The Fifth Disciple (e)

The Fifth Disciple - 
September 16, 2004
Version 1.2
Kim W. Britton

A quirky yet charming point and click adventure with RPG elements developed in 
the Czech Republic. Thanks to Jindrich Rohlik of Napoleon Games for being 
gracious enough to answer my emails when I got stuck.
And thanks to Jen, toger and Yapette for playing the game with me and helping 
me get through it so I could write an English walkthrough for the game.


Three icon system - Use/Look, Talk and Spell.  Left click on named object, hold 
down mouse button and select one of the three. You will not be able to use any 
spells at the beginning of the game.  Click on every named object to look at 
it, use it, or add to inventory.  Sometimes this will give you a hint as to 
what you should do next.  If you can't use an object, pick up an object, etc. 
Engeor (your character) will say 'nothing'.  It shouldn't take you long to get 
sick of him saying that.  Pointing at an area and right clicking will cause 
Engeor to walk to that spot.

Interface - fairly self-explanatory

Experience - gained by finding inventory objects and using them correctly.  
Later in the game you will gain experience through combat.

Leveling Up - When you level up you get Lesson points that can be applied to 
spells to make them more powerful.  In certain puzzles the spell had to be at 
a high enough level for the spell to work.  It is a good idea to save some 
lesson points to use when you need them rather that using the all when you 

1. Prison Camp
2. Combat/Island/Moorland Combat
3. Rovenland
4. Moharn
5. University
6. Dragon Gate
7. Millenial City

1. Prison Camp

Talk to both of the prisoners in your hut until they won't talk to you anymore. 
They aren't very much help and they aren't a lot of fun.  Pick up the bowl.  
Go outside and look around at everything. Note where the warehouse, barracks, 
water barrel and prostitute (with a yawning disorder - turn down the volume on 
sound effects) are located. The far left side of the screen is currently 
unavailable as the guard(s) with a multiple personality disorder yells at you 
everytime you try.  Hmm... guess we are going to have to find a way to get rid 
of the guard.  Also note the tree with the big red crystal that has an effect 
on your ability to use magic. On the right side of the hut is water labeled 
'Away from Camp'.  Obviously you can't leave yet.  In that area there should be
an object labeled 'Flat Rock'. Pick it up.

To the north of the hut area is the cage area.  To the right is a yard with 
poppy plants.  Pick up a poppy plant.  In the middle area are two cages - one 
is empty and the other contains a thirsty druid.  Talk to the thirsty druid and
examine both of the cages. On the right side of this screen is a pile of rocks,
a dead tree, and a Cheerful Man.  Pick up a rock, a branch from the dead tree 
and talk to the Cheerful Man about everything. Look at the sack near the 
Cheerful Man's feet.  Go back to the right side of this screen.  Use the flat 
stone on the yard and the branch on the flat stone.  You should now have a 
snake in your inventory.  Go back to the main screen/hut area to the south.  

When you are to the right side of the crystal tree and sort of behind it, talk 
to the prostitute.  She isn't much help but perhaps she will be later.  Try 
giving the empty bowl to her as well.  You can also look at the barracks but 
you still can't go over to them.

I found the next part to be a little tricky.  While standing to the left of the
crystal tree slowly move to the left so the screen will scroll all the way to 
the left and Engeor is all the way on the right.  It can be hard to do because 
if you move to far to the left the guard will yell at you and the screen won't 
scroll to the left.  Right behind / next to the warehouse is a dark place.  
Throw the rock to the dark place.  The guard will go investigate.  Use the bowl 
with the water barrel.  Bring the water to the Druid.  The Cheerful Man will go
tell the guard (and then becomes known as Rat) and you get thrown in the hole.  
When the cut scene ends you will be back inside the hut.  The Old Man and the 
Depressed Man will give you a lot of information. Pay particular attention to 
why they are in prison and the background to the story.  Listen to everything 
they say and continue talking to them until the conversations are exhausted.

