Starbucket (e)





Setting this to YES will allow for players to permanently destroy space 
stations via combat. 


Setting this to ON will swap from the default controls of using directional 
keys (default: A and D) to turn the ship’s nose and the mouse pointer to rotate 
and roll, to using directional keys to roll the ship and the mouse pointer to turn the 
vessel’s nose. 



If a player is stuck at any point in time, holding down the respawn key 
(default: =) for 5 seconds will teleport them back to the most recent structure 
they’ve encountered, at a random telepad. 


Pressing the fire button (default: left mouse button) will emit a laser 
projectile in the direction of the crosshair controlled by the player. 

Holding the fire button will charge a laser; for every second it is held, the 
damage dealt is increased by 10 points. (Damage will cap at 100 points). 

(Covered in the COMBAT section). 


Holding the crouch key (default: left control) and jumping (default: 
spacebar) will make the player leap 1.5x their normal jump height. Use this nifty 
trick to reach areas that are otherwise inaccessible! 


Pressing the interact key (default: E) on various objects will serve 
different purposes which benefit the player. Try looting crates, asking Robot NPCs 
for advice, or using a computer console! 


Located in the bottom-right corner is the player’s strength meter (based 
out of 100), and their circuits (currency). 


Press the tilde key (this is the ~ symbol) to open the chat and command 
line. Being cheaty and typing /unlock all will give the player all build items and 
objects, and using /short circuit will provide a large amount of circuits. /build 
mode exists as a backup command in case there are no space stations or build 
consoles available to a player. 


Pressing the toggle perspective key (default: P) will shift the player’s view 
from first to third-person, and vice-versa. 


Holding the run/sprint key (default: left shift) will cause the player to put 
their head down, lean forward, and run at an increased speed. 



An interactable object with five different systems that can be cycled through 
with the console cycle key (default: 1): 


Allows the player to modify a ship in which a console is active, create 
a new ship from scratch, and load a previously created ship. (Covered 
in the BUILDING section). 

To gain structure control, a design computer must be connected to a 
console. (Recommended one per console) 

Allows the user to auto-pilot to other players and ships. (Covered in 
the SHIPS section). 

To gain navigation control, a navigation computer must be connected 
to a console. (Recommended one per console) 


Allows the player to freely control their vessel. (Covered in the 
SHIPS section). 

To gain helm control, an engine must be connected to a console. 
(Recommended one per console) 


Allows the player to fire any cannons connected to the console. 
(Covered in the SHIPS and COMBAT sections). 
To gain weapon control, cannons must be connected to a console. 


Allows the player to teleport from one telepad to another, within a 
2km radius. 

To gain telepad control, telepads must be connected to a console. 
(Recommended one per console). 


An object that must be connected to a power core, yet can be used as a 
spawn point without being linked to a console. A player can teleport themselves as 
long as they stand on the pad before the end of the warp effect. Will connect to a 
console to provide access to the telepad control system. 


Wires that run along floor tiles and in the air, transporting power and 
creating connections between objects. (Covered in the BUILDING section). 


A source of power for many ship systems and objects. (Covered in the 
BUILDING section). 


An object which can be searched for build items, components, materials, 
objects, and circuits. A randomly selected empty crate on each ship will receive a 
shipment once every 2 minutes. 


A turret object that requires power and fires laser beams. (Covered in the 
COMBAT section). Will connect to a console to provide access to the weapons 
control system. 


Requires power to operate, and can be placed inside sections to customize 
permissions and other features. (Covered in the BUILDING section). 


Requires power. Will connect to a console to provide access to the helm 
control system. 


Requires power. Will connect to a console to provide access to the 
navigation control system. Displays a hologram of solar activity. 


Requires power. Will connect to a console to provide access to the structure 
control system. Displays a hologram of the structure in which it is placed. 


Requires power. If connected to a console, it will provide a landing position 
and direction for newly-spawned ships. 


Requires power. Standing at an elevator stop-point will summon it to the 
player. Interacting with it will move it up/down. (Covered in the BUILDING 


Allows for smaller ships to enter the hull of a larger ship (primarily space 
stations). Players can enter and exit them at their leisure. (Covered in the 
BUILDING and SHIPS sections). 



When a player interacts with a console that has structure control 
functionality, an interface pops up granting two options: 

-Press E to modify the current ship which the console is placed in. 
This enters the player into build mode. 

-Press N to either load a previous ship, or create a new one from 
scratch. New ships will locate a ship spawner if present. 


Using the directional keys (default: W, A, S , and D) will pan the 
build mode camera. Zooming in and out on the mouse wheel will change the floor 
level upon which to build. 

Holding left control and using the scroll wheel will adjust the camera’s 
zoom without changing the current floor level. 

Holding the camera rotate key (default: right mouse button) and moving the 
mouse cursor will allow for 3D viewing of the structure. Releasing the button will 
lock the angle in place, and pressing the camera reset key (default: C) will bring 
it back to its initial position. 


