Andere Lösungen

Destiny of an Emperor (e)


Destiny of an Emperor: Complete Walkthrough and FAQ Version 1.2
© Hieyamu []

1) Intro
2) What's New
3) Weapon and Armor List
4) Q&A
5) Secrets and Hidden Objects
6) General Walkthrough

1) Intro
I made this FAQ a few years ago as a full web site, but since then I've long
lost my college web space, so I figured it was time to throw all this great
data together in a useful FAQ.  I hope this helps you guys enjoy this great

Feel free to send any fixes/additions to

2) What's New
Converted this sucker from a web site to a text file and cleaned up some stuff.

Location of Hidden Item, Trident - thanks to [] and others.
How to Use Chi Tu Ma - thanks to Edward Liu []

3) Weapons and Armor List

-Weapons-	-Cost-		-A.P.-

Dagger		50		10
Flail		100		15
Ax		200		20
Club		500		30
Spear		1000		50
Sabre		2000		70
Bow		4000		80 (2 attacks)
Trident		-		100
Sword		6000		120
Battleax	10000		140
Scimitar	20000		150
Crossbow	45000		130 (2 attacks)
Lance		65000		170

Bo Ye		-		190
Wan Sheng	-		190
Qing Long	-		240
Qing Guang	-		240
Nu Long		-		240
Halberd		-		250

-Armor-		-Cost-		-A.C.-

Robe		100		20
Leather		300		35
Padded		800		45
Ring M		2000		50
Chain M		4000		70
Splint M	10000		85
Plate M		30000		100

-Headgear-	-Cost-		-A.C.-

Bandanna	50		10
Cap		150		20
Hood		500		40
Wood H		1000		60
Copper H	2000		70
Bronze H	4000		80
Iron H		15000		90
Steel H		40000		100

4) Q&A

Question 1:  How do I make someone a strategist (i.e. tactician) of my army?
Answer 1:  Only certain characters may be tacticians. Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and
Zhang Fei can't be strategists, but there are many characters who can. The
first person you should obtain who's able to be a strategist is Mi Zhe from Xu
Zhou Castle. To make him your strategist, go the menu, go to "Formation", click
on "Strat." and select Mi Zhe. Mi Zhe will now have a star by his name, to
indicate that he's the strategist of the army. The strategist is by default the
last person in the fighting order (kind of like a magician in other games) and
he will only fight if there are five or less members in the party.

Question 2:  How do I cross the river in the Qing Zhou Cave?
Answer 2:  Wander around until you get in a fight with Han Zhong. After beating
him, convert Han Zhong to your side and make him your leader. Now go to the
cave and talk to the riverman. He'll let you pass since Han Zhong is your
leader. Fight the three Zhang's at the back entrance of Qing Zhou. This battle
is much easier than if you fought Qing Zhou at the front gate.

Question 3:  Where is the Gemsword?
Answer 3:  The Gemsword is in Wang Yun's house in Luo Yang Castle. There is a
red section of ground in the home, and if you search it, you'll find a keyhole.
You'll need the Gold Key to open the hidden floor chest. Go back to the cave
between Fan Shui Guan and Hu Lao Guan. The Gold Key is on the fourth level of
that cave. (I guess hiding the key under the doormat was too obvious.) Now take
the key back to Luo Yang and use it on the keyhole to obtain the Gemsword.

Question 4:  How do I give the Gemsword to Lu Bu?
Answer 4:  At the battle of Yang Zhou Castle you have a chance to convert Lu Bu
to your side. Prepare for the battle by giving the Gemsword to your weakest
fighter (that way your stronger fighters will be able to continue fighting
through the exchange). As soon as the battle begins, have your warlords attack
anyone but Lu Bu. Make the warlord with the Gemsword use the Gemsword on Lu Bu.
Lu Bu may accept the sword on the first offer, or, more likely, he'll say,
"What's that?" a few times before recognizing your gift. Once you give Lu Bu
the Gemsword he'll stop fighting and the rest of your battle should be much

Question 5:  Where is Chi Tu Ma?
Answer 5:  After converting Lu Bu, he'll give you a hint as to where to find
his legendary horse. "1 south and 8 west." But starting from where? The place
Lu Bu is referring to is Fan Shui Quan fortress, the fortress directly south of
Xu Zhou Castle. From the gate, take one step south, then eight to the west, but
you'll have to walk around the rock in your way. When you search the ground
you'll find Chi Tu Ma, King of Horses!

Question 6:  How do I use Chi Tu Ma?
Answer 6:  Simply put Chi Tu Ma in the inventory of an active general. What Chi
Tu Ma does is give your general an agility boost, much like the Qi Shou tactic.
This is useful because the general with Chi Tu Ma will always have the
initiative in battle. Thanks to Edward Liu [] for
the information.

Question 7:  How and where do I get Xu Zhe (a.k.a. Dan Fu)? What is the gun
powder for?
Answer 7:  Xu Zhe is begot in the cave north of Nan Yang Castle, in the snowy
section of the world. To get Xu Zhe, you'll first need the gun powder. To get
it, go to Bo Hai Castle, which is northeast of Nan Yang, and talk to Shui Jing.
He'll give you the powder, now go west, young man, to the cave. There are two
rocks blocking your way, but that's what the gun powder is for. Use the gun
powder while standing next to the rocks, then go get Xu Zhe and make him your
strategist. Now you'll be able to pass through Bo Hai Castle and a new bridge
will appear to the left of the Nan Yang bridge.

Question 8:  Where's the silver key? How do I get past the blue guy at Guang
Zong Castle?
Answer 8:  The silver key is in Nan Yang Castle. You have to buy it from a
wandering merchant in the upper-right corner of the castle for 4000 dollars. Go
to the tiny unnamed village (east of Bo Hai Castle) where a woman is locked in
a cell. Use the key to set her free. She'll give you a letter to give to Zhao
Yun. Go east to Guang Zong Castle. Zhao Yun will be blocking your way, but if
you give him the letter he'll defect to your side. He's one of the five tigers,
so let him fight with you.

Question 9:  Who are the five tigers?
Answer 9:  The five tigers are: Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, and
Ma Chao.

