Vagrant Story (e)

  Vagrant Story Item Combine Guide
           version 0.2.5
            By: Guiler
mail me with questions and corrections:

Vagrant Story (c) Square Soft

Please do not copy or post this FAQ without permission. I will become mad at you
and send you many flames. If you want to post this someplace, just ask. I am
malleable. I will relent.

This Guide is far from complete, and just touches on the edge of the combine list
at this point. I intend to expand it as i have time, but inaccuracies are bound
to come up. If you have a question or correction, just email me, and i'll give
you credit for it. Heck, if you have additions you'd like to make, i'll gladly
do that, too. If you find a really butt-kicking combination, and you mail me
before i find it, i'll give you credit for it in the guide (or not, if you

If you just want the direct 'this + this + this' = most powerful weapon in game,
Zy Nicholsen's FAQ lists all of these 'fast tracks'. My guide, while incomplete, 
attempts to be comprehensive, while Zy's is ruthlessly efficient, and, for the 
most part, easier to read :)


This guide is meant to help you, the user, find useful combinations using
the 'combine' command under 'item' in the workshops of Vagrant Story. It does
not pretend to do anything else. There is no walkthrough or combat chain
stuff or treasure lists or anything else. All i have here is weapons, armor
and their respective stats, plus what they will combine with.

If you are just looking for the fast track, you can find several, in other
FAQ's, most notably in Zy Nicholson's excellent overview of everything,
at While mine is redundant in some ways, it aims to be more 
complete by including every (or nearly every) combination. I will try to
include a fast track to all the best stuff at my earliest opportunity, but
i haven't got everything yet.

There are many kinds of weapons and armor, and i'm not going to give you all
the info on them. For weapons, i'll give phys attack and range, and for armor, 
i'll give phys/int protection. Handles have a table which you can use to
cross-reference them.

On a curious note, i have some analysis from David Bunch 
that suggests that you should combine the same items together (ie a gauntlet +
a gauntlet) to increase their 'type's (ie blunt, edged, piercing). According
to him, when you combine like types, they add. When you combine different types,
they diminish, considerably. I haven't had the chance to test this, but i will
check it as soon as i can and try and derive some sort of formula for the
result (yay math!...or something...). However, in some cases, combining 2 like
items will result in a different item, so these might act as choke points to
diminish your accrued 'type'.

It is interesting to note that while most combinations are reversible (IE, A+B=C
and B+A=C), some are not (A+B=C, and B+A=D). If it is not reversible, (a better
term would be 'commutative', from the math principle), i will try to put a '*'
by it, so you make sure you do it in the right order. Of course, i could just
be an idiot, and wrote down the wrong items... but you make your own judgement.

LEATHER is not so good. +4 bonus to int defense, but -2 penalty to phys (-2/+4).

WOOD is pretty much the same. -1/+5

BRONZE will be the base material that i will state ratings for. Essentially, +0/+0

IRON gives +2/+0.

HAGANE = iron + bronze, and gives +4/+1. Try and get hagane as soon as you get to the
         first bronze/iron workshop (the 2nd one in the game).

SILVER is something that i have a little of, but i haven't discerned its properties
       yet. From what I understand from reading other FAQ's, it is possible to get
       this when you combine a bronze piece with a hagane piece, but the bronze
       piece must be the first of the two items; the 'primary combinant', so to

DAMASCUS is the strongest yet (haven't got any right now) and can sometimes be
         gotten when you combine silver with hagane.

Weapons(A) are rated in order by type, and by phys damage. I put a '+', as sort of
the addition operation here. Then, under the line, i put a blade type(B), and then 
a '=', and another blade type(C). This means that the top type(A) '+' the first 
blade type(B) '=' the second blade type (C). Thus, when i combine the scimitar(A) 
with the rapier(B), i get a spatha(C).

