Luigi's Mansion (e)

                     N I N T E N D O  O F  A M E R I C A

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                              ~Luigi's Mansion~

                        Type of FAQ: FAQ\Walkthrough
                             Author: Namod65
                          Real Name: Nathaniel Modlich
                              Email: Namod65[at]yahoo[dot]com
                               Date: 4/20/04
                               Size: 88 KB
                      Guide Started: April 7, 2004
                    Guide Completed: April 20, 2004
                      Latest Update: Version 1.00
                           Platform: GameCube
                       ASCII Artist: gaoneng

  This file is Copyright 2004-2005 (c) Nathaniel Modlich. All rights reserved.

Always check back to for the latest version of this guide.

This guide is for the GameCube version of this game and information may be
different from the other platforms.


I am taking submissions for this FAQ. If you have any info or tips you can
email them to me and I will post them on this guide and give you credit.


|                                                                             |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|          |                   Table of Contents                    |         |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|                                                                             |

If you want to move quickly through this guide you can highlight the section
coding ei. . Then press crtl c, then press crtl f, then crtl v. Now
press enter and it will take you to that section of the guide. For mac users
just use the apple key instead of crtl.

      | Getting Started......................................... |
      |         Legal Information............................... |
      |         Version History................................. |
      |         Intoduction..................................... |
      |         Contact Info.................................... |
      |         Introduction to the Game........................ |
      | Story................................................... |
      | Basics.................................................. |
      |         Controls........................................ |
      |         Capturing Ghosts................................ |
      |         Boos............................................ |
      |         Elements........................................ |
      |         Scoring and Ranking............................. |
      | Walkthrough............................................. |
      |         Introdution..................................... |
      |         Area 1.......................................... |
      |         Area 2.......................................... |
      |         Area 3.......................................... |
      |         Area 4.......................................... |
      | Items and Ghosts........................................ |
      |         Items........................................... |
      |         Ghosts.......................................... |
      |         Portrait Ghosts................................. |
      | Lots-O-Locations........................................ |
      |         Golden Mice Locations........................... |
      |         Mario's Items Locations......................... |
      |         Boo Locations................................... |
      | Credits................................................. |

|                                                                             |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|          |                    Getting Started               |         |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|                                                                             |

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |           Legal Information           |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission.  Use of this guide  on any other
web site or as a part of any public display is strictly  prohibited, and a
violation of copyright.

This means that you can not take this FAQ and sell it or call it yours. If you
want to post this on a site you must email me first and I will probably say

These are the sites that are allowed to host this guide on their site. If you
are reading this guide from a site that is not listed below then that is a
violation of copyright, therefore you are commiting a crime. If you see this
FAQ on a site that is not listed below please email me.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |            Version History            |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

                     | Version 1.0 | 4/20/04 | 88KB |
            | I worked hard today. I have the whole          |
            | walkthrough complete. Yes, the whole thing is  |
            | done beginning to end. I hope you enjoy it.    |
            | Everything else is done on the guide too. This |
            | is the first version that I will send to       |
            | I am done with this guide but I  |
            | will probably still be making some smaller     |
            | updates.                                       |

                     | Version .60 | 4/14/04 | 64KB |
            | Today I finished the Items and Ghosts section, |
            | and the Lots-O-Locations chapter. Hopefully I  |
            | can work on the Walkthrough more this week.    |
            | But that depends on how much homework I get    |
            | over the next few days. This guide is coming   |
            | along fast. I hope to get it done next week.   |

                     | Version .50 | 4/13/04 | 48KB |
            | As I said I would, I worked on the walkthrough |
            | a bit more this week. I've got the walkthrough |
            | done up to Area 3. I hope I can get it done    |
            | the next week. The whole guide will be done by |
            | end of this month.                             |

                     | Version .40 | 4/11/04 | 36KB |
            | This is just the second day I have worked on   |
            | this FAQ because I've been out of town. I got  |
            | the basics section done and complete. I also   |
            | have the walkthrough done up to Area 2. I plan |
            | to work more on this guide later this week.    |

                     | Version .20 | 4/7/04 | 18KB |
           | I just started the guide in this version. I    |
           | have the title and all the other stuff at the  |
           | Start of this guide done. I got the ASCII from |
           | gaoneng and it looks great. I also got the     |
           | Getting Started chapter done. I'm going on     |
           | vaction so I can't work on this for a while.   |

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |             Introduction              |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

Hello everyone, My name is Nathaniel Molich and thanks for chosing to use my
guide for Luigi's Mansion. This guide is my..lets see...8th guide. I'm changing
the format for this guide, so it is a little different from my other guides.
I'm writing this guide because I love Luigi's Manison and want to write for it.
I have also never done a game where you this type of walkthrough. That type
would be the kind were you can lable evrey little section of the walkthrough
you are going through rooms with names. You will see what I mean when you look
at the walkthrough. This guide will be one of my shorter ones because the game
is just not that long. I will try to cover everything about the game. From a
room to room walkthrough to all the secret item locations. That is about it and
I hope you enjoy my guide, and find it helpfull.

For anyone who is wondering, here is a list of the other walkthroughs I have

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings: The Return of The King
James Bond 007: Nightfire
Star Wars: Jedi Outcast

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |              Contact Info             |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

My email is Namod65[at]yahoo[dot]com

If you have any questions or comments you can email them to me. You may email
me if you need help with the game but please make sure you include something
about the game in the subject. You can also send in game tips for the game and
I will give you credit for the tip. A tip is anything that is usefull to
beating the game, or getting a better score, or just something that is fun to

Please do not send me any advertisements. Do not send me anything that has
nothing to do with this game or GameFAQs. Please try to make your questions
reasonable and easy to understand. I do not want you to send me a question
asking for help with the game until you read this guide, because the your
question may be answered in the guide.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |        Introduction to the Game       |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

Nintendo has done something they haven't done before. They have made a game
were Luigi is the main star. This makes a intresting and fun change because I
know we were all getting board of those Mario games. This was also a good move
for Nintendo starting off with this as one of the first games for the GameCube.
It was very succesfull and you could find it in almost every house that bought
a GameCube when it first came out. This was the first game that I ever played
on a GameCube and the better graphics and quality took my breath away. This
game has such great detail and graphics. You can mess with just about
everything in this game. You can shake every bookshelf, blow out every candle
interact with many other things in the background that you could never do

|                                                                             |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|          |                         Story                    |         |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|                                                                             |

One day, Luigi received an unexpected message: You've won a huge mansion!
Naturally, he got very excited and called his brother, Mario. "Mario? It's
me, Luigi. I won myself a big mansion! Meet me there and we'll celebrate,
what do you say?"

Luigi tried to follow the map to his new mansion, but the night was dark, and
he became hopelessly lost in an eerie forest along the way. Finally, he came
upon a gloomy mansion on the edge of the woods. According to the map, this
mansion seemed to be the only one Luigi was looking for. As soon as Luigi set
foot in the mansion, he started to feel nervous. Mario, who should have
arrived first, was nowhere to be seen. Not only that, but there were ghosts
in the mansion!

