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Ace Combat 3 - Electrosphere (e)



Search Engine Info and Missions, ver. 1

translated and written by Henry H. Jerng

produced on 06/05/99


"'Electrosphere', infinite passages to information derived from optical 
communication...  Your judgement will decide the world of the future.

     You will control various jet fighters and engage in colorful missions.  All 
sorts of drama, which unfolds with the near future as its stage, are acted out 
in full traditional animation and voice.  You will enjoy aerial dogfights using 
a new sight-control system independent from flight controls and visually 
identifying targets!

     'Ace Combat 3:  Electrosphere' is a 3-dimensional shooting game delivered 
by Namco with the highest quality.  It is packed with a worldly environment, and 
finally finished with the inclusion of a supplement booklet 'Photosphere'!"  
(backcover of the game)


     'Ace Combat 3:  Electrosphere' is the latest entry in Namco's popular Ace 
Combat series.  In my opinion, Namco has outdone itself with AC3 in every aspect 
of their flight combat series.  The graphics that dazzled in the latest 
incarnation of the Ridge Racer series (R4) can be seen here, in gorgeous hi-res.  
Clouds and rain have been added to enhance the sensation of speed, and the 
degree of details on the textures have been increased.  The controls, as the 
backcover message noted, has been improved to allow freedom of view- in all 
directions.  Not to mention the most important of all improvements, the 
involving storyline and characters in the game and the dividing storylines.  
This is where I will be focusing in this guide- the history and story of AC3.

     This guide contains translations of the games text, and since the game is 
quite long, the guide is still incomplete at this time.  I felt that it would be 
better to make the information available as early as possible to help people 
understand the game, rather than holding on to it until it is all finished.  I 
will be updating the guide as more translation is completed, so please look out 
for future updates.

     For permission to use this translated material in whole or in part, please 
contact me at the above e-mail address.  Thank you for reading, and happy 

Henry H. Jerng




GENERAL RESOURCE LTD.:  A conglomerate with enormous financial capital that 
dominates all kinds of industries and functions outside the framework of 

     Globalization of financial markets progressed in line with developments in 
capitalistic principles, and corporate mergers and take-overs began to be 
frequent and common.  As a result, prominent capital assets in all countries 
were ultimately combined and concentrated on a large scale.

     Within this wave of world-wide conglomeration, the General Resource Group 
attained enormous growth and developed into a huge multinational corporate 

     With the arrival of multinational corporations like the General Resource 
Group world-wide, the political framework of nations ruling by laws and 
regulations actually became meaningless.  Enterprises like ones in our society 
today ruled the administrations, and a system was established where corporations 
commanded their own zones.

NEUCOM INC.:  A corporation that began as a space development division and 
swiftly grew into an entity that rivaled the General Resource Group.  It did so 
through business monopoly and development of cutting-edge technologies in its 
diverse divisions- neuro-computer division; new computer technology, represented 
by association/record memory; biochemistry division; global information 
communication division; and nanotechnology.

     Neucom Inc. is comprised of 5 operational departments:  Neucom Info 
(information), Neucom Space (Space), Neucom Bio (Life Sciences), Neucom Sphere 
(Communications), and Neucom Publishing (Publicity/Foreign Affairs).

     The corporate name is a compound work from "Neuron" and "Computer".

NEUCOM INC.'S PAST AND PRESENT:  Neucom Inc. used to be the Euro-Asia Space 
Administration (EASA), originally a government-owned space management agency.  
Neucom Inc. came to its current heralded position because of its top-rate space 
development division, a result of Neucom's acquisition of a large aerospace 
company immediately after its inauguration.

     In the 2030's, Neucom Inc. nabbed the transfer of a large 
research/development staff from General Research Ltd..  It continued to employ 
excellent, talented staffs from all sorts of agencies and organizations without 
regards to their nationality and research origin- for example, a bankrupt 
government-operated agency and a corporate research/development team made 
obsolete due to corporate down-sizing.  Neucom greatly expanded its business 

     In 2034, through acquisition of a communication company and a software 
company, Neucom established a satellite network for its plans of a space 
strategy, and it wanted to be the leader in information/communication 
technologies with its in-house departments.  Last year in 2039, with the 
completion of "Mega Float" (a seafaring floating city), it can be said that 
"Neucom makes the impossible possible".