BLADES (summary):

STAVES: (range 2)
wizard staff (3)
clergy rod (4)

KNIVES: (range 1)
battle knife (6)
scramasax (8)
dirk (10)

SWORDS: (range 3)
spatha (7)
scimitar (9)
rapier (11)
short sword (13)
firangi (15)
shamshir (17)

AXES: (range 3)
hand ax (8)
battle ax (10)
francisca (12)
tabarzin (15)
chamkaq (20)

MACES: (range 3)
goblin club (8)
spiked club (10)
ball mace (12)
footman's mace (1h) (15)

SPEARS: (range 5)
spear (10)
glaive (12)
scorpion (14)

CROSSBOWS: (range 9)
gastraph bow (11)
light crossbow (13)
target bow (15)

GREATSWORDS: (range 4)
broadsword (12)
norse sword (14)
katana (18)
executioner (21)

GREAT MACE: (range 4)
langdebeve (12)
saber mace (16)
footman's mace (23)
gloomwing (25)

GREAT AX: (range 4)
guisarme (13)
large crescent (15)

The pointy end, that goes into the other man/dragon/beast/undead/phantom/evil
(with apologies to Antonio Banderas). To aid you in searching for a specific
item, I have prefaced each item with a *. When you want to search for something,
for example, a SPATHA, go to search and type in *SPATHA and you will get to
the appropriate heading. The same goes for armor.


battle knife = wizard staff
broadsword = langdebeve
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked mace
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
gastraph bow = spatha
glaive = gastraph bow
guisarme = saber mace
hand ax = gastraph bow
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = spear
* large crescent = gastraph bow
norse sword = glaive
rapier = spatha
saber mace = battle knife
scimitar = spear
short sword = spatha
spatha = saber mace
spiked club = langdebeve
spear = battle knife
target bow = broadsword

battle knife = wizard staff
broadsword = wizard staff
chamkaq = battle ax
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = glaive
footman's mace (2h) = scramasax
gastraph bow = wizard staff
glaive = wizard staff
goblin club = wizard staff
guisarme = gastraph bow
hand ax = wizard staff
katana = saber mace
langdebeve = gastraph bow
large crescent = footman's mace (2h)
norse sword = gastraph bow
rapier = footman's mace (2h)
saber mace = glaive
scimitar = gastraph bow
short sword = glaive
spatha = wizard staff
spear = wizard staff
spiked club = light crossbow
target bow = scramasax
wizard staff = wizard staff


broadsword = battle knife
chamkaq = tabarzin
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = spatha
footman's mace (1h) = ball mace
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
* gastraph bow = spear 
glaive = spear
guisarme = guisarme
* hand ax = spear
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = spatha
large crescent = guisarme
norse sword = broadsword
rapier = spatha
saber mace = saber mace
scimitar = spatha
short sword = spatha
spatha = spatha
spear = spear
spiked club = goblin club
wizard staff = wizard staff


*DIRK (10) +


*SPATHA (7) +
battle knife = spatha
broadsword = broadsword
chamkaq = tabarzin
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = ball mace
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
gastraph bow = gastraph bow
glaive = battle knife
guisarme = guisarme
hand ax = hand ax
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = spear
large crescent = guisarme
norse sword = broadsword
rapier = short sword
saber mace = saber mace
scimitar = spatha
short sword = spatha
spear = spear
spiked club = goblin club
target bow = gastraph bow
wizard staff = saber mace

battle knife = spatha
broadsword = spatha
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = gastraph bow
firangi = short sword
footman's mace (1h) = spiked mace
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
gastraph bow = battle knife
glaive = glaive
guisarme = wizard staff
hand ax = goblin club
katana = norse sword
langdebeve = gastraph bow
large crescent = large crescent
norse sword = norse sword
rapier = spatha
saber mace = spatha
short sword = scimitar
spatha = spatha
spear = spatha
spiked club = spiked club
wizard staff = spear

