Fritzi Fisch und der verschwundene Schatz (e)

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                                 And The Case of          __
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Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds - FAQ by KrocTheDoc

Version History

Version 1.00                                          |I just finished up a    |
                                                      |Freddi Fish FAQ. I'm    |
                                                      |still trying to figure  |
                                                      |out if there are more   |
                                                      |outcomes. If there are, |
                                                      |I'll add them in the    |
                                                      |walkthrough.            |


So you may be wondering why I'm writing a FAQ for an exceedingly childish game
like this eh? Well truthfully, the answer is because I felt like it lol. Welcome
to the deep blue seas. For the remainder of the game, you'll be playing as two
fish, Freddi and Luther. There were never truer friends in the seas. Good luck!

Table of Contents
| 1 - Story       |
| 2 - Walkthrough |
| 3 - Credits     |


1 - Story


Grandma Grouper, Freddi's much-beloved grandmother, has been robbed of her
treasure : the treasure chest full of kelp seeds. Without it, all the fish in
the sea are doomed to starvation! Being the very nice fish she is, Freddi offers
to find Grandman Grouper's treasure chest, thus starting your adventure(with
Grandma Grouper's last peanut butter sandwhich).


2 - Walkthrough


Head out of Grandma Grouper's place to meet up with Luther. In a pathetic
attempt to swim a loopdey-loop, Luther knocks down a bottle with a note in it.
Freddi takes it out the note and reads:

"To find Grandman Grouper's treasure chest, go to the old whale bones."


"To find Grandma Grouper's treasure chest, go near the beach."


"To find Grandma Grouper's treasure chest, go to the volcano."

Old Whale Bones Guide

Pick up the purple sea urchin, then head down the right path to initiate a small
cutscene. A couple of sharks come by. The bigger, fatter, dumber one has lost
his bottle. They head off in an attempt to find it.

Continue down the right path, and continue to meet an obese mother fish. Her
baby guppy is stuck in the rock. She'll try to get in the cave, but she can't
fit and gets stuck. Click on her to pull her out. You can't do anything about
her baby right now, but head inside anyways. You can pick up the purple shell at
the top of the rocks. Now head outside the rock cave. Go down the right path.
Here, you'll come to an intersection. Before heading any further, pick up the
piece of wood stuck in the sand near the large logs and the purple sea urchin.
Take the left path to meet up with Ray, a manta ray. He'll tell you that to get
past the shrink net(the large net covering the clams with a pearl), you need the
umm.. Uhhh.. I think the uhh... something like the... super duper doopa poly
gismo <---- what the heck? But, the only way you can get the super duper doopa
poly gismo is if you give him a clock. You don't have a clock right now, so just
proceed down the left path to the old whale bones after picking up the silver
key near the shrink net. Pick up the bone on the ground here. You'll find
another note in a bottle as well. Pick it up, then Freddi takes it out and reads

"Go to the deep canyon."


"Go to the junkyard."

This initiates another cut-scene, in which the big shark tells the narrow shark
that he hid the bottles so he could find his way to the kelp treasure(what a
moron). The smaller shark tells him that if he can't find the treasure, he's
gotta anwer to the Squid Father.

Beach Guide

Pick up the purple sea urchin, then head down the right path to initiate a small
cutscene. A couple of sharks come by. The bigger, fatter, dumber one has lost
his bottle. They head off in an attempt to find it.

Continue down the right path, and continue to meet an obese mother fish. Her
baby guppy is stuck in the rock. She'll try to get in the cave, but she can't
fit and gets stuck. Click on her to pull her out. You can't do anything about
her baby right now, but head inside anyways. You can pick up the purple shell at
the top of the rocks. Now head outside the rock cave. Go down the right path.
Here, you'll come to an intersection. Before heading any further, pick up the
piece of wood stuck in the sand near the large logs and the purple sea urchin.
Next, you should pick up the bottle. Freddi takes it out and reads either:

"Go to the deep canyon."


"Go to the junkyard."

This initiates another cut-scene, in which the big shark tells the narrow shark
that he hid the bottles so he could find his way to the kelp treasure(what a
moron). The smaller shark tells him that if he can't find the treasure, he's
gotta anwer to the Squid Father.

Volcano Guide

Pick up the purple sea urchin, then head down the right path to initiate a small
cutscene. A couple of sharks come by. The bigger, fatter, dumber one has lost
his bottle. They head off in an attempt to find it.

Continue down the right path, and continue to meet an obese mother fish. Her
baby guppy is stuck in the rock. She'll try to get in the cave, but she can't
fit and gets stuck. Click on her to pull her out. You can't do anything about
her baby right now, but head inside anyways. You can pick up the purple shell at
the top of the rocks. Now head outside the rock cave. Go down the right path.
Here, you'll come to an intersection. Before heading any further, pick up the
piece of wood stuck in the sand near the large logs and the purple sea urchin.
Head back inside the cave where the mother's baby is stuck. Pry the rock that is
trapping Gaby using the wooden plank to save him, then head outside. Gaby's
mother hugs her son, and because she is so grateful, she gives you a purple sea
urchin. Head back down to the intersection that would lead to Grandma Grouper's
hosue. Now head down the left path. Take the left path in this section again,
then take the purple sea urchin. Put all four purple sea urchins in the bucket
to raise the gate, then head through. Click on the bottle. Freddi takes it out
and reads either:

"Go to the deep canyon."


