Andere Lösungen

Suikoden 3 (e)

Suikoden III FAQ
by Ryvius (


Version 2.0 Minor Updated (2 December 2002)

Version 1.9 Minor Updated (7 November 2002)

Version 1.8 Minor Updated (4 November 2002)

Version 1.7 Minor Updated (30 October 2002)

Version 1.6 Updated Short Cuts to Ultimate 108 + 4 Characters Guide (28 October 2002)

Version 1.5 Minor Updated (26 October 2002)

Version 1.4 Added Medium Bosses & Bathing Events (24 October 2002)

Version 1.2 Added Runes List (23 October 2002)

Version 1.0 Initial release (21 October 2002)


This is my first FAQ & i don't have confidence with my english, so please bear with me.
This FAQ is based on Suikoden III Japanese version.
Feel free to email any questions or suggestions.
Due to time constraints, do not expect a reply on email.

My authorized websites list:
- GameFAQs:
- Pregaming:
- Neoseeker:

Disclaimer : This document may not be used for anything besides non-profit
and any reproduction of this work, in part or whole, must give proper
credit to the original author.
Thank you...

Copyright Ryvius 2002


Stars of Destiny:

Note: I remove four last characters to avoid heavy spoiler.

1. Tenkai Thomas : Join automatically

2. Tengou Sasarai : Join automatically

3. Tenki Caesar : Join automatically

4. Tenkan : Get 104 characters before final battle

5. Tenyu Dupa : Join automatically

6. Tenyu : Get 104 characters before final battle

7. Tenmou Shiba : Join automatically

8. Teni Lucia : Join automatically

9. Tenei Yuili : Join automatically

10. Tenki Salome : Join automatically

11. Tenfu Jimba : Join automatically

12. Tenman Joan : Join automatically

13. Tenko Sergeant Joe : Join automatically

14. Tensyo Hugo : Join automatically

15. Tenritsu Bazuba : Join automatically

16. Tensyo Yun : Join automatically

17. Tenan Edge : Le Buque, pay 1000 potch & win one-on-one duel

18. Tenyu Yumi : Join automatically

19. Tenku Fubar : Join automatically

20. Tensoku Nash Latkje : Join automatically

21. Teni Aila : Join automatically

22. Tensatsu Hallec : Join automatically

23. Tenbi Chris Lightfellow : Join automatically

24. Tenkyu Estella : Alma Kinan inn, talk to Roddy, talk to Estella, talk to a child
    at Alma Kinan Altar twice & finally talk to Estella

25. Tentai Cecile : Join automatically

26. Tenjyu Geddoe : Join automatically

27. Tenken Melville : Vinay Del Zexay, after you get Billy & you can ask Melville to join
    at "Holy Loa Knight Hideout"

28. Tenhei Ace : Join automatically

29. Tenzai Alanis : Great Hollow, bring Eliot & Melville to Lizard Clan Cave (Great Hollow)

30. Tenson Queen : Join automatically

31. Tenpai Elliot : Join with Melville

32. Tenrou Frantz : Don't choose "run away" at Senai Mountain battle event

33. Tensui Iku : Join with Frantz

34. Tenbou Scott : Brass Castle, buy deer's antler & give it to him

35. Tenkoku Ernie : Brass Library, answer 5 questions correctly

36. Tenkou Deios : Join automatically

37. Chikai : Get 104 characters before final battle

38. Chisatsu Mua : Join automatically

39. Chiyu Dominic : Vinay Del Zexay, talk to him at armor shop & buy an armor from him

40. Chiketsu Jeane : Brass Castle, talk to her

41. Chiyu Shabon : Vinay Del Zexay, after you see Shabon & Guillaume playing some cat-mouse ^^,
    talk to Nei, find Guillaume at centre building & win one-on-one duel against him