*RAPIER (11) +
battle knife = spatha
broadsword = spatha
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = footman's mace (2h)
* firangi = short sword
footman's mace (1h) = ball mace
footman's mace (2h) = scimitar
gastraph bow = broadsword
glaive = scimitar
guisarme = saber mace
hand ax = spatha
katana = katana
langdebeve = spatha
large crescent = spear
norse sword = hand ax
saber mace = glaive
short sword = spatha
spatha = short sword
spear = spatha
spiked club = scimitar
wizard staff = spatha

battle knife = spatha
broadsword = broadsword
clergy rod = glaive
chamkaq = tabarzin
firangi = shamshir
footman's mace (1h) = saber mace
footman's mace (2h) = scorpion
gastraph bow = spatha
glaive = scimitar
guisarme = spatha
hand ax = spatha
katana = battle ax
langdebeve = spatha
large crescent = clergy rod
norse sword = scimitar
rapier = spatha
saber mace = light crossbow
scimitar = scimitar
spatha = spatha
spear = spatha
spiked club = scimitar
target bow = dirk
wizard staff = spatha

*FIRANGI (15) +
battle knife = spatha
broadsword = scimitar
chamkaq = clergy rod
clergy rod = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = large crescent
footman's mace (2h) = target bow
gastraph bow = scimitar
glaive = scimitar
guisarme = scimitar
hand ax = scimitar
katana = goblin club
langdebeve = scimitar
large crescent = footman's  mace (2h)
norse sword = scimitar
* rapier = spatha
saber mace = scimitar
short sword = shamshir
spatha = scimitar
spear = scimitar
scimitar = short sword
spiked club = scimitar
wizard staff = scimitar

*SHAMSHIR (17) +


clergy rod = wizard staff
footman's mace (2h) = langdebeve

battle knife = goblin club
broadsword = goblin club
chamkaq = battle ax
clergy rod = light crossbow
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked club
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
gastraph bow = battle knife
glaive = gastraph bow
guisarme = wizard staff
katana = norse sword
langdebeve = spear
large crescent = glaive
norse sword = spiked club
rapier = scimitar
saber mace = scramasax
scimitar = spiked club
short sword = scimitar
spatha = goblin club
spear = battle knife
wizard staff = langdebeve

*BALL MACE (12) +

*FOOTMAN'S MACE (1H) (15) +
battle knife = ball mace
broadsword = ball mace
chamkaq = clergy rod
clergy rod = glaive
firangi = large crescent
footman's mace (2h) = scorpion
gastraph bow = spiked club
glaive = goblin club
guisarme = spiked club
hand ax = ball mace
katana = ball mace
langdebeve = spiked club
large crescent = saber mace
norse sword = spiked club
rapier = ball mace
saber mace = gastraph bow
scimitar = spiked club
short sword = saber mace
spatha = ball mace
spear = spiked club
spiked club = spiked club
target bow = dirk
wizard staff = spiked club


*HAND AX (8) +
* battle knife = hand ax
broadsword = hand ax
chamkaq = battle ax
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = ball mace
footman's mace (2h) = langdebeve
gastraph bow = broadsword
glaive = spear
guisarme = spear
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = battle knife
large crescent = guisarme
norse sword = goblin club
rapier = spatha
saber mace = langdebeve
scimitar = goblin club
short sword = spatha
spatha = hand ax
spear = spear
spiked club = goblin club
wizard staff = gastraph bow

*BATTLE AX (10) +


*TABARZIN (15) +


*SPEAR (10) +
battleknife = spear
broadsword = broadsword
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked club
footman's mace (2h) = langdebeve
gastraph bow = spear
glaive = spear
guisarme = spear
hand ax = spear
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = gastraph bow
large crescent = battle knife
norse sword = broadsword
rapier = spatha
saber mace = langdebeve
scimitar = spatha
short sword = spatha
spiked club = battle knife
spatha = spear
target bow = light crossbow
wizard staff = battle knife

*GLAIVE (12) +
broadsword = battle knife
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = goblin club
footman's mace (2h) = langdebeve
gastraph bow = spear
guisarme = spear
hand ax = spear
katana = norse sword
langdebeve = spatha
large crescent = gastraph bow
norse sword = spatha
rapier = scimitar
saber mace = battle knife
scimitar = glaive
short sword = scimitar
spatha = battle knife
spear = spear
spiked club = gastraph bow
wizard staff = gastraph bow

