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Sherlock Holmes - Consulting Detective: Volume 1 (e)

Version 1.3 12/25/12

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Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: Volume I
A Walkthrough by Michael Gray
AKA The Lost Gamer (
Copyright 2012

For a list of all my various guides, check

Table of Contents:
001.  General information
002.  Case One: The Mummy
002.  Characters
003.  Walkthrough
  003a. Case One: The Mummy's Curse
  003b. Case Two: The Tin Soldier
  003c. Case Three: The Mystified Murderess
005.  Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the game called "Sherlock Holmes 
Consulting Detective: Volume I". This game was originally 
released in 1992, containing three cases. In 2012, the 
three cases were released separately on the iPad.

To contact me, use my email address,


All Cases

Sherlock Holmes: A brilliant detective who is quite 
observant. He enjoys testing his mental skills by solving 
difficult mysteries.

Dr. John Watson: Watson is Sherlock Holmes' faithful 
assistant and biographer. He is often invaluable to Holmes' 

Inspector Lestrade: The main inspector at Scotland Yard who 
deals with Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes, he comes to Holmes 
for help when he can't solve a case; other times, he 
believes that Holmes is a nuisance who interferes with 
official police business.

Henry Ellis: An editor for the London Times, who has an 
interesting in crime news.

Quentin Hogg: A crime reporter for the Police Gazette. He 
used to be an inspector at Scotland Yard.

Porky Shinwell: A former criminal who now runs the Raven 
and Rat Inn.

Edward Hall: A young barrister who works at Old Bailer.

Sir Jasper Meek: A medical examiner who is one of the best 
forensic scientists in London.

Murray: H. R. Murray is the head chemist at Scotland Yard's 
criminology laboratory.

Langdale Pike: Pike makes it his business to know anything 
and everything about the social scene in London; he 
sometimes writes scandalous gossip for garbage papers.

Disraeli O'Brian: The head clerk at the Office of Records. 
He is a veritable encyclopedia of knowledge, when it comes 
to the office's affairs.

Case One

Dr. Ebenezer Turnbull: The organizer of an expedition to 
Egypt. He was killed there.

Andrew Weatherby: An assistant on the expedition. He was 
killed on the boat ride back to England.

James Windibank: A popular lecturer on Egyptology, who 
joined the expedition. He was killed in London, at the 
museum exhibit. 

Akram Fahmi: A fellow passenger on the boat to England. He 
was protective of a box that he carried.

Abdulla Al-Saud: A fellow passenger on the boat to England. 
He kept a close eye on Fahim.

Louise and Merril Fenwick: Fellow passengers on the boat to 
England. They are eccentric.

Philip Travis: A reporter who was on the boat ride to 
England. He is eccentric and believes in the existence of 
the Egyptian gods.

Anthony Uruburu: A fellow passenger on the boat to England. 
He spent most of the time drinking.

Clarissa Weatherby: A fellow passenger on the boat to 
England. She was married to one of the victims, and she had 
an affair with Uruburu.

Lawrence Feld: Chairman of the Egyptology Department at 
London University. He knew all three victims.

Captain Herman Ramsey: Captain of the boat, on which 
Weatherby was killed.

Luther Tenney: First officer of Captain Ramsey's boat. He 
was in charge of the investigation into Weatherby's death.

Case Two

Inspector Smythe: A police officer who introduces the case 
to Holmes.

General Farmsworth Armstead: The victim, who was a retired 
officer favored to win the Tontine Lottery. He spent his 
time writing about pieces of art, many of which were 
obtained illegally.

David Sennett: The victim's valet, who showed the murderer 
into Armstead's study.

Count Rostov: A Russian who owned the Polar Star Diamond. 
It was stolen from him years ago, by Andre Matin.

Vladmir: Count Rostov's valet.

Andre Matin: A French thief, who stole the Polar Star 
Diamond and was later found dead, in the River Thames.

Pierre Matin: Brother of Andre Matin, who contacted the 
victim. He wished to sell information about the Polar Star 
Diamond's whereabouts, in exchange for money.

Lloyd Shoemaker: Langdale Pike's predecessor. Like Pike, he 
knows a good deal of gossip.

Mary Fitch: The victim's deceased wife. By all accounts, 
she was ugly and disagreeable, and the victim married her 
for her money.

Malcolm Fitch: The victim's brother-in-law. He disliked the 
victim, though they did some business together.

