Arcana (e)

                               for the SNES
                      FAQ & Walkthrough v1.01 4/01/98

What's new in this version:
   Game Genie codes
   technical data
   Nintendo Power mention

This is an FAQ for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) RPG game
Arcana, from HAL Inc. Author is Peter Karsanow, The 
latest version of this file can be found at:
somewhere as the file arcn_faq.txt

Arcana is a non-real-time RPG. Movement occurs in steps or turns, and combat
also occurs in phases. No arcade action, or running and jumping here. The 
graphics are reasonable, but minimally animated. Sound is good. Story suffers 
the old translation blues, and there are annoying jumps, but almost no spelling
errors. This is the only RPG I've ever seen with a first-person point of view
that generates graphics for 45 degrees in each 90 degree turn, so it doesn't 
look so abrupt!

Technical data: 8 Mbits ROM, battery-backup 64 Kbits SRAM

Game released 5/92 by HAL Inc., covered in Nintendo Power volume 37.

No serious problems with using ZSNES or SNES9x emulator.

Controls are:
direction control pad -
   in town, left and right will turn you and up enters a building or goes to 
            the dungeon
   in a dungeon, up and down move you forward and backward, left and right 
            turn you 90 degrees
   in menus, move the cursor
   in combat, choose a monster or character to affect
Start button - no function
Select button - move cursor on title New/Continue screen, otherwise no function
X, Y, L, R buttons - no function
A button - execute a selected option, bring up menu screen
B button - cancel option, exit menu screen, exit building in town

Rooks is the main character in the game. Others (Darwin, Axs, Selah, Teefa)
will come and go. Rooks also can call Spirits, but at the start of the game
can only call a Sylph (the weakest type). The Spirit takes one spot in the
party, Rooks takes another, and up to 2 other characters fill out the total of
4 spots. At the start of the game, you get Teefa. I'll warn you now that later
on she will betray you, so don't get too attached to her.

Start the game with 500 GP. I suggest you buy a Short Sword for Rooks, a
Dagger for Teefa, and a Small Shield for Rooks. Leave for the Balnia Temple by
pressing Up when you see the open gate - press left or right to turn until you
see it if you are elsewhere in the town (which is basically 1 building in each
direction). You need gold for better equipment, so to build up levels and gold
I suggest you spin in place right next to the dungeon entrance/exit. Boring
but relatively safe. You may notice that the Sylph regenerates HP and MP, but
the humanoids don't. The downside is that the Spirits can't equip things, so
they can't really improve their attack or defense through equipment. Later in
the game, you will find yourself rotating through multiple Spirits because
they can be beaten up or destroyed quickly in combat. For now, wait on
exploring until you have Rooks to at least level 7, or can afford good
equipment (see list below). At level 7, the Sylph gets Lightning 1, your best
friend for the next few character and dungeon levels.

The characters gain preset amounts of HP, MP, and increases to the various
attributes (I'm not sure if Agility is the same as Alertness) with a level
increase. New spells are sometimes learned, and the Spirits can gain new
spells when Rooks gains a level. Spirit attributes increase when Rooks gains a
level, although not always by the same amount. The EXP value shown when you
select Ability on the menu screen is how many are needed for the next level.
When a character gains a level, any excess EXP from that battle are lost.

There is an automap available as the Map option on the menu screen. It is
always centered on your current location, and can't be scrolled around. The
compass that is shown while you walk around is red at the North end. On the
automap, your direction is shown as an arrow.

Explore all the "dead ends". Chests are sometimes found there, but only if you
walk all the way to the end. On Balnia Temple 1F, I found 800 GP, a Silver
Flask, Herbs and a Sleeping Bag.

The layout of the Inventory screen limits you to 8 piles of cards, which
include the Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Null, and Fog cards, as well as the Call
Amulet.  You can have at most 9 in any pile. The Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water
cards can be used in combat as either 1, 2, or 3 cards at once, doing an
elemental attack against all enemies. They apparently equate to a spell by a
Spirit of the same type, e.g. 2 Earth cards = Smash 2.

Once you have multiple cards, items, or equipment, you can rearrange them in
the Equipment or Inventory screens by selecting (A button) one, then moving
the cursor to the item you want to swap (blinking line stays, solid line
moves), then pressing A button again. The "Separate" option for Equipment
means un-equip.

When you are surprised by monsters, you may be turned around, and the screen
shows "Yikes!", plus the monsters get first attack on you. It seems that the
Alertness value is important here, since a Spirit with a high Alertness, or once
Rooks or another character has it, you don't get surprised as often, or at all.

You can sell items back to the weapons shop for 1/2 price, or trade them in
when you buy something, but still 1/2 price.

After you fight the Iron Guardian in Balnia Temple 2F, be prepared before you
go through the doors past there. You will go through an automatic sequence and
lose Teefa and get Salah. If doesn't matter how you answer the question. You
don't have to remove the equipment from Teefa before the combat. Your Sylph
will also be "broken" and you will have to either heal it or call another.
Healing it costs 100 at the gypsy's tent - suggested. Salah starts at Rooks'
level - #? (was 9 for me). Welcome to Chapter 2.

I don't know why, but the first two squares in Draven Pass are safe from
random encounters. And because of those cheap Bees, it's tough to get money
for new equipment around here. Again, there are goodies in the dead ends.
Before you get to the end of Draven Pass, you see "The Man" fighting some
monsters. Later on you will get him as Darwin, but not now.

You may notice that the Sylph's Lightning 1 spell doesn't do full (13) damage
to all monsters. The manual for the game goes on about Attributes and such,
but the trick to remember is: look at the colored border for the monster
  Yellow - Wind  - 1/2 damage  - [Sylph], Gurgeon, Bee
  Green  - Earth - full damage - Slime, Hound
  Blue   - Water - full damage - Thief, Trunkman
  Red    - Fire  - 1/4 damage  - Saurian, Cyclops
  Gray   - ?     - ?           - Fighter, Warlock
Something similar goes for the other Spirits when you get them. Although towards
the end of the game, the most damage comes from Darwin and Rooks doing sword
attacks rather than any Spirits' magic.

