Andere Lösungen

Final Fantasy Legend 2 (e)

                    FINAL FANTASY LEGEND II
                    ENCOUNTER DATA
                    ENEMY STATISTICS

                     version 0.99
                     by Zoogelio
                     Dec 2011

The FAQ to know who you'll fight where and what the odds are for encountering 
them. And if you're into numbers, who the most common & least common enemies 

Why write it? Apparently, in 20 years of being out, the encounter data isn't 
posted online, unlike numerous other Square games. Every good game (and 
average games too) deserves to have its game mechanics documented and 
available to everyone) and this info was missing for FFLII. 

Section 1. Table of Contents

1. Table of Contents
2. Definitions
3. Battle Data
4. Battle Formations & Encounter Tables
    4A- First World
    4B- Ashura's World
    4C- Giants' World/ Ki's Body
    4D- Apollo's World
    4E- Guardians' World/ Monsters' World/ Venus' World
    4F- Volcano/Racing World
    4G- Edo World
    4H- Dungeon World/ Odin's World
    4I- Final World
    4J- Celestial World
    4K- Bosses
5. Nihyakugojuuroku Points?!
6. Odds & Ends
7. Credits/Sources

Section 2. Definitions

* Battle Formations: All battles in the game are organized into these, 
formations of 3 enemy groups. Even if just 1 enemy group appears, there are 
still 3 enemy groups, the others just have assigned numbers of 0. No other 
combinations of enemy is possible but these 256 battle formations. 

* Enemy Groups: Each enemy. The battle window for FFLI & FFLII loads only one 
image of each unique enemy sprite, unlike the console-based FFs at the time. 
How many of that enemy are in the battle is listed in the name window. No 
matter what number is there, be it 1 or 8, there will be just 1 sprite of 
that enemy in the battle window. In other words, each enemy group is comprised
of 1 named enemy (with varying numbers) and every battle always has 3 enemy 
groups, some just might not show up because they are programmed to have 0 

More definitions relevant to Section 5 are located in Section 5. 

Section 3. Battle Data

* Encounter Rate
[missing this data]

* Battle Slots
Each screen ('map') in the game has its own encounter table, a set of 8 slots 
within which battle formations are placed. Each map doesn't necessarily have 
8 formations; sometimes 1 battle formation appears in more than 1 slot. 

Unlike Final Fantasy Legend I, all types of terrain, be it plains, forest, 
rocky terrain, or even underwater, all have the same shared encounter table. 
It's all one cohesive whole. 

Here are the 8 battle slots per map, what their odds are, and what the 
shortest and the longest distance is between appearances in the battle table.

Slot Odds     Shortest      Longest
A    68/256   1 battle      15 battles
B    68/256   1 battle      15 battles
C    34/256   1 battle      27 battles
D    34/256   1 battle      27 battles
E    17/256   2 battles     71 battles
F    17/256   2 battles     51 battles
G    10/256   1 battle      66 battles
H    8/256    4 battles     66 battles

Unlike Final Fantasy Legend I's odds, the odds here can't be reduced into 
nice 1:x probabilities except for 8/256, which becomes 1:32. To give some 
idea, these are those /256 fractions converted into percentages: 
68/256 (26.6%), 34/256 (13.3%), 17/256 (6.6%), 10/256 (3.9%), 8/256 (3.1%). 

Correct, the longest gaps with the 17/256 odds battle slots differ, unlike 
the other paired slots with the same odds. It can take longer for an E slot 
battle to come up than any other battle slot, 71 battles. I checked where 
the 51st battle is between E slot battles; it's an A slot battle. 

Correct, there is a pair of back-to-back G slot battles. 

It isn't clear if the developers wanted everything to be nice and orderly or 
if the battle table was designed randomly with such-and-such allotments per 
slot. Based on how many odds-pairs match up their shortest/longest gaps grow 
progressively longer, it seems like these may be mistakes. If so, then the 
longest gap between E slot battles should be 51, not 71 and the shortest gap 
between G slot battles should be 3 or 4, not 1. 

* Battle Table
Battles aren't entirely random. Which battle slot comes up is drawn from a 
giant table with 256 values. The game runs this table in sequence and loops 
around once finished. 

Temporary Table:
This is *NOT* the table in order on the ROM (actually, has 1/256 odds of 
being correct). Once I have the correct starting point, I'll update this. 
This is the correct sequence though. 

1-10      A-G-A-A-B-C-B-B-A-D
11-20     H-A-A-E-H-F-A-A-A-D
21-30     B-A-B-B-C-A-E-C-B-A
31-40     C-A-C-D-B-B-A-B-A-E
41-50     C-E-D-D-B-D-B-C-E-D
51-60     C-C-A-H-D-B-G-A-A-B
61-70     D-D-A-D-E-A-F-B-C-B
71-80     E-D-C-B-B-E-F-A-A-B
81-90     C-E-G-B-G-A-F-C-A-F
91-100    B-B-F-E-B-E-A-A-D-G
101-110   C-C-C-A-A-B-A-B-D-A
111-120   A-B-A-B-A-B-C-A-B-H
121-130   B-C-D-E-B-B-D-B-B-H
131-140   B-B-A-D-A-A-B-C-G-B
141-150   B-F-G-G-B-B-B-C-A-B
151-160   A-A-B-B-F-D-A-B-D-B
161-170   D-C-A-A-B-A-B-D-D-F
171-180   C-C-A-C-A-D-F-C-D-D
181-190   B-G-C-A-H-B-B-A-C-C
191-200   B-C-F-B-E-A-D-A-F-C
201-210   D-A-A-F-E-B-A-A-D-D
211-220   F-A-H-B-E-D-B-E-A-A
221-230   E-F-A-F-B-B-C-H-D-D
231-240   D-B-B-A-B-A-C-B-B-A
241-250   B-A-B-A-B-B-A-G-A-D
251-256   C-F-A-A-C-A

Section 4. Battle Formations & Encounter Tables

Battle formations are arranged as they are on the ROM, not encountered in the 
game, but they include their higher numbered counterpart (10-7F, 90-FF are 
identical in sequence, only the number per enemy group differs). Bosses 
appear separately (00-0F, 80-8F). 
(Note: Battle formations on the ROM are arranged in pairs, where 10 & 90 use 
the same 3 enemy groups, only in differing numbers, 11 & 91, so on and so on 
thru 7F & FF. Battle formations are arranged on the ROM by region/'world')

The first section lists everywhere a battle formation is found and the odds 
of encounter in that area, the second section lists the battle formations by 
each location. 

I apologize for everything being in a single column. The 79 space limit/line 
can't fit 2 columns of battle formations of up to 3 monsters with 8-character 
names. Ah, the travails of data formatting...

                        FIRST WORLD (16 battle formations)

* Notes:
- Ashura's Base 5F and the final room (with Rhino & the Magi) have the same 
encounter list.


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

0 Fungus        1-3 Lizard      1-3 Goblin      
Cave of North (25/256)
Relics of the Ancient Gods: Outside (68/256), 1F (68/256), 2F (51/256), 
3F (10/256)

3-5 Fungus      3-5 Lizard      3-5 Goblin      
Ashura's Base: 3F (25/256), 4F (25/256), 5F (59/256), Magi Room (59/256)

1-3 Toad        1-3 Fungus      0 Spider        
Relics of the Ancient Gods: Outside (51/256), 1F (68/256), 2F (68/256), 
3F (17/256)
Ashura's Base: 1F (10/256), 2F (10/256)

0-3 Toad        3-5 Fungus      3-5 Spider      
Ashura's Base: 2F (8/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (68/256), 
Magi Room (68/256)

0 Asigaru       0 Jaguar        4-8 Lizard      
Relics of the Ancient Gods: Outside (8/256), 1F (51/256), 2F (68/256), 
3F (102/256), 
Ashura's Base: 1F (17/256), 2F (17/256), 3F (10/256)

0-3 Asigaru     3-6 Jaguar      0 Lizard        
Ashura's Base: 4F (68/256), 5F (102/256), Magi Room (102/256)

0 Skelton       0 Goblin        4-8 Fly         
Relics of the Ancient Gods: 1F (8/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (68/256)
Ashura's Base: 1F (102/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (10/256)

0-3 Skelton     3-5 Goblin      0-3 Fly         
Relics of the Ancient Gods: 3F (8/256)
Ashura's Base: 1F (8/256), 2F (17/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256), 
5F (17/256), Magi Room (17/256)

1-4 Jaguar      0 Toad          0 Gang          
First Overworld (68/256) 
Cave of North (68/256)

1-3 Jaguar      1-3 Toad        1-3 Gang        
Relics of the Ancient Gods: 2F (25/256), 3F (34/256)
Ashura's Base: 1F (102/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (17/256)

1-4 Gang        0 Spider        0 Asigaru       
First Overworld (68/256)
Cave of North (34/256)
Relics of the Ancient Gods: Outside (10/256), 1F (10/256)

0 Gang          1-3 Spider      1-3 Asigaru     
Relics of the Ancient Gods: 3F (17/256) 
Ashura's Base: 1F (17/256), 2F (102/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (34/256), 
5F (10/256), Magi Room (10/256)

1 Spider        0 Skelton       0 Jaguar        
First Overworld (34/256)
Cave of North (17/256)

1 Spider        1 Skelton       1 Jaguar        
First Overworld (34/256)
Cave of North (68/256)
Relics of the Ancient Gods: Outside (51/256), 1F (17/256)

0 Goblin        1 Asigaru       0 Skelton       
First Overworld (27/256)
Cave of North (10/256)

1 Goblin        1 Asigaru       1 Skelton       
First Overworld (25/256)
Cave of North (34/256)
Relics of the Ancient Gods: Outside (68/256), 1F (34/256), 2F (10/256)



First Overworld					
68/256  1-4 Jaguar				
68/256  1-4 Gang				
34/256  1 Spider				
34/256  1 Spider 1 Skelton 1 Jaguar		
17/256  1 Asigaru				
17/256  1 Goblin 1 Asigaru 1 Skelton		
10/256  1 Asigaru				
8/256   1 Goblin 1 Asigaru 1 Skelton		

Cave of North
68/256  1-4 Jaguar
68/256  1 Spider 1 Skelton 1 Jaguar
34/256  1-4 Gang
34/256  1 Goblin 1 Asigaru 1 Skelton
17/256  1 Spider
17/256  1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin
10/256  1 Asigaru
8/256   1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin

Relics of the Ancient Gods- Outside		
68/256  1 Goblin 1 Asigaru 1 Skelton		
68/256  1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin			
34/256  1 Spider 1 Skelton 1 Jaguar		
34/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus			
17/256  1 Spider 1 Skelton 1 Jaguar		
17/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus			
10/256  1-4 Gang				
8/256   4-8 Lizard				

Relics of the Ancient Gods 1F
68/256  1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin
68/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus
34/256  1 Goblin 1 Asigaru 1 Skelton
34/256  4-8 Lizard
17/256  1 Spider 1 Skelton 1 Jaguar
17/256  4-8 Lizard
10/256  1-4 Gang
8/256   4-8 Fly

Relics of the Ancient Gods 2F			
68/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus			
68/256  4-8 Lizard				
34/256  1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin			
34/256  4-8 Fly					
17/256  1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin			
17/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang		
10/256  1 Goblin 1 Asigaru 1 Skelton		
8/256   1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang		

Relics of the Ancient Gods 3F
68/256  4-8 Lizard
68/256  4-8 Fly
34/256  4-8 Lizard
34/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang
17/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus
17/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru
10/256  1-3 Lizard 1-3 Goblin
8/256   0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly

Ashura's Base 1F				
68/256  4-8 Fly					
68/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang		
34/256  4-8 Fly					
34/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang		
17/256  4-8 Lizard				
17/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru			
10/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus			
8/256   0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly		

Ashura's Base 2F
68/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang
68/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru
34/256  4-8 Fly
34/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru
17/256  4-8 Lizard
17/256  0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly
10/256  1-3 Toad 1-3 Fungus
8/256   0-3 Toad 3-5 Fungus 3-5 Spider

Ashura's Base 3F				
68/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru			
68/256  0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly		
34/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang		
34/256  0-3 Toad 3-5 Fungus 3-5 Spider		
17/256  4-8 Fly					
17/256  3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	
10/256  4-8 Lizard				
8/256   3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	

Ashura's Base 4F
68/256  0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly
68/256  0-3 Asigaru 3-6 Jaguar
34/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru
34/256  0-3 Toad 3-5 Fungus 3-5 Spider
17/256  1-3 Jaguar 1-3 Toad 1-3 Gang
17/256  3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin
10/256  4-8 Fly
8/256   3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin

Ashura's Base 5F				
68/256  0-3 Asigaru 3-6 Jaguar			
68/256  0-3 Toad 3-5 Fungus 3-5 Spider		
34/256  0-3 Asigaru 3-6 Jaguar			
34/256  3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	
17/256  0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly		
17/256  3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	
10/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru			
8/256   3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	

Ashura's Base- Final Room
68/256  0-3 Asigaru 3-6 Jaguar			
68/256  0-3 Toad 3-5 Fungus 3-5 Spider		
34/256  0-3 Asigaru 3-6 Jaguar			
34/256  3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	
17/256  0-3 Skelton 3-5 Goblin 0-3 Fly		
17/256  3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	
10/256  1-3 Spider 1-3 Asigaru			
8/256   3-5 Fungus 3-5 Lizard 3-5 Goblin	

                      ASHURA'S WORLD (22 battle formations)

* Notes: 
- It looks like the Desert Town has a weaker enemy set than Ashura's Overworld.

- The Trooper/Eagle/Beetle formation has its odds dip for Ashura's Tower 7F 
then rise again for 8F. Eagle/Octopus/Red Bone does then same thing for 
5F & 6F. 


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-3 Zombie      1-3 Pebble      1-3 Snake
Ashura Overworld (8/256)
Ashura's Tower: 1F (59/256), 2F (51/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (17/256), 5F (10/256)

0-3 Zombie      0 Pebble        3-6 Snake
Ashura's Tower: 4F (119/256), 5F (102/256), 7F (10/256)

1 Slime         1 Barracud      1 Eagle
Ashura Overworld (68/256)
Ashura's Tower: 1F (17/256), 2F (17/256)

3-6 Slime       0 Barracud      3-6 Eagle
Ashura's Tower: 6F (17/256), 7F (68/256), 8F (68/256), 9F (10/256)

1 Snake         1 Trooper       1 Flower
Desert Town (102/256)

0 Snake         3-6 Trooper     3-6 Flower
Ashura's Tower: 6F (8/256), 7F (34/256), 8F (34/256), 9F (51/256), 10F (27/256)

1-3 Pebble      0 Beetle        1-3 WereRat
Ashura Overworld (34/256)
Desert Town (17/256)
Ashura's Tower: 1F (68/256), 3F (17/256)

0-3 Pebble      3-5 Beetle      3-5 WereRat
Ashura's Tower: 7F (17/256), 8F (17/256), 9F (68/256), 10F (34/256)

1-3 Zombie      1-3 Slime       0 Octopus
Ashura Overworld (68/256) 
Ashura's Tower: 1F (34/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (10/256)

3-5 Zombie      3-5 Slime       3-5 Octopus
Ashura's Tower: 9F (34/256), 10F (68/256)

4-8 BabyWyrm    0 Snake         0 Barracud
Ashura Overworld (17/256)
Desert Town (8/256)
Ashura's Tower: 2F (68/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (10/256)

3-5 BabyWyrm    3-5 Snake       3-5 Barracud
Ashura's Tower: 7F (8/256), 8F (8/256), 9F (25/256), 10F (59/256)

0 Trooper       0 Eagle         4-8 Beetle
Ashura's Tower: 1F (68/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (34/256)

0-3 Trooper     3-5 Eagle       0-3 Beetle
Ashura's Tower: 5F (17/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (34/256), 8F (61/256)

1-4 Flower      0 Barracud      0 Zombie
Ashura Overworld (34/256)
Desert Town (34/256)

0-3 Flower      0-3 Barracud    3-5 Zombie
Ashura's Tower: 5F (8/256), 6F (34/256), 7F (68/256), 8F (68/256)

0 Barracud      0 Red Bone      1-4 Trooper
Desert Town (68/256)

0-3 Barracud    3-6 Red Bone    0 Trooper
Ashura's Tower: 4F (8/256), 5F (102/256), 6F (102/256), 7F (17/256)

0 Beetle        1 Zombie        0 BabyWyrm
Ashura Overworld (17/256)
Ashura's Tower: 1F (10/256), 2F (10/256)

0-3 Beetle      3-5 Zombie      3-5 BabyWyrm
Ashura's Tower: 9F (68/256), 10F (68/256)

1 Eagle         1 Octopus       0 Red Bone
Ashura Overworld (10/256)
Desert Town (27/256)

1-3 Eagle       1-3 Octopus     1-3 Red Bone
Ashura's Tower: 2F (8/256), 3F (59/256), 4F (102/256), 5F (17/256), 6F (27/256)



Ashura's Overworld				
68/256	1 Slime 1 Barracud 1 Eagle		
68/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Slime			
34/256	1-4 Flower				
34/256	1-3 Pebble 1-3 WereRat			
17/256	1 Zombie				
17/256	4-8 BabyWyrm				
10/256	1 Eagle					
8/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake		

Desert Town
68/256  1-4 Trooper
68/256  1 Snake 1 Trooper 1 Flower
34/256  1-4 Flower
34/256  1 Snake 1 Trooper 1 Flower
17/256  1 Eagle
17/256  1-3 Pebble 1-3 WereRat
10/256  1 Eagle
8/256   4-8 BabyWyrm

Ashura's Tower 1F				
68/256	1-3 Pebble 1-3 WereRat			
68/256	4-8 Beetle				
34/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Slime			
34/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake		
17/256	1 Slime 1 Barracud 1 Eagle		
17/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake		
10/256	1 Zombie				
8/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake		

Ashura's Tower 2F
68/256  4-8 Beetle
68/256  4-8 BabyWyrm
34/256  1-3 Zombie 1-3 Slime
34/256  1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake
17/256  1 Slime 1 Barracud 1 Eagle
17/256  1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake
10/256  1 Zombie
8/256   1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone

Ashura's Tower 3F				
68/256	4-8 BabyWyrm				
68/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake		
34/256	4-8 Beetle				
34/256	1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone	
17/256	1-3 Pebble 1-3 WereRat			
17/256	1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone	
10/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Slime			
8/256	1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone	

Ashura's Tower 4F
68/256  1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone
68/256  0-3 Zombie 3-6 Snake
34/256  1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone
34/256  0-3 Zombie 3-6 Snake
17/256  1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake
17/256  0-3 Zombie 3-6 Snake
10/256  4-8 BabyWyrm
8/256   0-3 Barracud 3-6 Red Bone

