Der Herr der Ringe - Die Rückkehr des Königs (e)

                   E L E C T R O N I C  A R T S  G A M E S
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      "I see in your eyes, the same fear that would take the heart of me.
           A day may come when the courage of men fails, but that is
                      not this day. This day we fight!"

                 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
                        Type of FAQ: FAQ\Walkthrough
                             Author: Namod65
                          Real Name: Nathaniel Modlich
                              Email: Namod65[at]yahoo[dot]com
                               Date: 3/22/04
                               Size: 120 KB
                      Latest Update: 2.80
                           Platform: GameCube
                       ASCII Artist: marth ue

  This file is Copyright 2004-2005 (c) Nathaniel Modlich. All rights reserved.

Always check back to for the latest version of this guide.

This guide is for the GameCube version of this game and information may be
different from the other platforms.


NEWS: I am taking submissions for this guide. If you have any tips or info
      about this game then you can send them to me and I will put them on this
      guide and give you credit.

      I just created a brand new rating system. This will allow readers to rate
      my guide. The ratings at are down, but I still wanted some
      feedback, so I made a rating system. The link is at the end of this FAQ.


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                                Table of Contents

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String Search
- - - - - - - -

To use the string search method to move quickly through this guide you should
highlight the code next to the section you want to go to. ie. TO4. Then press
ctrl c, the ctrl f, then ctrl v. If you have a mac, use the apple key instead.

                     Section A - Getting Started

                        A01 - Legal Information
                        A02 - Version History
                        A03 - Introduction and Contact info
                        A04 - Hosting Log
                        A05 - Introducing the game
                        A06 - Controls

                     Section B - Story

                        B01 - Story

                     Section C - Characters

                        C01 - Forces of Good
                        C02 - Forces of Darkness

                     Section D - Walkthrough - Path of the Wizard

                        D01 - Helms Deep
                        D02 - The Road to Isengard
                        D03 - Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall
                        D04 - Minas Tirith - Courtyard

                     Section E - Walkthrough - Path of the King

                        E01 - Paths of the Dead
                        E02 - The King of the Dead
                        E03 - Southern Gate
                        E04 - Pelennor Fields
                        E05 - The Black Gate

                     Section F - Walkthrough - Path of the Hobbits

                        F01 - Escape from Osgiliath
                        F02 - Shelob's Lair
                        F03 - Cirith Ungol
                        F04 - Crack of Doom

                     Section G - Skill Meter and Upgrades

                        G01 - Upgrades
                        G02 - Skill Meter

                     Section H - Cheats and Game Tips

                        H01 - Cheats
                        H02 - Game Tips

                     Section J - Credits

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                              Getting Started

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 A01                            Legal Information
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This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission.  Use of this guide  on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly  prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

This means that you can not take this FAQ and sell it or call it yours. If you
want to post this on a site you must email me first and I will probably say

.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 A02                             Version History
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~ Version 2.80 ~ 3/22/04 - 120 KB

This version I did made some changes in the order of the sections. I moved the
controls up before the walkthrough. I also added a cool little diagram of the
controller that I made.

~ Version 2.70 ~ 3/12/04 - 120 KB

I just found out that maddgamz was really the same person. That person would be
Chris Bugaj, my chief contributor. So I just fixed that problem in the game
tips section. Also, I finally got around to spell checking this guide. Most of
the spelling mistakes are now gone.

~ Version 2.60 ~ 3/8/04 - 116 KB

Today I was able to get some tips from some people on the GameFAQs message
boards. I got about 5 of them so I added them. That is about it for this

~ Version 2.55 ~ 3/4/04 -116 KB

I added a cool new rating system for this guide. Hopefully I will now get some
more feedback. The link is at the end of this guide. I also updated the

~ Version 2.50 ~ 3/1/04  - 116 KB

I can't believe it is already March. This year is going by too fast. Anyway, all
I did this time was change the layout of the version history a bit. Hopefully
it looks better and is easier to read.

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 A03                       Introduction and Contact Info
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Hi, My name is Nathaniel Modlich and I will be helping you get through The
Return of the King. I got this game for Christmas and have already beaten it. I
also have The Two Towers video game and have a complete walkthrough written for
it. This is my 5th FAQ and I'm getting much better at writing FAQs. Here is a
list of my other FAQs:

FAQ/Walkthrough for Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
FAQ/Walkthrough for James Bond 007: Nightfire
Boss FAQ for Lord of the Rings the Two Towers
Weapons FAQ for James Bond 007: Nightfire

Contact Info

If you have any questions about the game or something about LOTR you can email
me at Namod65(at)yahoo(dot)com

I am also taking tips for the game, so if you have any tips or other info you
can email them to me and I will put them on this FAQ and give you credit.

DO NOT send me advertisements, stuff not related to LOTR, stupid questions that
have no purpose in being asked

You may email me about The Two Towers video game too.

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 A04                              Hosting Log
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If you want to put this FAQ on your site then you must first email me and ask.
The following sites are allowed to have this FAQ posted on their site. If you
are viewing this FAQ from a site that is not listed below then please email me.

These are the sites that have my permission to put my guides on their site.

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 A05                            Introducing the game
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This is another great game from EA Games. You get to play through the movie
that just came out in theaters this month. There are more characters to chose
from this time. I love playing as Gandalf. Another new thing from TTT is that
you can play along side another human player. This game is not very long, but
it is very challenging at some levels because the enemies are harder to kill in
this game then in TTT. But overall a very good game.

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 A06                                 Controls
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Speed Attack:    A quick swipe at your enemy. It is not as powerful and it will
                 not break enemy shields.

Physical Attack: A attack with a kick or a punch that usually knocks down a

Fierce Attack:   A more powerful attack that is slower, but can break shields.

Ranged Attack:   This is when you use your bow and arrows, throwing axes and
                 knives, or firing with your staff.

Killing move:    Use this move to kill a enemy that has been knocked to the

Parry or Block:  Use this move to block other enemies' attacks.

Jump back:       Used to jump out of harm's way

Action Button:   Do special actions like pushing things over, firing catapults,
                 or picking up war pikes.

Special Ability: Perform the special ability that the character does. ie. the
                 hobbits use their invisibility cloaks or Gandalf makes a magic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                  _____                              ______
                 /  L  \      ________________      /_R____\
               _/_______\_  _/                \_  _/________\_  <------ "Z"
              /           \/                    \/ ____       \
             /   ___       \                    /  \_Y_\  _    \
     Control|  /     \      \      Start       /  /    \ | \    |
      ------->|   CS  |      |       S        |   | A  | |X|    |
     Stick  |  \ ___ /       /                \   \____/ \_/    |
            |                |  _____________  |                |
             \                \/             \/   [B]          /
              |\_          _   \             /   __          _/|
              /  \_      _| |_  \           /   /  \       _/  \
             /     \__  |_ D _| |           |  |  C |   __/     \
            /        /\   |_|   /           \   \ _/   /\        \
           |         | \       /             \        / |         |
           |         |  \_____/               \______/  |         |
           |         |                                  |         |
           |         /                                  \         |
            \       /                                    \       /
             \     /                                      \     /
              \___/                                        \___/

Move:            Control Stick

Speed Attack:    A or C stick <->

Fierce Attack:   Y or C stick up or down

Physical Attack: X

Parry:           B

Action Button:   Z

Killing Move:    R

Ranged Attack:   Hold the L button, then fire with A

Jump Back:       Control pad down

Pause Game:      Start

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 B01                                   Story
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This is from the LOTR: ROTK game manual

The Fellowship of the Ring Formed to save Middle-Earth from the treacherous
power of The One Ring. From the Council of Elrond in Rivendell they set forth
on their journey towards Mordor to destroy The One Ring in the fires of Mount
Doom. Many challenges assailed the Fellowship, from Ringwraiths to legions of
Orcs to the fearsome Balrog that took the great wizard Gandalf the Grey from
their ranks. However, hope ultimately prevailed and the Fellowship kept true to
it's path.