Booth Lacey: A con artist, who is betting on the winner of 
the Tontine Lottery.

Carson Cabot: A man who broke the victim's collarbone, in 
an argument about the victim's book.

Jean Paul Gerard: The victim's old friend, who knew him 
when he was in France.

Phillip Arneau: Headliner of a play that the victim and 
Gerard saw together, a week earlier. He portrays Napoleon 

Wells Osborne: A man who works for Norgate and Co. 
Publishers, the company that published the victim's book. 
He enjoys the controversy that surrounded the book, as it 
resulted in increased sales.

Captain Robert Juergens: The oldest Tontine ticket holder. 
His only relative is Booth Lacey.

Anita and Claire Thomas: Twins who finish each other's 
sentences. They are Tontine ticket holders.

William Roland: A Tontine ticket holder, who enjoys eating.

Wentworth Cobbett: William Roland's son-in-law, who is a 

Peter Dudley: A Tontine ticket holder, who is rather poor.

Case Three

Gerald Locke: The man who brings the third case to Holmes. 
He is in love with Frances Nolan, the falsely accused 

Frances Nolan: Arrested for killing her fiancé, Guy 
Clarendon. She has no memory of the event.

Guy Clarendon: The victim in the third case. He was a 
scoundrel who enjoy gambling and practical jokes. 

Loreta Nolan: Sister of Frances Nolan. She was good friends 
with Guy Clarendon, as they were fond of practical jokes. 

Malcom Nolan: Father of the Nolan sisters. He and his wife 
died in an explosion.

Dr. Percy Trevelyan: Loreta's doctor, who dined weekly with 
Frances. He dined with her, the night before the murder.

Cornelius Oldwine: A man who owns a country estate. At one 
of his parties, Frances first met Guy. At the same party, 
Loreta and Guy swam in a fountain.

Sir Sanford Leeds: The latest victim of the Society 
Burglar. Husband of Mrs. Leeds.

Mrs. Leeds: A woman who was distraught, when Clarendon 
poured champagne on her gown during a party, as part of a 
prank. Her valuable tiara was stolen.

Roger Baker: A victim of the Society Burglar.

H. C. Hardinge: A victim of the Society Burglar.

Otis Richmond: A victim of the Society Burglar.

Bradford Lewin: A victim of the Society Burglar.

Bessie Dearth: A victim of the Society Burglar.

Nancy Judd: A victim of the Society Burglar.

Sir Francis Clarendon: Father of Guy Clarendon. He recently 
cut off his son from the family finances. When this 
happened, Guy stopped visitng.

Grace: Frances Nolan's maid.

Doctor Jerrold Mason: Frances' doctor, who is at a loss to 
explain how she had three blackouts in one month.

Claude Kilgore: Owner of a gambling den. The victim owed 
him a lot of money.

Gus Bullock: The bouncer at Kilgore's. He is a rough 

Calvin Leach: A known thief, who was seen in the company of 
Kilgore in the victim in the weeks leading up to the death.

S. Goff: The man who sold the murder weapon. He remembers 
the woman who purchased it from him. 


003a-Case One: The Mummy's Curse

The game begins with Dr. Watson complaining about rubbish 
in the London Times. Specifically, he is upset that the 
Times has run a sensationalist story about the Mummy's 
Curse, which has recently killed three men.

Go to the newspaper section to read up on the case. The 
mummy in question is called Katebet's mummy, and it has 
been taken from Egypt to London for an exhibition.

The three men who died within the past six weeks were James 
Windibank, Dr. Ebenezer Turnbull, and Andrew Weatherby. 
Windibank was killed inside the British museum. Turnbull, 
the organizer of the expedition, was killed inside the 
mummy's tomb. Weatherby was killed on the ship, as it 
returned to England.

The ship is called the Eastern Empress, run by Captain 
Herman Ramsey and first officer Luther Tenney.

Leave the newspaper and go to the directory. Most of your 
investigation will take place here. You can look up all the 
names in Holmes' files, and you can send the irregulars to 
these people in hopes of finding out more information.

Sometimes this is helpful, and sometimes it is not. For 
example, if you sent the irregulars to Weatherby, you learn 
nothing at all. If you send them to Captain Ramsey, you 
learn that Tenney was put in charge of the investigation.

Your goal in this game is to investigate the murders and 
determine who the culprit is.

