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Ragnarok Online (e)


Ragnarok Online Beta 2
Secondary Classes Skill List

Translation: ZephyrJK
Version:     1.1
Date:        14 July 2002

Translator Note:
The following information regarding Ragnarok Online Beta 2 was taken and
translated from the following Japanese site:

The information is subject to changes as RO is still in its Beta stage.
The information may not apply to English/International services when they are

I hope I didn't make too much mistakes from a 3-4 hours straight translation
process... x_X (<-- almost brain dead again). I have tried to stick as close
to the information in the Japanese version as much as possible, but my Japanese
is not all that good to begin with (but it'll get by... no one can tell right)


DO NOT email me regarding anything about this FAQ, I just did the translation.
I don't know what 1st level skills are retained, etc etc.
So if you spam me, I'll hate you forever and curse your name whenever I see you
on RO or GameFaqs board!
(ok, just kidding ^,~ but I'm serious about no spamming)

Only contact me for corrections or copy right/distro issue.

Requirement:        Job Level 40
Location:           Prontera, Culvert Sign Up Building
Pecopeco Rental:    2500z for the Prontera Knight Army
Stats Bonus:        STR +8, AGI +2, VIT +10, INT +0, DEX +6, LUK +4

- Spear Mastery
 * Type:            Spear
 * Target:          Passive
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Basic Knight Skills
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       10
 Increase Spear Attack damage:
  - Normal:     + Skill-Level x4
  - Pecopeco:   + Skill-Level x5
 Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.
  - ie. with Skill Level 1, a spear attack will do at least 4 damage.

- Pierce
 * Type:            Spear
 * Target:          1 Enemy
 * Attack Power:    100% + S-Lv x10%
 * Cost:            7SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Spear Mastery Lv1
 * Limitation:      Spear only
 * Max Level:       10
 Spear attacking skill.
 Multiple hits to larger enemies:
  - Small:  1 Hit
  - Medium: 2 Hits
  - Large:  3 Hits

- Spear Stab
 * Type:            Spear
 * Target:          1 Enemy - Range
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Pierce Lv5
 * Limitation:      Spear only
 * Max Level:       ?
 Thrust spear deep into enemy and push back to deal damage.

- Brandish Spear
 * Type:            Spear
 * Target:          1 Enemy
 * Cost:            ?
 * Pre-requisite:   Spear Stab Lv3
                    Riding     Lv1
 * Limitation:      Spear only, Pecopeco Riding
 * Max Level:       ?
 Using the Pecopeco's power to do a roundhouse splash attack
 (and Magnum Break?).

- Spear Boomerang
 * Type:            Spear
 * Target:          1 Enemy
 * Cost:            ? (Large amount of SP)
 * Pre-requisite:   Pierce Lv3
 * Limitation:      Spear only
                    (there was a reference to Pecopeco Riding only previously)
 * Max Level:       ?
 Throw spear to enemy from a distance.
 Spear is NOT consumed (ie. it'll return, hence boomerang), but will use SP.
 Range is based on S-Lv:
  - (1 + S-Lv x2) Cells

- Two Handed Quicken
 * Type:            Two Handed Sword
 * Target:          Immediate (Self) <-- similar to Endure
 * Duration:        (10 + S-Lv x5) sec
 * Cost:            ?
 * Pre-requisite:   Two Handed Sword Mastery Lv1
 * Limitation:      Two Handed Sword Only
 * Max Level:       ?
 Increase Attack Speed within a given time frame.
 This skill will be nullified when a non-Two Handed Sword is equiped.
 ASPD increases to 200%

- Auto Counter
 * Type:            Two Handed Sword
 * Target:          Immediate (Self)
 * Duration:        S-Lv x 0.4 sec
 * Cost:            2SP per counter
 * Pre-requisite:   Two Handed Sword Mastery Lv5
 * Limitation:      Two Handed Sword only
 * Max Level:       5
 Enter Auto Counter Mode within a given time frame.
 During this time, will counter if hit by an enemy
 A non-conditional Critical Hit (not based on ATK or LUK) will be dealt.

