Andere Lösungen

Crackdown (e)

for the Xbox 360

Written by David Nixon

Note: This is a walkthrough for the bosses only. If you want a FULL guide,
complete with pictures and everything, please visit


Juan Martinez

Start at the Hillside Housing supply point. From there, head towards the boss
symbol on your mini-map. Go to the opposite side of the building from the
supply point and jump onto the ledge of the next building. 

Then jump down to the roof of the building on the right, and head towards the
top of the stairs. Go right up to the edge of the roof, and you should see
the building Martinez is on ahead of you. You may even catch a glimpse of him.

Turn to the right and you should see an agility orb in the corner, if you
haven't already collected it. Either way, go to that corner and jump down to
the landing below.

Head towards Martinez's building, across the narrow strip with the explosive
barrels. Press X to switch to your Colby EAR50. On a side note, if you haven't
already collected a shotgun, look for an enemy with one and swap it for your
pistol after you kill him. Use the shotgun for close quarters combat and the
EAR50 at farther distances. Once you're across the narrow strip and up the
steps at the end of it, start firing at the thugs ahead.

There will also be thugs coming down the stairs on the right, but try not to
worry about them too much because they will keep coming and coming. After
clearing the path in front of you, continue in that direction until you go
down some steps into a wider area.

Kill the thug out there, then swing around to the right till you see a
staircase. If there are any thugs on the staircase, kill them. This should
give you an opportunity to regenerate if your shields or health are low.

Now head up the stairs and kill the three or four thugs on the landing at the

You should see a staircase ahead and to the left. Martinez will either be on
that staircase or on the roof at the top of them. Whichever is the case, get
to Martinez's location and take out anyone else that is protecting him, so
that it is just you and him. When this is the case, use RB to lob grenade
after grenade at him. If the grenades don't kill him, finish him off with
your guns.

Jose Guerra

Start from the Royal Vista supply point, equipped with a shotgun. Go around
the building to the other side and you'll be able to see Guerra's nightclub
in the distance.

You'll now need to make your way carefully down to street level. There should
be a landing just below you now. Jump down to that. Now head to the right,
then turn left and you should see another landing below. Jump down to that.

From here you should be able to jump down to the street, though it will take
away most of your shield. Once you are on the street, look for a large purple
beam of light representing a road race, and head in that direction. Go past
the purple light to the sea and jump in the water.

Swim to the right, hugging the rocks, until you come to a flat rock that is
level with the water. Stand on this rock, then turn to the right where you
should see a section of the rocks that you can climb up.

Climb up those rocks till you reach the top of them, then turn to the right
and head in that direction. You should see a blue hidden orb ahead. Collect
the orb. Just beyond it, there should be an opening above that you can climb
out of.

Once you climb out, you will be directly underneath a staircase. Head to the
bottom of the staircase, then go up the stairs. Turn to the right and you
will see another set of stairs. Go up those, running past any Los Muertos.

When you reach the top of those, turn to the left and you will see some steps
leading up to the platform where Guerra is. Go onto the platform and run up
to each of his bodyguards and blast them away with your shotgun. Then go up
to Guerra and knock him out with a kick.

Then get to a safe distance and start throwing grenades at him. If he gets up
before he dies, run up to him (make sure all the grenades you threw have
already detonated) and finish him off with the shotgun.

Rafael Diaz

Before you begin this hit, you should have at least a 1-star agility rating.
Start from the Radio 410 Tower supply point. Head south toward the boss
symbol on your mini-map. Go around the left side of the building in front of
you, under the walkway, then jump onto the rocks.

You should see a small path ahead, surrounded by rocks on either side. Turn
right and go to the rocks on the right side of the path. Continue jumping
along these rocks, toward the large domed building ahead. When you reach the
building, jump onto its roof.

Then turn left and head in that direction until you reach some steps. Go down
the steps, across the wooden plank, across a metal platform, down some brown
steps, then down a longer set of brown steps.

When you reach the bottom of those, turn right and jump off the ledge to the
inside of the building, and down in the sand below. Then turn around and you
should see a garage with lots of cars.

Run to the nearest car and get in. Drive out of the room and turn right,
toward Diaz's location. You'll be driving in sand, so it will be very
difficult to steer the car. Diaz will be in another garage but this one will
have a door. If the door is still closed when you get to it, drive off away
from the gunfire and try to keep safe until the door opens. When the door is
open drive your car into the garage and run Diaz over with it. He should die

Rodrigo Alvarez

Start at the Hillside Housing supply point. Turn to the right, then head
forward and jump off the ledge to the rooftop below.

From that rooftop, jump down to the freeway bridge. Travel along the freeway
toward Alvarez's location. The road will curve to the left. Continue along
this curve until there are rocks to your right.

Jump from the road onto the rocks. Travel along the rocks until you get to
the beach on your left. Jump down to the beach, then run towards Alvarez.

