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StarTropics 2 - Zoda's Revenge (e)

|| Star Tropics II : Zoda's Revenge (NES) FAQ                        ||
||                                                                   ||
|| Last Updated: April 30, 2011                                      ||

Welcome all to my walkthrough on a very fun and under-rated tough game
called Star Tropics for the Nintendo Entertainment System. I hope this
walkthrough helps out as much as possible. Below is nothing but spoilers
on the game, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please take a detour
and hit the Back button now. However if you want to be spoiled or need
some help, please scroll down as far as you need to. Consider this as
your Spoiler Warning!


SECTION 1: Intro
 1: Version Guide
 2: The Story Behind Star Tropics II
 3: About This Walkthrough
 4: Control Configuration

SECTION 2: Walkthrough
1:  Before The Walkthrough
2:  Chapter 1: Prelude
3:  Chapter 2: Ice Age
4:  Chapter 3: Egypt
5:  Chapter 4: Scotland Yard
6:  Chapter 5: Old West
7:  Chapter 6: Venice
8:  Chapter 7: Transylvania
9:  Chapter 8: Camelot
10: Chapter 9: C-Island

SECTION 3: Items & Weapons

SECTION 4: Enemies

SECTION 5: Thanks


 SECTION 1: Intro


    1.0: First revision available 4/30/11

 2: The Story Behind Star Tropics II

    After bravely battling Octopuses, Magma Men, and Aliens in the
    original Star Tropics. The hero of the Star Tropics series Mike
    Jones returns to his home in Seattle. His uncle also joins him in
    Seattle to continue his work. We find Mike in Seattle at the 
    start of this story.

 3: About This Walkthrough

    I have used several other FAQ's in the past to get through games 
    and I felt that it was time to return the favor by putting together
    one of my own. I tried to avoid putting anything unnecessary words 
    in it and instead only cover what I feel the person reading this 
    would want for me to cover. If you want to skim through to certain 
    topics then I would recommmend you use the Table Of Contents. 
    Thanks for reading my FAQ!

 4: Control Configuration

    There are two different types of ways to move Mike around in this
    game. One way is the 500 foot view from above, also known as the 
    overworld. In the overworld view you will not be attacked. The
    other view is more like 20 foot view from above, and known as the
    dungeon view. The dungeon view is where you will encounter combat.


    Directional-Pad: Move up, down, left, and right.
    A BUTTON: Talk or Acquire things
    B BUTTON: No use


    Directional-Pad: Move up, down, left, right, and diagonally.


 SECTION 2: Walkthrough

 0: Before the walkthrough

    In order to make the FAQ as easy to read as possible I have
    included dungeon maps that typically look like this:

                    LEGEND FOR DUNGEON B
         [3]    1 = Starting Point for Dungeon B
          |     2 = Throwing Rocks
         [2]    3 = Exit

    Each room is briefly detailed and a line will show you which way
    you can proceed from each room. Also, the start and exit are
    labeled as well as the boss if there is one.

||* 1: Chapter 1: Prelude *||

    We start off with Mike greeting us and asking us how we have been.
    You are then given the option of whether you remember Mike's uncle
    who he referes to as Dr. J(ones). If you don't know who Dr. J is
    then you probably have not played the original Star Tropics I and
    Mike will suggest that you read the manual to catch up on what you
    missed in the first game. Mike explains Dr. J is now in Seattle 
    and continuing his work from the original game.

    Suddenly Mike gets a telepathic message from Mica. Mica is one of
    the children from the original Star Tropics who were sent to 
    Earth in the form of three cubes. She asks Mike if he remembers
    her father Hirocon, leader of the lost planet Argonia. She tells
    Mike that her father spoke to her in a dream and said:

    Was it a cat I saw?
    Was it a rat I saw?

    She isn't sure what it means and then tells Mike that she cannot 
    talk any longer today. Before Mike can answer she is gone, and 
    since Mike is unsure what to do next he goes to visit his uncle.

    Dr. J is buried in books when Mike arrives and doesn't notice
    Mike until he shouts to his Uncle Steve. Mike explains the 
    story thus far to his uncle.

    His uncle reverses the wording and gets:

    ?was I tac a ti saw
    ?was I tar a ti saw

    You are then asked if you understand. If you answer NO he will
    simply state to you the obvious that you reverse the wording so
    just say YES even though it still doesn't make sense. Somehow
    Dr. J believes that Hirocon is telling them to reverse the 
    cipher he was working on. He instructs Mike to get him the 
    Oxford Wonder World book.

    Once Mike gets it they look at it to read the strange words of
    the cipher. Paapaapaaoompapamowmow is read by Mike before his
    uncle can tell him to stop. This causes the book to open and
    its pages to turn really quickly. Suddenly we see a dimensonal
    gate open and Mike get sucked into it.

||* 2: Chapter 2: ICE AGE *||

    We start this chapter with Mike appearing in the middle of a
    snowy area. He is unsure where he is but says it is like a 
    sci-fi movie. He then realizes how cold he is and that he better
    start moving.

    This is the first chance you get to control Mike. You can only 
    head North at this point so head in that direction. You will 
    find a cave man that will tell you that the ground has holes and
    to be careful. As far as I can tell these holes are random so just 
    be prepared to fall into a few of them as you cross this snow.

    There are 3 different types of holes you can fall into:

         - - - R A N D O M   D U N G E O N   A - - -

                       LEGEND FOR DUNGEON A
                       1 = Starting Point for Dungeon A
                       4 = Exit
           [-- 3 --] 

    ROOM #1:
    Here you start. There is nothing here so go to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    Completely empty. There is nothing here either so go to ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    There are five boars here and a salamander, but most importantly 
    are some rocks. Grab the rocks and kill what you must.

    ROOM #4:
    Exit back to overworld.

        - - - R A N D O M   D U N G E O N   B - - -

                    LEGEND FOR DUNGEON B
         [3]    1 = Starting Point for Dungeon B
          |     3 = Exit

    ROOM #1:
    Here you start. There is nothing here so go to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are four boars here, and there are some rocks. 
    Grab the rocks and do you must to get to ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    Exit back to overworld.

        - - - R A N D O M   D U N G E O N   C - - -

                    LEGEND FOR DUNGEON C
         [5] [3]    1 = Starting Point for Dungeon C
          |   |     5 = Exit

    ROOM #1:
    Here you start. There is nothing here so go to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are two boars here, and there are some rocks. 
    Grab the rocks and do you must to get to ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    There are no enemies here. Just hearts to collect. Be
    careful to not fall in the water.

    ROOM #4:
    There is a blue bear here. Quickly kill him with your
    stones and the path will open up to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    Exit back to overworld.

    Once you have made it past the snow you will find a cave up ahead.
    Enter it to find:

    Cave Men Cave

    Walk around the cave and talk to the people. You will find that 
    many of the cave dweller's children are missing. Make sure you 
    visit Pikazo and write down the drawings you see on his wall.
    Also, visit Tink over by a large pile of bones. He has an Axe
    that he has made that he will give you. 

    Continue your way through the cave and find the prophet who
    prophesized your coming. He will ask you if you are the one.
    Regardless of what you answer he will tell you to head to the 
    cave and defeat Yum Yum. Continue thorugh the cave until you
    find the exit.

    Once you exit the cave and return to the overworld view continue
    North until you find another cave entrance. You will run into a
    few more cavemen who will drop clues but you should have already
    gotten the drawing on the cave wall and the axe so you are good.


    LEGEND FOR Yum Yum Cave
    1 = Starting Point for Yum Yum Cave
    14 = Maze (circ, circ, tri, squar, circ, squar, tri)
    17 = BOSS: Yum Yum
    18 = Exit to Overworld

                     ----------    [17]-[18]
                         |    |      |
                        [13] [15]-[-16-]
                 [-- 11 --]
            [4]--[9]-[8] [7]
             |          \/ |
             |            |
           [-- 3 --]-[5]-[6]

    ROOM #1:
    There is nothing here at the entrance. Just go to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are 4 boars in here. You must defeat them and once you do a 
    wall will open to the North allowing you to ROOM #3.
    ROOM #3:
    There are several boars in this room. Make your way to the right 
    and kill the salamanders. You will hear a wall open. If you walk 
    back to the left you will see an opening to the North. Take this 
    to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    There is nothing here but a medicine. Just take it and go back to 
    ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3 (from ROOM #4):
    There is else here so head to the right killing what you need to 
    and making your way to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    There are two salamanders here but ignore them continuing right to 
    ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    There are four boars here but ignore them as well and go north to 
    ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There is a blue bear that you should kill quickly. You can ignore it 
    however and proceed to jump to the little island and then head jump 
    south until we make our way back to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6 & #5 (from ROOM #7):
    Just move around the corners of these rooms until you make your way 
    to ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    There are four boars here but ignore the two on the bottom. You need 
    to jump across these ledges until you make it all the way to the far 
    left. Killing two boars along the way.Proceed left and go north to 
    ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9:
    There are three blue bears that you need to defeat to open the door 
    to the North. Once you have defeated them you can go North to ROOM 
    #11. There is also a room to the left but ignore this as this will 
    take you to a dead end in ROOM #4.

    ROOM #10:
    There are just three boars here. You can kill them if you wish but 
    in either case proceed North to ROOM #11.

    ROOM #11:
    There are several walking snow men in this room. Head right, you 
    don't have to defeat the snow men but it is easier if you do. 
    Eventually you will see a room going North to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #12:
    This room has a yellow bear in it. Defeat it if you must and then 
    continue North to ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    This room has three yellow bears. In this room you must defeat them 
    to open the door to the North taking you to ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14:
    This is the maze section and the reason I asked you to scribble down 
    the drawings on the wall back at the cave men cave. If you didn't 
    write it down it was: circle, circle, triangle, square, circle, 
    square, triangle. Just follow the exit to the room closest to the 
    symbol and you should get through this maze no problem.

    ROOM #15:
    There are four snow men in this room but you can skip them if you'd 
    like and proceed to the East and taking you to ROOM #16.

    ROOM #16:
    There are just six boars here. You can kill them if you wish but in 
    either case proceed North to ROOM #17.

