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Star Ocean - The Second Story (e)

       S         S         S      S   S
        SS      S     SS    S    SSSSS
          S    S     SS     S   S   S

                    SSSSS  SSSSS SSSSS SSSS        SSSSS         
                   S   S  S     S          S      S   S 
                  S   S  S     SSS    SS    S    S   S
                 S   S  S     S      SS     S   S   S
                          THE SECOND STORY

                 Star Ocean : The Second Story
                   Frequently Asked Questions
                          Version 2.3
                   Last Updated in 28/7/2003
                    By Joseph Andro Artanto
Unpublished Work Copyright Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2003.
Ia. Introduction

This walktrough and future revisions of it can be found at : 

Information :
Author     : Joseph Andro Artanto
E-Mail     :
Website    :
Pages      : 63
Version    : 2.2
Last Update: Dec 3, 2002

This document copyrighted 1999-2002 Joseph Andro Artanto

Unpublished Work Copyright Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2002.

This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
in any way, shape or form (physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside
from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
it's original, unedited and unaltered format.  This FAQ cannot be used
for profitable purposes (even if no money would be made from selling it)
or promotional purposes.  It cannot be used in any sort of commercial
transaction.  It cannot be given away as some sort of bonus, gift, etc.,
with a purchase as this creates incentive to buy and is therefore
prohibited.  Furthermore, this FAQ cannot be used by the publishers,
editors, employees or associates, etc. of any company, group, business,
or association, etc., nor can it be used by game sites and the like. It
cannot be used in magazines, guides, books, etc. or in any other form of
printed or electronic media (including mediums not specifically
mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference
or  inclusion), without the express written permission of the author,
myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Joseph Andro Artanto
( All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged 
and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.


*Version 0.1(20/07/1999), the initial release, filled with controls, 
 talents, skills, item creation and super specialty.
*Version 0.2(21/07/1999), make the game system, spell list, killer moves 
 list and secrets section.
*Version 0.3(23/07/1999), inserted several new secrets, created the 
 Claude's private actions list (not completed) and mini-games list. Minor 
 correction. Updated the item creation list.
*Version 0.4(27/07/1999), finished the private actions list for Claude's 
 scenario. Minor correction.
*Version 0.5(28/07/1999), updated the game system and character list.
*Version 0.6(31/07/1999), a lot of major corrections.
*Version 0.7(1/08/1999), finished the north city library data section 
 and the shops list. Minor corrections.
*Version 0.8(14/08/1999), created the Clik's shops list. Created the 
 best equipments section(I miss Opera,Ernest,Dias and Precis best 
 equipments). Created the data section of every item creation/super 
*Version 0.9(19/08/1999), finished the private action list for Rena's 
 scenario. Put in the pickpocket section (I forgot, sorry).
*Version 1.0(23/10/1999), Finally got the Opera and Ernest's best 
 equipments. Still missing Dias and Precis best equipment. Minor 
*Version 1.1(29/10/1999), Put in several credits, minor correction. Oh 
 yeah, 'Harley' now has been spelled to 'Herlie'. Some layout correction 
 to make an easier faq to read.
*Version 1.2(28/11/1999), Minor corrections, I have ICQ now, contact me 
 at 55139575.
*Version 1.3(5/1/2000), New! Santa Boots! If you equip it and sleep at 
 an inn, there is a chance that Santa will leave you a gift that you
 will acquire in the morning! Thanks to Jonathan Toellner for this info! 
 I have a website now, it is in:
*Version 1.4(12/2/2000), Dias's best equipments is there. More layout 
 corrections and minor corrections.
*Version 1.5(15/4/2000), Layout corrections and Minor corrections.
*Version 1.6(3/7/2000), Created the Author's Info section.
 Minor corrections.
*Version 1.7(12/7/2000), Major Layout corrections. Minor corrections.
*Version 1.8(16/8/2000), Major spelling and grammar corrections.
 Minor corrections.
*Version 2.0(7/7/2002). Nothing new :) really. Just to say Hi after
 a long two years ;P
*Version 2.1(29/10/2002). Several private actions added. Precis' best
 equipments completed.
*Version 2.2(3/12/2002). Minor corrections.
*Version 2.3(28/7/2003). E-mail changed.


       -Item Creation
       -Super Specialty


   Triangle : Battle menu (strategy,items,magic,escape)
   O : Cancel, change controlled character (O than d-pad)
   X : Confirm
   [] + D-Pad : Manual move around battlefield
   Triangle : Menu
   O : Cancel, Hold to run
   X : Confirm, check something
   []: Pickpocket
 World map
   Triangle : Menu
   O : Run,Cancel
   X : Confirm
   []: Private actions
   L1/R1 : Rotate view

Used after you use "Come on Bunny" Super Specialty.
   Triangle : nothing
   O : nothing
   X : Get off from the Bunny, gone after you get off
   []: nothing
   L1/R1 : Rotate view

Acquired after finished the cave of red crystal (disc 2).
   Triangle : nothing
   O : Thrust
   X : Get off from the Synard 
   [] + D-Pad : Move for/left/right/back slowly
   L1/R1 : Sharp left/right
/Voice Collection\______________________________________________________

You may have noticed this, everytime you hear a voice (in battle), it is 
recorded to your memory card. When you have certain percentage of voice 
collection, you can get more difficulty level. 30% for the galaxy level, 
and 60% for the Universe level, in these 2 level, the enemies are much 
stronger and have more HP. If you reach around 75% you will get a level 
where you can listen to any music in the game.

1.Specialty screen: this is the place where you can change the killer 
  moves or spells you want. Also, you can turn on/off some item creation 
  in here. In spells setting, you can nulfily the spell by using the []   
2.Item screen: This is where you see all your inventory and items. If 
  you press triangle, you will see another menu where you can arrange the 
  item list by Alphabetical order, etc, and the other are item creation 
  (where you could create some items),Super Specialty, and Precious Items.
3.Equipment screen: The place where you can change your characters 
  equipment and accessories easily.
4.Skills screen: you can only learn skills after you buy certain pack of 
  skills and press the confirm button to learn 1 level of the skill. If 
  you learn certain combination of skills, you can get new item creation 
  to help you in your quest.
5.Status screen: See your characters stats.
6.Option screen: Change the game config (message speed, controls, etc).
7.Combat: Configure the combat strategy and formation.  
    a.Strategy: Strategy for all your party.
         For fighter : 1.Attack with all MP!
                       2.Protect friends!
                       3.Conserve Killer Moves!
                       4.Spread out and attack!
                       5.Stay away from enemy!
                       6.Do nothing!
         For Magician: 1.Attack till all MP are gone!
                       2.Conserve MP!
                       3.Attack fleeing enemy!
                       4.Use no Heraldic spells!
                       5.Throw own body into attack!
                       6.Do nothing!
         For Rena    : 1.Recover friends only!
                       2.Aid friends!
                       3.Aid self only!
                       4.Cast no spells!
                       5.Put self into attack!
                       6.Do nothing!
    b.Replacement: To change who join the battle or in the back.
    c.Formation: change the formations in the battle.
         1. Linear Motion
         2. Square Shift 1
         3. Tri-Shift 1
         4. Tri-Shift 2
         5. Free-for-all
         6. Upper Guard
         7. Lower Guard
         8. Square Shift 2
         9. Astral Shift
         10.Escape Shift
         11.Assault Shift
         12.Upper Caution
         13.Lower Caution
    a.Save: save the game into Memory card.
    b.Load: load a game from Memory card.

Name: The character's name, you can change his/her front name everytime.
Race: The character's race.
HP: Current HP/Max HP.
MP: Current MP/Max MP.
LV: Current Level.
EXP: Current Exp.
Next: Exp. needed to level up to next level.
STR: Strength (physical attack damage).
CON: Constitution. (defense).
DEX: Dexterity (battle speed).
AGL: Agility (Parry rate).
INT: Intelligence.
LUC: Luck (increase parry/accuracy and item creation success rate).
STM: Stamina (HP/MP restored amount after the battle end).
GUTS: Guts (affect guts success rate).

ATK: Combination between your STR with your weapon atck power.
AC: Defense, combination between your CON with armor defensive power.
HIT: Accuracy.
AVD: Avoidance, parry rate.
MAG: Your current magic attack power.
Fav.Food: If this has opened (just make that character eat his/her own, the will restore a lot of HP/MP to him/her.

Weapon    : Your weapons name.
Armor     : Body armor.
Shield    : Your shield (certain characters only can wear certain shield).
Helmet    : Your helmet.
Greaves   : Leg accessories.
Accessory1: 1st slot accessory.
Accessory2: 2nd slot accessory.

When you press triangle button in status screen, the talent screen 
appear. If you press [] button, the overall attributes will appear (when 
the ATK overall attributes is fire, then your physical attack will be 
fire-element based attack. If it is in DEF slot, when you attacked by 
fire-element based attack, the damage will be reduced).

The list of element (from left to right):  
Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Star, Negative, Light, Dark, 
/Ending System\_________________________________________________________

There are 86 endings, so you may want to replay this game over and over. 
To see different endings, see some Private Actions which affect the 
"Friendship" level and "Love" level or use "Publish" item creation or 
using Twins Tonic to change the levels. You may want to get different 
characters to see another ending.


Name: Claude Kenni
Race: Human
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Steak
Son of Ronixis Kenni, while investigating a mysterious device called 
milocinia, he was sucked and teleported to Expel, an undeveloped planet 
by Earth confederation. While he try to hide the fact that he is an 
alien, he decided to check another mysterious device called Sorcery 
The best fighter in this game, he can equip very powerfull weapons and 
armor which make him the best character.

Name: Rena Lanford
Race: Expellian(disc 1), Nedian(disc 2)
Type: Healer,Magician
Fav.Food: Shortcake
She is just an ordinary girl from Expel, but not too ordinary. Through 
some events, she meet Claude and decided to join him to check the 
Sorcery Globe in hopes to find her real parents.
The best healer, without her, this game is can be considered hard.

Name: Celine Jules
Race: Expellian
Type: Magician
Fav.Food: Baby Rabbit Rissoto
She is a magician that raised and trained in Mars Village, she left the 
village in order to get more experience, skills, and treasures.
She is a very powerfull magician, while the weakest character in term of 
physical attack, her magic power is very powerfull and she can cast most 
of strongest spells in the game.

Name: Ashton Anchors
Race: Expellian
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Hamburger
He is a travellers, however, he is just very unlucky, trough a series of 
events, he meet the two-headed dragons, and they got stucked in the back 
of Ashton's head. 
Considered the 2nd best fighter, also filled with his deadly killer 
mover, although some of them is not too usefull.

Name: Opera Vectra
Race: Tetragene
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Apple Cider
She is from a very modern planet, she left her homeplanet to search for 
a man she loves, when she meet the party, she joins you to search for 
She is a long range fighter, she have a lot of multi-hit killer moves 
which make her an usefull one.

Name: Ernest Raveide
Race: Tetragene
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Hassaku Tea
He is a kind of space archeologist, he like explorations very much so he 
decided to go to Expel in order to investigate the ruins there.
He have the longest physical attack range, while not very fast and 
powerfull, he doesn't waste MP very much.

Name: Bowman Jean
Race: Expellian
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Daikon Miso Soup
A pharmacist who is friends of Keith, he leaves his wife, Nineh to help 
the party to investigate the Sorcery Globe.
I think he is the ugliest fighter in the game, although his attack power 
is stronger than Chisato, he have a very short physical attack range.

Name: Precis Neumann
Race: Expellian
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Chocolate Crepe
A daughter of an inventor in Town of Linga, somehow, she meet the party 
and decided to join your party. She always travel with his little robot 
pet, and he fight using a controller to control machines.
This is a good choice since if you pick bowman, you WILL regret it. She 
is not too usefull, but she is stronger than Bowman.

Name: Leon Geeste
Race: Felpool
Type: Magician
Fav.Food: Carrot Juice
He is a little genius child with somewhat egoistic talking style, 
however, he is a genius and the researcher of Lacour laboratory. A 
series of event will make Leon join your party.
He has the most MP, and he have some very strong spells which make him 
the second best magician.
*You can only get him in Claude's Scenario*

Name: Noel Chandler
Race: Nedian
Type: Healer/Magician
Fav.Food: Big Tuna
He is an animal protector in Nede. He live in a little island and he 
decided to live with animals, when he decided to help you found a 
Synard, he will join your party.
He is no good, although he can cast healing spells, his magic attack 
power is very poor, which make him not too usefull.

Name: Chisato Madison
Race: Nedian
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Fruit Sandwich
She is a kind of aggresive reporter that can follow the party to get the 
story of them, after some series of tag, the party shall ask her to join 
them, as it will help them to faster the quest.
She is no good than other weak fighter, but she have a lot of killer 
moves that hit a lot of enemies in one time.

Name: Dias Flac
Race: Expellian
Type: Fighter
Fav.Food: Chicken Skewers
He is a childhood friend of Rena, he is just an ordinary little boy back 
then, but some series of event make him leave Arlia and travelling 
around the world. He is a kind of a loner and rarely talks.
He is a kind of same as Ashton, but he have slightly higher HP and have 
faster attacks. 
*You can only get him in Rena's Scenario*

This is my killer moves list, I put in how many level you need to get 
and when you master the killer move after some proficiency.