Leave hut and go talk to the Druid.  Talk to Rat. Look at Rat's Sack.  Pick up 
another rock.  Put poppy in bowl. Use rock on bowl with poppy in it to make a 
bowl with Opium.  Return to main area.

Throw rock to the dark place behind the warehouse again to get rid of the 
guard.Take roast from campfire.  Return to cage area and put the roast in Rat's
sack. Go back to main area where you are confronted by the guard and accused of 
stealing the roast.  You convince the guard to search Rat.  After scene that 
follows use cage and take the top of the cage.  Can now talk to the druid 
privately.  The druid will give you a lot of information about himself and the 
tasks you need to perform so that he will help you escape.  Pick up another 
rock (#3).  Go to the main area and throw the rock at the dark place again.

Click bowl with opium on the prostitute.  She agrees to help. Give the 
snakeskin to the prostitute.  Go into the hut and come back out again.  The 
guard and the prostitute are gone.  Go into the warehouse.  Take bottle of 
wine. Look at the books.  Take linen sack (in inventory will be called empty 
bag). Use the empty bag on the sack of flour to get a bag of flour.  Look at 
sheet on wall.  Look at the meat.

Go to the forbidden cell.  Take logs.  Climb up.  Move bars.  Use rope ladder 
to drop it into the cell.  Climb down. Talk to chained prisoner.  Click on 
needles on prisoner and they will go into the inventory.  Talk to prisoner 
again and find out that he is a very powerful wizard.  Look at sacred amulets.  
Look at magic diagram.  Talk to wizard again.  Learn fireball spell.  Return to 
the main area.

Give the needles to the prostitute.  Go to cage area and give the bag of flour 
to the druid.  Talk to druid about arsenic.  Pick up another rock.  Return to 
main area and put cage top into the campfire.  Use rock with cage top and coal 
to get arsenic.  Give the arsenic to the prostitute.  If you talk to the druid 
again you will be reminded of all the tasks you still need to do.  Pick up 
another rock (just in case :-)

Go to forbidden cell.  Click on sacred amulet (there is just one - the others 
are called sacred amulets).  When you leave the evil wizard will talk to you.  
After you leave try using the rope ladder and Engeor says that he is never 
going back there.  Use the sacred amulet with the rope ladder.  

Climb watchtower.  Use knife (amulet) with bell.  Get bell clapper.  Use knife 
with wine bottle to get the cork stopper. Use the amulet with the rope ladder 
in the inventory.  You will have ropes, remainder of rope and steps.  Use steps
with remainder of rope to get steps with rope.  Use steps with ropes with logs 
to make a step ladder.  Use remainder of rope with step to get "a step with 
rope".  Use step with rope with clapper to make an improvised hammer.  Use step
ladder with tree with crystal.  Use ropes with crystal.  Go to cage area.

Give druid cork stopper. Use improvised hammer with cage.  Talk to druid and 
druid will perform ritual.  Engeor advances to level two.  You can level up 
using the 5 lessons to strengthen skills you have already learned.  You can now 
use magic and you can now leave the camp. Go to Outside of Camp on the right 
side of the screen.

2. Combat/Island/Moorland Combat

Use the Engeor menu to learn the symbols for the spells.  There is no text for 
them and this information isn't in the manual.

Tip:  When using a spell such as fireball hold down the left mouse button to 
charge it.  I had a really hard time with the combat at first because I didn't 
know you could do this and it is not mentioned in the English version 
manual.  You can also charge the spell only as much as necessary to defeat the 
enemy as this will allow you to conserve mana. You can clear a path through 
the snakes to get to the island or take out all of the snakes first.  I suggest
clearing out all of the snakes because you will be able to level up to Level 3.

Tip for Snakes: On my first turn I would use Iron Skin and on following turns 
Fireball on the snakes.  With Iron Skin regular snakes can not harm you.  If 
necessary use Healing.