You probably still won't be able to see him at this point, so follow his
symbol on your map. When you get to him, simply blast him several times with
your shotgun.

Violetta Sanchez

Start from the Social Security supply point. Go to the south side of the
building and look down. You should see a building, just to the left of the
freeway, with three Los Muertos on the roof. Kill the Los Muertos, then jump
down to the roof.

Go straight, to the other end of the roof, and jump onto the higher landing.
Use its height to jump to the next building. Go straight to the other end of
that roof. Look down and you should see a very narrow, brown walkway bridging
two buildings. Jump down to that and cross it to the next roof.

Go straight to the other end of this roof and you will come to the side of a
blue building. Use the windows to climb up it.

The roof of this building sticks out a bit, so it's a little tricky getting
to the top. When you're hanging off the last window and you jump up, you'll
have to come away from the building ever so slightly, then go back towards it.
This may take some practice, but it's a useful skill to have as it will come
in handy in similar situations later. Once you reach the sloped, shingled
part of the roof, you will find that you still have to go one level higher to
get to the very top of the building. Jump up to this level and kill the gang
member there.

Go to the edge of the roof, facing the direction of the Sanchez's boss symbol
on your mini-map, and you should see two gang members on the roof below. Jump 
down to their level and kill them as quick as you can, as they won't hesitate
to lob several grenades at you. After they are dead, jump onto the grey ledge
straight ahead, and then up to the next level.

Go around the structure to the right and you should find Sanchez. Run up to
her and knock her down with a kick. Then back up and lob all the grenades you
got at her. If this doesn't kill her, finish her off with your shotgun.

Ramon Gonzalez

Start at the Radio 410 Tower supply point. Turn around and jump onto the roof
of the building behind the supply point.

Jump onto the rocks behind the building. From there, look for the long blue
bridge, a little to the left, and jump down onto that. There will be a blue
hidden orb on the bridge. Collect the orb, then continue crossing the bridge
and kill the gang member at the end of it.

Then go down the stone slope to the right and kill the gang members there.
One of them will drop a Harlington HMG-90. Pick this up and return immediately
to the supply point in order to save this weapon. This is probably the best
weapon in the game and should be your primary firearm for the rest of the
game. Before you exit the supply point, make sure you equip it.

Now retrace your steps to where you collected it - past the bridge and down
the stone slope to the right. Continue climbing down the rocks until you see
a dirt path crossing in front of you. Beyond the path should be more rocks,
and there should be an explosive barrel on top of them. There should also be
a couple Los Muertos thugs on the left - kill them from where you are.

Just to the left of you and ahead, you will see that the path forks - one
fork is the continuation of the dirt that goes left, and the other fork is a
grassy slope, going more in the direction you are facing. The grassy slope is
where you need to go.

As you go up it, you will see three Los Muertos thugs on a balcony to your
left. Don't bother trying to kill them - more thugs will replace them. The
path will also fork again at this spot. Take the right fork. You will then
come to a wall that juts out slightly from the rocks. Go to the right of this

After doing so, if you look up at the lighthouse, you will be able to see the
ledge that Gonzalez is on, and you might even see him. What you need to do is
to climb up the rocks ahead so that you are to the right of the lighthouse
(from the direction you are facing now).

Once you reach the top of the rocks, you are ready to rub out Gonzalez.
Grenades won't work here because it's very difficult to get them to actually
land on the balcony he is on. You will be using your new toy, the Harlington
HMG-90 to do the job. Standing on the rocks, you won't be quite at the angle
needed to hit him, but jumping in the air solves this problem. Simply lock
onto Gonzalez and jump up repeatedly, firing at him with your HMG-90 while in
the air. He will go down quickly.

Don Domingo Garcia

Start at the Garcia Point supply point. Head northwest, past the two trucks,
and continue in that direction through the forest.

Continue on until you get to the edge of a cliff and you can see Domingo's
island estate in the distance. Make your way carefully down the cliff to the
dirt below.

Then go towards the rocks ahead of you and make your way carefully down to
the beach below. Turn to the right, and make your way across the sand, going
under the brown and yellow bridge.

Now go into the water and swim to the rocks on the right side of Domingo's

You should see the beginning of a yellow-orange wall fence coming out of the
side of the house at the top of the rocks. The rocky path leading up to it is
where you should climb. Climb the rocks and jump over the fence.

You should see some stairs ahead that go up, then to the left. Go up those
stairs. When you reach the top, you will see some steps ahead of you at an
angle, with a walkway overhead. Go up those steps, and turn to the right.
Then head forward and jump onto the level above, either to the left or right
of the walkway.

The small building ahead is where Garcia is at. Go in the building and take
out his henchmen.

If there are any standing near him, go ahead and toss a grenade at them. When
the room is clear, start throwing all your grenades at Garcia, then finish
him off with your HMG-90 if necessary.