After you defeat the Cyclops in the Forest of Doubt, Darwin joins, starting at
3 levels higher than Rooks. Rather than pressing on from there, unless you
have already bought equipment for Darwin you should go back to Dorah to get
some.  Again, it doesn't matter how you answer the question. Note that while
Darwin is in the party, you still get the same amount of experience for
monsters. Same experience for 1 to 4 characters in party...

I noticed that the other squares where you can see the light-colored fog are
also safe from random encounters. These occur at the boundaries between
different outdoor maps, like Forest of Doubt and Crimson Valley.

In the Crimson Valley, once you get to the "third level" of passages, the one
to the south leads to the Efrite, where Rooks gains the Fire Spirit but Darwin
just suddenly leaves. Notice that the Efrite's HP Restore is a combat spell!
Switch between your 2 Spirits (or none at all) with the Call command. In
combat, Rooks using Call first doesn't prevent him from doing other things like

When the little figures are walking between a town and a "dungeon" area, you
can press any button to skip the animation. That green thing on Axs' side, but
only in one direction, is his shield.

When Rooks goes up a level, any Spirits not currently in use (Efrite if Sylph
is in play) automatically gain HP and/or MP if they were full up already, but
the Spirit currently in use has to regenerate up to the new numbers. A Spirit
not in use regenerates as if it were in use. Part of successful play against
tougher monsters is switching between Spirits when one needs to regenerate HP
and/or MP.

After the Crimson Valley, you go back into the Forest of Doubt, this time with
some different monsters, and a Tent to be found. Explore the entire thing, and
make your way to the exit. Reinoll explains what the rest of the game will be
about: getting all 4 Spirits, and 3 Treasures - the Crystal Sword, Spirit
Sword, and Enchanted Jewel. Salah is kidnapped by Ariel, then you have to
fight Zerel.

After beating him, you go on to Chapter 3. Back in Doraf, you now have to head
out to the Ice Mine both to meet Axs and find the Enchanted Jewel. Just you
and a Spirit. You will not enjoy this! Those Mages and Undead are a real pain!
The Icicle Dungeon is below the Ice Mine. I strongly suggest you buy better
equipment from the weapons store before you go too far in there. The monsters
are worth quite a bit of money, so you should be able to afford a night at the
Inn and still save for better equipment, if you're careful. I found that the
Sylph's "Paralyze All" spell, when it worked, made things a lot easier. Can't
explain how monsters can dodge when they're paralyzed though.

Strangely, some weapons are better than they were earlier in the game, while
others are the same. In general, the most expensive weapon that a character can
use is the most effective. Same goes for armor. The variations may be due to
changes in Rooks' statistics. However, the Ice Blade doesn't do as well against
some monsters as you'd expect.

Efrite's "Confused All" spell is not as useful as Sylph's "Paralyze All" by a
long shot. A confused monster may attack other monsters or even itself, but as
you kill the other monsters, it eventually will probably attack you anyway.
But a paralyzed monster just stands there (even the animation stops) so you
can beat on it with impunity.

I didn't feel comfortable venturing far into the Ice Mine / Icicle Dungeon
area until Rooks was level 24. To get to Axs the quickest, from the Ice Mine
entrance go to the right, down the first stairs, follow the corridor to the
stairs up, and once in the Ice Mine again go to the 4-way and head south. Take
the first corridor to the left, and Axs is just around the next corner! The
Unpetrify spell mentioned doesn't come out of your MP. Now that you have Axs,
unless you have the best equipment for him already in your inventory, head
back and buy it. Be a whirling dervish at the Ice Mine entrance if you need
more money. Axs is the same level as Rooks when you find him.

I wonder how Rooks or other characters can make the "is that the best you can
do?" comment when asleep.

You are also safe from random encounters when you are in the same square as a
Treasure Box, even if empty. I used this one a lot to regenerate my Spirits,
or even take time out to rebuild Rooks' and Axs' HPs without using their MPs
(have the Efrite do the HP Restore and ignore any damage the characters take,
although best results when only one enemy, not a spellcaster, remains).

Below the Icicle Dungeon is the Polar Dungeon. The whole complex is 3 levels,
but there are stairways up and down and lots of twisty passages all alike. The
"good" stuff is found if you keep going beyond where you found Axs. I used the
"keep your right hand on the wall" routine, and it worked rather well until I
got to a large room on the Ice Mine level with a "C"-shaped thing in the
middle - it's after two "halls of goodies" (2 hallways on Polar Dungeon level
where each alcove has a Treasure Box in it). There are a few other "islands"
in the vicinity as well - the problem with that "hand on the wall" method.
Trust me, you don't miss anything by using left instead of right - all you
miss is a silly spiral thing with no Treasure Box at the end.

A character's Attack rating is based on equipment and Strength, a character's
Defend rating is based on equipment and Endurance.

Here's how you get out of the Ice Mine complex. You can follow the "right hand
on the wall" rule, but look for an east-west corridor near the center of the
top (Ice Mine) level. If you followed the rule correctly, you will go down one
stair on the east end of the corridor, and come up another at the west end. If
you followed the rule strictly, you'd never go down the stairs in the middle!
They lead to an "H" shaped area on the Icicle Dungeon level where you will
find a Hydra if you go North from the stairs. Beating the Hydra will have Axs
grant you the Marid (Water Spirit) - which I'd have beaten out of him if I'd
known...  Apparently the little area on the Polar Dungeon level is "safe", at
least until you go through the doors. There you fight Sauza, without Axs or
Salah (the weasels!).  I stuck to having the Spirits throw combat-helpful
spells like "Offense Impair", rather than Flame 3, and just let Rooks beat on
her, and had the Efrite restore HPs when they started getting low.

