 
weird questions e.g My Brother says u r really over 30 years old

1.9 Patty Pan
Not much can be said!!  She is the waitress in the restaurant owned by
her dad!  Though from the beginning in can be seen that she has a dislike 
of Ghosh.

1.10 Vivian
A dancer who wishes to dance on a large stage!  U will not encounter 
Vivian until later in the game!

1.11 Mia
WOOOOH!!! hmmm..... weird one she is!!  If u need to start chatting 
one up she is found after u build the library though heaven knows why u would wanna

1.12 Cherrl
Poor kid!!  She is found after upgrading the hospital!  In the 
beginning she is bedridden at her house!  She gets your attention by
chucking her doll at u through her window!  Nice girl but gets tired easily!

1.13 Kewne- Your First Familier
You get him when u first try to enter the tower!  Hey He/She/It talks!  There is more
to him/her/it then there seems!

1.14 Beldo- The murderer!!
fuse with monsters himself HE KILLED YOUR DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will face him on the final floor of the Tower

			!!!!!2 THE TOWN!!!!!

2.1 The Blacksmith
Run by Barry!  The only things he ever can sell u is a copper
sword and Medicinal herbs- which can be bought at the hospital for less.
Sell the items u pick up from the Tower here.

2.2 The Monster Shop
Well quite pointless as there are no real "Top Hunters" about selling monsters.
U can't buy any monsters here, but u can sell any eggs or monsters here!  The are
three hunters here that give some advice on the game. Run by Master

2.3 The General Store
Owned by Fur Gots.  This place sells the furniture for your house as well as the 
items u will need to "impress" your potential love interests!!

2.4 The Fortune Tellers
Here u can receive advice on how to fight more efficiently, who would be the right girl for 
u, and how to make the game last longer by Mademoiselle Sheila  ALL for FREE!!!!

2.5 The Hospital
Run by Hush, here u can buy medicinal herbs for a cheaper price than in the Blacksmith!!
After improving this spot u will be able to meet Cherrl and find out how to cure her!

2.6 The Bar
Owned by Okami.  She is waiting for a warrior in a blue cape and never came back!  Here u can
but Orange Juice or Milk to drink!  The hunters in here will just generally take the piss 
until u reach higher levels then they start to give advice.

2.7 The Restaurant
Owned by Koppe- Patty's dad.  Here u can buy food to munch on if u feel like it!  In the 
beginning after u order Ghosh will come in and order the "Special" and ask Patty to put 
some of her "love" in it.   Just looking at Patty's face says it all!

2.8 The Carpenters
Here U will commision jobs for buildings and extensions for the Town! Run by Tonka and Pen
2.9 The Temple
Jorda is the Temple Priest!  Just a Temple.  

2.10 The Swimming pool
This is owned by Wotta (Wotta-Water geddit? sorry bad joke)!  It is initially closed because the
water medal has beened stolen!

		!!!!!3 WHAT U BUILD!!!!!

3.1 House extensions
	3.1.1 First extension 6000g- House gets bigger!! No duh! There is a bath now! and u can 
	      now put upto 30 items in your safe!
	3.1.2 2nd extension 60000g- House becomes a Mansion with 4 rooms, a large Bathroom, and
	      a swimming pool on the roof.  The safe can now hold 60 items!!!

3.2 Monster Hut Extensions
	3.2.1 First extension  4000g- Now u can house 9 familiers
	3.2.2 2nd extension    6000g- Now u can hold 16 familiers
	3.2.3 Third extension 20000g- Now u can hold 36 familiers
	3.2.4 4th extension   40000g- Now u can hold 64 familiers

3.3 Temple Extension
cost 4000g- It will make the people respect u more.  Also Jorda will give u advice to build a 
Bowling Alley and a Casino

3.4 Bowling Alley
cost 40000g- Not Ten pin bowling as u know it but rather a weird 8 pin with the pins in patterns
in each frame!  

3.5 Casino
cost 100000g- Here u can try to win some money either on slots or a weird Roulette wheel!

3.6 Theatre
cost 8000g- After a while Fon (standing outside the Carpenters) will suggest (or is it beg) 
that u build a Theatre.  It is needed in the end if u want Vivian.  U can also join Fon in a 
stand-up comedy act!!!!

