Tamagotchi (e)

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VERSION 1.3 - JULY 7, 2002 / EMAIL:doctorbob6@yahoo.com / FAQ CREATED BY
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1. Intro
2. What's Changed?
3. The Controls
4. The Basics 
5. "Birth"
6. The Control Panel <-- very important part of FAQ
7. Tamagotchi Descriptions
8. Evolution
9. What Tamagotchi Do I have?
10. Legal Stuff


 Tamagotchi... most shudder at the sound of it.  Believe me, this game is 
not that bad.  I wouldnt give it a great review, but an okay one.  Well, 
this game was first released for the original black and white gameboy 
back in October of 1997 (at least that is what I believe the release date 
is).  This is sort of a slow game, and can get boring at times.  But 
believe me, there'll be times when you get sudden cravings for a game 
like this.  At least I know that I do.  I've had this game since about 
the beginning of 1998 and I know quite a bit about it.  I am defidently 
not a master of the game, but I certainly all of the basics and much 
more.  I hope you enjoy this FAQ and aren't bored with the game by the 
time you read this.


 So, what's changed since the little pocket size Tamagotchis?  A whole 
lot.  I can tell you that.  First off, you can now take care of 3 
Tamagotchis instead of just one at a time.  Also, you (obviously) don't 
have to keep your gameboy on 24/7, hearing it beep at insane times, like 
3 A.M.  When you shut off your gameboy, the Tamagotchi data will save as 
of the moment.  There are now a few games that you can play with your 
Tamagotchi and 5 choices of foods.  The time passing in the game will be 
much faster.  Also, no need to watch you Tamagotchi sleep anymore.  When 
your Tamagotchi is asleep, juct click on the clock a few times to make it 
morning once again.  There are also a few tournaments that your 
Tamagotchi can enter, but that's not that important to gameplay.  There's 
also many other things, but I will get into them as this FAQ unwinds.


 This game is not particularly hard to control the basic controls are as 

Control Pad - Toggle between options / Tamagotchi
Start / Select - essentially, theses buttons are useless to gameplay
A button - select an option
B button - unselect an option

For the most part of this game, you will only use the A button and the 
control pad.


 When you start up the game, you will see a short intro of some 
Tamagotchis coming to earth.  Then you will see the main menu: "Continue, 
New Game, and Options".  Obviously, when you first play the game, the 
option of Continue will not be there.  


 I decided to go into this section first because it is very, very short.  
There arent very many differnt settings to choose from in this game.

Text Speed - Self Explanitory.  Choose how fast you want the text to be 
displayed in the game.  Fast, medium or slow.

Memory - Here you will see a log or past Tamagotchis you have had.  You 
see a picture of them, their name, their age, and if they died of were 
sent away.  There is also some weird symbols on the bottom of each log.  
This is how many of the contests that your Tamagotchi.  I'm not sure 
which symbol signifies which contest, so if you know, please let me know.

Exit - Also Self Explanatory.  Exit the options menu.


 When you choose a new game, you will go to the egg room to pick out an 
egg.  If you already have a saved file, it will first ask you if you want 
to erase the game.  Now about the egg room.

--Egg Room--

 In the egg room, you have a decision.  You get to choose one of the eggs 
and name it.  Half the eggs will have black Tamagotchis and half will be 
white (I'll have more on their names later).  I think that a lot of the 
stats of a tamagotchi are totally random and determined at "birth".  You 
will be able to improve all the stats, but some will be much easier or 
harder to improve.  Also, it is somtimes impossible to get a Tamagotchi 
with maxed stats in one catergory.  A lot of the decisions about the 
abilities of your Tamagotchi are completely random.  If you just stuck 
with a bum Tamagotchi, just disguard it and try again. Eventually you'll 
get that near perfect Tamagotchi.  Again, this is just my theory.  
Nothing is proven.  Tested, but not proven.  After you choose your 
Tamagotchi, it will be transported to its new home, and it will be ready 
to hatch.


 Simply put, this lets you continue your game.  That's all.



 After you pick out your tamagotchi egg, it will be sent to the main area 
of the game.  Just wait a few seconds and it will hatch.  It will be 
either a black Babytchi or a white Shirobabytchi.  I will give more info 
about the types of tamagotchis later on in this FAQ.


 Well, as soon as you get a new Tamagotchi, immidiatly feed it bread (all 
new Tamagotchi's favorite type of food) until it won't eat anymore.  
Next, play the smile game with it, you that you win 4 times.  This will 
fill up your Tamagotchi's Life and Fun meter.  Then, you can play one of 
the other 2 games with your Tamagotchi, Study game and Sports game.


