ActRaiser (e)

Actraiser Boss Guide 1.0
Revised 7/14/99
Author: Hunter-K01
AIM: AZNDrgn831
ICQ: 21297177

Game Type: RPG/Strategy
Publisher: Enix
Number of Players: 1
Difficulty: Unavailable

(c)1999 by Hunter-K01. All rights reserved. You all know the rest; no 
ripping of my work etc. Updated versions of all FAQs will be only @ This FAQ/Boss guide must not be sold under any 
circumstances as this is free to the public.

Act 1-1
--Boss: Centaur Knight--

The easiest way to defeat this guy is to crouch and slash him a couple 
of times and then run away quickly. His lightning attack can be avoided 
at a safe distance, but harder when closer to him. You can dodge his 
lance by crouching low and slashing him. 

Act 1-2
--Boss: Minotaurus--

He'll try to jump on you, slash at you and fire off a projectile. The 
strategy you ask? Once he lands, hit him and RUN away from where he was 
standing. You'll be able to anticipate the projectile. DO NOT get too 
close to the walls. Doing so may quickly finish you instead of the boss. 
He's quite difficult considering his speed is far greater than yours.

Act 2-1
--Boss: Night Creature--

Way too easy for a The trick is to get on the upper right 
platform and jump the fireballs he spits at you. Take a slash at him 
(don't get too greedy!) and repeat. If you try to jump after him, he'll 
just go to the other platforms and do the fireball thing over again. 
You'll likely be knocked to your death if you try to chase him around. 
Patience pays off a lot here.

Act 2-2
--Boss: Wizard--

The first form is very easy to defeat. Jump the triple fireballs and 
avoid the lightning hitting him as many times as you can. It's better to 
hit him from the bottom platforms. Next, he'll transform into a werewolf 
and begin jumping from wall to wall. If at this point you still have 
lots of HP left, fight as viciously as you can. Otherwise, hit him ONCE 
when he howls and watch out for the projectiles that come after his 

Act 3-1
--Boss: Sand Lion--

This boss is difficult (IMO) due to his variety of attacks. The sand 
makes everything harder and when he burrows under the sand, watch out 
for two tentacles that'll come ripping to ya. After the tentacles reach 
the center, the beast will rear it's ugly head spitting stuff at you. 
Crouch, hit, and jump the tentacles. 

Act 3-2
--Boss: Golden Pharaoh--

He'll try to crush you, spit fireballs at you, and make shooting heads 
appear depending which direction the fireball is headed. Avoid the 
little heads, run under the big head, slash, and repeat.

Act 4-1
--Boss: Serpent--

Hey! Where'd that projectile come from? I dunno...well use that 
advantage to your fullest to outwit this fast-moving moster. You'll be 
able to get a few hits and try not to jump often. Doing so usually leads 
to many deaths. Take your time, and remember, his head is the only 
vulnerable spot.

Act 4-2
--Boss: Flaming Wheel--

Man this is one difficult dude! He follows you and shoots these green 
things at you. I suggest using a source of magic such as the STARDUST 
magic to beat him considering you have enough scrolls. Otherwise, hit 
and and try not to take so many hits. 

Act 5-1
--Boss: Giant Plant--

The fireballs are easily avoided but the vine can cause quite a lot of 
pain. This boss requires much timing and patience to outwit and defeat. 
Run toward him, jump the vine, and slash him and quickly run back. 
Repeat the same strategy and you'll prevail.

Act 5-2
--Boss: Snake God--

The magic power, MAGICAL LIGHT is definitely the best to beat this boss. 
Uh, never mind. He'll drop spikes and drop himself onto you. Avoid the 
spikes, his lightning attack, and hit him when he tries to crush you. 
Simple enough right?

Act 6-1
--Boss: Cave Gargoyle--

You best be waiting in the corner and slash him when he gets near you. 
If you're lucky, you'll be able to pull off two hits on this guy and 
he'll be toast.

Act 6-2
--Boss: Ice Dragon--

STARDUST MAGIC will definitely pay off here and will aid you greatly. 
Else, it him in the back when he lowers himself and prepares to shoot at 

Final Boss