That is, until the Fellowship split apart as neared the dangers of Mordor. In
the forests of Fangorn, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli met up once again with a
reborn Gandalf the White and traveled to the lands of Rohan. There, a great
battle occurred  at Helms Deep between men and the wizard Saruman's forces of
evil. To the east, the hobbits Frodo and Sam searched for a way into Mordor
with the destruction of The One Ring in the forefront of their minds.

As the hobbits draw closer to Mount Doom, Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf
travel by various roads to Gondor to aid the men of Middle-Earth in preparing
a desperate last stand against the unspeakable forces of evil. Against the
gates of Minas Tirith, they expect Sauron to unleash thousands of troops to
quickly snuff out the hopes of all free people. To withstand the unrelenting
forces of Sauron, the members of the Fellowship know the destruction of The
One Ring is the only thing that can save them. Will Gondor prevail? Will Frodo
and Sam make it to the fires of Mount Doom? In this final chapter of The Lord
of The Rings, the fate of Middle-Earth is in your hands.

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These are copied from the official site from EA games and are not mine.

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 C01                               Forces of Good
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Skilled in battle, gifted in healing, and honorable in his dealings with
creatures of all races, Aragorn is a man respected throughout Middle-earth.
Aragorn, also known as Strider, is a Ranger experienced in the wilderness and
attuned to the subtle ways of nature. His tracking abilities allow him to
detect the slightest sign of any creature's passage, and his exceptional
swordsmanship allows him to handle any creature he might find.

Aragorn is a direct descendant of Isildur, the legendary warrior who cut The
One Ring-and the finger it encircled-from the Dark Lord Sauron's hand. Isildur
then fell prey to the ring's seductive powers and failed to destroy it when he
had the chance-a moment of weakness which would tarnish the reputation of the
race of men for ages to come. Aragorn is well aware of The One Ring's power
over men, and for this reason he chooses to avoid direct contact with the ring.

Aragorn is also the son of Arathorn, making him the rightful heir to the throne
of the land Gondor. Although his travels with the Fellowship keep him away from
his much-loved homeland, Aragorn realizes that fighting the forces of Sauron is
the only way to save his people.


Gandalf the Grey is a powerful wizard and a well-known figure on Middle-earth.
He is old and wise, and has served Middle-earth well for many centuries as a
leader in the fight against Sauron. With his ever-present pointed hat and
staff, Gandalf has waged many decisive battles against the rising evil in the
land. And in calmer times, his magical fireworks have filled the skies above
some unforgettable parties.

A longtime friend of the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf was the first to realize
the sinister importance of The One Ring. Gandalf decided against carrying the
ring himself, knowing his power was too great to risk the corruptive influence
of the ring. Nevertheless, Gandalf directed the efforts to destroy the ring.
Gandalf convinced Bilbo to pass the ring on to his nephew Frodo, he then
assisted in Frodo's passage to the elven city of Rivendell where he became the
leader of the Fellowship of the Ring.

In the depths of the Mines of Moria the Fellowship encountered a horrific
Balrog which pulled Gandalf into the fiery bowels of Middle-earth. Thought
lost by his companions, Gandalf went through a transformation of spirit and
returned to Middle-earth with white hair and a new name: Gandalf the White.


Legolas is an elven Prince of the Kingdom of Mirkwood. Legolas, whose name
means Greenleaf in the elvish tongue, serves as the elven representative in
 the Fellowship of the Rings. Tall and nimble, he has sharp eyesight and quick
reflexes, and his skill with a bow is unmatched. In close quarters Legolas
fights adeptly with a short sword-or sometimes two. His battle skills and
tireless energy prove invaluable to the Fellowship.

Amidst the noise and confusion of battle, Legolas remains calm, quiet, and
focused. He strings his great war-bow with hands that move faster than the eye
can see, and his arrows find their targets with exceptional precision. He
speaks little, preferring to let his actions speak for him.

Legolas, humble and helpful to the other members of the Fellowship, quickly
befriends them all. He even forms a lasting friendship with Gimli despite the
age-old distrust between dwarves and elves. The two become close companions who
take great pleasure in exchanging gibes and outdoing one another in battle.

Like all elves, Legolas will live forever unless he is killed in battle. His
youthful appearance and dexterity disguise his true age. He is more than 2700
years old.


As sturdy in spirit as he is in stature, Gimli the Dwarf is a formidable
warrior. His skill with his weapons and his unflappable spirit earn for him a
strong and unlikely bond with Aragorn and Legolas. Despite the distrust between
Elf and Dwarf, all three of these warriors share a deep admiration for each
other, forged in the fires of combat.

Armed with just axes and the sheer force of his will, Gimli can quickly defeat
enemies nearly twice his size. His ferocity in combat is a perfect compliment
to the swordplay of Aragorn and the bow skill of Legolas. Together these
companions intend to become an irresistible force, helping Gandalf turn the
tide in their war against Sauron.


In the final days of the War of the Ring, the fate of all Middle-earth rests in
the hands of Frodo Baggins. Now upon the most difficult part of his long
journey, Frodo and his trusted companion Sam at last approach the devastated
land of Mordor, home of The Dark Lord Sauron. With every step taken toward that
fell place, the burden upon Frodo grows more terrible.

Forever pursued by Ringwraiths mounted upon huge flying beasts, Frodo and Sam
must trust Gollum, a corrupt former ringbearer, if they hope to find safe
passage through the encircling Orc forces. While huge armies rage around them,
these two small hobbits must never falter, for failure will bring about the
ruin of the world.


Often the unlikely may become the great heroes, and Samwise Gamgee is destined
to become the greatest hero of all. Every step taken by a weary and worn Frodo
brings these two hobbits closer to Mount Doom and the final fulfillment of
their quest. Sam is always at Frodo's side, his unswerving loyalty and
conviction of heart giving them hope, despite the seeming impossibility of
their task and the odds against their success.

Sam is a warrior created by necessity, determined, ferocious and deadly despite
his small size. His quick thinking and ability to use stealth to his advantage
must get him - and Frodo - out of some very tight spots. Yet Sam's greatest
strength is his love for his friend and his commitment to see things through to
the very end.

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 C02                             Forces of Darkness
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Orcs are vile black-blooded creatures, the chosen slaves of Sauron, bred out of
both elves and men. Mostly short, squat and bow-legged, they have individual
facial features and piranha-like teeth.

Orcs have a violent nature. They like blood and raw flesh, and are cannibals
and sadists. They lack intelligence, except for a few ruthlessly conniving

Thuggish and viciously primitive, they hunt in packs. Alone they are pathetic
and weak-minded, their strength lies in numbers.


Huge beasts from the deep South, the mighty Mžmakil, are akin to Elephants,
only far larger. Frodo and Sam briefly glimpsed two such creatures making their
way toward Mordor, but in the assault upon Minas Tirith these mighty beasts are
brought together in greater number and with terrible purpose. Hung with cruel
weaponry and saddled with lofty war towers by their Haradrim masters, the
Mumakil march into battle crushing and destroying everything in their path. From
atop their precarious perches, the Haradrim rain arrows and spears down upon
their foes while their beasts grind horse and Man alike underfoot.


Larger and stronger than their cave dwelling cousins, the Mountain Trolls of
Mordor are a huge, iron gray skinned race of brutes that serve the Dark Lord
Sauron in great numbers. During the War of the Ring, Sauron sends Mountain
Trolls with his Orcs to attack the city of Minas Tirith. These Trolls are
better suited to war than their smaller kin, being possessed of a more
dangerous intelligence and a darker nature. Several such creatures swing the
great battering ram Grond in the assault upon the white city.