    As soon as you enter this room you will see Yum Yum hidden behind 
    some bones and skulls. He appears to not notice you when you first 
    enter so immediately go up as close as you can to the right of him. 
    If you start throwing axes at him immediately you should be able to 
    kill him before he gets one shot off. Do not attack the boar that is 
    next to him. Yum Yum will eat this boar and continue to ignore you, 
    but if you kill this boar he will immediately engage you in combat. 
    If you do have to battle with him just make sure to avoid the 
    bubbles he burps at you and keep throwing axes his way. He should go 
    down after about 30 axes and the door to the East and Room #18 will 
    open up.

    Room #18:
    There is an exit to the North.


    After you are back in the overworld head north in this cave. 
    Eventually you will find the kids like Shorty who will compliment 
    you on defeating Yum Yum. Continue North and then East until you 
    find a Block and then proceed out of the cave. You will be back 
    outside, just take a few step outside and Mica will appear again via 
    telepathy to Mike. She tells Mike that she has spoken with Dr. J and 
    that Mica's father Hirocon must have known something was going to 
    happen. She tells Mike that he has been sent back in time to retrieve 
    the mystic tetrads that have been hidden on earth at various points 
    in time. These tetrads are the legacy of the Argonians and Mike now 
    must find them. Mica then leaves the conversation and Mike then 
    realizes the Block he just picked up in the cave is one of these 
    tetrads. As a bonus you increase your life total to seven hearts.

    Unsure what to do now, Mike consults the Oxford World Wonder again. 
    Mike recites the words:
    This flips the pages again and sends Mike to another time period.

||* 3: Chapter 3: CLEOPATRA's EGYPT *||

    We start this chapter with Mike appearing next to some pyramids and 
    a sphinx. There is paths leading North and South, but if you travel 
    South you will travel along the Nile endlessly and eventually need 
    to head back North again so just head North. Eventually you will 
    come upon a small oasis with some people and a boat docked nearby. 
    If you continue North you will see a guard blocking your path, so 
    heading to the boat is what you want to do next.

    Once you enter the boat you will see people walking around and a 
    cabin you can enter. If you enter the cabin before talking to 
    everyone outside on the ship the guard will not let you pass. Once 
    you have talked with everyone outside the ship he will let you 
    enter. Inside you Mike meets with Cleopatra who asks his business 
    and he tells her he is searching for the tetrads. Cleopatra says 
    that she can help you but you must first get a pizza for her. Leave 
    the ship and head North.

    Go North and you will see someone blocking your path. Now that you 
    have talked to Cleopatra he will tell you this is the way to get 
    pizza and let you through. Proceed a little south and you will find 
    the cave.


    1 = Starting Point for Yum Yum Cave
    12 = BOSS: Big Scorpion
    13 = Leads to Overworld
                                     [-- 11 --]
           [2]-[3]-[-- 4 --]

    ROOM #1:
    Just a usual entrance. Head North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    This room just has three spiders. Defeat them and the East wall 
    will open up allowing you to head to ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    There is one cyclops in here. Defeat him and the East wall will 
    open up allowing you to head to ROOM #4.
    ROOM #4:
    When you first enter you will see a tile and a treasure chest. 
    You must jump on this tile for a question mark to appear. Once 
    you get that question mark, then the chest will open revealing 
    a slingshot. Jump around this room carefully avoiding getting
    hit by the spiders and take the path leading North.

    ROOM #5:
    There are two porcupines in here that you must defeat to open 
    the door and head North to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    There are three cyclops in here that you must defeat to open 
    the door and head East to ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There are four scorpions in here that you must defeat to reveal 
    a door to the East ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    There are four underground enemies in here that you can defeat 
    or simply avoid and head to the East and ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9:
    There are four underground enemies and two porcupines in here that 
    you must defeat to open a door to the North and ROOM #10.

    ROOM #10:
    This room has three spiders and two scorpions who you don't have to 
    defeat but it is much easier to get through this room if you do. 
    You must hop up and around to go North to ROOM #11.

    ROOM #11:
    There are two porcupines when you first enter the room, as well as 
    a couple more spiders. You don't ahve to kill any of them but it 
    will be easier. There are a couple jumps to get through here but it 
    is easy. Eventually you will see a path to the North and this will 
    take you to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #12:
    When you enter this room you will see two holes in the wall at the 
    top. These holes will have scorpions come out of them during the 
    battle. You can take care of the little scorpions if you want but 
    try to focus primarily on the big scorpion. If you have any 
    slingshot left I would use it here. The big scorpion will flash red 
    and then shoot out a spray of shots from his tail. If you time it 
    right it should be easy to jump over his shots, just keep an eye on 
    the little scorpions. It took me about 40 slingshot shots to take 
    him down. Once he is defeated the door will open to the WEST and
    ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    Just an exit. Head North to the Overworld.


    When we emerge from the cave we find Mike in the middle of a large 
    desert. To his East is a man with a camel. Go over to him and he 
    will ask you if you want to rent a camel. You can say NO but if you 
    try to walk in any direction you will quickly see that you will need 
    to say YES to him. You will then ride for a very long time until 
    eventually you spot what reminds me of a goomba on a koopa troopa 
    from Super Mario Bros. He informs you that he is the pizza delivery 
    guy and gives you the pizza. 


    You hurry back to the boat and give Cleopatra the pizza. You get to 
    see the pizza being eaten and a plug for the local Caesar's Hut. 
    There is also have a nice close-up of Cleopatra. She will then take 
    you across the NIle in her boat and drop you off on the shore. She 
    will tell you to head to the Pyramids to the South. She also trades 
    your axe for a dagger.


    You are dropped off on the western side of the Nile. You can head 
    North or South but if you head West you will be wandering the desert 
    for ever. My suggestion would be to head North until you find a 
    small peninsula with some green patches.


    - - - M O N K E Y  M A Z E  P A R T # 1 - - -

                       O = Starting Point
                       X = Exit
    ____________________________________   ______    ____
    |                                   | |       X      | |
    |                          __       | |              | |
    |                    _____|  |__    | |              | |
    |                   |           |   | |              | |
    |       ________    |_____    __|   | |              | |
    |      |        |         |__|      | |              | |
    |      |______  |                   | |_______       | |
    |             | |                   |  _____  |      | |
    |_____        | |_____________      | |     | |      | |
          |       |               |     | |     | |      | |
     __   |       |  ___________  |     |_|     |_|      | |
    |  |__|     __| |   _____   | |          _           | |
    |          |    |  |__H__|  | |         | |          | |
    |          |____|           | |         | |          | |
    |                           | |_________| |__________| |
    |________________     O     |__________________________|

    You will see a small deck with a monkey jumping around in the 
    background. Once you get up on top of this deck you will see that 
    this tall grass has high grass and low grass that forms a natural 
    maze. You will want to do a clockwise circle in the grass around 
    the deck. Where you start at the part of the grass below and to the 
    left from the initial deck and end up on the lower right hand side. 
    You then love up and down to the right and then up the right side. 
    You should come out of the grass near a BIG HEART. After just a few 
    step you will fall into a mini-dungeon

         - - - S A V A N N A H  D U N G E O N   A - - -

                       LEGEND FOR SAVANNAH DUNGEON A
                       1 = Starting Point
             [6]       6 = Exit
           [-- 3 --] 

    ROOM #1:
    Here you start. There is nothing here so go to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are three little frogs. You can kill them or ignore them and 
    head NORTH to ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    There are 3 swans here, a frog and a crocodile. Once the crocodile 
    is defeated a door to the North will open up to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    In this room is a swan and two frogs. There are two hearts on the 
    island to your right. Grab them if you need them and then head West 
    to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    This room has 3 floating jellyfish. Take them out and the wall to 
    the North will open up allowing you to proceed to ROOM #6. There is 
    also a hippopotamus but you don't have to kill him to get to the 
    next room.

    ROOM #6:
    Exit back to overworld.

    - - - M O N K E Y  M A Z E  P A R T # 2 - - -

                       O = Starting Point
                      HH = BIG HEART
                       X = Exit
                      DE = Dead End

          __________________________________          ~    }
         |  _________________  ____________ |~~~     {      }
    _____| |       ________  | |          | |   }~~~{    ____}
    _______|  X   |  ____  | | |          | |          |  _  |
    ______________| |    | | | |          | |_   DE  __| | | |
    ________________|    | | | |_         |_  |__   |   _| | |
               _____     | | |_  |          |____|  |__|   | |
            __|     |    | |   | |                         | |
           |  _____ |____| |   |_ |               ______   | |
           | |     |  _____|    | |              |____  |  | |
           | |     | _|         | |_                  | |  | |
           | |     | |          |_  |   _________     |_|  | |
           | |     | |    ___     | |  |  _____  |         | |
           | |     | |   |_H_|    | |  | | ___ | |         | |
           | |     |_|            | |  | ||_H_|| |         | |
           | |      _            _| |  | |     | |         | |
           | |     | |          |  _|  | |    _| |         | |
          _| |     | |_        _| |    |_|   |_  |         | |
         |  _|     |_  |______|  _|            | |_______  | |
         | |         |__________|              |  _____  | | |
     ____| |                                   | | ___ | | | |
    |  ____|                                   | ||_H_|| | | |
    | |           _________                    |_|     | | | |
    | |          |  _____  |                        _  | | | |
    | |          | | ___ | |                       | | | | | |
    | |          |_||_H_||_|                      _| | |_| |_|
    | |                                          | __|  } { HH}
    | | _____   ____________                     | |     } ~~~
    | ||_   _| |  ________  |       _            | |      }
    | |  | |   | |        | |______| |___________| |__ O __}_
    | |  | |   | |        |_____________________   ___| |___ |
    | |_ |_|  _| |                              | |        | |
    |__ |    | __|
      | |____| |
    Back above ground in the Savannah you can move forward to see the 
    monkey poke his head out and disappear. Go over to the deck in front 
    of you to see the new view. You will want to go around and pick up 
    that BIG HEART over on the shore to the East and then back track 
    up to the top East, back down to the left, and then up and around
    the Western part of the map. You should come out of the grass 
    clearing and then randomly fall down into another dungeon.