 The control panel is located in your Tamagotchi's home.  It is what you 
will use to do things with your Tamagotchi.  I will now describe the 
functions and uses of each of the items.  Many questions can be answered 


 This will show you how many "days" your Tamagotchi has been alive.  In 
Tamagotchi time, one "day" translates to a year of life.  If your 
Tamagotchi makes it past 15 years old, consider yourself to have done a 
very good job.


 This isn't an actual window, it just shows you the position of the sun 
in relation to what time it is.  Not very useful, though...


 This is the in game clock of Tamagotchi.  In the game, the approx. 
length of one hour is about a minute or so.  It may be a little more or 
less.  I haven't timed it exactly yet, but I will, soon.  When your 
Tamagotchi is asleep, press the cloclk to speed up time.  Unfortunately, 
the clock cannot be sped up during that time when the Tamagotchi is 


 This is just the name of your Tamagotchi.  You cannot change a 
Tamagotchi's name after birth.


 If you have more than one Tamagotchi at a time, this is how you switch 
between the Home Screens of different Tamagotchis.  Press the button on 
that Tamagotchi that is highlighted to bring up their home screen.  Be 
Aware that time passes in all 3 home screens at the same time.  Also, If 
something happens to one of your Tamagotchis, while your at another one's 
homescreen, There will be a little blinking symbol over the picture of 
your Tamagotchi.  This can happen for many reasons, but the main reason 
is that one of your Tamagotchis needs a flush.


 There are 5 different types of food that you can feed your Tamagotchi.  
There are 2 snacks and 3 meals  -- Ice Cream, Cake, Bread, Meat, and 
Carrot.  Each type of tamagotchi has a favorite type of food and most 
have a least favorite type.  All tamagotchis like desserts but if you 
give them too many, they will get a stomach ache, and gain lots of 
weight.  Snacks will also boost one heart in the fun meter but none in 
the life meter.  Snacks are good once in a while but not as part of the 
regular diet of a tamagotchi.  If you give your Tamagotchi 1 to 2 snacks 
per day, they should be fine for the most part.  Although each type of 
tamagotchi has a single favorite type of food, sometimes giving a 
different type of food will help the devolpment of your Tamagotchi.  
These are the general likes and dislikes of every Tamagotchi (in that 

Babytchi - Bread - Carrot
Shirobabytchi - Bread - Meat
Marutchi - Bread - Meat
Tonmarutchi - Bread - Meat
Hashitamatchi - Meat - Bread
Kuchipatchi - Bread - Meat
Tamatchi - Bread - Carrot
Tongaritchi - Carrot - Meat
Ginjirotchi - Bread - Carrot
Hashizotchi - Meat - carrot
Kuchitamatchi - Bread - Meat
Kusatchi - Bread - Carrot
Mametchi - Bread - None
Maskutchi - Bread - None
Mimitchi - Bread - None
Nyorotchi - Meat - Carrot
Pochitchi - Meat - Carrot
Takotchi - Meat - Bread
Tarakotchi - Meat - Carrot
Zukitchi - Meat - None


 When your Tamagotchi goes to sleep, be sure to turn the light off.  Not 
doing so may put your Tamagotchi in a bad mood the next day.  Also, only 
turn off the light when your Tamagotchi is asleep, otherwise it will get 
frustrated and that may change it's evolution path for the worse.


 There are a total of 3 games you can play with your tamagotchi.  Each 
will boost its own stat.  The 3 games are the smile game, study game, and 
the sports game.

--Smile Game--

 The smile game is the main thing you will use to boost your Tamagotchi's 
fun meter.  Your Tamagotchi will think a direction and you will have to 
try to guess the direction that its thinking -- left or right.  This game 
is based solely on luck.  To have your Tamagotchi gain one point in it's 
fun meter, you must guess right 3 out of the 5 times your Tamagotchi will 
ask you to guess.

