SSSSSS UU UU PPPPPP EEEEEE RRRRRR SS UU UU PP PP EE RR RR SSSSSS UU UU PPPPPP EEEE RRRRRR SS UU UU PP EE RR RR SSSSSS UUUUUU PP EEEEEE RR RR MMMMMMMMMM AA RRRRRR II OOOOOO MM MM MM AA AA RR RR II OO OO MM MM MM AAAAAA RRRRRR II OO OO MM MM MM AA AA RR RR II OO OO MM MM MM AA AA RR RR II OOOOOO BBBBBB RRRRRR OOOOOO SSSSSS DDDDD XX XX BB BB RR RR OO OO SS DD DD XX XX BBBBBB RRRRRR OO OO SSSSSS DD DD XXXX BB BB RR RR OO OO SS .. DD DD XX XX .. BBBBBB RR RR OOOOOO SSSSSS .. DDDDD XX XX .. Secrets/FAQ by Simon Crothers (froggy) e-mail Version 1.1 July 7, 1999 My FAQ is up and running Version 1.2 July 14, 1999 Updated Records, Album, Secrets, Super Mario Bros. for Super Players and FAQ section Version 1.3 July 21, 1999 Updated FAQ, Challenge and Super Mario Bros for Super Players Version 1.4 August 25, 1999 Updated FAQ, Records, had a great holiday in my hometown Australia Version 1.5 September 1, 1999 Updated Records Contents 1. Story 2. Controls 3. Items 4. Enemies 5. Original 1985 6. Challenge 7. Super Mario Bros. for Super Players 8. You Vs Boo 9. Vs Game 10. Records 11. Album 12. Toy Box 13. Secrets 14. Legal Stuff 15. FAQ 16. Thank you 17. THE END 1. Story The Mushroom Kingdom was invaded by Bowser, King of the Koopas, who are a tribe of dark magic using turtles. The Koopas transformed the Mushroom People into stones, bricks and other enemies. They went to set their king Bowser on the throne. The Mushroom Kingdom was transferred into a dark, evil place. Princess Toadstool on the other hand, could break this evil spell, but Bowser knew this and kidnapped the princess. Mario soon vowed he would see the princess, but could he get through this taunting task. 2. Controls left moves Mario left right moves Mario right up moves the screen up higher down crouch (only Super and Fiery Mario) enter a pipe move the screen down lower A button jump, the longer you hold it, the higher Mario jumps swim, when in water each time you press it you'll swim up a bit higher B button run, you can jump higher if you run before you jump shoot fireballs, with a fire flower you can shoot fireballs Start begins the game pauses the game Select changes from front to rear view 3. Items Mushroom change Mario to Super Mario if Super Mario he will turn back to Mario Fire Flower as Super Mario, collect this and you can shoot fireballs if Fiery Mario is hit he will change back to Mario Star grants 10 seconds of invincibility 1-Up grants you an extra life Coins collect 100 for an extra life 200pts each ? Block you never know what could be inside it's not always pleasant Poison Mushroom these hurt Mario causing him to die or shrink back to Mario 4. Enemies Goomba jump on its head 100pts shoot it 100pts Green Koopa Troopa jump on its head 100pts kick its shell 400pts shoot it 200pts beware the shell doesn't come back and hurt you when walking it walks of the edge of platforms Red Koopa Troopa jump on its head 100pts kick its shell 400pts shoot it 200pts beware the shell doesn't come back and hurt you when walking it doesn't walk of the edge of platforms Green Paratroopa jump on its head once 400pts jump on its head twice 200pts kick its shell 400pts shoot it 200pts beware the shell doesn't come back and hurt you when flying it is outa control Red Paratroopa jump on its head once 400pts jump on its head twice 200pts kick its shell 400pts shoot it 200pts beware the shell doesn't come back and hurt you when flying it is has a set course Green Piranha Plant shoot it 200pts it will stay in its pipe if you're on either side or on top of the pipe Red Piranha Plant shoot it 200pts it will stay in it pipe only if you're on top of it Buzzy Beetle jump on its head 100pts kick its shell 400pts beware the shell doesn't come back and hurt you Bullet Bill jump on its head 200pts Lakitu jump on its head 800pts shoot it 200pts Spiny eggs shoot it 200pts Spiny shoot it 200pts Hammer Brother jump on its head 1000pts shoot it 1000pts Cheep Cheep shoot it (underwater and ground) 200pts jump on its head (only on ground) 200pts Bloober shoot it 200pts found underwater Parabloober shoot it 1000pts jump on its head 1000pts found on ground Bowser shoot him 5000pts in world 6,7,8 he throws hammers if you don't have fireballs jump over or run under him and grab the axe 5. Original 1985 This