Sauron's Officers

SAURON'S LIEUTENANT (or The Mouth of Sauron)
Sauron's Lieutenant is a tall, fearsome figure clad in black robes. He rides a
huge horse with hideous features and burning flames in his nostrils. But this
is no Ringwraith; Sauron's Lieutenant is a living human, a man so long
corrupted by Sauron that he no longer remembers his own name. Charged with the
defense of the Black Gate, the primary entrance to the land of The Enemy,
Sauron's Lieutenant is in command of a devastating army of servants. Hidden
in dozens of caves and tunnels are located at the base of the gate, the Orcs
wait impatiently, at the command of this foul lieutenant, for the call to war.

The nine riders of the Nazgul are undead wraiths, shrouded in black robes. The
nine were once powerful kings of men, each given a magical Ring of Power from
Sauron, a gift which would bring them great powers of sorcery and an almost
unlimited life span. The gift was tainted, however, and all nine of these rings
were in fact ruled by The One Ring and corrupted by its power. The Nazgul now
live in a perpetual state between life and death, with their miserable fates
bound forever to their master's unrelenting quest to possess The One Ring.
Traveling swiftly in air on the backs of gruesome fell-beasts, the Nazgul's
anguished screams can be heard at great distances, often revealing their
presence before they can be seen, and terrifying all within earshot.

As the leader of the Nazgul, the Witch King is one of the most terrifying
creatures ever to traverse Middle-earth. A truly gruesome sight, the Witch King
flies through the air on the back of a terrifying fell-beast, issuing a
blood-curdling shriek that can paralyze anyone within range of the mortifying
sound. Possessing a powerful mace can deflect even the most impressive magical
attack, the Witch-King is both a chilling creature and a devastatingly
challenging opponent.

Evil Humans

The men of Gondor have a long history of conflict with the men of Harad, a
formidable clan who live in the sun-baked lands to Gondor's south. The Haradrim
wear distinctive clothing and armor, and the approach of their giant Mumakil
beasts cannot be missed. The presence of a Harad on the battlefield is not to
be taken lightly, and the forces of Mordor certainly welcome them into their

The name Easterlings refers to several related bands of men from the unknown
eastern lands of Middle-earth. For many years they have opposed the free
peoples-the dwarves, elves, hobbits, and the men who fight Sauron. Responsible
for many attacks against the men of Gondor, the Easterlings' allegiance now
lies firmly with Sauron.

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                      Walkthrough - Path of the Wizard

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NOTE: This walkthrough is for single player.

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 D01                                Helms Deep
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This is the first level and is a tutor to the game. In the corner of the screen
it will show you what buttons to press in different situations.

You start out in a area on the ground with Gimli at your side. Use the speed
attacks as it tells you to. Just stay in this area and use speed attacks and
parry the enemies that attack.

Soon the enemies will start carrying shields. It will tell you to use fierce
attacks now. Soon there will be a cutscene where Legolas is up on the wall and
calls for you to come. Make your way to the ladder on the wall. There will be
some more orcs with shields along the way to the ladder. Go up the ladder and
use your ranged attack as it tells you to. After you do that go along the wall
and you should come to a place where you have to use your action button.

Use your action button to get off the wall and fight your way to the catapults.
Fire the first catapult. It will hit a guy or two on the bridge. Fight your way
to the next catapult and fire it. It will also hit a few guys on the bridge.
Now fight your why to the third catapult and fire it. It will hit the cart of
explosives and blow up. That is the end of the level.


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 D02                            The Road to Isengard
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

You start out in the woods on a path. There are some Uruk-hai running up ahead.
Chase them for a little bit then some other Uruks will pop out. Kill them and
keep going. There will be a small cutscene with a Ent. After that you should
kill the two Uruks that come. Then back up a little bit and shoot the archer up
in the tree. Continue forward and there will be a cart with explosives in it up
ahead. Shoot it when enemies come near it. Keep going and up ahead there will
be another cart next to a bridge. Shoot it to kill the Uruks next to it. Shoot
the two archers that are on the bridge. Now cross the bridge.

Now keep going and follow the path. You will meet up with some more enemies and
they should be taken out just as the other enemies. Don't forget to parry their
attacks because you can lose health really quick when there are a lot of them.
You will soon come to a clearing where you should turn right and there will be
a cutscene.


The cutscene is a few Ents making waste of some Uruks in the valley below. Go
down to the right and follow the ramp down to the area. You now have to kill
75 Uruks before you can move on. You will have to watch out for the Ents as
well. They do not try to hurt you, but if you get in the way of their feet you
will lose some health. Use combos to kill the Uruks. They are pretty spread out
so you will not have to worry about getting surrounded.

After you kill 75 orcs a Ent will break some rocks out of the way and you can
continue along the path. Keep going along the path and fight any enemies you
come along. When you see the Tower of Orthanc you will hit a checkpoint.


There will be another cart of explosives. Shoot it and run forward. You will
be attacked by archers on big towers in the distance. Use your ranged weapon to
shoot the carts at the base of the towers. Shoot as many towers as you can from
here, then move forward to get in range of the other towers. Watch out for
other orcs that will come while you are trying to bring down the towers. After
you bring down the towers you should cross the bridge up ahead and kill the two
Uruk-hai that are on it. When you get across go left and get the experience
points that are lying on the ground. Now go back to the bridge and go the other
way. Kill the two orcs and the two archers that come. Then go down and the
view will change. Keep going along the path.

You will come to a Ent trying to break the dam. There is a Berserker Uruk-hai
and a few archers that are shooting at the Ent. Kill the Berserker with your
ranged weapon. Now go down and kill the archers. There are also a few archers
on the other side of the Ent that you have to shoot. After you kill all of the
archers the Ent will shake the fire off and begin on the dam. Your job is to
make sure that no archers shoot at him. Just stay near him and use your ranged
weapon on any archers that come. After he breaks the dam you beat the level.


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 D03                        Minas Tirith - Top of the Wall
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

You now have to defend the city of Minas Tirith. This level is similar to the
Deeping Wall level from TTT. The goal is to keep the walls from being overrun.
Now here is the layout. You start out in the middle. You can go to your right
and down a ways. You can also go to your left. When you want to go to your left
you should go up to the front right next to the edge where you can get through.
If you stay to the back when you go left you would be going up towards the
catapult. The main goal is to kick down the ladders and keep the orcs from
getting up on the wall.

Up in the right corner of the screen is a map of the wall. The red dots are
where a ladder is currently up and there are probably many guys in that area.
The meter on the left is the overrun meter. It will fill up as more orcs get on
the wall. Do not let it fill up. You can also get down on the ledge by using
the action button where a ladder would usually be.

Just move around the wall and knock down ladders before you try to kill enemies
to make it easier. Keep doing this for a while and there will be a cutscene.
The cutscene shows trolls pushing siege towers towards the wall.

On the map will be a blinking red dot on the left side of the wall. You can
either go to that dot and use your ranged weapon to shoot the tower down, or
you can go to the blue dot and use the catapult to take down the tower. After
you get the first tower another one comes on the right side. Go over there,
knocking off ladders as you go. Keep shooting at the tower until it falls.

Now another one is on the left. I would suggest going to the catapult and using
that, but you can bring down the tower the same way you just brought down this

A tower will get to the wall and the orcs will get on the wall. You must get
over there. There is probably some rubble blocking your path so you should use
the action button to swing down onto the ledge, then walk on the edge to the
other side of the rubble and use the action button to swing back up. Knock over
ladders as you make your way to the tower. When you get there kill all of the
orcs so you have some space to shoot at the tower. Keep shooting at it until it

After it falls there is a cutscene showing trolls using the battering ram Grond
to break the gate. Go left and you will come to the area with the tower that
you have not gone up and go down the path that the two soldiers used to be
guarding it. Follow the other soldiers to the gate and you will beat the level.