Weatherby's Death

Weatherby died on a boat, so the murderer must be one of 
the other passengers. Go to the Shipping Company, Jardine, 
Matheson & Co., for a list of passengers. You can 
alternately send the irregulars to get the list.

If you visit Captain Herman Ramsey, or send an irregular to 
him, you learn that Luther Tenney was put in charge of the 

Visit Luther Tenney. He will explain about finding the 
corpse in some detail. The entire journey was rather 
unpleasant, because people were afraid of the mummy.

There was also some fighting going on, during the voyage. 
Windibank fought with a reporter named Travis. Weatherby, 
the victim, fought was a man named Uruburu, because Uruburu 
was spending too much time with Weatherby's wife.

Two Arabs, named Fahmi and Al-suad, were on the voyage. 
Fahmi was protective of a box he always carried, with Al-
suad spent most of his time keeping an eye on Fahmi.

A bowl of ashes, found next to the corpse, went missing. 
This is the last thing that Tenney mentions.

If you go to visit Mr. Uruburu, he will claim that he spent 
most of the voyage drinking. He admits to carrying on an 
affair with Mrs. Weatherby. If you visit Mrs. Weatherby, 
she gets uncomfortable when Holmes mentions her affair, and 
she admits nothing. 

Philip Travis happens to be the same reporter who wrote the 
article for the times about Windibank's death. You learn 
this if you visit Travis or the London Times (under 
newspapers), or if you send an irregular to Windibank. When 
you visit Travis, you learn that he believes the Egyptian 
gods are real, and they are responsible for the deaths.

If you visit Fahmi, Holmes and Watson discover that he is 
dead. He was stabbed in the back with a knife. Holmes 
quickly solves the case, deducing that the butler is the 
culprit. If only all his cases were this simple!

If you visit Al-saud, you learn that he is not at home at 
the moment.

If you visit the final passengers on the ship, Louise and 
Merril Fenwick, you learn they are quite eccentric. 

Windibank's Death

Visit the British Museum to speak with one of museum's 
leaders. He says that Windibank's corpse was found inside 
the sarcophagus, along with the mummy.

A guard, Henry Witherspoon, was making his rounds when he 
saw Windibank's hand sticking out of the sarcophagus. That 
was when the alarm was raised.

The exhibit was being put on by the museum and the London 
University. If you visit the University, Holmes speaks with 
Lawrence Feld, the chairman of the Egyptology department.

Feld explains that Turnbull organized the expedition. It 
was his first time working with Windibank, a popular 
lecturer. Many students applied to be an assistant on the 
expedition, due to Windibank's involvement.

Travis (the reporter) was rejected as an assistant, and he 
took it personally. Peter Smith was accepted, but he turned 
down the position and joined another expedition. In the 
end, Weatherby was chosen as the assistant.

If you visit Smith, you learn that he's been out of the 
country for a while.


When you think you're done investigating, go to trial. If 
you don't have enough clues, the Judge will send you back 
to investigation.

The judge asks you a series of questions.

Q: Who killed Turnbull?
A: Philip Travis.

Q: Why?
A: Turnbull publicly lambasted Travis for questioning the 
doctor's credentials.

Q: Who killed Weatherby?
A: Phillip Travis.

Q: Why?
A: Travis was angry that Weatherby was chosen for the 
expedition instead of himself.

Q: Who killed Windibank?
A: Philip Travis.

Q: Why?
A: Windibank did not choose him for the expedition.

That's the end of the game. See how many detective points 
you got! Your goal is to get as few points as possible. You 
can also see Sherlock Holmes' personal solution to the case 
at this point.

003b-Case Two: The Tin Soldier

Inspector Smythe visits Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. He 
tells them that General Farmsworth Armstead has been 
murdered. This murder is of particular note, because 
General Armstead was the youngest member of the Waterloo 

The Tontine was a lottery, set up for the veterans of the 
Battle of Waterloo (and their relatives). The person who 
outlives all the other ticket holders gets all of the money 
(which has been collecting interest in a bank for decades).

With Armstead's murder, there are now five people still in 
the running to win the lottery: Robert Juergens, Anita and 
Claire Thomas, William Roland and Peter Dudley. They are 
all expected to attend a dinner at the Langham Hotel on the 
18th, which celebrates the 75th anniversary of the battle.

Inspector Smythe discusses the details of Armstead's death. 
Armstead collected art and published a book of some note on 
the subject. He was working on a revised edition of his 
book, featuring a new chapter about the Polar Star Diamond 
(owned by Napoleon's brother).

