NOTE: I have never done a walkthru before I hope it's useful. Some of this
information was from the Hirameki website. I wrote notes for myself and then
discovered the website closed down. I saw that there wasn't very much out
there about this game so I resolved to make a thorough enough walk-thru that
people can at least get a little closer to completing the game. Good Luck!
These are the routes you can take to get the different endings
available (always feel free to experiment.) Some spoilers mostly not.
Remember that for Messenger at Twilight, for the most part, the answers
don't matter. I've layed out when they do. I capitalized the typical answers
that don't change the story much and get's you an Onyx later:
A Messenger at Twilight:
I am not
I won't
To do battle to attain more glory
To achieve this through fury and ruthless control
The voice of a devil from Hell
A man
A woman
Not in the least
note: If you get the item, Mephisto will say he left a gift for you in the
corner of your room finely wrapped. Apparently to him, your room is your
Dad's old laboratory. Don't worry, you get it in the later chapters.
Ending 1: Kether (Royal Diadem) "The invisible Crown" (Mikhail ending)
note: you must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to get this ending.
A Messanger at Twilight get an item later for the right combination
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threathen them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is missing
Shining Elixir Doing an alchemy experiment
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Cut to kill
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
Experiments Under the Castle Go
I am looking for St. Germant
A Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Finish up his research
NOTE: There are many choices during this time. I encourage you to save
here and check out the alternatives. You will find at least 2 bad
Inferno I am not Lucifer
Purgatorio Help carry the stones
Because I, too, have committed the same sin
Repent for his anger
Yes I have
Submit meekly to atonement
I do need it
Follow into the flames
Paradiso Accept the exchange
The Invisible Crown Congradulations!
Ending 2: Cochma (Insight) "A New Journey" (St. Germant and Lillith ending)
note: You must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to get this ending.
A Messenger at Twilight right combonation gets you an item
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Fortune Told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curo Shop Decline the offer
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatered and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Play for sport
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
The Other Lillith
Experiments Under the Castle Go
I am looking for St. Germant
The Ruler's Curse
The Outbreak of War
Civil Strife
A Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Finish up his research
The One Who Punishes
A New Journey Congradulations!
Ending 3: Netzach (Victory) "The Archangel's sword" (St. Germant Ending)
note: You must create the Philosopher's stone and have the Royal
Diadem otherwise you will get "New Journey" end.
A Messenger at Twilight right combination gets you item
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannont trust your contract
Pull Lillith Back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Try Channel (Succeed)
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Play for sport
The Soup of Life Search for Lillith
Bathe Lillith
Make Timothy give his blood
The Other Lillith Join
Enter I want my name stricken from the Blacklist
The Ruler's Curse Fail Channeling
A Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Finish up his research
The Archangel's Sword Congradulations!
Ending 4: Geburah (Blessings of God) "Souls in Heaven" (Mikhail and
Georik's Ending)
note: You must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to get this ending.
A Messenger at Twilight
Note: the following answers get you Baphomet from the "The Great Paracelsus"
I am
I won't
To do battle to attain more glory
To achieve this through fury and ruthless control
The voice of a devil from Hell
Not in the least
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I want nothing of your pact
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Reunion with Old Friends
Suspicious People Kill everyone to protect his secret
Boy on a Journey
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Don't Drink
Seek Help
Fortune Told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
A Palace of Hatered and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Cut to kill
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
Experiments Under the Castle Don't Go
A Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Finish up his research
Souls in Heaven I guess Michael likes'em bad
Ending 5: Tiphereth (Beauty) "Embraced by the Darkness Eternal"
(Georik's and Lillith's Ending)
note: You must create Philosopher's stone to get this ending.
A Messenger at Twilight
I am
I will
To do battle to attain more glory
To achieve this through fury and ruthless control
The voice of a devil from Hell
A woman
Terribly uneasy
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing an alchemy experiment
To the Forest of Greif Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in a Church Drink
Seek help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Decline the offer
Will you be able to make it back on your
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept
Outcome of the Showdown Play for sport
The Soup of Life Search for Lillith
Transfer the Homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
Experiments Under the Castle Don't go
Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Go say farewell to Lillith
Embraced by the Darkness Eternal Congradulations
Ending 6: Iesod (Foundation) "Queen of Hardland Reborn" (Sylvie's End)
note: You must create Philosopher's stone to get this ending.
A Messenger at Twilight
I am
I will
To do battle to attain more glory
To achieve this through fury and ruthless control
The voice of a devil from Hell
A woman
Terribly uneasy
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing an alchemy experiment
To the Forest of Greif Head toward the brighter light
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in a Church Drink
Seek help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus anything but E
Give to Lillith
The Oriental Curio Shop Decline the offer
Will you be able to make it back on your
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept
Outcome of the Showdown Play for sport
The Soup of Life Search for Lillith
Transfer the Homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
Experiments Under the Castle Don't go
Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Go say farewell to Lillith
Queen of Harland Reborn Congradulations
The rest of these endings are in no particular order. They are subcharacter
endings, bad endings and ways to get the deadly sins. Have fun!
Bad Endings- If you are wondering what would happen if you chose an
alternative to any of the last parts of the endings featured by this
walk thru, your probably going to get what I seem to remember was
called an X or and O ending by the Hirameki website. These endings are
all bad ends for Georik. He gets killed, enslaved or something else so
please explore them. I didn't write them all out only because there's a
lot of writing when all you really have to do is save before the choice
(or chapter if you have bad timing) and see what happens. It's fun
exploring when you've used up these routes.
note: You must create the Philosopher's Stone to get this ending.