         - - - S A V A N N A H  D U N G E O N   B - - -

                       LEGEND FOR SAVANNAH DUNGEON B
                       1 = Starting Point
                       7 = Exit

     [-- 4 --]

    ROOM #1:
    Here you start. There is nothing here so go to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    We encounter 2 crocodiles and 2 swans here. You only need to kill 
    the crocodiles to open the door and head NORTH to ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    In this room is a jellyfish, crocodile and three frogs. There are 
    two hearts on the island to your right. Grab them if you need them 
    and kill the crocodile to open the door and then head North to 
    ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    When we first enter we see a frog and a jellyfish and shortly after 
    entering you'll see the hippopotamus appear and shoot at you. You 
    only need to kill the frogs to open the door and head NORTH to 
    ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    This room has 5 floating jellyfish and a lone frog in the middle. 
    You can kill them or just skillfully jump around them to ROOM #6. 

    ROOM #6:
    In this room are two swans and three jellyfish. There is also a 
    hippopotamus but you don't have to kill any of them to get to the 
    ROOM #7 to the North.

    ROOM #7:
    Exit back to overworld.

   - - - M O N K E Y  M A Z E  P A R T # 3 - - -

                       O = Starting Point
                       X = Exit
                                                         {    }
                                                       ~~      ~
                                                      {         }  
   __________________________________________________{__  X  ___}____ 
  |  ___________                                ____   _|   |______  |
  | |           |  _________________________   |    |_|            | |
  | |           | |                    ___  |  |                   | |
  | |         __| |                   |_H_| |  |     _             | |
  | |        |    |                         |__|    | |            | |
  | |   ___  |____|               _____             | |____________| |
  | |  |   |                     |___  |            |     _____  ____|
  | |  |   |____________________     | |____________|    | ___ | |  _ O
  | |  |_                       |    |  _   ______   ____||_H_||_| | |
  | |    |      ______         _|    |_| | |      | |              | |
  | |    |     | ___  |       |          | |      | |  ___   ___   | |
  | |    |  ___||_H_| |       |__________| |  _   |_| |  _| |_  |  | |
  | |    | |   _______|                    |_| |_     |_|     | |  | |
  | |    |_|  |                           _______|         _  | |  | |
  | |         |                          |         _      |_| | |  | |
  | |         |_______________________   |   _____| |___      | |__| |
  | |                       __________|  |  |    _____  |     |____  |
  | |___________           |__________   |  |   | ___ | |__   ___  | |
  |  ___________|                     |  |  |___||_H_||____| |___| | |
  | |                                 |  |                         | |
  | |         ______________       ___|  |   _     _____         __| |
  | |        |__   _______  |    _|  ____|  | |   |_____|   _   |__  |
  | |           | |   ___ | |___|   |       | |            | |     | |
  | |          _| |_ |_H_||  _____  |       | |            | |     | |
  | |         |_____|     |_|     | |    ___| |____    ____| |__   | |
  | |                             | |   |   _____  |  |         |  | |
  | |_                            |_|   |  | ___ | |  |_________|  | |
  |_  |                                 |__||_H_||_|               | |
    | |                                                            | |
    | |____________________________________________________________| |

    Back above ground in the Savannah you can move forward to see the 
    familiar monkey poke his head out and disappear again. Take the 
    same approach here as the other mazes. Getting up on the decks and 
    then memorizing the paths. Move down and to the left and then up
    the West side of the map. Then go back East along the Northern part
    of the map. Eventually you will make it out on the Northern edge
    and make your way to a small mountain range where that monkey 
    (Merlin?!?) will show you how to do a psychic shock wave. Then you 
    will be teleported back to the Pyramid and Sphinx.


    1 = Starting Point for Pyramid
    25 = BOSS: PHAROAH
    26 = Leads to Overworld

         [-- 24 --]
                |          |
                    [-- 16 --]
      [10]-[12]-[-- 13 --]-[14]

                   [-- 7 --]
                    |     |
               [5]-[6]   [8]-[9]


    ROOM #1:
    If you are low on hearts you can jump on the middle tile in the 
    group of tiles to the left and two hearts will appear. In either 
    case, head North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    This force field requires the Psychic Shockwave to destroy. Dispose 
    of the field and continue to the North to ROOM #3. If you don't 
    have the Psychic Shockwave you will need to go back out and head
    North to a savannah but if you are following this walkthrough then
    you probably already did that.

    ROOM #3:
    There are three ladybugs in here. Dispose of the them and the door 
    will open to the West to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    There are two asps in here. Dispose of the them if you want to or 
    just take the stairs in the upper left corner of the room to 
    ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    This room is filled with spikes and traps. When you first try to 
    cross the middle path you will see a plume of flame appear. Just 
    time it and walk past it as soom as the plume extinguishes. Once you
    pass this first flame STOP. If you proceed any farther you will fall 
    back to the floor below with the asps. Instead jump over this part 
    of the floor. You will then need to jump over spikes to a patch on 
    the floor. The problem is that there is a plume of flame here as 
    well. Just time the jump and you should make it to the other side no 
    problem. Now go up to the top group of tiles and jump on one of the 
    tiles to reveal the question mark at the bottom of the room. Jump 
    over the spikes and flames to get to the bottom of the room and once 
    you grab the question mark the door to the East will open. There are 
    two hearts on the north side of the room, get them if you'd like and 
    then go East to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    There are two pyramid guardians in here. These guys are immune to 
    your dagger so you will need to switch to your Psychic Shockwave in 
    order to dispose of the them and the door will open to the North to 
    ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    When you first enter this room you will see a mummy and mini-mummy. 
    Take both of them out and then hop on one of the tiles to reveal the 
    question mark. Get this mark to open the chest and reveal a medicine
    container. You will see a yellow floor in the middle to jump on. 
    Don't stay on these floating platform long, instead keep jumping. 
    Get the medicine and jump to the right side of this room. There are 
    two more mini mummies you can choose to defeat before taking the 
    door to the South to ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    Inside this room is one Aman-Ra guardian. Just take your time and 
    defeat him to open the door and head East to ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9:
    All that is in this room are a circular pattern of tiles. In the 
    middle of these tiles are false floors which you need to fall 
    through to get to ROOM #10.

    ROOM #10:
    As you fall into this room press your control pad to the left. If 
    you don't you will land on another false floor and plunge down to 
    ROOM #11. When you do manage to reach ROOM #10 without falling 
    through you will see a pair of two hearts in the bottom left corner 
    of the room. Get them if you need them otherwise head to the East 
    (avoiding the metal ball that is moving in a circular pattern) into 
    ROOM #12.

    ROOM #11:
    There is nothing in this room except four skeletons. Dispose of the 
    them if you want to or just take the stairs in the upper right 
    corner of the room to ROOM #10.

    ROOM #12:
    Inside this room a directional conveyor belt with a pyramid 
    guardian and an asp. You can use the conveyor belt if you need to 
    but just focus on defeating both enemies to open the door and head 
    East to ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    There are four skeletons and one metal ball. Avoid them and head to 
    the right side of the room and jump up on the columns and head back 
    left jumping until you come to the column with the tiles. Jump on 
    one of these tiles to make the question mark appear. Jump down and 
    grab this mark which will open the wall to the East to ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14:
    Immediately upon entering this room dispose of the mummy nearby 
    Mike. Then jump over the spikes and defeat the ladybugs in the 
    middle of the room. Take out the remaining mummy and the door to 
    the North will open to ROOM #15. There is also a life sign in here 
    if you want to try your luck.

    ROOM #15:
    Inside this room are two Aman-Ra guardians. Just take your time and 
    defeat them to open the door North to ROOM #16.

    ROOM #16:
    When you enter this room you will see spikes along the outside of 
    the room with a conveyor in the middle. You must go around on this 
    conveyor and defeat each of the spiders on the ledges to open the 
    door North to ROOM #17.

    ROOM #17:
    Inside this room are three ladybugs. After you defeat them to open 
    the door West to ROOM #18 you can jump on a tile in the middle to 
    reveal two hearts if you need them.

    ROOM #18:
    This room contains two mini mummies and two pyramid guardians. 
    Defeat them to open the door North to ROOM #19.

    ROOM #19:
    No enemies here, just a pattern of tiles that resembles a snake. 
    Jump on the tail tile to reveal the question mark. Grabbing this 
    mark opens the door East to ROOM #20.

    ROOM #20:
    This room contains two mummies. Defeat them to open the door East 
    to ROOM #21.

    ROOM #21:
    There is one Aman-Ra guardian in here. Defeat him to open the door 
    South to ROOM #22. There is a tile at the top of the room you can 
    jump on to make a medicine appear so don't forget that.

    ROOM #22:
    There are four mini mummies in here and a tile. Activate the tile 
    and get the question mark to reveal a flute from inside the chest. 
    Grab the flute and defeat the mini mummies to open a wall to the 
    West taking you back to ROOM #17. You have already been to #17 so 
    go to #18 and then #19.

    ROOM #19 (Revisited):
    Now that you have the flute use a flute to make three asps appear. 
    Defeat all three and a wall to the North will open up allowing you 
    to enter ROOM #23.
    ROOM #23:
    Nothing here so just take the door North to ROOM #24.

    ROOM #24:
    There is a mummy and mini mummy here with another floating tile out 
    in the middle to jump to. Defeat the mummies and jump across the 
    tiles to the left until you make it to the other side. There are 
    two hearts here is you want them and also another medicine over on 
    the left corner of the room. There are two more mummies and a mini 
    mummy on the left which you can defeat or just simply take the path 
    to the North and ROOM #25.


    You enter a room that has the bottom half covered in conveyors that 
    force you back to the bottom wall. The room is separated in half by 
    a guard rail. The top part of the room is where the boss float 
    around. This mask mostly shoots a spray of 5 bullets which are 
    usually pretty easy to avoid. Occasionally the mask will reveal a 
    skeleton face and shoot a more powerful shot so avoid those. As you 
    damage the mask more and more it will move faster and eventually 
    turn red. Once you have defeated him a door will open to your East
    allowing you on to ROOM #26.

