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The Guardian Legend (e)

                                        THE GUARDIAN LEGEND: 
                                        Lost Frontier FAQ
                                        by zoogelio
                                        v 1.6

1001 Version History
1002 The Lost Frontier of NAJU
          1002A Refresher Section
1003 Coordinate System
1004 How to Access the Lost Frontier
1005 Game Mechanics of the Lost Frontier
          1005A How It All Works
1006 Lost Frontier Enemies
          1006A Labyrinth Enemies (regular)
          1006B Labyrinth Enemies (glitched)
          1006C Corridor Room, Text Room, Lander Room Enemies (all glitched)
          1006D Corridor Enemies
          1006E Minibosses
1007 Other Features of the Lost Frontier
1008 Weird Occurrences
          1008A Labyrinth-Corridors & Corridor Room-Corridors
          1008B Glitch Weapons
1009 Lost Frontier Corridors
1010 Submissions
1011 Thanks To...

The numbers are for easy reference so anyone can type it into 'Find' on this 
page and jump quickly to that section. 


0.99- 6/22/05- contained all the basic sections, but formatting in corridor 
index was a little sloppy

1.6- 11/17/05- cleaned up the Corridor Index, added a whole bunch of 
passwords, corrected some math errors in the Coordinate System section, 
resequenced all miniboss and corridor indexes by Y-coordinate not 
X-coordinate, added some additional notes in the miniboss section, and 
added all current theories and research explaining the Lost Frontier. I also 
added a more corridor & miniboss data from more wanderings, and another 
labyrinth-corridor too. Added the section How It All Works. 

This FAQ is copyrighted, yadda yadda yadda. You know the routine. If you 
copy-paste it, just cite my user name. I give credit where it is due, but 
I never take credit where it is not due. I wrote this, at least give me 
the credit if you ever put it anyplace else, especially since I spent 
days exploring the Lost Frontier and documenting what corridors are 
where and what I found. Yes, I do not mind this being distributed, so long 
as I am given credit for it. 

Copyright zoogelio 2005

Just a note when reading this. It may look like a large file, but in fact, 
most of this FAQ is just an index of the Corridors I encountered (just a 
pile of data). The explanatory part of the FAQ takes up only about 25% of 
the file size. 

################## THE LOST FRONTIER OF NAJU #######################

NAJU is a vast world. There is an undiscovered frontier of NAJU lying 
beyond the borders of the mapped out areas of NAJU. This vast region is never 
mapped on the select screen; it remains black. It is seemingly a very 
fluctuating place, where a room is many times different when you backtrack to 
it. This frontier has very strange mechanics, some of which follow the 
mechanics of the regular game, some of which defy the mechanics of the 
regular game. In this frontier are the many other corridors of NAJU. 
Corridors numbering up to Corridor 127 have been found. 

The Lost Frontier, summarized, is a vast region larger than the regular 
game in terms of number of rooms which has strange, bizarre properties not 
found in the regular game, glitched up screens and enemies, as well as 
strange corridors of junk. It was not intentionally created by the 
programmers and we do not as of yet know the mechanics of how it gets 
created. It is similar to the Hidden Worlds of Metroid, which are a jumble 
of rooms resulting from a mapping error. While that game looks to have 1 map 
with 5 parts (different areas), it actually has 1 map with 5 layers, each of 
which we only normally explore one part of. The layout of that map is the 
layout of the whole game on the ROM. The Hidden World was the portions of 
those 5 layers that are rendered inaccessible in the normal course of the 
game. In other words, of the Norfair Layer, we can only explore the portion 
of the map we know of as Norfair, not the portions of the Norfair Layer which 
underlie the other 4 areas. Metroid's Hidden Worlds are much more well 
known about in part due to the popularity of the game and the history of 
exploring the glitches. TGL is not nearly as well known and the glitch 
was just discovered recently. 

This is intended to be the first FAQ describing this newly uncovered place. 
I would hope the readers get some inspiration at hearing the strange tales 
from this place and explore it themselves and contribute to this guide or 
even create their own guide, but regardless, contribute to the base of 
knowledge on TGL's Lost Frontier. How can something be discovered if it is 
not explored? 

The first question on everybody's minds is how does one get into the Lost 
Frontier? The answer is passwords. The regular map is on a 24 x 24 grid, 
but the passwords are programmed to cover all coordinates for a 32 x 32 grid. 
I asked more knowledgable people about it, and I found out the reason why is 
passwords can be generated for every coordinate, including for rooms that are 
not save rooms. Thus, the X, Y position is encoded in the password. 
Programming 4 bits to the password system allows for a range of coordinates 
from 0-15, not enough to cover the map of the game, but programming 5 bits 
allows for a range of coordinates from 0-31, enough to cover the 0-23 range 
found in the game. 

Now, for exploring the Lost Frontier, it is possible to do so without an 
emulator, but I would not recommend it. As you will read, the Lost Frontier 
is a very chaotic place where timing of less than a second determines what 
the next room looks like, so save states are necessary to counter 
frustration of running into an exitless room (of which there are *many* in 
the Lost Frontier) and having to start all over from the password again. Save 
states are also vital to making progress through the frontier. If you want to 
get anywhere in the frontier past say the first row or so, you need save 
states. I use NESicle, an old emulator, but there are a whole slew of NES 
emulators out there. I would recommend an emulator with multiple save slots 
(NESicle has 10 save slots) because to explore the Lost Frontier, it is 
recommended to save at every major junction, so you can explore one 
direction, save additional states to that, and be able to branch off from 
other directions from that original save state. It is vital to have save 
states from earlier on because sometimes you will find you have saved in a 
room where you can't really progress any further and all it leads to are dead 
ends. I explored Metroid's Hidden Worlds and mapped them out. It was also 
possible on the regular system (an old NES and Metroid cartridge), but it 
would have taken weeks more and a lot of frustrated attempts at when I got 
trapped. The point is, use emulators and save states to explore this place. 

There are a number of types of glitches and crashes that can affect the 
game in the Lost Frontier. Corridor Blackouts- These are the most common 
types. There are 2 categories of these. Basically, with many corridors, when 
you jump into them, you will see the transformation sequence, but after it 
is completed, instead of picking up where a corridor would start, the game 
goes black. Occasionally, there will be an auto-reset or a reset if you mash 
the buttons, but that is uncommon. The less common one is the post-victory 
transformation sequence blackout, where the game blacks out during the 
return transformation sequence. On a rare occasion, mashing the buttons, I 
was able to get the transformation sequence to resume, but that was only in 
some of the cases where the music continued to play while the screen is 
black, which is rather common with this crash. On rare occasion, the 
corridor can cause a blackout the moment you jump into it. With some 
corridors, you get to see a frozen screen with an image which then goes 
black after a few seconds.

Miniboss Blackouts- These are also very common. On many screens, you will 
hear the warning klaxons, then the graphics start to break down for objects, 
like portal boxes and those green boxes that appear, being reduced to red 
and black lines, then the screen goes black. Sometimes miniboss music begins 
playing and sometimes you can hear the Guardian firing too, if you hold 
down the fire button. And many times when the screen goes black and music 
plays, the screen flashes different colors, such as yellow, blue, purple, 
green. The whole screen is that color and after a few seconds it goes to 
another color. Once I was able to keep in the game and the object graphics 
were all screwed up for a while, but the background looked normal and the 
game was playable. Sometimes when the klaxons sound, the graphics remain, 
but the Guardian glitches up a little. This is very common and has no impact.
Don't worry about it. Sometimes, it is possible to take a portal or cross an 
open threshold when the graphics are beginning to break down and you will 
arrive on the adjacent screen without the game crashing. 

Random Screen Freezes- These are rather rare. Basically, when you arrive on 
a screen, well, some screens, there is a chance this will be one of the 
possibilities. It is a strange screen that has open thresholds on the top 
and bottom and walls on the left and right. The game will freeze, and the 
title screen music will be playing. This screen has several horizontal lines 
on it and is very miscolored, usually light blue and white. I noticed the 
screen keeps the same format across all areas, but I was able to control the 
Guardian on a Jungle area screen like this, but not the Grass area screen or 
other area screens like this. Occasionally on these screens, the Guardian 
will become uncontrollable and wander around the screen firing aimlessly. 

And very very rarely, sometimes when you cross an open threshold, the game 
will freeze on that screen, and the music will remain playing, but there is 
no way to break that freeze. It happens, but is, like I said, among the rarer 
phenomena of the Lost Frontier and is not a common occurrence. 

Then there are glitches that result from teleporting using glitch weapons 
(you can read more about them further below). These cause the graphics to go 
really strange and change patterns, with the game freezing and the music to 
stop except for a random note here or there. It's hard to describe the 
graphics when the game has crashed this way. I'll probably link up some 
pictures of how they look at a later update. Regardless, there is a wide 
assortment of different graphical displays that result with the breakdown. 

So, a full index is:
Corridor Blackouts
     After Starting Transformation Sequence
     During Ending Transformation Sequence
     Instant Blackout
Miniboss Blackouts
     Total Blackout
     Multi-colors, music plays
Random Screen Freezes
     Grass Area Freeze
     Water Area Freeze
     Jungle Area Freeze
     Ice Area Freeze
     Organic Area Freeze
     (Desert Area Freeze have not been encountered yet)
Threshold Freezes
Teleporter Crashes

Can the glitches and crashes encountered in the Lost Frontier mess up the 
emulator or computer? No, they can't. I've seen the game crash probably a 
hundred times. My computer is still perfectly fine and my emulator functions 
just as it has before I started exploring the Lost Frontier. I cannot vouch 
for other emulators, but they should not be corrupted by the game messing 
up. Many of the glitches seem like something you just reset the game after. 
The crashes affect the software, not the simulated hardware (the emulator, 
which is also software, but that's beside the point). I understand some fear 
since we have all heard about some glitches that permanently corrupt files, 
such as some for Legend of Zelda and one for Secret of Mana (well, in those 
cases, it isn't permanent, it just stands a chance of ruining that one saved 
file, not the game itself or the save slot itself). If it eases your fears, 
my computer has crashed and frozen up FAR FEWER times than everyone else I 
know; even my mother's computer has crashed/frozen up more often than mine. 
If you worry about computer stability, there are much bigger things and 
many more things to worry about than TGL's Lost Frontier. Like I said, what 
produces this glitch is something relating to mapping, like in Metroid's 
case (though there are differences) and Metroid's Hidden Worlds aren't 
dangerous to explore. 

I noticed in the Y030s, the screens keep the same layout. In other words, 
there is no random variance. Yes, the Area of the same room can change by 
going through a portal, then going back in the Y30s, but there is much more 
stability here than in the Y200s. Seeing as the Y200s are very variable and 
always hop around, with nothing being for certain and there being a wild 
range of possibilities for many rooms, I have a theory that the general 
level of chaos (randomness, well actually chaos is speculated to be a very 
advanced, hard to grasp, and intricate order) increases as the Y coordinate 
increases in the Lost Frontier. This would explain why the lower Ys are 
stable and the higher Ys aren't, but an area known as the "Desert of 
Instability" (read more about it below, but to give you a brief idea, an 
area where most rooms in that region cause the game to crash), located in 
the Y230s debunks this. However, the chaos theory of the Y coordinate may 
hold as a general rule with exceptions. I will only be able to confirm or 
deny it should I ever get to visit the Y040s to Y216. In the Lost Frontier 
part that I explored, there are patches where the graphics for rooms have 
a higher probability of being glitchy in addition to that one notorious 
region. The whole area is very random though, so I think while there may 
be local variation, the chaos theory of Y may apply for a region as a 

Some questions about the Lost Frontier:

I don't have answers to these, but these are vital questions that would be 
nice to have answered. Some of the questions I ask are based on what I 
explain further down, so if you get confused, just read this section last. 
I put the question section here because it fits more under the general 
section of what the Lost Frontier is than anywhere else. 

Why is their room data for coordinates off the 24 x 24 grid? The same 
applies to rooms in the black spaces on the 24 x 24 grid. In other words, 
why doesn't the game crash when a password goes to those coordinates. And, 
speaking of the rooms on the 32 x 32 grid, why is that room data the same 
every time, even down to what enemies appear if they even appear. 

How can higher numbered corridors (Corridors 23- 127) even exist? And how 
can they be playable in some circumstances? Why are some of these corridors 
playable, and other ones black out every time? And for that matter, why do 
some numbers always have their corridor sealed and others produce an 
automatic victory? There is some "logic" to it, some method to the madness, 
but the reasoning behind it is anything but clear. 

Why does the Select button have such significance in the Lost Frontier? 
What is it about going to the map and item inventory screen and then going 
back to the normal screen that changes the background and enemy patterns 
in glitch corridors and in some cases, open up a locked corridor! (the 
same mechanism as touching the 4 panels, firing at the gate, etc).

Why are all versions of Corridor 4 in the Lost Frontier sealed? Every other 
regular corridor (Corridord 0-22) are accessible at least once in there. 
This fact seems strange especially since in the regular course of the game, 
Corridor 4 is the one the text box rooms which provide clues said was 
messed up and botched during the locking process and needed help from the 
Lander to open. 

How is it possible that minibosses are triggered at some coordinates or 
staggered coordinates in the Lost Frontier? What exactly determines which 
will be glitch ones where no enemy ever appears and an item gets left in 
the room and which will be a real miniboss you have to fight? 

Why is timing an important element of determine what the room at the next 
set of coordinates will look like in the Lost Frontier in the Y200s? 

Why do some glitch weapons exist and why are they all teleporters? I mean, 
how does the teleportation mechanism exist in the game and why does it have 
a certain graphics display which resembles teleportation in other NES games?

Why are there weird bosses in some corridors which have behavior patterns 
not resembling any boss? How does the game create distinct enemies (a 
behavior protocol + a graphics display, though in this case, it's just junk 
they're made out of) which are not programmed for?

Why are there "regions" in the Lost Frontier in some areas? How can a 
whole set of coordinates, beyond the maximum extent of staggered 
coordinates, have a similar theme to it in a zone that wasn't even 
programmed for? 

And one final question, one which I can provide an answer to- Why the name?
Though it is more appropriate to call it the "undiscovered" frontier 
because it was not known about before, I will call it the Lost Frontier 
because typing out the Undiscovered Frontier gets a little tiresome (even 
though it's not lost because lost implies it was known about before, but 
forgotten about). I didn't want to call it the Hidden World (or Worlds) 
because it's not a world of its own; it's a part of NAJU. And it is on a 
frontier because it lies beyond the mapped borders of NAJU.

                                           Refresher Section

This is for the reader's reference. This is the central information 
about the game they will need to know to better understand this FAQ.

labyrinth: the Zelda-like wandering portion of the game where the 
Guardian walks around and finds weapons and powerups. There are 2 
minibosses per area here

corridor: the shoot-em-up portion of the game where the Guardian flies 
through a scrolling landscape being hit with enemies from all sides 
and eventually facing a boss at the end

area: these are regions that contain 1 labyrinth and 2 corridors. They 
are each self-enclosed from other areas and require special keys to 
get from one area to another
Here is a listing of all areas in the game: 
Area 0- Grass
Area 1- Water #1
Area 2- Water #2
Area 3- Jungle #1
Area 4- Jungle #2
Area 5- Ice #1
Area 6- Ice #2
Area 7- Organic #1
Area 8- Organic #2
Area 9- Desert #1
Area 10- Desert #2

NAJU: the world The Guardian Legend is set on

klaxons: a fancy word for alarms or sirens. Klaxons tend to be associated 
with a more automatic alarm than a blaring one or few note blast like a 
tornado or air raid siren. The actual definition is "a loud electronic 
You will see me refer to the "empty orange corridor room" occasionally. 
This is a type of room seen only once in the game, in Area 0 at X9 Y11. 
It becomes Corridor 21 at the end of the game. 

Sometimes I refer to a boss track I say sounds like "military aquatica". 
There are three boss tracks- one has the same music as the minibosses, 
another is common and seen for 3 of the 4 water corridor bosses. That 
track is the one I am referring to. The 3rd track sounds more ominous 
and is used for Green Optomon and a few other bosses. 

You will see me use the word threshold many times. This simply refers to 
an open edge of the screen, open edge meaning you can walk off that edge 
and appear on the opposite side of an adjacent screen. 

**************************** COORDINATE SYSTEM *********************

First off, a discussion on mapping. X-values and Y-values follow the standard 
Cartesian arrangement, X numbers increase incrementally from left to right, Y 
numbers increase incrementally from top to bottom. X0, Y0 is in the upper 
left (this differs from the usual Cartesian origin in the lower left). 

The areas beyond the map in all directions are accessible. Above Y0 is the 
value Y55. The further up one goes, the lower the Y-value. The highest 
coordinates that appear on the map are Y43. The fringe of Y42 can be seen 
though. Y-values between Y42- Y35 do not appear at all on the screen (they 
don’t display on the select screen). I suspect there is some sort of invisible
space we cannot see due to the dimensions of the screen on the computer 
monitor, tv, etc, which is different from the display dimensions of the game 
by a small degree. The select screen does have a looping effect on map 
coordinates. While it does display coordinates in the black space beyond the 
map or even over weapon images or text on the status screen, map coordinates 
accessed from the northern fringe that are higher than Y43 disappear and do 
not appear on the bottom until going up to Y34 (Y34 is the 1st coordinate to 
appear at the bottom of the chart), but values of Y43 and higher would 
display if accessed from the southern fringe down to the bottom limit on the 
map. As for what Y coordinate is the bottom of the screen, I don't know 
because I haven't been able to get down there. 

So, here is the sequence of Y values starting with 0, which is the highest 
playable row in the game, and going upward to higher rows: Y0,55,54,53,52,51,
50, 49,48,47,46,45,44,43,42,41,40, etc. To the left of X0 is X55. So, 
basically, while the normal map appears to be X & Y values from 0 to 23, the 
true range of the X & Y values is 0 to 55, nearly double the original size...
or so 
it would seem. As with so many maps, they loop around, meaning left of 0 is 55 
and right of 55 is 0, or above 0 is 55 and below 55 is 0. 

One of the leading theories as to why this exists is that the true grid of 
NAJU is 256 x 256, X0-255 Y0-255. There is speculation TGL used 8 bits to 
program for all the Y coordinates. Only 5 bits are needed to cover all normal 
rooms in the game, but it is believed programmers used the whole byte for 
convenience. And the same was probably done for the X coordinates. If that 
theory were true (we have no way of confirming or rejecting it), it would 
mean the Lost Frontier is a byproduct of empty space which itself was created 
out of convenience and somehow, the game filled that empty space up with 
"stuff". How the game creates that stuff (even an exitless room of any type 
is "something") is unknown, but we're starting to get some clues. 

One of the key pieces of proof for 256 is when I arrived at the coordinates 
listed as Y23- Y17 (any number of rooms in the X row), which are real 
coordinates on the game's original map, these were rooms that were definately 
not the rooms in the real game, nor rooms with a different area projected 
onto them. And also when I arrived at those coordinates, I was several 
spaces below the position of the real Y23-Y17 on the map. While that could be 
explained away as a disjunct in the map from the icon moving off the screen, 
then back, the different rooms cannot be. All things in NES games loop 
around; if you go far enough right, you come out on the left, and so on. If 
there were only 56 rows (0-55), then I should be back in the real levels, 
the organic labyrinths and the lower jungle labyrinth, but I was not. 

It is also known that the highest number for many numerical counts in games is 
255. You can only have 255 Enemy Erasers (and in other games, such as Zelda, 
you can only have 255 Rupees). There are 256 values associated with 255 
(remember, 0 counts). Why would a game go by a 56 count and not a 256 count? 

We know the game can only display 2 digits for each coordinate. Thus, any 
larger number gets truncated. In other NES games, when larger numbers are 
logged than can be displayed, the first number always gets left off. This is 
because only certain spaces are left open. In the case of games limited by 4 
digits, the maximum value registerable is 9999. A value of 10,832 would 
register as 0832. Why? Remember, the game is encoding only for the single, 
the ten, the hundred, and the thousand space in that circumstance. The 
ten-thousand space gets left out. In this case, the coordinates can only 
display the single and the ten space, not the hundred space. In this case, the
maximum value recordable is usually 65,535, another one of those numbers 
like 256 that tends to crop up a lot as limiting numbers in games. 

All rooms in X24-X31 that I encountered produced exitless rooms. Virtually all
were Area 0, though a few exitless rooms of other areas were scattered about. 
There is a delay before they appear. If they are portalled into (this only 
applies to X24, and also X255), they tend to appear as empty orange corridor 
rooms. I use a ROM, however, other people, using an actual cart, have found 
that X24- X31 while they often produce exitless rooms, have been known 
on occasion to produce rooms with exits that allow for exploration. Why this 
occurs is unknown, but it is speculated to be that the cart users are using 
one version of the game which is different from the version of the game 
the ROM online was taken from. It is speculated some minor alteration 
was made in the code that changes the display equations for the X coordinates
past X23 removing whatever was the limiting factor in the ROM version. 
Just a note, games sometimes undergo revisions as they are re-released. 
Usually small bugs are fixed or other such changes are made to fix errors. 
There are version differences with games like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina 
of Time and The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. If you look at lists 
of tricks and exploits for games, some note they only work on certain 
versions of the cart. This is exactly what I'm talking about in this case 
with TGL.  

So far, I have only explored two components of the Lost Frontier, the Vast 
Northern Realm (which is technically a large block in the southwest corner of 
the true 256 x 256 map) and the Near Southeastern Island. What I call the 
Vast Northern Realm is the rooms you get to by walking up from a room in the 
Y0 row. This is the realm 95-99% of my data and observations and explorations 
comes from. It seems to have barriers on one side by X24, where all rooms 
are dead end traps, and the same with X255 on the other side. The Near 
Southeastern Island is a small section of rooms below the Y031 edge of the map
which can be walked onto. I describe both of these in more detail below. 

You will notice a huge ring surrounds the main map. There is nothing special 
about those rooms as far as I can tell. The ring side to the north of the main
map is the Y[2]54 row. 

X-values can exceed 24, but so for, only isolated rooms can be visited there 
via password (once again, there are version differences). 

The original map is 24 rooms x 24 rooms (rows 0-23), which comes out to 576 
rooms total. 
The password range map is 32 x 32 rooms (rows 0-31), which comes out to 1024 
rooms total. 
The expanded fringes of the map which are covered by the password, but not in 
the game are rows 24-31, which are 448 rooms total.The true map of NAJU is 
believed to be 256 rooms x 256 rooms (rows 0-255), which comes out to a total 
of 65,536 theoretical rooms. 

I have explored from X0-23 for Y217-255, which is a total of 1056 rooms. Take 
that number, add 1024 to it (the 32 x 32 grid) and the 38 or so rooms I've 
explored by walking down from the password map to some of the Y030s, and 
subtract all that from 65,536 and that means there are still about 63,418
rooms that are completely unknown. In other words, about 97% of the game's 
total theoretical map remains unexplored. I should explain here that I ran 
into a row of exitless rooms at the Y217 row. I have tried several times in 
vain to find a way through them. 

How do I know the "Great Wall" at Y217 is breachable? Simple. With the 
insurmountable barriers, such as X024- X031 and Y255, when you portal in 
there, there is a delay in the transition between when the previous screen 
fades and the new screen loads. With all Y217 rooms, there is no delay, 
meaning it is a normal room.

It is possible that all rooms from X24-X255 Y0- Y255 are exitless rooms with 
nothing of note. If that were true, then of the possible 65,536 rooms, 59,392 
of those rooms are meaningless to explore and contain nothing of note (and 
thus 6144 rooms would be the only rooms of note). But, the problem is we 
cannot confirm that speculation. Yes, X24- X31 and X255 are exitless rooms 
with time delayed arrivals, but we have never seen any room between X32 and 
X254, so such a guess cannot be verified yet. If that were true, only 6144 
rooms would be of note, and we already know 576 of those belong to the 
original map, 192 to the password's map, leaving 5376 rooms to explore. 
Subtracting the 1056 rooms I've been to, that's 4320 rooms that haven't 
been reached yet. But once again, the version differences lead to more 

*************** HOW TO ACCESS THE LOST FRONTIER *******************

The only way to get up here is through using passwords. Lee Eric Kirwan has 
cracked the password system and posted all the details on the Gamefaqs 
Message Board for TGL during 2004-5. The credit for all the passwords 
goes to him because he gave me a bunch of passwords and taught me how 
to generate passwords for the rest of the rooms on the 32 x 32 map. 

The Vast Northern Realm is accessible by the following password:
3stG            0gBG            XYRF            UMdE
RAtD            OIHD            nkQC            IcJA
[note: 0 is zero, O is capital o]
This room extends from some rooms in the Y0 row in the black space 
(X4 Y0, X5 Y0, X6 Y0, X7 Y0, X21 Y0, X22 Y0, X23 Y0) and a few rooms down in 
one section, X15 Y0, X15 Y1, and X15 Y2. It extends from X255 to X24, 2 
columns of rooms which consist always of exitless rooms or exitless empty 
orange corridor rooms. It extends from Y255 all the way to Y217, which forms 
a row of exitless rooms or exitless empty orange corridor rooms (with no 
delay though). This huge realm is filled with variable rooms, where timing 
affects what the next room looks like (this is discussed at length in the 
Game Mechanics section). Start by walking up to the Y255 row and then you can 
explore from there. 

The Near Southeastern Island is accessible by the following password: 
wMfY            scfL            qwSC            nc0K
6YeM            hoxI            WGpM         mI7F
This sends the Guardian to Area 1 X22 Y30. Unlike the Vast Northern Realm, 
the rooms here remain the same every time you cross a threshold or enter a 
portal and go back to it. Portals, however, can change what Area the room is, 
but not the layout. This area only has 38 rooms and extends from X18-X24 and 
Y30-Y37. All the X24 rooms here are likewise exitless rooms. There is one 
Save Lander room, one Corridor room (Corridor 30), and one Lander selling a 
Wave Attack for 50 Chips. The only areas I encountered here were Areas 
0,1,3,4,5. Area 4 is the most extensive of them. 

As for how to get to the spaces between the labyrinths on the 24 x 24 map, 
those require individual passwords. The same applies for all the spaces past 
the 24 x 24 grid on the 32 x 32 grid. All the passwords for the spaces 
inbetween on the 24 x 24 grid are listed here. They are all either corridors, 
Lander rooms of any type, text box rooms, or empty orange corridor rooms. 

All the following passwords provided are the last 2 blocks in the 8-block 
password code. They all plug into a universal password, which was graciously 
provided by Lee. Just plug the passwords listed into the 2 ____ spaces in 
the password to access that coordinate. 

3stG     0gBG     XYRF     UMdE
RAtD   OIHD    ____      ____


X4 Y0

X5 Y0

X6 Y0

X7 Y0

X15 Y0
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X21 Y0

X22 Y0

X23 Y0


X1 Y1

[note: this is the "eye" of Area 9; blacks out upon entry]

X4 Y1

X5 Y1

X6 Y1

X7 Y1

X15 Y1

X20 Y1

X21 Y1

X22 Y1

X23 Y1


X4 Y2

X5 Y2

X6 Y2

X7 Y2
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X15 Y2

X20 Y2
[note: blacks out upon entry]


X7 Y3

X9 Y3

[note: this is the left "eye" of Area 10; it blacks out upon entry]

X13 Y3

[note: this is the right "eye" of Area 10]

X15 Y3

X18 Y3

X18 Y3

X19 Y3

X20 Y3


X0 Y4

X1 Y4

X2 Y4
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X7 Y4

X15 Y4

X16 Y4

X20 Y4


X0 Y5

X1 Y5

X2 Y5

X7 Y5

X8 Y5

X9 Y5

X10 Y5

X13 Y5

X14 Y5

X15 Y5

X16 Y5

X20 Y5


X1 Y6

X2 Y6

X9 Y6

X10 Y6

X12 Y6

X13 Y6

X20 Y6


X2 Y7

X3 Y7

X4 Y7

X5 Y7

X6 Y7

X7 Y7

X10 Y7

X12 Y7

X15 Y7

X16 Y7

X17 Y7

X18 Y7

X19 Y7

X20 Y7


X2 Y8
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X7 Y8

X8 Y8

X10 Y8

X12 Y8

X14 Y8

X15 Y8
[note: blacks out upon entry]


X4 Y9

X5 Y9

X7 Y9

X17 Y9

X18 Y9

X19 Y9

X20 Y9

X21 Y9

X22 Y9

X23 Y9
[note: blacks out upon entry]

Y ROW 10

X4 Y10

X5 Y10

X15 Y10

X16 Y10

X17 Y10

X19 Y10
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X21 Y10

X22 Y10

X23 Y10

Y ROW 11

X2 Y11

[note: this is the "eye" of Area 1]

X5 Y11

X6 Y11

X7 Y11

X22 Y11

X23 Y11

Y ROW 12

X5 Y12

X6 Y12

X7 Y12

X19 Y12

[note: this is the "upper" eye of Area 6]

X21 Y12

X22 Y12

X23 Y12

Y ROW 13

X0 Y13

X1 Y13

X2 Y13

X3 Y13

X4 Y13

X5 Y13

X15 Y13

X16 Y13

X22 Y13

X23 Y13
[note: blacks out upon entry]

Y ROW 14

X7 Y14

X16 Y14

X17 Y14

X19 Y14

[note: this is the lower "eye" of Area 6]

X21 Y14

X22 Y14

X23 Y14

Y ROW 15

X7 Y15

X9 Y15

X11 Y15

X14 Y15

X16 Y15

X22 Y15

X23 Y15

Y ROW 16

X1 Y16

[note: this is the left "eye" of Area 2]

X3 Y16

[note: this is the right "eye" of Area 2]

X5 Y16

X6 Y16

X7 Y16

X9 Y16

X11 Y16

X12 Y16

X14 Y16

X16 Y16

X19 Y16

X21 Y16

X22 Y16

X23 Y16

Y ROW 17

X6 Y17
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X9 Y17

X11 Y17

X12 Y17

X13 Y17

X14 Y17

X16 Y17

X17 Y17

X19 Y17

X20 Y17

X21 Y17

X22 Y17

X23 Y17

Y ROW 18

X0 Y18

X2 Y18

X3 Y18

X4 Y18

X6 Y18

X8 Y18

X9 Y18

X13 Y18

X14 Y18

X21 Y18

X22 Y18

X23 Y18

Y ROW 19

X0 Y19

X1 Y19

X2 Y19

X3 Y19

X4 Y19

X5 Y19

X6 Y19

X8 Y19

X14 Y19

X15 Y19

X16 Y19

X23 Y19
[note: blacks out upon entry]

Y ROW 20

X8 Y20

X11 Y20

[note: this is the upper part of the hole in Area 8]

X15 Y20
vl0C I8JA

X23 Y20
vm0C I8NA

Y ROW 21

X6 Y21

[note: this is the "eye" of Area 3]

X8 Y21

X11 Y21

[note: this is the lower part of the hole in Area 8]

X15 Y21

X21 Y21
[note: this is the "eye" of Area 7]

Y ROW 22

X8 Y22

X14 Y22
7l1C I2KA

X15 Y22
vl1C I8KA

X23 Y22
vm1C I8OA

Y ROW 23

X2 Y23

X3 Y23

X5 Y23

X8 Y23

X13 Y23

X14 Y23

X15 Y23

X23 Y23

And now for the expanded range of the map, X0-23 Y24-31. 

Y ROW 24

X0 Y24

X1 Y24

X2 Y24
1k2C I2FA

X3 Y24

X4 Y24
nk2C I2GA

X5 Y24
fk2C I8GA

X6 Y24
7k2C I2HA

X7 Y24
vk2C I8HA

X8 Y24

X9 Y24

X10 Y24
1l2C I2JA

X11 Y24

X12 Y24
nl2C I2KA

X13 Y24
fl2C I8KA

X14 Y24
7l2C I2LA

X15 Y24
vl2C I8LA

X16 Y24

X17 Y24

X18 Y24
1m2C I2NA

X19 Y24

X20 Y24
nm2C I2OA

X21 Y24
fm2C I8OA

X22 Y24
7m2C I2PA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X23 Y24
vm2C I8PA

Y ROW 25

X0 Y25

X1 Y25

X2 Y25

X3 Y25

X4 Y25

X5 Y25

X6 Y25

X7 Y25

X8 Y25

X9 Y25

X10 Y25

X11 Y25

X12 Y25

X13 Y25

X14 Y25

X15 Y25

X16 Y25

X17 Y25

X18 Y25

X19 Y25

X20 Y25

X21 Y25

X22 Y25

X23 Y25

Y ROW 26

X0 Y26

X1 Y26

X2 Y26
1k3C I2GA

X3 Y26

X4 Y26
nk3C I2HA

X5 Y26
fk3C I8HA

X6 Y26
7k3C I2IA

X7 Y26
vk3C I8IA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X8 Y26

X9 Y26

X10 Y26
1l3C I2KA

X11 Y26

X12 Y26
nl3C I2LA

X13 Y26
fl3C I8LA

X14 Y26
7l3C I2MA
[has a fightable miniboss]

X15 Y26
vl3C I8MA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X16 Y26

X17 Y26

X18 Y26

X19 Y26

X20 Y26

X21 Y26

X22 Y26

X23 Y26

Y ROW 27

X0 Y27

X1 Y27

X2 Y27
[note: miniboss, game glitches up]

X3 Y27
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X4 Y27
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X5 Y27
[note: game glitches up]

X6 Y27
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X7 Y27
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X8 Y27

X9 Y27
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X10 Y27

X11 Y27

X12 Y27

X13 Y27

X14 Y27

X15 Y27

X16 Y27

X17 Y27

X18 Y27

X19 Y27

X20 Y27

X21 Y27

X22 Y27

X23 Y27
[note: blacks out upon entry]

Y ROW 28

X0 Y28

X1 Y28

X2 Y28
1kaC I2HA

X3 Y28

X4 Y28
nkaC I2IA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X5 Y28
fkaC I8IA

X6 Y28
7kaC I2JA

X7 Y28
vkaC I8JA

X8 Y28

X9 Y28

X10 Y28
1laC I2LA

X11 Y28

X12 Y28
nlaC I2MA

X13 Y28
flaC I8MA

X14 Y28
7laC I2NA

X15 Y28

[note: glitches up]

X16 Y28

X17 Y28

X18 Y28
1maC I2PA

X19 Y28

X20 Y28

X21 Y28
fmaC I4AA

X22 Y28

X23 Y28
vmaC I4BA

Y ROW 29

X0 Y29

X1 Y29

X2 Y29

X3 Y29

X4 Y29

X5 Y29

X6 Y29

X7 Y29

X8 Y29
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X9 Y29

X10 Y29

X11 Y29

X12 Y29
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X13 Y29

X14 Y29
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X15 Y29

X16 Y29

X17 Y29
[note: glitches up]

X18 Y29
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X19 Y29
[note: glitches up]

X20 Y29

X21 Y29

X22 Y29

X23 Y29
[note: blacks out upon entry]

Y ROW 30

X0 Y30

X1 Y30
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X2 Y30
1kbC I2IA
[note: glitches up]

X3 Y30
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X4 Y30
nkbC I2JA

X5 Y30
fkbC I8JA
[note: glitches up]

X6 Y30
7kbC I2KA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X7 Y30
vkbC I8KA
[note: glitches up]

X8 Y30
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X9 Y30
[note: glitches up]

X10 Y30
1lbC I2MA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X11 Y30

X12 Y30
nlbC I2NA
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X13 Y30
flbC I8NA

X14 Y30
7lbC I2OA

X15 Y30

X16 Y30

X17 Y30

X18 Y30

X19 Y30

X20 Y30
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X21 Y30

X22 Y30

X23 Y30

Y ROW 31

X0 Y31
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X1 Y31

X2 Y31

X3 Y31

X4 Y31

X5 Y31

X6 Y31
[note: glitches up]

X7 Y31
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X8 Y31
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X9 Y31
[note: blacks out upon entry]

X10 Y31

X11 Y31

X12 Y31

X13 Y31

X14 Y31

X15 Y31

X16 Y31

X17 Y31

X18 Y31

X19 Y31

X20 Y31

X21 Y31

X22 Y31

X23 Y31

And for good measure, for those of you with cartridges that can access 
the X-coordinate past X23, here are X24-31 Y0-31


X24 Y0

X25 Y0

X26 Y0

X27 Y0

X28 Y0

X29 Y0

X30 Y0

X31 Y0


X24 Y1

X25 Y1

X26 Y1

X27 Y1

X28 Y1

X29 Y1

X30 Y1

X31 Y1


X24 Y2

X25 Y2

X26 Y2

X27 Y2

X28 Y2

X29 Y2

X30 Y2

X31 Y2


X24 Y3

X25 Y3

X26 Y3

X27 Y3

X28 Y3

X29 Y3

X30 Y3

X31 Y3


X24 Y4

X25 Y4

X26 Y4

X27 Y4

X28 Y4

X29 Y4

X30 Y4

X31 Y4


X24 Y5

X25 Y5

X26 Y5

X27 Y5

X28 Y5

X29 Y5

X30 Y5

X31 Y5


X24 Y6

X25 Y6

X26 Y6

X27 Y6

X28 Y6

X29 Y6

X30 Y6

X31 Y6


X24 Y7

X25 Y7

X26 Y7

X27 Y7

X28 Y7

X29 Y7

X30 Y7

X31 Y7


X24 Y8

X25 Y8

X26 Y8

X27 Y8

X28 Y8

X29 Y8

X30 Y8

X31 Y8


X24 Y9

X25 Y9

X26 Y9

X27 Y9

X28 Y9

X29 Y9

X30 Y9

X31 Y9

Y ROW 10

X24 Y10

X25 Y10

X26 Y10

X27 Y10

X28 Y10

X29 Y10

X30 Y10

X31 Y10

Y ROW 11

X24 Y11

X25 Y11

X26 Y11

X27 Y11

X28 Y11

X29 Y11

X30 Y11

X31 Y11

Y ROW 12

X24 Y12

X25 Y12

X26 Y12

X27 Y12

X28 Y12

X29 Y12

X30 Y12

X31 Y12

Y ROW 13

X24 Y13

X25 Y13

X26 Y13

X27 Y13

X28 Y13

X29 Y13

X30 Y13

X31 Y13

Y ROW 14

X24 Y14

X25 Y14

X26 Y14

X27 Y14

X28 Y14

X29 Y14

X30 Y14

X31 Y14

Y ROW 15

X24 Y15

X25 Y15

X26 Y15

X27 Y15

X28 Y15

X29 Y15

X30 Y15

X31 Y15

Y ROW 16

X24 Y16

X25 Y16

X26 Y16

X27 Y16

X28 Y16

X29 Y16

X30 Y16

X31 Y16

Y ROW 17

X24 Y17

X25 Y17

X26 Y17

X27 Y17

X28 Y17

X29 Y17

X30 Y17

X31 Y17

Y ROW 18

X24 Y18

X25 Y18

X26 Y18

X27 Y18

X28 Y18

X29 Y18

X30 Y18

X31 Y18

Y ROW 19

X24 Y19

X25 Y19

X26 Y19

X27 Y19

X28 Y19

X29 Y19

X30 Y19

X31 Y19

Y ROW 20

X24 Y20

X25 Y20

X26 Y20
1n0C I2PA

X27 Y20

X28 Y20

X29 Y20
fn0C I4AA

X30 Y20

X31 Y20
vn0C I4BA

Y ROW 21

X24 Y21

X25 Y21

X26 Y21

X27 Y21

X28 Y21

X29 Y21

X30 Y21

X31 Y21

Y ROW 22

X24 Y22

X25 Y22

X26 Y22

X27 Y22

X28 Y22

X29 Y22
fn1C I4BA

X30 Y22

X31 Y22
vn1C I4CA

Y ROW 23

X24 Y23

X25 Y23

X26 Y23

X27 Y23

X28 Y23

X29 Y23

X30 Y23

X31 Y23

Y ROW 24

X24 Y24

X25 Y24

X26 Y24

X27 Y24

X28 Y24

X29 Y24
fn2C I4CA

X30 Y24

X31 Y24
vn2C I4DA

Y ROW 25

X24 Y25

X25 Y25

X26 Y25

X27 Y25

X28 Y25

X29 Y25

X30 Y25

X31 Y25

Y ROW 26

X24 Y26

X25 Y26

X26 Y26

X27 Y26

X28 Y26

X29 Y26

X30 Y26

X31 Y26
vn3C I4EA

Y ROW 27

X24 Y27

X25 Y27

X26 Y27

X27 Y27

X28 Y27

X29 Y27

X30 Y27

X31 Y27

Y ROW 28

X24 Y28

X25 Y28

X26 Y28

X27 Y28

X28 Y28

X29 Y28
fnaC I4EA

X30 Y28

X31 Y28
vnaC I4FA

Y ROW 29

X24 Y29

X25 Y29

X26 Y29

X27 Y29

X28 Y29

X29 Y29

X30 Y29

X31 Y29

Y ROW 30

X24 Y30

X25 Y30

X26 Y30

X27 Y30

X28 Y30

X29 Y30
fnbC I4FA

X30 Y30

X31 Y30
vnbC I4GA

Y ROW 31

X24 Y31

X25 Y31

X26 Y31

X27 Y31

X28 Y31

X29 Y31

X30 Y31

X31 Y31

There are some coordinates on the 32 x 32 grid where entering a password 
causes the game to black out. Surprisingly, these rooms, if adjacent rooms 
have an open threshold to them, are accessible. Why passwords cannot access 
them, but they turn out to be accessible by foot is unknown at this time. 