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 D04                         Minas Tirith - Courtyard
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

You have to save the people from the orcs. You have to stay in the courtyard.
The objective is to save 200 civilians. They will come from 2 places. One is
directly to the right of the gates. They will also come from the right of the
level where you came from in the last level. The civilians will keep coming so
you basically just have to survive and make a clear path for the civilians.

When you start out there will be a wave of shielded orcs coming at you. Kill
them to make sure they can't get at the civilians. A good thing to do would be
to always make sure that there aren't any orcs on the steps or next to the door
that the civilians escape through. Save the war pikes by the statue for tougher
enemies later on. After 25 people are saved shielded orcs will start to come
often. After you save 50 people orc archers will start to come. They will
usually stay right next to the door they came in. I advise you to take them out
with your ranged attack.

After you save 100 people those big orcs with the two spiked clubs and the
healthbar above them will come. This is what you saved those war pikes for. Use
them to help kill the big orcs. After 150 people are saved three trolls come
in. Either use the war pikes if you have any left, or you can use your ranged
weapon at a distance to  prevent you from losing health. After the three trolls
come and you kill them, two more trolls will come often. One from each
entrance. Just make sure you survive until 200 people are saved, then you beat
the level.


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                       Walkthrough  - Path of the King

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.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 E01                            Paths of the Dead
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

When you start out you should go forward and follow the path to the mist that
covers the path. The mist doesn't hurt you, it just slows you down. When you
get to the end of the mist Aragorn says the spirits bring bones to life. Go
forward a little and the spirits will make a few enemies come out of the rock
thing in the wall. Use speed attacks and fierce attacks to kill them. After
they are gone, keep moving. Soon a rock will rise up and block your path.
Enemies will come out of the rock. Kill them the same way as you killed the
other ones. When you kill them all, the rock will break and your path will be

Keep going and you will come to another path of mist. About halfway through the
mist some spirits will fly over your head and make some more enemies ahead. Go
up and kill the guys as well as the grave stones. Keep going and two archers
will appear above. Shoot them with your ranged weapons.

You can either go left or right, you will get to the same place. When you get
to the big open area there will be a few guys. Take the path to the farthest
left. Kill the guys there. Up ahead there are a few shielded enemies. After
you get past them go forward and a few more guys come. Kill them.

Keep following the path and you will come to a bridge that needs to be lowered.
Go to the right of the bridge and shoot the archers that appear. Then use the
action button to lower the bridge. Get the health to the left of the bridge,
then cross it. You will get a checkpoint.


Now more enemies will come. Make sure to parry their attacks or you could lose
alot of health. Kill them and keep going. You will come to a big open area
where the spirits knocked over the pillars. You will have to move around the
pillars. There will be enemies between the fallen pillars. Make sure they are
killed. At the end of the pillars is some more mist.

Go through the mist. At the end go forward and some more guys will pop up in
front of the ladder. Kill them and go up the ladder. A rock will rise up and
block your way. More enemies will come. After you kill a few a new enemy will
come. This guy has a health bar above him. Start out attacking him with a
fierce attack, then keep hacking at him until he dies. Kill any remaining guys
and keep going.

You will come to a big statue. Go up to it and hit the action button to knock
it over. Cross it and turn left at the gate and go down and around. Kill the
two guys with health meters and use the action button on the winch to lower the
gate. Go back the way you came, killing the guys as you go and go through the

Follow the path and you will come to the big room where the dead hang around.
Go across the bridge. Two rocks will pop up on the bridge and trap you. You
now have to kill 35 guys. Use combos and don't forget to parry the attacks.
As soon as you kill 35 guys the rocks will lower and you will be able to keep
going and beat the level.


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 E02                            The King of the Dead
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

--------------------------BOSS: The King of the Dead---------------------------

You start out this level facing a boss. He will often go into the ground and
comeback out somewhere else so be ready. He will start out swinging at you.
PARRY HIS ATTACKS! That is important! You will die very soon if you do not
parry his attacks. After you parry his three swings, use speed and fierce
attacks on him. He will either swing again at you or he will go underground and
resurface at the far end of the area. Don't shoot at him. He will call upon his
soldiers. They will come and just stand there if you are far enough away. Lure
one to you by firing an arrow at him. Kill him when he gets to you. Do the same
to the other guys. After you kill all of them the King will go underground.
Make sure to stay clear when he comes up because when he shakes of the dirt it
will hurt you. Parry his attacks and attack him. He will go underground again
and come up at the far side of the area. This time he sends archers. Shoot them
and he will come back over to you. After he loses a certain amount of health he
will do a new attack. He will do some weird swipe with his hands and send a big
amount of wind at you. Get behind the rocks that are now there. After the wind,
come out and shoot arrows. Get back behind the rocks when he starts to do his
wind thing again. When he starts to charge at you do what you did before. Just
keep repeating this fighting strategy until you defeat him.



Now the whole place is falling down. You have to be quick. Start running back
across the bridge. When you get across run as fast as you can back through the
level following the path. When you get across the fallen statue some enemies
will come. Kill them and make sure to parry their attacks. After that start
running on the path again. There will be some more guys on that block your
way on the overpass up ahead on the path. Use fierce attacks to break the

After you kill them the way opens up again. Keep running. Soon you will get to
the little inclosed spot where Gimli is. You now have a lot of enemies to
defeat. There will be a few guys with the health bars above them. Make sure to
parry. Guys will drop health when you need it. The last enemies will be the
three guys with health bars that come at once. After you kill them go through
the way that was blocked and you beat the level.


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 E03                               Southern Gate
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This is a good level to get experience points. Run to the bridge. A troll hops
over and the gates close. Run back and to the left and pick up the war pike.
Throw it at the troll to kill him. Now you have to fight your way over to the
left to get to the catapults. If you are new at this game then you should hurry
and get the catapults fired as fast as you can. But if you are looking for
experience points then take your time and use combos as you fight your way over
to the catapults. DON'T FORGET TO PARRY.

When you fire the first catapult it will take out some of the tower on the
wall. Fight your way over to the second catapult. Fire it and it will take out
the rest of the tower and it will make a path over the water. Now fight your
way to the right. When you get to the third catapult fire it and it will damage
the troll on the wall.

Now go to the rubble bridge that you made. Climb over it and go up the ladder.
Kill the three guys and use arrows on the troll that is up here. Now a Mumakal
will come over to the wall. Use your arrows to destroy the armor on it and then
fire directly at the animal. As soon as it goes down you are able to use the
winch to open the gate. But first kill the remaining guys to give yourself

After you open the gate some orcs come through it. Use the action button to tip
the pots of fire over the wall on them. Then run back to the ladder and go down
to the ground. Now just run as fast as you can to the gate and go through.


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 E04                             Pelennor Fields
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

You start out on the fields in the heat of battle. You must defeat 60 enemies
before moving on. DO NOT charge right into the middle of the battle. Stay to
the edge of the area and let them come to you. If you get surrounded then do
alot of parrying until an ally comes to help you. After you kill 60 guys their
will be a cutscene of Eyowen and Pippin and a mumakal. When it is over you will
be up on a cliff by a catapult.


This is the part that can be very confusing. There are two cliffs opposite of
each other. There is a valley between them. From where you are, Pippin and
Eyowen are at the right end of the valley. The first mumakal is coming on the
left cliff side, which is the side that you are on right now. The mumakal have
three sections of armor. You must first destroy them, then shoot directly at
the animal to kill him. If the mumakal walks in front of the catapult, then use
it. You can also use war pikes.

