=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =-=-= The Official ADOM FAQ File =-=-= =-=-=-= Version 1.25 =-=-=-= =-= Last change: 06/09/1996 =-= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This document answers some of the most frequenty asked questions about ADOM. If you feel that anything important is missing, please send suggestions to Erwin Mascardo, who is the official maintainer of the ADOM FAQ. He can be reached at aero@clark.net. This document is structured into two parts: * General questions * Game-specific questions Items marked with a `*' are new additions since the last release. Items marked with a `#' have been edited since the last release. General questions ----------------- Q: What does ADOM stand for? A: ADOM is an acronym for `Ancient Domains Of Mystery'. # Q: What is the current version of ADOM? A: The current game version is 0.9.3. Q: What hardware platforms can run ADOM? A: A 386 or better PC running DOS or Linux (Linux binaries are in a.out format). An Amiga port is in progress, but it is not stable enough for general release. Q: Where on the Internet can I find support and information about ADOM? A: If you are looking for discussion about ADOM (or would like to start a discussion (: ) you should try the newgroup rec.games.roguelike.misc Announcements concerning ADOM are posted to rec.games.roguelike.announce The latest version of ADOM can be found via FTP at members.aol.com in the directory /brannalbin/adom A little while after the latest version is released you will also be able to find it at the official roguelike games site at ftp.win.tue.nl in the directory /pub/games/adom (This site will be faster for European users.) If you would like to use your Web browser you can find the official ADOM website at http://www.win.tue.nl/games/roguelike/adom/index.html Q: Where can I get the source code for ADOM? A: If you can obtain the source, Thomas would be extremely interested in finding out how you cracked his system's security. As long as Thomas is actively developing and maintaining ADOM, the source will not be released. Thomas is considering releasing the source once the game has reached version 1.00, to facilitate porting to other platforms. Q: What happened to the spoilers that were once in this file? A: As of the time of this posting, there has been at least one posting of spoilers on rec.games.roguelike.misc. However, I was too careless to get the name of the poster this time around (oops). It wasn't Jason Konrad McEachren, as previous versions of this FAQ have stated. Q: I have a suggestion/comment regarding the game. Where do I send it? A: Thomas' email address, for ADOM-related material *apart from* bug reports, is: rpg@saranxis.ruhr.de Please read the rec.games.roguelike.misc newsgroup before sending in a suggestion, as someone else might have already made it. Q: I've discovered a bug in ADOM. How do I report it? A: First, be sure that the `bug' isn't actually a feature of the game. (Things that cause the game to crash with a fatal error message qualify, certainly, but not all bugs cause fatal errors...and not all unexpected game behaviours are caused by bugs.) Second, if the game crashed with a fatal error, make a note of the *exact* wording of the message. Third, if the game successfully saved itself during the fatal error crash, check to see if it restores properly. Lastly, send your report to: adom-bugs@saranxis.ruhr.de Include the version number of the game, the platform being played on (DOS or Linux, and include your Linux version), the fatal error message (if any), and as detailed an explanation as possible of the game state at the time of the bug and the action (or lack thereof) that triggered it. If you have a feeling you know (in programming terms) what caused the bug, by all means include your hypothesis. Please note that even nitpicky things like typographical errors are worthy of bug reporting. Q: I've just upgraded to a new version, and the README file says that several new commands and functions have been added. However, I can't seem to use them. What gives? A: You have to delete your `ADOM.KBD' and `ADOM.CFG' (DOS version) or `.adom.kbd' and `.adom.cfg' files whenever you upgrade. Otherwise, the game will happily use the old set of keybindings and configuration variables, unaware that new functionality has been added. Game-specific questions ----------------------- * Q: What is the Drakalor Chain? A: The Drakalor Chain is the mountain range which is represented by the `world' map. Q: How do I light a torch? A: Wield the torch (either in your right or left hand). Then use it. In order to make this work you also will need to have a tinderbox and flint and steel. Q: How do I use lock picks? A: Instead of trying to *use* the lock picks, `a'pply your Pick Lock skill. You will automatically use the most effective lock picks that are in your inventory. Q: What is Ventriloquism good for? A: If you manage to use it succesfully on a monster, the monster might be confused for two or more turns. Q: Is there a command that allows you to rest safely in order to regain hit points and power points? A: Yes, actually you can use the walk-mode to do this. Simply press `w' to activate the walk-mode followed by `5' for the direction which makes your character `walk on the spot' and is great for safely recovering. You'll automatically stop waiting if something comes near, if you get shot at, etc. Q: What is the `T'actic command for? A: Changing your combat tactics allows you to trade off offensive ability for defensive ability, or vice versa. Note that versions 0.8.0 and above show you the numerical effect of the different tactics on the top line of the screen. It costs you no time to change tactics, so feel free to experiment. Q: I can use the `W'eapon command to see my hand weapon damage, but how do I see my kick damage? A: Version 0.8.3 added the `K'ick Damage command. Q: I can't keep myself fed. How do I avoid dying from starvation? A: There are several ways to solve the food problem. A high Food Preservation skill will both increase the likelihood of a monster leaving a corpse when it dies and allow you to keep a monster corpse in your inventory longer. A high Herbalism skill will help you identify a particular herb that can feed you very well (experimentation with herbs isn't a good idea, since the bad