Snake's Revenge (e)

            |                                                     |
            |  SNAKE'S REVENGE (NES) Frequently Asked Questions   |
            |                  by Martin Nielsen                  |
            |                                                     |
            |                    Version 1.25                     |
                This FAQ is an independent publication, offered free
                of charge. The information in this FAQ is provided
                without any warranty, written or otherwise. The author
                or any of the individual contributors will not assume 
                any responsibility for the acuracy of the information in 
                this FAQ.

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                You're more than welcome to contribute with information
                about the game.
                You're allowed to copy the FAQ, but not take charge 
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                You're NOT allowed to change the text in the FAQ!

                           Martin Nielsen
                              (c) 1995

                          THIS FAQ CONTAINES:

                              0. CARTRIDGE
                              1. WEAPONS
                              2. KEYCARDS
                              3. EQUIPMENT
                              4. STEP BY STEP

   Title        : Snake's Revenge (Metal Gear 2)
   Size         : ?
   Maker        : KONAMI
   Release date : 2. April 1992 (Denmark)
   Game Type    : Action
   Players      : 1
   Continue     : Yes
   Password     : Yes

   You can use your fists from the start of the game. If you punch the 
   enemies you can receive food or ammunition.

   You also got the knife from the start. It is a effective weapon weapon
   if you run out of ammunition of if you haven't found the silencer. 
   You also got the handgun from the start, but you can't use it before
   you have found ammunition.

   Use the Shotgun when you are surrounded by enemies or if you are fighting
   against a difficult enemy. You can find the shotgun in the upper right
   corner in the second section of the second prison camp after the train.

   Throw grenades to hit one or more enemies at the same time, or to kill a 
   boss. To "fill up" you have to find a depot with grenades. You find can
   them in the first building on the ship, on the train.
   Place them to surprice the enemies. you can put 3 mine each time.   
   You can find the mines in the second prison camp and in the 6th. building.
   Plastic Explosives
   You can use the explosives to burst valls and other things which bothers
   you. You can find the explosives in the first building on the ship, in
   the mined prison camp, in the second prison camp plus the 5th. and 6th.
   Machine Gun
   The machine gun is very effective when a lot of enemies attacks. 
   You can find the shot gun in the first building if you go one floor down.

   When you have fired a missile you can control it with the joypad and
   steer it against the target. You can find missiles farthest up in the
   mined prison camp, and the 6th. building.

   Claymore mine
   Dangerous and very effective. Push the A-button once to release the 
   safety catch of it and then push the A-button again to fire it. 
   You can them on the ship, in the 2nd. prison camp and in the 6th building. 
   Flare Gun
   fire the gun to light dark places. you can find it on the ship, if you 
   go one one floor down and farthest up to the left.

   Card #1
   When you have entered the first building, go down and to the left.
   the card is in the room to the left (the door is open).

   Card #2
   You can find the 2nd. card farthest down to the left on the 1st 
   floor in the 1st. building.

   Card #3
   Go one floor down, then completely up and to the right on the ship, then
   you will the 3rd. card. But first you have to defeat the three grenade

   Card #4
   In the 4th. wagon on the train you can find the 4th. card.

   Card #5
   Go three floors down in the fifth building and go thrugh the door 
   farthest up.

   Card #6
   You'll find the 6th. card farthest up and to the right in the 3rd.
   building. Yget it before the fifth card.

   Card #7
   Go into the 6th building and one floor down. Farthest down to the 
   left in the 1st. section you'll find the 7th. card.

   Card #8
   The 8th. card and the last key card is in the middle of the 4th. section
   in the 6th. building.


   Body Armor
   Halve your injuries. You'll find it in the 3rd. basement in the 5th. 

   If you're getting poisoned you have to have a Antidote, or you'll die.
   You can find it at the same place as the 3rd. key card. 
   Oxygene Tank
   You have to have oxygene to survive under water. you can find Oxygene 
   Tanks five different places in the game. In the 1st. building, in the
   mined prison camp, in the 2nd. prison camp and in the 5th. building.