is more of a secret finder than a way of figuring out to complete the levels. Though it's not too hard. I have name where all the secret 1-Ups, power-ups, starmen, pipes you can go down, multi-coin blocks and beanstalks. The secrets in order so it is kinda a walkthrough If I missed any please e-mail them to me. World 1-1 1) the fourth pipe 2) a hidden 1-up to the left of the mountain after the fourth pipe 3) over the large gap midway through the level is a single brick it is multi-coin block 4) after 3) are two bricks, the right one has a starman World 1-2 1) At the beginning of the level are a series of columns of solid bricks. There is a single brick there, it is a multi-coin block. 2) At the W shaped formation in the last column of bricks is a starman. 3) After the 4 coins on a ledge there is a 2 x 6 grid of bricks jutting out from the ceiling. The right column has a multi-coin block. 4) There is a 1-up in the ceiling to the right of the wide ledge with 6 coins on it 5) When you arrive at three pipes you can go down the first one World 1-3 none World 1-4 1) After the sixth fire line, the ground drops in to a pit like area. There are three invisible blocks down there. Diagonally right to each of those blocks is another block. Pretty pointless. World 2-1 1) At the beginning are three bricks. The middle one has a power-up 2) There are three bricks up high and two koopa troopas down the bottom. Stand on the left of the first brick and jump to find an invisible block. Then you can reach the first brick and hit it for a 1-up 3) Soon you'll reach a single brick. Don't smash it! Jump on top of it and hit the brick to the right of you for a starman. 4) Then you will get to 7 ? blocks with a row of bricks up the top. The third brick has a beanstalk. 5) If you don't go up the beanstalk you'll reach three pipes with four bricks above you. The first one has a power-up. 6) Soon you'll see a single brick. It's a multi-coin block. 7) Then you'll see another single brick. Jump on top and hit the brick diagonally right of it for a power-up. 8) If you're having trouble with the spring at the end of the level, jump on the two bricks on the left and stand on the right side and jump for an invisible block. World 2-2 no secrets World 2-3 no secrets World 2-4 no secrets World 3-1 1) The second pipe you can go down. 2) At the bridge with three goombas if you jump near the right of the clouds you'll hit an invisible 1-up. 3) Straight after the bridge there are three bricks. The first one has a starman. 4) Straight after the spring are two rows of the bricks. The right brick on the top row has a beanstalk 5) Just before the end is a row of four bricks. The second one is a multi-coin block. World 3-2 1) When you come to a place with 2 bricks vertical spaced apart, the top one is a starman and the bottom one is a multi-coin block. World 3-3 No secrets here. If you stand on a platform on a string and it falls off you score 1000pts World 3-4 No secrets here World 4-1 1) There is a single brick that is a multi-coin block just before the flag. World 4-2 1) When you get to a whole load of bricks there are two bricks horizontally next to each other. The right one has a power-up 2) At the end of this brick mess count back five columns. You'll find a multi-coin block 3) Soon you'll arrive at three rows pipes. The middle pipe has bricks on either side. On the left side, the right brick is a multi-coin block. On the right side, the right brick has a starman. 4) After that you'll come to three rows of bricks. The middle row, middle brick has a power-up. 5) When you get to a row of bricks with ten coins on it, the brick without a coin has a power-up. World 4-3 no secrets here World 4-4 This is the first maze level the route is. top, bottom - really hard (smirk) World 5-1 1) When you get to three bricks, the middle one is a starman. 2) Soon you'll reach four solid bricks with a gap and two bricks going off to the right. The gap is an invisible 1-up 3) You can go down the pipe to left of the second bullet bill cannon you see World 5-2 1) At the beginning of the level there are two rows of bricks. The upper right brick has a power-up 2) You can go down the pipe after the first hammer brother, DON'T IT'S BAD! 3) You'll come up to a second hammer brother on five ? blocks. From the last block count two over and jump for an invisible block. Above you will be a row of three blocks. The left one has a beanstalk. 