After you kill the mumakal another one will come either on the left or right
side. Go to which ever side it is on and do the same thing you did to the other
mumakal. Now there will be a cutscene and you have to save Eyowen and Pippin
from The Witch King. Go to the far end of the cliff towards Eyowen and Pippin.
Start shooting as much as you can at The Witch King in the sky. Soon, if you
are on the right cliff, a guy will charge at you and you will have to kill him.

Soon The Witch King will fly away and another mumakal will come. You will have
to keep repeating this pattern until you take out The Witch King. After he
loses all of his health another cutscene comes and Euowen defeats The Witch
King. That is the end of the level.


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 E05                                The Black Gate
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

-----------------------------BOSS: Mouth of Sauron-----------------------------

This guy is not too hard. Ranged weapons do not work on him. Parry his attacks
and strike back with series of combos and fierce attacks. Once you get him off
balance you should be able to use fierce attacks and keep pushing him back
until he dies.


Now the whole army comes out the gate. Only a few guys will come at a time.
Soon you will have to start protecting your allies.

If you are Aragorn Gimli is in the middle, Legolas on the left, and Gandalf on
the right

If you are Legolas Aragorn is in the middle, Gandalf on the Right and Gimli on
the left.

If you are Gandalf Aragorn is on the right, Gimli in the middle and Legolas on
the left.

If you are Gimli Aragorn is in the middle, Legolas on the left and Gandalf on
the left.

If their health begins to run low you better go over there and kill what ever
enemy is attacking them. If you stand next to them they will glow and regain
health. Up in the right corner is how many enemies with the health bars above
them that you have left to kill. Soon there will be a cutscene and the enemies
will start coming from all sides now.

After you kill six of the dudes with health bars three ringwraiths will come.
Make sure to protect your allies here. Do not go in and fight up close. Instead
of fighting up close, stay out and use your ranged weapon and the war pikes.
Try to focus on one wraith at a time. You beat the mission when all of the
wraiths are killed.


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     +=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*  F
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

                       Walkthrough - Path of the Hobbits

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  F  +=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 F01                            Escape from Osgiliath
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

You start out after the two hobbits roll down the stairs. Go left and follow
the path. Soon to orcs will come at you. After you kill them you will come to
the bottom of some stairs with a archer at the top. Go up and kill the archer.
Go forward and kill the other orcs. When you go even further the wall will blow
out and kill the rest of the orcs. Go in the hole that was just made. There
will be one archer out here and two orcs will run down and attack you. After
dealing with them go up the rubble ramp to the left.

Now you have to worry about the ringwraith. In the upper right corner of the
screen is the meter that you have to watch. It will begin to fill up when you
are up on roof tops or out in the open. If it fills up all the way then you
fail the mission. When it starts to fill up hurry and get to cover under
something or go down a ladder.

Follow the path to the right and go up the stairs. Remember you want to go as
fast as you can so you can get off the roof tops. Now go left at the top of the
stairs and head under the roof and go down the ladder. Kill the two archers
here and go down this ladder. Go outside and to the right. After killing a few
orcs go up the stairs ahead and go through the door. There will be a few orcs
in here. After you kill them, go up another rubble ramp to the left.

Kill the orcs and archer up here and get the green health. Then go through the
door to the left.


Now go up the ladder to the right. Follow the path to the bridge like thing.
Kill some of the orcs here as fast as you can. Go up the bridge and the view
will change. Don't try to kill the three archers that come because the meter
should be close to being filled. Run inside and kill the orc in here.

Now go out to the left. Go across the roof top and down the ladder. If you
are Sam then he will say that you are at a dead end. Go up the stairs killing
orcs as you go. Use the action button to push the bell at the top of the
stairs down. It will break open the doorway giving you a way to go.

Go out the door and up the stairs. Go all the way across the roof top and take
cover under the little shelter where the green health is. Stay here until the
meter gets lower. Then go to the left and up the ramp. Run across the roof top
and up another ramp. Now go right and run across another roof top. Now go down
the ladder here.

Follow the ladders down into the sewer. Kill the orcs that come. You will soon
see a weird thing with a health bar above him. He looks like a have orc, half
troll. Stay at a distance and shoot the other orcs around him. Then go in and
start off with a fierce attack followed by speed and fierce attacks to try to
use combos. Make sure to parry his attacks. After you beat him, use the action
button to raise the gate. Go through and follow the path and you beat the


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 F02                               Shelob's Lair
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

This is a very confusing level. There will be alot of mini spiders. To kill
them, first flip them over with a fierce attack. Then use a killing move to
finish them off.

I may be wrong here because it is a confusing level. First take a left, then
another left, then a right, then another left. I think you should go right from
here to get to the exit guarded by the black small spiders. Use a torch to get

Now you will come to a small circle of some orcs around a fire. Use your cloak
and sneak by them. Somewhere up ahead there are some more orcs. Go right and up
the ramp to push the rock on the orcs. This is where the level gets confusing.
My best advice is to follow the path and use the torches to move the small
black spiders.

Soon there is a cutscene where you can see Shelob go under the bridge you are
on. Keep going. Sooner or later you will come to Shelob.

--------------------------------BOSS: Shelob-----------------------------------

Go up and hit her a few times to get her attention. Now she will try to attack
you with two of her legs. Parry her attacks and strike back. Keep doing this
until it shows Sam stabbing Shelob. She will now make her way up to her perch
on the wall. DO NOT SHOOT AT HER when she is up there. More little spiders will
come down. Kill them and sometimes they will drop a health potion. After you
kill the spiders Shelob will jump down at you. Make sure to dodge it. Now do
the same thing you did before. She might go back up on the and send the little
spiders down again after a while. Just keep repeating this process and you will
soon defeat her.


Here is a better walkthrough sent in by Chris Kirk

When  the scene opens Shelob is busy wrapping Frodo up with her web. While  she
is still distracted with him, run up behind her and hit her with  some fierce
attacks. She will quickly spin around and start attacking  you. Parry like
there's no tomorrow. Whenever she recoils from her attacks,  use an Orc Hewer
or some other strong attacks and hit her hard and fast.  Whenever you have
dealt her enough damage or after a time of battling,  she will jump up to a
ledge on the side and launch a whole heap of baby  spiders on you. If you're
thinking that you should hit her with a ranged  attack while she's up on the
ledgeÉ. DON'T! She'll jump on top of you  and then you'll have to deal with her
and all the baby spiders at the  same time. Not a very good idea. So just take
out the baby spiders one  at a time. I would recommend using a fierce attack
and flipping the  spider on it's back and then using your  killing move. It
doesn't give  the greatest experience, but hey, you're just trying to survive,
remember.  There are two cut-scenes while you are fighting Shelob. The first
time,  Sam stabs her in the face. Don't get excited. She just gets angry. Keep
parrying her attacks and wait until she backs away before you start  rushing in
and using your attacks. You want to use strong attacks but  as soon as you see
her start to recover from your blows, start parrying  again and wait for
another pause. Again, when she jumps up on the wall,  take out the spiders one
by one, don't let them gang up on you or they'll  drain your health. When you
get her a little below half health (around  1/3), the second cut-scene happens.
Be VERY careful here. Sam will cut  off Shelob's front leg and she will start
running around in a panic.  I tried to parry here and just got run over, so
just try to dodge as  much as you can. (Aren't you glad you killed all the baby
spiders now,  so you don't have to dodge AND kill?) As soon as Shelob slows
down,  go in for the kill. By now you should be pretty adept at parrying her
stabs and returning damage, so just keep at the previous techniques  until
she's dead.