An elderly Frenchman appeared at Armstead's house at 10:00 
AM. The valet, David Sennett, tried to dismiss him, but the 
man insisted he had an important letter for Armstead.

When Armstead read the letter, he insisted on meeting with 
the Frenchman. They met in a locked room, and a swordfight 
broke out. The valet ran in through the back entrance, in 
order to see what was happening, but by the time he 
arrived, it was too late. Armstead was dead, and the 
Frenchman disappeared, along with his letter.

Seems like quite a case!

The Regulars

Let's see what the regulars have to say about this case.

Ellis talks a bit about the history of the Tontine Lottery. 
25 years ago, there were 204 people still in the running. 
Now, there are only five.

Quentin Hogg knows the deceased, by his connection to the 
Polar Star Diamond. The diamond belonged to a rich Russian, 
and it was stolen by a French thief named Andre Matin. 
Matin was later found dead in the Thames; the diamond was 
not found.

Inspector Lestrade does not want to talk about the murder 
investigation. He has a list of suspects and is currently 
planning on checking alibis. It does not occur to the 
Inspector that the culprit might create a fake alibi.

The London Library explains that the name "Tontine" comes 
from Lorenzo Tonti, a Neapolitan banker who introduced the 
system into France. It also explains about Waterloo, which 
was Napoleon's final and worst defeat.

Sir Jasper Meek explains that the death was due to an 
upward thrust of a sword, which pierced the victim's heart.

H. R. Murray has the saber which was found in the victim's 
hand. There was dust on the saber, indicating it hadn't 
been used in some time. There was blood on the tip, which 
indicates that the victim managed to scratch his opponent 
with the sword, but not seriously.

Langdale Pike says that the victim married into money, by 
wedding Lord Finch's daughter Mary. Malcolm Fitch (the 
woman's brother) objected to the wedding, due to the 
victim's reputation with the ladies. Lloyd Shoemaker would 
know more about that than Pike; all Pike knows is that 
Fitch and the victim owned stock together.

Pike also mentions that the victim's book on art upset 
Carson Cabot. Cabot is a gem collector, and the victim's 
book suggested he got some jewels illegally. Cabot got in a 
fight with the victim and broke his collarbone.

Shinwell is running bets on the Tontine Lottery. Captain 
Juergens is a long shot, at 25 to 1 odds. The only person 
betting on him is his nephew, Booth Lacey.

The Other Tontine Ticket Holders

If you visit Captain Robert Juergens, the oldest Tontine 
ticket holder, he says that he hasn't seen Armstead in 25 
years. If Juergens wins, he plans to NOT share the money 
with his good-for-nothing nephew, Booth Lacey.

If you visit the Thomas twins, the two of them are sorry to 
hear of Armstead's death. If they win, they'd leave the 
money to the Ladies' League for the Preservation of 

If you visit William Roland, you learn that he has been 
suffering from gout for the past two weeks. He enjoys 
eating food, and his two sons own a successful import 
company in America. His daughter is married to a poet named 
Wentworth Cobbett.

You can visit Wentworth Cobbet (and his wife). Wentworth 
works on poetry every day, from ten until noon. That gives 
him a solid alibi.

If you visit Peter Dudley, he seems unlikely to have killed 
anyone. He is a poor worker, and he tries to keep positive 
by saying that he is now the youngest ticket holder.

Investigating the Victim

If you visit Lloyd Shoemaker or Malcolm Fitch, he confirms 
that the victim had an affair with a woman in France, after 
preparing his marriage. The French woman gave birth to 
Armstead's son.

If you visit Booth Lacey (the nephew of one of the lottery 
ticket holders), you learn he is at the Red Bull Inn. If 
you go there, you learn that Lacey is a con artist, working 
at London Bridge Station. He has an alibi for the murder; 
he was conning a free meal from the people at St. Mary's 
Church. If you go to the church, you can double-check with 
the priest, who confirms the alibi.

If you go to Carson Cabot, who once fought with the victim, 
you learn that he has an alibi. He was at home all morning, 
and Holmes quickly confirms this.

If you go to Armstead's home (or to David Sennett), the 
valet explains more about his death. The saber he died 
holding was usually kept above the display case, showing 
the Battle of Waterloo. For some reason, the figurine of 
Napoleon has been turned backwards.