Chapter 3 ends, 4 begins. After the combat, you, Axs, and the Spirits are
completely restored. You end up in the Elf Village, and Axs rejoins you.
Remember to equip him before you go into combat! Lots of shiny new things at
the store here. The monsters have lots of gold too!

I was never really forced to use any miscellaneous items or cards, except that 
all the Honeys that increase attributes have been going to Rooks as soon as I 
get them. I've also been buying various Honey items and giving them all to 
Rooks, once I have the best equipment available, and keeping a reserve amount 
of GP for emergencies.

I was able to explore an awful lot of the Ice Mine complex in one trip, and
beat the Hydra and Sauza, without coming out. Once you can use the Spirits to
keep the other characters going, you can stay in there a LONG time.

I didn't have very good results with the Ice Blade in the Ice Mine, but back
then it said it was +75 to Attack. Once in the Elf Village, it now says it's
+81!  Other weapons that are different are Short Sword now +22, Long Sword now
+36, Broad Sword now +52, Battle Axe now +48 for Rooks and +47 for Axs,
Scimitar now +67 for Rooks and +65 for Axs - same for both Rooks and Axs
otherwise. Battle Hammer for Axs only now +69. Defense items are stable though
for both. I'm going to keep reporting the value I get when I can first buy an
item, and add notes in the store listing only when two characters differ.

If you wander around Stavery 1F and 2F (I used the left hand rule this time),
you meet Darama (says Darah during combat). This was one of the easier ones!
And you get the Earth Spirit Dao. Not much MP, but lots of HP. Going left is
better this time, because you get to go to the few chests on 2F before you
fight D or get to the door on 2F that you can't open (yet). Completely explore
what you can get to, then go back to the Elf Village. Now Salah will join you
again, this time 3 levels below Rooks. Go buy her the best equipment you can.
When you're ready, go back to that door on 2F. By the way, for Salah the Short
Sword is now +20.

To avoid being surprised so much, I've been using Efrite because it has the
highest Alertness. Seems to help...

Salah will get you through the door at Stavery 2F. Explore all the way to the
back here, because at the very end is a chest with the Shaman Robe inside for
Salah (armor Defend+56). There is a Demon Axe (weapon Attack+120) on 3F for
Axs.  And if you didn't get Salah a Wish Wand, there's one on 3F too. The
Demon Mail (armor Defend+81) and Demon Shield (shield Defend+35) for Axs are 
on 5F.

At this point I found out that you are limited to 32 equipment items, so I had
to sell old stuff I was keeping. Sorry, no more Dagger!

Note that Stavery 1F, 2F, 3F and 4F are all on the same map. They all have the
same monsters too.

Midway through Stavery 4F, the Dao turns around and fights you again with help
(Darah and Barah). Winning gets you the Earth Spirit again, same as before.

The "Weapons" option in combat is normally useless, until you get certain
equipment items that cast spells. The ones I've found so far are:
   Demon Axe       - Axs          - Smash 3
   Wish Wand       - Salah        - Water 2
   Magic Shield    - Salah        - Sleep
   Elder's Staff   - Salah, Teefa - Sleep All
   Demon Shield    - Axs          - Lightning 2 on one foe
   Magic Gauntlet  - Teefa        - Wall All
   Staff of Wisdom - Teefa        - Confused All
   Spirit Staff    - Teefa        - Lightning 2
   Desiree         - Darwin       - Confused
   Moon Gauntlet   - Darwin       - Stomp All
   Magic Sword     - Rooks        - Sleep
   Crystal Sword   - Rooks        - Heal 1 (105 HP)
   Caesar Shield   - Rooks        - Defense Impair All
   Grand Shield    - Rooks        - Attribute #? (ltng fire & rocks)
   Spirit Gauntlet - Darwin, Teefa - Accuracy Increase All
   Giant Sword     - Rooks        - HP Restore All (62-65 HP)
Can somebody please check the "Firebrand" for me?
Promising items like "Ice Blade" and "Fire Blade" didn't do anything.

Even if you want to pass it by, the game automatically makes you go through the
door on Stavery 7F. And again Rooks and a Spirit are deserted by Axs and Selah.
Fight Ariel and win, and Galneon shows up to finish Ariel off. Now you have to
go on to 8F without Axs and Selah.

Stavery 5F, 6F, 7F, and 8F are all on the same map, but the monsters aren't the
same on all 4. 5F and 6F have one batch of monsters, 7F and 8F have another.

Just when you are thinking you can't go much further on 8F, you are joined by
Darwin. To avoid the STUPID mistake that I made, make sure you buy a weapon 
(Dragon Blade) for Darwin BEFORE you go in to 7F. Darwin was 3 levels higher 
than Rooks when he joined.

On Stavery 10F there is a Golden Sword, but its a lousy weapon, and the 
Rococo Armor, almost useless. Sell 'em?

Maximum gold you can carry is 65535. If you reach that amount while in a 
you might as well "Home" out and spend it on Honeys for Rooks, unless there is
still better equipment you haven't bought yet.

On Stavery 11F you meet Galneon again, at the "narrows" on the map. Fight Teefa,
but at least this time you have Darwin to help. She's not much of a challenge,
but you lose Darwin after the combat. Hopefully you can make it through to the
last floor by yourself! Thankfully 12F is short, but the combats seem to occur
every few steps. Through the doors is Galneon. Axs and Selah show up, but Axs
pushes you out the door with Selah, and a lot of shaking goes on behind the 
doors. Shaft of light into the sky, bolts of lightning, etc. Chapter 4 ends,
and you start Chapter 5 (the last one) in Bintel Castle. Darwin and Teefa join
you. Darwin is still 3 levels ahead of Rooks, Teefa is the same level. Rooks,
all the Spirits, Darwin, and Teefa are all fully healed. But you have to supply
equipment for Darwin and Teefa. Nice stuff at the local store!