3.7 Racing Circuit
cost 30000g- Talk to Silver in the most NW house in Town.  He will reminise about his old racing 
days and wish for a circuit!  When built u can race and bet (What type of cheating is this?  
Betting on your own race?) Infact u can win upto 52000g-COOL!!!!!!!!

3.8 Hospital Extension
cost 4000g- Talk to the doctor and he jokingly suggests that u donate 4000g for the upgrade! 
Do it and u will be able to meet Cherrl in the house behind the Hospital!

3.9 Library
cost 8000g- Talk to Dr Hal in his house(far right from Selfi's) about the Tower and his book
shelf falls over!  As u see him after your ventures into the Tower he gets more and more books!
Finally he asks u for a library! Build it and u can meet Mia 

3.10 The Fountain
Cost Max 2000g- I say Max cos that is How much I donated!!  You will see Nico 
collecting Donations for it by the lake!  It may cost less by I don't know!  

3.11 The Gym
Cost 30000g- Talk to Barry in the Blacksmith (go around to his side or else u wll just try
to buy stuff) and he will mention it!  This may be only allowed later on in the game after
u have built some other stuff!!

3.12 The Amusement Centre
Cost 30000g- Chat to Pen in the Blacksmith (go behind the counter) and he will tell u 
about his "Dream"!  Visit the Tower again and come back to the Blacksmith and talk to Pen
again.  He will tell u the price.  Go on, buy it for him!

		!!!!!4 The Strategies!!!!!

4.1 In the Beginning Floors 1-5
Speak to your mother first and she will give u a pita fruit and your Father's Monster collar!  
Head for the Tower and u will Encounter Kewne!  After some converse Kewne will become your 
Familier!  Now enter the Tower!!!!!!!!
	The first time u enter the first floor is a training level!  Here u can pick up some 
weapons and learn the controls!!  Now the fun begins!!!  

Tips	1) Take it easy!  One step at a time.  There is no need to lose HP by being the
 	first to get hit!  

	2) Remember it is better to be on a higher platform than your enemy!

	3) Always remember that Triangle and Circle will [skip go].  This will allow
 	enemies to come to you when u are in a good position (higher platform) Also it 	
	is a  way of recovering energy besides walking about!

	4) Keep your Familiers AI to 4-  If it is on 5 then they may get into fights
 	that they cannot win without your help!

	5) Be extremly patient!!!!  You may not find a Wind Crystal to take u back
 	before u die! If u do die u lose ALL YOUR ITEMS!!!!  Just keep trying until u
	do!!  It took me at least 9 tries before I got the crystal to take me back- it 
	is slow moving in the beginning

	6) Remember- your Familiers will not go down in level if u die so as u keep
 	going back your familiers get stronger!

	7) While it may be a thought to change Kewne's Status to Water because most
 	enemies are fire based in the beginning (except for the Cyclone) Kewne's Brid
 	Level will not go up!!!

	8) Instead of using the balls u collect keep em and sell em some go for over
	9)  If u find a water Crystal keep it for use later on these things
	 are hard to find and u need them for trips to very high floors later on in the game

	10) Do not use any sand u find until u get a Gold sword and a Mirror Shield

	11) Enemies you will encounter:

		Name		HP	Status  	Floor found	Skills used
		Pulnupa	8	Water		1-2		none
		Noise 	9	Wind		1-2		none
		Trolls	15	Fire		1-3		none
		Flame       20	Fire		3-5		Sled
		Cyclone     24	Wind		3-5		none
		Balloon  	30	Fire		5		Can Fly off if too 								
4.2 So u can nearly fuse! floors 1-11
Hopefully by now u have a Gold Sword and a Mirror Shield equipped!!!  These do not rust so the
uses of Red and Blue Sand will not be wasted!!  In the End it is better to have a Gold Sword
All the Tips Above still apply for now but an extra tip is to:


	2) Enemies u will encounter as above plus
		Name		HP	Status	Floor Found	Skills used
		Manoeva	25	Water		6-8		Multiplies when hit
		Blume		35 	Water		6-8		Brainwash Familiers 									
									(not good)
		U-boat	40	Water		7-9		Submerge (they will 									
									always get the first hit)	
		Clown		30	Wind		8-10		LoDown (annoying)
		Dreamin	40	Wind		9-10		Hypnosis
		Troll 	30	Fire		10-12		Crossbow (Can hit u 									
									from distance)		 						
		Volcano	44	Fire		10-12		Creates lumps of lava	
		Griffon	40	Fire		11+		Rise, powerful