42. Chii Fred : He will join if you talk about Fire Hero

43. Chiei Rico : Join with Fred

44. Chiki Percival : Join automatically

45. Chimou Borus : Join automatically

46. Chibun Twaikin : Great Hollow, talk to him at bottom right corner cave (using mini-map)

47. Chisei Nadir : Caleria inn, bring 3 men, 2 women & 1 child...
    please note: Hugo is a child ^^

48. Chikatsu Duke : Join automatically

49. Chitou Bartz : Iksay Village, buy grape from Chisha Village trading shop & give it to him

50. Chikyou Bright : Join with Futch

51. Chian Toppo : Join with Shabon

52. Chijiku Beechum : Join automatically

53. Chikai Gau : Join automatically

54. Chisa Reed : Join automatically

55. Chiyu Samus : Join automatically

56. Chirei Mio : Iksay inn, talk to her at inn 2nd floor

57. Chijyu Tuta : Chisha Village inn, bring Mio

58. Chibi Futch : Mountain Path, enter from Caleria direction & follow his mini-quest

59. Chikyu Lilly Pendragon : Join automatically

60. Chibou Jefferson : Budehuc Castle, he will appear at Budehuc Castle's entrance after
    you manage to collect more than 70 characters

61. Chizen : Get 104 characters before final battle

62. Chikou Watari : Iksay, pay 100000 potch

63. Chikyou Ayame : Northern Cave, after you get Watari, talk to him at Budehuc Castle B2,
    bring him to Northern Cave (Holy Loa Knight side-quest) for one-on-one duel

64. Chihi Sebastian : Join automatically

65. Chisou Shizu : Join automatically

66. Chikou Holtes VI : talk to him at Duck Village (1), Chisha (1), Caleria (1)
    & Duck Village (3) note: numbers in the brackets are the options

67. Chimei Ellen : Join automatically

68. Chishin Jacques : Join automatically

69. Chitai Joker : Join automatically

70. Chiman Wan-Fu : Chisha Village, pay 3000 potch

71. Chisui Eike : Join automatically

72. Chisyu Leo : Join automatically

73. Chiin Roland : Join automatically

74. Chii Sharon : Join with Futch

75. Chiri Nichol : Join automatically

76. Chisyun Karakurimaru Z (Gadget Z) : Join with Belle

77. Chigaku Nei : Join with Shabon

78. Chibin Viki : Mountain Path, enter from Amur Plains direction

79. Chisoku Young Viki : Mountain Path, after you get Viki, bring her to the same
    location where you get her

80. Chichin Augustine : Vinay Del Zexay, buy a rose brooch from Iksay item shop (third option)
    & give it to him

81. Chikei Belle : Brass Castle, give her a screw (you can get it from a black rabbit at
    Amur Plains)

82. Chima Koroku : Mt. Heitou, from the beginning: go right, right, up, (branched roads)
    take the left path, & search on the grass (Note: don't forget to open its POV in ch4
    by talking to Koroku at Budehuc Castle - in front of tavern)

83. Chiyou Arthur : Brass Castle, talk to him & check the chimney in the kitchen

84. Chiyu Kid : Duck Village, solve the duck murder event

85. Chifuku Apple : Join automatically

86. Chihi Kenji : After you get Kathy, find him at Yaza Plains, talk to him & choose
    option 2, 2

87. Chiku Mel : Iksay, talk to her

88. Chiko Peggi : Great Hollow, give him a hammer (you can get iron hammer from "human"
    at Great Hollow)

89. Chizen Martha : Join automatically

90. Chitan Wildar : Duck Village, bring Sgt.Joe

91. Chikaku Rhett : Join with Wildar

92. Chisyu Louis : Join automatically

93. Chizou Meimi : Duck Village appraiser shop, give her Crab Bowl (Hallec has it or
    you can get it from crab monster at Kuput Forest)

94. Chihei Ruby : Join with Frantz

95. Chison Muto : Join automatically

96. Chido Landis : Kuput Forest, bring 5 or less characters & he will join in
    random battle (low probability)
    Hint: it is easier if you try wandering around at second screen of Kuput Forest
    from Duck Village direction