Suddenly, a ghost lunged at Luigi! "Mario! Help meee!" That's when a strange
old man with a vacuum cleaner on his back appeared out of nowhere! This
strange fellow managed to rescue Luigi from the ghosts, then the two of them

It just so happened that the old man, Professor Elvin Gadd, who lived near
the house, was researching his favorite subject, ghosts. Luigi told Professor
E. Gadd that his brother Mario was missing, so the Professor decided to give
Luigi two inventions that would help him search for his brother.

Luigi's not exactly known for his bravery. Can he get rid of all the prank-
loving ghosts and find Mario?

|                                                                             |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|          |                          Basics                  |         |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|                                                                             |

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |               Controls                |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

                  _____                              ______
                 /  L  \      ________________      /_R____\
               _/_______\_  _/                \_  _/________\_  <------ "Z"
              /           \/                    \/ ____       \
             /   ___       \                    /  \_Y_\  _    \
     Control|  /     \      \      Start       /  /    \ | \    |
      ------->|   CS  |      |       S        |   | A  | |X|    |
     Stick  |  \ ___ /       /                \   \____/ \_/    |
            |                |  _____________  |                |
             \                \/             \/   [B]          /
              |\_          _   \             /   __          _/|
              /  \_      _| |_  \           /   /  \       _/  \
             /     \__  |_ D _| |           |  |  C |   __/     \
            /        /\   |_|   /           \   \ _/   /\        \
           |         | \       /             \        / |         |
           |         |  \_____/               \______/  |         |
           |         |                                  |         |
           |         /                                  \         |
            \       /                                    \       /
             \     /                                      \     /
              \___/                                        \___/

A Button  : Examine Things, Open a door, Display next message, Chose a option.

B Button  : Hold it down to keep your flashlight off. This is only in dark

X Button  : GameBoy Horror, Search mode. Use A to search.

Y Button  : GameBoy Horror, Floor Map. Use A to zoom

Z Buttom  : GameBoy Horror, Items list

R Button  : Use the Poltergust 3000

L Button  : Expel Elements from Poltergust 3000. Need Elements in supply.

C-Stick   : Change direction of vacuum or flashlight

Control Stick : Move Luigi

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |            Capturing Ghosts           |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

This is probably the most important skill you need to learn in this game.
Ghosts are everywhere so you will need to learn how to catch them. You will
need your flashlight and your Poltergust 3000 to catch a ghost. To start off
you will have to walk around and wait in a room you know has a ghost in it. It
is best to hold down B to keep your flashlight off. Soon a ghost will appear
and will try to creep up on you. When he gets close turn around and shine the
flashlight on him. The light will stun the ghost and you will see his heart and
his HP. When you see a ghost's heart that means he is vunerable and can easily
be captured. So start sucking with your vacuum. You will create a lock between
the ghost and you. He will try to run. Pull in the opposite direction with the
control stick. Then HP on the ghost will start to decrease. When it is down to
zero the ghost will be sucked into your vaccum. Some ghosts will have more HP
then others and will take longer. Ghosts that take longer will often start
dropping items when you are sucking. Some of the items will give you points and
others are not good to touch. It will take a little bit of practice but that is
how you catch a ghost.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                  Boos                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

Being able to capture Boos is also a important  skill because you can't move
through the game without capturing Boos. Boos are the white ghosts that you
will let lose in Area 2. They will need to be captured. They do not like the
light so they will be in dark rooms. You can only capture a Boo after you turn
on the lights in a room. After the lights are on you will be able to tell where
a Boo is by using the Boo Radar on your GameBoy Horror. It is that little light
on the top. It will turn yellow when you enter a room with a Boo in it. It will
start to blink faster, then turn red when you get closer to the Boo. The Boos
will hide in furniture and other items. When you find the item the Boo is in
either suck at it with your vacuum or shake it. The Boo will pop out. You do
not have to use your flashlight on these guys. You can already see their HP.
Just point your vaccum at them and start sucking. You can't lock on to these
guys so you will have to use your C-Stick to help aim. Boos will fly around in
the room for a little bit, but then they might go through a wall. So chase them
if they go into the next room. That is all you need to know about Boos.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |               Elements                |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

As you go through the game you will come across Elements. You can use these
Elements to help you get through certain areas and capture certain ghosts.
There are three types of Elements: Fire, Water, and Ice. You can't use the
Element until you pick up the Element Token for that Element. After you get
the Token, you can then suck in Element Ghosts. These ghosts will be around the
type of Element that they are. For example, the Fire Element Ghost will be near
a candle, or a fire place. Suck them in to fill your supply with that Element.
You can only carry one Element at a time.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |          Scoring and Ranking          |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

As you explore items, you will come across money, coins, and other items. These
will give you points to add to your score. They will not help you beat the
game, they are just a little extra to help increase the replay value of the
game. Look everywhere for these items. Use your vacumm on items and often tons
of money will pop out. Here is a list of the items and how much they are worth.

Gold Coin: 5000 G
Paper Bill: 20,000 G
Gold Bar: 100,000 G
Blue Ruby: 500,000 G
Green Ruby: 800,000 G
Red Ruby: 1,000,000 G
Silver Emerald: 2,000,000 G
Pink Emerald: 5,000 G
Gold Emerald: 20,000,000 G
Big Pearl: 1,000,000 G
Medium Pearl: 100,000 G
Small Pearl: 50,000 G

When you finish the game, you will be given a ranking depending on how much
money and tresure you have collected. The ranking will be from A-H. A is the
highest and H is the lowest. Here is the list of rankings and how much you will
need to collect to get each ranking.

Rank A: over 100,000,000 G
Rank B: 70,000,001-100,000,000 G
Rank C: 60,000,001-70,000,000 G
Rank D: 50,000,001-60,000,000 G
Rank E: 40,000,001-50,000,000 G
Rank F: 20,000,001-40,000,000 G
Rank G: 5,000,001-20,000,000 G
Rank H: under 5,000,000 G

|                                                                             |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|          |                       Walkthrough                |         |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|                                                                             |

In this walkthorugh I am assuming that you are following this guide from the
beginning, because I will be guiding you through and I assume you have done
everything before that point. I have this walkthrough written with everyroom
labeled. The rooms are listed in the order that you will go through them.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |              Intoduction              |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

| Mansion |

Foyer (1F)

At the start here you might want to get used to the controls here. After you
have done that go up the stairs. Go up to the big double doors here and press A
to try to open them. You will see that they are locked. Now go back down the
stairs a bit. You will see a ghost hovering around in this room. He will then
drop a key on the floor. Go down and pick it up. It will unlock the big double
doors up the stairs so go back up and open them.