*SCORPION (14) +


* battle knife = gastraph bow
broadsword = battle knife
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = wizard staff
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked club
footman's mace (2h) = langdebeve
gastraph bow = gastraph bow
glaive = spear
guisarme = spatha
hand ax = broadsword
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = battle knife
large crescent = guisarme
norse sword = broadsword
rapier = broadsword
saber mace = spatha
scimitar = scimitar
short sword = spatha
spatha = gastraph bow
spear = spear
spiked club = battle knife
wizard staff = spatha


*TARGET BOW (15) +
battle knife = gastraph bow
broadsword = gastraph bow
chamkaq = rapier
clergy rod = scramasax
firangi = katana
footman's mace (1h) = dirk
footman's mace (2h) = dirk
gastraph bow = light crossbow
glaive = light crossbow
guisarme = broadsword
hand ax = gastraph bow
katana = dirk
langdebeve = gastraph bow
large crescent = scramasax
norse sword = spiked club
rapier = battle ax
saber mace = norse sword
scimitar = light crossbow
short sword = dirk
spatha = gastraph bow
spear = light crossbow
spiked club = light crossbow
wizard staff = broadsword

************GREAT SWORDS**************

battle knife = broadsword
chamkaq = tabarzin
clergy rod = wizard staff
gastraph bow = battle knife
glaive = battle knife
guisarme = wizard staff
hand ax = hand ax
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = ball mace
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
katana = executioner
langdebeve = battle knife
large crescent = guisarme
norse sword = broadsword
rapier = spatha
saber mace = saber mace
scimitar = spatha
short sword = spatha
spatha = broadsword
spear = broadsword
spiked club = goblin club
wizard staff = langdebeve

battle knife = broadsword
broadsword = broadsword
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = gastraph bow
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked club
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
gastraph bow = broadsword
glaive = spatha
guisarme = langdebeve
hand ax = goblin club
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = glaive
large crescent = glaive
rapier = hand ax
saber mace = scramasax
scimitar = norse sword
short sword = scimitar
spatha = broadsword
spear = broadsword
spiked club = spiked club
wizard staff = glaive

*KATANA (18) +
battle knife = broadsword
broadsword = executioner
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = saber mace
firangi = goblin club
footman's mace (1h) = ball mace
footman's mace (2h) = dirk
gastraph bow = broadsword
glaive = norse sword
guisarme = broadsword
hand ax = broadsword
langdebeve = gastraph bow
large crescent = clergy rod
norse sword = broadsword
rapier = katana
saber mace = scorpion
scimitar = norse sword
short sword = battle ax
spatha = broadsword
spear = broadsword
spiked club = norse sword
target bow = dirk
wizard staff = broadsword


************GREAT MACES**************

battle knife = spear
broadsword = battle knife
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = gastraph bow
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked club
footman's mace (2h) = langdebeve
gastraph bow = battle knife
glaive = spatha
guisarme = battle knife
hand ax = battle knife
katana = gastraph bow
large crescent = spear
norse sword = glaive
rapier = spatha
saber mace = langdebeve
scimitar = gastraph bow
short sword = spatha
spatha = spear
spear = gastraph bow
spiked club = spear
wizard staff = spear

*SABER MACE (16) +
battle knife = saber mace
broadsword = saber mace
chamkaq = battle ax
clergy rod = glaive
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = gastraph bow
footman's mace (2h) = gloomwing
gastraph bow = spatha
glaive = battle knife
guisarme = saber mace
hand ax = langdebeve
katana = scorpion
langdebeve = langdebeve
large crescent = scramasax
norse sword = scramasax
rapier = glaive
scimitar = spatha
short sword = light crossbow
spatha = saber mace
spear = langdebeve
spiked club = scramasax
wizard staff = battle knife