97. Chisatsu Kathy : North Amur Plains, count the number of horses

98. Chiaku Emily : Chisha Village bar, party's total strength has to be over 600

99. Chisyu Billy : Put any "S" statues on display room 2F of Budehuc Castle, get out from the
    display room, re-enter display room, he will be there & win the card mini-game

100. Chisu Mike : Caleria trade shop, play card mini-game & win over 20000 potch

101. Chiin Ruth : Join automatically

102. Chikei Sanae Y : Duck Village inn, talk to her after you get more than 50 characters

103. Chisou Anne : Join automatically

104. Chiretsu Gorou : Zexen Forest, bring a character who has appraisal skill eg: Mio

105. Chiken Piccolo : Join automatically

106. Chikou Roddy : Join with Estella

107. Chizoku Guillaume : Win the duel against him at Vinay Del Zexay & Sindar Ruin

108. Chiku Gordon : Iksay, bring at least 2 men & don't bring any women or you can recruit
     him using Chris

Ultimate 108 + 4 Characters Guide

You can get these characters in any chapters before ch5, so you can leave some characters
if you unable to recruit them and try again later in the game.

Thomas / Geddoe Chapter 1

- Mio : Iksay inn, talk to her at inn 2nd floor

- Watari : Iksay, pay 100000 potch

- Gordon : Iksay, bring at least 2 men & don't bring any women or you can recruit
  him using Chris

- Mel : Iksay, talk to her

- Koroku : Mt. Heitou, from the beginning: go right, right, up, (branched roads)
  choose left, & search on the grass (Note: don't forget to open its POV in ch 4
  by talking to Koroku at Budehuc Castle - in front of tavern)

- Ayame : Northern Cave, after you get Watari, talk to him at Budehuc Castle B2, bring him
  to Northern Cave (Holy Loa Knight side-quest) for one-on-one duel

- Belle & Gadget Z : Brass Castle, give her a screw (you can get it from a black rabbit at
  Amur Plains)

- Ernie : Brass Library, answer 5 questions correctly

- Scott : Brass Castle, buy deer's antler & give it to him

- Jeane : Brass Castle, talk to her

- Arthur : Brass Castle, talk to him & check the chimney in the kitchen

- Kathy : North Amur Plains, count the number of horses

- Kenji : After you get Kathy, find him at Yaza Plains, talk to him & choose
  option 2, 2

- Dominic : Vinay Del Zexay, talk to him at armor shop & buy an armor from him

- Augustine : Vinay Del Zexay, buy a rose brooch from Iksay item shop (third option)
  & give it to him

- Shabon, Toppo, Nei : Vinay Del Zexay, after you see Shabon & Guillaume playing some cat-mouse ^^,
  talk to Nei, find Guillaume at centre building & win one-on-one duel against him

- Peggi : Great Hollow, give him a hammer (you can get iron hammer from "human"
  at Great Hollow)

- Twaikin : Great Hollow, talk to him at bottom right corner cave (using mini-map)

- Kid : Duck Village, solve the duck murder event

- Gorou : Zexen Forest, bring a character who has appraisal skill eg: Mio

- Mike : Caleria trade shop, play card mini-game & win over 20000 potch

- Edge : Le Buque, pay 1000 potch & win one-on-one duel

Chris / Geddoe / Thomas Chapter 2

- Billy : Put any "S" statues on display room 2F of Budehuc Castle, get out from the
  display room, re-enter display room, he will be there & win the card mini-game

- Bartz : Iksay Village, buy grape from Chisha Village trading shop & give it to him

- Melville & Eliot : Vinay Del Zexay, after you get Billy & you can ask Melville to join
  at "Holy Loa Knight Hideout"

- Alanis : Great Hollow, bring Eliot & Melville to Lizard Clan Cave (Great Hollow)