****************** GAME MECHANICS OF THE LOST FRONTIER ***********

All games have a system of rules they operate by. These are the game's 
equivalent of the laws of physics. For example, in Super Mario Bros, based on 
the game's rules, Mario can jump. In TGL, however, based on the rules, the 
Guardian cannot jump. I will start you off by giving you some of the normal 
rules this game is governed by. These same rules are found in many of the same
games. These are common sense rules everyone will say "duh, it's obvious" to, 
but I reiterate them because some of these rules... they don't apply to the 
Lost Frontier. 

Rule: When you cross a threshold (the edge of a screen), the next room will 
always appear the same no matter what time you cross it. The next room will 
also appear the same regardless of which adjacent room it is approached from. 
And when you cross back to go back to the room you came from, that original 
room will appear the same as when you left it. The same applies for use of 

Rule: When a special weapon is used, it has the same effect each time 
(barring Chip limitation, levelling a weapon up, or an enemy's weaknesses or 
strengths). Basically, when you use the Laser Saber, a little laser saber 
comes out of the Guardian in the same position every time. 

Rule: If the threshold you cross is open, the adjacent room will have a 
corresponding open threshold on the side the two rooms share. 

Rule: You cannot cross from an Area of one number to an Area of a different 
number by crossing a threshold. Such a transition can only occur by using a 
portal and passing through an intermediary room, usually a Lander room of 
some sort or a Corridor room. 

Rule: There are a series of protocols the game follows when there is a 
miniboss at a location. First, when you arrive on the screen, warning klaxons 
sound, then green blocks appear to cover every open space along any side 
with a threshold. The boss then appears. When the boss is defeated, a victory 
tune is played and an item box is left in the center of the room. When the 
item is collected, one block in every wall of green blocks becomes brown, 
meaning it can be broken. Should you ever return to the same screen again, 
no step in the series of protocols will be carried out. The game "remembers" 
the miniboss has been beaten. 

Rule: When you beat a Corridor, you will return to the same Corridor room, 
but the Corridor will be sealed. 

Now for the strange, bizarre rules which govern the Lost Frontier. Having 
spent dozens of hours exploring this place, I have seen them play out. 

The strangest property to moving around the labyrinth in the Lost Frontier is 
depending on the time you cross the screen’s threshold, the next room will 
appear differently from if you cross the threshold at a different time. There 
are many different possibilities for each screen. The arrangement of the 
room, whether or not there are portals are not, and what Keys are needed for 
those portals can and does vary. Likewise, when entering a portal, the timing 
in which you move onto it will determine what the room on the other side of 
the portal will be. This explains why there can be several corridors found 
at the exact same coordinates. I’ve tested this using save states and when 
I move at the exact same speed, I always land the same possibility. This 
proves it is not entirely random as if it were random, the possibility would 
be different each time I load up the same state. If my speed is slower or 
faster by even a margin of less than a second, a different screen appears. 
The switching of room possibilities occurs on the millisecond scale. In the 
normal game, everything is bi-directional. A screen with an open threshold 
on the left will correspondingly have a screen left of it with an open 
threshold on the right. Here, nothing is necessarily bi-directional. 
Sometimes, the Guardian can arrive in rooms that have no exits. These are 
basically trap rooms, where there is only a one-way entry and there is no 
escape, other than by loading up an earlier save state. In other cases, an 
open threshold on one side can be adjacent to a wall which cannot be 
walked through once passed through. 

In some screens, there is an overlap which would normally not occur. There is 
an open threshold on the edge of the screen, but also a blue portal box 
there. When this occurs, the threshold cannot be crossed. Anywhere there is 
a portal, there is a de facto wall, visible or not. On some screens with 
portals, there are invisible walls even on thresholds that do not have a 
portal. There are some screens where there is a threshold, but there is also 
an invisible wall there as well. I’ve seen this often on some screens with 
the slime enemies. There are some screens that have small invisible walls in 
the middle of the screen. 

Theory: I suspect this portal = wall rule is actually a rule in the normal 
game (but which we never see since the programmers make sure there is always 
a visible wall by a portal). 

It is also possible to walk through some walls. When the Guardian transitions 
from a screen with an open threshold say on the right side to a room where 
the left side is a wall, she can walk through the wall so long as she is 
moving straight and nothing is there to obstruct her. Also, if there is some 
glitchy tiles on the wall which can be walked on, in some cases the Guardian 
can walk on those glitchy tiles and cross the wall. This is even possible 
with glitchy tiles in some corridor rooms or text box rooms, where you can 
scroll to another special room type (non-overworld Area room). With glitched 
blocks that can be walked upon, if it is a Corridor Room (active), the screen 
will scroll to another Corridor Room (active). That Corridor Room, in the 
cases I’ve seen will be open, but you can walk on the black space without 
entering, there may or may not be red tech panels there, and the 
"Corridor #" sign will be completely black. Basically, it’s a false corridor 
room, a dummy corridor. I have not had the chance to scroll screens in 
Sealed Corridor Rooms. With empty orange corridor rooms, walking through the 
wall results in another empty orange corridor room. With Save Lander rooms, 
walking through the wall results in a Save Lander room with no text in the 
text box accompanying it. With Lander rooms saying "Any Luck?", the Lander 
is in the next room, but says nothing. I have not walked through the wall 
of either Lander room selling anything (single or "only one"). With text box 
rooms, walking through the walls results in another text box room except 
the text box says nothing. 

Theory: The game organizes room types by several layers. Areas 0 through 10 
are each in separate layers, distinctly isolated from one another, thus why 
you cannot walk from an Area 7 room to an Area 2 room, and why you cannot 
walk from an Area 3 room to an Area 4 room. I suspect that all Save Lander 
rooms are one layer, the "Only One" Lander rooms are a different layer, 
the Lander shop rooms are yet another layer, Active Corridor rooms are one 
layer, Empty Corridor Rooms are another layer. We can't see that they have 
this categorizational structure because all special rooms never have open 
thresholds in the game. 

On the subject of room formation, it seems like if you move to the next room, 
either via threshold or portal fast, that room will often be an exitless room 
or an empty corridor room with no exits. However, it does not mean after you 
wait a long enough time, a room with a corridor or exits will be there. There 
always remains the possibility of the exitless room, but the possibility of 
reaching an exitless room is extremely high early on and declines as time 
goes on, but after a certain time the possibility levels off. I think the 
pattern repeats after that, but I am not sure. I’m also not even sure there 
is a pattern, but there are definite probabilities.

There are some... stranger types of possibilities for rooms. One of the 
possibilities is that the screen will go black when the Guardian crosses 
that threshold or enters the portal. Another possibility is one that only 
occurs with threshold movement; it is where the Guardian enters a screen and 
all movement is frozen, and the screen is blue, white and red, and the TGL 
title screen music plays. This screen resembles an Area 0 room open on the 
top and bottom with walls on the left and white. The only way out of this 
is resetting the game. With one instance here though, I observed the 
Guardian moving around the screen, albeit uncontrollably. And another 
instance, notably in Area 4, I was able to control movement on this screen, 
and even walk onto an invisible portal and warp to another room.

Another possibility is miniboss warning klaxons will go off. Now, this event 
has a few possibilities. The first, and among the most common ones is the 
graphics will glitch up, becoming simpler (I think this is called the 
graphics decompiling) and the game screen freezing up and either going to 
black or black alternating with a screen of a solid color every so often. 
Either way, it means you have to reset. The other possibility with the 
miniboss klaxons is that a miniboss will appear. Now this possibility has a 
few possibilities: either a real boss will appear, which means it can be 
defeated and an item box dropped, or no miniboss will appear but the 
miniboss music will stop after some duration (on the scale of seconds), 
victory over miniboss music will play and an item box will appear, or the 
klaxons sound, no miniboss appears, but the music continues playing (at 
least for over 2 minutes) without the miniboss being defeated. Consider in 
these cases the minibosses to be invisible and that they cannot be interacted 
with (i.e. they cannot harm you, you cannot harm them) which self-destruct 
after x interval of seconds (with x varying from invisible miniboss to 
miniboss). This has some credence as on a number of screens with no miniboss, 
maybe 1/5th or 1/6th, an explosion like that of a miniboss being beaten 
occurs on the upper fringes of the screen, half on the screen half off the 
screen. In all cases, as following the game’s normal mechanics, green blocks 
appear on all thresholds, the klaxons sound, and when the miniboss is 
defeated, victory over miniboss music plays and an item box appears in the 
center of the room. Another possibility is one I observed only once, a demo 
starts playing. This demo was a corridor, as is the case with all the demos. 
Note that there is a different situation where a labyrinth can turn into a 
corridor. That is different from this. This corridor was a conventional one 
in the game. 

I’ve said earlier how the type of arrangement with a room and whether there 
are portals or not and what types of portals they are can vary, but accessing 
rooms from different portals or wandering to the same coordinates after 
taking portals somewhere in the vicinity can allow for a multiplicity of 
different Areas at the same coordinates. For the screen X4 Y244, I’ve seen it 
as Areas 0,4,6,8,10. For the screen X17 Y238, I’ve seen it as Areas 0,2,3,8,9.
At X6 Y255, I’ve seen Areas 0,2,5,7,8. At X8 Y255, I’ve seen Areas 
0,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. So, for some coordinates, there can be at least up 
to 9 different Areas for that coordinates and possibly even 1 or more 
Corridors too. I suspect all 11 Areas are possible at some or more 

So, the ultimate factors which affect the appearance of a room are timing and 
passage through a portal, even if it was several screens away. To help 
understand the changing appearance of a room in this area, imagine there is 
an invisible Z-coordinate to the mapping structure and the time at which the 
Guardian crosses the screen’s threshold or enters the portal determines what 
Z-coordinate for those X,Y coordinates she arrives at. X & Y coordinates are 
used to map planes, but X, Y, and Z coordinates are used to map realms 
(three-dimensional spaces).  I’m not saying there is a Z-coordinate, I’m 
saying it’s a useful mental device to help frame the concept of the flux of 
possibilities for the same room. Imagine that the different Areas for each 
coordinate, such as the cases of X4 Y244 and X17 Y238 I noted earlier, each 
Area is at a different Z-coordinate and imagine that for the rules governing 
this system, the Z-coordinates for different Areas are not accessible when 
walking across a threshold. So, for let’s say all the Area 0 room 
possibilities for a specific set of coordinates, imagine they have Z-values 
of say 30-40, and the other Areas possible for those coordinates are 
different sets of coordinates, like say Area 1 is 11-20 and Area 3 is 67-72. 
Merely walking across a threshold only allows movement in the range of 
Z-values between 30-40. Any Z-values that have Corridors, text box rooms, 
Lander rooms, empty corridor rooms, etc associated with them are excluded 
in the range of movement. If there is a portal on that screen, it 
determines movement both in an X or Y direction depending on the location 
of the portal (left or right vs. top or bottom), but there is also 
movement on the Z-axis. The portal’s range of possibilities for movement 
when going from an Area room to a special room exclude all Z-values 
associated with Areas, but include all possibilities with Corridors, text 
rooms, empty corridor rooms, Lander rooms, etc. The possibilities for 
Z-values when going through a portal in a special room include all 
possible Z-values since some special rooms can be adjacent to other special 
rooms. Now, under this imaginary system, movement along the Z-axis would 
be disabled for all rooms officially mapped, such as those on the X0-X23, 
Y0-Y23 grid which appear as white on the map when all the Keys are 
obtained. However, using the teleporter (read further down), Z-coordinates 
for rooms on the regular map are accessible. 

Some rooms (i.e. coordinates), depending on where you enter them from and 
more importantly, when you enter them, can display multiple corridors. Or 
sometimes after beating an open corridor there, you’ll arrive back in the 
same room, but it’s a different corridor there! I found several examples of 
this. One is X22, Y245, which I’ve seen as Corridors 61, 88, and 8. I’ve found 
a maximum of 5-6 corridors in the same room in some instances. Timing 
determines whether a special room has an empty orange corridor room, a Lander 
merchant, a text box room, a Save Lander, an active corridor, and what number 
the active corridor is. There are only a handful of corridor #s available at 
each coordinate. As for as I know, there is no master room where every 
corridor is available, from 0 to the highest number. 

Now, when a Corridor is beaten, should it be playable, there are a few 
possible results. Sometimes, the game blacks out upon the transition between 
corridor and labyrinth again. A few occasions I was able, by mashing the 
buttons, to break the blackout and get the game to resume, but this was only 
in some of the cases where the music continued to play. Many times, the 
transition is completed. In some of those cases, the Guardian is sent back to 
an empty orange corridor room. There may or may not be portals to provide an 
exit here. In the cases where there is no exit, completing the corridor is 
basically a trap. Many times, the Guardian is sent back to the active 
corridor room and either the same corridor remains open or a completely 
different corridor is there! That new corridor may be open or closed. Rarely 
does the Guardian return and the corridor explode and leave an item like it 
would normally in the game. Many times that second corridor blacks out upon 
entry, but sometimes they are playable. Double-links, one playable corridor 
which when beaten leads to a new corridor at the same coordinates which is 
also playable is a semi-common occurrence. Once I found a triple-link and a 
quadra-link. That is noted under weird occurrences. 

In the Lost Frontier, the coordinate system is not exact. I’ve noticed the 
existence of staggered coordinates. The same Corridor is frequently found in 
several rooms located at coordinates close to one another. This made me think 
the coordinate system doesn’t matter for precision, just for ballpark area 
(though I noted the precise coordinates I found corridors and minibosses at). 
I don’t know why, but that’s the way it is. I also noticed sometimes the same 
room can be found as a possibility in an adjacent room, a rarely occurring 
room with a portal on the same side, thresholds on the same side, and 
sometimes even the same enemies. Staggered coordinates apply to all types and 
categories of rooms it seems. 

Theory: Just as the variability of the rooms in the Lost Frontier seem to 
intensify with the higher the Y value, so to do the coordinates become less 
exact it seems. 

There are also some areas or rooms which seem to be a nexus of corridors. 
These are a grouping of coordinates which have rooms which produce many 
corridors and produce them at a frequent occurrence (some special rooms seem 
to produce empty orange corridor rooms always). In these areas, corridors 
can be found with great ease. 

The game is affected by some of the same game mechanics: the labyrinths do not
change from one Area to another without having to pass through a portal and 
there is in most cases a buffer room (Lander, textbox, corridor, etc), and 
you cannot wander from a labyrinth screen into a corridor room, Lander room 
of any type, or text box room without passing through a portal. You also 
cannot enter a Corridor unless you have jumped through the gate in the 
Corridor room. Labyrinth enemies will never appear in Corridors, but some 
Corridor enemies have been found in the labyrinths. There are instances, 
though, of a labyrinth turning into a Labyrinth-Corridor and of taking a 
portal directly from one Labyrinth Area to another Labyrinth Area. This is 
very rare though. I took a portal and went directly from Area 2 X4 Y224 to 
Area 8 X4 Y223. Another time, I took a portal and went from Area 8 to Area 
8 without passing through a buffer room. 

Some rooms seem to almost always be the same. For example, some in the Y0 
series are always a Corridor room or a labyrinth room with a portal on the 
top fringe of the screen. Many rooms also have a frequency of appearing the 
same way. This can be seen easily especially in the Y255 and Y254 rows of 
rooms, where they all look like the three-way Area 0 room or the Area 4 room 
open only on one side, to the left. With some row in the low Y230s in Area 9, 
it frequently occurs as a desert room with only a threshold on the left. 
Often with jungle labyrinths in some areas, it is common to get screens with 
a threshold on the left only as well. Water areas seem to have equal 
probabilities of either a room with only a threshold on the left or only a 
threshold on the right. Obviously exitless rooms are a very high possibility 
in each area. 

If you walk through the walls back onto a room on the real map of NAJU, it 
projects the current Area you were in on the other side of that wall onto the 
real Area. For example, walking from an Area 0 room into a real Area 9 room 
would make that desert labyrinth look like Area 0, except it would display 
the same enemies, except for the spider-donuts and little slimes, which will 
not have their Area 9 colors, rather, they would have their Area 0 colors. 
Area 0 music would play too. Minibosses are playable here. Entering warp 
portals in these template-exchanged Areas will result in you going back to 
the real Area and not the overlapped area. All corridors play normally 
because when you enter them via portal, using the portal sends you back to 
the real area. This layering confusion also occurs in Metroid and is in 
fact what causes the Hidden Worlds in that game. 

Glitched corridors appear the same way every time you jump into them at that 
set of coordinates. They may be consistent across the board for that set of 
coordinates, or they may vary wildly. It’s not just completely random garbled 
jumble of component images, it has the same pattern each time. Hitting the 
select button often can change their appearance to a completely different 
background and even make enemies appear where there were none. Basically, the 
enemies are associated with the background, not the corridor itself. With 
some, the corridor remains the same, just some component of the background or 
the whole background remains glitched permanently (i.e. cannot be undone). 
With many types of glitched corridors though, select can make it swap between 
half a dozen background or well over 2 dozen backgrounds (many of those 
backgrounds are variations on the same theme with a minute difference 
though). Many of the glitched corridor backgrounds are just endlessly 
looping. From one, I suspect that the corridor may only be about 1-3 screens 
long and just looped over and over. With some however, they have had a unique 
pattern while flying several minutes into it.

Every time I went to the X24 column, it was always an exitless overworld room 
or an exitless orange corridor room and there was always a slight delay when 
transitioning from an X23 room to an X24 room, longer than the usual 
transition time. The same applied for X255 rooms. X24 and X255 form barrier 
rooms. It is possible to get past it with other passwords, but it is not 
possible by wandering. 

With Save Lander rooms in the Lost Frontier, if you hit A and go to the 
password, then click "go out", the Save Lander room will disappear. Often you 
will be in an Area 0 exitless room. Sometimes the room will be of any of the 
11 area types and have an exit or just be another exitless room of different 
areas. Other possibilities include corridor rooms or the game blacking out. 
I noticed, even with a Save Lander at the same coordinates that the password 
it gives you varies. I noticed this even when I used save states inside a 
Save Lander room. 

Save Lander rooms in the Lost Frontier do give passwords, but those passwords 
do not bring you to that coordinate. Those passwords bring you to a place on 
a 32 x 32 grid or cause the game to crash. The password will bring you to the
same X coordinate as the Save Lander room in the Lost Frontier, but you will 
be at a different Y coordinate, Y0-31. I've checked, and there is a 
consistent pattern. For example, any Save Lander room in the Y223 row ends 
up sending you to Y31 and any in Y224 sends you to Y0.And X22 Y032 (correct, 
I mean Y32 and not Y232) had passwords that sent me to X22 Y0. I surmise 
from this, that the Lost Frontier (beyond the 32 x 32 grid) has Save Landers 
that record passwords that send you to the same X coordinate, but a 
different Y coordinate. Starting with Y032, it sends you to Y0, and counts 
upward until it reaches Y31 and then repeats over and over again all the 
way through to Y255.  

The majority of screens here have no enemies, but sometimes, I’ve encountered 
enemies. More can be read about that in the next section. 

Some portals, even if on one side of the screen, don’t necessarily send you 
one room in that direction. I’ve encountered portals on the right side of the 
screen which sent me to the room adjacent to the room I’m in on the left. 

                                How It All Works

This section is incomplete. It will continue to be developed when further
information and discoveries become available. 

The basis of this are the game's hex numbers in the code. Numbers encode for 
some value, some property, be it music, graphics, weapons, whatnot. 
The same numbers are used for many different types of properties. The game 
is able to read these numbers based on where they are in the game's code. 
It is able to tell 0B in one place means one thing, and 0B in another 
place means a very different thing. I will list all the hex values for 
known properties of the game for reference since everything after them 
utilizes the data they have. 

[hex] Track #- sound
00, 48-FF hex values encode for no music, so produce nothing at all
[01] 1-Title screen
[02] 2-Labyrinths 3,4,8 (long journey)
[03] 3-Boss music 1 (military aquatica)
[04] 4-Jungle corridors
[05] 5-Arctic corridors
[06] 6-Boss music 2/ Miniboss (miniboss)
[07] 7-Labyrinth 1,2,5,7 (sad walkabout)
[08] 8-Desert corridors (harder, darker opening, nuances, blurred audio)
[09] 9-Labyrinth 0 (optimistic start)
[0A] 10-Game Over
[0B] 11-Organic corridors (jingling opening, underlying ding ling ling 
to audio)
(unused one)
[0C] 12-Organic corridors (repeat of #11) (real one)
[0D] 13-Labyrinth 6,9 (retro ‘50s music)
[0E] 14-Labyrinth 10 (newer darker music)
[0F] 15-Ending music
[10] 16-Empty corridor room
[11] 17-Active corridor room
[12] 18-Active corridor room (repeat of #17)
[13] 19-Computer room
[14] 20-Water corridors (unused one)
[15] 21-Water corridors (repeat of #20) (real one)
[16] 22-Boss music 3 (ominous opponent)
[17] 23-Transformation sequence returning from corridor
[18] 24-Lander room
[19] 25-Password screen/ Corridor 22
[1A] 26-Victory over the Miniboss
[1B] 27-Victory over the Corridor
[1C] 28-Corridor 21
[1D] 29-Transformation sequence entering corridor
[1E] 30-Corridor 0
[1F] 31-N/A (is this the music track used when they want no music?)
[20] 32-Bullets hitting a target- penetrating
[21] 33-Bullets hitting a target- not penetrating
[22] 34-Sound of enemies being destroyed
[23] 35-Fire sound #1 (faint)
[24] 36-Fire sound #2 (faint, but slightly louder and longer)
[25] 37-Main weapon sound
[26] 38-Multibullet sound
[27] 39-Fire sound #3 (sounds like flipping through a bunch of papers)
[28] 40-Hyper Laser sound
[29] 41-Fire sound #4 (sounds more spaced out)
[2A] 42-Wave weapons fired
[2B] 43-??????
[2C] 44-Laser Saber & Cutting Saber sound
[2D] 45-Fire sound #5 (sounds the same as earlier ones)
[2E] 46-Grenade sound
[2F] 47-Enemy Eraser sound
[30] 48-picking up a Heart
[31] 49-picking up a Lander
[32] 50-picking up an Energy Tank
[33] 51-picking up a Chip
[34] 52-entering letters in the password
[35] 53-weapon being collected
[36] 54-received _ Key sound
[37] 55-Fire sound #6 (louder, more continuous, paper flipping sound)
[38] 56-sound of receiving damage
[39] 57-sound of miniboss or boss being hit
[3A] 58-teleporting out
[3B] 59-teleporting out (repeat of #58)
[3C] 60-teleporting in
[3D] 61-moving cursor on select screen and password cursor
[3E] 62-moving cursor on select screen and password cursor (repeat of #61)
[3F] 63-corridor gate opens
[40] 64-Fire sound #7 (short, brief)
[41] 65-Fire sound #8 (short, brief)
[42] 66-Fire sound #9 (longer)
[43] 67-boss klaxons (it’s actually only a single klaxon sounded once)
[44] 68-N/A
[45] 69-N/A
[46] 70-Hitting start or select button
[47] 71-Hitting start or select button (repeat of #70)

[00] MultiBullet
[01] Backfire
[02] Wave Attack
[03] Bullet Shield
[04] Grenade
[05] Fireball
[06] Area Blaster
[07] Repeller
[08] Hyper Laser
[09] Saber Laser
[0A] Cutter Laser
[0B] Enemy Erasers
[0C] Energy Tank
[0D] Blue Lander
[0E] Attack Booster
[0F] Shield Booster
[10] Consecutive Fire (?)
[11] Red Lander
object values 12 and above I cannot determine. 

The first string of code I received from my source (Kuzeelar) contains the 
music for the Corridors. Every line of code below this are the lines that 
come after it. All of these lines contain the data for all the corridors, 
including the ones numbering above 22. 

Hex Code for music in Corridors 0-22
Corridor 0- 1E [Track 30: Corridor 0]
Corridor 1- 15 [Track 21: water corridors]
Corridor 2- 15 [Track 21: water corridors]
Corridor 3- 04 [Track 4: jungle corridors]
Corridor 4- 04 [Track 4: jungle corridors]
Corridor 5- 05 [Track 5: arctic corridors]
Corridor 6- 05 [Track 5: arctic corridors]
Corridor 7- 0C [Track 12: organic corridors]
Corridor 8- 0C [Track 12: organic corridors]
Corridor 9- 08 [Track 8: desert corridors]
Corridor 10- 08 [Track 8: desert corridors]
Corridor 11- 15 [Track 21: water corridors]
Corridor 12- 15 [Track 21: water corridors]
Corridor 13- 04 [Track 4: jungle corridors]
Corridor 14- 04 [Track 4: jungle corridors]
Corridor 15- 05 [Track 5: arctic corridors]
Corridor 16- 05 [Track 5: arctic corridors]
Corridor 17- 0C [Track 12: organic corridors]
Corridor 18- 0C [Track 12: organic corridors]
Corridor 19- 08 [Track 8: desert corridors]
Corridor 20- 08 [Track 8: desert corridors]
Corridor 21- 1C [Track 28: Corridor 21]
Corridor 22- 19 [Track 25: password screen/ Corridor 22]

The next string of code which occurs directly after the musical string is the
one that encodes for the weapons you receive from beating the corridor. 
Corridor 0- __ (it's blank)
Corridor 1- 07 [Repeller]
Corridor 2- 09 [Saber Laser]
Corridor 3- 0C [Energy Tank]
Corridor 4- 00 [MultiBullet]
Corridor 5- 0B [Enemy Erasers]
Corridor 6- 06 [Area Blaster]
Corridor 7- 0A [Cutter Laser]
Corridor 8- 03 [Bullet Shield]
Corridor 9- 06 [Area Blaster]
Corridor 10- 0B [Enemy Erasers]
Corridor 11- 04 [Grenade]
Corridor 12- 08 [Hyper Laser]
Corridor 13- 0F [Shield Booster]
Corridor 14- 0D [Blue Lander]
Corridor 15- 11 [Red Lander]
Corridor 16- 01 [Backfire]
Corridor 17- 09 [Saber Laser]
Corridor 18- 05 [Fireball]
Corridor 19- 0F [Shield Booster]
Corridor 20- 0E [Attack Booster]
Corridor 21- __ (it's blank)
Corridor 22- __ (it's blank)

But, Kuzeelar determined by looking at the corridor weapons line of code 
that the music played in Corridors 23-42, the music's hex numbers, 
corresponded precisely with the weapons' (well, they're not all weapons, 
such as the Landers and Boosters, but that's beside the point) hex numbers. 
Basically, for corridors numbering above 22, the game gets confused and 
thinks the line below the corridor music code is a continuation of the 
corridor music code. So, looking at the above table, renumbering the 
corridors to be 23-42 and looking up the hex number for music and not 
weapons, this is what we get. Note that the line of code where I have 
designated it is blank apparently skips those corridors, with some other 
line of code taking precedence. The game is apparently able to tell it 
should skip Corridors 0, 21, 22 for weapons and doesn't interpret 
07 [Repeller], the prize for Corridor 1, as the prize for Corridor 0. 

Corridor #- hex [music track]- ***= confirmed to match
Corridor 23- 07 [Track 7: Labyrinth 1,2,5,7]- ***
Corridor 24- 09 [Track 9: Labyrinth 0]- ***
Corridor 25- 0C [Track 12: organic corridors- real one]
Corridor 26- 00 [nothing]- ***
Corridor 27- 0B [Track 11: organic corridors- fake one]- ***
Corridor 28- 06 [Track 6: boss music #2/miniboss]
Corridor 29- 0A [Track 10: game over]
Corridor 30- 03 [Track 3: boss music #1- "military aquatica"]
Corridor 31- 06 [Track 6: boss music #2/miniboss]
Corridor 32- 0B [Track 11: organic corridors- fake one]- ***
Corridor 33- 04 [Track 4: jungle corridors]
Corridor 34- 08 [Track 8: desert corridors]
Corridor 35- 0F [Track 15: ending music]
Corridor 36- 0D [Track 13: Labyrinth 6,9]
Corridor 37- 11 [Track 17: active corridor room- <><> one]- ***
Corridor 38- 01 [Track 1: title screen]- ***
Corridor 39- 09 [Track 9: Labyrinth 0]- ***
Corridor 40- 05 [Track 5: arctic corridors]
Corridor 41- 0F [Track 15: ending music]
Corridor 42- 0E [Track 14: Labyrinth 10]- ***

There is near perfect correlation with my corridor notes. The exceptions are 
basically exclusively versions of real corridors (Corridors 0-22) playing as 
that number. Corridors 25, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41 could not be 
confirmed because all versions were either sealed or blacked out upon entry. 
Corridor 28 could not be confirmed since it has not yet been encountered. 
Corridor 31 had 1 version play miniboss music, but many did not play any 
music. The one unique version of Corridor 40 that worked played no music. 

Corridor 26 is a bizarre corridor with a double transformation sequence, the
1st being normal, the 2nd being a silent one on a glitched red background 
which blacks out when completed. If hex 00 means no music is played, 
then we have a confirmed match. 

We can explain away all exceptions as an example of false labels! The music
code allows us to determine which Corridors numbering 23-42 are really 
23-42 and which ones are impostors, mislabelled corridors. 

Using this pattern, it follows that the line of code below the weapon prize
code will contain the music for Corridors 43+. The line of code encodes for 
the graphical loading data for the corridor (the habitat, the environment, 
the template, the set of graphics that will be loaded). Here is the line 
of code as it is properly read in the game. 

Corridor 0- 20 [space environment]
Corridor 1- 21 [water environment]
Corridor 2- 21 [water environment]
Corridor 3- 22 [jungle environment]
Corridor 4- 22 [jungle environment]
Corridor 5- 23 [arctic environment]
Corridor 6- 23 [arctic environment]
Corridor 7- 24 [organic environment]
Corridor 8- 24 [organic environment]
Corridor 9- 26 [desert environment- type II]
Corridor 10- 26 [desert environment- type II]
Corridor 11- 21 [water environment]
Corridor 12- 21 [water environment]
Corridor 13- 22 [jungle environment]
Corridor 14- 22 [jungle environment]
Corridor 15- 23 [arctic environment]
Corridor 16- 23 [arctic environment]
Corridor 17- 24 [organic environment]
Corridor 18- 24 [organic environment]
Corridor 19- 25 [desert environment- type I]
Corridor 20- 25 [desert environment- type I]
Corridor 21- 25 [desert environment- type I]
Corridor 22- 20 [space environment]

Apparently, the desert environment has 2 types, something no other 
environment has. Now, for how that set of hex values is played for music 
in more of the corridors. 

Corridor 43- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 44- 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting a target, not penetrating]
Corridor 45- 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting a target, not penetrating]
Corridor 46- 22 [Track 34: sound of enemy being destroyed]
Corridor 47- 22 [Track 34: sound of enemy being destroyed]
Corridor 48- 23 [Track 35- firing sound #1- faint]
Corridor 49- 23 [Track 35- firing sound #1- faint]
Corridor 50- 24 [Track 36- firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder 
& longer]
Corridor 51- 24 [Track 36- firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder 
& longer]
Corridor 52- 26 [Track 38: MultiBullet firing sound]
Corridor 53- 26 [Track 38: MultiBullet firing sound]
Corridor 54- 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting a target, not penetrating]
Corridor 55- 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting a target, not penetrating]
Corridor 56- 22 [Track 34: sound of enemy being destroyed]
Corridor 57- 22 [Track 34: sound of enemy being destroyed]
Corridor 58- 23 [Track 35- firing sound #1- faint]
Corridor 59- 23 [Track 35- firing sound #1- faint]
Corridor 60- 24 [Track 36- firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder 
& longer]
Corridor 61- 24 [Track 36- firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder 
& longer]
Corridor 62- 25 [Track 37- Main Weapon firing sound]
Corridor 63- 25 [Track 37- Main Weapon firing sound]
Corridor 64- 25 [Track 37- Main Weapon firing sound]
Corridor 65- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]

They're all sound effects since only hex values 01- 1E encode for musical 
tracks. All my data on Corridors 43-65 matches up with no music. I never 
recorded sound effects, but I do remember hearing some at the start of some 
corridors (select button sound, heart collecting sound), so I cannot 
confirm these with precision. But, I have 2 exceptions, Corridor 47 
(one version played desert corridor music [hex 08]) and Corridor 64 
(one version played Labyrinth 0 music [hex 09]).

I can confirm that Corridor 56 does produce the sound effect listed in the 

The following is the hex values for after the graphic set. It is unknown what 
they encode for in the game, but here they are for all of the remaining 
corridors. No hex values above 47 encode for any sound in the game, so they 
are left blank. 

Corridor 66- __* [this is assumed to be a blank space, since all data 
here after seems to be in error by being one corridor behind if we 
do not place it in]
Corridor 67- CC
Corridor 68- EE
Corridor 69- A9
Corridor 70- 01 [Track 1: title screen]
Corridor 71- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 72- 00 [nothing]
Corridor 73- 80
Corridor 74- A4
Corridor 75- 51
Corridor 76- B9
Corridor 77- 55
Corridor 78- EF
Corridor 79- 85
Corridor 80- 5C
Corridor 81- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 82- 00 [nothing]
Corridor 83- 80
Corridor 84- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 85- C3
Corridor 86- D7
Corridor 87- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 88- 36 [Track 54: receiving any of the Keys]
Corridor 89- 80
Corridor 90- A0
Corridor 91- 06 [Track 6: boss music #2/miniboss]
Corridor 92- B9
Corridor 93- 6F
Corridor 94- 01 [Track 1: title screen]
Corridor 95- 99
Corridor 96- B8
Corridor 97- 04 [Track 4: jungle corridors]
Corridor 98- 88
Corridor 99- D0
Corridor 100- F7
Corridor 101- A5
Corridor 102-  47 [Track 71: hitting start or select button]
Corridor 103- 85
Corridor 104- 78
Corridor 105- A5
Corridor 106- 30 [Track 48: collecting a Heart item]
Corridor 107- 29 [Track 41: firing sound #4- sounds more spaced out]
Corridor 108- 9F
Corridor 109- 09 [Track 9: Labyrinth 0]
Corridor 110- 50
Corridor 111- 85
Corridor 112- 30 [Track 48: collecting a Heart item]
Corridor 113- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 114- 48
Corridor 115- D7
Corridor 116- A5
Corridor 117- 51
Corridor 118- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 119- 00 [nothing]
Corridor 120- 80
Corridor 121- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 122- 60
Corridor 123- E5
Corridor 124- 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Corridor 125- BD
Corridor 126- E5
Corridor 127- 4C

For all of these corridors, my data has no music indicated with the 
following exceptions.

