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Final Fantasy Tactics (e)


                           Final Fantasy Tactics 
                            Genji Equipment FAQ
                           Version 3.7 (8/13/2001)


Final Fantasy Tactics Genji Equipment FAQ

Version 3.7

For questions, comments, or correction please e-mail me at



I.    Disclaimer
II.   Updates
III.  Introduction
IV.   Why would you want it?
V.    What are you up against?
VI.   What you should have
VII.  Strategy
VIII. Advanced Tactic
IV.   Q & A
X.    Ending Note
XI.   Thanks


I. Disclaimer

Copyright 2000 by Byron Hoy  
All rights reserved

This guide may be distributed freely for non-profitable use as long as it is 
unaltered and includes this copyright notice.  You are free to use any part of 
this guide in your own works or WebPages as long as I am credited.  This guide 
nor any part of it may not be used for profit without prior written consent
from me.  This is MY work.  If you rip it off, I will hunt you through the ends
of the Earth.

These things are very boring, I know, but the thing is though, I worked very 
hard on this guide and don't wish for others to steal it.  Here's the deal, if 
you want to use it, go ahead.  If you want to put it up, go ahead.  If you 
wish to print it, feel free.
Here's the thing, if you do any of the above, do this too:
G I V E  M E  C R E D I T !!!  
D O  N O T  A L T E R !!!

Here's an idea; you could add a "credits" section to your work, whatever it may 
be.  This would make your work look ever so much more sophisticated.  That is 
a good thing, for both of us.

At this time, the only pages this should be on is:
Byron's Anime and Stuff at: 
GameFAQs at: 
Neoseekers at: 
Gamingplanet at: 


II. Updates

Ver 3.7 8-13
*Added ending note.
*Still corrections made.
*Confirmed rumor or actually dispelled it.
*Added some descriptive text.
*Changed some text.
*Added more strategy.
*Added Ultima Demon Stats
*Aligned stats.

Ver 3.1 6-26
*Big updated almost doubled FAQ size! 
*Lots of things added, time spent, and corrections made!
*Stats of Elmdor, Celia, and Lede
*Added a Q & A section to the site.
*More spelling and grammar changes.  
*I've added a little here and there in terms of information.
*Added a line in the disclaimer.
*Added more credits.

Ver 1.5 1-4
*Strategy section is added.
*Minor spelling corrected and other small changes made.

Ver 1.0 12-22
*The actual FAQ is done.

Ver 0.1 released 12-19-00
*Everything is new.


III. Introduction

Hey, this is my very first attempt at a FAQ.  What is this based on?  Elmdor 
and all his precious Genji gear.  Yes, that entire ensemble can be yours 
now...  But it won't be easy.  There is much preparations and precautions that 
you should consider before you attempt this feat.  On this FAQ, I will attempt 
to put you up in the best possible position to take on Elmdor and those accused 
assassins.  There are many ways to attempt this; I will simply show things you 
can do to make it easier.  If you guys have any input, feel free to send your 
questions, comments, corrections, and suggestions.

This guide assumes you know how to play.  Odds are, if you are reading this, 
then you've gotten up to or are close to this battle; which takes place on
Chapter 4 "Some One to Love".  The fight is after "At the Gate of Limberry 
Castle" during "Inside of Limberry Castle".  

Remember that you cannot restock or level up any further between these battles!
So get completely ready before the first fight "At the Gates of Limberry 
Castle" or you may be in a very bad predicament trying to steal from Elmdor.

General rule of thumb: "SAVE OFTEN"


IV. Why would you want it?

Well, why would you want it?  It is true that there are better pieces of 
equipment out there and it is so hard to get, it may not be worth it.  But if 
you think about it, the Genji gear in general is the second most powerful
set of equipment in FFT.  Besides, if your a perfectionist, everything 
Elmdor has is one of a kind, there is no other place you can get his equipment.
He has the only Masamune sword in the game, which if you are raising a complete
samurai, you'd need.

