Andere Lösungen

Aliens versus Predator (e)

Aliens vs Predator Walkthrough/FAQ.
Version 1.0, July 7, 1999.
By Death Mage (

Please note this is my first attempt at an FAQ/Walkthrough, so please
bear with me.  You'll also notice a few typos, spelling mistakes etc.

Table of contents.

-I) Characters
  Ia) Alien
  Ib) Marine
  Ic) Predator
-II) Weapons
  IIa) Alien
  IIb) Marine
  IIc) Predator
-III) Equipment
  IIIa) Marine
  IIIb) Predator
-IV) Vision Modes
  IVa) Alien
  IVb) Marine
  IVc) Predator
-V) Alien Walkthrough 
  Va) Temple
  Vb) Escape
  Vc) Ferarco
  Vd) Gateway
  Ve) Earthbound
-VI) Marine Walkthrough
  VIa) Derelict
  VIb) Colony
  VIc) Invasion
  VId) Orbital
  VIe) Tyrargo
  VIf) Hanger
-VII) Predator Walkthrough
  VIIa) Waterfall
  VIIb) Area 52
  VIIc) Vaults
  VIId) Fury 161
  VIIE) Caverns
  VIIf) Battle
-VIII) Alien Bonus Missions
  VIIIa) Invasion
  VIIIb) Derelict
  VIIIc) Tyrargo
  VIIId) Caverns
  VIIIe) Fury 161
-IX) Marine Bonus Missions
  IXa) Temple
  IXb) Vaults
  IXc) Ferarco
  IXd) Gateway
  IXe) Waterfall
-X) Predator Bonus Missions
  Xa) Invasion
  Xb) Escape
  Xc) Temple
  Xd) Earthbound
  Xe) Tyrargo
-XI) Enemies
-XII) Cheat Options
-XIII) FAQ & Tips
-XIV) What's New
-XV) Contacting me and Credits
-XVI) Opinions and Misc.

I) Characters
Ia) Alien

The alien is famous from like named movies (Alien, Aliens, Alien 3,
Alien Resurrection).  It's main advantages are speed, and being able to
hang on the walls and ceiling by crouching at it runs.  It also does not need to 
collect items like the other two characters.  It survives by taking a quick bite 
out of what it kills (or sometimes kills with the bite).  It has lightning fast 
claws, but cannot attack from a  distance.  Also, being in a line of fire for 
any amount of time usually results in death.

The best way I've found to play this character is with cunning.  You
must stay hidden most of the time, and attack only when the moment is
Ib) Marine (Human)

This is more like your average first-person shooter character.  Lots of
guns.  However, he is slow and weak compared to the other two.  What he
does have, is GUNS GUNS GUNS!  But this means you have to FIND them. 
Expect to spend more time looking for weapons than other characters. 
And you should still stay AWAY from aliens.  Even if you do kill them at close 
range, their acid blood usually means death.

Best way to play this character I've found, is slow and steady.  "Check
those corners..."
Ic) Predator

Predator, the ultimate hunting machine.  He's supposed to be average. 
Personally I think he is anything but.  His weapons can be devastating,
however.  He has the ability to cloak and heal, and to regenerate his
energy.  However, almost all his weapons rely on his Field Energy, so
you'll find yourself running out of options if you use too much.

The best way I've found to play this character depends on what you're up 
against.  Against humans, cloak, switch to Thermal view (blue) and use the 
Shoulder Cannon (auto aim).  Watch your field energy though.  I've also found 
that sometimes even if you aren't cloaked the humans will react as if you 
II) Weapons
IIa) Alien

You only have 3 weapons.  There is no switching them.

Primary attack is your claws.  A quick tap does a double slash, while
holding it down acts like rapid fire.  This will take out a marine in no time.  
However, slashing around at a Predator is usually not a good
idea.  You can claw at a corpse to gain life as well, not much but some.  Thanks 
NM ( for reminding me.

Secondary attack is your tail.  This is a deadly attack, but it takes a
little while to repeat attacks.  Holding it down stores the energy for
an even deadlier attack.  Good for turrets, but use the claws for
marines.  For Predators this is perfect.  A strong blow will knock one
down and a second will finish him off.

Also, you have a deadly jaw attack.  Now this attack is always fatal,
which means you have to weaken tougher enemies first.  And it won't work against 
turrets and androids.  To get the jaw attack, line up an enemy's head in the 
center of your screen until the jaws appear, then pres Primary attack.  Practice 
on the cowering civilians in the cells on Episode 1, Temple.  You can also head-
bite dead humans and predators, but it does not give you as much health.  Good 
for practice though. - Thanks for reminding me!
IIb) Marine

The marine has a lot of weapons at his disposal... but you have to GET
them to use them.  This means a lot of hunting.

1 - Pulse Rifle.  This is your beginning weapon.  It's primary fire is a machine 
gun burst.  Target the alien's head for best results.  It only holds 99 bullets 
at a time so you'll be reloading a lot if you hold it down.  Remember, use 
short, controlled bursts.  It's secondary fire is a grenade launcher.  Quite 
effective, but don't get too close.  If you run out of ammo, it's a club.  This 
is not good.  Always keep an eye on your ammo.  This is a very good default 
weapon.  Machine gun and grenades.

2 - Smartgun.  This is a machine gun with a nice bonus, it automatically aims.  
As you're wondering around you'll see a green circle around the cross hair.  If 
an enemy is in front of you the circle turns red and follows it.  The cross hair 
tries to keep up.  This is meant to HELP in aiming, not to automatically aim for 
you.  This is handy to have just to know where an enemy is.  It's secondary fire 
turns the auto-tracking off and on.  One clip holds 500 bullets, so it may be a 
while before you run out.  Try to use short bursts still, as there can be a LOT 
of enemies.  If you run out of ammo, it's useless.

3 - Flamethrower.  The name says it all.  Flamethrower throws flames. 
The best method of use is to run backwards and fire short bursts at
whatever is running toward you.  Once it's on fire, avoid it because it
will burn itself out (with deadly results).  Don't shoot this at your
feet, or run over where it's hit.  That causes YOU to ignite.  A "clip"
holds 100 rounds... and they go FAST when you hold it down.  This is a
BURST weapon, a small enough jet just to ignore enemies.  Very useful
against Face Huggers because it has a fairly wide area and once hit the
Face Hugger is basically nullified (it cannot attack).  No secondary
fire.  When out of ammo, the weapon is useless.

4 - SADAR.  Your basic rocket launcher.  Goes off, big bang, lot of
things die.  So do you if you're too close.  Only one rocket at a time. 
There is no secondary fire, and once you're out of rockets the weapon is 

5 - Grenade Launcher.  Just that, tosses grenades.  They're more
powerful than the Pulse Rifle's grenades.  There are three types of
grenades.  Secondary Fire switches between them.
Grenade:  Your basic grenade, large blast radius and a lot of damage.
Fragment grenade:  Similar to the grenade but throws shards out after it 
explodes. Proximity mines:  Launch them and they wait for prey.  They don't stay 
forever though.  They will go off if nothing gets close. Six rounds before you 
have to reload.  Out of ammo it is useless.

6 - Mingun.  This is the bomb.  Think Terminator 2.  It's a Gatling
cannon of sorts that can mow down anything in seconds.  800 rounds a
clip, but they go FAST.  Out of ammo it's useless.  Once you start
shooting, you are not going to be able to move, so make sure you're
IIc) Predator

All his weapons are available at once (with the exception of Pistol and
disc on episodes 1 and 2.)

1 - Wristblades.  Just that, blade attached to the wrist.  He punches
and slashes with them to kill opponents.  Secondary attack will hold up
to punch harder, usually fatal for Marines.  Also, Secondary attack is
used to collect "trophies" (skulls) from his victims.  Line up the head
of a dead body in the cross hairs, instant trophy.  This weapon will not decloak 
you.  It does not use field energy.  Secondary fire has an
interesting feature.  The longer you hold it down, it will do a
different claw attack.  Tapping it does either a backhand slash or a
quick slash.  Hold it down until the claw disappears and it does an
uppercut.  Hold it down for a long period of time and he'll do a wicked
forward slash.

2 - Speargun.  Ideal sniper weapon.  Spear is instantly where you aim
it.  This weapon will decloak you, so remember to recloak.  This is
extremely useful against turrets and marines, but not so much so against aliens 
unless you get a good headshot in.  30 spears, non replaceable.  No Secondary 
fire.  It does not use field energy.

3 - Shoulder Cannon.  As seen in the movies.  This is the weapon
attached to a predator's shoulder that fires a small bolt.  One shot
sometimes is enough to take out a marine.  This weapon also auto aims an enemy 
if you have the correct view on (Marines in Thermal, Aliens etc. in Electric).  
Holding the button down will make the shot more powerful.  Secondary attack 
stores energy for the next shot, good if you know something big is around the 
corner, but aren't sure where.  It takes two field energy bars at minimum, ten 
at max to charge, and another two to fire (you can store the max ten and wait 
until later using Secondary fire).

4 - Medicomp.  Not actually a weapon but classified as one.  It heals
you.  Secondary fire puts out flames.  It will decloak you.  It takes
15-20 bars for the primary healing, no matter how hurt you are, and
always brings you to full.  (The amount it takes depends on what your
current level is.  Full takes 15, having 20 takes 20, having under 20
you have to wait until you get 20.)  Secondary only takes 1.

5 - Pistol.  This weapon fires an energy bolt in an arc.  It's quite
powerful and deals a bit of splash damage.  The best weapon against
Aliens, especially Face Huggers.  Aliens will be killed if they're near
the blast, sometimes taking out two or more if you're lucky. 
Predatorians take a direct hit and they'll go down.  Face Huggers die if they're 
anywhere in the blast radius.  Marines need a direct hit to
really take them out.  However, taking them out this way leaves the head intact 
for collecting trophies.  This weapon will decloak you.  It takes 3-5 bars.  
There is no secondary fire.

6 - Disc.  You only have one, so use it wisely.  This is a very powerful weapon, 
capable of taking out a Xenoborg with one hit.  It auto aims like the Shoulder 
Cannon in the correct view, AND tracks your prey in case you miss or what you 
threw it at moves.  It also returns to you, bouncing off walls (sometimes).  
Sound like the perfect weapon?  It's not.  It doesn't track that fast, and gets 
stuck in walls a LOT.  When you loose it, switch to PredTech (green) to see if 
you can see it.  If not hit comma (default, it's changeable) to bring it back to 
you, at a cost of 7-12 field energy bars. This weapon will decloak you.  It does 
not take up Field Energy.  There is no secondary fire. - Thank you
Zachary Adams ( for reminding me of the disc's
returning.  It is, however, useful in wide open areas. - Thanks
MetalCommand ( for reminding me.  Also very
useful is you can recall the disc without the penalty of field energy if you do 
it before it's stuck in a wall.  For example right after you make the kill, hit 
comma and the disc will return free of charge. - Thank you MrSquishy 
( for this tip!
III) Equipment
IIIa) Marine

Motion Tracker.  Only available in normal vision.  With the same "beeps" from 
the movie.  This lets you know if something is close (30m) in front of you.  It 
only reads a 180  arc in front of you.  It also doesn't tell you if the movement 
is up or down from where you are.  It is not available in image Intensifier 
mode.  Thanks for reminding me, Droll (

Flares.  You have an infinite number of these, but you can only use four at a 
time.  Handy for bringing in light, but tends to wash out the
surrounding area.  Use this with Image Intensifier and you might as well be 

Image Intensifier.  Explained in Vision modes (IVb).

Jetpack.  Just what it says.  It lifts you up and can slow down falls. 
Only available in certain bonus missions.

Armor.  Picking this up gives you 100% armor.  You start with 100%.

Health Pack.  Picking this up gives you 100% Health.
IIIb) Predator

Cloak.  This makes you invisible to humans.  It does not effect turrets, aliens 
and the like.  It uses up Field Energy fairly slowly while it's turned on.  I 
have sometimes seen humans acting like my Predator is cloaked when he is not.

Long Range Zoom.  Up to three times you can zoom in.  This allows for
picking off long distance enemies.  Works great with the Speargun for
heat shots.  It also magnifies small targets, but it's a little harder
to keep track of.  You could TRY this with a Face hugger... but don't
expect too much.

Grappling hook.  Only available in certain bonus stages.  Think Quake 2
grappling hook.  You hook on, it pulls you in.  You press it again and
it'll release you.
IV) Vision modes
IVa) Alien

The Alien only has two modes.

The Default is "normal", hunting vision.  Humans are highlighted in
blue, Predators are green, aliens are red.  Also, the vision is kinda
elongated, like "fishbowl" as some have described.    Other that, lights are 
normal etc.

The "fishbowl" effect is caused by the field of view being 120  as
opposed to 90  - Loiosh de' Taltos (

Their second is Navigation Sense.  This makes everything appear to be
negative, and you can see in the darkest of conditions.  However, the
aura around living things is gone.  The "fishbowl" effect still exists. 
The view is not infinite, however, after a distance everything is whited
IVb) Marine

The marine also has two variations.

The Default is normal.  Nothing special.  Needs a lot of light.  This
plus flares is the way to go.  This is also the only way to get the
motion tracker.

Image Intensifier is the second.  This makes everything green, and a
little "fuzzy".  Any real light will overload it.  Flares, when used
with this, will basically blind you.  By overload I mean it makes it
white, and the area around it bleeds into it a little.  This mode,
however, lets you see even in pitch black.  I found myself using this
mode more often than not.  And I cannot believe I missed this, but Droll 
( was kind enough to remind me that when you use this mode, the 
Motion Tracker is no longer available.
IVc) Predator

Now the real fun comes.  Each mode is specialized.  It carries one
advantage, and that's about it.

The default is once again normal.  Nothing special about this view. 
Needs light to see.

The second is Thermal.  This makes everything blue, and humans are
highlighted in a rainbowish pattern of colors.  This makes humans easy
to spot.  The blue makes it alright to see in the dark, but it could be

Third is Electrical.  This makes everything red.  Still fairly easy to
see in the dark, but it could be better.  Aliens and their kin, along
with androids, turrets and Xenoborg also show up.  They appear greyish
with shimmers.