    ROOM #26:
    Exit room. Just take the exit to the North.

    Back inside of the pyramid Mike sees a long narrow tunnel to his 
    North. Follow this until you enter a room with another Tetrad. 
    After Mike obtains his latest Tetrad he reads again the words: 
    This flips the pages again and sends Mike to another time period.

||* 4: Chapter 4: SCOTLAND YARD *||

    We find Mike has been teleported to a more modern time. This looks 
    to be Sherlock Holmes' stomping ground. In fact once you walk 
    around a bit you will eventually bump into him. He tells you that a 
    fella named Zoda-X will be at the museum tonight and to meet him 
    there at midnight. Continue walking around town stopping to pet the 

    There is an open doorway but all you will find is a man sleeping so 
    continue along until you find one of London's finest police 
    officers. Talk to him and he will put you in jail (I thought they 
    practiced English Law: Innocent until proven guilty?).

    Once in jail you will see the guard is asleep and the prisoner next 
    to you says there is no escape. Turns out if you look along the 
    East wall you will find an escape. Take this to get back outside. 
    Now that you are outside head North and the West until you come 
    between two building. Pass through them and say hello to the sleep 
    walker as you pass him in the night. Continue along North until 
    you find the museum and Holmes waiting for you.

    He greets you and asks you to come inside and look at the stone. 
    Before you get a chance to get the stone Zoda-X appears and takes 
    it. Sherlock Holmes instructs you to follow him. When you see Mike 
    again on the streets of London have him head left to the open 
    manhole. There is a BIG HEART below that Mike could really use. 
    Once you have the BIG HEART go back up the manhole and then look 
    for the other manhole South of there. Take this down to start the 
    sewer dungeon.


    1 = Starting Point for London Sewers
    12 = BOSS: Zoda's Blob
    13 = Leads to Overworld

      |        |
     [11]     [5]---[4]    
      |        |     |
     [10]-[8]-[-- 3 --]
           |   |
          [9] [2]

    ROOM #1:
    Just a usual entrance. Head North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    No enemies here just a log raft floating back and forth. Hop on the 
    raft and go to the tile in the upper right part of the room. This 
    will activate the question mark which once you grab opens the door 
    to the North and ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    This room has five yellow jellyfish. You can defeat them if you 
    want, but either way hop over the water to the right and then either 
    take the passage to the North to ROOM #4 or jump back to the left to 
    take the passageway to the North to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #4:
    There are three rats and three blue blobs in this room. Defeat all 
    of them and a room will open to the West taking you to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    This room has four red frogs hopping around. You don't have to 
    defeat them but it will help you reach the tile on the upper left 
    part of the room. Once you activate it and get the question
    mark the wall to the North will open leading you to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    There are two large rats in this room. Defeating them causes the 
    North wall to open to ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There is nothing here but a medicine. Grab it and retrace your 
    steps to ROOM #6, then ROOM #5 and then South from ROOM #5 to 
    ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3 (Revisited):
    When you first enter you will notice some tiles to your right. Hop 
    on one of them to reveal the question mark which when you grab 
    will open the gate to the West and ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    This room has three small rats. You will follow a path between this 
    room and ROOM #9 that goes back and forth until you eventually end 
    up in this room again and a door that goes West to ROOM #10.

    ROOM #9:
    As stated above you need to avoid the rats in this room and ROOM #8 
    as you go along the path that goes back and forth between these two 
    rooms. You can of course defeat them if you wish.

    ROOM #10:
    In this room are two jellyfish and two red frogs. There are also 4 
    paths with conveyor tiles on each path in different directions. 
    Defeat all the enemies in this room to open the wall to the North 
    and ROOM #11. Remember that these conveyor tiles can push you off 
    the path into the water.

    ROOM #11:
    This room has three owls in it. Defeat them and the door to the 
    North will open to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #12: BOSS: Zoda's Blob
    Inside of this room is Zoda. He creates some sort of weird ball. 
    Just hop around the ball until you defeat it. Don't sit on one
    tile for two long. You must keep moving to defeat this blob. Then 
    jump on one of the tiles that it was on to get the question mark 
    which opens the door to the East and ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    Exit back to the overworld.


    Back in the sewer you see Zoda running off. You follow him to the 
    second sewer.


    1 = Starting Point for London Sewers 2
    21 = BOSS: Zoda X
    22 = Leads to Overworld
                        |   |
             [-- 6 --]-[4] [1]
              |         |
             [7] [15]  [5]
              |   |

                       |    |
                      [22] [-- 18 --]
                       |    |

    ROOM #1:
    There are two hearts if you need them to the left. There are also 
    two more pairs of two hearts to the right if you jump on the tiles 
    that way. Otherwise head North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are three Zoda spawns in this room. Defeat them and jump on 
    the tile to open the chest to obtain spiked frisbees. After 
    acquiring this head to the West and ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    Just two large rats in here. Defeat them to open the door to the 
    South and ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    This room has two small rats and two owls. When you defeat the owls 
    the wall to the South will open revealing ROOM #5. There is also a 
    tile in this room that will open the door to the West and ROOM #6.

    ROOM #5:
    Jump on the tile on the left side to open the chest which has 
    medicine inside. Collect this and then head back to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #6:
    This room has no enemies but a lot of carefully timed jumps. Keep 
    heading to the left and eventually you will see an exit to the 
    South and ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There are two caterpillars in here that once defeated will open the 
    door South to ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    There are four blue blobs in this room. Dispose of them and the 
    door to the East will open to ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9:
    There are three sets of tiles. Look for the tile in the middle 
    group to activate a mark. Grab the mark and the wall to the South 
    will open to ROOM #10.

    ROOM #10:
    Jump on the tile on the left side to open the chest which has 
    medicine inside. Collect this and then head back to ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9: (Revisited)
    You will need to fall through the floor in the middle of one of 
    these tiles. This will allow you to fall to ROOM #11.

    ROOM #11:
    In this room are three vertical rows. You can head North to ROOM 
    #12. If you landed on the left path you can also take the path West 
    to ROOM #13. If you landed on the right path you can also take the 
    path East to ROOM #14. If you landed on the middle path you can 
    also take the path South to ROOM #16.

    ROOM #12:
    Each path ends in a ladder to the North. If you take any of these 
    ladders they will take you back upstairs to ROOM #15.
    ROOM #13:
    If you can't tell by the pattern of the tiles (the pattern is a 
    skull) that this is a dead end. After you defeat all the Zoda spawns 
    you can grab two hearts and eventually you should also find the mark 
    to open the door to the East back to ROOM #11.

    ROOM #14:
    This room has three Zoda spawns and one blue blob on the other side 
    of the water. After defeating the spawns you need to jump across and 
    defeat the blob. Then take the path South to ROOM #17.

    ROOM #15:
    There are four blue blobs hopping around in this room. Dispose of 
    the if you wish and look for a tile to open the wall to the South 
    taking you back to ROOM #9.

    ROOM #16:
    There are five small rats. Defeat them and the wall will open to 
    East and ROOM #17.

    ROOM #17:
    Two caterpillars are in here and once defeated the door to the 
    South open to ROOM #18.

    ROOM #18:
    You need to jump from raft to raft here. There are also two hearts 
    and some more spiked frisbees in here. You can also get the life 
    sign if you feel lucky. Once you make it around the rafts you should 
    see an exit to the South and ROOM #19.

    ROOM #19:
    There are four Zoda spawns in here. Defeat them and then the wall 
    to the East will open to ROOM #20. You can also activate the switch 
    to open the door to the West and ROOM #21 but this is where the BOSS 
    is so do ROOM #20 first.

    ROOM #20:
    There is a medicine in here. Get it and then head back West to ROOM 
    #19 avoiding enemies or defeating them as necessary.

    ROOM #21: BOSS: Zoda X

    This Zoda boss is harder than most bosses. The room is full of
    conveyor belts going in multiple directions so you will have trouble
    walking in a straight line. Zoda X will appear in random locations
    and either shoot a spread of shots or make a ring of fire. Avoid
    both the shots and the fire as best as possible and just keep 
    trying to hit him when he becomes visible and eventually he'll go 
    down. Defeat him and take the door to the North ROOM #22.

    ROOM #22:
    This is the exit back to the overworld.


    Back in the overworld you keep walking the sewers until you find 
    another tetrad. Then take the ladder you'll find Holmes who deduces 
    that there must be a Zoda-Y and Zoda-Z as well. You thank Holmes for 
    his help and then say the magic words:
    This flips the pages again and sends Mike to another time period.

||* 5: Chapter 5: OLD WEST *||

    When you first enter this chapter you appear in the middle of a 
    rocky desert with the only place to go as North. Proceed North 
    and you will eventually come across a town.


    Inside of this town are several miners all looking to strike it 
    rich. Walking around the town you will eventually find a store, a 
    saloon, and a shop. The saloon is a good place if you want to have 
    a few drinks of ginger ale. In the saloon you will want to talk to 
    the piano player. Pay attention to the tune he sings you will use 
    this tune later in this chapter. Make sure you go to the shop in 
    the Northern part of the town. He will give you a clue to where to 
    go next. Make your way back to Bob's store and he will now give you 
    some dynamite.


    Outside the town you can travel North but soon reach a body of 
    water, so your only path is West. As you head West you will 
    eventually come across a mountain ridge. If you press up against 
    this ridge you will set your dynamite so pay attention to your 
    movement. You can always go back to Bob's store for more dynamite 
    so don't worry about wasting it. You should see some rocks that are
    a lighter shade forming a line towards the ridge. Follow this line 
    and lay the dynamite there. This will open up caves that you can 
    find gold and chicken nuggets in. You will also see two large 
    boulders next to the ridge. Place a load of dynamite in between 
    these to reveal a cave door with a BIG HEART in it. Go back and get 
    more dynamite and if you collected the gold piece Bob will offer to 
    purchase your gold. All it does is give you points so it is 
    completely optional if you want to sell it to him or not. I would
    recommend it however because otherwise you will lose that gold at
    the start of the next chapter. Go back to the ridge and place 
    dynamite a few spaces below the cave that you got the gold nugget. 
    This will reveal the cave you need to go next.