Parlor (2F)

In here a ghost will pop out and charge at you. Just in time a little guy named
Professer E. Gladd. He battles the ghost with a vacuum. But the ghost escapes.
You then talk with him for a minute, but then more ghosts come and you will
have to go somewhere safe. He takes you to his lab.

| E. Gladd's Lab |

Here you and E. Gladd talk about the mansion and Mario being captured by the
ghosts. Then he tells you he will teach you how to fight the ghosts. You will
now be in his training room. Many ghosts will come. Just either listen to Gladd
on how to catch them or look in the section on how to capture ghosts in this
FAQ. After you do that he will ask you if you want to go to the Gallery. You
don't have to but if you want to you can. After the Gallery E. Gladd will ask
you where you want to go. Chose the Mansion.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                Area 1                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

| Mansion |

Foyer (1F)

Here you are again in the main room of the mansion. Run up and talk to Toad.
After that the lights will turn on in this room and then you can save. Always
save when you have the chance. Now go up the stairs and collect the coins. Then
go into the big double doors that you unlocked before.

Parlor (2F)

Vacuum up the coins on the tables and floor here and then use your vacuum to
blow out the purple candles on the walls. All the portraits with people will
start talking and saying that you're not smart and how the ghosts will get you
like they did to Mario. After they are done talking some ghosts will come.
Capture them all. After you capture them all the lights will turn on. Get the
key from the chest that appears. Use it to get through the other door here.

Anteroom (2F)

In here there are some more ghosts. You will see a new kind of ghost in here
that has more HP then the orange ones you have faced so far. After you have
captured the ghosts in here the lights will turn on. If you need more health
then you can fiddle with the items all around. Somtimes health will pop out.
After you are done here, go through the next door.

Wardrobe Room (2F)

In here there are more ghosts. There will be a new ghost too. This ghost is
green and has 40 HP. They will be throwing banna peels too, so watch out. Don't
slip on the banna peels. After you have defeated all the ghosts that pop out
there is still one more. He is in one of the wardrobes. Open it up and there he
is! Capture him and the lights will be on here. Get the key that appears. Now
go through the next door here.

Balcony (2F)

Out here you will see toad. Talk to him and then save. The lights will turn on
out here. There is nothing else you can do out here so head back. Go all the
way back through the rooms that you cleared until you are in the Foyer.

Foyer (2F)

Head left to the door you have the key for. E. Gladd will page you saying that
he detects some of those stronger Portrait ghosts are ahead. Now unlock this
door and go through.

Hallway (2F)

Get the coins laying on the floor but don't go through the door that they lead
to. Go through the first door on the north in this hallway.

Study (2F)

In here you will see your first portrait ghost. His name is Neville. You can
only see him when you are turned away. He is sitting in the rocking chair and
is  reading. Watch out for the books that are flying off the bookshelf. Wait
until he yawns, then shine the light at him. He will be stunned so start
sucking. After you catch him the lights turn on in this room. Get the key from
the chest and then go back out the door.

Hallway (2F)

Head all the way down the hallway and go through the last north door. You will
have to use your key.

Master Bedroom (2F)

In here will be another Portrait Ghost. Her name is Lydia. She is sitting in
front of the mirror. Again you can only see her when your back is turned. Go
over and use your vacuum to blow the curtains to one side. The air will blow in
and spoke the ghost. Now shine your flashlight at her. She will be stunned.
Start your vacuum and capture her. After you get her the lights will turn on.
Get the key from the chest and then head out of this room.

Hallway (2F)

Go through the last door on the south side of this hallway.

Nursery (2F)

In here is yet another Portrait ghost. It is a baby called Chauncey. Go over
and use your vacuum to rock the horse. Chauncey will come out and want to play.
Watch out for the flying objects he sends at you. Go over and suck the little
ball on your vacuum. Then aim at the ghost and let go of the ball. When the
ball hits the baby he will get mad. He makes you smaller and puts you in his
crib. You now are at your first boss battle.

Boss: Chauncey, 100 HP

This baby is one tough baby. First he will send a few rocking horses at you.
You can easily dodge them. Then some huge balls will come and start bouncing
around in the crib. Dodge them as well. All but one of the balls will go away.
Suck the ball that stays and aim at the baby. Let go and if it hits Chauncey he
will expose his heart. Start vacuuming him. You probably won't be able to keep
the connection very long because he is big. After the connection is broken he
will start to bounce around in the crib. Just dodge this as well. He will go
back to his rocking horses and balls. After all but one of the balls disappear
use your vacuum to launch it back at Chauncey. His heart will be exposed again.
Start sucking again. Just keep repeating this proccess until he loses all his
HP and is captured. You will be sent back to normal size. Open up the chest and
get the big pink key. E. Gladd will page you and ask you to come back to the lab.

| E. Gladd's Lab |

Here you will be able to see the ghosts that you caught be put back into
portraits. After that you will get a summery of the ghosts you caught and your
score. Then you will be able to save. That is the end of Area 1.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                Area 2                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

| Mansion |

Foyer (1F)

After you exit Gladd's lab you will be back in the Foyer. Go straight and walk
up to the double doors with the spider webs on them. The webs will disappear.
Now use the big purple key to unlock the doors. Go through.

Hallway (1F)

Welcome to Area 2! Go right until you come to a intersection. Then take the
hallway north. When this hallway ends go left. The door you need to go through
is the last door on the left before the door that is blocked off by webs. Go
through that last door.

Bathroom (1F)

In here there will be two ghosts that will come. These ghosts are a bit
different. They will try to grab on to you if they get close enough. You can
still defeat them the same way as the other ghosts. After you capture them the
lights turn on and E. Gladd will page you. He tells you to move back and forth
if one of those ghosts grabs you. A key appears on a shelf in here. Get it and
go back out the door.

Hallway (1F)

Follow the hallway back to the intersection. Go south down the next hallway.
You will now have to watch out for ghosts that appear on the ceilings and
around you. It would also be a good idea not to get hit by the mice and bats.
The door that you have a key to is the last one on the right. Go through that

Ball Room (1F)

In here is the dancing area. There are two big platforms that are spinning on
the floor. There are a few of these ghost Shy-Guys. They are wearing masks, so
you can't shine your light at them. Instead, use your vacuum and suck off the
masks, then shine your light. This will stun them and you can capture them.
After you have captured them two portrait ghosts will appear. They are dancing
around. All you have to do is face them and use your vacuum on the area they
are in. After a few seconds, they will become visible and you can see their
heart. Now is the time to capture them. After you capture them the lights turn
on. Get the key out of the chest and use it to unlock the door at the other
side of this room.