Chapter 3

- Guillaume : Win the duel against him at Vinay Del Zexay & Sindar Ruins

- Meimi : Duck Village appraiser shop, give her Kanipunch Don / Crab Bowl (Hallec has it or
  you can get it from crab monster at Kuput Forest)

- Holtes VII : talk to him at Duck Village (1), Chisha (1), Caleria (1)
  & Duck Village (3) note: numbers in the brackets are the options

- Landis : Kuput Forest, bring 5 or less characters & he will join in random
  battle (low probability)
  Hint: it is easier if you try wandering around at second screen of Kuput Forest
  from Duck Village direction

- Wan-Fu : Chisha Village, pay 3000 potch

- Emily : Chisha Village bar, party's total strength has to be over 600

- Tuta : Chisha Village inn, bring Mio

- Estella & Roddy : Alma Kinan inn, talk to Roddy, back to Estella, talk to a child
  at Alma Kinan Altar twice & finally back to Estella

- Nadir : Caleria inn, bring 3 men, 2 women & 1 child.... please note: Hugo is a child ^^

Chapter 4

- Koichi : Northern Cave

- Koni : Great Hollow, enter bottom right corner cave & then enter the right cave

- Rhett & Wildar : Duck Village, bring Sgt.Joe

- Viki : Mountain Path, enter from Amur Plains direction

- Young Viki : Mountain Path, after you get Viki, bring her to the same location
  where you got her

- Futch, Bright & Sharon : Mountain Path, enter from Caleria direction & follow
  Futch's mini-quest

- Kosanji : Senai Mountain, from the beginning: go up, up, up, right until you find a cliff

- Kogorou : Sindar Ruins, somewhere at the left most corner of the left path (three-branched road),
  you only can see its tail ^^;

Any Chapters

- Sanae Y : Duck Village inn, talk to her after you get more than 50 characters

- Jefferson : Budehuc Castle, he will appear at Budehuc Castle's entrance after you
  manage to collect more than 70 characters


After you collect all 104 characters, view Tablet of Promise... and you will get the four
last characters.

Non-Stars of Destiny:

( Note: the recruitment order is: Koroku -> Koichi -> Koni -> Kosanji -> Kogorou )

- Koichi : Northern Cave
- Koni : Great Hollow, enter bottom right corner cave & then enter the right cave
- Kosanji : Senai Mountain, from the beginning: go up, up, up, right until you find a cliff
- Kogorou : Sindar Ruins, somewhere at the left most corner of the left path (three-branched road),
  you only can see its tail ^^;

Unite Attacks

- Ride on Attack ( Hugo + Fubar )
- Ride on Attack ( Frantz + Ruby )
- Ride on Attack ( Futch + Bright )
- Horseman A Attack ( Borus + Percival )
- Horseman B Attack ( Chris + Leo + Percival or Chris + Leo + Borus )
- Soldier A Attack ( Ace + Joker )
- Soldier B Attack ( Ged + Ace + Queen + Jacques + Joker )
- Soldier C Attack ( Duke + Ellen )
- Soldier D Attack ( Duke + Ellen + Gau + Nichol )
- Tinto Attack ( Lilly + Samus + Reed )
- Patriarchal Attack ( Lucia + Dupa )
- Maximillian Attack ( Fred + Rico )
- Consequence Full Attack ( Thomas + Cecile )
- Dragon Knight A Attack ( Futch + Sharon )
- Dragon Knight B Attack ( Futch + Bright + Sharon )
- Try Fighting Attack ( Dupa + Shiba + Bazuba )
- Ninja Attack ( Watari + Ayame )
- Children Attack ( Melville + Alanis )
- Grapple Attack ( Joan + Emily )
- Alma Kinan Attack ( Yuili + Yumi )
- Gadget Attack ( Belle + Gadget Z )
- Bard Attack ( Nei + Toppo + Shabon )
- Preety Boy Attack ( Fred + Frantz + Futch )
- Preety Boy Attack - Fake ^^; ( Ruby + Sgt. Joe + Bazuba )
- Magical Attack ( Estella + Roddy )
- Eieiei Attack ( Viki + Young Viki )
- Daughter Attack ( Emily + Shabon + Sanae Y )
- ? Attack ( Mua + Leo )
- ? Attack ( Mua + Wan Fu )
- ? Attack ( Leo + Wan FU )
- Pretty Girl Attack ( Belle + Mel + Viki )
- Tornado Attack ( Kenji + Joker + Joan )
- Wanwan Attack ( 5 doggies ^^; )
- Wild Attack ( Hallec + Fubar )
- Beauty Attack ( Estella + Yuili + Lucia )
- Conviction Attack ( Landis + Ayame )
- Decisive Battle Attack ( Gadget Z + Bright )

