Chiller (e)

Chiller Walkthrough v1.0
by Mike Day (



  - General Info
  - Strategies
  - Talisman Locations
  - Misc. Info


General Info: This AGCI game is kinda mediocre, as are all their games,
but you might get some enjoyment out of it if you like Zapper games...
and you just happen to be a sadistic, gore-loving freak. :) I have to
say this outdoes any of the modern first-person shooters I've played
in the level of graphic gore and just plain cruelty it displays. The
gameplay is simple; shoot people, animals, and monsters to fulfill the
"Monster Meter" quota for each level. There are also talismans hidden
in each level - find them all, and you can play a special bonus stage
where you can shoot "flying spirits" for loads of extra points. Due
to some dumb coding, the game displays little red dots where all the
talismans are, so it's easy to find them. If you're playing the version
on the Maxi 15 multicart, you'll find this has been fixed and the dots
are now a less visible white. By the way, if you play the game through
enough times, you'll eventually get stuck on level 4; there's simply
no way to fulfill the quota in time.


Strategies: If you want to get all the talismans the first time 
through, just shoot the talismans first - on level 3, the game gives 
you the exact number of shots you need to grab all the talismans, and 
only a few extra in levels 2 and 4. In level one, you can get loads of 
hits out of the woman pushing the baby carriage - who you can shoot 
again and again to make her zoom back and forth across the screen - and
the hand that reaches up out of the grave on the bottom in the middle 
(you can hit it as many times as you need to, as long as it's up above 
the ground). In level two, even if you don't care about the talismans, 
shoot the two holes in the floor (see below for details) - you can kill
the ghost and the skull again and again. When you've mastered all that,
just try and beat my high score of 1,494,200. :) If you have two light 
guns, it's kind of fun to set the game on two players and pretend 
you're some western outlaw... Now, here's the exact location of every 


Level One:
-Shoot the bell in the church
-Shoot the cross in the church
-Shoot the top off the pointy gravestone
-Shoot just below the crest of the hill
-Shoot the middle severed head (are you having fun yet?)
-Totally destroy the body sticking out of the ground


Level Two:
-Shoot the floor on the middle right so the woman in purple falls in 
the hole
-Shoot the disembodied head to pop out its left eye (cool!)
-Shoot the right torch off the wall, and shoot it again to destroy it 
-Shoot a hole in the middle of the bottom part of the floor. Shoot the 
skull that emerges from the hole.
-Shoot a hole to the right of the bottom of the coffin and shoot the 
ghost that emerges from the hole.
-Shoot a hole in the upper part of the coffin (it takes several shots) 
to reveal a mummy. Shoot the mummy, then shoot out its heart.
-Shoot the arm down from the grating in the ceiling and let the dog 
grab it. When the arm is in the dog's mouth, shoot it.
-Shoot the purple block towards the right of the screen, and shoot the 
key underneath.


Level Three:
-Shoot the wheel on the bottom rack to pull the person's legs off 
(isn't this a fun game?)
-Shoot the entire upper body off the person on the bottom rack
-Totally destroy the person on the floor
-Shoot the person in the doorway (he was asking for it by waving like
-Shoot the rat
-Shoot the cabinet (by the way, the programmers of this game apparently
thought the torture device from the original arcade version was a pair 
of scissors... heh)
-Shoot to the middle-right of the door to uncover a key. Shoot the key. 
-Shoot the handle-thing to the right of where the girl is tied several 
times to cause her to be eaten by an alligator-thing... yum... You can 
shoot the head as it floats down the river of blood for an extra point 
towards your quota, but you shouldn't do this if you're playing the 
first time through, since you'll have just enough shots to grab all the


Level Four
-Shoot below the window to reveal a skull and (what else) shoot it.
-Shoot the first two heads on the shelf
-Shoot the severed head produced by the guillotine. Note that this one 
is out of order, since you have to shoot the guillotine blade first. 
-Shoot the head off the prisoner on the left
-Shoot the chopping block to uncover a severed head and shoot it
-Shoot the crest
-Shoot the guillotine blade to sever the prisoner's head
-Shoot the handle on the vice and squash the nekkid dude's head


Walkthrough © Copyright 2000 Mike Day
Please feel free to post this anywhere on the web for non-profit
purposes, print it out and share it with friends, whatever. Just don't
modify it and please give me some credit for authoring it. Oh yeah, and
give me some feedback. :)
American Game Carts, Inc. owns the trademark and copyright to Chiller