Storage Room (1F)

There are a few ghosts in here. After you have captured them all the lights
will turn on. Look in the mirror and you will see a button on the wall behind
you. Press that button and the whole wall will move back making the room
bigger. Go into that new space and suck the danger poster of the wall. Behind
it is a button. Press it and it will open up the trap door. Out of the trap
door comes many, many boos! They have all escaped! E. Gladd will now page you
and ask you to come back to the lab.

| E. Gladd's Lab |

Here you and Gladd talk about the Boos and Mario. He will tell you how to use
the Boo Radar and then you can go back to the Mansion.

| Mansion |

Capture 5 Boos

Run back up to Toad and save. Now you have to go and catch Boos. You have to
catch at least five. You can catch 8 here at this time and get ahead. So go up
the stairs and through the double doors into the Parlor. Catch the Boo in here
using my instructions from the sections on Boos. Go through the next few rooms
and catch the Boos in those rooms. Then go back to the Foyer and go into the
hallway to the left. Go in the rooms in this hallway and catch the boos here.
After you catch five Gladd will page you and tell you to go to the Washroom.
Ignore this instruction for now. Catch all the Boos in this hallway and then
head back down to the Area 2 hallway. Go into the Ball Room and catch the Boo
there, then go into the Storage room and catch the Boo there. Make sure to save
after you catch each Boo. You should have 8 Boos if you have caught every one
in the places I told you to look. If you didn't get all of them because they
went into a room that you can't get to then you can go back later. Now go all
the way to the end of the hallway in Area 2 and go through the door next to the

Washroom (1F)

Run up and talk to Toad. I hope you catch the clue he gives you about where to
look. After the lights turn on look in the toilet. A key pops out. Pick it up.
Go ahead and save with Toad after you get the key. Then go back out of this

Hallway (1F)

Go all the back to the big double doors at the beginning of this hallway. Go to
the right of them and go through the first door in this part of the hallway.

Fortune-teller's Room (1F)

Go around to the bottom of this room and shine your light on the crystal ball
until the Fortune-teller appears. Her name is Madame Clairvoya. She tells you
to bring Mario's lost items to her. She will then be able to tell you what
happened to Mario. After you are done talking to her go through the door to the

Mirror Room (1F)

In here there is a big mirror on the wall. When ghosts appear, you will only be
able to see them on the mirror. Use this to help you catch the ghosts. After
the ghosts are defeated and the lights come on, a Boo will be here. Use your
radar and catch him! After you are done with that, open up the chest and you
will get the Fire Element. E. Gladd will page you and tell you about the
Element and how to use it. Now see those fire lamps in the corners of this
room? Go over to one and suck in a Fire Element ghost to supply yourself with
the Fire Element. Light all the candles in this room so you can get out the
door. Now go back through this door.

Fortune-teller's Room (1F)

Don't go talk to the Fortune-teller again. Instead, see those colorfull candles
around this room? Use your Fire Element to light them. After they are all lit a
key will appear. Grap it and go back out the door into the hallway.

Hallway (1F)

The key that you got goes to the door all the way at the other end of this
hallway. So just go all the way left and through the door.

Laundry Room (1F)

In here are a few ghosts that you will need to get. After you have captured the
ghosts in here the lights will turn on and show that a Boo is in here. Get the
Boo. Now open up the laundry machine. In it is Mario's hat. You will need to
take this to the Fortune-teller, but not yet. Now open up the chest and get all
of the money. Head out of this room.

Hallway (1F)

Go all the way back to the right and go back in the Fortune-teller's Room.

Fortune-teller's Room (1F)

Talk to the Fortune-teller. She will be able to look at Mario's hat and and
tell you a little bit about him. After that, go back out of this room.

Hallway (1F)

Take the hallway to the north and you will see a ghost holding a few candles as
he walks back and forth. His name is Shivers the Butler. Light his candles with
your Fire Element and then follow him. He will lead you through the Laundry
Room and into the Butler's Room.

Butler's Room (1F)

Wait until Shivers sits down. He will sit on his candles and hurts himself.
Shine your light on him and then suck him in. After you have him the lights
will turn on. Yet another Boo is in here. Get that Boo and then grab the key
out of the chest. Go back out into the hallway.

Hallway (1F)

Follow the hallway to the north. The door you have a key to is the last door
before the small turn. It is on the north side. Go in that door.

Conservatory (1F)

In here are a bunch of musical instruments. Press A at them all to make them
all play the song. After you have all of them playing, a ghost will appear at
the piano. Her name is Melody. She will play a song and ask you which game it
is from. OR she will play a song and ask you a qusetion on what the composer
had in mind when he wrote the song. The first answer is Super Mario Bros. 3.
The second answer is Water. When you get it right she gets happy and asks you
if you want to play with her music sheets. Lots of sheets come flying at you.
Suck them all in, then shine your light at her. You can now capture her. After
you capture her the lights will turn on. Get the Boo in here and then get the
key from the chest. Head back out into the hallway.

Hallway (1F)

Take the hallway south and go through the door on the left that is right across
from the Ball Room.

Dining Room (1F)

There is a huge fat ghost eating at the table in here. Light the candles on the
table so you can see him without turning away. Suck away some of his jello.
Little servent ghosts will come and try to refill his food. Capture all of
them. Now suck some more of his jello. Wait until he runs out and he will get
mad. He starts to shoot fire balls at you. Just dodge them and wait for him to
get tired. When he gets tired, shine your light at him and then you will be
able to suck. After you capture him the lights will turn on in here. Get the
Boo in here. Get the money out of the chest and then refill your Fire Element.
Go through the other door in this room

Kitchen (1F)

Open up the fridge and a new kind of ghost pops out. You have to use the fire
element to kill him. Just keep spraying fire at him until he is gone. The
lights will now turn on. Get the Boo in this room and then get the Water
Element out of the chest. Now you can suck in the Water Element ghosts from the
sink. Use the Water Element to put out the fire on the door. Go out through the

Boneyard (1F)

Out here is a dog sleeping in his dog house. Go close to him and wake him up.
Now just run around avoiding him for a little bit. Soon a ghost will pop out of
the ground a throw a bone. Capture that ghost. It is a little tricky capturing
him because you still have to dodge the dog as well. After you capture him,
wait for the dog to start licking his bone. Now shine the light and suck him
in. The lights will turn on after you get him. Now use your GameBoy Horror to
search the dog house. It will start steaming. Run up to it and it will suck you

Graveyard (1F)

You will be popped out in a graveyard on the other side of the wall. Tap the
grave stones to get some health. When you tap one of the stones three ghosts
will come. After you capture them step up to the large grave stone. You will be
sucked into a boss battle.

Boss: Bogmire, 100 HP:

This guy is a pretty good boss. He will make many shadows of himself. They come
in many sizes and will slowly chase you. Use your vacuum to suck in one of the
shadows. It will turn into a ball. Aim the ball at Bogmire when he appears. It
will stick around him. This is when you start sucking. If you don't hold on
long enough, you will have to repeat this process again. Except that there will
be more shadows to deal with. You should be able to get him on your 3rd try. He
won't have much HP by then.

Graveyard (1F)

After you beat Bogmire you will be back in the Graveyard. Open up the big chest
and get the big green key. E. Gladd will page you. You will go back to his lab.

| E. Gladd's Lab |

Here you will turn the ghosts back into paintings. Your score will also be
added up. That is the end of Area 2.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                Area 3                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

| Mansion |

Foyer (1F)

Go through the double doors right in front of you.

Hallway (1F)

You will notice that the lights are turned on in here now. Yay! We no longer
have to worry about those annoying ghosts and bats that are allways poping out.
Go all the way to the end of the hallway. You should see the small door with
the webs on it. Go up to it and the webs will disappear. Go through that door.

Courtyard (1F)

You are now out in a very small backyard. There are a few ghosts that will pop
up hanging from a few of the trees. After you capture them all, the lights will
turn on out here. Shake the bird house. Mario's letter will pop out. Pick it up
and save it. Now go down the well out here.