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 F03                                 Cirith Ungol
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

Go in a little bit and put on your cloak and hurry to the fat dude. Press R
when you get behind him to kill him. Your cloak should run out now. Kill the
other guys and drop the ramp and go up. Soon some bigger orcs will come. Keep
going and two orcs will will come followed by another one of those guys who ate
too many Big Macs. Kill them and keep going. Use the spear out here to kill one
of the orcs. Kill the other two and go down the stairs.

Now you are out in a big open area with many orcs fighting each other. Stay to
the right and only fight orcs that come at you. Go in the little tunnel to the
right and go up. You will see alot of orcs fighting each other. Tip the bucket
of fire to kill most of them. After you finish with them keep following the
path and you will see many orcs fighting on some boards. Run as fast as you can
around the outside of this room to the stairs.

Run up the stairs and use the war pikes as you go to kill the orcs below. Kill
any of the orcs on the stairs and there will be a few chubby dudes on the
stairs as well. When you get to the top use the action button to drop the
chandelier on all of the orcs. Go about a third of the way back down the stairs
and go out the door to the right. Tip the fire on the orcs below.

Go all the way down the stairs and around the big whole in the floor and go out
the big archway. Kill the orcs here and keep going. You will soon be at the big
open space that you were at before. Except this time there are no orcs. Now go
to the fight and there will be some more orcs fighting. Get the green health in
the back if you need it. After you kill these orcs go to the lever ahead and
use it to tip the ramp on the orcs. Go up here and follow the path.

Soon there will be a cutscene where the orcs are running away and onto the
bridge. Go up and to the right to get to the catapult. Kill the fat guy here
and fire it. Now go down and up the bridge where the orcs used to be.

---------------------------BOSS: Extremely Strong Orc---------------------------

This guy will have a shield and spear. You can either break his shield with
fierce attack or a war pike. After you break his shield run to the side and get
a war pike. Throw it at him when he has no shield. He will drop his weapon and
pause there for a minute. This is when you hack away at him. He will soon get
another spear and shield. Just repeat this process to kill him.



.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 F04                                Crack of Doom
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

--------------------------------BOSS: Gollum-----------------------------------

This level is only hard if you don't know how to do it. You have to defeat
Gollum. Any attack on him will not damage him. Make sure to parry his attacks.
Get back when he rears on his hind legs. You should stay towards the edge of
the cliff and lure him to the edge. When he is on the edge attack him many
times so he becomes off balance. Now use X to kick him over. Now use a killing
move to knock him off. You will have to repeat this process five more times. A
health potion will appear often so keep a eye out for it. After you knock him
off 5 more times you beat the level.



.:*:.                                                                     .:*:.
     +=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*  G
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

                          Skill Meter and Upgrades

.:*:.                                                                     .:*:.
  G  +=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 G01                                 Upgrades
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

The upgrades were sent in by zhouyun65. I just put the info into the charts.


                   =-=-=-=-= Aragorn and Farimir =-=-=-=-=


== Upgrade ===================== Price ================ Fellowship's price ====
|---------------------------------LEVEL 2-------------------------------------|
| Orc Bane          |              5000           |             8000          |
| Ranger Fury       |              4000           |              N/A          |
| Orc Hewer         |              1000           |             3000          |
| Final Judgment    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 3-------------------------------------|
| Dunedain Arrows   |              5000           |              N/A          |
| Gondorian Sword   |                             |                           |
| Master            |              3500           |              N/A          |
| Strength of Stone |              5000           |             15000         |
| Rising Revenge    |              10000          |             20000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 4-------------------------------------|
| Wilderness Rage   |              5000           |             N/A           |
| Balrogs Gambit    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 5-------------------------------------|
| Warrior Bane      |              7000           |             10000         |
| Strength of Iron  |              5000           |             15000         |
| Dark Deliverance  |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 6-------------------------------------|
| Wrath of Numenor  |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Rivendell Arrows  |              5500           |              N/A          |
| Strength of the   |                             |                           |
| Fellowship        |              5000           |             15000         |
| Shield Cleaver    |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 7-------------------------------------|
| Bane of Sauron    |              9000           |             12000         |
| Kingmaker         |              7000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 8-------------------------------------|
| Mithril Arrows    |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Lightning Strike  |              7000           |             11000         |
| Killing Zone      |              10000          |             20000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 9-------------------------------------|
| Helm's Hammer     |              12000          |             12000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 10------------------------------------|
| Swift Justice     |              12000          |             20000         |
| Strength of       |                             |                           |
| Evenstar          |              5000           |              N/A          |
| Sword Mastery of  |                             |                           |
| Kings             |             25000           |              N/A          |


                         =-=-=-=-= Gandalf =-=-=-=-=


== Upgrade ===================== Price ================ Fellowship's price ====
|---------------------------------LEVEL 2-------------------------------------|
| Orc Bane          |              5000           |             8000          |
| Ranger Fury       |              4000           |              N/A          |
| Orc Hewer         |              1000           |             3000          |
| Final Judgment    |              5000           |             8000          |
| Strength of Stone |              5000           |            15000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 3-------------------------------------|
| Wizard's Power    |              3500           |              N/A          |
| Rising Revenge    |             10000           |            20000          |
| Light of the      |                             |                           |
| Pilgrim           |              5000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 4-------------------------------------|
| Wrath of Anor     |              5000           |             N/A           |
| Balrogs Gambit    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 5-------------------------------------|
| Light of the      |                             |                           |
| Forges            |              5500           |             N/A           |
| Warrior Bane      |              7000           |             10000         |
| Strength of Iron  |              5000           |             15000         |
| Dark Deliverance  |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 6-------------------------------------|
| Flame of Undun    |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Shield Cleaver    |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 7-------------------------------------|
| Bane of Sauron    |              9000           |             12000         |
| Power of the      |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Palantir          |                             |                           |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 8-------------------------------------|
| Lightning Strike  |              7000           |             11000         |
| Killing Zone      |              10000          |             20000         |
| Strength of the   |                             |                           |
| Fellowship        |              5000           |             15000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 9-------------------------------------|
| Helm's Hammer     |              12000          |             12000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 10------------------------------------|
| Swift Justice     |              12000          |             20000         |
| Enchantment of the|                             |                           |
| Havens            |              10500          |              N/A          |
| Power of the      |                             |                           |
| Istari            |              25000          |              N/A          |
| Light of the Valor|               7000          |              N/A          |


                         =-=-=-=-= Legolas =-=-=-=-=


== Upgrade ===================== Price ================ Fellowship's price ====
|---------------------------------LEVEL 2-------------------------------------|
| Orc Bane          |              5000           |             8000          |
| Ranger Fury       |              4000           |              N/A          |
| Orc Hewer         |              1000           |             3000          |
| Final Judgment    |              5000           |             8000          |
| Mirkwood Arrows   |              5000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 3-------------------------------------|
| Light of          |                             |                           |
| Lothlorien        |              3500           |              N/A          |
| Strength of Stone |              5000           |             1500          |
| Rising Revenge    |             10000           |            20000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 4-------------------------------------|
| Elven Fury        |              4000           |             N/A           |
| Balrogs Gambit    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 5-------------------------------------|
| Lorthlorien Arrows|              5500           |             N/A           |
| Warrior Bane      |              7000           |             10000         |
| Dark Deliverance  |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 6-------------------------------------|
| Strength of Iron  |              5000           |             15000         |
| Shield Cleaver    |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 7-------------------------------------|
| Bane of Sauron    |              9000           |             12000         |
|Arrows of the Valar|              7000           |              N/A          |
| Galadriel's Gift  |              7000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 8-------------------------------------|
| Elrond's Rage     |              5000           |              N/A          |
| Lightning Strike  |              7000           |             11000         |
| Killing Zone      |              10000          |             20000         |
| Strength of the   |                             |                           |
| Fellowship        |              5000           |             15000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 9-------------------------------------|
| Helm's Hammer     |              12000          |             12000         |
| Mithril Arrows    |              10500          |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 10------------------------------------|
| Swift Justice     |              12000          |             20000         |
| Elven Bow Mastery |              25000          |              N/A          |


