Jelly Boy (e)


Author: Mento
System: SNES
Version: 1.0


- Introduction
- How To Play/Controls
- Items/Power-Ups
- Enemies
- General Advice

- Walkthrough

- Key Locations

- Credits/Thanks


Jelly Boy was one of those "lost" Platformers of the SNES-era. By this, I mean
it was a game of exceptional quality that got lost within the many, many poorly
designed 2D Platformers that plagued that console generation. Subsequently this
game, like Plok or Skyblazer or any decent non-Mario-affiliated platformer,
went largely unnoticed by the general gaming public on release.

Jelly Boy puts in the control of a jelly baby with morphing powers, sort of 
like if A Boy and His Blob merged together in some ungodly ritual. His quest is
to find various items inside a weird factory so that the elevator doorman will
allow him to go up and meet the dude in charge. Awesome music, polished 
graphics, a whole bunch of detailed levels and worlds and a bizarre sense of
humor brighten up an otherwise generic platformer.

How To Play/Controls

D-Pad - Move
A Button - Duck 
B Button - Jump
Y Button - Punch
X Button - Cancel Power-Up
Start - Pause
Select - Quit Level*

*You can quit a level by pausing the game and pressing Select. It'll only work
if you've completed the level once before.

Note that "Duck" will actually turn you into a duck. If you press X or Y as a 
duck, you'll quack, which does absolutely nothing. Similarly, you'll sometimes
be wearing round glasses after unducking, with no explanation given.

Jelly Boy can also morph into other things if he finds the right power-up, 
which are covered in a separate section below. These power-ups always have a
time-limit which ticks down as a pink number next to Jelly Boy. As soon as it
hits 0, he returns to normal. Pressing X will instantly turn him back to
normal as well.

Jelly Boy just needs to get to the end of each level within the time limit. Any
other goals are optional, though several bonus items (specifically, the Keys 
and Puzzle Pieces) are very valuable and should probably be collected if you
expect to finish the game.



The most important items are musical notes. These are like the rings in Sonic
The Hedgehog, as they'll serve both as an extra life (at 100) as well as a
one-hit shield. If you get hit while carrying at least one note, you'll lose
all the notes you're carrying; quickly running after the notes after they leave
your possession gives you a slight chance of recollecting some of them. If you
get hit without at least one note, you'll lose a life. Also, there are golden
notes available, which are worth ten notes.

The next are fruit, which are everywhere. Most notable of these are the 
Cherries, which can be collected for a point bonus at the end of the level.
As well as exchanged for an extra life at 100 of them. Other fruits include:
Strawberries, which are the equivalent to five Cherries; Oranges, which add
five seconds onto the level's timer; Lemons, which add 10 seconds and Pears and
Avocados, which turn Jelly Boy invulnerable for a few seconds. Note you can
still die with this invulnerability if you fall down a pit or get crushed.

Puzzle Pieces, which can be found one per level. Finding all the Puzzle Pieces
for one world will unlock the boss of that world, who holds the item needed
to bribe the elevator doorman.

Flags, which sometimes pop up out of "?" Blocks, are restart points. If you 
die, you'll head to the last Flag you found.

Hearts, which are orange, are extra lives. If you find one, get it at all 
costs. The worst thing that could happen is that you die after getting it, in
which case no harm done. You get an added bonus of sorts in that Jelly Boy
sports a cap and shades for a few seconds after getting an extra life. Dude
looks pretty pleased with himself.

Keys, which can be found only once per world, will open the doors in the hub
area of the game. You can actually open any door you want as soon as you find a
Key, but for this guide I'm taking the doors in order from left to right.

Finally, the Treasures (or "items" as I've referred to them). You receive each
item after defeating a boss. You need all six for the elevator doorman to let
you escape the factory. They are, in order of doors left to right, the Top, the
Hat, the Statue, the Star, the Ruby and the Anchor.


Then there are the power-ups. The power-ups come in various forms, and look
like what they'll turn Jelly Boy into. For instance, the Balloon power-up looks
like a miniature version of Jelly Boy as a Balloon. Getting hit in a power-up
form will instantly turn you back to normal, though you won't lose any notes.
You can also manually turn off any power-up with the X button.

The list of power-ups and their individual purpose are below:

Balloon - Jelly Boy has the temporary ability to fly. Just hold the direction
you want to float in and you'll zip in that direction quickly.

Hammer - The top of Jelly Boy's body becomes a hammer, which can break those
shiny cubes that sometimes block your way. Use the punch button (Y) to break
things with your hammer. This action can also take out enemies. It is not 
necessary to say "Stop. Hammertime!" each time you collect this power-up.

Umbrella - Jelly Boy floats to the ground slowly with this item. As soon as he
hits the ground, he'll just lie there like an idiot. Has its uses, but they're
very limited.

Submarine - For underwater areas only. The Submarine can move around in water
easily and is able to fire torpedoes with the punch button (Y). 

Skateboard - Jelly Boy morphs a little so he is now riding a skateboard 
(complete with backwards cap), increasing his speed and jumping power. He's
also a little harder to control, so be careful.

Brick - Jelly Boy becomes a brick. The brick form cannot move or jump, it just
kind of tips over and lies there. Frankly, this power-up is not the best in the
game. Unless you like bricks, of course, and who doesn't?

Pogo - Vastly increases jumping power. Use it to get to high-up places.

Ball - The ball can roll very quickly and its bouncy nature makes you jump much
higher. These boosts can make it a little difficult to control, however, plus
it'll bounce off any floor or wall making it hard to get through narrow places.

Cannon - Jelly Boy turns into a cannon which can fire cannonballs upwards at
a slight angle. These cannonballs can destroy normally indestructible enemies
like the planes. Jelly Boy moves very slowly and can't jump worth a darn as a
Cannon though, so make sure to cancel it after you've cleared out any enemies.

Mini - Jelly Boy shrinks down to miniature form, able to squeeze into small
corridors. He's a lot slower, but he still has his punch. Don't, under any
circumstances, turn back to regular size while in a small corridor as you will 
die instantly.

Wallcrawler - This form of Jelly Boy has four suction feet to help it get
up walls and along ceilings. Though slow and unable to jump, Jelly Boy
can use this form to get further if there's a wall nearby he can climb.

Soda - Jelly Boy turns into a bottle of pop or soda (depending on your region's
preference). He cannot move, but he can fire his bottlecap upwards to catch
flying enemies overhead.

Ram - The ram turns Jelly Boy into a long battering ram shape. He can use his
charge attack to cause blocks to break or fall. He can even use it on enemies,
though he needs to make sure to hit them head on. The Ram can still jump and
walk as fast as Jelly Boy's regular form, though he's a lot longer and
therefore harder to navigate in tight spaces.

Lightbulb - The lightbulb shows up in a few stages that deal with darkness and
it will light up the area around Jelly Boy for as long as he's in that form.
Though he can jump and walk as normal, he cannot attack, so be careful when
heading out into the dark.

Helicopter - Required to beat the Toy World boss, the Helicopter is like the
Submarine in that it can go anywhere and fire pellets straight forward to
damage enemies.

Ice Skates - Appears in the Ice World. Allows you to move quickly over icy
floors. You are unable to attack.

Flamethrower - Jelly Boy's top half of his body will resemble a blowtorch. Use 
the flame that comes out to burn enemies and ice cubes. Sort of analogous to
the Hammer power-up, but the flame reaches further.

Ski - Makes you go really fast down slopes, with a decent amount of jumping
power. Analogous to the Skateboard. 

Speedboat - Gets across water quickly, though cannot jump or attack.

Bomb - Jelly Boy turns into an unmoving bomb. All he can do is blow himself up,
destroying all enemies on the screen. After which, a bunch of tiny Jelly Boys
run around which you can't control. You'll turn back to normal once the time
runs out or you cancel with X.

Rocket - Like the Balloon, the rocket can fly upwards. It needs charging up a 
little and it's hard to control the speed you move upwards. It has trouble
going left and right a little, as well.


Helpy Block shows up now and again. He's an indestructible yellow block with a
face that can be punched around with Jelly Boy's stomachfist. You can use him
to defeat enemies, cover spike traps or as a step up to higher platforms.

Harry the Dog. Modern science has yet to find a purpose for this tiny pink
canine, who will follow you around as best it can. It may ineffectually growl
at enemies for you, if it feels like it. You can punch the poor thing if you
want, though the hurt expression it gives you is enough to make you feel
terrible for several minutes afterwards. He's only trying to help, dammit.

The Sandworm and Green Rock Dude are technically friends but they can also 
hurt you so they've been included with the enemies.


Regular Enemies

Teamster - Dark-skinned factory worker who just wanders around. If there's a
rock nearby, it'll pick it up and throw it around, making it slightly more
dangerous. He'll sometimes pick up Heavy Gnomes too.

Heavy Gnome - This dude looks like a fat gnome (as in, green shirt and red 
pointy cap) and walks around being fat. Pretty much all he does. He takes two
hits before he'll die.

Bald Teamser - Like the regular teamster, only he'll jump and rush towards you
if he spots you. Only needs one hit.

Marble - Rolls around the level. It can be defeated, but it's generally best to
just jump over it.

Flying Dude - This dude just floats around the place with wings and aviator 
goggles. He's generally harmless, but you can punch him if you want. He appears
to be steering something, or at least pretending to steer something. Weird.

