Suikoden 4 (e)

Suikoden IV Faq/Walkthrough
by Ryvius (



Version 1.0 (January 5th, 2005)  - Initial release 
Version 1.1 (January 10th, 2005) - Added Minigames section
                                 - Added Window Set List
                                 - Added Tips & Tricks section
Version 1.2 (January 11th, 2005) - Added Special Sets section
Version 1.3 (January 15th, 2005) - Included treasure maps location in the
Version 1.4 (January 16th, 2005) - Corrected some spelling & some errors in
                                   the walkthrough
Version 1.5 (January 18th, 2005) - Corrected some spelling & some errors in
                                   the walkthrough
Version 1.6 (January 19th, 2005) - Corrected some spelling & some errors in
                                   the walkthrough
Version 1.7 (January 20th, 2005) - Corrected some spelling & some errors in
                                   the walkthrough
Version 1.8 (February 5th, 2005) - Removed treasure location


This FAQ/Walkthrough is based on Suikoden IV Japanese version. Feel free to 
email any questions or suggestions. Due to time constraints, do not expect a 
reply on email.

Disclaimer: This document may not be used for anything besides non-profit 
and any reproduction of this work, in part or whole, must give proper credit 
to the original author.

This guide can be found on:
- GameFAQs 
- Neoseeker 
- Cheatcc 
- Cheat Planet 
- GamerHelp 
- Gamers Temple 

Thank you.

Copyright Ryvius 2005


Quick Walkthrough


Note: There is no file transfer function in Suikoden IV

- After opening cut scene, you'll encounter your first ship battle (you may 
  lose this battle)
- Here is the basic strategy; your enemy has two elements: lightning & water so 
  you need to use lightning element
- Fight against Glen & Katarina
- After that, you can accept one-on-one duel against Glen
- For one-on-one duel, here is the basic strategy; use defend in few turns to 
  observe your enemy's move patterns
- Talk to Keneth
- Talk to Tal

- None

- Explore the headquarters & enter the north door
- Go to the city port
- Light up the torches (Note: you can use this torch as a weapon for fighting 
  random encounters at the back street of the city... just for fun ^^)
- Talk to everyone at the town square
- Go back to the port & talk to Chiepoo
- Go back to the town square & choose two other members (Jewel, Paula, Keneth, 
  or Tal)
- Go to back street, defeat the pirates near the open field & don't forget to 
  pick up a treasure map on a crate beside the little girl
- After that, go back to Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters & sleep

- Manju, Water Rune: treasure box at hero's room
- Book Vol.9: treasure box at the Headquarters
- Herbs: receive it from a cat at the port
- Mushrom: treasure box at the back street
- Treasure Map: on the crate beside the little girl

- Go out & Snowe will join you
- Explore the city if you wish & don't forget to pick up a treasure map at the
- Go to training ground, choose two members (from now on, you must decide 
  who'll you pick as your two temporary members for your long journey) & 
  fight at least three times
- Go to the ship near the Headquarters & choose second then first option
  (note: you can choose between 2 missions)
- Try to get used with the ship control & fight 3 random encounters
- Go to Middle Port

- Herbs: on a shelf at the rune shop
- Mushrom: talk to a woman at the town square
- Treasure Map: on the book shelf at the inn
- Herbs x 5: treasure box at the ship cabin

[Middle Port]
- Talk to a man beside the knight near your ship
- Buy some armors or upgrade your weapons if you wish & don't forget to pick up
  a treasure map at the inn
- Find & defeat "Sea Mosamosa" in random encounters
- Go back to Middle Port & get your 2000p from the man beside the knight
- Go back to Razril

- 500p: treasure box beside item shop
- Treasure Map: on the picture at the inn
- Mushrom: treasure box in front of small hut
- Antitoxins: on the barrel in front of small hut
- Gorgeous Console: treasure box beside Lord's house

- Go to Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters
- After the cut scene, go to city port & watch Akagi & Mizuki's conversation 
  near the ship dock
- Go back to Headquarters & talk to Snowe
- Go to the meeting room & talk to Ramada
- Sail to Iluya Island

- None

[On the sea]
- On your way to Iluya Island, talk to Snowe
- Ship battle against Pirate Brandeau
- Battle & fight one-on-one against Brandeau 

- None

- Go out from your room & Snowe will join you
- Go to item shop, talk to the shopkeeper & back to headquarters
- Go to the headquarters kitchen, talk to Funghi & go to Glen's room
- Go out, talk to your friends & choose the first option
- Talk to a knight & ship battle against pirates
- After battle, go to Glen's room & sleep in your room
- Bring Glen's lunch once again
- After the cut scene, go out & fight three battles against pirates
- Go to headquarters tower
- After the cut scene, follow the path

- Knight's lunch: get it from Funghi

[On the sea]
- Sail & fight a couple random encounters
- A merchant ship will be appeared & after the cut scene, check the table 
  in the ship cabin for treasure map
- Talk to Troy & Colton then sleep
- Go out & a cut scene will be triggered
- Fight against Colton & Troy (there's no way you can win this battle)
- Run away & fight against knights
- Talk to everyone
- Sail, fight a couple random encounters & defeat Water Dragon

- Herbs x 10, Manju x 10: in the your ship cabin
- Treasure map: on the table in the merchant ship cabin

[Deserted Island]
- Talk to each member twice
- Explore this island a little bit 
- Go back to first place & choose first option (note: you can choose second 
  option three times to get the bad ending)
- Choose one of the jobs between pick up three coconuts at the east part of 
  the island, pick up three ropes at the beach or pick up three woods in the 
  jungle; after you've done with your job, go inside the cave, meet with a 
  mermaid, pick up some items, after that head to the most west part of the 
  island & sleep. Repeat these processes three times. (note: on day three, 
  you'll be asked by the mermaid & choose the first option)
- The ship is completed now, talk to everyone
- Go to the mountain through the jungle & defeat Giant Crab