*FOOTMAN'S MACE (2H) (23) +
battle knife = saber mace
broadsword = saber mace
chamkaq = target bow
clergy rod (scramasax)
firangi = target bow
footman's mace (1h) scorpion
gastraph bow = langdebeve
glaive = langdebeve
goblin club = langdebeve
guisarme = saber mace
hand ax = langdebeve
katana = dirk
langdebeve = langdebeve
large crescent = footman's mace (2h)
norse sword = saber mace
rapier = scimitar
saber mace = gloomwing
scimitar = saber mace
short sword = scorpion
spatha = saber mace
spear = langdebeve
spiked mace = saber mace
target bow = dirk
wizard staff = saber mace


************GREAT AXES**************

*GUISARME (13) +
battle knife = guisarme
broadsword = wizard staff
chamkaq = francisca
clergy rod = gastraph bow
firangi = scimitar
footman's mace (1h) = spiked club
footman's mace (2h) = saber mace
gastraph bow = spatha
glaive = spear
hand ax = spear
katana = broadsword
langdebeve = battle knife
norse sword = langdebeve
rapier = saber mace
saber mace = saber mace
scimitar = wizard staff
short sword = spatha
spatha = guisarme
spear = spear
spiked club = wizard staff
wizard staff = saber mace

battle knife = guisarme
broadsword = guisarme
chamkaq = battle ax
clergy rod = footman's mace (2h)
firangi = footman's mace (2h)
footman's mace (1h) = saber mace
footman's mace (2h) = footman's mace (2h)
gastraph bow = guisarme
glaive = gastraph bow
goblin club = guisarme
guisarme = guisarme
hand ax = guisarme
katana = clergy rod
langdebeve = spear
norse sword = glaive
rapier = spear
saber mace = scramasax
scimitar = large crescent
short sword = clergy rod
spatha = guisarme
spear = battle knife
spiked mace = glaive
target bow = scramasax
* wizard staff = gastraph bow

*CHAMKAQ (20) +
battle knife = tabarzin
broadsword = tabarzin
clergy rod = battle ax
firangi = clergy rod
footman's mace (1h) =
footman's mace (2h) = target bow
gastraph bow = francisca
glaive = francisca
guisarme = francisca
hand ax = battle ax
katana = francisca
langdebeve = francisca
norse sword = francisca
rapier = francisca
saber mace = battle ax
scimitar = francisca
short sword = tabarzin
spatha = tabarzin
spear = francisca
spiked club = battle ax
target bow = rapier
wizard staff = francisca

Once you get the pointy thing that goes into the other man/dragon/beast...etc,
you're going to need a handle to mount it on (or in the case of the crossbow,
an arrow to load into it). I hope this table is easy to use. NAME is the name,
+STR is the STR bonus added to the blade, +INT is the INT bonus, AGI is the
agility bonus/penalty, GEM is the number of gems you can stick on it, and
TYPE is the general 'type' of blade that will go on it.

Cross Guard   2    1    -1  1  sword/dagger
Czekan Type   2    1    -1  1  mace/axe/staff
Javelin Bolt  3    1    -1  1  crossbow
Knuckle Guard 2    2    -2  2  sword/dagger
Sarissa Grip  2    2    -3  1  mace/axe/staff
Sand Face     1    2    -2  1  mace/axe/staff
Short Hilt    1    0    -1  0  sword/dagger
Simple Bolt   1    0    -1  0  crossbow
Spiculum Pole 2    1    -3  1  spear
Steel Bolt    2    0    -1  1  crossbow
Swept Hilt    1    1    -1  0  sword/dagger
Wooden Grip   1    0    -2  0  mace/axe/staff
Wooden Pole   1    0    -3  0  spear

Use this to protect yourself from harm. Location, Phys defense, and Mag defense
is given. Note that even if you have a cool item like an iron cabasset (8/6),
a chain coif (normally 5/6) that is made of hagane is worth more (9/7). Keep
this in mind when combining items; often the material can make a difference.
I have tried to make unorthodox combinations (bandage + sandals? What kind of
fool is this guy, you're saying) and for the most part, it hasn't gotten me
anywhere. It's usually a good idea to mix body armor with body armor, and
leg armor with leg armor. Although, there are some weird combos in there
(spangenhelm(head) + ring mail(body) = ring leggings(leg)?). From what i have
been able to glean from the game and other FAQ's is that there are 'suits' of
armor, and if you combine 2 parts of a suit together, you get a 3rd part
(which would explain the spangen + ring mail reference). Hopefully, along with
everything else that i have to do to this thing, i'll give you suits of armor,


