Andere Lösungen

Alundra (e)

                                Mini  FAQ
                                  v 1.20
                        Started on December 12,1998
                Written by Miko Jao (
                             Copyright 1998

Last Updated on January 19,1999


1.  Introduction
2.  Stuff I need
3.  Updates
4.  Weapons
5.  Boss Strategies
I.       Giant Slime
II.      Ancient Guardian
III.     Monster Sara
IV.      Ancient Guardian(again)
V.       Water Creature
VI.      Sucker
VII.     Lizard God
VIII.    Sucker(again)
IX.      Centipede
X.       Nirude
XI.      Giant Slimes(all)
XII.     Super Golem
XIII.    Zazan
XIV.     Wilda
XV.      Gemini Dragons
XVI.     Ronan
XVII.    Zorgia
XVIII.   Dragon
XIX.  Melzas
XX.    Brain and Eyeballs Melzas
6.  Credits and Disclaimer


  I'd like to state a few stuff before I go on with the FAQ. First of 
all, I am not a prolific writer so don't bug me about having a dumb-
sounding FAQ. Comments are welcome though. This FAQ was also not made to 
be encyclopedic( that's why I called it a mini faq ). Remember, I'm just 
a half-Chinese grade school grunt who is above-average in academics and 
videogame playing so don't complain about bad grammar, barok-sounding 
paragraphs or other stuff like that.   

  I wrote this FAQ because most of my friends are bugging me about 
Alundra because I had it the longest. Even though Alundra is old, many 
of my friends are still buying it now. Of course, I soon got sick of 
answering their question everyday so I decided to write this mini-FAQ.  

  Oh yeah, about the game, Alundra is an remarkably difficult Action/RPG 
from the folks at Working Designs and __________ (I kinda forgot and my 
PlayStation is busted). It is like Zelda and Illusion of Gaia. It is 15-
40 hours depending on your skill and intelligence. Most of the graphics 
can be done on a 16-bit machine. When I first saw the Anime intro of the 
game, I had high expectations for the game to have several anime scenes 
but sadly, there are only 2. The story is understandable and Working 
Designs also inserted some of their trademark comedy like Jaylen.;) 
Overall, Alundra is a great game.


                          2.Stuff I need


1.More accurate boss names.
3.The name of Alundra's developer.
4.Other strategies for the bosses.
5.Some missing bosses if I missed any.

More to Come..

You WILL get acknowledged in the credits section if you contribute.


v.1.0(unreleased) Fixed the layout of the FAQ and finished Introduction, 
Stuff I need and Updates.

v.1.10(unreleased) Finished  the Giant Slime strategy.

v.1.20(January 19,1999) Added more bosses, finished credits.



                          5.Boss Strategies

I. Giant Slime: difficulty *(out of *****)
To liberate Wendell from his nightmares, you must defeat this slime 
creature. Start by doing an attack-retreat pattern. Every time you 
attack it, it will blink briefly (like you when you get hit) and be 
invincible for those few seconds but it can still hurt you. Once you 
damage it enough, it will split into 4 medium sized apparitions. They 
blink when you attack them just like the Giant Slime and they can do 
damage to you as well so keep using the attack-retreat pattern. If you 
damage one of them enough, it will split into those normal slimes that 
don't blink and die easily. Once you defeated the last slime, you have 
defeated your first boss!

Not to hard but bring a few herbs along just in case.

II.  Ancient Guardian: difficulty *
Easy. Just avoid the rocks that fall and strike him constantly until he 

No sweat. If u are a terrible player save some herbs or a tonic.

III. Sara Monster: difficulty **
 A mirage demon. She teleports around the battle field. Every now and 
then, the demon will create false images of herself. You must attack her 
true form to damage her. There is no way to know which is the real form 
so you just have to guess. Another way is to be an extremely lucky guy 
(like me, the tsambalero) who threw a bomb at the start of the battle 
when Sara teleported within the vicinity of the bomb just before it blew 
up in her face.

You can use a bomb to kill her in a swift blow or you can just use your 
sword. Magic is practically useless here.

IV.  Ancient Guardian 
See above.

V. Water Creature: difficulty **
 Not too hard. This boss has several attacks. It can shoot some water 
arms from the surface of the water. You can destroy these if you want 
but it would better if you try to avoid them instead. Occasionally, the 
main form of the boss will appear. You will know it if you see it. The 
main form of the boss will shoot many bubbles at you sometimes. When 
this happens, keep pressing the square button to pave a way through the 
bubbles so that you can hurt the boss.

Easy but long. Bring a few healing stuff just in case.

More to come.

                        6.Credits and Disclaimer

Thanks to the following people:

My brother, Joshua Jao for helping me get through some of the game's 
hard puzzles  and waking me up by wetting me

GameFaqs for (I hope) publishing my FAQ 

King Pajaro ( for giving me lots of free money to 
buy games and pizza
Earl's Toy World for being my favorite and most reliable place to buy 
PlayStation stuff

Gino Caparas ( being the nature boy and helping 
me in a few games

Most of my friends for asking me questions about Alundra 

My mom and dad for buying me a PlayStation and lotsa CDs(and making me)

My aircon for being so cold that it wakes me up in the middle of the 
night so that I can play Alundra

Erik Eleazar for buying Alundra because of MY advice(wow!)

Working Designs for publishing this grrreat game and ___________ for 
developing it


You can contact me through ICQ. My number is 9530082.

Copyright to Miko Jao 1998-1999