- Collar: treasure box at the mountain
- Lucky Ring: pick up the shining item inside the cave (day one)
- Water Amulet: pick up the shining item inside the cave (day two)
- Guard Ring: pick up the shining item inside the cave (day three)

[On the sea]
- Sail & fight a couple random encounters
- Defeat "Killer Ei", talk to everyone & a ship will appear
- After the conversation, pick up a treasure map on a desk in the ship cabin
- Talk to Desmond twice

- Treasure map: on a desk in the Obel ship cabin

[Obel Kingdom]
- Pick up a treasure map at the port, then go to the royal palace & talk to 
- After the cut scene, go to the cave on the right of royal palace
- Inside, Tov, Louise, Shadri & Desmond will join you
- Sleep in Hero's room
- Ornan: talk to him near the armor shop & he will join you
- Now go to the ruins on the left of royal palace & Rakghi will accompany you
- Explore the ruins & when you open a box that contains "Shining Mosamosa", 
  choose run for now. You can go back later when your characters are strong 
  enough to defeat this monster. This box contains a Golden Hammer btw.
- After a while, you will encounter a boss & defeat it (note: don't use all 
  your magic now)
- Continue, you will end up meeting with Rikie & after the conversation, pick 
  up a treasure map on the tree behind Rikie
- Try to go back & you will be stopped by that boss again (now you can 
  unleash everything you have)
- After the battle, Raghi & Rikie will join you

- Treasure map: on the barrel at the port
- Lucky Ticket: talk to a girl in front of lottery shop
- Soap: talk to a woman beside Ornan
- Thunder Amulet: treasure box at the ruins
- 5000p: treasure box at the ruins
- Magic Hand: treasure box at the ruins
- One piece: treasure box at the ruins
- Window Set 2: treasure box at the ruins
- Medicine: treasure box at the ruins
- Golden Hammer: treasure box at the ruins (defeat Shining Mosamosa)
- Mushrom x 3, Medicine x 3, Scroll of Return: treasure box at the ruins
- Treasure map: on the tree behind Rikie

[On the sea]
- Go to the port & board to the ship
- Lilin will appear & ask for help (you need at least 10 stars of destiny to
  trigger this scene)
- Go to the marked area on the map
- After you defeated some pirates, choose first option & Lilin will join you
- Go back to Obel & Dario will appear
- Ship battle against Dario
- After the cut scene, go to cave & talk to Desmond
- Go to Nay Island (note: if you go to the north west from Obel, you will 
  find Moldo Island & there's a treasure map beside the Moldo hot spring)

- Window Set 4: in front of Moldo trading shop
- Treasure map: in the bucket beside the Moldo hot spring

[Nay Island]
- Collect some treasure maps at the town then go to the cliff on the right from
  the inn & talk to Oleg
- Sleep in the inn
- At night, try to go out, after a cut scene & go back to sleep
- Go to pick up the camera on the east cliff
- Go to the beach
- Optional, go to Nekobold trading shop & you can recruit Perrault 
- Go back to Obel 

- Woolen cloth: treasure box at the port
- Treasure map: treasure box at the town
- Treasure map: on the the bookshelf at the chief's house
- Treasure map: treasure box at the inn
- Treasure map: treasure box on the grass field
- Treasure map: on the grass beside Nekobold village hotspring
- Book Vol.6: on the bookshelf at the inn
- Book Vol.3: treasure box on 2nd floor at one of residences house in 
  nekobold village
- Lightning rune: treasure box at the one of residences house in nekobold 

[Obel Kingdom]
- Go to the Royal Palace. After the conversation, Oleg will join you
- Go to the cave. On your way to the cave, you'll be stopped by Akagi & Mizuki
- After you defeated them, go back to Royal Palace
- After the converstion, Akagi, Mizuki & Ramada will join you
- Go to the cave
- Ship battle against pirates
- Go to the meeting room
- Flare will join you. Now it's time to recruit new friends
- Yu: talk to him in front of armor shop & he'll join you
- Adrienne: talk to her in front of trading shop & she'll join you
- Cedric: talk to inn keeper, after a cut scene, go back to the cave, talk to 
  Louise & he will join you (note: you can't recruit him if Louise is in your 
  party as support)
- Find 2 men & 2 women: talk to people at the town & they will join
- Go back to the cave & Flare will leave
- Go to the meeting room
- After the cut scene, Kika will appear
- Go to Pirate's Nest

- None

[Pirate's Nest]
- Pick up a treasure map at the port & go inside the cave. Talk to Kika
- After the converstion, Kika, Sigurd, Hervey, Dario & Nareo will join you
- Before you leave, don't forget to pick up a treasure map at Kika's room
- Now it's time to recruit them all

- Treasure map: on the barrel at the port
- Pirate Gauntlet: treasure box at the port
- Treasure map: treasure box at Kika's room

[Nay Island]
- Viki: she will appear in front of bridge, exit & re-enter that area. Talk 
  to her & she will join you
- Ban: talk to him at Nekobold lottery shop & he will join you
- Barthelomew: after you have recruited Perrault, read his article about 
  Barthelomew at the salon 2nd floor. Then go to a house in Nekobold village, 
  talk to him & he will join you
- Go to beach & read a message bottle

- Message bottle: on the beach
- Blinking mirror: get it from Viki

[Donut Island]
- Go to the east direction from Obel Kingdom, you'll find Donut Island
- Rene: Talk to her & she will join you