Ashura's Tower 5F				
68/256	0-3 Zombie 3-6 Snake			
68/256	0-3 Barracud 3-6 Red Bone		
34/256	0-3 Zombie 3-6 Snake			
34/256	0-3 Barracud 3-6 Red Bone		
17/256	1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone	
17/256	0-3 Trooper 3-5 Eagle 0-3 Beetle	
10/256	1-3 Zombie 1-3 Pebble 1-3 Snake		
8/256	0-3 Flower 0-3 Barracud 3-5 Zombie	

Ashura's Tower 6F
68/256  0-3 Barracud 3-6 Red Bone
68/256  0-3 Trooper 3-5 Eagle 0-3 Beetle
34/256  0-3 Barracud 3-6 Red Bone
34/256  0-3 Flower 0-3 Barracud 3-5 Zombie
17/256  1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone
17/256  3-6 Slime 3-6 Eagle
10/256  1-3 Eagle 1-3 Octopus 1-3 Red Bone
8/256   3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower

Ashura's Tower 7F				
68/256	0-3 Flower 0-3 Barracud 3-5 Zombie	
68/256	3-6 Slime 3-6 Eagle			
34/256	0-3 Trooper 3-5 Eagle 0-3 Beetle	
34/256	3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower			
17/256	0-3 Barracud 3-6 Red Bone		
17/256	0-3 Pebble 3-5 Beetle 3-5 WereRat	
10/256	0-3 Zombie 3-6 Snake			
8/256	3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud	

Ashura's Tower 8F
68/256  0-3 Flower 0-3 Barracud 3-5 Zombie
68/256  3-6 Slime 3-6 Eagle
34/256  0-3 Trooper 3-5 Eagle 0-3 Beetle
34/256  3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower
17/256  0-3 Trooper 3-5 Eagle 0-3 Beetle
17/256  0-3 Pebble 3-5 Beetle 3-5 WereRat
10/256  0-3 Trooper 3-5 Eagle 0-3 Beetle
8/256   3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud

Ashura's Tower 9F				
68/256	0-3 Pebble 3-5 Beetle 3-5 WereRat	
68/256	0-3 Beetle 3-5 Zombie 3-5 BabyWyrm	
34/256	3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower			
34/256	3-5 Zombie 3-5 Slime 3-5 Octopus	
17/256	3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower			
17/256	3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud	
10/256	3-6 Slime 3-6 Eagle			
8/256	3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud	

Ashura's Tower 10F
68/256  0-3 Beetle 3-5 Zombie 3-5 BabyWyrm
68/256  3-5 Zombie 3-5 Slime 3-5 Octopus
34/256  0-3 Pebble 3-5 Beetle 3-5 WereRat
34/256  3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud
17/256  3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower
17/256  3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud
10/256  3-6 Trooper 3-6 Flower
8/256   3-5 BabyWyrm 3-5 Snake 3-5 Barracud

               GIANTS' WORLD/ KI'S BODY (22 battle formations)

Giants' World & Ki's Body are one single area according to the game. They use 
the same enemy set and have the same base+bonus for GP. 

Left/Right is the screen's left/right side, not Ki's left/right.

* Notes: 
- Based on looking at the encounter tables, it looks like these are the areas
of Ki's Body in increasing difficulty:
Left Hand
Right Hand
Left Foot
Right Foot


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-4 Plasma      0 ROBO-28       0 Terorist	
Ki's Body: Main (27/256), Heart (10/256), Stomach (10/256)

0 Plasma        0-3 ROBO-28     3-6 Terorist	
Ki's Body: Left Hand (34/256), Right Hand (27/256), Heart (68/256), 
Stomach (34/256)

4-8 Cobble      0 Worm          0 Crab		
Ki's Body: Main (68/256), Heart (51/256)

0 Cobble        0-3 Worm        3-6 Crab	
Ki's Body: Main (8/256), Left Hand (68/256), Right Hand (34/256), 
Heart (34/256), Stomach (17/256)

1-3 Grippe      0 Cobble        1-3 Plasma	
Ki's Body: Main (68/256), Stomach (34/256)

1-3 Grippe      1-3 Cobble      1-3 Plasma	
Ki's Body: Heart (68/256), Stomach (68/256)

3-6 Woodman     3-6 Rhino       0 Cobble	
Ki's Body: Left Foot (68/256), Right Foot (34/256), Head (51/256)

0-3 Woodman     3-5 Rhino       3-5 Cobble	
Ki's Body: Right Hand (17/256), Left Foot (51/256), Right Foot (68/256)

1-3 Worm        1-3 Fiend       0 Conjurer	
Giants Overworld (34/256)
Giants Town: Magi House (34/256), Micron House (68/256)

0-3 Worm        3-5 Fiend       3-5 Conjurer	
Ki's Body: Right Foot (68/256), Head (68/256)

1 Fiend         1 Oni           1 Amoeba	
Giants Overworld (68/256)
Giants Town: Magi House (119/256)

3-5 Fiend       3-5 Oni         3-5 Amoeba	
Ki's Body: Right Hand (8/256), Left Foot (8/256), Right Foot (25/256), 
Head (59/256)

4-8 Terorist    0 Samurai       0 Worm		
Giants Overworld (25/256)
Giants Town: Magi House (25/256), Micron House (59/256)

1 Terorist      1 Samurai       2 Worm*		
Ki's Body: Left Hand (34/256), Right Hand (68/256), Left Foot (51/256), 
Right Foot (10/256), Heart (8/256)

1 Silver        1 Crab          1 ROBO-28	
Giants Town: Magi House (68/256), Micron House (119/256)

3-5 Silver      3-5 Crab        3-5 ROBO-28	
Ki's Body: Right Foot (34/256), Head (68/256)

0 Oni           0 Woodman       1-4 Grippe	
Ki's Body: Main (34/256), Stomach (17/256)

3-6 Oni         3-6 Woodman     0 Grippe	
Ki's Body: Left Hand (25/256), Right Hand (34/256), Left Foot (68/256), 
Right Foot (17/256), Head (10/256)

1 Rhino         0 Conjurer      0 Samurai	
Giants Overworld (68/256)
Giants Town: Micron House (10/256)

1-3 Rhino       1-3 Conjurer    1-3 Samurai	
Ki's Body: Left Hand (68/256), Right Hand (68/256), Left Foot (10/256), 
Heart (17/256), Stomach (8/256)

1 Amoeba        0 Terorist      0 Silver	
Giants Overworld (61/256)
Giants Town: Magi House (10/256)

1-3 Amoeba      1-3 Terorist    1-3 Silver	
Ki's Body: Main (51/256), Left Hand (27/256), Stomach (68/256)

*: this is not a typo, it is 1/1/2. This battle uses the same group totals 
byte as Odin's battle.



Giants Overworld				
68/256	1 Rhino					
68/256	1 Fiend 1 Oni 1 Amoeba			
34/256	1 Amoeba				
34/256	1-3 Worm 1-3 Fiend			
17/256	1 Amoeba				
17/256	4-8 Terorist				
10/256	1 Amoeba				
8/256	4-8 Terorist				

Giants Town- Magi House
68/256  1 Fiend 1 Oni 1 Amoeba
68/256  1 Silver 1 Crab 1 ROBO-28
34/256  1 Fiend 1 Oni 1 Amoeba
34/256  1-3 Worm 1-3 Fiend
17/256  1 Fiend 1 Oni 1 Amoeba
17/256  4-8 Terorist
10/256  1 Amoeba
8/256   4-8 Terorist

Giants Town- Micron House			
68/256	1 Silver 1 Crab 1 ROBO-28		
68/256	1-3 Worm 1-3 Fiend			
34/256	1 Silver 1 Crab 1 ROBO-28		
34/256	4-8 Terorist				
17/256	1 Silver 1 Crab 1 ROBO-28		
17/256	4-8 Terorist				
10/256	1 Rhino					
8/256	4-8 Terorist				

Ki's Body- Main
68/256  1-3 Grippe 1-3 Plasma
68/256  4-8 Cobble
34/256  1-4 Grippe
34/256  1-3 Amoeba 1-3 Terorist 1-3 Silver
17/256  1-4 Plasma
17/256  1-3 Amoeba 1-3 Terorist 1-3 Silver
10/256  1-4 Plasma
8/256   0-3 Worm 3-6 Crab

Ki's Body- Left Hand				
68/256	0-3 Worm 3-6 Crab			
68/256	1-3 Rhino 1-3 Conjurer 1-3 Samurai	
34/256	0-3 ROBO-28 3-6 Terorist		
34/256	1 Terorist 1 Samurai 2 Worm		
17/256	1-3 Amoeba 1-3 Terorist 1-3 Silver	
17/256	3-6 Oni 3-6 Woodman			
10/256	1-3 Amoeba 1-3 Terorist 1-3 Silver	
8/256	3-6 Oni 3-6 Woodman			

Ki's Body- Right Hand
68/256  1-3 Rhino 1-3 Conjurer 1-3 Samurai
68/256  1 Terorist 1 Samurai 2 Worm
34/256  0-3 Worm 3-6 Crab
34/256  3-6 Oni 3-6 Woodman
17/256  0-3 ROBO-28 3-6 Terorist
17/256  0-3 Woodman 3-5 Rhino 3-5 Cobble
10/256  0-3 ROBO-28 3-6 Terorist
8/256   3-5 Fiend 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba

Ki's Body- Left Foot				
68/256	3-6 Oni 3-6 Woodman			
68/256	3-6 Woodman 3-6 Rhino			
34/256	1 Terorist 1 Samurai 2 Worm		
34/256	0-3 Woodman 3-5 Rhino 3-5 Cobble	
17/256	1 Terorist 1 Samurai 2 Worm		
17/256	0-3 Woodman 3-5 Rhino 3-5 Cobble	
10/256	1-3 Rhino 1-3 Conjurer 1-3 Samurai	
8/256	3-5 Fiend 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba		

Ki's Body- Right Foot
68/256  0-3 Worm 3-5 Fiend 3-5 Conjurer
68/256  0-3 Woodman 3-5 Rhino 3-5 Cobble
34/256  3-6 Woodman 3-6 Rhino
34/256  3-5 Silver 3-5 Crab 3-5 ROBO-28
17/256  3-6 Oni 3-6 Woodman
17/256  3-5 Fiend 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba
10/256  1 Terorist 1 Samurai 2 Worm
8/256   3-5 Fiend, 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba

Ki's Body- Heart				
68/256	1-3 Grippe 1-3 Cobble 1-3 Plasma	
68/256	0-3 ROBO-28 3-6 Terorist		
34/256	4-8 Cobble				
34/256	0-3 Worm 3-6 Crab			
17/256	4-8 Cobble				
17/256	1-3 Rhino 1-3 Conjurer 1-3 Samurai	
10/256	1-4 Plasma				
8/256	1 Terorist 1 Samurai 2 Worm		

Ki's Body- Stomach
68/256  1-3 Grippe 1-3 Cobble 1-3 Plasma
68/256  1-3 Amoeba 1-3 Terorist 1-3 Silver
34/256  1-3 Grippe 1-3 Plasma
34/256  0-3 ROBO-28 3-6 Terorist
17/256  1-4 Grippe
17/256  0-3 Worm 3-6 Crab
10/256  1-4 Plasma
8/256   1-3 Rhino 1-3 Conjurer 1-3 Samurai

Ki's Body- Head
68/256	0-3 Worm 3-5 Fiend 3-5 Conjurer
68/256	3-5 Silver 3-5 Crab 3-5 ROBO-28
34/256	3-6 Woodman 3-6 Rhino
34/256	3-5 Fiend 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba
17/256	3-6 Woodman 3-6 Rhino
17/256	3-5 Fiend 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba
10/256	3-6 Oni 3-6 Woodman
8/256	3-5 Fiend 3-5 Oni 3-5 Amoeba

                    APOLLO'S WORLD (28 battle formations)

* Notes: 
- Yes, the MapleMan/Moth/Tortoise battle formation isn't on Cave of Light 5F.

- The Hofud pack starts out at peak then falls over the 1st 3 floors of Cave 
of the Mountains, but is brought back with high odds on the 1st floor of the 
Cave of Light. It is quite rare for a battle formation to retire than get 
brought back several maps later. 


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-3 Cameleon    0 Jelly         1-3 Hofud	
Undersea Volcano: 2F (17/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (68/256)

1-3 Cameleon    1-3 Jelly       1-3 Hofud	
Cave of the Mountains: 2F (8/256), 3F (8/256), 4F (127/256), 5F (127/256)

1-3 Phagocyt    1-3 Big Eye     0 Moth	
Undersea Volcano: 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (68/256)

1-3 Phagocyt    1-3 Big Eye     1-3 Moth
Cave of the Mountains: 1F (8/256), 2F (51/256), 3F (51/256), 4F (68/256), 
5F (102/256)

1 Ghoul         1 Cameleon      1 MapleMan	
Undersea Volcano: 1F (68/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (27/256)

1-3 Ghoul       0 Cameleon      1-3 MapleMan	
Undersea Volcano: 1F (17/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (51/256), 
5F (10/256)

1 Tortoise      1 Phagocyt      1 Raven	
Undersea Volcano: 1F (68/256), 2F (68/256)

3-6 Tortoise    0 Phagocyt      0-3 Raven	
Cave of Light: 1F (51/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (119/256)

1 Virus         1 Wyrm Kid      1 Cameleon
Undersea Volcano: 1F (34/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (10/256)

0-3 Virus       3-6 Wyrm Kid    0 Cameleon
Cave of Light: 1F (102/256), 2F (129/256), 3F (10/256), 4F (10/256)

4-8 Jelly       0 Kelpie        0 P-Spider	
Undersea Volcano: 1F (8/256), 2F (8/256), 3F (25/256), 4F (59/256), 5F (127/256)

1-3 Jelly       1-3 Kelpie      1-3 P-Spider	
Cave of the Mountains: 1F (51/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (51/256), 
5F (27/256)

0 Big Eye       4-8 Medusa      0 SabreCat	
Cave of the Mountains: 2F (102/256), 3F (119/256), 4F (10/256)

3-5 Big Eye     0-3 Medusa      0-3 SabreCat	
Cave of Light: 1F (8/256), 2F (51/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (51/256), 5F (10/256)

0 Moth          4-8 Hofud       0 Ghoul		
Cave of the Mountains: 1F (102/256), 2F (27/256), 3F (10/256)
Cave of Light: 1F (95/256)

0-3 Moth        0-3 Hofud      3-5 Ghoul
Cave of Light: 2F (8/256), 3F (51/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (51/256), 6F (10/256)

0 Griffon       0 MapleMan     1-4 Big Eye
Apollo Overworld (85/256)
Cave of the Mountains: 1F (10/256)

3-6 Griffon     3-6 MapleMan    0 Big Eye
Cave of Light: 3F (8/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (68/256), 6F (17/256), 7F (10/256)

0 Medusa        1-4 Tortoise    0 Wyrm Kid
Undersea Volcano: 1F (61/256), 2F (27/256)
Dragon Race (segment 2)*

3-6 Medusa      0 Tortoise      3-6 Wyrm Kid	
Cave of Light: 4F (51/256), 5F (68/256), 6F (34/256), 7F (17/256)

1-4 Raven       0 P-Spider      0 Virus	
Apollo Overworld (8/256)
Cave of the Mountains: 1F (85/256)

3-5 Raven       3-5 P-Spider    0-3 Virus
Cave of Light: 5F (34/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (34/256)

0 Hofud         0 SabreCat      1 Kelpie
Apollo Overworld (68/256)

0-3 Hofud       3-5 SabreCat    3-5 Kelpie	
Cave of Light: 6F (68/256), 7F (68/256)

0 MapleMan      1 Moth          0 Tortoise	
Apollo Overworld (44/256)

3-5 MapleMan    3-5 Moth        3-5 Tortoise	
Cave of Light: 4F (8/256), 6F (34/256), 7F (68/256)

1 Griffon       0 Raven         0 Wyrm Kid
Apollo Overworld (51/256)

3-5 Griffon     3-5 Raven       3-5 Wyrm Kid	
Cave of Light: 5F (25/256), 6F (25/256), 7F (59/256)

*: This battle formation being used at the Dragon Race for a special battle 
is a programming mistake. 



Apollo's Overworld			
68/256	1 Kelpie		
68/256	1-4 Big Eye		
34/256	1 Moth			
34/256	1 Griffon			
17/256	1 Griffon		
17/256	1-4 Big Eye		
10/256	1 Moth			
8/256	1-4 Raven		

Cave of the Mountains 1F
68/256  1-4 Raven
68/256  4-8 Hofud
34/256  4-8 Hofud
34/256  1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider
17/256  1-4 Raven
17/256  1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider
10/256  1-4 Big Eye
8/256   1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth

Cave of the Mountains 2F			
68/256	4-8 Medusa				
68/256	1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider	
34/256	4-8 Medusa				
34/256	1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth	
17/256	4-8 Hofud				
17/256	1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth	
10/256	4-8 Hofud				
8/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud	

Cave of the Mountains 3F
68/256  4-8 Medusa
68/256  1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider
34/256  4-8 Medusa
34/256  1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth
17/256  4-8 Medusa
17/256  1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth
10/256  4-8 Hofud
8/256   1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud

Cave of the Mountains 4F			
68/256	1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth		
68/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud	
34/256	1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider		
34/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud	
17/256	1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider		
17/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud	
10/256	4-8 Medusa				
8/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud	

Cave of the Mountains 5F
68/256  1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth
68/256  1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud
34/256  1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye 1-3 Moth
34/256  1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud
17/256  1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider
17/256  1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud
10/256  1-3 Jelly 1-3 Kelpie 1-3 P-Spider
8/256   1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Jelly 1-3 Hofud

Undersea Volcano 1F				
68/256	1 Ghoul 1 Cameleon 1 MapleMan		
68/256	1 Tortoise 1 Phagocyt 1 Raven		
34/256	1-4 Tortoise				
34/256	1 Virus 1 Wyrm Kid 1 Cameleon		
17/256	1-4 Tortoise			
17/256	1-3 Ghoul 1-3 MapleMan		
10/256	1-4 Tortoise			
8/256	4-8 Jelly			

Undersea Volcano 2F
68/256  1 Tortoise 1 Phagocyt 1 Raven
68/256  1 Virus 1 Wyrm Kid 1 Cameleon
34/256  1 Ghoul 1 Cameleon 1 MapleMan
34/256  1-3 Ghoul 1-3 MapleMan
17/256  1-4 Tortoise
17/256  1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Hofud
10/256  1-4 Tortoise
8/256   4-8 Jelly

Undersea Volcano 3F				
68/256	1-3 Ghoul 1-3 MapleMan			
68/256	1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye		
34/256	1 Virus 1 Wyrm Kid 1 Cameleon		
34/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Hofud		
17/256	1 Ghoul 1 Cameleon 1 MapleMan		
17/256	4-8 Jelly				
10/256	1 Ghoul 1 Cameleon 1 MapleMan	
8/256	4-8 Jelly				