I must note, and I will post this in two sections, that I am assuming there 
is a blank space for Corridor 66 based on the data I have, which seems to 
indicate that placing music track CC at Corridor 66 produces misaligned 
data, but placing it at Corridor 67 produces data that fits observations. 
If I am wrong and indeed I am simply encountering several corridors 
which are falsely labelled by being +1 ahead of the number they are 
listed as, they I will correct this data set. I just want all readers 
to know this, to know that while Corridors 0-65 are 100% confirmed with 
regards to music track hexes, but Corridor 66-127 are not 100% confirmed. 
The order is certain, but where it exactly starts does not.

I have encountered several different versions of Corridor 70, all of which 
play title screen music. I have encountered several different versions of 
Corridor 94, all of which play title screen music. I only encountered 
Corridor 97 once in a functional form, and it played jungle corridor music. 
Now, according to the original hex values, Corridor 69 and 93 should have 
title screen music and Corridor 96 should have the jungle corridor music. 
And I played one Corridor 112 which played heart music, the track I have 
listed for Corridor 111. That is my justification for inserting the blank 
space before CC. If I was wrong and CC was Corridor 66, then 
Corridor 127 is hex 55.

Other exceptions to this set are: one version of Corridor 76 plays jungle 
corridor music, Corridor 86 & 113 play Labyrinth 1-2 music, Corridor 98 
played desert corridor music in some cases and one instance of jungle 
corridor music, Corridor 118 played Labyrinth 10 music once, Corridor 120 
played Labyrinth 10 music once and organic corridor music once and no music 
all other times, and Corridor 127 played miniboss music once. All of this 
means these are probably false labels. 

Here's the raw data for what comes after the value that plugs into 
Corridor 65. I am not sure if this is all part of the same string of code 
or multiple strings of code. 

CC EE A9 01 20 00 80 A4 51 B9 55 EF 85 5C 20 00 80 20 C3 D7 20 36 
80 A0 06 B9 6F 01 99 B8 04 88 D0 F7 A5 47 85 78 A5 30 29 9F 09 50 
85 30 20 48 D7 A5 51 20 00 80 20 60 E5 20 BD E5 4C 55 D7 38 E9 01 
20 C7 EF 39 A9 04 18 D0 01 38 60 38 E9 01 20 C7 EF 19 A9 04 99 A9 
04 60 48 29 07 A8 B9 D8 EF 85 10 68 4A 4A 4A A8 A5 10 60 01 02 04 
08 10 20 40 80 20 C7 EF 39 A0 04 4C B5 EF 20 C7 EF 19 A0 04 99 A0 
04 60 A0 00 84 AE 84 16 85 17 84 B7 A9 20 85 AF 20 EB E5 20 3D F0 
A5 17 C9 20 D0 03 20 2A 80 A5 AF 18 69 10 85 AF E6 AE A5 AE C9 0D 
D0 E2 A5 17 C9 20 D0 15 20 CC D5 20

Minstrel mentioned the NES Assembly Language and said it cannot put 
boundaries on a variable (i.e. only except values between this and that), 
plus it lacks failsafes like crashing the program or create some sort of 
error response that other programming languages have. Basically, it allows 
the game to continue running with error values. 

The mechanism behind the Lost Frontier and all of its strangeness is the 
game lacks limits placed on its programming (or more precisely, has limits 
far beyond the conventional boundaries, such as coordinates going past 0-24, 
and even past 31, all the way to 255, and corridors exceeding 22, going as 
far as 127). Instead of crashing when faced with such far out values 
(such as Y255 as a coordinate), the game reads the code in a manner that 
wasn't intended. It will read a separate line of code as if it were a 
continuation of the line above it if that is the line of code it turns to 
for data. The game continues that manner of reading over whatever a line is
supposed to mean to generate something for the value it is confronted with. 

As for the coordinates on the 31 x 31 grid which cannot be passworded into,
they each have a reason why. There is a quality at those coordinates that 
when the game reads it, it crashes. I have been informed by Kuzeelar that 
a coordinate needs to have an area byte of 80+ to be a corridor. These 
coordinates all have problems because they are left of a real room on the 
map and in the case of the X23 Y# coordinate rooms, they are read by the 
game as being "left" of X0 Y#+1 coordinate rooms. The content of the rooms 
they are to the left of creates the problem. There are many rooms which 
are left of real rooms which do load up. 
Here are the reasons why for some coordinates: 
X1 Y1- doesn't load because the area byte is 3E
X9 Y3- doesn't load because the area byte is 3F
X11 Y20- doesn't load because the area byte is 3D
X19 Y10- doesn't load because the area byte is 1C
X2 Y8, X7 Y2, X13 Y6, X6 Y17, X8 Y19, X15 Y8, 
X20 Y2, X23 Y9, X23 Y13, X23 Y19 all share similar problems. 

******************** LOST FRONTIER ENEMIES **************************

The majority of the screens in the Lost Frontier have no enemies. Some 
screens though, have enemies. Many of the enemies are common enemies found 
in the game. Enemies have certain appearance patterns, appearing in some 
Areas, but not others. In here, however, enemies are not bound by these 
patterns and enemies appear in Areas they never did, like the Skeleton 
Warrior that runs down the screen, laying a trail of slimes can appear in 
Area 0 here. Some corridor enemies can even appear in the labyrinths. The 
blue spherical creatures with a mouth of sharp teeth that appear in the 
desert corridors can be found in several Areas. There are a few other 
crossover enemies as well. Now, in Corridor rooms, text box rooms, Save 
Lander rooms, and merchant Lander rooms, there are normally no enemies. 
However, here there are enemies in some of these rooms. The most common 
occurrence is glitched or unglitched blue mouth-spheres from the desert 
corridors in the empty orange corridor rooms. There are also glitched 
enemies in the labyrinths which do give points when defeated and sometimes 
powerup boxes. In the desert parts of the frontier, especially in the far 
northeast, the giant brown skulls are in the labyrinth, as are the jumping 
blue mouths, who are also found in the ice areas of the labyrinth. Some of 
the corridors numbering above 22 have glitched out enemies as do some 
alternate corridors. 

There are commonly enemies in empty orange corridor rooms, but I’ve seen some 
enemies in active corridor rooms, always glitched up though (like mirror-rdrr 
in the Corridor 13 rooms). With walking through walls, I’ve encountered sky 
blue slimes, orange rocks, and green squids in dummy corridor rooms. 

Many times, enemies will appear glitched, especially in corridors. The image 
files seem arranged in categories, where for some, a displaced enemy may look 
normal, like the Green Flying Skull Miniboss looks in Areas 0,1,2, yet in 
others, like Areas 3,4,5,6,7,8, it looks glitched. A glitched appearance 
means the image file is not in the "folder" (that Area, which encompasses 
Labyrinth and Corridor). The desert files seem to be in with the water files 
as the Flying Blue Skulls, Flying Green Skulls, and Giant Brown Skulls all 
appear just fine graphically, but glitched in other areas. There is a copy 
of Clawbot that appears in several miniboss rooms. It can’t fire but clearly 
has the same set of behaviors and procedures as Clawbot. However, it does 
not look like Clawbot, merely an arrangement of Guardian sprites in the 
pattern of Clawbot. This is because Clawbot cannot be properly imaged in 
the Areas it appears in, so it substitutes the Guardian’s images for its 
component images. For monsters that have no files to draw on, they appear 
invisible. I’ve never seen an invisible enemy deal harm, but they can be 
hurt and give you points. Notice how every enemy in glitched corridors look 
glitched. That’s because there are no images in the glitch folder. It’s 
just a garbled construct. However, the only enemy that definitively appears 
here are the Turrets, which only appear in Area 0’s Corridor 0. And I’ve 
seen them with color palettes unseen in the game (white shell, gray turret, 
red shell, green turret, and light green shell, green turret). The Guardian’s 
appearance also varies in these corridors (likely due to color palette 
limitations, since Nintendo had a limit of only 8 colors on the screen at a 
given time). The normal Guardian is red, white, and black, with light blue 
pulse fire and engine jets. I’ve seen the Guardian as orange and white with 
light pulse & jet fire or green pulse fire (green pulse fire was only one 
instance), as red, white, and light blue with orange pulse & get fire, and 
also red, white, and black with red pulse & jet fire or orange jet & pulse 
fire. The most bizarre one was a yellow & green Guardian with red pulse 
& jet fire.  

In some of the corridors are "instanced bosses". These are bosses that only 
appear when you use select too much. Almost every time that are assembled out 
of the graphics of the Guardian, which again is a sign there is no graphic 
template for it, so it uses the Guardian’s, or a part of it to be specific, 
to assemble itself. Many times, I enter the exact same Corridor at the exact 
same coordinates and I get 2 very different "bosses" or sometimes no boss at 
all. However, in several corridors, I observed the same "boss", albeit 
different colors, what I call "fragment boss" for lack of a better term. 
It behaves the same each and every time. I still don't know why glitches 
that seemingly arise out of nothing significant can have a behavior pattern 
of their own. 

Once, in an Area 0 room, I encountered 8 of those red mechanical spiders at a 
time! You will recognize those spiders as minibosses in the later levels and 
enemies in Area 10. And when I destroyed one, another immediately replaced 
it. I would have to guess there were around 24 of them. The room was X5 Y223. 
You can read more about encounters like this in one of the sections further 
down where I document all the weird experiences I had in the Lost Frontier. 

I should note there are many times when you kill an enemy and another appears 
soon after. In this case, there are more enemies programmed for the room 
than can be displayed and all the other enemies don't just get forgotten 
about; they remain in queue until an enemy is defeated, then they will 
appear. There is one time in the regular game this occurs, which is with 
those green asteroids raining down on some desert labyrinth rooms. If you 
wait long enough, they will run out. There are no enemies in truly infinite 

()()()()()()()() Labyrinth Enemies (regular) ()()()()()()()()()

Sky blue slime- Area 0,5,6

Orange slime- Area 1,3,4

Green slime- Area 7,8

Red slime- Area 9,10
[I also found slow appearing Red slimes in Area 9]

Red donut-spiders (crawlers)- Area 0,1,3,4

Orange donut-spiders (crawlers)- Area 5,6

Blue donut-spiders (crawlers)- Area 7,8

Green donut-spiders (crawlers)- Area 9,10

Orange bats- Area 0,1,2,4,6

Blue bats- Area 8,9,10

Red shrimp- Area 0 (correct; I’ve found these in several different screens), 

Blue shrimp- Area 7,8,10

Jumping blue mouths- Area 1 (one screen had 8 on the screen at one time), 2, 
5 (on one screen there was 12 at the same time!), 6 (ibid with 12), 9,10

Blue turtles, red turtles- Area 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10

Blue disks, red disks- Area 0,1,2,4,5,6,8,10

Orange rocks- Area 0,1,3,4,5,7,8,10
[I found alow appearing Orange rocks also in Areas 1,6,7,9,10]

Green rocks- Area 0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10
[I found slow appearing Green rocks also in Area 0 and also in Area 1, I 
encountered slow appearing Green rocks where only one would be on the 
screen at a time and when you destroyed it, another would appear]

Blue rocks- Area 0,1,3,4,8,10

Red rocks- Area 0,1,3,4,6,8,10
[I found slow appearing Red rocks also in Area 3]

Skeleton warrior that leaves slimes- Area 0 (blue slime), 1 (orange slime), 
3 (orange slime), 4 (orange slime), 5 (blue slime), 6 (blue slime), 
8 (green slime)
[one room in Area 0 had seemingly infinite # of Skeleton Warriors- destroy 
a few, another few appeared]

Green walking/wiggling sticks- Area 0,4,8

Giant brown skulls- Area 9,10 [one Area 9 screen had 17 of these on the 
screen at one time!]

Giant blue skulls- Area 1,2

Floating blue horned skulls- Area 1,2,9,10; chase after you spitting 
flashing projectiles (480 pts)

Green squid- Area 1,3,8,9,10

Multiplying Ice Cubes- Area 0,1,2,3,5,7,8,9,10

Orange razor disks- Area 2,3,4

Blue razor disks- Area 0,2,5,6,8,9,10

Multiplying Blue Spider- Area 4

Green Sentry-Spider (as enemy)- Area 0,3,10

Blue Sentry-spider (as enemy)- Area 0,1,3,4 (this was on 2 different 

Red Sentry-Spider (as enemy)- Area 0,3,4,8,10

Green asteroids (raining down from the sky): Area 0 (correct) (finite 

()()()()()() Labyrinth Enemies (glitched) ()()()()()()()

Small green eye-blocks- found in Area 0, appear in packs of 2, they are 
immobile and produce an explosion on them alternating with their appearance 
(200 pts)

Pink deformed blocks- found in packs in Area 8, they are immobile but spew 
out diamond-bubbles. 

Blinking green & white panels- found in Area 0, they are 2 horizontal blocks 
(500 pts)

Morphing green-brown blocks, are 2 vertical blocks, spit bubbles (600 pts)

Brown bubble spitting blocks- spit diamond-bubbles (300 pts)

Xmas Crater: left half red, right half green, only in Area 5. It’s the center 
of the Craters in the ice corridors (500 pts)

Green/Gray Crater- left half gray, right half green, only in Area 5

Large blue glitched blocks- (take up 9 squares), spit flashing projectiles, 
leave powerups; Area 3

Blue glitched blocks- Area 7

Red glitched blocks, spit flashing projectiles- Area 4 (20 pts)

Exploding blue square-rock- Area 1 (500 pts)

Green/Brown blocks, split flashing pointy-ended objects (1000 pts)

Moving brown walls- 2 vertical blocks; Area 2 (300 pts)

Invisible enemies on the edge of the screen, remain there, cannot hurt you, 
but explode when hit- Area 2 (300 pts), Area 5 (300 pts), Area 7 (300 pts), 
Area 0 (500 pts)

Pink exploding blocks- Area 6 (200 pts)

Brown rotating blocks- Area 10 (200 pts)

Green exploding consoles- Area 0 (200 pts)

Red & Green moving mouth- mouth atop a tube which opens and closes; Area 3
[clearly based off the big red mouth thing in Corridor 14, is 2 tiles tall]

Green moving mouth- mouth that opens and closes; Area 3, Area 4 (500 pts) 
[clearly based off the big red mouth thing in Corridor 14, is 2 tiles tall]

Red glitched masses- swoop down then up in an arc manner in a near infinite 
#; I’ve seen up to 5 on the screen at a time- Area 4
[glitched version of some corridor enemy it seems]

Ghost mouths- rise up and hop off screen at you; Area 0, Area 3, Area 4, 
Area 7, Area 8 [clearly glitched versions of those Jumping Blue Mouths]

Morphing organic walls- 2 horizontal blocks, are seemingly rotating. When 
shot, they leave 2 black tiles- Area 7 (500 pts)

Brown Flowers- spit diamond bubbles (there were a field of 19 of them on the 
screen at the same time)- Area 4 (300 pts)

Brown Desert Rock Tiles- a field of single brown rocks, dark brown pieces of 
the landscape which rotate around (no, these are not the bouncing rocks)- 
Area 10

Brown Geometric Pillars- these are 3 or so vertical blocks high and have a 
black bar running down their left side and the right side is a bunch of 
changing geometric shapes, triangles and squares of different colors. This 
one has brown, white, and yellow as its colors. When they are destroyed, 
they leave warp tiles beneath them- Area 0

Green Geometric Pillars- these are also 3 or so vertical blocks high and 
have a black bar running down their left side and their right side is a 
bunch of changing geometric shapes, triangles and squares of different 
colors. This one has green, light green, and white as its colors. When 
they are destroyed, they leave warp tiles beneath them- Area 0

()()           Corridor Room, Text Room,              ()()
()()           Lander Room Enemies (all glitched) ()()

Ghost mouths- found in orange empty corridor rooms, they appear in packs of 
3 and jump at you and fall off screen. Based on the blue mouth enemy from 
the desert corridors [glitched up version of the Blue Jumping Mouths]

Blue Jumping Mouths- not glitched up

Blue long skulls- spit flashing projectiles

Giant blue & orange blocks-found in empty corridor rooms, they are very 
large, immobile, and leave Warp portals, even in the middle of the room 
(1500 pts)

exploding brown/blue blocks- found in empty corridor rooms, they are 
morphing brown/blue exploding blocks (300 pts)

exploding green/black blocks- found in empty corridor rooms, they are 
morphing green/black exploding blocks (200 pts)

orange exploding Lander eyes- (300 pts)

white alternating Lander eyes- Save rooms (200 pts)

alternating orange Lander eyes/orange panels- spit flashing projectiles 
(400 pts)

glyphs- morphing green tiles with brown glyph graphics on it, spit 
diamond-bubbles (300 pts)

dq/bp- floating enemy, appears, moves a little, then vanishes permanently. 
The 2 halves are actually mirror images of one another; text room
d   b
q   p

Growing pink/white blocks- found in a Lander room once

Green and black single block- spit flashing projectiles

Rotating light blue panels- (500 pts)

Rotating dark blue panels- (500 pts)

Moving green & beige panels- found in active corridor room

wlln lsll- floats by right to left along the bottom of the screen 
(300 pts)

rotating pink/green blocks- spit diamonds, in Lander room (300 pts)

pink blocks- spit diamonds, in Save Lander room (300 pts)

Green Asteroids- correct

Orange Asteroids (normally form circle, but just fly by)- indestructible

Sky Blue Slimes- only by walkthroughs

Orange Rocks- only by walkthroughs

Blue Disks- only by walkthroughs

Red Disks- only by walkthroughs

Green Squids- only by walkthroughs

Note: by walkthroughs, I mean walking through the wall to a dummy corridor 
room or dummy lander room. 

()()()()()() Corridor Enemies (glitched)()()()()()()

Virtually all the corridor enemies leave powerups, and some are very generous 
with powerups, dropping Energy Tanks often.

rdrr: this enemy is a block of 4 letters found in some corridors. It tends 
to fly at the Guardian in large streams/packs from the lower right-hand side 
of the screen. Another rdrr has a different behavior, floats slowly in a 
pack of 2-4 from the sides of the screen (the description I gave is for the 
most common version of rdrr)

r d
r r 

mirror-rdrr: this enemy is a block of 4 letters found in some corridors. It 
is a mirror image of rdrr and tends to come from the left while rdrr comes 
from the right. It looks something like:

b ,
, ,

Note that rdrr and b,,, are the same. If the enemy faces right it's rdrr, 
left its b,,,. Also note that not all rdrrs are the same. Several different 
enemies display as rdrr. If b,,, acts the same as rdrr, then it is the same 
enemy, but if it acts different, it is a different enemy. 

Duck: this enemy is a block of 5 letters found only in Corridor 100. It tends 
to fly at the Guardian in a steady stream from the right to lower-right-hand 
side of the screen. Yes, it is very weird and amazing that of all the 
possible letter combinations, this one spells duck. Yes, the 4 letters are 
d,u,c,k, and an ! in the upper right. 

d c !
u k

hmsv suhl d: slow moving, slightly larger enemy


ot: small, vertical floating enemy


hs"w sr"s uh: another enemy


invisible enemies: found in one corridor, they cannot interact with you but 
explode into a blue and white cloud  (300 pts in some instances, 200 pts in 
another instance, 500 pts inanother instance)

glitched red bubble spitters: these are those little things found in the ice 
corridors which just spin around spitting diamond-bubbles out, only they 
look extremely glitched.

blue sand piles: spit flashing chevrons, emerge from the side of the screen 
(300 pts)

hidden red & blue giant desert skulls: glitched counterparts of the giant 
desert skulls hidden under red rubble

hidden small eyes: those red eyes hidden in the ground. They are probably 
those little one-eyed shellfish from the Water corridors

morphing tiles: when hit they make a pretty big explosion

rotating fixed flashing projectiles: exactly what I said it was

black holes: spit a series of diamond bubbles. They can be destroyed

clouds of blue gas: make no sound when hit/destroyed

green clouds: accompanied by explosion sounds, touching them hurts you. 
They often leave item boxes

dark blue clouds: accompanied by explosion sounds, touching them hurts you. 
They often leave item boxes

bubble spitters: unknown fixed enemies which spit out those diamond-bubbles

unknown flashing projectile spitters: they were not rdrr

hidden shellfish: when hit they make the sounds like those shellfish 
organisms that spew bubbles in the Water corridors

hidden buried enemies: exactly that, hidden underneath the ground, they 
cannot be seen, but when destroyed take out a piece of the landscape with 
them. What the ground looks like varies from corridor to corridor. They 
usually leave a large circular crater (300 pts)

hidden enemies that spit twisted red projectiles: the projectiles would arc 
up and down at you

hidden enemies under flat white bricks: there are a whole series of them in a 
straight vertical line going back forever (200 pts)

Red Giant Turrets: look exactly like the Defense System Turrets in Corridor 
0, only they are a green turret encased in a red casing

Gray Giant Turrets: look exactly like the Defense System Turrets in Corridor 
0, only they are a gray turret encased in gray rubble

Small Green Turrets: look exactly like Corridor 0's small turrets. Shoot 
flashing projectiles

Green Giant Quarter-Turrets: look like the Defense System Turrets, but only 
1 corner(1/4th) of the whole enemy. 

Small Strange Turrets: look like red turrets in a white casing, they shoot 
rdrr as a projectile

"Bosses": These are things found in the corridors which make the sound of 
bosses being hit or minibosses being hit. They are undefeatable. Some have 
been found to reoccur, others I suspect only arise from certain elements of 
how the corridor is played. They also, when they come in contact with the 
Guardian, cause her shields to activate (which indicate she is taking 
damage). The exact same corridor at the same coordinates can produce 
different results each time with these instanced bosses. 

Orange Square: an orange square made out of fragments, mostly empty, which 
tracks the Guardian's vertical movement. Sometimes it can teleport, sometimes 
it can't. 

Guardian Ship Wreckage: a few pieces of the Guardian’s ship which hang out 
in one corner doing nothing. 

String of Pearls: 8 red-white explosion clouds arranged in the form of 
"a string of pearls" along the bottom of the screen. They would flicker in 
a random pattern and when they flickered, they revealed a red ring which 
was vulnerable to being hit. 2 or 3 would flicker at any one time out of 
the 8. 

7 Pirahna Plants: made out of fragments of the Guardian's ship, they would 
randomly appear, with a vertical portion rising up, then receding, then 
disappear and repeat that cycle. They looked like piranha plants from 
Super Mario Bros. They were only vulnerable when the vertical part was 
raised and behaved a bit like the Donut Spider-thing Miniboss

Gem Wall: a giant, slightly arced wall of gem-like fragments which tracked 
you horizontally. It spanned the length of the entire screen from top to 
bottom. There was a small orange gem fragment with a small orange cloud 
above it on the opposite side of the wall. Both, firing at this "core" and 
the wall itself would result in the sound like that of a boss/miniboss 
being hit

Dark Wings: 2 dark blue "wings", they would move around the screen fast, 
with only 2 possible forms of movement: directly horizontal or directly 

Hourglass Tracker: shaped like an hourglass with a green pyramid of sorts 
on the bottom of the screen and a white, red, and light blue inverted 
pyramid on the top of the screen, both of which track your movement 
horizontally at the same time. 

Single Shot: made up of one of the Guardian's shots, it tracks the 
Guardian both horizontally and vertically 

Red Shots: made up of 8 Guardian's shots colored red, they tracked the 
Guardian vertically

Red & Blue Glitched Blocks: 2 glitched blocks, one red, one blue. They 
both moved back and forth horizontally at the same position, blue on 
top, red on bottom

Dark Dogs: a few collections of dark blue glitched blocks which look 
like they are "wagging their tail" (I don't know how else to describe it). I 
encountered them a few times at different coordinates

Chain Bosses: glitched block with clear segments in a chain separated by 
space. It moves back and forth, reaching out from the top of the screen only 
at angles. There were 8 of them on the screen, 6 were normal colored, 2 were 
shadow colored (dark). Shooting them made the sound of bullets bouncing off 
armor. They would rearrange their base positions very slowly over time. 
I also encountered these another time and there were 4 of them behaving 
the same way. 

Unique String: 4 things lined up horizontally, a red small cloud, a blue 
small cloud, a small red explosion, and another small red cloud. They each 
spit different colored "double-bits" (2 little circles of the same color 
joined together)- red double-bits, orange double-bits, blue double-bits. They 
tracked the Guardian vertically. 

Thundercloud: a small light blue cloud that spit out little red double-bits

Seeker: a medium sized square of ship fragments which moves around fast in 
horizontal and vertical lines, shooting out diamond-bubbles. It moves like 
bosses from some other NES games, but does not move at all like any enemy or 
boss in TGL.

Broken Light/Dark Face: glitched object with a light half and dark half 
which teleports around. Each half is very large, boss sized, and it 
resembles 2 halves of a broken face

Dark Small Objects: 2 small dark objects. My notes are incomplete on them

I have no idea why these instanced "bosses" get created, but they are 
glitched graphics which become enemies basically. 

Now for the only real bosses I encountered. They appear when you use select 
after a while in some corridors. A few times, they appear at the start of a 
corridor before you even do anything, even before using select. 

Mystery Fragment Boss- This one has been found in a few different corridors 
and has a definite behavior to it. From saving screen shots, I’ve found its 
appearance morphs back and forth between 2 fairly similar looking fragmental 
arrangements. To the new observer, it just looks like a bunch of fragments 
dancing around the screen, but when you pause the game, the fragments always 
have the same arrangement. These "fragments" move in a specific pattern and 
even spit projectiles. The "fragments" are actually an extremely fast moving 
"boss" which spits diamond-bubbles every so often, moves in a circular 
pattern and seems to leave what may be glitched seaweed trails every so 
often. Some of these I observed were the red type, and some were the blue 
type based on its color and the color of the glitched seaweed it leaves. I 
suspect this boss is partially patterned on Optomon, but it does move in a 
very un-Optomon pattern, circling around you. I would call it Two-Face or 
Janus since it flips back and forth between these 2 slightly different 
[Red one: Corridor 22-ALT, 24, 32, 74, 76, 126]- moves in a hyper-fast 
circling pattern. Once, on the face of this one in Corridor 32, there was a 
series of numbers on the left side and the mirror reflection of those 
numbers on the right. The display was as follows, with the 
mirror-reflection numbers being in brackets: 
   2 [2]
   3 [3]
[Blue one: Corridor 24, 32]- moves in a hyper-fast circling pattern
[Green one: Corridor 24]- moves in a hyper-fast circling pattern
[Dark Blue one: Corridor 24]- moved in a hyper-fast circling pattern
[Red-white-light blue one: Corridor 24]- would appear, fade out, and reappear 
at the same position on the screen. It was like it was teleporting, but it 
kept appearing in the same position. Another time, it was just stuck in the 
same place, unable to teleport. 
This one I can confirm is beatable, but has HP= 4294 Chips worth of hits with 
LV1 Cutter Saber (the side lasers) with every hit scoring. Beating it nets 
10,000 points

Glitched Clawbot- constructed from ship fragments, only the arms were 
visible. It opened up its arms at a moderate frequency, but only maybe 1 
in 10 times or so did a glitched superbeam come out. It tracked the Guardian 
horizontally [Corridor 24]

Glitched Zibzub- constructed from red & white parts of the Guardian's ship, 
it has 2 graphics templates, each looking very close to one another. It hops 
around seeking you out, just like Zibzub. It has no projectiles. [Corridor 

Red Pyramid- looks like a giant red pyramid which resembles no boss in the 
game. I encountered it once briefly, but the game glitched out. I managed to 
encounter it again, but 1 hit from it killed the Guardian instantly, causing 
the ship to explode and then freeze looking unexploded [Corridor 126]

Glitched Cone- It looks like an elongate object, cone-like which doesn't 
move, doesn't fire any projectiles and teleports around after a long period 
of time. It seems that one hit from it kills you instantly, at least in the 
orange and blue varieties; the red-white-light blue one did not have that 
property. It doesn't resemble any boss in the game. In terms of size, 
it is the size of Zibzub's conical head, excluding the tentacles. The blue 
and orange ones just randomly teleported around with no other behaviors, 
but the red-white-light blue one not only teleported around, but tracked 
the Guardian's vertical movement and always kept a certain distance 
from her, so if she advanced, it would retreat and when she retreated, it 
would advance. This one also took a long time to teleport around, 
disappearing for a while before appearing again. 
[Orange one: Corridor 24]
[Blue one: Corridor 32]
[Red-white-light blue one: Corridor 0-ALT]

()()()()()()()()() Minibosses ()()()()()()()()()()()()

There are Minibosses here too. Some are real and appear, some are invisible 
and cannot be interacted with and can never be defeated, some are invisible 
and are instantly defeated automatically. All the time for these, the green 
blocks appear by connecting rooms and the miniboss music sounds and when 
defeated they leave an item box. A few times when you hear the warning 
klaxons on some screens, the game instantly gets a very glitched appearance 
and freezes. 

Sometimes the minibosses leave a regular item, sometimes they leave some 
weird glitched object which often has no effect or has the effect of being 
a music box, changing the tune that is being played. 

And even stranger, I've found minibosses in some corridor rooms! This is 
extremely rare and the game often experiences a near-total slowdown and 
then freezes in these situations. 

Can there be enemies in miniboss rooms? Yes. One Miniboss room I found 
(Area 10 X4 Y222) had ~8 jumping blue piranha mouths and 2 floating blue 
(long) skulls. Once they were all dead, klaxons sounded, the green 
barriers formed, and the miniboss sequence was activated. Enemies can be 
in miniboss rooms, but its clear programmers wanted to keep all miniboss 
rooms clear. What can we learn from this? The miniboss protocol only 
activates when there are no other enemies in the room. 

Notice that for the same coordinates, even for the same Area, different 
Minibosses can occur. Also notice that staggered coordinates exist for 
Minibosses too. 

For reference, here are all the normal minibosses in the game and 
where they are encountered. In parentheses is what item you win from 
them there:
Green Sentry Spider- Area 0 (Bullet Shield)
Blue Sentry Spider- Area 1 (Red Lander), Area 2 (Red Lander), Area 4 
(MultiBullets), Area 5 (Wave Attack)
Red Sentry Spider- Area 8 (Enemy Erasers), Area 9 (Wave Attack)
Red Donut Worm (splits into 1 crawler)- Area 0 (Blue Lander)
Red Donut Worm (splits into 3 crawlers)- Area 3 (Enemy Erasers)
Orange Donut Worm (splits into 4 crawlers)- Area 6 (Shield Booster)
Blue Donut Worm (splits into 6 crawlers)- Area 7 (Grenade)
Green Donut Worm (splits into 7 crawlers)- Area 9 (Blue Lander)
Green Bubble Crab- Area 1 (Fireball)
Blue Bubble Crab- Area 2 (Attack Booster)
Red Bubble Crab- Area 6 (Red Lander), Area 7 (Shield Booster)
Green Nuisance- Area 3 (Shield Booster)
Blue Nuisance- Area 4 (Attack Booster)
Red Nuisance- Area 8 (Red Lander)
Giant Ice Crystal- Area 5 (Shield Booster)
Green Flying Skull- Area 10 (Shield Booster)
Glider- Area 10 (Enemy Erasers)

Here is a list of all minibosses I encountered:
Green Sentry-Spider- Area 0,8
Blue Sentry-Spider- Area 0,8
Red Donut Worm (1-split)- Area 0
Red Donut Worm (2-split)- Area 1 *
*= not found in the normal game
Red Donut Worm (3-split)- Area 4
Blue Donut Worm (7-split)- Area 8 *
*= not found in the normal game
Green Bubble Crab- Area 8
Blue Bubble Crab- Area 1,6
Red Bubble Crab- Area 0,4
Green Nuisance- Area 0,1,3,4,8,10
Blue Nuisance- Area 5,8
Red Nuisance- Area 10
Giant Ice Crystal- Area 0,5
Glider- Area 3,8,10
Flying rdrr/b,,, palette- Area 0
[it is clearly a glitched version of the Green Flying Skull]
Glitched Green Square- Area 3,4,7
[clearly a glitched version of the Green Flying Skull]

So far, a Red Sentry-Spider has never been encountered in the Lost Frontier 
as a miniboss (as an enemy, it's semi-common), nor have Orange or Green 
Donut Worms, nor has Red Nuisance. 

I just want to comment here that those Donut Worm minibosses which split 
into a number of crawlers, their color is linked to the environment they 
appear in and the number they split into is linked with the area. I 
encountered some Donut Worms in areas that don't normally have a 
Donut Worm as one of their minibosses and also don't split into that 
number in the game. I'll provide a summary table:
Area 0- Red Donut Worm (1-split)- normal game & Lost Frontier
Area 1- Red Donut Worm (2-split)- Lost Frontier only
Area 2- ?????- never encountered, probably red and splits in 2/3
Area 3- Red Donut Worm (3-split)- normal game
Area 4- Red Donut Worm (3-split)- Lost Frontier only
Area 5- ?????- never encountered, probably orange and splits in 3/4
Area 6- Orange Donut Worm (4-split)- normal game
Area 7- Blue Donut Worm (6-split)- normal game
Area 8- Blue Donut Worm (7-split)- Lost Frontier only
Area 9- Green Donut Worm (7-split)- normal game
Area 10- ?????- never encountered, probably green and splits in 7/8

There are pseudo-minibosses. These are boss-like creatures which appear 
in the miniboss room, but which are not the miniboss. We know this because 
they appear about at the same time as the item appears and you can collect 
the item, causing the green barriers to have one block in each turn brown so 
you can leave the screen. Thus, they appear independent of the miniboss 
protocol and load up after the miniboss or the absence of the miniboss 
disappears. Well, here they are. 

Orange Glitched Clawbot- Area 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,10
(It's worth 20,000 points, the main body)
Oranged Glitched Clawbot with blue fragment field filling screen- Area 6,8
Green Glitched Clawbot- Area 4
Red Glitched Clawbot- Area 4
Red Tower teleporter- Area 7
Blue Tower teleporter- Area 8
Blue Crack-Filler- Area 9

The following is a list of all the data I collected, listing who appears at 
what coordinates and drops what item. 