4.3 u can Fuse!! U wanna go higher? Floors 1-15
Ah u r here now!!!!  By now hopefully u have a pretty good Gold Sword (should have a +4 on it). 
Here the enemies are so slightly more painful on your Familier and maybe not lasting so long, 
well no matter cos u r near the infamous "Blue Collar"!  Once u get this u may just wanna get 
the hell out of the Tower cos right now just getting up to the 12th Floor was a mission!!!  
Now u have a 2nd collar the world of Fusion is at your disposal!  See section 7 for advice on Fusion!!
On the 15th Floor lies the Guru's pot!  Try and find it but if u can't b4 u die then just use that
Wind crystal and get the Hell outta there!!!  It ain't worth losing everything now!!!!

	1) All The above Tips are still in play

	2) Bring in a 2nd Familier now but do not have your stronger Familier out in 	
	play for the first few floors.  This way the new Familier levels up quickly!!!

	3) If you have a strong weapon so that u can deal with all enemies of the first 	
	4 floors without familier help then set the AI of your new Familier to 2 so its 	
	MP and HP will not drop as fast.  If not follow the Tips in section 4.1

	4) When u get to a higher floor eg Floor 6+ (Depending how good u can handle the 	
	enemies on your own) then bring out the stronger Familier.

	5) Always give items such as Mazaar seeds to the higher level familier.  This 	
	way u can reach higher floors faster and that means your weaker familier will 	
	receive EXP from the monsters u kill!!!

	6) Enemies you will encounter- as above plus

		Name		HP	Status	Floor flound	Skills
		Kraken	45 	Water		13-14			Electric Shield
		Nyuel		50	Water		13-14			DeHeal
		Garuda	45	Wind		14+			Takes Familier elsewhere
		Troll		60	Fire		15+			This one uses a Sword

4.4 U can Swim!! U can Walk!! Floors 1-28
OK OK a bit of a jump here but the Techniques now become a long boring thing where patience is a
virtue!!!  On the following levels u can findthe following items: Blue Cloak-Floor 20-give to
Okami; Water medal-Floor25-Defeat the picket-give to Wotta; Healing herb-Floor 28-give to Hush

	1) You will now need to have pretty good Familiers (level 25+)

	2) You will have to fuse your Familiers with either a Block(to give high DEF)
	or a Arachne (To give high ATK)  This way your Familiers can get rid of enemies
	quickly or if not the enemies do not hurt them as much!

	3) You need a strong Weapon (I had a Gold Sword +10) and more importantly a good
	Shield (I had a Mirror Shield+19 is a good thing)

	4) Do not bring out your Familiers until about Floor 12+

	5) When not in Play put your Familiers back in the bag (e.g when walking and there are
	no enemies near u)

	6) Try to use more mixture magic rather than have your familiers attack directly!

	7) Use those balls when needed!  Recovery balls are great and so are Ice rock!
	Pillar balls are really strong!!!

	8) Enemies you will encounter- above plus

		Name		HP	Status	Floor found	Skills
		Manoeva	60	Water		16-28		Multiply, change form
		Picket	60	Wind		17-19		Steal Item
		Arachne	55	Water		18-19		Powerful
		Weadog	65	Fire		19-20		Throws meat to distract Familiers
		Viper		65	Water		20-24		Lower ATK power
		Unicorn 	65	Wind		20-23		LoBlind
		Pulnapa	30	Wind		21-22		Steal Familier collar(defeat to get it 
		Stealth	70	Wind		23-25		Become invisible
		Block		65	Wind		23-24		LoBind, High DEF
		Zu		85	Wind		24-25		Paralyze you, or Change Familier AI
		Snowman	95	Water		25-29		High DEF
		Mandara	60	Water		26-28		Quite Powerful
		Barong	100	Fire		26-28			
		Naplass	120	Fire		28+		Sleeps alot, powerful

4.5 Oh dear I am sorry Floors 1-39
OK b4 we continue if u don't want to spoil the story then JUST READ THE TIPS AND NOT THE
FOLLOWING!!!!!  on floor 32 you will meet Beldo!  Who will tell u that he killed your father
and that he will want to kill u now!!!  Now u are in trouble reaching 39 is hard enough!!
The monsters are EXTREMELY tough and a familier below level 30 will have trouble unless
u have fused them and that u have a lot of Medicinals and Recovery balls to keep them alive

	1) There are no more quest items to find!  Now the only quest is to get to the top of
	the Tower!!!