     The attitude of Neucom Inc., especially its emphasis on the 
research/development of scientific technologies, is often censured as "science 
above principle" leading to "conducts without regard for humanity".  It started 
to receive much more criticisms from the world particularly after it began to 
operate its own armed forces.

UPEO:  An abbreviations for Universal Peace Enforcement Organization; a 
countermeasure organization aimed at maintaining peace and order, under the 
direct control of the new international federation, New United Nations (NUN).  
UPEO maintains the military force called SARF in order to suppress various 
disputes currently breaking out in various areas.

     An organization of the NUN, UPEO was established to maintain peace on Earth 
and possesses jurisdiction superceeding all racial and national laws.

     However, the fact is that, until Gabriel W. Clarkson (originally a member 
of the USEA federal assembly) assumed his present position as UPEO's 
representative, the real power was held by General Resource Ltd.; in short, UPEO 
was "a puppet of General Resource Ltd.".

     Since 2037, when Gabrel W. Clarkson arrived at his post, UPEO re-verified 
the organization compass it was first founded on and developed policies based on 
the spirits of its peaceful principles.  The significance of UPEO's existence 
was defined for the world to see.

NEU:  An abbreviation for Neucom Emergency Unit; an organization designed to 
deal with Neucom emergencies.

     NEU was a division of Neucom Inc. originally in charge of security at the 
research development facility.  After its response to an unforeseen accident 
during development operations, NEU became the all-around security unit.

     Since 2037, when the quarrel between corporations developed a military 
aspect, NEU was outfitted with military armaments developed by Neucom Inc. and 
transformed into a squad capable of responding militarily.  Currently, it is 
growing into a military organization that cannot be defeated by the General 
Resource Defense Force (GRDF) of General Resource Ltd..

SARF:  An abbreviation for Special Armed Response Force.  The special air force 
of UPEO.

     Disputes between the corporations began to come to a head in 2038.  Forced 
to intervene militarily to suppress the growing conflict, the UPEO finally 
established an official military force called SARF.

     However, many problematic issues remained for UPEO.  There were frequently 
cases where swift military measures cannot be taken because of assembly-member 
Gabriel W. Clarkson's campaign, "Peace, Principle, Spirit".  Furthermore, 
because of UPEO's reliance on large corporations for its military armaments, its 
total military strength cannot be improved, and thus UPEO is under the criticism 
that "UPEO is a paper-mache military force."

USEA:  An abbreviation for United States of Euro-Asia.

     USEA was originally a huge federation that ruled one of the six continents.  
However, multinational corporations such as the General Resource Group amassed 
powers and in fact dismantled the framework of nations.  As a result, USEA lost 
its functions as a country, and now it is keeping its name as a territorial 
demarcation for convenience's sake.

ENSI:  An abbreviation for Electro-Neuron-Synapse-Interface.  A standardized 
circuit path that connects a pilot's nerve cells and a computer.

     Today, it is standard to pilot a fighter jet with ENSI standard cable 
connecting the main computer inside the coffin to the electronic terminal that 
receive information from neurons of the pilot's locomotive nervous system and 
reflex nervous system.

NUN:  An abbreviation for New United Nations; an international peace 
organization established to maintain international peace and order, and to 
promote co-operation and goodwill between various countries.

CONNECTED:  to join a person, more precisely, through neuronal connections.  By 
connecting a computer directly to a human brain, a plane can thus be piloted.

ELECTROSPHERE:  A compound word from "electro" (electrical) and "sphere" (a mass 
where particles gather).  It is called "Electrosphere" because it turns space 
into an image on the computer network.

     In accessing information housed in every address on the network, you can 
make the network appear in space.  By moving inside electrosphere in every 
endless direction, you can find your way to the information you want.

IN-SA-NET:  An abbreviation for Inter-Satellite-Network; a satellite information 
system that allow mutual communication from and to any location on the planet.

     The In-sa-net, as an information satellite medium, can possibly detect the 
movement of enemy forces in distant ground and remotely control all weapons on 
the ground.  However, the current situation does allow weapon controls because 
of the installed protection program on the network.