Natalya Gryzunova

Start at the Maxim's Arch supply point. Turn a little to the right, toward
Gryzunova's location, and go to the corner of the building. Jump down to the
street below (you must have at least a 2-star agility rating or you won't
survive this fall).

Head toward the armored trucks that are on the left side of the building that
Gryzunova is in.

Get in one of the trucks and head just a little further down the street, then
turn to the right to find an opening.

Go through the opening, then look at your mini-map to see where Gryzunova is
now in relation to you. Head towards her and run her over with the truck. If
she doesn't die immediately, back up a little and run her over again.

Igor Biragov

Start from the Hi-Power Tower supply point.

Head forward to the edge of the building. In the distance, a little to the
left, you should see a large complex with yellow roofs. This is where Biragov
is hiding. Below you should be a landing with blue-green tiles. In the corner
of this landing should be a red piece of metal laying on the ground and a
Volk thug nearby it. Jump down to this landing and kill the thug.

Go to the corner and look to the nearest corner of the complex. There should
be another Volk standing guard on it. Target him, then jump in the air to get
a clean shot, and take him out. Then jump over to where he was standing.

Go to the left, then to the right, going around the yellow dome. Go into the
long, enclosed hallway on the left. There will be several explosive barrels
in this hallway. While you are still at a safe distance, shoot one of them to
make them all explode. This will prevent them from getting hit by a stray
bullet and exploding while you are passing them.

When you get to the end of the hall, turn right. There will be a few Volk
members ahead of you. Take them out, retreating back into the other hall if
you need to regenerate. Then head through the opening on the left, and take
cover behind one of the grey columns (on whichever side Biragov is on).

Come out from behind the column long enough to throw some grenades at Biragov.
Then target him with your HMG-90 and get behind cover while the target closes
in on him. Once you have a good lock, come out from behind the column and
pump him full of bullets until you need to reload or need to regenerate.
Repeat this process with the HMG-90 until he is dead.

Olga Romanova

Start from the Hi-Power Tower supply point. Head foward to the edge of the
building. Jump down to the landing below.

Turn left and head to that edge. Jump down to the street below. Head forward,
going all the way to the intersection.

Turn left at the intersection. Go in that direction until you get to the
rocks and the Dodge Caliber billboard on your right.

Climb to the top of the rocks. You should see a factory ahead. Turn to the
right, so that the factory is on your left, and head in that direction along
the rocks. Continue following the rocks as they curve to the left. When you
get to the last rock, jump down, and head forward towards the two cylindrical
buildings that have another mountain of rocks behind them.

You will be fired upon from the left, but just run past the gunfire and don't
bother trying to kill anyone. Go behind the cylindrical buildings, and travel
along those rocks.

Eventually, the mountain will curve to the right and you'll be forced to go
down to ground level. Continue forward, hugging the mountain to the right.
There will be two Volk thugs on the next level up in the distance. Take them
out while still running forward.

Now for the hardest part of this mission. As the path curves left, you will
see several Volk members in the distance, around some armored trucks. Try to
take these thugs out from a distance too. Then go up to that area and use the
rocks near the trucks to get up to the next level.

There will be several more Volks up there too, so watch out. After killing
them, turn to the right so that the mountain is to your left, and head in
that direction (you should be heading the opposite way you came, but one
level higher). Continue in that direction, killing the thugs as they come
into range. Watch out for one thug because he will have a Watson HE99 Hothead
rocket launcher. When you kill him, switch out your secondary weapon for the

Continue in that direction until you can go no further. To your left will be
the entrance to the cave Romanova is in. Approach the cave with caution. When
Romanova and her bodyguards see you, you will be attacked by several rocket
launchers and some grenades. Plus, there are several explosive crates and
barrels nearby. Try going up to the entrance till they see you, then hurry
back out. They will hopefully explode most of the explosives near the
entrance. Equip the hothead, then go back to the entrance and fire it at the
thickest crowd of Volks. This should hopefully take most of them out. Then
wipe out the rest of Romanova's guards. When it is just you and her, hit her
once with the Hothead, then switch to your HMG-90 and finish her off with

After she is dead, go back out of the cave, turn right, head forward, and
look for another cave to your right. There are several caves in the wall, but
the one you are looking for will be the first one you come to. Go into the
cave. There will be two weapons inside. One of them is a Watson HE79 Grenader.
Replace your HMG-90 with the Grenader. Now go back to the cave where you
killed Romanova. If any more Volks have shown up, keep your distance and try
taking them all out with the Grenader.

Now head to the opposite side of the cave towards the opening. Jump down to
the street below. Steal a car and drive it back to the Hi-Power Tower supply

Enter the supply point to save the Hothead and the Grenader. The Grenader is
especially useful and should now become your secondary weapon.