    1 = Starting Point for Mining Cave
    12 = BOSS: Mining Cyclops
    13 = Exit to Overworld


       [5] [-- 3 --]
        |   |     |
       [4]-[2]   [8]
            |     |
           [1]   [9]

    ROOM #1:
    Just a usual entrance. Head North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are three blue scorpions in here. Defeat them and head North 
    to Room #3 or West to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #3:
    This room has two blue asps. After you defeat them you will notice 
    there is more to this room on the other side of the wall. Nothing 
    you can do now so head back to ROOM #2 and then ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    This room has four tiles and two cactus guys. Defeat the cactus 
    guys and then shoot the crack in the wall to the North. This opens 
    the wall to ROOM #5.
    ROOM #5:
    This room simply has a ladder going up to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    Inside of this room are three horizontal paths to the right. On 
    each of these paths is a rolling boulder. Just jump back and forth 
    between these paths to avoid the boulder make your way to the East 
    and eventually the door and ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There are three blue asps in this room with a tile pattern on the 
    Eastern side of the room. You can defeat the asps if you want. The 
    tiles will reveal a pair of two hearts so grab this if you are low 
    on health. There is a floating tile in the middle of the tiles. If 
    you jump to this you will fall through the false floor down to the 
    other side of Room #3.

    ROOM #3 (revisited):
    If you fell from ROOM #7 you will find two cactus guys which you 
    must defeat to open the door to the South and ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    There are two blue asps and two blue scorpions in here. You don't 
    have to defeat them but it makes it much easier to activate the 
    tile on the South end of the room. This will reveal a question mark
    which after you get will open the door to the South to ROOM #9. You 
    can also grab the two pairs of two hearts in here if you are low on 

    ROOM #9:
    This room has the treasure chest enemies. Defeat them to open the 
    wall to the South and ROOM #10. There is also a normal trasure 
    chest in here with a slingshot if you want to pick that up.

    ROOM #10:
    There are three cactus guys in this room who if you defeat will 
    open the wall to the South and ROOM #11. There is also a passageway 
    to the West and ROOM #12 but go to ROOM #11 first.

    ROOM #11:
    In this room is just a chest and tiles. Open the chest to reveal a 
    medicine and then head back North to ROOM #10 and then West to ROOM 

    ROOM #12: BOSS: Mining Cyclops
    There is just a long straight pathway to a cyclops at the other end. 
    After awhile he will grab a rock to throw at you just keep hitting 
    him until he is defeated. Be careful not to touch him as he will kill 
    you instantly if you do. After you defeat him a floating platform 
    will appear on the South side of the room. Jump on this and then the 
    next and then to the corner of the room on the bottom left part of 
    the room. This will take you to ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    This is the exit back to the overworld.


    Back in the overworld we find that we are still in the cave. We head 
    North to find a donkey. This donkey teaches Mike the Super Psychic 
    Shock Wave. Hmm... this donkey seems kinda like the monkey in Egypt.
    He then vanishes, allowing Mike to continue forward to the next cave.


    1 = Starting Point for Mining Cave 2
    22 = BOSS: Skeleton Miner
    23 = Leads to Overworld

                   [19] [18]
                    |    |
           [6]     [-- 15 --]-[14]
            |                  |
     [7]   [5]-[8] [11]       [13]
            |       |          |
           [4]-[9]-[-- 10 --]-[12]

    ROOM #1:
    There is a tile here when you start that reveals two hearts. Head 
    North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2: 
    You need to do some careful jumping in this room and get over to 
    the ledge on the North wall. There are three blue scorpions here 
    that after you defeat will open the door to the North and ROOM #3.

    ROOM #3:
    Immediately jump to your right when you enter this room. There is 
    one blue scorpion to defeat and then grab the medicine. Then 
    continue North to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    Just let the conveyor take you North to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    Immediately jump to your left when you enter this room. There are 
    three blue scorpions that you can defeat if you need to defeat and 
    take the left path to the North to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    If you arrived in the middle of the room. All you can do is walk 
    forward through the false floor to ROOM #7 below. If you are not 
    in the middle then defeat the cactus guys if you want and then 
    take the lower right path to the South back to Room #5.

    ROOM #7:
    If you fell into this room you must defeat the three Asps first 
    before the floating block will appear. Hop on these to the ladder 
    and back up to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #5 (revisited):
    If you defeated all the scorpions on the other side of the room 
    earlier then a wall will have opened to the East revealing ROOM #8. 
    Otherwise, continue South back to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #8
    There are two hearts here and a medicine in the chest. Take these 
    and return to ROOM #5 and then head South to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4 (revisited):
    Just a short corner to take to the East and ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9:
    There are four treasure chest enemies in this room. Defeat them and 
    the wall to the East will open revealing ROOM #10.

    ROOM #10:
    When you first enter this room you will see a crack in the wall to 
    the North. Shoot at the wall here to reveal a path to ROOM #11.

    ROOM #11:
    Nothing in here but a medicine. Grab this and head back South to 
    ROOM #10.

    ROOM #10 (revisited):
    There are three paths to take to the right, but there are boulders 
    that roll on each. Avoid these boulders and keep moving right. You 
    will see tile near the bottom of the room. Use this to open the 
    chest and get the Star. After that avoid the boulders and head East 
    to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #12:
    Defeat the four cactus guys in this room to trigger the door. Head 
    North to ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    There is a skeleton that rides around in a mining cart. First he 
    will turn purple and then red before he is defeated. Avoid his 
    shots and the little glowing guys he throws out to open the door to 
    the North and ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14:
    There are three blue scorpions to defeat in this room. Once you have 
    gotten rid of them the door to the West opens to ROOM #15.

    ROOM #15:
    Just head West in this room until you find a tile. This tile will 
    open the door to the North and ROOM #16.

    ROOM #16:
    This room has three blue asps. Defeat them and a wall to the East 
    will open to ROOM #17.

    ROOM #17:
    There are some tiles in this room to open the chest. Inside of the 
    chest is a Star. After you get the Star shoot the crack in the wall 
    to the North and proceed to ROOM #18.

    ROOM #18:
    This room has a medicine. Take it and then head back South to ROOM 
    #17, then West to ROOM #16, and then go North to ROOM #19

    ROOM #19:
    This room is just a slender room heading North to ROOM #20. Avoid 
    the spikes out of the wall and pick up the two hearts here if you 
    need them.

    ROOM #20:
    This room is just a slender room heading North to ROOM #21. Avoid 
    the spikes out of the wall and pick up the two hearts here if you 
    need them.

    ROOM #21:
    This room is just a more slender room heading North to ROOM #22. 
    Avoid the spikes out of the wall and pick up the two hearts here if 
    you need them.

    ROOM #22 BOSS: Skeleton Miner
    This miner carries a large hammer that he will frequently smash
    into the ground. This will stun Mike, and cause a spread of shots
    to be fired in every direction, as well as cause several rocks to
    fall onto the floor and imped Mike's ability to move around the
    room. If you jump when he smashes his hammer then you can usually
    avoid being stunned. Shoot your Stars at him if you have any and
    avoid him jumping into you as well. Eventually you will defeat him 
    and a door till open allowing you to head North to ROOM #23.

    ROOM #23:
    Exit to the overworld.


    Back in the overworld we are once again in the cave. Go North to 
    pick up another Tetrad. You say the magic words:
    This flips the pages again and sends Mike to another time period.

||* 6: Chapter 6: VENICE  *|| 

    You start this chapter in the middle of a city that looks like 
    London from Chapter 4. You need to walk around the city for awhile 
    until you eventually find an open door. Enter the door to find a 
    statue and some paint spilled on the ground with Zoda's footprints 
    on the floor (uh-oh). You hear the statue so we can assume someone 
    is in the statue. Take the stairs down to enter the first dungeon 
    in this chapter. Since there are no enemies and only traps in
    this dungeon I won't detail it. Just pay attention to the traps
    and you should have no trouble reaching the room on the other side.

    Back in the overworld we find ourself in Da Vinci's room. Grab the 
    chisel and hammer. Mike races back to the statue and chips Leonardo 
    out of the statue. He tells Mike that Zoda plastered him and offers
    Mike his flying machine. Mike takes the machine and flies it up in 
    the air when he gets another telepathic message from Mica. She tells 
    him to be careful and he tells her his adventure so far. As usual
    she leaves before Mike can say goodbye.


    When we next see Mike he is on an island. There is a BIG HEART here 
    if you walk around the island. Once you get the BIG HEART head back 
    to the flying machine. 


    You will fly a little further and land on another island. You will 
    see a Museum here which you should enter.



                                              |  XX  |
                  _______                     |      |
                 |S2(UP) |                    |      |
                 |___    |                    |      |
                     |   |                    |      |
                     |   |                    |      |
                     |   |                    |S6(UP)|    ______
                     |   |__________          |______|   |  XX  |
                     |        S1(UP)|                    |S5(UP)|
                     |______     ___|                    |______|
                            |   |      __________________
                            |   |     |                  |
                            |   |     |     ________     |
                            |   |     |    |        |    |____
                            |   |     |    |        |__       |
     __________________     |   |     |    |           |      |___
    |  ______________  |    |   |_____|    |_________  |          |
    | |              | |    |                        | |____S4(UP)|
    | |              | |    |__                      |       |____|
    | |S8(UP)  S7(UP)| |       |                     |
    | |              | |       |                     |        ______
    | |              | |       |                     |       |S3(UP)|
    | |______________| |       |                     |_______|  ____|
    |______    ________|       |                               |
           |  |____     _______|                      _________|
           |       |   |                             |
           |____   |___|   ____                 _____|
                |         |    |               |
                |_________|    |___       _____|
                                   |  O  |


    $$ = Tetrad
                                          |                 |
                                          |                 |
                    ______________________|                 |
              __   |                                        |
             |XX|  |   ___________________             $$   |
             |  |  |  |                   |                 |
             |  |  |  |   __              |                 |
             |  |  |  |  |XX|             |_________________|
             |  |  |  |  |  |
             |  |  |  |  |  |
             |  |__|  |__|  |
             |_____    _____|
                   |  |
                   |  |
                   |  |
       ____________|  |
      |               |
      |   ____________|
      |  |
      |  |
      |  |             ___________
      |  |            |           |
      |  |            |S2(DN)  XX |    ________________
      |  |            |___________|   |                |
      |S8(DN)                         |   __________   |
      |__|       _____________________|  |   __     |  |
                |                        |  |S1(DN) |  |    __________
                |   _____________     ___|  |  |    |  |   |   S5(DN) |
                |  |             |   |      |  |    |  |__ |   _______|
                |  |             |   |      |  |    |     ||  |
                |  |             |   |      |  |_   |__   ||  | 
                |  |        _____|   |      |__  |     |      |__
       _________|  |       |     ____|         | |     |         |__
      |            |       |S6(DN)             | |__   |__   S4(DN) |
      |   _________|       |____|              |__  |     |_________|
      |  |                                        | |__
      |  |                                        |__  |____________
      |  |                                           |              |
      |S7(DN)                                        |       S3(DN) |
      |__|                                           |______________|

    This museum is a large maze. You will occasionally fall through the 
    floor and they are short one room dungeons that have an exit in the 
    adjacent room. Some of them are larger but you don't have to worry
    about a boss at the end.