SUBLIMATION/COMPUTERIZATION:  In chemistry, sublimation means the process by 
which a solid directly becomes a gas without becoming a liquid.  The way we 
change information within the brain from solid flesh into software (by a brain 
surgery that transforms the brain into digital data) is called sublimation or 

     Through sublimation, it becomes possible for people to discard their 
physical bodies from this world and live on a software.

     The basic theory behind sublimation was developed by a research development 
team headed by researcher Yoko Inoue, who was working at General Resource Ltd.'s 
DOE (military research center).  In theory, it is possible to produce a dead 
copy.  However, in 2030, an accident occurred during the team's research, and 
General Resource Ltd. Abandoned continuation of the research.

JAMMING:  To emit interfering radio waves and cause radio wave obstruction.

DATA SWALLOW:  The trade name of a computer operating system (OS) sold by 
General Resource Ltd. in 2032.

     It is a system which includes a browser that connects to the electrosphere 
and is able to access various informations.  Since its introduction, Data 
Swallow is used world-wide as the standard OS.

     Data Swallow, ver. 3.2.2., the newest version, went on sale in 2040.

PEEK-A-BOOM:  The name of an application software installed in the Data Swallow 
OS, ver. 3.0.1 and later, one that can look up various vocabularies.

     Peek-a-boom is used in all sorts of situations, as an extremely convenient 
application that will search the electrosphere with a selected keyword and 
display the relevent data with a color image.  The original publisher was a 
large art-and-science publishing company that had a special server for 
vocabulary serach in its grocery research department.

COFFIN:  An abbreviation for Connection for Flight Interface; formally, a 
military weapon control system that works by neuronal connections.

     After establishing neuronal connections, the operator controls by laying 
down all alone in the cockpit, completely isolated from the visual world.  It is 
also called "coffin" because the situation in the cockpit is like that of a 

     Coffin can be outfitted on all sorts of weapons such as jet fighters and 
tanks by exchanging the device drivers, because the ENSI are standardized.

TELE-EXISTENCE:  A system that detaches the control system for military weapons 
and allows control from a distant location.

     The pilot establishes neuronal connection from a coffin set at a distant 
location and controls the weapon through tele-existence by the way of In-sa-net.

     There is a weakness to this system.  Because it works through the In-sa-
net, a time lag is generated in the information traffic, and thus a complete 
performance of the weapon cannot be achieved with this system.

SILVERSTONE DISEASE:  A hereditary disease with a group of symptoms responding 
to E (electromagnetic) rays.

     Because the patient does not have resistence against E-rays contained in 
the sunlight, he/she must protect his/her body from sunlight with protective 
clothing like a space suit.

     Because the person who first reported the disease was professor Anthony 
Silverstone, this disease is generally called the Silverstone disease.

SNYDER'S TOP:  The name for a territory in the northern region of USEA.  The 
headquarter of the New United Nation is here.

MARITON TERRITORY:  An undeveloped territory.  Disputes between General Resouce 
Ltd. and Neucom Inc. over this territory just will not end.  Spy planes from the 
two companies frequently come and go over this area for surveilence.

SANDBERRY DESSERT:  The territory where General Resource Ltd. once productively 
cleared up the land built a Geo-Desic Dome.

     Now, constructions for a biotech plant by Neucom Inc. is going on here.


     Born on 4/27/2021.

     She is a patient of Silverstone disease that she was born with.  However, 
after she was certified a child prodigy of piloting when she was only 9-years-
old, Rena joined the General Resource Ltd.  She participated the power 
development project at General Resource Ltd. for 7 years.  She was described by 
the mass media as the "girl prodigy pilot".

     In 2037, she transferred to UPEO.  Because of her advanced fighter piloting 
ability, she received many medals for many special operations.

     Now, she is enrolled as a pilot for SARF, which formed in 2040.


     Born on 1/26/2016.

     Received special education for gifted children since the age of 3 toward 
becoming a pilot, and at 22, she completed the Master of Arts (MA) program in 
Aviation Engineering and Research as the graduate school of Edwards University.

     Fiona got her post at UPEO in 2039, and at present she is joining SARF as a 


     Born on 10/10/1997.