Recipes List

Recipe 1 : Meimi has it
Recipe 2 : Zexen Forest, get from one of skeletons
Recipe 3 : Duck VIllage, lottery prize
Recipe 4 : Card mini game, prize from Billy's card mini-game
Recipe 5 : Mt. Heitou, get from one of skeletons
Recipe 6 : Iksay, lottery prize
Recipe 7 : Mountain Path, get from one of skeletons
Recipe 8 : Race mini game, prize from Kathy's race mini-game
Recipe 9 : Iksay, talk to a man in Iksay Village
Recipe 10: Alma Kinan inn
Recipe 11: Iksay, talk to a woman in Iksay Village after event battle
Recipe 12: Vinay Del Zexay, talk to a man using green shirt
Recipe 13: Le Buque, talk to man/woman in Le Buque
Recipe 14: Mt. Heitou, get from one of skeletons
Recipe 15: Caleria bar, talk to a woman
Recipe 16: Chisha bar, talk to a woman
Recipe 17: Sindar Ruins, treasure box
Recipe 18: Senai Mountain, treasure box
Recipe 19: Great Hollow inn, talk to a lizard
Recipe 20: Mountain Path, ch 5 twin snake's treasure box

Theatre Scripts List

Script 1: Nadir has it
Script 2: Vinay Del Zexay inn, get from a child near steps
Script 3: Northern Cave, treasure box
Script 4: Le Buque inn, talk to a woman

***** Note: you only can get script number 5 & 6 if you use Suikoden 2 game file *****
Script 5: Sindar Ruins, get from one of skeletons
Script 6: Senai Mountain, treasure box

Hammers List

Iron Hammer  : Great Hollow, talk to "human"
Copper Hammer: Caleria, talk to one of merchants
Silver Hammer: Duck Village, talk to a woman
Golden Hammer: Iksay item store, rare item (third option)

Books List

Book Vol.1 : Land where the Fire Hero Waits, get from one of skeletons
Book Vol.2 : Vinay Del Zexay, lottery prize
Book Vol.3 : Great Hollow, talk to a lizard at training place
Book Vol.4 : Sindar Ruins, get from one of skeletons
Book Vol.5 : Duck Village inn, talk to a woman
Book Vol.6 : Eike has it
Book Vol.7 : Eike has it
Book Vol.8 : Budehuc Castle, lottery prize
Book Vol.9 : Land where the Fire Hero Waits, get from one of skeletons
Book Vol.10: Eike has it
Book Vol.11: Northern Cave, treasure box
Book Vol.12: Mt. Heitou, treasure box

Medals List

Medal 1: Vinay Del Zexay blacksmith, talk to a soldier
Medal 2: Chisha, talk to a boy
Medal 3: Mt. Heitou, treasure box
Medal 4: Chisha item store, rare item (third option)
Medal 5: Northern Cave, treasure box

Kennels List

Yellow    Kennel: Mt. Heitou, get from one of skeletons
Blue      Kennel: Budehuc Castle, card mini game
Orange    Kennel: Alma Kinan, talk to a duck
Arabesque Kennel: Le Buque, talk to a man
Castle    Kennel: Northern Cave, treasure box
Gorgeous  Kennel: Mountain Path, treasure box

Runes List

Here is list of runes that you can get.
- location (ch ?) means you can get it from rune shops or item shops at specified location
  in chapter ?.
- location - dropped from (monster name) means you can get it from a monster which is
  usually a random boss at specified location.

