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Die by the Sword (e)

Die By The Sword FAQ by ZeldaXI            



+Table Of Contents+
* Introduction
* Codes
* Multiplayer/Arena Stradegy
* Strategy/Walkthrough
* Helpful Hints
* Special Thanks



Hello this is my Faq for Die By The Sword.  This is my first FAQ so don't be 
angry about some mistakes.  This FAQ will help you for as far as I am in the 
game (Up to Level 2 maybe Level 3).  It will have codes for Invincibility (and 
believe me you'll need it) and other things. It will have a strategy for 
Multiplayer/Arena modes.  Well as I said this is my first faq so ENJOY!!



Press and hold F1 and type these words:
Invincibility: Mukor
Limb Gravity: Agrav
AI Behavior: Aiaim
Bills Demo Typing: Bills
Shrink: Btiny
Graphics: Bzone
World Trapping: Colid
Kick Out Of Game: Crash (Note: Only used in Multiplayer mode).
Powerful Weapon: Dedly
Cashe Misses: Fpers
Screen Shot: Frame
Freeze Enemy: Freez
Funky Keys: Funky
Gamma: Gamma
Cycle Speeds: Gmode
Lock Camera: Gocam (Note: Press 1 to unlock it).
Gourad Shading: Goura
Whacks You Around: Hicup
Low Gravity: Lunar
1st Person View: Mecam (Note: Press one to disable it).
Palette Fading: Nfade
Shows Enemy: Ntrud
Grow: Golrg
Pause Game: Pause
Kill All Enemys: Peace
Protection and Damage Points: Plane
Quick Save: Qsave
Kill Yourself: Sepku
No Enemy Attack: Silky
No Advanced Shadows: Sunny
Tough Skill Level: Tough
Window Mode: Windo


+Multiplayer and Arena Strategy+

If your a beginner play as Either Ogre or Warrior Because everything else is 
either to confusing or to easy to die with.  But if your really good at the 
game you can play as anyone but still either have three weak opponents or two 
strong opponents.  And for Multiplayer well i guess it all depends who you 
fight if you fight against a good fighter than pick and Ogre or a Warrior but 
if there easy be anyone that you want.


+Strategy and Walkthrough+

Level 1: You Start in the front of the cave where the tunnel is blocked off go 
straight and kill the Kobolds. On the final kobold you kill search its body and 
get the key open the door and keep going.  Either next you run into a Orc and a 
Kobold or into more Kobolds if you run into the Orc and the Kobold  you get 
caught by a trap and have to try to cut the rope and kill the Orc and the 
Kobold. after that run to the wood sticking out of the land and cut the rope so 
the wood and the land cut apart and your off to the next level!!

Level 2: As you flow down the river a some sort of sea monster attacks you and 
you have to kill it.  Than the first opening you see to the left jump onto and 
pull the lever it will open the door.  Don't go through the door yet you will 
see another lever.  Pull it and go through the door you opened from the first 
lever and kill the monster on the land and go through the door in the wall and 
jump across the water fall.  Dodge the traps and kill all of the monsters.  And 
than you will see a elevator.  To activate the elevator put your sword away and 
pull the rope thats next to it and jump on and your on your way to Level 3!!

+Helpful Hints+

Hint #1: As an expert aim for the arm of your opponent so you can take off his 
arm and not be able to attack you but be sure to take out the arm that has the 
weapon in it.

Hint #2: In arena mode never fight the magma guy until your really good because 
he's really tough to beat.


+Special Thanks+

A Special thanks to me for making this FAQ
A Special Thanks to Tantrum for a great game
A Special Thanks to Interplay for a great game and a great idea for this game
And A Special Thanks to VSIM for making this game with such great controls.