1)Make sure the nose of the ship that is being constructed faces the same 
way as the default north position when building. This is marked with a big 
green arrow extending from the north of the build boundary. 
2)Create the hull of the ship first, and then create walls and floors inside. 


Placing can be done in two ways- pressing the place key once (default: left 
mouse button) will place a single object, though holding the place key and 
dragging a bounding box will place multiple copies of the build item. (This works 
for floors, walls, hull, and sections). Pressing the rotate key (default: R) will spin 
the object in small increments. 

Deleting can be accessed through holding the left shift key and clicking 
once. Clicking and dragging will allow the player to select a large amount of space 
in which they would like to erase objects and items, and adjusting the floor level 
will create cubes of delete-space. Build items and objects can only be deleted when 
they are selected in the same category (for example: the wall tool must be selected 
to erase walls, and the objects tool must be selected to erase objects). 



Contains square tiles, angled tiles (which can be rotated), and floor 
conduit (used to transport power). Avoid placing floor tiles on the 
bottom of the hull. 


Allows for creating rooms and compartments inside hulls. Walls can 
be placed angularly by clicking and dragging. Doors (found under the 
object tool) can be placed along walls, as long as there is a deleted 
section for them to fit in. To delete a wall, first start the deletion box 
away from it, and cross through. 


Contains furniture such as chairs, crates, and stairs, and components 
such as normal 3D conduits, consoles, engines, and power cores. 
Objects can only be placed one at a time, and most require power to 
operate. Some can be placed at multiple heights between floor levels, 
while most are locked to the floor level itself. Keep this in mind when 
deleting objects. In addition to the other build tools, all objects can be 


Contains hull block, hull cut-out, forcefield, and hull window. 
When building a ship, it is recommended to begin by placing the hull. 
Imagine the hull as one big water balloon; when a block is placed, the 
hollow interior expands. Deleting hull will remove the space it 
occupies, not the wall itself. Placing hull cut-out creates holes in the 
hull that can be passed through by players. Placing forcefield creates 
barriers that can be passed through by ships (generally to create 
docking bays). Placing hull window overwrites the hull block with a 
transparent glass hull block. 

Using the auto-generate hull button is effective for generating a hull 
around floors and walls that have already been placed. 

(Recommended to make multiple floor levels when doing this, as it 
will give the hull height). 


Allows the creation of sections on a ship. Creating a new one allows 
the player to select a chunk of space which is given a name and 

The label, the tag, and the number all combine to create a name for the 
section. (For example, if a player wants to create Liam’s Engine 
Room 4, they would type Liam’s in label, select Engine Room in 
tag, and 4 in number). 

Unlocked and Locked refer to the default 
permissions/accessibility for those not specified later on. 
Authorized IDs allows the player to select which other players can 
have access to control objects in that section (such as doors). 

Example: creating an engine room section around the area where 
power cores and engines are located, and only authorizing one person 
allows for a locked and safe zone. 


Next to the current build item or object that is selected are various materials 
to choose from. Below are color sliders which will overlay on the materials. 

For hulls, only one material can be applied to an entire ship. Multiple colors 
can be used, though the color chosen will mesh and combine with other hull 
around it, even applying to deleted space. 


By default, this is set to ON, turning the current hull to a translucent 
yellow, and any walls, floors, or objects placed above the current build level to a 
translucent blue. This assists with vision when building, though setting it to OFF 
and rotating the camera to the inside of a hull is also a great way to build. 



If this is set to YES, then the current structure will be classified as a 
space station. Also, if the created game has indestructible space 
stations, then the ship will be safe from enemy fire. 


Type in here to set the name of the structure. This name will be visible 
to other players, and displayed on console screens. 


There are a few ways to board a ship, such as telepads, hull cut-outs, and 

Always place telepads on structures when building. This will allow players 
to select a telepad onboard a different ship, and teleport to it if they are within a 
2km radius. 

If a player is freely floating along in space near a ship, they can navigate to 
it, find a hull cut-out, and drop inside through the opening. Once inside, they will 
be set to the ship’s gravity. 

When piloting a ship, if a larger station has a forcefield, entering that part of 
the hull by flying through the forcefield will allow the ship to dock inside the 
larger vessel. 


Start by using the hull tool on multiple levels to create a nice body for a 
ship. Once that is complete, the following is required: 

Place a power core. This will provide energy to all components/objects 
needed to get the ship to full capacity. 

Place conduit (either floor or normal) to connect all of the below-listed 
objects to the power core AND the console. 

Place a console. This will allow the player to access the ship’s systems and 

Place a design computer. This will grant the console structure control, 
allowing the modification of the ship at any point in time. (Recommended to only 
connect one to the console). 

Place a navigation computer. This will grant the console navigation control, 
allowing for the player to choose a ship or other player to auto-pilot toward. 
(Covered in the SHIPS section). (Recommended to only connect one to the 

Place an engine (orientation/position does not matter). This will grant the 
console helm control, allowing the player to operate their ship’s movement. 
(Covered in the SHIPS section). (Recommended to only connect one to the 

Place a cannon (or multiple). This will grant the console weapons control, 
allowing the player to remotely fire and operate their weapons without being in 
helm control. 