4) If you don't go up it you'll come to two rows of bricks with hammer brothers on each row. The upper right block has a star 5) Then you'll see two bricks very close to the ground. The left one is a multi-coin block, the right one is a power-up. 6) Soon you'll find a single brick, it is a power-up also. World 5-3 no secrets World 5-4 no secrets World 6-1 1) At the beginning of the level you'll see two bricks. The left one has a power-up. 2) Then straight after that you'll see three bricks. The right one is a multi-coin block. 3) Soon you'll get to a staircase with two rows of brick to the right of it. If you stand on the ground to the right of the staircase and jump, you'll find an invisible 1-up. 4) Midway through the level you reach another staircase, this time with three rows to the right of it. On the second row, the right block is a multi-coin block. World 6-2 1) You can go down the first pipe you see. 2) Before going down it though to the right are three bricks high up and a koopa troopa down the bottom. Position yourself under the middle brick and jump for an invisible block. Jump on top and the hit the brick above your head for a multi-coin block. 3) Soon you'll come to two bricks with a buzzy beetle down the bottom. The right brick has a power-up 4) To your right there should be a pipe. You can go down, but don't! It another bad pipe. 5) After that is a row of bricks, walk further and you'll see another row of bricks. The right brick has a beanstalk. To get to the beanstalk, position yourself to the right of the pipe under the row of bricks and jump for an invisible block. 6) If you don't go up the beanstalk you'll reach a whole lot of bricks and some small gaps on the ground. At the second row of bricks, the left one has a starman. World 6-3 no secrets World 6-4 see World 1-4 World 7-1 1) Above the second bullet bill cannon are three bricks. The left one has a power-up 2) Soon you'll reach a bullet bill cannon with bricks on both sides of it. The left brick on the right side is a multi-coin block. 3) After the first two hammer brothers is a pipe, stand on the left side and jump for a 1up. 3) After the first two hammer brothers is a pipe you can go down. 4) There is a power up in the brick above the spring near the end of the level. World 7-2 no secrets World 7-3 no secrets World 7-4 The second maze level. The directions are bottom, middle, top, top, middle, top World 8-1 1) You can go down the fifth pipe 2) You'll soon see a row of bricks with a paratroops down the bottom. Stand in the middle and jump for a hidden block. The brick above you is a multi-coin block. 3) Then you'll reach another row of bricks. The third one is a starman. World 8-2 1) At the beginning is a very long row of bricks. The brick above the spring has a 1-up 2) The right brick at the row of two bricks with a paratroopa down the bottom is a power-up 3) Soon you'll see a bullet bill cannon with a brick on both sides. The right brick is a multi-coin block World 8-3 1) Near the beginning of the level are two rows of bricks with two hammer brothers. The second last brick of the top row has a power up. 2) At the next rows of bricks with two brothers. The second brick of the top row has a power up. 3) Just before the staircase is a strange white line on the castle wall. It's actually a multi-coin block camouflaged into the wall. World 8-4 The final maze level 1) Go in the third pipe 2) At the fifth pipe, the one high up count two blocks back and jump for an invisible block and go down the pipe. 3) Go in the fourth pipe. 4) Defeat Bowser! END OF ORIGINAL 1985! Now you can try a hard mode that turns all the Goombas into Buzzy Beetles. The platforms are smaller. 1-3 has Bullet Bills, and 1-4, 2-2, 2-3 and 2-4 are harder. 