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Bomberman Quest (e)

Bomberman Quest: Walkthrough
System:          Gameboy Color
Author:          Dude Love Next

Ver. .2 03/13/2002 - Wow, I'm lazy, huh? Anyhow, people have
                     been bugging me for a walkthrough. I'm
                     hoping to have this done fairly soon. I
                     have the info written down, I just need
                     to actually type it up.
Ver. .1 03/27/2001 - Completed Water and Hurri Commander sections.

   Please see the FAQ for any other questions you might have
   on this game.


   This is designed to be a complete walkthrough for the
   Gameboy Color game Bomberman Quest. This is a bare bones
   walkthrough. No extra steps, i.e. non-essential items will
   be included. For any of that, refer to the FAQ.

   A few tips...anytime you get in trouble, use the Flute to
   return to the shuttle.

   Always make sure you have a Heart to fill up your life

   Unless it's stated in the walkthrough, if you enter an area
   and a monster is there, you don't have to beat them. You
   can usually skip them unless you have to come back later
   with a better weapon.



   01) START! Begin the game at 4D in front of shuttle.
   02) Go LEFT to 4C.
   03) Go LEFT to 4B. Defeat Balloon for Fire. Go back to
       Peace Town to Bomb Shop and upgrade.
   04) Return to 4B, where Balloon was.
   05) Go UP to 3B.
   06) Go RIGHT to 3C.
   07) Go UP to 2C.
   08) Go LEFT to 2B.
   09) Go UP to 1B.
   10) Go RIGHT to 1C. Defeat Borey for the Tackle Belt.
   11) Go RIGHT to 1D. Defeat Pengy for Full Heart.
   12) Go DOWN to 2D.
   13) Go DOWN to 3D. Go down the stairs to enter the
       Water Commander's Lair.


      E  -  D  -  C





   A) Start in A.
   A) Take UPPER left path to B.
   B) Bomb switch, then take Steel Shoes. Go back
      DOWN to A.
   A) Take UPPER right path to B.
   B) Go UP to C.
   C) Go LEFT to D.
   D) Avoid the rotating chained balls, then go LEFT
      to E.
   E) Defeat the Water Commander!

        Water Commander (6HP)
        -She will throw two bombs, which will bounce randomly
         around the room.
        -If you lay down any bombs, she will spin and throw
         balls that will destroy your bombs.
        -Let her own bombs kill herself. She's usually stupid
         enough to stand in their blast zone.
        -When she starts losing energy she will dig up the floor
         for mini-hearts.

   E) Once defeated, use the Flute to return to Peace Town
      at 4D.


   01) Go RIGHT to 4E.
   02) Go UP to 3E.
   03) Go RIGHT to 3F.
   04) Go UP to 2F.
   05) Go LEFT to 2E.
   06) Go UP to 1E. Open chest to obtain Silver Armor.
   07) Go DOWN to 2E.
   08) Go RIGHT to 2F.
   09) Go UP to 1F.
   10) Go LEFT to 1E. Go up the stairs.


      A  -  B

   A) Use Steel Shoes to get past the fans. Go RIGHT to B.
   B) Defeat Curansee for the Jump Shoes. Go LEFT to A.
   A) Again use Steel Shoes to get past fans. Go down stairs.

   11) Go RIGHT to 1F. Use Jump Shoes to jump up hill.
   12) Go RIGHT to 1G.
   13) Go DOWN to 2G.
   14) Go RIGHT to 2H.
   15) Go UP to 1H. Defeat Torton for Sneakers.
   16) Go DOWN to 2H.
   17) Go DOWN to 3H.
   18) Go LEFT to 3G. Use Jump Shoes to jump up hill.
   19) Go DOWN to 4G.
   20) Go LEFT to 4F. Use Jump Shoes to jump up hill. Go into
       the cave to enter the Electro Commander's Lair.


       D  -  E  -  F

       |           |

       C  -  B     G



   A) Start in A. Avoid the electricity.
   A) Go UP to B.
   B) Avoid the arrows. Go LEFT to C.
   C) Defeat Mechabomb for the Power Gloves. Go RIGHT to B.
   B) Avoid the arrows. Go DOWN to A.
   A) Throw a bomb over to the switch in upper left corner with
      the Power Gloves. Bomb switch and go UP to B.
   B) Avoid the arrows. Go LEFT to C.
   C) Go UP to D.
   D) Step on normal tile and use Steel Shoes to depress the
      other tile. Then use the Jump Shoes to go over the holes.
      Go RIGHT to E.
   E) Avoid the arrows and use the Jump Shoes to jump to the right
      side of the room. Go RIGHT to F.
   F) Defeat Sandey for a Full Heart. Go DOWN to G.
   G) Defeat the Electro Commander!

        Electro Commander (8HP)
        -Avoid his electric charges. They will follow you around
         for a while, and are EXTREMELY hard to avoid. Your best
         best is to use the Dash Shoes or Sneakers and the Jump
         Shoes to avoid them.
        -The best way to defeat him is to trap him in a corner.
         If you can get him into a corner, put down two bombs
         next to him, like so:

         :where E = Electro Commander, B = Bombs, and O = Walls. As
         the bombs blow up, he'll stay there for a second. Quickly
         place two more bombs and repeat.

   G) Once defeated, use the Flute to return to Peace Town
      at 4D.


   01) Go RIGHT to 4E.
   02) Go DOWN to 5E.
   03) Go RIGHT to 5F. Defeat Gargoyle for Safety Helmet.
   04) Go RIGHT to 5G.

Copyright Stephen King III 2001