1. Name : Phase Gun                       7. Name : Ripper Blast
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 38
   Masters at : N/A                          Masters at : 270 P
2. Name : Air Slash                       8. Name : Twin Slash
   Get : Lv 3                                Get : Lv 45
   Masters at : 200 Profiency (P)            Masters at : 160 P
3. Name : Shooting Stars                  9. Name : Dragon Howl        
   Get : Lv 7                                Get : Lv 53
   Masters at : 300 P                        Masters at : 500 P
4. Name : Head Splitter                  10. Name : Sword Bomber 
   Get : Lv 12                               Get : Lv 62
   Masters at : 260 P                        Masters at : 420 P
5. Name : Energy Sword                   11. Name : Mirror Slice
   Get : Lv 20                               Get : Lv 70
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 460 P
6. Name : Burst Knuckle
   Get : Lv 28
   Masters at : 100 P

1. Name : Twin Stab                       6. Name : Hurricane Slash
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 45
   Masters at : 100 P                        Masters at : 200 P
2. Name : Cross Slash                     7. Name : Death Triangle
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 53
   Masters at : 100 P                        Masters at : N/A
3. Name : Leaf Slash                      8. Name : Dragon Breath
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 64
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 140 P
4. Name : Northern Cross                  9. Name : Sword Dance
   Get : Lv 18                               Get : Lv 70
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 400 P
5. Name : Piercing Sword                 10. Name : Tri-Ace
   Get : Lv 22                               Get : A treasure chest
   Masters at : 130 P                        Masters at : 140 P

1. Name : Rocket Punch                    6. Name : Bang-Bang Attack
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 49
   Masters at : 120 P                        Masters at : 510 P
2. Name : Hop Step                        7. Name : Bloody Mary
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 57
   Masters at : 140 P                        Masters at : 360 P
3. Name : Mole                            8. Name : Bobot Super Beam
   Get : Lv 17                               Machinery Item : SuperML 
   Masters at : 160 P                        Masters at : 120 P
4. Name : Ally-Oop !
   Get : Lv 25                            9. Name : Barrier
   Masters at : 220 P                        Machinery Item : PlasmaB
5. Name : Parabola Beam                      Masters at : 200 P
   Get : Lv 38                           10. Name : Holo Holograph
   Masters at : 240 P                        Get : Private Action *
                                             Masters at : 130 P

*To get this killer moves, see a PA in Fun City in the Battle Stadium 
with Ashton and Precis.

1. Name : Photon Prison                   6. Name : Gravity Shell
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 54
   Masters at : 270 P                        Final Change : N/A
2. Name : Flame Launcher                  7. Name : Lightning Bullet
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 69
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 200 P
3. Name : Alpha on One                    8. Name : Heal Star
   Get : Level 24                            Machinery : Black System
   Masters at : 440 P                        Masters at : N/A
4. Name : Spread Ray                      9. Name : Laser Bit
   Get : Lv 34                               Machinery : White System 
   Masters at : 540 P                        Masters at : 300 P
5. Name : Cold Wind                      10. Name : Hyper Launcher
   Get : Lv 41                               Machinery : Green System
   Masters at : 300 P                        Masters at : 500 P

1. Name : Spirit Attack                   6. Name : Death Siege
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 35
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 100 P
2. Name : Poison Pills                    7. Name WhirlWind Fist
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 43
   Masters at : 250 P                        Masters at : 400 P
3. Name : Pillory                         8. Name : Burst Fist
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 51
   Masters at : 380 P                        Masters at : 200 P
4. Name : Firebird Attack                 9. Name : Explosion Pills
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 66
   Masters at : 400 P                        Masters at : 200 P
5. Name : Secret Medicine                10. Name : Sakura Attack
   Get : Lv 28                               Get : Lv 74
   Masters at : N/A                          Masters at : 250 P

1. Name : Dimension Whip                  5. Name : Cloud Dust
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 49
   Masters at : 240 P                        Masters at : 100 P
2. Name : Spiral Whip                     6. Name : Broken Heart
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 58
   Masters at : N/A                          Masters at : 200 P
3. Name : Arc Attack                      7. Name : Thunder Whip
   Get : Lv 32                               Get : Lv 65
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 200 P
4. Name : Thousand Whip                   8. Name : Sonic Whip
   Get : Lv 41                               Get : Lv 73
   Masters at : 120 P                        Masters at : 100 P

1. Name : Cross Slash                     6. Name : Crescent Moon Flash
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 48
   Masters at : 120 P                        Masters at : 100 P
2. Name : Air Slash                       7. Name : Hawk Scream Blast
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 56
   Masters at : N/A                          Masters at : 100 P
3. Name : Crescent Wave                   8. Name : Full Moon Slash
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 63
   Masters at : 130 P                        Masters at : 100 P
4. Name : Chaos Sword                     9. Name : Illusion
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 70
   Masters at : 120 P                        Masters at : 420 P
5. Name : Gale Stab                      10. Name : Firebird Shock Wave
   Get : Lv 40                               Get : Lv 78
   Masters at : 130 P                        Masters at : 200 P

1. Name : Twister                         5. Name : Flame Thrower 
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 53
   Masters at : 240 P                        Masters at : 200 P
2. Name : Burning Card                    6. Name : Rising Dragon
   Get : First time                          Get : Lv 62
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 200 P
3. Name : Whirlwind                       7. Name : Tear Gas
   Get : Lv 40                               Get : Lv 68
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : N/A
4. Name : 10,000 Volts                    8. Name : Preparation
   Get : Lv 44                               Get : Lv 72
   Masters at : 200 P                        Masters at : 240 P


The spells in this game is various, I divide it by element. I also put 
in who can get this spell and how to get it. I also put in the element 
of the spell. The numbers with "()" is the amount of MP needed to cast 
the spell.
A spell with "*" near its name, has no proficiency. 

In the battlefields, after you cast a spell, you need several second to 
cast another spell again, when you reach certain proficiency number, the 
spell will increased its damage.

Heal single ally.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena, Noel.
Cure Light(11)
heal single ally.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena lv.10, Noel.
Fairy Heal(30)
heal single ally.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena lv.52, Noel lv.55.
Cure All(18)
heal all allies.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena lv.20, Noel lv.41.
Fairy Light(40)
heal all allies.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena lv.65, Noel lv.77.
single ally, cure poison.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena(3), Noel.
heal all status ailment, single ally.
Element   : none.
Gotten by : Rena lv.25, Noel lv.60.
single ally.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Celine lv.27, Noel lv.45.
all enemies.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Celine lv.39, Noel lv.66.
Raise Dead*(45)
single ally, revive 50% of all HP.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.60.
single enemy, stop casting spell.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.12, Noel lv.41.
single enemy, stop casting spell.
Element: Lightning.
Gotten by: Celine lv.15.
Deep Mist(11)
all enemies, reduces accuracy.
Element: Dark.
Gotten by: Rena lv.8, Noel.
Acid Rain(7)
all enemies, reduces defense.
Element: Water.
Gotten by: Leon.
single ally, increase speed.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.42, Leon lv.42.
single enemy, reduce speed.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.22, Leon lv.36.
Fixed Cloud(12)
all enemies, stun.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.18.
single ally, increase power.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.47, Leon lv.50.
single ally, increase defense.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.33, Leon.
single ally, increase accuracy.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Celine lv.28, Noel lv.72.
single ally, increase defense.
Element: Lightning.
Gotten by: Celine lv.19.
all allies, increase magic defense.
Element: Dark.
Gotten by: Rena lv.54, Celine lv.59.
Angel Feather*(30)
single ally, increase stats.
Element: none.
Gotten by: Rena lv.72, Celine lv.76.
single enemy.
Element: Earth.
Gotten by: Noel.
Earth Grave(16)
all enemies.
Element: Earth.
Gotten by: Noel.
all enemies (except flying enemies).
Element: Earth.
Gotten by: Noel lv.82.
Ice Needle(2)
single enemy.
Element: Water.
Gotten by: Leon.
Deep Freeze(15)
Element: Water.
Gotten by: Leon.
all enemies.
Element: Water.
Gotten by: Leon lv.54.
single enemy.
Element: Fire.
Gotten by: Celine.
all enemies.
Element: Fire.
Gotten by: Celine lv.34.
all enemies.
Element: Fire.
Gotten by: Celine lv.66.
Wind Blade(2)
single enemy.
Element: Wind.
Gotten by: Noel.
Tetanus Wind(10)
single enemy.
Element: Wind.
Gotten by: Noel.
Sonic Saber(11)
Element: Wind.
Gotten by: Noel.
Magnum Tornado(18)
single enemy and enemies near it.
Element: Wind.
Gotten by: Noel.
all enemies.
Element: Wind.
Gotten by: Noel lv.52.
single enemy.
Element: Lightning.
Gotten by: Celine.
all enemies.
Element: Lightning.
Gotten by: Celine lv.31.
all enemies.
Element: Lightning.
Gotten by: Celine lv.55.
Star Light(10)
all enemies.
Element: Star.
Gotten by: Celine lv.17, Leon lv.34.
Tractor Beam(22)
Element: Star.
Gotten by: Rena lv.36.
Southern Cross(42)
all enemies.
Element: Star.
Gotten by: Celine lv.49.
Meteor Swarm(82)
all enemies.
Element: Star.
Gotten by: Celine (chest in bonus dungeon).
Energy Arrow(17)
single enemy.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Celine lv.12, Noel.
single enemy, drain HP.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Noel.
Mind Absorber(1)
single enemy, drain MP.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Celine lv.22, Noel.
Word of Death(18)
all enemies, faint.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Leon.
all enemies.
Element: Light.
Gotten by: Rena lv.14, Celine lv.9.
Light Cross(18)
Element: Light.
Gotten by: Rena lv.30.
Star Flare(23)
all enemies.
Element: Light.
Gotten by: Rena lv.63.
Lunar Light(38)
all enemies.
Element: Light.
Gotten by: Celine lv.43.
single enemy.
Element: Dark.
Gotten by: Leon.
Shadow Bolt(7)
single enemy.
Element: Dark.
Gotten by: Leon.
Black Saber(14)
Element: Dark.
Gotten by: Leon.
Shadow Flare(32)
all enemies.
Element: Dark.
Gotten by: Leon lv.39.
single enemy.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Rena lv.?.
Gravity Press(24)
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Rena lv.28.
Gremlin Lair(26)
near the demon, all enemies.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Leon lv.60.
Demon's Gate(37)
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Leon lv.66.
Dark Circle(65)
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Leon lv.78.
all enemies, heavy damage.
Element: Negative.
Gotten by: Leon (chest).


   Lets make it short, you need Bandit's Gloves, luck, skills needed and 
press square button near a people. Although you can use a lot of support 
items or skills, your primary needs is those things. However, you may 
need some support items to pickpocketing successfully, like Magician's 
Hand (by Machinery item creation) and Dexterity Talent. 
   You may want to level up your pickpocket level to 10 (by courage and 
poker face skill). To pickpocket more effective, try to do it during 
private action status, as pickpocketing will lower your love-friendship 
level (and you can steal item from your party too).

Here is the quickest way to pickpocket successfully early in the game:
1.Make sure the character whom you want to pickpocket
  with has the talent Dexterity.
2.Go and buy Sensibility 1 from Cross.
  note: you can complete the Cross Cave quest between
  these steps 
3.Gain a few levels and then go to Herlie and buy
  Sensibility 2.
4.Now start leveling up Courage and Poker Face for
  your main character until his Pickpocket specialty
  is at level 9 or 10.
5.Now start racking up the money you need
  in order to buy the Bandit's Gloves.  The Heraldry
  Forest and (if you're at a higher level) the 
  Mountain Path west of Cross are great places to
  accumulate Fol.  In the Mountain Path, sell the
  Damuscuses and Orichalcumes that the slimes drop
  for a big profit.
6.After you finally can buy it (hosh), just press 
  square button near a people and there ya go!

For now, there are only a few of very usefull items gotten by 

1.Bunny Shoes: From the bunny manekin in Fun City Bunny Race. This
               item will make the user running speed very fast.
2.Mischief   : From Filia in Clik (before the disaster, PA). This works
               like Trickster, you got item randomly by walking around.
3.Santa Boots: From a child in lovey dovey house in Arlia Village. This 
               does nothing, but its price is around 10000000 Fol.
4.Battle Suit: From a cadet in Calnus starship. Have very high defense,
               in the meaning time.


   If you see "[] private actions" in upper right corner when you near a 
town, your hero will be alone and all allies are doing their own private 
actions, this is a great thing to do as if you pickpocket someone 
without private actions, your allies "friendship level" and "love level" 
to you will be lowered...and its affect the ending story ( I know 
from other people, there is 86 endings!). 
   Also, if you do a private actions and talk to someone (including your 
allies) you may see an extra event and you may get some items and some 
of the PA affect the friendship and love level between you and other 
allies which is, again, affect the ending. There is one more thing, you 
should do pickpocket by using private actions, or your party friendship 
and love level with you will be lowered.
/Private Action List (Claude)\__________________________________________

Okay, now I will try to put in the private actions list, and for the 
first one is for Claude's Scenario.
-(Town's name where this PA happen)-
1.(character name)-(specific place where this PA happen)
                   (Requirement to see this PA)
Now lets start.

-Arlia Village-
1.Rena   -in Rena's Room
          Before staying at Cross/after Mars kidnapping.
2.Celine -in front of the item shop
3.Ashton -in the item shop
          you have at least 2000F. (note: if you agree, you lose 75% of
          your money).                                         
4.Opera  -balcony of Regis's house in 2nd floor.
          none. (you must see this PA to get Ernest).
5.Bowman -in the lovey dovey house
6.Rena   -in front of Rena's house
  Precis  none.

1.Rena   -in front of the house near the weapon shop.
         -in the jewelry/weapon store.
          before meet the king of Cross.
2.Celine -inside the jam shop.
3.Ashton -by the mine entrance.
          Ashton subquest finished.
4.Opera  -in front of the weapon store.
5.Bowman -in front of Alen's house
6.Precis -in the jam shop.
7.Little -inside one of the original houses.
  Girl    before meet the king of Cross.
8.Raddle the Traveler
  At some point go to Salva in a Private Action and you will come 
  across a man named Raddle the Traveler who is trying to get to 
  harlie. (Whom you should always steal from.)  When you tell him 
  north, he will head to Mars. When you tell him south he hill 
  head to Hilton. When you find him in Harlie in the Ocean View Inn, 
  he will thank you with the Funny Slayer. This is the weakest weapon 
  in the game but it kills Funnies instantly.  He has a great item, 
  but I've forgotten what it is.
					~Chris Garcia 

-Cross Castle-
1.(?)    -on the way to the castle.
          havent gone to Lacour cont. (note: you must see this event to 
          get Opera or Ernest).
2.Rena   -inside the church.
3.Bowman -near the church.
4.Rena and Celine-east side of the town.
          havent finished the mars quest.
5.Precis -west side of the town.
6.Ashton and Precis-near the item shop.
          have at least 100F

-Clik (before the disaster)-
1.Filia  -north near the fountain.
          none.(needed to turn off Indalecio's limiter).