- Treasure map: Rene has it

[Na Nal Island]
- Go to the east direction from Nay Island or north east from Obel Kingdom, 
  you will find Na Nal Island
- Manyu: talk to him at the inn & he will join you
- Rita: play mahjong mini game & win 500p from her
- Jeane: talk to men in front of hot spring & armor shop. Then go to rune 
  shop & choose 3rd option
- Mitsuba & Rhineholt: talk to Rhineholt & defeat Mitsuba in one-on-one 
  battle. They will join you
- Ugetsu: after you have recruited Rita, re-enter Na Nal & talk to him in 
  front of trading shop
- Before you leave, make sure you have collected all the treasure maps in
  Na Nal Island

- Treasure map: on the ship at the port
- Treasure map: treasure box at the port (defeat gold mosamosa)
- Treasure map: on the tree beside weapon shop
- Treasure map: on the mirror/shelf at the rune shop
- Power Stone: treasure box at the Na Nal leader's house

- Mao: sleep in Hero's room, Tov will complain about something, go to a room
  that can't be opened (5th floor), talk to him & he will join you
- Nao: after you have recruited Mao, sleep in Hero's room, Tov will complain 
  again about something, go to a room where you recruited Mao before, talk to 
  him & he will join you
- Shiramine: after you have recruited Ugetsu, talk to Ugetsu & Shiramine will 
  join you
- Lilan: sail to the sea between Nay & Na Nal, talk to Shiramine, choose 1st 
  option & leave this place. After a few minutes, talk to Shiramine again, 
  choose 2nd option & she will join you (note: if you can't find her, repeat 
  these steps until you manage to catch her)

- None

[Deserted Island]
- Sail to the center of the map or north west from Obel, you will find 
  Deserted Island
- Taisuke: go inside cave, talk to him, go out, pick up his clothes, re-enter 
  the cave, give his clothes, go out, re-enter the cave once again, talk to 
  him & he will join you
- Lilen: after you have recruited Taisuke, enter the cave where you get 
  Taisuke, talk to her & she will join you

- None

[Pirate's Nest ~ Razril]
- Go back to Pirate's Nest & Katarina will be there
- Ship battle against Snowe
- After the battle, chase him to Razril (note: during this scene, you can't 
  enter other islands)
- At Razril, a cut scene will be triggered & choose 2nd option
- Go back to Pirate's Nest
- Phil: if you already have 40 or more stars of destiny, talk to him & he 
  will join you
- Lilon: talk to a pirate at the port, leave & re-enter Pirate's Nest using 
  ship, Lilon will show up & she will join you

- None

[Optional: Iluya Island]
- Go to the north direction from Nay Island, you'll find Iluya Island (note: 
  before go to Iluya, buy a flower seed at the trading shop & bring Mizuki)
- Lilun: after you have four other mermaids, talk to her at the port (note: 
  she hides on the lower right part at the port)
- Don't forget to pick up a treasure map on crates in front of a house
- Natalie: talk to her & she will join you
- Isaac: buy a seed flower, give it to him & he will join you
- Kate: bring Mizuki & she will join you

- Sea rune piece, treasure map: treasure box at the port
- Chirachira decoration: treasure box at the port
- Treasure map: on crates in front of a house
- Guardian grab: treasure box (defeat Shining mosamosa) in front of a house
- Sea rune piece, treasure map: treasure box in front of a house
- Simple wallpaper: treasure box in front of a house
- Hero armor: treasure box in the rumbles (defeat Shining mosamosa)
- Book vol.7: treasure box in the rumbles

[Hermitage Island]
- Go to the north west direction from Pirate's Nest, you will find Hermitage 
- Go to Elenor's house
- After the cut scene, go to the cave, defeat the boss, pick up the items &
  don't forget to pick up a treasure map on the rock behind altar in the cave
- Go back to Elenor's house & give these items to Agnes
- Elenor & Agnes will join you
- Before you leave, don't forget to pick up a treasure map in treasure box 
  beside the entrance of Elenora's house

- Medicine, Skunk rune: treasure box in the jungle
- Green hairpin, crest: on altar in the cave
- Treasure map: on the rock behind altar in the cave
- Crab bowl: in the kitchen
- Copper hammer: treasure box in the jungle
- Treasure map: treasure box beside the entrance of Elenora's house
- Earth rune: in the well

- Go to meeting room
- Duel one-on-one against Reno
- Get the golden stamp
- Now it's time to recruit them all

- Golden stamp: receive it from Reno

[Recruit them all]
- Narcle, Champo: bring Chiepoo to Nay Island (enter using your ship), go to 
  Nekobold trading shop, go to the bridge, a cut scene will be triggered, go 
  to the back of storage in Nekobold village, play cat & mouse mini game & 
  get the golden stamp back (note: you only can recruit them when you have 
  the golden stamp)
- Katarina: go to Kika's room & talk to her
- Lou Sen, Lou Haku & Lou Fou: go to Moldo hot spring, defeat them & they 
  will join you
- Igori: after you have recruited Lou Sen, Lou Haku & Lou Fou, go to Moldo 
  hot spring & talk to him
- Aldo: go to Hermitage Island & talk to him 
- Gau: go to Hermitage Island, defeat him in random encounter in the jungle 
  (note: it's easier to find him at the second screen from the port)
- Jungle, Bleak: after you have recruited 50 or more stars of destiny, go to 
  Hero's room & talk to them