Magic Runes
Fire Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 3-5), Le Buque (ch 2-5), Alma Kinan (ch 3-5)
Water Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 1-5), Duck Village (ch 1-5), Alma Kinan (ch 3-5)
Wind Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 1-5), Caleria (ch 1-5), Alma Kinan (ch 3-5)
Lightning Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 3-5), Le Buque (ch 2-5), Alma Kinan (ch 3-5)
Earth Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 1-5), Duck Village (ch 1-5), Alma Kinan (ch 3-5)
Rage Rune	  : Amur Plains - dropped from Fly Lizard, Mountain Path -
		    Twin Snake's treasure box
Flowing	Rune	  : Sindar Ruins - dropped from Water Dragon, Brass Castle - battle prize
Cyclone	Rune	  : Chisha trading store 2nd floor - talk to a woman, Kuput Forest - get
	      	    from one of skeletons (low probability)
Thunder Rune	  : Duck Village library - talk to a girl, Sindar Ruins - dropped from Siren
Mother Earth Rune : Northern Cave - Kimera's treasure box, Yaza Plains - Stone Golem
Shield Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 1-5)
Pale Gate Rune	  : Iksay armor shop - talk to a girl, Land where the Fire Hero Waits -
		    get from one of skeletons (low probability)
Minstrel Rune	  : Alma Kinan (ch 3 - 5)
Blinking Rune	  : Mt. Heitou - Blue Crab's treasure box, Land where the Fire Hero Waits -
		    dropped by Target Lady, prize from Billy's card mini-game (500 potch)
Blazing Sword Rune: Vinay Del Zexay (ch 5)
Thunder Sword Rune: Vinay Del Zexay (ch 5)
Gale Sword Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 3-5)

Command Runes
Titan Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 1-5), Caleria (ch 1-5)
Viper Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 1-5), Vinay Del Zexay Guild (ch 1-5)
Great Eagle Rune  : Brass Castle (ch 3-5), Vinay Del Zexay Guild (ch 1-5)
Gozz Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 1-5), Vinay Del Zexay Guild (ch 1-5), Duck Village (ch 1-5),
		    Caleria (ch 4-5)
Lion Rune	  : Duck Village (ch 2-5), Caleria (ch 1-5)
Great Hawk Rune	  : Duck Village (ch 2-5), Caleria (ch 1-5)
Unicorn Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay Guild (ch 5), Duck Village (ch 1-5), Caleria (ch 4-5),
		    Le Buque (ch 2-5)

Support Runes
Skunk Rune	  : Duck Village (ch 3-5)
Draining Rune	  : Highway - dropped by Nemesis, Mountain Path - Ghost Knight's treasure box,
		    Kuput Forest - battle event prize
Barrier Rune	  : Land where the Fire Hero Waits - get from one of skeletons (low probability)
Killer Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 5), Alma Kinan (ch 3-5)
Counter Rune	  : Great Hollow (ch 1-5), Le Buque (ch 2-5)
Double Strike Rune: Le Buque (ch 5)
Gale Rune	  : Northern Cave - Ghost Knight's treasure box
Fury Rune	  : Mt. Heitou - get from one of skeletons (low probability)
Violence Rune	  : Great Hollow (ch 5), Le Buque (ch 5)
Alert Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 5), Iksay (ch 1-5)
Walking Rune	  : Iksay (ch 5)
Firefly Rune	  : Senai Mountain - Nemesis' treasure box
Wall Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 2), Duck Village (ch 1-5)
Hazy Rune	  : Duck Village (ch 3-5), Le Buque (ch 5), Alma Kinan (ch 5)
Sunbeam Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 2-5), Brass Castle (ch 5)
Medicine Rune	  : Brass Castle (ch 2-5), Duck Village (ch 3-5)
Warrior Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 5)
Wizard Rune	  : Caleria (ch 4-5), Chisha (ch 3-5)
Hunter Rune	  : Vinay Del Zexay (ch 5)
Fire Sealing Rune : Mountain Path - dropped by Fly Lizard
Balance Rune	  : Mountain Path - Ghost Knight's treasure
Fortune Rune	  : Sindar Ruins right path (three-branched road) - get from one
	  	    of skeletons (low probability)
Champion Rune	  : Sindar Ruins - Kappa Sun's treasure box

