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A Mind Forever Voyaging (e)



The Optimized Straightforward Walkthru for A Mind Forever Voyaging


This FAQ is copyright 2009-2010 by Stanley E. Dunigan (

This FAQ may be posted and used anywhere by anyone as long as it's unaltered,
but always check one of the official websites listed below for the latest

GameFAQs (
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Like all of my optimized straightforward walkthrus, this FAQ is a complete
walkthru for the game that has been optimized and organized to make it as fast
and easy as possible to complete the game. I don't give any reference-style
information or encourage you to do unnecessary things. In true walkthru fashion,
I just tell you the answers without explaining or rationalizing them.


This is the original release of this FAQ, so I have no special notes or credits
to report yet.


NOTE: This FAQ was written while playing the version of A Mind Forever Voyaging
that came with the Lost Treasures of Infocom II package that was released in
1992 by Activision. As far as I know, everything will be the same for other game

*** STEP 1: Do the first sim. ***

Wait using the Z commmand until Perelman contacts you and says that you can
enter the sim at any time. Type GO TO SIM MODE, then look up the security code
for the color and number given using the game docs or a copy of my AMFVWH.RTF
file (which organizes the codes to make it quicker and easier to look one up).

From where you start in Kennedy Park, go southwest, south, and west to find your
apartment building. Unlock the door to the inner lobby with the UNLOCK DOOR
command, then go west. Unlock your apartment door, then turn your recording
feature on (RECORD) and go north. Use the NO command to answer Jill, then turn
recording off (RECORD OFF).

Go south and east twice to exit the apartment building, then go north to Elm &
Park. Go west twice and south to enter Roy's Pagoda. Sit on a chair (SIT), then
turn recording on, order some food (ORDER FOOD), and turn recording off. Get up,
then go north and east twice to return to Elm & Park.

Check the current time with the T command to see if it's 9:30 am or later. If
not, wait until it is, then turn recording on and go northwest to enter the
courthouse. Turn recording off and go back southeast. Go north, wait until 10 am
if necessary, then go west to enter City Hall. (If it doesn't let you in right
away, keep going west until it does.)

Turn recording on, talk to the guy who's sitting on a bench (TALK TO OFFICIAL),
then turn recording off and go east. Go northeast twice to reach Bodanski
Square, then get a newspaper from the dispenser (PUT CARD IN SLOT). Turn
recording on, read the paper, then turn recording off. Go north and southwest to
enter a church, then turn recording on and talk to the church elder.

Turn recording off, then go northeast and south to return to Bodanski Square. Go
east and northwest to enter the cinema, then buy a ticket (GET TICKET) and turn
recording on. Go watch the movie (ENTER HALL), then turn recording off. Go
southeast and west to Bodanski Square, then go south five times and southeast
twice to reach the power station entrance.

Turn recording on, go south to enter the plant, then turn recording back off. Go
north and northwest to Wicker & River, then go down to enter a tube station.
Wait if necessary for a tubecar to show up, then enter it (IN) and turn
recording on.

Wait until the tubecar stops at another station, then turn recording off and end
the sim (ABORT). Go to the comm port in Perelman's office (PEOF) and wait for
him to congratulate you on doing an excellent job.

*** STEP 2: Do the second sim. ***

Go to sim mode and enter the security code as before. This time, you'll be given
a choice between two sims. The one for 10 years in the future is the one you've
already done, so type 20 to start the new 20-years-ahead sim.

Go up and northwest from the tube station you start in, then turn recording on
and go west to witness a police raid in a university dorm. Turn recording off,
then go east and turn it back on before going north. Turn it off again, then go
south twice, east, south, and west to your apartment building. Unlock the door
and go west, then unlock your apartment door and go north to enter it.

Say NO to Jill's question (if she asks it), then turn recording on and wait if
necessary for a BSF raid to happen. This upsets Jill, so comfort her (COMFORT
JILL) and turn recording off. Open the door so you can exit the apartment, then
go south and east twice to leave the building.

Now redo the things you did in Step 1, starting with eating at Roy's Pagoda and
ending with watching a movie at the cinema. Go southeast, west, and southeast
from the cinema to enter a new church, then get the pamphlet. Turn recording on,
read the pamphlet, and turn recording off. (Note that you may run out of buffer
space either before or right after reading the pamphlet, but that's okay.)

Abort the simulation and go to Perelman's office with the PEOF command. Wait if
necessary for Perelman to show up, then tell him about the recordings you made
(TELL PERELMAN ABOUT RECORDINGS). Wait some more until he returns and says that
there aren't enough recordings from other years to show any sort of significant

NOTE: Either during this process or sometime later, you'll have to go through a
meaningless psych test. Type YES when Dr. Grimwold asks if you're ready for the
test, then type something (it doesn't matter what) each time he holds up a card.
Keep that up until the test is over, then resume what you were doing.

*** STEP 3: Do the third sim. ***

Go to sim mode and enter the security code as before. You'll probably find that
no new sims are available. If so, enter the "20" sim again and wander around or
wait for a couple of hours. Abort and reenter sim mode, and you should be able
to run the new "30" sim.

Record the area you start in by turning recording on, using the LOOK command,
and turning recording off. Go west three times to reach your apartment building,
then do the same record-look-record-off routine to capture the vestibule's
cruddy condition.

Use the usual commands (UNLOCK DOOR. W. UNLOCK DOOR. N) to enter your apartment,
then turn recording on and wait for Jill to return and a BSF raid to happen.
Turn recording off, then open the door and go south and east twice to leave the
building. Go east, then turn recording on before going northwest and getting
roughly pushed back out of a restricted area.

Turn recording off, then go west and north. Turn recording on and go northwest
to enter the courthouse, then turn recording off and go southeast to leave.
(Note that if the courthouse is closed, you'll need to wait until it opens at
9:30 am.)

Go north and northeast twice to reach Bodanski Square, then turn recording on.
Go east to witness some police brutality, then turn recording off and go
northwest to the cinema. Record the latest big-screen atrocity the same way you
did in previous sims.

Go southeast, west, and north to reach Aquarium & River. Turn recording on, then
go north and wait if necessary to witness a private skycar nearly crushing an
old woman. Turn recording off, then go north and turn it back on. Go southwest
to get made fun of by bratty schoolchildren, then turn recording off.

Go northwest and south, then turn recording on before going west to the zoo
entrance. Save your game, then go south into the zoo to see if you can catch
a group of children torturing a small animal. If not, restore your save and try
again until you get it, then turn recording off.

Go north twice, then turn recording on before going north again to enter the
stadium and observe criminals being given lethal injections. Turn recording off,
then go east four times and south twice to return to Bodanski Square. Go
southeast to enter the church, then get and record its pamphlet as before.

Abort the sim, then go to Perelman's office (PEOF) and wait for him to show up.
It'll probably be early in the morning, so it'd be faster to use the WAIT UNTIL