   Mine Detector
   Finds the enemies mines. you can find it fahrest down to the right in 
   the ship.

   Power Armor
   Now you can move stones, You'll get when you have defeated the boss
   on the train.

   Optic Lens
   Now you can look thru walls. You can get it in the in the 2nd. prison 

   X-Ray Detector
   Discloses weak points on walls, so you can bomb them. Get it in the 3rd. 
   wagon on the train. 
   Bugging Kit
   You can hear, what there is being said on the other side of the wall, 
   (only in the 6th. building). Get it in the 5th building.

   Protects you against poisoned needles on the floor. You get them beside
   the 5th. key card.

   Infrarad Goggles
   Helps you to find alarms. You can get it farthest up to the left in the
   2nd. building.

   Smoke Bomb
   sends a signal to the command group. You can find it to the right of the
   8th. key card.

   When you got the backpack you can carry doubble as many missiles and
   mines. You can find it in teh room farthest up and to the left in the
   3rd. building.

   Now you can use the radio even when the enemies transmits noise.
   Find it farthest up and to teh left in the 4th. building.

   After a while, you have to change the battery in your radio. You HAVE to 
   find it in the mined prison camp.

   Now that you know where to find all the objects, it would be good to know
   in which order you have to do it.

   Snake's adventure starts here. The jungle is small but still hard if you
   haven't been there before. 

   What has to be done in the jungle?
   1. Get the food in the upper left corner
   2. Save the two prisoners
   3. Get the ammunition
   4. Go inside the 1st. building

   As soon as you shoot anything or anyone you are discovered. Find the
   silencer and sneak up on the enemies from behind.

   What has to be done in the 1st. building?

   1. Get key Card #1 
   2. Get the silencer
   3. Save the first prisoner
   4. Get Key Card #2
   5. Get the truthgas.
   6. Use the truthgas on the Officer who says, that he is a prisoner
   7. Save the 2nd. prisoner.
   8. Go to the elevator, and go one floor down.  
   What has to be done at the second floor from the bottom?

   1. Use the truthgas on the officer
   2. Get the Machine Gun
   3. Get the Plastic Explosives
   4. Get Oxygene tanks
   5. Get Grenades
   6. Go to the elevator, and go one one floor down

   What has to be done at the bottom floor?

   1. Defest the Boss
   2. Go aboard the ship 
   The first boss is five guys who attacks you. Move from side to side to 
   avoid them. Throw grenades when they are shooting at you 
   (each enemy requires 6 grenades or 10 shot with the gun). 


   Your mission is to save all the prisoners, collect weapons and items
   and blow away the ship.

   What has to be done on the first floor?

   1. Save the prisoner
   2. Get Grenades
   3. Use the truthgas on the officer
   4. Get plastic explosives
   5. Get more truthgas
   6. Use the elevator to get to the second floor from the bottom

   What has to be done on the second floor from the bottom?

   1. Get the Flare Gun
   2. Get Claymore Mines
   3. Defeat the Boss
   4. Get Key Card #3
   5. Get Mine Detector
   6. Use the elevator back to the first floor
   7. Get ammunition the the Flare Gun
   8. Use the elevator to the bottom floor

   What has to be done at the bottom floor?

   1. Defeat the soldier and open the door
   2. Use the Flare Gun 
   3. go to the right and put plastic explosives on the boxes
   4. Use the elevator to the first floor
   5. Use the radar and go around in the room as shown
   6. Use the elevator to the mined prison camp


   3 Soldiers lies in holes and throws grenades at you. Use Claymore Mines
   and grenades (Each enemy needs 6 grenades or Claymore Mines). 
   Start with the guy in the middle, then the enemy to the right and then
   the enemy to the left.


   It's filled with mines. Get all the stuff and go aboard the train.

   What has to be done outside?