ones are very dangerous). A few hundred gold pieces and some patience can buy you a good amount of food on the arena level from the ratling traders (although their wares aren't particularly filling, so you *will* need a lot of them). In an emergency, you can pray to your god if you're in reasonably good standing (you have to be at `Hungry!' status for this to work reliably). Finally, if you hang around on a level where monsters come at you hard, fast, and continuously, at least a few of them are going to drop rations or other non-perishable food. Q: I'm doing several of the above things already, and I'm *still* starving. Now what? A: Take off any items that make you invisible. Invisibility drastically increases your food consumption rate. If that doesn't work, stop playing Trolls until you have better luck with obtaining food, as Trolls have a high inherent rate of food consumption. Q: How come I don't benefit from eating raw meat? A: Different races have different ideas of which foods are appetizing, and which go down okay but don't sit too well in the stomach, and which are too revolting even to think about eating. Starting with version 0.9.0, you can try cooking it, if you know how to cook. Q: How come my Defensive Value keeps shifting up and down by a point or two for no apparent reason? A: There's a reason for everything in ADOM, even if the reason isn't obvious to the eye. The most common reasons for having your DV shift is having your hunger status shift from `Satiated' to normal, or vice versa, and having your encumbrance status go to `Burdened' or worse, or vice versa. Q: How can I tell if an item is cursed? A: Drop it on an altar (starting with version 0.8.3, the altar's alignment must match yours). Starting with version 0.9.0, you can develop your Detect Item Status skill. Be warned, however, that some particularly diabolical items become cursed when you attempt to use them, even if they're not cursed to begin with... Q: What do the different altar colors mean? A: White corresponds to the lawful deity, gray to the neutral, and black to the chaotic. Q: How do I get rid of a cursed item? A: There are again several approaches. Dipping the item in holy water will remove the curse, as will reading a scroll of uncursing. If you don't mind getting roughed up a little, find a suitable trap or monster that has the ability to destroy the item in question, and go a few rounds with it... however, this method also puts your other equipment in danger. There are other ways...be creative! Q: How do I make myself resistant to special attacks? A: Besides the use of suitable items, the gods have been known to grant certain invulnerabilities to their most loyal servants. It is also said that `you are what you eat'. Q: How come I'm still getting hurt by fire attacks when I'm wearing a ring of fire resistance? A: Unlike certain other Rogue-alikes, resistance isn't the same as immunity. Resistance only protects against a given amount of damage. However, you *can* combine sources of resistance to improve your level of protection. It is possible to acquire total immunity to certain special attacks, but this is much more difficult than gaining resistance. # Q: How do I learn to read, if I started out totally illiterate? A: Again, `you are what you eat'. You need to find the corpse of an extremely well-read monster. Solving a certain minor quest can also help. Q: What about the other skills that I don't know? A: There are many ways to learn skills, some of which are less obvious than others. Thomas claims that as of version 0.9.1, there are 10 different skills that can be learned from scratch. Q: I'm playing a Mindcrafter, and the game crashes when I attempt to use my Teleport Control power. Why? A: Teleport control automatically activates when you hit a teleportation trap, read a scroll of teleportation, or gain the chaos power of teleportation. It allows you to choose your destination rather than being bounced randomly. Thomas is working on a fix for this, but be assured that you *never* have to manually activate teleport control. Q: I've been poisoned! How do I cure it? A: Certain potions, herbs, and spells are effective in this regard. If you're tough enough or know the right spell, you can weather the poison's ravaging effect on your body. The gods can also cure poison if you're in good standing with them. Q: How come my Neutralize Poison spell didn't work? A: The effects of poisons are cumulative, and the neutralize poison spell only eliminates a certain amount of poison from your system with each casting. Q: How come my combat abilities suffer so much when I wield 2 weapons? A: Actually, this depends on exactly *which* 2 weapons you're wielding. According to Thomas, many factors are considered when calculating the To-Hit penalties for using 2 weapons. Use a little common sense here; it makes more sense to wield (say) a long sword and a dagger than a long sword and a battle axe. Starting with version 0.9.0, developing your Two Weapon Combat skill will help matters greatly. Q: How do I stop the killer bees from coming out of their hive, or the giant ants from their hole? A: Insect colonies have finite populations. With bees, you can speed up the process by disturbing the hive. Q: What can I do with colored pools? A: You can drink from a pool. The effects aren't always beneficial. Q: How come, no matter what I do, my alignment seems to gravitate inexorably toward Lawful? I wanna become a Champion of Chaos! A: This has become much easier as of version 0.9.0. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out at least one way to promote the cause of Chaos. More ethical problems with no one right answer are promised in future versions. Q: I've gotten the Poison Hands chaos power, and every food item I touch gets poisoned! Is there a way around this? A: This is one of those questions where you either know it, or you don't. You need to wear thick gauntlets (that is, the pair of gauntlets whose description is `thick gauntlets'). ==================== Copyright 1996 by Thomas Biskup and Erwin Mascardo. This FAQ may be freely distributed as long as these two copyright messages are distributed with it. Karmic creatures are exempted from this restriction. ADOM (C) 1996 by Thomas Biskup. All rights reserved. -- ----------Public key and Geek Code available by finger -l.