Undersea Volcano 4F
68/256  1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye
68/256  1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Hofud
34/256  1-3 Ghoul 1-3 MapleMan
34/256  4-8 Jelly
17/256  1-3 Ghoul 1-3 MapleMan
17/256  4-8 Jelly
10/256  1 Virus 1 Wyrm Kid 1 Cameleon
8/256   4-8 Jelly

Undersea Volcano 5F			
68/256	1-3 Cameleon 1-3 Hofud		
68/256	4-8 Jelly			
34/256	1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye
34/256	4-8 Jelly			
17/256	1-3 Phagocyt 1-3 Big Eye	
17/256	4-8 Jelly			
10/256	1-3 Ghoul 1-3 MapleMan		
8/256	4-8 Jelly			

Cave of Light 1F
68/256  4-8 Hofud
68/256  0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid
34/256  0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid
34/256  3-6 Tortoise 0-3 Raven
17/256  4-8 Hofud
17/256  3-6 Tortoise 0-3 Raven
10/256  4-8 Hofud
8/256   3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat

Cave of Light 2F				
68/256	0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
68/256	3-6 Tortoise 0-3 Raven			
34/256	0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
34/256	3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat	
17/256	0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
17/256	3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat	
10/256	0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
8/256	0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul		

Cave of Light 3F
68/256  3-6 Tortoise 0-3 Raven
68/256  3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat
34/256  3-6 Tortoise 0-3 Raven
34/256  0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul
17/256  3-6 Tortoise 0-3 Raven
17/256  0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul
10/256  0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid
8/256   3-6 Griffon 3-6 MapleMan

Cave of Light 4F				
68/256	0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul		
68/256	3-6 Griffon 3-6 MapleMan		
34/256	3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat	
34/256	3-6 Medusa 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
17/256	3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat	
17/256	3-6 Medusa 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
10/256	0-3 Virus 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
8/256	3-5 MapleMan 3-5 Moth 3-5 Tortoise	

Cave of Light 5F
68/256  3-6 Griffon 3-6 MapleMan
68/256  3-6 Medusa 3-6 Wyrm Kid
34/256  0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul
34/256  3-5 Raven 3-5 P-Spider 0-3 Virus
17/256  0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul
17/256  3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid
10/256  3-5 Big Eye 0-3 Medusa 0-3 SabreCat
8/256   3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid

Cave of Light 6F				
68/256	3-5 Raven 3-5 P-Spider 0-3 Virus	
68/256	0-3 Hofud 3-5 SabreCat 3-5 Kelpie	
34/256	3-6 Medusa 3-6 Wyrm Kid			
34/256	3-5 MapleMan 3-5 Moth 3-5 Tortoise	
17/256	3-6 Griffon 3-6 MapleMan		
17/256	3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid	
10/256	0-3 Moth 0-3 Hofud 3-5 Ghoul		
8/256	3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid	

Cave of Light 7F
68/256  0-3 Hofud 3-5 SabreCat 3-5 Kelpie
68/256  3-5 MapleMan 3-5 Moth 3-5 Tortoise
34/256  3-5 Raven 3-5 P-Spider 0-3 Virus
34/256  3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid
17/256  3-6 Medusa 3-6 Wyrm Kid
17/256  3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid
10/256  3-6 Griffon 3-6 MapleMan
8/256   3-5 Griffon 3-5 Raven 3-5 Wyrm Kid

     GUARDIANS' WORLD/ MONSTERS' WORLD/ VENUS' WORLD (28 battle formations)

The Guardians' World, the Monsters' World, and most of Venus' World all use 
the same enemy set and have the same base+bonus for GP. They are the same 

* Notes: 
- It looks like there was some oddity in the order of the encounter tables. 
Usually a battle formation's odds rise then fall, but the tables do some weird 
things around the Guardian Overworld. Some formations even disappear then 
reappear. In terms of the odds, it seems like it should come before Guardian 
Base 1F. 

It looks like the proper order should be: 
Cafe, Guardians' Overworld, 1F Bedroom/Jail, 1F main, Monsters' Overworld, and
then Venus' Overworld.

- These areas have no enemy encounters at all: 
Guardians Base 3F- Dormitory
Sewer 3F- Treasure Room
Sewer 4F- Treasure Room

- The Guardians Base 2F rooms (Meeting Room & Monitor Room) have the same 
encounter table. The 1F rooms (Bedroom & Jail) have the same encounter table.
They are each treated as 1 encounter area.

- Yep, seems like Sewer 3F & 4F were meant to be the same but things were 
messed up at the first 17/256 battle. I double-checked the battles and they 
don't match in this slot.

- A small touch... the O-Bake pack appears in high odds (102/256) in the 
1st floor bedroom. Kinda creepy, makes it seem like most of the Guardians 
were killed in their sleep with mostly just ghosts haunting the room and 
P-Worms being the 2nd most common enemy there... Macabre. 


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

0 O-Bake        1-3 Hornet      1-3 P-Worm	
Guardians Base: 2F-Meeting/Monitor Room (17/256), 1F- Bedroom/Jail (17/256), 
Cafe (102/256)
Guardians Overworld (34/256)

1-3 O-Bake      1-3 Hornet      1-3 P-Worm	
Guardians Base: 1F (102/256), 1F- Bedroom/Jail (17/256)
Guardians Overworld (8/256)
Monsters Overworld (68/256)
Venus Overworld (34/256)
Sewers: City Exit (27/256)

1-3 Mushroom    1-3 O-Bake      0 Sprite	
Guardians Base: 3F- Storage Room (17/256), 2F-Meeting/Monitor Room (34/256), 
1F- Bedroom/Jail (10/256), Cafe (102/256)
Guardians Overworld (17/256)

1-3 Mushroom    1-3 O-Bake      1-3 Sprite	
Guardians Base: 1F (17/256), 1F- Bedroom/Jail (8/256)
Monsters Overworld (102/256)
Venus Overworld (68/256)
Sewers: 1F (27/256), City Exit (34/256)

1 P-Toad        1 Mushroom      1 Wh. Belt	
Guardians Base: 3F (34/256), 3F- Storage Room (34/256), 2F (68/256)

0 P-Toad        3-6 Mushroom    0-3 Wh. Belt	
Venus Overworld (8/256)
Sewers: 1F (102/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (27/256), 4F (10/256), City Exit (17/256)

1 Hornet        1 Thunder       1 ROBO-Z	
Guardians Base: 3F- Storage Room (68/256), 2F (34/256), 
2F- Meeting/Monitor Room (34/256)

3-6 Hornet      0-3 Thunder     0 ROBO-Z	
Monsters Overworld (8/256)
Venus Overworld (17/256)
Sewers: 1F (68/256), 2F (34/256), City Exit (102/256)

0 Baby-D        0 Guard         4-8 O-Bake	
Guardians Base: 2F- Meeting/Monitor Room (8/256), 1F (10/256), 
1F- Bedroom/Jail (102/256), Cafe (17/256)
Guardians Overworld (68/256)

3-5 Baby-D      0-3 Guard       0-3 O-Bake	
Sewers: 1F (17/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (51/256), City Exit (8/256)

4-8 WereWolf    0 Clayman       0 Hornet	
Guardians Base: 1F (102/256), 1F- Bedroom/Jail (34/256)
Guardians Overworld (17/256)
Monsters Overworld (51/256)
Venus Overworld (17/256)

1-3 WereWolf    1-3 Clayman     1-3 Hornet	
Guardians Base: 1F (8/256)
Monsters Overworld (17/256)
Venus Overworld (102/256)
Sewers: 1F (34/256), 2F (27/256), City Exit (68/256)

1 Turtle        1 LiveOrk       1 Mushroom	
Guardians Base: 3F- Storage Room (68/256), 2F- Meeting/Monitor Room (68/256)

0 Turtle        1-3 LiveOrk     1-3 Mushroom	
Guardians Base: 3F (8/256), 3F- Storage Room (42/256), 2F (25/256), 
2F- Meeting/Monitor Room (68/256), Cafe (27/256)
Guardians Overworld (10/256)

0 Chafer        4-8 P-Worm      0 P-Toad	
Guardians Base: 1F (17/256) 1F- Bedroom/Jail (68/256), Cafe (8/256)
Guardians Overworld (102/256)
Monsters Overworld (10/256)
Venus Overworld (10/256)

0-3 Chafer      0-3 P-Worm      3-5 P-Toad	
Sewers: 1F (8/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256)

0 Wh. Belt      0 Chafer        1-4 MechBug	
Guardians Base: 3F (68/256), 3F- Storage Room (17/256)

3-6 Wh. Belt    3-6 Chafer      0 MechBug	
Sewers: 2F (17/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (10/256)

0 Thunder       1-4 Sprite      0 Guard		
Guardians Base: 3F (17/256), 2F (68/256)

3-6 Thunder     0 Sprite        3-6 Guard	
Sewers: 2F (8/256), Hermit Room (27/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (51/256)

1-4 Clayman     0 Baby-D        0 Chafer	
Guardians Base: 3F (68/256) 2F-Meeting/Monitor Room (17/256)

3-5 Clayman     0-3 Baby-D      3-5 Chafer	
Sewers: Hermit Room (34/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (17/256), 5F (68/256)

0 Guard         1 ROBO-Z        0 WereWolf	
Guardians Base: 2F (34/256), 2F- Meeting/Monitor Room (10/256)

3-5 Guard       0-3 ROBO-Z      3-5 WereWolf	
Sewers: Hermit Room (68/256), 5F (68/256)

1 LiveOrk       0 MechBug       0 Harpy		
Guardians Base: 3F (34/256), 2F (17/256)

3-5 LiveOrk     3-5 MechBug     3-5 Harpy	
Sewers: Hermit Room (68/256), 5F (34/256)

0 Sprite        1 Baby-D        0 Turtle	
Guardians Base: 3F (27/256), 3F- Storage Room (10/256), 2F (10/256)

3-5 Sprite      3-5 Baby-D      3-5 Turtle	
Sewers: Hermit Room (59/256), 3F (8/256), 4F (8/256), 5F (25/256)



Guardians Base 3F				
68/256	1-4 MechBug				
68/256	1-4 Clayman				
34/256	1 LiveOrk				
34/256	1 P-Toad 1 Mushroom 1 Wh. Belt		
17/256	1 Baby-D				
17/256	1-4 Sprite				
10/256	1 Baby-D				
8/256	1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom		

Guardians Base 3F- Storage Room
68/256  1 Hornet 1 Thunder 1 ROBO-Z
68/256  1 Turtle 1 LiveOrk 1 Mushroom
34/256  1 P-Toad 1 Mushroom 1 Wh. Belt
34/256  1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom
17/256  1-4 MechBug
17/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake
10/256  1 Baby-D
8/256   1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom

Guardians Base 2F				
68/256	1-4 Sprite				
68/256	1 P-Toad 1 Mushroom 1 Wh. Belt		
34/256	1 ROBO-Z				
34/256	1 Hornet 1 Thunder 1 ROBO-Z		
17/256	1 LiveOrk				
17/256	1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom		
10/256	1 Baby-D				
8/256	1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom		

Guardians Base 2F- Meeting Room/Monitor Room
68/256  1 Turtle 1 LiveOrk 1 Mushroom
68/256  1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom
34/256  1 Hornet 1 Thunder 1 ROBO-Z
34/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake
17/256  1-4 Clayman
17/256  1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
10/256  1 ROBO-Z
8/256   4-8 O-Bake

Guardians Base 1F				
68/256	4-8 WereWolf				
68/256	1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm	
34/256	4-8 WereWolf				
34/256	1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm	
17/256	4-8 P-Worm				
17/256	1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite	
10/256	4-8 O-Bake				
8/256	1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet	

Guardians Base 1F- Bedroom/Jail
68/256  4-8 O-Bake
68/256  4-8 P-Worm
34/256  4-8 O-Bake
34/256  4-8 WereWolf
17/256  1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
17/256  1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
10/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake
8/256   1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite

Guardians Base- Cafe
68/256	1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake
68/256	1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
34/256	1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake
34/256	1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
17/256	1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom
17/256	4-8 O-Bake
10/256	1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom
8/256	4-8 P-Worm

Guardians' Overworld			
68/256	4-8 O-Bake			
68/256	4-8 P-Worm			
34/256	1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm		
34/256	4-8 P-Worm			
17/256	1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake		
17/256	4-8 WereWolf			
10/256	1-3 LiveOrk 1-3 Mushroom	
8/256	1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm

Monsters' Overworld
68/256  1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
68/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite
34/256  4-8 WereWolf
34/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite
17/256  4-8 WereWolf
17/256  1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet
10/256  4-8 P-Worm
8/256   3-6 Hornet 0-3 Thunder

Venus' Overworld				
68/256	1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite	
68/256	1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet	
34/256	1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm	
34/256	1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet	
17/256	4-8 WereWolf				
17/256	3-6 Hornet 0-3 Thunder			
10/256	4-8 P-Worm				
8/256	3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt		

Sewers 1F
68/256  3-6 Hornet 0-3 Thunder
68/256  3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt
34/256  1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet
34/256  3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt
17/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite
17/256  3-5 Baby-D 0-3 Guard 0-3 O-Bake
10/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite
8/256   0-3 Chafer 0-3 P-Worm 3-5 P-Toad

Sewers 2F					
68/256	3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt		
68/256	3-5 Baby-D 0-3 Guard 0-3 O-Bake		
34/256	3-6 Hornet 0-3 Thunder			
34/256	0-3 Chafer 0-3 P-Worm 3-5 P-Toad	
17/256	1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet	
17/256	3-6 Wh. Belt 3-6 Chafer			
10/256	1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet	
8/256	3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard			

Sewers- Hermit Room
68/256  3-5 Guard 0-3 ROBO-Z 3-5 WereWolf
68/256  3-5 LiveOrk 3-5 MechBug 3-5 Harpy
34/256  3-5 Clayman 0-3 Baby-D 3-5 Chafer
34/256  3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle
17/256  3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard
17/256  3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle
10/256  3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard
8/256   3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle

Sewers 3F					
68/256	0-3 Chafer 0-3 P-Worm 3-5 P-Toad	
68/256	3-6 Wh. Belt 3-6 Chafer			
34/256	3-5 Baby-D 0-3 Guard 0-3 O-Bake		
34/256	3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard			
17/256	3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt		
17/256	3-5 Clayman 0-3 Baby-D 3-5 Chafer	
10/256	3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt		
8/256	3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle	

Sewers 4F
68/256  0-3 Chafer 0-3 P-Worm 3-5 P-Toad
68/256  3-6 Wh. Belt 3-6 Chafer
34/256  3-5 Baby-D 0-3 Guard 0-3 O-Bake
34/256  3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard
17/256  3-5 Baby-D 0-3 Guard 0-3 O-Bake
17/256  3-5 Clayman 0-3 Baby-D 3-5 Chafer
10/256  3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt
8/256   3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle

Sewers 5F					
68/256	3-5 Clayman 0-3 Baby-D 3-5 Chafer	
68/256	3-5 Guard 0-3 ROBO-Z 3-5 WereWolf	
34/256	3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard			
34/256	3-5 LiveOrk 3-5 MechBug 3-5 Harpy	
17/256	3-6 Thunder 3-6 Guard			
17/256	3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle	
10/256	3-6 Wh. Belt 3-6 Chafer			
8/256	3-5 Sprite 3-5 Baby-D 3-5 Turtle	

Sewers- City Exit
68/256  1-3 WereWolf 1-3 Clayman 1-3 Hornet
68/256  3-6 Hornet 0-3 Thunder
34/256  1-3 Mushroom 1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Sprite
34/256  3-6 Hornet 0-3 Thunder
17/256  1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
17/256  3-6 Mushroom 0-3 Wh. Belt
10/256  1-3 O-Bake 1-3 Hornet 1-3 P-Worm
8/256   3-5 Baby-D 0-3 Guard 0-3 O-Bake

                 VOLCANO/ RACING WORLD (22 battle formations)

Venus' World changes enemy sets midstream. The Volcano (AKA Seismic Zone) has 
the same enemies as the Racing World. They also have the same base+bonus for 

* Notes
- Nothing to note. 


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-3 Serpent     1-3 Champgno    1-3 Magician	
Volcano: 5F (68/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (68/256)
Racing Overworld (10/256)

3-5 Serpent     3-5 Champgno    3-5 Magician	
Dragon Race: Section 3 (34/256), S-4 (68/256)

1-3 Komodo      0 Corpuscl      1-3 Triceras	
Volcano: 1F (8/256), 2F (17/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (10/256)

3-5 Komodo      3-5 Corpuscl    3-5 Triceras	
Dragon Race: Section 1 (8/256), S-2 (8/256), S-3 (25/256), S-4 (59/256)

0 Tororo        1-3 Piranha     1-3 Hawk	
Volcano: 1F (51/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (17/256)

3-5 Tororo      3-5 Piranha     0-3 Hawk	
Dragon Race: Section 1 (17/256), S-2 (17/256), S-3 (68/256), S-4 (34/256)

0 P-Flower      4-8 Serpent     0 Mantcore	
Volcano: 2F (8/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (17/256), 6F (10/256)

3-5 P-Flower    0-3 Serpent     3-5 Mantcore	
Dragon Race: Section 3 (68/256), S-4 (68/256)

4-8 Champgno    0 Mercenar      0 Swallow	
Volcano: 3F (51/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (34/256), 6F (17/256), 7F (10/256)

0 Champgno      3-6 Mercenar    3-6 Swallow	
Dragon Race: Section 2 (102/256), S-3 (34/256), S-4 (17/256)

0 Ammonite      0 Tororo        1-4 Warrior	
Volcano: 1F (68/256)

3-6 Ammonite    3-6 Tororo      0 Warrior	
Dragon Race: Section 1 (34/256), S-2 (102/256), S-3 (17/256), S-4 (10/256)

0 Ant Lion      1-4 Ogre        0 P-Flower	
Volcano: 1F (68/256)

3-5 Ant Lion    0-3 Ogre        0-3 P-Flower	
Volcano: 7F (8/256)
Racing Overworld (59/256)
Dragon Race: Section 1 (68/256), S-2 (27/256), S-3 (10/256)

0 Magician      0 Triceras      1 Piranha	
Volcano: 1F (34/256), 2F (17/256)

0-3 Magician    0-3 Triceras    3-5 Piranha	
Volcano: 6F (25/256), 7F (17/256)
Racing Overworld (68/256)
Dragon Race: Section 1 (68/256)

1 Mantcore      1 P-Flower      1 Hawk		
Volcano: 2F (68/256), 3F (27/256), 4F (10/256)

0-3 Mantcore    3-6 P-Flower    0 Hawk		
Volcano: 5F (8/256), 6F (34/256), 7F (34/256)
Racing Overworld (102/256)
Dragon Race: Section 1 (51/256)

0 Warrior       1 Magician      0 Mercenar	
Volcano: 1F (27/256), 2F (10/256)

1-3 Warrior     1-3 Magician    1-3 Mercenar	
Volcano: 3F (8/256), 4F (51/256), 5F (68/256), 6F (34/256), 7F (51/256)