1.Rena   -near the food shop.
          before the Lacour tournament.
         -get out from the elder's house
          after landed on Lacour, before the tournament.
2.Precis -in the item shop.
         -in front of the item shop
          Lacour tournament finished.
         -in the item shop
3.Ashton -in front of the food shop.
4.Celine -in Celine's house
          Celine not a member, have Bowman.

1.Bowman -outside one of the house.
         -in the sick girl house.
          have the metox plant.
         -in the sick girl house.
          choose the 2nd PA answer "A"
2.Little girl-in the warehouse.
          Lacour little girl PA answer "A" choosen.
3.     After you get bowman in your party you should visit the girl 
  in Harlie by Private Action. Here Bowman will visit Elanour and 
  pledge to do something to make her better. Return to Linga and 
  by Private Action see Bowman in the university library. Here he 
  will be excited to read of Metox, a legendary herb that could 
  cure the Aurow's (the name should be similar to this if I am not 
  mistaken) Disease that aflicts Elanour, that is siad to grow in 
  the western mountains of Cross.
       When you get to these mountains take the right pass, and be 
  for you leave to the dessert you should notice a strange plant; 
  the Metox. When you return to Herlie in a Private action, Bowman 
  will take Claude to see Elanour.  You will be forced to choose 
  whether or not to take the risk of using the herb, but choose the 
  risky choice. Leave and return in another Private Action and when 
  you see Elanour she will be up and about off to see Patty. You get 
  nothing from this except the feeling of doing something good.

 				~Chris Garcia 

1.Celine -inn's main hall.
2.Child  -near a boat outside the bar.
          before the tournament ends.
3.Chris  -outside the bar.
          Celine not a member, before Linga dungeon ends.
4.Prince Chris (Claude)
  In a Private Action in Hilton he on the second screen. 
  When you agree to drinks, you will talk for some time be 
  before he has to leave. A General's Ring is his way of 
  thanking you. After this return in another Private Action 
  and steal from the boy in his place. If you decide to give 
  it back, you will have a chat with him before slipping into 
  a bit of depression over your own life. And don't forget 
  to buy the Leaf Pendent for Rena in the Fairy Tear 
  jewelry store! (Salva)

-Lacour Castle-
1.Little Girl-last east area of the town.
2.Old Woman-west area of the town.
          before Linga's quest end.

1.Precis -outside of Jean's medicine home.
          Bowman not a party member.
         -inside her house.
          Precis PA on Salva done.
2.Rena   -on the way to get out of the library.
3.Bowman -talk to Nineh inside his store.
          Bowman 1st PA choice b) on Arlia choosen.
         -in the library.
          Bowman 1st PA on Herlie done.
4.Salesman-outside the college.
5.Little Girl-in the item shop.
          Little girl PA choice a) on Lacour choosen.

-Central City-
1.Rena   -inn's 2nd floor.
          before finishing all 4 fields.
2.Opera  -Bar.
          Ernest not a party member.
3.Filia  -1st floor of City Hall.
          Filia PA on Clik done, save in front of Indalecio.
*when you see this PA, Indalecio limiter is turned OFF*

-North City-
1.Celine -inn's 2nd floor.
          before finishing all 4 fields.
2.Rena   -in the library.
3.Opera  -in front of the synard home.
          Ernest not a party member.
4.Precis -in centre square.
          Have visited Fienal.
5.Chisato-item shop 2nd floor (her house).
          good relationship between Claude and Chisato.

1.Ernest -inside one of the classroom.
2.Precis -(?)
          Precis PA choice a) on Mars choosen.
3.Noel   -in his house.
4.Chisato-College's library.

1.Ashton -near the restaurant.
2.Precis -in the inn.
         -Mirage's workshop.
          After you visit the lab, before the training on Fun City.
3.Leon   -inside Mirage's house.

-Fun City-
1.Rena   -fortune tellers.
          great love level between Claude-Rena.
2.Leon   -at the bar.
          good friendship between Claude-Leon.
3.Ashton and Precis-in the stadium.
Ashton have "Sword Dance" Killer move, good friendship between      
Ashton and Precis. When you see this PA, Precis learn her 
"HoloHoloGraph" killer move.
/Private Action List (Rena)\____________________________________________

-(Town's name where this PA happen)-
1.(character name)-(specific place where this PA happen)
(Requirement to see this PA)
Now lets start.
-Arlia Village-
1.Claude -Near the church.
         -Near the church.
          done after you stay in Cross Inn,havent finished the Mars quest
2.Celine -Near the east side river.
          havent entered Mars Village yet.
3.Ashton -Item shop.
          have more than 2000F(if you agree, you lose 75% of your money).
4.Opera  -balcony of Regis's house in 2nd floor.
          none. (you must see this PA to get Ernest).
5.Bowman -in the lovey dovey house.
6.Precis -2nd floor of Regis's house.

1.Claude -Near the north gate.
2.Celine -Jam shop.
3.Opera  -Near the weapon/armor store.
4.Precis -Jam shop.
5.Bowman -inside a shop.
6.Celine and Ashton-inside a shop.
7.Raddle the Traveler
  At some point go to Salva in a Private Action and you will come 
  across a man named Raddle the Traveler who is trying to get to 
  harlie. (Whom you should always steal from.)  When you tell him 
  north, he will head to Mars. When you tell him south he hill 
  head to Hilton. When you find him in Harlie in the Ocean View Inn, 
  he will thank you with the Funny Slayer. This is the weakest weapon 
  in the game but it kills Funnies instantly.  He has a great item, 
  but I've forgotten what it is.
					~Chris Garcia 

-Cross Castle-
1.(?)    -on the way to the castle.
          havent gone to Lacour cont. (note: you must see this event to 
          get Opera or Ernest).
2.Claude -on the way to castle.
          havent entered Mars Village yet.
3.Celine -outside the bar.
          havent enter Lacour continent.
         -outside a house.
          see above PA, selected 1st choice, then 2nd choice.
         -East area.
          see above 2 PA.
4.Claude and Bowman-Near the church.

-Clik (before the disaster)-
1.Filia  -north near the fountain.
          none.(needed to turn off Indalecio's limiter).

-Mars Village-
1.Claude -on the bench near the entrance to the forest.
          before the mars kidnapping event,see Claude's Salva 1st PA.
2.Precis -item shop.
          havent entered Lacour Castle.

1.Ashton -outside a house.
         -inside a house.
          above PA has been seen.
         -inside a house.
          above PA has been seen. Metox plant gotten.
2.Opera  -outside a house.
          dont have "seventh ray" item.
3.Yul    -exiting.
         -item shop.
          above PA seen (if you win against Sand, you get negative
          love level between Rena-all male characters, if you lose
          instead, you cant enter Sand's Mansion anymore).
4.  After you get bowman in your party you should visit the girl 
  in Harlie by Private Action. Here Bowman will visit Elanour and 
  pledge to do something to make her better. Return to Linga and 
  by Private Action see Bowman in the university library. Here he 
  will be excited to read of Metox, a legendary herb that could 
  cure the Aurow's (the name should be similar to this if I am not 
  mistaken) Disease that aflicts Elanour, that is siad to grow in 
  the western mountains of Cross.
    When you get to these mountains take the right pass, and be 
  for you leave to the dessert you should notice a strange plant; 
  the Metox. When you return to Herlie in a Private action, Bowman 
  will take Claude to see Elanour.  You will be forced to choose 
  whether or not to take the risk of using the herb, but choose the 
  risky choice. Leave and return in another Private Action and when 
  you see Elanour she will be up and about off to see Patty. You get 
  nothing from this except the feeling of doing something good.

 				~Chris Garcia 

1.Celine -by the boat.
         -inn's hall.
2.Girl   -near the skill guild

-Lacour Castle-
1.Celine and Precis-?
2.Old Woman-in the west area of the town.
          before Linga's quest done.

1.Graft  -outside a house.
          Bowman not in party.
2.Precis -in her house.
          after Hoffman Ruins event, before front line fort event.
3.Bowman -inside the library.
         -inside his house.
          Bowman's Salva PA seen.
         -inside his shop.
          Bowman's Arlia 1st PA choice B picked.
4.Vendor -outside the college.

-Central City-
1.Claude -in the corner in center square. 
          Fienal have visited.
2.Noel   -Inn's highest floor.
3.Chisato-Food shop.
4.Filia  -1st floor of City Hall.
          Filia PA on Clik done, save in front of Indalecio.
*when you see this PA, Indalecio limiter is turned OFF*

-North City-
1.Precis -center square.
          after using publishing on Rena/Precis by Precis/Rena's book
2.Claude and Opera-outside the synards home.
          Ernest is not in party.
3.Ernest and Noel-outside the synards home.

1.Claude -inside the college
          great love level between Claude and Rena.
2.Ashton -highest floor in the inn.
3.Precis -?
          Precis Mars PA choice A picked.
4.Noel   -in his house.
5.Chisato-college library.
          before you finished the 4 fields.

1.Precis -Mirage's Workshop.
          after research lab event, before the training.

-Fun City-
1.Celine -Near the battle stadium.
          after using publishing on Rena/Celine by Celine/Rena's book.
2.Ashton and Precis-in the stadium.
Ashton have "Sword Dance" Killer move, good friendship between      
Ashton and Precis. When you see this PA, Precis learn her 
"HoloHoloGraph" killer move.


   Star Ocean : The Second Story has a great advantage than other RPG's, 
Item Creation, with item creation, you can make your own weapon by fuse 
a weapon and a mineral (like diamond, gold, etc), you can also make a 
book staring the author, cooking, or even make an illegal item!! all of 
this item creation is very innovative, and I think all RPG should have 
them. You can get into item creation command by entering menu screen, 
enter the item screen, press triangle button and choose item creation. 
   Item Creation could be gotten by have someone learn certain skill 
(ex: learn skill Good Eye, Recipe, and Kitchen Knife to get Cooking 
command in item creation). If you level up certain item creation level, 
you may get super specialty skills (ex: level up the Cooking and 
Compounding item creation to lvl.4 on each characters, and you get 
Master Chef super specialty skill), all of these super specialty are more 
effective than original item creation, but if you want an easy reference 
of how you can get certain item creation or super specialty.

Also, you need certain talents to make item creation have higher success 
rate. All of these talents are actually random; they are given to one of 
your character when you get them, some of them are really useful.

Now this is a list and explainment about all item creations and talents.

Originality     : Useful for make "Art" item creation.
Dexterity       : Useful for pickpocket or hand-make item creation.
Writing Ability : Useful for "Writing" IC and "Musical Talent" IC-           
Pitch           : Useful for "Musical Talent" IC (composing).
Sixth Sense     : Useful for "Scout" IC-Specialty
Sense of Taste  : Useful for "Cooking" item creation.
Sense of Design : Useful for "Art" and "Metalwork" IC.
Sense of Rythm  : Useful for "Musical Talent" IC(compose and play).
Love of Animals : Useful for "Familiar" IC-Specialty.
The Blessing of Manna : Only who have this talent can use magic spell.

IC-Specialty means that item creation only can be used by accessing 
menu, and enter the "Specialty" choice. Also, the Blessing of Manna 
talent only used by magician (Celine, Leon, Rena, Noel). You can see 
your character talent by accessing menu screen, choose skills, and press 
Triangle button.

/Skills (Non-Battle)\___________________________________________________

   This skills can't be used until you buy certain skill from the skill 
guild. Once you buy that skill, you can never buy that skill again, and 
if you get a new character, that skill can be used by that new 
characters. Skills can be used to increase stats and after certain 
skills learned, you can get certain item creation (ex: learn Good Eye, 
Recipe, and Kitchen Knife to get "Cooking" IC) or from the greenish 
coloured skills, your battle skill can be used (like Flip, you sometimes 
can automatically go behind the enemy and attack from behind with a 
certain probability). 
   To learn the skills, easy, just press confirm button in the skill you 
want to learn. Also, in skill guild, you can talk to the explainer and 
the advisor to see what skills are gotten by buying certain "Pack of 
Skills" ("Pack of Skills" contain several skills like the pack of skills 
"Combat 1" contain several combat skills). Now this is the list.