The last is PredTech.  This makes everything a neon green.  Thanks to
the high contrast of green/black, this is excellent to see in the dark,
but I wouldn't suggest using it when you have to watch for a specific
enemy.  This makes Predators (like your char) and their weapons (disc,
spears etc.) glow white.  One interesting thing I've notices is spears
don't glow when they just hit the wall, only when sticking out of
someone (like a pinned head to the wall).
V) Alien Walkthrough
Alright, this is the moment you've all been waiting for.  The
WALKTHROUGH!  A few things to note before hand.  Items and enemies can
be random, so you still have to be careful.  If I say something is
there, and it isn't, don't get mad at me.  If I don't mention an item
and you see it, don't e-mail me saying "I found this over here, put it
in the walkthrough!" because it may not be there.  Also, Director's Cut
has less items than Realistic.  Right now all walkthroughs are for
Realistic.  Also note, some places have different paths.  I'm going to
detail one path to follow, that's all.  Below the title I'll list the
cheat mode, and the goal to get it.  Full details, and help for getting
them are in section XII.
Va) Temple
10 live civilian head bites.  Sniper Munch

You start off inside the Face Hugger shrine.  Switch to Navigation Sense and 
start forward, through the tunnel.  Out of the tunnel climb up the wall and 
through another tunnel.  It will branch into two ways here, both ways go the 
same place.  Pick one and you enter a room with a pillar of fire.  Go straight 
across the room and you'll see two pillars opposite the entrances.  Climb one, 
and the top is hollow.  Go through that tunnel.  Both lead to the same place.  
From there if you look on the ceiling you will see two grates.  Both lead to the 
same room.

Break the grate with a claw swipe and go through the tunnel.  Climb out
of the ditch.  For the walkthrough I am going left from the tunnel's
exit.  Turn until you face the two columns in the room.  There is an
opening behind them, up the wall a bit.  Climb up to it and go through
the tunnel.  On the right you will see more flames.  Turn right and
follow this tunnel.  You will need to crouch while you run to hang on
here.  You will be in a room with two things hanging down.  Turn left
along the wall and run to the alcove.  Follow this tunnel.  Stay on the
ceiling here.

There you will see two blocks above two more jets of flame.  From the
ceiling, use your claws to take off the supports for the two blocks,
shutting down the flames.  You will notice another hole on the ceiling. 
That's where the other path lead.  Now, turn around and go back to the
flame you saw before (remember, in the room with the two things hanging
down the exit was on the ceiling).  It isn't there now.  Drop down and
drop down again.

You may want to switch to hunting mode now, because here's where the
humans are.  It doesn't matter which way you go, but crawl down over the edge 
and look down.  There should be people walking around.  Try to find one to drop 
behind and kill them.  You have two exits here, because labs 1 and 2 are locked.  
While standing on the platform, facing Lab 1, you want to go to the path on your 
right.  Go up either set of stairs and at the top you'll notice another room 
there.  Go into that room and along the wall, near the ceiling, are four more 
grates.  There are actually two separate tunnels.  Go across the room and take 
the left tunnel on the far wall.

Time to go back to Navigation Sense.  Follow the tunnel left, then break the 
grate on the ceiling.  Go up and left again, break another grate.  If you drop 
down here and go left, you'll be at the far left grate from the room's entrance, 
so go straight ahead.  Now you have some more choices.  Go up and break the 
grate there.  Follow it straight, then down and break another grate.  Switch to 
hunting view because humans often are on the ground here.  Drop down behind the 
marine and kill it first.  Kill the civilians at your leisure. ;)

You are now in the left hand area of the stairs you took to get to the
rooms with the grates.  This has "Lab 1" marked on it.  This is part one of two 
security systems for lab 1.  In order to open lab 1 look around from the ditch 
until you see a red light on the underside of a control panel.  Break the light 
and the panel, then back into the tunnel on the ceiling.  Back to where the 
unbroken grate is.. break it.  Follow the long tunnel all the way to the end, 
break the grate above and too the left, go through it.  Follow that little bit 
and now you're above the left hand room of the opposite entrance.  This has "Lab 
2" marked on it.  Follow the same pattern you followed last time to take out the 
panel.  Now, this room has a turret.  You may want to climb up from out of the 
ditch and take the time to disable the turret.  Climb back up through the 
tunnel.  Follow it all the way back to the beginning.

Climb out and through the other grate on this wall.  Follow the tunnel,
break the grate above you, climb up and to the right, break another
grate.  Once again dropping down and to the right brings you back to the grate 
room.  Go straight, then the grate above and to the right.  Follow this one and 
you are above the second "lab 1" area.  Break the panel and lab 1 opens, but we 
aren't going there yet.  This is the right room in the area with the grate room.  
Go back through the tunnels to the unbroken grate.  Go through it all the way to 
the end, and you are above the final room.  Break the panel, and lab 2 is open 
as well.  Also remove the turret threat the same way as before.  One powered up 
tail shot does it.  This is the room on the right of the opposite entrance.

Now it is time to go to the labs.  Let's go to lab one first.  Inside
are androids, so be careful.  Take them out with your claws.  Androids
do not show up in hunting view, so stick with Navigation Sense.  Once
they are dead, you'll notice there are a lot of corridors here with
Caution signs there.  These are here for a good reason.  Go through them and 
breaks the panels.  You'll occasionally find a civilian inside.  They are 
unarmed, line up your teeth and eat up.  Once you've cleared all those room, 
look around the lab.  You'll see the computers have pipes coming off of them.  
Break those.  Once all five are broken,
repeat the process in Lab 2.  Once the last pipe is broken be careful,
marines will begin showing up.  Make it to the platform in the middle of the 
first room and ride down.

Kill the marines below and turn to the door on the right.  Break the
control panel and go through the open door.  You'll be in a room with
corridors and a lift down.  Take the lift down (or climb around) and
then go on the door to the right.  Now here is where things can be
difficult to explain.  At this point we're going to do some wall
walking.  Once you get to the next room, climb on the wall on the right
all the way to the end, then go down.  On the way down destroy the block holding 
the door open.  Behind these doors is a pair of turrets that will end the 
mission quickly if you are not cautious.  After opening that side of the door, 
climb up again, above the door, and remove the other blockade.  The turrets are 
now unable to get to you.  Take the passage way to the right.  Run quickly along 
the right hand wall.  More turrets, another door, more blockades.  Removed the 
blockade, climb over the door, remove the other one.

That seals the temple.  It is now time to return to the hive.  I didn't
run into any enemies past here.  In the middle of the floor is a hole. 
Go over to it and it opens up.  Jump down it.  Switch to navigation
sense if you wish and follow the tunnel, dropping down another hole in
the floor.  Climb up the other side, and follow the tunnel.  You will
come out near a giant alien statue.  Climb up the wall on the far side
and you will see a balcony of sorts.  Follow the tunnel there and you'll end up 
back home in the hive.
Vb) Escape
Finish in under 2 minutes.  Nausea

Don't go for the 2 minute goal right away.  Know the level first.  When
you start, switch to Navigation Sense.  Go forward, there is a hole in
the wall, climb through it.  Go straight, climb up the wall here,
there's a walkway across the center, land on it and go through the
secret passage.  You're now inside the labs.  On the opposite wall climb through 
the vent.  Follow it, and the walkway, and the next vent to the end.  Follow the 
walkway and jump down to the right, go through the door and climb back into the 
next vent.  You're now in a bathroom.  Drop down, go through the door.  Go 
through the observation room and climb up to the ceiling for the next walkway.  
Follow the vent, walkway, vent again.  Drop down and go through the three doors.  
There is another vent on the wall, climb up to it and go through it, the 
walkway, and the next vent.  Now go through the next two doors.  On your left 
near the other door is a vent, climb through it.  Drop down and go through the 
door to your left.  Follow the doors until you get to the elevator.  Climb up 
the side of the elevator onto the platform.  Follow the path and turn left.  
Break the glass and jump through.  Now just follow the vent to the end.
Vc) Ferarco
15 dead civilian head bites.  Pipecleaner

When the level starts off you'll be behind some barrels, usually with a
civilian on the other site.  Go to your right to get around the barrels, then 
kill the civilian.  Turn left and start down the corridor.  At the next left run 
past fairly quickly because there is a gunner behind a door that closes when you 
get too close.  Turn left at the intersection and keep going until you see a 
ladder going up.  Take this ladder and climb through the air duct to the end.  
Beware, occasionally a civilian is inside the air duct.  Break the grate, and 
the pipes, and drop down.  Go to your left and then through the door, then exit 
the next room.  Go out straight and turn right.  At the fork, turn left, and 
kill the android.  Go up to the second level and destroy both sets of pipes to 
open the door on the opposite wall.

Wait for the people inside to come after you, and kill them with
stealth.  Go through the door and to the left, be careful because it's
another android behind a closing door, so make a run through.  Break the panel 
next to the door and go through.  You have to be careful because some of the 
civilians are carrying flame throwers.  Wait until their back is turned, then 
rush them.  Go through the corridor on the left, and then turn left into the 
room there.  Climb up the wall and onto the ceiling.  Above the table is a grate 
you must break and go through.  Do that to get into the pipes again.  Follow 
those pipes to the end, get out, turn left.

Break the panel next to the door to open it.  Go straight across the
room with the ladder and into the room on the opposite side, and into
the vent on the left.   Break the first grate on the left and keep
going.  Drop down into the cryo-sleep chamber and smash the panel next
to the door.  There may be androids behind these doors, so be cautious. 
Go through the door and follow the tunnel to the fork.  Turn left and
get to the first light.  On your left you'll see a glass panel, break it and 
jump through.  Straight through the room break the panel and feast on the 
civilian in the room, then go to the door on the right from the glass panel.  
Break the panel and turn right.  Kill the two turrets there.  (See why you went 
through the glass panel?)

Now, go back to the left and follow the tunnel to the next fork.  Take a left.  
Break the panel and open the door to another cryo-sleep chamber.  Climb onto the 
ceiling and back through the vents.  At the fork, turn right.  Climb out, and 
look down to your left.  You should see a security guard.  Either rush him or go 
through the third pipe on the right to sneak around to his side.  Then go open 
into the vent at the end of the hall.  Climb up and follow this one to the end, 
and climb or jump down to the floor.  Turn around and go through the corridor.  
Look to your right.  There are some exploding barrels there with an armed 
civilian.  Climb to the ceiling to pass the barrels and kill the civilian.  Go 
through the door, turn left.  Run straight ahead into the vent again.  At the 
end of the vent and small room, turn right and break through that grate.  Turn 
right and climb or jump down the tunnel.  Walk ahead, look to your right.  
There's a pipe there, but it's covered.  Remember where you are.  Climb back up 
the tunnel and through the door on your right.  Another room with stairs.  Just 
go straight across the floor, and keep going straight.  Follow the winding 
tunnel and you should see an area with a pipe above you.  Jump up into the pipe 
and climb up.

At the top break the panel next to the door and go through it.  Go
straight across this room to the other side, and break the panel to the
left of the door.  Go inside, break the next panel, and you're in the
room with MOTHER, the computer.  Break all the screens on the wall.  You now are 
timed to get back to the covered pipe you saw earlier to exit.  Go back out of 
the room, straight across, and down the pipe.  Keep running straight ahead, and 
climb up the wall.  Go straight through the room with the ladder, and go left 
down the shaft again.  Go right, and through the now open pipe.  At the end, 
turn left into the next pipe to end the mission.
Vd) Gateway
Complete in under 4 minutes, and faster than 9 m/sec.  Motion Blur

Immediately run forward and up the wall, onto the platform.  If you wait too 
long the floor will open and you will be pulled into space.  Break the panel on 
the right side of the door and go through.  Straight ahead as far as you can, 
and look up.  There's a grate there.  Climb up the wall, break the grate, and 
RUN to the end along the wall.  At one point some turrets will shoot at you, 
just run past.  At the end there will be two more grates.  Break one or both and 
drop down.  Kill the two turrets there.  Either door on the side, break the 
panel.  I prefer the left door  because it's a little easier to go to the grate.  
Once the door opens, go inside and turn left (either way) and break the grate.  
Climb through the grate and up the wall on your left (again, either way).  
You'll get to an alcove.  Run all the way through it to kill everyone, then back 
to the middle.  There are two elevators here.  Destroy the power box on the left 
one and climb into the shaft.

Climb up the wall above the door you came through and break the grate. 
Climb through and there are panels on both sides.  Either side, break
the panel to open the door, and go through.  Destroy the panel next to
the fan to shut off the generator.  Do this to both sides.  Climb back
into the shaft and up the wall to the next grate.  Go through it and
there is a panel on the opposite side.  Break that panel and go through
the door, break the panel to turn off the generator.  Turn around and
face the ladder.  Climb up it from THIS SIDE or you will face trouble
with turrets.  When you get to the top break the grate nearest you and
climb through.  Jump down and go through either side passage until you
get to the door.  Go through the door and turn to the blinking lights. 
More elevator shafts.

Break the power box next to the one on the right.  Climb up and break
the power box to open the door above it.  Be careful because a marine
may be behind it, but it's safer on this side than the other.  Kill him
and go through.  There are six doors here, three on either side.  The
ones on the left will not open.  The middle right one goes downstairs. 
We don't need that one.  The other two go to the same place.  Go through either 
door, and be careful of the minigunner there!  Kill him ASAP.  Destroy the four 
power boxes and wait for the fan on the right to stop moving.  When it does, 
jump through it and run through the air duct.

At the end jump straight forward right way, don't slow down.  There is
another turret here.  Run straight, take out the two power boxes, turn
left.  Do that once more, and run straight again.  Destroy the turret,
and turn right to get the power boxes.  Turn around and run back,
destroy the last two power boxes.  The four fans above you should have
stopped.  On the ceiling break the grate and climb through to Main 5.  
Climb up the wall that says "Main 05" and precede through the shaft
there.  The top cover should be broken, if not you're in the wrong
shaft.  Climb up, go up the slope, and drop down the hole in the floor.