Sergei Sovetnik

Start from The Keep supply point (at Agency HQ). Equip the HMG-90 and the
Grenader. Go to the purple sphere and choose a vehicle. Get into the vehicle,
go forward, then turn left towards bay door 2. Go through bay door 2 and
through the tunnel.

After exiting the tunnel, turn right, go under the bronze pipe, and head in
that direction till you get to a brick wall.

Get out of the car, and leap over the wall on your right. Sovetnik is in the
main building of this factory, but there is no way to get to him, so you will
have to force him out. You will have to destroy three pressure switches to
force him to the roof of the building. After leaping over the wall, you
should see several yellow cylinders, laying on their side, all in a row, in
the distance. Near the beginning of this row will be the foot of a walkway
going up like a ramp. Run through all the gunfire to this ramp.

Go up the ramp, and around its turns, until it straightens out. Run across
this walkway, killing any enemies on it ahead. You will see that at some
point ahead, part of the walkway turns to the right, while the rest continues
in the same direction. At the end of the part that goes to the right will be
the first pressure switch. You will recognize it, and the other two, because
there will be a red circle, with a red exclamation point inside, next to it.
As soon as you see it, target it and shoot it till it explodes.

Now run up to where it just was. Ahead of you, you will see red pipe going
into a structure ahead. Jump to the ground and run behind this structure.
While back there, you should have some time to regenerate. After regenerating,
look for the large bronze pipe coming out of the ground.

Jump onto the pipe, then jump to the ledge of building ahead. Immediately to
your left should be a ramped walkway. Go up the ramp and kill the Volk at the
top. Next to him you will see the second pressure switch. From a safe
distance, shoot the switch until it explodes.

Now go to the edge where the switch was and carefully jump up and grab onto
the next ledge. Now jump from ledge to ledge until you reach the top. As
quick as you can, turn right and kill the Volk ahead. There are tons of
explosives on this landing, so one stray bullet and you're dead.

Now look for the final switch on the edge of this landing, and destroy it.

After all the explosions, jump to the building ahead, and climb to the roof.
Run around the sides, using your HMG-90 to kill all of Sovetnik's guards.
Then, at a safe distance from him, use your Grenader to launch a few grenades
at Sovetnik. Then switch back to your HMG-90 and finish him off with that.

Viktor Rabotnikov

Start at the Storage Facility supply point, equipped with the HMG-90 and the
Grenader. Head east, climbing over the fence, and jumping onto the roof of
the building with the orange trim around its top.

Continue going east, and go to the other side of the roof. Jump down to the
ground below. Continue in the same direction, going under the bronze pipes
and to the rocks ahead.

Jump onto the rocks, then into the sea. Head for the shallow areas ahead that
make tiny islands within the water. Follow them to the right and behind the
large rocks.

You will come to a large sandy area leading up to Rabotnikov's estate on your
left. This isn't the way you wan't to go however. Follow along the line where
the sand meets the water and go around the right side of the rocks ahead.

You will now be in the water again. Swim around the rocks, hugging them on
your left. You will get to a small patch of sand again. Continue past the
sand and back into the water.

You will swim past one of the towers of Rabotnikov's estate on your left. If
you continued to swim, you would come to a second tower on your left. What
you need to find though, is a place in the rocks about halfway between these
two towers that you can climb up. It is a place where two large rocks meet.

You need to climb to the top of the rock on the right. From here, you will be
able to see the second tower and one of the explosive crates on it. Shoot
this explosive crate from here to detonate them all - that way they won't
detonate if and when you are next to them.

Now jump up to the higher rock on the left, and from there, jump onto the top
of the second tower where you just detonated the explosives. Turn to face the
direction of Rabotnikov and his gunmen. You will be blocked from the gunfire
of most of them from the large rock ahead, but that won't stop them from
lobbing grenades at you, so watch out. Use your HMG-90 to kill the gunmen
closest to you, on the right side of the rock ahead.

Then go along this walkway where you just killed the men, toward Rabotnikov.
Switch to your Grenader. When you can see Rabotnikov, target him and start
firing grenades at him with the Grenader. If there are any gunmen giving you
problems that aren't getting hit by the blasts, start targeting them with the
Grenader. When the Grenader runs out of ammo, finish Rabotnikov off with your

Boris Mikhailov

Start from The Retreat supply point equipped with the HMG-90 and Grenader.
Turn around and jump onto the roof behind the supply point. Go to the other
end of this roof, then jump down to the landing below.

Go around the building, continue in that direction, then go around the next
building, and to the edge. Beyond the wall at the edge, will be a small ledge
sticking out from the building. Jump onto this ledge and go to the far-left
corner of it. You will see a building to the left with several grey
rectangular columns coming out of the roof. Jump over to the roof of this

Then go to the other edge of this roof, where the green agility orb is. Now
jump down to the street below. Go under the freeway, towards the long stretch
of fence ahead. Head more to the left as you do this.