Genji Equipment-

A Samurai Sword.  The Masamune Draw out ability will cast Regen and Haste on all 
characters within a three-block range.  The skill cost 740 JP.
   Weapon Power   Physical Evade
       18               15

Genji Shield
This shield has good physical evade but no magic evade.
  Physical Evade     MA Evade
       43               0

Genji Helmet
A solid knight helm, one of the best you can get.
       HP               MP
      +130              0

Genji Armor
The second best knight armor.
       HP               MP
      +150              0

Genji Gauntlet
Bonus magic and attack stats, complements both the draw out skills of a samurai
and their attack power with a sword.
      +2 At. +2 Mg.


V. What are you up against?

5v3, easy,... right?  Granted, this isn't the hardest battle in the game, in 
fact, it is far from it (even a team of blood sucked knights have been known to
beat Elmdor).  If you plan to walk away from this battle with the ENTIRE set of 
Genji gear though... That is another story altogether.  This will become a very 
arduous task.  The assassins can kill any of your characters with a single blow
at a hundred percent accuracy.  Elmdor can turn your entire team into vampires 
with "Blood Suck".  Don't forget, if you kill the assassins, they become Ultima 
Demons.  But at least know that when you kill them off as Ultima Demons, you 
have finally rid yourself of those accursed assassins, permanently. 

Elmdor - Arc Knight
This vampiridic Zodiac Stone bearer is one very mean sword wielder.  His main 
skills Sword Spirit (otherwise known as "Draw Out") is amazingly powerful in the 
capable hands of Elmdor.  Blood Suck is just plain annoying.  He can move to 
any point on the map, so no character he targets is safe.

Elmdor		   Lv  41
Arc Knight         Gemini
HP  563                 Brave  70
MP  81                  Faith  70
Move  3	Jump  5	        Speed  10

Masamune                Sword Spirit
Genji Shield		Blood Suck
Genji Helmet		Blade Grasp
Genji Armor		Martial Arts
Genji Gauntlet		Teleport 2


Lede and Celia - Assassins
Their stop bracelets (Shadow Stitch attack) can kill any member of your group 
OR put the "stop" status effect on your characters.  The assassin class has 
an innate "2 Swords" and "Equip Knife" abilities.  ONE is amazingly deadly, 
but you are up against TWO!  Don't forget, as you kill them off, they become 
Ultima Demons.

Celia		   Lv  39
Assassin           Virgo
HP  407	                Brave  65
MP  113	                Faith  70
Move  4	Jump  7         Speed  9

Kikuichimo ji		Use Hand
Kikuichimo ji		Throw
Flash Hat               Counter Tackle
Black Costume		Monster Skill
108 Gems                Move-Find Item

Lede		   Lv  38
Assassin           Sagittarius 
HP  399	                Brave  65
MP  111	                Faith  70
Move  5	Jump  7	        Speed  10

Spell Edge		Use Hand
Spell Edge		Throw
Flash Hat		Counter Tackle
Black Costume		Defend
Defense Armlet		Move+1


Lede and Celia - Ultima Demons
As Ultima Demons they are nothing compared to their former assassin selves.
They can do a moderately weak attack (weak in that it won't kill your 
characters), cast bio spells, and cast ultima.  Honestly, these guys are 
nothing to worry about, just finish them off to be rid of them.

Celia		   Lv  39
Ultima Demon       Virgo
HP  273	                Brave  65
MP  76                  Faith  70
Move  5	Jump  2         Speed  7

-                       -
-                       -
-                       -
-                       -
-                       -

Lede		   Lv  38
Ultima Demon       Sagittarius 
HP  273	                Brave  65
MP  76	                Faith  70
Move  5	Jump  2		Speed  7

-                       -
-                       -
-                       -
-                       -
-                       -



VI. What you should have.

I don't know what your primary team is, nor do I know what job classes you may 
be involved in, and since I want to make it as easy as possible to get the 
entire set of Genji equipment without too much hassle, I've listed a few things 
you could do to make life easier.  There is almost no way to use ALL of them 
and still be successful, this is one of those times to use your best judgment 
(or what I suggest).

Unit-wise:  All your guys should be at or above Elmdor's level with the best
equipment you can afford.  And yes, a group of five units would help.

Unit Type and Skills:  This is a list of suggested units that could help.  
Whether the unit is actually useful or only the ability noted is usually up
to your own common sense.  If you have no common sense, I do not see the point
in you reading anyfurther, as you would get very little of what I have to say
and would therefore be wasting your time.