* Sketching
* Musical Notation (Agility + 1% x skill level)
* Tool Knowledge (Item sale price + 3% x skill level)
* Mineralogy (Intelligence + 3% x skill level)
* Herbal Medicine(Recovery by blue/blackberries + 3% x skill level)
* Craft (Agility + 2 x skill level)
* Esthetic Sense
* Writing (Dexterity + 2 x skill level)
* Effort (Experience points needed for next level is reduced.)
* Perseverance (Skill point consumption is reduced.)
* Patience (Constitution + 2 x skill level)
* Danger Sense (Stamina + 3 x skill level)
* Biology (HP + 10 x skill level squared)
* Mental Science (MP + 5 x skill level)
* Kitchen Knife (Strength + 20 x skill level)
* Recipe
* Good Eye (Recovery level increases.)
* Whistling
* Animal Training
* Metal Casting (Dexterity + 2 x skill level)
* Scientific Ability (Strength + 10 x skill level)
* Fairyology (Intelligence + 1 x skill level)
* Radar
* Piety (Skills increased somewhat...?)
* Playfulness
* Functionality (Str, Dex, Agl, and Int + 6 x skill level)
* Courage
* Poker Face (Guts + 3 x skill level)
* Copying
* Mech Knowledge
* Mech Operation
/Skills (Battle)\_______________________________________________________

This skills below can only be used in combat automatically (with certain 
probabilty, of course)

* Below the Belt (Ignores enemy defense)
* Strong Blow (Increase attack)
* Flip (Go and attack behind enemy)
* Counterattack (When you attacked, press X and he/she will counter)
* Feint (Improve aim)
* Mental Training (Increase attack)
* Motormouth (Reduces time to cast spell)
* Body Control (Prevent faint)
* Spirit Force (Increase defend)
* Parry (Parry enemy's attack)
* Cancel (Eliminate the gap between killer moves and normal attack)
* Gale (Increase combat speed)
* Provocation (Make the enemy try to hit you using Select button)
* Float (When you hit an enemy, it can fly away above)

JAA's NOTE: "Float" combat skills only can be gotten in the bonus 
dungeon (thanks to Michael Welch( for this info).
/Item Creation/Specialty\_______________________________________________

   This is the list of all item creation, with explainment, skills needed, 
item gotten if you succeed or fail, item needed, and support items (get 
it and it will make certain IC have higher success rate). IC-Specialty 
means that item creation only can be used by entering menu screen and 
choose specialty choice. 

If you have reached Energy Nede and have a Synard, I suggest you buy a 
magical rasp since it increase customize IC and blacksmith SS items, so 
you can make a more powerful items. To buy it, it is in Fake Gallery, 
it is in the snowy land. There are 2 main snow islands in Nede and 
several small snow islands between the main snow islands, land in one of 
the islands and go around until you changes the screen and you have 
reached the fake gallery.

This item creation used for making art items from a blank canvas 
and a lump, some picture are portraits of a character, and some others 
are items that can be used in battle.
Item needed : Magical Canvas (for picture),Magical Clay (for sculpture).
Success : Portraits, Dolls, Balls.
Failure : Useless Decorations, Weird Lump, Scribbles.
Skills needed : Sketching, Esthetic Sense.
Support items : Graphics Tool.

Items gotten with Art:
Magical Canvas: Revival Card, Extension Card, Discovery Card, Fol Up 
Card, Victorial Card, Mortalial Card, Fountain Card, Fairies Card, 'The 
Last Supper', 'The Scream',  Portrait A(Claude), Portrait B(Rena), 
Portrait C(Celine), Portrait D(Bowman), Portrait E(Dias), Portrait 
F(Precis), Portrait G(Ashton), Portrait H(Leon), Portrait I(Opera), 
Portrait J(Ernest), Portrait K(Noel), Portrait L(Chisato).
Magical Clay: Magic Rock, Super Ball, Tri-ball, Silence Card, Dummy 
Doll, Hexagram Card, Hyper Ball, Skanda, Bubble Lotion, Mirror of 
Wisdom, Jack-in-the-Box, Treasure Chest.

This IC-Specialty give you a hint about something.
Success : Hint.
Skills needed : Radar, Piety, Playfullness.

Compose a song or play a song. This item creation produces a song 
that can increase stats but with limited time. 
Item needed : Feather Pen (for composing),Conductor's Baton (for play). 
Success : a song that increase stats, enemy encounter, etc.
Failure : do nothing, you lose the feather pen (composing). Playing a 
song have 100% succees rate
Skills needed : Musical Notation, Musical Instrument.
Support items : Music Tool.
*all info below is available when the song is still playing*

  The Song of Salvation: every step you walk, restore hp/mp.
  The Song of Blessings: increases all parameters.
  The Ghost Dance: Aim is improved.
  The Fairy Dance: Dodging ability is improved.
Illusive Shamisen:
  The Green Gale: Agl is improved
  The Secret Power: max hp/mp is increased.
Silver Trumpet:
  The Evil Melody: Summon a VERY powerful angel to attack you.
  The Melody of the Gods: Success is achieved even without talent.
  The Strains of Battle: Encounter rate is increased.
  Strains of Loneliness: Encounter rate is decreased.
  The Judgement: Attack power is increased.
  The Eternal Song: Def power is increased.
  Enter The Hero: Fight normal enemy.
  Hail the Goddess: Effectiveness of specialty command is increased.
  The Song of Healing: every step you walk, restore hp.
  The Song of Hope: every step you walk, restore mp.

By combining a weapon and a mineral, you can get a weapon that may be 
stronger. This item creation is very useful since almost all best weapons 
only can be gotten by this item creation.
Item needed : a weapon and a mineral (like crystal, gold, etc).
Success : a great weapon but can also weaker weapon.
Failure : useless weapon, like Dull Sword or Worn Knuckles.
Skills needed : Craft, Metal Casting, Functionality.
Support items : Magical Rasp (buyable).
Here's some way to get the best weapons for all characters by Customize 
(you may need Magical Rasp to get some stronger weapons). The strongest 
weapon is in the lowest line of a character. Note if you see "(Weapon)" 
or "(Ore)" this mean you can use any weapon or ore to get certain 

 Minus Sword: Sharp Edge + Mithril
 Aura Blade: (Weapon) + (Ore)
 Eternal Sphere: Minus Sword + Mithril
 Kaiser Knuckle: (Weapon) + (Ore)
 Sorceres Knuckle: Magical Glove+Rune Metal/Rune Full Moon+Sage's Stone
 Empressia: Kaiser Knuckle + Moonite
 Silver Moon: Silver Rod + Moonite
 Holy Rod: (Weapon) + Orihalcum
 Dragon Tusk: Holy Rod + Star Ruby, Ruby Rod + Orihalcum
 Holy Cross: (Weapon) + (Ore)
 Gemini: Starlight/Pair Nuts + Meteorite
 Melufa: Psyzer + Damascus
 SD Punch: (Weapon) + (Ore)
 SDUGA Punch: UGA Punch + Meteorite
 UGA Punch: SD Punch + Damascus
 Asura: Titan Fist + Rainbow Diamond
 Kaiser Knuckle: (Weapon) + (Ore)
 Titan Fist: Giant Fist + Rainbow Diamond
 Moon Fist: Rune Full Moon + Diamond
 Burst Box: Magic Box + Sage's Stone
 Pulse Box: Beta Box box + Orihalcum
 Seventh Ray: Light Box + Rainbow Diamond
 Flare Whip: (Weapon) + Star Ruby
 Freeze Whip: (Weapon) + Kenja no Ishi
 Invisible: Light Whip + Mithril
 Dark Whip: Tanbunshi Wire + Damascus
 Whirlwind: (Weapon) + Meteorite
 Hard Cleaver: Breeze Hope + Rainbow Diamond
 Crimson D:  (Weapon) + Star Ruby
 Soul Slayer: Crimson D + Sage's Stone/Hard Cleaver + Damascus
 Ruins Fate: Minus Sword + Damascus
 Book of Darkness: Strong Weapon + Damascus
 Heraldry: (Weapon) + Rune Metal
 Book of Chaos: Book of Darkness + Damascus
 Ancient Wisdom: Book of Chaos + Damascus
 Dragon Claw: (Weapon) + Moonite
 Serpent Tooth: Eagle Claw + Sapphire
 Grizzly Clasp: Dragon Claw + Iron
 Shock Gun: (Weapon) + Mithril
 Cracker: (Weapon) + Damascus
 Freeze: Shock Gun + Sapphire
 Psychic Gun: Cracker + Sage's Stone

Used for identifying items that have a question mark in front of the 
item word (like ?HERB,?WEAPON,etc).
Item needed : Spectacle.
Success : the ?xxx will be identified and show the real item.
Failure : the ?xxx will not be identified and you lose the spectacle.
Skills needed : Tool Knowledge, Mineralogy, Herbal Medicine.
Support items : Element Analyser.

Make a jewelry from a piece of metal. You may need certain character 
to make certain jewels. Very useful especially for creating 
an Atlas Ring (use R.Diamond with Claude).
Item needed : a mineral
Success : useful jewelry that increase stats or defend to certain 
Failure : Gaudy Earring, Weighty Ring, Scrap Iron, Useless Decoration.
Skills needed : Mineralogy, Craft, Esthetic Sense.
Support items : Pewter Container.
* Cl-Claude, Re-Rena, Ce-Celine, As-Ashton, Op-Opera, Pr-Precis, Bo-
Bowman, Er-Ernest, Di-Dias, Le-Leon, No-Noel, Ch-Chisato.

 Black Earring: Re, Ce, Op, Pr, Le, No
 Heavy Ring: Cl, Ce, As, Pr, No, Ch, Er
 Hard Ring: Cl, Ce, As, Op, Pr, Ch, Er
 Poison Check: Cl, Op, Di, Bo, Le, Ch
 Hard Pierce: Cl, As, Di, Pr, Ch, Er
 Paralyze Check: Re, Op, Di, Bo, Le
 Stone Check: Re, Di, Bo, No, Le
 Silver Ring: Cl, Ce, As, Pr, Le, Er
 Silver Baretta: Cl, Ce, Op, Di, Bo, Le, Ch
 Silver Pendant: Re, Op, Di, Bo, No, Ch
 Silver Charm: Re, Cel, No, Le
 Silver Idol: Re, As, Pr, No, Er
 Silver Cross: Cl, As, Di, Pr, Ch, Er
 Silver Pierce: Re, Ce, Op, Pr, No, Le
 Angel Hair: Cl, As, Od, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
 Necklace: Cl, Ce, Op, No
 Gold Crown: Re, Ce, As, Op
 Gold Ring: Re, Ce, Op, No
 Sturm Ring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, No, Le
 Gold Idol: Re, As, No, Er
 Gold Bracelet: Cr, Di, Bo, Pr, No, Le, Ch
 Gold Pierce: Cl, As, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch, Er
 Gold Cross: Cl, Di, Pr, Ch, Er
 Blue Talisman: Re, Ce, Op, Pr, No, Re, Er
 Aquaring: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, No, Le
 Feat Symbol: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, Pr, Le
 Water Ring: No, Le
 Purple Mist: Cl, Di, No, Ch, Er
 Anklet: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, No, Le
 Gale Earring: Cl, As, Di, Bo, Ch
 Recoil Bracelet: Cl, Ce, Op, Pr, Ch
 Fire Ring: Ce, Le
 Blood Earring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
 Flare Ring: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, No, Le, Er
 Shield Pierce: Re, As, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
 Berserk Ring: Cl, Pr, Ch
 Ruby Pierce: Cl, As, Op, Bo, Ch
 Holy Ring: Re, Ce, As, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
 Princess Ring: Re, Ce, Pr, Ch
 Glass Slippers: Re, Ce, Op, Ch
 Surrender Pendant: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, Le, Er
 Resist Ring: Cl, As, Di, Bo, Pr, No, Le, Er
 Reflection Ring: Cr, As, Op, Di, Bo, No, Le, Er
 Prism Ring: Cl, Op, Pr, Ch
Green Beryl: 
 Emerald Ring: Re, Ce, As, Di, Bo, No, Le
 Talisman: Re, Ce As, Bo, No, Le, Er
 Emerald Pierce: Re, Ce, No
 Crown: Cl, Ce, As, Op, Er
 Fairy Ring: Cl, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Re, Ch, Er
 Green Bracelet: Re, Di, Bo, Pr, No, Le, Ch
 Might Chain: Cl, Op, Di, Pr, Ch
 Lot Bracelet: Cl, Op, Pr, Ch, Er
 Pretty Idol: Re, As, No, Er
 Attack Earring: Cl, Ce, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch
 Thunder Ring: Ce, No
 First Earring: Cl, Ce, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
 Promised Ring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Pr, No, Le
 Flash Earring: Cl, Re, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch, Er
 Shiny Earring: Re, As, Op, No, Le
 Reverse Doll: Cl, Di, Bo, Ch, Er
Star Ruby: 
 Stardust Ring: Re, Ce, Di, Pr, Le 
 Star Earring: Re, Ce, No, Le
 Star Necklace: Re, Ce, No, Le
 Protect Ring: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, No, Le
 Eclipse Ring: Cl, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
 Ruby Pendant: Cl, As, Op, Bo, No, Ch
 Shield Ring: Cl, As, Op, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
Rainbow Diamond: 
 Left Cross: Re, Ce, Pr, No, Le
 Dream Bracelet: Cl, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch
 Regeneration Ring: Cl, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, Ch
 Healing Ring: Re, Pr, No, Le, Er
 Magic Mist: Re, No, Le, Er
 Magic Cross: Re, Pr, No, Le
 Zephyr Earring: Cl, Ce, As, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
 Atlas Ring: Cl, As, Op, Di, Bo, Ch, Er
 Luna Tablet: Re, Ce, As, Op, Bo, Pr, Ch, Er
 Moon Earring: Re, Ce, As, Bo, Pr, Le
 Luna Talisman: Cl, Di, No, Le
 Moon Light: Cl, Ce, As, Op, Di, Bo, No, Le, Ch
 Insanity Ring: Cl, Op, Di, Bo, Ch
 Lunatic Ring: Re,Ce, Pr Er
 Lunatic Earring: Cl, Op, Di, No, Ch, Er
Sage's Stone: 
 Infinity Ring: Re, Ce, Pr, No, Er
 Mental Ring: Cl, Ce, Di, Bo, Pr, Le, Ch, Er
 Wise Ring: Cl, Ce, Op, Di, Bo, Pr, Ch
 Peep Half: Cl, As, Op, Di, Bo, Ch
 Misty Symbol: Re, Ce, Pr, No, Le, Er
 Peep Non: Cl, As, Op, Di, Bo, Le, Ch
 Mind Ring: Re, As, Op, No
Wrecked Gem:
 Red Lotus Gem: Anyone

Make a book that learn certain skills but you cant 
go through level 5 of that skill.
Item needed : Fountain Pen.
Success : book that learn certain skills.
Failure : Crumpled Paper.
Skills needed : Writing.
Support items : Word Processor Software.
ex: (skill name):(book name)

Herbal Medicine: All About Herbs
Copying: Before Tea's Ready
Good Eye: Choose Ingredients
Kitchen Knife: Cook from the Heart
Mech Knowledge: Engineering
Animal Training: Forest Friends
Craft: Gold/Silversmith
Mental Science: Heart Barriers
Musical Notation: Musical Theory
Fairylogy: Mystical Beings
Biology: Nature's Life Force
Metal Casting: No Need for Words
Counterattack: On Revenge
Mental Training: On Training
Tool Knowledge: Pocket Encyclopedia
Scientific Ability: The Hermes Theory
Mineralogy: The Land's Secret
Recipe: Today's Dish

This IC-Specialty reduces exp needed to level up.
Success : Reduces exp needed to lvl.up.
Skills needed : Effort, Patience, Perseverance.