- None

[Middle Port]
- Go to meeting room
- Go to Middle Port
- Defeat the boss
- Go to Lord's house
- Go back to port & talk to Reinbach
- Now it's time to recruit them all
- Deborah, Oscar: talk to them at the inn (note: Oscar will join you later 
  without notice)
- Keen: bring Sigurd, talk to him, remove Sigurd from your party, go back & 
  talk to him & pay 10000p
- Reinbach, Mickey: go to Nay Island inn, talk to Gareth, go back to Middle 
  Port & give the rose brooch to Reinbach
- Etienne: bring Reinbach, talk to him in front of the Lord's house
- Gareth: after you have recruited Reinbach, talk to him at the Nay Island 
- Helga: talk to a man at the Nay Island inn, talk to her in front of Middle 
  Port inn
- Charlemagne: after you have recruited Helga, talk to him in front of Middle 
  Port inn, telport back to HQ, re-enter Middle Port (using your ship), & 
  repeat these steps until he joins you

- Interior book: talk to a woman in front of inn

[Ghost Ship]
- After you have recruited 70 stars of destiny or more, enter the meeting 
- A cut scene will be triggered, follow the path & defeat the boss
- After you defeated the boss, go down & pick up pirate king vest
- Get out from ghost ship
- Ted will join you

- Pirate king vest: treasure box behind the boss

[Na Nal Island]
- Go to the town
- Fight some knights
- After cut scenes, pick up Book Vol.4 in treasure box & sleep
- Go to Elf's hideout & pick up item on the altar
- After that, go to chief house
- Try to go back to your ship & Selma will appear
- Talk to everyone
- Go out, defeat some knights & Axel will join
- Go to port, talk to Selma & she will join

- Book Vol.4: treasure box in the prison

[Nay Island]
- Go to Nay leader's house
- After conversation, re-enter Nay Island & go to Nay leader's house
- After that, Kevin & Pam will join
- Now it's time to recruit them all
- Millay: talk to a man beside trading shop in Middle Port, bring Reinbach,
  go to Na Nal Island, defeat some men, choose first option both times & 
  she will join
- Eugene: talk to him in front of Na Nal inn

- None

- Enter the meeting room
- Ship battle against Helmuth
- After the battle, Helmuth will join
- Go to Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters, talk to everyone & recruit 1 man 
  & 1 child at the training ground
- Talk to everyone in the town
- Re-enter the training ground, after the cut scene, fight some knights
- In the afternoon, pick up some items in Razril Gaien Knights 
  Headquarters: at the training ground, in front of a door & on the tower 
- After that, go to the port, go to the inn & sleep
- Next morning, try to go back to your ship 
- Ship battle against Snowe & after winning, choose 2nd option
- Now it's time to recruit them all
- Funghi: talk to him at the kitchen in Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters
- Basil: talk to her at the town square
- Maxine: defeat her in  Na Nal Island & Nay Island, then talk to her at 
  the Razril inn
- Gretchen: talk to her in front of armor shop
- Karl: talk to him at the Razril back street where you saved a little girl
- Conrad: bring Katarina & talk to him
- Frederika: talk to her at the item shop 
- Amelia: talk to her at the tower in Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters

- Platina: treasure box at the port
- Window Set 9: talk to man on the way to town square
- Silver Hammer: treasure box in front of a door at Razril Gaien Knights 
  Headquarters (only in the afternoon)
- Treasure map, guardian bracelet: on the tower at Razril Gaien Knights 
  Headquarters (only in the afternoon)
- Hero shield: treasure box at the training ground in Razril Gaien Knights
  Headquarters (only in the afternoon)

[Pirate's Nest]
- Talk to Tanya & she will join you
- Go inside the cave
- The golden stamp will be returned to Reno
- Go to Obel Kingdom

- None

[Obel Kingdom]
- Ship battle against Colton
- After you defeated Colton, choose 2nd option "Please wait" & talk to a 
  pirate standing beside Colton to get Pirate king Bracers
- Then, talk to Elenor to continue
- Another ship battle
- Now it's time to recruit them all
- Wendell: talk to Nico at the HQ then talk to her at the port
- Nabokov: talk to him at the apprisal shop
- Tristan: bring Yu & talk to him 
- Carrie: bring Yu & talk to her at the port
- Gunter: talk to him in Middle Port, Na Nal & finally in Obel
- Gary, Emma: talk to them in front of royal palace
- Noah: talk to her, she hides behind king's throne at the royal palace
- Rachel: bring Cedric to the cave on the right of royal palace & pay 5000p
- Travis: go to ruins on the left of royal palace where you meet Rikie, use 
  Scroll of Return, re-enter the ruins & talk to him

- Pirate king Bracers: talk to a pirates standing beside Colton

[Recruit them all]
- Warlock: talk to Pablo in HQ machine room on 5th floor, go to Middle Port, 
  check the empty treasure box in a smallhut, choose 1st option "24" & at 
  the end of dungeon, you can recruit him
- Pecola: after you have recruited Warlock, re-enter Middle Port (using ship), 
  go to the small hut where you recruited Warlock & give her Interior book 
  (get it from one of women in front of Middle Port inn)
- Jeremy: bring Mitsuba to the open field in Na Nal Island (the same spot 
  where you recruited Mitsuba) & talk to him
- Snowe: after you have recruited 107 stars of destiny, go to Moldo Island, 
  talk to a man there & sail to the west from Moldo. You will find Snowe & 
  you can recruit him now.