Bottom of the Well (BF)

Follow the mini pipe and look through the opening. You will see inside the
Secret Alter. Mario is trapped in a painting here. King Boo is in here too.
After you have had a look turn back. A ghost will pop down. After you get him
the light turns on down here and you will get a key. The key is for the door at
the other end of the courtyard. But we're not going there just yet. Get out of
the well.

Courtyard (1F)

Go back through the door that you came in from. Go back to the Fortune-teller's
Room. Show her the letter. After you are done there go back into the Courtyard
and then go through the other door here.

Rec Room (1F)

In here is a big body builder named Biff Atlas. Go up and press a at one of the
punching bags. This will make you punch it forward. Make sure you get out of
it's way when it comes back. Now if you didn't hit Biff, aim at him and punch
again. When it hits him he will get mad and start roaming around the room at
you. Hit him a few more times and he will show his heart. Now you can capture
him. After the lights turn on you will be alerted that a Boo is in here.
Capture the Boo. Now get the cash out of the chest. Make sure you have some
Water Element before you go through the next door. Now that you have the water,
go through the next door.

Stairway (1-2F)

Go up the stairs here. Now put out the fire blocking the door. Go through that

Tea Room (2F)

In here there are some ghosts that will try to hug you. After you get them the
lights turn on. There is a Boo in here. Get him! After you are done there you
will notice that the chest is on the table and you can't get to it. In this
room you will be introduced to a new feature in this game, the Flip Pad. Go
over to the right of this room. You will see a pad on the floor with arrows.
Stand on it and it will flip you up onto the ceiling. Walk arcoss the ceiling
until you are over the table. You will see another Flip Pad on the ceiling.
Stand on it and it will flip you down onto the table. Open the chest and you
will get the Ice Element Medal. Now fill up with the Ice Element nearby and
head out of this room, and go through the next door.

Hallway (2F)

Go all the way to the end of this hallway and go into the Bathroom. It should
be the last door on the left side.

Bathroom (2F)

In here there is a ghost showering. Her name is Miss Petunia. Pull back the
shower curtian and spray some ice on the shower. She will be surprised at the
cold, and then show her heart. Now suck her up. Get the key here. It goes to a
room downstairs, so we won't go there just yet. Go out of this room and into
the door across the hall from the Bathroom.

Nana's Room (2F)

In here is the old ghost, Nana. I find her to be one of the more annoying
ghosts because of that stupid noise she makes. Knock the balls of yarn of the
table. Then one by one, suck in the balls and shoot them at her. Once you hit
her three times, you can start to suck her in. After she is captured the lights
will turn on. Get the Boo that appears in here. Then get the key. It will also
go to a door that we will get to later. Now exit this room.

Hallway (2F)

Go down to the junction in this hallway. Now go south and through the fisrt
door on the right. Make sure you get some Fire Element first.

Astral Hall (2F)

Light all of the candles in here. After that some ghosts will come in pairs.
After you get them all the lights will turn on and a Boo appears. Get the Boo
and then go through the next door here.

Observatory (2F)

Look into the telescope. Now the room will change a bit and it will seem that
you are in outerspace. Catch one of the shooting stars with your vacuum and
shoot it at the big plannet. When you hit the plannet, it will blow up. A path
will now be formed. Follow it and at the end you will get Mario's Star. Now
head out of these two rooms.

Hallway (2F)

Now head back down to the first floor. Go back through the courtyard until you
are back in the hallway for Area 2. Go through the door that you have a key for.

Billards Room (1F)

In here is another Portrait Ghost. He is playing pool. Wait until he hits the
balls. Then suck one in and shoot it at him. Do this three times to him and he
will show his heart. Now caprure him. When the lights turn on, get the Boo.
Then open the chest and get the money. Now go through the next door in here.

Projection Room (1F)

Turn on the projecter in here. Ghosts will start to come. They will be
invisible so use the projector to look for their shadows. After you get them
all the lights will come on. Get the Boo, now get Mario's Glove out of the
chest. Head for the Fortune-teller's Room.

Fortune-teller's Room (1F)

You have two items, so you will have to show her one. Now walk out of this
room. Then walk back in and show her the other item. Now go back to the Foyer.

Foyer (1F)

Head back up the stairs and into the hallway to the left. Go through the door
you have the key for.

The Twin's Room (2F)

In here just spin the helicopters around on the ceiling with your vacuum. The
Twins will come and want to play. Go outside the room and wait for them to
hide. Now go back in. They are hiding in two of the boxes here. You only get
two tries before you have to go back outside the room and try again. Now this
will take some patience. I once spent a good 45 minutes trying to find them. It
is just pure chance when you find them. After you find them they will start
moving around the room on their toys. Just suck them up from here. A chest will
appear. Get the Boo, and then get Mario's shoe out of the chest. Take this shoe
to the Fortune-teller.

Fortune-teller's Room (1F)

Shoe her Mario's last item. After she is done talking, she will ask to be
returned to her painting. So shine your light and start sucking. After you have
her the lights will turn on. Get the Boo. Now open up the chest and get the
key. Now go all the way up to the 3rd floor. You do this by going to the end of
the hallway on the 2nd floor and going up the stairs. Go through the door you
have the key for.

Safari Room (3F)

Make sure you have the Ice Element with you. This room is kind of hard. Shake
the deer heads on the wall to make your first ghost come. Spray a little bit of
ice at the ghost until his health is around 25. Now you can shine your light
and suck him in. That is how you will capture the other blue ghosts in here.
More ghost will come. Some of those green banana ghosts will come too. There is
abig health heart in the purse on the desk in the lower right cornner if you
need it. When you get all the ghosts here, the lights will turn on. A Boo will
appear. Now get the key from the chest. Head out the other door in this room.

Hallway (3F)

Go all the way to the end of this hallway and go through the door.

Balcony (3F)

Out here is your third Area Boss. It is a bunch of Boos.

Boss: Boolossus, HP: 15 Boos

Go up to the ring of Boos. They will form into one big giant Boo. Use your
vacuum to pull the Boo towards one of the statues. Pull it so that it will hit
the pointy horn. The Boo will burst into many small Boos. Go around with your
Ice Element and spray the little Boos. When they get sprayed, they will freeze
and fall to the ground. Now you can suck them up. This is a little hard because
they are moving so fast. Soon, the Boos will form together again. Do the same
thing and break the Boo apart. Keep doing this until all of the Boos have been
captured. This will get kind of hard when you have one Boo left because he is
moving so fast. I once had 74 health with one Boo to go, and when I finally
caught him, I had 7 health left. This will take some practice. After you are
done. Get the key out of the chest and E. Gladd will page you. You will now go
back to his lab.

| E. Gladd's Lab |

Here you will empty all of your ghosts into the machine and they will be turned
back into paintings. Your score will then be added up. That is the end of Area 3.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                Area 4                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

| Mansion |

Foyer (1F)

Ok, we're now on the last area of the game. In this area we will be doing a
lot of jumping around the house. We will need to go to rooms that aren't close
to each other at all. You will need to follow this guide carefully so you don't
get confused. Now go through the big double doors in front of you.