1 Triceras      1 Hawk          1 Ogre		
Volcano: 2F (102/256)

0-3 Triceras    0 Hawk          3-6 Ogre	
Volcano: 4F (8/256), 5F (51/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (68/256)
Racing Overworld (17/256)
Dragon Race: Section 1 (10/256)



Volcano 1F				
68/256	1-4 Ogre			
68/256	1-4 Warrior			
34/256	1 Piranha			
34/256	1-3 Piranha 1-3 Hawk		
17/256	1 Magician			
17/256	1-3 Piranha 1-3 Hawk		
10/256	1 Magician			
8/256	1-3 Komodo 1-3 Triceras		

Volcano 2F
68/256  1 Triceras 1 Hawk 1 Ogre
68/256  1 Mantcore 1 P-Flower 1 Hawk
34/256  1 Triceras 1 Hawk 1 Ogre
34/256  1-3 Piranha 1-3 Hawk
17/256  1 Piranha
17/256  1-3 Komodo 1-3 Triceras
10/256  1 Magician
8/256   4-8 Serpent

Volcano 3F					
68/256	1-3 Komodo 1-3 Triceras			
68/256	4-8 Serpent				
34/256	1-3 Piranha 1-3 Hawk			
34/256	4-8 Champgno				
17/256	1 Mantcore 1 P-Flower 1 Hawk		
17/256	4-8 Champgno				
10/256	1 Mantcore 1 P-Flower 1 Hawk		
8/256	1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar	

Volcano 4F
68/256  4-8 Serpent
68/256  4-8 Champgno
34/256  1-3 Komodo 1-3 Triceras
34/256  1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar
17/256  1-3 Piranha 1-3 Hawk
17/256  1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar
10/256  1 Mantcore 1 P-Flower 1 Hawk
8/256   0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre

Volcano 5F					
68/256	1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar	
68/256	1-3 Serpent 1-3 Champgno 1-3 Magician	
34/256	4-8 Champgno				
34/256	0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre			
17/256	4-8 Serpent				
17/256	0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre			
10/256	1-3 Komodo 1-3 Triceras			
8/256	0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower		

Volcano 6F
68/256  1-3 Serpent 1-3 Champgno 1-3 Magician
68/256  0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre
34/256  1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar
34/256  0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower
17/256  4-8 Champgno
17/256  0-3 Magician 0-3 Triceras 3-5 Piranha
10/256  4-8 Serpent
8/256   0-3 Magician 0-3 Triceras 3-5 Piranha

Volcano 7F					
68/256	1-3 Serpent 1-3 Champgno 1-3 Magician	
68/256	0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre			
34/256	1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar	
34/256	0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower		
17/256	1-3 Warrior 1-3 Magician 1-3 Mercenar	
17/256	0-3 Magician 0-3 Triceras 3-5 Piranha	
10/256	4-8 Champgno				
8/256	3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower	

Racing Overworld
68/256  0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower
68/256  0-3 Magician 0-3 Triceras 3-5 Piranha
34/256  0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower
34/256  3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower
17/256  0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre
17/256  3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower
10/256  1-3 Serpent 1-3 Champgno 1-3 Magician
8/256   3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower

Dragon Race- Section 1				
68/256	0-3 Magician 0-3 Triceras 3-5 Piranha	
68/256	3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower	
34/256	0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower		
34/256	3-6 Ammonite 3-6 Tororo			
17/256	0-3 Mantcore 3-6 P-Flower		
17/256	3-5 Tororo 3-5 Piranha 0-3 Hawk		
10/256	0-3 Triceras 3-6 Ogre			
8/256	3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras	

Dragon Race- Section 2
68/256  3-6 Ammonite 3-6 Tororo
68/256  3-6 Mercenar 3-6 Swallow
34/256  3-6 Ammonite 3-6 Tororo
34/256  3-6 Mercenar 3-6 Swallow
17/256  3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower
17/256  3-5 Tororo 3-5 Piranha 0-3 Hawk
10/256  3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower
8/256   3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras

Dragon Race- Section 3				
68/256	3-5 Tororo 3-5 Piranha 0-3 Hawk		
68/256	3-5 P-Flower 0-3 Serpent 3-5 Mantcore	
34/256	3-6 Mercenar 3-6 Swallow		
34/256	3-5 Serpent 3-5 Champgno 3-5 Magician	
17/256	3-6 Ammonite 3-6 Tororo			
17/256	3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras	
10/256	3-5 Ant Lion 0-3 Ogre 0-3 P-Flower		
8/256	3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras	

Dragon Race- Section 4
68/256  3-5 P-Flower 0-3 Serpent 3-5 Mantcore
68/256  3-5 Serpent 3-5 Champgno 3-5 Magician
34/256  3-5 Tororo 3-5 Piranha 0-3 Hawk
34/256  3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras
17/256  3-6 Mercenar 3-6 Swallow
17/256  3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras
10/256  3-6 Ammonite 3-6 Tororo
8/256   3-5 Komodo 3-5 Corpuscl 3-5 Triceras

                          EDO WORLD (20 battle formations)

* Notes:
- In Echigoya's Basement, the right room has the same encounter table as the 
hall. It is grouped in with it. The left room has no encounters.

- The left and right rooms at the Sho-Gun's Castle- Entrance have the same 
encounter tables as it. They are grouped in with it.

- The watchtower room at the Sho-Gun's Castle- Right has the same encounter 
table as it. It is grouped in with it.

- Sho-Gun's Castle 4F & 5F have nearly identical encounter tables except for 
17/256. Phantom/Wyvern on 4F, Knight/Gazer/Commando on 5F.

- The Castle Entrance & Upper Left sections have the same encounter table, 
the Castle Lower Left, Right sections have the same encounter table too. 
They are considered separate areas though (given the checkerboard pattern).


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-3 Anaconda    0 Boulder       1-3 Fairy	
Harbor: Pier (25/256), Ship Deck (34/256), Ship 1F (68/256), 2F (68/256)
EchigoYa's Basement (17/256)
Sho-Gun's Castle: Entrance (10/256), Lower Left (10/256), Upper Left (10/256), 
Right (10/256)

0-3 Anaconda    0-3 Boulder     3-5 Fairy	
Sho-Gun's Castle: 2F (17/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (68/256), 
5F- Back Room (51/256), Roof (10/256)

0 Mosquito      0 Phantom       1 Hermit	
Edo Overworld (27/256)
Harbor: Pier (10/256), Ship Deck (10/256), Ship 1F (10/256)

0-3 Mosquito    3-5 Phantom     3-5 Hermit	
Sho-Gun's Castle: 4F (8/256), 5F (8/256), 5F- Back Room (51/256), Roof (102/256)

1-3 Gazer       1-3 Mosquito    0 Stoneman	
Edo Overworld (8/256)
Harbor: Pier (34/256), Ship Deck (68/256), Ship 1F (68/256), 2F (34/256)
EchigoYa's Basement (10/256)

0 Gazer         3-6 Mosquito    0-3 Stoneman	
Sho-Gun's Castle: Entrance (8/256), Lower Left (25/256), Upper Left (8/256), 
Right (25/256), Center (51/256), 1F (68/256), 2F (129/256), 3F (10/256)

1 Boulder       1 Tarantla      1 EvilPine
Harbor: Pier (68/256), Ship Deck (68/256), Ship 1F (34/256)

3-6 Boulder     3-6 Tarantla    0 EvilPine
Sho-Gun's Castle: 2F (8/256), 3F (8/256), 4F (51/256), 5F (51/256), 
5F- Back Room (68/256), Roof (17/256)

1 Phantom       1 Wyvern        1 Gae Bolg
Edo Overworld (17/256)
Harbor: Pier (68/256), Ship Deck (51/256), Ship 1F (17/256), 2F (17/256)

0-3 Phantom     3-6 Wyvern      0 Gae Bolg
Sho-Gun's Castle: Center (8/256), 1F (59/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (119/256), 
4F (27/256), 5F (10/256)

0 Knight        4-8 Gazer       0 Commando	
Harbor: Ship Deck (25/256), Ship 1F (34/256), 2F (68/256)
EchigoYa's Basement (102/256)
Sho-Gun's Castle: Entrance (51/256), Upper Left (51/256)

3-5 Knight      0-3 Gazer       0-3 Commando	
Sho-Gun's Castle: 2F (34/256), 3F (102/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (51/256), 
5F- Back Room (10/256)

0 Fairy         0 Hermit        1 Mephisto	
Edo Overworld (34/256)
Harbor: Pier (17/256), Ship 2F (10/256)

3-5 Fairy       3-5 Hermit      3-5 Mephisto	
Sho-Gun's Castle: 5F- Back Room (8/256), Roof (127/256)

0 Ninja         0 Stoneman      4-8 Knight	
Harbor: Ship 1F (17/256), 2F (51/256)
EchigoYa's Basement (68/256)
Sho-Gun's Castle: Entrance (68/256), Lower Left (51/256), Upper Left (68/256), 
Right (51/256), Center (27/256)

0-3 Ninja       3-5 Stoneman    0-3 Knight	
Sho-Gun's Castle: 4F (68/256), 5F (68/256), 5F- Back Room (68/256)

0 EvilPine      1-4 Gae Bolg    0 Pathogen	
Edo Overworld (102/256)

1-3 EvilPine    1-3 Gae Bolg    1-3 Pathogen	
Harbor: Ship 1F (8/256), 2F (8/256)
EchigoYa's Basement (25/256)
Sho-Gun's Castle: Entrance (17/256), Lower Left (102/256), Upper Left (17/256),
Right (102/256), Center (68/256), 1F (102/256)

1-4 Tarantla    0 Commando      0 Wyvern	
Edo Overworld (68/256)
Harbor: Pier (34/256)

1-3 Tarantla    1-3 Commando    1-3 Wyvern	
EchigoYa's Basement (34/256)
Sho-Gun's Castle: Entrance (102/256), Lower Left (68/256), 
Upper Left (102/256), Right (68/256), Center (102/256), 1F (27/256)



Edo Overworld					
68/256	1-4 Tarantla				
68/256	1-4 Gae Bolg				
34/256	1 Mephisto				
34/256	1-4 Gae Bolg				
17/256	1 Hermit				
17/256	1 Phantom 1 Wyvern 1 Gae Bolg		
10/256	1 Hermit				
8/256	1-3 Gazer 1-3 Mosquito			

Harbor- Pier
68/256  1 Phantom 1 Wyvern 1 Gae Bolg
68/256  1 Boulder 1 Tarantla 1 EvilPine
34/256  1-4 Tarantla
34/256  1-3 Gazer 1-3 Mosquito
17/256  1 Mephisto
17/256  1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy
10/256  1 Hermit
8/256   1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy

Harbor- Ship Deck				
68/256	1 Boulder 1 Tarantla 1 EvilPine		
68/256	1-3 Gazer 1-3 Mosquito			
34/256	1 Phantom 1 Wyvern 1 Gae Bolg		
34/256	1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy			
17/256	1 Phantom 1 Wyvern 1 Gae Bolg		
17/256	4-8 Gazer				
10/256	1 Hermit				
8/256	4-8 Gazer				

Harbor- Ship 1F
68/256  1-3 Gazer 1-3 Mosquito
68/256  1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy
34/256  1 Boulder 1 Tarantla 1 EvilPine
34/256  4-8 Gazer
17/256  1 Phantom 1 Wyvern 1 Gae Bolg
17/256  4-8 Knight
10/256  1 Hermit
8/256   1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen

Harbor- Ship 2F					
68/256	1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy			
68/256	4-8 Gazer				
34/256	1-3 Gazer 1-3 Mosquito			
34/256	4-8 Knight					
17/256	1 Phantom 1 Wyvern 1 Gae Bolg			
17/256	4-8 Knight					
10/256	1 Mephisto					
8/256	1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen		

Edo- EchiGoya's Basement
68/256  4-8 Gazer
68/256  4-8 Knight
34/256  4-8 Gazer
34/256  1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern
17/256  1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy
17/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
10/256  1-3 Gazer 1-3 Mosquito
8/256   1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen

Sho-Gun's Castle- Entrance				
68/256	4-8 Knight					
68/256	1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern		
34/256	4-8 Gazer					
34/256	1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern		
17/256	4-8 Gazer					
17/256	1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen		
10/256	1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy			
8/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		

Sho-Gun's Castle- Lower Left
68/256  1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern
68/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
34/256  4-8 Knight
34/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
17/256  4-8 Knight
17/256  3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman
10/256  1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy
8/256   3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman

Sho-Gun's Castle- Upper Left				
68/256	4-8 Knight				
68/256	1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern	
34/256	4-8 Gazer				
34/256	1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern	
17/256	4-8 Gazer				
17/256	1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen	
10/256	1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy			
8/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		

Sho-Gun's Castle- Right
68/256  1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern
68/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
34/256  4-8 Knight
34/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
17/256  4-8 Knight
17/256  3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman
10/256  1-3 Anaconda 1-3 Fairy
8/256   3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman

Sho-Gun's Castle- Center			
68/256	1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern	
68/256	1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen	
34/256	1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern	
34/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		
17/256	4-8 Knight				
17/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		
10/256	4-8 Knight				
8/256	0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern			

Sho-Gun's Castle 1F
68/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
68/256  3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman
34/256  1-3 EvilPine 1-3 Gae Bolg 1-3 Pathogen
34/256  0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern
17/256  1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern
17/256  0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern
10/256  1-3 Tarantla 1-3 Commando 1-3 Wyvern
8/256   0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern

Sho-Gun's Castle 2F					
68/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		
68/256	0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern			
34/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		
34/256	3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando	
17/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman		
17/256	0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy		
10/256	3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman			
8/256	3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla			

Sho-Gun's Castle 3F
68/256  0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern
68/256  3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando
34/256  0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern
34/256  3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando
17/256  0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern
17/256  0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy
10/256  3-6 Mosquito 0-3 Stoneman
8/256   3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla

Sho-Gun's Castle 4F				
68/256	0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy		
68/256	0-3 Ninja 3-5 Stoneman 0-3 Knight		
34/256	3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando		
34/256	3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla		
17/256	0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern			
17/256	3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla		
10/256	0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern			
8/256	0-3 Mosquito 3-5 Phantom 3-5 Hermit	

Sho-Gun's Castle 5F
68/256  0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy
68/256  0-3 Ninja 3-5 Stoneman 0-3 Knight
34/256  3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando
34/256  3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla
17/256  3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando
17/256  3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla
10/256  0-3 Phantom 3-6 Wyvern
8/256   0-3 Mosquito 3-5 Phantom 3-5 Hermit

Sho-Gun's Castle 5F- Back Room				
68/256	0-3 Ninja 3-5 Stoneman 0-3 Knight	
68/256	3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla		
34/256	0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy	
34/256	0-3 Mosquito 3-5 Phantom 3-5 Hermit	
17/256	0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy	
17/256	0-3 Mosquito 3-5 Phantom 3-5 Hermit	
10/256	3-5 Knight 0-3 Gazer 0-3 Commando	
8/256	3-5 Fairy 3-5 Hermit 3-5 Mephisto	

Sho-Gun's Castle- Roof
68/256  0-3 Mosquito 3-5 Phantom 3-5 Hermit
68/256  3-5 Fairy 3-5 Hermit 3-5 Mephisto
34/256  0-3 Mosquito 3-5 Phantom 3-5 Hermit
34/256  3-5 Fairy 3-5 Hermit 3-5 Mephisto
17/256  3-6 Boulder 3-6 Tarantla
17/256  3-5 Fairy 3-5 Hermit 3-5 Mephisto
10/256  0-3 Anaconda 0-3 Boulder 3-5 Fairy
8/256   3-5 Fairy 3-5 Hermit 3-5 Mephisto

              DUNGEON WORLD/ ODIN'S WORLD (18 battle formations)

Most of the floors of the Nasty Dungeon and all of Odin's World use the same 
enemy sets. 

* Notes: 
- Dungeon Overworld, Nasty Dungeon 1F, 5F all have the same set. FireMoth, 
Nitemare, Young-D/Wraith/CatWoman, CatWoman. They are counted as separate 
areas (of course). 

- Valhalla Palace 1F & Stairs (East) have the same set.

- Nasty Dungeon 2F & Valhalla Palace 5F match. Nasty Dungeon 3F & Valhalla 
Palace 6F match. Nasty Dungeon 4F & Valhalla Palace 7F match. That means past 
1F, Nasty Dungeon matches the higher floors of Valhalla Palace. Nasty Dungeon 
5F has the same battle set as 1F. It was intentionally designed as a 
'breather' floor. The deepest floors of Nasty Dungeon match Final Dungeon 
deepest floors. Nasty Dungeon 6F matches Final Dungeon 9F. Nasty Dungeon 7F 
matches Final Dungeon 10F. Nasty Dungeon 8F matches Final Dungeon 11F. The 
encounter tables show the intent was to give the Nasty Dungeon the toughest 
battles from the deepest levels of the strongest dungeons in the next two 

- There are no enemy encounters in Odin's room and the hallway linking the 
west side to the east side.

- Yes, Demon/Adamant skips 5F in Valhalla Palace.


