Amok (e)

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                                (C) LEMON 1996

=[]___}> 1: GAMEPLAY
==[]___}> 2: CONTROLS
===[]___}> 3: WALKTHROUGH
====[]___}> 4: EXTRAS
=====[]___}> 5: CREDITS
======[]___}> 6: FAQ INFO

=========================================================[]___}> 0: INTRODUCTION

AMOK is a third-person mech shooter developed by Lemon for the Sega Saturn and
PC. The gameplay itself is pretty standard, but it has some groundbreaking
features, and I mean that somewhat literally. For one, the environments are
entirely modeled in voxels, long before "voxel" became an aesthetic buzzword.
This means that AMOK, even on relatively primitive hardware, features a ton of
destructible environments, behind which there are typically secrets. Secondly,
the auto-targeting system is pretty sophisticated for its time.

The setback of voxels, naturally, is that the graphics look chunky; even
chunkier than what you'd typically expect from the lower resolutions of 90s
games. But, overall, it's a decent looking and playing game, though maybe the
overtly dark and murky atmosphere covers up a lot of its blemishes.

=============================================================[]___}> 1: GAMEPLAY

AMOK has you running around various dark, futuristic environments blowing stuff
up in a mech/submarine. There is a plot but, let's be real: it doesn't matter.
If you're curious about this game's literary offerings, there's a lot of text
for you to enjoy in-game. AMOK offers 2 difficulty settings, which can be
changed in the Options menu. Easy only allows you to play through Mission 2-2
(level 5). Hard allows you to play the entire 9 level story. Frankly, this game
is really easy either way.

You start the game with little health and ammo. You start every subsequent level
with however much health and ammo you ended the previous level with, as long as
it's above a certain minimum. If it's below, you will be given a default minimum
deemed appropriate for the stage. The only way to increase supplies is to find
power-ups in the environment. Aside from that, all you really need to do is
follow the green indicator on your radar (or red arrow on your compass), destroy
the targets, then exit via the Rendezvous Point.

There are NO lives and NO continues. However, you do get passwords that allow
you to resume from certain stages with a default amount of resources. The % of
secrets found and enemies killed in a stage is entirely inconsequential. In
later stages, you'll receive scripted upgrades that raise your ammo caps.

The game features cooperative multiplayer and deathmatch modes, but I won't be
covering that in this FAQ. I don't think playing multiplayer AMOK in 2022 is
really anyone's thing. Just know that, in co-op, if one player dies, you both
lose. The password system can also be used to activate in-engine cheats. I'll
put all the passwords I know of in the "EXTRAS" section as well as in the
Walkthrough at the point they're obtained.

WEAPONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mini-gun       - Your standard, infinite-ammo weapon. You'll probably never stop
                 firing this thing throughout the whole playthrough.

Bombs          - A projectile that flies out in an ark and explodes after a
                 short period of time. Does huge damage in a large area and can
                 be lobbed over walls.

Missiles       - Non-guided projectiles that do a lot of damage to one enemy.

Heavy Missiles - Missiles, but slower and they hurt more.

POWER-UPS ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 /      \
|  HULL  | - Extra Hull
 \      /

When you start AMOK, you can only fill up a certain amount of your life bar
(~20%). When you pick up Extra Hulls, the little white bar in your life bar will
move to the right, indicating that you can now fill up more of it. This is the
only way to fill up the entire life bar PERMANENTLY.

 / _||_ \
| [_  _] | - Extra Energy (comes in 3 levels)
 \  ||  /

These restore your life. The first, gray variant refills VERY little. The
second, yellow, refills to your current Hull max. The third, also yellow, has
tiny crosses coming out the sides, but I'm not gonna bother drawing that. Just
know that it fills the entire life bar, past max capacity, indicated by yellow.
The yellow portion, once lost, can't be regained by any means other than another
level 3 Energy pick-up.

 / -()- \
| |<  >| | - Shield (comes in 2 levels)
 \ \||/ /

Your life bar will turn blue and you'll be immune to damage for a period of
time. The first variant, gray, lasts ~15 seconds. The second variant, yellow,
lasts ~30. You can stack them for longer periods of time. Funny thing: both
icons for the short and long shield are identical in the manual since it's
printed in black and white. Very helpful lol.