Miniboss- Area 0 X14 Y026- Blue Sentry-Spider, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 0 X3 Y221- never appears, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 0 X5 Y222- Giant Crystal, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 0 X6 Y223- never appears, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 0 X4 Y225- never appears, leaves a blank warp portal, which 
when collected plays organic corridor music
Miniboss- Area 0 X5 Y225- never appears, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 0 X5 Y225- never appears, leaves blank warp portal, which 
when collected plays organic corridor music
Mininoss- Area 0 X5 Y225- rdrr/b,,,- spits orange spheres out which seek 
you out-- it is clearly the green long skull miniboss, leaves LMNO box which 
when collected teleports you to Area 1 X4 Y8 [this happened both times and 
the teleport was the same, everything on screen except the Guardian goes 
black, then after a while, she appears in that water corridor screen]
Miniboss- Area 0 X6 Y226- never appears, leaves a blank warp portal, which 
when collected plays organic corridor music
Miniboss- Area 0 X6 Y226- Red Bubble Crab, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 0 X9 Y226- never appears, leaves blank warp portal, which 
when collected plays organic corridor music. 
Miniboss- Area 0 X5 Y229- never appears, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 0 X6 Y229- never appears, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 0 X5 Y235- never appears, leaves glitched t-box, which when 
collected restores +1 to the lifebar
Miniboss- Area 0 X21 Y240- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 0 X9 Y241- never appears, undefeatable
Miniboss- Area 0 X12 Y241- Blue Sentry-Spider, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 0 X12 Y241- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 0 X23 Y242- never appears, leaves MultiBullet
Miniboss- Area 0 X8 Y245- never appears, leaves a glitch box. Touching it 
stops the music and all sound, and on the select menu, you can see a Green 
Wave Attack icon now there
Miniboss- Area 0 X10 Y248- Green Nuisance, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 0 X1 Y252- Red Donut Worm (1-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 0 X2 Y252- Red Donut Worm (1-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 0 X7 Y252- ????? [I went off the screen as the klaxons 
sounded, would have been viable, not a game freeze]
Miniboss- Area 0 X1 Y253- Red Donut Worm (1-split), leaves Shield Booster

Miniboss- Area 1 X17 Y218- never appears, leaves Backfire (accessed via Save 
Lander/go out)
Miniboss- Area 1 X18 Y218- never appears, leaves Backfire (accessed via Save 
Lander/go out once and by normal means another time)
Miniboss- Area 1 X19 Y218- never appears, leaves Shield Booster
[Orange Clawbot glitched appears here as well]
Miniboss- Area 1 X19 Y218- never appears, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 1 X21 Y218- never appeared, leaves Backfire (accessed 
via Save Lander/go out)
Miniboss- Area 1 X1 Y219- never appears, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 1 X18 Y219- never appears, leaves HIJK box, which when 
collected has no effect
Miniboss- Area 1 X20 Y221- Green Sentry-Spider, leaves t-box which 
plays ice corridor music when collected
Miniboss- Area 1 X18 Y240- never appears, leaves glitch box which when 
collected makes the sound of firing the main gun
Miniboss- Area 1 X4 Y241- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 1 X4 Y241- never appears, leaves Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 1 X18 Y241- Green Nuisance, leaves Bullet Shield
Miniboss- Area 1 X3 Y242- never appears, leaves Enemy Erasers (exitless room)
Miniboss- Area 1 X3 Y242- Blue Bubble Crab, leaves Attack Booster
Miniboss- Area 1 X5 Y242- never appears, leaves Enemy Erasers 
(this is in an exitless room)
Miniboss- Area 1 X6 Y242- Blue Bubble Crab, leaves Attack Booster
Miniboss- Area 1 X2 Y243- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 1 X4 Y243- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 1 X5 Y245- never appears, cannot interact with, music 
continues playing, cannot be defeated
Miniboss- Area 1 X3 Y252- never appears, leaves glitched box, no effect
note: the game experiences a significant slowdown here
Miniboss- Area 1 X1 Y253- Red Donut Worm (2-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 1 X1 Y254- Red Donut Worm (2-split), leaves Shield Booster

Miniboss- Area 2 X3 Y219- never appears (explodes offscreen), leaves a 
Rectangle Key Portal, which when collected plays organic corridor music
Miniboss- Area 2 X17 Y240- never appears, leaves Grenade 
(confirmed this 2 different times)
Miniboss- Area 2 X15 Y241- never appears, but explodes in the upper left 
corner meaning it exists, but beyond the wall, leaves "HIJK" box, which 
makes the music very low key
Miniboss- Area 2 X17 Y241- never appears, leaves a T-box, makes no 
sound, no change when collected
Miniboss- Area 2 X5 Y255- never appears, leaves Laser Saber 
[the Clawbot made out of orange Guardian images appears here too, but is 
not the Miniboss since the item box appears at the same time it appears]
Miniboss- Area 2 X6 Y255- never appears, leaves black box which when 
collected plays ice corridor music

Miniboss- Area 3 X16 Y030- never appears, leaves glitch box, which when 
collected plays desert corridor music
Miniboss- Area 3 or 4- X12 Y219- never appears, leaves glitched box which 
when collected plays Area 6/Area 9 music. 
Note: coordinates listed as "Area 12 X6 Y19" onscreen. 
This is due to a mapping error which occurs around X6 Y19. 
Miniboss- Area 3 X3 Y221- never appears, leaves Energy Tank 
(registers as real)
Miniboss- Area 3 X5 Y221- glitched green square (clearly the floating 
green skull Miniboss from Area 10), leaves LMNO box, which when 
collected causes the game to freeze, the screen to go black except for 
the Guardian, then it warped to Area 1 X4 Y8, a room on the regular map
Miniboss- Area 3 X5 Y221- never appears, leaves Grenade
Miniboss- Area 3 X3 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 3 X3 Y222- never appears, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 3 X3 Y222- never appears, leaves a glitched up box 
which when collected has no effect
Miniboss- Area 3 X3 Y222- never appears, leaves Shield Booster
[glitched orange Clawbot appears in this room]
Miniboss- Area 3 X5 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 3 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves Energy Tank (registers 
as real)
Miniboss- Area 3 X6 Y225- Glider, win 20 Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 3 X17 Y238- never appears, leaves Enemy Erasers

Miniboss- Area 4 X21 Y032- never appears, leaves a glitch box which when 
collected has no effect 
[I’ve seen most often a Green Clawbot glitched here, except this one 
opens up and sometimes fires a black & red laser beam! It can be hurt but 
cannot be killed. Once I saw a Red Clawbot glitched here which could not 
be hurt, could open up and fire a glitched laser]; a strange thing about 
this room is at first there is 16 Ghost Mouths on the screen as the 
klaxons sound 
(this is in the southern realm and is X21 Y[0]32)
Miniboss- Area 4 X6 Y219- never appears, leave a glitch box which when 
collected plays Area 6/9 music
Miniboss- Area 4 X3 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X4 Y223- Red Crab, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X22 Y239- never appears, leaves "HIJK" box, which 
when collected makes the sound of shooting open an item box, but a 
Wave Attack appears on the select screen
Miniboss- Area 4 X22 Y239- never appears, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 4 X22 Y239- glitched green square (clearly the floating 
green skull Miniboss from Area 10), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X19 Y240- never appears, leaves a black box, which when 
collected plays ice corridor music
Miniboss- Area 4 X19 Y240- never appears, leaves MultiBullet 
[but on this screen, an orange ghost of the Guardian appears in the shape 
of Clawbot, no beam, it mirrors your movements, fire at it, it makes 
miniboss sound, then long orange vertical part detaches and with a few more 
shots explodes, leaving a red Guardian fragment part which when it takes 
enough rounds turns orange, then explodes]. 
Miniboss- Area 4 X21 Y240- never appears, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 4 X4 Y252- never appears, leaves Bullet Shield
Miniboss- Area 4 X5 Y252- never appears, leaves a glitch box, which when 
collected has no effect; significant slowdown here
Miniboss- Area 4 X5 Y252- Red Donut Worm (3-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X6 Y252- Red Donut Worm (3-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X7 Y252- Red Donut Worm (3-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X4 Y253- Red Donut Worm (3-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 4 X4 Y254- never appears, leaves a glitch box, which 
when collected starts playing Area 6/Area 9 labyrinth music 
[the boss explodes just off the edge of the upper left part of the screen: 
this happens with many other minibosses, though I haven’t listed it]
Miniboss- Area 4 X6 Y255- never appears, leaves glitched black box which when 
collected plays Area 6 labyrinth music
Miniboss- Area 4 X8 Y255- never appears, leaves a glitch box, which when 
collected plays Area 6,9 music

Miniboss- Area 5 X3 Y219- never appears, leaves item box, which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X6 Y219- never appears, leaves item box, which 
when collected has no effect
Miniboss- Area 5 X6 Y219- never appears, leaves item box, which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X7 Y219- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X8 Y219- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X10 Y219- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected mutes all sound
Note: coordinates listed as "Area 12 X6 Y19" on screen. 
This is due to a mapping error that occurs around X6 Y19
Miniboss- Area 5 X19 Y219- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X3 Y220- never appears, leaves item box, which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X4 Y254- never appears, leaves a box which 
when shot, leaves another box, which when collected makes no sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X3 Y255- never appears, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 5 X5 Y255- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X8 Y255- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected makes no sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X11 Y255- never appears, leaves item box which 
when collected mutes all sound
Miniboss- Area 5 X20 Y255- Blue Nuisance, leaves Attack Booster
Miniboss- Area 5 X20 Y255- Giant Crystal, leaves Shield Booster

Miniboss- Area 6 X7 Y219- never appears, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 6 X5 Y220- Blue Bubble Crab, leaves Attack Booster
Miniboss- Area 6 X21 Y221- never appears, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 6 X14 Y241- never appears, leaves Square Warp Portal, which 
when collected plays organic corridor music and registers as having 
collected "Enemy Erasers: 0" 
[orange images of the Guardian appear here together, obviously a glitched 
Clawbot. They only track you, never opening. When fired upon they slowly 
move down the screen]
Miniboss- Area 6 X15 Y241- never appears, but a blue field of fragments of 
the Guardian appears with a cluster of 4 orange Guardians together, moving 
slowly back and forth and firing at the orange cluster makes the sound of a 
boss/miniboss being hit and can be defeated], leaves behind a blank Warp 
Portal, which when touched makes the music change to ice corridor music 
(displays a new item on the menu though: Enemy Erasers with 0 uses). The 
fragment field is not the miniboss and remains there even after the 
miniboss’ box has appeared. It is based on Clawbot based on the same thing 
encountered elsewhere. 
Miniboss- Area 6 X20 Y242- never appears, leaves Speed Booster
Miniboss- Area 6 X23 Y242- never appears, leaves Hyper Laser
Miniboss- Area 6 X21 Y243- never appears, leaves Speed Booster

Miniboss- Area 7 X4 Y221- never appears, leaves Energy Tank
Miniboss- Area 7 X20 Y221- never appears, could not see what it left behind 
due to arrangement of the room, but when collected it made the sound of a 
boss/miniboss being hit
Miniboss- Area 7 X21 Y240- never appears, leaves Cutter Laser
Miniboss- Area 7 X21 Y240- never appears, leaves [no Key] Portal, which 
when collected, starts playing organic corridor music
Miniboss- Area 7 X21 Y240- never appears, leaves item box which when shot 
leaves another item box and when collected creates a double echo effect to 
the music, as if there are 2 versions of the tune playing, except the 2nd 
one is off-key. There is also an enemy which appears in this room. It is 
not the boss since it appears when the item box appears and can be fought 
with regular music playing. It is a giant "red tower", a towering red mass 
with one blue part. It teleports around the room and has no projectiles. 
It absorbs hits like a boss and when destroyed, makes a big explosion, but 
beating it plays no victory music. It is very large. Obviously a glitched 
transplant of a teleporter boss (Bombarder most likely, possibly Teramute). 
Miniboss- Area 7 X20 Y241- glitched green mass, part transparent, spits 
orange seeker spheres [is clearly based on the Area 10 miniboss], leaves 
"LMNO" box, which when collected causes the game to freeze briefly, then 
warps you back to the room you started with, where the top portal leads to 
Area 4 (with origin being X4 Y0). 

Miniboss- Area 8 X3 Y217- never appears, leaves ?????
[the screen went green & black and the game became very choppy. The 
screen started flashing the multiple colors it does when it glitches out. 
The music returned after disappearing briefly, and sound could be heard, 
like the Guardian firing. I heard the sound of a powerup being collected. 
Using select made the game black out]
[another time at these coordinates, it glitched out, went to the multiple 
colors, but no sound returned]
Miniboss- Area 8 X3 Y219- Blue Donut Worm (7-split), leaves Grenade
Miniboss- Area 8 X3 Y219- never appears, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 8 X3 Y221- never appears, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y221- never appears, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- Green Sentry-Spider, leaves Bullet Shield
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- Blue Sentry-Spider, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- Blue Sentry-Spider, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- Green Crab, leaves Fireball
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- never appears, leaves Grenade
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- never appears, leaves Red Lander
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- never appears, leaves glitched box, which 
when collected plays game over music
Miniboss- Area 8 X4 Y222- never appears, leaves glitched box, which 
when collected has no effect
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves Fireball
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves item box resembling 
one-quarter of a red eye, which when collected plays jungle corridor music
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- never appears, leaves Shield Booster. There 
is an enemy in this room. It is a blue glitch field which tracks with a 
glitched version of an orange Clawbot. Basically, it's as if it has this huge 
shell of glitched blue fragments. The field goes from blue to green when 
it is almost defeated and then disappears when it is defeated
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- never appears, leaves blank warp portal, which 
when collected resets the music
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- never appears, leaves a black box, which when 
collected plays ice corridor music [the screen is partially glitched during 
this miniboss, where some of the blocks look "simple"]
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- never appears, leaves HIJK box, which when 
collected has no effect
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- never appears, leaves Cutter Laser
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y222- never appears, leaves Grenade
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- Glider, leaves Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves glitched box, 
which when collected plays the sound of a boss being hit
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves t-box, which when 
collected has no effect
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- Green Sentry-Spider, leaves t-box, which 
when collected plays ice corridor music
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- Blue Donut Worm (7-split), leaves glitched 
box which when collected makes the sound of a boss being hit
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves Cutter Laser
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves Shield Booster
A glitched orange Clawbot appears in this room
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves a t-box, which when 
collected plays ice corridor music. Another enemy is in this room, it is 
a blue colored large pyramid which teleports around. It is just like the 
"red tower", only blue. This "blue tower" is killed with a single shot. 
When destroyed, it produces a big explosion. 
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves HIJK box, which when 
collected has no effect. Another enemy is in this room, it is 
a blue colored large pyramid which teleports around. It is just like the 
"red tower", only blue. This "blue tower" is killed with a single shot. 
When destroyed, it produces a big explosion. 
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves black box, which when 
collected plays ice corridor music
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves glitch box, which when 
collected plays the game over sound
Miniboss- Area 8 X6 Y222- never appears, leaves a glitch box, which when 
collected, resets the area's music track
Miniboss- Area 8 X7 Y222- never appears, leaves glitch box, which when 
collected makes a the sound of when the Guardian picks up a Heart item
Miniboss- Area 8 X18 Y222- Blue Nuisance, leaves Attack Booster
Miniboss- Area 8 X17 Y240- never appears, leaves glitched box, collect it and 
it makes a sound like collecting an Energy Tank
Miniboss- Area 8 X17 Y240- Green Nuisance, leaves glitched box (adds Fireball 
to the menu)
Miniboss- Area 8 X22 Y241- never appears, leaves Speed Booster 
(this is the room that produces the glitched Corridor where the gate is made 
out of eyes and the floor is black= but only after the miniboss is beaten)
Miniboss- Area 8 X19 Y242- never appears, leaves Grenade (registers as real)
Miniboss- Area 8 X21 Y243- never appears, leaves MultiBullet
Miniboss- Area 8 X21 Y243- never appears, leaves Hyper Laser. Yes, 
different points of entry produce different screens and there are 2 
different Minibosses for this screen. This one I’ve seen appear the same 
way 3 times when it produces the same room. 
Miniboss- Area 8 X11 Y246- never appears, leaves black box. Touching it 
triggers ice corridor music to play (so it’s a music box)
Miniboss- Area 8 X8 Y254- Blue Donut Worm (7-split), leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 8 X8 Y254- never appears, leaves glitch box; the game 
experiences a significant slowdown here
Miniboss- Area 8 X8 Y254- never appears, leaves Shield Booster
Miniboss- Area 8 X3 Y255- never appears, leaves Repeller
Miniboss- Area 8 X5 Y255- never appears, leaves Backfire

Miniboss- Area 9 X15 Y031- never appears, leaves SSS Portal which 
when collected begins playing Area 8 music. On the select screen, 
Enemy Erasers: 0 will appear
A glitched orange Clawbot appears independent of the miniboss. When 
destroyed, it leaves 8000 pts
Miniboss- Area 9 X18 Y031- never appears. The game glitches up, the 
screen goes black, but I was able to make the game come back to the 
screen and there was a Cutter Laser there
Miniboss- Area 9 X21 Y031- never appears, leaves glitched box, 
which when collected plays game over music
Miniboss- Area 9 X4 Y221- never appears, leaves glitched box, which 
when collected makes the sound of a boss being hit. 
There is an enemy which appears in this room. It is an extremely 
fragmented blue colored teleporting enemy. It resembles a tenuous web. 
It changes configuration each time it appears (it has ~8-12 different 
configurations). I realized what its shape was and why it was changing. 
Wherever it is at on the screen, it fills the cracks. The desert floor has 
a large cracked field on it, and the walls have crevices. Thus, I call it 
"the Crack-Filler". It took 6 bullet hits with a LV1 Attack Power and 
4000+ Chips and when destroyed, produced a big explosion. 
Miniboss- Area 9 X8 Y235- never appears, leaves glitched t-box, which 
restores +1 to the lifebar
Miniboss- Area 9 X13 Y235- never appears, leaves glitched t-box, 
which restores +1 to the lifebar
Miniboss- Area 9 X13 Y240- never appears, leaves glitched box, 
collecting it makes no sound
Miniboss- Area 9 X21 Y242- never appears, couldn’t get to prize box
Miniboss- Area 9 X22 Y242- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 9 X11 Y244- never appears, leaves glitched box, 
collect it and it makes sound like select screen button
Miniboss- Area 9 X8 Y254- never appears, leaves MultiBullet 
[glitched Clawbot appears here]

Miniboss- Area 10 X3 Y222- Green Nuisance, leaves Fireball
Miniboss- Area 10 X3 Y222- never appears, leaves MultiBullets
(Orange Clawbot appears on the screen, glitched as usual)
Miniboss- Area 10 X4 Y222- never appears, leaves Grenade
Miniboss- Area 10 X4 Y222- never appears, leaves glitched t-box, 
which when collected mutes most of the sound, making it sound like a soft, 
dull hum
Miniboss- Area 10 X2 Y223- never appears, leaves Energy Tank
Miniboss- Area 10 X3 Y223- Red Nuisance, leaves Backfire
Miniboss- Area 10 X3 Y223- Glider, leaves 20 Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 10 X3 Y223- never appears, leaves 20 Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 10 X3 Y223- never appears, leaves a black box, which 
when collected plays ice corridor music
Miniboss- Area 10 X4 Y223- never appears, but the miniboss music keeps 
on playing, so a prize couldm not be obtained. 
Miniboss- Area 10 X9 Y223- Glider, leaves 20 Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 10 X4 Y224- never appears, leaves 20 Enemy Erasers
Miniboss- Area 10 X10 Y225- never appears, leave a blank warp portal, 
which when collected plays organic corridor music
Miniboss- Area 10 X18 Y240- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 10 X19 Y240- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 10 X20 Y240- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 10 X19 Y241- never appears, leaves Wave Attack
Miniboss- Area 10 X23 Y241- never appears, leaves MultiBullet
Miniboss- Area 10 X20 Y242- never appears, leaves Cutter Laser

Miniboss- Corridor Room X9 Y254- never appears, leaves glitch box which 
plays TGL title screen music when collected; game experiences dramatic 
slowdown during the appearance of the item box
Miniboss- Corridor Room X9 Y254- never appears, leaves a glitch box which 
when collected plays Area 6,9 music
Miniboss- Corridor Room X5 Y255- never appears, leaves item box which 
mutes all sound and changes what Keys and Weapons the Guardian has

Miniboss- Area <> X23 Y244- never appears, leaves Blue Lander
Miniboss- Area <> X6 Y247- Blue Sentry-Spider, leaves <><>
Miniboss- Area <> X10 Y249 (check coordinates)- never appears, leaves 
glitched box which makes the same sound as when a Heart item is collected
"Miniboss- Area 7 X240- never appears, leaves Backfire" (incomplete notes)

***********OTHER FEATURES OF THE LOST FRONTIER********************

There are also Landers that sell regular items, or glitched items. They 
frequently sell these items for odd prices. There was a Lander at X5 Y[2]43 
selling an item for 9999 Chips. Another screen had an item on sale for 1910 
Chips. X8 Y[2]51 had a Lander selling 3 glitched items for 9999 each. 
X13 Y[2]51 had a Lander selling 3 items for 1694 each. Sometimes the Lander 
would sell real items for reasonable prices, but the same Lander room never 
varied what it sold. A Repeller was sold for 9999 Chips also, a Hyper Laser 
for 9999 Chips, and an Area Blaster for 8381 Chips. There was also a Lander 
selling a Fireball for 1677 Chips. Some screens are the objects for sale or 
the choice of one of three and some are copies of real screens found in the 
game. One of the funnier ones was a Lander selling a Blue Lander for 9999 

Save Landers are located in strange areas as well. 

Some Area 1 screens have 11 Energy Tanks on them. Also, one Area 8 room had 
11 MultiBullets on it. Touching them registered as the real item, and when 
you touched 3, on the select screen the MultiBullet icon had a purple box 
around it. One Area 10 room had 11 H-boxes on it (when collected make sound 
of regular gun firing; no changes in item menu). One Area 10 room had 11 
Speed Boosters on it. All did register. Collecting all results in one tap 
of the button firing 4 bullets in a cluster, regardless if in labyrinth or 
corridor. One tap has enough bullets to get rid of the blue warp panel 
boxes. 3 sets of these 4-cluster shots can kill Blue Fleepa. Some Area 7 
screens had 11 Enemy Erasers on it. Area 8 screens had 11 Blue Landers on 
it, or 11 Red Landers on it, or 11 Energy Tanks on it. In one room of Area 
1, 2 MultiBullets were on the floor. They both registered. In one room of 
Area 2 there was 11 "HIJK" boxes, which made a sound, but nothing else. Here 
is an index of the "11s" I found on the screens of different areas:
Area 0- 11 Red Landers, 11 Energy Tanks, 11 Blue Chips
Area 1- 11 Red Landers, 11 Energy Tanks, 11 MultiBullets, 11 Repellers, 
11 LMNO boxes (they make the sound of an enemy hitting you)
Area 2- 11 Enemy Erasers, 11 HIJK boxes
Area 3- 11 Red Landers, 11 Backfires
Area 4- none to date
Area 5- 11 Hearts
Area 6- none to date
Area 7- 11 Enemy Erasers
Area 8- 11 MultiBullets, 11 Red Landers, 11 Energy Tanks, 11 Bullet 
Shields, 19 MultiBullets, 11 Grenades, 11 blue glitch blocks (play Miniboss 
music when collected), 11 HIJK (mute the area music only), 11 red & blue 
glitch blocks (silences music), 4 Grenades, 19 Red Landers, 11 black boxes
(play ice corridor music [+ add 10 points to the score]), 11 Hyper Lasers, 
11 Fireballs, 11 Bullet Shields, 11 Repellers
Area 9- 11 Cutter Sabers, 11 Enemy Erasers, 11 Wave Attacks
Area 10- 11 Speed Boosters, 11 Fireballs, 11 Backfires, 11 Grenades, 11 H-boxes

There are text box rooms in the Lost Frontier. Some are copies of real 
screens in the game. There are quite a few text boxes not found in the game, 
however. Many are blank screens (no text). They have no message programmed 
into them. Also, the following messages were found on some text boxes: "00", 
"0", "Corridor", some indecipherable text (not even letters, weird glyphs), 
"[the same text the lander says across from Corridor 4 when you get it to 
open up Corridor 4 for you]", "I will sell only one of these to you", 
"0000[gibberish]j[gibberish]ZZZZZZZZZ", and "Good Luck!". 

Every now and then, you will run across an extremely glitched corridor room. 
There is no gate, no sign, and the screen is entirely filled with junk. 
Often times, water corridor music will be playing. In every room like this 
I encountered, there were portals out of it. The rooms are hard to 
navigate through due to all the junk. These rooms are very special because 
often when passing through these rooms, I noticed the weapon select box is 
over a blank space, and thus, gives the Guardian a glitch weapon (read 
more about glitch weapons below). In some situations, these turn parts of 
the status bar at the bottom of the screen into junk or whatnot or in two 
occasions, mess with the coordinate system where one or both coordinates 
don't change even despite you moving coordinates. If you want to get the 
teleporter glitch weapon, from my experience, you have to pass through 
one of these glitched corridor rooms. 

I noticed occasionally there will be invisible walls. On some screens where 
there are open thresholds, you can walk to the edge, but you won't scroll 
to the next room. Now, on screens where there is a portal box/portal on an 
open threshold, those will *never* scroll, but these invisible walls on 
screens without portals or sides of the screen without portals are another 

Some regions of this Lost Frontier, such as a region around X16-X18, Y[2]49 
is very very labyrinthine, many transitions to orange corridor rooms with 
portals that have openings on the top and right. There may be several 
Corridors here. The same is with X10-13, X[2]45-48, which is also very 
mazy with several orange empty corridor rooms. These areas might be nexuses 
of corridors, but they don’t seem to be triggerable or the frequency at which 
the Corridor appears in the room is low compared to the frequency the 
empty orange corridor room appears. 

There are other regions I noticed had things in common with several rooms 
that it did not have in common with areas around it. Besides the X24, X[2]55 
barriers, there is a "Desert of Instability" where out of 2-3 dozen rooms, 
only 1-2 contained a room with a portal as a possibility and a remote one at 
that, and every screen had a high probability of miniboss klaxons which 
triggered the game to break down. Usually with the break downs, the graphics 
develop red & black lines in some areas, then the colored areas morph, and 
the graphics get simpler and degrade until the screen goes black. Here, the 
screen went mostly black, leaving some desert areas visible, then 
immediately went black. It was a much more "chilling" glitch up. Usually 
2-3 rooms in an area near one another can have this miniboss glitch-up 
possibility, but here I encountered it in room after room after room. That 
in itself was highly unusual. Also, the next highest priority was exitless 
rooms or rooms open only to the left, occasionally only open to the right. 
Progress through this region, which is located around the low Y[2]30s all 
the way across was extremely slow and I was lucky to find a way out (it 
starts ~Y[2]36 and runs up to I think Y[2]30 all the way across from 
X0-X23). Things normalized at lower Y coordinates and got easier to 
navigate through. I have never in all my extensive travels encountered 
an area where breakdown minibosses could be encountered in around 2 
dozen or more rooms. 

The other area of note is the "Glitch Forest". It exists in several rooms 
around X4 Y[2]51 (move down, right, up, left of it and the whole expanse of 
rooms are in this area). Designated Area 4, it produces a high proportion of 
uniquely glitched rooms I have found nowhere else, like screens with "patches 
of grass", a field of brown flowers, a fairy ring (that’s the term for a ring 
of mushrooms), thornbushes in a maze pattern, a field of those strange green 
plate plants from Corridor 14, an arrow of strange red curls, a maze of 
those strange red curls, a maze of strange green glyphs on the ground, a 
field of things that look like wooden totems, a field where "8"s are grown, 
a square of lycopods (horsetail ferns), a screen with over a dozen of those 
red crawling donut things, and more. There was also a weird patch of grass 
screen here which had several Jumping Ghostmouths, a swarm of glitched red 
masses which would arc down from the sky and arc back up, sometimes 5 at a 
time, and the Multiplying Spider too. This was all on a single screen! I 
think I saw the mushroom square in one other place but all of those other 
rooms I only found there. 

There is also a very glitched patch around X4-6 Y221-223 where the forest 
looked very strange and had many glitched up screens. Another time, I arrived 
here in Area 9, the desert, and got some very glitched up screens, though 
they had little variation, a field of "thunderbolt" symbols on orange 
background and skull faces which can be shot at. That was X4-6 Y221-23 or so. 
Therefore, I conclude this is a glitch zone for any and all area types. I 
would call it "Glitch Valley" and it seems to extend from X4-6 Y221-23. Why 
call it valley? Because it's a small patch of rooms. I've seen it glitched as
several different areas. These coordinates consistently produced glitched 

There is also "120 Alley", a few rows (Y[2]21-Y[2]22) of room after room 
where Corridor 120 can be found, open, with glitch blocks on it in a square 
which one touched trigger the game ending music. In 120 Alley there are some 
regular rooms and other corridors as well. 

I noticed the whole Y[2]20 row is extremely difficult to advance through, 
ending up arriving in an exitless room of any Area type. I was able to break 
through it though, but found a whole row which is even more difficult to pass 
through, Y17 [Y217] which is actually on the southern part of the map ring 
after one whole looping. Y[2]18-Y[2]19 were filled with normal rooms. I 
would call these the "220 Wall" andthe "217 Great Wall". There is also a 
"218 Wall" where virtually all the rooms at this row are exitless rooms or 
empty orange corridor rooms without portals. Y219 does not seem affected by 
this however. 

I also noticed patterns in where some Corridors are found often, yet huge 
areas devoid of those same Corridors. This may just be staggered coordinates 
or something more, but I’ve also seen this with the glitched corridors. The 
black & white geometric pattern corridors are only found in the rooms in 
the Y-coordinates just north of the map’s northernmost border. There is also 
a red steel girder grid corridor which is only found in one small area and 
is not universal, like many other glitch corridor "habitats" are. It seems 
strange, but there are definitive patterns here. The nature of the Lost 
Frontier is hard to assess and only be exploring can one find regions that 
have commonalities, like the Desert of Instability, the Glitch Forest, and 
120 Alley. And, at the same coordinates, but a different set of 
Z-coordinates on a different layer, may have a different area or even just 
be the average format for most of the Frontier. In other words, it’s 
virtually impossible for any one person to find all the different areas in 
the Lost Frontier. 

When you beat a Corridor of the numbers 1-20 in the Lost Frontier and return 
to the labyrinth, the game registers you as having beaten the real Corridor 
and the blinking indicator on the real map where that Corridor’s location is 
in the game goes out. The same applies for Corridors numbering over 22 which 
play as copies of a Corridor numbered 1-20. Examples are Corridor 36, which 
is identical to Corridor 16. Beating Corridor 36 will make the indicator for 
the real Corridor 16 will go out. This applies even if you beat the boss, 
then reappear in the same room with the gate still open. From this we can 

{@} A corridor is "beaten" when the boss is defeated, not when the corridor 
      explodes and the gate is sealed
{@} Any corridor numbering 1-22 appearing outside their official location 
         is still a legitimate version of the corridor and beating it will 
         result in the official version also being beaten. 
{@} Corridors have multiple points of entry. Think of it as one highway, 
         many different on-ramps.
{@} Any Corridor numbered 23-127 which plays identical to any corridor 
       numbering 0-22 and is beaten will result in the Corridor it is 
       identical to being beaten. Thus, these corridors are analogs of their 
        lowered number corridor counterparts. 

Collecting many Speed Boosters can result in the Guardian’s fire moving 
extremely rapidly. In other words, Speed can reach values above the 
maximum level available in the game normally. With a certain speed, 4 
bullets are fired as a single volley and one tap of the button can remove 
a blue warp portal box. With even more speed, 16 bullets appear as 
one pulse in the firing followed rapidly by another with little delay. 
With even more speed, firing the primary weapon results in teleportation 
(see Weird Occurrences for all the properties of teleporters).  

Of the many Corridors in the frontier, there was a high frequency of some 
while none of others. Almost all were encountered at least once, but 
Teramute (C-4) was not, except in the weird corridors that convert to
TGL Mode. 

*******************WEIRD OCCURRENCES****************************

In this section I'll detail all the strange things I saw happen while 
exploring the Lost Frontier. This is basically a collection of events I 
experienced in these areas. 

Some of these weird occurrences illustrate properties of the game we never 
get to test out due to not being accessible during the normal game, such as 
0 Shields, 0 Weapons, and the like. 

I found one room to be incredibly strange, X23 Y[2]43. When I reached it one 
time, it was a Corridor room called "Corridor [black box]" and was a very 
glitched screen. Depending on what time you entered it, you get widely 
varying results. Also, walking on the black areas of the screen switched the 
music from active corridor room to ice area corridor music, and stepping on 
different regions of the black areas would reset the ice area corridor 
track to the beginning. I’ve gotten inside the corridor: white-blue 
glitched graphics playing Area 1 overworld music, the game blacks out, 
Corridor 22 which when It is beaten, the game is beaten and shows the end 
screen, blue glitched rocky squares, Corridor 6 which is playable, 
Corridor 0 which is playable, Corridor 21 which is playable and when the 
TGL’s Greatest Hits are beaten, the NAJU being destroyed sequence shows and 
the game transitions to Corridor 22. Re-entering the room, I’ve found 
Corridors 86, 122 and 102. I have never seen any other corridor have this 
strange property of timing of entry varying the result. Every other Lost 
Frontier corridor is the same regardless of the time you jump into it. 

Theory: just like how the game is programmed for the Guardian to return 
to the Corridor room after beating Corridors 0-20, for 21, it is 
programmed to show the sequence of destruction and transition 
automatically to Corridor 22, and for 22 it is automatically programmed 
to show the ending. For Corridor 0, it is programmed to send you back to 
the room it is located at, as seen when playing Corridor 0 in this lost 
frontier, but that in the real game, it sends you to a text box room 
instead of a Corridor room. In other words, the Corridor 0 chamber has no 
formal Corridor room in the game). 

There was a glitched block in Area 1, which when touched played desert 
corridor music. I’ve noticed this as a trend with many items left behind by 
the minibosses in the Lost Frontier, but rarely with items just onscreen 

One room I was in, a glitched corridor room, had 6 portals! And another 
one had 7 portals! That room was at X22 Y[2]41 and was extremely jumbled. 
The portals didn’t always take you the same direction. Some took you one 
room to the right, and one just next to it could also take you one room up. 
The screen with the most portals I ever saw... it had 32 portals. Thus, we 
can conclude a room can have more warp portals on it than it has sides. 

One weird instance was on X11 Y[2]45, which was a regular room, but the 
screen was very glitched. It played water corridor music and the room was 
very jumbled.

In another instance, in a very glitched corridor room, there was an "rdrr" 
which killed the Guardian in one hit (due to the status bar being glitched 
and her having a life bar of true 0). Another glitched corridor room was at 
X8 Y[2]42 accessed from Area 8. It was playing water corridor music and the 
room was very jumbled. I found about half a dozen corridor rooms that 
appeared extremely glitched. These glitched corridor rooms use the graphics 
set of a corridor room, but they have no corridor gate in them or they have 
a sealed gate (too many glitched sprites to tell). No matter what Area # you 
access them from, they all play water corridor music [Track 20 or 21, that's 
14 or 15 in hex numbers].

Another instance had a sequence of 3 corridors. In X8 Y[2]45, there was 
Corridor 17. I played it, beat it, and returned to Corridor 10, which I 
played, then beat, and returned to Corridor 16, which I played, then beat, 
but it blacked out upon return. Usually only 2 corridors are linked up in a 
room if there is a link, but this is an example of a triple-link. And I found 
a quadra-link too. At X23 Y[2]40, at the time I accessed it from Area 8, here 
is what resulted: Corridor 12 (which played as Red Fleepa’s corridor), when 
beaten sent me to Corridor 68 (which also played as Red Fleepa’s corridor), 
which when beaten sent me to Corridor 35 (which again played as Red 
Fleepa’s corridor), which when beaten sent me to Corridor 34 (likewise 
played as Red Fleepa’s corridor), which when beaten sent me to an exitless 
room with a Lander selling a glitched item for 9999 Chips. All of these 5 
rooms were at the same coordinates and accessed by playing one corridor 
after another and beating it. Double-links, triple-links, and quadra-links 
are functionally meaningless and more of a novelty than anything actually 
relevant other than being based on the probability of reappearing in a 
corridor room with a different corridor number and the gate being open. 

Theory: This is my speculation, but linked corridors are the game returning 
you to the same X,Y coordinates, but a different Z-coordinate. In other 
words, using the X23 Y[2]40 example, I entered Corridor 12 and played through 
it and it linked to Corridors 68, 35, 34. I'm speculating that I could have 
just as easily entered those coordinates and arrived in Corridor 68 or 35 or 
34 on its own and those corridors may or may not link to the other corridors 
at that coordinate. Many times a beaten corridor sends you back to an empty 
orange corridor room or sometimes a Lander room, but never any Area 0-10 
room. I think what room you arrive back at is pure chance within a certain 
range of possibilities. 

One of the weirder things I saw was at X22 Y[2]41 in Area 8, a room with a 
miniboss. After the miniboss was "beaten", the item appeared. Now, I saw 
this twice in the same room and collecting the item or waiting has nothing 
to do with it, it appears regardless. The label "Corridor 8" appears in 
the floor of the organic room and the floor turns mostly black, and what 
are clearly patterned after 2 corridor gates open up, only the gates are 
made out of blue and white eyes. Hopping into the opening allows warping 
to Corridor 24 at X8 Y8, which played as a glitched corridor. The thing is 
this happened normally and involved no use at all of any glitch weapons. 

On an Area 6 glitch out screen where it plays the opening screen music, 
I got the TGL sound test on that screen. 

On some screens in Area 10 Lost Frontier rooms, those blue boxes took 16 
hits to shoot open and when destroyed they looked like an empty item box. 

And for another corridor room (X21 Y[2]41 accessed from Area 1), when I 
entered it, there was a long delay, then ice corridor music started playing, 
the Guardian was blue, red, and white, and the corridor room was all red & 
black. There were those jumping mouths which emerged, except they were orange.
Hmm, notice the coordinates in this case and in the earlier case with the 
corridor gate made out of eyeballs were *both* Y241 and their X-coordinate 
was off by only a single space. I suspect certain coordinates have 
anomalies to them and generate more chaotic results than other coordinates. 

And in another corridor room when I entered it (X22 Y[2]18, accessed from 
Area 6), the room was almost entirely filled with brown boxes, "Good Luck!" 
was written on it and forest corridor music was playing. I could scroll off 
the left threshold and an Area 0 screen with glitched walls appeared and 
portal boxes to the east and south. This seems to be another category in the 
group of glitched corridor rooms, with this being the only time I saw one not 
playing water corridor music. 

At Area 8 X23 Y[2]18 there was a room with 19 black boxes (disguised as 
yellow-green corners of giant eyes), which when collected changed the Area 
music to a very weird remix of the track not found in the game. It was 
glitched, but it sounded extremely cool. 

There is a mapping error which occurs around X6 Y[2]19. Around this 
coordinate, after visiting it, all rooms for a while bear the coordinates 
X6 Y19 even though on the map you can tell its not X6 Y19. And also, 
some really weird Area numbers began to be displayed. Now, occasionally, 
for corridor rooms (all non-labyrinth rooms normally in the game are listed 
as Area 0), sometimes they are listed as Area 8 for some reason, but I 
never before saw the labyrinth rooms labelled otherwise. Here were some 
of the area numbers: 
Area 0- displayed Area 1 or 2 (water), Area 6 (arctic)
Area 3- displayed Area 0 (grass)
Area 12- displayed Area 0 (grass), Area 3 or 4 (jungle)
Area 14- displayed Area 1 or 2 (water)
Area 15- displayed Area 7 or 8 (organic), Area 9 (desert)

Labyrinth-Corridors and Corridor Room-Corridors

Now, this was the weirdest one of all. In 3 different coordinates, I had a 
labyrinth turn into a corridor! All times the Guardian was uncontrollable 
and looked glitched. In one instance, there were only enemies from the 
corridors there, and in another instance there were enemies both from 
corridors and labyrinths. Teleporters or other glitched weapons were not 
used in any way here. It is strange since it operates like a corridor where 
there are onslaughts and there are lulls in the # of enemies. Then, at a 3rd 
set of coordinates, I portaled into a corridor room and it turned into a 
Corridor-Room-Corridor. In this situation, the Guardian was controllable. 

Here are the details of the Labyrinth-Corridors:

Area 9 X22 Y242
Accessed by walking from Area 9 X21 Y[2]42
Plays Area 9 music
The Guardian is uncontrollable
It ends with receiving the Hook Key and flying off, and the game going black
Enemies: Red slime, blue disks, jumping blue mouths

Area 9 X13 Y239
Accessed by walking from Area 9 X13 Y[2]40
Plays Area 9 music
The Guardian is uncontrollable
It resets after 2 minutes or so of flying, like a demo
Enemies: Blue floating skulls, giant brown desert skulls, jumping blue mouths

Area 10 X4 Y224
Accessed by walking from an adjacent screen (either X4 Y223 or X5 Y224)
Listed as "Area 14 X4 Y24"
Plays Area 10 music or no music at all (I didn't record this data)
Enemies: blue long-skull spitting projectiles (only a few early on)
The Guardian is uncontrollable and her graphics are glitched
Resets after something like 40 seconds- 1 minute, like a demo

And here is the details for the Corridor Room-Corridor: 
Area 0 X5 Y222
Accessed by portal-ing in from Area 3 X5 Y[2]21
Plays active corridor room music
The Guardian is controllable here
Guardian’s weapon fire is a bunch of green glitches
The closed active corridor gate could be seen through the overlaying graphics
It went on endlessly
Enemies: Rdrr (spits flashing projectiles), Mirror-rdrr (spits flashing 
projectiles), unknown diamond-bubble spitters

                                   Glitch Weapons

Sometimes when moving around the Lost Frontier, you’ll find the weapon 
select box over blank spaces or spaces anywhere but on the weapon part of 
the screen, such as over a blank space or inappropriate area, like the right 
side of the screen by the Chip #s or Shield/Weapon stats. These are the 
glitch weapons. Sometimes, the weapon select box on the select screen will 
be over a blank space and indicate you have a number of shots and either 
displays no box or a glitched box on the status bar, Be warned, if you fire 
it, in many cases the game will glitch up and freeze. Occasionally, the 
weapon will have... weirder effects. Once, the game produced the Guardian as 
having 1872 Chips and a glitched weapon in a weird area of the select screen 
that on the status bar displayed as a fireball graphic, slightly glitched 
with 234 Shots. When used, it made the sound like the MultiBullet being 
fired, but nothing displayed and it warped the Guardian over by one room 
and drained her life from 32 down to 1 and turned the graphic icon into a 
Repeller icon. I’ll talk more about the teleporter weapon in a moment, but 
I want to note that it is advisable to use a save state to save the game 
before using or even moving the weapon. You see, sometimes when you move 
the weapon select box when it is on a strange section of the select screen, 
if you move it up or down, the game will freeze and it will be making this 
shrill noise which is the sound of the weapon box being moved, only held 
at a constant note (it is not a pleasant sound). If you move the box left 
or right, odds are you will find the weapon select box on one of the normal 
weapons. Once the weapon select box is on a normal weapon, you cannot get 
it to go back to a glitch weapon unless you come across one of the rooms 
that creates glitch weapons, which I note in the next paragraph. 