Bintel Castle isn't quite the last dungeon in the game, but its close. The 
central hallway where you enter is "safe". Find "Desiree" at the end of the
corridor in the SE area of the dungeon. Find the "Robe of Valor" at the N end
of the corridor in the E area, which also appears to be "safe". Find the "Spirit
Staff" at the N end of the W area, again apparently "safe". There is nothing in
the N area except empty rooms and monsters.

There is a way N from the NE area to meet and fight Karul, Ariel's (other) 
apprentice. You then get the Crystal Sword. Once past that point, you get all
kinds of dragons instead of just the Cloud Dragons in the NE area. The Tunnel
entrance is near the end of the series of rooms. The route from the NE area is:
N, N, W, W, W, W, N, E, if you count each 3x3 room as one.

The "A Tunnel" area branches around a lot, but there are some nice items to be
found. If you follow the "right hand rule" you will eventually come to Galneon,
and he's apparently gone wacko. Fight him once and get the Enchanted Jewel.
Then fight him a second time and get the Spirit Sword. Now follow the corridor
to the right for stairs up to Stavery 1F (not again!).

If you're like me, and you "Home"d out sometime, and need directions through the
"A Tunnel" dungeon, the following are what direction you head at each of the
intersections between the stairs in and the stairs out to Stavery 1F:
N, W, W, N, E, W, N, E. But I strongly suggest you completely explore it once,
because there are some nice things in those boxes.

This isn't the same Stavery you went through before. The monsters are proof.
Like the previous Stavery, 1F through 12F are on the same map, but 1F to 4F
have different colored walls than 5F to 8F, or 9F to 12F. And it really is 
armor" with a lowercase "a". Don't worry about the Red and Blue Guardians who
show up momentarily on 10F, Axs and Selah appear and take care of them for you.
Same thing with Tiamat on 11F, but this time Darwin and Teefa go away.

Finally you are at a door on Stavery 12F. I'd get ready if I were you...
Fight a strange 4-dragon thing named Rimsala once, and as long as you don't let
it kill you, the game suddenly has Rooks make a speech that sounds like a spell.
But it doesn't work, Rimsala --almost-- kills Rooks, and when all hope seems 
lost, the great hero Fanas (who?) revives Rooks and puts the 3 items (2 swords
and jewel) together, and you fight Rimsala for real. One major annoyance is that
the "revive" apparently sets all your Spirits to the HP of the one you used in
the first Rimsala battle - which can be a major pain if that was a low one!

Keep whacking away with Rooks' Giant Sword, and have the Spirits cast any 
defense spells once, then as long as their MP's last, either throw offensive or
healing spells. Finally, Rooks will make that little speech again, but this time
it works. Multiple lightning bolts are shot at Rimsala and the top of the
Stavery Tower (same graphics as used earlier really). Then you'll get an 
endgame speech about how 10 years later everything is peaceful, and finally a
picture of the land of Elemen from the side with animated clouds, then a card
that spins around along with some music. The game's credits are shown scrolling
over the card as it spins, which shows game characters on the face sometimes.