 /  /\  \
|   /\   | - Rapid Fire
 \  /\  /

Your next 400 Mini-gun shots are extra fast. Can stack with itself (ie. 800,
1200, etc.) as well as Armor Piercing.

 /  /\  \
|  /  \  | - Armor Piercing Rounds

Your next 400 Mini-gun shots do extra damage. Can stack with itself (ie. 800,
1200, etc.) as well as Rapid Fire.

 <| <> |>  - Bomb Ammo

Comes in singles and 5's.

    ||     - Missile Ammo

Comes in singles and 10's.

   <| |>   - Heavy Missile Ammo
    | |

Comes in singles and 5's.

HEADS-UP DISPLAY ---------------------------------------------------------------

In the top left are 2 rows of boxes labeled "MISSILES" and "BOMBS". The top two
boxes are your current Missile and Heavy Missile ammo, in that order. The bottom
is your Bomb ammo. If any box is red, that means you are full on that ammo.

In the center is your life bar. The red is your current health. The white line
is your max health capacity, and, if you pick up a level 3 Extra Energy, the
part of the bar past your max capacity will fill up with yellow. If you pick up
a Shield, the red part will turn blue for as long as the Shield is active. The
life bar will blink slowly if you're low on health. It will also blink rapidly
as your Shield fades. If you pick up a power-up that enhances your mini-gun, the
remaining enhanced shots will show up under the life bar.

In the top right is your radar. You are in the center. The cone extending from
you is your facing direction. Enemies are red dots and allies are white dots.
The green, pulsing sonar is the direction of your next objective and, if the
objective is in radar range, it will show up as a yellow circle.

In the center is your aiming reticule. NOTE that, despite having auto-aim, you
will have a HIGHER CHANCE of hitting enemies if they are IN the reticule. All
around you is a compass that rotates with your mech. The red arrow on the
compass indicates the direction of your next objective.

If you pause mid-game, you'll bring up a stage map with you and the location of
your next objective on it, as well as your kill rate and secret discovery rate
for this mission so far.

TIPS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

> You can't run forward and strafe at the same time, however you can strafe run
(C + L or R), which is a faster version of strafing

> Having the enemy in your targeting reticule will guarantee more accuracy

> Your mini-gun is more than adequate for most tasks

> Bombs go over walls and destroy mines

> Your missiles, as well as the enemy's missiles, can be shot down

> Heavy Missiles are sometimes needed to complete objectives!!!

> Enemies are aggressive, but have no persistence. If you run away, the vast
majority won't follow you. Running away is actually a great option

> Spend the earlier missions building up your Hull max capacity. You can max it
out by Mission 2-2. This allows you to have way more life between stages, and
also saves you a ton of effort exploring later on, when stages are harder

> Obviously circle-strafing while firing is key to this game, as it was with
most 90's games before cover-based gameplay

> Not all secrets are worth finding

> Just play the game on Hard--trust me, it's easy either way

=============================================================[]___}> 2: CONTROLS

The controls come in 2 schemes that you can change in the Options menu. The only
thing that changes, tho, is that L and R and Left and Right on the D-Pad get
swapped. So you swap strafing and rotating. The camera views can be changed
between standard 3rd person, low-angle zoomed in and zoomed way out. In menus,
D-PAD and START/A can be used to select items. B can be used to cancel items.

                              .-- L/R: Strafe --.
                             /                   \
                            /      .-------.      \
                           | _..--/         \--.._ |      X: Change camera
[ D-PAD ]                 .*  _..^--'''''''--^.._  *.  .- Y: Fire Bomb
UP: Move forward        .'\.*         (-)         *./'/   Z: Fire Heavy Missile
DOWN: Move backward    / .-'''-.                   (z) \
LEFT/RIGHT: Rotate    / /_.(_)._\               (y)  .-.\
                 '---- |(_) _ (_)|   start   (x)  .-..C. --- A: Fire Missile
                     | |\ '(_)' /     ===      .-..B.  | |   B: Fire Mini-Gun
                     |  \'-...-'..--'''|'''--...A.    /  |   C: Run (can hold)
                     |   '---'.---.....|.....---.'---'   |
                      \      /         |         \      /
                        "*--'          |          '--*"
                            START: Pause/resume game