Question 10:  How do I get Zhu Ge Liang and enter the land of Shu?
Answer 10:  Go to Gui Yang Castle and talk to Liu Bei. Make sure Xu Zhe is in
your party at this time. Liu Bei will give Xu Zhe a letter from his mother and
he'll run off to visit her. As you leave the palace in Gui Yang, Xu Zhe will be
waiting in the doorway. He tells you to go visit Zhu Ge Liang and make him your

Walk to Zhu Ge Liang's (ZGL) house, where a woman will tell you ZGL went to Cui
Zhou Ping's house in Lou Sang Village. Do you remember where Lou Sang is? It's
the village in which you begin the game. Gullwing your way to Xu Zhou then walk
over to the village. A man in Cui Zhou Ping's house will tell you ZGL already
left. Go back to ZGL's house and the woman will tell you to wait at Nan Yang
Castle. Go to Nan Yang and invite Liu Bei to the palace. Talk to Liu Bei and he
will tell you that ZGL's brother, Jin, wants you to go back to ZGL's house. Go
to ZGL's house one last time.

When you get there, ZGL will be sleeping. If you try to talk to him it asks you
if you want to wake him up. Move the cursor to 'No' and press the button ONE
time. You'll hear a 'ding' and the cursor will stop blinking. Wait for 6-7
seconds and ZGL will wake up. ZGL will tell you to meet him down in Gui Yang
Castle. Go there, to the palace, and talk with Liu Bei. He will tell you of
unrest in Shu. Finally, ZGL will join your side. Aside from the fact that he
doesn't know how to keep an appointment, Zhu Ge Liang is the most intelligent
character in the DoaE world, as well as the best tactician. Although he isn't
one of the five tigers, he will gain soldiers every time you go up a level.

Question 11:  How do I break open the rusty door that holds Liu Zheng captive
in Fu Shui Castle?
Answer 11:  Liu Zheng says you should be able to ram the door down if you hit
it hard enough, or long enough. But that's simply not true. After long hours of
intensive study, I finally found a secret formula that breaks down the door
quickly and efficiently. All that needs to happen are seven line-up changes.
The strange thing is, you don't even have to change the formation order, simply
go to 'Formation' and arrange your warlords in exactly the same position. After
changing the formation, be sure to bang against the door once or twice before
changing it again. By the eighth formation, you will be able to break down the
door with just one hit. If the door doesn't disappear right away, change your
formation again, then hit it.

Question 12:  Isn't there supposed to be a hidden sword in the hut at the
outskirts of Ling Ling Castle?
Answer 12:  There is a hidden sword in the hut at the outskirts of Ling Ling
Castle. To get to it, follow the left side of the outer wall of the castle.
Inside the hut a man says, "Search the area around me." The first time you
conquer Ling Ling there will be nothing there. Only when you conquer the castle
a second time, in section #5 of the walkthrough, will the sword be there,
hidden in the square directly in front of the man.

Question 13:  Where do I find the five special swords that the Yellow Scarves
stole from the blacksmith?
Answer 13:  Nu Long - Nu Long is found in the Wu Mountain Pass between Wu
Castle and Po Yang fortress. The sword is on level 3 of the cave, across a lava
Qing Long - Qing Long is begot by defeating the pirates due south of Jin Du
Castle. Jin Du is the castle before Jian Ye Castle. When you go south you'll
come across a hut, in which stands a pirate. Talk to him to initiate the
battle. After winning, return to Jin Du, and a townsman will give you Qing
Bo Ye - Bo Ye is found in Guang Ling Castle. There is a bush that juts out from
the line of bushes on the right hand side of the wall. A woman nearby will say
she cut her foot on something sharp under the bush. Search in front of the bush
to find Bo Ye.
Wan Sheng - Wan Sheng is inside the first part of the Ru Nan Mountain Pass. On
the third level of the pass is a lava barrier. Cross the lava barrier and check
the treasure chests to find Wan Sheng.
Qing Guang - Qing Guang is in the second part of the Ru Nan Mountain Pass.
Search in a treasure chest on the third level of the cave to find Qing Guang.

Question 14:  How do I defeat Si Ma Yi's thunder at Ru Nan Castle?
Answer 14:  You find out how to negate Si Ma Yi's thunder in Chang Sha castle
from Guan Suo. Go to Chang Sha after Si Ma Yi uses the thunder on you the first
time. The code is: Up, up, down, down, left, right, up, down. You don't have to
enter the code quickly, just accurately.

Question 15:  Where is the hidden tunnel from Ru Nan to Chin Castle?
Answer 15:  The first part of the tunnel is inside Ru Nan Castle. Follow the
path inside the castle until you reach a natural rock wall. There is a notch
along the wall. Walk into the notch to enter the Ru Nan Mountain Pass. After
finding the exit from the first part of the pass you'll walk west for a short
time until you reach another cave. That's the second part of the Ru Nan
Mountain Pass. After you walk through the second cavern, you'll be close by to
Chin Castle.

Question 16:  How do I defeat Si Ma Yi at Luo Yang Castle?
Answer 16:  Fight Dian Wei at the first gate, then Liu Dai at the second gate.
The third and final gate is guarded by Le Xin. At the castle you'll fight Si Ma
Shi and Si Ma Zhao, Si Ma Yi's two sons. After defeating them, Si Ma Yi will
approach with a full roster of doom. Now might be a good time to retreat and
gullwing yourself to Xu Zhou or use the Gui Huan tactic to run away.

This battle against Si Ma Yi, Yu Jin, Wei Xu, Cheng Du, and Xu Zhu is the final
battle of the game. There are two basic ways to approach the battle, depending
on which strategist you use. The easiest way is to use Zhu Ge Liang. Prepare
for the battle by buying lots of power pills, some resurrects, and a few Elixir
Ds. In the first round, have your top four fighters use the Bei Ji tactic on
themselves. This will increase their attacks by 50% throughout the battle.
Huang Zhong, who should be your fifth warlord, can perform the Huo Shen tactic
(if your tactic points aren't too low) to start the battle off right. Conserve
your tactic points, but use the Ce Mian tactic if Si Ma Yi harasses you with Ji
Mian. Now all you have to do is kick some ass. Start by defeating Xu Zhu and
work your way up to Si Ma Yi. Once you have Si Ma Yi by himself, the real
battle begins. Whittle down Si Ma Yi to under 15,000 hit points and keep the Ce
Mian tactic constant. You will now be able to finish off Si Ma Yi if you've
cast Bei Ji on your top four warlords, have the five great swords and halberd,
and have Ce Mian in effect. Have every warlord use a power pill on Si Ma Yi and
he'll go down.