The portrait of Armstead's deceased wife is above the 
display case. The valet talks about her. She was a nasty 
woman, and Armstead seems to have married her, just for her 
money. The valet confirms that Armstead and his brother-in-
law owned joint stock together.

On the day of his death, Armstead was working on his 
writings about the Polar Star Diamond. He was scheduled to 
meet Pierre Matin, about the diamond's current whereabouts.

Armstead's old friend Jean Paul Gerard is in town, and he 
is staying at the French Embassy. The valet concludes the 
discussion of Armstead, by gibing more details on the 
murderer. Holmes notes the difficulty the culprit must have 
had in escaping.

If you go to the French Embassy, you talk with Armstead's 
old friend, Jean Paul Gerard, about the time Armstead spent 
in France. Armstead had a liason with a young girl during 
this time, because Armstead disliked his fiancé (whom he 
called "Horseface"). The previous week, the two of them saw 
a play headlined by Phillip Arneau.

If you visit the Princess Theater, the manager talks about 
Phillip Arneau. He portrays Napoleon in their popular play. 
Arneau had a hard life; his sister died years ago, under 
tragic circumstances, and his mother died recently. Arneau 
is staying at the Grand Hotel.

If you go to the Grand Hotel, Holmes and Watson get 
permission from Inspector Lestrade to examine the room. 
There, they find a sword disguised as a cane. There is a 
very tragic letter on the table, which appears to be the 
one the victim read before his death.

If you go to the Bridgehouse Hotel (under hotels) to speak 
with Pierre Matin, you learn that he has just been killed, 
shortly after getting a telegraph. The telegraph appears to 
deal with the fact that Matin knows who has the Polar Star 
Diamond. The hotel clerk says that Matin's last visit was a 
large Russian man.

If you visit the Russian Embassy, you learn that Count 
Rostov (a former owner of the Polar Star Diamond) is in 
town, at the DeKesyer's Royal Hotel. You can visit him 
there. The Count claims that his valet, Vladmir, found 
Matin dead at the hotel.

Like Quentin Hogg, the Count believes that Pierre Matin's 
brother, Andre, stole the Polar Star Diamond years ago. The 
Count came here to London to talk to Armstead about the 
diamond, once he caught wind that Armstead was writing 
about it. The Count is unhappy that both men who knew about 
the diamond have been killed.

If you go to Norgate and Co. Publishers (under newspapers), 
Wells Osborne talks about General Armstead's book. The 
first version of the book was very successful; the libel 
suits that were filed against the book only seemed to 
increase its popularity.

The man talks about the upcoming revised edition, with a 
chapter on the Polar Star Diamond. As far as the publisher 
knows, Pierre Matin was going to reveal the location of the 
diamond, in exchange for money. Unfortunately, it seems 
both men were killed before they could meet.


When you think you're done investigating, go to trial. If 
you don't have enough clues, the Judge will send you back 
to investigation.

The judge asks you a series of questions.

Q: Who killed General Farnsworth Armstead?
A: Phillip Arneau.

Q: What was the motive?
A: To avenge the honor of Arneau's sister.

Q: Why was the figure of Napoleon turned around?
A: His murderer was the actor who was portraying Napoleon, 
Pillip Arneau.

Q: What name did the General call Mary Fitch?
A: Horseface.

003c-Case Three: The Mystified Murderess

Watson is reading an article in the paper about a series of 
burglaries. The seventh burglary took place at the home of 
Sir Sanford Leeds. The burglar only steals one valuable 
item from each house, and he seems to know where the item 
is located ahead of time.

After this, a man named Gerald Locke comes in to see 
Holmes. Locke is courting Miss Frances Nolan, who was 
arrested for the murder of Guy Clarendon (a second suitor). 
She was found with a pistol in her hand, near Guy's body, 
but Locke is convinced she is completely innocent.

Clarendon, the victim, was a noted athlete, but a bit of a 
bounder. His father all but disinherited him, and Locke 
believes that Clarendon's bad actions are the cause of his 

Watson inquires about Miss Frances Nolan. Her parents were 
killed, when someone bombed their carriage. Their other 
daughter, Loreta Nolan, managed to survive. The two sisters 
are the only heirs to Malcom Nolan's company.

The Regulars

Let's see what the regulars have to say, eh?

Edward Hall, being the barrister at the place where Miss 
Nolan is being held, is able to let Holmes and Watson in to 
see her. She claims that she remembers nothing, besides 
waking up at Halliday's with a pistol in her hand, standing 
over Clarendon's body. The only thing she remembers before 
then is having dinner with Dr. Trevelyan.