Island w/ Skeletons.
Tip: Use Magic Shield and Fireball.  Healing if necessary.

Island - this area can be tricky because you will die really fast before you 
have a chance to figure out what to do.  Get ready to reload.  Also, there 
seemed to be a bug in this area - when I would die and be brought to the "You 
Died" screen I would lose my cursor and not be able to reload.  I used 
Ctrl+Alt+Del to shut down the game and then restarted it. Fortunately, only 
the game crashed, not my computer, and the game starts up quickly.

You will have a short conversation with one of the Necromants on the island and 
you will learn the Raise Skeleton spell.  You will then be double-crossed and 
will have to move quickly to save your life.  Keep moving.  The Necromant on 
the bottom level and the Necromant on the top level will try to kill you 
depending on where you are located.  If you are on the bottom level and the 
Necromant moves toward you, climb up the ladder next to the elevator to the 
top level. When you are on the top level, the top level Necromant won't come 
after you immediately so you will have time to look around and think about what
you are going to do. When the top level Necromant moves toward you climb back 
down to the bottom level.  Again you will have time to look around and perform 
some actions before you have to climb up or down again.  It is very important 
to move as soon as one of the Necromants starts to move toward you or you will 

Use barrel.  It will roll onto the elevator.  Climb ladder.  Use lever to bring
barrel up to the top level.  Take ax.  Climb up the ladder.  Use ax on wooden 
walkway.  Use barrel on the right side of it.  The barrel will roll and fall 
through the walkway onto the wooden huts. Use lever to bring the elevator down.
Remember if the upper Necromant moves toward you stop what you are doing and 
climb back down the ladder.  You need to use the barrels, bring them up 
the elevator, and push them through the walkway for all three barrels. At some
point you will also need to take the torch on the lower level.  This is a 
little tricky because it is easy for the lower Necromant to kill you when you 
are near the torch.  Grab the torch quickly and climb up the ladder.  When you 
have pushed all three barrels down to the wooden huts use the torch with the 
wooden huts.  This will cause an explosion and you will be able to leave the 
island.  When you leave you will be able to level up.

Moorland - more skeleton and snake battles.  After most of them you should be 
up to Level 5 - every 5 levels you get another turn in combat so will now have 
two turns per round.

3. Rovenland

You will appear in the Invisible City in Rovenland.  Pick up wire on table to 
the extreme right of the screen.  Don't leave town yet.  Enter store (middle of
screen). Talk to Merchant.  Look at the goods.  You don't have any money to buy
anything yet but once you earn money you can buy healing and mana potions as 
well as other items from the merchant.  Exit store.  Look at boards on boarded 
up building.  Look at fountain to the left.  Look at pile of junk to the 
extreme left.  Pick up a wheel and a rope from the pulley.  Enter deserted 
house.  It is too dark.  Exit.  Try to look at the broken pulley but will have 
same problems with the dark.  Enter palace.  Look at altar.  Use piece of wire 
with altar.  A secret box opens.  Use secret box.  Get a book, Griffin Scroll 
and Warrior Scroll.  Use each scroll on Engeor to learn the spell and gain 
experience.  Learn Speed, Warrior, Bear, Spider Web, Lightning, Teleportation 
and Griffin.  Exit palace to square.  Go to store and talk to the Merchant 
again.  You can select Have a Talk, Buy, Sell, and End Conversation.  Select 
Have a Talk and discuss all conversation choices with the Merchant. Leave the 
Invisible City and head Out of Town.

Out of Town - Available locations are Skeldal, Village, Volcano, Wind Mountain 
and the two gorges.  You will need to do various battles to reach these 
locations.  The battles between the Invisible City and the village seem to be 
the easiest.  Try using some of your new spells.  I like Fireball and 
Iron Skin/Magic Shield for one enemy and Spider Web/Lightning with 
Iron Skin/Magic Shield for multiple enemies.  When you kill certain creatures 
like Bears, the skins will appear in your inventory.  You can sell the skins to
the Furrier in the Village to start earning some money.  Once you have money, 
you can buy potions and other items from the Merchant in the Invisible City.