==========================================================[]___}> 3: WALKTHROUGH

NOTE: This is merely the EASIEST way to beat the game, not the most complete or
most faithful! This is not a 100% or purist run, by any stretch. I'm playing
this on HARD difficulty, since that's the only way you can access the entire
game, but this applies to EASY difficulty as well. I'll also abbreviate certain
things for convenience:

Rapid Fire = RF
Armor Piercing = AP
Extra Energy = E1 for small, E2 for med, E3 for large
Shield = S1 for level 1, S2 for level 2
Hull = Extra Hull

MISSION 1, Phase 0 -------------------------------------------------------------

This is a tutorial mission to get you used to the controls. Whether you're a
submarine or a walker, your mech controls identically. Just get used to running
(hold C) and strafing (L or R), as that's the crux of this game. The enemies
here are quite easy to avoid, so avoid them. Do NOT use any Missiles, either. If
you, for whatever reason, took a ton of damage here, just restart the game. No
point in starting the campaign on an injured foot. There is an AP and RF
power-up out in the open, but no secrets.

MISSION 1, Phase 1 -------------------------------------------------------------

Behind you is a Shield level 1 (S1). Take if you want.

OBJECTIVE 1: Kill all the soldiers here.

OBJECTIVE 2: Destroy the shield generator. It'll drop Missiles, so make sure to
pick those up. If you need health, shoot the wall North of the crater for a
secret Energy level 2 (E2). Otherwise, leave it.

SECRET: West of here, you'll see a nook full of bees that drop bombs. If you go
inside and shoot the West-most wall, you'll reveal a ramp. Let the bee up there
explode the mines for you, then kill the enemies and pick up 10 Missiles. Take
the E1's if you need them.

OBJECTIVE 3: Enter the compound from the East and destroy the transmitter
inside. It looks like a pyramid with 3 upright prongs. Pick up the Hull it drops
and exit to the West.

OBJECTIVE 4: Make a mad dash to the Rendezvous Point.

MISSION 1, Phase 2 -------------------------------------------------------------

Behind you is 4 Missiles. Follow the North wall and you'll eventually reach a
glowing pad with Missiles nearby. Grab as many as you can, then step on the pad.

OBJECTIVE 1: You'll be teleported to your first objective. You only need to
rescue 8 prisoners (the white dots). Do so by walking over them lol. If you
rescue ALL of them, however, you get a free Energy level 3. Be quick, tho.
Prison bots will spawn and recapture them. After that, you're free to explore.

SECRET: The dark gray rectangle to the North is a platform that holds 2 Hulls.

SECRET: The small, square base up North has 2 Hulls and a teleporter that takes
you to an enclosed area with another Hull.

SECRET: A smaller, square base in the West contains another teleporter. When you
teleport, follow the path NORTH to another Hull. There's a destructible wall
South, but it only leads to Missiles.

SECRET: There is a Hull in the very bottom-right corner of the map. If you shoot
the nearest wall to your West, a ramp leads to 2 more Hulls.

Those are pretty much the only secrets worth getting here, but there is ONE MORE
that actually takes you to a BONUS LEVEL. If you enter that big alcove in the
South and follow it West, you'll eventually see an unidentified Exit. Grab the
E2 nearby and take this Exit instead of completing the mission.

MISSION X, Phase 1 -------------------------------------------------------------

If you took the alternate exit from P1M2, you'll end up here. Your only goal is
to destroy a research center in There are TONS of ammo and Hulls
here. You can set yourself up nicely for the future by taking your time. By the
end, my Hull max had quadrupled and I had full Bombs and Heavy Missiles. But be
careful; this place is TEEMING with enemies that can easily overwhelm you. Don't
worry about the secrets here as they generally lead to very dangerous areas with
little payoff. We can easily top off our Hull next mission.

Also note: this is the ONLY bonus stage in the game. Yes, I combed the entire
game using the Invincibility cheat and could not find another alternate exit.