[Optional: Treasure Hunting]
- Now you can collect treasures in the Donut Island, Moldo Island, Limestone 
  Shelves & Mountain Island. Limestone Shelves is located west of Pirate's Nest 
  & Mountain Island is located north of Razril
- To start your treasure hunting, simply by talking to Rene in HQ
- Please see treasure map lists section for all treasures data

- Treasure map: treasure box in the Limestone Shelves
- Silk juice: treasure box in the Mountain Island
- 10000p: treasure box in the Mountain Island
- Diamond x 5, Prosperity rune: treasure box in the Mountain Island (defeat 
  Gold Mosamosa)
- Mixed Herbs: treasure box in the Mountain Island
- Gauntlet: treasure box in the Mountain Island

- Go up to the ship deck, prepare everything you need for final battle & then
  enter the meeting room
- After choosing your second party members, sleep in Hero's room
- Enter the meeting room, talk to Elenor & choose 3rd option to continue
- Talk to everyone in HQ (if you wish) but don't forget to talk to Rita to 
  get an Amulet
- Sleep in Hero's room
- Go up to the ship deck
- Final ship battle 

- Amulet: talk to Rita at the HQ salon 

[El-Eal Fortress]
- After winning the ship battle, your second party can enter the fortress
- Get Hero helm & Dark Mantle (on a dead body) at the basement
- Go upstairs
- On level 4, pick up a treasure box & you will fight against the boss
- After the fight, decide your final party members (note: you still can go 
  back to your ship by talking to Raghi)
- On level 2, pick up a treasure box (defeat Shining Mosamosa)
- Go to level 4, enter a room & pick the key to open a door on level 2
- Go back to level 2 & open the locked door
- Pick up a treasure box & go upstairs to the top of fortress
- Save your game & enter the door to fight against the last boss
- After the fight, go back to your ship by talking to Raghi 
- Fight your final one-on-one duel
- Congratulation you have beaten Suikoden IV & enjoy the ending
- Save your clear game (if you wish) & you can use it for new game plus  

- Herbs: treasure box in front of fortress entrance
- Hero helm: treasure box at the basement 
- Dark Mantle: on a dead body at the basement
- Herbs, mixed herbs & fortune rune: treasure box on level 4
- Shield: treasure box on level 2 (defeat Shining Mosamosa)
- Goddess feather: treasure box on level 3 
- Magic Canceller: treasure box on level 2 (inside locked door)
- Mixed herbs: treasure box on your way to the top of fortress


Stars of Destiny:

1.  Tenkai Hero

2.  Tengou Reno En Curdez: Joins automatically

3.  Tenki Elenor Silverberg: Joins automatically
4.  Tenkan Ted: After you have recruited 70 stars of destiny or more, enter 
    the meeting room & clear Ted's sub-quest
5.  Tenyu Tal: Joins automatically
6.  Tenyu Isaac: Iluya Island, buy a flower seed, give it to him 
7.  Tenmou Axel: Joins automatically
8.  Teni Selma: Na Nal Island, talk to her after you have completed Na Nal 
    Island event

9.  Tenei Aldo: Hermitage Island, talk to him 
10. Tenki Shtolteheim Reinbach III: Middle Port, go to Nay Island inn, talk 
    to Gareth, go to Middle Port & give the rose brooch to Reinbach 
11. Tenfu Chiepoo: Joins automatically
12. Tenman Paula: Joins automatically
13. Tenko Kika: Joins automatically 

14. Tensho Keneth: Joins automatically
15. Tenritsu Ramada: Joins automatically
16. Tenbin Travis: Obel Kingdom, go to ruins on the left of royal palace 
    where you meet Rikie, use Scroll of Return, re-enter the ruins & talk to 
17. Tenan Snowe Vingerhut: Ask him to join twice & after you have recruited 
    107 stars of destiny, go to Moldo Island, talk to a man there & sail to 
    the west from Moldo. You will find Snowe & you can recruit him now. 
    (note: you only can recruit Snowe before the final battle)

18. Tenyu Rachel: Obel Kingdom, bring Cedric to cave on the right of royal 
    palace & pay 5000p 
19. Tenku Helga: Middle Port, talk to a man at the Nay Island inn, talk to 
    her in front of Middle Port inn 
20. Tensoku Cedric: Obel Kingdom, talk to inn keeper, after a cut scene, go 
    back to the cave, talk to Louise 

21. Teni Keen: Middle Port, bring Sigurd, talk to him, remove Sigurd from 
    your party, go back & talk to him & pay 10000p 
22. Tensatsu Gau: Hermitage Island, defeat him in random encounter in the 
    jungle (note: it's easier to find him at the second screen from port)

23. Tenbi Gretchen: Razril, after liberating Razril, talk to her in front of 
    armor shop 
24. Tenkyu Conrad: Razril, after liberating Razril, bring Katarina & talk to 
25. Tentai Jewel: Joins automatically
26. Tenjyu Katarina: Pirate's Nest, after you have the golden stamp, go to 
    Kika's room & talk to her
27. Tenken Lou Sen: Moldo Island, go to Moldo hot spring, defeat him
28. Tenpei Shiramine: HQ, after you have recruited Ugetsu, talk to Ugetsu & 
    Shiramine will join you 
29. Tenzai Lou Fon: Joins with Lou Sen
30. Tenson Ugetsu: Na Nal Island, after you have recruited Rita, re-enter Na 
    Nal & talk to him in front of trading shop 
31. Tenhai Lou Haku: Joins with Lou Sen 
32. Tenrou Rakghi: Joins automatically
33. Tenkei Rikie: Joins automatically

34. Tenbou Jungle: HQ, after you have recruited 50 or more stars of destiny, 
    go to hero's room & talk to them 
35. Tenkoku Bleak: Joins with Jungle
36. Tenkou Flare: Joins automatically 

37. Chikai Tanya: Pirate's Nest, after liberating Razril, talk to her at the 
    entrance of Pirate's Nest

38. Chisatsu Jeremy: Na Nal Island, bring Mitsuba to the open field in Na Nal 
    Island (the same spot where you recruited Mitsuba) & talk to him

39. Chiyu Gareth: Nay Island, after you have recruited Reinbach, talk to him 
    at the Nay Island inn

40. Chiketsu Jeane: Na Nal Island, talk to men in front of hot spring & armor 
    shop. Then go to rune shop & choose 3rd option 