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-3 Wraith      0 Demon         1-3 Answerer	
Odin Overworld (68/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (68/256), 2F (17/256), Stairs (68/256)

0 Wraith        3-6 Demon       0-3 Answerer	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (68/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (10/256)
Valhalla Palace: 2F (8/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (68/256), 
6F (34/256), 7F (10/256)

1 Young-D       1 Wraith        1 CatWoman	
Dungeon Overworld (51/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 1F (51/256), 5F (51/256)
Odin Overworld (34/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (27/256), Stairs (27/256)

0-3 Young-D     0 Wraith        3-6 CatWoman	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (68/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (17/256)
Valhalla Palace: 4F (17/256), 5F (68/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (17/256)

1 Lamia         1 LavaWorm      1 Killer	
Odin Overworld (68/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (34/256), 2F (10/256), Stairs (34/256)

1-3 Lamia       0 LavaWorm      1-3 Killer	
Odin Overworld (34/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (68/256),2F (34/256), 3F (10/256), Stairs (68/256)

4-8 Shark       0 SnowCat       0 Lamia		
Valhalla Palace: 2F (68/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (51/256)

1-3 Shark       1-3 SnowCat     1-3 Lamia	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (51/256), 3F (27/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (8/256), 2F (17/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (68/256), 
5F (51/256), 6F (27/256), Stairs (8/256)

0 Ghast         0 Killer        4-8 Dinosaur	
Dungeon Overworld (8/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 1F (8/256), 5F (8/256)
Odin Overworld (17/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (34/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (51/256), 4F (10/256), 
Stairs (34/256)

1-3 Ghast       1-3 Killer      1-3 Dinosaur	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (10/256)
Odin Overworld (8/256)
Valhalla Palace: 1F (17/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256), 
5F (10/256), Stairs (17/256)

0 LavaWorm      1-4 FireMoth    0 Young-D	
Dungeon Overworld (78/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 1F (78/256), 5F (78/256)

3-5 LavaWorm    0-3 FireMoth    0-3 Young-D	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (34/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (34/256)
Valhalla Palace: 5F (34/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (34/256)

0 Demon         1-4 Nitemare    0 Adamant	
Dungeon Overworld (68/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 1F (68/256), 5F (68/256)
Odin Overworld (10/256)

3-6 Demon       0 Nitemare      3-6 Adamant	
Nasty Dungeon: 3F (34/256), 4F (68/256)
Valhalla Palace: 3F (8/256), 4F (8/256), 6F (34/256), 7F (68/256)

0 Answerer      1 CatWoman      0 Nitemare	
Dungeon Overworld (34/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 1F (34/256), 5F (34/256)

0-3 Answerer    3-5 CatWoman    3-5 Nitemare	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (17/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (68/256)
Valhalla Palace: 5F (17/256), 6F (17/256), 7F (68/256)

0 Dinosaur      1 Adamant       0 SnowCat	
Dungeon Overworld (17/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 1F (17/256), 5F (17/256)
Odin Overworld (17/256)

3-5 Dinosaur    3-5 Adamant     3-5 SnowCat	
Nasty Dungeon: 2F (8/256), 3F (8/256), 4F (59/256)
Valhalla Palace: 5F (8/256), 6F (8/256), 7F (59/256)



Dungeon Overworld			
68/256	1-4 FireMoth			
68/256	1-4 Nitemare			
34/256	1 CatWoman			
34/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
17/256	1 Adamant			
17/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
10/256	1-4 FireMoth			
8/256	4-8 Dinosaur			

Nasty Dungeon 1F
68/256	1-4 FireMoth			
68/256	1-4 Nitemare			
34/256	1 CatWoman			
34/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
17/256	1 Adamant			
17/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
10/256	1-4 FireMoth			
8/256	4-8 Dinosaur			

Nasty Dungeon 2F				
68/256	3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer			
68/256	0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman		
34/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia		
34/256	3-5 LavaWorm 0-3 FireMoth 0-3 Young-D	
17/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia		
17/256	0-3 Answerer 3-5 CatWoman 3-5 Nitemare	
10/256	1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur	
8/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat		

Nasty Dungeon 3F
68/256  0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman
68/256  3-5 LavaWorm 0-3 FireMoth 0-3 Young-D
34/256  3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer
34/256  3-6 Demon 3-6 Adamant
17/256  1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia
17/256  0-3 Answerer 3-5 CatWoman 3-5 Nitemare
10/256  1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia
8/256   3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat

Nasty Dungeon 4F					
68/256	3-6 Demon 3-6 Adamant			
68/256	0-3 Answerer 3-5 CatWoman 3-5 Nitemare	
34/256	3-5 LavaWorm 0-3 FireMoth 0-3 Young-D	
34/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	
17/256	0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman		
17/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	
10/256	3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer			
8/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	

Nasty Dungeon 5F
68/256	1-4 FireMoth			
68/256	1-4 Nitemare			
34/256	1 CatWoman			
34/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
17/256	1 Adamant			
17/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
10/256	1-4 FireMoth			
8/256	4-8 Dinosaur			

Odin's Overworld			
68/256	1 Lamia 1 LavaWorm 1 Killer	
68/256	1-3 Wraith 1-3 Answerer		
34/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman	
34/256	1-3 Lamia 1-3 Killer		
17/256	1 Adamant			
17/256	4-8 Dinosaur			
10/256	1-4 Nitemare			
8/256	1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur

Valhalla Palace 1F
68/256  1-3 Wraith 1-3 Answerer
68/256  1-3 Lamia 1-3 Killer
34/256  1 Lamia 1 LavaWorm 1 Killer
34/256  4-8 Dinosaur
17/256  1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman
17/256  1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur
10/256  1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman
8/256   1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia

Valhalla Palace 2F				
68/256	4-8 Dinosaur				
68/256	4-8 Shark				
34/256	1-3 Lamia 1-3 Killer			
34/256	1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur	
17/256	1-3 Wraith 1-3 Answerer			
17/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia		
10/256	1 Lamia 1 LavaWorm 1 Killer		
8/256	3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer			

Valhalla Palace 3F
68/256  4-8 Shark
68/256  1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur
34/256  4-8 Dinosaur
34/256  1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia
17/256  4-8 Dinosaur
17/256  3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer
10/256  1-3 Lamia 1-3 Killer
8/256   3-6 Demon 3-6 Adamant

Valhalla Palace 4F				
68/256	1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur	
68/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia		
34/256	4-8 Shark				
34/256	3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer			
17/256	4-8 Shark				
17/256	0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman		
10/256	4-8 Dinosaur				
8/256	3-6 Demon 3-6 Adamant			

Valhalla Palace 5F
68/256  3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer
68/256  0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman
34/256  1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia
34/256  3-5 LavaWorm 0-3 FireMoth 0-3 Young-D
17/256  1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia
17/256  0-3 Answerer 3-5 CatWoman 3-5 Nitemare
10/256  1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur
8/256   3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat

Valhalla Palace 6F				
68/256	0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman		
68/256	3-5 LavaWorm 0-3 FireMoth 0-3 Young-D	
34/256	3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer			
34/256	3-6 Demon 3-6 Adamant			
17/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia		
17/256	0-3 Answerer 3-5 CatWoman 3-5 Nitemare	
10/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia		
8/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	

Valhalla Palace 7F
68/256	3-6 Demon 3-6 Adamant			
68/256	0-3 Answerer 3-5 CatWoman 3-5 Nitemare	
34/256	3-5 LavaWorm 0-3 FireMoth 0-3 Young-D	
34/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	
17/256	0-3 Young-D 3-6 CatWoman		
17/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	
10/256	3-6 Demon 0-3 Answerer			
8/256	3-5 Dinosaur 3-5 Adamant 3-5 SnowCat	

Valhalla Palace Stairs (East)
68/256	1-3 Wraith 1-3 Answerer
68/256	1-3 Lamia 1-3 Killer
34/256	1 Lamia 1 LavaWorm 1 Killer
34/256	4-8 Dinosaur
17/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman
17/256	1-3 Ghast 1-3 Killer 1-3 Dinosaur
10/256	1 Young-D 1 Wraith 1 CatWoman
8/256	1-3 Shark 1-3 SnowCat 1-3 Lamia

                     FINAL WORLD (18 battle formations)

* Notes: 
- The treasure room in Final Dungeon 1F has the exact same encounter table as 
1F. It is grouped in with 1F.

- The Nymph/Falcon battle formation skips Final Dungeon 1F.

- The Dragon pack odds goes down then up for Final Dungeon 3F & 4F. 


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1 HugeToad      0 Watcher       0 Naga		
Final Overworld (27/256)
Final Dungeon: 1F (10/256)

3-5 HugeToad    3-5 Watcher     3-5 Naga	
Final Dungeon: 8F (8/256), 9F (8/256), 10F (51/256), 11F (68/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 6F (8/256), 7F (51/256), 8F (68/256)

0 F-Flower      1-4 Ridean      0 HugeToad	
Final Overworld (34/256)
Final Dungeon: 1F (17/256), 2F (10/256), 3F (10/256)

3-5 F-Flower    3-5 Ridean      3-5 HugeToad	
Final Dungeon: 10F (8/256), 11F (127/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 7F (8/256), 8F (127/256)

1 Cocatris      1 Ice Crab      1 Watcher	
Final Overworld (68/256)
Final Dungeon: 1F (34/256), 2F (17/256)

3-6 Cocatris    0 Ice Crab      3-6 Watcher	
Final Dungeon: 8F (102/256), 9F (68/256), 10F (17/256), 11F (17/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 6F (68/256), 7F (17/256), 8F (17/256)

0 Ten-Gu        0 F-Flower      4-8 Dragon	
Final Dungeon: 1F (68/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (27/256)

3-5 Ten-Gu      3-5 F-Flower    0-3 Dragon	
Final Dungeon: 9F (68/256), 10F (102/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 6F (68/256), 7F (102/256)

1-3 Nymph       0 Cocatris      1-3 Falcon	
Final Overworld (119/256)
Final Dungeon: 2F (34/256)

0-3 Nymph       3-5 Cocatris    0-3 Falcon	
Final Dungeon: 3F (8/256), 4F (17/256), 5F (34/256), 6F (68/256), 7F (102/256)

0 Naga          4-8 Sorcerer    0 Chimera	
Final Dungeon: 1F (68/256), 2F (68/256), 3F (34/256)

3-5 Naga        0-3 Sorcerer    3-5 Chimera	
Final Dungeon: 8F (17/256), 9F (51/256), 10F (68/256), 11F (34/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 6F (51/256), 7F (68/256), 8F (34/256)

1-3 Ice Crab    1-3 Ten-Gu      1-3 Nymph	
Final Overworld (8/256)
Final Dungeon: 1F (51/256), 2F (34/256), 3F (68/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (10/256)

0-3 Ice Crab    3-6 Ten-Gu      0 Nymph		
Final Dungeon: 2F (8/256), 3F (17/256), 4F (34/256), 5F (68/256), 
6F (102/256), 7F (17/256)

1-3 Dragon      1-3 Chimera     1-3 Ridean	
Final Dungeon: 3F (68/256), 4F (68/256), 5F (17/256), 6F (10/256), 7F (10/256)

3-6 Dragon      3-6 Chimera     0 Ridean	
Final Dungeon: 6F (8/256), 7F (25/256), 8F (102/256), 9F (51/256), 
10F (10/256), 11F (10/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 6F (51/256), 7F (10/256), 8F (10/256)

0 Sorcerer      0-3 Falcon      3-6 Ice Crab	
Final Dungeon: 1F (8/256), 2F (17/256), 3F (34/256), 4F (68/256), 
5F (102/256), 6F (17/256)
Nasty Dungeon: 6F (10/256)

3-5 Sorcerer    0-3 Falcon      0-3 Ice Crab	
Final Dungeon: 4F (8/256), 5F (25/256), 6F (51/256), 7F (102/256), 
8F (27/256), 9F (10/256)



Nasty Dungeon 6F				
68/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher		
68/256	3-5 Ten-Gu 3-5 F-Flower 0-3 Dragon	
34/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
34/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera	
17/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
17/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera	
10/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	
8/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga	

Nasty Dungeon 7F
68/256  3-5 Ten-Gu 3-5 F-Flower 0-3 Dragon
68/256  3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera
34/256  3-5 Ten-Gu 3-5 F-Flower 0-3 Dragon
34/256  3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga
17/256  3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher
17/256  3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga
10/256  3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera
8/256   3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad

Nasty Dungeon 8F
68/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga
68/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad
34/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera
34/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad
17/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher
17/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad
10/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera
8/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad

Final Overworld					
68/256	1 Cocatris 1 Ice Crab 1 Watcher		
68/256	1-3 Nymph 1-3 Falcon			
34/256	1-4 Ridean				
34/256	1-3 Nymph 1-3 Falcon			
17/256	1 HugeToad				
17/256	1-3 Nymph 1-3 Falcon			
10/256	1 HugeToad				
8/256	1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph	

Final Dungeon 1F
68/256  4-8 Dragon
68/256  4-8 Sorcerer
34/256  1 Cocatris 1 Ice Crab 1 Watcher
34/256  1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph
17/256  1-4 Ridean
17/256  1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph
10/256  1 HugeToad
8/256   0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab

Final Dungeon 2F				
68/256	4-8 Dragon				
68/256	4-8 Sorcerer				
34/256	1-3 Nymph 1-3 Falcon			
34/256	1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph	
17/256	1 Cocatris 1 Ice Crab 1 Watcher		
17/256	0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab			
10/256	1-4 Ridean				
8/256	0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu			

Final Dungeon 3F
68/256  1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph
68/256  1-3 Dragon 1-3 Chimera 1-3 Ridean
34/256  4-8 Sorcerer
34/256  0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab
17/256  4-8 Dragon
17/256  0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu
10/256  1-4 Ridean
8/256   0-3 Nymph 3-5 Cocatris 0-3 Falcon

Final Dungeon 4F				
68/256	1-3 Dragon 1-3 Chimera 1-3 Ridean	
68/256	0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab			
34/256	1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph	
34/256	0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu			
17/256	4-8 Dragon				
17/256	0-3 Nymph 3-5 Cocatris 0-3 Falcon	
10/256	4-8 Dragon				
8/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	

Final Dungeon 5F
68/256  0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab
68/256  0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu
34/256  0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab
34/256  0-3 Nymph 3-5 Cocatris 0-3 Falcon
17/256  1-3 Dragon 1-3 Chimera 1-3 Ridean
17/256  3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab
10/256  1-3 Ice Crab 1-3 Ten-Gu 1-3 Nymph
8/256   3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab

Final Dungeon 6F				
68/256	0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu			
68/256	0-3 Nymph 3-5 Cocatris 0-3 Falcon	
34/256	0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu			
34/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	
17/256	0-3 Falcon 3-6 Ice Crab			
17/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	
10/256	1-3 Dragon 1-3 Chimera 1-3 Ridean	
8/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			

Final Dungeon 7F
68/256  0-3 Nymph 3-5 Cocatris 0-3 Falcon
68/256  3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab
34/256  0-3 Nymph 3-5 Cocatris 0-3 Falcon
34/256  3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab
17/256  0-3 Ice Crab 3-6 Ten-Gu
17/256  3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera
10/256  1-3 Dragon 1-3 Chimera 1-3 Ridean
8/256   3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera

Final Dungeon 8F			
68/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
68/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher		
34/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
34/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher		
17/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	
17/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera	
10/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	
8/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga	

Final Dungeon 9F
68/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher		
68/256	3-5 Ten-Gu 3-5 F-Flower 0-3 Dragon	
34/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
34/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera	
17/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
17/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera	
10/256	3-5 Sorcerer 0-3 Falcon 0-3 Ice Crab	
8/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga	

Final Dungeon 10F				
68/256	3-5 Ten-Gu 3-5 F-Flower 0-3 Dragon	
68/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera	
34/256	3-5 Ten-Gu 3-5 F-Flower 0-3 Dragon	
34/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga	
17/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher		
17/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga	
10/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera			
8/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad	

Final Dungeon 11F
68/256	3-5 HugeToad 3-5 Watcher 3-5 Naga
68/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad
34/256	3-5 Naga 0-3 Sorcerer 3-5 Chimera
34/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad
17/256	3-6 Cocatris 3-6 Watcher
17/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad
10/256	3-6 Dragon 3-6 Chimera
8/256	3-5 F-Flower 3-5 Ridean 3-5 HugeToad

                    CELESTIAL WORLD (31 battle formations)

* Notes: 
- The Spector/SS/T Rex pack skips Stairs 7. 

- The Garuda/Great-D battle formation skips Stairs 5 & 6. 

- The BlackCat/Sylph battle formation reappears on the 8th Stairs after 
originally appearing only on the 5th Stairs. 

- The Rakshasa/Wizard battle formation reppears in the Maze after appearing 
only on Stairs 2. 

- Yes, surprise surprise, Haniwa *isn't* in the rarest battle slot. Haniwa is 
in the 2nd rarest battle slot. 


Group A         Group B         Group C
Locations (odds)

1-4 Pudding     0 Cancer        0 Wyrm		
Central Shrine: Stairs 2 (17/256), S4 (8/256)

3-5 Pudding     3-5 Cancer      3-5 Wyrm	
Central Shrine: Stairs 7 (10/256), S8 (27/256), Maze (17/256)

0 Cicada        0 Shiitake      1 Musashi	
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (34/256)

0-3 Cicada      3-5 Shiitake    0-3 Musashi	
Central Shrine: Stairs 4 (10/256), Maze (68/256)

0 Rock          4-8 GianToad    0 Squid		
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (34/256), S2 (68/256)

0-3 Rock        0 GianToad      3-6 Squid	
Central Shrine: Stairs 4 (34/256), S5 (68/256), S6 (17/256)

1 Salamand      1 C-Fisher      1 KingCrab	
Central Shrine: Stairs 3 (34/256), S4 (17/256)

3-6 Salamand    0 C-Fisher      0-3 KingCrab	
Central Shrine: Stairs 5 (68/256), S6 (34/256), S7 (8/256), S8 (8/256)

1 Hydra         1 F-Spider      1 Plague	
Central Shrine: Stairs 2 (34/256), S3 (25/256)

0-3 Hydra       3-6 F-Spider    0 Plague	
Central Shrine: Stairs 5 (34/256), S6 (68/256), S7 (17/256)

0 Spector       1 SS            0 T Rex		
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (17/256)

3-5 Spector     3-5 SS          3-5 T Rex	
Central Shrine: Stairs 5 (10/256), S6 (17/256), S8 (34/256)

0 Bl. Belt      0 Paladin       4-8 Giant	
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (27/256), S3 (68/256)

3-5 Bl. Belt    3-5 Paladin     0-3 Giant	
Central Shrine: Stairs 3 (10/256), Maze (68/256)

1-3 Gunfish     1-3 Roc         0 Sleipnir	
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (68/256)

0-3 Gunfish     0-3 Roc         3-5 Sleipnir	
Central Shrine: Stairs 6 (34/256), S7 (68/256)

1-3 SunPlant    1-3 Wight       0 Ironman	
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (68/256)

0-3 SunPlant    0-3 Wight       3-5 Ironman	
Central Shrine: Stairs 7 (68/256), S8 (17/256), Maze (8/256)

1-3 SandWorm    1-3 Evil Eye    0 G-7		
Central Shrine: Stairs 2 (68/256)

0-3 SandWorm    0-3 Evil Eye    3-5 G-7		
Central Shrine: Stairs 6 (68/256), S7 (34/256)

4-8 DemoLoad    0 Rakshasa      0 Wizard	
Central Shrine: Stairs 2 (34/256), S3 (68/256)

0-3 DemoLoad    3-5 Rakshasa    3-5 Wizard	
Central Shrine: Stairs 2 (10/256), Maze (34/256)

3-6 Scylla      3-6 Moaner      0 BoneKing	
Central Shrine: Stairs 8 (68/256), Maze (17/256)

1-3 Scylla      1-3 Moaner      1-3 BoneKing	
Central Shrine: Stairs 4 (68/256), S5 (34/256)

0 D-Turtle      0 Sphinx        1 Intrcept	
Central Shrine: Stairs 1 (8/256), S2 (8/256)

3-5 D-Turtle    3-5 Sphinx      3-5 Intrcept	
Central Shrine: Stairs 6 (10/256), S7 (17/256), Maze (34/256)

3-6 BlackCat    0 MadCedar      3-6 Sylph	
Central Shrine: Stairs 5 (17/256), S8 (68/256)

1-3 BlackCat    1-3 MadCedar    1-3 Sylph	
Central Shrine: Stairs 2 (17/256), S3 (34/256), S4 (34/256), S5 (8/256), 
S6 (8/256)

0 Gloom         3-6 Garuda      3-6 Great-D	
Central Shrine: Stairs 4 (17/256), S7 (34/256), S8 (34/256)

1-3 Gloom       1-3 Garuda      1-3 Great-D	
Central Shrine: Stairs 3 (17/256), S4 (68/256), S5 (17/256)

1 Sleipnir      0 Odin          0 OdinCrow

0 BabyWyrm      1 Haniwa        0 Fungus
Central Shrine: Maze (10/256)

*: I fought many battles on the 8 stairs screens to check all 8 battle slots 
on all 9 maps in the Celestial World and there were no 1 Sleipnir battles. 
I checked all 8 slots of all 8 stairs and no solo Sleipnirs.