6. Challenge You have to go through all the levels and collect 5 red coins(which I'll tell you in order), a yoshi egg and achieve a target score. It's harder than it sounds. Oh, and only go down pipes or up beanstalks if I tell you to, because you could miss red coins. eg: World 1-1. Also, you must get 10 coins out of a multi-coin block to get the red coin. Here are some tricks you might want to help your scores in Challenge Mode. Having lots of time left is the most important thing because every second is 100pts. Race through the level as fast as you can only getting coins, power-ups, 1-ups, and baddies like Hammer Brothers, Lakitus and Koopa Troopas. World 1-1 Target Score: 32000 Yoshi Egg: Straight after Coin #4 on the left side in between the two small staircases Red Coin #1: At the beginning in plain sight Red Coin #2: In the multi coin block Red Coin #3: More than halfway through the level at the place with three ? blocks and one up the top the bottom right ? block has the coin. Red Coin #4: Straight after Coin #3 on a high ledge Red Coin #5: In the last ? Block World 1-2 Target Score: 38000 Yoshi Egg: Walk on top of the exit pipe and stand against the wall and jump to get the Egg. Red Coin #1: The fifth ? block Red Coin #2: Up the top of the W formation Red Coin #3: On top of the 2x6 grid with the multi coin is a red coin Red Coin #4: Go down the pipe and hit the brick above your head at the exit pipe for a multi-coin block Red Coin #5: Just before the first set of moving platforms above your head is the red coin World 1-3 Target Score: 24000 Yoshi Egg: Straight after the second and third platforms you'll jump onto a ledge with a cloud. Jump in front of the cloud for the Egg. Red Coin #1: At the beginning on the first high ledge with the koopa troopa Red Coin #2: Wait on the first moving platform Red Coin #3: In plain sight in between the second and third platforms Red Coin #4: After the Egg on the ledge under the paratroopa Red Coin #5: Just before the end staircase World 1-4 Target Score: 13000 Yoshi Egg: Near the invisible block area, the top row second block has the Egg. Red Coin #1: Above the first ? Block Red Coin #2: Near the second fire line Red Coin #3: Next to the fifth fire line Red Coin #4: After the six fire line Red Coin #5: At Bowser World 2-1 Target Score: 40000 Yoshi Egg: You will then jump over a large gap. You'll see a row of bricks high up. To the right of those on the ground are some wooden posts in the background. Jump near each one to find an invisible block. Then hit the last brick on the row above you for the Egg. Red Coin #1: On top of the to rows of 5 ? blocks Red Coin #2: At the place with 7 ? blocks, the fourth one has a red coin Red Coin #3: In plain on the right of the pipe after the Yoshi Egg Red Coin #4: In the single brick that is a multi coin block Red Coin #5: Above the invisible block before the spring. World 2-2 Target Score: 25000 Yoshi Egg: at the second gap you'll see a row of green blocks above your head. To the right of the last block is the Yoshi Egg. Red Coin #1: to your left at the start Red Coin #2: in plain sight next to a piece of seaweed Red Coin #3: to the right of the piece of seaweed after the first gap Red Coin #4: Just above the third gap Red Coin #5: Just before the exit pipe are four rows of green blocks. The upper right row has the red coin. World 2-3 Target Score: 23000 Yoshi Egg: Above the cloud on the first green ledge Red Coin #1: In plain sight Red Coin #2: Right after the ? block Red Coin #3: In plain sight Red Coin #4: Above the small gaps near the end Red Coin #5: Drop off the end staircase and get the coin. Then go to the edge of the staircase and jump to hit an invisible block so you can get back up. World 2-4 Target Score: 14000 Yoshi Egg: You should be at a place with a block and six coins. Stand on the block and jump to hit an invisible block. Stand on that block and jump again for the Egg. Red Coin #1: High up to the right of the second lava ball Red Coin #2: On the edge of the ledge (hehe that rhymes) with all the fire lines Red Coin #3: At the moving platforms, go on the first one and jump high to the left Red Coin #4: Above the fourth lava pit Red Coin #5: At Bowser World 3-1 Target Score: 45000 Yoshi Egg: At the two rows, the bottom right brick has the egg Red Coin #1: At the beginning are three bricks. The middle one has the coin Red Coin #2: Go down the second pipe. The coin is in the top brick of the third last column Red Coin #3: In the first ? block near the hammer brothers Red Coin #4: You'll see four rows of blocks with ? blocks in the middle of each row. The upper left ? block has a red coin Red Coin #5: In plain sight