   1. Get the battery and grenades
   2. Get missiles and food
   3. Save the prisoner
   4. Get oxygene tanks
   5. Get plastic explosives
   6. Find the secret entrance
   7. Kill tehenemy in the hole with 3 missiles and jump into the hole

   What has to be done underneath the ground?

   1. Don't go left (IF YOU DO... YOU'RE STUCK!)
   2. Use plastic explosives so that you can go to the right
   3. Use the elevator and you're ready to go aboard the train


   The train has 3 wagons with rooms and complicated rutes to the other
   wagons. If the train dosen't stop after you have defeated the boss you
   have forgotten something.

   What has to be done in the first wagon?

   1. Use Key Card #3 in the door
   2. Avoid the enemies and go to the next wagon

   What has to be done in the second wagon?

   1. Get the battery and grenades
   2. Go inside the 3rd. door and get amunition

   What has to be done in the 3rd. wagon?

   1. Go inside the 1st. door and you'll find the X-Ray Detector
   2. The next door can only be opened with Key Card #4 
      (and you don't have it!)

   What has to be done in the 4th. wagon?

   1. Save the prisoner
   2. Get Key Card #4
   3. Go back in the 3rd. wagon and open the door (#4)
   4. Defeat the boss
   5. Get the Power Armor
   6. Get off the train and get inside the 2nd. prison camp


   The 3rd. boss looks like your friend John Turner. Use 18 grenades to 
   kill him. Stand in the farthest up to the left and go from the left 
   to the right to avoid his attacks.


   The second prison camp is split into 3 sections. Your mission is to 
   destroy the tank, which is somewhere in the camp.

   What has to be done in the 1st section?

    1. Get plastic explosives
    2. Get oxygene tanks
    3. Save the 1st. prisoner
    4. Go up and to the left and blow away the wall
    5. Go to the right and blow away the wall 
    6. Get the Optic Lens
    7. Save the 2nd. prisoner
    8. Get the Shot Gun
    9. Go inside the door to the right of the Optic Lens
   10. Go to teh door in the right wall

   What has to be done in the 2nd. section?

    1. Blow away the two walls
    2. Get Claymore Mines
    3. Blow away the sandbags farthest up to the right
    4. Use the elevator down to the 3rd. section

   What has to be done in the 3rd. section?

    1. Get ammunition
    2. Get Mines
    3. Blow away the wall to get to the door farthest up to the right
    4. Go to down to the door farthest down to the left
    5. Blow away the sandbags and jump down in the hole
    6. Use the elevator (Go up) and destroy the Tank
    7. Cross the bridge, go inside the building and you are in the 2nd. 


    It takes 18 mines to defeat the tank. It is not easy so take your time.

   When you have destroyed the tank you get to this building. 
   Get the Infrared goggles, the truthgas and then go to the tram.
   What has to be done in the 2nd. building?
   1. Get the infrared goggles            
   2. Get the truthgas     
   3. Use the elevator (GO UP)
   4. Use the infrared goggles to pass the alarm
   5. Jump onto the tram (Dosen't matter which one)

   What has to be done in the 3rd. building?

   1. Pass the alarm and use the elevator (GO DOWN)
   2. Use the truthgas on the officer
   3. Save the prisoner
   4. Get Keycard #6 (You get nr. #5 later)
   All you have to do here is to get "things" and save the prisoner
   at the end and then go to the next building.

   What has to be done in the 4th. building?

   1. Use the elevator (DOWN)        
   2. Save the prisoner   
   3. Get the Antenna           
   4. Use the elevator (UP) and use the tram to the next building

   To get inside the fifth building, you have to have the 6th. keycard.
   This building has three floors where you have to find some items and
   save prisoners.
   What has to be done on the first floor?

   1. Use the truthgas on the officer farthest down to the left
   2. Use the elevator (DOWN)

   What has to be done on the second floor?

   1. When you save the prisoner you'll get 5 stars
   2. Get plastic explosives
   3. Get oxygene tanks
   4. Go back to the elevator 
   5. Use the elevator (DOWN)

   What has to be done at the third floor?