Village - Sell skins to Furrier. Talk to Furrier again.  Select Ask a Wish.  
Give the book to the Furrier and he will make you a pair of Dragon Skin Shoes 
(if you have enough money otherwise buy the shoes later). Talk to the Carpenter
two times.  Buy planks, which will be called Prism in your inventory. Walk to 
the left and pick up Old Rags. Pick up the candle in the graveyard.

Return to the Invisible City.  If you have earned enough money selling hides, 
you can buy mana and health potions.  Also, after you encounter battles with 
bandits you will have sabres in your inventory that you can sell to the 
Merchant.  One sabre will always stay in your inventory.  Buy an axe, saw and 
pliers. If you have enough money buy the Unknown Magic Scroll (buy this at 
some point). Click the scroll on Engeor to learn it. Use the pliers on the 
house with boards to the left of the store.  You will get boards and nails in 
your inventory.  Use nails with 'prism'.  Use axe with prism to get 

From this point you can go any location but there are certain things that you 
have to do in a particular order.  At this point in the game the location you 
can get to will depend on the battles that you encounter.  I thought it was 
hard to get to Wind Mountain and the Volcano before I had leveled up some 
more so I headed to Skeldal first.

Skeldal - Use Detection of Magic spell with Engeor to reveal a bridge across 
the chasm.  Cross the bridge.  Look at stone blocks. Note stairway.  Look at 
Sword of Damocles - there are 3 of them, 1 on the left and 2 on the right.  Do 
not, however, stand directly beneath the swords.  Go upstairs.  Note stairway 
and cave-in.  Use cave-in to get a stone.  Engeor will say he needs to find a 
way to break the wall.  Go upstairs.  Look at caved-in floor.  Use planks with 
caved-in floor.  Use construction with caved-in floor.  Several hours will pass
and you will have a wooden construction framework.  Look at it - Engeor will 
say that something is missing.  Leave and go fight some battles to get to Wind 
Mountain.  Magic shield and fireball works great with the golems.  If you can 
not defeat the golems, you will need to find some easier battles so that you 
can level up some more.  You need to use the Detection of Magic spell each 
time you enter and exit Skeldal.

Wind Mountain - Pick up brushwood.  Look at beaten ground.  Walk to the edge 
of the cliff.  The barking dog makes Engeor's head feel like it's going to 
split.  Use brushwood on beaten ground to get a heap of brushwood.  Use 
Fireball spell with heap of brushwood to start a fire.  Use candle with fire 
to get soft wax.  Use soft wax with Engeor to plug his ears.  Use Spider Web 
spell with barking dog.  You will then have a hot spot on the other side of 
the cliff called Other Side.  Use Teleportation Spell with Other Side. Walk to
the left.  Take lantern.  Take staff.  Use staff with dog.  Use dog.  You now 
have a half-dead dog.  Click on dog to get collar.  Exit to forest (on left).  
Go to Invisible City.

Invisible City - Use lantern with deserted house.  Pick up pail. Use pail with
fountain.  Re-enter deserted house.  Use saw with pulley.  Exit deserted house.
Pick up broken pulley. Use wheel with two wheels in inventory to get three 
wheels. Use old rag with pail of water in inventory to get wet rag.  Go to the 

Volcano - Use dragon shoes with Engeor.  Use wet rag with Engeor.  Walk into 
volcano.  Pick up cool potion.  Click on bones of old adventurer to get Golem 
Scroll.  Exit volcano before health runs out.  Go back to Skeldal (you can 
always stop in the Village and Invisible City to sell hides and sabres and buy 