     In 2018, he graduated from Sandberry GR Defense College with a degree in 
Aerospace Engineering.  In September of that year, he joined General Resource 
Ltd. and was assigned to the General Resource Defense Force (GRDF) as a pilot.

     After he joined GRDF, Dision made outstanding contributions in many flight 
missions.  He was designated GRDF's ace pilot because of his meritorious service 
in the terrorist suppression operation in 2026.

     Now, at 42 years of age, Dision is still active on the frontline.


     Born on 5/19/2010.

     After graduating from a senior high school affiliated with Sandberry GR 
Defense College in 2028, he joined General Resource Ltd.  He enrolled and 
currently goes to GRDF.


     Born on 8/30/2016.

     In 2039, after graduating with an International Political Science degree 
from Oxform University, he took a position at UPEO.

     He joined SARF after its formation in 2040 as a pilot, and that is where he 
currently goes.


     Born on 1/17/2000.

     In 2023, he completed his doctorate in Information Technologies from the 
graduate program at Accel Univerisity.  In 2022, he received the Electra award 
for his published dissertation titled "Basic Theory of Artificial Intelligence 
Organization by Genetic Information Conversion".

     In 2023, Simon joined General Resource Ltd.

     After 8 years of service at GR, he transferred to Neucom Inc. in 2031.  Now 
he belongs to Neucom Info and engages in military-related research.


     Born on 3/6/1992.

     After graduating from Beijin University's economics department in 2014, he 
joined General Resource Ltd..  After he successfully filled several important 
posts at all of the corporations in General Resource Group, in 2031 he received 
recommendations from GR and transferred to UPEO.

     He presided over a UPEO increasing in its ability to maintain peace and 
order.  Now he serves as the supreme-commander of NUN's UPEO.


     Born on 2/29/1984.

     He completed his doctorate in International Political Science Research from 
Oxform University in 2010.  By way of being a USEA assembly member, he assumed 
the office of a voting member of NUN.  In 2037, he became the official 
representative of UPEO and is still serving that position today.

R-NUMBER:  The common name for Neucom Inc.'s fighter jets.

     For the model number of Neucom Inc.'s fighters, such as R-101 and R-102, 
"R" comes from "Radical" and represents the fighter's revolutionary design and 
style.  Thus, in general, Neucom Inc.'s fighters are called "R-numbers".

GBS:  General Broadcasting System; a broadcasting system on the electrosphere 
privately-owned by General Resource Ltd.; established in 2035.

     GBS broadcasts a wide variety of programs from drama, variety, to sports- 
all with relatively hight entertainment value.  In terms of viewer ratings, it 
surpasses all other systems.

NVS:  Neucom Visual System; the name of a program broadcasting service on the 
electrosphere that began in 2033.

     It was the first enterprise to broadcast using the media known as 

     At the beginning of service, NVS broadcasted programs from other systems, 
but recently it is mainly broadcasting science information programs made by its 
parent company, Neucom Inc.

EAPN:  Euro-Asia Public Network.

     Established in 2003, it is USEA's government-operated broadcast system.

TEXT BROADCASTING:  Information service based on text data that broadcasts on 
the sphere.

     Text broadcasting was included in General Resource's OS "Data Swallow" when 
it was announced in 2032.  In the intial sales period, the number of service 
subscribers outnumbered purchasers of the OS by 8 times, but in the following 
year when the broadcasting service from NVS began, the number of users sharply 
declined.  Today, in addition to text data, service is provided along with 

NANO-TECHNOLOGY:  A technology under research/development at Neucom Inc. that 
uses minute particles at the nano (10^-9 meters) scale.

     Neucom Inc. commenced development of minute particles that will endure any 
theoretical conditions.  It succeeded in directly injecting programs into these 
particles.  As a result, because it can perform work at the nano-scale where it 
execute its program, the nano-robot became a reality.

     The product was released by Neucom Inc. in 2038 as "Nano-byte".  Because it 
is capable of adapting to extreme conditions and self-replication, plans for its 
use include practical applications in construction and space development, as 
well as a new energy source replacing nuclear power.


     As an opportunity for General Resource Ltd. to gain economic dominance 
against Neucom Inc., a dispute suddenly erupted at Phase Park territory in 2040.