*BANDAGE (3/9) +
bandage = bandage
bandana = bandage
bear mask = bear mask
bone helm = bone helm
breastplate = banded mail
chain mail = banded mail
chain sleeve = knuckles
cuirass = cuirass
gauntlet = chain sleeve
jerkin = jerkin
knuckles = knuckles
reinforced glove = reinforced glove
ring sleeve = knuckles
sandals = sandals
segmentata = ring mail
wizard robe = wizard robe

bandage = knuckles
bandana = knuckles
bear mask = knuckles
bone helm = knuckles
brigandine = chain mail
chain sleeve = chain sleeve
fusskampf = ring leggings
gauntlet = gauntlet
knuckles = chain sleeve
long boots = knuckles
plate glove = rondanche
reinforced glove = gauntlet
ring leggings = spangenhelm
ring mail = spangenhelm
sallet = spangenhelm
segmentata = chain mail
vambrace = knuckles
wizard robe = knuckles

*GAUNTLET (7/7) +
bandage = chain sleeve
bandana = knuckles
bear mask = knuckles
bone helm = knuckles
chain sleeve = gauntlet
knuckles = knuckles
ring sleeve = vambrace
sandals = knuckles
segmentata = breastplate
wizard robe = knuckles

*KNUCKLES (5/6) +
bandage = knuckles
chain sleeve = chain sleeve
fusskampf = light greave
gauntlet = knuckles
reinforced glove = ring sleeve
segmentata = knuckles
wizard robe = knuckles

*PLATE GLOVE (9/9) +
chain sleeve = rondanche
knuckles = plate glove
light greave = ring sleeve
vambrace = rondanche

*RING SLEEVE (6/6) +
gauntlets = vambrace
knuckles = chain sleeve
vambrace = vambrace

*RONDANCHE (10/10) +
chain sleeve = rondanche
gauntlet = knuckles
knuckles = rondanche
rondanche = rondanche
vambrace = plate glove

*VAMBRACE (8/8) +
bone helm = ring sleeve
gauntlet = plate glove
ring mail = ring sleeve
spangenhelm = chain sleeve
vambrace = plate glove


*BANDANA (3/4) +
bandage = bandage
bear mask = bear mask
bone helm = bone helm
gauntlet = knuckles
sandals = sandals
segmentata = ring mail
wizard robe = wizard robe

*BARBUT (8/8) +

*BEAR MASK (4/5) +
bandage = bear mask
bandana = bear mask
bone helm = bone helm
gauntlet = knuckles
sandals = bear mask
segmentata = ring mail
wizard robe = wizard robe

*BONE HELM (4/4) +
bandage = bone helm
bandana = bone helm
bear mask = bone helm
gauntlet = knuckles
long boots = bone helm
sandals = bone helm
segmentata = ring mail
wizard robe = bone helm

*CABASSET (6/6) +
bandana = bone helm
bone helm = chain coif
long boots = bone helm
sandals = bone helm
segmentata = breastplate
spangenhelm = sallet
vambrace = gauntlet
wizard robe = bone helm

*CHAIN COIF (5/6) +
bone helm = spangenhelm
segmentata = ring mail
spangenhelm = cabasset

*SALLET (7/7) +
cabasset = sallet
chain coif = bone helm
sallet = sallet
spangenhelm = sallet
vambrace = breastplate

bandana = bone helm
bear mask = cabasset
bone helm = spangenhelm
long boots = bone helm
ring mail = ring leggings
sandals = bone helm
segmentata = chain mail
vambrace = chain sleeve
wizard robe = bone helm


*BANDED MAIL (10/9) +

*BREASTPLATE (13/13) +
bandage = banded mail
bandana = banded mail
bear mask = banded mail
bone helm = banded mail
brigandine = plate mail
chain sleeve = chain mail
cuirass = segmentata
reinforced glove = banded mail
sandals = banded mail
segmentata = scale armor
scale armor = brigandine
wizard robe = banded mail