Skeldal - Go to third floor.  Use three wheels with wooden construction.  Use 
rope with pulley without rope.  Find out your rope is too short.  Go back down 
to the first level.  You need to get close to the Swords of Damocles so that 
they fall without falling on you. Put a rock in the place where it says 
'underneath sword' and the sword will fall without hitting you.
Do the two on the right side of the screen. 
When the Sword of Damocles falls use the sabre with the Sword of Damocles.  
Use short rope with long rope from pulley to get long rope from pulley.  Once 
you have done this with the two swords on the right go back up to the third 
floor.  Use the long rope with the wooden construction.  Find out that you need
to clear the rubble from the cave-in on the second level.  Go to the second 
level. Use collar with Engeor.  Talk to cave-in.  Go back to the third floor.  
Use rope with pulleys on the wooden construction.  Go back to the first level.  
Make the final Sword of Damocles fall (the one on the left). Use sabre with 
Sword of Damocles to cut off the rope.  Use short rope with stone blocks.  
Climb to the third floor and use the pulley.  You will need to do this three 
times to raise all three blocks in order to make stairs to the next level.  
Climb stairway to the fourth level.  Look at fires.  Use cool potion on Engeor.
Walk through the fires.  Look at mirror.  Leave Skeldal.  Go to Invisible City.

Invisible City - Go to Merchant's store.  Use Detection of Magic spell.  Talk 
to Merchant and select Buy.  Buy helmet.  When you wear the helmet you will be 
invisible. I recommend that you also buy extra potions at this time. Go back to 

Skeldal - Climb to 4th level.  Use cool potion with Engeor to cross fire.  
Stand in front of mirror.  When the mirror changes, use helmet with Engeor.

Other Side of the Mirror - Talk to the Girl.  Use the bookcase.  Get a map and 
three scrolls; Armageddon, Magic Disease and Illusion.  Use each scroll on 
Engeor to learn the spell.  Use the map on Engeor to look at it.  On bottom 
right corner you can click to see the next map.  On bottom left you can click 
to see previous map.  Anywhere on the edges you can click to go back to the 
main screen.  Pick up the small beam.  Use axe with small beam to get a pointed
small beam.  Look at the mirror. Note what makes a reflection.  Look out the 
window.  Look at book on pedestal.  Cut-scene - will learn history of Skeldal.
Look at magic devices and center of pentagram.  Each magic device relates to a 
particular element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water and Mind) and has a number or level
associated with it that needs to be set.  Use the maps to determine which 
number to set on each magic device.  You want to determine the level of 
influence each element has on the city of Moharn.  Count rings on maps starting
with the outer rings.  Wherever Moharn lies is the number for that element.  
The Air map is tricky because the word Moharn and the actual city of Moharn lie
in different rings.  Set each device to the correct number and have Engeor 
stand in the Center of the Pentagram. Answer: Fire=3, Water=1, Earth=4, Air=3, 
Mind=2.  You will be transported to Moharn.  If you didn't make the pointed 
beam, the girl will kill you when you try to leave.  She didn't have a 
reflection in the mirror and is a vampire.