Thief - If you plan on stealing from Elmdor, having one of them with the entire 
    collection of "steal" abilities never hurt. 
  *"Steal" - A must, this... you need, to be able to steal...
Timemage - either having Time Magic as a secondary or having a Timemage, you 
   can REALLY use Haste.
  *"Time Magic" - Mainly for Haste, get more chances to steal before Elmdor 
   attacks again.

Knight - For their break speed, don't really have any other reason.  Let him 
   steal as a secondary ability or something.
  *"Break Speed" - As above, knocking Elmdor down to 1 speed lets you try to 
   steal from him about 8-12 time before he moves.

Archer - Get one high enough to buy your thief "Concentrate".
  *"Concentrate" - Definite MUST, this ability drastically raises your 3% to 
   almost 20%!  If you plan to take his stuff, have this learned.

Monk - Purely for their "Revive" skill.
  *"Revive" - It's free to use, the only risk is that it doesn't have a 100%
   ratio, which with our luck, would come out at the worst possible time...
   Nonetheless, a great skill to have in this battle.
Ninja - They are fast and make good thieves.
  *"2 Swords" - A great side ability, both for killing assassins and for 2x 
   break speed.

Chemist - Raise the dead and curing Blood Suck is their main use.  If they 
   have a free turn, they can do moderate damage if equipped with a gun.
  *"Holy Water" - To cure "Blood Suck".  Make sure you actually buy them...
  *"Phoenix Down" - To raise the dead.  A bargain at only 90JP, in fact most
   of you already have several characters that know this, right?

  *"Talk" - Use "Threaten" to lower brave.  This is really important because 
   "Blade Grasp" greatly affects your stealing percentage.  But "Blade Grasp" 
   is weakened with lower brave, so you get the point, right?

Oracle - Another class with Brave lowering skills.
  *"Yin Yang Magic" - Allows you to lower Elmdor's brave.

Calculators - They suck in general but if you raised one early enough for this
   battle, you might as well make the best of it and put their skill to work.  
   DO NOT KEEP THEM IN THE CACLULATOR CLASS.  The assassins will kill them LONG 
   before their first turn.
  *"Math Skill" - Almost useful as a second to Ninja's mainly to do stat 
   anomalies such as "Sleep", "Haste", "Slow", etc.

Engineer - Stops assassins on the spot.
  *"Snipe" - Assassin stopper, don't bother stopping their movement, just their

Character-wise:  In the most part, it doesn't really matter which characters
you end up using, but besides Ramza, you may want to keep some others in their
original job class or have that class's skill as a second because they are
relatively useful that way.

Ramza - You kind of have to have him, but he does have his uses.
  *"Guts" - Mainly for his ability to raise speed.

Beowulf - All sorts of assassin stopping skills and brave lowering for Elmdor.
  *"Chicken" - This will greatly decrease the brave of Elmdor.

Agrais - She should be one of your strongest female units and will remain that
   way for most the game.  Being the strongest female unit at this part of the
   game, she is the ideal person to lend your Chantage to.

Items/Equipment-wise:  Armor and weapons are self explanatory, just have the 
best possible for the given class and take speed over anything else.  When it
comes to accessories and items, the following should a good idea.  

Phoenix Down - Have a healthy supply of these.
Holy Water - Just to cure "Blood Suck".
Barette - This is a very special item.  Hopefully you took the time to relieve 
   Alma of it before she left your group.  With it you can't be "Stopped" or 
   "Blood Sucked".  Since its a light helm and not an accessory, you can put on
   a powerful perfume or Sprint Shoes in the accessory area instead of 108 Gems.
108 Gems - You can avoid the whole "Blood Suck" ability with these.  Generally
   useless to a point that you may never use them for the rest of the game.  In
   fact, this may be the only time in the game you will ever use them.
Sprint Shoes - You need as many turns as you can get so every speed point 
Chantage - This is one awesome perfume.  This will allow for any female unit to
   have haste and reraise, very awesome indeed.                                 

Alternative to certain things are completely ok.  In fact, if you have a better
idea OR something else I could add to that list, email me and I'd put it up.
Make note that I tried heavily to avoid unnecessary units and skills because 
then this FAQ would just turn into another unit/skills guide, and that's not the
point of this FAQ now, isn't it.