False Teeth - Like the Heavy Gnome, these things need two hits to take out. The
benefit is that they give out two notes instead of one. 

Green Spider-thing - Goes up and down on a thread, causing an obstruction. You
need to just pass underneath when it goes up. It cannot be defeated.

Giganto-Ted - A giant teddy bear that drops from the ceiling. Although fearsome
and hard to avoid if you're not expecting him, he only takes one hit to go
down and carries twelve (one golden and two regular) notes around with him.

Plane of Pain - A yellow plane with a mean expression. It'll fly around in a 
square pattern, so just pass by once it's out of range. It cannot be defeated
without a certain power-up.

Toy Soldier - Walk around in groups, making them slightly difficult to deal 
with. Individually, though, they go down in one punch.

Divey Pete - This bald dude with a snorkel appears in underwater areas to get
in your way. He can be taken down in one hit.

Anemone - A brown pointy thing that'll shock you if you get close. Blast it 
from a distance. Only shows up underwater. The enemy of the anemone is your

The Sardine - The Sardine demands a sacrifice. If it touches you, it'll 
instantly steal five Cherries. You cannot hurt The Sardine. Nothing can.

Eskimo - Dude in a fur coat with a harpoon gun. Dangerous until he fires, after
which he's a sitting duck. 

Penguin - Regular penguin. Has a tendency to iceskate down hills. It's rumored
that some motherpenguins are always trying to iceskate up a hill.

Jack Frost - These icicle creatures breathe a freezing cold stream of frost
that will freeze Jelly Boy in place until he can shake out of it. Jack Frost 
won't actually attack you after you're frozen, but you're fair game to any 
other nearby enemies. Jump over the ice breath and take him out quick, or just
take out any nearby enemies first.

Ice Cream Cart - Manned by that bald guy, these carts spit out ice cream cones
at you. It'll speed up once you get close as well. Hit it once to make it drop
a golden note.

Soldier Ants - Appear in the Aztec Adventure. Just kind of walk around, though
their small size sometimes makes them hard to see.

Monkeys - Throw rocks on your head from above. Get up to where they are without
getting hit and take them out.

Hunter - Like the Eskimos, these guys fire once and then just walk around until
they can reload. 

Mayan Bee - Damn things move around so erratically that it's hard to both hit
and predict where they'll move next.

Aztec Warrior - Slow-moving, takes two hits to die. Will stab you with his 
spear if you're too close.

King Neptune - Though technically not a boss or a regular enemy, this guy will
spit out bubbles that create dogfish minions that hone in on you. After staying
alive for a specific length of time, Neptune will leave and drop a Puzzle 
Piece. This ends the level.

Dogfish - Neptune makes a whole bunch of these while fighting you. They'll hone
in on you from above, so get some distance between you before you attack.

Nebulon - Little alien guy who appears in Space World levels. Only needs one
hit and is very slow. If he gets close to you though, he'll violently explode,
hitting you with hard-to-avoid alien pieces. Comes in various colors and are 
sometimes dropped by UFOs. Nobody likes his style.

Green Rock Dude - This enemy is actually quite helpful. You can stand on top of
him and he'll take you across dangerous floors and over gaps. Sometimes hard
to spot, since he blends into the green rock of the Space World levels.

UFOs - These things zip about and drop Nebulon enemies above your head, making
them very annoying. One hit will send them flying but they'll be back.

Eyeball Aliens - These weird jumpy things are hard to hit, but they give out
two notes so they're worth going after.

Astronaut - This guy is analogous to the flying dude from the earlier levels of
the game. He'll fly around in a semi-random diagonal pattern, so be wary around

Space Shapes - Yellow hoops, green triangle things and red rockets speed 
towards you in the Critters & Creatures level of Space World. Shoot them down
with the Helicopter power-up to take care of them.

Arab - These turbanned individuals will get close to you before they start
drilling for oil. The oil geyser will send them flying and remain on the screen
indefinitely, hurting you if you get close.

Vulture - Slowly glides down towards where you're standing. He'll glide up if
you're above him. His incredibly acute angle of flight can sometimes make him 
hard to avoid/hit.

Mite - This little dot of a guy will sometimes buzz around you for absolutely
no damage. He's sort of cute, though off-putting.

Sandworm - This is another enemy that can be useful. Hitting his head will stun
him, allowing you to get on top of his head and ride him. Just point in the
direction you want to go and he'll jump over the landscape in that direction.

Egyptian - At least I think he's Egyptian. He sure does walk like one. Not too
difficult to get past.

Camel - Camels can't be defeated, but at the same time they can't move and
can't hurt you if you walk into one. You can even use their head to get higher
up. Their spit, however, will hurt you so watch out for it.

Mummies - These slow-moving menaces take two hits and don't drop anything once
they die. This means you can't recover your note "safety zone" if you get hit
by one.

Scarab - Tiny bugs that drop off walls and sort of bounce lamely towards you.
Not a big problem, though they are kind of small and hard to hit.

Desert Fly - Like the mite, he's extremely tiny and hard to see. He's kind of
like a white flying thing. Like The Sardine, he'll drain Cherries if he
touches you, though only at 1 per hit. As far as I can tell, they show up once
you hit a mummy.

Legionnaire - Foreign Legion member who, like the Hunter and Eskimo, will fire
at you as soon as he sees you.

Gopher - These things live in the sandy parts of Desert Zone. They're almost
impossible to hit with the belly punch move, but there's usually some tool
nearby that will do the job. 

Birds - Just birds. They fly over all the place in Sky World. 

Helicopters - These guys are trouble. Not only do they move erratically like
the Mayan Bees but they can also drop bombs and are effectively invincible.
Just run.

Droplets - These guys occasionally fall out of clouds and wander around. 
They're easy enough to kill, though they can gang up on you.


Sinning Top (like, Spinning Top but he's evil so he sins. It's clever. Clever
and witty. OK, I made that name up and it's terrible, who cares) - The boss of
Toy Land, this giant spinning top spits gears and needs to have his mechanical
parts blown to pieces with Helicopter bullets.

Snowmaniac (..I'm going to stop giving these guys punnish names) - The boss of
Ice World. He stomps around a lot and it's hard to avoid getting hit. Use the
Flamethrower's flame to melt his head and end the madness.

Aztec Statue - This little guy will roll boulders down a tomb to try and squish
you. You need to hit him with the Cannon's cannonballs while avoiding all the
boulders he rolls down. After enough hits he'll transform to a normal statue,
which you can then collect as the Aztec Adventure's item.

Green Rocket - This angry looking rocket shoots around and fires bullets out
of two side-mounted cannons. You can damage it by ramming into it in your
Rocket form. It'll start to appear damaged once it's about halfway dead. Boss
of Space World.

Rotunda - This rather overweight bellydancer will attack you with stomps and
the occasional snake that comes out of her mouth (ew?). To defeat her, punch
the dark clay bricks on either side of the arena at her to do damage. After
enough of these bricks in the face (around 15) she'll die and drop the ruby
you need. Meet her in the Desert Zone.

Flamethrower Balloon Man - This guy has a flamethrower, is in a balloon and is
a man. Betcha couldn't figure that out from the cryptic name I gave him, huh?
He (not his balloon, just the guy) is weak against JB's Balloon bombs so the
best plan is to continually spam him with it. The anchor item will soon be 
yours with this strategy. Boss of Sky World.

General Advice

The bonus points scored after completing a level are given out thusly:
1 second of time = 20 points
1 note = 50 points
1 fruit (cherry) = 10 points

* Generally, any power-up you find in a ? Block is renewable. That means it'll
come back eventually, so you won't have accidentally wasted it. If the power-up
is lying around on its own, that means the power-up will not come back. If this
is the case, you probably don't actually need it or you'll die if you mess up
using it (like it's hovering over a pit or something). A lot of these one-offs
actually lead to valuable items like Puzzle Pieces and Keys so don't be too
rash with them.

* Watch out for "gag" power-ups like the Brick. They may seem useful but 
they're just another form of trap. Of course, there are rare times when these 
power-ups come in useful...

* Having a power-up gives you another layer of defence, as getting hit by an
attack will remove the power-up first and foremost. If you don't think you need
a power-up, get it anyway for the added protection.

* Puzzle Pieces and Keys are the only items in the game that you absolutely 
must get. Failing to do so will limit where you're able to go.

* Though enemies can be troublesome, your worst enemy are the levels 
themselves. Traps, difficult jumps and unmanagable surfaces are everywhere.

* The time limit can also cause considerable problems in certain levels. If
that level has a bonus room, you may want to take advantage of it as it will
reset the timer once you come back out.

* Talking of bonus rooms, the general rule is if there is an open doorway, the
bonus room can be revisited as many times as you wish. If it has a closed door,
it'll only open for you once before being sealed for the rest of the level. If
you quit the level and come back in again, it'll allow you back inside. 

* The renewable bonus room in the very first level of the game has around 70
or so Cherries (and Strawberries) as well as an extra life. Continually 
re-entering this bonus room will put your extra life count through the roof.
Lives aren't all that important, really, but if you want to stock up that's
where to go.

* Keys open any door in the hub area of the game. If you don't want to go to
the next world listed in the guide, you don't have to. Just skip ahead to the
world you want to visit next. Keep in mind that if you want to finish the game,
you will have to visit every level in every world, get all the Puzzle Pieces
and collect all the items from the defeated bosses. You also need to get the
Key from the new level you opened to reach the next one.

