Aerobiz Supersonic (e)

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Aerobiz Supersonic
The Complete Guide
ver 1.0 (6-5-99)

by Dan Simpson (

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N  O  T  E  S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aerobiz Supersonic is a sort of sequel to Aerobiz, except it is more of a remake
of the first game than a sequel.  They merely added new planes and a couple
other features and called it a brand new game.

Anyway, the point of the game is to have the best and most profitable airline by
a certain time.  You can compete against either 3 computers or 3 players or any
combination of those.
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Contents: ---------------------,
  | 1. The Scenarios           |
  | 2. The Planes              |
  | 3. Game Basics             |
  | 4. Routes                  |
  | 5. Other Ways to get Money |
  | 6. Misc.                   |

1. The Scenarios
There are 4 scenarios, each has different jets because each is set in a
different time period.  Each scenario gives you 20 years to be the best, and
each year has 4 quarters.

  1. The Dawn of the Jet Age  -- 1955 to 1975
  2. Air Travel Takes Off     -- 1970 to 1990
  3. Airlines Cover the Globe -- 1985 to 2005
  4. Supersonic Travel        -- 2000 to 2020

For a list of which era has which planes, look in the next section "2. The
Planes" for the list.

After you select your era, you then select a difficulty level, from 1 to 5.  One
being easy, five being hard.

Then you select how many human players will play.  If this is your first time
with the game, you may want to play on DEMO.  You will get to see how the
computer strategizes by watching 4 computer players playing against each other!
For an easier game, select and play more than 1 human player.  This would cut
back on actual opponents to compete against.

Note: Due to the amount of wars in the middle east in the "Dawn of the Jet Age"
      scenario, it isn't recommended that you have any dealings in the mid-east
      in that scenario.

2. The Planes
Old planes do go obsolete, so if you don't see all the old planes, that's why.
Note: During the era of the Cold War (which is up to 1989) non-russian airlines
      cannot buy Russian planes (Ilyushin and Tupolev) and Russian airlines
      cannot buy non-russian planes.
Note: When new planes are first introduced, all you get is to see it, they won't
      start production on that plane until the next year.
Note: Prices of planes listed is the Initial price, the prices do decrease over
Note: If a given plane has a second year listed, then that means that while you
      are playing a scenario that plane will be taken off the market.  Also
      realize that some planes are only available in certain scenarios, so
      don't panic if you don't see something even though it should have been

Plane list is sorted by Builder, then by Years:

Name:      Builder:  Years:    Range:   Seats:   Price:
-----      --------  ------    ------   ------   ------
Concorde   Aerospat. 1976-79     4000      120  110000k
A300       Airbus    1975        3620      350   60000k
A320       Airbus    1982        4180      180   28000k
A300-600   Airbus    1985        5500      370   62000k
A310       Airbus    1985        6000      280   47500k
A340       Airbus    1993        8870      330   99000k
B707-120   Boeing    1958        4180      140   42300k
B707-320   Boeing    1960-82     5560      160   45000k
B727-100   Boeing    1964-71     2310      110   21600k
B727-200   Boeing    1967-84     2620      150   33000k
B737-200   Boeing    1968-88     1500      110   24750k
B747-200   Boeing    1970        6750      450  134000k
B747-300   Boeing    1983        6750      500  112500k
B737-300   Boeing    1985        1620      120   34100k
B757       Boeing    1985        2930      200   35750k
B767       Boeing    1985        4060      230   38500k
B747-400   Boeing    1989        7180      550  135000k
B777       Boeing    1995        5500      360   54000k
IL14       Ilyushin  1954-60     1870       30    8000k
IL62       Ilyushin  1965        4930      150   24000k
IL62M      Ilyushin  1970        5620      160   28800k
IL62MK     Ilyushin  1978        5500      170   34000k
IL86       Ilyushin  1981        2560      350   37800k
IL96-300   Ilyushin  1988        6870      300   45000k
L1049      Lockheed  1951        4750       90   19800k
L1011      Lockheed  1972-84     4500      350   72000k
DC6        MDC       1947        4000       80   11200k
DC8-30     MDC       1959        5120      140   43200k
DC8-50     MDC       1961        6060      150   44550k
DC9-30     MDC       1966        1500      120   23400k
DC8-60     MDC       1967        5930      240   40800k
DC10       MDC       1971        5560      350   67500k
MD80       MDC       1981        3560      150   33000k
MD11       MDC       1991        7750      360  102000k
MD12       MDC       1995        8000      400  120000k
MD100      MDC       1998        4680      200   36000k
TU104      Tupolev   1955        2500       50   13500k
TU124      Tupolev   1962        3500       40   18000k
TU134      Tupolev   1967        2310       70   17600k
TU154      Tupolev   1972        2430      150   21600k
TU144      Tupolev   1977-79     2620      140   81000k
TU154B     Tupolev   1977        2500      160   25200k
TU204      Tupolev   1989        2870      210   26000k
Caravelle  Sud       1959-72     1500       80   30000k
Viscount   Vickers   1953        1680       70   20000k