                           =-=-=-=-= Gimli =-=-=-=-=


== Upgrade ===================== Price ================ Fellowship's price ====
|---------------------------------LEVEL 2-------------------------------------|
| Orc Bane          |              5000           |             8000          |
| Dwarven Fury      |              4000           |              N/A          |
| Orc Hewer         |              1000           |             3000          |
| Final Judgment    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 3-------------------------------------|
| Lonely Mountain   |                             |                           |
| Lore              |              3500           |              N/A          |
| Strength of Stone |              5000           |             1500          |
| Rising Revenge    |             10000           |            20000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 4-------------------------------------|
| Mountain Rage     |              4000           |             N/A           |
| Balrogs Gambit    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 5-------------------------------------|
| Erebor Axes       |              5500           |             N/A           |
| Warrior Bane      |              7000           |             10000         |
| Strength of Iron  |              5000           |             15000         |
| Dark Deliverance  |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 6-------------------------------------|
| Wrath of Moria    |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Shield Cleaver    |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 7-------------------------------------|
| Bane of Sauron    |              9000           |             12000         |
| Moria Axes        |              5500           |              N/A          |
| Axe Mastery of the|                             |                           |
| Kings             |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Strength of the   |                             |                           |
| Fellowship        |              5000           |             15000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 8-------------------------------------|
| Strength of Gloin |              5000           |              N/A          |
| Lightning Strike  |              7000           |             11000         |
| Killing Zone      |              10000          |             20000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 9-------------------------------------|
| Helm's Hammer     |              12000          |             12000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 10------------------------------------|
| Swift Justice     |              12000          |             20000         |
| Strength of       |                             |                           |
| Khazad-dum        |               5000          |              N/A          |
|Dwarven Axe Mastery|              25000          |              N/A          |


                        =-=-=-=-= The Hobbits =-=-=-=-=


== Upgrade ===================== Price ================ Fellowship's price ====
|---------------------------------LEVEL 2-------------------------------------|
| Orc Bane          |              5000           |             8000          |
| Orc Hewer         |              1000           |             3000          |
| Final Judgment    |              5000           |             8000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 3-------------------------------------|
| Poison Blade      |              4000           |              N/A          |
| Strength of Stone |              5000           |             1500          |
| Rising Revenge    |             10000           |            20000          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 4-------------------------------------|
| Balrogs Gambit    |              5000           |             8000          |
| Warrior Bane      |              7000           |             10000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 5-------------------------------------|
| Cloud of Shadow   |              5000           |              N/A          |
| Poison Daggers    |              5500           |              N/A          |
| Strength of Iron  |              5000           |             15000         |
| Dark Deliverance  |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 6-------------------------------------|
| Cloak of Celeborn |              7000           |              N/A          |
| Bane of Sauron    |              9000           |             12000         |
| Shield Cleaver    |              7000           |             11000         |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 7-------------------------------------|
| Strength of the   |                             |                           |
| Fellowship        |              5000           |             15000         |
| Morgul Daggers    |              7000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 8-------------------------------------|
| Lightning Strike  |              7000           |             11000         |
| Killing Zone      |              10000          |             20000         |
| Halfling Strength |              5000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 9-------------------------------------|
| Helm's Hammer     |              12000          |             12000         |
| Cloud of Rage     |              7000           |              N/A          |
|---------------------------------LEVEL 10------------------------------------|
| Swift Justice     |              12000          |             20000         |
| Cloak of Galadriel|              10500          |              N/A          |
| Strength of the   |                             |                           |
| Gaffer            |              25000          |              N/A          |
| Baggin's Strength |               5000          |              N/A          |

.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 G02                               Skill Meter
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

In the lower left hand corner of the screen is a meter that has many things on
it. The circular meter is the hit meter. Every time you get a successful hit it
goes up a little. You get a rating every time you kill a enemy, fair, good,
excellent, and perfect. The rating you get depends on where the bar in the
meter is when you kill a enemy. When it fills all the way up you go into
perfect mode. When you are in perfect mode, every time you kill a enemy you get
a perfect kill.

The horizontal bar at the bottom that is green when you start is your health.
When it runs out, you die.

The numbers above the meter are the experience points. The number on the left
is the amount of experience points you have and the number on the right is the
number of experience points you need to get to the next level.

The picture of your character in the meter is the special ability meter. When
you use your special ability, it shows how much time is left and then it shows
how long it will take take to recharge.

.:*:.                                                                     .:*:.
     +=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*  H
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

                            Cheats and Other Goodies

.:*:.                                                                     .:*:.
  H  +=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

.:*:.   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=
 H01                                 Cheats
':*:'   =*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=-=*=-=+=

These were taken from

Perfect mode:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Down ,Y,A. A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code
can be enabled.

All attack upgrades:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,Down ,Y,B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can
be enabled.

Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,X,B,Up . A sound will confirm correct
code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be

Full health:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B(2), X(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can
be enabled.

Unlimited missile weapons:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B(2), Down ,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Always devastating:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,Up ,Y,Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can
be enabled.

Target indicator:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,X,Up ,B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code
can be enabled.

Aragorn four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,B,Y,Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can
be enabled.

Aragorn gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,B,Y,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Aragorn has all special abilities:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,X,Y(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Aragorn level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Y,A,Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Aragorn level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,B,X,B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Aragorn level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Y,B(2). A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Aragorn level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,B,Y,Up . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Aragorn restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,B(2), Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Aragorn three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,Down ,X,Up . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Faramir four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,B,Up ,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Faramir gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,Y,Up ,B. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Faramir level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,B,A,Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Faramir level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A(2), B(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Faramir level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,A,Down ,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Faramir level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Down (3). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Faramir restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,Up ,A(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Faramir three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,Y,Up ,Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Frodo four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,B,Down ,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Frodo gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Y,Up ,X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Frodo level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,Up ,Down ,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Frodo level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,Up ,X,Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Frodo level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down (2), A,Y. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Frodo level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X(2), Down (2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Frodo restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y(3), X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Frodo three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,Down ,Y,B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gandalf four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,Y,Up ,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gandalf gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Y,Up ,X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Gandalf has all special abilities:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,Down ,Y,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Gandalf level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,Y,A,Y. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gandalf level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,Up ,B,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Gandalf level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y(2), A,Up . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gandalf level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,B,Down (2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gandalf restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,X,A,B. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Gandalf three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,A,Y,Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gimli four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,B,Up ,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Gimli gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X(2), Y,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Gimli level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,X,B(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gimli level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,B,Down ,Up . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gimli level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,Y,Down B . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gimli level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,X,Down ,B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Gimli restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X(3), A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Gimli three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,B,X,B. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Legolas four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,X,Y,B. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Legolas gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,Y,Up ,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Legolas has all special abilities:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,X,A,X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry. Repeat this code to disable its effect.

Legolas level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B(2), X,B. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Legolas level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down (2), A(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Legolas level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,X,Up ,Down . A sound will
confirm correct code entry.