In these rooms just keep breaking the glass and moving the same
direction you were facing.  There are nine of these rooms.  In the last
one climb up the wall and through the hole in the ceiling again.  Go
down the slope and destroy the two power boxes once more.  Wait for the
fan to stop, and run through it.  Destroy the grate on the left and run
through the air duct.  Now, the next room can be challenging.  You're
near the end.  When you enter, an alarm will sound and the walls will
begin to open.  There may be minigunners here, so watch out.  Climb up
one of the walls and kill anyone there, and then destroy the
light/computer there.  Go to the other side and do the same.  You'll see a 
message that says "Join us." and begin to hear other aliens.  On the far side of 
the room from the vent you'll see the "Danger" bars move away.  Run through to 
join the rest of the hive and end the level.
Ve) Earthbound
1 predator live head bite.  Mirror

At the start, go straight and kill anything in the room.  The civilians
here make for good food.  Turn right and drop down the shaft.  There is
an android here, so kill it.  Go straight through the passages until you get to 
the lift.  There are two things to do here.  Either hurry and climb up it, or if 
you miss it will get stuck.  You'll notice one of the cargo boxes blocks the 
path.  Crawl up around and go past the cargo box, and continue up the shaft.  Go 
across the walkway, killing anyone up here.  On the left you'll notice a door 
and a panel.  Go ahead and break the panel, sometimes a cowardly civilian likes 
to hide in there.  Free food.

Continue on and drop down the shaft.  Break the grate and drop into the
elevator.  Go out and follow the corridor, breaking the glass and
jumping through.  A message will play.  While it's doing that, break the 
computer on the right to open the door later on.  Once the message
finishes the door at the end will open.  Kill whomever's inside and walk 
through.  On the left will be an opening (if you destroyed the
computer).  Drop down and destroy the eight power boxes (four on each
side).  That will open a door to the right of where you dropped down. 
Go through the door, and at the far left will be an air duct.  Climb
into it.

When you reach the end, break the grate but DO NOT JUMP DOWN.  Across
from you is another air duct.  There is a turret below, so instead of
climbing across, use a crouch assisted leap.  You should make it with
minor, if any, damage.  Follow that air duct to the end, and climb to
your right a bit.  Drop down, take out the marine and the turrets.  Then destroy 
the eight power boxes to disable the large fans.  Both large fans take you to 
the same place, so follow either one.  They are on the ceiling down the hall 
either way.  Climb through either and you'll be in a room with three fans (the 
two you can enter from and the one on the ceiling).  Go through the fan on the 

At the end you'll be in another room.  Go through the fan on the right
side and follow that tunnel until it gets to another grate.  Destroy
that, drop down and kill anyone in the room.  Go to the opposite side of the 
room and break the grate on the ceiling.  Climb through that and
follow the series of tunnels until you get to another grate.  Break it
and drop down and go to the other end of the room.  Break the grate
there and run through the next air duct, breaking the grates at the end.  Turn 
right and destroy the four power boxes.

Turn around to face away from the destroyed power boxes, break the
glass.  You'll notice only one fan is slowing down.  Take that fan, the
one to your left, and climb through the tunnel to the end.  You're at
the top of a large room.  Either climb or drop down and go through the
tunnel on the opposite side, near the floor.  Follow it to the end and
turn right.  At the end of the room turn left and into another tunnel. 
When you get out, turn to the right and destroy the two power boxes. 
Take the fan on the right and drop down.  Look on the walls for a grate.  If you 
to the fan on the right and face that direction, it will be the first one on 
your right.  Climb up and destroy the grate, and crawl inside.  When you get to 
the end you'll see a box attaches to the
ceiling begin moving.  Quickly climb across the ceiling and land on the
box, it will protect you from the twin turrets below.

Once the box is stopped walk to the other end and drop down.  Take out
the two turrets from behind.  Turn right and climb into the opening. 
Turn right again, and go through the door.  You'll get a message saying
the humans are being attacked, and the lights will go red.  Your first
Predator attack.  Go straight ahead, break the glass, and go through.  A
predator will come out of the elevator.  Give it a full powered tail
whip, then bite off his head as he's crouching. (This will give you the
cheat if you need it also.)  Climb up the shaft and you'll see a marine
and a Predator fighting.  Let the Predator kill the marine, then kill
him with the same tactic you used before.  Go to the end, turn left, get to the 
eggs and end the level.  Congratulation, you've beaten the Alien game.  Shame 
you're reading this...  Now onto the bonus levels!
VI) Marine Walkthrough
These are a little tougher, I'm going to try to point out a course with
weapons and the path out.
VIa) Derelict
80% head shots.  John Woo Mode

You start in your bunker and have to try to get out alive.  First,
listen to the message and go through the door.  Look for an exit and go
out that.  You'll see another exit.  Shoot the glass and pull the switch down.  
Follow the door and go up the stairs.  Go around the balcony to the other side 
and take the elevator down.  Go left and hit the switch, then go around the 
computer.  The door there will open, go through it.  Go through the next door 
and turn left.  Go through the egg room and to the right.  Follow it to the end 
and press the button.  Go through the doors.  Follow the tunnel until the voice 
comes back.  Switch to Image Intensifier if you haven't already and go left, up 
the elevator.

At this point the aliens will begin to come.  Go straight down the
tunnel.  Around the computer and up the elevator.  Turn right and go
through this corridor.  Keep going through this tunnel.  At the first
three forks, go straight.  Go along the walkway and continue straight. 
Go through the middle of the tower and into the next tunnel.  Go
straight down the walkway and turn left at the fork.  Then go right and
hit the switch.  Grab the Health Pack if you need it and go back across
the walkway until you get to the lift.  Go down the lift and turn right.  Go 
through the tunnel and you'll be at the artifact.  Go through it and turn left, 
then go down the elevator.  Everyone who's seen "Alien" should remember this 
room. ;)

To the creature's right is a tunnel, follow it until you're outside,
then go through into the next building.  Go through the tunnel, and down the 
elevator.  Follow the tunnel until the level ends.
VIb) Colony
40% Accuracy.  Grenade

Go up the stairs and straight, listen to the message and go up the lift.  
Beware, there are quite a few aliens up here.  Go straight out of the West lock 
and turn right.  Follow the wall until you get to a tunnel.  Switch to Image 
Intensifier and go through the tunnel.  Keep going straight until you find some 
glass.  Shoot it and hop through.  Hit the four switches and wait for the door 
to open.  An alien should appear once the power begins to come back on.  Go 
upstairs and turn right.  Go back to the glass but this time go through the open 
door.  Follow the catwalks all the way around, take the lift up, keep going.  
Duck to get through the vent, pick up the Smartgun.  Go back through the vent 
and around the catwalks, riding the lift down.  Keep going until you've exited 
the tunnel.  If you're in need or armor, turn right and follow the wall until 
you find armor and a Pulse Rifle.  Keep going right until you find North lock, 
and then throw the switch.  Wait for the door to open.  Straight ahead inside is 
a Health Pack and a Pulse Rifle.

You'll probably want to wait until all the aliens have stopped charging
before continuing.  From the entrance turn right.  Go all the way to the end and 
then duck to go through another vent.  Climb the stairs, go
across.  Kill the alien and if you need armor climb the stairs to get
it.  At the base of the stairs go through the vent again.  Keep going
until you're in the garbage room.  At the left end of it is another
health pack.  Go right and through the door.  Follow the tunnel to the
end and turn right.  Go up the lift.  Second floor contains yet more
health and a Pulse Rifle.  Go to the third floor, around the hole in the floor, 
and turn right.  Turn right again, go upstairs, and enter the Main Ops room.  
Throw all five switches, then kill the aliens.  From the fifth switch, or the 
computer terminal, go through the door on your right.  Follow the path back 
downstairs and turn right at the fork.  You will come to some stairs.  Go down 
the first part, turn right.  Grab the Smartgun and go back to the stairs and 
down to level two.  Follow the tunnel around until you're in the medlab.  The 
far right door contains a Health Pack.  Go through the near right door, and get 
the Flamethrower near the end of the open room.  Go through the next medlab 
door, and you'll see a hole in the floor in front of another door.   Inside here 
are face-huggers so BE CAREFUL.  They will end the mission if they hit.  Grab 
the armor and the Pulse Rifle near the pool of blood and grab the Manual Bypass 
from one of the tables (it's random).  Exit the medlab and drop down the hole in 

You'll take some damage from the fall, and may end up facing a Face
Hugger or two.  Take the door to your left when you drop, then go out of the 
room, and turn left once more.  Go through this tunnel, and turn
right to go outside.  Go follow the right side until you get to the
South lock.  Go through it and through the ravine (watch for aliens)
until the level ends.
VIc) Invasion
Finish in under 4 minutes.  Warp Speed

As a little note before I write the walkthrough for this level, this one can be 
TOUGH!  There are a lot of Face Huggers in places and if you
stand still too long, you're dinner.  Exit the APC through the door on
the left.  Go up the stairs and through the door, then turn left. 
"Looks like hits from small arms fire."  At the fork, turn right.  Go
through the door and up the stairs to your right.  Go around the catwalk and 
through the door at the end.  Go through the tunnel and up the stairs.  There 
may be some armor under the stairs, but don't worry about it.  Follow this 
catwalk around and through the door.  Go right, and in the tunnel collect the 
Pulse Rifle, Health Pack and Armor.  Go through the door and turn left.  Go 
through that door and turn right.  Go through the tunnel and up the stairs.  
Through the door, grab the
Flamethrower etc. in the left corner when you enter.  On the far left
side on the computer there you should see a wheel.  Turn it.  This is
part one of five.

Turn around and go back out the door, and jump down to your left.  Go
straight through the tunnel, but don't go down the stairs yet.  This
part is timed from when you turn the wheel, so be quick.  When you get
to the stairs, turn right.  Drop down the edge of the platform and turn
around.  Go turn the wheel.  Run back and jump to the stairs going up,
and go around to the other set.  Get back to where you jumped down
originally and a bridge should be lowering.  Jump to help get across it
faster, and go through the door before it closes.  This gives you armor,
Health Pack, and three Pulse Rifles.

Go back out the door and go straight.  Drop down and turn around.  Go
down the next flight of stairs and around to the elevator.  There are a
couple Face Huggers down below, so watch out.  Take the tunnel to the
right, and go through the door at the far end.  Climb up the stairs and
get the Health Pack and Smartgun.  On the first canister, turn the
wheel.  The will let you through the gate.  Jump down and through the
door, then turn left and go through the gate.  Take the first right and
go up the lift.  Be careful, as there may be a Face Hugger near the
bottom of the lift.  Ride that lift up and look for another lift up to
the catwalk.  Go across the catwalk and through the doorway.  Go left
into the pipe a short way to get the pulse rifle, then go up the stairs
on the right.  

Collect the Health Pack if you need it, and go up the stairs.  Before
going forward, turn around and you should see a bar with yellow lights
across it.  Shoot the second light to the left and a platform will drop
down.  Go across the platform and through the door, then down the
stairs.  Be careful going down the stairs because if you rush through,
you may fall down.  Go through the door at the bottom and through to the other 
side.  Go through the door there and collect the Health Pack and Flamethrower, 
and turn the two wheels.  (Make sure they both turn).  Two more to go.

Turn around and go back up the stairs.  Go up the next set and turn
right.  At the four-way, go left.  Jump down and go behind the stairs
for some armor.  Then follow to the other end of the room and go through the 
door.  Grab the three napalms, Pulse Rifle and Health Pack, then turn the wheel 
near the windows.  That's four.  Go back through the door and up the stairs.  At 
the four-way go straight.

Turn right at the fork and follow the corridor until you get to the
Health Pack.  Ignore the doors on the sides.  Turn left.  There is a
Face Hugger down there, so be careful.  Go straight, then up the stairs.  On the 
catwalk, turn the fifth wheel.  Good, you've shut down the cooling systems.  Now 
it's time to get out of there.

Jump down and follow the halls back to the fork.  Turn left, then right.  Go 
through the door with the now green light above it.  Run down the winding 
corridor and jump across the broken floor and open the door.  Ride the lift up 
then wait for the ship to pick you up and end the level.
VId) Orbital
Under 20 shots fired.  Land of the Giants

Start off and go straight ahead into the air lock.  Wait for the other
side to open.  Go to the end of the walkway and flip the switch to open
the door.  There is a predator inside, so watch out.  You may want to
hit the switch on your right, but the door won't open now.  Go straight
ahead and grab the Pulse Rifles and the SADAR.  You'll NEED that SADAR
later on.  Run back out and to the right.  Go down the stairs.  Go
through the door on the right then straight through the next one.  There may be 
a Face Hugger back there so watch out.  Go straight again and throw the switch 
and get out ASAP or kill it.  Go straight, make the turn to the right and 
through the next door.  Then hang left on the
walkway.  Throw the switch and go through the door.  (If you fall, take
the lift up and around to the door that wouldn't open before.  You get
armor, a Grenade Launcher, and a Xenoborg for your efforts.).

Go through the door and through the opening at the end of the tunnel. 
Run up the stairs and turn right, go through the door.  At the end of
the hall wait for the lift to rise.  Get on and ride it down.  There's
another Xenoborg down here, but just run past it.  Hook around the
corners at the far end, go up the stairs and ride the lift up.  The bars will 
open when you're close, so go through and grab the armor and Pulse Rifles at the 
top.  Go across the walkway and arm the SADAR.  Go up the stairs and take out 
the Predator with a SADAR shot.  Go to the door and throw the switch.  The 
Xenoborg behind it can be taken out in two or three shots.  Run across the 
walkway, flick the switch and go through the door.  Drop down and go straight 
into the escape pod to end the level.
VIe) Tyrargo
32 aliens killed.  Slug Trail

This level is hard, even if you know your way around.  There are a lot
of Face Huggers and a ton of aliens to contend with.  When you start, go 
straight and hit the switch on the wall to open the door.  Go straight ahead and 
grab the Smartgun and Pulse Rifle.  There is also an armor there if you need it.  
Go up the stairs on the left and hit the two switches.  This will open the door 
to the left.  Go down the stairs and through the door.  Turn left and go down 
the hallway.  continue through the next room with the cryo-sleep chambers, 
straight to the end.  Turn left, go to the end of the next room and throw the 
switch to open the door.  Turn right and follow the tunnel until you're in the 
next cryo-sleep room.  This time don't go to the end though.  Turn to the left 
and into the locker room.  At the end of the room is a shower area with another 
Smartgun and armor.  Pick them up.

Go back into the locker room.  On the far left wall is a grate.  Break
it open and turn left to go down the stairs.  Go through the corridor,
back up the stairs, and break the grate at the end.  You're in the
dining room.  If you want in the left near corner there should be a
Flamethrower.  On the far right wall is a door, go through it.  Shoot
the barrels and go left.  Hit the switch on the right in the next room
and go up the lift on the left.  When you get off the lift go straight,
then right, then left.  If you go left again you'll get some armor. 
Otherwise go straight then to the end.  Hit the switch.  Turn around and go 
back, straight, right, and through the door.