How do you get access to glitch weapons? I often find the cursor on one of 
these spots on the select screen where weapons are not found when I enter an 
extremely glitched up Corridor room. Sometimes in the Lost Frontier, there 
are corridor rooms that are very messed up. I'm not talking about the ones 
with some junk in the room, I'm talking about ones which are filled with junk 
all over the screen and occasionally even have enemies in there. These 
weapons only exist so long as you don't move your cursor off of them. I also 
found the weapon select box over a glitch weapon when I walked onto a normal 
area screen which was a little more glitched up than normal. 

These glitch weapons have wildly unpredictable effects. Sometimes their 
effect is consistent, but occasionally, when you enter a certain room, the 
effect is different. There are several weird occurrences which result from 
these weapons. One glitch made the lifebar disappear completely, as in it 
was not 0, there was not even a lifebar, period. One hit from any enemy 
meant instant death. Another glitch weapon drains the lifebar to 0, but this 
0 is virtual invincibility. One glitch gave me 0 Weapons. Now, 0 Shields 
means near invincibility, but 0 Weapon levels means you fire one bullet at 
a time, but there is no auto-fire function to it. With 1 Weapon level, 
holding down the firing button means the gun will constantly fire, not 
with 0 Weapon level though.

One changes the music to the sound of flying off into a corridor, another 
freezes the game, and yet another teleports the Guardian most of the time, 
and sometimes freezes the game/causes it to black out and glitch up. The 
teleporter occasionally sends the Guardian to a random room, but after a few 
uses, it sends the Guardian to some prescribed coordinates, some on the map, 
some off the map. The teleporter is strange. It looks like the teleport 
effect from other 8-bit video games. The guardian’s image moves in a wavy 
pattern up and down in one direction along the screen (up and down moving 
left or right, or side to side moving up and down, or at angles moving in a 
direction), changing to green and white color, then the screen switches to 
another screen of different coordinates. Perhaps there was going to be a 
teleporter function in the game and it was programmed for, but then 
abandoned. Anyway, I accessed the Y[2]55 series and thereabout of rooms 
through the teleporter glitch-weapon. Normally it’s a bunch of grassy 3-way 
rooms, but here I landed in a Corridor room with portals and used save 
states to explore all around it. This weapon has many defects, often making 
the screen go black & freezing the game, or making the graphics decompile 
and the game freeze, or making glitchy graphics appear and the game 
freeze, or requires 2 uses, the 1st use turning every red enemy on the 
screen green, including the Guardian too, the 2nd completing the teleport. 
But, I noticed something strange. When the teleporter often fails and 
causes the game to scramble, it commonly freezes the game, but plays 
"military aquatica" (Track 03, the most common type of boss music, or 03 in 
hex). Kinda strange. The teleporter does have a pattern. It frequents the 
following coordinates: X1 Y0, X6 Y7, X9 Y10, X10 Y9, X10 Y11, X11 Y12, 
X15 Y10, among others. Also, when used in some corridors, most 
notably glitched ones that don’t resemble Corridors 0-22, it produces an 
instant victory, triggering the victory music, sending the Guardian flying 
forward, then turning around and flying backwards, as is the behavior when 
a corridor is beaten. Another glitched weapon turned the Guardian-ship 
green, giving the Guardian paralysis, but invincibility. I saw this in both 
a corridor and in the labyrinth. Enemies just pass through you. They cannot 
interact with you. Note that the teleporter can send you to Z-coordinates 
in the regular mapped area. This means different versions of the real rooms 
you see in the game, such as some of the rooms in Area 0, with the same 
block arrangements and enemies, only in an empty orange corridor room or 
the like. 

Here is an index of some glitched weapons I saw. Their position is hard to 
describe on the select screen, but its all in fringe areas. I describe the 
pictures by their icons. Some glitch weapons produce different results even 
despite having the same icon, depending on how they are generated. Many are 
teleporters. Some are highly glitched, some have higher rates of success. 
Teleporters can be used in corridors to produce instant victories regardless 
of where you are in the corridor, but they do not have a 100% success rate. 

Saber Laser- a rather successful teleporter in some circumstances, in others, 
it freezes
Weapon Power: 1	Chip Usage: 30
Chip totals- 1st time used: 50 --> 2450 --> 2266 --> 1986 --> 1756
(so, the cost of using each time is N/A, 184, 280, 230)
Chip totals- 2nd time used: 50 --> 2520 --> 2480 --> 2254 --> 2028 --> 
1712 --> 1486 --> 1200 --> 944 --> 688 --> 432 --> 206 --> 9999 --> 9999 
(loops at 9999)
Here is the # Shots left:
(chip usage calculated from fitting the # shots into the Chips)
944 Chips: 31 Shots (30 Chips/use)
688 Chips: 22 shots (31 Chips/use)
432 Chips: 14 shots (30 Chips/use)
206 Chips: 6 shots (34 Chips/use)
9999 Chips: 255 shots

Red Lander- a teleporter with a high failure rate
Weapon Power: 3	Chip Usage: 6
Chip totals when used: 50 --> 26 --> 2 --> 2 --> 2
(so, the cost of using each time is: 24, 24, 0, 0, 0)

Speed Booster- a teleporter with a high failure rate
Weapon Power: 3	Chip Usage: 154

Hyper Laser- turns all blue portal boxes into empty item boxes. Yes, it
means the portals disappear

Fireball- a teleporter that always fails, causing the screen to black out

Backfire- a teleporter

Glitch-Shield- a teleporter

Glitch with corner box- turns portals into item boxes

Glitch 4 square- freezes screen

Another glitch block- no use

Another glitch block- freezes game, makes screen very glitched

Another glitch block- no use

Another Red Lander- often fails, has some bizarre effects when the game 
freezes, like changing the color of the room or creating a "strobe light" 
effect on the frozen screen. Another time it resulted in a transformation 
sequence on a bizarre background, then the game blacking out

As you can see, the exact Chip costs of these weapons varies with each shot, 
but seems to remain consistent around a certain number (kind of like 
staggered coordinates, only "staggered Chip costs"). 

I wonder if the distance it teleports the Guardian has some impact on the 
chip value or if it is entirely random, or exponential, or what.

********************** LOST FRONTIER CORRIDORS *********************

In this section you will find a lot of details pertaining around the 
corridors found in the Lost Frontier as well as an index of all the corridors 
I encountered there and how it appeared to me. There are a grand total of 
128 Corridors, spanning Corridors 0 through Corridor 127. You will remember 
that only Corridors 0-22 are in the game, meaning there are 105 Corridors 
found in the Lost Frontier that are not found in the normal course of the 

Much of this exploration was done with the "nkQC IcJA" code. Some of the 
rooms (many around the Y[2]55 coordinates) were accessed via a teleport 

I originally included the Area I accessed the Corridor from purely for 
bookkeeping purposes even though the Area or origin has no impact on what 
corridors are there, but I decided to remove it as it was extraneous data 
and made the logs appear too convoluted. I will leave the Area of Origin data 
for Corridors 0-22 though, to display the random nature of the Lost Frontier 
and how water corridors can be accessed from desert areas and so on. 

"Accessed from" refers to what area the room in the Lost Frontier belonged 
to that I entered the corridor room from. It does not refer to the point of 
departure from the real map, which is not possible in this game. "Accessed 
via teleporter" did not mean I reached each room by using a teleporter; it 
means I reached one of those rooms via teleporter, saved, and branched out 
from there by foot.

When you see "Blacks out upon entry", that means you can jump into the 
corridor and undergo the transformation sequence, but after that, the game 
blacks out.

When you see {FALSE} that does not mean the data is wrong, it means that 
corridor entry is known to be a False Label (in other words, the Corridor # 
documented is the one listed on the screen, but it's known to be wrong). The 
concept of false labels is explained further below. 

It is also worth noting that I did not test almost all the Corridor 0s I 
found. There may be some Alternate Corridor 0s, but I never tried them all 

The first thing about the corridors here that stands out is there are 
multiple versions of all corridors. More than one location for a corridor has 
been found for most of these corridors and some of those even fall outside 
the range of staggered coordinates, meaning there are multiples of these. 
I’ve found several Corridor 1s, Corridor 8s, and even of higher numbered 
corridors too. Beating any of these lower numbered Corridors results in the 
blinking indicator light over the real corridor going out. Basically, it 
seems like several corridors have multiple entry points. 

There is also the existence of parallel corridors. These are Corridors 
numbering above 22 which play identical to some Corridor numbered between 0 
and 22. Some examples are Corridor 36, which frequently plays as Corridor 16, 
Corridor 56, which played as Corridor 12 (though the fact all other versions 
of Corridor 56 are different makes me think this is a result of false 
labels), and Corridor 87 played identical to Corridor 12. When these 
parallel corridors are beaten, it registers as if the real Corridor it is a 
copy of is beaten!

The most commonly occurring corridors, whether multiple points of entry or 
parallel corridors, are Corridors 16 (Red Optomon), 8 (Red Grimgrin), and 1
2 (Red Fleepa). 

Having used a teleporter to get back to the regular map and confirm it, I can 
say that when a blinking indicator at a real corridor's coordinates goes out 
as a result of being an identical or parallel corridor in the Lost Frontier, 
the corridor in the room at the real coordinates does become sealed. 

Another strange behavior is the auto-victory. This is where upon the Guardian 
passing through the portal in the adjacent room to the corridor room in 
question, you will see the Guardian automatically jumping out of the Corridor 
and any portal boxes being indestructible green, the corridor explode and 
an item left behind. This was seen in all the encounters with or the vast 
majority of encounters with Corridors 5, 53, and 117. A point worth noting 
here is the auto-victory Corridor 5s never make the blinking indicator for 
Corridor 5 go out. 

Alternate corridors have also been found. These bear the same number as a 
real corridor, but have a different terrain (i.e. glitched) from the same 
numerical corridor in the real game. I’ve observed alternates with Corridors 
1, 8, and 16. Now, there are multiple normal versions of these same corridors 
in the Lost Frontier as well. They’re just like every other glitched corridor 
except they have a number the same as Corridors 0-22.

One incident made me realize some of the Corridor labels may not be truthful. 
There seem to be "false labels". I noticed this for one set of coordinates, 
where there was an auto-victory for Corridor 5 there, producing a glitching 
Energy Tank as the prize and for the same coordinates there was an 
auto-victory for Corridor 4 there, producing the exact same prize and 
result. Now, the auto-victory thing is common for Corridor 5, but unheard 
of for Corridor 4. This, and the fact some corridors produce one set of 
results multiple times, but then for that one other time play like Corridor 
12, 16, or something like that, makes me think that one result that differs 
from all the others is a result of false labels. For example, Corridor 24 
at the same coordinates played once as if it were Corridor 16 and another 
time if it were Corridor 8. At those coordinates, a Corridor 8 can be 
obtained. This makes me think that time I entered it had the label "Corridor 
24", but was really Corridor 8. The same thing happened with Corridor 40, 
which played once as Corridor 12 and another time as Corridor 5. The 
Alternate Corridors may in fact be a result of false labels. Parallel 
corridors may likewise be a result of false labels. 

Fact: False Labels have been confirmed. In the section discussing how the 
Lost Frontier works, we have been able to identify what the proper music 
track is for each higher corridor. Therefore, any corridor labelled as a 
number which does not play that music track is a falsely labelled corridor. 
I should note this does not rule out all falsely labelled corridors since if, 
let's say, Corridor # is supposed to play Track 17 and an impostor corridor 
(not Corridor #) is labelled as Corridor # but just happens to play Track 17, 
then we cannot tell it is an impostor corridor. 

Now for the glitched corridors. Some of these play identical no matter what 
coordinates they are found at. Some of these play differently at different 
coordinates. I have found though, that all corridors seem to play identical 
at the coordinates you find them when false labels seem not to be a factor. 
I have been able to replicate entering the same room and hopping in the 
corridor at different time intervals, reaching the same coordinates by 
different means, several times, all producing the same results. Corridor 32 
looks identical at 4 different coordinates, Corridor 27 looks the same at 2 
different coordinates, and likewise with Corridors 37, 51, 75, 96, 104. 
Some of these are very variable though, like Corridor 74, which at 3 
different locations produced 3 very different results.

There are some common "habitats" for the glitched corridors. Many appear as 
an endless corridor of white technological wiring like that between the metal 
panels in Corridor 0. There are some white tech-wiring corridors like this 
which have a brown metal panel near the start of the corridor. There are some 
green tech-wiring corridors as well. Many higher up numbered corridors, 
especially in the 90s and over, appear as this strange black and white 
geometric pattern. Another common occurrence is a scrolling grid, light blue 
with some number as a part of it and some brown panels in it as well. 
Another variation of this is a red grid with numbers in it which is a still 
screen. There are also glitched corridors which look like heaps of junk and 
some of which almost resemble city blocks (at least in an 8-bit system). 
Many of the junked up glitch corridors resemble Zanac, a flying shoot-em-up 
game made by the same company that made TGL (in fact, the Landers come 
from that game). 

Select button can glitch up some of the glitched corridors, making their 
background change or break down. Many of the "white bones" technological 
corridors are susceptible to this, but not all of them. The "white bones" 
deform only once with select and they remain deformed no matter how many 
times select is used. With other corridors, some deform differently each time 
with the use of the select button (though they only have so many 
possibilities of deformation) and others deform once with select button and 
keep that deformed pattern. In other words, the graphical integrity of many 
of the higher numbered corridors is low. When flying in glitched corridors, 
I recommending using the select button; it's the only way to see the 
different aspects of the corridors. 

All normal corridors have the exact same Area listing on the status bar 
when they are being played unless otherwise noted. All glitch corridors 
have Area 10 on their status bar unless otherwise noted. 

Corridor 0 has the more versions of itself out there than any other Corridor. 
There are 3 possibilities for Corridor 0 in the Lost Frontier, first that it 
is open and has 4 panels there, second that it is open but has no panels, 
and third, it is sealed. Those 4 red panels only exist on Corridors 1-10 in 
the real game. They are the failsafe devices which need to be destroyed for 
the self-destruct to be initiated. It’s bizarre that Corridor 0 would have 
them. What’s more too, is that normally in the game Corridor 0 does not 
have a formal Corridor room. It warps the Guardian to the text box room at 
its coordinates when beaten. Beating some of the Corridor 0s sent the 
Guardian back to the same room with the corridor still open, or to the 
same corridor except closed, or to a different corridor room, or even to 
an empty orange corridor room. All Corridor 0s do not have a 
transformation sequence at the beginning nor at the end, unlike all 
other Corridors except 22. 

Corridor 21 in all cases were auto-victories, meaning entering the room 
resulted in automatically jumping out of the corridor, it exploding, and 
leaving some item. 

Corridor 22 has been located in the Lost Frontier. The fact that it always 
plays the same level, that short space level with the password screen music, 
confirms that the final level is deemed Corridor 22. This Corridor, like the 
real version, has no opening transformation sequence. Its boss is It, and 
when It is defeated, the game’s ending is shown. Yes, it is possible in the 
Lost Frontier to beat the game with all corridors still active! And 
surprisingly, some sealed Corridor 22s have been found. It seems like that 
shouldn’t be possible, but it is. Even the fact that there is a Corridor 
for the final level is absurd since it is only supposed to occur after NAJU 
is destroyed, not be a part of NAJU. Theoretically, one might say it is 
the Corridor, the habitat in which It came out of and escaped. It was able 
to escape into space because space is its environment, not water or jungle 
or arctic, etc. 

In all corridors in the Lost Frontier, regular ones or not, if there is that 
red asteroid enemy, the one that generates a circle of asteroids that fly 
at you, it just flies by from left to right and never generates the circle. 
Its function is seemingly disabled in the Lost Frontier. 

Corridors 0 and 22, regardless if in the game or in the Lost Frontier, both 
lack an opening transformation sequence and a closing transformation 
sequence. All bizarre corridors have opening transformation sequences and 
if they don’t black out after flying off from the boss, closing 
transformation sequences as well. 

                              Corridor Index

Note: This section is rather long. If you want to jump to the section 
containing a specific corridor, each Corridor has been given a code you can 
put into a "find on this page" search box to jump down to. The code is 
CL###. So, for Corridor 127, type in CL127, for Corridor 0, type in 
CL000, for Corridor 1, type in CL001, for Corridor 24, CL024, you get 
the idea. All unclassifiable corridors are labelled CL???. So, type that 
into a search box to jump down to them. 

Below is the index of Corridors I have encountered in the game. Some of these 
corridor listings (0-22) have a Corridor listed separated from the rest of the
index of corridors by a dotted line. That corridor is the Prime Corridor, the 
one accessed in the normal course of the game. Anything below that dotted 
line are corridors in the Lost Frontier, including anything inbetween regular 
areas on the 24 x 24 grid, everything on the 32 x 32 grid, and everything 
from there to X & Y 255 coordinates. 

I have listed the proper hex data read for music, weapons, and graphics for
each corridor. This is taken from the game's code. With this, we can know, 
even if a corridor blacks out or otherwise cannot be played, what its music 
would be and even what weapon would theoretically be won from it. This 
hex data is important because all the properties of a corridor are 
generated from it. And random values are not used for these
properties, the same one is used each time (well, other than false labels). 

I must note, and I will post this in two sections, that I am assuming there is
a blank space for Corridor 66 based on the data I have, which seems to 
indicate that placing music track CC at Corridor 66 produces misaligned 
data, but placing it at Corridor 67 produces data that fits observations. 
If I am wrong and indeed I am simply encountering several corridors 
which are falsely labelled by being +1 ahead of the number they are 
listed as, they I will correct this data set. I just want all readers 
to know this, to know that while Corridors 0-65 are 100% confirmed with 
regards to music track hexes, but Corridor 66-127 are not 100% confirmed. 
The order is certain, but where it exactly starts does not.

################# Corridor 0 ############################
Music Hex: 1E [Track 30: Corridor 0]
Weapon Hex: __ [it's blank]
Graphic Hex: 20 [space environment]

X11 Y012
Area 0
Boss: Defense System
WIN: nothing
Is unique in that it has no Corridor room. It is covered with a text box 
Yes, X11 Y12, the text box room *is* the Corridor 0 room; it’s just replaced 
with something else instead of a sealed gate. 
Note: many of the following Corridor 0 rooms could be accessed via the 
teleporter from the Northern Frontier. The ones that were accessed by 
teleporter have that noted on them. All of these rooms were accessible 
by passwords too.
Due to the large number of Corridor 0s found in the "valleys" between the
mapped areas on the 24 x 24 grid, I will streamline the data here. All of 
the following are open and have 4 panels. They play normally and when 
beaten send you back to the same coordinates with the gate still open. 
Note that I did not test that for all of these, only many of these. 

X4 Y000            X7 Y005     X17 Y009     X0 Y013     X2 Y018
X5 Y000	   X8 Y005     X18 Y009     X1 Y013     X21 Y018
X21 Y000	   X13 Y005    X19 Y009     X2 Y013    X22 Y018
X4 Y001	   X14 Y005    X20 Y009    X3 Y013    X23 Y018
X5 Y001	   X2 Y007     X21 Y009     X21 Y014   X0 Y019
X20 Y001	   X3 Y007     X15 Y010     X5 Y016     X1 Y019
X21 Y001	   X4 Y007     X21 Y010     X21 Y016    X2 Y019
X4 Y002	   X5 Y007     X5 Y011       X11 Y017     X3 Y019
X5 Y002	   X15 Y007   X5 Y012       X12 Y017     X4 Y019
X18 Y003	   X16 Y007   X21 Y012      X19 Y017     X14 Y019
X0 Y004	   X17 Y007   X22 Y012     X20 Y017     X13 Y023
X0 Y005	   X18 Y007   X23 Y012     X21 Y017

X7 Y005, X8 Y005, X2 Y007, X3 Y007, X4 Y007, X5 Y007, X17 Y009, 
X15 Y010, X5 Y011, X5 Y012 can also be reached via teleporter.

X15 Y000 
Valley 10-4
open, 4 panels (accessed via teleporter)- yes, overlaps with real room
X12 Y012 
open, 4 panels (accessed via teleporter)- yes, overlaps with real room

X18 Y218 open, ?? panels (plays normal)
X2 Y219 open, ?? panels
X4 Y219 open, no panels- plays normal
Boss: Defense System
beating it reveals it is in TGL Mode
it jumps next to Corridor 15
Boss: Green Clawbot
[did not continue playing]
X6 Y219 open, no panels (plays normal)
Beating it results in being teleported to the same room, outside Corridor 0 
again, only this time when you jump in, it blacks out
X18 Y221 open, ?? panels
X5 Y223 open, no panel
X6 Y224 open, 4 panels (plays normal)
X12 Y226 sealed
X6 Y227 open, 4 panels (plays normal, when beaten, sends the Guardian 
back to the same room with Corridor 0 open)
X10 Y238 open, 4 panels
X17 Y239 open, 4 panels
X18 Y239 open, 4 panels (accessed when Corridor 8 in the same room is beaten;
beating Corridor 0 results in being sent to an orange empty corridor room)
X21 Y239 open, 4 panels
X22 Y239 open, 4 panels
X16 Y240 open, 4 panels, accessed from a very glitched Area 9 (beating it 
sends you to the same room, except replaced by Corridor 51)
X17 Y240 open, 4 panels
X15 Y240 open, 4 panels
X20 Y240 open, 4 panels (plays normal)
X10 Y241 open, 4 panels
X13 Y241 open, 4 panels
X14 Y241 open, 4 panels
X15 Y241 open, 4 panels
X21 Y241 open, 4 panels
X22 Y241 open, 4 panels
X17 Y242 open, 4 panels
X18 Y242 sealed
X6 Y243 open, no panels
X10 Y245 open, no panels
X11 Y245 open, no panels
X13 Y245 open, no panels
X22 Y245 open, no panels (plays normal, beating it warped to Corridor 0 room,
except it is sealed now)- another time, sealed 
X4 Y246 open, no panels
X22 Y247 sealed
X5 Y248 open, 4 panels
X8 Y248 open
X20 Y248 sealed
X22 Y248 open, no panels?
X5 Y249 open, 4 panels
X21 Y249 sealed
X23 Y249 open, no panels?
X12 Y250 open, no panels
X16 Y250 open
X1 Y251 open, 4 panels (plays normal)
X7 Y251 sealed
X13 Y251 missing data for
X15 Y251 open
X2 Y252 open, 4 panels (plays normal)
X7 Y252 open, 4 panels
X14 Y252 open
X5 Y254 open, 4 panels, accessed by beating Corridor 16 at the same 
coordinates (itself accessed from Area 9), beating it sends the Guardian to 
the same coordinates with Corridor 0 with 4 panels only the room was more 
X17 Y254 open, 4 panels, accessed via teleporter
X19 Y255 open, 4 panels (accessed via teleporter)

For all of these, they play identical to the real Corridor 0, the level 
played when you select a new game, the one with the defense system (the 
mechanical turrets or eyes) at the end as the boss. From my experience 
(I’ve played some Corridor 0s, not all), they always send you back to the 
Corridor room intact with the gate still open, but in one instance, beating 
the corridor sealed the gate. Some of the Corridor 0 screens appear glitchy, 
with arrows appearing over them, but the corridor can be entered regardless. 
The Corridor 0 room is one possibility for several rooms that have the empty 
orange corridor rooms as another possibility. Beating X13 Y[2]51 Corridor 0 
sent the Guardian back to the same room, except it became a Save Lander room.

Notice, an interesting pattern. There are virtually no Corridor 0s from 
Y225 to Y238. 

################# Corridor 0 (ALT) ######################
These are all known to be the result of False Labels. 

X6 Y219 {FALSE}
Guardian's ship red, light blue, white
Orange engine fire and pulse fire
appears as a red grid over black space
1 tap= the ship moves across the screen
plays Area 0 music
listed as "Area 10"
Has created bosses from fragments which act like these weird chains, like 
Chain Chomps from Super Mario Bros or something like that, where they extend 
a chain part towards you, then retract it, teleport around, and repeat. There 
were 4 of these. 
Also, a glitched slightly large orange square was there which tracked the 
Guardian's vertical movement and teleported around. 
Another time...
Guardian's ship red, light blue, white
Orange engine fire and pulse fire
appears as a red grid over black space
plays Area 0 music
Enemies: rdrr
Another weird boss appeared. This one was a red, light blue, and white 
elongated cone constructed from fragments. It would always keep in front 
of the Guardian and track her vertical movement, pulling back when she moved
forward and advancing when she would pull back. It also teleported around. It
would only move/react rather slowly and when it teleported, it took a really 
long time to reappear relative to the usual teleporting bosses
X4 Y224 {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
Fire at the gate for it to open
plays identical to Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X20 Y243 {FALSE}
The room had no panels
Appeared as a light blue grid with the #22 and green tiles in it
Plays organic corridor music
Select-glitch works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X21 Y243 {FALSE}
The room had no panels
Screen frozen, game frozen
No Guardian, no music
Dark blue lifebar, stat bar is all black
Red tech wiring is the background
[these versions of Corridor 0 all have transformation sequences]

################# Corridor 1 #########################
Music Hex: 15 [Track 21: Water Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 07 [Repeller]
Graphic Hex: 21 [water environment]

X6 Y010
Area 0/1*
Has 4 panels
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
*= affiliated with Area 1, but is an island outside the lock of the 
Moon Key and accessible from Area 0
X1 Y016
"Eye" of Area 2
plays normal
X0 Y018
Valley 2-3
plays normal
X4 Y018
Valley 2-3
4 panels; fire at gate to open
plays normal
X19 Y218
X22 Y218
Accessed from Area 6
X3 Y219
Has no panels
Fire at the gate for it to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X22 Y239
Accessed from Area 0
Has 4 panels
Fire at the gate for it to open
Plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X20 Y240
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, shoot at gate to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X23 Y240
Accessed by beating Corridor 27 at the same coordinates with 
an automatic victory (not glitch related)
4 panels
fire at the gate to open
[did not try]
X19 Y241
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels, shoot at gate to open
[did not try]
X20 Y241
Accessed from Area 6
4 panels, shoot at gate to open
[did not try]
X21 Y241
Accessed from Area 1, Area 5, Area 6
4 panels, fire at gate to open
plays normally
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not play]
X22 Y241
Accessed from Area 5
4 panels
fire at the gate to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not play]
X6 Y242
Accessed from Area 10
4 panels
plays normally
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
X7 Y242
Accessed from Area 7
4 panels
Fire at the gate for it to open
Plays normally
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
No exit to room though
X9 Y242
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels
Plays normally
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
Can leave if exit exists
X11 Y242
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not play]
X20 Y242
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, shoot at gate to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X21 Y242
Accessed from Area 5
4 panels
fire at the gate to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X3 Y243
Accessed from Area 1
It has 4 panels
The level plays normally and is identical to the real Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
X5 Y243
Fire at the gate to open, just like the real Corridor 1
It has 4 panels
The level plays normally and is identical to the real Corridor 1. 
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
X8 Y243
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels
Plays normally
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X12 Y243
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, shoot at gate to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not play]
X4 Y244
Accessed from Area 1
It has 4 panels
The level plays normally and is identical to the real Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key, Repeller
X1 Y252
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels, fire at gate to open
plays normally
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
Another time-
X5 Y253
Accessed from Area 9
X10 Y253
Accessed from Area 8
The number "1" is yellow, not the normal white
No panels
Fire at the gate to open
Plays as if it were the real Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X0 Y254
Accessed from Area 0
X5 Y254
Accessed from Area 0
X20 Y254
Accessed from Area 5
X5 Y255
Accessed from Area 4

[all of these register as beating the real Corridor 1]

################## Corridor 1 (ALT) #####################
This one can be confirmed to be falsely labelled. 

X7 Y241 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels
playable, designated as Area 10 X7 Y41
No music
Starts off with green tech, then turns into blue and red glitchy panels 
along the sides
There are the Corridor 0 turrets here, the small ones with red panels and 
Green eyes. 
There are also some inactive giant red metal/green eye turrets
Corridor repeats in a segment with a "brown and red panel pyramid"
Moves at a moderate speed
Enemies: morphing tiles, target them and they explode

################### Corridor 2 #######################
Music Hex: 15 [Track 21: Water Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 09 [Saber Laser]
Graphic Hex: 21 [water environment]

X2 Y016
Area 2
Has 4 panels
Boss: Clawdaddy
WIN: Hook Key , Saber Laser
X2 Y023
Area 3 niche
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays normal
Boss: Clawdaddy
WIN: Hook Key, Saber Laser
X3 Y023
Area 3 niche
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays normal
Boss: Clawdaddy
WIN: Hook Key, Saber Laser
X4 Y010
Valley 1-2
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays normal
X4 Y013
Valley 1-2
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays normal
X6 Y001
Valley 9-10
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays normal
X9 Y005
Valley 9-10
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays normal
X15 Y004
Valley 10-4
4 panels; touch all 4 to open
plays norma;
X16 Y017
Valley 6-7
X3 Y223
Accessed from Area 0
X6 Y228
Has 4 panels
plays normal
X19 Y241
Accessed from Area 8
Blacks out upon entry

################# Corridor 3 #######################
Music Hex: 04 [Track 4: Jungle Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0C [Energy Tank]
Graphic Hex: 22 [jungle environment]

X4 Y020
Area 3
Boss: Blue Optomon
WIN: Wave Key, Energy Tank
X12 Y016
Valley 7-8
4 panels
wait 30 seconds for it to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Optomon
WIN: Wave Key, Energy Tank (indicator light for real Corridor 3 goes out)
X17 Y241
Accessed from Area 10
Opens automatically
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y241
Accessed from Area 0, Area 5
Has 4 panels
Status of opening=???
Plays normally
Boss: Blue Optomon
[did not try]
Another time from the same coordinates, it opened automatically and 
blacked out upon entry
X8 Y245
Accessed from Corridor 117 room
Has 4 panels
Plays normally
Boss: Blue Optomon
WIN: Wave Key
Beating it returns the Guardian to the same room, except she's jumping out 
of Corridor 25 (see Corridor 25 X8 Y45 entry for further information)
X11 Y246
Accessed from Area 7
Has 4 panels
Need to wait 30 seconds for it to open
Boss: Blue Optomon
WIN: Wave Key
When beat the corridor, the screen goes black and ice corridor music plays
X12 Y246
Has 4 panels
Opens automatically, no wait
Boss: Blue Optomon
[did not try] 
X4 Y250
Accessed from Area 4
X1 Y251
Accessed from Area 1
X2 Y252
Accessed from Area 1
X5 Y252
Accessed from Area 8
X0 Y254
Accessed from Area 0
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry

#################### Corridor 4 ###################
Music Hex: 04 [Track 4: Jungle Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 00 [MultiBullet]
Graphic Hex: 22 [jungle environment]

X20 Y000
Area 4
Boss: Teramute
WIN: Square Key, MultiBullets
X16 Y016
Valley 6-7
X18 Y219
X8 Y224
Accessed from Area 10
X5 Y225
Accessed from Area ??
X6 Y225
Accessed from Area 9
X9 Y225
Accessed from Area 10
X0 Y226
Accessed from Area 10
X21 Y238
Accessed from Area 6
X17 Y239
Accessed from Area 4
X14 Y240
Accessed from Area 9
X17 Y240
Accessed from Area 1, Area 2
X20 Y240
Accessed from Area 1, Area 7, Area 10
X21 Y240
Accessed from Area 1, Area 8
X22 Y240
Accessed by beating Corridor 32 at the same coordinates by 
using a glitch weapon
X13 Y241
X17 Y241
Accessed from Area 7
X20 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
X9 Y244
Accessed from Area 6
Another time at these same coordinates, it appeared as active, 
with 4 panels, but would not open
X23 Y249 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 0
Entering the room causes the Guardian to automatically jump out, the corridor 
to explode, and an Energy Tank left behind. Touching it causes the screen to 
freeze, then the Guardian to warp to the 1st text box room in the game with 
the Guardian uncontrollable (it becomes a sort of demo). There are no red 
panels on the Corridor. 
[Given at X23 Y249 a Corridor 5 appears with an auto-jump-out and an energy 
tank left behind, I think this might be another instance of false labels]
X1 Y251
Accessed from Area 1
X4 Y251
Accessed from Area 1, Area 4
X22 Y251
Accessed from Area 0
X2 Y252
Accessed from Area 1
X3 Y252
Accessed from Area 1
X5 Y252
Accessed from Area 0, Area 4
X0 Y253
Accessed from Area 1
X4 Y253
Accessed from Area 0, Area 4, Area 8
X3 Y254
Accessed from Area 4
X4 Y254
Accessed from Area 4
X5 Y254
Accessed from Area 4
X7 Y254
Accessed from Area 7
X3 Y255
Accessed from Area 4, Area 8
X4 Y255
Accessed from Area 0, Area 4
X5 Y255
Accessed from Area 0
X21 Y255
Accessed from Area 5

################# Corridor 5 #####################
Music Hex: 05 [Track 5: Arctic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0B [Enemy Erasers]
Graphic Hex: 23 [arctic environment]

X23 Y004
Area 5
Boss: Zibzub
WIN: Enemy Erasers
X23 Y217
Accessed from Area 6
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and Hyper Laser being left behind. It registers as 
real (the item)
X4 Y220
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and Repeller being left behind
X17 Y222
Accessed from 120 Alley
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and Red Lander being left behind
X18 Y240
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind. Touching it 
results in desert corridor music playing
X12 Y241
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind
X9 Y244
Accessed from Area 5
Has 4 panels
Opens by firing at the corridor sign
Plays normally
Boss: Zibzub
WIN: Enemy Erasers
[real Corridor 5’s blinking indicator disappears]
X11 Y244
Accessed from Area 2
Shoot sign to open
4 panels
plays normally
Boss: Zibzub
WIN: Enemy Erasers
X12 Y245
Accessed from Area 0
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and MultiBullets being left behind
X23 Y249
Accessed from Area 0
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind. Touching it 
causes the screen to freeze, and the Guardian to then warp to the 1st text 
box room, where she is uncontrollable (the game becomes a sort of demo). 
X2 Y250
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind, which counts
X4 Y250
Accessed from Area 4
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind, which counts
X3 Y251
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind, which 
registers as real
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected sounds like firing at a boss/miniboss
Another time-
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind, which counts
X4 Y251
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind, which counts
X2 Y252
missing data for
X5 Y252
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind, which counts
X1 Y253
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected sounds like firing at a boss/miniboss
X2 Y253
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected sounds like firing at a boss/miniboss
X3 Y253
Accessed from Area 4, Area 9
(Area 9)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which makes 
no sound and has no effect. Sound resumes when the Guardian reaches 
another room
(Area 4)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected plays Area 6,9 music
X4 Y253
Accessed from Area 0, Area 8
(Area 8)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and Hyper Laser being left behind (it does 
register as real)
(Area 0)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and MultiBullet being left behind
X6 Y253
Accessed from Area 7
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected mutes all sound until you switch to another room
X11 Y253
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected plays desert corridor music
X17 Y253
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind
X0 Y254
Accessed from Area 0
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected makes Area 6,9 music play
X1 Y254
Accessed from Area 1
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Shield Booster being left behind
X5 Y254
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected plays Area 6,9 music
X7 Y254
Accessed from Area 8
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and Bullet Shield being left behind
X9 Y254
Accessed from Area 8
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected makes the music change to the Miniboss track
X20 Y254
Accessed from Area 5
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a glitched black box with a white "m" on it 
in one corner. There was also a heart box on the corner. Touching both 
resulted in the sound made when a heart is collected
X4 Y255
Accessed from Area 0, Area 4, Area 8
(Area 4)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a Blue Lander being left behind
[the same prize results from the same room, I entered X4 Y55 with Corridor 5 
twice and got the same result]
(Area 0)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and MultiBullet being left behind
(Area 8)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected plays Area 6,9 music
X5 Y255
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and MultiBullet being left behind
X6 Y255
Accessed from Area 5, Area 7
(Area 7)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected mutes all sound until you switch to another room
(Area 5)
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and an Energy Tank being left behind, which when 
collected makes the sound of a Heart being collected

X21 Y007
Accessed via teleporter
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and Enemy Erasers being left behind. The Enemy 
Erasers register as real, but the real Corridor 5 indicator remains active. 
[overlays a real room]

All of the times an item was collected and the corridor sealed, the real 
Corridor 5's indicator never went out. Thus, it seems all of these, 
except for the ones which played identical to Corridor 5, are false labels. 

################# Corridor 5 (ALT) ###################
X16 Y221 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 0
Has no panels
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
Sends the Guardian back to Corridor 5 open, which still plays as Corridor 0
X21 Y221 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 1
Has no panels
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
[did not beat]
X5 Y222 {FALSE}
Has no panels
plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
warps Guardian back to the same room, corridor open

All of these are clearly cases of false labels. 