     A tense situation has continued between General Resource Ltd. and Neucom 
Inc. ever since the second half of the 30's.


     Born on 2/9/2012.

     In 2033, at the age of 21, she completed the Master's program in Genetic 
Engineering at Chopinbrook University.

     In the same year, she joined General Resource Ltd..

     After serving for 4 years at GR, she transferred to Neucom Inc. in 2037.  
Now, she is enrolled at NEU as an ace pilot.

ITTC INC.:  In-sa-net Telegraph and Telephone Communication.

     It was established in 1953 as USEA's government-operated telegraph and 
telephone company.  After privatization in 2023, in the following year (2024) it 
was bought out by the General Resource Group.  It is currently owned by GR.

     Its videomail and videophone service that began in 2031 allowed mediation 
of images on the electrosphere and exchange of voice and text information in 
real time.  In 2032, with the sales of "Data Swallow", it is used world-wide as 
the standard communication system.




VIDEO:  a female news reporter

     "Early dawn today, General Resource Group's air force conducted military 
exercises in the skies over Meriton region, where tensions continued to mount.  
This exercise took place at Sandberry dessert where recently Neucom had made an 
announcement.  Diversion from Neucom's publicized demonstration at its biotech 
plant was seen as GR's goal, and in response to this action, UPEO's 
representative Clarkson today formally expressed his dissatisfaction at General 


VIDEO:  various images

     "Who supports everyone's livelihood?  General Resource.  Who wants to walk 
the passage of time with everyone?  General Resource.  Who creates the 
environment of the future while considering everyone's needs?  General Resource.  
Today, with someone......  Tomorrow, certainly with you."


VIDEO:  A jet fighter

     "Please look at who is flying freely toward the limitless sky in this 
beautiful jet fighter.  An UPEO's ace pilot who protects the peace and order of 
our world that everyone longs for.

     However, when we learned about the fate that this pilot was burdened with, 
we absolutely were at a loss for words.  The pilot's name is Rena Hirose.  She 
was inflicted with the Silverstone disease since birth and cannot live under 
sunlight.  However, today she has wings to fly with.  As a result of the newest 
technology developed by General Resource......"


VIDEO:  various images of technology

     "It was a research group at General Resource that gave brilliant results in 
the world of new science, especially computer technology, for new times.  The 
fact that this group became Neucom's parent organization is something you may 
not know well.  And, since 2032 when they announced their start on space 
development, in fact a tense situation has existed between Neucom and General 

     Neucom's scientists from every science division, including electronics, 
biotechnology, and nano-technology, all previously gossiped that they will 
surpass General Resource's accomplishments.  Now, after many years, the time 
when General Resource can display its huge influence with its economic power 


VIDEO:  interview with Rena Hirose

Rena: "...... Well, yes.  You're asking about my days off?  Hmm......  Well, I 
cannot have walks in the park.  I read books and watch movies.  Just some 
ordinary stuff, really......"

(text on the screen reads "What are your dreams?")

Rena:  "To become a pilot like now is already something like a dream to me.  
However, recently......  Thinking about this, I feel that everything that is of 
concern to people, like their health, is of no interest for me.

     In my heart, I am always flying.  I don't have wings physically, but the 
wings in my heart......  'cause they can bring the sky to me, I want to have 
wings in my heart."


Erich:  "Ah...  Aren't you there?  Any way, here it is.  I don't know how you 
plan on doing this, but if you want to pilot a plane for UPEO, you can't afford 
to offend commander Park.  Well, if you can defend the world in the way that 
Clarkson's party talked about, with peaceful settlement and all, you wouldn't 
need UPEO on General Resource's case to begin with.  Whatever happens, it's 
nothing to do with you piloting a plane.

     Well, in the next mission......  Ah, this time, you've been barely assigned 
with my support.  Don't do anything except copy the movements of Rena and 
Fiona's planes.  'Cause you are the only one behind me."


Fiona:  "I will orally tell you the operation communication.  The official 
documentations will be transmitted to you electronically by facsimile following 
this message.  Occupants posted with UPEO are hereby ordered to stand by and 
await instructions indefinitely.  Well, to put it simply, the situation has 
become rather mysterious.  Later!"




VIDEO:  the same female reporter

     "This just came in.  I will tell you the news.