MISSION 2, Phase 1 -------------------------------------------------------------

This stage can be finished quickly. However, I recommend scouring the entire map
so we can max out our Hull. Start by following the road North.

SECRET: There's a dark gray area just North of the starting point. Shoot the
Southern building blocking it off and enter for a Hull. Exit and head West.

SECRET: The circle of buildings near the center of the map can be entered by
blowing up the South wall. It contains a Hull. Keep going West.

You see that cross-shaped building? Just Southwest of it is a ramp leading up
another roof. Take the ramp and the teleporter to a small closure containing an
AP and an E3. Grab both and LEAVE. The large, dark green area on the West border
is a park. Find the entrance, then immediately go to the Northwest corner for a
Hull. That's all lol. Exit and continue to your first task.

OBJECTIVE 1: Go to the Northwest and shoot the gate open. Pick up the Heavy
Missiles inside.

Now, go South to a cross-shaped clearing. Take the teleporter here and be sent
to the far East. Go Southeast and you'll see another ramp. Follow the roof West
and grab 3 Hulls! Backtrack the way you came.

SECRET: In the furthest Northeast, there are two, identical, light-colored
buildings. Shoot the Eastern one to get a Hull. Now, head to task #2.

OBJECTIVE 2: Blast open the wall of the Depot with a Heavy Missile. Once inside,
destroy the 2 dome-shaped buildings with Heavies. There are crates containing
another Hull and an E2 at the East end.

Head to your last objective by following the main road Southeast, then West.
Keep an eye out for a dip in the buildings to your right that contains a Hull.

SECRET: You see the buildings shaped like an "OL"? Shoot the right side of the
"O" for 2 Hulls and a bunch of goodies. Exit and go South, the West.

SECRET: You'll come across a ramp blocked by a gun tower. Blow up the gun tower
and ascend the ramp, then follow the roof to a Hull and some Energy.

Go back down the ramp and explore the small network of alleys North of the
Rendezvous Point. There are 2 North-facing dead ends. The higher-up one has a
Hull in it.

OBJECTIVE 3: Finally, go South and finish the mission.

If you've gotten all the Extra Hulls thus far, you should be maxed out. That
means we essentially do not have to hunt for secrets ever again! Phew.

MISSION 2, Phase 2 -------------------------------------------------------------

If you're playing on Easy, this is the last mission of the game. It was
like...really easy, wasn't it? If you're on Hard, you're halfway through.

OBJECTIVE 1: Blow up these two rows of pill-shaped canisters. The Southern row
will reward you with a Hull, if you haven't maxed out. You should have, tho, so
this is the last time I'll mention Hull locations!

OBJECTIVE 2: Destroy all the crates here and make sure to pick up all the goods.
This should grant you just enough Shield to make it over to Objective 3.

OBJECTIVE 3: Blow up the dome-shaped barracks with Heavies and touch the item
that looks like TNT to proceed.

If you're low on Bombs or health (I suggest having as much as possible), exit
the barracks area to the South and immediately make a right. There is a trail of
Bombs you can pick up. When you see a watchtower to your left, blow it up for an
E2, then cut through the alley South to the next objective.

OBJECTIVE 4: Blow up the towers here for some gun power-ups. Use the ramp to
ascend onto the rooftops, then follow to the next marker.

OBJECTIVE 5: The A.Z.T.K. base is comprised of 2 pyramids mounted with 3 missile
launchers, each. This, combined with the nearby UFOs and tanks, can really put a
hurt on you. Ignore the UFOs as they're a pain to kill and don't hurt an awful
lot. Instead, focus Heavy Missiles and Bombs on the tanks and Pyramids.

If, afterwards, you're really low on health, go West past the open gate and use
the ramp. Follow the rooftops to the end for an E2.

OBJECTIVE 6: The Exit is at the end of the Southernmost dock at the pier.



MISSION 3, Phase 1 -------------------------------------------------------------

OBJECTIVE 1: Follow the enemy craft close enough to get clean shots in. After a
while, it will start shooting Heavies backwards at you. Just strafe out of the
way. This thing goes down in no time, leaving you free to explore.