################## Corridor 6 ####################
Music Hex: 05 [Track 5: Arctic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 06 [Area Blaster]
Graphic Hex: 23 [arctic environment]

X16 Y011
Area 6
Boss: Glider
WIN: Plus Key, Area Blaster
X11 Y240
4 panels
cannot open
X23 Y243
Accessible from Area 1?
4 panels
plays normally and identical to the real Corridor 6
Boss: Glider
WIN: Plus Key
Beating the level takes the Guardian back to the same room, but 
Corridor 116 is in its place

################ Corridor 7 #######################
Music Hex: 0C [Track 12: Organic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0A [Cutter Laser]
Graphic Hex: 

X19 Y023
Area 7
Boss: Eyeball Formation II
WIN: Cutter Laser
X20 Y246
Accessed from Area 0
It has 4 panels and cannot be opened
X8 Y253
Accessed from Area 8
It had no panels and cannot be opened

################ Corridor 7 (ALT) ##################
X2 Y219 {FALSE}
The active corridor room is listed as "Area 8 X1 Y19" but is really X2 Y19. 
Around X1-2 Y18-20, there is some weird glitch that messes with the 
coordinate display. It remains the same though the Area designation changes. 
In regular rooms, it displays the correct Area #, and in one Lander room, a 
Lander selling one item, it listed it as Area 6. The map display shows the 
Guardian in the correct position. 
Accessed from Area 1
Note that this room was accessed by jumping in Corridor 64 at X2 Y19 (itself 
accessed from Area 1), which brought the Guardian to a region where the 
coordinate system is messed up. This Corridor 64 room was the source of the 
problems with the coordinate system. 
Has no panels
Won’t open until either standing on it or using the select button (I did 
both right consecutively so cannot tell which did it)
Appears as a strange grid of white and gray concrete
No music
Scrolls slowly
Has no enemies
All of the Guardian’s special weapons display very weird graphics
Oddly enough, it is listed as "Area 96 X1 Y19"- yes, it actually said 
Area 96
X3 Y219 {FALSE}
The active corridor room is listed as "Area 8 X3 Y19"
It has no panels
The gate is closed, but using Select button opens it up
Appears as a strange grid of white and gray concrete
No music, but there is a loud, continuous beep noise in the background 
(almost like the sound from the tests of the Emergency Broadcast System)
Scrolls slowly
Has no enemies
The corridor is listed as "Area 96 X3 Y19" one time, another time, it was 
listed as "Area 10"
X4 Y219 {FALSE}
Use select to open the gate
Plays identical to Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not beat]
The corridor was listed as "Area 6 X4 Y19"
X5 Y219 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 6
The active corridor room is listed as "Area 8 X5 Y19"
There is no transformation sequence
Appears as a strange grid of white stone and that black and green soil from 
the Ice area labyrinths with some green bubbles in there
No music
No enemies
The corridor is listed as "Area 96 X5 Y19"
X6 Y219 {FALSE}
Gate closed, but active
Press select to open the gate
appears as light gray and white ruins resembling highways
Listed as "Area 96" in the corridor
No music except for a constant shrill sound in the background
X10 Y219 {FALSE}
The active corridor room is listed as "Area 8 X6 Y19"
Has no panels
press select to open the gate
no transformation
plays as Corridor 16
Corridor listed as "Area 16 X6 Y19"
Boss: Red Optomon
It turns out to be TGL Mode, and then proceeds onto Corridor 15
[did not play from there]

#################### Corridor 8 ######################
Music Hex: 0C [Track 12: Organic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 03 [Bullet Shield]
Graphic Hex: 24 [organic environment]

X10 Y016
Area 8
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key, Bullet Shield
X22 Y219
Accessed from Area 6
Has 4 panels
Use "no use" to enter
Plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not try]
X10 Y238
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
[did not try]
X18 Y238
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels, use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not try]
X17 Y239
Accessed from Area 9, Area 4
4 panels
"no use" to enter
plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Warped back to an empty orange corridor room
Another time- it was Corridor 8 (ALT)
X18 Y239
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, use "no use" to open
plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Beating it warps to the same room, except it’s Corridor 0
X15 Y240
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels
[did not try]
X17 Y240
Accessed from Area 1
[did not try]
X18 Y240
Accessed from Area ??, Area 10
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
(Area ??)
[did not try]
(Area 10)
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y240
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X23 Y240
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not try]
X18 Y241
4 panels
[did not try]
X19 Y241
Accessed from Area 10
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X20 Y241
Accessed from Area 6
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
[did not try]
X21 Y241
Accessed from Area 1, Area 6
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not try]
X22 Y241
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
Plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not play]
X23 Y241
Accessed from Area 5
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
[did not try]
X8 Y242
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels
Also works
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not play]
X21 Y242
Accessed from Area 5
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Warped back to a pink and white room with a lander selling 
1 object for 9999 Chips, with no exits
X2 Y243
4 panels
Also works
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Game freezes as return to labyrinth
X3 Y243
4 panels
Also works
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not play]
X4 Y243
Also works. 
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not play]
X12 Y243
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, use "no use" to open
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not play]
X9 Y244
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels
select "no use" and fire to open gate
plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Screen blacks out after victory
X22 Y245
Has 4 panels there
It opens up if you walk on gate and hit special weapon fire when 
"No Use" is selected
The level plays normally and is identical to the real Corridor 8
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
It ended up transporting the Guardian back to the same room, 
but Corridor 92
X11 Y246
Accessed from Area 0
Plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Sends the Guardian back to an empty orange corridor room that may have warps
X3 Y252
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X4 Y253
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels
"no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X5 Y253
4 panels
use "no use"
[did not try]
X7 Y253
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels
"no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X10 Y253
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels, "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X12 Y253
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X0 Y254
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels
use "no use" to enter
plays normally
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X4 Y254
Accessed from Area 7
4 panels, use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X5 Y254
Accessed from Area 4
4 panels
use "no use"
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X9 Y254
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels, "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X11 Y254
Accessed from Area 2
4 panels, use "no use" to open
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X12 Y254
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, use "no use" to enter
plays normal
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not beat]
X22 Y254
Accessed from Area 5
4 panels
Identical to Corridor 8
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Reappear at the Corridor 8 room with the gate still open
X5 Y255
Accessed from Area 4
4 panels
"no use" to enter
[did not try]

################### Corridor 8 (ALT) ###############
X17 Y239 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 7
4 panels, opens automatically
red grid over black background with the number 12 in it
No scrolling
No music
Guardian has red pulse fire & red jet fire
Red lifebar
[Another time, it was a regular Corridor 8 at those same coordinates]
X21 Y241 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels, opens automatically
plays identical to Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
Warped to empty orange corridor room
[at these same coordinates, another time it was the regular Corridor 8]

############### Corridor 9 ########################
Music Hex: 08 [Track 8: Desert Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 06 [Area Blaster]
Graphic Hex: 26 [desert environment- type #2]

X2 Y002
Area 9
Boss: Blue Eyegore
WIN: Rectangle Key, Area Blaster
X5 Y223
4 panels
walk on gate to open it
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not beat]
X3 Y224
4 panels
walk on gate to open it
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not beat]
Another time...
blacks out upon entry
X18 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels, stand on gate to open
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
WIN: Rectangle Key, Area Blaster
X22 Y249
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels, open by walking on the gate
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not try]
X4 Y250
Accessed from Area 4
4 panels
walk on the gate to open it
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not beat]
X22 Y250
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels, open by walking on the gate
[did not try]
X0 Y251
4 panels
Identical to Corridor 9
Boss: Blue Eyegore
WIN: Rectangle Key, Area Blaster
X3 Y251
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels
Walk on the gate to open it
Plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
WIN: Rectangle Key, Area Blaster
X4 Y251
Accessed from Area 4
4 panels
walk on the gate to open it
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not beat]
X23 Y251
4 panels, open by walking on the gate
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not try]
X4 Y253
Accessed from Area 8
4 panels
walk on gate to open it
plays normal
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not beat]
X4 Y254
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels
Identical to Corridor 9
Boss: Blue Eyegore
[did not try]
X5 Y255
Accessed from Area 0, Area 4
4 panels
Identical to Corridor 9
Boss: Blue Eyegore
WIN: Rectangle Key, Area Blaster

################### Corridor 9 (ALT) ####################
X6 Y254 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 0
Opens automatically
The Guardian's ship is all gray here
the shots and the jet engine flames are also gray
Appears as a grid of light blue wiring with red lights in it
No music
At the start are brown steel panels
Select glitches it up

################### Corridor 10 ########################
Music Hex: 08 [Track 8: Desert Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0B [Enemy Erasers]
Graphic Hex: 26 [desert environment- type #2]

X11 Y000
Area 10
Boss: Red Eyegore
WIN: Enemy Erasers
X9 Y242
4 panels
Plays normally
Boss: Red Eyegore
Beating it warps into Corridor 32
X8 Y245
Accessed by beating Corridor 17 in the same room
Plays normally
Boss: Red Eyegore
Beating it leads the Guardian to return to the same room, only to find 
Corridor 16
X0 Y251
Accessed from Area 1

################### Corridor 11 #######################
Music Hex: 15 [Track 21: Water Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 04 [Grenade]
Graphic Hex: 21 [water environment]

X1 Y008
Area 1
Boss: Green Optomon
WIN: Fireball
X0 Y253
Accessed from Area 1
Plays normal
Boss: Green Optomon
Beating it sends the Guardian to the same room with the same Corridor 
still open

################### Corridor 12 #######################
Music Hex: 15 [Track 21: Water Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 08 [Hyper Laser]
Graphic Hex: 21 [water environment]

X4 Y015
Area 2
Boss: Red Fleepa
WIN: Hyper Laser
X19 Y016
Valley 5-6-7
plays normal
Boss: Red Fleepa
X23 Y240
Accessed from Area 8
Plays normal
Boss: Red Fleepa
Warped to the same coordinates, except Corridor 68
X13 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
X20 Y241
Accessed from Area 6
Plays normal
Boss: Red Fleepa
[did not try]
X11 Y242
Accessed from Area 1
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically jumps out of the corridor, 
it explodes, and leaves a MultiBullet as the prize. This corridor here had 
4 panels. 
X22 Y243
Accessible from Area 8
The level plays normally and is identical to the real Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
After you fly off when beating the boss, the game glitches out

################ Corridor 13 #########################
If you continue searching for [CL013], you will find all the remaining 
Corridor 13s which can be found in the Lost Frontier. Virtually all 
Corridor 13 rooms in the Lost Frontier display with glitches on the 
screen and the 3 blocked. The few entries here are the few versions 
of Corridor 13 which display without the corridor sign partially 

Music Hex: 04 [Track 4: Jungle Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0F [Shield Booster]
Graphic Hex: 22 [jungle environment]

X5 Y020
Boss: Blue Bombarder
WIN: Shield Booster
X17 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry
X1 Y255
Accessed by beating "Corridor 1[Yellow; 2nd number blocked]" at the same 
coordinates, which plays as Corridor 13 (the room was originally accessed 
from Area 8)
[did not try]

############## Corridor 13 (ALT) #####################
X19 Y240 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 0
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
Beating it resulting in automatically jumping out of Corridor 21 at the same 
coordinates and a Repeller being left behind

################### Corridor 14 #######################
Music Hex: 04 [Track 4: Jungle Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0D [Blue Lander]
Graphic Hex: 22 [jungle environment]

X17 Y004
Area 4
Boss: Blue Clawbot
WIN: Blue Lander
X10 Y241
Plays normally
Boss: Blue Clawbot
Sends the Guardian back to a Save Room

###################### Corridor 15 ###################
Music Hex: 05 [Track 5: Arctic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 11 [Red Lander]
Graphic Hex: 23 [arctic environment]

X21 Y008
Area 5
Boss: Green Clawbot
WIN: Red Lander
X8 Y255
Accessed by beating Corridor 19 at the same coordinates, itself accessed 
from Area 8
Has 4 panels!
Plays normal
Boss: Green Clawbot
Beating it results in the game blacking out, the music glitching up, then 
stopping, and the game doing weird things

####################### Corridor 16 ###################
Music Hex: 05 [Track 5: Arctic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 01 [Backfire]
Graphic Hex: 23 [arctic environment]

X18 Y013
Area 6
Boss: Red Optomon
WIN: Backfire
X10 Y008
Valley 9-10
plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
X16 Y240
Accessed from Area 2
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
Beating level warps the Guardian back to the same coordinates, except the 
room is a sealed Corridor 116 now. 
X17 Y240
Also accessible via teleporter
Plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not try to beat]
when I used a glitch weapon, the graphics scrambled and an endless stream of 
blue spore balls would pound me. The boss music played, but no Optomon 
appeared, only a field of blue spore balls. They all destroyed normally, 
but when I hit one, the victory music played. In other words, the glitch 
weapon replaced Red Optomon with a blue spore ball, making the boss easy to 
kill. Another time at these coordinates, I used a glitch weapon and I won a 
Glitch version- WIN: Triangle Key (correct)
X10 Y241
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
Sent back to the same coordinates, but the room is now a Corridor 89 room
X15 Y241
Accessed from Area 9
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not play]
X16 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
This level plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not play]
X18 Y241
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not play]
X21 Y241
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not play]
X17 Y242
Accessed from Area 0
This level plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not play]
X8 Y245
Accessible by beating Corridor 10 in the same room, which itself is 
accessible by beating Corridor 17 in the same room
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
Blacks out upon return, music gets very glitchy
X2 Y250
Accessed from Area 1
Plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
Beating it sends the Guardian back to the same room with the same corridor 
still open
X23 Y250
Accessed from Area 0
Plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not try]
X1 Y251
Accessed from Area 1
Plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
Beating it sends the Guardian back to the same room with the same corridor 
still open
X2 Y252
Accessed from Area 1
Plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not beat]
X4 Y254
Accessed from Area 0, Area 4
This level plays normally and is identical to the real Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
Reappear at an open Corridor 16
X5 Y254
Accessed from Area 9
Plays normal
Boss: Red Optomon
Beating it sends the Guardian to the same coordinates, only it’s 
Corridor 0, open with 4 panels
X21 Y255
Accessed from Area 5
Identical to real Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
Beating the boss results in the Guardian reappearing in the corridor 
room with the gate still open

X10 Y010
Accessed via teleporter when beating Corridor 16 (X10 Y8)
Plays normally
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not try to beat]
Beat by glitch without reaching boss, for that, I found a Backfire in the 
corridor room. 
[overlays a real room]

############## Corridor 16 (ALT) #####################
X5 Y255 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 5
Very weird looking, bizarre colors <> describe <>
Guardian appears blue & white and has a salmon (pink-orange color) life bar. 
Listed as Area 10 X5 Y55
No music
Going to the select screen changes its appearance
Enemy: rdrr
rdrr appears in a consistent stream from the lower right side of the screen. 
They leave powerups often

################# Corridor 17 ########################
Music Hex: 0C [Track 12: Organic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 09 [Saber Laser]
Graphic Hex: 24 [organic environment]

X18 Y019
Area 7
Boss: Eyeball Formation I
WIN: Saber Laser
X3 Y221
did not try
X5 Y221
Accessed from Area 8
plays normally
Boss: Eyeball Formation 1
WIN: Saber Laser
X3 Y224
Accessed from Area ??
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y224
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y224
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y225
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y225
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y245
Accessed from Area 5
Plays normally
Boss: Eyeball Formation 1
Beating it returns the Guardian to the same room, except Corridor 10 is in 
its place

#################### Corridor 18 ######################
Music Hex: 0C [Track 12: Organic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 05 [Fireball]
Graphic Hex: 24 [organic environment]

X11 Y019
Area 8
Boss: Blue Grimgrin
WIN: Fireball
X7 Y015
Valley 2-3
plays normal
Boss: Blue Grimgrin
WIN: Fireball [the indicator light for the real Corridor 18 goes out]
X7 Y016
Valley 2-3
plays normal; did not beat
Boss: Blue Grimgrin
X4 Y255
Accessed from Area 8
Plays normal
Boss: Blue Grimgrin
WIN: Fireball
X5 Y221	
Accessed from Area 8
Plays normal
Boss: Blue Grimgrin
Blacks out after beating it

############### Corridor 18 (ALT) #####################
X10 Y251 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 8
Red grid over black background with the #22 and red blocks in it
Red pulse fire
No music
No scrolling

############### Corridor 19 #########################
Music Hex: 08 [Track 8: Desert Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0F [Shield Booster]
Graphic Hex: 25 [desert environment- type #1]

X4 Y004
Area 9
Boss: Red Bombarder
WIN: Shield Booster
X6 Y221
plays normal
Boss: Red Bombarder
WIN: Shield Booster
X5 Y255
Plays normal
Boss: Red Bombarder
Game freezes with victory music playing after it is beat
X8 Y255
Accessed from Area 8
Plays normal
Boss: Red Bombarder
Beating it warps the Guardian to Corridor 15 at the same coordinates, 
only this Corridor 15 has 4 panels!

##################### Corridor 20 ####################
Music Hex: 08 [Track 8: Desert Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 0E [Gun Booster]
Graphic Hex: 25 [desert environment- type #1]

X11 Y005
Area 10
Boss: Red Clawbot
WIN: Gun Booster
X14 Y023
Valley 7-8
X17 Y010
Valley 5-6-7
X19 Y012
"Eye" of Area 6
X16 Y014
Valley 6-7
X17 Y014
Valley 6-7
X19 Y014
"Eye" of Area 6
X22 Y014
Valley 5-6-7
X6 Y228
Accessed from Area ??
X14 Y240
Accessed from Area 9
X17 Y240
Accessed from Area 1
X0 Y253
Accessed from Area 0

###################### Corridor 21 ########################
Music Hex: 1C [Track 28: Corridor 21]
Weapon Hex: __ [it's blank]
Graphic Hex: 25 [desert environment- type #1]

X9 Y011
Area 0*
Boss: TGL’s Greatest Hits
*= The corridor is situated in Area 0, but is a desert corridor and listed as 
"Area 10". We know, however, "Area 10" refers to Area 10 (a desert) and 
Area 10 (a catchall for virtually all glitchy corridors).
X22 Y001
Valley 4-5
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
4 panels
X6 Y002
Valley 9-10
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X1 Y004
Valley 9-1
Also accessible by teleporter
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, 
and an Energy Tank is left behind. When collected, it makes the normal noise.
X9 Y006
Valley 9-10
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X22 Y010
Valley 5-6-7
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X22 Y011
Valley 5-6-7
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X6 Y012
Valley 1-2
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X22 Y015
Valley 5-6-7
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X22 Y016
Valley 5-6-7
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X13 Y018
Valley 7-8
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X14 Y022
Valley 7-8
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X5 Y221
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a Shield Booster as the prize
X19 Y240
Accessed from Area 0
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Repeller is left behind
Accessed by beating Corridor 13 at the same coordinates (itself accessible 
from Area 0)
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Repeller is left behind
X20 Y240
Accessed from Area 1
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Grenade is left behind, which when collected makes no sound and does not 
register as the weapon
X21 Y40
Accessed from Area 1, Area 7
(Area 7)
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Backfire is left behind (it registers as real)
(Area 1)
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Grenade is left behind, which when collected makes no sound and does not 
register as the weapon
X23 Y240
Accessed from Area 9
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X19 Y241
Accessed from Area 10
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
an Energy Tank is left behind. When collected, it makes the sound of a 
weapon being fired.
X20 Y241
Accessed from Area 1, Area 8, Area ??
(Area 8)
4 panels 
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Grenade is left behind, which when collected makes no sound and does not 
register as the weapon
(Area 1)
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
an Energy Tank is left behind, which when collected makes desert corridor 
music play
(Area ??)
4 panels
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
Repeller is left behind (it counts)

These are all probably cases of false labels. 

###################### Corridor 22 #######################
Music Hex: 19 [Track 25: password screen/ Corridor 22]
Weapon Hex: __ [it's blank]
Graphic Hex: 20 [space environment]

X9 Y011
Area 0*
Boss: It
*= this Corridor has no formal Corridor room, being initiated directly upon 
beating Corridor 21. Other versions of it, however, have actual corridor 
rooms. It is listed as "Area 10" in the corridor though. 
X23 Y000
Valley 4-5
no panels
Playable, identical to the real Corridor 22
Boss: It
Beating It will result in the game’s ending being shown
This is one location that Corridor 22 can be found in with virtually all 
the possibilities
X4 Y219
no panels
plays normal
Boss: It
beating it results in the ending
X19 Y243
plays normal
Boss: It
X20 Y254
Accessed from Area 5
Sealed [that’s correct, it’s sealed]
X6 Y255
Accessed from Area 0
[did not try]

################## Corridor 22 (ALT) ######################
X18 Y218 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 8
Appears as a light blue grid over a black background with pink squares
Plays no music
Select changes the backgrounds
Enemies: rdrr, glitched red spinning bubble-spitters
I got the same glitched ship fragment block that zipped around horizontally 
and vertically spitting diamond-bubbles as Corridor 24 (X23 Y19)
X21 Y218 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 6
Has a transformation sequence
Light blue grid over black background with pink squares
No music
Many item box clouds appear early on
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
A blue-white shot which when hit makes boss sounds tracks the Guardian both 
vertically and horizontally; it is a good seeker. A small red cloud does the 
Boss: Glitched Zibzub
Then, a boss appears, no music still. It is made up from red & white Guardian 
ship parts and hops around, seeking you out. It has 2 forms, each looking 
extremely close to one another. It is elongated. It is clearly Zibzub, with 
no image file, so it has to borrow from fragments of the Guardian. It has 
no projectiles
Using select enough times makes the game move extremely slowly, to the point 
of not being playable
X2 Y219 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 1
Has a transformation sequence
Light blue grid over black background with pink squares
No music
A weird set of graphics appears, which looks like a red boss- there are 
actually 2 of these, they merge into one on the top of the screen and track 
the Guardian’s horizontal movements. It is not a boss since it cannot damage 
the Guardian and she can’t damage it
Scrolls fast
Many item box clouds appear early on
Select changes the backgrounds
X2 Y219 {FALSE}
Accessed by jumping into Corridor 64 at the same coordinates, which led to 
an instant teleport to Corridor 22’s room at X2 Y19
The corridor room was listed as "Area 8 X2 Y19" (just like Corridor 64 at 
the same coordinates)
Plays as Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
After the boss is beaten, it becomes clear the game is in TGL mode, but 
interestingly, it skips to Corridor 15
Boss: Green Clawbot
[did not play past this point]
X4 Y219 {FALSE}
Accessed from Area 6
Appears as a light blue grid over a black background with pink squares
Scrolls extremely fast
No music
Enemies: rdrr
The screen gets choppy and slow whenever it is on the blue and pink grid
3 red "fragment" bosses appeared at once in this corridor

################ Corridor 23 ##################################
Music Hex: 07 [Track 7: Labyrinth 1,2,5,7]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X7 Y003
Valley 9-10
Also accessible via teleporter
"White Bones" tech appearance
Plays Area 1 labyrinth music
Scrolls fast
X10 Y007
Valley 9-10
Also accessible via teleporter
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays Area 1 labyrinth music
Beat it with a glitch weapon, sent me to Corridor 23 open at X10 Y10
X4 Y222
X18 Y241
Plays music from Area 1 and 2 labyrinths
"White Bones" tech appearance
Cannot glitch it up with select
There is a way to win it. When I entered it at these coordinates, the item 
select box was on the upper right side, over something that displayed as 
Fireball on the select bar and when fired played the victory track. I moved 
it down one, which displayed as a Laser Saber with 0 Shots on the status bar. 
When I used it, it was an instant victory and the Guardian flew off, but her 
life was drained from 32 down to 2. The Guardian returns to a screen with 
Corridor 23 still open. 

X10 Y010
Accessed via beating Corridor 23 at X10 Y7 with a glitch weapon, that room 
accessible via teleporter
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays Area 1 labyrinth music
Beat with a glitch weapon, sends Guardian to Corridor 23 open at the same 
[overlays a real room]

###################### Corridor 24 ####################
Music Hex: 09 [Track 9: Labyrinth 0]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X8 Y008
Valley 9-1
Appears as a red grid over a black background with number 2s in it
plays Area 0 music
Guardian's ship red, light blue, white, with orange pulse fire
variable as usual with select
Accessible also by other means: See Weird Occurrences for how this was 
Appears as a strange red techno-like grid over black background
Guardian appears red, blue, and white, with orange pulse fire
Status bar is red
Select can glitch it up
Scrolls very fast
X12 Y008
Valley 10-4
appears as a red grid over a black background
Guardian is red, light blue, white, with orange pulse fire
blue-white clouds occasionally appear here
2 Green "mystery fragment bosses" appear at the same time
A 3rd "mystery fragment boss" appeared, a red, light blue, and white one, 
and the Guardian was stuck inside it, being constantly hurt by it, but it 
could not move on its own. 
X7 Y011
Valley 1-2
appears as red grid over a black background with number 2s in it
plays Area 0 music
Guaridan's ship red, light blue, white in color
orange pulse fire & engine fire
enemies: red wiggling panels, wall of flashing projectiles
Speeds up part way through
Blue clouds of smoke puff around 
X9 Y015
Valley 8-3
Appears as a red grid over a black background with number 2s in it
Guardian is red, light blue, white, with orange pulse fire
This corridor has many new backgrounds when select button is hit 
compared to other corridors
plays Area 0 music
row of flashing blue projectiles (8x) moving up and down, they 
disappear when select is hit
2 red, light blue, and white "mystery fragment bosses" appear and 
a 3rd one does too, but its stuck with the Guardian inside it
X18 Y219
[did not try]
X19 Y219
Appears as a red strange, slightly off grid over a black background 
with red blocks in it
Red lifebar
Guardian’s ship is red, white, and light blue
No music
Strange glitched frames of boxes appear, the same color as the Guardian and 
track the Guardian’s vertical movements; when hit they make boss sounds
(another time)
Appears as a red grid over a black background
Guardian's ship is red, light blue, white
orange pulse fire
Enemies: rdrr, giant hidden enemies (leave a large circular crater)
One of the "mystery fragment boss" appears after using select, an orange & 
white one which lays orange seaweed, very glitched though
Using select results in a slew of "instanced" bosses appearing, the "dark 
dogs", 2 small dark objects, and a half-light half-dark teleporting boss 
which looks like "2 halves of a broken face"
X21 Y219
Appears as a red grid on a black background
Guardian’s ship red, light blue, white
Red lifebar
Orange pulse fire
Plays Area 0 music 
Boss: 2 Green "fragment bosses". That’s right, 2 of them. They did lay 
down green glitched seaweed and shot out some diamond-bubbles
X22 Y219
Guardian’s ship red, light blue, and white
Red grid over black background, red blocks and the letter T are a part of it, 
Red lifebar
Plays Area 0 music
Multiple images of some strange thing appear at the top, but they cannot hurt 
the Guardian
Another time, I got the glitched arms of a Clawbot, which did shoot down 
every so often a glitched super-beam. What’s interesting is it opens its arms 
many times and tracks the Guardian horizontally, but the beam only came out 
maybe 1 in 10 times. 
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X23 Y219
I should note that the corridor room was extremely glitched up
Guardian’s ship red, light blue, and white
Red grid over black background
Red lifebar
Plays Area 0 music
I got from firing my shot at the start of the corridor, a weird small 
assemblage of ship fragments which moved around vertically and horizontally 
in straight lines very fast, spitting diamond-bubbles. What’s interesting 
is it moved like I’ve seen some bosses move in other games, but it moves 
like no enemy or boss in TGL. A red "fragment boss" appeared after a while
X2 Y220
Appears as a red grid over a black background
Guardian's ship red, light blue, white
orange pulse and jet fire
Plays Area 0 music
Corridor scrolls extremely fast after part way through
A bunch of puffs of small blue clouds appear early on (harmless)
Enemies: blue spinning projectiles
A red, light blue, and white "mystery fragment" boss appears, but it 
is fixed in one position and cannot move. I used this opportunity to try and 
kill it (every other attempt resulted in a half-hour or so battle where I 
ended up dying [yes, you can die with 0 Shields even though it seems like 
infinite life]). I used the LV1 Cutter Saber (the side lasers), starting at 
5980 Chips and I taped down the special weapon button and left the game 
running. At 1686 Chips, the boss suddenly disappeared in 3 blue-white 
clouds, not the usual red-white clouds of an explosion. Its worth 10,000 pts
X3 Y220
The corridor room appeared extremely glitched
Red grid over black background
Guardian was red, light blue, white
Orange pulse and jet fire
Plays Area 0 music
A boss appeared at the start, a weird orange cone boss. It was about the 
size of Zibzub’s cone without the tentacles. It was basically elongated, 
didn’t move, stayed on the screen for a while, then teleported and 
appeared elsewhere. 1 hit from it killed me, I think. It may have also 
been the light blue and white debris field of fragments on the other 
side of the screen that did me in
X5 Y220
Red grid over black background
Guardian was red, light blue, white
Plays Area 0 music
scrolls fast
X19 Y220
[did not try]
X20 Y220
One time...
Guardian’s ship red, light blue, white
Red lifebar
Orange pulse fire
At first, can move super fast, then scrolls normally
Scrolls fast
Enemies: invisible enemies [hidden under the 8888s] (300 pts), rdrr
Another time...
appears as a red strange grid with red blocks in it
Guardian’s ship red, light blue, white
Red lifebar
Orange pulse fire
Plays Area 0 music
Speeds up part way through
Several explosions and item boxes appear beneath the status bar
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr (spits flashing projectiles), dark cloud, red 
(and black) large turrets
Boss: red, light blue, white "fragment boss"
X2 Y221
Appears as a red grid over a black background
Guardian was red, light blue, white
plays Area 0 music
freeze sup very quickly
X7 Y221
Appears as a red strange grid with red blocks that are corners of the 
red pyramid blocks
Plays Area 0 music
Red lifebar
Guardian is red, blue, and white
Pulse fire and jet engine fire is orange
Enemies: rotating flashing projectiles (fixed position), rdrr
"boss": dark blue "wings", 2x, they zip around the area fast, with only 2 
possible forms of movement, directly horizontal or directly vertical. I 
glitched the game up further via select to get more bosses to appear. 
Another was an hourglass shaped boss with a green pyramid of sorts on the 
bottom of the screen and a white, red, and light blue inverted pyramid on 
the top which tracks your movements at the same time. Yet another boss was 
a dark blue "fragment boss" which moves in the hyper-fast circling pattern 
it usually does. And another boss was a white, red, and sky blue "fragment 
boss" which just appeared, faded out, and reappeared at the same position 
on the screen. No one shot any projectiles because when a screen gets 
crowded, projectiles are sacrificed for the enemies’ continued appearance 
on the screen (try this with the Red Crab that shoots bubbles- just shoot 
the bubbles so that the screen is filled with item boxes and eventually, 
it will not shoot any projectiles). So, the index of bosses was: the light 
blue top & green bottom of the hourglass boss, 2 dark wings, 1 fixed 
teleporting fragment boss, and 1 dark blue fragment boss- all at the 
same time! All made the sound of bosses when hit. 
X8 Y223
X5 Y224
X6 Y224 {FALSE}
Plays as Corridor 15
Boss: Green Clawbot
Game blacks out during return transformation sequence
Note that this corridor is *not* in TGL Mode, unlike many other 
encountered Corridor 15's
X18 Y238
Looks like a red grid over black space with the number 12 in it
Orange pulse fire and jet fire
Red lifebar
Plays Area 0 labyrinth music
Scrolls very fast
Select glitches it up, making enemies like rdrr and mirror-rdrr appear. 
Result is a very glitched up field of garbage
Select glitch changes the setting only once.
X17 Y239 {FALSE}
Plays as Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
Beating it sends the Guardian back to an empty orange corridor room
X17 Y240
Identical to Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
[did not finish normally]
X19 Y241 {FALSE}
No music
Appears as glitchy blue craters with a banded pattern similar to the blue 
metal plates at the start of the transformation sequence, but then reaches 
the blue rock squares that repeat endlessly
X20 Y241 {FALSE}
Appears as a black & white geometric pattern
Silent, no music, no sound
X22 Y241 {FALSE}
Identical to Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
When the corridor is beaten, warped back to an orange exitless room
This was what happened the first time I played the corridor. The 2nd time 
I played the corridor:
Identical to Corridor 8
Boss: Red Grimgrin
[did not play]
Now, there was also a Corridor 8 in X22 Y41, which makes me suspect 
"Corridor 24" is actually a false label for Corridor 8 and most likely 
Corridor 16 as well. 
X21 Y244
Accessible after beating Corridor 36 in the same room
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y254
One time...
Red grid over black background with #22 and red blocks
Guardian is red, blue, white
Orange pulse and jet fire
Plays Area 0 music
Enemies: rdrr, rotating fixed flashing projectiles, clouds of blue gas (which 
make no sound when hit)
Another time...
Red grid over black background with #22 and red blocks
Guardian is red, blue, white
Orange pulse and jet fire
Plays Area 0 music
Part of the corridor speeds up
After a while, a series of fast moving green clouds appear accompanied with 
explosion sounds; touching them hurts you. Once destroyed or hit, they would 
make an explosion sound, leave an item box and another one would appear 
rapidly. Some of these were dark blue clouds
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr, green clouds, dark blue clouds
X7 Y254
Red grid over black background with the #22 in it
Guardian appears red, blue, and white, with orange pulse fire
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X8 Y254
Guardian’s ship red, blue, white
Orange pulse fire
Red lifebar
Plays Area 0 music
A bunch of glitched blocks appear and make a boss sound when hit, they are 
dark blue and seem to "wag their tail" (I don’t know how to describe it)
Enemies: invisible buried enemies (300 pts), rdrr
Boss: a few dark "dogs"
X5 Y255
Plays Area 0 labyrinth music
Guardian’s ship is red, blue, and white
Lifebar is red
Scrolls fast
Guardian has orange pulse fire and jet fire
Appears as a red grid with some red blocks in it and the number 22
Select glitches it up, works more than once
Some sections are "red skies"
Enemies: rdrr (come out in stream)
Wait long enough/go through enough changes of scenery and "fragment boss" 
appears. This time it was white & blue mostly, some red. It spun around the 
room fast as usual. It occasionally let out what looked to be blue glitched
 seaweed and occasionally spit out diamond-bubbles
(Area ??)
Red grid over black background with the #22 and a red block in it
red lifebar
plays Area 0 music
orange pulse and jet fire
Guardian is red, blue, white
Scrolls fast
Glitches up as a red field
One select glitch gave red tech-spikes as the background with some 
hidden enemies here which make the sounds of those giant red eyed shelled 
One background is red skies
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr, hidden shellfish
X6 Y255
Red grid over black background, #22 a part of it
Red, blue, white Guardian ship
Orange pulse fire
Field of blue clouds making the Laser Saber sound with one select glitch- 
not an enemy
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr (both spit flashing projectiles)
X8 Y255
Red grid over black background with #22 and red blocks
Guardian is red, blue, white
Orange pulse and jet fire
Plays Area 0 music
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr, hidden enemies under flat white bricks (200 pts) 
[they’re hidden in a whole straight vertical line]
Boss: chain boss. Glitched block with clear segments in a chain separated by 
space, they move back and forth, reaching out from the top of the screen 
only at angles. There were 8 of them on the screen. 6 were normal colored, 
2 were shadow colored. Shooting them made the sound of bullets bouncing off 
armor. They would rearrange their base positions very slowly over time

X12 Y018
Accessed via teleporter
At same coordinates as a real room
Appears as strange red grid, not perfect squares
Guardian’s ship is blue, red and white
Orange jet and pulse fire
Red status bar

################## Corridor 25 #################
Music Hex: 0C [Track 12: Organic Corridors- real version]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X5 Y009
Valley 1-2
Also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y015
Valley 5-6-7
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y016
"Eye" of Area 2
X3 Y223
X5 Y223
X9 Y224
X0 Y226
X5 Y226
X10 Y226
X12 Y226
X6 Y227
X6 Y228
X8 Y226
X9 Y227
X17 Y239
X20 Y239
X17 Y240
X20 Y240
X8 Y245
Accessed by beating Corridor 3 at the same coordinates
This one is strange. X8 Y45 has Corridor 3 in it. Beat the corridor and you 
win the Wave Key, the Guardian flies off and when the game switches to the 
labyrinth mode again, the Guardian is hopping out of Corridor 25! The prize 
left there is another Wave Key/a Wave Portal. Collecting it changes the music 
to one of the boss music tracks ("military aquatica" sound)

################ Corridor 26 ######################
Music Hex: 00 [no track exists, thus no music]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y018
Valley 2-3
The screen blacks out upon entry, but then we see the screen scroll over 
red metal panels & red geometric shapes and freeze after a few seconds
We see a light blue & white glitched Guardian transform into a fragmented 
ship before flying off and blacking out
No music
So, this one basically has a double transformation sequence, one normal one, 
one bizarro one
X6 Y019
Valley 2-3
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y020
Valley 5-6-7
Appears as red metal squares with a red geometric grid beyond
The game freezes after a few seconds
no music
This is the double transformation sequence as noted earlier
X6 Y021
"Eye" of Area 3
X1 Y223
X6 Y225 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Beating it results in being sent back to the same coordinates, only 
Corridor 127 open

X12 Y012
Accessed when used glitch weapon to beat Corridor 48 (X17 Y40)
Blacks out upon entry
[yes, that’s correct, it overlays a real room]

############## Corridor 27 ##########################
Music Hex: 0B [Track 11: Organic Corridors- fake version]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X15 Y002
Has organic corridor music
Listed as Area 10 X15 Y2
Starts off with a gray morphing wall that spans the whole screen, building 
up, which can be shot at and produce powerups
Enemies: morphing, growing gray walls along the right and left sides 
(only the right side can be targeted). They tend to leave hordes of powerups
The level is actually only a segment of about 4 seconds which endlessly 
The way to beat it is hanging out in the lower left and firing at the initial 
wall. I was able to replicate this a few times, and the Guardian went out of 
my control, victory music for beating the corridor began playing and the 
Guardian flew off. 
Beating the corridor produces a black screen where the victory music 
continues to play, but mashing the buttons can break this, which sends you 
to the Corridor 27 room with the corridor open again. The Corridor can be 
beaten, but it never closes. 
X23 Y240
Appears as white lined, black "files" as the background, with white walls of 
turrets rising and white-gray stuff, just like the other versions of this 
X23 Y242
Appears as white lined, black "files" as the background with white walls of 
turrets rising and white-gray stuff, just like the other versions of this 
Plays organic corridor music
X11 Y244
Appears as a white strange grid over black background, but quickly turns 
into morphing gray turrets which flip up and can be targeted
Select distorts the enemies’ appearance and works only once
Enemy: gray large turrets (hidden under gray rubble)
Music= ?