Miss Nolan says she first met Clarendon at the estate of 
Cornelius Oldwine. She went there to pick up her sister, 
and she was surprised when Clarendon professed an interest 
in her. The two soon fell in love, and he proposed on June 

Frances says that there are two other times she has had 
memory loss. The first time, she suddenly awoke on a horse, 
despite the fact she is terrified of them. The second time, 
she woke on Newgate Station.

Quentin Hogg and Inspector Lestrade think the Clarendon 
murder is pretty open and shut.

At the London Library, Holmes and Watson read up a bit on 
hypnotism, as a medical practice.

Sir Jasper Meek knows the man was shot at close range. He 
believes the murder must have occurred somewhere between 
three and nine in the morning.

Murray confirms that the death was due to a shot to the 
chest, from a low caliber bullet. He notes that the lower 
part of the victim's shirt had traces of wine.

Disraeli O'Brian notes that the victim and Loreta Nolan 
have had several complaints filed against them. They were 
cited for public drunkenness and unusual pranks, but no one 
ever pressed charges.

Langdale Pike elaborates on the victim and Loreta Nolan, 
calling them "The Terrible Twins" due to their habit of 
pranking others. Guy and Loreta were not romantically 
involved. Pike does not believe Clarendon was sincere when 
he proposed to Frances; Holmes concludes that his interest 
in Frances was limited mainly to her sizeable bank account.

Porky Shinwell knows that the victim owed seven thousand 
pounds to Kilgore, the owner of a local gambling 
establishment. Gus Bullock, a guard at Kilgore's, was 
instructed to throw the victim out, should he ever try to 
end the establishment.

A month later, though, things turned around completely. 
Kilgore and the victim were seen having a grand time 
together, as if they were good friends. A third man, a 
thief named Calvin Leach, was part of their little group.

Sommerset House has the will of Malcolm's Nolan. His money 
was separated equally, to his two daughters. This means 
each daughter received one sixth of the Aberdeen Navigation 

The Society Burglar

The Times contains more details about the Society Burglar. 
This includes a list of victims. 

When you visit the latest victim, Sir Sanford Leeds, he 
mentions that his wife is distraught over the theft of her 
tiara. She last wore it at a party, during which Clarendon 
poured champagne on her gown, as part of a prank. She kept 
the tiara in the bottom drawer of her bureau. The thief 
took nothing besides the tiara.

Roger Baker was able to replace the stolen item, without 
much trouble, so he is hardly bothered by the theft. He 
confirms that the thief did not search around for the item.

H. C. Hardinge says that his wife debated whether or not to 
wear her bracelet to a party. She decided against it, and 
when they arrived at home after the party, the bracelet had 
disappeared from her jewelry box.

Otis Richmond thought a servant was the thief, as there was 
no sign of a search, nor was anything disturbed. He didn't 
realize it was a genuine thief, until he learned of the 
rash of thefts through the Times.

Bradford Lewin says they were at a reception at Buckingham 
Palace. Returning home, the wife's favorite ruby earrings 
were missing.

Bessie Dearth, a widow, received the necklace for her 50th 
anniversary. The house was empty, as she and Sibyl (her 
housekeeper) were at a charity event during the theft. She 
kept it hidden inside a book, but the thief went right to 

Nancy Judd's pendant was a family heirloom. She kept it 
hidden inside a shoe, and she doesn't recall telling anyone 
about it.


If you visit Gerald Locke (who brought the case to Holmes' 
attention), he confirms his belief that Clarendon was a 
scoundrel who was only after Frances' money. Frances and 
Locke fought over Clarendon. Locke has an alibi for the 
murder; he has been on holiday all week, playing in a 
cribbage tournament.

Sir Francis Clarendon (father of the victim) confirms that 
his son was a ne'er-do-well. He disliked his son's gambling 
habit, and he disliked the fact that his son spent so much 
time with Loreta Nolan. Once Sir Francis refused to give 
his son any more money, his son stopped visiting him.

The butler at the estate mentions that, a few weeks ago, 
Guy appeared unexpectedly. He was badly beaten and refused 
to say who hurt him.

Halliday's Private Hotel (under hotels) is the scene of the 
murder. Clarendon had lived there for a while, though at 
one point, he asked to switch rooms. Loreta Nolan visited 
him often. Once, an angry man came to visit him.