A second way to defeat Si Ma Yi is to use one of the other good strategist,
such as Jiang Wei or Lu Su. Most upper-level strategists have the An Sha and
Wan Fu tactics instead of the Bei Ji and Ji Xian tactics that Zhu Ge Liang
prefers. To win the battle, have four of you warlords use An Sha on the four
different warlords under Si Ma Yi. Don't try to use An Sha on Si Ma Yi, because
it's impossible to assassinate him.

While four of your warlords are doing An Sha, have your fifth fighter attack Si
Ma Yi. Continue performing An Sha until Si Ma Yi is the last warlord left. Now
whittle down Si Ma Yi's forces to at least 20,000 before using the Ce Mian
tactic. Once you perform Ce Mian you must keep it continuous until Si Ma Yi is
dead. I take the precaution of performing Ce Mian even before the first usage
of the tactic wears off, to insure that Si Ma Yi doesn't get a chance to use
Wan Fu and heal all his forces. While Si Ma Yi is kept tactic-less,
continuously use power pills to quickly chop down Si Ma Yi's men. It should
take between two to three rounds to defeat Si Ma Yi after you get him under
20,000 men.

5) Secrets and Hidden Objects

Hidden Weapon 1: Mt. Da Xing (Ax). Go west of Xu Zhou to reach Mt. Da Xing. Go
in the center tent and search the pots. You'll find an ax.
Hidden Weapon 2: Hu Lao Guan (Ax). Hu Lao Guan is the fortress before Luo Yang
Castle. Go inside one of the tents and search the pots. You'll find an ax.
Hidden Weapon 3: Nan Yang Castle (Trident). Nan Yang is the castle leading into
the snowy country. Go to the upper-right part of the castle. To the left, in a
niche between the water, a wall, and a bush, you'll find the Trident.
Hidden Weapon 4: Guang Zong Castle (Sabre). This is the castle where Zhao Yun
joins your army, in the snowy countryside. The sabre is hidden in front of the
second well.
Go Up One Level for Free: Ji Zhou Castle. Ji Zhou Castle is all the way to the
east in the snowy country. Inside Ji Zhou, take one step out the right hand
exit, then walk up alongside the castle wall. You'll reach a hut in which there
is an old man. He'll bring you up a level, regardless of your current
Hidden Weapon 5: Wu Ling Castle (Bow). Wu Ling is the first castle you come
across in Jing Zhou. There is a bow hidden in front of the well.
Hidden Weapon 6: Chang Sha Castle (Sword). Chang Sha is the castle immediately
after Wu Ling Castle. There is a sword hidden in front of the well.
Hidden Weapon 7: Gui Yang Castle (Sword). Gui Yang is the castle after Chang
Sha. Search in front of the well to find a sword.
Hidden Weapon 8: Luo Castle (Battleax). Luo Castle is after Fu Shui Castle.
Search behind the second well to find a battleax.
Hidden Weapon 9: Cheng Du Castle (Scimitar). Cheng Du is the castle after Luo
Castle. Search one square to the right of the palace doorway to find a
Hidden Weapon 10: Ling Ling Castle (Sword). Ling Ling is after Gui Yang Castle.
Follow the outer wall of the castle on the left side to reach a hut. Inside the
hut is a man who says, "Search the area around me." You will find a sword in
the square directly before the man. The sword only appears after you conquer
Ling Ling for the second time.
Hidden Weapon 11: Jian An Castle (Scimitar). Jian An is south across the bridge
from Gui Yang. At the end of the castle is a hut with a lone bush behind it.
Search behind the bush to find a scimitar.
Hidden Weapon 12: Hui Ji fortress (Scimitar). Hui Ji is south of Jian An. Enter
one of the tents and search the pots to find a scimitar.
Hidden Weapon 13: Wu Castle (Crossbow). Wu Castle is after Hui Ji fortress.
You'll find the crossbow on the right side of a well.

Special Weapon 1: Wu Mountain Pass (Nu Long). The mountain pass is between Wu
Castle and Po Yang fortress. The sword is found surrounded by lava in a special
room on the third level of the cave.
Special Weapon 2: Jin Du Castle (Qing Long). Jin Du is after Po Yang fortress
and before Jian Ye Castle. In Jin Du you'll hear about brigands to the south.
Go south of the castle until you reach a hut. In the hut is a pirate. Talk to
him and he'll fight you. After defeating the pirates, a townsman in Jin Du
Castle will bequeath Qing Long upon you.
Special Weapon 3: Guang Ling Castle (Bo Ye). Guang Ling is after Jian Ye
Castle. Along the right side wall of the castle is a row of bushes. One of the
bushes juts out from the rest. Search the area in front of that bush to find Bo
Special Weapon 4: Ru Nan Mountain Pass - Part 1 (Wan Sheng). The Ru Nan
Mountain Pass is reached through Ru Nan Castle. Wan Sheng is on the third floor
of the cavern, across a barrier of lava.
Special Weapon 5: Ru Nan Mountain Pass - Part 2 (Qing Guang). The second half
of the Ru Nan Mountain Pass immediately follows the first half, with a short
area of woods separating the two caverns. Qing Guang is on the third level of
the cave.
Special Weapon 6: Ru Nan Mountain Pass - Part 2 (Halberd). The halberd is on
the second level of the second half of the Ru Nan Mountain Pass. Cross a lava
barrier to reach six treasure chests. Inside one the chests is the halberd.

6) General Walkthrough
#1 - Defeat the Yellow Scarves

You start off the game with three characters: Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei.
The first thing you should do is equip their flails and robes. Liu Bei doesn't
start off with a robe, but he doesn't need one since his hit points are three
times as many as G.Y. or Z.F, so don't worry about him just yet.

Talk to the guy near the horse. His name is Zhang Shi Ping, and he gives you
200 bucks and 1000 rations. What a nice guy! Next, talk to the horse. The horse
says, "Neigh." Sigh.

Walk through the town until you find Song Ren and Song Yong. Let them join your
army. They suck, but they'll take a hit for the team. Give Song Ren Liu Bei's
spare dagger and equip it. Leave the town.

You'll notice a path leading off the screen to the left. Follow that path. If
you're lucky, you'll make it to Xu Zhou Castle without getting in a skirmish. I
tend to run away from battles at the beginning of the game, but feel free to
build up your experience by fighting Rebel Forces.