################## Corridor 28 ########################
Music Hex: 06 [Track 6: Boss Music #2/ Miniboss]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


################### Corridor 29 #######################
Music Hex: 0A [Track 10: Game Over]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X14 Y015
Valley 7-8
Also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X9 Y017
Valley 8-3
Blacks out upon entry
X14 Y017
Valley 7-8
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y019
Valley 7-8
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y021
Valley 7-8
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X9 Y244
Blacks out upon entry
X12 Y247
Blacks out upon entry

################## Corridor 30 ########################
Music Hex: 03 [Track 3: Boss Music #1]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X2 Y005
Valley 9-1
Also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y033 
*** not accessed via the vast northern realm, accessed via the small 
southern realm***
accessed from Area 3
screen is very glitchy
blacks out upon entry
X10 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X12 Y241
Blacks out upon entry

################### Corridor 31 ########################
Music Hex: 06 [Track 6: Boss Music #2/ Miniboss]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X13 Y003
"Eye" of Area 10
X10 Y006
Valley 9-10
Also accessible by teleporter
Blacks out upon entry, then plays miniboss music
green lines appear over black space, with some yellow squares
The Guardian's graphics look extremely simple and glitched
Using select once glitches the graphics into more yellow blocks
Using select a 2nd time glitches the game frozen
X6 Y221 {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
No music
"White Bones" tech appearance
Enemies: invisible enemies (500 pts)
Select glitches it up once
X7 Y221 {FALSE}
4 panels
appears as "White bones" tech-wiring
game freezes shortly into it
X17 Y221
Upon entering, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor 
explodes, and MultiBullet is left behind
X20 Y221
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a MultiBullet as the prize
X23 Y221 {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
"White Bones" tech-wiring
no music
select glitches it up once
enemies: invisible enemies (500 pts)
X4 Y222 {FALSE}
One time...
Upon entry of the room, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor 
explodes, leaving a MultiBullet left behind
Another time...
White Bones tech-wiring
no music, except for a chhhk sound at the start
invisible enemies are here (500 pts)
X5 Y222  {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
Appears as "White Bones" tech-wiring
No music
Glitches up once
Enemies: invisible enemies (500 pts)
X10 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X1 Y254  {FALSE}
4 panels
"White Bones" tech-wiring
no music
select glitches it up once
X7 Y255  {FALSE}
4 panels
"White Bones" tech-wiring
no music
glitches up once

################## Corridor 32 ###########################
Music Hex: 0B [Track 11: Organic Corridors- fake version]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X5 Y010
Valley 1-2
Also accessible by teleporter
Appears as a light blue grid that does not form perfect squares, like 
Scrolls slowly
Plays organic corridor music
Select glitches it up only once
Enemy: rdrr
X11 Y015
Valley 7-8
Appears as a light blue grid over black space, with the number 22 in it
plays organic corridor music
Select glitches it up only once
Enemy: rdrr
X15 Y030
Appears as a light blue grid over a black background with 2s in it
plays organic corridor music
select glitches it up once
enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X17 Y218
Appears as a light blue grid over black space
plays organic corridor music
X18 Y218
Appears as a light blue grid over black space
plays organic corridor music
X19 Y218
Appears as a light blue grid with green blocks
Plays organic corridor music
Changes to red & green "suitcases"
Select glitches it up only once
Enemy: rdrr
X2 Y219
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with green blocks in it
Plays organic corridor music
Select glitches it up once
Oddly enough rdrr doesn’t appear until select is used twice (background 
doesn’t change then though)
X3 Y219
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with green 'suitcases' in it 
(green and brown blocks together).
Plays organic corridor music
Select glitches it up once
Enemy: rdrr
X4 Y219
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with green blocks in it
Enemies: rdrr
Select glitches it up once
Plays organic corridor music
Sometimes when I played this corridor, the "fragment boss" would appear at 
the start of the level (in other words, not resulting from select). I’ve 
seen the red "fragment boss" here and the blue "fragment boss" here. And 
oddly enough, the red "fragment boss’s" face had a strange display on it, 
a series of numbers on the left side, and the mirror image of those numbers 
on the right side. The display and arrangement was as follows. Note that 
[#] means the mirror reflection of that number:
   2 [2]
   3 [3]
 0 4 [4][0]
 1 5 [5][1]
Once, I saw a blue cone like thing which was about the size of Zibzub’s cone, 
except without the tentacles. It stayed in one place and did not move, only 
teleporting every so often. I think one hit from it killed me. 
X5 Y219
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with green blocks
plays organic corridor music
There are some strafing shots resembling the Guardian's firing from the 
lower left and lower right at angles 45 degrees from the screen's edge
select glitches the screen
If you fire at the start, a red "fragment boss" appears
Enemies: rdrr
X6 Y219
[did not try]
X9 Y219
Corridor room listed as "X6 Y19"
no transformation sequence
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with green blocks
plays organic corridor music
select glitches it up once
Enemies: rdrr
Listed as "Area 32 X6 Y19"
X6 Y221
Light blue grid over black space with brown-green blocks among it
Plays organic corridor music
Oddly enough, this one is select immune
Status bar flickers intensely here
X3 Y222
light blue grid over black space with green things in it
plays organic corridor music
X3 Y224
light blue grid over a black background
plays organic corridor music
X6 Y224
Appears as a light blue grid
Plays organic corridor music
Select glitches it up
X11 Y225
[did not try]
X8 Y226
[missing notes from]
X20 Y239
Light blue grid over black background, #22 and green tiles in it
Glitches into strange field, works only once
Enemies: rdrr
Organic corridor music
X21 Y239
Light blue grid over black background, #22 and green tiles in it
Glitches into strange field, works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
Organic corridor music
X22 Y239
Appears as a light blue grid over black background with the #22
Glitches up only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
Organic corridor music
X17 Y240
Appears as a blue grid over black space with the number 12 on it
Plays organic corridor music
Scrolls slowly
Select glitches it up, but works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X18 Y240
Light blue grid over black background, #22 and green tiles in it
Glitches into strange field, works only once
Enemies: rdrr
Organic corridor music
X20 Y240
Light blue grid over black background, #22 and green tiles in it
Glitches into strange field, works only once
Enemies: rdrr
Organic corridor music
X21 Y240
Appears as a light blue grid over black background with the #22
Glitches up only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
Organic corridor music
X22 Y240
Appears as a light blue grid over black background with the #22 (in one 
instance had green tiles in there too, in another it did not)
Plays organic corridor music
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
Used a glitch-weapon to beat it, which ended up sending the Guardian to 
the same coordinates, but a sealed Corridor 4
X23 Y240
Appears as a light blue grid over black background with the #22
Glitches up only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
Organic corridor music
X19 Y241
Light blue grid over black background, #22 on it
Glitches into strange field, works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
Organic corridor music
X20 Y241
[didn’t try]
X7 Y242
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with the number 22 on it
Organic corridor music plays
Listed as Area 10 X10 Y42
Select glitches it up, but this works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X8 Y242
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with the number 22 on it
Organic corridor music plays
Listed as Area 10 X10 Y42
Select glitches it up, but this works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X9 Y242
Accessed after beating Corridor 10 in the same room
[did not play it]
X10 Y242
Appears as a light blue grid over black space with the number 22 on it
Organic corridor music plays
Listed as Area 10 X10 Y42
Select glitches it up, but this works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
All of these glitch as a brown, blue, green jumble
X12 Y243
Appears as a light blue grid with the number 22 over black background
Organic corridor music
Select glitches it up, which works only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr

################# Corridor 33 ####################
Music Hex: 04 [Track 4: Jungle Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y224
X11 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y240
X21 Y240
X17 Y241
X19 Y241
X19 Y242
X22 Y242

#################### Corridor 34 #####################
Music Hex: 08 [Track 8: Desert Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X5 Y023
Area 3 niche
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y240 {FALSE}
Accessed by beating Corridor 35 at the same coordinates, which itself is 
accessible by beating Corridor 68 at the same coordinates, and that corridor 
is accessible by beating Corridor 12 at the same coordinates (the first one 
is accessible from Area 8)
Plays identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Warped to a pink and white Lander room with a single item for sale for 
9999 Chips
X18 Y241
Blacks out upon entry

################### Corridor 35 ####################
Music Hex: 0F [Track 15: Ending Music]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y000
Valley 9-10
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y003
Valley 10-4
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y004
Valley 10-4
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y005
Valley 10-4
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y016
Valley 7-8
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y017
Valley 5-6-7
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y018
Valley 2-3
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y224
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y240 {FALSE}
Accessed by beating Corridor 68 at the same coordinates, which itself is 
accessible by beating Corridor 12 at the same coordinates, (that first one 
is accessible from Area 8)
Plays identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Warps to Corridor 34 at the same coordinates
X17 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry

###################### Corridor 36 ##################
Music Hex: 0D [Track 13: Labyrinth 6,9]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y221 {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
Plays identical to Corridor 7
Boss: Eyeball Formation II
Arrive back at the same room with the same corridor open, with 4 panels too
X10 Y240
Accessed by beating Corridor 94 (X16 Y40) by using a glitch weapon
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y241
X21 Y244 {FALSE}
Playable, identical to Corridor 16
Boss: Red Optomon
WIN: nothing
It ended up transporting the Guardian back to the same room, except 
morphed into Corridor 24
X4 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

################ Corridor 37 #########################
Music Hex: 11 [Track 17: Active Corridor Room- <><> version]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X8 Y023
Valley 8-3
Also accessible by teleporter
Appears as a weird light blue tech-like grid over black space
Plays active corridor room music
No scrolling
X15 Y023
Valley 7-8
appears as a light blue grid over black space with the number 22 in it
no scrolling
plays active corridor room music
X13 Y031
Upon entering, the Guardian automatically jumps out of the corridor, it
explodes and 
Blue Lander is the prize
X5 Y221
appears as a blue grid over black space with some pink blocks
no enemies
no scrolling
plays active corridor room music
X17 Y221
Appears as a light blue grid over black background with pink blocks as a 
part of it
No scrolling
Plays active corridor room music
X6 Y222
appears as a blue grid over black space with some pink blocks
no enemies
no scrolling
plays active corridor room music
X22 Y240
Appears as a light blue grid over a black background with pink blocks
Plays active corridor room music
No scrolling
X23 Y250
Appears as light blue grid with the number "22" and brown blocks over 
black background
No scrolling
Plays active corridor room music
Hitting the special weapon button causes the game to freeze in here
X3 Y255
no scrolling (it’s a single screen in other words)
no enemies
music is that of an active corridor room
appears as a blue grid over black space with some brown tiles and the number 2
X4 Y255
Blue grid over black background, some brown blocks and the number 2
Music is that of an active corridor room
No scrolling
No enemies
Listed as Area 10 X4 Y55
[I accessed this one when I was ~X11 Y46 and just walked onto a screen, it 
went black, I hit a few buttons, and I found myself automatically hopping out 
of Corridor 0 on X4 Y0 and found the area was jungle instead of the usual 
grass & stone, and walked over to these coordinates and back through a 
X5 Y255 
no scrolling (it’s a single screen in other words)
no enemies
music is that of an active corridor room
appears as a blue grid over black space with some brown tiles and the 
number 2

################# Corridor 38 ####################
Music Hex: 01 [Track 1: Title Screen] 
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y222
Has 4 panels
does not open until Select button is used
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y241
Appears as "White Bones" tech-wiring
Plays TGL title screen music
When I used a glitch weapon to beat it (the glitch weapon that displays a 
Repeller graphic), the corridor was beat, a Triangle Key received, and the 
Guardian was sent to X8 Y8, a text box room located in the black space on 
the map, which said "I will sell only one of these to you" and 3 item boxes 
were over it (blue chips)

#################### Corridor 39 ###############
Music Hex: 09 [Track 9: Labyrinth 0]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X19 Y240
Looks like "White Bones" (the wiring inbetween panels in Corridor 0)
Plays Central Hub music (overworld Area 0 music)
Scrolls very slowly
No enemies
X21 Y240
Looks like "White Bones" (the wiring inbetween panels in Corridor 0)
Plays Central Hub music (overworld Area 0 music)
Scrolls very slowly
No enemies
X21 Y241
Plays Area 0 labyrinth music
Scrolls slowly
Looks like "White Bones" (the wiring inbetween panels in Corridor 0)
Select glitches it
X11 Y248
Looks like "White Bones" (the wiring inbetween panels in Corridor 0)
Plays Central Hub music (overworld Area 0 music)
Scrolls very slowly
No enemies
Listed as Area 10 X11 Y48
[this has been confirmed on 2 occasions, all the info here]

################## Corridor 40 ###################
Music Hex: 05 [Track 5: Arctic Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y241 {FALSE}
Plays normally, identical to Corridor 5
Boss: Zibzub
Beating it warps you back to an empty orange corridor room with no 
X22 Y241 {FALSE}
Appears as black & white geometric pattern
No music
X23 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y242 {FALSE}
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time... 
plays identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Warped back to an empty orange corridor room
X2 Y243
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y243 {FALSE}
Identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
WIN: nothing
The Guardian is warped back to an empty orange corridor room
X5 Y243
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y245
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y248
Blacks out upon entry

X12 Y012
Accessed by teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
Yes, it overlaps with a real room

################## Corridor 41 ##################
Music Hex: 0F [Track 15: Ending Music]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X2 Y011
"Eye" of Area 1
X23 Y011
Valley 5-6-7
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y016
Valley 5-6-7
Blacks out upon entry

##################### Corridor 42 ###################
Music Hex: 0E [Track 14: Labyrinth 10]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X23 Y022
Area 7 niche
Appears as green tech-wiring
plays Area 10 labyrinth music
Select glitches it up once
X18 Y241
Appears as green tech-wiring
Plays Area 10 labyrinth music
Glitches up with select button

##################### Corridor 43 ##################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y240
Accessed by beating Corridor 32 (X17 Y40) by use of a glitch weapon
Auto-jump out when used in Corridor 32, leading to the corridor exploding, 
and an Energy Tank being left behind, which triggers ice corridor music to 
play. And when the teleporter is used in Corridor 43 room here, warps the 
Guardian into a transformation sequence and then corridor at Area 10 X10 Y10

################# Corridor 44 ######################
Music Hex: 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting target, not penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X16 Y013
Valley 6-7

################# Corridor 45 ###################
Music Hex: 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting target, not penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X9 Y018
Valley 8-3
Blacks out upon entry
X14 Y018
Valley 7-8
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y021
"Hole" of Area 8
also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X14 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X12 Y247
Blacks out upon entry

############### Corridor 46 #######################
Music Hex: 22 [Track 34: sound of an enemy being destroyed]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X2 Y006
Valley 9-1
Also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y007
Valley 9-1
Also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X14 Y242
Accessed from Area 0
Blacks out upon entry

X6 Y007
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry [overshadows a room that should be Corridor 117]

################### Corridor 47 ###################
Music Hex: 22 [Track 34: sound of an enemy being destroyed]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X7 Y004
Valley 9-10
Also accessible via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y253 {FALSE}
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
red tech-wiring background
salmon colored lifebar
plays desert corridor music
scrolls slowly
glitches up

################## Corridor 48 #################
Music Hex: 23 [Track 35- firing sound #1- faint]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X22 Y218
Blue rock squares
No music
X5 Y219
Blue rock squares
no music
X6 Y223
No music
Appears as blue rock squares
Flies fast
Another time... {FALSE}
No Guardian, no scrolling, the game was frozen
The screen was all black, the lifebar was orange, the special weapon box's 
frame was orange, and the heart for the lifebar was dark red
No music
X17 Y240
Appears as blue rock squares
Listed as Area 10 X17 Y40
No music
Scrolls slowly
X18 Y241
Blue rock squares
No music
(this was repeated twice with 2 different areas)
X21 Y241
Blue rock squares
Scrolls fast
No music
X3 Y255
No music
Appears as blue cratered rocks with glitchy structures of bands across it, 
then reaches a grid of blue rock squares
When I used a glitch weapon to beat it, I received a Triangle Key and was 
warped back to Corridor 48 open, only it was at X8 Y8 now

#################### Corridor 49 #################
Music Hex: 23 [Track 35: firing sound #1- faint]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X23 Y014
Valley 5-6-7
Light blue grid over black background with number 2s in it
select glitches it up
scrolls very fast
no music
X23 Y240
Appears as a light blue grid over blackness with the #22 in it
No music
Scrolls fast
Glitches up only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
For me, when I was in it, it produced an automatic victory at a certain 
point, which warped me to Corridor 127 at the same coordinates
X22 Y241
Appears as a light blue grid over blackness with the #22 in it as well 
as some green tiles
No music
Select glitches it up, but only once
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-drr

############### Corridor 50 ######################
Music Hex: 24 [Track 36: firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder & longer]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y228
Blacks out upon entry
X12 Y239
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y252

################# Corridor 51 #####################
Music Hex: 24 [Track 36: firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder & longer]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y239
Appears as white tech wiring with light green and brown metal panels 
arranged in strips much like the transformation corridor at the start, then 
moves to field of white tech
No music
Glitches up, works once only
X16 Y240
Accessed by beating Corridor 0 at the same coordinates, itself accessible 
from a very glitched Area 9
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y241
"White Bones" appearance, but green and brown panels near the start, in rows
No music
X22 Y241
Blacks out upon entry (confirmed with 2 different wanderings)
X14 Y251
"White Bones" tech appearance with green & brown panels at the start, then 
moves to all "White Bones" tech
select screen permanently glitches it up
no music

################# Corridor 52 ####################
Music Hex: 26 [Track 38: MultiBullet firing sound]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X20 Y004
Valley 4-5
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y015
Valley 6-7
X5 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y223
X17 Y224
X17 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y242

################## Corridor 53 ###################
Music Hex: 26 [Track 38: MultiBullet firing sound]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X15 Y020
Valley 7-8
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X8 Y021
Valley 8-3
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y240
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically leaps out of the corridor, 
it explodes, and leaves a Grenade item, which when collected triggers the TGL 
title screen music and drains the life down to 1 (these results were 
confirmed twice)
X18 Y241
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically leaps out of the corridor, 
it explodes, and leaves a Grenade item, which when collected, triggers the 
TGL title screen music
X21 Y241
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically leaps out of the corridor, 
it explodes, and leaves a Grenade item, which when collected, triggers desert 
corridor music
X22 Y241
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically leaps out of the corridor, 
it explodes, and leaves a Grenade item, which when collected, triggers desert 
corridor music
X2 Y244
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically leaps out of the 
corridor, it explodes, and leaves a Grenade item. 
X9 Y244
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically leaps out of the corridor, 
it explodes, and leaves a Speed Booster (I repeated this twice with the same 
room and got the same results)
X6 Y254
Briefly, after the transformation sequence, a screen with junk like green 
turrets with a black and white "file" background was displayed, frozen, but 
the game then blacked out a few seconds later

################# Corridor 54 ####################
Music Hex: 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting target, not penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y223
No music
Appears as a field of blue rocks

############## Corridor 55 #########################
Music Hex: 21 [Track 33: bullet hitting target, not penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X10 Y005
Valley 9-10
Appears as white techno-wiring, with large red turrets hidden and small green 
turrets (the Corridor 0 enemies), all buried in a bunch of junk. There are 
also some bubble-spitters on the side too. Much of the junk is green & 
brown metal panels. After a while, the junk gives way to an endless 
stretch of white wiring 
no music
Via teleporter...
Appears as a green field of several one-quarter of the shell of large turrets
Select glitches the graphics once
no music
X22 Y223
green techno-wiring
no music
Enemies: Light Green Turrets, Large Hidden Red Turrets (shoot rdrr & 
mirror-rdrr as projectiles), Large Green Turrets
Select glitches up the background
X17 Y255
Accessed via teleporter

################### Corridor 56 ###################
Music Hex: 22 [Track 34: sound of an enemy being destroyed]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X7 Y009
Valley 9-1
Also accessible via teleporter
The screen is still
Red grid on black background, some number 2s there
The Guardian’s ship is red & white here, but the pulse fire is red and 
the engine fire too
The lifebar is red here too
No music
Can be beaten by using one of the glitch weapons which provides an instant 
Warps back to an open Corridor 56
Another time at these coordinates, appeared as a strange red techno grid 
over black background with no numbers with a red & white Guardian ship, 
red pulse and jet fire, a red status bar, and no music
Enemy: Hidden Red Quarter-Turret
Some explosions of green clouds one time
X7 Y012
Valley 1-2
Appears as red grid over black background, some number 2s there
The Guardian's ship is red & white here, pulse fire is red
No music
No scrolling
X7 Y014
Valley 2-3
Appears as red grid over black background, some number 2s there
The Guardian's ship is red & white here, pulse fire is red
No music
No scrolling
X18 Y242
Appears as a red grid over a black background with the #22 in it
No scrolling
No music
Red pulse fire
X9 Y244 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Winning results in the screen going black, but victory music continues 
to play
X4 Y251
Red grid over black background, #22 there
No music
Pulse fire red
No scrolling
X6 Y253
Appears as a red grid with the #22 as a part of it
Red lifebar
Red pulse fire and jet engine fire
No music
No scrolling
X5 Y255
The screen is still
Red grid on black background, some number 2s there
The Guardian’s ship is red & white here, but the pulse fire is red and 
the engine fire too
The lifebar is red here too
No music

##################### Corridor 57 ####################
Music Hex: 22 [Track 34: sound of an enemy being destroyed]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X23 Y010
Valley 5-6-7
X6 Y223

##################### Corridor 58 ######################
Music Hex: 23 [Track 35: firing sound #1- faint]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X16 Y221
Upon entering, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, 
and a Red Lander is left behind
X20 Y221
Upon entering, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, 
and MultiBullet is left behind
X17 Y222
X3 Y223
X6 Y248

####################### Corridor 59 #####################
Music Hex: 23 [Track 35: firing sound #1- faint]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X15 Y001
Valley 10-4
X11 Y254

################## Corridor 60 #####################
Music Hex: 24 [Track 36: firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder & longer]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X20 Y003
Valley 4-5
X20 Y005
Valley 4-5
X20 Y006
Valley 4-5
X20 Y007
Valley 4-5
X11 Y223
X11 Y248

#################### Corridor 61 ###################
Music Hex: 24 [Track 36: firing sound #2- faint, but slightly louder & longer]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X8 Y020
Valley 8-3
X21 Y021
"Eye" of Area 7
X8 Y022
Valley 8-3
X15 Y022
Valley 7-8
X8 Y222
X5 Y223
X13 Y244
X16 Y244
X10 Y245
X11 Y245
X12 Y245
X22 Y245
X11 Y248

############### Corridor 62 ######################
Music Hex: 25 [Track 37: Main Weapon firing sound]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X23 Y001
Valley 4-5
X10 Y241
X15 Y241
X2 Y243
X10 Y244
X14 Y244

################## Corridor 63 #######################
Music Hex: 25 [Track 37: Main Weapon firing sound]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y219
X19 Y219
X20 Y219
X21 Y219
X5 Y222
X18 Y222
X21 Y222
X3 Y223
X6 Y223
X8 Y223
X0 Y224
X11 Y254

##################### Corridor 64 ###############
Music Hex: 25 [Track 37: Main Weapon firing sound]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X11 Y029
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y219
One time...
Note that when entering this room, it is listed as "Area 8 X2 Y19". This 
room and specifically this corridor room seems to start a glitch that 
persists for a few rooms around it
Jumping in the corridor results in immediately warping to the same 
coordinates, only the room houses Corridor 97, which is also listed as 
"Area 8 X2 Y19"
Another time...
Note that when entering this room, it is listed as "Area 8 X2 Y19".
When I jumped in, there was no transformation sequence, only an instant 
teleport to Corridor 22 at the coordinates X2 Y19 (and it had the room 
listed as "Area 8 X2 Y19")
X3 Y219
Jumping in the corridor results in an instant teleport to "Area 8 X4 Y19", 
which is Corridor 70
X5 Y219
has 4 panels
Use Select button to open gate
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
Has no panels
room listed as Area 4
Another time...
Has no panels
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y219 {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
fire at the gate to open... or use select button to open it
The time I fired at the gate to open, it played identical to Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
However, I used select button to open it another time (the gate could be 
fired at, unlike all other select button opens gates I encountered), 
the result was 
Blacked out upon entry
X9 Y219 {FALSE} [based on the music and the Area listing, this one is 
Corridor 24 in TGL mode]
coordinates in room listed as "Area 8 X6 Y19"
no transformation sequence
appears as a red grid over black space
Guardian's ship, red, light blue, and white
orange engine fire and pulse fire
listed as "Area 24 X6 Y19"
plays Area 0 music
select changes the background
Enemies: rdrr
X3 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y239
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y244
Blacks out upon entry
X12 Y245
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y253
[didn’t try]
X5 Y253 {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
Fire at the gate for it to open
Plays identical to Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key
Warped to the same room with Corridor 64 open (which plays identical 
to Corridor 1 again)
[this one registers as beating the real Corridor 1]
X7 Y253
Upon entering, there is no transformation sequence, just an immediate
teleportation to an empty orange corridor room at the same coordinates
The room with the corridor was listed as "Area 8 X7 Y53"
X6 Y255
Upon entering, there was no transformation sequence, just an immediate 
teleportation to an empty orange corridor room at the same coordinates
X7 Y255
[didn’t try]
X10 Y255
Labeled as Area 8 in the room (even though it was accessed from Area 1)
Upon entering, there was no transformation sequence, just an immediate 
teleportation to an empty orange corridor room at the same coordinates

################# Corridor 65 ####################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X14 Y218
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X15 Y218
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X17 Y218
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X18 Y218
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X21 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y251
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X3 Y253
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X4 Y253
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X2 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y254
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X4 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y254
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset
X5 Y255
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons= auto-reset

################## Corridor 66 ###################
Music Hex: __ (a blank space, but it registers, ... or a value was missing for
some reason. Whatever it is, it means no music)
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X12 Y245
"White Bones" tech wiring appearance, however, there is one large 
brown metal square by the start
No music
Labeled as Area 10 X12 Y45
Scrolls extremely fast

################### Corridor 67 #####################
Music Hex: CC
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X9 Y244
X0 Y254
Blacks out upon entry

################# Corridor 68 ####################
Music Hex: EE
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X2 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y219
4 panels
Blacked out upon entry
X19 Y219
4 panels
blacks out upon entry
X23 Y219
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y220
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y220
4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y220
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y240 {FALSE}
Accessed by beating Corridor 12 at the same coordinates (itself 
accessible from Area 8)
Plays identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Warp to Corridor 35 at the same coordinates
X21 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y254
4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y255
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry

##################### Corridor 69 #################
Music Hex: A9
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X4 Y219
Accessed from a Save Lander/ "go out"
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y220
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y219
Room listed as "Area 8 X7 Y19"
instant blackout
X8 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y219
One time... {FALSE}
Has 4 panels
Plays identical to Corridor 5
Boss: Zibzub
Sends the Guardian back to the same room with the same corridor open, 
though the graphics were slightly different in the room
Another time...
has 4 panels
blacks out upon entry
X20 Y219
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y219
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y219
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y244
Blacks out upon entry
X0 Y253
Accessed from a Save Lander/"go out"
Blacks out upon entry
X0 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y255
Blacks out immediately upon jumping in, no transformation sequence

###################### Corridor 70 ###############
Music Hex: 01 [Track 1: TGL title screen]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y219
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
Scrolls slow
X4 Y219
One time...
did not try
Another time... 
Arrived in the room when I jumped into Corridor 64 in X3 Y19, 
which provided an instant teleport to X4 Y19, a room with 
Corridor 70 open in it (the room was listed as "Area 8 X4 Y19")
no transformation sequence
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
Scrolls slow
The coordinates inside were listed as "Area 70 X4 Y19"
X5 Y219
[did not try]
X6 Y219
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
Scrolls slow
X17 Y219
Has "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X18 Y219
One time...
has 4 panels
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays TGL music
Another time...
Has 4 panels
No transformation sequence
Plays identical to Corridor 15
Listed as "Area 15 X18 Y18"
Boss: Green Clawbot
Item screen
Plays Corridor 15 again
Listed as "Area 15 X18 Y18"
Boss: Green Clawbot
Item screen
Then switches to Corridor 5
Listed as "Area 5 X18 Y18"
Boss: Zibzub
[stopped playing here; I assume that it plays through the 
whole TGL Mode]
[yes, there is a mapping/coordinate error here]
X19 Y219
One time...
4 panels
[did not try]
Another time...
X20 Y219
Has 4 panels
Appears as "White Bones" tech
Plays TGL title screen music
X22 Y219
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays TGL music
X23 Y219
Has 4 panels
"White Bones" tech appearance
Plays TGL music
In another case, the same, but has no panels
X1 Y220
Has 4 panels
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X2 Y220
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
plays TGL title screen music
X4 Y220
Has 4 panels
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
Scrolls slow
X21 Y221 {FALSE}
Press Select to open the gate
plays identical to Corridor 6
Boss: Glider
WIN: Plus Key
beating it results in being warped back to the same room
X2 Y222 {FALSE}
Gate is closed, but active
Use Select button to open gate
Plays identical to Corridor 6
Boss: Glider
WIN: + Key
beating it results in reappearing at the same coordinates, 
with Corridor 70 still open
(I forgot to check the real Corridor 6 indicator light)
X6 Y253
Has 4 panels, opens automatically
Plays identical to Corridor 15
Listed as "Area 15 X6 Y53"
Boss: Green Clawbot
A screen of items with point values appears after it is beat- it’s TGL 
mode (regular point values at certain scores increase the life-bar 
by +1 as well too)
Sent to inside Corridor 1
Listed as "Area 1 X6 Y53"
Boss: Blue Fleepa
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 11
Listed as "Area 11 X6 Y53"
Boss: Green Optomon
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 12
Listed as "Area 12 X6 Y53"
Boss: Red Fleepa
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 2
Listed as "Area 2 X6 Y53"
Boss: Clawdaddy
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 13
Listed as "Area 13 X6 Y53"
Boss: Blue Bombarder
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 3
Listed as "Area 3 X6 Y53" 
Boss: Blue Optomon
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 14
Listed as "Area 14 X6 Y53"
Boss: Blue Clawbot
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 4
Listed as "Area 4 X6 Y53"
Boss: Teramute
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 15 (yes, again)
Listed as "Area 15 X6 Y53"
Boss: Green Clawbot
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 5
Listed as "Area 5 X6 Y53"
Boss: Zibzub
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 16
Listed as "Area 16 X6 Y53"
Boss: Red Optomon
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 6
Listed as "Area 6 X6 Y53"
Boss: Glider
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 17
Listed as "Area 17 X6 Y53"
Boss: Eyeball Formation I
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 7
Listed as "Area 7 X6 Y53"
Boss: Eyeball Formation II
Now this is weird, it just sits there doing nothing, shooting no 
projectiles at all until you attack it, then it starts shooting projectiles
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 18
Listed as "Area 18 X6 Y53"
Boss: Blue Grimgrin
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 8
Listed as "Area 8 X6 Y53"
Boss: Red Grimgrin
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 19
Listed as "Area 19 X6 Y53"
Boss: Red Bombarder
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 9
Listed as "Area 9 X6 Y53"
Boss: Blue Eyegore
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 20
Listed as "Area 20 X6 Y53"
Boss: Red Clawbot
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 10
Listed as "Area 10 X6 Y53"
Boss: Red Eyegore
Item screen appears
Sent to inside Corridor 21
Listed as "Area 21 X6 Y53"
Boss: TGL’s Greatest Hits
No item scene at the end of this corridor
NAJU being destroyed sequence, transfer to inside Corridor 22
Listed as "Area 22 X6 Y53"
Boss: It
Beating it= the end of the game
There were no Keys in all of this
X1 Y254 {FALSE}
No panels, but is closed initially
The gate does not open by waiting, walking on it, firing at it, firing at 
the sign. It only opens by hitting the select button (thus going to the 
item select/map screen) and going back to the main screen. Basically, 
hit select button to open the gate
Plays identical to Corridor 6
Boss: Glider
WIN: Plus Key
Beating it warps the Guardian back to Corridor 70 closed. Select button 
opens it up again. It again plays as Corridor 6
X3 Y254
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X4 Y254
Has 4 panels
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X5 Y254
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X6 Y254
Has 4 panels
There is no transformation sequence
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
plays TGL title screen music
Listed as "Area 70 X6 Y53"
X7 Y254
Has 4 panels
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X10 Y254
Has 4 panels
There is no transformation sequence
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X20 Y254
"White Bones" tech appearance
TGL title screen music plays
Scrolls very slowly
Listed as Area 10 X20 Y54
X2 Y255
Has 4 panels
[did not try]
X3 Y255
Has 4 panels
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
Scrolls slow
X4 Y255
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X6 Y255
Has 4 panels
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X7 Y255
Plays as "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music
X9 Y255
Has "White Bones" techno-wiring look
Plays TGL title screen music

################## Corridor 71 #######################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X19 Y219
Once had 4 panels, another time had no panels
Appears as very glitched light blue graphics which look like "fish bones"
No music
Select used once glitched it up one time, and a 2nd time made the game 
freeze. Another time, the game glitched up with select the first time
X20 Y219
Long delay where it blacks out, then the screen comes back, but it’s all 
black with no music and extremely simple looking white and blue graphics 
for the Guardian. Using select results in a screen with weird blue 
graphics, but using it again freezes the game. 
X23 Y219
One time...
Has 4 panels
Blacks out, then appears with an extremely glitched screen
The status bar is red & black columns, the screen is all black with greenish 
and green-brown graphics in a semi-grid and the Guardian’s ship is some black 
thing with a flashing white & light blue part. The firing graphics look black 
as well. It looks like the game has partially decompiled or something like 
that. Using select makes it scroll as some light green strange graphics, but 
doing it again freezes the game
Another time...
Appears as blue fish bones look
Plays no music
X1 Y220
One time had no panels, another time it had 4 panels
Appears as very glitched light blue graphics which look like "fish bones"
no music, but the level opens up with a firing sound with a "chhk" quality 
to it
Select glitches it up. I noticed a pattern with this level which I remember
applies to all levels with "fishes bones". Use select and it glitches up the 
field as blue glitchy squares. Use select again, no change. Use it a 
3rd time, you get different glitchy squares, this time rectangles 
with a different texture and style to them. Use it a 4th time, no change. 
Use it a 5th time, and it goes back to glitchy blue squares. 
So, there are 2 glitched backgrounds for this level type and the graphics 
remain constant for 2 selects before switching. 
X2 Y244
Blacks out upon entry, but then displays a screen filled with blue streams of 
data, no Guardian playable here, no music
X1 Y252
X5 Y254 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 15
Boss: Green Clawbot
Beating it results in returning to the same room, with Corridor 71 open 
X6 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

############ Corridor 72 #####################
Music Hex: 00 [nothing]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y242
Blacks out upon entry

############### Corridor 73 ###################
Music Hex: 80
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X10 Y241
Appears as grid over black background, with the number 12 all over
[my notes are missing the color of the grid]
No music
Select button causes the grid to turn red, then to change into many different 
types of grids or steams of letters over black space, like QR, PR, and OR
X18 Y250
X0 Y251

################## Corridor 74 #####################
Music Hex: A4
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y240
X18 Y240
X9 Y241
Appears at first like a light blue grid over black space with the number 
22 as part of it
No music
Enemy: rdrr, twirling flashing projectiles in holes which can be permanently 
destroyed (not possible in the regular game) and which leave item boxes
Brown ‘city blocks’ one of morphed forms
Destroying enough enemies makes the "fragment boss" (same as Corridor 76) 
appear. It is a red glitched thing/spider/face. It moves extremely fast in 
circles around the screen that it almost appears as debris flying all over 
the screen but when you hit start each time, you see the debris is in the 
exact same arrangement each time. Firing at it makes the sound made when 
hitting a boss/miniboss and when it touches you, your shields show up. 
It DOES spit those diamond-bubbles. I saw diamond-bubbles come from it 
when the game was paused. It also, associated only with some backgrounds, 
spits out long strings of red v-shaped material in a vertical row (this 
seems to be glitched seaweed). I only saw this in this corridor on some 
backgrounds. The color of the thing is definitely red. When you are 
defeated, the game screen freezes up, just like with the Corridor 76 "boss". 
Listed as Area 10 X9 Y41
X18 Y241
Accessed from Area 0
X19 Y241
X8 Y242 {FALSE}
Identical to Corridor 7
Boss: Eyeball Formation 2
Warp back to an empty orange corridor room with no exits when beat it
X11 Y245
Has a green tech wiring appearance
No music
No enemies
Scrolls at an average speed
Silent, firing the main weapon makes no noise
Listed as Area 10 X11 Y45

#################### Corridor 75 #################
Music Hex: 51
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X18 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y241
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time... {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
WIN: Moon Key
Warped back to an empty orange corridor room
X20 Y241
Produces a weird green glitch screen, then blacks out
X4 Y244
Looks like green tech (the wiring inbetween the panels in Corridor 0)
No music, no enemies
Listed as Area 10 X4 Y44
X10 Y245
Green tech-wiring
No music, no enemies
Graphics glitch with select

#################### Corridor 76 #####################
Music Hex: B9
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X10 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y255
Forest corridor music plays
Scrolls rather fast
Appears at first as a blue grid over black background, some brown squares 
with the number 2
Going to select screen changes the background
"rdrr" did appear every once and a while, but only strays, never in their 
usual stream
one section is sky blue entirely
When one background is reached, the Guardian begins to move super-fast. 
This is one tap sends the Guardian ¾ across the screen. 
Your ghost on the side takes damage and when it takes damage, you take 
damage too. Even if you are far away, your shields still appear, meaning 
you have taken damage despite not being hit directly
There was some fragment field, which looks like fragments in the shape of 
a head with some prongs. It was circling around extremely fast, much faster 
than anything in the game by a long shot. 
The "fragment boss" did have behavior to it. It circled around extremely 
fast with about 1/3 the circle it makes being offscreen, and the Guardian’s 
ghost being on the top part of its circular path. This circle was on the 
right side of the screen. Occasionally it broke the circle to go to the lower 
left side of the screen and shoot a diamond-bubble. This detour was only 
made once every 20 or so loops (in other words, very infrequently). Hits did 
register on it, producing the boss hit sound and a little red explosion. 
hen the life bar reached 0, the screen froze and eventually the colors of 
the background and status bar shifted slightly instead of going to the game 
over screen
No boss music played. It’s actually a "boss", as in it makes the noise 
bosses make when hit and it’s impossible to kill. 