Central Shrine- Stairs 1		
68/256	1-3 GunFish 1-3 Roc		
68/256	1-3 SunPlant 1-3 Wight		
34/256	4-8 GianToad		
34/256	1 Musashi			
17/256	4-8 Giant			
17/256	1 SS				
10/256	4-8 Giant			
8/256	1 Intrcept			

Central Shrine- Stairs 2
68/256  4-8 GianToad
68/256  1-3 Sandworm 1-3 Evil Eye
34/256  4-8 DemoLoad
34/256  1 Hydra 1 F-Spider 1 Plague
17/256  1-3 BlackCat 1-3 MadCeder 1-3 Sylph
17/256  1-4 Pudding
10/256  0-3 DemoLoad 3-5 Rakshasa 3-5 Wizard
8/256   1 Intrcept

Central Shrine- Stairs 3			
68/256	4-8 Giant				
68/256	4-8 DemoLoad				
34/256	1-3 BlackCat 1-3 MadCeder 1-3 Sylph	
34/256	1 Salamand 1 C-Fisher 1 KingCrab	
17/256	1-3 Gloom 1-3 Garuda 1-3 Great-D	
17/256	1 Hydra 1 F-Spider 1 Plague		
10/256	3-5 Bl. Belt 3-5 Paladin 0-3 Giant	
8/256	1 Hydra 1 F-Spider 1 Plague		

Central Shrine- Stairs 4
68/256  1-3 Scylla 1-3 Moaner 1-3 BoneKing
68/256  1-3 Gloom 1-3 Garuda 1-3 Great-D
34/256  0-3 Rock 3-6 Squid
34/256  1-3 BlackCat 1-3 MadCeder 1-3 Sylph
17/256  3-6 Garuda 3-6 Great-D
17/256  1 Salamand 1 C-Fisher 1 KingCrab
10/256  0-3 Cicada 3-5 Shiitake 0-3 Musashi
8/256   1-4 Pudding

Central Shrine- Stairs 5			
68/256	3-6 Salamand 0-3 KingCrab		
68/256	0-3 Rock 3-6 Squid			
34/256	0-3 Hydra 3-6 F-Spider			
34/256	1-3 Scylla 1-3 Moaner 1-3 BoneKing	
17/256	3-6 BlackCat 3-6 Sylph			
17/256	1-3 Gloom 1-3 Garuda 1-3 Great-D	
10/256	3-5 Spector 3-5 SS 3-5 T Rex		
8/256	1-3 BlackCat 1-3 MadCeder 1-3 Sylph	

Central Shrine- Stairs 6
68/256  0-3 Sandworm 0-3 Evil Eye 3-5 G-7
68/256  0-3 Hydra 3-6 F-Spider
34/256  0-3 GunFish 0-3 Roc 3-5 Sleipnir
34/256  3-6 Salamand 0-3 KingCrab
17/256  3-5 Spector 3-5 SS 3-5 T Rex
17/256  0-3 Rock 3-6 Squid
10/256  3-5 D-Turtle 3-5 Sphinx 3-5 Intrcept
8/256   1-3 BlackCat 1-3 MadCeder 1-3 Sylph

Central Shrine- Stairs 7			
68/256	0-3 SunPlant 0-3 Wight 3-5 Ironman	
68/256	0-3 GunFish 0-3 Roc 3-5 Sleipnir	
34/256	3-6 Garuda 3-6 Great-D			
34/256	0-3 Sandworm 0-3 Evil Eye 3-5 G-7	
17/256	3-5 D-Turtle 3-5 Sphinx 3-5 Intrcept	
17/256	0-3 Hydra 3-6 F-Spider			
10/256	3-5 Pudding 3-5 Cancer 3-5 Wyrm		
8/256	3-6 Salamand 0-3 KingCrab		

Central Shrine- Stairs 8
68/256  3-6 Scylla 3-6 Moaner
68/256  3-6 BlackCat 3-6 Sylph
34/256  3-5 Spector 3-5 SS 3-5 T Rex
34/256  3-6 Garuda 3-6 Great-D
17/256  3-5 Pudding 3-5 Cancer 3-5 Wyrm
17/256  0-3 SunPlant 0-3 Wight 3-5 Ironman
10/256  3-5 Pudding 3-5 Cancer 3-5 Wyrm
8/256   3-6 Salamand 0-3 KingCrab

Central Shrine- Maze
68/256	0-3 Cicada 3-5 Shiitake 0-3 Musashi
68/256	3-5 Bl. Belt 3-5 Paladin 0-3 Giant
34/256	3-5 D-Turtle 3-5 Sphinx 3-5 Intrcept
34/256	0-3 DemoLoad 3-5 Rakshasa 3-5 Wizard
17/256	3-5 Pudding 3-5 Cancer 3-5 Wyrm
17/256	3-6 Scylla 3-6 Moaner
10/256	1 Haniwa
8/256	0-3 SunPlant 0-3 Wight 3-5 Ironman

                           BOSSES (32 battle formations)

* Notes:
- Notice bosses are basically in binary, 0/1 and 1/0 (with 0 Fungus as a 
placeholder), with 2 bosses each sharing a slot. This was meant as a useful 
allocation of space for battles.

- From this set there are some random encounters: 1 Haniwa. Surprisingly, the 
solo Guardians base battles, 1 Hermit, and the 1-4 or 4-8 packs from the 
Dragon Race, the monster-in-a-box, or the early world special fights are not 
recycled. The Mephisto & Phantom enemies are from Edo World, yet they are not 
together in any regular battle formations.


Group A         Group B         Group C         Locations
1 Arsenal       0 Apollo        0 Fungus        Celestial: Cnt. Shrine (Maze)
0 Arsenal       1 Apollo        0 Fungus        Celestial: Cnt. Shrine (Palace)
1 Minion        0 WarMach       0 Fungus        Final: Pillar of Sky Entrance
0 Minion        1 WarMach       0 Fungus        Final: Final Dungeon (11F)
1 Sleipnir      1 Odin          2 OdinCrow      Odin: Valhalla Pal. (7F- Room)
1 Sleipnir      0 Odin          0 OdinCrow      UNUSED*
1 Venus         0 Ashura        0 Fungus        Venus: Venus's Palace
0 Venus         1 Ashura        0 Fungus        Ashura: Ashura's Tower (10F)
1 Sho-Gun       0 Magnate       0 Fungus        Edo: Sho-Gun's Castle (5F)
0 Sho-Gun       1 Magnate       0 Fungus        Edo: Sho-Gun's Castle (Roof)
1 EchigoYa      9 Hatamoto      0 Fungus        Edo: EchiGoYa's Basement
0 EchigoYa      4-8 Hatamoto    0 Fungus        Edo: Edo Town
4-8 Adamant     0 Ghast         0 Fungus        Racing: Dragon Race (S-1)
0 Adamant       4-8 Ghast       0 Fungus        UNUSED**
1-4 Lamia       0 Watcher       0 Fungus        Racing: Dragon Race (S-3)
0 Lamia         1-4 Watcher     0 Fungus        Racing: Dragon Race (S-4)
1 Hermit        0 Ninja         0 Fungus        Venus: Sewers (Hermit Room)
0 Hermit        1 Ninja         0 Fungus        Monster: Overworld
1 Ogre          0 Mantcore      0 Fungus        Guardians: Guardians Base (3F)
0 Ogre          1 Mantcore      0 Fungus        Guardians: Guardians Base (2F)
1 Magician      0 Commando      0 Fungus        Guardians: Guardians Base (1F)
0 Magician      1 Commando      0 Fungus        Guardians: Guardians Overworld
1 Dunatis       0 Phagocyt      0 Fungus        Apollo: Cave of the Mtns. (5F)
0 Dunatis       4-8 Phagocyt    0 Fungus        Ki: Ki's Body (Head)
1 Woodman       0 Rhino         0 Fungus        Ashura: Ashura's Tower (5F)
0 Woodman       1 Rhino         0 Fungus        First: Ashura's Base (5F)
1 BabyWyrm      0 Haniwa        0 Fungus        First: Cave of North
0 BabyWyrm      1 Haniwa        0 Fungus        Celestial: Central Shrine (Maze)
1-3 Mephisto    1-3 Phantom     0 TianLung      Venus: Sewers (Monster-in-a-Box)
0 Mephisto      0 Phantom       1-4 TianLung    Celestial: Cnt. Shrine (St. 5)
1 Dolphin       0 Dolphin       0 Fenrir        Edo: Sho-Gun's Castle (Roof)
0 Dolphin       0 Dolphin       1-4 Fenrir      Celestial: Cnt. Shrine (St. 8)

*: This battle formation is unused. It should appear early in the Celestial 

**: This set proves the 2nd miniboss of the Dragon Race was meant to be Ghast. 
The Adamant set is hex 06, the Ghast set is hex 86. The set with 1-4 Tortoise 
is hex 37. Not sure how they mistook 37 for 86.

Section 5. Nihyakugojuuroku Points?!
[Reader Participation: You can name this unit of measurement. There looks to 
be no good name for 256 or 1/256 so input is welcomed. 

It would be best to post suggestions on the FFL2 Gamefaqs forum instead of 
emailing me. I would see it a lot faster and everyone would see everyone 
else's suggestions. Octobyte Points? Zenzi Points? Something else? The section
heading is just a placeholder]

- Name: 
There is no succinct way to say 256 or 1/256 in English (Latin or Greek 
base) or Japanese. In Latin, 256 is something like ducentiquinquagintisex. 
In Japanese, 256= nihyakugojuuroku (if I got the number construction correct).
1/256= nihyakugojuuroku bun no ichi. 

Looking for other possible names, 256 is the result of the 8-bit limit, which 
is 2^8 (just as 16-bit is 2^16= 65536). 2^8 is a zenzizenzizenic. However 
you say it, 256 is a mouthful. 

* What are these points?

To put it simply before getting into the details: 
1 point= 1/256 odds of appearing. 

This is a quantification of the odds of every battle formation an enemy 
appears in. It is meant to be able to gauge commonness/rarity and compare 
how frequently enemies appear vs. other enemies. It allows us to answer 
the question, "which enemy appears more often, Zombie or Hofud?" as well 
as who the most common or rarest enemy is in each world, and within each 
enemy family. Like any unit of measurement, it tries to quantify a 
variable (frequency) to allow for calculations (can't do math without 
numbers or symbols) and comparisons. 

Ex. Goblin's number is 764 pts. That says nothing about its odds of 
appearing on any given map but is the measurement of how often it 
appears in the game overall. 

* Development: 
Something that I was interested in for a while was how common or rare 
various enemies were. I wanted some way to quantify how often they 
appeared. Then it struck me, most RPGs of that era all had their odds 
on each map out of /256. This was the common denominator I was looking 
for. Of course, encounter rate is a modifier on that, but using those 
odds we can get at an empirical value for how often an enemy was 
programmed to appear. This would allow enemies in the same game to be 
compared and even to enemies in other RPGs. 

* The Details: 
How each enemy's point total is tallied...
- First, a list of all the locations a battle formation appears in with 
the odds tallied from all slots it appears in on that map is organized. 
This is the ultimate basis for all the data. 
- Next, every battle formation has all its odds added up. These battle 
formation numbers will be tallied up for every enemy across all the 
formations they appear in. If an enemy has a total possible number range 
of 0-3, then the points they get from the sum of that battle formation's
points is that sum x0.75 since with 0-3, there are 4 possible values and 
in 1 possible value for that battle, the enemy doesn't appear, thus they 
get only 3/4ths of the total points. 
- The value listed in the Points column for every enemy is the sum from 
the tally of every battle they appear in. 

This does not factor in how many steps you're going to be taking on any 
given map. Obviously most overworlds are going to see more steps than 
most single dungeon floors and some small overworlds would see a 
comparable number of steps to a small dungeon floor. This is why some 
enemies that seem common (like Gang on First World) have low point totals. 
The purpose of quantifying their frequency of usage for battles is to 
have some value of how common, overabundant, or rare an enemy is relative 
to other enemies. Trying to calculate the common range for how many steps 
on average players are going to take on any given map is a very murky 
sector for statistics. With this point system, it at least produces some 
logical numbers for everyone to work with.

But number of steps taken on a map isn't the only variable. Where you are 
in the game's grand sequence table for determining which battle slot will 
be fought can strongly shape which battles you face. Unless the game 
screws up, this sequence will never change. It will run its 256 number 
sequence and then loop around again. All 8 possible battles are not spread 
evenly. There are some huge gaps for the less common battles and gaps for 
even the more common battles. Be in the wrong place on the table and you 
may miss a battle formation. 

Ultimately, this unit gives us a measurement of that enemy's frequency of 
appearance in the perfect realm of how everything is programmed onto the 
ROM before complicating variables like encounter rates, map sizes, and how 
many likely steps a player is to take on any given map, not to mention the 
unevenness of the battle slot encounter table.


* Name: The name of the enemy/enemy group. 

* Points: see description above. 

* # Battle Formations (BFs): A simple tally of how many battle formations 
this enemy appears in. Fractions are the result of 0-3 number assignments.

* Set Size: How many of that enemy can appear in that battle formation. 
Lower number is the minimum, higher number is the maximum. Set Sizes listed 
for all battle formations (should match the # BFs). 

* Range: The total abundance of this enemy based on how many are assigned 
to the different battle formations. The listed range is Min~Max. Min adds 
up all the lowest possible Set Sizes, Max adds up the highest possible 
Set Sizes. 

* Characterization: This is the nature of the battle formation the enemy is a 
part of, namely whether that enemy's group is the only group in the battle or 
comes with 1 or 2 other enemy groups. Battle formations here listed in same 
order as Set Size. 
- Solo (S)- enemy found in battle alone
- Duo (D)- enemy found in battle with 2 enemy groups
- Trio (T)- enemy found in battle with 3 enemy groups
- x-Duo (xD)- enemy found in battle with 1 other enemy group, but 1 group 
may not appear so it may seem like a Solo battle
- x-Trio (xT)- enemy found in battle with 2 other enemy groups, but 1 group 
may not appear so it may seem like a Duo battle


Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Jaguar      858 pts   4          3-6, 1-4, 1-3, 1   6~14    xD, S, T, T
Goblin      764 pts   4          1-3, 3-5, 3-5, 1   8~14    D, T, xT, T
Spider      691 pts   4          3-5, 1-3, 1, 1     6~10    xT, D, S, T
Asigaru     670 pts   3.75       0-3, 1-3, 1, 1     3~8     xD, D, S, T
Lizard      663 pts   3          1-3, 3-5, 4-8      8~16    D, T, S
Toad        663 pts   2.75       1-3, 0-3, 1-3      2~9     D, xT, T
Fungus      604 pts   3          3-5, 1-3, 3-5      7~13    T, D, xT
Skelton     493 pts   2.75       0-3, 1, 1          2~5     xT, T, T
Fly         425 pts   1.75       4-8, 0-3           4~11    S, xT
Gang        402 pts   2          1-3, 1-4           2~7     T, S

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Zombie      985 pts   6.75       1-3, 0-3, 1-3,     12~25   T, xD, D, T, xT, 
                                 3-5, 3-5, 1, 3-5           S, xT
Eagle       695 pts   5          1, 3-6, 3-5, 1,    9~16    T, D, xT, S, T
Snake       646 pts   4          1-3, 3-6, 1, 3-5   8~15    T, xD, T, T
Beetle      543 pts   3.50       3-5, 4-8, 0-3, 0-3 7~19    xT, S, xT, xT
Slime       513 pts   4          1, 3-6, 1-3, 3-5   8~15    T, D, D, T
Barracud    508 pts   3.50       1, 3-5, 0-3, 0-3   4~12    T, T, xT, xD
Trooper     459 pts   3.75       1, 3-6, 0-3, 1-4   5~14    T, D, xT, S
Flower      458 pts   3.75       1, 3-6, 1-4, 0-3   5~14    T, D, S, xT
Pebble      451 pts   2.75       1-3, 1-3, 0-3      2~9     T, D, xT
Red Bone    442 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     xD, T
BabyWyrm    407 pts   3          4-8, 3-5, 3-5      10~18   S, T, xT
Octopus     315 pts   2          3-5, 1-3           4~8     T, T
WereRat     272 pts   2          1-3, 3-5           4~8     D, xT

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Terorist    589 pts   4          3-6, 4-8, 1, 1-3   9~18    xD, S, T, T
Fiend       559 pts   4          1-3, 3-5, 1, 3-5   8~14    D, xT, T, T
Rhino       538 pts   4          3-6, 3-5, 1, 1-3   8~14    D, xT, S, T
Worm        530 pts   3.50       0-3, 1-3, 0-3, 2   3~11    xD, D, xT, T
Amoeba      504 pts   4          1, 3-5, 1, 1-3     6~10    T, T, S, T
Crab        450 pts   3          3-6, 1, 3-5        7~12    xD, T, T
Oni         441 pts   3          1, 3-5, 3-6        7~12    T, T, D
Silver      435 pts   3          1, 3-5, 1-3        5~9     T, T, T
ROBO-28     411 pts   2.75       0-3, 1, 3-5        4~9     xD, T, T
Woodman     409 pts   2.75       3-6, 0-3, 3-6      6~15    D, xT, D
Cobble      391 pts   3          4-8, 1-3, 3-5      8~16    S, T, xT
Samurai     342 pts   2          1, 1-3             2~4     T, T
Conjurer    307 pts   2          3-5, 1-3           4~8     T, T
Grippe      289 pts   3          1-3, 1-3, 1-4      3~10    D, T, S
Plasma      285 pts   3          1-4, 1-3, 1-3      3~10    S, D, T