* You can only have 24 extra lives in stock at any time. Of course, if you 
actually do have 24 extra lives, you're either cheating or are amazingly good.


We start in Toy Land.

Toy Land

Here Goes Jelly (1.1) - The first level isn't all that easy, as there are 
plenty of things to trip you up on the first playthrough. Welcome to old 
school gaming, where games could make you cry with their harshness.

Just head on right to begin with, making sure to leap over the pits here. Make
sure to pick up some notes at this point, from the first ? Block or a wandering
enemy. Eventually, you'll reach a series of platforms going up. Use the Balloon
power-up here to go up and left to find a lonely platform with an extra life.
There's an Umbrella power-up you can use here to get back down safely (though
Jelly Boy doesn't actually take damage from heights, so it's actually pretty

Hit the block from the right side for a Hammer power-up. Collect it and run
across the top platforms left to a glass cube thing. Smash it and pick up all
the goodies here. Go get the ? Block again once the Hammer wears off and head
right and down now, to smash three blocks and continue. In the next bit, drop
down to find a pair of false teeth and the first [Puzzle Piece] of the game.

Make your way up the next bunch of platforms and watch out for marbles. You can
actually hit the marbles for notes so do so if you want. Don't hang around 
hitting the same marble over and over though, since you're on the clock. Get
across the conveyor without jumping (spikes hurt) and you'll see a cherry
suspended over a gap. Jump down and hold left to land on a hidden platform with
Harry the Dog, who is currently useless to you (you get a nice little notice
about his background though). Head right over the gap to land on another 
platform with a switch: Just walk past the switch to activate it. It'll remove
some spikes from the bottom of the level (under the arrow made of cherries)
which will lead to a bonus room.

The Bonus Room is underwater and is a fairly simple maze to get through. Use
the Submarine power-up for an easier time and watch out for The Sardine who is
swimming around. There's a whole bunch of Cherries/Strawberries down here as
well as an Extra Life, so go get them. You can actually repeat this Bonus Room
as often as you want by taking the same route as before, giving you a healthy
buffer of extra lives to use. 

The next two moving platforms will take you further right and don't forget to
duck (A) under the gears (gears hurt). Jump over to that slight outcropping of
red and wait for the next platform, making sure to punch out the enemy as you
pass by it. Heading down now, take out the false teeth at the bottom and go
right. There's another Hammer bit and an extra life up for grabs. After that is
a trampoline drum (get used to them) and a little further on is the exit. If
you want, you can climb onto the exit's roof and jump left, revealing a hidden
gem path. Following it up and left reveals another ? Block with lots of notes.
Finish the level once you're done.

Marble Alley (1.2) - Damn, talk about a change of pace. You'll be very familiar
with Jelly Boy's Skateboard power-up by the end of this level. Pick up the
first Skateboard power-up you see and head left, jumping up to collect rows of
cherries. Time is of the essence in this level, so don't hang around and make
sure to collect all the Oranges and Lemons you can see. You can get notes from
the occasional golden notes moving around in this level.

You'll reach a bit with another skateboard power-up hovering over a teamster's
head. Don't bother with it unless you've already lost the Skateboard once 
(it'll go away if you get hit once, like all power-ups). Avoid the marbles in
the next bit, and take the top route when the path splits for another 
Skateboard power-up (if the current one's running out). Head back a bit and
go the bottom route for two Oranges, worth 10 bonus seconds total (and you need
bonus time).

Keep on heading right. As soon as you see a bunch of steps up and the Brick
power-up, cancel the Skateboard and head right until you see a Skateboard
power-up by itself. SLOWLY head towards it and take out the giant teddy that
drops out of nowhere. Take the power-up and QUICKLY get up the steps you passed
and onto the top level. Head right, over the first little jump and onto the
next one to the far right. Jump to avoid the flying guy and then jump the next
big gap to land on a platform with Harry the Dog. If you managed to get here
in time without losing the power-up, you can claim the [Puzzle Piece] for this
level a little further on. After you have it, just head right a little more to
find the exit. Grab the nearby Orange over the exit to increase your score a 
little for the level completion bonus.

Drum Solo (1.3) - Lots of bouncing around in this one. Follow the bald guy
right to find the first drum and use it to get higher. Head left first if you
want to get that bunch of fruit, otherwise head right. You'll get to a ? Block
which has a Pogo power-up inside. Use the Pogo to get to the platform at the
top right of this little area. You'll need to get close to the right edge of
the drum to be able to make it. There's a ? Block here with lots of notes and
you should be able to see the Puzzle Piece for this level behind the wall.

Head back down and into the next area. Get the ? Block on the blue platform at
the bottom of the level to get the Flag. Now head up the drums and jump
towards a Strawberry floating in the middle of nowhere: it'll reveal a hidden
gem path. Head a little left until you see a Cherry floating in the middle of
nowhere and hop over to it. From this small gem platform you can reach the
[Puzzle Piece]. Head right, avoid all the airplanes as you're jumping across.
You'll go through a gap in a green wall with a lot of drums. Smash open that
? Block for the Ball power-up and use it to collect the vast amount of fruit
in the middle of this area. Eventually, you'll need to go in the direction the
arrow pointed which is up and left. Follow the route up here to eventually 
reach the exit. Watch out for the toy soldiers.

--There's a split in the path after this level, providing a route to three
new levels. This guide assumes you took the northwest path first.--

Barmy Army (1.4) - Nice change of scenery as we're now outside. Break open the
? Block for the Cannon power-up, allowing you to take out all the soldiers 
above you as well as the annoying plane. Head up now to the tallest turret to
reach a floating platform. Use it to go right.

Keep moving across these floating platforms until you reach a really fast
platform going around a red platform with two bald guys on it. It's a good idea
to take care of both them and the flying guy before getting on that fast 
platform. The next platform along has a Flag, so make sure to activate it.

You can drop down here to find a semi-secret little castle with a door. If you
go in, you'll be faced with a choice of four blocks held up with gems. To get
three (you can't get all four), you need to shoot the block on the far left or
right and then head a little further back and knock down the two middle blocks.
The blocks' contents, from left to right, are: A bald guy (not good), a bunch
of notes, an extra life and Harry the friggin' Dog. Obviously, you only want
the middle two. Head back outside once you have everything.

To reach the flying platform to the right, jump onto the roof of this little
castle and head across the hidden gem path. Head right some more and take the
top route to a region full of planes and a [Puzzle Piece] at the top. If you
try to head further right you'll be blocked by a wall of hidden gems. So 
backtrack a little and take the bottom route. You'll need to duck under the
gears and then you'll come out at another big castle. Head up to find two 
exits: Do NOT take the right exit, as it'll lead to a "bonus area" with a 
whole heap of nasty crushing ceiling traps. Seriously, it's not worth it. Take
the left exit instead to complete the level.

--Guide follows the other dead-end now, to the southwest.--

Blocks Away (1.5) - Fairly straightforward level. Start by heading up, not 
down, as the dudes on the bottom will probably kill you without any note
protection. Get the ? Block at the top to not have to worry about notes. Head
on right now and avoid the marble that drops down this triangular block. Head
right to find a trio of planes and a Cannon power-up to take them out with.
Further on is a stack of arches with a Balloon power-up at the bottom. Use the
Balloon to get as high as you can and grab the various useful fruits at the
top of this little pyramid. 

Now, head right onto the moving platforms. Find the one going up and down and
ride it up to a gem path area. GO left for an extra life and then continue
right. Drop down to find a ? Block under a little roof; this is the Flag for
this stage. Follow the platforms along the bottom to reach a ? Block with a
Pogo power-up and use this Pogo to head right. As soon as you reach an area
with Strawberries and a teamster walking around (the Pogo should be wearing off
at this point), take a jump right and then drop off this pointy platform to 
find a ground floor. That... dog is down here, as well as this level's [Puzzle
Piece]. Just a little further is the exit.

--Only one path left to take, so go Southeast.--

Mini Maze (1.6) - A maze? Sounds like fun, right? Follow the linear path down
and right. You can get those goodies in the pit if you don't mind losing the 
one note you got from that teamster. A little further on you'll find a ? Block
and two ways to go: right and down. Don't bother going right yet and instead
grab the power-up inside the ? Block (Mini) and head down and left, avoiding
the soldiers if possible. Get to the end and open the next ? Block which is
the Wallcrawler power-up. Use this to follow the jagged path up and back around
to where you dropped down. You now have this level's [Puzzle Piece].

Head right and get acquainted (or re-acquainted if you decided to take the 
stupid "bonus room" of Barmy Army) with Helpy Block. Knock him right to use him
to get a bunch of fruit. Keep knocking him right to take out any enemies and
then jump across to the drum down here after turning off the conveyor with the
yellow switch. Head up and then left across the deactivated conveyor belt to
reach a dangerous section that requires the Mini power-up again. Use the nearby
Mini to get through the corridor without letting a marble hit you. If it does,
you'll instantly become big again and get crushed by the low ceiling. After you
get out, you can find a blue switch which will reveal the exit. Drop down to
the left and exit the level.