VII. Strategy

Currently, these are only notes of what to expect in the battle with Elmdor and
other things I thought note worthy.

** When starting this battle, even your set up is important.  Start off by 
placing all your units as far apart as possible.  

**During your first turn spread your party out even further.  You want to make 
it so that you won't lose more than one unit at a time but at the same time
keep them close enough to revive eachother.

** The easiest way to approach this task is to just pick a handful of the units
and abilities asked for above and have them properly equip for this battle.
Stop the actions of both assassins as soon as possible (preferably first turn-ish
before your party starts dying), and knock off a few notches of Elmdor's speed 
(leaving him at 1 speed is a very wise idea).  Feel free to kill the assassins
when you have free time between keeping your party alive and trying to organize
your troops.  In the end, you know you're done when both assassins are gone 
(along with their demon counter parts) and Elmdor has 1 speed.  From here on feel 
free to break his attack, magic, etc. for easy exp. and JP (mainly just for 
revenge for being such a pain).

** Unlike most battles, HP of your own party is something of very little 
concern.  Since most attacks will kill you anyways, the major skill is to just
revive your characters.

** Until you go in to steal, keep all your party separated, Elmdor can do quite
a bit of damage to an unsuspecting group of characters no matter where they are
** Do NOT at any point during the fight set your party up in a straight line or
you're just asking to take 200+ damage and status affects from Elmdor's "Sword 
Spirit" skill.

** If you had to choose between something like the "X-Potion" skill and any 
other skills of the Chemist class, just pick the other because HP shouldn't be 
that important.

** You lose control of units that are "Blood Sucked" until the end of battle,
they are cured of it, or when that unit dies.

** Blood Sucked members "Blood Suck" the closest character, more often then not
they just attack Elmdor.  As nice as that is, by some twist of fate a strong
knight could quite easily take Elmdor out.  If you have most but not all of his
equipment when Elmdor dies, I know you'll cringe because if you plan to have it
all, you have to start all over again.

** Understand that at any given point in time that you could lose a party member
to an assassin, like earthquakes there is nothing you can do about it, just be
ready to deal with the aftermath.

** Keep in mind that Elmdor can move any distance with his "Teleport2" skill.

** Brave at 0 vs. A fast Thief with "Concentrate" equals a +45% steal ratio.  
Also will weaken Elmdor.

** Get rid of assassins, they have nothing worth stealing 
(not even their hearts).

** Can't Steal hearts of an assassin.

** On the other hand, once you kill their assassin halves, you CAN steal the 
hearts of the Ultima Demons.  It's weird though, if your female unit tries to
steal the heart of the assassin, it won't work, but you can if they are in 
demon form... does that mean they have a change of preference? Never mind, it 
all makes sense I guess...

** MUST have someone to resurrect the dead.  Suggest the Agrais Combo.

** Agrais Combo - Monk Skill "Revive", Barette, Excalibur, Chantage.

** That combo will turn Agrais into a makeshift god.  She will be a very fast
character that can resurrect the dead at a whim, while still being able to cheat
death by coming back to life every time she dies.  Combo that in with the fact
that the Barette prevents "Blood Suck" and she will be able to completely control 
this battle.

** If you want to really be safe, you might want to make a medic.  A medic is
just a character with good HP and about 6-8 movement with "Item" as a secondary.
As long as he can use Phoenix Down's he'll be fine.

** Priest are pretty good to have in that they have a slight speed advantage to
any other spell casters you may have.  If you have a wizard or something without
a good second ability, turn him into a priest and let him use "Black Magic" as a
second (or what ever else it may be) because they will do almost the same thing
but get a turn sooner.

** Can't Pouch Ultima Demons

** Steal the Genji Shield first!  This will allow you to steal with a much 
larger percentage.

** You might want to take the Masamune next so he can't use it on you.  

** Until you completely control the fight, don't steal his armor, you don't want
him to be so easily killed.

** To sum things up simply you want to neutralize the assassins quick then 
lower brave, break speed, and steal the shield somewhat at the sametime.  If 
that isn't possible, do them in that order.