Medium Bosses

Medium bosses usually protect treasure boxes, which contain some items and also give you
some potch. Here is the list of medium bosses and where you can find it.

Northern Cave
Kimera (ch 2): HP 3500, Potch 3900, Skill Point 320
Stone Golem (ch 3): HP 5500, Potch 5700, Skill Point 430
Ghost Knight (ch 4-5): HP 5000, Potch 8000, Skill Point 550

Mt. Heitou
Blue Crab (ch 1-5): HP 3300, Potch 3600, Skill Point 350

Mountain Path
Rock Golem (ch 2-3): HP 4100, Potch 6800, Skill Point 440
Ghost Knight (ch 4): HP 3800, Potch 6600, Skill Point 450
Twin Snake (ch 5): HP 6500(body) 3000(heads), Potch 9000, Skill Point 700

Senai Mountain
Nemesis (ch 2-4): HP 5100, Potch 8700, Skill Point 500
Ghost Knight (ch 5): HP 6700, Potch 9500, Skill Point 700

Land where the Fire Hero Waits
Empenza (ch 3): HP 3700, Potch 6800, Skill Point 480
Nemesis (ch 4-5): HP 5100, Potch 8700, Skill Point 500

Sindar Ruins
Kappa Sun (ch 5): HP 5400, Potch 8800, Skill Point 570

Bathing Events

Just for fun ^^

- Bring Lilly, Reed & Samus
- Bring Joker, Ace, Jacques
- Bring Belle & Mel
- Bring Viki & Young Viki
- Bring Futch & Bright
- Bring Cecile & Chris
- Bring Lilly & Jeane
- Bring Wan-Fu, Leo & Hallec
- Bring Mua
- Bring Sharon, Emily & Sanae.Y
- Bring Ellen & Queen
- Bring Billy & Melville
- Bring Sgt.Joe, Wildar & Rhett
- Bring Dupa, Shiba & Bazuba
- Bring Augustine & Gordon
- Bring Chris & Estella
- Bring Kenji & Hugo
- Bring Frantz & Ruby
- Bring Jacques, Watari & Toppo
- Bring Joan & Eike
- Bring 5 doggies (I wish i know what they were talking about ^^;)
- Bring Emilly & Shabon
- Bring Chris & Ayame
- Bring Kenji & Roland
- Bring Nash, Ace & Holtes
- Bring Frantz, Futch & Fred
- Bring Melville, Roddy & Louis
- Bring Roddy & Louis
- Bring Bazuba, Sgt.Joe & Ruby
- Bring Duke, Thomas & Edge
- Bring Landis & Elliot
- Bring Anne, Aila & Lucia
- Bring Young Viki & Estella (Chris & Estella bathing event must be done)
- Bring Beechum & Nichol
- Bring Mio, Nei & Yumi
- Bring Picollo & Wan-Fu (Wan-Fu, Leo & Hallec bathing event must be done)


---- CREDITS ----

	Thanks to Konami for making this awesome game

	The largest collection of game faqs on earth...

Game Deep 
	For characters information

Genso Suikoden III - Capture Site 
	For some information

	For some translations

Kafegaul Forum  especially for Console Forum
	Thank you guys... :)

.... and thank you for reading this guide.