Go through the generator room (note:  Image Intensifier will blind you
here) and through the door at the end.  Destroy the barrels at the end
of the room and turn down there.  Go left at the first chance to pick up armor 
and a Health Pack.  Just surviving this far can be tough, so
you'll probably need it.  Go up the stairs and turn left.  Throw the
switch and turn around.  Go through the door that just opened.  I hope
you still have Smartgun ammo or grenades because you will need them
here.  These halls are filled with aliens, but there is another armor
and Health Pack about half way through.  Go through them to the end and
hit the switch on the wall.

Go through the door and down the lift.  Go through the next door and
quickly grab the Minigun.  You're going to need it because you have to
kill a Predator, then Predalien in this room.  The Minigun will make
short work of them both.  Once they are dead go up the stairs and
through the door.  Switch back to your Smargtun or whatever weapon you
were using, you're back in alien territory.  Run through the hall and
grab the armor.  Hit the switch on the left and take the lift on the
right up.  Go straight across.  You'll have to face three praetorians
now.  Go through the tunnel at the other end and follow it to the
switch.  Hit that and run back around.  Stand on the elevator and let it take 
you down hop off to end the level.
VIf) Hanger
?????.  ?????

Final battle with the Queen.  Your bullets have no effect on her what so ever.  
Flame and Grenades stun her.  She will attack by throwing boxes or by slashing 
you.  This level is difficult.  You have to do a button hunt. First. run out and 
hit the button for the Airlock panel.  There's nothing you can do with the other 
two buttons right there though.  Next, draw the Queen over near the pile of 
missiles.  Shoot it when she's near to cause them to explode, knocking her down 
and stunning her.  (Unfortunately this pile is not here on Director's Cut, so 
you cannot stun her with it or use it to blow up the grate.  Just shoot the 
grate.)  Drop down the broken grating and run to the left.  There's a button on 
the wall.  Push it and wait for the panel to open, the shoot the two pipes 
inside.  Turn around and run to the stairs on the right.  Shoot the grating 
above them and climb out.  Go back and hit both buttons on the Airlock panel.  
Turn and run back to the emergency cell on the right.  push the button next to 
the door and let the door close (sometimes you may have to hit it twice).  This 
will pull the Queen and everything else out of the room.  Victory.  Not bad for 
a private.  Missing this emergency cell will cause YOU to fly out.  Not good for 
a private.  Congratulation, you've beaten the Marine game.  Shame you're reading 
this...  Now onto the bonus levels!
VII) Predator
VIIa) Waterfall
80% Accuracy.  Pigsticking

Right away, cloak, switch to Thermal view (blue) and go to Shoulder
Cannon.  Go down the stairs and hit the button.  Go back upstairs and
leap across to the cliff.  Jump across again and go through the door. 
Follow the path until you get to more stairs going down.  Yo should see
some computers on the left and a field charge on the far side.  Shoot
the computers and jump across, then go get the field charge.  It may
take a few jumps.  Jump down once you have it (if you need it) and go
into the tunnel.  Turn right, go downstairs and through the door.  Hit
the switch and turn around.  Go back upstairs and straight through the
next door.  Up more stairs, and here should have another field charge on
the right.  Push the button near the door on the right and go through
it.  Go up the stairs and follow the ledge.  You'll come to a room with
two bridges.  Cross the one, do a u-turn in the tunnel, cross the other.
Go down the stairs and you are at checkpoint one.  

Go straight to the end and up the stairs on the left.  Checkpoint two. 
Kill the marine and jump down.  There is a Field Energy recharge below. 
Go back to where the stairs were.  Push the button in front of the door
and go through.  Turn left, hit the button, and keep going.  Through the
door and go straight.  Go left along the wall and take the stairs down. 
You are now outside.  Hit the switch in front of the door and go
through.  Down more stairs, and there's the waterfall.  Go up the
stairs, hit the button and wait for the lift.  Hop on and ride it to the
top, hit the button on your right and go through the airlock to end the
level.  You'll see a lot of blood on the floor in this level.  Most of
the time you can follow it.  At the beginning though follow the
walkthrough instead, until you reach the blood.  A second time it goes
through the door when you need to go the other way to hit the switch. 
From there stay with it until it disappears on Checkpoint 2.
VIIb) Area 52
25 Marine Trophies.  Super Gore

Again, right away you'll want to switch to Thermal (blue), cloak and
Shoulder Cannon.  There are many paths on this one, but I'll try to go
through the quickest.  You start in the airlock.  Go straight, and to
the room on the left.  Shoot the people inside and throw the switch. 
There may be a Field Energy recharge in there, but you shouldn't need it yet.  
Turn around and go through the next door, and push the button on the side to 
open the elevator.  Go up and follow the path.  (From here you can look to your 
right from the turn to the left and see a platform.  If you get it right you can 
make the jump and get tot he switch to lower the bridge faster.  Thanks Josh 
Butler (!)  Go down  the stairs go all the way to the 
right.  There's a vent on the wall you can break to go through.  Go through it 
and up the lift.  Kill anyone up there and throw the switch to lower the bridge.  
Jump across to the bridge and turn right. Go along the path and through the 
door.  You should now be in the conference room.  If you go downstairs you can 
go to another door (in the middle, under the conference table area) that will 
give you a view of your ship (the goal).

Go to the other door of the conference room and go down two flights of
stairs to the next door.  Go through and follow it to the end.  Hit the
button on the wall to open the door.  Shoot anyone in here and take the
lift down.  Be careful of shooting the barrels, you can catch on fire
doing that.  On the desk there is the second level security pass.  Take
it and take the lift back up.  Go back through the door to the stairs
and go down again.  Open the next door and jump across the platforms. 
Go through the door there, turn left, then into the room through your
right.  Kill anyone inside and throw the switch.  There is also a box on the 
wall that, if you break it, contains a Field Energy recharge.

Go back out the door you came, and follow the wall on your left hand
side.  Go straight at the first fork and turn left at the second fork,
and go through that door.  You're in the kitchen.  Jump over the counter 
straight ahead and move to the door on your left.  Open it and take out the 
turret.  Follow the path straight ahead, then go through the next door.  Go to 
the end of the dining hall, and turn left at the fork.  At the next part there 
will be a few marines ready to shoot you, run quickly and go down the stairs on 
the right.  

Go through the door, be careful because someone here has a shotgun which tends 
to hurt.  Kill everyone and jump down.  There is a door on the far left side 
from the entrance, and possibly a Field Energy recharge in the near left corner.  
Go through the door, and through the air duct.  Be careful here as well, for 
there may be an android which your Thermal view won't pick up.  On the far left 
hand corner there is a laundry chute.  Either jump over or destroy the 
dumpsters, and drop down the chute.  Here is another possible android spot.  On 
the far right corner is a vent you can break.  Do so and climb through.  Go to 
the end, break the cover, and there is your ship.  Kill everyone in the room.  
From the entrance the way into the ship is in the near right corner.  Just climb 
up the ramp to end the mission.
VIIc) Vaults
Under 100% damage.  Disco inferno.

Start this mission with Thermal (view), Cloak and Shoulder Cannon as
well, but you'll be changing part way through.  You start on your ship,
after picking up the Pistol and Disc.  Go down the ramp and to your
left, then through the door.  Follow the passage to another door.  Kill
those inside, and destroy the computer and panel on the far left corner
(far right leads to a deadly fall).  Follow the air duct until you find
a place in the floor you can shoot.  Shoot it and drop down.  You have
to destroy four computers here.  The first on is just to the right. 
Shoot it, and go left.  There is another vent on the wall.  Follow it
and destroy the computer just to the right.  Go straight ahead and into
the next vent.  While going through this air duct, take a detour to the
right and follow it until you can see a turret below you.  Shoot the
turret with your spear gun, and then go back to the main tunnel, turning right 
again.  Follow it to the end and destroy the computer on your right.  Go 
straight again, through the last vent, and destroy the last computer.  The doors 
should open for you now.  Go through the door and turn right, following the 
wall.  You'll see a vent above you when you turn to the right, that's where the 
turret was.  

It is time to switch to Electric (red) view, and Pistol.  Go along the
pathway and through a series of doors.  Down some stairs and down a
tunnel with the number 1 above it.  Follow this tunnel and open the
door.  you'll get your first look at an alien.  Kill it and the human
(if he isn't dead already), and continue on.  Each of these rooms holds
an alien usually, so be cautious.  Just keep moving forward through all
six of these rooms (after the third you'll make a u-turn and go back). 
Once you're out of the last room, follow the small walkway.  You'll
notice on your left the glass barrier that you saw before going into the first 
room with the alien.  Turn right and go down the slope.  There are a lot of 
aliens here and two ways to do this next part.  First is run fast, and hope to 
avoid everything.  Second is take your time and kill everything.  Go through the 
little tunnel and turn right.  Go all the way to the end of the 1 section, into 
the 2 section.  Take the first door on your left.

Go through the broken bars, and on the far left wall you'll see a vent
you can go through.  You may want to switch to PredTech (green) to help
you see.  At the first fork go straight, then left, then left again to
get to the next vent.  Be careful as there sometimes is a Face Hugger in here.  
Once you get to the end, switch the view back to Electric (red).  Take the door 
on the left hand side, and follow that through.  Open the door, kill the aliens, 
and hit the switch.  This restores power and lets you open doors now.  Go out 
and go straight until you're back in the large corridor.  Turn left and follow 
the path to the end, then turn right.  Go into the room and up the lift, then 
follow the tunnel.  Go through the doors and down the two flights of stairs.  
Keep going until you're in the 1 section.  Go to the 3 section, until you see 
blood on the floor.  If you need to recharge your Field Energy follow the blood 
to the left, there should be a recharge in one of the cells.  If you don't, go 
past the blood and turn right at the end of the hall.  Go through the room to 
the door at the end and through it.

Go through that tunnel and to the next door.  Kill the alien and grab
the Security Pass.  Go back to the blood and follow it left (the other
way from last time).  Keep following it until you get to the Predalien
in a sphere.  Use your Speargun, one shot to break the sphere, the
second to remove the Predalien's head.  Zoom in if you need to.  From
here you are timed.  One minute to get out.  Luckily there is a quick
way out.  Follow the blood back to the room with the pillar.  Go to the
opposite of the room and take the door to your left.  Follow it to the
end and hit the switch, this will activate the lift.  Run back out to
the room with the pillar and turn right.  Go to the lift, ride it to the top.  
Follow the path back to your ship and get in (far left corner) to end the level.
VIId) Fury 161
40 alien kills.  Balls of Fire

Start this one off with Electric (red) and Pistol.  Don't bother
cloaking.  Go straight and hit the switch to open the door.  Go straight again 
and take out the aliens there.  Turn left and go down the corridor.  Turn left 
again and go down the stairs.  Behind the stairs at the bottom should be a Field 
Energy recharge, but you hopefully won't need it yet.  From the stairs go 
straight and up some more stairs, then turn left and go up the elevator.  Go 
straight once it reaches the top, then turn left and up the stairs.  Go left, 
across the next catwalk, and turn right.  Go through this tunnel and up the 
stairs, then follow the balcony to the end.  Hit the switch and jump down.  One 
you hit the ground follow the left wall.  Go back down the stairs, then up the 
other set and turn right.  Go back to the first room with the aliens and 
straight across.  Be careful because the aliens you burst through a wall, and 
explode some barrels, causing fire if you're too close.

Go through the broken wall (be sure to take out the Face Hugger) and up
the stairs.  At the top turn left and go into the room to collect a
Field Energy Recharge.  From the top of the stairs you'll notice a pipe.  Break 
the top part of the pipe and jump in.  Drop down the hole and turn around.  Hit 
the switch and go to the door.  Turn right and hit the switch there to open the 
door.  By now the fan and in first alien room should be slowing.  Go through the 
door and to the left, then right.  Past the fan and downstairs.  Go left to the 
door (the next pipe on the left should hold a Field Energy recharge, but it's a 
little difficult to get).  Go through the door, through the corridor, up two 
flights of stairs to the next door.

Go straight across the room, then to the right.  Turn around and hit the switch, 
then turn back around and follow the wall until you drop down the hole.  There 
might be a Field Energy recharge in this room if you need it.  Go to the door 
away from the barrels, and open it.  Again, aliens will cause the barrels to 
explode, so be careful.  Go down the hall and up the stairs.  Turn left at the 
top and follow it until you get to a door on your left.  Go through the door, up 
the stairs, and through the next door.  You are now in the lift room where you 
hit the switch below, only on the second floor.  Go forward and at the end turn 
left to hit the switch.  Go back through the door, down the stairs, and turn 

The first room on the right usually contains a Field Energy recharge, so get it 
if you need to.  Continue through the passage and go through the door on the 
left.  Go through the room, careful for the Face Hugger, up the spiraling stairs 
and through the door at the top.  Turn the corner, go up the stairs, you're now 
in lift room floor three.  Turn right, go across to the switch and hit it.  Go 
back to the door and down the stairs, back to the other door.  Follow the 
catwalk to the right until you get to the next door.  Go through it and up the 
lift.  Get off the lift and go down the hall.  Open the door and run to the 
right to hit the switch.  That's all four in the lift room.  Run back around and 
get inside the elevator.

Ride the elevator down and get out the opposite side you entered.  More
barrel-busting aliens here, so be cautious.  Go through this room and to the 
stairs, then up into the pipe.  At the first two forks, turn left to get to a 
Field Energy recharge, with more barrel bursting aliens.  Run in, get it, get 
out, kill after that if you have to.  From where you entered the tunnel, from 
the entrance, take a right, then straight (right has another Field Energy 
recharge) then right to hit the switch.  Go out of the room and to the right 
then through the door.  Go up the lift (be careful of the barrel-buster, the 
first one usually commits suicide, but the second you need to watch) and up the 
stairs.  You're now in human territory.  Switch to Thermal (blue), cloak and use 
the Shoulder Cannon.  Go down the stairs and follow the catwalk to the end, and 
take the lift in the far left corner down.