3. Game Basics
The first thing that you have to do in the game is to select a Region to start
from.  Logically you want a region away from the computer players.  Here is a
small breakdown of the Best Regions to start from:

                     Best Starting Cities:
  1.  SE Asia    --  Tokyo, Singapore
  2.  N. America --  New York, Los Angeles
  3.  Europe     --  London, Paris
  4.  Africa     --  Cairo
  5.  S. America --  Mexico City

  Avoid: Mideast and Australia

These are the best because of their size, but more importantly they all have
good locations.  Never get a starting city in the middle of the Region as you
won't be able to do any Long/Medium distance routes, and the ones you will do
will be less effective.

After choosing all the starting cities, you will be given an option to change
the names of the companies (i.e. Metlink, Sunrise, UK AIR, etc.) and their
colors.  You will then be given your goals by a staff member, and tossed into
the scary world of Airline Management!

The Buttons: (from left to right)
  Top - Create New Route, Adjust Routes, Negotiate for Slots, Order/Sell Planes,
        Budget, Business Ventures
  Bottom - Create Hub, Advertising, Staff Meeting, Info, Options, End Turn

  First off, note the numbers under the various cities in your region.  Those 
  are slot numbers.  The higher the number, the more flights into that city you 
  can do.  There are a few things to remember with slots:
    - They aren't unlimited.  Eventually every city will run out of slots at 
      their airport (given enough demand) and it takes time to build new slots.
    - They aren't free.  Slots do cost money, so don't just go around getting
      slots everywhere you MIGHT need them.  In fact, if you don't use all your
      slots after awhile, you may want to return them!
    - In determining the Max amount of flights possible, you have to consider
      how many slots you have in both cities on the flight route, not just the
      city you are flying to.  If you are doing a New York to L.A. and NYC has 2
      slots and LA has 8, you can only do 2 flights.
    - Remember at the most you can be negotiating for new slots in 4 cities.
  To get new slots, push the STAFF icon (it looks like 2 hands), and send a 
  staff member to a city to negotiate for slots.  Depending on relations between
  your company and this city, your negotiations could take as little as 3 months 
  (one quarter) or 12 months (4 quarters).  Remember that you only have 4 staff
  members!  You can, if you want, send 2 staff members on the same job to speed
  things up.

  To expand to other areas of the world, you will need new Hubs.  They're like
  miniature versions of your home base, allowing you to create new routes from
  them as you would your home base.  Hubs can be created at any Green city that
  you already have slots at.  Use the same logic in selecting your hub as you
  did your home city.  (choose large cities, at an edge of the map, like Paris)

  Every once in awhile you will see various messages like "Olympics will be held
  in XXXX" or "XXXX is experiencing a boom in tourism.  Take advantage of these!
  They will give you a large bump in traffic.  Also pay attention to warnings
  about wars about to break out and cut off the route before it gets cut off for
  Note: Wars increase the price of oil, which increases your expenses, which
        lowers your profits.  So don't panic if you see a bunch of Red Routes
        after a war breaks out!