Now that you're in Xu Zhou Castle, walk around and talk to people. Get used to
the different stores in the town. The weapon shop, item shop, and food shop are
in most of the larger castles, as well as an Inn where you can heal yourself.
Go to the bottom-left corner of the castle. There you'll find Mi Zhe. Let him
join your army then make him your strategist, since he's the first person you
find who can be a tactician (I use the terms 'tactician' and 'strategist'
interchangeably). To make him the tactician, go to the menu, go down to
"Formation," and select "Strat." A star will appear by the Mi Zhe's name.
You'll want Mi Zhe to fight, so go to the Reserve shop and get rid of Song Yong
(He's the most useless person in the entire DoaE universe).

Go see Tao Qian in the palace. He'll make you heir to the throne if you defeat
the Yellow Scarves! Check out the notch in the back of the room. Hmm, an empty
deathbed. *Foreshadowing*. Leave the palace and buy some bandannas for the
crew. You'll want to pamper Guan Yu and Zhang Fei with weapons and armor
throughout the early parts of the game because they hit enemies the hardest and
enemies like to hit them back. Leave the castle and go north to Qing Zhou
Castle and fight Zhang Liang. To win, set everyone to battle Zhang Liang and
eventually he'll die. Then, to wipe out the two Rebel Forces, you can try out
the awesome All-Out command if none of your guys are hinging on death's door.
After winning the battle, you'll go up a level. Mi Zhe will get the Lian Huo
tactic! That should help. It's a fire tactic that's much better then his one
hit point bare-fisted attack.

Go into Qing Zhou, but don't talk to the meathead at the door, unless you're
ready for another fight. Go to the Inn and heal yourself. Then walk around the
town till you find Chen Deng. Chen Deng rocks! Give him the dagger that Song
Ren has. Then go to the door-greeter and show Ma Yuan Yi what you think of his
grubby Yellow Scarves.

After the battle, go down to Xu Zhou and get rid of Song Ren. Now make Chen
Deng your tactician. This Musical Chairs game of warlords never seems to end,
but I'll let you make most of the decisions from now on. ;) After saving your
game in the Records Room and getting all healed up, go to Mt. Da Xing to the
west and whup Zhang Bao's ass by fighting and letting your wimpy fighters use
the Lian Huo spell.

You'll find nothing in Mt. Da Xing, except some wandering people. But, if you
go in the center building and do the 'Check' command over the pots, you'll find
a hidden ax! (For more secrets and hidden objects, see the "Secrets" heading.)
Give the ax to Liu Bei. Go back to Xu Zhou and heal. Go south along the western
mountain range to Tie Men Xia and fight Zhang Jao.

Zhang Jao is tough! To beat his army, fight Jao first, then go down the line of
warlords and hope they don't gang up on any one of your fighters. You may want
to buy healing potions for this battle. Once inside Tie Men Xia, talk to people
and look around. You'll find a treasure chest with another ax. Give it to
either Zhang Fei or Guan Yu. You'll hear that Qing Zhou has been captured
again. Oh, swell. Go back up to Xu Zhou, heal and save.

Walk around until you run into Han Zhong. Fight him and convert him. He's your
ticket across the river in the Qing Zhou Cave. Heal up and go to the cave that
has mysteriously formed behind Qing Zhou. Make Han Zhong your leader. The guy
at the river will let you pass now. You'll notice the three Zhang's at the back
door are much easier then the myriad of doom at the front gate of Qing Zhou.

Now that you've killed off the Yellow Scarves, go back to Xu Zhou. Tao Qian be
illin', and he asks Liu Bei to take over for him. That's the end of Liu Bei's
fighting days, but don't worry, you quickly get a man called Liu Feng to take
his place. Feng has more hit points and the exact same inventory as Liu Bei
(convenient, eh?). At the same time, a messenger of Cao Cao arrives and tells
you about trouble in Luo Yang. Cao Cao wants you to help him stop some guy
named Dong Zhuo, so off you go. . .The fun never stops, does it?

#2 - Conquer Dong Zhou and Yuan Shu

Walk south from Xu Zhou Castle to Fan Shui Guan. Give Hua Xiong some lumps then
go inside. Sun Ce will greet you before the gate, warning you of a suspicious
ally. Go inside the fort. In one of the tents there is a treasure chest holding
an ax. You'll also find a guy called Yang Jin up in the corner who wants to
join your side.

Wander west until you get to Hu Lao Guan. Here, for the first time, you'll
fight the mighty Lu Bu, the strongest man in the game. After beating him, go
into the fortress. In one of the tents there is an ax hidden in a pot. A man
called Huo Hu is also hanging around. Let him join your side and make him your

Next, follow the path up to Luo Yang. You'll notice two gates before the
castle. What a huge battle! Fight the first one, against Li Jue, then fight the
second one, against Xu Rong. Instead of rushing the castle with all your men
injured, go back to Fan Shui Guan and heal up. You may want to buy some elixirs
because the battle at Luo Yang is hard!

Now that you're ready to fight, go up to Luo Yang and take on Dong Zhou and Lu
Bu. Use the Chi Xin tactic and elixirs if they gang up on any one of your
warlords. Inside Luo Yang you'll find a city in ruins. A man named Wang Gui is
standing around just waiting to join your army. Let him. Luckily, the Inn is
still intact as well as a seemingly empty house. If you go in the empty house
(Wang Yun's house), you'll notice a red section of the floor. Search it, and
you'll find a keyhole. All you need now is the key!

If you remember, there was a cave you passed on the path between Fan Shui Guan
and Hu Lao Guan. Go back to that cave. There're only two things inside: A chest
of gold and the Gold key. You'll find the Gold Key on the fourth level of the
cave. As you leave, you'll meet up with a warlord called Guan Ping at the
cave's entrance. He has over 400 men and 200 strength. Make him your leader. Go
back to Luo Yang and use the key on the keyhole. You'll receive the Gemsword.

Go west to Yang Zhou Castle. Give the Gemsword to your weakest fighter before
starting the battle. As soon as the fight begins, go to "Item" and use the
Gemsword on Lu Bu. He may accept it the first time he sees it, or he may say,
"What's that?" a number of times, but eventually he'll join your side. After Lu
Bu joins you, the other two lackies are easy to mop up. Enter Yang Zhou Castle.
In the palace prison you'll find the emperor and Cao Cao. Talk to them.

When you convert Lu Bu, he mentions that his horse, Chi Tu Ma, is one step
south and 8 west. But from where? Go back to Fan Shui Quan fortress, which is
the fortress south of Xu Zhou Castle, and follow his directions from the gate.
You'll have to walk around a rock at one point, but you'll find Chi Tu Ma
exactly where Lu Bu said the horse would be. Put Chi Tu Ma in the inventory of
one of your active generals. Chi Tu Ma gives the general an agility boost, so
he'll always have initiative in battle.