You now have to contend with molten lead.  Just don't stray from the
walkways and you'll be fine.  Off the elevator, go up the small ramp and turn 
right at the first intersection.  At the corridor turn right again, away from 
the lead.  Hit the switch on your right and turn around to go through the door.  
Follow the path and wait for your ship.  When it arrives and stop moving, jump 
off to end the level.
VIIe) Caverns
Spotted less than 15 times.  Rainbow Blood

Start with Thermal (blue), cloaked and Shoulder Cannon.  Follow the
tunnel straight, then shoot the marine below from the ledge.  Jump down
and clear the area out.  Take the tunnel and when you exit you'll see
some stairs going up.  Don't go up them right now, go around below,
through the tunnel.  In the open area go to the right and throw the
switch.  Go back around through the tunnel, then up the stairs.  Take
the tunnel to the left and jump across to the ledge on the left.  Go
through the open door and follow the tunnel.  At the end you'll be on a
ledge.  Turn right and follow it to the end.  Hit the elevator's cable
with a spear, then jump down the hole.

Go through the tunnel on the left.  You'll see a pair of stairs going
down.  I usually take that route, but on Director's Cut there's a pair
of turrets so I'll take the other route for this walkthrough.  Follow
the ledge on the right and go through the tunnel.  At the end of the
tunnel you'll be above a computer pillar.  Run across the bars (there
may be a Field Energy recharge here) and then keep going.  Go through
the next tunnel, turn right.  Follow it until you're on the ledge above
the APC.  Kill everything below and jump down.  Switch to Electric (red) view 
and equip the disc, you're going to need it right here.  Throw the switch on the 
door and wait for it to open.  When it does lock onto the Xenoborg and let the 
disc go (there are two in Director's Cut, so hit one and move, then hit the 
second).  Kill the turrets and flip the switch.

Now it's time to heal and wait until you're Field Energy is at max. 
here is no action so you can afford it.  Once you're healed go through
the door you opened and turn right.  Follow the tunnel down to a door
and open it.  Go straight and through the APC, and through the tunnel at the 
other side.  Go through the tunnel on the left (it has a light above it) and 
turn right.  Go to it's end and around the computer.  There is a door to the 
right from the entrance, remember where it is.  Shot the generators on the 
opposite side from the entrance, and shoot everything coming out of the door 
(there's a Face Hugger with them), then move inside.  There should be a Field 
Energy recharge.  Go back out and to the left, through the tunnel again.

When you get out, go across the room and take the tunnel to the right. 
There's another Face Hugger so watch out.  Go through the tunnel and
across the narrow ledge.  Be careful not to fall.  Go through the next
tunnel and you're find a wrecked APC.  Go through it and through the
tunnels.  Both ways lead to the same place.  Kill the two praetorians
and go through the tunnel at the end.  The floor will collapse at the
end of the level.
VIIf) Battle
?????.  ?????

This is a small level, but none the less very tough.  Here you face the
Alien Queen.  You have no electric weapons, so use the Speargun. 
Remember it only has 30 shots.  Switch to Electric view.  Go forward
into the tunnel, and drop down.  The Queen will appear on your right,
along with one or more Face huggers depending on your skill.  Keep
moving and only shoot when you know it will hit.  It takes a lot to
bring her down.  And even then you still have to kill the Face Huggers
before you can exit.  The Queen has 3 attacks.  Her deadly claws,
charging, and throwing broken stalagmites.  To avoid the first two just
keep away from her.  To avoid the last strafe (sidestep).  The Face
Huggers are a threat in that you usually don't look for them, and they
kill you instantly.  Also, they are very difficult to hit with a spear,
and VERY hard to fight with claws.  However, they can be killed with
claws if you keep moving.  You have to kill everything, I've found.  The Queen 
alone won't end the level.  Congratulation, you've beaten the
Predator game.  Shame you're reading this...  Now onto the bonus levels!

Tip: There is another way to beat the queen.  In the egg room where the
Queen is there is an egg-laying tube hanging down from the ceiling that
the queen cannot destroy.  If you can get the Queen to go on one side of that 
and sit on the other, you can pick her off easily.  The only
problem I have found with this is you need to take the Face Hugger out
first, or you are a sitting duck. - Thanks Nytr0x (!
VIII) Alien Bonus Missions
The first two are unlocked if you beat the game in Training.  The first
four in Realistic and all five on Director's Cut.
VIIIa) Invasion - Marine mission
?????.  ?????

Both the starting area and exit area are unique for the alien.  When you start, 
crawl out of the water and up the ledge.  Turn left and drop down the hole.  Run 
to the left and take the first left.  Drop down and go to the generator.  
Destroy it with your tail.  This will give you some time in the darkness, then 
in little light.  Easier to kill the Marines like this.  Run through the exit 
and kill the civilians.  Go straight ahead, then turn left.  Go right into the 
turning corridor and follow it left.  Open the gate and turn left.  Climb up the 
walls here and go through the corridor.  Take the first right and through the 
door.  Go along the right wall and into the next corridor.  Go through the 
computer room, through the door, and drop down to your left.

Go through the tunnel to your left and out the door.  Jump down and over to the 
door on the far right, under the stairs.  Take out the turret there.  Turn left, 
then right, and through the door.  You're now at where the marine started, but 
you have a little further to go.  On the left, on the ceiling, is an air duct.  
Climb up through it.  Go through the series of halls on the left, away from the 
turret, and follow them to the door at the end.  Go through the door.  On the 
ceiling on the left is another air vent.  Go through it.  Climb up the shaft to 
end the level.
VIIIb) Derelict - Marine mission
20 live marine head bites.  Impossible Mission

This level you run backwards from the Marine mission, but don't go quite as far.  
When it starts you're in the elephant man's room.  Climb up the wall and through 
the hole where the elevator goes (the lift will not take you up).  Go through 
the artifact and out of it.  Climb up the wall above the door and into the 
tunnel.  Run through the tunnel and turn right at the fork.  Take the catwalk 
all the way across.  Follow the tunnel into the computer room and go through it.  
Follow the tunnel
again and go across the walkway in the generator room.  In the next
tunnel there should be a grate on the ceiling.  Break it and crawl

On the second grate going back down break it and jump in.  Destroy the
turret.  Turn around from the turret and take the path to your right. 
Follow it and destroy the next two turrets.  Turn left and follow the
path to the next computer room.  Jump down and to the right.  Break the
two turrets down there and go through the path.  Follow the tunnel to
the artifact and jump down.  Go through the first path on your right. 
It's a way down.  Go to the end and climb up into the air duct on the
ceiling.  Go through to the first grate.  Break it and drop down.  Kill
everyone.  One that looks like a civilian is a company head.  That's
one.  Climb back into the air duct and to the last grate.  Destroy it
and drop down to kill everyone.  There is another company head in here. 
Once he's dead, the mission will end.
VIIc) Tyrargo - Marine mission
?????.  ?????

This mission can become quite confusing.  The air ducts look all the
same.  My suggestion is staying on the ground as long as you can except
to go into the air ducts.  However, if you know your way around the air
ducts you can get through the mission with much greater ease.  I will
illustrate the air ducts.  This method can be confusing.  The three
officers you must kill are in the docking bay where the Predator in the
marine mission attacked, the dining room, and the marine starting room. 
In the air ducts go left, then right, then drop down the first hole on
the left.  Clean out the room.  There's officer number one.  Climb back
up.  Continue the way through the ducts you were going, then turn left. 
Go to the fork.  Drop down the duct near the fork, you're in the shower.  Go to 
the left from the shower, and to the left in the locker room.  Break through the 
grate and go down stairs, through the tunnel, back up stairs.  Break the next 
grate.  You're in the dinning room.  Kill the officer.  That's two.  Go back to 
the shower through the tunnel and climb up.  At the T-section take the middle.  
(The one without a junction opposite it.)  Go all the way to the end.  Drop 
down.  You're in the Marine's starting room.  Go inside the room and kill the 
officer.  Turn around and kill the Predator.  End of the mission.

If anyone is still confused, I have a sort of map.  Proportions are not
correct, nor are all the details in.

|    |
------      * End
|    |      |
|    |* 1   |
|    |      |
|    +------*--
|    |      2
* Begin

Go from the beginning around to 1, drop down and kill the officer.  Go
back up and to number 2.  This is the shower.  Go to the dining room,
kill the officer, go back up.  Go to the end, drop down.  Kill the
officer in the room, then the predator.  If you know exactly where to
drop, the mission can be over in no time.
VIIId) Caverns - Predator mission
?????.  ?????

You start near the end of this mission, and only go up to the elevator. 
However, you will be doing a little bit of backtracking to avoid
turrets.  When you start, it is pitch black.  Switch to navigation.  Go
out and to the right.  It doesn't matter which tunnel you choose here
because both go to the same place.  Go through that tunnel to the APC
and past it.  Go through the tunnel to the narrow walkway.  Don't fall
off here because there are spikes and it will kill you.  Instead, climb
up to the ceiling and go through the hole.  Go through that tunnel and
to the hole at the other end.  Drop down and claw through the door. 
Destroy the two generators and go back up the hole.  There is a turret
in the other tunnel so do not go down it.  Go back to the narrow walkway and go 
to the side you haven't yet.

Go through the tunnel to the big room.  From there take the passage on
your left.  Go through the end and through the APC.  Go out the door and to the 
right.  Go out the door on the left, then the door on the right.  Climb up the 
far side of the wall onto the cliff.  Go through the tunnel, right then left.  
Cross across the computer then through the tunnel.  Destroy the turret.  If you 
have a lot of life just run ahead past the next turret, otherwise backtrack to 
the computer room.  Jump down and turn around.  Go through the tunnel until you 
are at the
turret.  It may get a few shots off on you so be careful.  Destroy it
and go up the stairs.  If you just ran past, you're already here.  Go
through the entrance and the Predator will jump down.  Kill him with the 
standard powered up tail whip and follow up to end the level.
VIIIe) Fury 161 - Predator mission
?????.  ?????

You start near the molten lead and your goal is the large elevator shaft to the 
left of the Predator's entrance.  In this level there are a lot of security guns 
pointed at where you are coming from and no alternate routes.  But you can 
deactivate them.  You have to use the Operate button here, you cannot destroy 
the switches.  From the start climb onto the right hand wall and run across.  Go 
around the pipe and jump down.  Run across the wall again on the right and hit 
the switch to deactivate the turret.  Run back across the wall to where you just 
came from.  Climb up the wall or take the lift up.  Follow the walkway around 
and either climb the stairs or the wall.  Go down the next flight and jump down 
into the mold.  Go through the door.

Take the first tunnel on your left and hit the switch to deactivate the
turret.  Go town the tunnel and take the first left.  Go through to the
end and turn left.  Wait for the elevator to come done and ride it back
to the top, or climb the shaft once it lowers.  There is a Predator in
this room, so kill it.  Don't worry about the switches because the
turrets can be avoided.  Jump down to the bottom and go through the hole in the 
floor.  One door here has a red light above it.  Take the
opposite door out of the room.  The tunnel on the left has a series of
barrels in it.  Destroy one and back off to watch the chain reaction. 
That will shut down the fan.  Run straight ahead and through the opening to the 
Predator's starting point.  Throw the switch to shut down another turret.  to 
the entrance on the left and down the stairs.  Up the stairs there should be 
three minigunners, one Predator, and one alien.  Kill the marines, then the 
Predator to end the mission.
IX) Marine Bonus Missions
The first two are unlocked if you beat the game in Training.  The first
four in Realistic and all five on Director's Cut.
IXa) Temple - Alien mission
Under 100% Damage.  Free Fall.

Your have a Jetpack on this mission.  Your goal is to get up to the top
of the temple.  This mission can be quite difficult.  There are numerous aliens, 
Face Huggers and praetorians, in all the wrong places.  You start in the hive.  
In my opinion this is the LAST place a Colonial
Marine is going to want to be during an alien invasion, but there you
are.  Kill the aliens in the room and use the Jetpack to get out on the
other side.  Wind your way up to the top of the tunnel, and you're in
the room with the alien statue.  Use your Jetpack to get down, and grab
the armor and Flamethrower here.  On the opposite side of the room go
through the tunnel.  There are Face Huggers in here, so when you hear
them, be on the look out, and when you see them use the Flamethrower. 
At the end of the tunnel jump down and use the Flamethrower to kill
another Face Hugger.  I personally hover over with a Jetpack, but this
is not a guaranteed safe approach as Face Huggers can jump.

Climb up the other side with your Jetpack, after getting the Smartgun
and Health Pack.  Either side you go to here, use the Jetpack to get
out.  Go through the passage way between the two rooms to get the
Grenade Launcher, you will want that for later.  Go up the elevator or
use the Jetpack and go through the tunnel.  Go out the door, grab the
armor if you need it, and go straight to the opposite end.  Go through
the door and up the stairs.  You'll see a hole in the floor, send a
grenade or two down there.  Look down, if you see lights the generator
is on.  If not, throw another one onto the platform.  This will save you time, 
and health because there are a few aliens down there and they can be nasty.  You 
can also shoot out the glass in front of the switch from above if grenades 
aren't doing it.

Go to the opposite side of the room from where you came from and exit,
then turn left and go up the stairs.  Now either take the lift up or use the 
Jetpack.  One of the corners here has a Minigun, Health Pack, and armor.  Grab 
what you need.  As the alien you had to destroy four
control panels to open the labs.  Here you have to destroy the same four to open 
the area at the top.  Thankfully you do not need to go crawling in air ducts.  
Just go to the entrance on either side, and into the rooms.  Two of the rooms 
have praetorians, so kill them.  The two that do are on the side opposite where 
the grate's entrance is.

Once those four are destroyed use the Jetpack to climb to the top of the 
openings.  All the way up.  There is a Face Hugger near the bottom and, as I 
said before, they can leap a little bit so be careful.  You may see some 
praetorians here, but it is not necessary to kill them.  All you are looking for 
at the top is which side has the opening opposite it.  Find it and run through 
that side, you'll see an explosion and a ship come in.  Run up to end the level.
IXb) Vaults - Predator mission
Under 60% Damage.  Under Water.

This mission starts you in the room with the Security Pass and ends on
the floor with the four computers.  You have two timed goals, and one is right 
away, so don't stand around.  First, exit the room and go down the hall, then go 
out the door, kill the alien, and through this room.  At the end of the tunnel, 
right left and go until you see the blood.  Turn right there and follow it in to 
pick up a Minigun.  You'll want this.  Go and follow the blood all the way until 
you get to the room with the pillar.  Turn right there and down the stairs, 
through the door.  Destroy the two generators in this room, go through the 
tunnel on the right, destroy the other two.  You have one minute from the 
starting point to do that.