Hallway (1F)

From here you are going to want to make your way to the Balcony, so go to the
end of this hallway and out into the Courtyard.

Courtyard (1F)

Go to the other side of the Courtyard and go through the door.

Rec Room (1F)

Nothing more to do in here, except if you need health you can get some from the
lights hanging from the ceiling. Now go through the next door.

Stairway (1-2F)

We're going to the Balcony, so we need to go up these stairs. Now go through
the west doorway to the Hallway.

Hallway (2F)

We need to get to the stairs to go up, so go all the way south to the stairs.

Stairway (2-3F)

Go up the stairs and then go through the door to the south.

Safari Room (3F)

There is nothing more you can do here. So go through the other door in here.

Hallway (3F)

Go through the door at the north end of this hallway to get to the Balcony.

Balcony (3F)

You are now back out where you defeated all of those Boos. Go to the door at
the other end of this balcony. You will see the webs disappear on this door
because you have a key. After that, lightning will strike the mansion. All the
power will go out. E. Gladd will contact you and tell you that you will have to
get the power back on because the ghosts will overrun the place. So head back
to the other end of the balcony. There will now be some ghosts up here. Get
them all. There are now more ghosts in this mansion then you have ever seen.
Now head back down to the Foyer.

Foyer (1F)

Now this is the part that many people will get stuck on. You have to get down
in the basement to turn the power on. Well, you can go down the steps, but the
door to the room with the switch is now locked. Go up the stairs in the Foyer.
Head through the double doors and into the Parlor.

Parlor (2F)

Nothing to do in here, just go through the next door.

Anteroom (2F)

Nothing to do in here either. Go through the next door and into the next room.

Wardrobe Room (2F)

In here is Uncle Grimmly. He is a Portrait Ghost. Turn your back on him and
wait. He will soon show his heart. Now would be a good time to shine your light
on him. Now start up your vacuum and capture him. After you have him and chest
will appear. Open it up and get the key out of it. Now head back to the Foyer.

Foyer (1F)

You now want to make your way to the Basement. Go through the double doors and
go east. Now go down the stairs. Head through the north door.

Breaker Room (BF)

In here you have one thing to do. That is pulling the switch. So go over there
and pull the switch. Now all the power is back on in the mansion. There is also
a Boo in this room so get him. Get the key out of the chest and exit this room.
Use the key to get through the door on the other side of the basement here.

Cellar (BF)

In here walk over to the barrel to your left and press A, or use your vacuum. A
ghost will pop out. Defeat him and then begin to suck up all of the dirt piles.
Once you have sucked up all of the piles, go to the barrel by the other door in
this room. Press A or use your vacuum to make other ghost pop out. After you
capture him the lights will turn on. Now get the key out of the chest that
appears. It will go to a room up on the 3rd floor. I think you know how to get
to the 3rd floor by now so head on up to the Balcony

Balcony (3F)

Ok, that was a nice long walk, wasn't it? Anyway, use your Area Key to unlock
the door on the other side here. Go through that door.

Hallway (3F)

Go all the way to the end of this hallway and  go through the door on the left.

Telephone Room (3F)

You can answer the phones if you want. You don't need to. Now open up all of
the large chests in here. Some of them will contain money. Two of them contain
a Mr. Bones. After you catch both of the ghosts the lights will turn on. Now
get all of the treasure out of the chests. Now go through the north door.

Clockwork Room (3F)

In here there are three Clockwork Soldiers. You need to go around this room and
press A at all of the clocks. Once all of the clocks are making noise, the
Soldiers come to life and start going after you. Just use your vacuum to suck
the cranks off their backs. Once you have a crank off one, you can capture it.
Be carefull of the other soldiers when you are sucking in one. After you have
all three of them captured, the lights will indeed turn on. Now go inside the
toy house. It will have a small elevator in it. Clever! Go up the elevator. It
will take you to the roof.


Up here there are a few of those Shy-Guy Ghosts. Defeat them and a chest will
appear on top of the left chimmney. Go up there and get the key out of the
chest. Now go back down the elevator to the Clockwork Room.

Clockwork Room (3F)

There is nothing elese you can do in here. Go back out into the hallway.

Hallway (3F)

Use your key to unlock the door arcoss the hallway from you. Go through that

Armory (3F)

In here there are a lot of armor suits. Press A at them all. Make sure you are
standing to the side of them when you press A to avoid getting hit by the
weapons that they will drop. Some ghosts are hidden in the suits, and some
other ghosts are hiding in the chests here. After you get all of the ghosts,
the lights will turn on. There will be a Boo in here, so get him too. Now get
the key out of the chest and go through the next door in here.

Ceramics Studio (3F)

In here there are many pots. Make sure you pick up the Ice Element in here. Go
to the middle of the room and a ghost will pop out of a jar. Now you will talk
with him, then you will have to play his game. He will pop out of a jar every
so often. Spray him with your Ice Element every time he pops up. You need to
hit him 7 times. After you get him 7 times, you can capture him. Get the
tresure out of the chest that appears. Now head back to the hallway.

Hallway (3F)

Head back to the Clockwork Room and up the elevator. Climb up the right side
chimmney and jump down.

Sealed Room (2F)

In here there are a lot of chests filled with A LOT of money. Open them all.
Some chests will contain ghosts. After you have captured all of the ghosts the
lights will turn on. Get the key from the chest that appears. Now use your
GameBoy horror to search the mirror in this room. You will be transported back
to the Foyer.

Foyer (1F)

From here, make your way back up to the 2nd floor hallway.

Hallway (2F)

Go all the way south and go through the door next to the staircase.

Sitting Room (2F)

Get the Fire Element in here. Then light the candles on the wall by the
picture. Ghosts will start to appear. There will be mostly regular ghosts. But
there are some ghosts that will reqiure the Water Element to be beaten. Go down
to the south end of this room and get the Water Element to defeat the rest of
the ghosts. The lights will turn on after you have defeated all of the ghosts.
Go through the other door in this room.

Guest Room (2F)

In here all of the room is upside down. Sue Pea, a Portrait ghost is lying on
the upside down bed. Spray water on here to wake her up. She will show her
heart. Now start capturing her while avoiding the toys that fly at you. After
you get here the lights will turn on and a chest appears on the ceiling. Leave
this room. You will then hear some rumbling, so go back in the room. Everything
will be back to normal. So go up and open the chest. Get the money out of the
chest. Now use the mirror to get back to the Foyer.

Foyer (1F)

Head back to the Basement and go into the Cellar.

Cellar (BF)

Make your way to the other side by sucking up the dirt piles. Go through the
door on the other side.

Hallway (BF)

Go to the north end of the hallway and unlock the door to the left. Go through
that door.

Pipes Room (BF)

Defeat the ghosts in here. Then get the Ice Element. Use the Ice Element to
freeze the pool of toxic liquid. You can now walk across and turn the valve to
shut of the big waterfall in here. Now go back by the area where the waterfall
used to be and get the key out of the chest. Make sure to get the Boo in here.
Now head out of this room.