Go to the part of the fence where there are brown buildings just behind it.
Climb the fence and hop down to the other side. The top of the fence comes
out a bit, so it will be tricky getting over. When you jump, you will have to 
come slightly out first, then go back towards the fence. Once you're over,
make sure your HMG-90 is ready, and prepare to fight. Kill all the enemies
that come at you, using all the storage bins around for cover.

After they're dead, face the direction you were facing when climbing the
fence. You should see a couple of tall structures ahead, made out of yellow
metal beams. Head towards these. As you do, more enemies will approach in
vehicles. Stop to take out these enemies.

After they're dead, go to the closest of the yellow structures. Go "within"
it and go to the far-right corner. Jump onto the low beam there. Use that to
jump onto the next highest beam above it.

From here, when facing the boat, there will be another beam right in front of
you. Back up away from this beam, then face to the left of it, towards the
boat. Jump to the boat from here. After landing on the boat, there will be a
walkway just above you. Jump onto it.

Now turn left, and run forward and down the steps to the left side of the
building. (If you're wondering why it was necessary to jump on the walkway -
if you don't some enemies will have spotted you already). You will see some
metal stairs ahead, attached to the building. Go to these stairs and ascend
them. At the very top will be several Volks. Before you get to the top,
switch to the Grenader and lob a couple grenades at the Volks.

Then switch to your HMG-90 and finish going up the stairs. Shoot any other
Volks at the top. If your shield gets low, turn to the left and go around the
left side of the building and hide in the corner under another set of metal
stairs there. Make sure there aren't any Volks around who can shoot you
there, then wait for your shield to regenerate. Also make sure to reload your

Now go past the stairs around to the other side of the building. Shoot and
kill the guard there, then switch to your Grenader.

Now look for a doorway on the right leading into the building. Go to the
doorway and start firing grenades at Mikhailov and the other guards inside.

If any guards start attacking you on the outside, switch back to your HMG-90
and kill them. Finish off any guards inside the building, then finish off
Mikhailov with the HMG-90.

Vladimir Golyak

Start from the Storage Facility supply point. If you look ahead and a little
left, you should be able to see the oil rig Golyak is on even from here. Head
forward to the rocks and jump onto them.

Then jump into the water and swim towards the rig. Swim towards the farthest,
and tallest, part of it. You should come to a rusty walkway, about level with
the water. Jump onto this walkway.

Head forward a little and shoot the Volk standing guard. Then go to the large
opening on the left, and shoot kill all the Volk guards inside. Now turn left,
just inside the opening, and jump to the black ledge ahead.

Facing the same way, jump up to the broken brown ledge above. Now jump to the
next brown ledge ahead and above.

You will now be directly under the next ledge you need to get to, so go to
the edge of the one you're on, and jump and grab on to the edge of the one
above. Pull yourself up, then go out the opening ahead on the left.

Turn right and head in that direction. Kill the Volk guard, then jump up to
the next ledge ahead. Continue in that direction, then jump to the next
ledge, then the next.

Continue going that way till you get to a staircase. Go up the stairs, then
turn completely around and head that way towards the back of another

Kill the Volks that come down those stairs, then go up them, then head in
that direction till you come to two black and silver ramps help up by cables.

Go up the right one, then turn and go up the stairs at the top of it. Turn
left and you will see an opening into a hallway. Instead of going in the
hallway, look up and climb up the wall, past the windows, and up onto the
next level.

Turn left and you will see a large, blue, cylindrical tank. Jump onto the
tank, then use it to jump onto the next level above. Now look around for
another black and silver ramp held with cables nearby.

Go up the ramp, then turn left and look for a staircase ahead. Go up the
stairs, turn left, and go up the second set of the stairs. If you need to
regenerate, regenerate here before going further.

Now turn left towards the wall there and climb the wall to the next level.

You will now be on a small landing and it will be just you, Golyak, and some
explosive barrels. Try to keep clear of the barrels and run right up to
Golyak and knock him out with a kick. While he's down, pump him full of
bullets from the HMG-90. If he gets up, kick him again, then continue firing.
Do this until he is no more.


Melissa Fang-Yin

Start from the Intellicenter supply point. Turn around and jump onto the roof
of the building behind the supply point.

Go forward to the edge of the roof, in front of the billboard. You will see a
donut-shaped building in front of you. Jump onto the roof of that building.
Head to the right edge of it. Below you will see a long walkway leading up
into the distance. Jump down to the walkway.

Turn to face the upward direction of the walkway. At the end of the walkway
ahead, and to the left of it, you will see two buildings with windows in them.
A green building, and a taller blue building. Look for an enemy at the top of
the taller blue building. He will have a Hothead rocket launcher, so kill him

Now head up the walkway and kill the enemies as you see them. There will be
two explosive barrels at the top of the walkway, so before you get to them,
shoot and detonate them at a safe distance. That way, they won't get hit by a
stray bullet and detonate when you pass them.