** With a base speed of about 4, NEVER EVER use a calculator vs Elmdor inco.
Why? Because Elmdor, Celia, and Lede will all get at least two attacks in 
before you make your first move.

** If by chance you don't have enough 108 gems for your party nor can your 
chemist use Holy Water, then remove all armor from the character before the
battle.  This way, if they get "Blood Sucked", you can kill them to cure it
or hope that "Blood Suck" itself would kill on contact.  Now WHY would I put 
this note here?  Well, like I have mentioned before, "Blood Sucked" characters
can very well kill Elmdor, you don't want that to happen yet, so to stop this
you just get rid of the character and bring him back to life...

** Here is an unorthodox approach to take on the monotonous task of thieving
Elmdor's gear.  2 ninjas with Math Skill. By having a fast turn, you try to 
sleep one or both assassins (if possible).  After which, haste your characters 
and slow Elmdor, then lower his brave (he has blade grasp) 3 persons of any 
class or equipment (since the assassins do not bother you anymore) with the steal 
ability to steal everything.  Get rid of the assassins first and the Ultima 
demons next.  With his brave lowered, it is generally easier to steal his shield 
first.  The two casters with Math Skill is to stay away form the battle field as 
they need to calculate to heal or revive.

** This FAQ can act as a general guide on stealing, if you can steal from 
Elmdor, you can steal from anyone (that the game allows).

** The skill "Speed Break" is amazingly useful at any point in the game you wish
to gain exp. or level up.  Just leave one enemy alive and lower his speed to 1,
then freely harass him anything that won't kill him or have your team beat 
each other up for exp. and JP.

** After stealing all of the Genji gear, SAVE.  Then don't forget to rearrange
you party so that you get back in the swing of regular combat.

** If you were to print this, put it in size 8 of the "Courier New" font ,but 
any fixed width font will do.


VIII. Advanced Tactic

For those of you whom are manic obsessive about making this as easy as possible
and are willing to go the extra step to completely controlling Elmdor and are 
lucky enough to have everything match or will go out of your way to set it up so 
that things will go in your favor, here it is, the final touch to the ownage of 
Marquis Elmdor.

The Zodiac signs and how they play into this battle.  I bet many of you go "Doh!
"I can't believe I forgot about that!" or "Who care's the signs are too 
insignificant to the game."  Well, for this battle, every little bit helps, and
when you talk about changes in percentages every little bit makes a major change.
At one point, I had completely forgotten that this would affect the game.  This 
section is thanks to SagaSlayer86 for reminding me of such a thing.

In the world of Final Fantasy Tactics, all of your units are assigned one of the
12 signs of the Zodiac to live with.  These "Guardian Constellations" can really 
influence a character's affinity with other units on the map.  If the units 
share good affinity, they will do more damage with attacks, anything magic 
related will increase (damage, life healed, percentages, etc.), and percentages 
of different effects increased (aka rate of stealing).  If the units have bad 
affinity, then the damage will and effects will occur vice versa.  In the
extreme ends of affinities gender will affect the relationship drastically.  
Affinities are formed by putting all the Zodiac signs in order in a circle (Think
of a clock).  All of the signs that can be connected by an equilateral triangle 
have "Good Affinity." Those that form a square when connected have "Bad Affinity."
Those that are straight across from each other have extreme affinities, which is
gender related.  If both members are same sex, then that is the worse possible
affinity, if they are different in sex, then it's the best possible affinity.
Did that make any sense?  I doubt it, for a more direct aproach, you can refer to 
the in-game help section for exact affinities and relationships.

Ok, on with the guide, Marquis Elmdor is a Gemini Zodiac.  Aquarius is strong 
against Gemini and would therefore raise the stealing chances.  Also 
Sagittarius's best compatibility is a Gemini of the opposite sex.  This means 
a female Sagittarius thief would have great percentages of stealing and can also 
equip a Barette and a Chantage.  With this strategy, during certain parts of 
parts of battle stealing from behind with that special thief the percentage for 
a piece of equipment can go up to and possible more than 75%, without concentrate.

What would suck is if you are like most players out there who make their main 
character the super great ninja thief god type and your birthday happens to
make you a Sagittarius, well your odds of stealing from him are much 
diminished.  If that happens, just make your god-like character be the one
controlling the assassins and Elmdor instead of acting lead thief.