Special "Offers":
  Eventually a country will come up to you and ask you to back their new 
  proposal with some of your hard earned cash.  What do you get?  Their love.
  Goodie.  It will improve relations with that country's cities, but nothing
  more dramatic than that.

Note: To switch between regions at any time, use the L and R buttons, and use
      the Y button to select a region on the world map.
Note: To speed up text as it is scrolling, hold down one of the ARROW buttons.

4. Routes
Choosing a new route is always a tricky business.  Will there be sufficient
demand on the route to make it profitable?  Will you be able to charge enough
to make a GOOD profit?  Is there going to be competition on the route?  And
once you finish the route, how do you tinker with it to make it even better?

The maximum amount of routes you can have is 40, so you have to choose wisely
where to start a new route.

The Best Routes:
  International Routes -- that is, anything going from one geographic area to
    another.  Like New York to London, or Los Angeles to Tokyo.  There is always
    a great demand for these routes, PLUS the distance means it is economical
    to use large planes like the 747, which carries a lot of people, which means
    lots of money.  Also you may be able to charge whatever you want here if
    you get 100% capacities.
    Note: You can only have one international route into each region, that is,
          if you do a Tokyo-Paris, you can't do a Tokyo-London, but you could do
          a Tokyo-New York.
  Long/Medium Distance Routes -- not quite international, these go from one
    extreme end of a geographic area to another.  Like New York to Miami, or
    London to Athens.  Use a medium sized jet here, but have more flights.  You 
    can't charge as much, but the short distance means less expenses.  If you 
    have 3 or 4 of these in every region you are in, you will do fine.

Bad Routes:
  Short Hops -- these are really bad.  Avoid making any routes like this!  An
    example is the London to Paris route.  Sure it may SOUND good, but even if
    you get a profit from it, it won't be as much as you would get otherwise on
    a better route.  Although it will get you people, which can get you market

Tinkering with Routes:
  If your route is at 100% capacity and is raking in the bucks, then you will
  want to tinker with it to make it even better at making money!
    - Swap to a larger plane
    - Add more planes
    - Buy new slots at both airports and increase the flights
    - Increase the ticket price by 10%
  If your route is not 100% and/or is losing money then you need to get it to
  be profitable.
    - Swap to a smaller plane
    - Decrease the amount of planes/flights
    - Advertise!
    - Cut prices by 10%

Note: A route that is Red is losing money!

5. Other Ways to Get Money
Business Ventures:
  The far right button on the top row is the Business Venture button.  You can
  buy a business anywhere you want.  (you don't need to have flown there)  The
  idea is mostly to complement your airline, so you want to buy Hotels, or
  Bus services.  It requires a staff member to buy the Business so make sure you
  have one before you attempt to buy, and it also takes time.  Not all 
  businesses are instantly profitable.  To check their profitability, call a
  staff meeting.

  Advertising is directly related to Business Ventures and so is listed down
  here.  You can only advertise when you actually have a Business, because you
  are advertising the Business, not your airline.  However, your airline reaps
  the rewards of the Advertising.  Confused?  Anyway, there are 3 categories of
  Ads, and you can only do the ones that correspond to the Businesses you have.
  Also if you increase the amount spent on advertising, it increases the
  likelihood that something will happen!

6. Misc.
There is a small "Bonus Game" in Aerobiz Supersonic, and it is a "Flag" game.
Find the icon that looks like the SNES controller, and press A then SELECT to
get into the game.  It will show you a flag, then give you 4 options as to
which country it belongs to.  Simple.
  -- from GameSages --

ASCII Art created using SigZag by James Dill:   (freeware!)

Shameless Self Promotion:
  I have also written faq's for:
    NES:   The Legend of Zelda
           Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
    SNES:  Utopia: Creation of a Nation
    PC:    Ultima 4
           Ultima 7
           Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
           Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
           Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
           Rollercoaster Tycoon
           Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
                        -- the Cheat Guide
  All can be found at:

Questions?  Comments?  Mistakes?  Email me about it!

Original Version (6-5-99, 15k)
STILL TO DO: Finish listing all the planes!

This Document is Copyright 1999 by Dan Simpson