4. Moharn 

Look at poster.  Look at pub sign.  Try talking to the beggar.  
Enter the pub.  Talk to Kalak.  Talk to Proprietress.  Take the job.  You will 
end up in the basement.  While battling in the basement pick up all of the 
objects that you come across.  Pick up rope.  Pick up pail.  Pick up meat.  
Kill Queen Beast - this battle is difficult.  I used Magic Shield and Chain 
Lightning and needed one Health and one Mana potion.  Look at cave-in.  Use 
rope with pail.  Use meat with pail on rope.  Use the pail on rope with meat on
the cave-in.  You get "young lady" in your inventory.  Go upstairs.  Get 1000 
experience points and 500 guilders.  You can exit and enter the pub then talk 
to the Proprietress to do more battles with beasts in order to gain experience 
and earn money.  Go outside.  Beggar starts talking to you.  Use healing spell 
on beggar.  Talk to beggar again.  Give him "young lady".  Go to Square.  Talk 
to Pied Piper.  Look at palace, guards, town hall and balcony.  Go to 
University of Magic.  Try talking to the guard,  Look at monolith.  Look at 
army.  Look at University grounds.  Return to Square.  Go to dead-end street.  
Use Detection of Magic spell and a purple brick will be revealed.  Use purple 
brick.  Use Magic Shield Spell on Engeor.  Walk to end of alley and wall will 
disappear to reveal a mouse in a maze.  Use Speed Spell with mouse maze.  This 
will reveal the professor.  Cross the maze and talk to the professor.  The 
Professor will give you the Power-Up spell.  Click spell scroll on Engeor.  
Return to Square.Talk to Pied Piper.  Go to the University.  Go to extreme left
of screen and cast Illusion on University Grounds (the hotspot).  Illusion must
be at level 4 for this to work.  If it isn't at level 4, reload an earlier 
save, use some of your saved lesson points, or go to the basement of the pub 
to battle for more experience.  This last strategy, however, is tedious and 
can take much longer that reloading an earlier save and replaying a portion of 
the game.  
Cast three Fireball Spells at the Monolith.  Pick up fragment of memory stone.
The fragment can be a little hard to see.  Go back to the square.  In the alley
leading toward the University cast the Teleport Spell at the balcony.  If you 
aren't in the right spot move a little and try again.  Enter the office.  Look 
at table. Click on bookcase on the right and get the Demon Spell.  Use the 
spell scroll on Engeor to learn the spell.  Look at painting.  Use Memory Stone
with the table.  Exit to the balcony.  Teleport to the Dark corner in the 
alley.  Go anywhere, come back, and Teleport back up to the balcony.  Enter the
office and click on the table to retrieve the loaded memory stone. Exit to 
balcony and teleport to the dark corner.  Give the memory stone to the Pied 
Piper.  After short scene with the Pied Piper, enter the University.

5. University 

Look at painting of founder.  Look at Focal Point. Look at 
potions. Look at Crystal Grinder.  Look at System of Lenses. Go to stairway.  
Look at herbs.  Pick up Protective Gloves.  Look at Kryzmor.  Look at desks on 
the Kryzmor (there are 5 of them and one is broken). Look at box on the 
Kryzmor. Put Bezra's Diary in the Kryzmor box. Go to the stairway.  Look at 
magic staffs (there are 6 of them).  Use
sabre on the magic staff to the left that has a red crystal on top.  Look at 
all of the bookcases and all of the shelves - Engeor makes some funny comments 
about the University.  Pick up the Quick Study Scrolls on the 6th bookcase 
from the left.  Use the scrolls on Engeor to learn Abyss, Deadly Rain, Mastery 
and Confusion. In the 7th bookcase from the left pick up a book called 'The 
Dust of Time'.  Click book on Engeor.  Go back the 3rd bookcase from the left 
and get the scroll called The Idea in Purpose. Go back to the 2nd floor.  Pick 
up Herb.  You get the Herb of Defocusing.  Pick up Crystal.  You get Tears of 
the Dawn of Ages.  Go to the first floor.  Use the protective gloves with the 
potions on the left to get Dragon Blood.  Use Tears of the Dawn of Ages with 
the Crystal Grinder to get Dust of Tears from the Dawn of Ages. Put the Dust on
the Focal Point.  Put Herb of Defocusing on Focal Point.  Put Dragon's Blood on
Focal Point. Put scroll with the Idea in Purpose on the Focal Point.  Pick up 
the Dust of Time.  Go the 2nd floor.  Use Sabre with the front desk on the 
Kryzmor that is broken.  Use the Red Crystal that you got from the Magic Staff 
with the broken desk.  Use Lightning Spell with one of the Kryzmor desks.  Use 
Dust of Time on Engeor.  Do this (lightning spell and dust with Engeor) three 
more times so that you have 5 Engeors.  Use Lightning Spell on the front desk 
(the one that was broken).  Leave the University.  Go to the Dead-End Street. 
You need to talk to the Professor so you have to repeat all of the spells you 
did the first time. (Detection of Magic, Use Brick, Magic Shield, Speed on 
Mouse Maze). Talk to the Professor and he will give you the Millenial City 
tablet.  Return the University.  Use the Millenial City tablet with the 
Painting of the Founder on the first floor.