Level Character  Spell (MP cost, name, effect)                     Combat only?
----- ---------  ---------------------------------------------     ------------
  2   (Sylph)     4 Change Attr. to Wind, characters now Wind            Y
  2    Teefa     16 Heal 1, restores some (84) HP                        N
  3    Rooks     24 Heal 2, restores 181-189 HP                          N
  4    Teefa     13 Paralyze, paralyzes selected enemy                   Y
  5    Teefa     32 Flee, a retreat to regroup                           Y
  6    Rooks      4 Attack Impair, lowers strength of enemy attack       Y
  7   (Sylph)     8 Lightning 1, all enemies attacked by lightning       Y
  7    Teefa     10 Attribute 1, effective vs. Earth & Water             Y
  9    Rooks      4 Unpetrify, reverses a Petrify spell                  N
 (9)   Salah*    16 Heal 1, restores some HP                             N
                 23 Attribute 6, effective vs. Fire & Wind               Y
                 20 Attribute 3, effective vs. Water & Fire              Y
                 32 Flee, a retreat to regroup                           Y
 10   (Sylph)     5 Dodge All, your Avoidance increased                  Y
 10    Teefa     15 Attribute 2, effective vs. Earth & Fire              Y
 10    Salah     10 Defense Impair All, decreases enemies' defense       Y
 13    Rooks      4 Defense Impair, decreases an enemy's defense         Y
 13    Salah     15 Attribute 4, effective vs. Earth & Wind              Y
 14   (Sylph)    14 Lightning 2, all enemies attacked by lightning       Y
 15    Rooks      8 Home, can return to town quickly                     N
(16)   Darwin*   16 Heal 1, restores some HP                             N
                 15 Attribute 2, effective vs. Earth & Fire              Y
                 10 Sleep, puts selected enemy to sleep                  Y
                  4 Offense Impair, decreases enemy's attack accuracy    Y
 16    Salah     24 Heal 2, restores more (181-189) HP                   N
 17    Rooks     50 Restoration of Spirit, restores all your Spirits     N
(17)  (Efrite*)   4 Change Attribute to Fire, characters now Fire        Y
                  8 Flame 1, enemies attacked by Fire                    Y
                  5 Stomp All, your attack strength is increased         Y
                 14 Flame 2, enemies attacked by Fire                    Y
                 30 HP Restore, restores (100-105) HP                    Y
 18   (Sylph)    23 Paralyze All, paralyzes all enemies                  Y
 19    Darwin    20 Attribute 5, effective vs. Water & Wind              Y
 20    Rooks     42 Heal 3, restores all HP                              N
      (Efrite)   20 Confused All, confuses all enemies                   Y
(21)   Axs*       4 Offense Impair, decreases enemy's attack accuracy    Y
                 16 Heal 1, restores (81-84) HP                          N
 22   (Sylph)    20 Lightning 3, all enemies attacked by lightning       Y
 23   (Efrite)   20 Flame 3, all enemies attacked by Fire                Y
 25    Rooks     10 Confused, prevents logical thinking in one enemy     Y
 25    Axs       32 Flee, a retreat to regroup                           Y
(28)  (Marid*)    4 Change Attribute to Water, characters now Water      Y
                  8 Water 1, enemies are drowned                         Y
                  5 Accuracy Increase All, attack accuracy increased     Y
                 14 Water 2, enemies are drowned                         Y
                 30 HP Restore All, restores (60-63) HP to all in party  Y
                 20 Sleep All, puts all enemies to sleep                 Y
                 20 Water 3, enemies are drowned                         Y
                 10 Restore All, restores you to original condition      Y
 29   (Sylph)    25 Chaos Wind, a powerful wind sweeps enemies away      Y
(29)   Salah*     7 Accuracy Impair All, lowers all enemies' accuracy    Y
                  7 Offense Impair All, decreases all enemies' accuracy  Y
                  7 Attack Impair All, lowers enemies' attack strength   Y
                 20 Heal All 1, restores 81-84 HP to all on your team    Y
 30    Rooks     50 Ruinous Mission, Spirit sacrificied to protect you   Y
      (Efrite)   25 Destroy, attempts to shock monsters to death         Y
 30    Axs       10 Sleep, puts selected enemy to sleep                  Y
(31)  (Dao*)      4 Change Attribute to Earth, characters now Earth      Y
                  8 Smash 1, throw stones at enemies                     Y
                  5 Wall All, defense of all increased                   Y
                 14 Smash 2, throw stones at enemies                     Y
                 23 Petrify All, turns all enemies to stone              Y
                 20 Smash 3, throw stones at enemies                     Y
                 25 Entomb, buries enemies                               Y
 33    Salah     24 Attribute 8, effective vs. Earth & Water & Wind      Y
 35    Rooks     40 Call Wind Spirit, summons Wind Spirit                Y
 36    Rooks     40 Call Fire Spirit, summons Fire Spirit                Y
 37    Rooks     40 Call Water Spirit, summons Water Spirit              Y
 38    Rooks     40 Call Earth Spirit, summons Earth Spirit              Y
(41)   Darwin*    7 Defense Impair All, decreases enemies' defense       Y
                  7 Attack Impair All, lowers enemies' attack strength   Y
                  4 Accuracy Impair, lowers enemy's accuracy             Y
                 24 Attribute 7, effective vs. Earth Water & Fire        Y
(41)   Teefa*    20 Attribute 5, effective vs. Water & Wind              Y
                 40 Heal All 2, restores 121-126 HP to all on your team  N
                 30 Attribute 9, effective vs. Earth Fire & Wind         Y
                 24 Heal 2, restores some HP                             N
                  7 Attack Impair All, lowers enemies' attack strength   Y
                 30 Attribute 10, effective vs. Water Fire & Wind        Y
                 40 Attribute 11, effective vs. all four elements        Y

[names in () are Spirits, who use Rooks' level
 names with * and/or level # in () are when they first enter party]

There are apparently other spells in the game, but I didn't see them with
everybody in the party below level 50. Two of the nicer ones should let you
designate a point in a dungeon that you can teleport to from either a town
or elsewhere in a dungeon.