Legolas level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,Up (2), Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Legolas restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y(3), X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Legolas three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y(3), Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Merry four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,A,B(2). A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Merry gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X(2), B,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Merry level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down (2), B(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Merry level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,A,X,Down . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Merry level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down (2), B,Y. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Merry level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,Y,A,B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Merry restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,X(2), Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Merry three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,A,Up ,Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Pippin four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A(2), Down ,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Pippin gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,A,B,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Pippin level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down ,A,Down ,Up . A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Pippin level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,Down (3). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Pippin level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,Y,X,Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Pippin level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,Up (2), X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Pippin restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,X(2), B. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Pippin three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up (2), B,X. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Sam four-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,Down ,Y(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Sam gains 1,000 experience points:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,A,Down ,A. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Sam level 2 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,A,X,Y. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Sam level 4 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Up ,Down ,B,A. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Sam level 6 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Down (2), Up (2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Sam level 8 skills:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X(2), Y(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Sam restore missiles:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A(2), X,A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Sam three-hit combo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press B,A,X,B. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

Play as Faramir:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A(2), Y(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can
be enabled.

Play as Frodo:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,X(3). A sound will confirm correct
code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be

Play as Merry:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,X(2), A. A sound will confirm correct
code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be

Play as Pippin:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,X,B,X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry. Note: The game must be completed first before this code can be

Share experience co-operatively:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,A(3). A sound will confirm correct
code entry. All experience gained by you in co-operative mode will be shared
with your partner.

Share health co-operatively:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press Y,Up ,A(2). A sound will confirm
correct code entry. All health gained by you in co-operative mode will be
shared with your partner.

Unlimited respawns in co-operative mode:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press X,B,Up ,X. A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

All actor interviews:
Pause game play, then hold L+Rand press A,B,A,Up . A sound will confirm correct
code entry.

In Shelobs Lair there is a trick to make infinite orcs appear.In the
second orc camp the one where you have the option to dump rocks on them
is where this can be done.When you first arrive keep your distance and
throw daggers at all the orcs to kill them then go forward till you reach
the first touch a shielded orc will attack from behind use orc bane on
him.This should get you to perfect mode another orc appears in front of
you pick up the touch and throw it at him while in perfect mode.This
gives you two kills and repeats forever.

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 H02                                  Game Tips
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These tips were sent in by Paul Denver

When fighting multiple enemies, especially when there are archers as well, keep
pressing the parry button. Wait until you have a chance and do a few quick
attacks. Keep going like this and you are unlikely to lose any health, and
still kill all the enemies. This also works well with bosses, except, often you
will need a fierce attack to really do any damage.
When fighting people with shields and people without shields, always try to
thin it down by attacking and killing the people without shields first. This is
because quick attacks are quicker than fierce attacks, so you are less likely
to lose health.
If there are quite a few enemies around you, don't do the killing move, because
this takes time(apart from with sam), and you are more likely to get hit when
you are doing a killing move. Instead, wait for them to get up, and then do 1
or 2 more quick attacks and they will die anyway.

These tips were sent in by Chris Bugaj

This tip i found its another infinite orc trick and there's nothing to
it.In Minis Tirith Top of the Wall you can get as many levels as you
want after you destroy all the siege towers and the cutscene with the
battering ram happens stay where you are and let the two ladders appear
orcs will constantly come up these ladders you can use this to get Gandalf
to level 20 making Minis Tirith Courtyard alot easier.

Minis Tirith Tip: Siege Towers

Ok if you are using the hobbits for this stage you are in for a test as
the hobbits ranged attack is very weak so they must be a way to
compensate.Yes their is what you do to take down the siege towers quicker is
to let some orcs near you and use your bane which gets you into perfect
mode now your ranged attack is twice as strong helping you take down
the siege towers quicker.

Pelennor Fields Tip: Witch King

Everyone know using the hobbits for this stage is a pain the above tip
works well for the Witch King as well don't charge your ranged
attack,you wont have time before one of the orcs or easterling attacks you.So
use a bane on the easterling (its a shorter bane)then in perfect mode
unload on the witch king.Your ranged attack will be stronger helping you
kill the Witch king faster.

Perfect Ratings Tips

Paths of the Dead with the hobbits

Its hard because you cant use banes and you don't have the special that
Aragorn and company have so you have to use true skills to get your
meter full here's the easiest way.

Through out the whole stage there is only two places you actually have
to fight the areas that block you off.Do the best you can in those two
areas and just run and ignore all others.When you get to the bridge
with the 35 enemies you will notice that reg soldiers come from the right
and the enemies with bars over there heads come from the left.Use the
left to get in perfect mode combos lighting strike,swift justice,and
shield cleaver work well remember to parry between blows.Once in perfect
mode run to the right and kill as many as you can repeat.

King of the Dead Hobbits

Its alot easier here just get surrounded and use swift judgment and
parry its really easy.

Crack of Doom Hobbits

This is the one that i could never figure out i only managed to get
good with the hobbits by using final judgment while Gollum was
reeling.For the others its easy just use their special parry a few times and lure
Gollum to the edge the A speed attack will always make Gollum lose
balance.To get perfect though you have to make sure you make him fall
everytime while your meter is full.

Killing Shelob with one combo

In the last room before you reach Shelob theres four spiders that meet you at
the entrance to the last tunnel well if you can manage to get into perfect mode
by using swift judgement on them then quickly run to trigger the cut scene with
Shelob wrapping up Frodo you can do this trick.Once behind Shelob get real
close to her and do Y,Y,X,Y thats Shield Cleaver if you do it while in perfect
mode she will die instantly.If you cant manage to get into perfect mode like
that.In the same room before Shelob there is also an orc at the beginning of
the room you can leave him for later so you can get into perfect mode using a
bane.Or you can just use a cheat either way thats how you do it.

Handling Enemy Arrows

When facing archers you dont have to parry the arrows i have found a
way to go through them.This especially helps with the hobbits in the
plantir stages.Frodo especially since his ranged attack is weak and he
cant run fast.Ok all you have to do is charge your Y attack and release
it as the arrows come not only will you go through the arrows but you
will get closer to the archers as well making this trick very usefull in
wave 4 of the plantir of saruon.Note this works with all characters.Also if you
are using the hobbits in the plantir stages use the cloak to get good position
on archers and other enemies its very usefull.

These tips were sent in by ZaleIsBackAgain

-When surrounded and pinned down, keep blocking and wait for the right chance
and do the A+X combo.
-Kicking helps knock down a few orcs if you ever see a large group of them
-Using arrows other than when your score is perfect will effect your chance of
 getting perfect in the aftermath of the game, so only use it when you're in
perfect mode.

Here is a tip sent in by Chris Bugaj

Tip for killing The Mouth of Saruon very easily and quickly without taking a
hit. Get close to him and use Orc Hewer constantly you will get a perfect kill
as well.

Here is a tip sent in by  Nfan42991

Double exp. in Co-op

In Co-op mode, while performing a bane, if the other player attacks the enemy,
it will die, and he/she will get exp. for killing it. Then once you finish the
bane, you will get exp. too.

Here is a tip sent in from I am U

In Osgiliath, South Gate, Top-o'-the'-Wall, and Cirith Ungol (maybe), you can
kick Orcs and other enemies off the roofs to kill them easily.

I'm waiting for more people to send tips in.

.:*:.                                                                     .:*:.
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'


.:*:.                                                                     .:*:.
':*:'                                                                     ':*:'

Paul Denver for sending in three tips

zhouyun65 for sending in the upgrades.

Chris Kirk for sending in the Shelob walkthrough.

Chris Bugaj for sending in all those great tips and info.

ZaleIsBackAgain for sending in some tips about fighting.

Nfan42991 for sending in a tip about Double exp. in Co-op.

I am U for sending in a tip about kill enemies easily.

marth ue for the ASCII ART

EA Games for making a great game

J.R.R. Tolkien for the great books

CJayC for a good site for FAQs

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Copyright 2005 © Nathaniel Modlich                              End of Document