    When you first enter the museum head North and take the right path 
    to the North which will curve around to the East and eventually 
    take you to a stairway heading up. This is marked as S4(up) on the
    map I made. Once you make it to the second floor, head West instead 
    of North and you will curve around until you come to a split with 
    one path South and the other West. Continue on the West path and 
    you will eventually find a stairway back down marked as S7(dn) on
    the map I made.

    You are now in a room with statues and some stairs leading up a 
    little to the West. Head for those stairs marked as S8(up) on my
    map but anticipate falling a couple times before reaching them. 
    Eventually you will reach the stairway and head back up to the 
    second floor. Follow the path until it splits in three and take 
    the middle path. Once you get close to the tetrad you will 
    fall twice and face a triceratops at the end of both dungeons.

    Once you get the tetrad Zoda will appear and you will be whisked 
    off to your next time zone.

||* 7: Chapter 7: TRANSYLVANIA *||
    We find Mike in a cold dark mountainside. Head North and you will 
    eventually find the castle.


    1 = Starting Point for Spooky Castle
    30 = BOSS: Zoda Y
    31 = Exit 




        |   |
        |   |     |
       [2]-[-- 1 --]   

    ROOM #1:
    There are two hearts if you need them. Head West to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are two more hearts here if you need them. Otherwise head 
    back to ROOM #1. You can also take the path to the North ROOM #5.

    ROOM #3:
    If you enter ROOM #3 from ROOM #1, you won't be able to make the 
    jump. Head back to ROOM #1. If you are entering from ROOM #4 or 
    ROOM #5 then jump up on the boxes in the middle of the room and 
    grab the medicine.

    ROOM #4:
    There are three blue bats in here. Defeat them and then follow the 
    open door to the West and ROOM #3.

    ROOM #5:
    There are three frankensteins in this room. Defeat them and the 
    door to the North ROOM #6 will open.

    ROOM #6-ROOM#9:
    These four rooms are connected. They each appear empty at first but 
    if you wait a few moments you will see ghost appear. Go for the 
    ghost that is a different color than the rest. Defeating the ghosts 
    in ROOM #8 will open the wall to the North leading you to ROOM #10. 
    Likewise, defeating them in ROOM #9 opens the wall to the East and 
    ROOM #11.

    ROOM #10:
    Watch out for the flames guarding the medicine. Grab the medicine 
    and return to ROOM #8.

    ROOM #11:
    Haven't seen these three pyramid guards since Egypt. Use your 
    psychic blast. Once all three are defeated the door to the East 
    will open to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #12:
    This room has a Tombstone Ghost in it. You can only hurt him from 
    behind. Defeat him and the door to the East will open leading you 
    to ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    There is a chest on the East wall. Make sure you get the Spike 
    balls in it before you go down the hole in the middle of the ROOM 
    to ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14:
    You won't have a chance to land safely in this room if you are 
    falling from ROOM #13. You will simply fall through to ROOM #15.

    ROOM #15:
    If you moved in any direction as you fell from ROOM #14, you will 
    land safely on a tile in this room. There are open paths to the 
    West or East, or ROOM #17 and ROOM #18 respectively. If you 
    didn't move any direction you will continue falling to ROOM #16.
    You will eventually realize that you need to fall through the 
    floor in this room as ROOM #16 is the room to continue along.

    ROOM #16:
    If you arrived at this room by falling and move in any direction 
    you will land safely. There are three Frankenstein monsters in 
    here. Defeat them and the door to the East will open to ROOM #19. 
    If you didn't move in any direction, you will continue to fall
    back to ROOM #13, where the original pitfall is located.

    ROOM #17:
    There is an island with a medicine in this room but I have not 
    been able to figure out how to get it.

    ROOM #18:
    There is a priest in here. If you defeat him you can get some of 
    the hearts in the room but otherwise turn around and head back to 
    ROOM #16.

    ROOM #19:
    There are two tombstone ghosts in here. Defeat them and the door to 
    the East will open to ROOM #20.

    ROOM #20:
    There are four skeletons in here. Avoid them and head up the stairs 
    to ROOM #21.

    ROOM #21:
    There is a magician in this room. Defeat him and the door to the 
    East will open to ROOM #22.

    ROOM #22:
    This room has five blue bats. Defeat them and head North to 
    ROOM #23.

    ROOM #23:
    There are two Frankensteins in this room. You don't have to defeat 
    them, rather find the tile to open the door to the West and 
    ROOM #24.

    ROOM #24:
    There is a priest in here. Defeat him to open the door to the West 
    and ROOM #25.

    ROOM #25:
    Three more pyramid guards in here. Defeat them to open a hidden 
    wall to the West and ROOM #26. To open the door to the North 
    activate one of the tiles to open the door to ROOM #27.

    ROOM #26:
    This room has two Frankenstein monsters. Defeating them reveals a 
    floating platform that you can use to get a medicine and some spike 
    balls on the other side of a pit on the Western end of the room. 
    After you get these head back to ROOM #25 and North to ROOM #27.

    ROOM #27:
    There are two skeletons and two bats. Defeat the bats and the door 
    to the West will open to ROOM #28.

    ROOM #28:
    This room has a magician in it. Defeat him to open the door to the 
    North and ROOM #29.

    ROOM #29:
    This room has five bats that once defeated will open the door to 
    the North and ROOM #30. There are also several tiles in this room 
    that will reveal two hearts and medicine.

    ROOM #30: BOSS: Zoda Y
    When Zoda Y first appears he will appear, shoot a spray of shots at
    Mike and then disappear. Shoot at him when he first appears and
    then avoid his shots. Eventually you will defeat him and he will
    kneel down on one knee and transform into a bird creature. This
    form will release two bats at a time, you can defeat these bats if
    you'd like, but they will just keep coming as long as Zoda Y is
    still alive. The bord form will also flap its wings and push Mike
    back into spikes on the back wall. In addition to push Mike towards
    the spikes it will also release feathers at Mike that can damage
    him. Just keep hitting this bird form and you will eventually 
    defeat him to open the door to the East and ROOM #31.

    ROOM #31:
    Head North out of this room to get back to the Overworld.

    We find Mike back in the overworld with another Tetrad in front of 
    him. Grab the tetrad and then open the book:
    This flips the pages again and sends Mike to another time period.

||* 8: Chapter 8: CAMELOT *||

    We find Mike in the middle of a forest. After walking around you 
    will notice a castle in the distance. Talk to people like Sir 
    Lancelot on your way to the castle. Inside the castle you will find 
    Arthur who will tell you that there is a dragon attacking Camelot. 
    He asks for your help. 
    * WARNING *
    Do not say NO, as this seems to prevent you from going any farther 
    in the game and you will need to reset. After you accept Arthur will 
    increase your life and when you go back outside the castle the guard 
    blocking your path will now move. Follow this path north until you 
    reach the cave.


    1 = Starting Point for Dragon Cave
    17 = BOSS: Knight
    18 = Exit

      [-- 17 --]-[18]
    ROOM #1:
    There is nothing here so head North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    This room has three blue blobs. Once you defeat them the floor will 
    allow you to fall through to ROOM #3. The trick here is to kill the 
    last blob while standing in the middle of the room towards the 
    North wall. If you are in the right position then Mike will fall on 
    the ledge in this room rather than below it. You can activate the 
    tile in the room but you will need to jump down to get the medicine 
    it reveals and then you will need to go around and back down to 
    this room. Otherwise head North to ROOM #6.

    ROOM #3:
    This room has no enemies. You can't reach the tile on the ledge so 
    head West to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    This room has three skeleton heads, but just avoid them and go up 
    the stairs in the Northwest corner to ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    This room has no enemies and a tile in the middle of it. Activating 
    it opens the wall to the East and ROOM #2.

    ROOM #6:
    This room has four robed skeletons. There is also a medicine in 
    this room as well. You can take the path North to ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There is a magician in this room who once defeated you will fall 
    through the floor to ROOM #8. There is also a medicine in this room 
    if you want to try to get it. You want to fall in the middle 
    against the North wall again.

    ROOM #8:
    If you landed on the ledge then simply head North to ROOM #13. 
    Otherwise go East to ROOM #10 or West to ROOM #9.

    ROOM #9:
    There are several blue blobs in this room, but just avoid them and 
    head for the stairs which will take you up to ROOM #11.
    ROOM #10:
    There are several blue blobs in this room, but just avoid them and 
    head for the stairs which will take you up to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #11:
    Just activate the tile to open the wall to the East back to 
    ROOM #7.
    ROOM #12:
    Just activate the tile to open the wall to the West back to 
    ROOM #7.

    ROOM #13:
    There are two knights in the room. Defeat them to open the wall to 
    the West and ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14:
    You need to move through this room as quickly as possible because 
    on the far West side of the room there are spikes forming that 
    block the way to ROOM #15 as soon as you enter the room. Take the 
    conveyor belt to move around this room quickly and proceed West to 
    ROOM #15.