Hallway (BF)

Now head south and unlock the door to the left. Go through that door.

Cold Storage (BF)

In here is a really cold room. In the far corner there is a Portrait Ghost. Use
the Fire Element to light the fires next to the ghost. He will get mad and
attack you. Dodge the ice he starts to send at you. Also watch out for the ice
falling from the ceiling. Now use the Fire Element to melt the ice around the
ghost. He will show his heart. Now you can capture him. The lights will now
turn on. Get the Boo that is in here. Now get the key from the chest. From
here you will need to head up to the 3rd floor. Go to the first hallway on the
first floor after the Safari Room.

Hallway (3F)

Go north and unlock the door to the right and go through.

The Artist's Studio (3F)

In here is another Portrait Ghost. He is painting a lot of paintings. One at a
time he will send his painting to attack you. Three ghosts from the paints will
appear each time a painting attacks you. After you get all of the ghosts, you
can capture the Artist. After you suck him up the lights will turn on. Take the
key that pops out. You will now need to go to the hallway in the Basement.

Hallway (BF)

Before you move on, you need to have at least 40 Boos. If you don't, go back
and check all the rooms to catch some more. Once you have 40 Boos, go through
this door. Follow the hallway. The webs will disappear from the door in front
of you. Go in.

Secret Alter (BF)

In here you wiil see Mario trapped in a painting. Then King Boo will start
talking to you. Then you will be pulled inside the painting. Get ready for the
final boss fight!

Final Boss: King Boo and Bowser, HP 500

This is a good final boss fight. King Boo will be in a giant Bowser suit.
Bowser will start off by spraying fire all over. Make sure you stay away. He
will also try to suck you in his mouth. This will really damage you, so stay
away from this. When you are at a medium distance from Bowser, he will throw
three spiked bombs at you. Run up to one and suck it in. Wait for Bowser to
lower his head either to shoot fire or suck you in. Now let go of the bomb.
If it hits Bowser's head, it will pop off. King Boo will come out and start
flying around. This is your chance to start sucking away his HP. Watch out for
the head. It will be shooting ice at you. Soon King Boo will go back into
Bowser. The head will be put back on. Once you get King Boo below 200 HP,
Bowser will start putting his head on the wrong way. He will start to run
around like crazy. Be sure to dodge this. Just keep repeating this pattern to
defeat him. Also, be sure to stay close enough to Bowser. If you get far away,
he will take a huge leap, this is a devastating attack, so don't let it happen.
After you defeat King Boo you will have completed the game. Yay!

|                                                                             |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|          |                    Items and Ghosts              |         |
o          o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o         o
|                                                                             |

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                 Items                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

| Treasure Items |

These are items that you can find just about anywhere in furnature and other
things. Your score is based off how much treasure you collect.

They consist of:

Paper Bills
Gold Bars

| Hearts |

Hearts will come in three sizes. If you pick one up, it will add more health to
your health meter. A small heart gives you +10 health. A medium heart gives you
+20 health. A large heart gives you +50 health. These will come in handy when
you are low in health, because you only get one life before you have to start

| Keys |

These are very useful items. You will have to get these to open up the doors in
the mansion. You can find them in chests, or they will appear when you do
something to trigger a key appearing. There are two types of keys. One is the
regular key, which opens the small doors to the rooms. The other is the Area
Key, which will open one of the four doors that seperate the Areas of the

| Mushroom |

Portrait Ghosts will drop these when you are trying to capture them. If you
pick this up, it will shrink you down to a very small size. You can't use your
vacuum when you are small.

| Fire Element Medal |

You will find this in the Mirror Room. Once you get this medal, you will be
able to use the Fire Element. But then you must find Fire Element Ghosts to
fill your supply.

| Water Element Medal |

You will find this medal in the Kitchen. Once you get this medal, you can use
the Water Element. But you must find Water Element Ghosts to fill your supply
with the Water Element.

| Ice Element Medal |

You will find this Element medal in the Tea Room. Once you get this medal, you
will be able to use the Ice Element. But you must find Ice Element Ghosts to
fill your supply.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |                Ghosts                 |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

Here are the ghosts you will face in the game. They are in no
paticular order.

| Orange Ghost | HP: 10 | Location: Area 1, Area 2 |

These are the first ghosts you will face. They will try to sneak up and punch
you. They are very easy to defeat.

| Blue Ghost | HP: 10 | Location: Area 1 |

These guys are very fast and hard to catch. You will only get one chance of
capturing them before they disappear.

| Lavender Ghost | HP: 20 | Location: Area 1, Area 4 |

This is the second ghosts you will face in the game. He has more HP, so is a
little harder to capture.

| Green Banana Ghost | HP: 40 | Location: Area 1, Area 3 |

These ghosts have quite a bit more HP. So they will take a little longer to
capture. They will also throw banana peels on the ground so watch out for

| Purple Hanging Ghost | HP: 0 | Location: Area 2 |

These ghosts will drop down and hang from the ceiling when you pass by. They
will drop a bomb in hopes to hit you with it.

| White Hanging Ghost | HP: 0 | Location: Area 2 |

This ghost is exactly the same as the Purple Hanging Ghosts except that they
will not drop a bomb.

| Yellow Hallway Ghost | HP: 0 | Location: Area 2, Area 3 |

These guys will pop out behind you in the hallways and roll a bomb at you. They
roll the bomb slow, so it is easy to dodge.

| Shy-Guy Ghosts | HP: 20 | Location: Area 2 |

These guys look like Shy-Guys. They carry a spear and will try to hit you with
it. They wear a mask on their face to block the light. Just suck off their

| Pink Ghost | HP: 20 | Location: Area 2 |

These guys are similar to Orange Ghosts. Except they have more HP and are a
different color. They will try to punch you.

| Red Hugging Ghost | HP: 20 | Location: Area 2, Area 4 |

These ghosts will try to sneak up behind you and hug you. This will make you
lose health though. Just wiggle the control stick to get them off.

| Blue Hugging Ghost | HP: 20 | Location: Area 2 |

These guys are the same as Red Hugging ghosts. They are just a different color.

| Pink Hugging Ghost | HP: 10 | Location: Area 2 |

Here is another hugging ghost. He is the same as the other hugging ghosts
except that he has less HP.

| Purple Hugging Ghost | HP: 20 | Location: Area 3 |

Just another hugging ghost. He is the same as a Red Hugging Ghost

| Ice Ghost | HP: 20 | Location: Area 2, Area 3 |

These ghosts are a bit different. They will need the Ice Element to defeat
them. You have to get rid of the shell around their heart with the Ice
Element. Then you can capture them.

| Fire Ghost | HP: 10 | Location: Area 3 |

These ghost need the Fire Element to be defeated. Just keep spraying fire
at them until they are gone.

| Serving Ghost | HP: 10 | Location: Area 2 |

You will find these ghosts bringing food to the big fat ghost that is eating.
They can be defeated like a normal ghost

| Mr. Bones | HP: 20 | Location: Area 2, Area 4 |

These guys you will find a few times. They are just like regular ghost except
that they have more HP and look like a clump of bones