	2) Monsters u will encounter above plus
		Name		Hp	Status	Floor found	Skills
		Dragon	80	Fire		29-35   	Breath, Powerful
		Killer	80	Fire		30-33		Beserk 
		Tyrant	85	Fire		30-34		Powerful very powerful
		Glacier	90	Water		32-33		Ice Ball
		Golem		95	Wind		33-38		Funky ball attack, powerful
		Maximum	80	Fire		39		DAMNNN!!!!!!

4.6 It's time for The final battle
OK then!  This is it!!  You are aiming for the Top Floor (40)!!  It is a long process and can 
take over an hour if needs be!!!

	1) You need Familiers that are over level 30
	2) They must be fused with something to give high DEF or ATK (DEF is my choice though)
	3) You must have a powerful weapon (Gold Sword +20 is mine) and Shield (Mirror +30)

	4) You MAY need a Water Crystal!!!

	5) Forget picking up swords, shields, wands
	6) Pick up the balls, and Herbs!!! 

	7) All Attacking Fruits as well i.e Oleem, Tunma

	8) The Scrolls too i.e Restore and Malicious(to use on enemies)

	9) Do not take out any Familiers until Floor 20+

	10)You must make sure u level up at least once each floor B4 you reach Floor 20

	11)Put Familiers back in the bag when not in use!  This saves on MP

	12)Do not forget about Pita Fruit!!!!

	13)When at about level 32, picking up items is not a priority!!!  Finding the Elevator is!
	   Make sure Familiers do not die in the process though

	14)Save your progress ,then make a 2nd copy of that file in the PlayStations (NOT THE GAME)
 	   Copy process (THAT IS TAKE THE GAME OUT, RESET, etc.....) Because the other way of 
	   copying files actually in the game will not copy the fact you are in a Quest and just
	   think u died so u actually start at home with all your items lost


You are now on the 40th floor!  Here Beldo will explain what happened 7 years ago!  Kewne is 
a Traitor and goes to Beldo!!!  now u must fight!!  I will not tell u how to beat Him!!!  Don't
worry it is miles easier than u think!!!

WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!	
			!!!!!5 HOW TO GET THE GIRL!!!!!		
5.1 Nico
	1) Donate the money for the Fountain she wants to improve the culture of
	2) After it is built she will just be with Ghosh talking about "culture"
	3) After a few more trips to the Tower a person in a Green hooded Cape will be
 	at the  Fountain
	4) Request he plays some music
	5) When Ghosh tries to drive Him away protect the Musician and drive Ghosh away
	6) Nico is yours as she sees u r cultured!!

5.2 Fur Gots
	1) Buy furniture from her store 
	2) As the game progresses one day Ghosh shall be there and Fur Gots will
 	  embarrass him in front of u!!
	3) Chat to her say "Forget it" when the option arrives
	4) She'll be pissed at u
	5) Next time u come in chat to her around the side not opposite the counter or u 
	  just start buying items!  and tell her "U don't like her any more" and when the
 	  option comes tell her "because you hurt me"
	6) She's yours now

5.3 Selfi Rhodes
	1) Later u will start seeing Selfi in place of Ghosh at the Tower
	2) She starts asking silly questions and u should always answer "It's true"
	3) She will one time then save your Skin though really u could have taken the monster :)
	4) Back in Town She will ask why did she risk herself for u????
	5) Answer Cos u Love me!!! The First time She'll laugh it off
	6) The Next time she will admit she does!!!
	7) Selfi's yours