            MONSTERS           (listed in order they were first encountered)
Name            EXP  GP  HP          COLOR
--------------  ---  --  ----------  -----
==Balnia Temple 1F near entrance==
Slime             1   4  3           Green
Goblin            4   6  4           Green
Hound             4   5  10          Green
Saurian           6  15  >6 <=15     Red    (rare)
==Balnia Temple 1F elsewhere - the above plus...==
Pilferer          3   2  <=5         Blue
Thief             3   5  >5 <=8      Blue
Lupus             5  30  >18 <=20    Green
==Balnia Temple 1F unique fixed encounter==
Stone Guardian   15 100  >221 <=229  None?
==Balnia Temple 2F==
Slime             1   4  3           Green
Lupus             5  30  >18 <=20    Green
Gurgeon           7   6  16          Yellow  [cast Lightning 1]
Saurian           6  15  >6 <=15     Red
Ogre              5  12  <=12        Blue
Hound             4   5  10          Green
Lizard            5   5  20          Red
Thief             3   5  >5 <=8      Blue
Jell              2   7  6           Red
==Balnia Temple 2F unique fixed encounter==
Iron Guardian    30 100  >264 <=303  None?
==Draven Pass==
Goblin            4   6  4           Green
Bee               5   1  21          Yellow
Gurgeon           7   6  16          Yellow  [cast Lightning 1]
Slime             1   4  3           Green
Sauropod         10  21  35          Red
Thief             3   5  >5 <=8      Blue
Jell              2   7  6           Red
==Forest of Doubt==
Trunkman         20  30  >28 <=31    Blue
Flytrap           9   5  >18 <=20    Green
Bee               5   1  21          Yellow
Gurgeon           7   6  16          Yellow  [cast Lightning 1]
==Forest of Doubt unique fixed encounter==
Cyclops          50 300  >188 <=203  Red
==Crimson Valley==
Sauropod         10  21  35          Red
Gurgeon           7   6  16          Yellow  [cast Lightning 1]
Assassin         30  45  33          Blue    [cast Water 1]
Jell              2   7  6           Red
==Crimson Valley unique fixed encounter==
Efrite           70   2  >251 <=254  Red     [cast Flame 2]
[Rooks gains Fire Spirit, and Darwin leaves]
==Forest of Doubt (II)==
Huetree          10  22  <=35        Green
Wolfsbane        12   6  <=34        Blue
Bee               5   1  21          Yellow
==Reinoll's unique fixed encounter==
Zerel           100 400  >418 <=456  None?
==Ice Mine==
Mage             20  40  53          Gray    [cast Flame 1]
Fighter          35  30  34          Gray
Undead           18  13  >66 <=68    Green
Skeleton         15  34  40          Green
Witch            15  45  28          Gray    [cast Water 1]
Raiton           15  52  >38 <=40    Yellow
Hobgoblin        10  25  >35 <=42    Gray
Jeru              7  17  30          Blue    [cast Sleep]
==Icicle Dungeon==
Skeleton         15  34  40          Green
Fighter          35  30  34          Gray
Bajis            15  30  >39 <=45    Green
Manteco          15  30  >22 <=34    Yellow  [cast Lightning 2]
Jeru              7  17  30          Blue    [cast Sleep]
Hobgoblin        10  25  >35 <=42    Gray
Witch            15  45  28          Gray    [cast Water 1]
==Polar Dungeon==
Undead           18  13  >66 <=68    Green
Deep One         13  25  >54 <=56    Blue
Ramia            15  55  36          Gray
Warlock          25  42  >16 <=40    Gray    [cast Smash 1]
Bone             10  19  >31 <=33    Green
Troll           100 220  >42 <=65    Gray
==Icicle Dungeon unique fixed encounter==
Hydra           300 500  >~600       Red     [cast Flame 3]
==Polar Dungeon unique fixed encounter==
Sauza           500 600  >741 <=785  Gray?
==Stavery 1F, 2F, 3F, 4F==
Bugbear          50 100  60          Gray
Warlock          25  42  >16 <=40    Gray    [cast Smash 1]
Knight           25 280  80          White
Vampire Bee      50  70  >69 <=71    Yellow
Jara             15  50  >48 <=56    Green
==Stavery 1F unique fixed encounter==
Darah           700 550  >423 <=609  Blue    [cast Smash 1]
==Stavery 4F unique fixed encounter==
Darah             -   -  >385 <=536  Blue
Barah          1500 1150 >787 <=841  Red?
==Stavery 5F, 6F==
Dragonian        60 100  >111 <=121  Gray
Warlock          25  42  >16 <=40    Gray    [cast Smash 1]
Bugbear          50 100  60          Gray
Rilus            32 120  >109 <=111  Gray
Ghost            60  80  >99 <=100   Yellow  [cast Sleep All]
==Stavery 7F, 8F==
Reach            40 120  >82 <=84    Yellow  [cast Sleep]
Fult             70  70  >64 <=73    Green
Rilus            32 120  >109 <=111  Gray
Merlini          30  90  >93 <=95    Gray    [cast Flame 2]
Nostrus          40 100  >22 <=59    Gray    [cast Lightning 2]
==Stavery 7F unique fixed encounter==
Ariel           100   1  >718 <=809  none/Gray-Red?
==Stavery 9F, 10F==
Reach            40 120  >82 <=84    Yellow  [cast Sleep]
Aurane           60 120  >66 <=113   Blue    [cast Water 3]
Dragonian        60 100  >111 <=121  Gray
Ghost            60  80  >99 <=100   Yellow  [cast Sleep All]
Merlini          30  90  >93 <=95    Gray    [cast Flame 2]
==Stavery 11F==
Nostrus          40 100  >22 <=59    Gray    [cast Lightning 2]
Green Dragon    150 250  >255 <=278  Green   [cast Smash 3]
Aurane           60 120  >66 <=113   Blue    [cast Water 3]
Merlini          30  90  >93 <=95    Gray    [cast Flame 2]
Giant           100 200  >173 <=186  Gray
Blue Dragon     140 300  >220 <=251  Blue    [cast Water 3]
==Stavery 11F unique fixed encounter==
Teefa           100   1  >327 <=406  none/Gray&Red [cast Sleep All]
==Stavery 12F==
Giant           100 200  >173 <=186  Gray
Merlini          30  90  >93 <=95    Gray    [cast Flame 2]
Blue Dragon     140 300  >220 <=251  Blue    [cast Water 3]
Knight           25 280  80          White
Green Dragon    150 250  >255 <=278  Green   [cast Smash 3]
==Bintel Castle==
Blue Dragon     140 300  >220 <=251  Blue    [cast Water 3](SW area)
Shaman           95 200  >179 <=186  Gray
Wizard          200 250  >101 <=117  Gray    [cast Attribute 10]
Sword Master     60 200  >176 <=181  Gray
Green Dragon    150 250  >255 <=278  Green   [cast Smash 3](SE area)
Red Dragon      300 300  >251 <=255  Red     [cast Fire 3](NW area)
Cloud Dragon    400 350  >229 <=242  Yellow  [cast Lightning 3](NE area)
==Bintel Castle unique fixed encounter==
Karul           990 872  >685 <=791  none/Gray-Blue
==A Tunnel==
Medusa          230  59  >85 <=129   Green   [cast Attribute 7 All]
Cyclops          90 100  >199 <=204  Gray
Sphinx           50 210  >199 <=207  Green   [cast Smash 3]
Giant Bee        90  95  >86 <=98    Yellow
Wizard          200 250  >101 <=117  Gray    [cast Attribute 10]
Sword Master     60 200  >176 <=181  Gray
Shaman           95 200  >179 <=186  Gray
Desurin          50 100  >138 <=161  Green
Raenon          100 110  >117 <=180  Yellow  [cast Attribute 1]
==A Tunnel unique fixed encounter==
Galneon    (1)  750 933  >590 <=659  none/Gray-Purple  [first time]
Galneon    (2)  950   1  >874 <=941  none/Gray-Purple  [cast Attribute 9 All]
==Stavery 1F through 5F==
Medusa          230  59  >85 <=129   Green   [cast Attribute 7 All]
Minotaurus      100 100  >206 <=218  Gray
Bali            150 120  >194 <=219  Red     [cast Lightning 3]
Queen Bee       230  35  >149 <=182  Yellow  [cast Sleep All]
==Stavery 6F==
Minotaurus      100 100  >206 <=218  Gray
Bali            150 120  >194 <=219  Red     [cast Lightning 3]
Queen Bee       230  35  >149 <=182  Yellow  [cast Sleep All]
==Stavery 7F==
Desurin          50 100  >138 <=161  Green
Medusa          230  59  >85 <=129   Green   [cast Attribute 7 All]
Phantom          95  50  >150 <=400  Green   [cast Attribute 8]
==Stavery 8F==
Desurin          50 100  >138 <=161  Green
Minotaurus      100 100  >206 <=218  Gray
==Stavery 9F==
==Stavery 10F==
Shaman           95 200  >179 <=186  Gray
==Stavery 11F==
Desurin          50 100  >138 <=161  Green
==Stavery 12F==
Bali            150 120  >194 <=219  Red     [cast Lightning 3]
Desurin          50 100  >138 <=161  Green
Phantom          95  50  >150 <=400  Green   [cast Attribute 8]
Medusa          230  59  >85 <=129   Green   [cast Attribute 7 All]
==Stavery 12F unique fixed encounter==
Rimsala         N/A N/A  >1403 <=1533 Brown  [first time]
Rimsala         N/A N/A  >3222 <=3375 none?  [second time]