--Study Game--

 In the study game, there are 3 dificulties -- A,B, and C, with C being 
the toughest.  Your Tamagotchi will have to solve a math problem 
(actually 3 problems) in each of the levels.  In the hardest level, the 
number of choices of numbers are increased.  To improve your chances of 
getting it right, let your Tamagotchi pace back and forth about 5 times.  
To do this, do not press any buttons.  When you want your tamagotchi the 
make its choice, press the direction of the number and there is a good 
chance that your Tamagotchi will get it right.  If you win the Study 
game, there is a chance that the IQ stats of your Tamagotchi will 
increase.  The higher the IQ stats of your Tamagotchi, the higher level 
of difficulty your Tamagotchi will be able to compete in and win.  
Sometimes the IQ rating of your Tamagotchi will increase, sometimes it 
won't.  If it doesn't after winning a few times, try moving up to the 
next difficulty level to be able to boost its stats some more.  Even if 
your Tamagotchi can't win on the easiest level, keep on playing, because 
eventually your Tamagotchi will learn.

--Sports Game--

 In the sports game, as in the Study Game, there are 3 difficulties -- 
A,B, and C, with C being the toughest.  Your Tamagotchi will have to 
catch baseballs falling from the sky in this game.  Yes... I know it's 
weird.  In level A, you have to catch 5 out of the 10 balls that drop.  
In level B, you have to catch 7 out of the 10 balls that drop, and 
finally in level C, you have to catch 9 out of the 10 falling balls.  You 
cannot control where the tamagotchi jumps in this game.  You can however 
control which direction your Tamagotchi looks in.  If your Tamagotchi is 
looking in the direction the ball is dropping, there is a better chance 
of your Tamagotchi "catching" the ball.  If you win the sports game, 
there is a chance that the Body stats of your Tamagotchi will increase.  
The higher the Body stats of your Tamagotchi, the higher level of 
difficulty your Tamagotchi will be able to compete in and win.  Sometimes 
the Body rating of your Tamagotchi will increase, sometimes it won't.  If 
it doesn't after winning a few times, try moving up to the next 
difficulty level to be able to boost its stats some more.  Even if your 
Tamagotchi can't win on the easiest level, keep on playing, because 
eventually your Tamagotchi will become stronger.


 You will know that your Tamagotchi is sick when you see a little black 
skull to the left of you Tamagotchi (no thins does not mean death, as I 
though it did the first time I saw it).  There are 3 types of sicknesses 
that can occur in Tamagotchis.  There is diaper rash (probably the most 
common), stomach ache, and the flu.  Stomache ache is brought about by a 
not-so-well-rounded diet.  Many snacks will easily cause this sickness.  
Diaper rash is basically what you would think it was.  You forgot to 
flush for too long.  Flu is brought on by all around neglect to your 
tamagotchi.  Every tamagotchi has a type of medicine that they need for 
each "disease".  I will now list them.  First is the name of the 
Tamagotchi.  Next comes the treatment for diaper rash, followed by 
stomach ache, and finally, the Flu.  Here we go:

Babytchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Shirobabytchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Marutchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Tonmarutchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Hashitamatchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Kuchipatchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Tamatchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Tongaritchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Ginjirotchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Hashizotchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Kuchitamatchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Kusatchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Mametchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Maskutchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Mimitchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Nyorotchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Pochitchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Takotchi - Shot - Pill - Shot
Tarakotchi - Pill - Pill - Shot
Zukitchi - Shot - Pill - Shot


 I bet you can guess what this does ;)  Don't let the "waste products" of 
your Tamagotchi hang around too long unless you want a serious case of 
diaper rash.  As tamagotchi mature, when they are about to go, if you 
press the Flush button, you will see a little toilet appear.  What a 
great invention! :)


 Here, you can see the stats of your Tamagotchi.  You can see a picture 
of your Tamagotchi, the "type" of tamagotchi you have, the age, weight 
(in pounds), life meter, Fun meter, IQ meter, Body Meter and deed meter.  
Yes, there are meters, a plenty.


 This is the hardest part of the game to understand when to use.  Well, 
when used at the right time, it may increase the deed meter, which is 
very hard to do, by the way.  This element is crutial to the evolution of 
your Tamagotchi.  I currently have no tips on when to use it, but you 
should be able to figure it out.


 This is where the professor offers mostly useless advice.  I'll list the 
things he says anyways.