5.4 Patty Pan
	1) Make sure that during the game u order Everything in the Menu at least once!!
	2) Note the Shining Prawns is her speciality
	3) When u next come in Patty says the Restaurant is closed. :(
	4) Accept when she offers to make something
	5) Order Shining Prawn
	6) Chat to her tell her cooking is a great skill!!!
	7) The next day go into the Restaurant and order Prawns again
	8) She will make it especially for u and thank u for yesterday
	9) Ghosh will try to find out what u talking about and u and Patty should say its a secret
      10)Ghosh shall leave without paying
      11)Next Day Ghosh will try to convinve Patty to cook something for him! She
      12)Patty is now yours

5.5 Vivian
	1) Make sure the Casino and Theatre is built
	2) You must get the Blue cloak in the Tower and give it to Okami
	3) She shuts up the bar in despair!!! And threatens to close it
	4) Chat to Okami and demand some Booze This will shock her and the Bartender
 	   will give u a drink!  You gulp it down, and Okami says not so fast!  You
 	   collapse to her humour and she finds out you were drinking Cola!!!
	5) After a venture to the Tower the Bar has reopened with Vivian on the Stage
	6) Chat to her she will talk about Casinoes and Theatres!
	7) One day she won't be in the Bar, find her at the casino!!!
	8) Later on Fon will offer her to dance in the Theatre she jumps at the 	 
	9) See her dance and she will make some mistakes!!  This happens about 3-4
	10)When u enter the Theatre now she is dismayed at being kicked off the
  	11)Go for a walk with her, Ghosh will appear soon and after a conversation the 	 
	   3 of u go back to the bar!
	12)Vivian dances in the bar and for the first and only time u and Ghosh will 
	   agree on something
	13)She will say she has found her dream again and return to the Theatre
	14)See her later at the Theatre and she is Dancing perfectly! the 2nd time u 
	   visit she will have moves up a row! The 3rd time she is leading
	15)Bring her flowers 
	16 she is yours

5.6 Mia Myrnia
	1) Heavens knows why u wanna chat her up???
	2) ok then build a library!
	3) just keep visiting her 
	4) One Day Ghosh will come in and insult her and push her over inadvertantly 	
	   while walking past.  Return her glasses
	5) When she starts Stalking u  return to the library and exit
	6) You wil see her outside so tell her to stop
	7) She's yours (why why why????????)

	Alternate way
	1) If the swimming pool is available she may ask u too take her there before stalking u
	2) Go on then!!!
	3) She's yours (eugh)

5.7 Cherrl
	1) After upgrading the Hospital go to her house behind the Hospital and a scene 
	   will take place!  She invites u in so chat
	2) Continue to visit and one time she will ask u to take her for a walk
	3) Ghosh will appear and after the converse she faints and Ghosh runs off
	4) You take her to the hospital!!
	5) Next time u visit her mum has to go out so she asks u to look after her! 	   
	6) Talk to Hush in the Hospital and he will talk about the Healing Herb
	7) Get in and give in to Hush
	8) Say u don't want Cherrl to know it was u who got it
	9) After a while in the Hospital she will return home
	10)Visit her and She says she wants to become a nurse!  Tell her she should do 	
	   it if SHE wants to.  So she does
	11)A few visits to the Hospital and Cherrl is off getting supplies! Talk to 
	   Hush and Cherrl will overhear that u got the herb
	12)After more chatting go visit some more telling Hush you are here to see 
	13)She is yours

			!!!!!6 The Monster Book!!!!!

6.1 Fire Monsters
	Dragon -Adult Kid (Changes when reaches Level 20)
	Ifrit -Adult Flame (Change when reaches level20)
	Grinuet -Adult Griffon (changes at level20)

6.2 Water Monsters
	Batnyuel-Adult Nyuel (changes when reaches level 20)
	Takapoo -found in Amusement Centre
	Mashroom -Found Bowling alley

6.3 Wind Monsters
	Death- Adult Clown (morphs when reaches level 20)
	Univern- Adult Unicorn (morphs when reaches level 20)
	Maliling- found in Bowling Alley
	Soilclaw- found in Amusement Centre


	Hikewne- mixture of all three Statuses with the most powerful magic dark wave!

			!!!!!7 Fusion Guide!!!!!

First thing to note is that 
				Fire beats Wind
				Wind beats Water
				Water beats Fire

Also the monster with the higher level will keep his shape!!
Therefore if u fuse a level 20 Flame, with a level 1 U-Boat 
U will get a Level 20 Flame with a water Status and who knows what kind of magic!!

