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Mobile Suit Gundam - Char's Counterattack (e)

Mobile Suit: Gundam
Char's Counterattack
Posted by: Kevin Fung (a.k.a gamehelper9913)

Table of Contents
A.1 Update Info.
A.2 Game Info
B.1 MS Data
B.2 Explanation of Modes
C.1 Strategies for 2PVS (this is not recommended for people for people who
Still want friends)
C.2 Tips for Battle mode
C.3 Amuro/Char Story mode tips/walkthrough
C.4 Weakest MS to Strongest and why (my opinion)
D.1 Secrets/ Easter eggs
D.2 Thanks
D.3 Other Coming Walkthroughs (not actual)

A.1 Update Info
Version 0.2 Started on Dec. 29. Almost new years day. Whoop-dee-doo.
Made game info. And started MS Data.

Version 0.8 Funny how much you can do in just 1 day. Ya, I did almost everything in
one day. Considering this is my first time writing a FAQ.

A.2 Game info.

The year is 0092. Advances in human technology have transformed the world.
Mankind has built colonies in which they reside. But with peace comes-
Doubt, disbelief, and eventually war. A group of colonies (similar to Axis)
Have named them Zion. Fearing Zion, they have built " Mobile Suits", giant
Robots capable of destroying anything in their path. Fortunately, they were used
for good. The first Mobile Suits were called GMs. They stood for general machines.
But plans for Mobile Suits leaked into the Zionists. They created Zakus; one-eyed
Mobile Suits carrying beam machine guns. They say, "If you look at the eye, you were
 dead." So the Earth defense forces experimented with a new type of Mobile
Suit. A beam rifle here, a Vulcan there, and maybe a beam saber or two. Thus, they
Created the!K(drum roll please) GUNDAM!!! (Overture1824 would be so appropriate)
Code named RX-78-2, the Gundam was the ultimate Mobile Suit. Or so they thought. Only
you can find out. Will you defend your planet or destroy it? Gundam or Zaku?

B.1 MS Data
Note: V Gundam will be Nu Gundam

Nu Gundam: Weight: 27.9(t)
             Generator: 2980(kw)
Weapons: Normal (square) Beam Rifle (gun), Beam Saber (sword)
           Special (R1+ square, X, or O)
           Short Range in Beam Saber: Vulcan R1+X, Dummy R1+square, Missile R1+O
           Long Range in Bean Saber: none
           Short Range in Beam Rifle: none
           Long Range in Beam Rifle: Cannon R1+O, Fin Funnel R1+X, New Hyper Bazooka
Shield: yes
Pilot: Amuro Ray- Age: Universal Century 1, Secondary Pilot: None
Stats: (Note: Weight ACTUALLY counts against you) A scale from 1-5
Weight=2 Vernier (boost)=5 Lock On=5 Attack=4 Defense (how good your shield is)=3
Special (how long your special bar takes to refill)=3
Comments: Good for first-timers and experts (such as me ?o). Be sure to use the fin
Funnel wisely
Code: RX-93

Original Gundam Weight: 43.4(t)
                   Generator: 1380(kw)
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Saber, Experimental Hyper Bazooka R1+square, Hyper Hammer
(Looks like a detachable mace) R1+X, Beam Javelin (again, looks like mace) R1+O
Vulcan= change to Beam Saber and press R1+square
Pilot: Amuro Ray- Age: Universal Century 1, Secondary Pilot: Salya Mass
Stats: Weight=1 Vernier=2 Lock On=5 Attack=2? Defense=2 Special=2
Comments: This mobile suit is for experts and experts only. Period.
 Code: RX-78-2

Re-GZ Gundam Weight: 24.7(t)
              Generator: 2550(kw)
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Saber, Launcher R1+X, Vulcan R1+square, Grenade (shield
 Thrown) R1+O. In the Beam Saber mode: Dummy R1+square, Launcher (from body) R1+X
Grenade (hand thrown) R1+O
Pilot: Amuro Ray- Age: Universal Century 1, Secondary Pilot: Kayra Sue
Stats: Weight=2 Vernier=4 Lock On=5 Attack=5 Defense=4 Special=3
Comments: Good for players with some or no experience.
Code: RGZ-91

G-3 Gundam Weight: Same as Gundam
             Generator: Same as Gundam
Weapons: Same as Gundam
Pilot: Sayla Mass Age: Unknown, Secondary Pilot: Already is
How to get this: You can only get this character in 2PVS. First, make the second
Controllers choose Gundam (if you are the first controller. If not, then do the opposite.)
Then, select the Gundam AFTER the second controller. After selecting the field, it
Should show that the second controller has Amuro Ray and the Gundam, and you have
Sayla Mass and her G-3 Gundam. (Or vice versa)
Stats: Same except for a 1 increase in armor.
WARNING!! You Are About To Enter Zion Archives. Beware the Dire Consequences!!

Char's Zaku Weight: 56.2(t)
              Generator: 976(kw)
Weapons: Beam Machine Gun, Heat Hawk (Sort of like a Beam Axe), Hyper Bazooka R1+square,
Kick (requires Vernier. The further the enemy, the more Vernier it uses) R1+X, Cracker
(Explosive bombs) In Heat Hawk mode: Hyper Bazooka R1+square, Charge (Again it requires
Vernier, except it uses the spike on your shoulder) and still more Crackers R1+O

Pilot: Char Aznable- Age: Unknown, Secondary Pilot: None
Stats: Weight=1x Vernier=5 Attack=4 Defense=2 Special=3
Comments: Again, this is only for experts. Although it is stronger than the Gundam
Code: MS-065

Char's Gelgoog (weird name huh?) Weight: 42.1(t)
                                       Generator: 1440(kw)
Weapons: Beam Rifle, Beam Machine Gun, Beam Maginata, and Shield
Pilot: Char Aznable, Secondary Pilot: None
Stats: Weight=2 Vernier=5 Armor=4 Speed=4 Attack=5 Lock On=5 Defense=3
Comments: Average all around except the weight.