41. Chiyu Lilon: Pirate's Nest, talk to a pirate at the port, leave & re-
    enter Pirate's Nest using ship, Lilon will show up & she will join you 

42. Chii Gary: Obel Kingdom, after liberating Obel, talk to them in front of 
    royal palace 

43. Chiei Emma: Joins with Gary

44. Chiki Sigurd: Joins automatically

45. Chimou Hervey: Joins automatically

46. Chibun Mickey: Joins with Reinbach 

47. Chisei Nabokov: Obel Kingdom, after liberating Obel, talk to him at the 
    apprisal shop 

48. Chikatsu Frederika: Razril, after liberating Razril, talk to her at the 
    item shop

49. Chitou Mao: HQ, sleep in Hero's room, Tov will complain about something,
    go to a room that can't be opened (5th floor), talk to him

50. Chikyou Bartholomew: Nay Island, after you have recruited Perrault, read 
    his article about Barthelomew at the HQ salon 2nd floor. Then go to his 
    house in Nekobold village, talk to him 

51. Chian Helmuth: Joins automatically 

52. Chijiku Pablo: Joins automatically 

53. Chikai Ban: Nay Island, talk to him at Nekobold lottery 

54. Chisa Lilun: Iluya Island, after you have four other mermaids, talk to 
    her at the port (note: she hides on the lower right part at the port) 

55. Chiyu Lilen: Deserted Island, after you have recruited Taisuke, enter the 
    cave where you get Taisuke, talk to her 

56. Chirei Yu: Obel Kingdom, talk to him in front of armor shop 

57. Chiju Carrie: Obel Kingdom, bring Yu & talk to her at the port

58. Chibi Dario: Joins automatically 

59. Chikyu Millay: Na Nal Island, making an alliance with Nay, talk to a man 
    beside trading shop in Middle Port, bring Reinbach, defeat some men &
    choose first option both times

60. Chibou Rhineholt: Joins with Mitsuba 

61. Chizen Warlock: talk to Pablo in HQ machine room on 5th floor, go to 
    Middle Port, check the empty treasure box in a smallhut, choose 1st 
    option "24" & at the end of dungeon, you can recruit him 

62. Chikou Akagi: Joins automatically 

63. Chikyou Mizuki: Joins with Akagi 

64. Chihi Ornan: Obel Kingdom, talk to him near the armor shop

65. Chisou Manyu: Na Nal Island, talk to him at the inn

66. Chikou Rene: Donut Island, pick up a message bottle on the Nay beach & 
    talk to her

67. Chimei Amelia: Razril, after liberating Razril, talk to her at the tower 
    in Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters

68. Chishin Nico: Joins automatically

69. Chitai Wendell: Obel Kingdom, talk to Nico at the HQ then talk to her at 
    the port

70. Chiman Tov: Joins automatically 

71. Chisui Phil: Pirate's Nest, if you already have 40 or more stars of 
    destiny, talk to him

72. Chishu Eugene: Na Nal Island, after making an alliance with Nay, talk to
    him in front of Na Nal inn

73. Chiin Mitsuba: talk to Rhineholt & defeat Mitsuba in one-on-one battle

74. Chii Lilan: HQ, sail to the sea between Nay & Na Nal, you need to setup
    a net to catch her by talking to Shiramine

75. Chiri Natalie: Iluya Island, talk to her

76. Chishun Nao: HQ, after you have recruited Mao, sleep in Hero's room, Tov
    will complain again about something, go to a room where you recruited Mao
    before & talk to him

77. Chigaku Etienne: Middle Port, bring Reinbach, talk to him in front of the
    Lord's house

78. Chishou Viki: Nay Island, she will appear in front of bridge, exit & re-
    enter that area. Talk to her

79. Chisoku Kate: Iluya Island, bring Mizuki & talk to her

80. Chichin Charlemagne: Middle Port, after you have recruited Helga, talk to 
    him in front of Middle Port inn, telport back to HQ, re-enter Middle Port 
    (using your ship), & repeat these steps until he joins you

81. Chikei Rita: Na Nal Island, play mahjong mini game & win 500p from her

82. Chima Oleg: Joins automatically 

83. Chiyou Perrault: Nay Island, talk to him at the Nekobold trading shop

84. Chiyu Deborah: Middle Port, talk to her at the inn

85. Chifuku Agnes: Joins with Elenor

86. Chihi Tristan: Obel Kingdom, after liberating Obel, bring Yu & talk to 

87. Chiku Noa: Obel Kingdom, after liberating Obel, talk to her, she hides 
    behind king's throne at the royal palace

88. Chiko Adrienne: Obel Kingdom, after liberating Obel, talk to her in front 
    of trading shop

89. Chizen Seth: Joins automatically

90. Chitan Narcle: bring Chiepoo to Nay Island (enter using your ship), go to 
    Nekobold trading shop, go to the bridge, a cut scene will be triggered, 
    go to the back of storage in Nekobold village, play cat & mouse mini game 
    & get the golden stamp back (note: you only can recruit him when you have 
    the golden stamp)

91. Chikaku Champo: Joins with Narcle

92. Chishu Funghi: Razril, after liberating Razril, talk to him at the 
    kitchen in Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters

93. Chizou Pecola: Middle Port, after you have recruited Warlock, re-enter 
    Middle Port (using ship), go to the small hut where you recruited Warlock 
    & give her Interior book (get it from one of women in front of Middle 
    Port inn) 

94. Chihei Maxine: Razril, defeat her in Na Nal Island & Nay Island, then talk
    to her at the Razril inn

95. Chison Basil: Razril, after liberating Razril, talk to her at the town 

96. Chido Igori: Moldo Island, after you have recruited Lou Sen, Lou Haku & 
    Lou Fou, go to Moldo hot spring & talk to him