Now that you have Lu Bu and Chi Tu Ma, you'll want to get to Chang An Castle
and fight Dong Zhou. To get there, you have to journey through the Yang Zhou
Cave. Although there are quite a few staircases and paths, the cave is very
short. Find a club inside this cave. Have Lu Bu equip the club and make him
your leader.

Once out of cave, go further west and north to Chang An Castle. Fight Dong Min
at the gate, then proceed to the castle. You'll notice that fighting Dong Zhou
isn't so hard because this time Lu Bu is on your side!

After killing Dong Zhou, enter Chang An. This place is huge! In the top-right
corner is a man called Zhou Chao. You can let him join your side, but he is
probably too weak to fight with you, so it's straight to the reserves for him.
Go to the Record Room and invite Liu Bei to the palace. Talk to Liu Bei and
he'll give you a free night's rest. When you wake up, talk to him again and
find out some disturbing news about Yuan Shu.

Outside of Chang An Castle, go west, then south. You'll find a tavern in
mountains in a southern mountain cove. Inside the tavern is Zhao Yun. He wants
to join up but he has something to attend to first. Don't worry about him right
now. Continue east and south to Yuan Castle, where you'll fight Lei Bo. He
shouldn't be too much trouble. Yuan Castle is pretty unremarkable.

Keep on trucking your way over to Huai Nan Castle, where you'll fight Ji Ling.
Ji Ling isn't a very difficult opponent. Once inside Huai Nan, a woman tells
you to attack the west gate of Nan Yang Castle, since it is under construction
and is therefore weaker.

But before you get to Nan Yang Castle you have to go through Chen Cang
fortress. Go north from Huai Nan to reach Chen Cang. There you'll fight Han
Xian, another wimp. After entering the fortress the guard says he's the only
one there. He's lying! In the center tent sits Xu Yuan Zhi. He'll give you a
letter of introduction. In a different tent you'll find a spear in a treasure

To use the letter of introduction, go south of Chen Cang. In between Chen Cang
and Huai Nan, to the east, is a hut where Shui Jing lives. Talk to the woman at
the door and she'll let you in to see Shui Jing. He tells you to use either Fu
Long or Feng Chu as your strategist. You haven't met either of these blokes,
but you should keep their names in mind.

Go north to Nan Yang Castle. Two gates stand in your way to the castle. Liang
Ji is easy, Chen Lan is a little harder, but Yuan Shu is the real battle. After
defeating Yuan Shu at the castle, he'll ask you four times to let him go since
he is the 'emperor'. Refuse him all four times, then he will die and peace will
be restored in Nan Yang.

#3 - Challenge Yuan Shao and Liu Du

Once in Nan Yang Castle, heal up and take all of your items and weapons away
from Lu Bu. Invite Liu Bei to the palace and chat with him. Go to the
upper-right corner of the castle. To the left, there is a niche between some
water, a wall, and a bush. Check here to find the powerful Trident. There is
also a man in the upper-right corner who is selling a special key for 4000
bucks. If you can afford to, pick up the key because you'll need it eventually.

When you go outside and attempt to cross the bridge, you'll meet with Yuan
Shao, the brother of Yuan Shu (who you recently killed). He will proceed to
kick your ass. Lu Bu will prove that, aside from being the strongest person in
the DoaE world, he's also a ripe bastard. He'll desert you to join Yuan Shu's
side, so make sure you've taken all your inventory from him before this battle.
After one round, Yuan Shao realizes how bad you suck, and he lets you go.
Hopefully he hasn't killed off anyone, or else you'll need to use a Resurrect.

Go back to Nan Yang to lick your wounds. Now might be a good time to check out
the cave south of Nan Yang Castle. The Nan Yang Cave is full of free goodies.
First floor: Cap, Spear. Second floor: 2 Spears, 2 Robes, Cap, 1500 gold. Third
floor: Cap, Robe, Power Pill, 1000 gold. Besides all the free stuff, there's
nothing important in the cave, so you can skip this part if you don't need the

It's time to go up to the snowy countryside. In the north-western corner is a
cave. Go in there and meet up with Zhou Cang. He takes all your stuff, but
gives it right back when you let him join your side. Now leave the cave, since
there's nothing more you can do right now. Go back to Nan Yang and prepare for
a long battle. Then hustle back up to the snowy country, this time going east
alongside the Great Wall of China (nice touch) until you get to Bo Hai Castle.
Fight Lu Guang, but be warned--this is a tough battle! Once inside Bo Hai,
you'll meet Shui Jing again. He'll give you gun powder. Don't try to cross the
bridge, because you need Xu Zhe (a.k.a. Dan Fu) first.

Go back to the cave where you got Zhou Cang from. At one place in the cave
you'll notice two rocks in your way. Use the gun powder on the rocks, then you
can get Xu Zhe. Now that Xu Zhe is on your side, make him your strategist, then
go back to Bo Hai Castle. Having Xu Zhe will let you pass through Bo Hai as
well as form a new bridge south of the snowy country, but don't worry about
that yet, continue into the frozen tundra. You'll come across a tiny village
with just one gate. A simple battle, right? Wrong. This will be one of your
toughest battles if you aren't prepared for it. Chop down Xu Shou and his two
powerful friends, then march into the tundra village. A hint to make the battle
easier: Attack Wen Hun first and Xu Shou last.

Once inside the tiny village, you'll notice a woman locked in a cell. Remember
that silver key I told you to buy for 4000 bucks in Nan Yang? If you didn't
buy, go back and get it now. Use the silver key to open up her prison cell.
She'll give you the Zhao letter, which you can then use to get Zhao Yun to join
your side. Zhao Yun is at Guang Zong Castle, further to the east in the snowy

You won't have to fight anyone to talk to Zhao Yun. In fact, he blocks your way
to the castle. Give him the letter and he'll join your side.  You should now
have three of the five destined tigers: Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, and Zhao Yun. There
are two more, but you'll find them later.

Go on to fight Yuan Tan at the Guang Zong Castle. He's shouldn't be overly
difficult. Inside Guang Zong there is a sabre hidden in front of one of the
wells. An enemy, Yuan Shang, is standing around somewhere in the castle. He's
dressed in red and white armor and doesn't walk around. He should be pretty
easy to beat, but he runs away after the battle.