before the staircase World 3-2 Target Score: 85000 Yoshi Egg: At the place with the three trees at coin #4 hit under all the trees, then keep on revealing all the invisible blocks so they form a pyramid the top block will have the Egg. Red Coin #1: On the ground at the beginning Red Coin #2: At the first question mark, stand on top and jump high to the right Red Coin #3: In plain sight midway through the level Red Coin #4: You can see it high up closely after coin #3 but how to get it? There are three trees (hehe that rhymes too) in front of you. Jump near the first tree for an invisible block and jump to the left for the red coin. Red Coin #5: At the pipe after coin #4 do a running jump off the pipe to the right for the red coin World 3-3 Target Score: 23000 Yoshi Egg: It is at a ledge with two koopa troopas on it and a cloud. Jump near the left of the cloud to find an invisible block. Then jump to the right to find the block with the Egg. Red Coin #1: On the ledge under the first moving platform Red Coin #2: When to get the three ledges with small gaps in between drop down to get the red coin Red Coin #3: Below the first platform with strings Red Coin #4: In plain sight Red Coin #5: In plain sight near the end World 3-4 Target Score: 13000 Yoshi Egg: After the second pair of fire lines. A little bit before halfway between the two pairs of fire lines. There are two invisible blocks and the Yoshi Egg there. The block are diagonally right to each other. Red Coin #1: Above the second fire line Red Coin #2: High above the third ? Block Red Coin #3: High up to the right of the first pair of fire lines Red Coin #4: In plain sight near the pits with lava targets Red Coin #5: To the left of the bricks jutting out of the ceiling World 4-1 Target Score: 32000 Yoshi Egg: Just before the staircase is a light green bush. Jump where it is for a invisible block. Stand on top and jump to find the Egg. Red Coin #1: At the beginning are two ? Blocks. The highest one has a red coin Red Coin #2: When you get to two columns of two ? blocks, the upper left has a red coin Red Coin #3: In plain sight after the third pipe Red Coin #4: Soon you'll reach two rows of ? blocks with some bricks. The fourth coin of the bottom row has the red coin Red Coin #5: In the multi-coin block before the flagpole World 4-2 Target Score: 33000 Yoshi Egg: At the pipe before the exit pipe, drop down to the section with the buzzy beetle, Stand to the left of the pipe and jump for the Egg. Red Coin #1: After the second gap Red Coin #2: In the brick after the starman Red Coin #3: At the section with three rows of bricks, hit the second block of the bottom row for the red coin. Red Coin #4: Up high to the right at the last set of moving platforms Red Coin #5: To the right of the pipe before the exit pipe World 4-3 Target Score: 24000 Yoshi Egg: Two ledges before the end is a ledge with a cloud it. Stand in front of it and jump to find the Egg Red Coin #1: Under the fourth ledge Red Coin #2: Under the first set of platforms on strings Red Coin #3: Right after the two moving platforms Red Coin #4: Under the fourth set platforms on strings Red Coin #5: On the last ledge jump to the left for the coin World 4-4 Target Score: 17000 Yoshi Egg: Once you pass the first route you come to two lava pits with grey blocks kind of forming a staircase. Go to the third ledge and jump to the left of it for the Egg. Red Coin #1: Take the top route and drop through the fifth gap Red Coin #2: Above a lava pit in plain sight Red Coin #3: Take the top route instead of the bottom route Red Coin #4: You'll see the coin high up. Position yourself under the coin and jump to hit an invisible block. Red Coin #5: At Bowser World 5-1 Target Score: 80000 Yoshi Egg: At the end staircase there is a drop in the middle. Drop down and on the right of that drop is the egg Red Coin #1: Above the second pipe Red Coin #2: When you reach three bricks, the right one has a red coin Red Coin #3: In plain sight after the first Bullet Bill cannon Red Coin #4: Above the pipe before the second Bullet Bill cannon Red Coin #5: Go down that pipe. There is a red coin in the multi coin block against the pipe World 5-2 Target Score: 36000 Yoshi Egg: The Yoshi Egg is above the white circle straight after the first hammer