You must also note that if a Status is changed then their magic will not go up

i.e if u change Kewne to Water Status, Brid, because being a FIRE magic will
not level up when Kewne levels up!!

Also u can keep forms by feeding a monster a Leva Fruit before Fusion!

Terms-	When absorbed	-Meaning it will not keep its form after fusion
		When absorbing	-Meaning it WILL keep its form and sometime also 
					 releasing dormant magic !!!
Ok then let's go

7.1 Fusion with Fire

	Name 		When Absorbed	When Absorbing
	Kewne		N/a			n/a (Note Kewne always has Unbrainwashable talent)
	Dragon	breath		???
	Kid		breath		???
	Ifrit		Sled			Nothing
	Flame		Sled 			Nothing
	Grinuet	Rise			???
	Griffon	Rise			???
	Troll		nothing		nothing
	Balloon	nothing		Breath
	Volcano	nothing		Sled
	Barong	???			???
	Weadog	???			Brid
	Naplass	???			???
	Killer	???			???
	Tyrant	???			???
	Maximum	???			Breath

7.2 Fusion with Water
	???		???			???
	Snowman	High DEF		???
	???		???			???
	Arachne	High ATK		???
	Batnyuel	DeHeal		???
	Nyuel		DeHeal		???
	Pulnapa	???			???
	U-boat	nothing		DeRock
	Blume		???			nothing
	Manoeva	Nothing		DeForth
	Kraken	Electric shield	???
	Viper		Lowering attack	Mirror
	Mandara	???			???
	Glacier	???			???
	Takapoo	n/a			n/a
	Mashroom	n/a			n/a

7.3 Fusion with Wind
	Death		LoDown		???
	Clown		LoDown		???
	Univern	LoBlind		???
	Unicorn	LoBlind		???	
	Block		High DEF,LoBind	???
	???		???			???
	Noise		Spellproof		LeSleep
	Dreamin	???			???
	Cyclone	???			???
	Picket	Quick			???
	Stealth	???			???
	Zu		???			???
	Garuda	Nothing		LoDown
	Golem		???			???
	Maliling	n/a			n/a
	Soilclaw	n/a			n/a

			!!!!!8 WEAPONS, ARMOUR, ITEMS!!!!!

8.1 Weapons 
	Name			ATK		Properties
	Gold Sword		1		Immune to rust (I would use this and improve with
	 					Red sand)
	Wood Sword		1		Hey it's a sword
	Copper Sword	2		Stronger than Wood
	Iron Sword		3		Stronger than Copper
	Steel Sword		4		Stronger than Iron
	Vital Sword		5		Prevents enemy multiplying (eg Manoeva)
	Holy Sword		7		Divine
	Seraphim		9		Father's keepsake sword
	Dark Sword		10		Strong Sword, lower hit rate, (very hard to find- 
						found it once only!!! Worth 50000g when
 						cursed!!!! I recommend sell it)
	Gulfwind}		5		(All elemental swords)

	Paralyze wand	1		May stun enemy with Thunder
	Seal wand		1		May seal enemy magic
	Money wand		1		Enemy may leave coins when dead
	Life wand		1		Restore a little HP
	Gulf			1		Added Elemental
	NB-Wands are best used with Mixture magic

	Weak Ball		n/a		Lower level of enemy
	Repel ball		n/a		Magic is reflected off of u
	Ice rock ball	n/a		Creates and ice pillar to block off enemy
	Recovery ball	n/a		Soap bubbles restore HP
	Bind Ball		n/a		Stun enemies
	Sleep Ball 		n/a		Put enemies to sleep
	Flame/Blaze		n/a		Fire magic

8.2 Armour
	Name			DEF		Properties
	Leather Shield	1		It's a start
	Wood Shield		2		Better than Leather
	Mirror		3		Reflects Magic, rust proof (Use this shield and build
						with Blue sand)
	Copper Shield	4		That's better
	Iron Shield		5		That's good
	Live Shield		5		May retaliate when hit
	Steel Shield	6		Great Shield
	Diamond		7 		Immune to rust
	Earth Shield}	5		Elemental shields	