    ROOM #15:
    You need to move through this room as quickly as possible because 
    on the far West side of the room there are spikes forming that 
    block the way to ROOM #16 as soon as you enter the room. Take the 
    conveyor belt up on the first loop and down on the second loop to 
    avoid the blades that come out of the ground. If you made it across 
    the room fast enough you should be able to jump over the spikes,  
    otherwise take the damage and proceed West to ROOM #16.

    ROOM #16:
    This room is similar to ROOM #15. Take the first loop down and on 
    the second loop just stay in the middle and keep moving on the 
    conveyor belt towards the west. Jump over the spikes and grab the 
    four hearts before taking the path to the North and ROOM #17.

    This boss is in the middle of the room. You are on a conveyor belt 
    in a perpetual counter-clockwise motion. Just keep throwing shots 
    at him to defeat him as he runs back and forth in the middle of 
    the room. Occasionally he will shoot at you and just try to avoid
    the shots. Eventually he will be defeated and the door will open 
    to the East and ROOM #18.

    ROOM #18:
    Take the exit back to the Overworld.


    We find Mike back somewhere in the Dragon cave with a pathway to 
    the North. As you proceed forward you will run into an Owl who 
    reveals himself to be the monkey and donkey you encountered 
    earlier in the game. Actually he reveals himself to be the Merlin
    of Camelot. He explains to you about Hiricon and then how the 
    tetrads were spread throughout time. He then explains how they 
    must be put together. Merlin then teaches you the Ultra Psychic 
    Shockwave. After he vanishes proceed North to the second Dragon 


    1 = Starting Point for Dragon Cave 2
    26 = BOSS: Dragon
    27 = Exit back to Overworld

         [5] [4]
          |   |
    ROOM #1:
    There is nothing here so head North to ROOM #2.
    ROOM #2:
    There are three purple bats in this room as well as four hearts. 
    Defeating the bats open the wall to the West and ROOM #3. There is 
    an open path to the North and ROOM #4.

    ROOM #3:
    There is a medicine and spike balls in this room as well as two 
    owls. There is a tile that will open the wall to the North and 
    ROOM #5.
    ROOM #4:
    This room has two rockmen in it. Defeat them to open the wall to 
    the North and ROOM #6.
    ROOM #5:
    Activate the tile to reveal the medicine in this room and then head 
    back South and then East to ROOM #2 and then head North to ROOM #4.

    ROOM #6:
    This room has a big green blob. Defeat it to open the door to the 
    East and ROOM #7.
    ROOM #7:
    This room has a Red Triceratops. Now that you have the Ultra 
    Psychic Shockwave you can shoot at him from a safe distance. Defeat 
    him to open the door to the East and ROOM #8.

    ROOM #8:
    There are three knights in this room. Be as careful as possible to 
    defeat them while taking as little damage as possible. This will 
    open the door to the East and ROOM #9.

    There are several blue blobs in this room. Defeat all of them to 
    open the wall to the North and ROOM #10. There is also a tile in 
    this room that will reveal four hearts.

    ROOM #10:
    This room has two big green blobs. Defeat them to open the wall to 
    the West and ROOM #11. There is also a tile in this room that will 
    reveal four hearts.

    ROOM #11:
    This room has three rock guys who when defeated will open both 
    East and West doors. Continue West to ROOM #12.
    ROOM #12:
    There are no enemies in this room. When you first enter you will 
    want to jump on the floating platform and then to the moving 
    platform. Jump over the first spiked wire and then jump up to the 
    stationary platform above you. Then jump to the next one with the 
    tile. You will then need to jump back the way you came to get the 
    question mark to open the door. There is also four hearts in this 
    room if you need them, otherwise enter the open door to the North 
    and ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    There is a regular knight and an armored knight in this room. 
    Defeat both to open the door to the North and ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14:
    There are no enemies in this room only balls moving back and 
    forth. You just need to shoot them once to stop them and once 
    again to start them again. Activate the tile and then grab the 
    question mark to open the door to the North and ROOM #15. There 
    are also two sets of four hearts in this room if you are low on 

    ROOM #15:
    This room is covered in tiles. There is no magician in this room 
    but the bombs that he normally drops will continually be layed in 
    this room. This means find the tile and then the question mark fast 
    to open the door to the North and ROOM #16.

    ROOM #16:
    There are no enemies in this room. Just two sets of tiles which 
    will reveal two sets of four hearts if you need them. There are 
    open doors to the West and ROOM #17 and the East to ROOM #18.

    ROOM #17:
    There is a triceratops in this room that you must defeat to open 
    the East door back to ROOM #16. There is also a medicine in the 
    upper west corner of the room.

    ROOM #18:
    This room has two triceratops. Defeat both of them to open the door 
    to the West and ROOM #20. There is also a tile in this room that 
    will open the room to the North and ROOM #19.

    ROOM #19:
    This room has two skull heads up on a raised section of the room. 
    Defeat them to open the door to the West and ROOM #22.

    ROOM #20:
    There are no enemies in this room. In the center of the room are 
    tiles but be careful as there are flames that surround the 
    medicine and question mark you can make appear by jumping on the 
    correct tile. The question mark will open the wall to the East and 
    ROOM #21.

    ROOM #21:
    There are six bats in this room and some spike balls in the corner. 
    You can defeat the bats if you wish otherwise grab the spike balls 
    and head back West to ROOM #18 and then North to ROOM #19.

    ROOM #22:
    There are two armored knights in this room. Defeat them to open the 
    wall to the West and ROOM #23.

    ROOM #23:
    There are four rock guys in this room as well as four patches of 
    tiles. Defeat all the rock guys to open the wall to the West and 
    ROOM #24. You can also activate one of the tiles to get four hearts.

    ROOM #24:
    There is one armored knight and two regular knights in this room. 
    Defeat all of them to open the wall to the North and ROOM #25.

    ROOM #25:
    There are two big green blobs in this room and a medicine. Defeat 
    the blobs to open the door to the North and ROOM #26. Grab the 
    medicine as well.

    ROOM #26: BOSS: Dragon
    This is boss Dragon room. It took me forever to figure out that 
    you have to hit his head by jumping up and firing in midair. Don't 
    wait for him to breathe fire as this will take too long as the 
    spikes start to fill up the room. When I first battled him I 
    thought I could only shoot him when he lowered his head to breathe
    fire, but this will take to long and the room will be covered in
    spikes before you can defeat him. Defeat him to open the door to 
    the East and ROOM #27.

    ROOm #27:
    Take the exit to the North back to the overworld.


    We find Mike back in the cave with a Tetrad just North of him. Grab 
    the last tetrad and now Mike should be at full health. Mike tries to 
    put them together but no dice. Exit the cave to the Northeast. Mica 
    then tells you to join her at C-island. Mike then opens the book, 
    says the magic words and is zipped off to the next chapter.

||* 9: Chapter 9: C - ISLAND *||

    Back on C-island we find Mike. Hurry to CoralCola. There are a lot 
    more boars here than there used to be. Eventually you will find a 
    little kid who will tell you that all of the villagers are now boars. 
    Take the stairs behind him.


    1 = Starting Point for CORACOLA CAVE
    11 = BOSS Serpent


            |              |    |
           [11]           [17]-[18]
           [10]      [9]
            |         |
           [-- 7 --]-[8]
           [-- 4 --]

    ROOm #1:
    Take the passage to the North to ROOM #2.

    ROOM #2:
    There are three pink blobs in this room. Defeat them to open the 
    passageway to the North and ROOM #3. There are also two sets of 
    four hearts in this room.

    ROOM #3:
    There are six pink blobs in this room. You only need to defeat a 
    certain random blob to open the door to the North and ROOM #4.

    ROOM #4:
    There are several blue small rats in this room. Make your way East 
    until you need to hop on tiles back West. Activate the tile to open 
    the door to the North and ROOM #5.

    ROOM #5:
    There are two purple bats and three blue rats in this room. Defeat 
    them to open the door to the North and ROOM #6.

    ROOM #6:
    There are spike balls in the middle of this room. Activate the 
    tiles in this room to get four hearts and to open the door to the 
    North and ROOM #7.

    ROOM #7:
    There are two purple asps and two pink blobs in this room. There 
    are also two tiles in this room that open the door to the North and 
    ROOM #9 and the other opens the wall to the East and ROOm #8.

    ROOM #8:
    There is a medicine in this room and a tile that opens the wall to 
    the North and ROOM #9
    ROOM #9:
    This room has an island in the middle of the room with two hearts, 
    a medicine, and a random life sign. Avoid taking as much damage as 
    possible jumping to this island and jumping back. Then head back to 
    ROOM #8, ROOM #7, and then North to ROOM #10.

    ROOM #10:
    This room has three bats and two asps. Defeat them quickly to open 
    the door to the North and ROOM #11.

    ROOM #11: BOSS: C-Serpent
    This is the old C-Serpent from the first game. Now it is only the 
    bones. Just avoid the shots and hit the head when the mouth is 
    open. When you defeat it a platform will appear allowing you to 
    proceed forward North to ROOM #12.

    ROOM #12:
    Nothing much to do here except take the path East to ROOM #13.

    ROOM #13:
    This room has a bunch of tiles forming an arrow that leads to one 
    of three conveyor belt paths. Take any one of these to ROOM #14.

    ROOM #14 - ROOM #15 - ROOM #16 - ROOM #17 - ROOM #18:
    All of these rooms are connected by the conveyor belt. Move along 
    them collecting hearts and medicines. Try to avoid hitting any 
    spikes. Eventually all the conveyor belts will drop you in 
    ROOM #19.

    ROOM #19:
    As soon as you enter this room you fall through the floor to 
    ROOM #20.

    ROOM #20
    This is a greyscale room that appears to have no way out. 
    Eventually a tile in the middle of the room will appear and allow 
    the door to the North to open to ROOM #21.

    ROOM #21: BOSS: Yum Yum
    Yum Yum is in this room. However unlike last time he will not be 
    eating a boar. Use the same technique that you used last time to 
    defeat him and open the door to the East and ROOM #22.