   On this floor there are three doors
   What has to be done behind the top door?

   1. Go to the right and avoid enemies and alarms
   2. Use X-ray and blow away the wall
   3. Get keycard #5, ammunition and the boots
   4. Go back to the three doors

   What has to be done behind the left door?

   1. Go to the right and awoid enemies and alarms
   2. Go up and use the elevator
   3. Get bugging device
   4. Get truthgas
   5. Go back to the tree doors
   What has to be done behind the right door?

   1. Go to the right, into the 6th. building

   The last building is BIG! 
   What has to be done on the 2nd. floor from the bottom?

   1. Get bombs
   2. Use the truthgas on the officer
   3. Get handgrenades
   4. Save the prisoner
   5. Get keycard #7
   6. Use the elevator (UP)

   What has to be done on the 1st. floor in section 1?
   1. Get plastic explosives
   2. Use Flaregun
   3. Save the prisoner and receive a star
   4. Use the truthgas on the officer farthest down to the right
   5. Open the door farthest down to the right to enter section two

   What has to be done on the 1st. floor in section 2?

   1. Go to the door in the right wall
   2. Get food
   3. Save the prisoner
   4. Go back to the room where you came from and go to the door farthest
      to the right
   5. Use keycard #6 to enter the room filled with  gas
   6. Use explosives on the stones in the room
   7. Use keycard #7 to enter section 3

   What has to be done on the 1st. floor in section 3?

    1. If you save the prisoner, he explodes (so don't save him)
    2. Go to the left and up, while you awoid the poisoned nails
    3. Get the rucksack
    4. Go back to the room outside the prisoner who explodes and place 
       you to the right of the door
    5. Use the X-Ray and blow away the wall
    6. Do the same again
    7. Open the top door with keycard #7. When you enter the room a strange 
       message appears.
    8. Use the bugging device (a new message will appear)
    9. Go outside the room and blow away the left wall
   10. Pass the poisoned nails, and go to the elevator

   What has to be done on the 2nd. floor from the bottom in section 2?

   1. Go three screens down and then to the right 
      (here is an exploding prisoner)
   2. Use explosives in the next room 
   3. Use keycard #6 to enter section 3

   What has to be done on the 2nd. floor from the bottom in section 3?

   1. Go to the left and get the ammunition and mines
   2. Go to the next room and get more mines 
   3. Use the elevator (UP to the 1st. floor again)

   What has to be done on the 1st. floor in section 4?

   1. Get the smokebomb
   2. Get keycard #8
   3. Get missiles (as many as possible)
   4. Use the elevator to the second floor

   What has to be done on the 2nd. floor?

   1. Go to the right, down, open the door and to the left
   2. Use keycard #3 to open the door in the left wall
   3. Use keycard #4 to open the top door
   4. Use keycard #5 to open the door in the middle
   5. Defeat the boss
   6. Open the door in the room where the boss were  
   7. Talk to Jennifer
   8. Open the top door
   9. Use the tram to the factory where METAL GEAR 2 is 


   First you have to shoot him. After a while he turns into a cyborg. 
   Go to the big room where you plase 40 mines which he has to step on.

   What has to be done in the factory?

   1. Use the smokebomb
   2. Use keycard #7 (When you're inside)
   3. Go up through the left corridor
   4. Do the same here
   5. Use keycard #8 to open the door
   6. DEFEAT METAL GEAR 2!!!!!


   You have to head about 10 missiles thrugh the small path into 
   the room where METAL GEAR 2. You have to hit the yellow spot 
   on METAL GEAR 2.

___________ _____________________________________________________ ____________
           | You're welcome to send tips or just drop a line at: |
           |   Snailmail:          |   Internet and Fax:         |
           |   Martin Nielsen      |   |
           |   Satervej 1          |     |
           |   9520 Skorping       |                             |
           |   Denmark             |   (+45) 98 392 996          |