--Heading to the right one first this time, since I like to get all the levels
on one "floor" completed before dropping down to the next one. Head northeast
to the next level.--

Doll's House (1.7) - It's Helpy Block's time to shine. Use him to defeat those
soldiers and then drop him in the gap to cover the spikes. When down here, 
smack ol' Helpy to the right (one punch should knock him off the spikes you
dropped him on) and go right until another gigantic bear drops from the ceiling
and opens the way down. Take Helpy down there and knock him over the next bed
of spikes. Use him to get up to those fruits and then drop down.

Helpy's identical twin brother will help you now. Punch him so he drops onto
the next set of spikes and leap over there. Keep knocking him around to take
out the enemies and watch out for two giant bears for this next bit. If you
still have Helpy #2 with you, get him as close to the next edge as possible
and use him to reach that extra life. 

Use the Umbrella to float down safely past all the gears and hit the ? Block
at the bottom to activate this level's Flag. Head right where there's a Doll
House and go up using the windowsills. On the roof, head onto the moving
platforms and go up and left to reach the [Puzzle Piece]. Only one more to go!
Head into the Doll House to enter a bonus room.

In this bonus room, you need to follow the maze around to the switch. It 
doesn't take long to identify where to go, so just follow the path around and
activate the switch. This'll make a long continuous chain of cherries appear,
so follow them around to get to the exit and finish the bonus room.

Head down once you get out and find the Ram power-up to get past the crystal
blocks blocking your way. Follow the path down until you get to another Ram
power-up and use it to hit the wall to make a red gem fall down. Cancel the
power-up and use the gem to get to the exit.

The Darkroom (1.8) - Head on up the drums to the left and head right at the 
top, all the way right to find an extra life. Now, head left and activate a
switch. It'll turn the lights off. Unfortunately there's no way to proceed
without the lights off, though you will find a useful Lightbulb power-up to
light the dark.

What follows are a bunch of platforms that you need to jump to and keep heading
left. Follow the trail of cherries along the tops of these platforms: don't
worry, we'll come back for the very useful item hiding down in the darkness.
As soon as you get to a wall, drop to the bottom floor and head through the
gap. Your Lightbulb should be wearing off by now, but fortunately the light
switch is up ahead. Climb up the odd shape with the switch shape on it to
turn the lights back on.

Now the lights are back on, head back to those jumps we were getting over
before. If you pay attention, you'll see a Key close to where a pear/avocado 
is. This Key is necessary if we want to get any further in the game, so grab 
it. Backtrack to where you turned the lights back on.

Head up a few of these meccano platforms and head right to find the last
[Puzzle Piece] in an alcove. Now all that's left is to finish the level. Simply
head left across the platforms and be wary of enemies. The boss is behind the
exit door up ahead, so make sure you have some notes as they carry on into the
boss fight.

Boss (1.A) - The Boss of this world is a spinning top toy with an attitude. 
It's only attack is to move left and right and spit cogs out of its innards.
These innards are where we need to aim at. Take the ? Block on either side of
this little level to turn into the Helicopter and pepper those mechanical
gears with bullets. It'll take a fair few hits (the boss flashes white when you
hit him properly) before he falls apart and drops the quest item for this 
world: A top.

--OK, we're done here. Time to head to the Ice World.--

Ice World

Chilly (2.1) - Unlike the toy levels, the ice levels are a bit more 
straightforward and less obtuse. For this level, just head right. Beware of
the Eskimos' harpoon guns as you move along as well as the penguins, since they
can launch themselves down slopes. Keep heading right until you see a bunch of
platforms above you: You can reach these by jumping from the last igloo before
the platforms show up. You should land on some hidden blue gems. 

At the top here you can obtain a Flamethrower power-up: take it as far right
while avoiding both falling or taking damage. You'll eventually come across an
extra life behind some ice cubes, which is where you'll need your Flamethrower
fire to get through.

After you drop down where the extra life was you should find the restart Flag.
After getting over the next area you should drop down to a low platform over
some water: if you head left here instead of right you should find the first of
the Ice World's [Puzzle Piece]s. Go ahead and finish the level now with a few
more jumps to the right.

Cresta Run (2.2) - Really simple, short level. Similar to Marble Alley, you 
have to use a speed-boosting power-up to get to the bottom of a long slope,
collecting Oranges and Lemons to boost your very small time limit. Use the Ski
power-up to get to the bottom fast and then use the Balloon power-up at the 
bottom to climb back up the level. You'll see the [Puzzle Piece] if you keep
in the middle and to the right a little. After the power piece, head up and
left. The small platform below the exit will have a dude walking around and an
extra life: Only go for it if you need it, since it'll be hard to avoid getting
hit which means you'll need to head all the way down to the bottom again for a
new Balloon power-up. After reaching the exit to the very top left of the 
level, enter it to finish this interesting little level.

--Another split here. I find it's best to get rid of the shortest dead-ends
first, so we'll head northwest to the two levels up there.--

Grotto (2.3) - You're dropped inside an icicle cave. Sort of nice in here. Take
the nearby Ice Skate power-up and head right with it, jumping over the 
obstacles and enemies you come across. At the very end, after the snowballs
start dropping on you, you'll find the exit up a steep wall as well as another
Ice Skate power-up. Use this power-up to head as far left over the higher floor
as possible. Right at the end is a [Puzzle Piece]. Now, just take the nearby
Helicopter power-up to make your way back to the exit, collecting all the loose
Cherries along the top of the level. Another nice and short level.

Snow Falls (2.4) - Head up and right, then take the Ski power-up down the slope
and over the jump to land in a snowy forest. Before continuing left, check to
the right where there's a big drop to find a Balloon power-up hovering in
mid-air. Collect it and head straight up to find a small platform with the
[Puzzle Piece]. Go back to where you jumped the gorge.

Head on until you pass a massive tree trunk heading into the sky: the tree
immediately after that one is next to a platform high in the sky. Jump from the
tree to find a hidden gem path, which allows you access to the high platform
and an extra life. Head a little further left and cross a waterfall with the
small rock jump to get to where Harry the Dog and a Flag are waiting.

The next series of jumps, over the small rocks and floating ice platforms, are
pretty tough to judge. When you get to the far left, after the big waterfall
jumping sequence, you can go up or down (heading up is actually quite difficult
as you'll need to time your jump perfectly to land on the ice block as it
shows up). The down route takes you to a secret door (it's a door-shaped hole
in the ice) which leads to a Bonus Room.

In this bonus room, you can use the Flamethrower power-up to melt ice cubes
blocking three extra lives. However, you need to quickly jump back onto the
moving platform after getting these lives. If you miss the platform, hold left
to land safely at the bottom and exit the Bonus Room. If you fall down the hole
it counts as losing a life.

Back out, go the top route. It may take a few tries to get the timing right.
Use the Ski power-up here to head down the slope. At the bottom is the exit.

--Only way to go now is northeast.--

The Fridge (2.5) - Head right. Climb the tree over the ice section coming up
to find a high ice platform. Jump right to another, smaller ice platform. Now
you need to take a massive leap to the final ice platform up here which has the
next Key. Very important that you have this and exit the level with it.

Drop down and use the Ice Skate power-up to head right. What follows are a
series of jumps over barrels. Nailing the jump without touching the barrels
gives you a small score boost. Try and time it to clear each group of barrels,
if you mess up you can head back and jump over them again. This isn't vitally
important, just a bit of fun.

Eventually you'll reach the Dog and a Flag. You'll have a few more barrel jumps
until you reach the end, which has a slope going up and a blocked in area 
underneath. Open the nearby ? Block to find the Flamethrower and use it to 
burn your way inside. It may take a few seconds to burn all four blocks, so
watch your back for enemies. After getting through, just follow the ice
platforms up and left until you reach the exit. Before going into the exit,
walk right past it to find a hidden gem path that leads straight to the [Puzzle
Piece]. Now that's done, exit.

--Heading northeast now, to finish off that dead-end.--

Freezer (2.6) - Not much to say about the first half of this level. Make your
way right over the platforms making sure not to drop on the icicle spikes 
underneath. Eventually you'll reach a slope with the Ski power-up, so make your
way down until you drop off the slope. 

Here, there are three different paths to take: Up and right, down and right or
down and left. Go up and right and burn through the wall here with the 
Flamethrower. Take out the Ice Cream Cart guy and get the extra life. Jump left
to reveal a blue gem. Jump up and right for another hidden path that leads to
more ice cubes to melt. Through here is the [Puzzle Piece] and a bonus room.
Note that this bonus room will take you back to the start of this level upon
exiting, but it has a lot of good stuff. Just use the Wallcrawler to get around
and collect all the Cherries and an extra life. Head back to the floating 
platform, turn back to normal and go in the exit before the time runs out.

If you went to the bonus room or not, make your way back to that four-way split
you passed. The left path is a dangerous one, full of sinking platforms and
difficult jumps. It eventually leads to a bonus room with a lot of extra lives
up for grabs though, so it's your choice. Upon entering the bonus room, head
left and get past the enemies without killing them. Hit the switch and all
living enemies get turned into extra lives, for a possible total of four.

Going right at the split will eventually lead to trees and a Helpy Block on
the far right. Use the Helpy Block to reach the trees on the right side of this
area which will allow you to reach the exit. 

Brass Monkeys (2.7) - The name of this level comes from the expression 
"freezing brass monkeys" to mean "very cold". In case you didn't know. Head 
left and find a Brick power-up above the conveyor belt. For the first time ever
the Brick is very useful. Collect it and allow yourself to plow through 
numerous enemies in your indestructible brick form. Once the conveyor belts run
out, turn back to normal and continue left.