That shuts down the base's self destruct.  Pick up the Smartgun and ammo in this 
room, and Health Pack if you need it.  Go back to the other room and wait for 
the Predator with your Minigun.  When he comes, make sure he's not using his 
shoulder cannon when you start shooting or this will be a short fight, you'll 
lose.  Dodge back and forth if he is using it and wait for him to grab his 
spear.  As soon as he does that, open him up with the Minigun.  You are now 
timed again.

It's not an official time limit, but you have about one minute to get to the top 
floor and kill all the aliens.  The Smartgun is very handy here.  Go back to the 
room with the pillar and follow the blood back out.  At the end of section 4 
turn left, away from the blood.  Keep going until the end of section 1, and turn 
left.  Go through the room, and the three doors.  Follow this tunnel to the 
lift.  I usually take a short cut here.  If you notice there are three levels of 
cages, just high enough for the marine.  Jump down level by level to the floor 
and run through the door.

Go out and turn left down hall 2, then down hall 1.  Take the second
left and go to the end of the ramp, taking a left again.  Go through the six 
alien cage rooms, be careful because you can be killed here before too long.  
Once you're through all six go up the stairs and through the first door.  The 
second door won't open until you turn around to your left and hit the switch.  
Do so to pass through.  When the door open your last goal is to kill all the 
aliens, and NOT the commander.  Once that is done the level ends.
IXc) Ferarco - Alien mission
?????.  ?????

You start where the alien ended, and have to make it to MOTHER.  This
is, however, not as easy as it sounds.  You do have use of the Jetpack
here.  At the beginning, go to the end of the pipe and use your Jetpack
to go up the shaft.  Turn left and go through the pipe.  At the end use
the Jetpack and duck to get through, shoot the grate out.  Grab the
Flamethrower if you want.  Shoot the barrel on the door on the right
wall, don't get too close because it explodes, and go through the
opening.  Go through the tunnel into the large room, and use your
Jetpack to climb to the top and into the pipe.  Drop down the end and
use the Jetpack to slow your fall.  Go to the very end of the next room, there's 
a Flamethrower on the floor in the middle so get it, and out the pipe on the 
left at the far end.  Turn left at the fork, and drop down into the room with 
the cryo-sleep tubes.  Crawl under the door and down the hall.  Take the first 
fork to the right.

Break the glass on the left and go into the next room.  On the left
break the glass over the switch to activate it.  There is a Smartgun in
here opposite the glass entrance you took.  Get it if you want.  Turn
around and exit, then turn left.  Take a right at the next room and into the 
room with the ladder.  Go up to the third deck and break the glass on both 
switches, then go back downstairs and through the now open door.  Go to the end 
of the hall and through the door.  Be careful because some aliens are right 
behind the door.

Take the tunnel on the left and go through it, then left at the
intersection.  In this room is a security pass.  I've seen it on the
bunk and on the table, so look around until you get it.  Go back out and to the 
left.  Go past the first door and into the next.  Go to your
right to the end of the hall, and through the door on the right.  Go
straight again and you're in the room with MOTHER.  Wait until the level
IXd) Gateway - Alien mission
?????.  ?????

You have a Jetpack on this mission.  What you do not have is a lot of
ammo.  You start in one of the nine rooms with the glass windows and you have to 
get to the alien's beginning.  This can be quite difficult
however.  At the beginning go through he glass into the room on your
left.  Grab the Smartgun.  Keep going through the glass to the last
room.  Use the Jetpack to go through the hole in the ceiling.  Drop down the 
pipe, using your Jetpack to slow down.  Below the fans is a Face Hugger.  I use 
a grenade from the Pulse Rifle to take care of it.  Use the Jetpack to slow 
yourself down.

Go through the gate for Junction 2 to get a Flamethrower.  Grab it and
go through the grate of Junction 1, but don't break the grate.  Stand on it 
until the turret below kills the two Face Huggers and any aliens. 
After it stops shooting, go ahead and jump down.  Use the Jetpack to
slow yourself.  Go behind the turret and use your Jetpack to slow
yourself again.  In this room is a Predalien.  Go ahead and kill it,
then exit to your left.  Go out the door and to the left, and take the
shaft down on your right to get some armor.  In here is a Xenoborg, but
you don't have the weapons to kill it.  Just run past and through one of the 

Go into the room in the middle and pick up the SADAR.  Go back and use
it to kill the Xenoborg.  Go back to the room with the SADAR and you'll
see the door on the left has opened.  Drop down two floors, don't forget to use 
the Jetpack, and go inside.  There is a Health Pack and armor in here, pick them 
up if you need to, and exit the shaft on the right down to the bottom, again 
using the Jetpack to slow.  Exit and pick up the Grenade Launcher, then go to 
one of the sides and jump down into the room, still using the Jetpack to slow 

Go down the ravine on one of the sides and through the pipe, using the
Jetpack to slow still.  Go out the other grate and through the door. 
There is a praetorian down here, so kill it.  Go to the side that
doesn't have the door and Jetpack down.  Break the grate and fall
through.  Run to the ship to end the level.
IXe) Waterfall - Predator mission
?????.  ?????

You start this level at the Predator's end and work to it's beginning. 
This level has marines and turrets in it as well, but they're friendly
(although if someone shot ME in the back "friendly" wouldn't be the
first word out of my mouth).  They're useful to keep alive if only for
the fact that the aliens seem to favor them.  They seem to be your
average Colonial Marine grunts (not to be confused with actual marines)
with their intelligence to stand in puddles of acid.

From the beginning go straight ahead and kill the two aliens, hit the
switch on the left to activate the lift and go down.  Go straight ahead
and take the tunnel to your left, up the stairs.  Go out the door, and
back outside.  Grab the two Pulse Rifles in the far left corner.  Go up
the stairs and into Checkpoint 3.  Go through the tunnel, but turn
right.  Go up the stairs and grab the minigun and pulse rifle in the far right 
corner.  Go back down the stairs and turn right.  Go into the room on the right, 
kill the aliens, hit the button and grab the armor inside the booth.  Go back 
out and to the right, into Checkpoint 2.  Kill the aliens and the praetorian, 
and grab the Health Pack in the booth if you need it.

Go up the stairs and through the tunnel.  Go back down the stairs into
Checkpoint 1.  Grab the armor in the booth and up the stairs at the end.  Cross 
one bridge, make a u-turn, take the other bridge.  Go across the passage and 
into the tunnel.  Go through the door, make sure you hit the switch there.  
There are two Face Huggers here in the water, however you cannot flame them 
because the water puts it out.  However, the water also makes them easier to 
see.  After they are dead go down the stairs and open the door.  Two praetorians 
will attack you.  Kill them and go back down, a Predalien will attack you.  Kill 
it and go back down.  There is a turret here, but it is helpful.

Go down the stairs straight ahead instead of exiting right away if you
want to collect a SADAR.  Go outside and to the left.  It's on the right wall..  
Go back up and past the turret.  Go up the stairs and if you want armor, turn 
around and jump across.  Don't blow up the computers because that destroys the 
armor.  Jump back across and up more stairs.  Another Predalien attack.  Kill it 
and continue on.  Go down the stairs and across the walkway.  Go right, through 
the door, and across the walkway again.  Jump down and pull out your Minigun or 
SADAR to kill the Predator below to end the level.
X) Predator Bonus Missions
The first two are unlocked if you beat the game in Training.  The first
four in Realistic and all five on Director's Cut.
Xa) Invasion - Marine mission
15 alien trophies.  Ticker Tape

You have to run this mission backward from the marine.  However, you
don't have to make any side trips.  When you start, switch to Electric
(red) and the Pistol.  Turn around and run to the light on the wall. 
Flip the switch to open the door and take the lift down.  Jump down the
broken floor and go through the corridors.  Turn right when you get out, and 
then left.  Take the opening to the right and go left again.  Take the first 
left and hit the switch on the wall next to the lift.  Take the lift up.  Turn 
around and take the next lift up to the catwalk.  Run across the walkway and 
through the doorway.  Go up the stairs on your right.  Go up the next set of 
stairs and through the corridor.  At the four-way intersection go straight.  
Jump down to the bottom and switch to Thermal (blue) and cloak.  Go through the 
door below the stairs and kill the minigunner.  Turn left, then right.  Be 
careful because there is a marine with a SADAR down here.  Pick him off and kill 
the person inside the APC to end the level.  As a note, the guy inside the APC 
sometimes has his head sticking through the top, so with the Spear gun you can 
pick him off from the door and not worry about te guy with the SADAR.
Xb) Escape - Alien mission
10 Civilian trophies.  Trip Tastic

You start at the Alien's entrance and have to work your way back.  This
level lets you have the Grappling Hook.  Start with Thermal (blue), and
cloaked.  You may want to use the Pistol right away, but I still like
the Shoulder Cannon against humans.  There is a civilian right in front
when you start.  Finish her off and go straight.  Go through the tunnel
and shoot the glass above you.  Grapple through it and kill anyone up
there.  Go to your right and jump down near the elevator.  Now you'll
want to switch to Electric (red) and a pistol, you'll be fighting a mix
of enemies here.  Sometimes they'll attack each other, just let them. 
Go through the door to the right, then go left.  Turn right kill
whatever you find, grapple into the air duct.  Go through the air duct
then jump down.

Turn to the right and go through the next three doors.  Grapple up to
the catwalk and go left.  Go through both catwalks and tunnels until you get to 
the end.  Jump down and turn right.  Go straight through the
three doors, and grapple into the air duct again.  Go across the air
ducts and catwalks, then drop down.  Kill what you find and go straight
the direction you were going (take a look to the left to see a Xenoborg
fighting).  Go straight through the doors again until you get to the
bathroom.  Grapple up to the catwalk, and grab the Field Energy
recharge.  Go through the air duct and jump down.

Go through the door on your left and go through the next room.  Get
ready with the disc, behind the next door is the Xenoborg.  Throw the
disc at it and grapple to the catwalk on the ceiling.  Go straight and
grapple up the air duct here.  Kill anything blow you and grapple across the 
room to the next air duct.  Drop down the tunnel and grapple up to the next one 
down below on the far side.  Go through and kill the
praetorians.  Once they're dead, the level ends.
Xc) Temple - Alien mission
?????.  ?????

Once again you go backwards from the Alien's path.  You have the
Grappling Hook here as well.  Switch to Electric (red) and Pistol. 
Almost right away you'll be attacked.  Kill them and grapple to the
tunnel near the top on your left.  Spiral your way up through the
tunnels until you reach the ledge.  You're in the room with the alien
statue.  Below are two Face Huggers so don't jump yet.  Take them out
with your Pistol.  Once they have been taken care of, jump down and go
through the tunnel on the other side of the room.  Follow the blood if
you get lost.  Go through the tunnel and drop down, then  turn right and grapple 
back up.  This can take a bit of Tarzan like action.  Let go and grapple again 
when you reach the top of the bungee.

When you reach the top you have two ways to go.  I choose the tunnel
that curves to the left, breaking off from the blood.  Grapple out and
go up the lift, or grapple up.  If you look across you'll see a Field
Energy recharge.  Grapple to it if you need to and grapple back.  Go
through the tunnel and the door.  Ride the lift or grapple up.  Go
through the tunnel and through the door.  Take the lift up, the grapple
the rest of the way.  You won't be able to make a straight path either,
so grapple around the sides.  More Tarzan Grappling.  Go up both levels.  Now, 
depending on which side of the pile you're on you have two paths.  One of them 
will have an opening opposite it, you want to be on that side.  Go opposite from 
where you are until you find the room with two praetorians.  Kill them and drop 
back down the hole one level.  Walk through the tunnel with the fire now gone 
and drop down the hole.  You're now in the Face Hugger shrine.  Kill the 
Predalien that comes from within and run inside to end the level.
Xd) Earthbound - Alien mission
?????.  ?????

When you start this mission, switch to Thermal (blue) and your weapon of choice.  
You have the Grappling Hook here.  Break the glass on the
switch to the right to open the door.  Kill the marine at the far end. 
There may be an alien up here, so you may want to switch to Electric
(red), but I prefer Thermal (blue) for the first part because there are
more marines.  Turn right and go to the end of the hall and through the
door.  Jump down and destroy the grate.  Jump down into the elevator and kill 
anyone down here.  Run straight ahead, through the glass, destroy the computer 
and out the door.  Kill all the marines here and switch to Electric (red).  Drop 
down through the opening and destroy the eight power boxes to open the door.  
There is a turret there, but it is facing away from you.  Let it kill the aliens 
and take out any it missed.  Once it kills all four, destroy it.

Use the Grappling Hook to get up the pipe on the left.  Run to the end
and drop down.  Go to the left and destroy the eight power boxes again. 
Use the Grappling Hook to go up the fan.  Destroy the two power boxes if they 
haven't been already and run through the middle opening.  Switch to Thermal 
(blue).  Turn right and kill the marine, then crawl under the pipes.  Drop down 
the hatch and out the door.  Use the Grappling Hook to get you all the way to 
the top of the shaft.  Kill the marine and go to the end of the room, through 
the door and down the shaft.  Destroy the grate and jump down.  Go through the 
glass, destroy the computer, and out the door.  Jump down and destroy the eight 
power boxes to open the door.  kill the marines through the door to end the 
Xe) Tyrargo - Marine mission
?????.  ?????

This mission is fun.  You start at the end of the marine mission, work
to the beginning, then back to the end.  At the beginning, change to
Thermal (blue) and your weapon of choice.  Cloaking is good too.  Let
the lift take you up, and go to the left.  Jump down and go through the
hall.  Go out the door and through the bay to the other door on the
right.  Go through it and into the room with the lift.  Hit the switch
on the left, but don't go up yet.  Step back and zoom in to see the two
turrets at the top of the lift.  Destroy them and ride the lift up.  Go
through the door at the end of the hall, then through the door on your
left.  Turn left and jump down.  Go straight through the corridor and
through the door into the dining room.

Now you'll see the glass room in the far right corner.  Break the glass
and go through it.  Go straight ahead in the next room, and down the
hall.  Go through the door and continue on ahead.  Keep going through
the rooms until there is a door on the left.  Go through it.  Kill
whomever you see and go through the door on the left wall.  Kill
everyone inside.  Part one is completed, however the marines just
accidently let a series of Aliens in.  Switch to Electric (red) and
Pistol or your weapon of choice.  Turn around and leave the room so
you're back in the bay.