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Hofud       934 pts   4.50       1-3, 1-3, 4-8,     6~20    D, T, S, xT, xT
                                 0-3, 0-3
Big Eye     767 pts   4          1-3, 1-3, 3-5, 1-4 6~15    D, T, xT, S
Jelly       762 pts   3          1-3, 4-8, 1-3      6~14    T, S, T
Cameleon    732 pts   4          1-3, 1-3, 1, 1     4~8     D, T, T, T
Wyrm Kid    676 pts   4          1, 3-6, 3-6, 3-5   10~18   T, xD, D, T
Raven       653 pts   3.75       1, 0-3, 1-4, 3-5   5~13    T, xD, S, T
Phagocyt    620 pts   3          1-3, 1-3, 1        3~7     D, T, T
MapleMan    590 pts   4          1, 1-3, 3-6, 3-5   8~15    T, D, D, T
Tortoise    572 pts   4          1, 3-6, 1-4, 3-5   8~16    T, xD, S, T
Moth        545 pts   3.75       1-3, 0-3, 1, 3-5   5~12    T, xT, S, T
Medusa      542 pts   2.75       4-8, 0-3, 3-6      7~17    S, xT, D
Ghoul       497 pts   3          1, 1-3, 3-5        5~9     T, D, xT
Kelpie      469 pts   3          1-3, 1, 3-5        5~9     T, S, xT
Virus       436 pts   2.50       1, 0-3, 0-3        1~7     T, xD, xT
P-Spider    401 pts   2          1-3, 3-5           4~8     T, xT
Griffon     331 pts   3          3-6, 1, 3-5        7~12    D, S, T
SabreCat    277 pts   1.75       0-3, 3-5           4~8     xT, xT

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Mushroom    1120 pts  6          1-3, 1-3, 1, 3-6,  8~17    D, T, T, xD, T, D
                                 1, 1-3
Hornet      1047 pts  5          1-3, 1-3, 1, 3-6,  7~16    D, T, T, xD, T
O-Bake      1031 pts  4.75       1-3, 1-3, 1-3,     7~20    T, xT, T, S, xT
                                 4-8, 0-3
P-Worm      775 pts   3.75       1-3, 1-3, 4-8, 0-3 6~17    D, T, S, xT
WereWolf    613 pts   3          4-8, 1-3, 3-5      8~16    S, T, xT
Clayman     477 pts   3          1-3, 1-4, 3-5      5~12    T, S, xT
Wh. Belt    473 pts   2.75       1, 0-3, 3-6        4~10    T, xD, D
LiveOrk     469 pts   4          1, 1-3, 1, 3-5     6~10    T, D, S, T
Thunder     462 pts   2.75       1, 0-3, 3-6        4~10    T, xD, D
Sprite      441 pts   3          1-3, 1-4, 3-5      5~12    T, S, T
Chafer      433 pts   2.75       0-3, 3-6, 3-5      6~14    xT, D, xT
Baby-D      427 pts   3.75       3-5, 0-3, 1, 3-5   7~14    xT, xT, S, T
Guard       424 pts   2.75       0-3, 3-6, 3-5      6~14    xT, D, xT
P-Toad      314 pts   2          1, 3-5             4~6     T, xT
ROBO-Z      282 pts   2.75       1, 1, 0-3          2~5     T, S, xT
Turtle      236 pts   2          1, 3-5             4~6     T, T
MechBug     187 pts   2          1-4, 3-5           4~9     S, T
Harpy       102 pts   1          3-5                3~5     T

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Magician    699 pts   4.75       1-3, 3-5, 0-3, 1,  6~15    T, T, xT, S, T
Triceras    640 pts   4.50       1-3, 3-5, 0-3, 1,  5~15    D, T, xT, T, xD
P-Flower    599 pts   3.75       3-5, 0-3, 1, 3-6   7~15    xT, xT, T, xD
Serpent     589 pts   3.75       1-3, 3-5, 4-8, 0-3 8~19    T, T, S, xT
Ogre        521 pts   3.75       1-4, 0-3, 1, 3-6   5~14    S, xT, T, xD
Piranha     501 pts   4          1-3, 3-5, 1, 3-5   8~13    D, xT, S, xT
Champgno    496 pts   3          1-3, 3-5, 4-8      8~16    T, T, S
Hawk        445 pts   3.75       1-3, 0-3, 1, 1     3~8     D, xT, T, T
Mantcore    413 pts   2.75       3-5, 1, 0-3        4~9     xT, T, xD
Mercenar    365 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
Tororo      299 pts   2          3-5, 3-6           6~11    xT, D
Warrior     280 pts   2          1-4, 1-3           2~7     S, T
Komodo      237 pts   2          1-3, 3-5           4~8     D, T
Ant Lion    172 pts   1          3-5                3~5     xT
Ammonite    163 pts   1          3-6                3~6     D
Swallow     153 pts   1          3-6                3~6     D
Corpuscl    100 pts   1          3-5                3~5     T

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Tarantla    978 pts   4          1, 3-6, 1-4, 1-3   6~14    T, D, S, T
Wyvern      964 pts   3          1, 3-6, 1-3        5~10    T, xD, T
Knight      785 pts   2.75       3-5, 4-8, 0-3      7~16    xT, S, xT
Gazer       726 pts   2.75       3-5, 4-8, 0-3      5~14    D, S, xT
Gae Bolg    721 pts   3          1, 1-4, 1-3        3~8     T, S, T
Commando    676 pts   1.75       0-3, 1-3           1~6     xT, T
Mosquito    673 pts   2.75       0-3, 1-3, 3-6      4~12    xT, D, xD
EvilPine    619 pts   2          1, 1-3             2~4     T, T
Fairy       618 pts   3          1-3, 3-5, 3-5      7~13    D, xT, T
Phantom     557 pts   2.75       3-5, 1, 0-3        4~9     xT, T, xD
Boulder     546 pts   2.75       0-3, 1, 3-6        4~10    xT, T, D
Pathogen    449 pts   1          1-3                1~3     T
Stoneman    447 pts   1.75       0-3, 3-5           3~8     xD, xT
Anaconda    425 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
Hermit      361 pts   3          1, 3-5, 3-5        7~11    S, xT, T
Mephisto    196 pts   2          1, 3-5             4~6     S, T
Ninja       153 pts   0.75       0-3                0~3     xT

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
CatWoman    870 pts   4          1, 3-6, 1, 3-5     8~13    T, D, S, xT
Young-D     687 pts   2.75       1, 1-3, 0-3        2~7     T, D, xT
Lamia       651 pts   3          1, 1-3, 1-3        3~7     T, D, T
Dinosaur    620 pts   3          4-8, 1-3, 3-5      8~16    S, T, T
Killer      592 pts   3          1, 1-3, 1-3        3~7     T, D, T
Answerer    586 pts   2.50       1-3, 0-3, 0-3      1~9     D, xD, xT
Demon       503 pts   2          3-6, 3-6           6~12    xD, D
Shark       478 pts   2          4-8, 1-3           5~11    S, T
Wraith      462 pts   2          1-3, 1             2~4     D, T
SnowCat     441 pts   2          1-3, 3-5           4~8     T, T
Adamant     438 pts   3          3-6, 1, 3-5        7~12    D, S, T
FireMoth    438 pts   1.75       1-4, 0-3           1~7     S, xT
Nitemare    418 pts   2          1-4, 3-5           4~9     S, xT
LavaWorm    418 pts   2          1, 3-5             4~6     T, xT
Ghast       232 pts   1          1-3                1~3     T

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Ice Crab    932 pts   4.50       1, 1-3, 0-3, 3-6,  5~16    T, T, xD, xD, xT
Dragon      885 pts   3.75       4-8, 0-3, 1-3, 3-6 8~20    S, xT, T, D
Ten-Gu      791 pts   3          3-5, 1-3, 3-6      7~14    xT, T, xD
Chimera     773 pts   3          3-5, 1-3, 3-6      7~14    xT, T, D
Watcher     687 pts   3          3-5, 1, 3-6        7~12    T, T, D
Falcon      684 pts   3.25       1, 0-3, 0-3, 0-3   1~12    D, xT, xD, xT
Cocatris    654 pts   3          1, 3-6, 3-5        7~12    T, D, xT
Sorcerer    635 pts   2.75       4-8, 0-3, 3-5      7~16    S, xT, xT
F-Flower    610 pts   2          3-5, 3-5           6~10    T, xT
Naga        585 pts   2          3-5, 3-5           6~10    T, xT
HugeToad    569 pts   3          1, 3-5, 3-5        7~11    S, T, T
Nymph       530 pts   2.75       1-3, 0-3, 1-3      2~9     D, xT, T
Ridean      514 pts   3          1-4, 3-5, 1-3      5~12    S, T, T

Name        Pts       # BFs      Set Size           Range   Characterization
Garuda      187 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
Great-D     187 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
Scylla      187 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
Moaner      187 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
BlackCat    186 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
Sylph       186 pts   2          3-6, 1-3           4~9     D, T
F-Spider    178 pts   2          1, 3-6             4~7     T, xD
Salamand    169 pts   2          1, 3-6             4~7     T, xD
Giant       154 pts   1.75       4-8, 0-3           4~11    S, xT
Hydra       148 pts   1.75       1, 0-3             1~4     T, xD
GunFish     145 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
Roc         145 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
Sandworm    145 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
Evil Eye    145 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
KingCrab    140 pts   1.75       1, 0-3             1~4     T, xD
SunPlant    138 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
Wight       138 pts   1.75       1-3, 0-3           1~6     D, xT
DemoLoad    135 pts   1.75       4-8, 0-3           4~11    S, xT
Squid       119 pts   1          3-6                3~6     xD
GianToad    102 pts   1          4-8                4~8     S
Sleipnir    102 pts   1          3-5                3~5     xT
G-7         102 pts   1          3-5                3~5     xT
BoneKing    102 pts   1          1-3                1~3     T
Gloom       102 pts   1          1-3                1~3     T
MadCeder    101 pts   1          1-3                1~3     T
Ironman     93 pts    1          3-5                3~5     xT
Musashi     93 pts    1.75       1, 0-3             1~4     S, xT
Rock        89 pts    0.75       0-3                0~3     xD
Pudding     79 pts    2          1-4, 3-5           4~9     S, T
Bl. Belt    78 pts    1          3-5                3~5     xT
Paladin     78 pts    1          3-5                3~5     xT
Shiitake    78 pts    1          3-5                3~5     xT
SS          78 pts    2          1, 3-5             4~6     S, T
Intrcept    77 pts    2          1, 3-5             4~6     S, T
Spector     61 pts    1          3-5                3~5     T
T Rex       61 pts    1          3-5                3~5     T
D-Turtle    61 pts    1          3-5                3~5     T
Sphinx      61 pts    1          3-5                3~5     T
Plague      59 pts    1          1                  1       T
Cicada      59 pts    0.75       0-3                0~3     xT
Cancer      54 pts    1          3-5                3~5     T
Wyrm        54 pts    1          3-5                3~5     T
C-Fisher    51 pts    1          1                  1       T
Rakshasa    44 pts    1          3-5                3~5     xT
Wizard      44 pts    1          3-5                3~5     xT
Haniwa      10 pts    1          1                  1       S

- The Celestial World's enemies have such small point totals because there's 
46 enemies spread over 31 formations. Normally only part of all 45 enemy 
families are active on any given world, but here *all* enemy families have 1 
enemy representing them. The average is 15 enemies, so Celestial World crams 
3 times as many enemies into just 9 maps (the average is 14 maps). Fewer maps 
means fewer battle slots, thus fewer points to earn. 

* Venus' World Notes: 
- The City Exit in the Sewers is just 6 steps (7 if arrival step counted) & 
just 14 tiles total. There's a fair chance one would walk through there and 
never encounter a battle. It's counted on the list above. The points below 
have notes giving the numbers discounting this area. The final point 
totals presented elsewhere include the City Exit map.

Sewer City Exit battles- 
Werewolf/Clayman/Hornet (-68)
Hornet/Thunder (-102/77)
Mushroom/O-Bake/Sprite (-34)
Mushroom/Wh. Belt (-17/13)
O-Bake/Hornet/P-Worm (-27)
Baby-D/Guard/O-Bake (-8/6/6)
Hornet/Thunder is the most skewed by it (102 of 229 pts from it). 
Werewolf/Clayman/Hornet gets 68/256 pts from it too.

The point totals and order without the City Exit:
Mushroom 1069 pts- still 1st place and over 1000 pts
O-Bake   964 pts- from 3rd to 2nd place, under 1000 pts though
Hornet   850 pts- from 2nd to 3rd place, -197 pts from subtracting City Exit
P-Worm   748 pts- still 4th place
WereWolf 545 pts- still 5th place, under 600 pts though
LiveOrk  469 pts- from 8th to 6th place, pts unchanged
Wh. Belt 460 pts- still 7th place, only minor changes
Chafer   433 pts- from 12th to 8th place, pts unchanged
Baby-D   419 pts- from 11th to 9th place, virtually unchanged in point totals
Guard    418 pts- from 13th to 10th place, virtually unchanged in point totals
Clayman  409 pts- from 6th to 11th place, lost a lot of pts
Sprite   407 pts- from 10th to 12th place, lost some pts
Thunder  385 pts- from 9th to 13th place, lost a lot of pts
P-Toad   314 pts- unaffected
ROBO-Z   282 pts- unaffected
Turtle   236 pts- unaffected
MechBug  187 pts- unaffected
Harpy    102 pts- unaffected

Section 6. Odds & Ends

These are facts drawn from all the numbers and assorted miscellany. Includes:
- Most/Least Common Enemies
- Most/Least Common Battles
- List of Enemies by Range
- Odds per Number of Group Size
- One is the Loneliest Number
- Three Musketeers
- Full Deck
- Pack Mentality


* Most/Least Common Enemies
Listed are the most & least common enemies per world and the 10 most & 10 least
common enemies in the game. Instead of going the traditional style with 
ties (skipping numbers), I'm treating the 10 point totals as the ranks 
instead of just 10 enemies. 

The mean is 424 pts. 

Enemy     Pt Total  World: rank
Mushroom  1120 pts  Guardians/Venus: most common enemy, most common FFL2 enemy
Hornet    1047 pts  Guardians/Venus, 2nd most common enemy
O-Bake    1031 pts  Guardians/Venus, 3rd most common enemy
Zombie    985 pts   Ashura: most common enemy, 4th most common enemy
Tarantla  978 pts   Edo: most common enemy, 5th most common enemy
Wyvern    964 pts   Edo, 6th most common enemy
Hofud     934 pts   Apollo: most common enemy, 7th most common enemy
Ice Crab  932 pts   Final: most common enemy, 8th most common enemy
Dragon    885 pts   Final, 9th most common enemy
CatWoman  870 pts   Dungeon/Odin: most common enemy, 10th most common enemy
Jaguar    858 pts   First: most common enemy
Magician  699 pts   Racing: most common enemy
Terorist  589 pts   Giants: most common enemy
Ridean    514 pts   Final: least common enemy
Gang      402 pts   First: least common enemy
Plasma    285 pts   Giants: least common enemy
SabreCat  277 pts   Apollo: least common enemy
WereRat   272 pts   Ashura: least common enemy
Ghast     232 pts   Dungeon/Odin: least common enemy
Garuda    187 pts   Celestial: most common enemy (T)
Great-D   187 pts   Celestial: most common enemy (T)
Scylla    187 pts   Celestial: most common enemy (T)
Moaner    187 pts   Celestial: most common enemy (T)
Ninja     153 pts   Edo: least common enemy
Harpy     102 pts   Guardians/Venus: least common enemy
Corpuscl  100 pts   Racing: least common enemy
Rock      89 pts    Celestial, 10th least common enemy
Pudding   79 pts    Celestial, 9th least common enemy
Bl. Belt  78 pts    Celestial, 8th least common enemy (T)
Paladin   78 pts    Celestial, 8th least common enemy (T)
Shiitake  78 pts    Celestial, 8th least common enemy (T)
SS        78 pts    Celestial, 8th least common enemy (T)
Intrcept  77 pts    Celestial, 7th least common enemy
Spector   61 pts    Celestial, 6th least common enemy (T)
T Rex     61 pts    Celestial, 6th least common enemy (T)
D-Turtle  61 pts    Celestial, 6th least common enemy (T)
Sphinx    61 pts    Celestial, 6th least common enemy (T)
Plague    59 pts    Celestial, 5th least common enemy (T)
Cicada    59 pts    Celestial, 5th least common enemy (T)
Cancer    54 pts    Celestial, 4th least common enemy (T)
Wyrm      54 pts    Celestial, 4th least common enemy (T)
C-Fisher  51 pts    Celestial, 3rd least common enemy
Rakshasa  44 pts    Celestial: 2nd least common enemy (T), 2nd least in FFL2(T)
Wizard    44 pts    Celestial: 2nd least common enemy (T), 2nd least in FFL2(T)
Haniwa    10 pts    Celestial: least common enemy, least common enemy in FFL2


* Most/Least Common Battles
This is the 3 most common & least common battles per world, expanded to 5 for 
the Celestial World since it has so many battle formations. All battles over 
300 pts and under 100 pts (excluding the Celestial World since all but the 
top 5 are under 100 pts). 

Dotted line delineates the top 10 & bottom 10.

Most common...

Group A         Group B         Group C         Pts     World- Rank
1-3 Tarantla	1-3 Commando	1-3 Wyvern	503	Edo 1st most
1-3 EvilPine	1-3 Gae Bolg	1-3 Pathogen	449	Edo 2nd most
0 Ninja		0 Stoneman	4-8 Knight	401	Edo 3rd most
3-5 Ten-Gu	3-5 F-Flower	0-3 Dragon	340	Final 1st most
0 Knight	4-8 Gazer	0 Commando	331	Edo
0 Gazer		3-6 Mosquito	0-3 Stoneman	324	Edo
0-3 Young-D	0 Wraith	3-6 CatWoman	323	Odin 1st most
3-5 Naga	0-3 Sorcerer	3-5 Chimera	323	Final 2nd most
3-6 Cocatris	0 Ice Crab	3-6 Watcher	306	Final 3rd most
1-3 Shark	1-3 SnowCat	1-3 Lamia	291	Odin 2nd most
0 Wraith	3-6 Demon	0-3 Answerer	283	Odin 3rd most
1-3 Jaguar	1-3 Toad	1-3 Gang	280	First 1st most
1-3 Phagocyt	1-3 Big Eye	1-3 Moth	280	Apollo 1st most
0 Asigaru	0 Jaguar	4-8 Lizard	273	First 2nd most (T)
0 Skelton	0 Goblin	4-8 Fly		273	First 2nd most (T)
0-3 Asigaru	3-6 Jaguar	0 Lizard	272	First 3rd most
1-3 Cameleon	1-3 Jelly	1-3 Hofud	270	Apollo 2nd most
1-3 Jelly	1-3 Kelpie	1-3 P-Spider	265	Apollo 3rd most
1-3 O-Bake	1-3 Hornet	1-3 P-Worm	256	Venus 1st most (T)
1-3 Mushroom	1-3 O-Bake	1-3 Sprite	256	Venus 1st most (T)
1-3 WereWolf	1-3 Clayman	1-3 Hornet	256	Venus 1st most (T)
0 P-Toad	3-6 Mushroom	0-3 Wh. Belt	232	Venus 2nd most
0-3 Zombie	0 Pebble	3-6 Snake	231	Ashura 1st most
0-3 Barracud	3-6 Red Bone	0 Trooper	229	Ashura 2nd most
3-6 Hornet	0-3 Thunder	0 ROBO-Z	229	Venus 3rd most
0-3 Mantcore	3-6 P-Flower	0 Hawk		229	Racing 1st most
0-3 Triceras	0 Hawk		3-6 Ogre	222	Racing 2nd most
1-3 Serpent	1-3 Champgno	1-3 Magician	214	Racing 3rd most
1-3 Zombie	1-3 Pebble	1-3 Snake	213	Ashura 3rd most (T)
1-3 Eagle	1-3 Octopus	1-3 Red Bone	213	Ashura 3rd most (T)
1 Fiend		1 Oni		1 Amoeba	187	Giants 1st most (T)
1 Silver	1 Crab		1 ROBO-28	187	Giants 1st most (T)
1 Terorist	1 Samurai	2 Worm		171	Giants 2nd most (T)
1-3 Rhino	1-3 Conjurer	1-3 Samurai	171	Giants 2nd most (T)
0 Plasma	0-3 ROBO-28	3-6 Terorist	163	Giants 3rd most
0-3 Rock	0 GianToad	3-6 Squid	119	Celestial 1st most (T)
0-3 Hydra	3-6 F-Spider	0 Plague	119	Celestial 1st most (T)
3-6 Salamand	0 C-Fisher	0-3 KingCrab	118	Celestial 2nd most
0 Rock		4-8 GianToad	0 Squid		102	Celestial 3rd most (T)
0-3 Gunfish	0-3 Roc		3-5 Sleipnir	102	Celestial 3rd most (T)
0-3 SandWorm	0-3 Evil Eye	3-5 G-7		102	Celestial 3rd most (T)
4-8 DemoLoad	0 Rakshasa	0 Wizard	102	Celestial 3rd most (T)
1-3 Gloom	1-3 Garuda	1-3 Great-D	102	Celestial 3rd most (T)
1-3 Scylla	1-3 Moaner	1-3 BoneKing	102	Celestial 3rd most (T)
1-3 BlackCat	1-3 MadCedar	1-3 Sylph	101	Celestial 4th most
0 Bl. Belt	0 Paladin	4-8 Giant	95	Celestial 5th most

Least common...