Place a telepad. This will grant the console telepad control, allowing the 
player to teleport to other pads within a 2km radius. (Recommended to only 
connect one to the console). 

Press the console cycle key (default: 1) to scroll through these systems. 


Found under the object tool, the elevator can be used to create a connection 
between multiple floors of a structure, without the use of stairs. When an elevator 
is placed, a menu will pop up, asking which floor levels the elevator should stop at. 
The user can choose any amount of them, even skipping certain levels. (For 
example, an elevator could start at level 2, stop at levels 5 and 7, and skip 
everything in between). 



When entering helm control, by default, the camera will be in first-person 
mode. By pressing the toggle perspective key (default: P), the camera will adjust 
to third-person (a view of the ship from behind). 

When piloting, if the player holds down the rotate camera key (default: right 
mouse button) and moves the mouse, the camera will spin to any angle. Releasing 
the rotate camera key will lock the camera in place. By scrolling the mouse wheel 
in and out, players can adjust the distance of the camera from the ship. Pressing the 
camera reset key (default: C) will bring it back to its initial position. 


Holding the accelerate key (default: W) will increase the speed that a ship 
is flying at (displayed in the bottom-right corner HUD). Holding the decelerate key 
(default: S) will slow a ship to a halt from whatever current speed it is travelling 
at. It will not make a ship move backwards. 

Turning a ship’s nose left and right is done with the directional keys 
(default: A and D), and rotation of a ship is operated with the mouse cursor. In 
the options menu is an option to invert these controls. 

Exiting a console while a ship is moving, either forward, left, right, or 
spinning, will cause the spacecraft to carry its momentum and keep moving in 
those directions. 


Any console that has navigation control functionality allows the player to 
open a menu to choose which player or ship to auto-pilot toward. Even if the 
chosen player or ship moves, the navigation system will bring the user to that new 
location. Using the helm control system will override the auto-pilot. 
(Recommended to bring ship to a complete halt first). 


Piloting a small ship inside the hull of a large ship through a forcefield, and 
exiting helm control with the exit console key, (default: escape) will cause the 
vessel to lock itself inside the hull. The player can then exit the smaller ship, pilot 
the larger ship, and the smaller one will stay along for the ride. 


While flying and operating a ship in helm control, a player can press the fire 
cannons key (default: left mouse button) to emit lasers from the cannons placed on 
their vessel. Even rotated cannons will fire in the direction they are placed. Laser 
color (as well as forcefield color) can be adjusted in the MORE OPTIONS 
section of the build menu. Pressing the target key (default: T) when facing a 
structure or player will target them, allowing nearby shots to home to that player. 
(Covered in the COMBAT section). 


Holding down the Warp Speed charging key, (default: spacebar) while 
increasing the acceleration of the ship, (default: W) will cause the vessel to 
slowly charge up and reach Warp Speed. 100% Warp Speed is the maximum pace 
at which a ship can travel. To drop out of warp, simply decelerate (default: S). 
Exiting helm control while travelling at warp speed will cause the ship to continue 
moving at that rate. 



A player’s health (otherwise known as strength) is 100 points. If they reach 
0, they will die, and must wait 10 seconds to respawn. Players keep all their credits 
and items upon death. 

A ship’s health is 10,000 points. If it reaches 0, it will explode (killing 
anyone and anything on board). The ship will be available to respawn at any 
console via the structure control screen. 

The strength of ships, Robot NPCs, and players will slowly regenerate over 


Pressing the fire button (default: left mouse button) will emit a laser 
projectile in the direction of the crosshair controlled by the player. 

Holding the fire button will charge a laser; for every second it is held, the 
damage dealt is increased by ten points. (Damage will cap at 100 points). 


If a player shoots an NPC, they will display a warning symbol. If the player 
continues to shoot the NPC, they will begin to attack and fight back. When an NPC 
is destroyed, they will be available to loot (only once), and they can be repaired by 
holding R for 10 seconds and paying 10 circuits. 


Ships deal much more damage than players with their lasers. For each shot, 
100 points of damage is dealt. Ships cannot charge their lasers, though they do 
have the added benefit of targeting. 


By pressing the target key (default: T) when aiming at a ship or player (or 
at the red dot that displays their position if they are far away), a targeting reticule 
will display. This shows valuable information about the player or ship, and it will 
keep them in sight at all times (if they are off screen, the target will lock to the 
edge of the display). Firing at a targeted ship will lock the ship’s lasers to the 
targeting reticule, homing shots to the enemy. 



Interacting with NPCs (default: E) will display a randomized tip and other 
helpful advice. Try asking them questions frequently! 


Attacking NPCs will cause them to become aggressive, following the player 
and shooting at them. Killing them allows the player to loot their body (only once, 
even if revived and killed again). 


A destroyed NPC can be repaired for a cost of 10 circuits, and by holding 
the repair key (default: R) for 10 seconds. 


If a robot falls off of a ship they are loyal to, then they will force themselves 
to respawn, teleporting to a randomized telepad on the ship.