Andere Lösungen

Star Wolves (e)

Limona Razvan
  Legal note
This faq/walkthrough belong to me. Feel free to use it,except one situation.
If you obtain money from him,send some to a humanitarian foundation (Children 
Care, Green Peace, fight against antipersonnel mines,etc.). If posted, mail
me to keep track on him.                           

                           STAR WOLVES Ships/Guns/Missile/Systems 
                                    Version 1.1

Contents :

1. Introduction
2. Ships
3. Guns and turrets
4. Missiles, rockets and torpedoes
5. Systems
6. Credits

  1. Introduction
Some of this descriptions you could find also in the game manual. Since no
control on fight and first person guns checking is allowed, you have to think
thoroughly in order to achieve better results. Sometimes the turret version 
of a gun have different specifications and Alien/Bersekr weapons cannot be 
used without special adaptation, meaning you have to put points in this 
ability for one of your wingmates. Check ship speed/maneuverability and gun 
rate of fire, damage and range to enhance team survival ( see my Star Wolves 
faq, tip x ) and try the best combination fitted your purposes. Since a 
table is to big for notepad I mention ships/guns/missiles/systems 
characteristics before the actual presentation to reduce space consumption. 
Also I choose to present only things you can use, so alien fighter and 
gunship description are not included.

  2. Ships

The following characteristics should be taking in consideration when buying
a ship : 1.Shields, 2.Armor, 3.Speed, 4.Maneuverability, 5.Sensor range, 
6.Big gun slots, 7.Small gun slots, 8.Rocket/Missile slots, 9.System slots.

Brigand  1)20/20 ; 2)40/40 ; 3)700 ; 4)70 ; 5)135 ; 6)1 ; 7)- ; 8)- ; 9)1
Yari       30/30     50/50     800     80     135     1     -     -     1

  Special Purpose Fighters
Hatchet    30/30     70/70     700     70     135     -     2     -     3
Trident   450/450   300/300   1305     90     135     -     3     1     4

  Recon Craft
Raptor    130/130   130/130    850     90     135     -     4     -     3

  Superior Fighters
Excalibur  50/50     70/70     750     80     135     1     -     2     2

  Light Attack Fighters
Naginata   50/50     90/90     700     60     135     -     2     2     1

  Light Fighters
Stormcrow 120/120   100/100    900    110     135     1     -     1     2 
Tie-Fly   100/100    80/80     950    120     135     -     2     1     2
Evil Eye  200/200   200/200   1000    120     135     1     -     1     3

  Heavy Gunships/Missile Carriers
Hammerhead 40/40    110/110    600     60     135     -     2     2     1
Bident    140/140   200/200    750     70     135     -     2     4     2
Hrimsturs 350/350   450/450    850     80     135     -     1     4     2
  Heavy Fighters
Cleaner   110/110   250/250    800     90     135     2     -     -     2
Tiger     320/320   320/320    900    100     135     2     -     -     3
Gunslinger 450/450  430/430    950    100     135     3     -     -     2   

  3. Guns and turrets

Generally accuracy should be your main concern when buying something, because
high accuracy ensure also high damage. T stand for turret. Every weapons 
have : 1.Damage, 2.Rate of fire, 3.Range, 4.Accuracy, 5.Type

 Light fighter guns
M-91 Maksim II     1)2 ; 2)180 ; 3) 60 ; 4) Low ;   5) Small
M-100 Minigun        2     270      60      Low        Small
M-126 Black Jack     5     120      65      Low        Small 
M-133 Mace           5     160      65      Low        Small
M-150 Tetsubo        6     200      65      Medium     Small  

  Kinetic weapons
M-106 Poleaxe (T)   15      60      70      Low        Big
M-11O War Axe (T)   15      90      70      Low        Big
M-200E Volcanic (T)  9     154      65      Low        Big
M-201 Gattling (t)   9     205      65      Low        Big

  Plasma weapons
HCB-2 Melter (T)    95      15      70      Low        Big
HCB-5 Inferno      170      15      70      Low        Big
HCB-5 Inferno (T)  170      20      70      Low        

  Particle Accelerator
MD-1 Thunderbolt(T) 105     17      80      High       Big

M-79 Scorcher       55      15      75      High       Big
M-79 Scorcher (T)   65      15      75      High       
AM-2 Rapier         75      15      80      High       Big  
AM-2 Rapier (T)     85      15      80      High       
M-801 Polaris (T)   45      45      80      High       Big           
ASCL (T)            60      45      80      High       Big  