*BRIGANDINE (19/19) +
banded mail = chain mail
breastplate = plate mail
chain coif = chain mail
chain mail = scale armor
fusskampf = segentata
ring leggings = chain mail
ring mail = ring mail
sallet = segmentata
spangenhelm = chain mail
vambrace = segmentata

*CHAIN MAIL (11/13) +
bandage = banded mail
bandana = banded mail
bear mask = banded mail
bone helm = banded mail
chain sleeve = chain mail
cuirass = banded mail
jerkin = breastplate
reinforced glove = banded mail
sandals = banded mail
wizard robe = banded mail

*CUIRASS (7/13) +
breastplate = segmentata

*JERKIN (7/6) +

*PLATE MAIL (20/19) +
breastplate = scale armor
segmentata = brigandine

*RING MAIL (9/13) +
bone helm = banded mail
chain sleeve = spangenhelm
spangenhelm = ring leggings
segmentata = banded mail
vambrace = ring sleeve

*SCALE ARMOR (17/16) +
breastplate = brigandine
cabasset = breastplate
chain sleeve = chain mail
fusskampf = segmentata
knuckles = chain mail
vambrace = segmentata

*SEGMENTATA (15/14) +
bandage = ring mail
bandana = ring mail
bearmask = ring mail
bonehelm = ring mail
breastplate = scale armor
chain sleeve = chain mail
gauntlet = breastplate
knuckles = ring mail
long boots = ring mail
plate mail = brigandine
reinforced glove = ring mail
ring mail = banded mail
ring sleeve = ring mail
sandals = ring mail
spangenhelm = chain mail
vambrace = segmentata
wizard robe = banded mail

*WIZARD ROBE (5/21) +
bandage = wizard robe
bandana = wizard robe
bear mask = wizard robe
bone helm = bone helm
chain sleeve = knuckles
gauntlet = knuckles
knuckles = knuckles
long boots = long boots
reinforced glove = reinforced glove
ring sleeve = knuckles
sandals = wizard robe
segmentata = banded mail


missaglia = poleyn
ring leggings = fusskampf

*FUSSKAMPF (9/9) +
light greave = poleyn
poleyn = jambeau
ring leggings = chain leggings

*JAMBEAU (11/11) +
chain leggings = missaglia

fusskampf = poleyn

*LONG BOOTS (4/6) +
bone helm = bone helm
chain sleeve = knuckles
sandals = long boots
segmentata = ring mail
wizard robe = long boots

*MISSAGLIA (12/12) +
cabasset = chain leggings
chain leggings = poleyn
fusskampf = jambeau
light greave = poleyn
ring leggings = fusskampf
spangenhelm = ring leggings
vambrace = fusskampf

*POLEYN (10/10) +
fusskampf = jambeau

chain leggings = fusskampf
chain sleeve = spangenhelm
missaglia = fusskampf

*SANDALS (3/8) +
bandage = sandals
bandana = sandals
bear mask = bear mask
bone helm = bone helm
gauntlet = knuckles
long boots = long boots
segmentata = ring mail
wizard robe = wizard robe


*BUCKLER (7/4) +
circle = target
target = pelta
pelta = buckler


buckler = target
pelta = buckler
target = pelta

*KITE SHIELD (17/14) +
quad = buckler
target = buckler

buckler = buckler
circle = buckler
target = quad

*QUAD SHIELD ( / ) +
circle = tower
target = circle
tower = spiked

*SPIKED SHIELD (13/12) +
kite = casserole

buckler = pelta
circle = pelta
kite = buckler
pelta = quad
quad = circle
tower = buckler

kite = buckler
quad = spiked shield
target = buckler

More for me than you, but i guess you can check and see if i've added something
you want to see...

original release

a few small updates, added creation date

added handles, armor locations, rapier

added firangi, scale armor, fusskampf

added many weapons, armor up to plate mail, missaglia. map now at 37%.
estimate have 1/3 of weapons/armor now


reformat weapons, armor, add large crescent