When you get to the top, to the area with the satellite dish, kill the
Shai-Gen guard there. Then turn left, head to the building ahead, and jump on
top of it. Head forward to the edge of the roof and kill the guards ahead.

Then jump to the top of the ramp ahead, where the entrance to the glass,
sphere building is. Stand in front of the doorway and start killing the
guards on the ground inside.

If you need to get to cover and regenerate, simply move to the right of the
doorway. Then go in and start killing the guards on the landing above.

If you can't shoot them from the ground, go up the stairs to their level and
kill them from there.

Once everyone is dead except for Fang-Yin, go up to her level and use your
Grenader to launch some grenades at her. From there you can simply continue
to lob grenades until she is dead, or start throwing cluster grenades to
finish her off quicker, or finish her off with your HMG-90 so you don't
accidentally blow yourself up.

Mrs. Timbol

Start from the Intellicenter supply point. Turn left (to the west) and head
to the edge of the building. Jump over to the next roof.

Ahead and to the right, on the same roof, will be a taller black structure.
Jump onto that. Head to the west edge of that roof. In the distance you will
see a roof with a taller building, with a red sign, to the left of it. Jump
over to the lower roof.

Head foward, past the three air conditioner units on the left, then turn left
and go that way. If you go all the way to the edge, then directly on your
right will be the ledge you need to jump onto. Jump onto that ledge, then
turn left so that you are facing the complex with the Shai-Gen guards on the
roofs. Kill the guard on the roof ahead of you, then the guard to the right.
Jump forward to the roof that the first guard was on.

Continue forward, all the way to the other side, crossing the two walkways
(the first on the left, the second on the right). When you get to the other
side, turn right and go to that edge. Look below and you will see a white,
ramped walkway.

Jump down onto the walkway, then turn completely around and head into the
room ahead. Head forward and turn left into the opening. Watch for Shai-Gen
guards to come through the doorway ahead. Kill them with your HMG-90, then
switch to your Grenader.

Then turn back around and go to the top of the white walkway. Timbol and her
guards will be in the room at the bottom of the walkway. Start launching your
grenades at all of them.

When you get Timbol on the ground, start throwing cluster grenades at her
until she's dead. If you need to regenerate at any point you can retreat back
into the room behind you.

Vitaly Rzeznik

Start at the Intellicenter supply point. Head forward to the edge of the roof.
On a roof in the distance, you will see a group of Shai-Gen thugs standing
together. Use your Grenader to take them all out at once. After they are dead,
jump over to the roof they were on.

Turn right and jump over to the roof of the next building. Go to the corner
of that building and jump into the water below.

Swim to the right, going around the right side of the rocks. Hug the rocks on
your left as they curve to the left towards the building. Swim up to the
building and jump up into it.

Head towards the right side of the room to the ramped walkway. Go up the
walkway. As you go up it you will see another walkway to your left, going up
the opposite direction. When it becomes low enough for you to jump onto, jump
onto it, turn around and go up it.

There will then be another walkway on your left. Jump onto that when you can.
Repeat this process over and over again, ignoring all the enemies, until
there are no more walkways. At this point you will see in the distance a
large doorway surrounded by glass, with metal stairs beyond that. Head to the

Equip your Grenader, then go up the stairs. When you reach the top you will
see a group of guards in the room ahead. Use your Grenader to take them out.

Then go into the room and go up the stairs on either side. You will now be in
a room with Rzeznik and one guard. Take out the guard with your HMG-90.

Then switch back to your Grenader and launch a few grenades at Rzeznik. Once
he's on the ground, throw a few cluster grenades at him to finish him off.

Dr. Balthazar Czernenko

Start from the Comfortitude, LTD supply point. Head to the right edge of the
roof and jump down to the street below.

You will see the PCN Institute of Research ahead. Go past the left side of
the Institute. You will see two circular buildings ahead, with a tree in the
middle where they meet. Go towards and past this tree to the wall ahead.
Climb the wall up to the roof above.

Shoot and kill the guards that attack you. Go forward to the circular dome.
When you get to the outer edge of the dome, head along that edge to the right.
You will pass a walkway on the right. When you come to a second walkway on
the right (it will be the northeast area of the dome), jump down to the
ground below.

Look for a large group of boxes. Between the boxes will be the path into the
building. Shoot the guards around this area, then follow the path into the
building. Head diagonally forward and to the right, towards the area with
jail cells containing Czernenko's "freaks".

Jump from ledge to ledge till you get to the top one. Then turn left and look
for stairs leading up to a large glass door. Since it's completely glass with
no handles or anything, it may simply look like a large doorway opening. Use
your Grenader to launch a couple grenades at it.

When it comes loose enough for you to squeeze inside, go into the room, then
immediately run to the left, towards Czernenko, but then turn right into the
hallway there.

Go down the hall, then to the right or left. From here you will be able to
regenerate your health and shields.