  Other weapons
Bersekr`s Laser     20      30      75      Medium     Small
Alien`s Gun         16     180      70      Medium     Small
Precursor`s Cannon  50      85     100      High       Big

  4. Missiles, rockets and torpedoes
A lot of them to choose for every pocket. Of course LRM ( long range missile )
are the best and expensive choice, but for easy level and first 5-10 missions
SRM ( short range missile ) are a good option. The description include :
1.Damage, 2.Anti-PRO, 3. Range, 4.Quantity

S-16 Mini          1)20 ;   2)N/A ;    3)60 ; 4)16/16
S-4 Dart             35       N/A        60      4/4

HT-4 Eraser         250       Poor      120      1/1
HT-6 Hellbringer    400       Standard  150      1/1

SRM-6E Piranha       35       Poor      125      3/3
SRM-8M Dagger        45       Standard  135      3/3
SRM-15 Warhawk       60       Ultimate  140      3/3
LRM-7 Starshark      50       Poor      350      2/2
LRM-9 Avalanche      70       Standard  450      2/2
MIRV Swarm           80     4 warheads  130      1/1
MIRV Tornado         80     6 warheads  140      1/1
ALRM                 90       Ultimate  600      2/2
The only way to use it is to destroy some alien gunship and loot the items.

Alien Nanotechnology 10       Ultimate  250      1/1  

Alien Launcher       70       Ultimate  150      5/5
  5. Systems
Star Wolves is a "systems game" because their use insure survival, items and
the necessary points to spend on mercenaries skills tree. A good use of this
according to fighters/Mothership strong and weak points make the difference
between death and life.

   a. Anti-Missile Systems

  Anti-missile Chaff Systems
ECM Mistral - effective ECM factor 10 ; ECM Storm - 20 ; ECM Squall - 30 ;
ECM Cyclone - 40.

  Active Anti-missile Systems
AMS Boxer - efficiency factor 15 ; AMS Gladiator - 25

  ABM Systems ( capital ships )
ABM Blinder - efficiency factor 15 ; ABM Haze - 25 ; AMB Myst - 35

   b. Long Range Scanners
Scout - detection range 160 clicks ;Eagle - 160; Ranger - 175 ; Sentry - 190;
Hawkeye - 190 ; Spy - 210 ; Parallax - 220

   c. Shield Amplifier

Bastion - shield energy increase by 20 sp and recharge rate by 0.5 sp/sec ;
Citadel - 30 sp and 1 sp/sec ; Stronghold - 50 sp and 1 sp/sec ; Prototype -
90 sp and 2sp/sec ( available only after Help to Science mission )

  Capital Ships
Scutum - 100 sp and 0.5 sp/sec ; Aegis - 200 sp and 1 sp/sec ; Shiva - 300 sp
and 1 sp/sec 

   d. Repair Systems

  Emergency ( Manual activation )
Troll - restore up to 150 hp in 15 sec ; Werewolf - 300 hp in 15 sec

  Automated ( working non stop ) ( fighters )
Gnome - 1 hp/sec ; Kobold - 2 hp/sec

  Ranged ( set fighter in healing mode to use it )
Cleric - repair rate 1 hp/sec ; Redeemer - 2 hp/sec

  Automated ( working non stop ) ( capital ships )
ARS Chromium - 1 hp/sec ; ARS Nickel - 2 hp/sec

   e. Engine Amplifier
Tarpan - maximum speed increased by 10 % ; Mustang - 20 %

   f. Weapon Booster Systems

  Emergency ( Manual activation )
Snowstorm - increase rate of fire by 50 % for 75 sec; Blizzard - 100 % for 90 

  Weapons R.o.f. Increase System ( working non stop )
"F" prototype - 50 % ( available after Help to Science mission )

   g. Anti-Laser Defence Systems
Diamond - block in some degrees lasers fire damage

   h. Stealth Systems

Shade - decrease RCS ( radar cross-section ) of your craft by 30 % ; Shade 
Mk 2 - 45 % ; Ghost - 60 % 

Nebula - decrease RCS of all craft by 40 % ; Black Hole - 60 % and enemy sensor 
efficiency by a factor of 2

 6. Credits
All the credits go to XbowSoftware and 1C Company

Copyright 2005 Limona Razvan