    ROOM #22: BOSS: Scorpion
    This room has the scorpion boss from Egypt. Just avoid the little 
    scorpions and you should have no trouble defeating him which opens 
    the door to the North and ROOM #23.

    ROOM #23: BOSS: Pharoah
    The pharoah mask boss is in this room. Defeat him while avoiding 
    his blasts to fall through the floor to ROOM #24.

    ROOM #24: BOSS: Zoda-X
    The random conveyor belt in this room should remind you of Zoda-X. 
    Try to avoid getting hit and defeat him to open the door to the 
    North and ROOM #25.

    ROOM #25: BOSS: Skeleton Miner
    The Skeleton Miner is in this room. Defeat him the same way you 
    beat him last time to open the door to the North and ROOM #26.

    ROOM #26: BOSS: Zoda-Y
    This room has Zoda-Y. Zoda-Y will transform into a bird halfway 
    thorough the battle. Defeat him to fall through the floor to 
    ROOM #27.

    ROOM #27: BOSS: Dragon
    The dragon is in this room. Just remember to hit his head by 
    jumping in the air. Defeat him to open the door to the East 
    and ROOM #28.

    ROOM #28:
    There are two tiles that will eventually appear in this room. One 
    will make a pill appear. The other will open the door to the North 
    and ROOM #29.

    ROOM #29:
    This room has Zoda-Z. Initially he will appear as four little Zoda 
    balls. Shoot at the off color ball until it is defeated and Zoda-Z 
    appears. After several shots he will transform into his true form.
    After several more shots he will move into his final form. Defeat 
    both forms to open the door to the West and ROOM #30.

    ROOM #30:
    Just an exit to the North.


    Back inside of the cave head North and eventually find Mica. She 
    tells you there are many stories to tell you but first you must 
    check on the villagers. Head West and you will appear back in the
    village. Head to the chief's hut. Mica will join you there and tell 
    you that you saved everyone. She then helps you assemble the 
    tetrads. Then talk to the Chief. He will agree to assist you and
    puts them together to resemble a maple leaf. Once assembled Hiricon 
    appears and thanks you for saving him. Hiricon then explains how 
    Mica and he came to their predicament. They then say that they can
    go back to Aragonia. She then tells you backwards that she will be 
    thinking about you. Hiricon then bestows upon Mike "Hero of 
    Aragonia". They all turn into balls of light and fly off the island 
    into the sky. 



 SECTION 3: Items & Weapons


Here is a list of items that are found throughout the game. Some appear 
more frequently than others. There are basically two types of items. 
Those that affect Mike immediately and those that he can use later:

 Two Hearts: Mike's health restored by two.
 Four Hearts: Mike's health restored by four.
 Star: When you get 5 of these in a dungeon you restore health by one.
 Random-Life Sign: Take a chance to gain or lose lives.
 Chicken Nuggets: Found in Old West caves. Restores health to Mike.
 Pill: This will give Mike a full twenty hearts. Acts sames as in first 
 Big Heart: Mike's number of hearts increased by one permanently.

 Medicine: Mike's health restored by five.
 Flute: Found and used in Egyptian Pyramid. Makes asps visible.
 Dynamite: Used to blow open caves in the side of mountains in Old West.
 Gold Nugget: Can be sold in town to Bob for points in Old West.
 Chisel: Mike uses this to get Leonardo Da Vinci free.
 Tetrad: These are found at the end of each chapter. Collect them all.


Mike is a gifted baseball pitcher so he is comfortable hurling things. 
Some of the weapons he throws are infinite and you will never run out 
of and some are non-permanent and only able to be used in the current 
dungeon in certain quantities:


Axes: You get these from a cave man named Tink in the Ice Age Chapter.
Daggers: An upgrade to your axes, given by Cleopatra in Egypt Chapter.
Katana: An upgrade to your daggers, given by Leonardo Da Vinci in Venice.
Psychic Shockwave: A monkey in an Egyptian Savannah teaches this to you.
Super Psychic Shockwave: A donkey in the Wild West teaches this to you.
Ultra Psychic Shockwave: Merlin in Camelot teaches this to you. You will 
need at least 10 hearts to have this ability.


Rocks: The first weapon in the game. Very weak but useful. Found in Ice 
Slingshot: A little more powerful than rocks and travels a little 
The slingshot is first found in Egypt.
Spiked Frisbees: Shoots little frisbees a short distance. Found in 
Scotland Yard.
Stars: Shoot these to inflict good damage. These are first found in Old 
Spike Balls: These do a spread shot in three directions. These are first
found in Transylvania.


 SECTION 4: Enemies

BOARS: One of the first enemies in the game. You first find these guys 
in the caves of the Ice Age. When you first meet them you have stones 
and they require to hits, but once you find the axe they can be taken 
out in one hit.

LIZARDS: These guys are also found in the ICE AGE. They require two 
hits of the axe.

BLUE BEAR: FOund in the ice age. These guys require X number of hits 
from the axe.

YELLOW BEAR: More powerful than the BLUE BEAR, these require even more 
hits from the axe.

SNOW MEN: I am not sure if they are snow men or not but they are white 
and require several hits to defeat them.

SPIDERS: We first encounter these in the Egyptian caves. The can shoot 
little balls so watch out. Two hits from the axe will take them out.

CYCLOPS: These guys carry daggers and attack similar to the BEARS. A 
couple shots of the axe they will be no more.

PORCUPINES: These creatures are invicible once they have rolled into a 
ball. You must attack them when they are not rolled into a ball. We 
first find them in Egypt.

SCORPIONS: Average enemeny you meet in Egypt. Just requires two shots.

UNDERGROUND ENEMY: I am not sure if this is the best name for these 
guys. We never see their faces and find them in Egypt.

BLUE FROGS: These guys can hop around and cause mischief but generally 
are easy to encounter.

CROCODILE: These are similar to the LIZARDS from the Ice Age. Long but 
slow and relatively easy to defeat.

WHITE JELLYFISH: Somehow these jellyfish have acquired the ability to 
levitate over the surface. However, they are easy to defeat and 
shouldn't pose much problem.

HIPPOPATAMUS: These are generally hiding in the water when you first 
enter the room. They will pop their head up and fire two shots at you.

SWANS: Somehow these swans have the ability to shoot at you once every 
few moments. They are not very difficult but require a few shots to 

LADYBUGS: I am not sure if they are ladybugs or not but their backs 
have colors similar to the ladybug. Their skull masks make them look 
frightening but a couple of shots from your dagger and they will be 

ASPS: Similar to other snakes in the game. Just don't get in the way 
of their charges and you should be able to defeat them without much 

PYRAMID GUARDS: They are slow but are immune to daggers. You need to 
use your psychic shockwave to defeat them.

AMAN-RA GUARDIAN: I don't know if this is the best description for 
these guys but they remind me of the drwaings of Aman-Ra so I named 
them thus. They are moderately difficult to defeat. They just slowly 
walk around and every once in awhile flash and shoot two fireballs.

YELLOW JELLYFISH: Just like the White Jellyfish only they take twice 
as many shots to defeat.

RED FROGS: These frogs are just like their Blue Frog ancestors only 
they take twice as many hits to defeat.

SMALL RATS: Similar to Boars or Scorpions. Just be careful of them in 

LARGE RATS: These guys take several hits to defeat but move around 
similar to the Small Rats.

BLUE BLOB: These are tricky to defeat because they jump in the air and 
you will generally only be able to hit them only when they fall back to 
the ground.

OWLS: These fly around similar to the jellyfish except you can hit the 
jellyfish at ground level. Owls are always airborn so either attack 
them from a cloumn or jump and attack them.

ZODA SPAWN: These are just little balls with tentacles. You'll remember 
them from Zoda's ship in the first game.

CATERPILLAR: These guys look like floating caterpillars to me with 
glasses. Like the kind from Alice in Wonderland. They will spray three 
shots occasionally, but otherwise are easy to defeat.

BLUE SCORPIONS: This version of the scorpion can shoot two shots in one 

BLUE ASP: Big asp that takes several hits to defeat.

CACTUS GUYS: These guys should be defeated diagonally because when you 
defeat them they explode in a cross direction.

TREASURE CHEST: Not all treasure chests are friendly. You will see 
some that jump around and turn into coins when they are attacked. 
These are moderately difficult.

RED CATERPILLAR: Just like the other caterpillars only they take more 
hits adn do more damage.

BLUE BATS: These are found in castle dracula and take two hits to 

FRANKENSTEIN: These are slow moving creatures but after a few hits 
their torso drops off and they are a much faster pair of legs.

GHOSTS: These generally appear in groups. Look for the one that is a 
different color than the rest as this will be the only one you can 
successfully hit.

TOMBSTONE GHOST: These guys can only be hit from behind in their 
tombstone. Occasionally they fire a shot at you.

MAGICIAN: These guys walk around leaving explosives that explode after 
a few moments. Avoid these and shoot at him when you get an opportunity.

PRIESTS: These guys leave bubbles like magicians except that they don't 
explode. Instead when you accidentally (or intentionally) hit these 
they shoot back at you. Priests will usually hide behind these as well.

ROCK GUYS: These are similar ot the cactus guys from the Old West 
chapter. A couple hits and they will explode so watch out when they do.

PURPLE BATS: Just a more improved version of the original.

BIG GREEN BLOB: Slow to move, once you hit it enough it will break up 
into small green blobs.

SMALL GREEN BLOBS: Just your average garden variety blob. A little 
harder to kill than their predecessors.

KNIGHTS: These knights in shining armor walk around at a moderate speed. 
They occasionally will shoot spikes in groups of three.

TRICERATOPS: These guys take a deep breath and then shoot a big ball at 
you. You can jump over it but cannot shoot through it.
ARMORED KNIGHT: These guys move and shoot the same way as regular 
knights. The difference is that these guys carry a shield preventing you 
from hitting them in the front. Hit them from behind to defeat them.


 SECTION 5: Thank you

 This is my first FAQ, so I hope you liked it. Please let me know
 if there is anything I can improve. I can be reached at vindit (at)
 hotmail (dot) com. If you have any comments for suggestions.