################ Corridor 77 ######################
Music Hex: 55
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X15 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y241
Accessed via a Save Lander/"go out"
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y243
Blacks out upon entry

################## Corridor 78 ###################
Music Hex: EF
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X4 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y224
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y241
Screen is still, game is frozen
Looks like gray tech-wiring with brown and gray panels, but what’s 
interesting is there are blue lights pulsating in the holes in the panels 
(something that does not occur in the game)
No music
X16 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y243
Blacks out upon entry

################# Corridor 79 #####################
Music Hex: 85
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X21 Y220
Blacks out upon entry, then resets when you hit a button
X5 Y221
Blacks out upon entry, then resets when you hit a button
X5 Y222
Blacks out upon entry, then resets when you hit a button
X8 Y222
Blacks out upon entry, then resets when you hit a button
X6 Y221
Blacks out upon entry, then resets when you hit a button
X17 Y221
Blacks out upon entry, then resets when you hit a button
X19 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y241
Blacks out upon entry, then switched to some very weird glitched screen 
(I only saw it briefly because I accidentally hit load save state)
X7 Y243
Blacks out upon entry, mashing buttons will reset the game

################## Corridor 80 #################
Music Hex: 5C
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X18 Y240
"White Bones" tech appearance with one large brown metal square 
at the beginning
No music
Scrolls very fast
Glitches up when select button is used
The way to beat it is with one of the glitched weapons, which causes the 
Guardian to fly back, but the game blacks out upon return
X20 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y242
Black & white geometric
No music
X13 Y243
"White Bones" tech appearance, with one brown panel in the front
No music
Moves extremely fast
Select glitches its graphics up once and only once
X12 Y247
"White Bones" tech appearance with one large brown metal square towards 
the beginning of the level
No music
Scrolls extremely fast, which makes the background almost impossible to 
distinguish when it’s moving

#################### Corridor 81 ###################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y240
Blacks out upon entry

################ Corridor 82 ####################
Music Hex: 00 [nothing]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y224
X6 Y228
Appears as red tech, with blue strips of tech in it
No music
Freezes easily
Enemies: rdrr (spit flashing projectiles), bubble spitters

################## Corridor 83 ###################
Music Hex: 80
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X18 Y241
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
scrolls fast
X19 Y241
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
scrolls fast
X21 Y241
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
scrolls very fast
select glitches it up once
X21 Y242
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
scrolls very fast
select glitches it up once
X23 Y250
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches it up once
X4 Y251
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
X10 Y252
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X2 Y252
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X4 Y253
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X3 Y254
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select

############ Corridor 84 #####################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

<><> [check the coordinates with the screenshot]
Accessed via using "go out" at a Save Lander
Blacks out upon entry

############# Corridor 85 ###################
Music Hex: C3
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X7 Y221
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y240
Accessed via using "go out" at a Save Lander
"White Bones" tech-wiring
no music
scrolls fast
glitches up with select once
X19 Y241
Green tech-wiring
No music
Scrolls slow
Glitches up only once

################# Corridor 86 #######################
Music Hex: D7
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X8 Y223
Accessed by beating Corridor 107 at the same coordinates, which is 
accessible by beating Corridor 100 at the same coordinates
Beating Corridor 107 results in automatically jumping out of Corridor 86, 
it exploding, and leaving behind an Energy Tank, which when collected plays 
boss music ("military aquatica" track)
X13 Y241
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays music the same as the Areas 1,2 labyrinths
X23 Y243
Blacks out upon entry

################# Corridor 87 #####################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X20 Y220
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y221
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches it up once
X6 Y224
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y240
Blue rock squares level
Scrolls very fast
No music?
X23 Y242 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 6
Boss: Glider
WIN: Plus key
Warped back to empty orange corridor room with 1 exit (to X24 coordinate)
X4 Y243 {FALSE}
Identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Beating it sends the Guardian to an orange empty corridor room

################### Corridor 88 ##################
Music Hex: 36 [Track 54: receiving any of the Keys]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X4 Y031
4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X0 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X1 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y245
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X0 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

################### Corridor 89 ####################
Music Hex: 80
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X12 Y247 {FALSE}
Identical to Corridor 3 in every way
Boss: Blue Optomon
WIN: Wave Key
Beating the corridor sends you back to the same room, except its an orange 
empty corridor room now with no exits
Listed as Area 3 X12 Y47
X10 Y241
Accessed from beating the Corridor 16 located in the same room
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons causes the game to reset
X10 Y244
Blacks out upon entry, hitting buttons causes the game to reset
X22 Y238 {FALSE}
Identical to Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
Warped to an empty orange corridor room

############ Corridor 90 #####################
Music Hex: A0
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


################# Corridor 91 ####################
Music Hex: 06 [Track 6: Boss Music #2/ Miniboss]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X9 Y244
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y244
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y253
Blacks out upon entry (but a weird glitched screen appeared briefly, the 
Guardian in a transformation sequence area littered with item boxes still 
unopened; it then reset)

################# Corridor 92 #####################
Music Hex: B9
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X5 Y221
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y245
Accessible after beating Corridor 8 at the same coordinates
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

################### Corridor 93 ####################
Music Hex: 6F
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


#################### Corridor 94 ####################
Music Hex: 01 [Track 1: TGL title screen]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y224
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y224
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y224
Red steel girder appearance to level
plays TGL title screen music
Text appears in it, clicking one of the buttons makes it move (same text as 
found in textbox rooms in the game). 
Invisible enemies here (500 pts)
X3 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y225
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y240
Red steel girder appearance to level 
Red lifebar
Guardian’s ship is blue & red
Orange pulse fire and orange jet fire
Plays TGL title screen music
Scrolls slowly
Enemies: invisible, cannot harm you, they explode into blue clouds when hit 
and stream at you vertically (500 pts each). 
X22 Y241
Red steel girder appearance to level
Guardian’s ship blue and red
Orange pulse fire and jet fire
Plays TGL title screen music
Enemies: invisible, cannot harm you, they explode into blue clouds when hit 
and stream at you vertically (500 pts each). 
X23 Y241
Red steel girder appearance to level
Guardian’s ship blue and red
Orange pulse fire and jet fire
Plays TGL title screen music
Enemies: invisible, cannot harm you, they explode into blue clouds when hit 
and stream at you vertically (500 pts each). 

################# Corridor 95 ####################
Music Hex: 99
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X15 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y219
Instant blackout, no transformation sequence
X5 Y244
Black & white geometric pattern
No music, no enemies
X1 Y252
Blacks out upon entry
X3 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X9 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

#################### Corridor 96 #####################
Music Hex: B8
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X14 Y235
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y240
Black and white geometric patterns
No music
Scrolls slow
X10 Y241
Geometric black & white pattern
No music
Moves at a moderate speed
X4 Y243
Black and white geometric pattern
No music, no enemies
X5 Y244
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y248
Black and white geometric patterns
No music, no enemies
Listed as Area 10 X7 Y48

############### Corridor 97 ######################
Music Hex: 04 [Track 4: Jungle Corridors]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X19 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
"97" is in yellow text in the corridor box
X20 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y218
blacks out upon entry
X2 Y219
Accessed by jumping in Corridor 64 at the same coordinates
Corridor room listed as "Area 8 X2 Y19"
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y219
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time... {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
beating it results in being sent back to the same room, with Corridor 97 
still open
X6 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y248
Red panels and red wiring, like a red version of Corridor 0
Plays forest/jungle corridor music
Enemy: rdrr
Listed as Area 10 X13 Y48
Automatically win when reach a certain point
Returns Guardian to same room, except Corridor 40 is in the room
X5 Y249
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y253
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y254
[did not try]

############### Corridor 98 ########################
Music Hex: 88
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X18 Y241
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays desert corridor music
glitches up permanently when use select button, making enemies appear
enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
X22 Y241
"White Bones" tech-wiring background, but has a field of strange green 
panels here
item boxes and a bunch of other litter is all over
after playing for a long time, enters an endless white tech stretch
Plays desert corridor music
Enemies: small green turrets (spit flashing projectiles), large green 
quarter-turrets, red turrets in white shells (which shoots rdrr as a 
projectile), rdrr (spits flashing projectiles), mirror-rdrr (spits flashing 
projectiles too), unknown tiles (spit diamond-bubbles)
X23 Y241
appears as glitched brown and green metal panels with item boxes all over. 
There are some green giant and small turrets here with red casings. Much of 
the rubble of walls of white giant turret casings and portions of those 
This level does have a pattern and variation to it
Towards the end, it ends in a repeating loop with vertical columns of objects
Select button glitches the level to advance, but after a while returns the 
level to its original state
plays desert corridor music
enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr, red giant turrets (actually flipping 
quarter-turrets), black holes
The enemies in this level are generous with Energy Tanks. The rdrrs here spit 
flashing chevrons and black holes spit diamond bubbles (the holes can be 
X21 Y242
Plays forest corridor music
Appears as a light blue grid over black background with the #22 and some 
green tiles
Scrolls very fast
Select glitches it into a field of red and black tiles, then various other 
forms, including one light blue skies
Enemies: rdrr (some spit flashing projectiles, some don’t), unknown enemy 
which spits flashing projectiles (not rdrr)
X8 Y244
"White Bones" tech appearance
plays desert corridor music
glitches up permanently when use select button

################### Corridor 99 ###################
Music Hex: D0
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


################# Corridor 100 #####################
Music Hex: F7
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y222
X5 Y223
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time... {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
Upon beating the Corridor, the Guardian returns to the same 
coordinates, only it’s Corridor 107 now
X7 Y223
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y223 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Listed as "Area 3 X8 Y23"
Boss: Blue Bombarder
Beating it warps the Guardian to the same room, except its 
Corridor 107, which is open
X1 Y224 {FALSE}
plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
when beaten, arrive at same room, only its Corridor 107
X3 Y224
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y227
X17 Y240
Appears as a brown grid over black space with the number 12 on it
Select glitches it up
With the first use of select, several explosions (which could hurt the 
Guardian) kept occurring all over the screen, like a display of explosives 
[a very interesting concept]. The explosives cannot be hit; they are 
not an enemy
Guardian’s ship is orange, with blue jets and blue pulse fire
Status bar is brown
Scrolls fast
No music
Enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
"Boss": Gem Wall
giant slightly arced wall of "gem-like" fragments, which moves after 
you. Touching the wall hurts you. In the center of the arc on the opposite 
side, and latter on the bottom in the gem-wall was an orange gem fragment 
with a small single tile orange cloud above it. Firing at the wall and at the 
core both registers as boss/miniboss hits. It has no projectiles. 
X10 Y241
X11 Y241
Appears as an olive colored grid with the numbers "12" all over it
The status bar appears olive and green and the Guardian has orange 
pulse fire
Select  changes its appearance
During this time, red overlapping squares occasionally appear (blue 
overlapping squares result from enemies disappearing when boss 
klaxons sound in some levels in the real course of the game)
Enemy: rdrr, hmsv suhl d, ot, hs"w sr"s uh
"Boss": 7 Piranha Plants
The "boss" is fragments of the ship, namely the lower half, which appear 
as red & blue, orange tone, or green tone, which randomly appear and reappear.
There are 7 of these. They look like "piranha plants", behaving like the 
donut worm miniboss. They teleport around, materialize, then a vertical 
portion rises up, then recedes, then the thing disappears. They make a 
boss/miniboss noise when hit and are vulnerable only when the vertical 
portion is raised
X13 Y241
X15 Y241
X2 Y243
The Guardian’s ship here is a yellow-green and her pulse fire and engine 
flame are red. 
Initially appears as a black & <> grid with the number 1 interspersed
Level’s background changes when you go to the select screen and return
Some of the possible segments based on going to the select screen produce 
areas that resemble Zanac or look like cities. 
No Music
Moves very fast
Enemy: Ducks, rdrr
"Boss": Ghost of the Guardian’s Wreck, String of Pearls, or likely other 
I played this level twice, and the two times I was there, there was something 
there that made the sound bosses & minibosses make when hit, but an infinite 
number of shots could not beat them. Also, when touched, the Guardian makes 
the sound of being hit and her white shields appear around her. One time it 
took the form of a pile of wreckage of the Guardian’s yellow-green ship in the
upper right. Another time it had a "string of pearls" appearance on the lower 
screen. This one was weird. There was 8 of them and they looked like 
red-white explosion clouds and would flicker in a random pattern, only when 
they flickered and revealed an empty interior with a red ring form were they 
vulnerable to being hit. This produced the effect of being like a shelled 
boss that is only vulnerable when it flickers/rotates its shell. It had a 
definite pattern to it. 2-3 would flicker at one time out of 8. It is very 
tough to move and respond to the short window they are vulnerable. 
X22 Y248
X2 Y252
X4 Y252
X7 Y252
X0 Y253
X1 Y253
X3 Y253
X5 Y253
X7 Y253
X11 Y253
X5 Y254
X7 Y254
X10 Y255

################### Corridor 101 ####################
Music Hex: A5
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X4 Y221
"White Bones" tech-wiring appearance
no music
glitches up once
X3 Y222
"White Bones" tech-wiring appearance
no music
glitches up once
listed as Area 10
X4 Y222
"White Bones" tech-wiring appearance
no music
glitches up once
scrolls fast
X5 Y222
"White Bones" tech-wiring appearance
no music
glitches up once
X20 Y241
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out and 
the corridor exploding, leaving a Grenade
X21 Y241
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out 
and the corridor exploding, leaving a Grenade
X22 Y241
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out 
and the corridor exploding, leaving a Grenade
X23 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y242
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out 
and the corridor exploding, leaving a Grenade
X2 Y243
"White Bones" appearance
No music, no enemies, level moves very fast
X4 Y243
"White Bones" appearance
No music, no enemies
X10 Y245
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out 
and the corridor exploding, leaving a MultiBullet (which when collected 
makes no sound)
X23 Y245
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out 
and the corridor exploding, leaving a Cutter Laser
X1 Y254
"White Bones" tech-wiring appearance
no music
glitches up once
X7 Y255
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X8 Y255
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select

############## Corridor 102 #########################
Music Hex: 47 [Track 71: hitting start or select button]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X22 Y242
Blacks out upon entry, but if you hit a few buttons, you’ll be able to 
see a frozen glitched screen
X23 Y243
Blacks out upon entry, but mashing some buttons produces a frozen 
glitched screen

############## Corridor 103 #######################
Music Hex: 85
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


################## Corridor 104 #####################
Music Hex: 78
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X21 Y241
Screen frozen, game frozen
No Guardian, no music
Dark blue lifebar, stat bar is all black
Red tech wiring is the background
X22 Y241
Red tech wiring in the background
Screen frozen, game frozen
No Guardian, no music
Dark blue lifebar, stat bar is all black
X21 Y242
Appears as a screen of red tech-wiring
Status bar is black and dark blue
The screen and game are frozen
X5 Y244
Screen frozen, game frozen
Red tech wiring is the background
Blue lifebar
X9 Y244
Screen frozen, game frozen
No Guardian, no music
Dark blue lifebar, stat bar is all black
Red tech wiring is the background

################ Corridor 105 ######################
Music Hex: A5
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y224
did not try

################ Corridor 106 ####################
Music Hex: 30 [Track 48: collecting a Heart item]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X20 Y242
Blacks out upon entry

################### Corridor 107 #####################
Music Hex: 29 [Track 41: firing sound #4- sounds more spaced out]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X5 Y223
Accessed by beating Corridor 100 at the same coordinates (itself accessible 
from Area 3)
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y223 {FALSE}
Accessed by beating Corridor 100 at the same coordinates (itself accessible 
from Area 0)
Plays identical to Corridor 15
Listed as "Area 5 X8 Y23"
Boss: Green Clawbot
Beating it results in jumping out of Corridor 86 at the same coordinates and 
leaving an Energy Tank behind, which when collected makes boss music 
play ("military aquatica" track)
X1 Y224 {FALSE}
Accessed by beating Corridor 100 at the same coordinates
Plays identical to Corridor 15
Boss: Green Clawbot
Beating it results in appearing outside Corridor 107 with the gates open
X4 Y225
Appears as a strange, irregular red grid
no music
no scrolling; is a single screen
Red pulse fire and red jet engine flame
The lifebar is a dark red

################## Corridor 108 ####################
Music Hex: 9F
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


##################### Corridor 109 ###################
Music Hex: 09 [Track 9: Labyrinth 0]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


#################### Corridor 110 ######################
Music Hex: 50
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


##################### Corridor 111 ###################
Music Hex: 85
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X19 Y218
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y246
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

################### Corridor 112 ######################
Music Hex: 30 [Track 48: sound of collecting a Heart item]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X3 Y217
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music, but plays the same sound as collecting a Heart item at the start
select/glitch once
X2 Y219
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
X5 Y219
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select/glitch once
X5 Y232
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select/glitches once
X19 Y239
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
X1 Y252
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select/glitch once
X3 Y252
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches it up once
X6 Y252
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches the graphics up, works only once
X7 Y252
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches it up once
X0 Y253
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select/glitch once
X1 Y253
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X4 Y253
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select/glitch once
X5 Y253
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
X6 Y253
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches the graphics up, works only once
X8 Y253
"White Bones" tech appearance
no music
select glitches the graphics up, works only once
X10 Y253
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X12 Y253
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select

##################### Corridor 113 ###################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X19 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y226 {FALSE}
Appears as "White Bones" tech-wiring
Plays Area 1,2 music
Scrolls fast

#################### Corridor 114 ####################
Music Hex: 48
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


################## Corridor 115 ######################
Music Hex: D7
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 


################# Corridor 116 ####################
Music Hex: A5
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y016
Valley 2-3
X16 Y240
Accessed by beating Corridor 16 at the same coordinates
X17 Y240
X20 Y240
X21 Y240
X21 Y241
X22 Y241
X19 Y242
X22 Y242
X23 Y243
Accessed by beating Corridor 6 in the same room
X9 Y244

################# Corridor 117 ######################
Music Hex: 51
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X6 Y007
Valley 9-1
Also accessible via teleporter
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving Enemy Erasers as the prize or in another 
instance, a Shield Booster as the prize, and another time, a Speed Booster
When accessed by password, it leaves a MultiBullet
X7 Y008
Valley 9-1
Also accessible via teleporter
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving Enemy Erasers as the prize. Another time, 
it was a Speed Booster
When accessed by password, it leaves a MultiBullet
X14 Y008
Valley 4-5
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving MultiBullet as the prize. 
X4 Y009
Valley 1-2
Also accessible via teleporter
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a Speed Booster as the prize, and another 
time a Fireball
When accessed by password, it leaves a MultiBullet
X5 Y019
Valley 2-3
Upon entry, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor explodes, and 
MultiBullet is left behind
X4 Y222
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor and beats it, leaving a Grenade as the prize
X5 Y223
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a Red Lander as the prize
X19 Y222
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a MultiBullet as the prize
X20 Y222
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a MultiBullet as the prize
X17 Y240
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a Speed Booster as the prize
X21 Y243
One time...
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor and beats it, leaving a Cutter Laser as the prize
Another time...
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor and beats it, leaving a Grenade as the prize, which makes no 
sound when collected
X9 Y244
Upon entry to the screen, the Guardian jumps out automatically of the 
corridor, it explodes, leaving a MultiBullet as the prize
[with all of these, all real corridors are left intact meaning this does 
not correspond with any of those]

#################### Corridor 118 #################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X4 Y223
Plays identical to Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X7 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y224
did not try
X6 Y224
4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y254
Appears as  green tech-wiring
Plays Area 10 labyrinth music

#################### Corridor 119 ###################
Music Hex: 00 [nothing]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X11 Y225
Plays identical to Corridor 1
Boss: Blue Fleepa
[did not beat]
X4 Y251
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y252
Blacks out upon entry

#################### Corridor 120 #####################
Music Hex: 80
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X1 Y025
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y221
X8 Y221
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y221
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y221
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
Upon entering, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the corridor 
explodes and leaves a MultiBullet behind
X17 Y221
No panels, but did not open up!
Opens when you hit select button or just when you are in the process of
 transporting out of the room with one of the room’s portals
"White Bones" tech-wiring
parts of Guardian’s ship missing
no music
select glitches it up once
X18 Y221
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y221
One time it was open
[did not try]
one time it was
X20 Y221
[did not try]
X21 Y221
[did not try]
X22 Y221
[did not try]
X23 Y221
[did not try]
X2 Y222 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 10
listed as "Area 10"
Boss: Red Eyegore
beating it results in being teleported back to the same room, 
with Corridor 120's gate still open
X3 Y222
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
X4 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y222
One time...
No panels
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
Another time...
Appears as "White Bones" techno-wiring
Desert corridor music
Select glitches it up permanently
Another time...
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
Another time... {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 8
Boss: Red Grimgrin
WIN: Triangle Key
Warped back to the same coordinates, but it’s a different Corridor 120
THAT Corridor 120 then plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
Beating this one results in being warped back to an empty orange corridor 
X6 Y222
One time...
No panels
Blacks out upon entry
One time...
One time...
4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X9 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X12 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X14 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X15 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X16 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y222
X19 Y222
X21 Y222
X18 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y222
X20 Y222
[did not try]
X21 Y222
[did not try]
X22 Y222
X0 Y223
did not try
X3 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y223
Sometimes with 4 panels, sometimes with no panels
[did not try]
X5 Y223
[did not try]
X6 Y223
[did not try]
X7 Y223
[did not try]
X9 Y223
[did not try]
X10 Y223
[did not try]
X1 Y224
[did not try]
X4 Y224
[did not try]
X5 Y224
[did not try]
X7 Y224
[did not try]
X4 Y225
[did not try]
X5 Y225
[did not try]
X6 Y225
[did not try]
X5 Y232
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X22 Y241
One time...
Appears as green tech-wiring, with red and brown panels by the start
Leads to a repeating loop of a single giant red panel with a light blue 
center in the midst of all the green wiring
No music, no sound
Parts of the Guardian’s ship are missing
Select glitches up the green wiring part
Another time...
blacks out upon entry
X21 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y243
Blacks out upon entry
X1 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y254
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y254
reached via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y254
Accessed via teleporter
Appears as all black background, no details of any sort
Plays organic corridor music
X0 Y255
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
[this room, any many others, have a square of glitched blocks in them, 
which when collected, make it appear as if the corridor is closed 
{it is not} and play the end of the game music]
X2 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y255
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
Appears as "White Bones" techno-wiring
No music
Glitches up permanently with select
X6 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X7 Y255
One time...
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
Has no panels
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
Another time...
No panels
Appears as green tech-wiring
Plays Area 10 music
Glitches up
X8 Y255
[did not try]
X9 Y255
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y255
Appears as a salmon (pink-orange) grid over black space with the #
22 in it
The Guardian’s ship is orange & white
The lifebar is also a salmon color
Pulse fire and jet engine fire is green
No music
[no movement?]
X17 Y255
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y255
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y255
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry

################ Corridor 121 ########################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X15 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X18 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y255
Blacks out upon entry

################ Corridor 122 #######################
Music Hex: 60
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X18 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y243
Could not reach to enter due to gray blocks being in the way and unable 
to walk through them- unreachable basically
X23 Y250
Blacks out upon entry

#################### Corridor 123 #####################
Music Hex: E5
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X18 Y240
Green tech-wiring appearance, with brown & red metal panels near the 
start and red metal bars every so often
No music, no sound
Parts of the Guardian’s ship are missing here
X4 Y251
Green tech-wiring appearance
No music
Parts of the Guardian’s ship are missing here
Enemies: hidden enemies that spit red twisted projectiles that arc up and 
down at you
Endless sequence of colored pyramids on the left side here

################# Corridor 124 ################
Music Hex: 20 [Track 32: bullet hitting a target, penetrating]
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X9 Y029
Blacks out upon entry
X2 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X5 Y243
Black & white geometric pattern
No music, no enemies

################### Corridor 125 ###################
Music Hex: BD
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X0 Y253
Has 4 panels
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y253
Blacks out upon entry

#################### Corridor 126 ######################
Music Hex: E5
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X22 Y218
Purple, blue, red, white, black garble
No sound
Freezes up very easily
Enemies: blue sandpiles
X3 Y219
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y223
X3 Y224
X4 Y224
X17 Y240
Corridor room is very glitchy
Appears as extremely glitchy level with the status bar blacked out and 
black bars on the sides, text segments can be seen in the blue, red and 
white central part which is the level, things like "someone is ding t", 
"this ", "huo s star ‘NAJU’ have"
No Music, no sound
The screen freezes up for a few seconds every so often, and the level 
freezes eventually. This level has severe playability problems
X20 Y240
One time...
Blue, red, and white gibberish with a central red & blue aisle
No music
Scrolls fast
Field of blue & red rocks with red rocks amidst the patterns
Loops around after this
Can glitch into blue and red field of the #90
Select/glitch works only once
Enemies: blue sand piles, hidden glitched giant-skulls, invisible 
enemies, hidden small eyes
Blue sand piles come from the side and sometimes spit flashing 
projectiles (300 pts)
There are also red & blue glitched hidden giant immobile skulls
There are also invisible things that can be blasted (200 pts)
[the results here were found twice with 2 different wanderings]
other patterns are a light blue grid over black background
one background has blue sandpiles stream out
Boss: Red "fragment boss". With some backgrounds, it lays red glitched 
seaweed, Red Pyramid Boss, Unique String, Thundercloud, 8 red pulse 
shots, Red & Blue Glitch-Blocks- all these bosses could be hurt and could 
hurt you
Once got a white field with red rocks, where one tap makes the Guardian 
move superfast
At one point I got an automatic victory without even trying, where no 
sound was made and the transformation sequence back was occurring, which 
played twice after a pause and black screen inbetween, then sent me back 
to the same room except without any music
Another time I played it, I found a boss that was a giant red pyramid, it 
appeared briefly, then the game glitched out. I was able to encounter the 
giant red pyramid again, but 1 hit from it killed the Guardian instantly, 
causing the ship to explode, then freeze unexploded.
Another time I played it there were 4 things lined up horizontally, from 
left to right, a red small cloud, a blue small cloud, a small red 
explosion, and another red small cloud. They each spit different colored 
double bits (2 little circles of the same color adjoined), red double 
bits, blue double bits, and orange double bits. They track the Guardian 
vertically (not horizontally). The game froze after a while. This boss 
appeared when I got a flashing small light blue cloud that spit out 
little red double bits (2 little red circles adjoined). The rest 
followed after a while. Another time I played it, I got 8 red pulse 
shots aligned across horizontally. They tracked the Guardian vertically
Another time I played it, I got 2 glitched blocks, one red and one blue, 
they both moved back and forth horizontally at the same position, blue 
on top, red on bottom. The game glitched up after a while
Another time...
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y241 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
Returns the Guardian to an empty orange corridor room
X19 Y254
Blue grid on a black background, then a jumble, one section is a sky blue 
grid, then goes back to the blue grid. 
This one has the same 4 extra weapons as X16 Y55 Corridor 126
At the start these strange ghost light blue things jump from the sides, 
looking like Boss 3 from Blaster Master (grid circle in the center, 
circle-bars coming out from it, overall square shape). This only occurs 
at the start. 
X16 Y255
Blue grid on black background, some masses of blue-red organic shapes
After that segment, it normally reaches a lighter blue grid with red 
computer chips interspersed about
No music
Scrolls extremely fast
Automatically start out with: MultiBullets (blue), Backfire (blue), Wave 
Attack (green), Bullet Shield (purple)

###################### Corridor 127 ##################
Music Hex: 4C
Weapon Hex: 
Graphic Hex: 

X17 Y221
[did not try]
X18 Y221
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y222
Blacks out upon entry
X10 Y222
[did not try]
X3 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y223
X5 Y223
Blacks out upon entry
X6 Y225
Accessed by beating Corridor 26 at the same coordinates, itself 
Blacks out upon entry
Another time... {FALSE}
Plays as Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
When beaten, it warps you back to the same room with Corridor 127 open 
X9 Y225
[did not try]
X18 Y239
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y239
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X20 Y240 {FALSE}
Plays identical to Corridor 0
Boss: Defense System
Warped to empty orange corridor room
X21 Y240
Blacks out upon entry
X23 Y240
Accessed by an automatic victory (no glitch weapon used) in 
Corridor 49 at the same coordinates
Blacks out upon entry
X13 Y241
Appears as extremely glitched (meaning the Guardian & status bar are 
deformed) red & green streams over black background
Plays Miniboss music
Select button freezes it
X20 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X21 Y241
Blacks out upon entry
X11 Y242
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y242
"White Bones" appearance
no music
scrolls fast
glitches once & permanently with select
X3 Y243
Blacks out upon entry
X4 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X8 Y255
Blacks out upon entry
X17 Y255
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry
X19 Y255
Accessed via teleporter
Blacks out upon entry

############# Corridor [black box] ##################

X23 Y243
In place of the number is a black box which spills over the metal 
rim of the corridor sign
Results vary randomly. Timing of entry and perhaps even whether the ice 
corridor music has been triggered has an impact on the results.
Here is a list of the possible results for this Corridor. These are all 
known possibilities, not necessarily all possibilities:
Blacks out upon entry
Playable, graphics intact, white-blue structures, Area 1 overworld music, 
no enemies, unbeatable
Playable, blue rocky squares (part of underwater habitat), no music, no 
enemies, unbeatable
Identical to Corridor 0- Boss: Defense System, sent back to an empty 
orange corridor room
Identical to Corridor 6- Boss: Glider, WIN: Plus Key, sent back to a 
very very glitchy room. Listed as Area 6 X23 Y43 during flight. 
Identical to Corridor 21- Boss: TGL’s Greatest Hits, beating all 6 bosses 
results in the NAJU destruction sequence shown and an automatic 
transition to Corridor 22.
Identical to Corridor 22- Boss: It, beating the boss results in the game’s 
ending being shown

############## Corridor [blank space] #################

X1 Y218
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and MultiBullet being left behind
X3 Y219
Plays identical to Corridor 0
[did not beat]

############# Corridor [glitch symbol] #################

X2 Y219
One time...
Blacks out upon entry
Another time...
plays identical to Corridor 0
[did not beat]

#### Corridor [Yellow 1, 2nd number blocked], AKA De Facto Corridor 13 ####

The room appears the same each time, text saying "Corridor 1" with the 2nd 
digit spot blocked, with Corridor in white and 1 in yellow, a square of 
brown blocks over the corridor gate and an enemy, rdrr flying off from the 
top to the right side of the screen. I'm 100% confident the hidden number is 
a 3 and thus this is Corridor 13. The consistent results across many 
rooms and what happened at X1 Y255, where beating Corridor 1[X] 
resulted in being sent back to Corridor 13 confirm this. 

X5 Y253
Accessed from Area 4
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
[did not beat]
X9 Y254
Accessed from Area 2
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
[did not beat]
X10 Y254
Accessed from Area 1
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
[did not beat]
X11 Y254
Accessed from Area 2
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
[did not beat]
X12 Y254
Accessed from Area 1
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
[did not beat]
X1 Y255
Accessed from Area 8
Plays identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
Sent back to the same coordinates, only the room is Corridor 13 now 

############ Corridor 1[2nd number blocked, if any] ##########

X21 Y218

########## Corridor 2[2nd number blocked, if any] ###########

X4 Y223

############# Corridor 2[Black Box] ##################

X15 Y222
X19 Y222

########### Corridor [first digit blocked]4 #################

X17 Y219
Hit select button to open it
Blacks out upon entry
Note: This may be Corridor 64

#Corridor [1st digit, if it exists, is blocked]1[3rd digit space blocked]#

X4 Y219

################  Corridor [???] ####################

One time...
Corridor listed as Area 10 X10 Y010
Accessed via teleporter- used the teleporter in Corridor 32 (X17 Y240) 
sending the player to auto-jump out of Corridor 43 at the same coordinates. 
When the teleporter is used in that room, it leads to a transformation 
sequence at these coordinates
"White Bones" tech appearance
Plays miniboss music
Scrolls extremely fast
Another time...
Corridor listed as Area 10 X10 Y010
Accessed via teleporter, using it resulting in just suddenly playing the 
A segmented blue grid over a black background with a broken up red grid 
inbetween it

############### Corridor [???] ##################

All of these are different rooms where the Corridor number was obscured by 
junk, debris, or other material

X18 Y218
mirror-rdrr enemy in the room
Played as Corridor 13
X18 Y218
Instant blackout
X18 Y218
Upon entering the room, the Guardian automatically jumps out, the 
corridor explodes, leaving a Red Lander
X18 Y218
At these coordinates, I was in a corridor room that was very messed 
up (the gate couldn’t be opened or even seen as it was under a whole bunch 
of junk). I used a teleporter glitch weapon, the game froze for a while, 
then I appeared playing inside Corridor 12
Boss: Red Fleepa
When beaten, it was apparent the game was in TGL mode, only thing is it 
went next to Corridor 15
Boss: Green Clawbot
Corridor 5
Boss: Zibzub
[I did not play past this point]
X20 Y218
rdrr enemy in the room
played identical to Corridor 13
Boss: Blue Bombarder
[did not beat]
X2 Y219
Appears as grid of blue underwater rocks
no music
Firing MultiBullet caused victory music to play and the Guardian to fly off
Blacks out upon the return sequence, then resumes, with Guardian appearing 
back at the same room with the gate open
X3 Y219
Appears as a light blue grid over a black background with green blocks 
amongst it
plays organic corridor music
listed as Area 10
enemies: rdrr, mirror-rdrr
select glitches it up once
Another time, it had the same results, but one difference, 
shortly after the start of the level, 4 red & white fragments of ships 
appeared. All would make the sound of a boss being hit when fired upon. 
Sometime later, a giant , shield shaped "head" (narrow, cone-like, with the 
tip facing down) appeared in the upper left corner and started to scroll 
over. Then it and the 4 fragments disappeared. This was all before select 
was used. The head was red & white too. 
X18 Y219
Has 4 panels
Mirror-rdrr is in the room
Gate is closed, use select to open it up
Jumping in results in an instant blackout, no transformation sequence
X2 Y220
Entering the room results in the Guardian automatically jumping out of the 
corridor, it exploding, and a glitched box being left behind, which when 
collected plays Area Labyrinth 6,9 music
X5 Y254
Accessed from Area 8
Appears as a light blue grid with the #22 and brown blocks
Glitches up once
Enemies: rdrr

################# "?orridor ???" #################

listed as "? ???		?    ?    ???"
going to the map reveals this is [Area ??] X2 Y254
blacks out upon entry

############## Glitched Corridor 0 ####################

When I used a glitch weapon at Corridor 0 (X15 Y0), accessed via teleporter, 
and then used select, the graphics for the level were dramatically altered. 
The enemies were the same, except those diamond-shaped tiles, which were red 
and the small turrets were simply glitched. The whole level looked organic, 
with red & blue colors. The end boss was a blue set of eyes instead of a set 
of turrets. The eyes were all blue, including the white parts. It was listed 
as Area L X15 Y10

######### Always Mislabelled Corridor #################

Using the teleporter, I arrived at X19 Y255, a Corridor 0 room, and entered, 
but it played as Corridor 9. I beat Blue Eyegore, got the Rectangle Key, 
and arrived back at the same coordinates, but it was Corridor 11. I entered 
it, but found it played as Corridor 5. I beat Zibzub and the game blacked 
out upon return. So, to sum it up:
Corridor 0- False Label, really Corridor 9
Corridor 11- False Label, really Corridor 5

*********************** SUBMISSIONS ********************************

I welcome all submissions to expand our collective knowledge of this strange 
realm. People can contact me by email at I will only 
check it once a week since it is not my primary account. If you report a new 
corridor, new version of a documented corridor, or some strange observation, 
please provide coordinates and screenshots if possible (I like visual proof. 
Besides, it helps me to compare it with other screenshots from the Lost 
Frontier. Screenshots can be taken with a NES emulator, though ideally, I 
would prefer submitters post their pics on some image hosting website like 
Image Shack and then provide me the link to the pics rather than send them to 
me as an email attachment. If anyone wants to chime in and provide a theory 
as to why the game has these strange properties for the Lost Frontier, be my 
guest. People have deciphered Metroid's hidden worlds as well as other 
strange glitches from the NES and SNES era, but since this one was never 
documented before, no one has given it any thought. Whenever anyone 
contributes, I will note their name next to whatever piece they contributed. 
I would really like people with technical knowledge to provide their voice 
to a discussion since that is the way the strange rules governing the Lost 
Frontier will be understood. If anyone can provide any expertise or answers 
to the mysteries of the Lost Frontier, please, by all means, email me. 

****************************** THANKS TO... ****************************

Lee Eric Kirwan, who deciphered the password system enough to provide me 
with *the* password to a room which provides access to the Lost Frontier 
as well as the formula for generating passwords to every room on the 
32 x 32 grid, allowing me to explore areas I can't get to simply by 
walking. He also answered many of my technical questions about the game 
on the Gamefaqs message board for TGL. 

Kuzeelar, who made the jump in logic that the game reads the next 
line of code as a continuation of the first line of code for every 
quality in the corridor and who also supplied the hex data for me. 

Minstrel, who discussed the NES assembly language. 

And, i would hope, more people as some readers of this become explorers 
of the Lost Frontier themselves and provide me with accounts and data from 
their explorations so I can have more people to thank.

Tasks to do in Later version updates: 

Fill in any remaining missing passwords

Fill in data entries for some corridors that just give the coordinates

Identify areas of some miniboss entries

Get a complete index of the different appearances inside the glitch 
corridors and create an index of the habitats and variations. 

Get graphics and weapon hex data for Corridors 23-127. 

Select the best pictures from my few thousand that I took of the Lost 
Frontier as well as the most representative of certain aspects of the 
frontier and host them on some site like Image Shack and provide the 
links in this FAQ

Maybe get some ASCII art of the Guardian or whatnot to form a better 
looking title for the FAQ than the simple text I have there now