To be honest, as much as this may make it easier to steal the gear, if you don't 
have a female Sagittarius in your party, then raising one may be more work than 
it's worth.  But if you just have to do it, just to say you have, so be it.


IV. Q & A

This section is new to the FAQ, after this FAQ has been up for a bit, I began
to get emails with questions about the game or the gear.  I decided that some
of you may have the same problem but have decided to stay in what my calculus 
teacher calls "silent ignorance."  For the good of everyone else (and so that I 
don't answer the same thing over and over again), here are the better ones.

Q: "I equipped my Genji shield to Orlandu and I continued playing but forgot to 
save...Later, I had a random encounter and a knight destroyed it...Do you 
think I should restart from my previous save file(saved real long ago)or 
continue playing?" 

A: Well it depends on why you are playing the game.  If you were playing for
completion, then you know you have to go back a ways.  Else, continue on
because there are better shields out there.  Being who I am, I would go back.

Q: "What does having low brave have to do with stealing and why steal the shield 

A: Low brave increases stealing percentages for the stealer and lowering Elmdor's 
brave hurts "Blade Grasp's" effect. The shield is a third of what makes stealing 
from Elmdor so hard (others being "Blade Grasp" with high brave
and both the assassins).

Q: "Why does concentrate raise stealing percentage?"

A: Because the numbers that the skill "Concentrate" change are also of the same
set of random numbers that work with the probability of success of stealing.


X. Ending Note

This is just my final words to everyone I guess.  No strategy here so at this
point you may just stop reading if you wish, no one will know, just flavored 
text follows.

Not too much to look forward to in later updates, just maybe the abilities
of the Ultima Demons, some more corrections as I know I'm prone to make 
mistakes, and some more Q&A.

The only thing I really wish for is a nice ASCII logo or picture art for this
FAQ, since I'm not artistically talented or even inclined, this is past me.  
If anyone could help out I would be eternally grateful.

As I am receiving less and less emails on FFT, I am thinking that my FAQ is 
getting closer to completion.  Besides, as I continue to make this FAQ longer,
I'm thinking it gets harder to find what you want and makes it ever so much
more of an eye sore than a quality FAQ.  Sure there are other FAQ's that devote
themselves to doing so, but I guess that's not my style.  It may not be long 
until my final update on it.  This was quite a long and wonderful journey 
writing this, I have met a lot of interesting people and had a lot of fun in 
the process.  I pray that my grammar was used correctly and the format was 
presented in a fashion that reading this FAQ wasn't as much of a chore as it 
could have been.  It seems this small note is getting a little long, so I'll end
it abruptly, thanks for being here, reading this, and I hope you join me again 
next FAQ.


XI. Thanks

I kind of worked on this independently so there aren't that many people to thank 
yet.  Well, I guess I can thank authors of previous FAQs as I used them in a 
VERY broad generalized kind of way.

Much thanks to CJayC for putting up such an awesome gaming site.

Many thanks must go to Square for bringing us such a masterfully crafted Final 
Fantasy Game

Thanks to NeoSeekers for putting up my FAQ on their site on their own free 
will. [It just makes you feel better to know that some one else has seen your 
work :)]

Now Gamingplanet has my FAQ up too! Thanks!

Thanks to all those people that took the time to write back just to thank me!
I really appreciated it.

Many a many thanks goes to ...genie... for a number of spelling changes, 
text changes, and the stats for Elmdor, Celia, and Lede.

Thanks to James Kor for reminding me that you can use Calculators for status 
anomalies and his way to tackle Elmdor.

Thanks to SagaSlayer86 for reminding me to the existence of the Zodiac functions.

Thanks to Commando Kirby for the name of the "Shadow Stitch" attack.

Thanks to Xenon for reminding me to give an order to what to steal.

Thanks to everyone that wrote back in reponse to confirm that the rumor was 
just that.

Well, that's about it, hope you enjoyed your time with this FAQ, thank you all
for reading to this point.  Until next we meet again, best of luck to all of you!
This published work is Copyright (c) 2001 Byron Hoy. All rights reserved.