     The tense situation that existed after the Phase Park incident has 
continued.  It appears that Neucom has plunged into a state of war against 
General Resource.  According to Neucom's official statement, in spite of 
everything, an attack will be made as a reciprocity for the violation committed 
by General Resource......  This is the news.

     To deal with this situation, representative Clarkson of UPEO has some time 
ago asked for an emergency meeting and sent an urgent dispatch to the peace 
enforcement troops......"


MISSION BRIEFING:  "At around 7:50 pm today, Neucom began a massive military 
operation against General Resource.  We here at UPEO must prevent this action to 
avoid an deterioration of relations between the two companies.  However, if 
Neucom fails to heed our warnings, we will be forced to take physical actions.  
I will be anticipating your actions......  That's all."

(At the beginning of the mission......)

Erich:  "Rena is better at piloting the Flanker."

Fiona:  "Don't chatter."

Rena:  "I'll begin the attack."

(End of Mission #1)


Fiona:  "Well, it finally started.  It'll certainly turn into a something where 
Neucom's attitude and representative Clarkson's powers will clash.  Here, 
we......  we must ask what is the true value of UPEO.------Yes, yes.

     Didn't you make a move different from before?  It felt good."


Rena:  "Ah...... Hello.  This is my very first mail to you.  If this conflict 
continues, certainly from this point on, chances for me to fly with you may 
increase.  As for your flying today, I think that you'd better examine the way 
you think about the enemy you see.  Well, that's all......  Later."



VIDEO:  a political discussion

Interviewer:  "Let's talk about General Resource's reaction to the dialogue 
between Neucom and UPEO.  Does there seem to be many people fearing that this 
can spark more chaos?"

Interviewee:  "Yes......  You can certainly say that a leader like UPEO's 
representative Clarkson is a politician type from a previous era.  It is now 
after USEA's unification.  In this age where economic powers eliminated 
governments and administrations of justice, I cannot say anything but that his 
actions are a mistake for our times."

Interviewer:  "Then, can we avoid a war between Neucom and General Resource?"

Interviewee:  "Um.  However, what I want to say is......"

Interviewer:  "Ah......  Excuse me.  We have to take a commercial break here."


Fiona:  "Ah, you're there......!  There is something I have to tell you.  As of 
today, full directorial authorities over the peace-keeping activities of UPEO 
was entrusted to commander Park.  It was decided that, from now on, you will 
work primarily with Rena as a member of SARF, UPEO's special air force.  

     Well......  Working alongside with UPEO's star like her means that you'll 
get hooked up often and you cannot fail miserably."


MISSION BRIEFING:  "Early dawn today, our reconnaisance squad confirmed that a 
Neucom military base in the Wireboro mountain range is conducting radar-jamming 
activity against General Resource's air lanes.  Prevent this violation activity 
and neutralize the radar-jamming facilities stationed around the base."

(after the battle)

Erich:  "Hey, hey.  Don't show us the results."

Fiona:  "Do you plan to be SARF's ace?"


VIDEO:  reporter

     "After its commencement at Expo City, this round of dispute appears to be 
subsiding thanks to the works of the peace-keeping force that centers around 
NUN's UPEO special air force SARF.

     However, Neucom's antagonism against General Resource appears to be 
spreading among all territories in USEA.  The holding of the Snyders conference, 
which UPEO's representative Clarkson advocated, will become the beginning of the 
resolution of the conflict between the two companies.

     ......Now, on to the next news"

SPECIAL MESSAGE:  The afternoon, two General Resource-made jet fighters were 
delivered to UPEO headquarter.  The New United Nations has been seeking to 
strengthen UPEO's military force ever since the Phase Park dispute, and this is 
seen as General Resource's answer to NUN's request.

     Such a shift in attitude has received much criticism from inside UPEO, that 
"military fortification is in conflict with UPEO's original goal of peace 
maintenance."  They question whether UPEO should be continuing to increase its 
military power.



This translation is copyrighted by Henry H. Jerng.

All original Japanese material is copyrighted by Namco Ltd.

Ace Combat 3:  Electrosphere is produced by Namco Ltd.  SLPS 02020-1

Copyrighted by Namco Ltd.  All rights reserved.