-Choose Egg
-Explain: I can help
  -Race: Speed competition results of Tamagotchi care
  -Beauty: Poses for beauty competition
  -Knowledge: Study harder for the ability to compete
  -Other: Single event competition from 12PM to 6PM
  -Feed: Choose Meals Wisely
  -Medicine: Nurse Tamagotchi back to health
  -Flush: Remember to flush the toilet
  -Discipline: Praise or scold depending on behavior
   -Light: Turn off light during sleep
   -Status: Check conditions regularly
   -Play: Tamagotchi likes to play early when upset
   -Study: Make tamagotchi study to become intelligent
   -Sports: Make tamagotchi play sports to be stronger
 -Time: Wake tamagotchi by setting the clock ahead
-Pick test
 -(before 12PM)Start tournament at 12PM return later
 -(between 12PM and 6PM not having already entered)
 -(after entering or after 6PM)Tournament is over return tomorrow
 -(Baby or Child1 tamagotchi)no tamagotchi may enter the tournament
-Home (********THIS DELETES YOUR TAMAGOTCHI!!!!!!**********)
 -tamagotchi 1
 -tamagotchi 2
 -tamagotchi 3
-Exit (Takes you back to the main screen)

That is all the Prof. says.  Not all useless, but mostly anyways.  To sum 
up the most important parts of it...
 -Enter Tournaments throught the professor.
 -Send Tamagotchis back to home planet through the professor.

Uh.. that's about it ;-)


 Here are the descriptions of the Tamagotchis, courtesy of Nintendo Power

"Babytchi-This Tamagotchi hatchling's favorite food is bread, while it's 
least favorite food carrots.  Feed it steadily.

Shirobabytchi-All Tamagotchi will start off as either a Babytchi or a 
Shirobabytchi.  Shirobabytchi's favorite snack is cake, but make sure to 
feed it a proper diet.

Marutchi-The round-faced Marutchi is distinguished by its happy-go-lucky 
attitude.  It's fond of naps, so turn out the lights when it starts 

Tonmarutchi-Tonmarutchi may look like Marutchi, but it's much grumpier 
than it's cheery cousin.  It's a nervvous sort and likes to hide in small 
or narrow places.

Tamatchi-This is probably the most crutial stage in a tamagotchi's life.  
If you care for a Marutchi very well, it will morph into an active 

Tongaritchi-Tongaritchi is not much more devolped than Marutchi 
Tonmarutchi.  It's slow and spoiled and you'll have a tough time building 
its deed meter.

Kuchipatchi-Mellow and easy going, Kuchipatchi isn't demanding, but it's 
not ambitious, either.  Some extra tutoring will be required to devolp 
its IQ.

Hashitamatchi-Like Kuchipatchi, Hashitamatchi probably could have used a 
little more TLC when it was younger.  It's usually content, if a bit lazy 
in the mornings.

Mametchi-Count yourself a good parent if you end up with Mametchi.  Its 
the Tamagotchi equivalent to a mathemmatical genius and very polite, to 

Mimitchi-"Mr. Long Ears" loves to study and is not far behind its cousin, 
Mametchi, in the smarts department.  Both would do well in the academic 

Ginjirotchi-The quirky Ginjirotchi like s to go to bed early and get up 
late, but the sleep must do it a lot of good, since it always has a 
plesent disposition.

Pochitchi-Pochitchi's hapy face belies its stubborn streak.  This 
dog-like creature likes imitating Earth canines, but it could use some 
obidience training.

Maskutchi-Maskutchi likes to learn, but it can be cranky and a little 
mean at times.  It has the unnerving habit of staring out at you from 
dark corners.

Zukitchi-The four-legged Tamagotchi likes to pretend that it's the 
superhero Zukin ("masked man"), but it sometimes acts like a villian, 

Kuchitamatchi-Kuchiamatchi is a middle-of-the-road kind of guy.  It's 
generally quiet and polite, but neither its IQ nor sports skills will 
light any fires.

Hashizotchi-If you neglect your tamagotchi when he's young, he could turn 
into a lazy Hashizotchi.  This adult tamagotchi likes to take naps and 
not much else.

Nyorotchi-Nyorotchi is the weakest of the adult types.  It's often ill 
and always hungry.  It complains a lot, and neither praise nor discipline 
will help it.

Kusatchi-This strange, plant-like creature needs lots of sun (for 
photosynthesis) but just a little food.  It likes to stay up ann night 
and sleep during the day.

Tarakotchi- A voracious appetite and smelly feet are just 2 of the 
infamous Tarakotchi's vices.  It's also surprising selfish for an adult 

takotchi-Takotchi has modeled itself after Earth squid, but its multiple 
libms don't give it any advantage in sports.  It's an average adult 

Thank you very much, Nintendo Power.  Now where did they come up with all 
those descriptions from? Hmm... sounds like an advertising gimmic to me


 Here I will list the evolutionary levels for all tamagotchi.