- Bowling Bash
 * Type:            Two Handed Sword
 * Target:          1 Enemy - Range
 * Cost:            ?
 * Pre-requisite:   Bash                     Lv10
                    Magnum Break             Lv 3
                    Two Handed Sword Mastery Lv 5
                    Two Handed Quicken       Lv10
                    Auto Counter             Lv 5
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       10
 Combo attack on 1 enemy that pushes enemy back and follows by Magnum Break
 that will also hit surrounding enemies.

- Riding
 * Type:            Support
 * Target:          Passive
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Endure Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       1
 Enable Pecopeco Riding.

- Cavalier Mastery
 * Type:            Support
 * Target:          Passive
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Riding Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Initial Attack Speed while Pecopeco Riding ois 40% of normal Attack Speed.
 Aspd is based on S-Lv:
  - 50% + S-Lv x10%

Requirement:        Job Level 40 (666z, a Knife)?
Location:           From Morroc: S, E, S, E, Assassin Guild Island
                    Ant Dungeon level 2 central entrance, on the right
Stats Bonus:        ?

- Right Hand Mastery
 * Type:            Support
 * Target:          Passive
 * Attack Power:    50% + S-Lv x10%
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Basic Assassin Skill
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Increase right hand weapon attack power when using both hands.
 Initial Attack Power is 50% of the original when equiped with both hands.

- Left Hand Mastery
 * Type:            Support
 * Target:          Passive
 * Attack Power:    30% + S-Lv x10%
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Right Had Mastery Lv2
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Increase left hand weapon attack power when using both hands.
 Initial Attack Power is 30% of the original when equiped with both hands.
 Average Attack Speed when using both hands is x1.4.

- Katar Mastery
 * Type:            Katar
 * Target:          Passive
 * Damage Bonus:    +S-Lv x3
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Basic Assassin Skill
 * Limitation:      Katar only
 * Max Level:       10
 Increase damage dealt with Katar.
 Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.
 Katar's Damage:
  - Small:   75%
  - Mediem: 100%
  - Large:   75%
 with 2 times the critial rate of normal weapons.

- Cloaking
 * Type:            Support
 * Target:          Self
 * Cost:            15SP, 1SP/5sec
 * Pre-requisite:   Hiding Lv2
 * Limitation:      Near walls or out of line of sight
 * Max Level:       10?
 Invisible when moving near walls.
 Cancelled when away from walls.

- Sonic Blow
 * Type:            Katar
 * Target:          1 Enemy?
 * Cost:            12SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Katar Mastery Lv4
 * Limitation:      Katar only
 * Max Level:       10
 A close combat 8 hit combo killer move, approximately stun enemy for 30 sec.
 Maximum attack power when mastered = 400%

- Grim Tooth
 * Type:            Katar
 * Target:          Surrounding
 * Cost:            S-Lv: 2SP~
 * Pre-requisite:   Cloaking Lv2
                    Sonic Blow Lv5
 * Limitation:      Katar only, Hiding (not Cloaking)
 * Max Level:       ?
 Attack with Katar during Hiding (not Cloaking).
 Attack power does not increase with S-Lv, but the range increases.

- Enchant Poison
 * Type:            Poison
 * Target:          Player
 * Duration:        S-Lv x10 sec
 * Cost:            15SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Envenom Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       3?
 Add poison property to targetted player's weapon.
- Poison React
 * Type:            Poison
 * Target:          Player
 * Cost:            S-Lv1: 50SP~
 * Pre-requisite:   Enchant Poison Lv3
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Give counter ability to targetted player when hitted by a poison attack.

- Venom Dust
 * Type:            Poison
 * Target:          Land
 * Cost:            Red Gemstone, SP?
 * Pre-requisite:   Enchant Poison Lv5
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       ?
 Spread poison to add poison property to an area.

- Venom Splasher
 * Type:            Poison
 * Target:          ?
 * Cost:            ?
 * Pre-requisite:   Poison React Lv5 (Mastered)
                    Venom Dust   Lv5
 * Limitation:      Enermy HP < 1/3
 * Max Level:       ?
 Explode poison to surrounding monsters.
 Affects enemies with HP < 1/3.