If you're low on health, you have two options. One, go back to the beginning of
the map, in the furthest Northeast corner. There's an E2 there. Alternatively,
there's an E3 in the little "U"-shaped indent in the big rock formation in the
center of the map. Afterwards, follow the East wall down toward the A.Z.T.K.
base, ignoring any enemies. Enter the base as far North as possible.

OBJECTIVE 2: Upon entering the base, make a beeline for the generator but take
the teleporter along the way. Grab the nearby S1s at the destination, then use
your invulnerability to charge North and destroy the generator. If your auto-aim
is getting distracted by enemies, push up against the generator to make sure all
your shots hit it.

OBJECTIVE 3: Grab the S1 that was behind the generator and get out.



MISSION 3, Phase 2 -------------------------------------------------------------

There are quite a handful of ammo pick-ups in the starting area, so help
yourself to them. When ready, head East. Follow a trail of Missiles up a ridge,
pick up the 2 S1s uptop, and make a beeline for the generator.

OBJECTIVE 1: You only have to kill all the human guards that are in the
IMMEDIATE AREA of the generator, without hitting the generator itself. Bombs
work fine, as long as you're aiming AWAY from the generator. This area also has
a number of Bomb ammo and E1s.

OBJECTIVE 2: Instead of going where the marker tells you, go East to the
blue-colored rail on your radar. If you stick to the North boundary, you'll come
across a number of Shields that will make the next task easier. Starting at the
Northeast, follow the rail South and destroy any carts along the way. There will
be tons of enemies vying for your auto-aim's attention, so shoot the carts
point-blank with ONE missile, then move on.

OBJECTIVE 3: You will naturally end up at the rail activation switch. Press it.

OBJECTIVE 4: When leaving, stick close to the Eastern wall. There are much fewer
enemies there. If you're really hurting, the upper of the two, small circular
structures against the East wall holds a ton of Shields.



MISSION 4, Phase 1 -------------------------------------------------------------

Pick up the nearby S1 and run as fast as you can East, grabbing the Missiles
along the way. At the end of the path is a large stash of Bombs that you'll
want. Now, go North. Destroy the gate with BOMBS as it will also get rid of some
mines on the other side, then run through. You'll pick up an S1 incidentally.
Make a mad dash to the gate of the compound, accruing as much ammo and health as
you can along the way.

OBJECTIVE 1: Blow open the gate, then immediately go to the sides of the
enclosed area. Use the structures for cover as you carefully clear the room with
Bombs. You can also find some goodies here. Now blow open the next gate WITH A
BOMB. Along with the detonator, there is a much needed E2. Touch the detonator.

OBJECTIVE 2: You have 3--THREE MINUTES to escape. With the luxury of a full
health bar, though, you can partake in some of the ammo and health along the
way. Now, aren't you glad we maxed out Hull? Immediately past the 4th gate along
the exit route, look left and pick up 4 S1's. This will grant you 1 full minute
of invulnerability, making this stroll even more leisurely. Go to the Exit.



MISSION 4, Phase 2 -------------------------------------------------------------

Welp, here we are: the final mission! Pretty dang short game. At least we've
been promised a boss fight at the end. As stated, the boss can only be damaged
by a special weapon. Therefore, you shouldn't dilly dally collecting ammo or
finding secrets as this place is CRAWLING with enemies.

Anyway, if you're low on health, grab either the E2 or E3 nearby. If not, go
North and you'll encounter a red gate. These are color-coded and
switch-activated, so you'll have to find the red switch. Luckily, it's just
North of us in a small alcove. Step on it and proceed. To the West, you'll be
blocked by a blue gate. This one, however, does not have an obvious switch
nearby, so go North along the water canal, blowing up or sidestepping the mines
in your path.

SECRET: Past the final small bridge, near the end of the canal, shoot the wall
to your left. This place contains just about everything you could want, so have
your fill and proceed Northeast, then West.

When you're on a wide, bridge-like area, keep an eye out for a white switch
blocked off by mines. You'll want to press that, then take the nearby
teleporter. Go through the open gate in front of you. You'll find some health,
the blue switch, and another teleporter. It's obvious what should be done.