On the night of the murder, Frances murder came in. She 
went directly up the staircase. The clerk heard a gunshot 
shortly afterwards, and he ran upstairs to find the corpse 
and Frances' unconscious body.

Surprisingly, I would say, Mr. Clarendon was always at home 
before ten o'clock, when the front doors of the hotel are 

Inside the room, Holmes and Watson find a bank statement, 
as well as a blood stain and a sherry stain. The victim had 
an outfit which was all black, include a pair of shoes that 
were dyed black. There are ivy vines, leading up to the 

You can go to Frances Nolan's house to talk to her maid, 
Grace. She talks about the night of the murder. Everything 
was normal, and everyone went to bed after Dr. Treveylan 
left at 10:00, after the dinner. Late that night, the maid 
was awoken by a noise, but she went back to sleep.

She saw Miss Frances leaving early the next morning, 
sometime between 7:30 and 8:00. It struck her as unusual, 
as Frances never leaves before breakfast.

When you visit Loreta Nolan, she does not seem to be 
particularly disturbed by the recent events. She last saw 
the victim at a party, the previous week. She doesn't 
believe Clarendon was going to marry her sister, and she 
understood that Frances was going to talk to Clarendon 
about the marriage.

Doctor Percy Trevelyan is Loreta's doctor. He dines with 
Frances every Sunday, and he visited her the night before 
the murder. He speaks mainly about Loreta, who has some 
psychological issues as a result of seeing her parents' 
death by explosion. Loreta has created a fantasy world, in 
which she is a princess.

Doctor Jerrold Mason is Frances' doctor. He does not 
understand the cause of her blackouts and loss of memory.

If you visit Cornelius Oldwine, he talks about the party 
where Clarendon and Loreta Nolan swam in the fountain. 
Loreta later got pneumonia, forcing her sister Frances to 
come and bring her home. That is where Frances first met 

Claude Kilgore, the gambler that Clarendon owed a debt to, 
admits to meeting Clarendon a few times. He claims he does 
not know Calvin Leach. If you visit Calvin Leach, he makes 
the same claim. Was Porky Shinwell mistaken when he said 
all three men were friends?

Gus Bullock, the guard at Kilgore's, is a rough fellow. He 
seems pleased by Clarendon's murder, saying he got what he 

The final place you must visit is S. Goff's gun shop. He 
remembers a woman named Frances Nolan, who arrived to 
purchase a gun. Curiously enough, he gives a description of 
Loreta, not Frances.


When you think you're done investigating, go to trial. If 
you don't have enough clues, the Judge will send you back 
to investigation.

The judge asks you a series of questions.

Q: Who killed Guy Clarendon?
A: Loreta Nolan.

Q: What was the motive?
A: She had her eye on the Cleopatra Tiara.

Q: Why did Frances Nolan go to Halliday's?
A: She was hypnotized by her sister Loretta.

Q: Who was the Society Burglar?
A: Guy Clarendon.

Q: Why would Guy Clarendon do such a thing?
A: His father cut him off, financially.

004-Quick Walkthrough

Case One

The fastest route through this case is 35 points. This is 
the same as Sherlock Holmes' route. It completes the 
investigation in four moves.

1. Visit the London Times (under newspapers)
2. Visit the London University
3. Visit Andrew Weatherby's widow, Clarissa
4. Sent the irregulars to get a list of passengers from 
Jardine, Matheson & Co. (under shipping companies). 

Go to the trial and answer all six questions correctly, and 
the game ends.

Case Two

The fastest route through this case is 40 points. It 
completes the investigation in four moves.

1. Visit Armstead's House (or David Sennett)
2. Visit the French Embassy (under embassies)
3. Visit the Princess Theater
4. Visit the Grand Hotel (under hotels)

Go to the trial and answer all four questions correctly to 
solve the case.

Case Three

The fastest route through this case is 55 points. It 
completes the investigation in four moves.

1. Visit Goff S.'s gun shop (or send an irregular there)
2. Visit the Old Bailey (or Edward Hall) to speak with 
Frances Nolan
3. Visit Halliday's Private Hotel (under hotels), to see 
the crime scene
4. Visit Sir Francis Clarendon to speak with the victim's 
4. Visit Porky Shinwell (one of the regulars)
5. Visit Dr. Percy Trevelyan to speak about Frances' 

Go to the trial and answer all five questions correctly to 
solve the case.


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2012.  If you want 
to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions 
under general information).