Name              Type      Who   Cost  Effect
---------------   ------   -----  ----  -----------------------
[available in Galia, the starting town]
Dagger            weapon   RDAST   100  Attack+8
Short Sword       weapon   RDAST   200  Attack+19 (20 for Darwin)
Long Sword        weapon   RD      500  Attack+31
Broad Sword       weapon   RD     1000  Attack+45
Staff             weapon      ST   150  Attack+15
Whip              weapon      ST   170  Attack+21
Soft Leather      armor    RDAST   100  Defend+7
Hard Leather      armor    RDAST   300  Defend+11
Ring Mail         armor    R AS    500  Defend+15
Robe              armor       ST   150  Defend+9
Small Shield      shield   R AS    180  Defend+3
Talisman          charm     D  T   300  Defend+3
[available in Doraf, second town]
Short Sword       weapon   RDAST   200  Attack+19 (20 for Darwin)
Long Sword        weapon   RD      500  Attack+31
Broad Sword       weapon   RD     1000  Attack+45 or 46
Memory Wand       weapon      ST   700  Attack+33
Mage Staff        weapon      ST   400  Attack+27
Flying Axe        weapon   RDA     450  Attack+28
Chain Whip        weapon      ST   850  Attack+34
Mace              weapon     AS   1000  Attack+46 (or 47 for Axs)
Ring Mail         armor    R AS    500  Defend+15
Scale Mail        armor    RDAS    700  Defend+23
Chain Mail        armor    R AS   1000  Defend+31
Breast Mail       armor     D     1500  Defend+33
Small Shield      shield   R AS    180  Defend+3
Large Shield      shield   R AS    300  Defend+7
Talisman          charm     D  T   300  Defend+3
Rune Gauntlet     charm     D  T   500  Defend+7
[available in Doraf after Reinoll & Zerel]
Long Sword        weapon   RD      500  Attack+34
Broad Sword       weapon   RD     1000  Attack+48
Scimitar          weapon   RDA    1500  Attack+62 or 63
Ice Blade         weapon   RD     2000  Attack+75  (not as good as it says?)
Firebrand         weapon      S   1000  Attack+
Flail             weapon     AS   1300  Attack+
Battle Hammer     weapon     A    1200  Attack+68
Battle Axe        weapon   R A    1700  Attack+46
Breast Mail       armor     D     1500  Defend+33?
Breast Plate      armor    RD S   2000  Defend+39
Seam Mail         armor    R AS   3000  Defend+47
Plate Mail        armor    R A    4500  Defend+57
Silver Robe       armor       ST   750  Defend+39?
Large Shield      shield   R AS    300  Defend+7
Spike Shield      shield   R AS    750  Defend+15   (no Attack+)
Iron Shield       shield   R AS   1000  Defend+23
[available in Elf Village]
Undead Blade      weapon   R      3000  Attack+97
Fire Blade        weapon   R      5000  Attack+113
Dragon Blade      weapon   RD     7500  Attack+126 (130 for Darwin)
Elder's Staff     weapon      ST  4500  Attack+77 [casts Sleep All]
Wish Wand         weapon      S  10000  Attack+86 [casts Water 2]
Blackthorne Whip  weapon      ST  5500  Attack+39
Battle Axe        weapon   R A    1700  Attack+47
Great Axe         weapon     A    4800  Attack+70
Morning Star      weapon     A    6000  Attack+88
Plate Mail        armor    R A    4500  Defend+57
Mithril Chain     armor    R A    5000  Defend+59
Mithril Plate     armor    RD     7500  Defend+63
Mithril Mail      armor    R A   10000  Defend+71
Silver Robe       armor       ST   750  Defend+39
White Robe        armor       S   1000  Defend+57
Mithril Gauntlet  charm     D  T  3000  Defend+31
Iron Shield       shield   R AS   1000  Defend+23
Mithril Shield    shield   R AS   1500  Defend+27
Dragon Shield     shield   R      2500  Defend+33
Magic Shield      shield      S   4000  Defend+31 [casts Sleep]
[available in Bintel Castle]
Dragon Blade      weapon   RD     7500  Attack+138 (132 for Darwin)
Magic Sword       weapon   RD    10000  Attack+157 (151 for Darwin)[casts Sleep]
Lightning Sword   weapon   RD    13500  Attack+173 (167 for Darwin)
Blackthorne Whip  weapon      ST  5500  Attack+40
Elder's Staff     weapon      ST  4500  Attack+79 [casts Sleep All]
Staff of Wisdom   weapon       T  7500  Attack+102 [casts Confused All]
Mithril Mail      armor    R A   10000  Defend+71
Dragon Mail       armor    R     20000  Defend+75
Magic Plate       armor    RD    25000  Defend+79 [?]
Magic Mail        armor    RD    30000  Defend+85 [?]
White Robe        armor       S   1000  Defend+57?
Magic Robe        armor        T 15000  Defend+71
Dragon Shield     shield   R      2500  Defend+33
Caesar Shield     shield   R     45000  Defend+39 [cast Defense Impair All]
Mithril Gauntlet  charm     D  T  3000  Defend+31
Magic Gauntlet    charm     D  T 10000  Defend+35 [casts Wall All]