brother. Red Coin #1: At the beginning you'll see two rows of bricks. The bottom right one has a red coin. Red Coin #2: Go down the first pipe. It's in between two pieces of upside down seaweed Red Coin #3: You'll see two bricks very low to the ground, the multi- coin block has a red-coin. Red Coin #4: After that is a koopa troopa on a row of bricks high up. Underneath it there are three invisible blocks. Then hit the middle brick for the coin. Red Coin #5: After that is another ledge high up. There is a red coin above it. World 5-3 Target Score: 23000 Yoshi Egg: Drop off the edge of the end staircase and go to the right of it and jump to find the Egg. Red Coin #1: On the third ledge Red Coin #2: Just before the second moving platform Red Coin #3: Near the third moving platform Red Coin #4: From the third moving platform go to the ledge then jump up to the next ledge. Now jump to the left to get the red coin. Red Coin #5: On the platform under the paratroopa World 5-4 Target Score: 13000 Yoshi Egg: You should see a fire line with six coins around it. Go near it and walk left until you run into the wall. Then jump to hit the block that has the Egg Red Coin #1: In plain sight at the end of the first lava pit Red Coin #2: On the top row of fire lines Red Coin #3: Near the moving platforms Red Coin #4: Under the block near the fire line with six coins Red Coin #5: At Bowser there are six blocks above your head. The fourth one has a red coin World 6-1 Target Score: 32000 Yoshi Egg: At the very beginning of the level stand to the right of the castle and jump to find an invisible block. Do a running jump of that block to hit another invisible block. Then stand on the left edge of the second invisible block and jump to find the Egg. Red Coin #1: In plain sight near the second staircase Red Coin #2: On the right of the second staircase are two rows of bricks. The left brick of the bottom row has a multi-coin block. Red Coin #3: Just before the third staircase you'll see a dark green hill. Jump in front of it and you'll hit an invisible block. Then jump on that block and jump to reveal another one. Now you can reach the red coin. Red Coin #4: In plain sight Red Coin #5: After the third staircase are three rows of bricks. The right brick of the middle row has a multi-coin block. World 6-2 Target Score: 30000 Yoshi Egg: It is in the last brick of the row before the beanstalk. To reach it stand on the left hand side of the pipe right after it and jump to find an invisible block. Red Coin #1: Down the first pipe Red Coin #2: Above the invisible block near the Yoshi Egg. Red Coin #3: In the brick above the pipe just before the huge gap Red Coin #4: In a row of bricks just after the starman Red Coin #5: Go down the pipe after coin #4. It's in the brick above the exit pipe World 6-3 Target Score: 21000 Yoshi Egg: After the third set of platforms on strings you'll come to three ledges. Go to lowest one and stand on the left hand side and jump for the Egg. Red Coin #1: On a small ledge to the right next to the first spring Red Coin #2: On the fourth moving platform, wait on it and you'll go down to the red coin Red Coin #3: After the second set of platforms on strings you'll come to three ledges, the highest one has the red coin Red Coin #4: On a small ledge to the right of the second spring Red Coin #5: In plain sight before the flagpole. To get a decent score on the flag go right on the edge of the ground where the red coin was and jump for an invisible block World 6-4 Target Score: 12000 Yoshi Egg: To the right of the first fire line Red Coin #1: Above the second lava pit Red Coin #2: In between the sixth and seventh fire lines Red Coin #3: High up just after the fourth fire line Red Coin #4: Up in the air just before Bowser Red Coin #5: At Bowser World 7-1 Target Score: 32000 Yoshi Egg: Just before the end staircase is a smaller staircase. Stand on the right side of it and jump to find an invisible block. Then stand on the right edge of it and jump to hit the block with the Egg. Red Coin #1: In the third ? block Red Coin #2: At the first set of hammer brothers, the fourth block of the bottom row has a multi coin block. Red Coin #3: Go down the pipe after the first set of hammer brothers. There's a red coin down there to get it, stand on