97. Chisatsu Lilin: Near Obel, when you are deserted in Deserted Island on 
    third day choose 1st option,later after you defeated some pirates, choose 
    1st option again & she will join you

98. Chiaku Karl: Razril, after liberating Razril, talk to him at the Razril 
    back street where you saved a little girl

99. Chishu Gunter: Obel Kingdom, talk to him in Middle Port, Na Nal & finally 
    in Obel

100. Chisu Desmond: Joins automatically 

101. Chiin Louise: Joins automatically 

102. Chikei Kevin: Nay Island, after making an alliance with Nay, talk to Nay 
     leader re-enter Nay Island & go to Nay leader's house

103. Chisou Pam: Joins with Kevin

104. Chiretsu Taisuke: Deserted Island, go inside cave, talk to him, go out,
     pick up his clothes, re-enter the cave, give his clothes, go out, re-
     enter the cave once again, talk to him 

105. Chiken Nareo: Joins automatically

106. Chikou Halt: Joins automatically

107. Chizoku Oscar: Joins with Deborah (note: Oscar joins you without notice)

108. Chiku Shadri: Joins automatically 


Unite Attacks

Note: In Suikoden IV, you can level up unite attack simply by using related 
      characters in battles, every 10 battles the unite attack gains one level

- Best Friend Attack: Hero + Snowe
- Ninja Attack: Akagi + Mizuki
- Pirate Attack: Sigurd + Hervey
- Body Charge Attack: Karl + Helga
- Family Attack: Reno + Flare
- Middle Aged Men Attack: Ornan + Rhineholt + Barthelomew
- Spear Attack: Reno + Eugene + Rachel
- Pretty Boys Attack: Sigurd + Hervey + Helmuth
- Pretty Boys Attack II: Jeremy + Travis + Tristan
- True Best Friend Attack: Hero + Snowe
- Double Sword Attack: Hero + Kika
- Fisherman Attack: Shiramine + Ugetsu
- Sibling Attack: Lou Haku + Lou Sen + Lou Fon
- Great Sword Attack A: Selma + Mitsuba
- Great Sword Attack B: Selma + Isaac + Axel
- Bow & Arrow Attack: Ted + Aldo
- Beautiful Friendship Attack: Reinbach + Charlemagne
- Random Shot Attack: Ted + Lou Haku or Aldo + Flare or Frederika
- Knight Attack: Tal + Jewel + Paula + Keneth
- Pretty Girls Attack: Viki + Rita + Millay
- Pretty Women Attack: Kika + Jeane + Amelia or Gretchen
- Berserker Attack: Dario + Gau
- Magician Attack: Katarina + Conrad
- Master & Apprentice Attack: Warlock + Pablo
- True Ninja Attack: Akagi + Mizuki + Kate
- Meow Attack: Chiepoo + Narcle + Champo


Treasure Map List

Note: I suggest that you get the treasure no.16 first because it contains the
      Champion Rune. After you got Champion Rune, equip it & then you can 
      search for the others peacefully.

No. Where you can get the map: Item(s)

1.  Rene has it: rage rune
2.  Treasure box at the small hut's dungeon in Middle Port: book vol.1
3.  Treasure box at a house in Iluya Island: karadai bench
4.  Treasure box in Hermitage Island: flood rune
5.  Cat & mouse minigame in Nekobold Village: simple carpet
6.  Treasure box at Nay leader's house: ninja suit
7.  Treasure box on the grass field in Nay Island: window set5
8.  Treasure box at Kika's Room in Pirate's Nest: coral console
9.  Treasure box in Mountain Island: armor shield
10. On the crate beside the little girl in Razril (only night): steal hand
11. Treasure box at the Na Nal Island port (defeat gold mosamosa): gorgeous 
12. On the table in the merchant ship cabin: inishie robe
13. On the barrel at the Obel port: thunder rune
14. Win Basil's top mini game 20 times: magic canceller + 1000p
15. On the barrel at the Pirate's Nest port: ship flag 3
16. Treasure box at the Iluya Island port: champion rune 
17. On the grass beside Nekobold village hotspring: diamond + 5000p
18. On the tree beside Na Nal Island weapon shop: cyclone rune
19. On the picture at the Middle Port inn: slash rune + 1000p
20. On crates in front of a house in Iluya Island: nekobold hat + 2000p
21. Treasure box at the town in Nay Island: tatami
22. On the rock behind altar in the cave in Hermitage Island: thunder amulet + 
23. On the desk in the Obel ship cabin: ul robe + 2000p
24. On the ship at the Na Nal Island port: wing boots+ 1000p
25. On the bookshelf at the Razril inn: god hand
26. In the bucket beside the Moldo hot spring: dragon hat
27. Treasure box at the Nay Island inn: forest wallpaper
28. On the mirror/shelf at the Na Nal Island rune shop: guide shield + 2000p
29. On the tree behind Rikie in Obel Ruins: mother earth rune
30. On the tower at Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters (only in the afternoon): 
    guardian circlet


Hammers List

Iron Hammer  : Obel Kingdom, get it after you defeated a boss
Copper Hammer: Hermitage Island, treasure box in the jungle
Silver Hammer: Razril, treasure box in front of a door at Razril Gaien Knights
               Headquarters (only in the afternoon)
Golden Hammer: Obel Ruins, treasure box at the ruins (defeat Shining Mosamosa)


Books List

Book Vol.1 : Treasure map no.2
Book Vol.2 : Razril, win Basil's top mini game 10 times
Book Vol.3 : Nekobold Village, treasure box on 2nd floor at one of residence 
Book Vol.4 : Na Nal Island, treasure box in the prison
Book Vol.5 : Nekobold Village, win cat & mouse mini game (1-3 options)
Book Vol.6 : Nay Island, on the bookshelf at the inn
Book Vol.7 : Iluya Island, treasure box in the rumbles
Book Vol.8 : Middle Port, on the bookshelf at Warlock's room
Book Vol.9 : Razril, treasure box at the Headquarters
Book Vol.10: Nekobold Village, win cat & mouse mini game (2-3 options)