6. Dragon Gate  
Look at everything.  The Inscription is the clue for what you
need to do here.  Pick up goblet.  Use goblet with dragon to fill it with
dragon tears.  Fill drains according to the age of the young man in the four
screens.  You can also use the position of the sun in each scene to determine
the order. Answer: Top Left-1/4, Bottom Left-1/2, Top Right-3/4, Bottom Right-
Full. Use empty goblet on both of the torches.  Stand on the 9th wave - this
is the largest wave in the middle part of the screen.

7. Millenial City 
There are a lot of difficult battles for the rest of the game.
You either need a lot of mana potions to get through them or rethink your
strategy. A good strategy is to have Mastery on Level 4 or 5 and use it with 
the creature closest to you.  The creature will fight for you and the other
creatures (usually 2) will attack the first creature.  I would also use
Magic Disease and Deadly Rain on the creatures.  It helps to skip your turn
after you set this up in order to conserve mana and let the various creatures
kill each other for you.  There is a little arrow between you levels of Health
and Mana that allow you to skip a turn.  Once there is only one creature left 
you can just Fireball it.  Keep in mind that Mastery will wear off and you
may suddenly find yourself getting attacked.  Anyway, try different strategies.
This one is just an example of one that worked for me.

Unless you want to do all of the battles (and there are a lot of them) head to
the path to the right after the very first battle.  This is the quickest path 
to the cathedral.  After a couple of battles there will be a path to the right.
Follow this path to the run-down chapel.  Look at mouse.  Look at plate of 
water.  Look at sign.  Use Speed Spell.  Use Sabre on mouse.  Pick up plate.  
Leave the run-down chapel.  Head right to the end of the path.  Head left to 
the cathedral.  You will, of course, encounter more battles along the way. 
Enter cathedral. Use water filled plate with plate.  Look at gate. Look at 
door. Look at guillotine. Look at lever.  Look at guillotine again.  You should
now be inside of the cathedral.  More battles.  You will have to go everywhere 
to find all of the main areas.  To the back right is the nave.  Click on door 
and enter. Look at shaft of light. Exit.  To the back left enter the vestry.  
Look at bookcase.  Get Mana Drain Spell. Take candle snuffer.  Take cleaning 
liquid.  Exit.  Head straight.  Enter room with bookcases in it.  There is 
nothing you can do in this room but you can see a room with bookcases that 
doesn't have an entrance.  Use Detection of Magic Spell to enter this room.
This room has three bookcases - two of them have unlimited health and mana 
potions.  You don't need to use the spell to enter and exit this room anymore.
Click on the other side of the wall near the painting where you first entered.

In central courtyard type area of the cathedral use the Detection of Magic
Spell to reveal a hidden area on the right.  Go down the corridor to the tomb.
Look at armor.  Pick up dirty shield. Use power-up spell on Engeor.  Move tomb
lid. Use tomb.  Pick up rag. Use rag with dirty shield.  Use candle snuffer 
with dirty armor. Pick up construction to get stand.  Go to nave.  Use stand 
with shaft of light. Use polished shield with stand. Walk into the light toward 
the wall where the light is shining and a secret hallway will be revealed. 
Enter the secret hallway.  Prepare for final battle and the end of the game.  
If you have worked out a strategy that got you to this point in the game, you 
should be able to get through the final battle without too many problems.

Copyright by Kim W. Britton, July 2004