"Go to the junkyard."

Deep Canyon Guide

If Freddi reads to go to the deep canyon, head back out of the place with Ray.
Head down the beach(through the boardwalk-ish log thing). You'll meet an
extremely annoying singing crab trapped in a cage. Use the silver key you got
and he'll give you a fishing rod. Head back out of this area, then return to the
mother. Enter the cave again, but this time use that wooden board you got to
free Gaby. Exit, and the mother will reward you with a purple sea urchin. Head
back to the nearest intersection, then head down the path marked by a sign with
a crown. You'll meet a hermit crab. He can't go to sleep because his glowing
shell always keeps him awake. Trade him for your purple shell you got in the
cave Gaby was trapped in. Head to the deep canyon(left path from the place out
of Grandma Grouper's, then the left path again). Click on the bottle you see.
Luther will get it, in an attempt to show some bravery. He drops it, then an
angler fish steals it. Head down the pit, then use the fishing rod you got from
the annoying crab to reel it in without getting bitten by the angler fish.
Freddi takes the note and reads:

"Go to the king's castle."

Another cut-scene of the sharks initiate. In this one, the skinny shark takes
the big one for a visit to the Squid Father.

Junkyard Guide

If Freddi reads to go to the junkyard, head back out of the place with Ray. Head
down the beach(through the boardwalk-ish log thing). You'll met an extremely
annoying singing crab trapped in a cage. Use the silver key you got and he'll
give you a fishing rod.  Head back out of this area, then return to the mother.
Enter the cave again, but this time use that wooden board you got free Gaby.
Exit, and the mother will reward you with a purple sea urchin. Head back to the
nearest intersection, then head down the path marked by a sign with a crown.
You'll meet a hermit crab. He can't go to sleep because his glowing shell keeps
him awake. Trade him for your purple shell you got in the cave Gaby was trapped
in. Head to the junkyard(left path from the place out of Grandma Grouper's then
the right path). Take the purple sea urchin, then head down to the junkyard.
You'll meet up with a hungry dog fish guarding a bottle and another portion of
the junkyard. First, feed the dog your bone, then pick up the bottle. Freddi

"Go to the king's castle."

Another cut-scene of the sharks initiate. In this one, the skinny shark takes
the big one for a visit to the Squid Father.

Head to the back part of the junkyard. Pick up the clock and return to Ray. Give
it to him, and he'll give you the super duper doopa poly gismo. Use it to open
up the shrink net. Carefully watch the clam with the pearl as it moves around,
then click on it to get the pearl.


If you haven't already done so, get the pearl. To find out how to do so, refer
to the junkyard guide. Now head back to the place where the deep canyon is. If
you want to see an utterly useless show, head left and put four purple sea
urchins in the bucket. Also grab the urchin in here. Head over to the big rock
with three caves. Eddy the eel will come up to stop you from getting in. Feed
him Grandma Grouper's last peanut butter sandwhich and he'll let you through.
Visit the upper-right cave for a purple sea urchin(the others contain nothing).
Head back to the area with the hermit crab now. Continue down the path to meet a
couple of formal-looking guards. Grab the purple seac urchin, then proceed
through the kingdom. Head through one more corridor and you'll find the king.
Give him the pearl you earned from Ray, and he'll give you the final bottle.
Freddi takes out the note and reads:

"The treasure is hidden in the sunken ship."

Knowing where the ship is, Freddi immediately scurries off to the ship. This
initiates a cut-scene. The Squid Father "talks" to the sharks about the kelp
seeds. He eventually gets so angry, he shoots ink all over the place, and then,
the fat shark raises from the smoke and shouts, "I REMEMBER WHERE THE TREASURE
IS!,". He and the skinnier shark scurry off to find it.

You'll notice a pirate using a mandolin as a crotch. Head over to the ship.
Freddi and Luther look in the window to see GRANDMA GROUPER'S KELP SEEDS! But,
you don't have a crank handle to open the window. Head inside the ship, then
through the upper crack in the ship hold. Grab the crotch and continue. Next,
you'll find a wardrobe. Click on it to meet Phineous, a pirate who sings a
ridiculously annoying song that ends up breaking his instrument(he deserved it
if you ask me). Exit the ship and give the crotch to the fat pirate. He'll give
you the mandolin in return. Return to Phineous and give him the mandolin. He'll
give you the crank handle, so head back out of the ship and crank open the
window, using the crank handle you got from Phineous, initiating the final

Freddi and Luther are just about to take the treasure back to Grandma Grouper's
house, when suddenly the sharks come in! They insist on taking the treasure, but
Freddi says the kelp seeds are for everyone and that they could share them. The
sharks think it over, and finally decide to share it. Freddi and Luther, then
take the seeds and plant kelp for everyone, then return to Grandma Grouper,
giving her the treasure, peace is restored once more in the seven seas, and
you've just beaten the game. Congratulations!


3 - Credits


Freddi Fish and the Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds - The only resource I could
    ____________________                                 find/needed.
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