Go up the stairs and hit the switches.  Go down and through the door,
and keep going until you are back in the dining room.  Go through the
glass again and through the door on the left.  Go around the barrels and through 
the tunnel.  Hit the switch on the right and take the lift up.  You will fight 
aliens and marines up here.  Go straight, right, left, straight, left and hit 
the switch.  Go back right, straight, right.  There are two Xenoborg in there, 
the engine room, destroy them with the disc or speargun.  That will open the 
door at the far end.  Grab the Field Energy recharge and go through the door.

Be prepared for more aliens in here, and even some praetorians.  Run
left and through the tunnel at the right, then up the stairs.  Again its marines 
and aliens.  At the top, go right and through the door.  Follow the passage all 
the way to the end.  Go through the door, then jump down.  Go through the door, 
and through the next one.  Go up the stairs on your right and hit the switch, 
then run to the other door.  Go down the hall and hit the switch on the right, 
then go up the lift.  Go out the tunnel and stand on the elevator.  It may take 
a bit for it to lower, and when it does the level ends.  Make sure everything is 
dead before coming up here or you may be in for a fight.
XI) Enemies

All in all there are 11 enemies listed here.

Civilians - Human.  These are not well armed most of the time, and have
a tendency to cower in fear.  They are easy pickings.  With the Alien,
use your Jaw attack for free life.  They have a blue aura.  Predator use claws 
to save Field Energy.  They show up in Thermal (blue).  They
cannot se you cloaked.

Marines - Human.  These are much better armed than Civilians.  One with
a Minigun can shred even a Predator in no time.  As aliens try to rush
in and get a head shot, even if you miss your claws should take them. 
Be careful, in groups they are deadly and in the open they can kill you
are well.  They have a blue aura.  As Predator any weapon will do, they
cannot see you cloaked, and will spray an area down inaccurately if they glimpse 
at you.  They show up in Thermal (blue).

Android.  These appear to be Civilians, but handle their weapons better
and do not show fear.  They also "bleed" white.  As an Alien kill the
same you do for Marines.  They do not have any aura, making them hard to spot.  
Predator has to be a little more cautious, but any weapons will work.  They show 
up in Electrical (red).

Turret.  There are small mounted gun turrets.  They carry machine guns
and track you wherever you are.  They can take out even Predators if you aren't 
careful, and tear apart Aliens in a heartbeat.  For Aliens, get behind them and 
you your tail.  For Predator, get behind them and
Secondary attack with the Wristblade.  They show up in Electric (red)
and see through cloaking.  Predators can also snipe them with the spear
gun, which usually kills them in one hit if you hit the gun itself. 
Thanks Lee G. Bethel ( for reminding me!

Xenoborg.  Big, slow, deadly.  Mechanical aliens.  Stay out of their
line of fire.  They take a while to activate when they're deactivated,
so use that to your advantage.  As a marine I've seen one of these
things take three direct hits with a SADAR before shutting down.  Best
choice, evade them if you can!  As a Predator, use your Disc or a well
placed spear.  They can see through the cloak.  They show up in Electric (red).  
But also have a blue aura.  Strange.

Predator.  Tough.  They carry all the deadly weapons of a Predator, and
have their strength.  When they have been wounded they will attempt to
self-destruct.  Kill them before they do.  As an alien, use your powered up tail 
whip to injure it, then either tail whip again or jaw attack it to kill.  They 
have a green aura.  As a marine, use the SADAR to know them out if you can, or a 
Minigun to shred one in about a second.  When they cloak they are just 
transparent.  No cool shimmer effect like the movie. :(

PredAlien.  A genetic mix of the Predator and an Alien.  They are tough
and deadly.  They are like large, strong aliens.  With the Marine, try
to train a weapon on it (Smartgun is nice) or hit it with flames and
run.  Grenades usually do it as well and a Minigun takes them apart. 
Predators can use a speargun to the head to end it quickly.  They show
up under Electrical (red), and can see through cloaking.  They have a
red aura.

Face Hugger.  They are small, fast, deadly.  Unlike other Aliens games,
you CANNOT shake them off here.  They hit, you're history.  Marines
should use Flame Throwers or Grenades against them.  Other weapons just
waste ammo.  Flame Thrower is ideal because it has a wider effect and
once it hits the Face Hugger is nullified.  Predators should use Pistol
because of the blast radius.  Speargun is useless against it, they are
VERY hard to hit.  Wristblades can be deadly for you as well because you have to 
look at them and get close to hit, perfect for their leaping.  Cloaking does not 

Alien (Xenomorph).  They are fast, agile and can hurt you fast.  Marines should 
stay as far away as possible, run backwards while firing, ideally with anything 
but a Pulse Rifle.  Predators should use the Pistol.  They show up in Electric 
(red).  They see through cloaking.  They have a red aura.

praetorian.  These are usually guards.  They have a queen-like head
plate.  They are just a little tougher than Aliens, nothing else I've
seen.  Handle them the same way you would a normal Alien.  They show up
in Electric (red), and cloaking doesn't work.  I have seen one destroy a 
marine's Health Pack before.  Fluke or intelligence I cannot say.  It
looks like it's not a fluke, but these things do attack your powerups. 
Randy Holte ( has seen them repeatedly attack the
Predator's Field Energy recharges.  Thanks Randy. They have a red aura.

Queen Alien.  She is nasty.  See the levels for details.  They show up
in Electric (red) and can see through cloaking.
XII) Cheat Options

This is a list of the Cheat Options available, where to get them, how to get 
them, what they do and notes on them.  Cheats are listed in the same order as 
above.  They have to be earned on Realistic of Director's Cut.
Super Munch.  Alien Episode 1, Temple.  10 live civilian head bites.

Alien only.  It lets you do long distance jaw attacks.  Ranged weapon
for the alien!  The best way to get this cheat is make sure the
civilians throw their Molotov cocktails away first, and don't hit
themselves, then wait for them to cower and pick them off.  Don't forget the 
ones locked in the cages!
Nausea.  Alien Episode 2, Escape.  Complete the level in under two

This cheat is very fittingly named.  The entire screen waves about, and
will probably give you motion sickness before too long.  It's not hard
to get, just know the level and RUN!
Pipecleaner.  Alien Episode 3, Ferarco.  15 dead civilian head bites.

This cheat is quite interesting.  It's not just stick figures, as you
might believe, but actual pipe cleaners wrapped around for enemies. 
Nice touch!  This cheat may be harder than it sounds, but only if you're trying 
for it.  Just go through the level and when you kill something, take it's head.  
That's all that really needs to be done.
Motion Blur.  Alien Episode 4, Gateway.  Complete in under 4 « minutes
and with an average speed of more than 9 m/s.

Motion blur makes everything that moves, blurry.  To get it know the
course and RUN RUN RUN.
Mirror.  Alien Episode 5, Earthbound.  1 live predator head bite.

This makes the level mirrored left/right.  It's a good cheat IMHO and
easy enough to get.  One charged tail whip will make the Predator crouch to 
prepare to self destruct.  Perfect time to bite his head.
John Woo Mode.  Marine Episode 1, Derelict.  80% head shots.

That means 80% of your hits are head shots, or 80% of your kills are by
removing the head.  Not sure which.  Basically shoot all the aliens in
the head.  Good practice anyway.  It gives you a type of slow motion
when an enemy appears.  Very interesting.  Helpful for checking out
levels, and GREAT for screen shots.  Tip on how to get it:  Once you
kill an enemy shoot it in the head when it's dead.  It's standing still
and still counts for head shots.  Thanks!
Grenade.  Marine Episode 2, Colony.  40% accuracy.

You start the game with 99 grenades in your Pulse Rifle, no bullets, and cannot 
pick up any other gun (except Pulse Rifles to add to your
grenades).  In my humble opinion one of the most useless and hardest to
get cheats.  I am no marksmen, getting this cheat involves very good
training.  Don't fire unless you're sure and use small bursts.  Even
then it took me many tries to finally break 40% (42% Whohoo!).
Warp Speed.  Marine Episode 3, Invasion.  Finish in under 4 minutes.

The name pretty much says it all.  It's not impossible to get, but you
need to know the level AND have a little luck on your side to do so.
Land of the Giants.  Marine Episode 4, Orbital.  Less than 20 shots.

Basically use explosives.  This is a short mission if you know the path
anyway.  It makes the player's view close to the ground and seems to
have slowed down the enemies as well.
Slug Trail.  Marine Episode 5, Tyrargo.  32 alien kills.

All alien enemies start with a missing leg,  They crawl around bleeding
a trail behind them.  To get this cheat just play the level, killing
everything you see.
Pigsticking.  Predator Episode 1, Waterfall.  80% accuracy.

80% accuracy is actually not that hard, just use Shoulder Cannon all the time.  
The cheat is for Predator only.  It makes the Speargun have
infinite ammo, and has a shotgun like spread, pictured below.  Quite fun in my 
opinion.  You cannot use it in Battle.

 * * * *
* * * * *
 * * * *
Super Gore.  Predator Episode 2, Area 52.  25 marine trophies.

I'm not 100% sure what it does, I believe it gives more blood.  In order to get 
25 marine trophies, I found a loop that respawned a marine each time I passed.  
It's time consuming, but it can be done.
Disco Inferno.  Predator Episode 3, Vaults.  Complete the level with
under 100% damage.

Thank you for sending the file with this cheat enabled.  He 
says he got it using the trainer.  With the new version this cheat is 
Balls of Fire.  Predator Episode 4, Fury 161.  40 xenomorph (alien)

Your enemies are made out of flames with this one.  Useful for seeing
them in the dark. ;)  To get this cheat just take your time in the first part of 
Fury 161, and explore a bit.  Kill all the aliens you see.
Rainbow Blood.  Predator Episode 5, Caverns.  Spotted less than 15

There are two ways to get this one.  Be VERY cautious, or cloak and run
like crazy.  If you blast past most of the Marines they will not see
you.  It makes the blood, lights, smoke etc. constantly change in a
rainbow of colors.
Impossible Mission.  Alien Bonus 2, Derelict.  20 live marine head

You take MORE damage.  Somehow I don't see that qualifying as a
"cheat"... but oh well.  Getting it is difficult, but take your time and play 
cautious.  Nothing is worse than getting 15 or more, than getting torn apart 
because your health was a little too low and you tried to go up against a Pulse 
Rifle...  Anyone who can beat Marine episode 5 (Tyrargo) in this settings is 
amazing.  I fear you. ;)  Predator cannot use this cheat.
Free Fall.  Marine Bonus 1, Temple.  Complete the level with under 100%

This is only available on certain levels.  It sends the level to spin
out of control.  It doesn't spin quickly, it only causes gravity to be
variable.  A wall could be a floor from one minute to the next.  It
makes things rather difficult.  Thank you Ed ('We Scream In Cathedrals') Miller 
( for finding this one.  He used the trainer to go through 
it.  Thanks Reverend Dr. Bong
( for telling me which one was which.  It is now
available with the new version.
Under Water.  Marine Bonus 2, Vaults.  Complete the level with under 60% damage.

An interesting option.  It makes things a little wavy, adds a bluish
tint, and makes you fall slower.  It is like you are under water.  Thank you Ed 
('We Scream In Cathedrals') Miller ( for finding this one.  
He used the trainer to go through it.  In the new version you can get this.
Ticker Tape.  Predator Bonus 1, Invasion.  15 alien trophies.

This makes alien enemies have a trail like the Predator's disc.  It can
only be used by Marine and Predator, and only on levels with Aliens.  To get 
this cheat requires patience.  I personally used the Pistol at the alien's feet, 
blast damage that wouldn't make them explode, quickly
switched to Wrist blade THEN tried to get the trophy.  It is tough to
get any trophies from aliens.  You'll need to hunt around just to find
enough aliens to get the trophies as well.
Trip Tactic.  Predator Bonus 2, Escape.  10 Civilian trophies.

This makes everything on the screen wavy, transparent AND change colors
like a rainbow.  Trippy indeed.  Getting the 10 civilian trophies may be hard 
considering it leaves you open for attack, but just try to kill
them last.  Use the Pistol to knock them out without blowing them apart.
Terror.  ?????  ?????

Only available for the Alien and Predator.  It makes the humans all act
in panic, shooting at random and often running away.  Works against
Androids also.  Thanks Lo Wang ( for the
information, however he used a hex editor to unlock the cheat, so we
still do not know what triggers it.
XIII) FAQ & Tips

Q) How do I replenish my spears as a Predator?

A) You cannot.  You are given thirty spears at the beginning of the
level, and once you use all thirty you cannot use the Spear gun any

Q) How do I collect trophies as the Predator?

A) You stand over a recently deceased victim, make sure their head is
still attached to their body, and use your Wrist blade's secondary
attack on their head.  This is dangerous with aliens as they tend to
damage you with an acid blood spray.

Q) How do I access the console?

A) Just like in Quake the console is the ~ key.  it will bring down the
message history, and an orange box under it.  Just type in there.  I
believe it all has to be in capitol letters too.

Q) How do I take a screen shot?

A) Bring down the console (see above), and type BIND (KEY) SCREENSHOT.
(KEY) is whatever you want, but no ().  Note: it has to be in capitol
letters.  Then just press the key.  They'll be in the Aliens vs Predator root 
directory, under AVP##.BMP.

Q) Are they any cheat codes for AVP?  I've seen them listed on the 'net
but they don't work!

A) Unfortunately at this time it seems the cheat codes have been
disabled.  There are no known ones that work.  There is a trainer
available on the Internet, a program which allows you to cheat, but I
neither have used nor support the use of this trainer because it also
effects multi-player games.  I will NOT e-mail it to anyone, so do not ask.  I 
will not give instructions on how to use it.

With the new patch out, you can now use cheats, with a price.  You have
to add -debug to the command line (see below) to run it.  Once the -
debug is added, you cannot use multi player, save, gain access to cheat
options or new levels.  You can cheat, but you cannot CHEAT.  Also, from what I 
hear the trainer is disabled.  The commands are:

GOD - You do not die at zero life.
GIVEALLWEAPONS - Gives you all the weapons plus maxes out the ammo.
SHOWFPS - Shows the Frames Per Second
SHOWPOLYCOUNT - Shows you how many polygons are on the screen.
LIGHT - The player glows.  He doesn't ACTUALLY glow, but the area around
him is lit up.
MOTIONTRACKERSPEED - 0 to 16.  1 is default.  0 is off.  It controls how fast 
the motion tracker functions.  however it does NOT change how often it 
TIMESCALE - .009995 to 4.  1 is default.  Speed up or slow down the
WIREFRAME - 0 to 3.  0 is default.  1 the level is in wireframe.  2 the
characters are.  3 everything is.
DOPPLERSHIFT - Toggle.  1 is default.  I haven't found out exactly what
this does.
SKY_RED - 0 to 255.  Changes the amount of red in the sky.
SKY_GREEN - Same as above but for green.
SKY_BLUE - Same as above but for blue.
LEANSCALE - 0 to 10.  1 is default.  How much the view leans when
strafing.  Set it to 10 to get dizzy.

