Andere Lösungen

Su-27 Flanker (e)

Su-27 Flanker keyboard quick reference

Program control

Ctrl+A   accelerate program by 2 times (to restore true time scale, press S)
Ctrl+C   center joystick and rudder pedals
Ctrl+D   toggle objects details
Ctrl+F   toggle ground details
Ctrl+H   toggle sky & ground colour mask
Ctrl+J   toggle joystick and rudder indication
Ctrl+Q   exit program
Ctrl+S   sound on/off
Ctrl+T   cancel trimming
M        reset master warning
S        pause/resume program
Esc      stop playback

Flight control keys

DownArrow   Nose up
UpArrow     Nose Down
LeftArrow   Bank left
RightArrow  Bank right

Ctrl+;      Trim up
Ctrl+.      Trim down
Ctrl+,      Trim left
Ctrl+/      Trim right

Z       Rudder left (in flight), left turn (taxi mode)
X       Rudder right (in flight), right turn (taxi mode)

Ctrl+Z  Trim rudder left
Ctrl+X  Trim rudder right

Throttle control

PageUp			Increase thrust by latches on Throttle Lever
PageDown		Decrease thrust by latches on Throttle Lever
Keypad (grey)+  Increase thrust smoothly
Keypay (grey)-  Decrease thrust smoothly


B       toggle airbrake
CTRL+E  eject
A       toggle active jamming
F       toggle flaps
G       landing gear up/down
P       release drogue chute
W       engage wheel brakes (hold down the key)

Navigation keys

CapsLock	select specific navigation submode
Tilde (~)	select next waypoint or airfield
A		toggle autopilot
H		toggle altitude stabilisation

Flight/combat mode selection

1	Navigation mode (NAV)
2	Beyond Visual Range Mode (DVB)
3	Close Air Combat (BVB)
4	Air-to-Ground mode (ZEMLYA)
5	Longitudinal missile aiming (FI0)
6	Helmet mode (SHLEM)

Weapon selection/firing keys

CapsLock	weapons selection
C           enable/disable cannon
Q           dispense chaff & flares
SpaceBar	fire current weapon
Tilde (~)	target selection (in Beyond Visual Range mode)
Ctrl+V      toggle salvo mode
Ctrl+W      jettison weapons

Radar & Electro-Optical Station (EOS)

I		radar on/off
O		EOS on/off
TAB		target lock on/off
;       move radar/EOS scan zone down
Comma (')	move radar/EOS scan zone left
Period (.)  move radar/EOS scan zone up
/		move radar/EOS scan zone right
Plus (+)	MFD zoom in
Minus (-)	MFD zoom out
Ctrl+I  centre radar antenna/EOS IRST ball

View selection

F1		Cockpit View
F2		Outside View (press repeatedly to cycle through available aircrafts)
F3              Tower View on your Flanker
F4		Ground View (cycle through available SAMs)
F5		Outside+ View; similar to Outside View. If a missile or bomb is released,
		the view switches to it.
F6		Chase View
F7		Chase+ View; similar to Chase View. If a missile or bomb is released,
		the view switches to it.
F8		Ship View (cycle through available ship)
NumLock		Show MY aircraft

Cockpit View keys

KP_1	head up and left
KP_2	head up
KP_3	head up and right
KP_4	head left
KP_5    front view
KP_6	head right
KP_7	head down and left
KP_8	head down
KP_9	head down and right
KP_*	track the nearest visible aircraft (in any combat mode) or airfield
	(in Landing or Return mode)

Outside views keys

KP_2	move viewpoint down
KP_4	move viewpoint down
KP_5	move viewpoint back (Chase View only)
KP_6	move viewpoint right
KP_8	move viewpoint up
KP_*	zoom in
KP_/	zoom out
KP_7	move viewpoint towards ship's head (Ship View)
KP_1	move viewpoint towards ship's stern (Ship View)
KP_9	move viewpoint up (Ship View)
KP_3	move viewpoint down (Ship View)

Wingman commands

Ins     toggle tight/loose formation
Home    join up
End     dispatch wingman on mission
Del     dispatch wingman on mission then join up


K	execute Pugachev's Cobra
T	toggle wingtip smokes