the end of the exit pipe and jump to hit an invisible block. Then jump to the left to get the coin. Red Coin #4: At the second set of hammer brothers, there is a multi coin block in the third brick of the top row Red Coin #5: There are two bricks above the small staircase before the end staircase. The left brick has a red coin World 7-2 Target Score: 24000 Yoshi Egg: On the left wall of the third gap Red Coin #1: Up the top at the beginning Red Coin #2: In the first gap on the left side Red Coin #3: On the third piece of seaweed after coin #2 Red Coin #4: In between two pieces of seaweed after the second gap Red Coin #5: Just before the exit pipe World 7-3 Target Score: 28000 Yoshi Egg: At the beginning, stand on the second column of solid bricks and jump to get the Egg Red Coin #1: Above the small staircase at the start Red Coin #2: On the bridge with the red koopa troopa, stand in the middle and jump to hit an invisible block. Stand on top and jump up for the red coin. Red Coin #3: Near the small gaps Red Coin #4: Near the small gaps also Red Coin #5: Just before the staircase you'll see a cloud. Position yourself to the left of it and jump to find an invisible coin block. Jump on top and then jump to the right for the red coin. World 7-4 Target Score: 16000 Yoshi Egg: at the beginning when you take the bottom route they should be a large platform above your head stand just to the right of it and jump up for the Egg Red Coin #1: below the second dropping platform Red Coin #2: at the very first route go up and look left and you'll see the red coin, jump to it. Red Coin #3: at the first fire line take the bottom route instead Red Coin #4: at the very last route take the bottom route instead Red Coin #5: at Bowser World 8-1 Target Score: 40000 Yoshi Egg: Straight after the 5th red coin you come to a huge gap with a very small ledge in the middle and another gap. On the small ledge jump up for the egg. Red Coin #1: In plain sight at the first series of small gaps Red Coin #2: Go down the fifth pipe and hit the first brick of the bottom row for the red coin Red Coin #3: Hit the multi coin block in the row high up with the paratroopa down the bottom Red Coin #4: At the row of bricks with the starman, the last brick has the red coin Red Coin #5: In plain sight between two solid brick columns with a koopa troopa in between World 8-2 Target Score: 28000 Yoshi Egg: Just after coin #3 is a pipe with a wooden post on the right side of it. Jump in front of the post for the Egg. Red Coin #1: Position yourself to the left of the first brick row and jump to find an invisible block. Jump on top of the row and there is a red coin up there. Red Coin #2: In the brick before the first Bullet Bill. Red Coin #3: At the place with a couple of small gaps, there is a red coin high up. Use the pipe to do a running jump to it. Red Coin #4: Go down the pipe to the left of where you found the Egg. When you're down there you'll stand three blocks back from the exit pipe and jump to hit an invisible block. Then jump on top and hit the brick. Red Coin #5: In plain sight World 8-3 Target Score: 28000 Yoshi Egg: Straight after coin #4 you'll see a green tree. Jump up to hit an invisible block. Jump on top and on the right is another block with the Egg. Red Coin #1: At the very beginning with the castle in the background to the edge of the screen and jump to hit an invisible block. Then jump to the right for the red coin. Red Coin #2: Above the two rows with the first two hammer brothers Red Coin #3: In plain sight on a small staircase straight after coin #2 Red Coin #4: At the second lot of hammer brothers on two rows there is a multi coin block on the fourth brick of the top row Red Coin #5: High in the air at the end staircase World 8-4 Target Score: 18000 Yoshi Egg: Swim up from the left side of the red underwater pipe Red Coin #1: Look up at the beginning of the level Red Coin #2: Do a big jump across the lava pit Red Coin #3: After the fifth pipe in the cheep cheep room. Hit invisible blocks to get to it. Red Coin #4: Up and to the right of the third underwater fireline Red Coin #5: Above Bowser's axe (very hard) 7. Super Mario Bros. for Super Players This is a version of the Lost Levels, or Super Mario Bros. 2 in Japan. It's a bit easier because there