Window Set List

Window Set 1 : Obel Kingdom Sea, you need to setup a net by talking to Shiramine
Window Set 2 : Obel Ruins, treasure box
Window Set 3 : Razril/HQ, Win Basil's top mini game 5 times
Window Set 4 : Moldo Island, treasure box
Window Set 5 : Treasure map no.7
Window Set 6 : Razril Sea, you need to setup a net by talking to Shiramine
Window Set 7 : Nekobold, cat & mouse minigame (3-1 options)
Window Set 8 : Obel Kingdom Sea, you need to setup a net by talking to Shiramine
Window Set 9 : Razril, talk to man on the way to town square
Window Set 10: You have it from the beginning


Rare Runes List

Rage Rune        : Treasure map no.1, Conrad has it
Flowing Rune     : Treasure map no.4, Warlock has it
Cyclone Rune     : Treasure map no.18, Maxine has it
Thunder Rune     : Treasure map no.13
Mother Earth Rune: Treasure map no.29, Warlock has it
Champion Rune    : Treasure map no.16
Slash Rune       : Treasure map no.19, Reinholt's dojo lv.2, Middle Port item
Fury Rune        : Beat Reinholt's dojo lv.5
Fortune Rune     : Treasure box at the El-Eal Fortress
Prosperity Rune  : Treasure box in the Mountain Island (defeat Gold Mosamosa),
                   Lou Sen has it


Special Sets

Pirate King Set
- Pirate king crown  : HQ, lottery prize
- Pirate king vest   : Ghost Ship, treasure box behind the boss
- Pirate king bracers: HQ, after ship battle against Colton, talk to a pirate
                       standing beside Colton
- Pirate king shoes  : Pirate's Nest Sea, you need to setup a net by talking to

Hero Set
- Hero helm  : El-Eal Fortress, treasure box at the basement
- Hero armor : Iluya Island, treasure box in the rumbles (defeat Shining 
- Hero shield: Razril, treasure box at the training ground Razril Gaien Knights
               Headquarters (only in the afternoon)
- Hero boots : Nekobold Village, cat & mouse minigame (3-3 options)

Guardian Set
- Guardian circlet : Treasure Map No.30
- Guardian grab    : Iluya Island, treasure box (defeat Shining mosamosa) in 
                     front of a house
- Guardian bracelet: Razril, on the tower at Razril Gaien Knights Headquarters
                     (only in the afternoon)
- Guardian sandals : Middle Port, after liberating Obel, talk to a child in 
                     Middle Port


Bath Scenes

- Hero
- Katarina
- Aldo & Ted
- Warlock & Pablo
- Ugetsu & Shiramine
- Kate & Mizuki
- Conrad & Eugene
- Gau & Dario
- Charlemagne & Reinbach
- Jewel & Paula
- Jeane & Viki
- Dario & Nareo
- Tristan & Yu
- Flare & Reno
- Noa & Rita
- Mizuki & Rita
- Gretchen, Helga & Millay
- Jeremy, Mitsuba & Reinholt
- Sigurd, Harvey & Helmuth
- Chiepoo, Champo & Narcle
- Hero, Snowe, Keneth & Tal


Snowe's Outfits

Note: you need to setup a net by talking to Shiramine

Knight Outfit    : Razril Sea
Aristocrat Outfit: Pirate's Nest Sea
Pirate Outfit    : Iluya Island Sea


Lottery Shop (HQ)

No Prize
1. 10000p, Pirate king helmet, Diamond
2. Sunbeam rune
3. Jizo cloth
4. Medicine
5. Herbs


Cat & Mouse

Opts Prize
1-1. Fire Rune
1-2. Treasure Map No.5
1-3. Book Vol.5
2-1. Mouton sofa
2-2. Wooden Desk
2-3. Book Vol.10
3-1. Window Set 7
3-2. Mysterius circlet
3-3. Hero boots


Card Game

Bet  Prize
500  Herbs, throat drops, mushrom
2000 Shell, bone, mint
5000 Pearl, platina, diamond



Wins 1st time, 2nd time
 1    - , Herbs
 5   Window Set 3, Throat drops
 10  Book Vol.2, Scroll of Return
 15  Simple Sofa, Sacrificial Jizo
 20  Treasure Map no.14, Mixed Herbs

Tips & Tricks

Quick Money:
- Buy some rums from Middle Port then sell it at Moldo Island
- Slash Rune + Prosperity Rune + Potch Finder (support) = Fast Money
- Play Gunter's dice minigame

What's in the new game plus?
- Items & money are carried over into the New Game Plus (except for special 
- You can skip cutscenes by pressing x button
- Full World Map from the beginning
- You can change your lead character
- You can listen to last boss battle music in Etienne's music test

If you missed someone talk to Deborah (Deck level 4, third door on your
right) & she will give you a hint as to where they are. Also, if you don't
remember what you need to do, talk to her & she will let you know 
(Submitted by Lyrl Westrum)


---- CREDITS ----

	Thanks to Konami for making this awesome game

CjayC & GameFAQs 
	The largest collection of game faqs on earth

Genso Suikoden IV - Capture Site 
	For most of information

Blue Moon & Suikox 
	For unite attack & name translations

Anthony Chin
	For suggesting me to include treasure maps location in the walkthrough

Lyrl Westrum
        For correcting some errors in the walkthrough & submitting tips

.... and thank you for reading this guide.