Use Helpy Block to get past the enemies along the bottom here until you get to
an area with several red gems floating above you. Abandon the Helpy Block and 
go right to collect all the Strawberries. After, head back to the red gems and
knock them down by jumping into them. Head up, get the Flag and go left. At
the end of this path is a [Puzzle Piece].

Follow the little maze area right, collecting all the fruits and an extra life.
At the end you'll come across a conveyor belt. Head across and go right until
you see springs and a ? Block above you. Knock the ? Block up with the springs
and then quickly follow it as it's carried off by the conveyor belt. Hit it as
soon as it drops off the above conveyor onto the one below for the Flamethrower
power-up. Use this power-up to go further right. 

At the far right you'll go down a broken slope. At the bottom of this slope is
the Speedboat power-up. Use it to go left and reach a shallow area in the 
water. Get out now by cancelling the power-up and go left to find the exit.

Snow Way (2.8) - An odd level, as the way to go is up. Climb the various trees
and ice platforms until you reach a switch. This will allow you to get higher
up. Ride the floating platform up and head right. While up here, go as far 
left as possible to find the final [Puzzle Piece] of this world. 

Keep on heading up now until you reach a tree with a lot of branches. Watch
out for a falling snowball. Climb the tree and jump to the left once you reach
the top to find the exit. Boss time!

Boss (2.A) - Ol' Frosty here is in a bit of a furore about something and the
only cure is to melt his face. Grab the Flamethrower power-up on either side
of the guy and jump up to attack his head with the flame. He'll jump out of
range upon doing this and turn white. You'll no doubt get hit several times
from his hard-to-avoid attacks, so use this temporary invincibility to dart
across to the other Flamethrower power-up and keep up the attacks. He'll
eventually melt away, leaving his hat as the item you need.

His attacks include: Stomping around, which you can tell he's about to do by
how much he's shaking. He can fire snowballs out of his hat which you can
deflect with a punch and he can fire his carrot-nose at you which you need to

Aztec Adventure

Jungle Gym (3.1) - Make your way right. You'll reach what looks like brambles
in midair, with small grey pellets raining down. Don't go near those pellets 
and instead grab the nearby Pear/Avocado for the temporary invulnerability. 
Make your way up and take care of those monkeys. Head left and jump across the
gap to find some hidden green gems. Jump left again for the [Puzzle Piece].

Heading right now, take out all the enemies near the houses (including the
Soldier Ant and a Heavy Gnome that appears out of nowhere). Get the Cannon
power-up and use it to defeat all the flying dudes below and to the right. 
After all three are taken care of, grab the floating Soda power-up and use it
to float over the water.

Once you get out, you can activate the Flag. Make your way up using the Helpy
Block to reach the Hammer power-up. Continue right avoiding enemies until you
find a bunch of bricks and a ? Block. Smash the bricks as best you can and get
the Balloon power-up from the ? Block. Use it to fly up to the exit. If you 
want, head left a little to get the extra life first.

Treetops (3.2) - Make your way right, avoiding the bees as best as possible.
You'll eventually reach the treehouse areas with Aztec guys prowling around.
Go up and right until you find a ? Block with an Umbrella power-up inside and
use it to float to the next treehouse. 

Before the Umbrella, there's a way back across the treetops that'll lead to a
switch close to where you started. It'll open up a door to a bonus room which
is, for some reason, impossible to complete. So don't worry about it and 
continue with the level.

After using the Umbrella to get across, head right and down to find the Flag. A
little further right is the Hammer power-up, but don't get it yet. Go across
the conveyor belt up here and get on top of the tree at the end. Jump from the
treetop to the left to collect the Bomb power-up. Activate it as soon as you
land on the conveyor to destroy all the monkeys and bees around here. Get the
Hammer power-up now and head underneath where that conveyor was to find an
enclosed [Puzzle Piece]. Smash the brick to get to it.

Head on right and up to reach a Balloon power-up. Use it to cross the next bit
and fire the little bombs to take care of all the bees around here. Once 
across, head a little more right over the trees to reach the exit. There's a 
hidden path going up which will lead to an extra life. Exit the level.

--Going northwest to those two levels next.--

The Swamps (3.3) - Just make your way right. You'll see an extra life and the
Mini power-up, but you'll have to go right and around to reach it. A little
further on there'll be a ? Block over a pit: Don't get it, as an enemy will
pop out. Keep on heading right to reach an Aztec temple with a Flag.

A little further on is the Cannon. Use it to take out all the enemies and get
on the moving platform a little further ahead. Drop the red gems by shooting
at them, letting you jump across to the far right. Keep heading right in this
new area until you find Helpy Block. Use Helpy to reach the top area and make
your way to the exit. The switch over the exit will make Cherries appear, by
the way.

Inside this new section, head right. A massive ball will drop down, so use it
to reach the top right of this enclosed area. There's a [Puzzle Piece] up
there. Now use the ball to reach the exit at the top left part of this area.

Rain Forest (3.4) - Fairly straightforward level, this. Just go right, avoiding
the balls as they drop down. Use the first ball to get higher up and continue
right. After the second ball drops down continue right until there's a very
small pit going down. Hop down here and hold left to find a secret alcove with
the [Puzzle Piece]. Use the Balloon power-up down here to get back up.

Continue right, going down platforms, across conveyor belts and activate the
Flag. Use the "look down" feature (just hold down on the d-pad) to see where
the platforms are and make your way down. From here it's just a quick trek 
right past quite a few enemies to the exit. But first, from the top of the 
buildings you first come across, jump left to find a single hidden blue gem
hanging in the air. Follow it up and left, first, then right. You'll eventually
reach a platform with a Helicopter power-up floating in midair. Use it to
follow the trail of Cherries and Strawberries going right and as soon as that
trail heads downwards, you keep heading right. You'll eventually find a high
platform with this world's Key on it. Directly underneath this Key is the exit,
so drop down and finish.

Temple of Gloom (3.5) - A difficult level that will rely on your skills with
the various power-ups in the game. Grab the Skateboard power-up and jump over
the lake to the Speedboat power-up. Without getting hit, move over to the
Balloon power-up and continue up to the ledge. Take the Mini power-up from the
box here and go right, under the low-hanging spikes. Drop down to lose your
power-up on the bed of spikes and head underneath them by going right then 

With the Hammer power-up, knock out the rocks blocking the path. Head up and
grab the Ram power-up and use the ramming power to clear the jump with the low
ceiling. Grab the Rocket power-up and maneuver through the passages without 
hitting the spikes. At the end of this little bit is the Flag. Halfway done

Grab the Wallcrawler and make your way across the ceiling to the other wall.
Drop down and grab the Soda power-up, floating right. Hit the bee with one of
your bottlecaps. Grab the Helicopter power-up and make your way to the north
corridor going right. At the end, drop down. Get the Cannon power-up to clear
out all the bees just ahead and get across, collecting the Ball power-up.
Carefully make your way over the next two jumps as the Ball.

In this area, use the Pogo power-up to get higher. Drop down and use the Ice
Skate to escape the ball. Use the Flamethrower to take out the Aztec dudes here
and continue right to the Lightbulb. Make sure not to lose the lightbulb as you
won't be able to see the drops otherwise. Dodge the Aztecs since you can't
hurt them in this form. When you reach the ? Block, take out the guy coming at
you by predicting where he'll be in the darkness. Then get another Lightbulb
from the ? Block and head up. Jump to the far left to find a secret alcove
under another one holding the [Puzzle Piece]. Get as close to the edge as you
can and jump straight up to reach it. Exit the level now by going right.

Sun Rise (3.6) - Another level which isn't at all easy. You need to follow the
screen as it scrolls upwards. Head up ASAP. You'll get a Lightbulb but quickly
lose it, so use the barely visible shapes in the darkness to figure out where
to go. As you head up killing things and avoiding the bottom of the screen,
you'll find the Hammer. Collect it and use it on the blocks up ahead. Make sure
to keep this Hammer power-up after the blocks are gone.

Keep heading up, using the platforms here. Avoid the Aztec or kill him before
he causes you to lose the Hammer. Keep heading up until you see the Puzzle
Piece behind some blocks. Quickly destroy them and grab the [Puzzle Piece].
Just a little further up is the exit.

--I took the left route, since I was already heading in that direction. Go

Blowpipes (3.7) - Head right. As soon as you see a couple of trees, jump up
and follow them to a floating red gem. Knock the gem down by jumping at it and
then use the Pogo power-up it drops to make your way up and left. Follow the
Cherries to reveal a hidden blue gem path and wait at the end for a moving
platform. Use this platform to head left and grab the [Puzzle Piece].

Back down, head right once more. Time your jump so you land on the water the
split second that the platform appears. Or you can just use the Pogo to get 
over. Head right to pass some difficult jumping puzzles inside spiked rooms.
You'll reach water and what looks like an impossible jump. Stand close to the
edge and wait for a blowpipe to come out of the pillar, then jump over to it
before it can fire a dart and disappear. Do this again for the next blowpipe.

Continue right until you hit the Flag. Stay close to the wall here and wait for
the blowpipes to show up so you can head up and left. At the top, use the Mini
power-up to get through the small tunnel with spikes. Head on left until you
find an Umbrella power-up and use it to clear the next bed of spikes. From
there, it's a short distance to the exit on your left.