Char's Sazabi Weight: 30.5 (t)
                Generator: 3960 (kw)

Char's Zeong   Weight: 151.2 (t)
                 Generator: 9400 (kw)

Jagd-Doga        Weight: 28.0 (t)
                   Generator: 3340 (kw)

Mobile Suit Controls
Square= fire equipped weapon X= N/A (see special moves) O= use shield/arm
<== = Strafe left ==> = strafe right Up = move forward Down = move backward
L1 = Move Upwards L2 = Move downwards R1 = required for specials (see special moves)
Select = N/A Start = Open pause menu

Special Moves
You see the weapons underneath the rifle ammo? Those are special weapons. You can
only access them by pressing several buttons. The weapon on the left represents the
left button on the controller or vice versa. I will not list them all. You must press
and hold R1 while pressing the button assigned to the weapon.

B.2 Explanation of Modes
There are 3 game modes, Amuro, Battle and 2PVS(two-player verses). In Amuro, you will
Become Amuro Ray (how unobvious*hint hint*) and follow the steps just like in the
T.V. series (which I own). In battle mode, you pick an available Mobile Suit to dish
It out in a random location. There are 9 battles, in which you have to destroy the
Random opponent. 2PVS stands for its name. You and your friend (or enemy) will dish
It out in any location. (The first person to choose their Mobile Suit gets to pick
The location, so choose away!)

2PVS Mode Strategy
In 2P, always choose a Mobile Suit that has a Vulcan. Vulcans are man's best stunners.
Here's a combo who'll knock your opponent's socks off. (And possibly their temper)
Fill your special bar (the bar below your health) by dodging their bullets and grabbing.
Grabbing is used when either you are out of bullets or if you are up close to them.
When close, press square and X AT THE SAME TIME, and hopefully you will reach forward
And grab his/her neck.  Immediately start tapping square like a maniac and again
Hopefully throw it (the mobile suit) away and start shooting at it. This fills you
Bar by 5%. Or you can wait it out by dodging bullets. It's your choice.
Now, as I was saying. Use the Gundam. If you can, slash him/her two times. It will
Get stunned. Start using your Vulcan near it. It will stun it even more. If your special
Bar is full, press and hold R1. Then press X and square AT THE SAME TIME. You will
Automatically continually slash him for a while. When you are done, use your Beam
Javelin a few times. Your enemy will either be in red health or be totally destroyed.
It depends on what Mobile Suit he/she is using. (Don't use this on friends)

Battle Mode Tips
1.	A moving target is a missed target move around to dodge your opponent's bullets
2.	Your shield is a mixed blessing. If your shield is an arm, then you're done
For. The arm only soaks up half the damage you take, while a shield takes up
All the damage.
3.	You may want to take some time in the MS viewer in the Gallery in Options. Then
You can decide if you want to destroy his leg (50% mobility lost) or shield
So it can't block.
4.	Sometimes, it is better to move up and down than side to side like the Zeong.
It shoots parallel bullets going side to side, which could hit you anyways if
You tried to dodge it going side to side. And since it shoots 3 bullets a time,
Each divided into fifths, along with its high attack power, it's a force to
Be afraid of.
5.	Unless you have a death wish, blindly swinging your Beam Saber is a no-no. unless
You have the luck of having a born a horseshoe along with you, you might want
To keep you saber to yourself.

Amuro mode Walkthrough
Stage 1. Defeat the Red Zaku
Enemies: Char Aznable (Red Zaku), and his minions (Green Zakus)
Objective: Defeat Char Aznable
Parameters (things that you have to avoid doing): Destroy yourself
Strategy: Try to dodge his bullets, even though they are camouflaged by the red stuff
coming out of the earth. Wait until your special meter fills up, and then nuke him.
You will continually fire your two bazookas at him for at least 6 shots each. Then,
its up to you.

Stage 2. Defeat the Queen's Transport
Enemies: Queen's Transport
Objective: *Sigh* Defeat the Queens Transport
Parameters: Don't blow yourself up.
Strategy: Stay far away unless she forces you. Then, Mr. Hyper Bazooka comes in. And
he's trigger-happy. Just stick with the long range.

Stage 3. Destroy the Zeong
Enemies: Zeong, and other Rick Doms.
Objective: Defeat the Zeong
Parameters: I'm going to stop this because there are no parameters except blowing
yourself up.
Strategy: Bob up and down to dodge the bullets it shoots. Try to align yourself from
you and the Zeong with the Rick Dom in between 'cause its blinds are aaaaannoying!

Stage 4.
Enemies: Sazabi
Objective: Defeat the Sazabi
Strategy: Just keep on shooting him!

Weakest MS, Strongest MS and why
The weakest MS is possibly Char's Zaku. It is THE worst Mobile Suit. Its lack of real
weapons makes it thumbs down. The Beam Machine Gun hardly substitutes for a Beam Rifle.
The strongest MS (not counting hidden characters) is in fact the Jagd Doga. Its
performance is legendary. Its good defense, attack and Vernier make it the best MS.

Secrets Easter Eggs
How to Get Quess Paraya's Jagd Doga- Use the G-3 Gundam tactic. (See MS Info)
Or highlight the Jagd Doga, press and hold R1+L2 and press O.

How to Get G-3 Gundam
Use G-3 Gundam tactic.