Increase or decrease enemy encounter rate.
Skills needed : Danger Sense.

Make better medicine from 2 lower medicines.
Success : Better herb.
Failure : do nothing.
Skills needed : Biology, Herbal Medicine, Mental Science.
Support items : Antiseptic Gloves.

Mandrake+Mandrake: Risky Liquid, Natural high, Crash Pill, Violent Pill
Mandrake+RoseHips: Attack Bottle, Kamikaze Tonic, Smoke Mist, Flash Pot,
Mandrake+Artemis Leaf: Liquor Bottle,Danger Pot, Sweet Syrup, Sour Syrup
Mandrake+Wolfsbane: Lilith Tonic,Bubble Lotion,Fairy Toware,Melty Lotion
Mandrake+Lavender: Nightmare Pot, Marine Drink, Smoke Oil, Maple Syrup
Mandrake+Aceras: Energy Tonic, Risky Liquid, Hot Syrup, Herbal Oil

RoseHips+Rose Hips: Cure Poison, Maple Syrup, Cure Paralyze, Mix Syrup
RoseHips+Artemis Leaf: Cure Paralysis,Cure Poison,Marionette Pill,Skanda 
RoseHips+Wolfsbane: NightmarePot,SuccubusCologne,DangerPot,ParalysisMist 
RoseHips+Lavender: Fresh Syrup, Holy Mist, Fruit Syrup, Sweet Syrup
RoseHips+Aceras: Kamikaze Tonic, Succubus Cologne, Mental Pot

Artemis Leaf+Artemis Leaf: CareTablet,LiquorBottle,FairyGlass,Danger Pot
Artemis Leaf+Wolfsbane: Sour Syrup, Violent Pill, Hot syrup, Fruit Syrup
Artemis Leaf+Lavender: Resurrection Mist, Medical Rinse, Wonder Drug
Artemis Leaf+Aceras: Wonder Drug, Fresh Pot, Liquor Bottle, Herbal Oil

Wolfsbane+Wolfsbane: Mad Mist, Stink Gel, Bitter Lotion, Melty Lotion
Wolfsbane+Lavender: Bitter Lotion,Paralysis Oil,Melty Lotion,Stink Gel 
Wolfsbane+Aceras: Shock Oil, Bubble Lotion, Pixie Cologne, Lilith Tonic

Lavender+Lavender: Medical Rinse,Mixed Syrup,Resurrect Bottle,Herbal Oil
Lavender+Aceras: Resurrect Mist, Energy Tonic, Holy Mist, Fresh Syrup

Aceras+Aceras: Fairy Mist, Resurrection Bottle, Skanda Ointment

Make better food from basic ingredients.
Item needed : basic/rare ingredients.
Success : better healing foods.
Failure : bad tasting food that do negative status.
Skills needed : Good Eye, Recipe, Kitchen Knife.
Support items : All-Purpose Knifes.
Thanks to Darrick C.Mattsen ( for this data.

Big Tuna--Restores HP 45%  (Noel's Favorite)
Broth--Restores MP 30%
Salmon Omelet--Restores HP 29%
Seaweed Miso Soup--Restores MP 20%
Shark Fin Soup--Restores MP 40%
Shrimp Au Gratin--Restores HP 26%
Shrimp Pilaf--Restores HP 30%
Shu-Mai--Restores HP 10%
Sole and Fruit Sauce--Restores HP 22%
Toro Tuna--Restores HP 20%

Baby Rabbit Risotto--Restores HP 35% (Celine's Favorite)
Beef Croquettes--Restores HP 30%
Chicken Doria--Restores HP 48%
Chicken Skewers--Restores HP 5%  (Dias' Favorite)
Ground Lamb Steak--Restores HP 40%
Hamburger--Restores HP 19%  (Ashton's Favorite)
Jambalaya--Restores HP 46%
Meat Dumpling--Restores HP 22%
Potstickers--Restores HP 19%
Steak--Restores HP 50% (Claude's Favorite)

Daikon Miso Soup--Restores MP 10%  (Bowman's Favorite)
Fried Rice--Restores HP 26%
Gruel--Restores HP 10%
Hassaku Tea**--Restores MP 40%  (Ernest's Favorite)
Ishidaya Tea**--Restores MP 60%
Pancakes--Restores HP 23%
Rice Cakes--Restores HP 19%
Rice Croquettes--Restores HP 12%
Rice Omelet--Restores HP 20%
Root Beer**--Restores MP 35%
Shrimp Doria--Restores HP 21%
Sweet Dumpling--Restores HP 12%
Soy Milk--Restores MP 10%
Usunigori Tea**--Restores MP 45%
Yaegaki Tea**--Restores MP 50%
Yukiyucho Tea**--Restores MP 55%
Smelly Rice Cakes*

Aged Berry Juice--Cures All Status
Apple Cider--Restores MP 40%  (Opera's Favorite)
Apple Crepes--Restores HP 15%
Banana Crepes--Restores HP 18%
Berry Juice--Restores MP 5%
Orangeade--Restores MP 10%
Orange Au Gratin--Restores HP 21% 
Orange Sherbet--Restores HP 10%
Peach Ice Cream--Restores HP 10%
Pickled Plum--Restores HP 2%
Strawberry Mousse--Restores HP 14%
Cabbage Roll--Restores HP 26%
Carrot Ice Cream--Restores HP 12%
Carrot Juice--Restores MP 13%  (Leon's Favorite)
Corn Potage--Restores MP 20%
Green Potage--Restores MP 25%
Quick Pickles--Restores HP 5%
Rice-Bran Pickles--Restores HP 6%
Spring Rolls--Restores HP 20%
Squash Croquettes--Restores HP 22%
Squash Spring Rolls--Restores HP 28%
Vegetable Juice--Restores MP 26%

Bacon and Eggs--Restores HP 20%
Chocolate Crepes--Restores HP 22% (Precis' Favorite)
Custard Pudding--Restores HP 15%
Egg Sandwich--Restores HP 19%
Fried Eggs--Restores HP 18%
Fruit Smoothie--Restores MP 8%
Macaroni Au Gratin--Restores HP 10% 
Shortcake--Restores HP 16%   (Rena's Favorite)
Vanilla Ice Cream--Restores HP 10%
Yogurt--Restores HP 5%

Send an animals to buy something from a shop, useful when you in 
a dungeon, the animal changes as this IC level increased.
Item needed : Pet Food.
Success : you can several items from the animal.
Failure : do nothing, you lose the pet food.
Skills needed : Whistling, Animal Training.

Skill level 1-Pigeon: Blueberry, Aquaberry, Spectacles, Blackberry
Skill level 3-Crow: Rosehip, Wolfsbane, Lavender, Flare Bomb
Skill level 5-Crane: Cure Paralyze, Mind Bomb, Mandrake, Resurrection 
bottle, Cure Stone
Skill level 7-Hawk: Seafood, Fruit, Grain, Meat, Vegetables, Egg/Dp
Skill level 9-Eagle: Aquaberry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Spectacles, 
Liquor Bottle, Aseras, Resurrect Bottle, Magical Canvas

Changes iron into better and rarer mineral, you can changes rarer 
mineral as this IC level increased. You can only changes the iron with 
Blessing of Manna talent. You can only make certain mineral after you 
have certain level of Alchemy, you also need Lezard Flask to create 
a more rare minerals.
Item needed : Iron.
Success : better and rarer mineral.
Failure : Rock, you lose the Iron.
Skills needed : Scientific Ability, Mineralogy, Fairyology.
Support items : Lezard Flask, Erlenmeyer Flask.

Level 1: Silver, Gold
Level 2: Ruby, Sapphire
Level 3: Green Beryl, Crystal
Level 4: Diamond
Level 5: Star Ruby
Level 6: Damascus, Rune Metal*
Level 7: Orihalcon, Rainbow Diamond*
Level 8: Moonite*, Sage's Stone*, Meteorite*, Mithril*
*In order to make these, you must have the item "Lezard's Flask"

Find items in the field.
Success : foods, mineral, etc.
Failure : do nothing.
Skills needed : Herbal Medicine, Patience.
Support items : Survival Kit.

Steal an item from a people by pressing [] button near that people, 
you can get some rare item by using this IC-Specialty.
Items needed : Bandit's Gloves (not 1-time only)
Success : stolen items.
Failure : do nothing and you cant steal anything from that people 
Skills needed : Courage, Poker Face.
Support Items : Magician Hand (have high success rate).

JAA's NOTE : you may must have the talent Dexterity or you have low-
success rate. You can create Magician Hand by Machinery, and it can help 
you pickpocket a lot.

Make same items by using camera. Some items cannot be 
copied because some reason (imagine if you can copy an angel armband).
Items needed : Magical Camera, Magical Film.
Success : Duplicated items.
Failure : Blurry Photo.
Skills Needed : Copying.
Support items : Ririca (like magical camera, but more useful)

This IC is very usefull, it can produces machines or items that 
increase the success rate of some IC. This item creation can be 
used to get several Precis's and Opera's killer moves.
Items needed : Material Kit.
Success : Bombs, Machines.
Failure : do nothing.
Skills needed : Mech Knowledge, Mech Operation.

Items gotten:  Survival Kit, Ririca, Sankaku Flask, Nuclear Bomb, Peep-
peep bomb, Protection Bomb, Music Box, Magician Hand, Text Software, 
Graphic Software, Tetrabomb, Assault Bomb, Half-Dead Bomb, Killer 
Poison, Mind Bomb.
 By Precis: Launcher, Plasma Barrier, Ultra Punch, One-Two Punch, Iron 
            Punch, Straight Punch
 By Opera : White System, Black System, Green System, Booster Box, X Box, 
            Black Box, Magic Box
/Super Specialty\_______________________________________________________

   This is kinda seems like item creation, but this super specialty 
used by everyone in your party to make something. To access it, enter 
menu screen, choose items and press Triangle button, now choose Super 
Specialty Skills. You can learn a super specialty if you level up 
certain IC level to level 4 (like to get master chef SS, level up 
cooking and compounding IC to level 4 and you get master chef SS).

By combining 2 basic ingredients you can make more tasty food than 
original cooking IC.
Items needed : basic/rare ingredients.
Success : more healing effect food than regular cooking.
Failure : junk and bad food.
IC needed : Cooking, Compounding.
Support items : All-Purpose Knife.
Thanks to Darrick C.Mattsen ( for this data.

Egg/Dairy+Egg/Dairy:      Plain Omelet--Restores HP 66%
Egg/Dairy+Fruit:          Coconut Milk--Cures Status Abnormalities
Egg/Dairy+Grain:          French Toast--Restores MP 55%
Egg/Dairy+Meat:           Creamed Stew--Restores HP 70%
Egg/Dairy+Seafood:        Steamed Aspic--Restores HP 50%
Egg/Dairy+Vegetables:     Yogurt Salad--Restores HP 10%/cures Poison
Fruit+Fruit:              Pear Compote--Cures Status Abnormalities 
Fruit+Grain:              Strawberry Mochi--Restores HP 55%
Fruit+Meat:               Muscat Grape Jelly--Cures Poison
Fruit+Seafood:            Sole & Wine Sauce--Restores HP 60%
Fruit+Vegetables:         Konyaku Jelly--Restores HP 40%
Grain+Grain:              Sweet Rice Cakes--Restores HP 80%
Grain+Meat:               Meat Fried Rice--Restores HP 60%
Grain+Seafood:            Shark Potstickers--Restores HP 70%
Grain+Vegetables:         Sake Lees Pickles--+ HP 10%/cures paralysis
Meat+Meat:                Sirloin Steak--Restores HP 80%
Meat+Seafood:             Bird's Nest Soup--Restores MP 70%
Meat+Vegetables:          Peking Duck--Restores HP 70%
Seafood+Seafood:          Sashimi--Restores HP 70%
Seafood+Vegetables:       Mushroom Soup--Restores MP 66%
Vegetables+Vegetables:    Fried Vegetables--Restores HP 50%

Use all music instruments and all song to make an 
orchestra. Very useful because in Orchestra status, your IC/-Specialty 
will be very rare to fail.
Items needed : Conductor's Baton, enough music instrument and song for 
all your characters in your party.
Success : an Orchestra (see above).
IC needed : Musical Talent, Art.

Increases skill points gained after lvl.up.
IC needed : Practice, Survival.

Call a bunny which make you can't be attacked by enemies 
(world map only).
Success : a bunny appear.
Failure : do nothing.
IC needed : Familiar, Scout.

Writes a book staring a character, you can sell it to a 
publisher, go back frequently and you get a lot of money.
Success : a great book.
Failure : Crumpled Paper.
IC needed : Authoring, Machinery.
Support items : Word Proccessor Software.

This SS very usefull because it can lower item price in 
the shop which conserve your money.
Items needed : Spectacle.
Success : Decrease or increase the price in the shop.
IC needed : Identify, Metalwork.

Make an armor from a mineral, this SS produces great armor which help 
you a lot. With Magical Rasp, you can create a Pallas Athena by a 
Mithril (this will reduce the element lowering effect by Atlas Ring).
Items needed : a mineral.
Success : powerful armor, robe, shoes, etc
Failure : Perforated Armor.
IC needed : Customize, Alchemy.
Support items : Magical Rasp.