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |            Portrait Ghosts            |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

These are all of the special Portrait Ghosts that you will find. I will tell
you their location, and how to capture them. This is kind of like a quick
reference on how to capture them without having to look through the

| Neville |

Location: Study (2F), Area 1

This ghost is pretty easy to get. All you have to do is wait there until he
yawns. Then you can shine your flashlight at him. Now get that vacuum going.

| Lydia |

Location: Master Bedroom (2F), Area 1

Pull the curtain with your vacuum to let the wind in. She will be surprised
about the draft and will show her heart. Shine your light and start sucking.

| Chauncey |

Location: Nursery (2F), Area 1

This is one of the boss ghosts. To get yourself to the boss battle, shake the
rocking horse nearby. The baby will come out of his crib. Suck up the ball and
aim it at Chauncey. Let go and it will hit the baby. You will now be sucked
into the boss battle.

| The Floating Whirlindas |

Location: Ball Room (1F), Area 2

These two ghosts are dancing around. Just wait until they stop dancing and they
will show their hearts.

| Madame Clairvoya |

Location: Fortune-teller's Room (1F), Area 2

To capture her, you will need to bring her all five of Marios things. She will
then ask to be put back into her painting. Shine your light on her and start

| Mr. Luggs |

Location: Dining Room (1F), Area 2

This guy is very fat! All you have to do is suck some of his jello. Then
capture the serving ghosts that come. Now wait for him to finish his jello. He
will get madd and start shooting fire balls at you. He will get tired and
crouch over to rest. Now shine your light and capture him.

| Spooky |

Location: Boneyard (1F), Area 2

Wake him up, and then keep running from him until Mr. Bones comes and throws a
bone to shut him up. Capture Mr. Bones. Now wait for Spooky to start licking
the bone. He will then show his heart when you shine your light at him.

| Bogmire |

Location: Graveyard (1F), Area 2

This guy is a boss ghost. See my walkthrough in Area 2 for any help on
defeating him.

| Biff Atlas |

Location: Rec Room (1F), Area 3

To get this guy, use the A button to punch the punching bags into him. Watch
out that you don't get hit by the bag when it swings back. After you hit him
three times, he will get tired. Shine your light at him and suck him in.

| Miss Petunia |

Location: Bathroom (2F), Area 3

When you pull back the shower curtain, you will see her. Use the Ice Element to
make her cold. Use your flashlight now to expose her heart.

| Nana |

Location: Nana's Room (2F), Area 3

Knock the three balls of yarn of the table. Now shoot each one at her. When the
third one hits her, shine your light. Now suck her up.

| Slim Bankshot |

Location: Billards Room (1F), Area 3

Wait for him to knock the balls into the air. Now grab one and fire it back
into him. Do this two more times to get him to show his heart.

| Henry and Orville |

Spin the toy helicopters on  the ceiling a few times, then play hide and seek
with them. After you win, you will be able to capture them.

| Boolossus |

Location: Balcony (3F), Area 3

This is another boss ghost. See Area three in the walkthrough on how to beat

| Jarvis |

Location: Ceramics Room (3F), Area 4

When he pops out of a pot, talk to him and then win his challenge. Now you can
get him.

| Sue Pea |

Location: Guest Room (2F), Area 4

Spray her with water until you can see her heart with your flashlight.

| Vincent Van Gore |

Location: The Artist's Studio (3F), Area 4

Capture all of his creations. Then you can get him.

| Uncle Grimly |

Location: Wardrobe Room (2F), Area 1

Turn so your back is facing the ghost. When you see his heart, turn around
quickly and shine your light.

| Clockwork Soldiers |

Location: Clockwork Room (3F), Area 4

Turn on all of the clocks in this room. Then suck of their cranks to be able
to capture them.

| Sir Weston |

Location: Cold Storage (BF), Area 4

Keep spraying fire at him the get him.

|                                                                             |
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|          |                     Lots-O-Locations             |         |
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|                                                                             |

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |         Golden Mice Locations         |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

In the Mansion, there are many types of ghosts. You obviously have noticed the
little ghost mice that like to run around and annoy you. There are also some
rare mice that are golden colored. If you suck them in, then you will get a
huge amount of money. There are 10 golden Mice in the Mansion. 5 will just
appear randomly. The other five will appear in a specified room. Make sure the
lights are off in this room. There is a slice of cheese somewhere in this room.
Use your GameBoy Horror to search it. A Golden Mouse will then pop out, so get
it to get some cash! Here are the locations of all 10 Golden Mice.

| Non-Random (Cheese) Mice |

Study (2F) Area 1
Dining Room (1F) Area 2
Fortune-teller's Room (1F) Area 2
Safari Room (3F) Area 3
Tea Room (2F) Area 3

| Random Mice |

Another Hallway
Tea Room (2F)
Kitchen (1F)
Sealed Room

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |        Mario's Items Locations        |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

Mario has dropped five items in the Mansion. He dropped a Hat, Letter, Star,
Shoe, and a Glove. Here are the Rooms that you can find them in. After you
find them, bring them to the Fortune-teller.

| Mario's Hat |

Location: Laundry Room (1F)

Look inside the washing machine. The hat is in there

| Mario's Letter |

Location: Courtyard (1F)

In the bird house. Just give it a shake.

| Mario's Star |

Location: Observatory (2F)

When you hit the plannet, a path will appear. At the end of the Path is Mario's

| Mario's Glove |

Location: Cinema Room (1F)

It is in the chest that appears after you turn on the lights.

| Mario's Shoe |

Location: The Twin's Room (2F)

After you defeat The Twins, you will be able to get the shoe out of the chest.

          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o
          |             Boo Locations             |-----|    |
          o---------------------------------------o     o----------o

Capturing Boos is a very important thing to do in this game. You must get a
good amount of Boos to complete the game. Here is a list of their locations.

| Area 1 |

1. Parlor
2. Anteroom
3. Wardrobe Room
4. Study
5. Master Bedroom
6. Nursery

| Area 2 |

7. Butler's Room
8. Hidden Room
9. Laundry Room
10. Mirror Room
11. Ballroom
12. Storage Room
13. Dining Room
14. Kitchen
15. Conservatory

| Area 3 |

16. Rec Room
17. Twins Room
18. Fortune Teller Room
19. Billiards Room
20. Projection Room
21. Tea Room
22. Nana's Room
23. Astral Room
24. Safari Room
25-39. Balcony (Boolosus)

| Area 4 |

40. Guest Room
41. Pipe Room
42. Artist's Studio
43. Armory
44. Sitting Room
45. Cermaics Studio
46. Telephone Room
47. Clockwork Room
48. Cold Storage
49. Breaker Room
50. Cellar

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|          |                         Credits                  |         |
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|                                                                             |

Nintendo, for finally making a game that stars someone other then Mario.

CJayC for a great gaming site for FAQs.

All the other sites who host my FAQs

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Copyright 2005 © Nathaniel Modlich                              End of Document