When you are fully regenerated, go back into the hallway and prepare to
attack. You can do two things here. You can either try to kill all of
Czernenko's guards first, or just try to go right after him. Either way, take
him out the same way we've been taking out most of the bosses. Lob a few
grenades with your Grenader, then finish him off with cluster grenades or
your HMG-90. If you need to regenerate, simply run back down the hallway into
the safe area.

Thadeous Oakley

Start at The Block supply point. Go around the right side of the structure
that is behind the supply point. Go to the very edge of the roof. Jump to the
roof of the building ahead.

Head to the right edge of that roof. You should see the PCN Expo Center from
here. Jump from the roof down to the street. Now turn a little left and head
for the entrance to the Expo Center.

Go into and through the long hallway of the center. There will be guards
lining the hall on either side, but as long as you don't attack them, they
won't attack you. When you get to the end of the hall, go up the stairs on
the right.

You will now be in a large room with a dome in the middle. The guards won't
attack you in this room either. Go up to the edge of the dome and go around
it counter-clockwise (go around the dome keeping it on your left) until you
come to a walkway that leads into the dome.

Jump onto the walkway and go into the dome. You will hear an alarm sound and,
as you may have guessed, the guards will attack you now. After you enter the
dome, turn left and use your HMG-90 to shoot and kill the guards that come
out of the door ahead. Watch out for guards to come into the dome and attack
you from behind as well. After everybody is dead, go through the doorway
ahead into the next room. Shoot and kill the two guards the come out of the
next doorway. After they are dead, go into the next room and kill the three
guards in there.

Now switch to your Grenader, go into the next room, turn right and take out
the group of guards there. Then go into the doorway and up the winding red

When you get to the top, go through the doorway ahead and jump up to the
higher level ahead.

Turn right and shoot and kill the guard there. Keep going in that direction
and kill the next guard ahead. Keep going until you come to a gap in the
walkway. Jump into that gap for a place to hide and regenerate.

Then come back out and start killing all the guards in the room, going back
into the hiding spot if you need to regenerate. Once all the guards are dead,
wait for three guards to come into the room from the other side. Three guards
will continue to come periodically from there, but if you kill them
immediately you will have the window you need.

So kill those three guards, then look up and you will see a ledge above that
you need to jump up to. Even with a three-star agility rating this can be
difficult, so jump onto the railing on the edge of the walkway first, then
jump up to the ledge.

Jump over the obstacle on the ledge to get to Oakley, then knock him out with
a kick. Don't try to use any explosives because there's not enough space.
Also, there are barriers on that ledge that can protect you from gunfire from
below, so make sure to position yourself behind those. So from that position,
shoot the unconscious Oakley with your HMG-90. When he gets up, knock him out 
again with another kick, then continue shooting him. Do this until he is dead.

Colonel Axton Cowell

Start from the Stripey's Cafe supply point. Turn right and go around the
structure behind the supply point (so to the left of the structure when
facing it). Go to the corner and jump down to the landing below on the left.

Go to the corner of that landing, then jump down, not to the street, but to
the raised area with the blue tiles next to the street. Wait to regenerate,
then head towards the front door of the Central Point building. Use your
Grenader to take out the group of guards guarding the door.

Then run up to one of the doors and kick it until it comes down and you can
get into the building. As soon as you enter, there will be a circular
platform ahead of you. Run around either side of this platform to the back of
the room, ignoring the enemies.

When you get to the back of the room, use your Grenader on the enemies
standing by the elevator doors. Then run up to the blue circle on the ground
to open the elevator doors. Two guards will come out of each door. Use the
Grenader on each pair, then run into the elevator. Collect the hidden orb,
then stand on the blue circle and press [[Image:smbutton_y.png]] to activate
the elevator.

When the elevator stops and the doors open, go out the left door, turn left,
and go up the ramped walkway ahead. When the walkway flattens out, you will
then have a choice to continue up another ramp ahead, or up a ramp going the
opposite way. Choose the latter. So you are basically going up to the flat
part, then turning around and going the opposite direction up another ramp.

After reaching the top of this second ramp, continue forward to the next set
of ramps and repeat the process. After doing this four times since leaving
the elevator, you will be on the right floor. Also, as you do this, you can
shoot enemies, but only if you don't stop running. So when you're on the
fourth floor from the elevator, look for a large opening to the outside.
Outside of the opening, on both sides, will be tall structres with several
grey ledges in them. Jump onto the highest ledge you can, in only one jump,
of the structure on the left.

Get into the corner where the enemies still inside the building can't shoot
you. Look up, to the top of the opposite structure, and shoot and detonate
the explosive barrels there. Then jump over to one of the ledges of that
structure, turn around, and shoot the explosive barrels at the top of the
other one.

Then jump up to there - to where the barrels just were. Kill any enemies that
are up there, then turn left and jump and climb to the top of the corkscrew
shaped structure.