Without Magical Rasp:
Iron: Knight Shield, Plate Greave, Ring Mail, Plate Helm, Banded Helm
Orichalcum: Neo Greaves, Barrier Shield, Barrier Armor, Hermit's Helm, 
Rare Gauntlets
Damascus: Chaos Mail, Bloody Armor, Bloody Helm, Core Plate
Moonite: Jeanne's Helm, Witch Boots, Jeanne's Shield, Jeanne's Armor
Mithril: Mithril Coat, Mithril Dress, Mithril Shield, Mithril Mesh
Meteorite: Star Greaves, Star Guard, Star Cloak, Star Necklace 
Rune Metal: Rune Shoes, Wizard Helmet, Wizard Mail, Rune Buckler

With the Magical Rasp:
Iron: All-Purpose Knife, Plate Mail
Orichalcum: Odin Helm, Reflection Armor 
Damascus: Duel Suit, Algol, Duel Helm 
Moonite: Ishtar's Robe, Isis Tiara, The Armband of Kali
Mithril: Pallas Athena
Meteorite: Sylvan Helm, Sylvan Boots, Sylvan Mail
Rune Metal: Mirage Robe, Flying Hawk Robes

Make illegal items from a paper, not too useful because it lower 
your love and friendship level, but the useful one is forged medals 
which make your exp. 1 more to level up.
Success : illegal items.
Failure : Bounced check (make your money down as the time goes by)
IC needed : Pickpocket, Reproduction.


*Save glitch*
This is a bug, so you want to have a back-up files.
1.Save, now go to a dungeon/world map, and play a song which make you 
  fight an enemy.
2.Before the song over, go to menu, and load another save.
3.Now your 2nd savegame will fight an enemy. End the battle and party 
  from the 1st slot will transported into the 2nd slot.

*Secret Information*
1.Read all data in North City library, and try to access the secret 
2.Talk to Barel in Giveaway univ, now talk to Prof.Rayfus (on the most 
  west room in 2nd floor). 
3.Go to Central City and talk to Chisato in the newspaper room (use 
  private action if she in your party).
4.Leave, and enter Central City again, and talk to Chisato again.
5.Return to North City library and talk to the operator and try to 
  access the secret info again.
6.After you visited the Research Lab (where Rena's past video played), 
  talk to Rayfus and agree with all his suggestion. You can access the 1st 
2 info, but if you try to read the others, you cant.
7.Talk to Barel, and he will give you the Pandora's Box.
8.Talk to Rayfus and give him the Pandora's Box.
9.Go out from Giveaway and do a private actions (no matter where, and  
  you dont need to see special event too) and now Rayfus will decipher the 
  codes. You can gain all the secret info now.

*Turn Indalecio limiter ON/OFF*
This is maybe a common knowledge, but I think I should put this part in 
this secret section.
You originally fight Indalecio with limiter ON, but if you see certain 
Private Actions, you will fight him with his limiter OFF (although I 
dont know what the use of that, trying to make challenge, eh?).
To turn off the limiter, See a private action in Clik (before Clik 
destroyed), and talk to Filia (north near the fountain). When you reach 
the final dungeon, save in front of Indalecio and go all the way back to 
Central City. Do a private action and talk to Filia in the city hall (if 
you see this Private Action, Indalecio limiter is turned OFF).

*Go back to Expel!*
   Save in front of Indalecio, go all the way back out, and go to Fun 
City. Go to the Battle Stadium and talk to an oldman in the back, he 
will "reveal" your memory back (just say yes to all his question) and 
you will be back in Arlia village (dont worry, with all your characters 
and items). Go out and you will see your Synard in the world map!! 
travel around and see some miss private actions or chests!!!
If you want, you can enter the bonus dungeon (located in the desert) and 
challenge the 13 floor dungeon! 
Note: to go back to Energy Nede, simply talk to a purple penguin in 
Arlia, choose "stupid Vern Vern!" and it will kick you back to Nede.

If you want your characters dont want to get hurt badly, simply use this 
   Equip Lunatic Ring and a Peep-Non. The Lunatic Ring will make you 
can't take any damage but will always make you stun, the Peep-Non is the 
remedy for this problem (this will not work for a long time since 
Lunatic Ring have a tendency to break after taking several damage).


   This is the list of all items sold in all shop in all places in Star 
Ocean 2, so this gonna be take a long time. I divided it by the shop 
name, item names, the price, and information. In information table (O) 
means this items only used in menu, but with (X) means you can only use 
this items in battle, and without any of them, the items can be used in 
battle or menu.

|  Town/Shop/Item      |     Price     |          Information          |
|     Names            |               |                               | 

/ARLIA VILLAGE\_________________________________________________________

Hearn's of Arlia

Sandals                   10               Greaves
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O)
Lavender                  490              Items (O)
Aquaberry                 105              Items/heal poison
Blackberry                200              Items/heal mp
Blueberry                 60               Items/heal hp
Spectacles                8                Items (O)

Dolphin Kick
Strawberry Jam            50               Items (O)
Raspberry Jam             60               Items (O)
Apple Jam                 70               Items (O)

Long Sword                200              Weapons 
Both Shaver               850              Weapons 
Knuckles                  110              Weapons 
Leather Helm              50               Head
Leather Armor             300              Body
Sandals                   10               Greaves
Leather Greaves           50               Greaves 

Fairy Tear
Necklace                  1200             Acc
Ruby Earring              6000             Acc 
Silver Barrette           1300             Acc 
Iron                      200              Acc
Silver                    200              Acc
Gold                      300              Acc
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O)
Aceras                    660              Items (O)
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Spectacles                8                Items (O)
/TOWN OF CROSS\_________________________________________________________

Royal Hunt

Broad Sword               400              Weapons
Smaller                   2000             Weapons
Rod                       10               Weapons
Leather Helm              50               Head
Banded Helm               120              Head
Banded Mail               600              Body
Robe                      10               Body
Wooden Shield             120              Shield
Boots                     40               Greaves
Iron Greaves              110              Greaves

Knowledge 1               300              Skills
Sensibility 1             400              Skills
Technique 1               400              Skills

Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/Dairy Products        10               Food (O)

Budabing Budaboom
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items/revive dead
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O)
Spectacles                8                Items (O) 
Cure Stone                450              Items

Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Anklet                    400              Acc
Mandrake                  150              Items
Wolfsbane                 360              Items
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items
Gold                      300              Acc
Harmonica                 500              none
Magical Canvas            1000             Items (O)
Magical Clay              600              Items (O)

International Trading   
Sinclair Sabre            860              Weapon
Hard Knuckles             300              Weapon
Rod                       10               Weapon
Banded Mail               600              Armor
Robe                      10               Armor
Wooden Shield             120              Shield
Round Shield              500              Shield
Boots                     40               Greaves
Secret Boots              80               Greaves
Iron Greaves              110              Greaves
Crepe store
Banana Crepes             90               Food (O)
Chocolate Crepes          115              Food (O)

Ice Cream stand
Orange Sherbet            16               Food (O)
Vanila ice cream          30               Food (O)

The Clik Bakery
Pancakes                  340              Food (O)
Egg Sandwich              250              Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/Dairy Products        10               Food (O)

Clik Skills 
Knowledge 1               300              Skills
Sensibility 1             400              Skills
Tecnhique 1               400              Skills
Combat 1                  400              Skills
/MARS VILLAGE\_________________________________________________________

Flame Blade               4800             Weapons
Cestus                    1400             Weapons
Ruby Wand                 600              Weapons
Fame Helm                 500              Head
Magical Hat               600              Head
Ringed Mail               1200             Body
Silk Robe                 1800             Body
Round Shield              500              Shield
Suede Boots               200              Greaves
Iron Greaves              110              Greaves
Killer Poison             300              Items (X)/poison enemy
Flare Bomb                450              Items (X)/damage enemy
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Spectacles                8                Items (O)

Golden Spoon
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/Dairy Products        10               Food (O)
Daikon Miso Soup          300              Food (O)

Red Dragon Manor
Seltzer                   Various*         Food (O)
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)
Sweet Dumpling            140              Food (O) 
Potstickers               280              Food (O)
Shu-Mai                   280              Food (O)
Toro Tuna                 2000             Food (O)
Sashimi                   2800             Food (O)

Ruby Wand                 600              Weapons
Silk Robe                 1800             Body
Knight's Shield           1000             Shield
Secret Boots              80               Greaves
Plate Greaves             800              Greaves
Brigandine                3500             Body

The Grasping Hand
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Magic Canvas              1000             Items (O) 
Magical Clay              600              Items (O)
Bandit's Gloves           40000            Acc
Anklet                    400              Acc
Spectacles                8                Items (O) 
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Cure Stone                450              Items

Giono Vallon
Knowledge 2               1500             Skills
Sensibility 2             1600             Skills
Technique 1               400              Skills
Combat 1                  400              Skills
*Seltzer's prize always around 75% of your money*

Skill Power
Knowledge 2               1500             Skills
Sensibility 2             1600             Skills
Technique 2               1600             Skills
Combat 2                  1600             Skills

Seltzer                   Various*         Food (O)
Meat Dumpling             360              Food (O)
Sweet Dumpling            140              Food (O) 
Chicken Skewers           500              Food (O)
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)
Root Beer                 300              Food (O)

Smaller                   2000             Weapon
Cestus                    1400             Weapon
Splinter                  1300             Weapon
Iron Helm                 1200             Head
Ringed Mail               1200             Body
Silk Robe                 1800             Body
Round Shield              500              Shield
Leather Boots             105              Greaves
High Heels                120              Greaves
Brigandine                3500             Body

Seaside Music
Harmonica                 500              Items (O)
Cembalo                   8000             Items (O)
Feather Pen               20               Items (O)
Conductor's Baton         85               Items (O)

Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Iron                      200              Acc
Silver                    200              Acc
Gold                      300              Acc
Ruby                      400              Acc
Sapphire                  800              Acc
Green Beryl               500              Acc
Feather Pen               20               Items (O)
Bandit's Gloves           40000            Acc
Spectacles                8                Items (O)
Mandrake                  150              Items (O)
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O) 
Artemis Leaf              720              Items (O)
Wolfsbane                 360              Items (O)
Lavender                  490              Items (O)
Aceras                    660              Items (O)
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items
Cure Poison               140              Items
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Cure Stone                450              Items
/TOWN OF LACOUR\________________________________________________________

Sinclair Sabre            860              Weapons
Plate Helm                7000             Head
Brigandine                3500             Body
Buckler                   650              Shield
Silver Greaves            5200             Greaves
Sweet Syrup               300              Items
Mixed Syrup               500              Items
Blackberry                200              Items

Long Edge                 12300            Weapon
Leather Helm              50               Head
Leather Armor             300              Body
Wooden Shield             120              Shield
Leather Greaves           50               Greaves
Sweet Syrup               300              Items
Mixed Syrup               500              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Twin-Edge                 3000             Weapon

Gusguine                  4500             Weapon
Banded Helm               120              Head
Banded Mail               600              Body
Knight's Shield           1000             Shield
Plate Greaves             800              Greaves
Sweet Syrup               300              Items
Mixed Syrup               500              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Crest Rod                 1200             Weapon

Walloon Sword             ???              Weapon
Iron Helmet               ???              Head
Ringed Mail               1200             Body
Iron Greaves              110              Greaves
Round Shield              500              Shield
Fruit Syrup               ???              Items
Fresh Syrup               ???              Items
Attack Vial               230              Items (X)
Violence Pill             ???              Items (X)

Pellen Nor
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Poison Check              5000             Acc
Fountain Pen              460              Items (O)
Mandrake                  150              Items (O)
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O) 
Artemis Leaf              720              Items (O)
Wolfsbane                 360              Items (O)
Lavender                  490              Items (O) 
Aceras                    660              Items (O)
Attack Vial               230              Items (X)
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Pet Food                  10               Items (O)
Smith Hammer              250              Items (O)
Cure Stone                450              Items

Seltzer                   Various*         Food (O)
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)

Lacour Skills
Sensibility 3             2700             Skills
Combat 1                  400              Skills
Combat 2                  1600             Skills
Combat 3                  4500             Skills
/ELURIA COLONY (SHED)\__________________________________________________

Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Spectacles                8                Items(O)
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Cure Stone                450              Items
Pet Food                  10               Items(O)
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)
/CENTRAL CITY\__________________________________________________________

Reverse Edge
Lezard Flask              120000           Items (none)
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Mandrake                  150              Items (O)
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O) 
Artemis Leaf              720              Items (O)
Wolfsbane                 360              Items (O)
Lavender                  490              Items (O) 
Aceras                    660              Items (O)
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items
Magic Canvas              1000             Items (O)
Magical Clay              600              Items (O)
Fountain Pen              460              Items (O)
Beret                     40000            Head
Spectacles                8                Items (O)
Poison Check              5000             Acc
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Cure Stone                450              Items
Vellum Paper              150              Items (O)
Bandit's Gloves           40000            Acc
Pet Food                  10               Items (O)
Conductor's Baton         85               Items (O)
Magical Film              900              Items (O)

Weight Lawyer
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)
Steak                     600              Food (O)
Berry Juice               200              Food (O)

Ignite Sword              17000            Weapon
Scyther                   18000            Weapon
Pain Cestus               15000            Weapon
Hecatoncheire             16200            Weapon
Silver Rod                9800             Weapon
Great Punch               14000            Weapon
Light Whip                14000            Weapon
Heraldry                  7000             Weapon
Electro Gun               15000            Weapon
Steel Helm                16000            Head
Silver Robe               10000            Body
Plate Mail                13400            Body
Fine Shield               6800             Shield
Silver Greaves            5200             Greaves