A Messenger at Twilight right answers gets you item
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Go outside to talk
The Hell-fire Club Kneel and kiss his hand
Leave things in Dashwood's hands
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Channel Spirits (successfully)
Can you get back on your own?
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Cut to kill
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Use his own
The Other Lillith Join
Entering the Society I want my name stricken from the Blacklist
Channel Spirits (successfully)
Wolfgang Zaberisk I think he is clumsy
The Trap of Distruction Fine
Channel Spirits (successfully)
note: You must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to get this
ending and have Royal Diadem
A Messenger at Twilight right answers get an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Captial Play along and pretend that this is your
Suspicious People Kill them all to protect his secret
Home Sweet Home Lillith is Dead
Hell-fire Club Refuse
Leave things in Dashwood's hands
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Don't go
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Channel Spirits (successfully)
Can you make it on your own?
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Cut to kill
Experiments under the Castle Go
I am looking for St. Germant
The Soup of Life Examine rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
The Other Lillith Join
Awakening Finish up his research
Enter the Hell-fire club I want my name stricken from the Blacklist
Channel spirits (successfully)
Ruin of the Hell-fire club Congratulations!
Ruthburg's Ending: Trap of Destruction
note: you cannot get this ending if you have the ROYAL DIADEM. If you have
the Royal Diadem you have to get rid of it! (The only way I know to do that
is go through the Ending 1 route and when you have the choice to trade in
your sins DON'T. I always have a back up save with this route before this
decision just in case. Yes. Each save plays off the others as far as item
inventory.) Oh and you must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to
get this ending.
A Messenger at Twilight right answers get you an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Reunion with Old Friends
Suspicious People Threaten them
Boy on a Journey
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Go outside to talk
Hell-fire club Kneel and kiss his hand
Leave things in Dashwood's hands
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Channel Spirits (successfully)
Will you be able to make it back on your
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Cut to kill
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Use his own
The Other Lillith Join
Enter the Hell-fire club I want my name stricken from the Blacklist
The Ruler's Curse Channel spirits (successfully)
Wolfgang choose fake or lacky
Trap of Destruction Congradulations....?
SLOTH (most people get this their first play thru cause you don't
(can't really) have everything you need to make the Philosopher's
stone so you get A Quiet Corrosion. But just in case you are an over
achiever here is the other route.
A Messenger at Twilight right combo gets you item
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Fortune Told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curo Shop Decline the offer
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatered and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Decline
A Demon's Torment You're right
Sloth this was method number two
A Messenger at Twilight right combo gets you item
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Refuse the offer
Pride Congrats you ungrateful sinner!
A Messenger at Twilight right combo gets you an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Fortune Told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curo Shop Decline the offer
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatered and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Decline
A Demon's Torment No this is wrong
Covetousness Good work you're really gonna burn now!
note: You must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to get this end.
A Messenger at Twilight right combo gets you an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Fortune Told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curo Shop Decline the offer
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatered and Jealousy See how this plays out
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Play for Sport
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
Experiments Under the Castle Go
I am looking for Bruno
A Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Finish up his research
A Thousand Years of Darkness
Lust What? It's why you got the game right?
note: You must successfully create the Philosopher's Stone to get this end.
A Messenger at Twilight right combo gets you an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack together
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Fortune Told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curo Shop Decline the offer
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatered and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Play for sport
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Make Timothy give his blood
Experiments Under the Castle Go
I am looking for St. Germant
A Luminescent Blessing E
Awakening Betray Mephisto
Anger I'd be mad too.....sinner....
A Messenger at Twilight right answer gets you an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I want nothing of your pact
Watch her disappear
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Head toward the brighter light
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Channel Spirits (Successfully)
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Keep Lillith in the mansion
Den of the Homunculus Accept the contract
Outcome of the Showdown Cut to kill
The Soup of Life Examine the rat corpses
Transfer the homunculus
Use his own
The Other Lillith Don't join
Experiments Under the Castle Go
I am looking for Bruno
The Beast of Ambition and Appetite
Gluttony I suppose you want more praise, you sinner.
A Messenger at Twilight right answer gets you an item later
A Certain Country Doctor B
The Nightmare Begins I cannot trust your contract
Pull Lillith back
Kamazene, the Capital Ask him about the encounter in the forest
Suspicious People Threaten them
Home Sweet Home Lillith is dead
Scars Play innocent
Shining Elixir Doing a medical experiment
To the Forest of Grief Continue toward the sound of water
Have Georik and Mikhail attack toghether
The Royal Physician Take a peek
Demon in the Church Drink
Seek Help
Have fortune told
The Great Paracelsus E
Keep it
The Oriental Curio Shop Decline the offer
Shall I see you back?
A Palace of Hatred and Jealousy Threaten Bruno with his sword
Confession Stop off somewhere else
Leave her in the cellar
Give Lillith to St. Germant
Whistler the Ripper
Envy I cried! Hope you're happy, sinner!
That's all I have. I hope it helps everybody. At least it should get
everyone a little further in their goals. I have to be honest I still
haven't gotten Ending 3: Archangel's sword, even with the Royal Diadem.
I don't know if this is a glitch or if I'm doing something wrong.
I hope some one else writes a better walk-thru.
I want to thank Hirameki for the games and for some of the walkthru
information that helped me get to many endings. Although the website is closed
I hope this guide will support those who own this game they translated to
enjoy it thoroughly. Miss you, Hirameki! Good Luck.