-BABY1 - about 5 lbs

-BABY2 - about 12 lbs

-CHILD - about 18 lbs

-ADULT - about 24 lbs


 Here I will describe how each tamagotchi looks, so you know which one 
you have.

Babytchi - Little black circle with white eyes and mouth
Shirobabytchi - Little white circle with black eyes and mouth
Marutchi - A circle that is a little bigger than the Baby1 types
Tonmarutchi - a tear-drop shaped tamagotchi
Hashitamatchi - A circle with 2 large lips drawn over the circle.  Eyes  
form a diagonal line
Kuchipatchi - Exactly like Hashitamatchi except lips are not over body.
Tamatchi - Square-like figure with 2 arms and legs
Tongaritchi - A Tonmarutchi with legs
Ginjirotchi - a square-like figure with a large nose, arms, legs and hair
Hashizotchi - A Hashitamatchi with arms, legs, and a tail
Kuchitamatchi - A Kuchipatchi with arms and legs
Kusatchi - A Hashitamatchi that is growing out of a flower pot @_@
Mametchi - A large head, large eyes and black ears.  A dull figure.
Maskutchi - Large eyes with a black oval around them.  Legs, but no arms.
Mimitchi - Very large, black ears.  Small arms and legs.
Nyorotchi - A Kuchipatchi with a line coming out of it so to be a snake
Pochitchi - A dog-like creature
Takotchi - A Kuchipatchi with 4 legs and large black ears.
Tarakotchi - A tall Hashitamatchi with long legs and a little hair.
Zukitchi - Large eyes with a "mask" covering both eyes and ears.  4 legs.

That should make things pretty clear, for the most part, at least.


 Right now, the only secrect that I know of is the sound test.  If you 
win any competition with you Tamagotchi, you will unlock the sound test.  
The sound test is only unlocked in -that- game.  If you lose all of your 
tamagotchi and need to pick from a group of 8 eggs again, you will not 
have the sound test anymore.  If any of this is not right, please let me 
know immediatly.

---- Wow, this FAQ ended up to be a lot longer than I expected.  But it 
doesn't really matter, cause this game is so over looked that no one will 
ever read this FAQ.  Well, if you do read this, please let me know so I 
will continue to make FAQs for old, overlooked games.



 I accept e-mail at the following address:


Please note that I do NOT accept e-mail attachments.  If you send me an
E-mail with an attachment, it will be immediately deleted.  Also, note 
that I delete all e-mail after I read them for the first time.  Please no 
flames... (Constructive criticism is allowed, though).  Also, I will not 
answer any questions already answered in this FAQ.


 I would just like to say thank you to the following people for making
this FAQ possible:
 - GameFAQs
 - Nintendo
 - Bandai
 - Nintendo Power; and finally,
 - You, the user for supporting this FAQ just by reading it


 I cannot guarantee that everything on this FAQ is completely accurate.  
I am not responsible for any problems that you have with this FAQ.  Also, 
I am not responsible for anything that this FAQ does to you.  In other 
words, USE THIS FAQ AT YOUR OWN RISK.  I also do not own Tamagotchi or 
anything associated with it.


 This FAQ is copyright 2002, Doctorbob26. Also known as Doctorbob6, 
DoctorbobZ, EmNDre26 and DoctorBobTheBomb.  You may not alter, change, or 
modify this FAQ in any way.  You may not reproduce this FAQ in any way, 
unless I personally give you permission.  This includes but is not 
limited to websites, newsletters, chat rooms, and magazines.  You may 
print this FAQ or save it to your computer for your own personal use 
only.  You may not, in any way, gain profit from this FAQ.  Also, you may 
not claim this FAQ to be your own.


 This FAQ can appear on the following sites.  If it is seen anywhere else 
please let me know about it immediately.  You're help is appreciated.

 - GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)
 - Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com)
 - a2zCheats (http://www.a2zcheats.com)


 -Version 1.3 - 7/7/02 - 5:00PM - I fixed a MAJOR formatting error and 
know how to prevent this from happening if future FAQs...sorry :)
 -Version 1.2 - 7/5/02 - 1:00PM - Realized what the "weird symbols" at 
the bottem of the memory log signify.  Added the secrets section with one 
lone secret.
 -Version 1.1 - 7/2/02 - 7:40PM - Hm.. I guess I started this FAQ and 
forgot about it.  Well, in this update, I completed it.  Complete at 
least for now, that is.
 -Version 1.0 - 4/12/02 - 11:00PM - Started writing this FAQ.  I have 
included most basic stuff.

_END OF FILE_                                                -doctorbob26