Group A         Group B         Group C         Pts     World- Rank
1 Lamia		1 LavaWorm	1 Killer	146	Odin 3rd least
1-4 Gang	0 Spider	0 Asigaru	122	First 3rd least
1 Cocatris	1 Ice Crab	1 Watcher	119	Final 3rd least
0 EvilPine	1-4 Gae Bolg	0 Pathogen	102	Edo 3rd least (T)
1-4 Tarantla	0 Commando	0 Wyvern	102	Edo 3rd least (T)
0 Answerer	1 CatWoman	0 Nitemare	102	Odin 2nd least
3-5 BabyWyrm	3-5 Snake	3-5 Barracud	100	Ashura 3rd least
0 Griffon	0 MapleMan	1-4 Big Eye	95	Apollo
1-4 Raven	0 P-Spider	0 Virus		93	Apollo
0 Medusa	1-4 Tortoise	0 Wyrm Kid	88	Apollo
0 Wh. Belt	0 Chafer	1-4 MechBug	85	Venus
0 Thunder	1-4 Sprite	0 Guard		85	Venus
1-4 Clayman	0 Baby-D	0 Chafer	85	Venus
1 Rhino		0 Conjurer	0 Samurai	78	Giants
1 Amoeba	0 Terorist	0 Silver	71	Giants 3rd least
0 F-Flower	1-4 Ridean	0 HugeToad	71	Final 2nd least
1-4 Flower	0 Barracud	0 Zombie	68	Ashura 2nd least (T)
0 Barracud	0 Red Bone	1-4 Trooper	68	Ashura 2nd least (T)
0 Hofud		0 SabreCat	1 Kelpie	68	Apollo 3rd least
0 Ammonite	0 Tororo	1-4 Warrior	68	Racing 3rd least (T)
0 Ant Lion	1-4 Ogre	0 P-Flower	68	Racing 3rd least (T)
0 Dinosaur	1 Adamant	0 SnowCat	68	Odin 1st least
0 Fairy		0 Hermit	1 Mephisto	61	Edo 2nd least
0 Mosquito	0 Phantom	1 Hermit	57	Edo 1st least
1 Spider	0 Skelton	0 Jaguar	51	First 2nd least
0 Oni		0 Woodman	1-4 Grippe	51	Giants 2nd least
1 Griffon	0 Raven		0 Wyrm Kid	51	Apollo 2nd least
1 LiveOrk	0 MechBug	0 Harpy		51	Venus 3rd least
0 Magician	0 Triceras	1 Piranha	51	Racing 2nd least
1-4 Plasma	0 ROBO-28	0 Terorist	47	Giants 1st least
0 Sprite	1 Baby-D	0 Turtle	47	Venus 2nd least
0 MapleMan	1 Moth		0 Tortoise	44	Apollo 1st least
0 Guard		1 ROBO-Z	0 WereWolf	44	Venus 1st least
0 Goblin	1 Asigaru	0 Skelton	37	First 1st least
0 Beetle	1 Zombie	0 BabyWyrm	37	Ashura 1st least (T)
1 Eagle		0 Octopus	0 Red Bone	37	Ashura 1st least (T)
0 Warrior	1 Magician	0 Mercenar	37	Racing 1st least
1 HugeToad	0 Watcher	0 Naga		37	Final 1st least
0 Cicada	0 Shiitake	1 Musashi	34	Celestial 5th least
1-4 Pudding	0 Cancer	0 Wyrm		25	Celestial 4th least
0 Spector	1 SS		0 T Rex		17	Celestial 3rd least	
0 D-Turtle	0 Sphinx	1 Intrcept	16	Celestial 2nd least
0 BabyWyrm	1 Haniwa	0 Fungus	10	Celestial 1st least


* List of Enemies by Range
This looks at how numerous enemies are in their programmed battle formations. 
Combine this with their point total to get a sense of how often and how 
abundant these enemies would be on a playthrough. 

Min~Max Median   Enemies (World)
12~25   18.5     Zombie (Ashura)
10~18   14       BabyWyrm (Ashura), Wyrm Kid (Apollo)
8~20    14       Dragon (Final)
9~18    13.5     Terorist (Giants)
8~19    13.5     Serpent (Racing)
7~20    13.5     O-Bake (Guardians/Venus)
7~19    13       Beetle (Ashura)
6~20    13       Hofud (Apollo)
9~16    12.5     Eagle (Ashura)
8~17    12.5     Mushroom (Guardians/Venus)
8~16    12       Lizard (First), Cobble (Giants), Tortoise (Apollo), 
                 WereWolf (Guardians/Venus), Champgno (Racing), Dinosaur (Odin)
7~17    12       Medusa (Apollo)
8~15    11.5     Snake (Ashura), Slime (Ashura), MapleMan (Apollo)
7~16    11.5     Hornet (Guardians/Venus), Knight (Edo), Sorcerer (Final)
6~17    11.5     P-Worm (Guardians/Venus)
8~14    11       Goblin (First), Rhino (Giants), Fiend (Giants)
7~15    11       P-Flower (Racing)
8~13    10.5     Piranha (Racing), CatWoman (Dungeon/Odin)
7~14    10.5     Baby-D (Guardians/Venus), Ten-Gu (Final), Chimera (Final)
6~15    10.5     Woodman (Giants), Big Eye (Apollo), Magician (Racing)
5~16    10.5     Ice Crab (Final)
7~13    10       Fungus (First), Fairy (Edo)
6~14    10       Jaguar (First), Jelly (Apollo), Guard (Guardians/Venus), 
                 Chafer (Guardians/Venus), Tarantla (Edo)
5~15    10       Triceras (Racing)
7~12    9.5      Crab (Giants), Oni (Giants), Griffon (Apollo), Adamant (Odin),
                 Watcher (Final), Cocatris (Final)
5~14    9.5      Trooper (Ashura), Flower (Ashura), Ogre (Racing), Gazer (Edo)
7~11    9        Hermit (Edo), HugeToad (Final)
6~12    9        Demon (Odin)
5~13    9        Raven (Apollo)
6~11    8.5      Tororo (Racing)
5~12    8.5      Moth (Apollo), Clayman (Guardians/Venus), 
                 Sprite (Guardians/Venus), Ridean (Final)
6~10    8        Spider (First), Amoeba (Giants), LiveOrk (Guardians/Venus), 
                 Naga (Final), F-Flower (Final)
5~11    8        Shark (Odin)
4~12    8        Barracud (Ashura), Mosquito (Edo)
5~10    7.5      Wyvern (Edo)
4~11    7.5      Fly (First), Giant (Celestial), DemoLoad (Celestial)
5~9     7        Silver (Giants), Kelpie (Apollo), Ghoul (Apollo)
4~10    7        Wh. Belt (Guardians/Venus), Thunder (Guardians/Venus), 
                 Boulder (Edo)
4~9     6.5      Red Bone (Ashura), ROBO-28 (Giants), 
                 MechBug (Guardians/Venus), Mantcore (Racing), 
                 Mercenar (Racing), Phantom (Edo), Nitemare (Odin), 
                 Garuda (Celestial), Great-D (Celestial), BlackCat (Celestial),
                 Sylph (Celestial), Scylla (Celestial), Moaner (Celestial), 
                 Pudding (Celestial)
3~10    6.5      Plasma (Giants), Grippe (Giants)
1~12    6.5      Falcon (Final)
4~8     6        WereRat (Ashura), Octopus (Ashura), Conjurer (Giants), 
                 P-Spider (Apollo), SabreCat (Apollo), Cameleon (Apollo), 
                 Komodo (Racing), SnowCat (Odin), GianToad (Celestial)
2~10    6        Worm (Giants)
4~7     5.5      F-Spider (Celestial), Salamand (Celestial)
3~8     5.5      Asigaru (First), Hawk (Racing), Gae Bolg (Edo), Stoneman (Edo)
2~9     5.5      Toad (First), Pebble (Ashura), Nymph (Final)
4~6     5        P-Toad (Guardians/Venus), Turtle (Guardians/Venus), 
                 Mephisto (Edo), LavaWorm (Odin), SS (Celestial), 
                 Intrcept (Celestial)
3~7     5        Phagocyt (Apollo), Lamia (Odin), Killer (Odin)
1~9     5        Answerer (Odin)
3~6     4.5      Swallow (Racing), Ammonite (Racing), Squid (Celestial)
2~7     4.5      Gang (First), Warrior (Racing), Young-D (Odin)
3~5     4        Harpy (Guardians/Venus), Ant Lion (Racing), Corpuscl (Racing),
                 Spector (Celestial), T Rex (Celestial), Bl. Belt (Celestial),
                 Paladin (Celestial), Cancer (Celestial), Wyrm (Celestial), 
                 Shiitake (Celestial), Ironman (Celestial), G-7 (Celestial), 
                 Rakshasa (Celestial), Wizard (Celestial), 
                 D-Turtle (Celestial), Sphinx (Celestial), Sleipnir (Celestial)
1~7     4        Virus (Apollo), FireMoth (Odin)
2~5     3.5      Skelton (First), ROBO-Z (Guardians/Venus)
1~6     3.5      Anaconda (Edo), Commando (Edo), Gunfish (Celestial), 
                 Roc (Celestial), SunPlant (Celestial), Wight (Celestial), 
                 SandWorm (Celestial), Evil Eye (Celestial)
2~4     3        Samurai (Giants), EvilPine (Edo), Wraith (Odin)
1~4     2.5      Musashi (Celestial), KingCrab (Celestial), Hydra (Celestial)
1~3     2        Pathogen (Edo), Ghast (Odin), BoneKing (Celestial), 
                 MadCeder (Celestial), Gloom (Celestial)
0~3     1.5      Ninja (Edo), Cicada (Celestial), Rock (Celestial)
1~1     1        C-Fisher (Celestial), Plague (Celestial), Haniwa (Celestial)

Summary (how many enemies have that as their min or max)

#   Min   Max
0   3     -
1   23    3
2   12    -
3   28    8
4   40    6
5   16    18
6   17    18
7   20    10
8   17    13
9   2     21
10  2     12
11  -     7
12  1     14
13  -     5
14  -     15
15  -     8
16  -     11
17  -     3
18  -     3
19  -     2
20  -     3
21  -     -
22  -     -
23  -     -
24  -     -
25  -     1

The average for the minimum sum is 3.97 (so basically 4) while the average 
for the maximum sum is 9.22 (about 9). So the average of all these number 
ranges is 4~9.
(719/181= 3.97	1668/181= 9.22)


* Odds per number of group size
0-3     25% chance
1       100% chance
1-3     33.3% chance
1-4     25% chance
3-5     33.3% chance
3-6     25% chance
4-8     20% chance

This means the odds of getting an 8-pack in a 4-8 battle is 20% (1:5). 

So, what are the odds of getting 5/5/5 (or 3/3/3) in a 3-5/3-5/3-5 battle 
formation?- 3.6% (1:27)

And the odds of getting 6/6 (or 3/3) in a 3-6/3-5 battle formation?- 6.25% 


* One is the Loneliest Number- battle formations with just 1 enemy group with 
a range of just 1. 
World        Enemies
First        Spider, Asigaru
Ashura       Zombie, Eagle
Giants/Ki    Rhino, Amoeba
Apollo       Kelpie, Griffon, Moth
G/M/V        ROBO-Z, Baby-D, LiveOrk
V/Racing     Magician, Piranha
Edo          Hermit, Mephisto
D1/Odin      CatWoman, Adamant
Final/D2     HugeToad
Celestial    SS, Musashi, Intrcept, Haniwa + Sleipnir

- These formations are limited to the overworlds in most cases. 


* Three Musketeers- battle formations with 1/1/1 of each group. 
World        Battle Formation            Locations
First        Spider/Skelton/Jaguar       Overworld, Cave of North, Relics
             Goblin/Asigaru/Skelton      Overworld, Cave of North, Relics
Ashura       Slime/Barracud/Eagle        Overworld
             Snake/Trooper/Flower        Desert Town
Giant/Ki     Fiend/Oni/Amoeba            Overworld, Giants Town
             Silver/Crab/ROBO-28         Giants Town
Apollo       Ghoul/Cameleon/MapleMan     Undersea Volcano
             Tortoise/Phagocyt/Raven     Undersea Volcano
             Virus/Wyrm Kid/Cameleon     Undersea Volcano
G/M/V        P-Toad/Mushroom/Wh. Belt    Guardians Base
             Hornet/Thunder/ROBO-Z       Guardians Base
             Turtle/LiveOrk/Mushroom     Guardians Base
V/Racing     Mantcore/P-Flower/Hawk      Volcano
             Triceras/Hawk/Ogre          Volcano
Edo          Phantom/Wyvern/Gae Bolg     Overworld, Harbor
             Boulder/Tarantla/EvilPine   Harbor
D1/Odin      Young-D/Wraith/Catwoman     D/O Overworlds, Nasty Dungeon 1,5F, 
                                         Valhalla Palace
             Lamia/Lavaworm/Killer       Odin Overworld, Valhalla Palace
Final/D2     Cocatris/Ice Crab/Watcher   Overworld, Final Dungeon
Celestial    Hydra/F-Spider/Plague       Central Shrine- early stairs
             Salamand/C-Fisher/KingCrab  Central Shrine- middle stairs


* Full Deck- battle formations that can produce the maximum total of enemies.
World        Battle Formation            Locations
First        Fungus/Lizard/Goblin        Ashura's Base- top floors
Ashura       Zombie/Slime/Octopus        Ashura's Tower- top floors
             BabyWyrm/Snake/Barracud     Ashura's Tower- top floors
Giant/Ki     Fiend/Oni/Amoeba            Ki's Body- various
             Silver/Crab/ROBO-28         Ki's Body- Left Foot, Head
Apollo       MapleMan/Moth/Tortoise      Cave of Light- deeper floors
             Griffon/Raven/Wyrm Kid      Cave of Light- deeper floors
G/M/V        LiveOrk/MechBug/Harpy       Sewers
             Sprite/Baby-D/Turtle        Sewers
V/Racing     Serpent/Champgno/Magician   Dragon Race- last segments
             Komodo/Corpuscl/Triceras    Dragon Race- last segments
Edo          Fairy/Hermit/Mephisto       Sho-Gun's Castle- Roof
D1/Odin      Dinosaur/Adamant/SnowCat    Nasty Dungeon, Valhalla Palace
Final/D2     HugeToad/Watcher/Naga       Final Dungeon- deeper floors, Nasty D.
             F-Flower/Ridean/HugeToad    Final Dungeon- deepest, Nasty D. 8F
Celestial    Pudding/Cancer/Wyrm         Central Shrine- deeper stairs, Maze
             Spector/SS/T-Rex            Central Shrine- deeper stairs
             D-Turtle/Sphinx/Intrcept    Central Shrine- Maze

- These would be the most dangerous battles, with 15 against 4-5. 15 is the 
largest a battle can get. Note that a few different formations can add up to 
12 or 13. 12-packs can be brutal too. 


* Pack Mentality- enemies that come solo but in packs (1-4 or 4-8)
World        1-4 Pack                    4-8 Pack
First        Jaguar, Gang                Lizard, Fly
Ashura       Flower, Trooper             BabyWyrm, Beetle
Giant/Ki     Plasma, Grippe              Terorist, Cobble
Apollo       Big Eye, Raven, Tortoise    Medusa, Hofud, Jelly
G/M/V        Sprite, Clayman, MechBug    O-Bake, Werewolf, P-Worm
Racing       Warrior, Ogre               Champgno, Serpent
Edo          Tarantla, Gae Bolg          Knight, Gazer
D1/Odin      Nitemare, FireMoth          Dinosaur, Shark
Final/D2     Ridean                      Dragon, Sorcerer
Celestial    Pudding                     GianToad, Giant, DemoLoad

- Pack enemies are pretty diverse (only 5 repeats, all 1-4/4-8: 
Trooper/Knight, Ogre/Giant, Big Eye/Gazer, Gae Bolg/Hofud, Pudding/Jelly). 

Enemy Families that get no packs: Octopus, Crab, Treant, Chimera, Bird, 
Zombie, Ninja.

Section 7. Credits/Sources

The Final Fantasy Legend II Amuseum had the data for all possible battle 
formations and numbers per monster. 

I forget who told me about the # battle slots (I think the topic got kind of 
muddled between FFL1/FFL2 battle slots). 

The 8 battles for every map were compiled by me as were the numerous 
statistics. And I did it the old-fashioned way of walking around and getting 
into battles (going back from the Final World). Didn't have to fight 256 
battles per map, just on 2 maps to establish the battle slot encounter table 
and confirm it. The rest comes from finding a key sequence with all 8 battles 
in a reasonable range of 20-30 battles and using save states. The hardest part
was trying to estimate the needed buffer of battles before the key sequence in
deep dungeons to have enough battles to get to the final floors and not be 
missing part of the sequence. 

The Final Fantasy Legend II Amuseum
[best FFL2 site out there]