Sunken City (3.8) - The first proper underwater level. Head right and collect
the Submarine power-up. Slowly make your way right, getting past all the 
enemies and anemones. There isn't much to say about this stage, since it's
just long and full of tunnels and such. Just keep heading right.

After what seems like a lifetime you'll reach a new room. In this room appears
to be a few snorkel enemies and a trio of spikes that keeps sticking up from
the ground. After a few seconds these spikes are revealed to be Neptune, King
of the Ocean. You can't hurt the guy, all you can do is survive long enough
against his dogfish minions until he gives up and drops a [Puzzle Piece]. This
will finish the stage, or in our case bring us to the real boss.

Boss (3.A) - This annoying boss works kind of like Donkey Kong, in that you
need to avoid the rolling items he drops. Use the Cannon power-up to take out
the boulders that drop down and apply just enough pressure to the fire button
to send some cannonballs bouncing along the top floor so they hit the little
Aztec statue guy. After several hits he'll turn green and then stand very still
indicating that the curse over the statue has lifted and you're able to collect
the statue as this world's item.

Space World

Fire Pits (4.1) - You'll receive a notice about how you can teleport using the
craters. Of course, it won't tell you that most craters will spit out 
fireballs, hurting you as you're trying to duck inside them. So be cautious and
time your attempts to get inside one. The only nearby teleport crater is the
nearby blue one. Duck inside it to appear on the platform above. There's an
extra life up here for you.

Head up at the fork and continue until you get to the second crater. Don't get
the Hammer in the ? Block yet and instead duck inside the crater. You'll end
up on the platform underneath, which has lots of fruit and an extra life to
collect. Once you're done, grab the two Avocados and head right across the 
lava while invicible. Leap to the green rock, which turns out to be an enemy
of sorts and jump off it once it clears the gap for you. Go up and left a
little to get the Mini power-up and head right through the small gap.

Once you drop down, you'll see two hints that something is up with the gap in
the floor here: There's a Cherry floating near the bottom of this gap and the
fireballs keep hitting something nearby. Drop down to reveal a hidden gem path
that leads left underneath the platform. At the end is the first [Puzzle Piece]
of Space World.

Jump on top of your helpful green rock friend to be launched higher, being
careful of a yellow gem that may block the way up. If you still have the Mini
power-up on (unlikely) you can get that extra life. Otherwise drop down the 
other side to find the level's Flag. Head right.

Jump up and follow the northwest route through this little maze cave area. 
You'll reach a crater, so duck down and be teleported next to a switch. Hit
the switch to open a wall. Now head down underneath that wall and right until
you find a Hammer power-up. Backtrack to where the wall was and go up and past
it to eventually reach a group of bricks. Go past those to find another group 
and smash them to reveal the path downwards. These lead to another crater which
will teleport you to the exit of the level.

--I'll be heading down now. Southeast to those two levels.--

Critters & Craters (4.2) - This level is a sort of R-Type shooter, since you'll
be flying the whole way with a constantly scrolling screen. Collect the
Helicopter power-up and follow the screen right. Don't let anything touch you,
as you'll lose the power-up and drop out of the sky. Or space. Whatever.

You'll meet rows of enemies shaped like hoops, triangles and rockets. Don't
let them nor the lava rocks stop you. I'll point out difficult parts of the
level using the number of seconds you should have left on the Helicopter's
timer at those points.

Very soon after starting you'll come across a row of lava bricks in your way.
This is a very difficult bit to get past, and I recommend dropping back to the
edge of the screen so you don't need to push right as well as up/down. Just
concentrate on the up/down to fit through the gap. It is incredibly 
exasperating, but if you get past it the most difficult part of the level is

It's fairly plain sailing after that until around the 100 second mark where
you'll have to dodge fireballs from the bottom of the screen. Just hang near
the top of the screen during this bit.

Around the 60 mark you'll have another difficult "squeeze through the passage"
section, which also has enemies in it to make it even harder. Destroy the 
enemies you can reach and just concentrate on up/down while you let the screen
carry you forward.

Around 35-40 there'll be some Pears/Avocados. Grab them and use the 
invincibility to grab the [Puzzle Piece] on top of a lava rock. In the section
immediately following this one, hold up to clear all the lava rocks and 
enemies. You'll soon reach the exit, which is a big rocket.

High Zone (4.3) - Thankfully, we're back on solid ground for this level. Head
right over the first few jumps by using the green rock dudes.

After the first rock guy hits the wall and starts walking backwards, don't jump
onto the next one just yet. Instead, allow the first rock guy to carry you all
the way back to the first jump of the level and leap across to the rocket you
started underneath. From the three little rocket tips, head left onto a rock
platform and use it to jump onto the rocket's top. From here, jump onto the
yellow star above you and leap across to the other yellow star where a very
well hidden [Puzzle Piece] awaits. 

Backtrack to the second rock guy and continue right over the gap. Don't worry
about the Ball power-up unless you want a bunch of time-boosting fruit (and 
it's hard to get anyway, so I don't think it's worth it). Instead, make sure
to go south and west to reach where you saw the Key earlier.

Head right through this little maze area to come out to a large chasm. There's
a partially hidden green rock man here so use him to get across the big gap.
Watch out for the blue meteors. Once across the gap, hit the ? Block for the
Flag. Keep heading right across the ground level to find the Pogo power-up.
You need to head up, now, to the five-point stars. Get across the stars going
left and leap all the way across to the rocket tips close to where the Flag
was activated.

While being careful of UFOs and their little deployments, head left to a 
spring and use the spring to get to the stars higher up. Follow these stars as
far right as you can and then drop down once you reach the end of the screen to
land close to the exit.

Kessle (4.4) - Um. I think they probably mean "Kessel", as in Star War's 
"Kessel Run" which is a dangerous route used by smuggler spaceships. Which is
pretty much what this level is about.

You need to grab the Rocket power-up and carefully make your way through the
maze of lava rocks. Only apply the slightest of pressure to the thrust button
(normally the jump button) otherwise you'll shoot up and hit the ceiling. When
you get to the fireballs, time it so you pass them without getting hit.

Around 90 seconds on the Rocket's timer (this isn't accurate because the 
player controls how quickly or slowly they get through the level) you'll come
across a branch. The top path, though narrow, will yield a [Puzzle Piece] that
you need. Watch out for the astronaut flying around.

Take the southwest/left route as you head down (the southeast/right is a dead
end) and be careful of the fireball. It has a tendency to fly down on top of
you after you pass it, making it hard to avoid. At the bottom, turn off the
Rocket to have a break. Follow the rocky path right to find another Rocket
power-up inside a ? Block and the other ? Block has the Flag inside. If you
want to get that extra life, head up and left to get a Mini power-up. Don't
lose it on the way down. To continue with the level, take the right route up.

Take the left route at the next fork and get past a bunch of astronauts. At
the three-way split, take either the left or right path, not the middle. You'll
reach safe land again and the exit is to the upper right.

Porkle (4.5) - Your guess is as good as mine with this level's title. Probably
better, since I have no idea what it's about. The level starts off with bubbles
floating up, which you need to ride up by jumping on them. From the first 
bubble, ride it up until you see the lava-rock ceiling and jump left to grab a
floating [Puzzle Piece]. You need to time it right to avoid hitting the 

Keep heading right over the bubbles, using the little outcroppings of land. 
Eventually, you'll reach a three way split that depends on your height at the
time of jump. The bottom route is where we need to head off to next, though if
you can manage to reach the top route (it'll need another well-judged jump to
avoid hitting the ceiling) you can move right and jump onto hidden gems to
reach a bonus room. The gems are directly underneath the fruit you see 
floating in space.

In the bonus room, you need to use the Rocket like the previous level. Just
follow the long trail of Cherries to the exit. Dropping down from the bonus
room or going right along the bottom route will lead you to the same ? Block
which holds the level's Flag. Continue right.

Make your way over the stars (the UFOs are back so watch out for them) and
head up and right. You'll go through a linear series of tunnels, eventually
reaching a split. If you go right, you'll reach a Balloon power-up that can be
used to collect a bunch of Cherries and Strawberries along the top of the 
level. Whether or not you decide to take that detour, take the path up to reach
the exit.

Chessle (4.6) - Yeah.. still no idea what's going on with these names. There's
not much to say about this one, you're heading upwards on a bunch of Saturns
trying to stay ahead of the screen (like the Aztec Adventure's "Sun Rise" 
level). Don't worry about looking for bonus, just use your best judgement to
get as high up as possible without falling down. At one point there's a 
Balloon power-up you need to use to get as high as possible before it wears out
because otherwise you're stuffed. Right at the top, once the exit appears, 
continue to the very tip of the rocket. Make a huge jump left to a ringed 
planet that's holding a [Puzzle Piece]. Jump back over and finish.

--Moving on up to the northwest planet, since we're already moving in that

Puckle (4.7) - ???. Anyway, this is a fairly standard level, though a little
confusing. If you want to get the Puzzle Piece, it's a long and difficult
road that starts to your left. You might want to complete the level first 
because there's a jump that you may fail several times.