If you're low on health, go grab either the E2 or E3 at the beginning. If not,
go West, then South to find the yellow switch. The teleporter nearby takes you
to the yellow gate. Past the yellow gate, head South, dispatching mines and
enemies as needed. Remember, there is no need to save your Bombs. Your next
destination is the very Southwest corner of the map, where lies the green
switch. Press it, take the teleporter and go through the green gate. You'll be
rewarded with a ton of shields, as well as an E2.

OBJECTIVE 1: Blow up the nearby gate and you'll find even more goodies behind
it, though you won't need them. Instead, just speed through and grab the
ULTIMATE WEAPON, which will replace your mini-gun.

Keep going to the top-right of this area, blowing up gates and ignoring the
enemies. Hit the purple switch at the end and use the teleporter, which will
take you up North to the purple gate. Use what's left of your Shields to rush
ahead and destroy the remaining gates. Pick up the E2, then enter the boss room.

!!! SVINET-17, the FINAL BOSS !!!

Okay, so this is a really easy boss. The first phase can be defeated by standing
in its claws. Like literally in its claws. Just stand there and shoot it. If it
melees you once, let it. It barely does any damage anyway. It'll keep trying to
shoot you, but can't hit you because you're behind the projectile spawn point.

The second phase is only marginally more difficult. Stand mid-distance away from
Svinet, make sure there is plenty of room to either side of you, then just shoot
it while strafing. Make sure you're STRAFE RUNNING (C + L or R) and not just
regular strafing, or you won't be fast enough to dodge its attacks. Also make
sure you only strafe in one direction while it's shooting. If you hit a wall,
run forward instead of trying to strafe the other way!

Once that's done, you've beaten the game! Your reward? A plain text epilogue
informs you that you've been compensated for your role as a tool of corporate
warfare! CONGRATULATIONS, I guess!

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===============================================================[]___}> 4: EXTRAS

By using the Password option in the Options menu, then starting a new game, you
can activate various in-engine cheats. You enter passwords by pressing a
sequence of face buttons on the controller. As such, all passwords are a
combination of A, B, C, X, Y, and Z. If you've entered a valid password, it will
say "CORRECT" in the password field.

STAGE PASSWORDS ----------------------------------------------------------------

Mission 2, Phase 1 - CBYXYC
Mission 3, Phase 1 - XABXAB
Mission 3, Phase 2 - AZCBXC
Mission 4, Phase 1 - YYBBCY
Mission 3, Phase 2 - BAXCXX

CHEATS, etc. -------------------------------------------------------------------

Invincibility       - XBABYX
Level Select        - ZZZCYX
Infinite Rapid Fire - YAYAYA
View Credits        - ZAZACC

Hyper Mode          - ZABCXY (This is valid, but I'm not sure what it does?)

==============================================================[]___}> 5: CREDITS

CODE - Soren Hannibal

GRAPHICS - Jacob Anderson

SOUND - Jesper Kyd (quite a famous name!)


ADDITIONAL GRAPHICS - Jacob Lowschall, Svend Dellepude

LEVEL DESIGN - Trorpas Natas


PUBLISHING - Scavenger Inc.

TECH SUPPORT - Mikael Balle

AUDIO TECH - Zyrinx Studios

TRANSPORTATION - Stacy Roberts (lol did they carpool or something)

PLAY TESTING - Jesper Kyd, Morten Thuesen, Michael Persson, Mikko Tahtinen,
Darran Hurlbut

THANKS - Zyrinx, Mike Damien, Poul Thomsen, Shok Hansen, Maja Hansen, Christian
Laursen, Michael Bach, Jakob Lowschall, Casper Andersen, Martin Damseo, Ari
Goldberg, Aage Brotgaard, Soens Folk, Rejefiskerne Pa Gronland

=============================================================[]___}> 6: FAQ INFO

All info and art was curated by CypressDahlia (, unless
otherwise credited. If you wanna use any of it, go ahead, as long as you give me
credit. And, of course, feel free to send me emails and stuff to tell me what I
got wrong/missed. Thanks for reading!


                  AMOK WALKTHROUGH by CypressDahlia (11/14/22)