[not in stores, 1/2 price if sold]
Shaman Robe       armor       S     20  Defend+63  [from Stavery 2F]
Demon Axe         weapon     A       0  Attack+120 [Stavery 3F, casts Smash 3]
Demon Mail        armor      A   20000  Defend+81  [from Stavery 5F]
Demon Shield      shield     A    2480  Defend+35  [from Stavery 5F,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Lightning 2 on 1 foe]
Golden Sword      weapon   RDAST 30000  Attack+1   [from Stavery 10F]
Rococo Armor      armor    RDAST 50000  Defend+13  [from Stavery 10F]
Desiree           weapon    D    20000  Attack+187 [from Bintel Castle SE,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Confused]
Robe of Valor     armor        T    30  Defend+79  [from Bintel Castle E]
Spirit Staff      weapon       T  5000  Attack+122 [from Bintel Castle W,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Lightning 2]
Crystal Sword     weapon   R       N/A  Attack+185 [from Bintel Castle Karul,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Heal 1 (105 HP)]
Earth Plate       armor     D    20000  Defend+91  [from A Tunnel]
Moon Gauntlet     charm     D     4000  Defend+43  [from A Tunnel,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Stomp All]
Spirit Sword      weapon   R       N/A  Attack+213 [from A Tunnel,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Heal 1 All (82-85HP)]
Enchanted Jewel   item     N/A     N/A  N/A        [from A Tunnel]
Grand Shield      shield   R     24800  Defend+43  [from A Tunnel,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Attribute #?]
Spirit Gauntlet   charm        T     2  Defend+39  [from Stavery 3F]
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts Accuracy Increase All]
Grand armor       armor    R     30000  Defend+95  [from Stavery 4F]
Giant Sword       weapon   R????     ?  Attack+?   [combines 2 swords & jewel,
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  casts HP Restore All]

There are apparently supposed to be other "Ring" items in the game, but I never
found any.

                 MISC. ITEMS
Name              Cost  Effect
----------------  ----  -----------------------
[available at weapons shop in Galia, the starting town]
Herbs               15  restore (71) HP
Medicine            70  restore many HP
Sleeping Bag       500  restore all HP & MP
Return Ring        100  instant teleport to town
Silver Flask       100  restore some MP
[available at weapons shop in Doraf, the second town - the above PLUS]
Gold Flask         200  restore many MP
Restore Honey     3000  your maximum HP increased by 5
MP Honey          3200  your maximum MP increased by 5
[at weapons shop in Doraf after Reinoll & Zerel - the above PLUS]
Tent              1000  as Sleeping Bag, plus reverses Paralysis & Petrify
Strength Honey    3000  increases Strength by 3
Intelligence Honey3000  increases Intelligence by 3
[available at weapons shop in Elf Village - the above PLUS]
Medicine            75  [price change]
Tent              1500  [price change]
Gold Flask         250  [price change]
Endurance Honey   3000  increases Endurance by 3
Agility Honey     3000  increases Alertness (Agility) by 3
[available at weapons shop in Bintel Castle - as above with price change]
Tent              2000  [price change]
[available at alchemist/tavern in any town]
Water                1  no effect?
Elixir               5  restore 5 HP each to all in party
Food A              10  restore 10 HP each to all in party
Food B              20  restore 10 HP and 5 MP each to all in party
[available at gypsy tent in any town]
Wind Card           10  Enemy will be attacked, use more for greater effect
Earth Card          10  ditto
Water Card          10  ditto
Fire Card           10  ditto
Fog Card           100  You can escape from battle under cover of Fog
Call Amulet        350  Summon a Spirit
Null Card          100  Destroy an enemy
(also restore a "broken" Spirit for 100)

Inns: (restore all HP & MP if you pay, can also save game)
 30  Galia (first town)
 50  Doraf (second town)
100  Doraf (after Reinoll & Zerel)
300  Elf Village
500  Bintel Castle

                  SECRET CODES
1. Music & Sound Gallery
   At the title screen, press and hold the L and R buttons, then press the B
   button. The "Sound Room" controls are: Down to increase #, Up to decrease #,
   A to play, Start to exit. Valid #s are 0 through 90, music is mostly above 
2. Chapter Select
From: Tony Iaconetti (
   At Title Screen
   Press following to start at desired chapter:
     A for Chapter 2
     B for Chapter 3
     X for Chapter 4
     Y for Chapter 5
(Note: When using the Chapter Select, remember that it will only
jump you to the next chapter, increase your hit points, experience,
etc. However, items that are needed to complete the game may not be
able when you do the trick.)
   [I wasn't able to get this one to work.]
3. Game Genie codes (unverified)
   Start with 250 gold pieces: EC69-AFDO + DD69-AF00.
   Start with 60,000 gold pieces: 1D69-AFD0 + 3C69-AF00.
   Infinite money for weapons: C225-0F02.
   Infinite money for items: C22A-0402.
   Infinite money for rooms: C229-640E.
   Infinite money for elixir: C22F-A7DE.
   Level and statistics for all characters in group are increased after 
	each battle you win: B387-DFF2.
   Magic points don't decrease: 828B-AF2E.