Continue east until you reach Ji Zhou Castle. There are two gates before the
castle. The first is guarded by Ma Yan and the second by Zhang Yi and Guo Tu.
I'd fight Guo Tu before taking on Zhang Yi, since G.T. is much more of a
threat. After the two gates, go back to Bo Hai Castle, heal, and get ready for
one of the hardest battles of the game.

At Ji Zhou Castle is Yuan Shao's all-star team of warlords including the
traitor, Lu Bu. Yuan Shao doesn't even waste space with a Rebel Force on his
side. I guess the four uber-warlords were enough. Make sure you have plenty of
elixirs and resurrects before this battle supreme. Hint: Kill off Lu Bu first.

Now that you have Yuan Shao's head, enter Ji Zhou Castle. Invite Liu Bei to the
palace then talk to him. He urges you to stop the infighting in Jing Zhou. Ji
Zhou Castle is memorable for two things: 1) It's the first place you can buy
sabres and 2) There's a man who lives behind the castle who will automatically
bring you to the next level. To get to the nice man, take one step out at the
right hand side exit of the castle, then walk up and to the left. There will be
a hut. In the hut is the nice man. Warning: According to the NES rumor, you
need to have Zhu Ge Liang in your army before you reach level 17, so going up a
level at this point may hurt you. What I always do is wait until I get to level
50, the highest possible level, before talking to the man. The man then brings
me up to level 51!

Now that Ji Zhou is settled and Yuan Shao is dead, it's off to Jing Zhou. Go
down the bridge slightly west of Nan Yang Castle. You end up in a hut with a
man called Yi Ji. He asks you to talk to Ma Su and Ma Liang about the trouble
in Jing Zhou.

Go south to Ma Su's hut. He doesn't have much to say, so move along to Ma
Liang's hut. Along the way, you'll run into Zhu Ge Liang's house. There's
nothing you can do here just yet, so move along to Ma Liang's hut. Ma Liang
will tell you about the Jing Zhou dilemma.

Keep following the path south until you reach Wu Ling Castle. Jin Xuan should
be an easy battle, especially in comparison with your last fight against Yuan
Shao. While in Wu Ling, search in front of the well to find a bow. Continue
down the path until you reach Chang Sha Castle. This battle against Han Xuan
looks as bad as your fight against Yuan Shao, but your new bow should help
immensely. After winning the battle, Wei Yan and Huang Zhong will be waiting at
the door to join your army. You should let both of them join and be sure to
make Wei Yan your leader. Huang Zhong is the fourth tiger, so you only need one
more now.

Once inside Chang Sha Castle, search in front of the well to find a new sword.
The weapon shop sells bows, so you should buy at least one more from them.
After you get everything in order, head south to Gui Yang Castle.

What, no army at the castle gates? That's a first! But as soon as you enter Gui
Yang Castle you'll notice something is horribly wrong. Every townsperson is a
soldier that reads a four-page treatise when you try to talk to them. Search in
front of the well to pick up a hidden sword. Go to the palace and talk to the
man of the house, Zhao Fan. He'll ask you to go to sleep twice. Refuse him both
times, then he'll fight you. You should be able to wipe the floor with him
thanks to your new weapons.

Continue walking west and north up to Ling Ling Castle. This is the fourth and
final castle of the four corners of Jing Zhou. Fight Xing Dao Rong at the gate
then fight Liu Du at the castle. These fights shouldn't be too difficult. After
beating Liu Du you will have restored peace in Jing Zhou.

#4 - Enter Shu and Restore Peace

Now just walk on into Shu. . .but wait, the game won't let you into Shu yet.
First you have to get Zhu Ge Liang to join your side. First of all, go to Gui
Yang Castle and talk to Liu Bei. Make sure Xu Zhe is in your party at this
time. Liu Bei will give Xu Zhe a letter from his mother and he'll run off to
visit her. As you leave the palace in Gui Yang, Xu Zhe will be waiting in the
doorway. He tells you to go visit Zhu Ge Liang and make him your strategist.

At some point after Xu Zhe leaves you, you will run into a general named Pang
Tong in the woods between Chang Sha Castle and Gui Yang Castle. After you beat
him, he will join your side. He is one of the best strategists in the DoaE
world, but you should put him in the reserves once Zhu Ge Liang joins you.

Continue walking up to Zhu Ge Liang's (ZGL) house. Along the way, in Ma Liang's
house, Ma Su and Ma Liang will join your side. Although they have a ton of hit
points, they are primarily strategists, so don't try to make them fighters. At
ZGL's house, a woman will tell you ZGL went to Cui Zhou Ping's house in Lou
Sang Village. Do you remember where Lou Sang is? It's the village in which you
begin the game. Gullwing your way to Xu Zhou then walk over to the village. A
man in Cui Zhou Ping's house will tell you ZGL already left. Go back to ZGL's
house and the woman will tell you to wait at Nan Yang Castle. Go to Nan Yang
and invite Liu Bei to the palace. Talk to Liu Bei and he will tell you that
ZGL's brother, Jin, wants you to go back to ZGL's house. Go to ZGL's house one
last time.

When you get there, ZGL will be sleeping. If you try to talk to him it asks you
if you want to wake him up. Move the cursor to 'No' and press the button ONE
time. You'll hear a 'ding' and the cursor will stop blinking. Wait for 6-7
seconds and ZGL will wake up. ZGL will tell you to meet him down in Gui Yang
Castle. Go there, to the palace, and talk with Liu Bei. He will tell you of
unrest in Shu. Finally, ZGL will join your side. Aside from the fact that he
doesn't know how to keep an appointment, Zhu Ge Liang is the most intelligent
character in the DoaE world, as well as the best tactician. Although he isn't
one of the five tigers, he will gain soldiers every time you go up a level.

Now you are able to enter Shu. In the woods of Shu you will run into Lu Bu for
the last time. He has over 7000 soldiers and looks menacing. But without a
strategist to back him up, Lu Bu isn't that difficult to cut down to size. When
you defeat Lu Bu you kill him, thus ending the saga of one of the greatest
traitors in world history. Continue walking through Shu until you reach a
village. Fight Lui Kui then go inside. There is only one man in the unnamed
village, and he tells you that Liu Zheng, the emperor of Shu, is held captive
in Fu Shui Castle.