I'll cover the Puzzle Piece route first. Go left, follow the hops going left
at the bottom and make slide down a platform a little before making a huge
jump left. You need the sliding momentum to make it across. It's a fairly tough
jump so if you make it you're well on the way. Keep heading left until you get
to the end and then drop between the two pillars to find a Pogo power-up. Use
the Pogo power-up to get the extra life first and then head right and up
following the Cherry trail. You'll need to time the cancellation of the Pogo
power-up so you can fit in that short tunnel at the very top. Follow the tunnel
around to reach the [Puzzle Piece], which needs the switch activated before you
can reach it. Head right through the opened tunnel to reach the start of the
level again.

Go right at the start to take the path to the exit. At the fork, go right and
jump on the platform. Make sure to jump off the platform to the right before it
disappears off the bottom of the level. This jump is also incredibly tough, but
it is possible. You need to be right at the edge of the platform and lined up
with the other side when you jump.

There's another familiar puzzle here, as you knock the ? Block onto the 
conveyor and chase after it before it falls off the level. Use the Hammer
power-up it drops to get through the tunnels ahead. You then have a little maze
section with the lights off, but it's fairly easy to see where you're going
even without the Lightbulb. The alien guys will be hard to get past with the
Lightbulb, but if you get close enough to make them explode and then outrun
the shrapnel you'll be OK.

At the end of this dark section is the lights back on. You'll drop down to
where the exit is.

Green Cheese (4.8) - Finally, a name that makes sense. Right from the start
you'll have a bunch of aliens next to you. Use the Ram power-up here to make
your way left over the long jumps. Make sure you still have it by the time you
come to the next jump and then use it to smash the wall afterwards. Grab the
next Ram power-up here to refresh and continue left. Ignore the ? Blocks: they
have 8-second Ball power-ups which will also get you over the gap but will
leave you defenceless, unlike the Ram form which you have almost a minute left

At the end, go up onto the next floor and hit the middle ? Block for a Flag.
The left ? Block has notes and the right one has a Skateboard power-up. Take
the Skateboard and go right until you see a platform above you. Jump onto the
next platform right and jump back left onto this higher platform. Use the
second Skateboard power-up here to make a huge jump to another high platform
to the left. From this one, jump left again to reach a little alcove with the
final [Puzzle Piece]. Drop back down to where the Flag was and collect the
Skateboard power-up again.

Head right over the next few jumps until you reach a bunch of eyeball things.
Avoid them if you can but it doesn't matter a whole lot. Take the next few
jumps (they're big ones) to the UFO thing and enter it. It'll take you to a 
new part of the level unless you're ready for the boss (all eight Puzzle 
Pieces) in which case it's a much shorter trip to the big guy than heading
further right for the "real" exit. 

Boss (4.A) - You're stuck in Rocket mode for this boss, hence the lack of a
timer for this power-up. In order to hurt this green rocket boss, you have to
ram into it. Landing on top of it is the safest way of ramming it, since 
there's less chance of getting hit by its bullets that way. After about 8-10
hits it'll appear damaged, which means you're about halfway there. Another 
8-10 hits will destroy it. Watch out for both the enemy rocket's bullets and
all the meteors whizzing around. After it dies, you get the star item and can
leave this world.

Desert Zone

Oil Wells (5.1) - The desert is a much welcome return to Earth. A neat feature
of these levels that isn't really important to the gameplay is how Jelly Boy
will tan the longer he's out in the level. It's pretty neat. This level is
relatively simple; just head right. You'll eventually come to what appears to
be a deadly lake with the only way forwards being an up route. Not the case.
The "water" is actually a mirage, so you're safe to cross (and in fact will
give you an extra life for spotting the illusion).

Get past the tents here to find another watery area. This time, the water is
very real and will kill you, so get on top of the nearby tree and clear it. The
Flag is on the other side.

A little further on you'll meet the Sandworm, who can be used to get over the
next series of jumps. First, though, get onto the platform just above where you
meet him and head left. You'll eventually reach a floating [Puzzle Piece]. Use
the Sandworm to get as far right as possible and then leap off him before he
disappears into the water. The exit is right in front of you.

--Heading to that dead-end on the left first. Go southwest.--

Arabian Night (5.2) - Go right past all the Egyptian guys to reach a flying 
carpet. Use the carpet to go right and clear the large gap over there. A 
little further is the next carpet, with the Flag just above it. 

Go up and left with the carpet to find an extra life and another carpet.
Unlike most carpets, this one will take a long time to wear out. You can 
actually use it to clear the whole level, getting to the [Puzzle Piece] at the
top right of the level and dropping to the exit.

Something else that must be done here: Go back to the super carpet and head
left and up and just hold it. Eventually, you'll hit the very start of the 
level and right at the top here is the Key. I'd finish the level first and then
go after it, because you can then quit out with the "Start-Select" combo and
still have the Key.

--Heading to the other dead-end now, to the southeast.--

High N Dry (5.3) - A nice, short but interesting level for you. The screen 
only scrolls a little to the left, so we're heading up. Just grab the Pogo
power-up and head up by any means necessary. There's another Pogo power-up 
closer to the top. If you still have the Pogo by the time you reach the moving
platform, hold far right when you jump to make it to a bonus room and a [Puzzle
Piece]. The bonus room is a cinch too. Afterwards, make your way to the moving
platform and onto the exit.

Valley of Kings (5.4) - There's a vulture heading straight towards you as soon
as you start this level, so be careful since the Jelly dude's always vulnerable
right from the get-go. Head kind of right and don't worry about all the 
different directions you can go. Eventually, you'll reach a wall you need to
be high up to reach. Just before reaching this wall you'll find the Flag.

A little further on is a magic carpet. Now, use the magic carpet to had back
to where you jumped onto the wall and then head straight down and into the 
little underground area to the right. Use the Mini power-up to reach the extra
life and then move to the bonus room you can see and go inside. In here, hit
the first switch by breaking the way to it with the Hammer power-up. This lets
you hit the second switch, which activates the conveyors dropping two extra
lives down for you.

Back out, grab the Mini power-up and continue through the maze to your right.
You'll get the [Puzzle Piece] and eventually come out close to the exit. Make
sure to jump off those red gems fast, since they'll drop. There's another
extra life on the trees above the exit if you want to get it before leaving.

--I'll take the top route first. No real reason. Go northeast.--

Pyramids (5.5) - Head right until you see the first pyramid. I'd slide down
the left side of it to grab a whole mess of fruit, being careful to land on
the ground rather than in the water. On this bottom floor, go right for an
extra life. You can jump across to the right for another potential extra life
in the bonus room, but the jump is difficult and isn't really worth it. Head
back up, either by slowly climbing the pyramid side you slid down on or going
left and then taking the platform up.

Once you backtrack to the top of the pyramid, go right and slide down until you
can jump across. The Cherry trail helps you time this correctly. Head up the
trees with the legionnaires on them to reach a new pyramid and the Flag. Head 
right and get onto the weird upside-down pyramid structure on the other side
(use the Ski power-up to reach it if you want). Head right until you reach a
new pyramid and take that platform down the left side. At the bottom is a
[Puzzle Piece].

Take the platform back up and ride the other side of the pyramid down. There's
some Strawberries to the far right if you want them (there's a few hidden gems
on the way down the right side of the pyramid) but otherwise walk underneath
the pyramid and take the door there to leave.

Caravan (5.6) - Don't head straight for the Cherries because there's a spitting
camel closeby. Pick your time and head right. Head up and then left to find
the Helicopter power-up and use it to go as far right and down as possible
without falling off the screen to reach an inside area. Hit the switch to
open the way out and go right to find another Helicopter power-up. Use it to
escape in the opening you made.

Up here, knock the Helpy Block down and take it right, killing all the sand
gophers. Knock it on top of the cacti at the end to get up. A little further
along is a pillar with the Flag on top. Keep going right, using the Hammer
power-up you can reach with some hidden gems to eventually get to some steps
going down. 

At the bottom step, check left and look closely at the wall to see a few blocks
that have the sun shining on them. These are hidden blocks you can jump onto
and will lead to the [Puzzle Piece] and a bonus room. The bonus room is another
one of those "baddies turn into hearts" where the object is to avoid killing
enemies as you make your way to the switch. Hit it to transform any living
enemies into extra lives.

Back out, head right using the same partially-hidden blocks and keep on moving
across an unremarkable section. If you head to the top of the grey stone 
buildings, you can get an extra life as well as fruit. Keep going right until
you find the exit.

Mummy's Tomb (5.7) - Climb the trees using the pyramid here and grab the Bomb
power-up. Use it to blow the gophers here to smithereens and then continue on
past them. Make your way up and left. Grab the Wallcrawler once you're up here
to get across the ceiling, being careful to avoid the flying guys. Drop down
and follow the path around to a crossroads and a Flag.

From the Flag, head right and up. Go get the Lightbulb power-up before hitting
that switch and turning the lights off. Dodge both the walking around guy and
the flying guy: if you get hit by either one, kill both of them and return to
the Lightbulb power-up ? Block. Make sure to stay on the top level as you make
your way through the darkness, taking every possible opportunity to go upwards.
At the end of it, you should find the lightswitch and a [Puzzle Piece]. Just
head left now and move the short distance to the exit.

Fort Sesame (5.8) - Head right. Use the Ball power-up to get across some gaps
up ahead. You'll reach the big grey fort area soon enough, which you can climb
by seeing where the sun-drenched rocks are and jumping between them. At the
top, if you head right a little, you'll find a switch. This opens the big door
underneath you, which leads to a bonus room.