8.3 Items
	Name				Properties
	Red Sand			Tempers a sword with +1
	Blue Sand			Tempers a Shield with +1
	White Sand			Adds +1 to use of a ball

	Malicious Scroll		Creates Chaos in enemy (have to throw at them)
	Holy Scroll			Prevents enemies approaching u for a while
	Restore Scroll		Restores Fainted familier
	De-curse Scroll		Uncurses an item
	Trap Scroll			Hides all Traps

	Malicious Bell		All enemies on that floor increase in level
	Holy Bell			Chases enemy out of a room (Do not use in a

	Oleem Fruit (Blue)	Sacrifices Familier to return to Town-cannot use 					
					on Kewne.  Also u can throw it at enemies to get
 					rid of them! (Throw at enemy)

	Pita Fruit (red)		Restores 50MP of Familier
	Big Pita Fruit		Restores 100MP of Familier
	Tunma				Turn into Frog (Throw at enemy)
	Laev				Decreases MP of Monster on that level (Throw at 					
	Leva				Keeps monsters form after fusion (Good for
 					releasing dormant magic)
	Leolam			Causes Familiers not to lose MP for a while
	Limit				Increases critical hit chance for a while
	Roche				Causes monster to revert to egg (IF U GET THESE

	Mahell Seed			Increases Speed for a while
	Shomuro Seed		Increases DEF permanently
	Hazak Seed			Increases ATK permanently
	Mazaar Seed			Raises Familier's level +1
	Wind Seed]			Changes Genus of Familier		

	Medicinal Herb		Gives HP back (raises Max HP+1 if eaten with full
 					Energy bar)
	Antidote Herb		Neutralize poison
	Anti Chaos Herb		Cures Chaos
	Wake up Herb		Wakes Sleeping Familier (Note there is a
 					difference from a familier put to sleep by magic
 					or a trap, and a familier sleeping from loss of 
					all MP!!!!!)
	Roeam Herb			Cure Blindness
	Cure-all Herb		Restores from any Condition
	Star Glasses		Shows the Entires map with Items and Elevator
	Truth Glasses		Use to discover type of egg, how many uses of
 					balls, if item is cursed
	Treasure Loupe		Display whereabouts of Treasure
	Trap Loupe			Display whereabouts of Traps
	Exit Loupe			Display whereabouts of Elevator
	Monster Loupe		Display whereabouts of Monsters

	Wind Crystal		Returns u to Monsbaiya with all items, money
	Water Crystal		Totally restores Familiers (both) HP, MP, 
					Condition (note both must be on collars at time
 					of use!)
	Fire Crystal		Releases Salamander to fight Enemies

			!!!!!9 Miscellaneous!!!!!

9.1	The Theatre

	Here is the way to completely answer all of the replies in Fon's stand up show:

9.2	The Race-course

	Hit 0 rapidly to run forward
	hit X rapidly to run backward
	hit Tri to jump

9.3	Gym
	The barbell game- move left or right to where the Barbell will land, as soon as
	one touches the floor the game is over (personal best 42)

9.4	Amusement Centre

	Hit the Mole- tun to any of the for holes and hit the moles when they appear.
	hit X to swipe sword
	hold O to run
	press Tri to Jump
	(personal best 27)

	Funky baseball thing- move up or down and knock the ink balls back to the Takapoo
	Up and down to move
	hit X to knock ink balls back
	(personal best 31)

9.5	Bowling alley
	Pins line up in certain patterns and u use the bowling bowl to try to get a strike
	X picks up ball, then determines place, angle of throw and amount of spin
	left, right- move player
	(personal best perfect 64)
OK I have finished, OK then not really!  I still need to find all the monsters
and I have a long way to finishing the Fusion guide so this is where u come in
if u can correct me!  Heaven knows probably a million mistakes in How to get the
girls!! Or u can fill in some of the blanks then I will give u credit for it!!
I promise!!!  OK then gotta go find more eggs!!!

Laters Jim

Konami-san domo arigato gozaimashite!!!!  I am now praying for a Suikoden 2 :)

Thanks also to

Tim ( 	For kindly reminding me that the Mirror Shield is rust proof

Eric ( For the alternate way of getting Mia (Shudder) and for
					a funny story!