Continue walking through Shu's long mountain range until you reach Fu Shui
Castle. Fight Meng Da at the first gate, then fight Yan Yan at the castle. Once
inside Fu Shui, release Liu Zheng from his prison cell, which is inside the
palace to the right of the throne room. To break down the door, seven formation
changes need to take place. On your eighth arrangement (the formation order
doesn't actually need to change), you will break down the door with your first

With Liu Zheng liberated, go north to Luo Castle. Fight Huang Quan at the gate
and Ma Chao at the castle. After defeating Ma Chao, he asks to join your side.
Let him! He's the fifth tiger. Now the destined army is complete. Inside Luo
Castle there is a hidden battleax. Check behind the second well to find it.

In Luo you start hearing stories about blacksmiths and iron ore. Go south to
Mt. Gang Tai. Inside the mountain pass, on level 1, is a treasure chest
containing iron ore. There is also a chest holding 1500 coins on the third
level. After obtaining the ore, go back to Fu Shui Castle. From Fu Shui go
south, then east, then north to reach the blacksmith's hut. The blacksmith will
take the ore and tell you to come back later.

Go to Mt. Gang Tai again, but this time pass through the mountain. You will
come across Mian Zhu Guan fortress. Fight Li Yan then go inside. One of the
tents holds a treasure chest with a battleax inside.

Continue on to Cheng Du. Fight Lei Tong at the gate then Liu Zheng at the
castle. Although Liu Zheng and crew look difficult, they're a bunch of
half-wits with poor tactics and poor strength. Once you conquer Liu Zheng and
settle Shu, go back to the blacksmith's hut. He will tell you that a group of
Yellow Scarves (didn't you defeat all those guys way back when?) took the five
beautiful swords he made for you. Darnuts! You will find the swords scattered
throughout the rest of the game in caves and mountains.

Now go back to Cheng Du and invite Liu Bei to the palace. In front of the
palace, one square to the right of the doorway, is a hidden scimitar. Go in to
the throne room and talk to Liu Bei. He will assign Zhang Fei to rule Gui Yang
Castle and Guan Yu to rule Chang Sha Castle. Suddenly, Liu Bei gets news that
the rulers of Wu and Wei die, and everything is thrown into chaos once again.
Would you have it any other way?

#5 - Save Jing Zhou and Defeat Sun Quan

Don't bother replacing Guan Yu or Zhang Fei. Start off by gullwinging to Chang
Sha Castle. Talk to Guan Yu in the palace and let Guan Xing join. Go south to
Gui Yang Castle and talk to Zhang Fei. Let his son, Zhang Bao, also join your
army. You'll notice the two legacy fighters, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, have
equal hit points as their fathers', as well as the same inventory. The only
difference is their strength is slightly lower. Still, the legacy warlords are
very strong and will easily fit in their fathers' shoes.

With your replenished army, walk north of Chang Sha, along the path, to Wu Ling
Castle. Fight Fan Zhang there. Next go back to Gui Yang then continue west to
Ling Ling Castle. You'll notice no one is guarding the gate, but Ling Tong is
at the castle. After defeating him, go inside. Along the outer wall of the
castle, on the left hand side, is a hut. Inside the hut is a man who tells you
to search around him. Search the ground directly in front of the man to find a

Gullwing back to Cheng Du and talk to Liu Bei. He will recognize the downfall
of the Han Dynasty and declare his bid for emperor. Return to Gui Yang, where a
new bridge has been formed into the land of Wu. Go south to Jian An Castle.
Your fight against Gan Ning will be difficult due to his great strategist, Lu
Su. Defeat Lu Su first, then conquer Gan Ning. You'll notice a canal blocking
your path past Jian An. Enter the castle and talk to the people.

You'll discover that with some saltpeter and deadwood you can block the canal.
The deadwood is found inside the town. Go behind the hut at the end of the
castle, where a lone tree stands. Search in front of the tree to find the
deadwood. If you search behind the tree, you'll also find a scimitar. Leave the
town and go north along the western mountain range, until you reach a cave.
Inside the cave you'll find the saltpeter. Return to Jian An and talk to an old
man. He'll mix some ingredients then blow up the canal for you. Now you may
continue south.

You will reach Hui Ji fortress in the south. The battle against Zhou Yu is
difficult due to the many strategists on Zhou Yu's side. Conquer Zhou Yu (using
Dan Re helps) and his lackies will be easier to kill. In Hui Ji you can find a
scimitar within one of the tents, hidden inside a pot.

Continue until you reach a cave. There's not much here despite the many
stairways and levels. On the second floor there is an Elixir D and on the third
floor you'll find a Steel H and Nu Long, the first of the five great swords. On
the other side of the mountain pass you'll come to Po Yang fortress. Fight Ding
Feng at the gate then Chen Pu at the fortress.

Move right along to Jin Du Castle. Fight Huang Gai at the gate and Sun Yu at
the castle. Once inside the castle, you'll meet Lu Meng again. This time he
wants to fight, so whup his ass. From the townspeople you'll hear about
brigands to the south. Go directly south from the castle to reach a hut. Talk
to the man inside to fight the pirates.

They may look very intimidating and they may take off a lot of hit points, but
the pirates are simply super Rebel Forces. After the first few rounds, the tide
of the battle will begin to change. But make sure you bring plenty of
Resurrects with you. After defeating the pirates, return to the castle. A
townsman will give you Qing Long, the second of the five great swords.

Now you'll want to go to Jian Ye Castle. As you walk to the east you'll find
yourself in a sort of maze, with options in eight directions. To get to the
castle, take the south-west path. This will branch into north-west and
south-west sub-branches. Take the north-west route to reach the castle.

You'll notice a myriad of gates. Well, you better start the killing. The first
gate is guarded by Sun Yi. The second gate is guarded by Zhou Tai. The third
and final gate is blocked by Sun Huan. The battles will become progressively
more difficult as you move along. It would be wise to go back to Jin Du and
heal before taking on the castle.

The castle is guarded by Tai Si Ci. It's a difficult battle, but not impossibly
hard. After defeating Tai Si Ci, you get to fight the super-hidden-secret-magic
character, Sun Quan! No sir, you don't get a chance to heal first. Sun Quan is
not too hard if you're ready to fight, since he lacks support (four Rebel
Forces don't count as support). After defeating Sun Quan he will admit to
assassinating Sun Ce and fear his fate in the afterlife. Enter Jian Ye Castle
and invite Liu Bei to the palace. Liu Bei will tell you the only thing left to
do is settle Wei.