Skill Guild
Knowledge 1               300              Skills
Knowledge 2               1500             Skills
Sensibility               400              Skills
Technique                 400              Skills
/NORTH CITY\____________________________________________________________

Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Fruit                     80               Food (O)
Grain                     145              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Vegetables                30               Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items

Eagle's Claws             20000            Weapon
Pain Cestus               15000            Weapon
Hecatoncheire             16200            Weapon
Light Whip                14000            Weapon
Steel Helm                16000            Head
Jeanne's Helm             8600             Head
Mithril Coat              15000            Body
Steel Armor               52000            Body
Crestier Guard            36600            Shield
High-laced Shoes          4100             Greaves
Silver Greaves            5200             Greaves
Steel-toed Boots          3200             Greaves

Blue Flask
Lezard Flask              120000           Items (none)
Mandrake                  150              Items (O)
Rose Hips                 230              Items (O) 
Artemis Leaf              720              Items (O)
Wolfsbane                 360              Items (O)
Lavender                  490              Items (O) 
Aceras                    660              Items (O)
Attack Vial               230              Items
Cembalo                   8000             Items (O)
Harmonica                 500              Items (O)
Organ                     12000            Items (O)
Piano                     30000            Items (O)
Lyre                      5000             Items (O)
Violing                   21000            Items (O)
Feather Pen               20               Items (O)
Conductor's Baton         85               Items (O)
Spectactles               8                Items (O)
Material Kit              1200             Items (O)
Seltzer                   Various*         Food  (O)
Smith's Hammer            250              Items (O)
Iron                      200              Acc
Gold                      300              Acc
Silver                    200              Acc
Green Beryl               500              Acc
Sapphire                  800              Acc
Ruby                      400              Acc
Crystal                   500              Acc
Diamond                   9000             Acc

Cure Poison               140              Items
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Cure Stone                450              Items
Resurrection Bottle       3600             Items
Fairy's Statue            400              Items (X)
Mirror of Wisdom          1200             Items (X)
Poison Check              5000             Acc
Paralysis Check           6000             Acc
Stone Check               7000             Acc
Pet Food                  10               Items (O)

Fresh Meat
Seafood                   500              Food (O)
Meat                      300              Food (O)
Egg/D.Products            10               Food (O)
Hamburger                 200              Food (O)
Beef Croquettes           420              Food (O)
Steak                     600              Food (O)
/FUN CITY\______________________________________________________________

Gift Box
All-Purpose Knife         12000            Weapon
Feather Pen               20               Items
Fountain Pen              460              Items
Magical Camera            9800             Items (O)
Magical Film              900              Items (O)
Vellum Paper              150              Items (O)
Material Kit              1200             Items (O)
Conductor's Baton         85               Items (O)
Beret                     40000            Head
Aquaberry                 105              Items
Blackberry                200              Items
Blueberry                 60               Items
Crown                     1600             Acc
Harmonica                 500              Items (O)
Spectacles                8                Items (O)
Evening Dress             5000             Body
Pin Heels                 300              Greaves
Cure Poison               140              Items
Cure Paralysis            180              Items
Cure Stone                450              Items
Strawberry Jam            50               Items (O)
Raspberry Jam             60               Items (O)
Apple Jam                 70               Items (O)
Aloe Jam                  80               Items (O)

Light Step
Seltzer                   Various*         Food (O)
Chicken Doria             520              Food (O)
Orangeade                 110              Food (O)
Apple Crepes              200              Food (O)
Pancakes                  340              Food (O)
Chicken Skewers           500              Food (O)
Fried Rice                300              Food (O)
Potstickers               280              Food (O)
Strawberry Mochi          2250             Food (O)
Root Beer                 300              Food (O)

Bunny Race
1 Ticket                  1000             /race
2 Ticket                  2000             /race 

Cooking Master Competition
Entrance Fee              1000             /competition

Fortune Tellers (Middle)
Cost                      300              /told

Fortune Tellers (Right)
Cost                      350              /told

Battle Stadium
Entrance Fee              2000             /battles
/FAKE GALLERY\__________________________________________________________
Located in a small snowy island between the 2 large snowy island.

Fake Gallery
Wizard's Hat              65200            Head
Mithril Helm              83400            Head
Mithril Mesh              250000           Body
Wizard's Mail             240000           Body 
Steel Armor               52000            Body
Crestier Guard            36600            Shield
Rare Gauntlets            105000           Shield
Mithril Greaves           76000            Greaves
Tri-Emplem                31419            Acc
Sacknoth's Helmet         12000            Head
Magical Rasp              350000           Items (none)

Merchants Santa
Rarely found in level 6 of the bonus dungeon...I will only put items 
that I remember.

All kinds of mineral      ????             Acc
Santa's Boots             10000000         Acc
Tri-Emblem                5000000          Acc
Go-Home Frog              300000           Items (O)

Note: New! Santa Boots! If you equip it and sleep at an inn, there is a 
chance that Santa will leave you a gift that you
will acquire in the morning! Thanks to Jonathan Toellner for this info! 


   There are quite a lot of mini games in Star Ocean 2, there are 
several new mini-games here. You can play mini-games anytime you want in 
Fun City (except in the Sage's attack event in Fun City).

1.Battle Stadium.
Located on the west side of Fun City (1st floor), you can fight several 
rounds of battles here to get some items, fol, or skill points. You 
battle with 1 character and if you get petrified, paralyzed, die, or 
swallowed, you will lose the battle. After you choose a battle, you get 
a rank choice, it is a kind of difficulty level, the more its difficult, 
the more good items or fol or sp you get. Also, you need 2000F to enter 
a battle.

*Duel Battle
fight one-on-one battle on 4 consecutive round of battles. After you 
choose a rank, if you win, you get several items that decided by the 
rank you choose (if you choose rank A and win, you get special weapons 
instead, if you win this again with the same character in the first 
battle, you get money instead).

*Bullying Battle
Pretty same as Duel Battle, but you get money and skill points instead 
items or weapon.

*Team Battle
You choose 5 members to enter the battle, and they fight one-on-one with 
a monster. If you win 3 consecutive rounds, you win. Who wins more 
times, they are the winners. You get several rare items if you win.

*Survival Battle
Good luck, you will fight 50 consecutive battles, the enemies get harder 
and harder as the battles goes, when you reach around battle no.30, that 
is the boss class battles. When you reach the final battle, it is very 
hard, so use melty lotion/bubble lotion/bitter lotion to easily win the 

2.Bunny Race
You bet 2 bunnies to win the race. You can look at the bunnies and 
finally bet 2 bunnies. The first number is for the champion, and the 
second number is for the runner-up. The race is completely 
unpredictable, so try to concentrate on the treasure you want to get (I 
usually try to get a bunny shoes).

3.Cooking Competition
This is a contest where you fight with an opponent to cook as many food 
as possible. To cook, press the triangle button and start to cook using 
ingredients given, if you run out of supply, run to the center of the 
screen and check the "dishes" to get more supply. Note if you fail to 
make good food your pressure will increased, but if you succeed, your 
pressure will lowered.

4.Fortune Tellers
Okay, this is maybe not a mini-games, but I don't know where to put it 
in. To reach the fortune tellers, go to the east side of Fun City and go 
up to the second floor. If you check the middle tellers, you can see 
your record in the game (like how many you escaped, save, IC success 
rate,etc). If you talk to the right tellers, she will tell you the 
relationship between you and not same sex characters.


   Well, because some peoples don't know what to equip for the best 
party, I will put the best equipment list for all characters, but, I may 
only put this for several characters (it also because I'm originally 
playing Claude's scenario now).
I also put in the "how to get them" section in the end of a character 
equipment. A "..." means you can fill them with any item you want.
/For players who havent end the Cave of Trials\_________________________

Weapon : Eternal Sphere
Armor  : Reflective Armor/Duel Mail
Shield : Pallas Athena
Helmet : Odin's Helm/Duel Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes/Mithril Greaves
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring
Acc 2  : Atlas Ring

Eternal Sphere: can be gotten by customize (see item creation list).
Reflective Armor(Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Suit(Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Pallas Athena(Mithril): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Odin's Helm (Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Mithril Greaves: Bought in fake gallery.
Atlas Ring: by metalwork on rainbow diamond.

Weapon : Empresia
Armor  : Mirage Robe
Shield : The Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Empresia: customize item creation.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
The Armband of Kali(Moonite): blacksmith.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

Weapon : Dragon's Tusk 
Armor  : Mirage Robe
Shield : The Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Dragon's Tusk: customize item creation.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
The Armband of Kali(Moonite): blacksmith.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

Weapon : Melufa
Armor  : Reflective Armor/Duel Mail
Shield : Rare Gauntlets
Helmet : Odin's Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Might Chain
Acc 2  : ...

Melufa: customize item creation.
Reflective Armor(Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Suit(Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Rare Gauntlets: Bought in fake gallery.
Odin's Helm (Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Might Chain(Green Beryl): Metalwork (Cl,Op,Di,Pr,Chi).

Weapon : Ancient Wisdom
Armor  : Mirage Robe
Shield : The Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Ancient Wisdom: Customize item creation.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
The Armband of Kali(Moonite): blacksmith.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

Weapon : Psychic Gun
Armor  : Jeanne's Armor/...
Shield : Algol
Helmet : Jeanne's Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Gale Earring
Acc 2  : Might Chain

Psychic Gun: customize item creation.
Jeanne's Armor: you get it in field of power.
Algol(Damascus): blacksmith with magical rasp.
Jeanne's Helm: Bought from North City.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Gale Earring: You got it once you get her.
Might Chain(Green Beryl): Metalwork (Cl,Op,Di,Pr,Chi).

Weapon : Moon Fist
Armor  : Reflective Armor/...
Shield : Rare Gauntlets
Helmet : Odin's Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Might Chain
Acc 2  : ...

Moon Fist: customize item creation
Reflective Armor(Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Rare Gauntlets: Bought in fake gallery.
Odin's Helm (Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Might Chain(Green Beryl): Metalwork (Cl,Op,Di,Pr,Chi).

Weapon : Kaiser Knuckles
Armor  : ... 
Shield : ...
Helmet : ... 
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : ...

Kaiser Knuckles: customize item creation
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
He is not too usefull before you get the Million Staff (which have a 800 
magic power!), but you wouldn't use him much.

Weapon : Psycho Box/Seventh Ray 
Body   : Duel Suit 
Shield : Star Guard 
Helmet : Jeanne's Helm 
Greaves: Bunny shoes 
Acc 1  : Mind Ring 
Acc 2  : Tri-Emblem/anything adding to Hit rate  

Psycho Box: Beat A rank duel battle with Opera in Fun City.
Seventh Ray: Halves MP with each hit, customize Light Box with R.Diamond
Duel Suit: Steal from Ernest or Calnus cadets,by blacksmith with magical
Jeanne's helm: Buy this from the North City.
Bunny shoes: Steal from bunny in fun city, win at bunny races.
Mind Ring: Metalwork on Rainbow Diamond 
Tri-Emplem: Buy in Fake Gallery(fake one)/buy from bonus dungeon.  

Weapon : Cat o' Nine Tails 
Body   : Duel Suit/Seraphic Garb 
Shield : Pallas Athena 
Helmet : Duel Helm 
Greaves: Bunny shoes 
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring 
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring  

Cat o' Nine Tails: A rank, Duel Battle, fun city, with Ernest. (Use 
Broken Heart on the first critter!) 
Duel Suit: by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Seraphic Garb: Found in the bonus dungeon. 
Pallas Athena: Blacksmith the mithril with magical rasp.
Duel Helm: Blacksmith Damascus with magical rasp 
Bunny shoes: Steal from rabbit, win races, find in cave 
Atlas Rings: Metalwork the Rainbow Diamond. 

Weapon : SDUGA punch
Armor  : Reflective Armor/Duel Mail
Shield : Algol/Pallas Athena
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Helm   : Duel Helm
Acc1   : ...
Acc2   : ...

SDUGA punch: Thunder punch+rainbow diamond=SD punch; 
             SD punch+damascus=UGA punch; UGA punch+moonite=SDUGA
Algol(Damascus): blacksmith with magical rasp.
Pallas Athena: Blacksmith the mithril with magical rasp.
Reflective Armor(Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Suit(Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.

/For players who have end the Cave of Trials\___________________________

Weapon : Levantine Sword
Body   : Valiant Mail
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Odin's Helm/Duel Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes/Valiant Boots
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring
Acc 2  : Angel Armband

Levantine Sword: received after you beat the boss in level 9.
Valiant Mail: received in the chest on the final floor.
Valiant Guard: received in the chest on the final floor.
Odin's Helm (Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Valiant Boots: received in floor 9,10,13 of the bonus dungeon.
Atlas Ring: by metalwork on rainbow diamond
Angel Armband: received after you beat the final boss in bonus dungeon.

Weapon : Empresia
Body   : Mirage Robe/Ishtar's Robe
Shield : The Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Valkyrie Boots
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Empresia: customize item creation.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
Ishtar's Robe(Moonite): blacksmith.
The Armband of Kali(Moonite): blacksmith.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Valkyrie Boots: gotten in the 10th floor of bonus dungeon.
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

* Celine: 
Weapon : Million Staff
Body   : Mirage Robe/Ishtar's Robe
Shield : The Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Million Staff: Gotten in floor 7,8,10 of the bonus dungeon.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
Ishtar's Robe(Moonite): blacksmith.
The Armband of Kali(Moonite): blacksmith.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

* Ashton:
Weapon : Holy Sword Farwell
Body   : Valiant Mail
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Odin's Helm/Duel Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring
Acc 2  : Tri-emblem

Holy Sword Farwell: received after you beat the 12th and 13th floor   
bosses of the bonus dungeon. (Atk power: 1900)
Valiant Mail: received in the chest on the final floor.
Valiant Guard: received in the chest on the final floor.
Odin's Helm (Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Valiant Boots: received in floor 9,10,13 of the bonus dungeon.
Atlas Ring: by metalwork on rainbow diamond
Tri-emblem: buy it from merchant santa in floor 6.