Q) How do I use the Grappling Hook/Jet Pack?  I see them in the key
select but the keys do not function!

A) They are only available during certain bonus missions.  It will tell
you before the mission begins.  If you are in one of those missions, the default 
key is '.  There appears to be a trainer available for the
Jetpack/Grappling Hook, but I've not tested it.  You can find it at and go to the cheats section.  Both trainers are 
available there.

Q) What is disc 2 for?

A) It's the soundtrack.  It's just a normal audio CD but it is highly
recommended you have it in the drive when you play the game.

Q) How do I climb walls as the alien?

A) Use the crouch key and walk/run up to the wall.  You'll begin going
up it as if it were the floor.

Q) Do you do tech. support?

A) Unfortunately no.  You'll have to either check with Fox Interactive
or various message boards for help.  Be sure to include your system
specs.  Also, a page with technical information is available at:

Q) What is the point of Skirmish/Co-op modes?

A) Skirmish is just a SP version of Co-op.  Neither one has a real goal.  
Basically you go in as anything but an alien, and you have to kill hoards of 
Aliens until they kill you, then you respawn and keep killing.

Q) Why can't I pick the alien in Skirmish/Co-op modes?

A) Because all you do is fight aliens.  We can't have aliens fight
aliens, can we?

Q) When to the movies play in A.P.?

There are six cut-scenes, although various movies.  They are Smacker
files ( if you want to view them.  The cut-scenes are 
available at the beginning of episode one and the end of the last normal episode 
for each character.

Q) What are the console commands? -Thanks Scaramanga

A) You can cycle through these by hitting TAB at the console. They must
be typed in capitols.
BIND - (Bind a key to a certain action)
EXPV - Verbose reports of text expansions (Toggle, 0 or 1, default 0,
usage unknown)
LISTCMD - List all console commands (Lists the commands)
LISTEXP - List all test expansions (Usage unknown)
LISTVAR - List all console variables (Displays a list of set variables)
LISTBIND - List all key bindings (Lists what key bindings you have made)
UNBIND-ALL - Get rid of all key bindings (Removes all key bindings you
have made)
VERSION - (Displays version number, originally Build 90, Rebellion
Developments 1999/5/10, currently Built 98, Rebellion Developments
1999/6/25 (American Release Patch 1) (For my version anyway))
SAY - Broadcast message (Talk to all players)
SAY_SPECIES - Broadcast message (Talk to all players of the same
CDSTOP - Stop the CD playing (Move onto the next track on the CD)
CDPLAY - Select a track to play (Just that)
CDPLAYLOOP - Select a track to play looped (Just that)
CDVOLUME - Select sound level 0 to 127 (Sets the CD sound volume, 0 is
off, 127 is max)
ID_PLAYER - Get name of player nearest center of screen (Untested)
SHOW_SCORE - Show frag table (Just that)
DETAIL_LEVEL_MAX - (Usage unknown)
DETAIL_LEVEL_MIN - (Usage unknown)
SCREENSHOT - (Take a screen shot)
MOTIONTRACKERVOLUME - (Changes the volume of the motion tracker, 1 is
FRAC - (Usage unknown)
EXTRAPOLATE_MOVEMENT - Turn extrapolation for movement of network
opponents on and off (Usage unknown)
CROUCHMODE - Toggle crouching.  Set it to one and when you hit crouch it toggles 
on and off.  At 0 you have to hold the crouch key down.
QUICKSAVE - (Save in slot 1)
QUICKLOAD - (Load from slot 1)
SAVE - Save game to slot 1-8 (Use as SAVE 1 or SAVE 2 etc.)
LOAD - Load game from slot 1-8 (Use same as above)
SAVESLEFT - (Shows you how many saves are left)

Q) How do I bind my weapons to other keys?

A) At this time I unfortunately do not know how to do that or if it is

Q) Can I have your save game file?

A) I do not give out my save game file at this time.

Q) Can you tell me where to get the trainer/how to use it/send it to me?

A) No, I personally am boycotting the trainer because it also effects
Multi-Player games.  However, apparently with the new version the
trainer doesn't work anyway.

Q) My screen does this/My sound does this/My game locks up, can you help me?

A) No, I do not do tech support for Aliens vs Predator.  There is a page
available at

Q)What's new with the patch?

A) Lots of things.  First, Disco Inferno, Free Fall and Under Water
cheat options can now be collected when earned.  (Thanks Richard Reeves
( for informing me of this.)  Second
you can now save the game (see below).  Third you can now cheat (see
above) and have bots (see below).  Plus some other minor bug fixes.

Q) Does this game have bots?

A) Yes it does, with the patch.  You have to use -debug (see below) to
access them however.  The bots are listed below:  Also note that in
order to get bots from creatures that are not in the level, you must add a 
comment to the command line.  -l and what type of bot you want.  Alone is alien.  
a is alien.  c is civilian.  m is marine.  p is Predator.  r is Predalien.  t is 
praetorian.  x is Xenoborg.  To put them all in add -lacmprtx to the command 
like as with -debug (see below).  They have to be lower case.

ALIENBOT - Creates an AI alien.
MARINEBOT - Creates an AI marine.  There are various ones you can set. 
Default 0 is random.  1 is Pulse Rifle.  2 is Flame Thrower.  3 is Smart Gun. 4 
is SADAR.  5 is Grenade Launcher.  6 is Minigun.  7 is civilian with a Shotgun.  
8 is civilian with a Pistol.  9 is civilian with a Flame Thrower.  10 is an 
unarmed civilian.  11 is a civilian with a Molotov Cocktail.  12 is a Pistol.  
13 is an android with a Shotgun.  14 is an android with a Shotgun, one handed.  
15 is an android with a Pistol.
PREDOBOT - Creates an AI Predator.  Default 0 is Claws.  1 is Cloaked
Shoulder Cannon.  The rest seem to be claws.
PREDALIENBOT - Creates an AI Predalien.
PRAETORIANBOT - Creates an AI praetorian.
XENOBORG - Creates an AI Xenoborg.

Q) How do I save my game?

A) With the new patch you can now save your game, but it's limited. 
eight saves per level in Training, four in Realistic, and two in
Director's Cut.  To save, either bind a key to QUICKSAVE, SAVE # (#
being 1-8), or hit ect and get to the menu and choose Save Game.  You
can Load games from the menu by hitting esc, by using QUICKLOAD or LOAD
#, or from the main menu.  Once you run out of saves on a level, that's
it.  You can use SAVESLEFT to find out how many you have left.

Q) How do I use the -debug switch?

A) Alright, you can do it two ways.  First, you can either make a new
shortcut by copying your old one or edit the current one, or you can go
to DOS.  See above for what happens when you enable it.

In order to get it to run through a shortcut, especially one with spaces in the 
folders or file name put " " around the path. ("C:\Program filesfox 
interactive\aliens vs predator\avsp.exe" -debug) not
(c:\program files\fox interactive\aliens vs predator\avsp.exe -debug)
which will cause the program to try to run or open c:\program, and not
("c:\program files\fox interactive\aliens vs predator\avsp.exe -debug")
because that will look for a FILE called "avsp.exe -debug" and not add -
ebug to avsp.exe. It's how computers work. You can either edit the
current shortcut or copy it and add the -debug to the new one.

You can go to DOS and do it as well, however. That is fine, just don't
rename things. And in order to get to a folder with spaces in DOS either
cd "program files\fox interactive\aliens vs predator"
or take the first six NON-SPACE characters then add ~1 (usually, may be
~2, ~3 etc.) to it.
cd progra~1\foxint~1\aliens~1

Same goes for the file itself. if it's aliens vs predator.exe than just
do aliens~1 -debug.

Note: File names and folders may vary, I'm not actually in front of my
computer with ti installed so I don't know the exact file name. I just
know how dos and shortcuts work.


Multiple Discs in Multi Player:  Throw your own disc, then while it's
traveling through the air, grab another Predator's disc that is stuck in
the wall, then let yours return.  This will give you more discs.  -
Thanks MrSquishy (!

Kill Aliens with Wristblades:  Crouch and hold down secondary fire. 
When an alien comes close, rush forward and let go of both crouch and
secondary fire.  The slash should hit at about mid range and kill the
alien.  - Thanks Andre Comtois (

Taunts:  Tanut, a seemingly worthless button, or is it?  Both Droll
( and XRider ( both notified me of it's
usefulness.  As an alien, hissing will cause the marines and civilians
to panic.  As a marine, taunts tell the AI marines where you are, and
they come toward you.  As a Predator, using taunts can sometimes draw
Aliens to you.

Killing Predators:  Road Kill ( as well as a few
others has informed me that head shots against predators seem to do more

Aliens alive: As an alien you can gain live a few ways.  First, head
bites.  But you can also claw up dead bodies for some life.  Thanks NM
( for reminding me.

Predator Bonus 1 shortcut?:  This one is dangerous, I died many times
trying to get it.  When you get past the two lifts going up and cross
the catwalk, there is a pipe to your left.  Go through it and at the end
there is a hole in the ceiling and floor, and a fan at the end.  Try to
go down the hole on the floor.  This should save you a lot of time.  I
couldn't get it to work, however.
XIV) What's New

V 1.0

The game itself is updated.  Build 98 now.
II) Weapons - Updated
VII) Predator Walkthrough - Updated Predator 6.  Thanks Nytr0x
XII) Cheat Options - Added some more info for Terror, thanks Lo Wang
(  Plus some updates.
XIII) FAQ & Tips - Added some questions, mostly about the new patch. 
Also added tips to the end of the section.
Various other updates throughout the walkthrough as well.
V 0.95

VII) Predator Walkthrough - Added a shortcut on Predator 2.  Thanks Josh Butler 
XI) Enemies - Updated.
XII) Cheat Options - Updated.  Added Free Fall and Under Water. (Thanks
Ed ('We Scream In Cathedrals') Miller ( and
Reverend Dr. Bong (  Also have the rumored 21st cheats 
name, Terror, but no other information.
XIII) FAQ - Added some more questions.  Also added a console command
XIV) What's New - Corrected a mistake on when something was added.

This will be the last update for a while unless I get some new
information to add.  Thank you for reading it.
V 0.9

II) Weapons - Updated
VIII) Alien Bonus Missions - Completed
IX) Marine Bonus Missions - Completed
X) Predator Bonus Missions - Completed
XI) Enemies - Update
XII) Cheat Options - Added Impossible Mission and Ticker Tape. 
Seventeen listed, three earned but not rewarded.  :(  Disco Inferno
added, thank you
XIII) FAQ - Added some questions to this section.  Ones I've seen asked

Various typo corrections and updates also in this version.  Big jump in
the version because I have basically everything done.
V 0.3
II) Weapons - Updated
IV) Vision Modes - Updated
VI) Marine Walkthrough - Completed
XI) Enemies - Updated.
XII) Cheat Options - Added Warp Speed, Land of the Giants and Slug
Trail.  REALLY added Mirror this time (SORRY!).  Fifteen total.
V 0.2
IV) Vision Modes - Updated alien's Hunting vision.
V) Alien Walkthrough - Completed
VI) Marine Walkthrough - Updated level 2, MUCH faster!
XI) Enemies - Updated, and will do so again when the Marine walkthrough
is finished.
XII) Cheat Options - Added Pipecleaner, Motion Blur, Mirror and Grenade.

Misc. stuff (typo corrections, more detailed character descriptions
etc.) will come once the walkthrough is completed.
V 0.1  Everything!  I just started it.
I) Characters - Complete but could probably use more details.
II) Weapons - Complete
III) Equipment - Complete
IV) Vision Modes - Complete
V) Alien Walkthrough - First 2 levels
VI) Marine Walkthrough - First 2 levels
VII) Predator Walkthrough - Complete
X) Predator Bonus Missions - Missions 2 and 3
XI) Enemies - Complete
XII) Cheat Options - Eight listed.  Sniper Munch, Nausea, John Woo Mode,
Pigsticking, Super Gore, Balls of Fire, Rainbow Blood and Trip Tactic.
XIV) What's New - Will constantly be updated.
XV) Contacting me and Credits - Will constantly be updated.
XVI) Opinions and Misc. - May still be updated.
XV) Contacting me and Credits

If you have any questions or comments, suggestion, additions, ideas,
typo corrections, gripes etc.  Contact me at

Thanks go out to:

Loiosh de' Taltos (
Zachary Adams (
Ed ('We Scream In Cathedrals') Miller (
Randy Holte (
Josh Butler (
Reverend Dr. Bong (
Scaramanga (
Lee G. Bethel (
MetalCommand (
MrSquishy (
Lo Wang (
Nytr0x (
Andre Comtois (
Droll (
XRider (
Road Kill (
Richard Reeves (
NM (

Special thanks to all of those who've found errors to help me correct
them.  And thanks to all those that asked questions on various web
boards so I could add something to my FAQ. :P
XVI) Opinions and Misc.

This is one of the finest games I've ever played.  No way around it.  A
lot of people have been having various problems running the game (even I did for 
a time, but it cleared up), which are all fixable usually.  Give d/ling new 
drivers etc. a shot.  A lot of people also dislike the lack of a save game 
feature.  Personally I feel it adds to the atmosphere of the game.  But there 
have been a few times I wished I could save. ;)  Awesome game, I'd recommend it 
if you can run it, and it's also a nice challenge.

With the release of the patch saves and cheats have been added.  I truely like 
the way they have.  It still tries to get people not to save or cheat their way 
through the game.  It makes sure the game is still the challenge is it means to 

This FAQ/Walkthrough was written in Wordpad.  It you're using a program that 
somehow misaligns things, try Wordpad.

Note: Everything in the FAQ is original, written by *ME*.  Please do not use any 
of it without letting me know before hand.

This FAQ Copyright 1999 David Coddington (AKA Death Mage).  Do not use
any of it without my permission.