#6 - Take on Cao Pi and Si Ma Yi

After Jian Ye Castle is Guang Ling Castle. Fight Xia Hou Yuan at the gate and
Zhang Liao at the castle. Inside Guang Ling you'll meet Jiang Wei, who asks to
join your side. I let Jian Wei stay in the traveling party because he's one of
the few warlords that gains forces every level up. You'll notice, while in
Guang Ling, a bush on the right side of the wall that juts out from the line of
bushes. Search the ground in front of the bush to find Bo Ye, the third of the
five great swords.

Continue on after Guang Ling Castle. You'll hop from island to island until you
reach He Fei fortress. Fight Cao Zhi at the gate and Cao Pi at the fortress.
After you win, Cao Pi will run away.

Go on to Ru Nan Castle. Cao Xiu will meet you at the first gate, then Xia Hou
Shang at the second gate. Cao Pi will be waiting at the castle. Cao Pi is
difficult, but he's not the final boss. After you defeat Cao Pi, Si Ma Yi will
arrive with "support." Si Ma Yi will attack Cao Pi until he has his head, then
Si Ma Yi will send you away with his thunder.

Your army will wake up in the Inn of Jian Ye Castle. Liu Bei will tell you to
go to Chang Sha to talk to Guan Yu's other son, Guan Suo, who found you
unconscious in a field. Gullwing to Chang Sha to get the information on how to
beat Si Ma Yi. Guan Suo will tell you the code to negate Si Ma Yi's thunder is
from Sun Zi's book. The code is up, up, down, down, left, right, up, down. You
don't have to hurry when you type in the code. Gullwing back to Jian Ye Castle
then walk back over to Ru Nan. Punch in the code when Si Ma Yi tries to use his
thunder, then fight him.

In Ru Nan Castle there is a hidden tunnel that leads to Chin Castle. The tunnel
is at the back of the wall. Walk to the end of the path within the castle and
you'll come against a natural rock barrier. Notice the notch in the wall. Walk
into that notch to enter the Ru Nan Mountain Pass.

The first part of the Ru Nan Mountain Pass is fairly large, and should be
explored using Smoke Pots. On the first level you'll find a Power Pill and
Bronze H. On the second level you'll find a Smoke Pot. On the third level,
across the lava, you'll find Plate M, Bronze H, and Wan Sheng, the fourth of
the five great swords. Although the pass has a fourth level, there is nothing
on it.

Once you leave the Ru Nan Mountain Pass you'll come up to. . .another mountain
pass. Actually, this is the second part of the trail. Inside you'll find an
Iron H, Steel H, Splint M, Elixir D, Gullwing, Plate M, and a Halberd, all on
the second level. On the third level you'll find an Elixir D and Qing Guang,
the fifth and final of the great swords. It's interesting to note that the
halberd you find is stronger than any of the great swords, and is especially
better than Wan Sheng and Bo Ye.

After making it through both parts of the Ru Nan Mountain Pass, head up to Chen
Liu fortress. You'll fight Niu Jin at the gate and Si Ma Yi (again?) at the
fortress. Si Ma Yi will escape and head for Luo Yang. Continue traveling toward
Chin Castle.

Xun Huo will meet you at Chin Castle. Inside Chin, the people will tell you
that Si Ma Yi took over the rebuilt Luo Yang Castle. When you leave the castle
you'll notice a new bridge leading directly north to Luo Yang.

Fight Dian Wei at the first gate, then Liu Dai at the second gate. The third
and final gate is guarded by Le Xin. At the castle you'll fight Si Ma Shi and
Si Ma Zhao, Si Ma Yi's two sons. After defeating them, Si Ma Yi will approach
with a full roster of doom. Now might be a good time to retreat and gullwing
yourself to Xu Zhou or use the Gui Huan tactic to run away.

This battle against Si Ma Yi, Yu Jin, Wei Xu, Cheng Du, and Xu Zhu is the final
battle of the game. There are two basic ways to approach the battle, depending
on which strategist you use. The easiest way is to use Zhu Ge Liang. Prepare
for the battle by buying lots of power pills, some resurrects, and a few Elixir
Ds. In the first round, have your top four fighters use the Bei Ji tactic on
themselves. This will increase their attacks by 50% throughout the battle.
Huang Zhong, who should be your fifth warlord, can perform the Huo Shen tactic
(if your tactic points aren't too low) to start the battle off right. Conserve
your tactic points, but use the Ce Mian tactic if Si Ma Yi harasses you with Ji
Mian. Now all you have to do is kick some ass. Start by defeating Xu Zhu and
work your way up to Si Ma Yi. Once you have Si Ma Yi by himself, the real
battle begins. Whittle down Si Ma Yi to under 15,000 hit points and keep the Ce
Mian tactic constant. You will now be able to finish off Si Ma Yi if you've
cast Bei Ji on your top four warlords, have the five great swords and halberd,
and have Ce Mian in effect. Have every warlord use a power pill on Si Ma Yi and
he'll go down.

A second way to defeat Si Ma Yi is to use one of the other good strategist,
such as Jiang Wei or Lu Su. Most upper-level strategists have the An Sha and
Wan Fu tactics instead of the Bei Ji and Ji Xian tactics that Zhu Ge Liang
prefers. To win the battle, have four of your warlords use An Sha on the four
different warlords under Si Ma Yi. Don't try to use An Sha on Si Ma Yi, because
it's impossible to assassinate him. While four of your warlords are doing An
Sha, have your fifth fighter attack Si Ma Yi. Continue performing An Sha until
Si Ma Yi is the last warlord left. Now whittle down Si Ma Yi's forces to at
least 20,000 before using the Ce Mian tactic. Once you perform Ce Mian you must
keep it continuous until Si Ma Yi is dead. I take the precaution of performing
Ce Mian even before the first usage of the tactic wears off, to insure that Si
Ma Yi doesn't get a chance to use Wan Fu and heal all his forces. While Si Ma
Yi is kept tactic-less, continuously use power pills to quickly chop down Si Ma
Yi's men. It should take between two to three rounds to defeat Si Ma Yi after
you get him under 20,000 men.

(I beat the game twice while on level 40, using Zhu Ge Liang the first time and
Jian Wei the second time, so it is possible!)

Now that you've killed Si Ma Yi, true peace comes to China. All the bushes in
Luo Yang are pink with tranquillity. Invite Liu Bei to Luo Yang Castle for his
final speech of the game, then enjoy the credits. You've earned it!

---THE END---

P.S. After killing Si Ma Yi and before talking to Liu Bei, you have a chance to
wander the countryside. All the rebel warlords are still lurking and you can
continue to go up levels.