Requirement:        Job Level 40
Location:           From Payon, S, E, E (Map 60) NPC in center
Falcon Rental:      2500z to NPC next to Job Change NPC
Stats Bonus:        STR +4, AGI +6, VIT +2, INT +4, DEX +10, LUK +4

- Skid Trap
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell)
 * Range:           1 x S-Lv Cells
 * Duration         (360 - S-Lv x60) sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 5SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Basic Hunter Skill
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Make to skid in a desinated direction when stepped on.
 Range is based on S-Lv.

- Landmine
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell)
 * Attack Power:    ATK x (25 + S-Lv x25)
 * Duration         (80 - S-Lv x15) sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 10SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Basic Hunter Skill
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Deal explosive damage when stepped on.
 Can retrieve Trap Item with Remove Trap.

- Ankles Snare
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell)
 * Duration         (300 - S-Lv x50) sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 10SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Skid Trap Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Slow/Stop monsters for a duration of time when steppped on.
 Effect on Boss monsters are 1/5 of that on normal monster.

- Flasher
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell)
 * Duration         (180 - S-Lv x30) sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 35SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Skid Trap Lv1
 * Limitation:      Not work on Boss and Plant monsters
 * Max Level:       5
 Release bright flash that cause Darkness when stepped on.
 Boss and Plant monsters are unaffected.

- Shockwave
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell)
 * SP Reduction:    10% + S-Lv x15%
 * Cost:            Trap Item x2, 45SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Ankles Snare Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Reduce SP level bases on S-Lv.

- Sandman
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell), 1 Enemy + Surrounding
 * Duration         (180 - S-Lv x30) sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 25SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Flasher Lv1
 * Limitation:      Not work on Boss monsters
 * Max Level:       5
 Cause Sleep on enemy (and surrounding enemies) when stepped on.
 Boss monsters are unaffected.

- Freezing Trap
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell), 1 Enemy
 * Duration         (180 - S-Lv x30) sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 35SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Flasher Lv1
 * Limitation:      Not work on Boss monsters
 * Max Level:       5
 Cause Freeze and deal damage when stepped on.
 Boss monsters are unaffected.

- Blast Mine
 * Type:            Trap - Fire
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell), 1 Enemy
 * Duration         (10 - S-Lv x2) sec (S-Lv 5: 2 sec)
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 10SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Sandman       Lv1
                    Freezing Trap Lv1
                    Landmine      Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       5
 Trap will disappear after it is setup.
 Self-destructive mine that will detonate after some time.

- Claymore Trap
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell), Multiple Enemies
 * Duration         S-Lv x20 sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item x2, 15SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Blast Mine Lv1
                    Shockwave  Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       1?
 Trap will disappear after it is setup.
 Self-destructive mine that will detonate and surrounding enemies.

- Remove Trap
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Trap
 * Cost:            ?
 * Pre-requisite:   Landmine Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       1
 Remove trap (^_^).

- Talkie Box
 * Type:            Trap
 * Target:          Land (1 Cell), Player
 * Duration         600 sec
 * Cost:            Trap Item, 1SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Remove Trap Lv1
                    Shockwave   Lv1
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       1
 Display message to any players that step on it.

- Beast Bane
 * Type:            Monster (<-- kind of like Demon Bane)
 * Target:          Passive
 * Damage Bonus:    +S-Lv x3
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Basic Hunter Skill
 * Limitation:      -
 * Max Level:       10
 Increase Attack power when combating animal type monsters (eg. Wolves).

- Falcon Mastery
 * Type:            Monster
 * Target:          Passive
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Beast Bane Lv1
 * Limitation:      Falcon
 * Max Level:       10?
 Enable Falcon renting from the Hunter Guild.
 Falcon attack power is based on DEX and INT.

- Blitz Beat
 * Type:            Monster
 * Target:          1 Enemy - Range
 * Range:           S-Lv +3 Cells
 * Cost:            (7 + S-Lv x3)SP
 * Pre-requisite:   Falcon Mastery Lv1
 * Limitation:      Falcon
 * Max Level:       5
 Consecutive Falcon attacks.
 Hitting Range is based on Vulture's Eye.

- Steel Crow
 * Type:            Monster
 * Target:          Passive
 * Cost:            -
 * Pre-requisite:   Blitz Beat Lv5
 * Limitation:      Falcon
 * Max Level:       10?
 Increase damage dealt with Falcon.
 Added damage ignore enemy's Defence.