In this bonus room, you just need to move as quickly to the right as possible
to catch the hearts as they fall off the conveyor. Back out, head right until
you find a tall but thin grey building and climb it in the same manner as 
before (look for stepping stones). At the top is a magic carpet. Use the
carpet to head as far left along the top of the level as you need to go to
find the last [Puzzle Piece] of Desert Zone.

Boss (5.A) - This lady can do a lot of damage if she's close and she's fairly
difficult to predict. Her attacks alternate from a big stomp move (she jumps
up high and then drops on you), spitting a snake at you or just moving too
close for comfort. You need to get to the side of the area where there are
brownish bricks on top of the usual yellow ones. These can be used as both
ammunition, hitting them into the boss for damage, and as a stepping stone to
get over her if she gets too close. With enough bricks fired at her she'll
vanish and drop the ruby: Desert Zone's item.
Sky World

Over The Top (6.1) - Sky World. Expect a lot of difficult jumps and flying
around up here. Head right and watch out for the little electric shocks moving
along the wires. Go right some more to see a helicopter flying around: it's
recommended that you don't go near it. Drop down to find a cloud with a Balloon
power-up on it and use it to go up and left. You'll find a [Puzzle Piece] over

Keep heading right over all the castles. There's a hidden bonus room somewhere
but it's one that is very easy to die in, so give it a miss. Watch out for
the helicopters and the occasional lightning bolt. Use the balloons to ride up
to higher areas if you get too close to the bottom of the level for comfort.
The exit is to the top right.

--Taking care of those two levels north first. Go northeast.--

Cloud Eight (6.2) - Drop down and jump the gap when the wind is blowing. Move
over the POOL building and time the next bit so you pass under the spikes when
the wind isn't blowing. Over the FOOD building now and onto a bunch of
chimneys. Any chimney that is spitting out stuff has a big hole down the 
middle (as chimneys usually have) so don't fall down it. Keep heading right
until you hit the Flag and go upwards.

Up here, instead of taking the Wallcrawler and going left, jump up to get the
[Puzzle Piece] and then jump over the cloud to avoid that trap. These next
platforms are tricky, because every platform will either smash you into the
ceiling or drop you onto the spikes. Make your way across slowly. Head up the
slope here, jump to the right for an extra life if you want. The exit is just
up ahead, directly across from where you started.

Shepherd's Delight (6.3) - Use the Umbrella power-up to glide over the wind
gusts and head downwards. Although you don't actually need to be an Umbrella
to use the gusts, it helps to have that added layer of protection you get when
wearing a power-up. You'll land on a blimp eventually, with the Flag.

From here, continue down to the very bottom of the level. Use the Helicopter
power-up to make your way back up, holding to the left side of the screen.
You'll find a [Puzzle Piece] over here. There's also another Helicopter power-
up halfway up the level, on the same blimp that the Flag was (but on the other
side of the cloud barrier). Use this second Helicopter power-up to get to the
very top left of the level where the exit awaits.

Push Off (6.4) - As the title suggests, you're in a compulsory scrolling level
now. This level is fairly basic as far as directions go, since you're going
right whether you like it or not. The [Puzzle Piece] turns up fairly quickly
on the roof of a house, so make sure you're near the bottom of the screen when
that happens. Besides some moving platforms that get close to the ceiling (my
trick is to walk off them instead of jumping at their highest point: you'll
land on the next one easily enough) there's nothing else in this level that
should cause you distress.

High Voltage (6.5) - From the start, head right and onto the building. You'll
need to jump from the TV antenna to reach the HOTEL sign. Move right until you
get the Wallcrawler power-up and then take it down to the moving platform and
keep going so you land on the next one. Quickly move to the edge and fall onto
the cloud. Keep moving up the side of the building and you should get to the
little platform before the power-up wears off. Hit the Flag at the top.

Get across and up the telephone poles here, watching for the sparks. As soon as
you reach the next HOTEL sign, leap back onto the high platform on the pole
behind you. It'll lead to a [Puzzle Piece]. Now you have a series of spring
jumps which can be very tricky, so take your time with them. Once you get to
the end, take the first balloon up and jump onto the cloud above you. Follow
the clouds to the left until you get to the highest one which should have a 
Key on it, the final Key of the game (and subsequently useless, but hey).

Back to the balloons, carefully make your way over them until you get to the
exit. Make sure to always aim for the dead center of the balloon when you jump
to it, because Jelly Boy sometimes doesn't get his footing straight right away.

This Way Up (6.6) - Another scrolling level heading up. You know the drill:
Don't stop, don't fall off things and keep away from the bottom of the screen
if at all possible. Climb the diagonal staircase until you get to a smaller
staircase with a moving platform that goes upwards very fast when you stand on
it. Ride that platform until it's level with the first cloud it comes to and
jump left to find the [Puzzle Piece]. You'll be close to the end of the screen
now, so head quickly back to the waiting platform you left parked.

Ride it up and continue going left and right up the staircases. Don't try 
anything funny, since it's very easy to die on levels like these. You'll soon
reach the top though, with the exit to your right.

Windy (6.7) - Follow the platforms going right until you reach a chimney stack.
Go down and left a little to find a smaller stack and jump inside it. It'll
lead to a fairly simple bonus room using the Helicopter power-up. Make sure you
find the right one, as jumping down any other stack will kill you. Make your
way over the stacks until you see a high cloud with a ? Block. That's the Flag.

Head right and down a bit to find another ? Block with the Cannon power-up.
Use it to kill all the flying dudes to the right. Head over the tall stack and
continue right. Jump to the cloud or the rooftop underneath, it doesn't matter
which. Keep going right, using the antennae to make it to the flat top 

Use the spring here to head onto the building to the left with a helicopter
enemy on it. Avoid the enemy and go left on top of the clouds to find the
penultimate [Puzzle Piece] of Sky World. Jump back to where the spring was and
continue right. Make your way over a few more clouds and take the exit.

Twister (6.8) - Head over the buildings first and then the telephone poles.
The Flag is on the skyscraper you eventually come to. Drop off the right side
of the building to find Sky World's last [Puzzle Piece], obscured by the cloud
slightly. Navigate through the spiked cloud tunnel with the Helicopter until
you reach more buildings.

Past the buildings is a narrow cloud tunnel full of droplet enemies. It'll lead
to the castle exit, which is also completely covered with droplet guys. Take
care of them and exit with a fair number of notes, since the boss is coming up.

Boss (6.A) - The boss is a dude attached to a hot air balloon with a 
flamethrower. He's a little crazy, since he'll fire that flaming thing (pun
intended) all over the place to nail you. You, in a permanent Balloon mode for
this boss, need to drop your little bombs on him to shake him up. Just find a 
good spot on either side and stop using the right/left (since the screen will
carry you). Spam the bomb button and dodge up and down if he starts firing in
your direction. He'll take a fair few hits until he eventually spirals away in
the distance like Team Rocket. He'll drop the final item: the anchor.

--This is it! Go talk to the elevator doorman now you have everything. After
an uncomfortable few moments of silence in the elevator with your former
antagonists, you reach the roof, ready to make your escape. After defeating
a few randomly huge teamsters you grab the Helicopter power-up and are out of
there! What an ending! Classic 16-bit psychedelic credits screen, baby! Whoo!--

Congrats! You've finished the game!

Key Locations

I'm not going to bother with all the Puzzle Piece locations, since it'll be 
hard to describe where they are in the level if you're not following the guide.
I will point out the locations of the six Keys though, since they tend to be
well hidden in only one level of an entire world.

Toy World Key - The Darkroom (1.8) - You need to have turned the lights back
on and then return to the section of the level that was previously dark. The
platform the Key is on should now be visible.

Ice World Key - The Fridge (2.5) - Near the start, there's a series of high
ice platforms to jump between. The Key is on the furthest one.

Aztec Adventure Key - Rain Forest (3.4) - Towards the end, once you come to
where the Aztec buildings are, there's a hidden route up and right. This leads
to a Helicopter power-up. Go as far right and up with the power-up as you can
to reach a hidden area with the Key.

Space World Key - High Zone (4.3) - Shortly after using the green rock men to
clear some gaps, head into a maze area. Go south, then west to reach a small
tunnel with the Key at the end. It'll lead you back to where you jumped across
with the green rock man.

Desert Zone Key - Arabian Night (5.2) - You need to find the super magic carpet
approximately halfway through the level. Take this carpet all the way back to
the start and head up to find the Key.

Sky World Key - High Voltage (6.5) - As soon as you reach the balloons towards
the end of the level, take the first balloon up and go left along the clouds.
The Key is at the end of this series of clouds.


Usual suspects: CJayC for GameFAQs and anyone who reads this FAQ. I check my
contribution hits so I know there are 3 or 4 people out there who read all
these. My thanks go to you.

EA and Ocean for creating the game. Didn't really peg either of you for 
semi-original content, but maybe the mid 90s was a whole different era.

Harry the Dog for being so spectacularly useless. He sure did try his best
though. Sorry I punched you all those times, little buddy.

All Qs and Paypal donations can be directed towards Spento [at] Gmail [dot] Com
Make sure to include "Jelly Boy" in the topic if you expect me to answer them.

That's it. More random 16-bit platformers to come though. I guarantee it.