You should now be on a roof with a domed area in the middle. Go around the
dome until you find one of the doorways to it. Stay at an angle to the
doorway and kill any guards just on the inside with your HMG-90.

Then face the doorway head-on and use your Grenader to launch one grenade at
each enemy in the room. Then target Cowell specifically with the Grenader.
While he is on the ground burning, start throwing cluster grenades at him
until he dies.

Zuang Lun Wang

Before taking on Wang, you should have a 4-star agility rating. Start from
the Stripey's Cafe supply point. Turn left and go around the structure behind
the supply point (so to the right of the structure when facing it). Go the
corner of the roof, then jump down all the way to the street below.

Go forward, then go up the stairs on the right up to the front of Wang's
skyscraper (the building with the window panes at the bottom that together
create a triangle). Then turn left and head to the front of the Epicenter
building. Climb up the windows to the right of the Epicenter sign.

When you reach the top, turn a little to the right and you will see a corner
where two grey walls meet. Go over to that corner and jump to the top of the
grey wall on the left and use it to jump over to the grey wall on the right.

You will now be on a roof. Head forward to the corner of that roof, which is
nearly touching Wang's building. From there, you will have to lightly jump
over to the ledge of Wang's building. If you jump too high, you'll hit the
wall above the ledge, then fall all the way back down to the ground.

Once you make it to the ledge, turn right, then go forward, collecting the
hidden orb. Continue forward till you're forced to go left, then turn left
(obviously) and go up to the railing ahead. Kill the guard ahead, then jump
over the railing and into the building.

Go up the staircase there, then turn left and shoot the two enemies ahead.

Turn left again and take cover behind the grey wall ahead if you need to
regenerate. Now look forward and you'll see the back of a staircase ahead. Go
forward, then turn around to go up those stairs. When you reach the top, kill
the two enemies ahead.

Then continue forward and go up the next staircase you come to. When you
reach the top of those, turn completely around and kill the enemy there.

Then turn back around again, go forward, and kill the two enemies ahead of
you. Go forward, then turn the corner to the right and kill the enemy in the
distance. Then go that direction and jump up to the walkway above.

Turn around to the left and go up that staircase, then down the short walkway
and up the next sets of stairs. When you get to the top, turn to the left and
you will see a grey, rectangular structure coming up from the ground. Jump
onto that, then over onto the walkway.

Turn left and go up the stairs. When you get to the top, turn left and go
around the circular structure in the middle of the room, and into a room with
a staircase on either side, shooting any enemies along the way. Go up either
set of stairs, and into the room with the bottoms of yellow, cylindrical
structures in it.

The walkway you need to get to is a little high up, behind the top of the
stairs you just came up. If you can't jump up to it directly, use the grey
trim on the walls to get some extra height.

When you get up to it, there will be lots of enemies up there for you to kill.
After they are dead, go up the staircase on either end of the hall, up to the
next level. Run around this level and look for the yellow cylinder with the
blue orb on it.

You can only see it from one direction, so if you go around the whole level
without finding it, go around again the opposite way. Once you find the orb,
jump onto the yellow thing it's on, collect it, then jump up to the next

Turn left and go up the stairs ahead. You will now be in a room with lots of
explosive boxes. Go counter-clockwise around the room till you get to a
staircase going up.

Go up those stairs, turn left, and go up to the circular doorway ahead. Kill
the enemies in the distance, and the two that are just beyond the doorway to
the left. Watch out for those two because one of them has a rocket launcher.

Now go through the second circular doorway and into that room. Kill any
enemies there, then turn right and go through to the next room. There will be
several enemies in this room. If you need to regenerate, go into the enclosed
area surrounded by the walls with the neon, light-blue rectangles.

After killing all the enemies, go up the stairs that are on the left,
immediately after passing the enclosed, light-blue area.

After going up the stairs, you will find yourself outside and it will be time
for the final battle. Once you reach the top, turn to the right and go around
the rock there till you are facing the building. To the right of the building
will be a grey wall/platform. Head towards this and jump onto it.

Then turn left so you are facing the building. You need to jump from here
onto the ledge above where Wang is. This can be tricky because the ledge has
red trim that sticks out just a bit, and will prevent you from getting up
there for most of your jumps. You need to be far enough away from the ledge
when you jump, that you will jump completely over this trim.

But meanwhile, while you are trying to get this right, there will be several
enemies shooting at you and draining your health quickly. So if you need time
to regenerate, walk to the opposite edge of the platform from where you
jumped onto it from, and carefully walk off the edge so that you will grab it
and hang there. You will be able to hang here as long as you want, which
means you can regenerate fully.

Once you do make it onto the ledge above, hit Wang with your Grenader, or the
Firefly if you have it, then throw cluster grenades at him until he's dead.
Congratulations! You've just beat Crackdown!

Closing Statements

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