Weapon : Million Staff
Body   : Mirage Robe/Ishtar's Robe
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Million Staff: Gotten in floor 7,8,10 of the bonus dungeon.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
Ishtar's Robe(Moonite): blacksmith.
Valiant Guard: received in the chest on the final floor.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

Weapon : Weird Slayer
Body   : Reflective Armor
Shield : Algol
Helmet : Jeanne's Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Tri-Emblem
Acc 2  : Atlas Ring 

Weird Slayer: gotten when puffy drop this.
Algol(Damascus): blacksmith with magical rasp.
Jeanne's Helm: Bought from North City.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Tri-emblem: buy it from merchant santa in floor 6.
Atlas Ring: by metalwork on rainbow diamond

Weapon : Moon Fists
Body   : Valiant Mail
Shield : Valiant Guard
Helmet : Duel Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Might Chain
Acc 2  : ...

Moon Fist: customize item creation
Valiant Mail: received in the chest on the final floor.
Valiant Guard: received in the chest on the final floor.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Might Chain(Green Beryl): Metalwork (Cl,Op,Di,Pr,Chi).

Weapon : Million Staff
Body   : Mirage Robe/Ishtar's Robe
Shield : The Armband of Kali
Helmet : Isis Tiara
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Fairy Ring
Acc 2  : Mental Ring

Million Staff: Gotten in floor 7,8,10 of the bonus dungeon.
Mirage Robe(Rune Metal): blacksmith.
Ishtar's Robe(Moonite): blacksmith.
The Armband of Kali(Moonite): blacksmith.
Isis Tiara(Moonite): blacksmith.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Fairy Ring(Green Beryl): metalwork.
Mental Ring(Sage's Stone): metalwork.

Weapon : Psycho Box/Seventh Ray 
Body   : Duel Suit 
Shield : Star Guard 
Helmet : Jeanne's Helm 
Greaves: Bunny shoes 
Acc 1  : Mind Ring 
Acc 2  : Tri-Emblem/anything adding to Hit rate  

Psycho Box: Beat A rank duel battle with Opera in Fun City.
Seventh Ray: Halves MP with each hit, customize Light Box with R.Diamond
Duel Suit: Steal from Ernest or Calnus cadets,by blacksmith with magical
Jeanne's helm: Buy this from the North City.
Bunny shoes: Steal from bunny in fun city, win at bunny races.
Mind Ring: Metalwork on Rainbow Diamond 
Tri-Emplem: Buy in Fake Gallery(fake one)/buy from bonus dungeon.  

Weapon : Cat o' Nine Tails 
Body   : Duel Suit/Seraphic Garb 
Shield : Pallas Athena 
Helmet : Duel Helm 
Greaves: Bunny shoes 
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring 
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring  

Cat o' Nine Tails: A rank, Duel Battle, fun city, with Ernest. (Use 
Broken Heart on the first critter!) 
Duel Suit: by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Seraphic Garb: Found in the bonus dungeon. 
Pallas Athena: Blacksmith the mithril with magical rasp.
Duel Helm: Blacksmith Damascus with magical rasp 
Bunny shoes: Steal from rabbit, win races, find in cave 
Atlas Rings: Metalwork the Rainbow Diamond. 

Weapon : Holy Sword Farwell/Levantine Sword
Body   : Valiant Mail/Battle Suit
Shield : Valiant Guard/Pallas Athena
Helmet : Duel Helm/Odin's Helm
Greaves: Valiant Boots/Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring
Acc 2  : Tri-Emblem/Angel Armband

Holy Sword Farwell: received after you beat the 12th and 13th floor   
bosses of the bonus dungeon.
Levantine Sword: received in the bonus dungeon.
Valiant Mail: received in the chest on the final floor.
Valiant Guard: received in the chest on the final floor.
Odin's Helm (Orichalcum): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Duel Helm (Damascus): by blacksmith with magical rasp.
Bunny Shoes: Stolen from the bunny in bunny race room (fun city).
Valiant Boots: received in floor 9,10,13 of the bonus dungeon.
Tri-emblem: buy it from merchant santa in floor 6.

Weapon : SDUGA punch
Body   : Valiant Mail/Battle Suit
Shield : Algol/Pallas Athena
Helm   : Duel Helm
Greaves: Bunny Shoes
Acc 1  : Atlas Ring
Acc 2  : Tri-Emblem/Angel Armband

SDUGA punch: Thunder punch+rainbow diamond=SD punch; 
             SD punch+damascus=UGA punch; UGA punch+moonite=SDUGA
Valiant Mail: received in the chest on the final floor.
Algol(Damascus): blacksmith with magical rasp.
Pallas Athena: Blacksmith the mithril with magical rasp.


   Here is a long word of North City library data. To see it, just talk 
to the operator and ask what you want to see, however, there is a secret 
information that can only opened by certain event (see the secrets 

1. Information about God's Ten Wise Men.
  a. The era of peace.
  b. The mendacity of the Ten Wise Men.
  c. The last days.
2. Information about Energy Nede.
  a. The renunciation of power.
  b. The birth of Energy Nede.
  c. Energy Nede now.
3. Information about Heraldry.
  a. The origin of the Heraldic Arts.
  b. The power of Heraldry.
  c. An explanation of the Heraldic Arts.
4. Information about Heraldry Stones.
  a. What is a quadratic sphere?
  b. What is a quadratic key?
  c. About resonation effects.
5. Information about the Crest of Annihilation.
  a. What is the Crest of Annihilation?
  b. The Big Crunch.
  c. Controlling the Crest of Annihilation.
6. Information about Heraldry Weapons Research Institute.
  a. What is the Heraldry Weapons Research Institute?
  b. An overview of the institute.
  c. The closing of the Heraldry Weapons Research Institute.
7. Information from Heraldry research Institute Reports.
  a. Stabilization of antimatter through LEA metal.
  b. The time/space shield and its applications.
  c. Creation energy generation device.
8. Secret Information.
   Ten Wise Men Defense Plan, Phase I.
  a. Main Plan. -> (Project Planning Documents)
  b. Research Report. -> (Research Reports)
  c. Apology. -> (Letter of Apology)
  d. Post-event Report. -> (Final Report)

*The words with "()" means that the sub-words is changed, when you see 
the sub from north city library, it is not with "()" but when you see it 
by Rufus, it is with "()".
Now I will write all of the secret informations section only, since you 
can read the others in North City library. Note that every sub contain 3 
/Secret Information\____________________________________________________

-Project Planning Documents-

File 1:
Rebellions against the planet Nede have broken out in 24 different 
frontier planets. It appears that several of the technologies of the 
planet Nede have been leaked to the forces of undeveloped planets, so we 
suspects that Nedian conspirators are cooperating with the rebel forces. 
We must quickly develop new weapons in order to suppress the rebel 
File 2:
Based on the research of Dr.Lantis, it was discovered that by applying 
technologies derived from Heraldry science to make modifications to the 
DNA of people, it is possible to create bioweapons that have Heraldry 
powers much more powerful than normal.
File 3:
A military supreme council decided that the aforementioned bioweapons 
should be urgently put into practical use and used for the defense and 
control the frontier planets. The code name for the project was decided 
to be 'Ten Wise Men Defense Plan, Phase I'. Under the direction of 
Dr.Lantis, the construction of the ten bioweapons began. Depending on 
the results of the plan, they planned to continue to Phase II, Phase III 
and into the construction phase.

-Research Reports-

File 1: 
The close-in combat weapon [Marsilio]. The remote projectile-attack 
weapon [Shigeo]. The base-defense special weapon [Berle]. These three 
weapons were completed. In addition, development was started on the 
strategic weapon [Decus] to be used to control these three weapons.
File 2:
The two information gathering agents [Ruprecht] and [Nicolus] were 
completed. Together with the information analysis agent [Jibril] 
completed earlier, these agents were assembled under the command of the 
civilian control agent [Vesper]. In addition, the agent named [Cyril] 
used to monitor the Ten Wise Men was also completed at the same time.
File 3:
Dr.Lantis' last surviving family member, his daughter Filia, was the 
victim of a terrorist attack by rebel forces opposed to the Ten Wise Men 
Defense Plan. However, the military decided upon a policy of concealing 
the truth from Dr.Lantis.

-Letter of Apology-

File 1:
Dr.Lantsi suddenly activated all of the defensive mechanisms within the 
laboratory, and completely sealed of the interior of the laboratory. It 
appears that he somehow became aware of the terrorist attack during 
experiments on the information gathering agents [Ruprecht] and 
[Nicolus]. He holed himself up inside the laboratory and appeared to 
have made some kind of modifications to the Ten Wise Men agents. It 
appears that as soon as the military gives permission, security forces 
will need to enter the laboratory and capture the person Dr. Lantis.
File 2:
The Ten Wise Men who came out of the interior of the laboratory began 
indiscriminate attacks on facilities in their vicinity. It appears that, 
for some reason Dr. Lantis had changed their ultimate objective from the 
'control of frontier planets' to the 'annihilation of the entire 
universe'. An entire squadron of mechanized troops that entered the 
laboratory was completely annihilated. In order to destroy the Ten Wise 
Men who continued to run out of control repeatedly, a request to call 
out the Planet Nede Occupation Forces will be made. 
File 3:
As the result of a pitched battle, the security forces succeeded in 
driveing the Ten Wise Men into the interior of the laboratory. When the 
interior of the laboratory was entered, the interior was found to be an 
empty shell. It appears that somehow Dr. Lantis had confined the Ten 
Wise Men in Eternity Space and left them in outer space. Although the 
Ten Wise Men could not be completely destroyed, there is no method of 
releasing the Eternity Space except for entering a release password from 
outside, so they will not cause much trouble. The Ten Wise Men will thus 
probably be left wandering through outer space of Eternity.

-Final Report-

File 1: 
A person who had committed suicide inside the laboratory was confirmed 
to be Dr. Lantis himself without a doubt. Thus, this matter came to a 
resolution. However, one troubling thing was that the remains of the 
thought routines of Dr. Lantis and his daughter Filia had been left in 
the computers inside the laboratory. It is feared that perhaps Dr. 
Lantis had converted his own consciousness into a computer program which 
was embedded into the as-yer incomplete Indalecio.
File 2: 
Because of this series of incidents due to the Ten Wise Men Plan, 80% if 
the entire forces of Planet Nede had suffered crushing blows. The 
frontier planets seized this opportunity to start a coordinated revolt. 
It became more and more difficult to suppress these rebel forces. Seeing 
the gravity of the situation, the supreme council of the planet Nede 
made the decision to migrate the entire population to an artificial 
File 3:
This artificial satellite named Energy Nede, which would be completely 
surrounded with a Class 9 super energy field. This would halt the 
advance the rebel forces upon the original planet Nede. However, this 
would also cut off all interaction between us Nedians and the outside 
world. Together with our migration to Energy Nede, it was decided to 
impose an information blackout on this entire series of incidents. Thus, 
all of the facts related to the Ten Wise Men Defense Plan will be purged 
from history. 


-Trying to fill the blank section (like "???",etc) from you all gamers! 
so e-mail me about that.
-Searching for minor corrections.
-Layout corrections.


Unpublished Work Copyright Joseph Andro Artanto 1999-2003.

This FAQ and everything included within this file cannot be reproduced
in any way, shape or form (physical, electronically, or otherwise) aside
from being placed on a freely-accessible, non-commercial web page in
it's original, unedited and unaltered format.  This FAQ cannot be used
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or promotional purposes.  It cannot be used in any sort of commercial
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mentioned) in ANY way, shape, or form (including reprinting, reference
or  inclusion), without the express written permission of the author,
myself. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Joseph Andro Artanto
( All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged 
and respected that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ.


Name      : Joseph Andro Artanto
Born      : November 15, 1985
Sex       : Male
FAQs      : * Star Ocean 2 FAQ
            * Star Ocean 2 Claude's Scenario Walktrough
            * Star Ocean 2 Rena's Scenario Walktrough
            * Final Fantasy Tactics Deep Dungeon Guide
            * Heroes of Might and Magic II FAQ
            * Heroes of Might and Magic III FAQ
            * Suikoden II FAQ/Walkthrough
Address   : West Jakarta, Indonesia
E-Mail    :
Website   :

Anyway, that's all! for more info about me, visit my website:

Beware, I havent updated my website for around... 2 years! ^_^
Feel free to asks questions about any other RPGs besides Suikoden 2!
Support me when I've begun creating faq for Suikoden 3!!


(The credits list is created without any particular order)

*Thanks to IanKelley (, so I can finish the 
game and help me to understand about the item creation.
*Thanks to PrasetiaG ( killer moves info, so I can 
finish the killer moves list.
*Thanks to Catman ( for his Opera and Ernest's best 
*Thanks to Darrick C.Mattsen ( cookbooks.
*Thanks to WalterWilliams ( for his skills and 
item creation list. 
*Thanks to Michael Welch ( for his informations 
on Float skills, etc.
*Thanks to Jonathan Toellner ( info on Santa Boots
*Thanks to for his info on Dias's best equipments.
*Thanks to everyone who give me info, question, suggestion, and critics.
 Here they are: Chris, Lancelot Camelot, John Ray, Galaxie15, Jasmine,
 King Oberon, Dan Nicholson, Kelly, RPG20dbsm, DBNMF,,
 Chris Garcia , Kyle Ferguson ,
*And finally thanks to Me, Joseph Andro Artanto (,  
 Okay, goodbye, and if you have any comments or questions about RPG's
 simply e-mail me ( or contact me by ICQ(55139575).
 You can visit me at
*And finally, big thanks to Enix, Tri-ace, and Links, for producing this 
 great RPG!

Information :
Author     : Joseph Andro Artanto
E-Mail     :
Website    :
Pages      : 63
Version    : 2.3
Last Update: 3:43 PM 7/28/2003

This FAQ is copyrighted 1999-2003 Joseph Andro Artanto.