is no wind and Mario jumps higher. I haven't found many secrets on it yet. I have completed it though. It just takes practice. Don't rush and down go down any pipe, any beanstalks and definitely any warp zones because 75% of the time they are bad. World 8-2 The trick here is to hit the block near the end above a red paratroopa and make sure you don't get the starman World 8-3 The trick here is to jump over the hammer brothers. And when you get to a spring near the end with two paratroopas I know a great trick to get past You can just jump over both the paratroopas. Make sure you are running and jump on to the spring and perfectly time your jump so you zoom into the air. Make sure you are holding right in the air or you'll fall! World 8-4 Here is a step by step guide: 1. At the beginning drop to the platform below and jump across the gap. 2. Go into the first pipe. The one with two grey bricks above it. 3. Go through the water part and you'll come to a pipe in a hard to reach spot. Wait the pirahna plant to be up and jump down. You should make it. You might have to wait a tiny bit longer. 4. You'll get to a lava pit with a turtle and a big fire line. Take the bottom route. Try not to jump too much when you're on the ground because the game kinda messes up. Don't know why 5. Then you come to two paratroopas. There is a pipe to the right. It's extremely hard to do but you have to bounce on the green paratroopa over to the small ledge. 6. Then you get to face not one but TWO BOWSERS! Good stuff! The ending sequence is well worth it. 8. You Vs. Boo In this mode you have to race Boo through various levels. When you beat him he races as your best time. White Boo – Easy Green Boo – Medium Pink Boo – Hard Black Boo – Impossible to beat Here are some hints for the levels World 1-1 At the beginning take the top route where you run over tiny gaps. World 1-2 Try to stay on top of the ceiling World 1-3 Stay on top of the numbered blocks World 1-4 Pure skill, once you get better start the level small World 2-1 Make sure you start the level big World 2-2 hard, you need skill to complete this World 2-3 Once you get really good at it, start of small, don't hit any numbered blocks and go as fast as you can. World 2-4 Once you get really good you can start of small. You can jump over most of the spikes. 9. Vs. Game I haven't got around to trying this yet, but it's just like You Vs. Boo except it's Mario and Luigi racing. 10. Records Send me in your records at and I'll post up the best 5 scores for the following categories Please be honest because I can tell when people are lying. Original 1985 High Scores 1. Scotty Wade 7,306,500 2. Alex Cunningham 7,195,450 3. Simon Crothers 7,163,900 4. SDRMAN316 5,567,803 5. Brad Urtz 2,264,500 Total Score on Challenge Mode 1. Simon Crothers 1,189,600 2. BugAlienII 1,161,000 3. Brad Urtz 1,107,050 4. Daniel Coupar 1,065,200 5. Jay Gee 1,037,050 11. Album You receive pictures for doing certain tasks. Here is what you have to do. I don't know what it is with this pictures not turning up thing. Maybe you have to get all the things first in Challenge. I had all the pictures but then my game wiped itself. Now I can't even get the challenge pictures. It could be a glitch. First page 1 2 3 4 5 1. Toad Award – for exceeding the Challenge Score 2. Peach Award – for receiving all the Challenge Medals 3. Mario Award – for clearing World 8-4 4. Bowser Award – for finishing the Star Courses 5. Yoshi Award – for completing the Extra Courses Second page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. A Fireworks Show – for earning a firework 2. Mario hitting a 1-up – for finding an invisible 1-up 3. Mario climbing a beanstalk – for a climbing a beanstalk 4. - for playing Vs. Game - 5. Princess kissing Mario – for rescuing Peach 6. – for trading high scores 7. A red coin – for collecting all the red coins medals 8. Mario doing a peace sign – for collecting all the high score medals 9. Yoshi with eggs – for collecting all the Yoshi Egg medals Third page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1. Goomba – for killing it 2. Bloober – for killing it 3. Lakitu – for killing it 4. Cheep Cheep – for killing it 5. Hammer Brother – for killing it 6. Bullet Bill – for killing it 7. Koopa Troopa – for killing it 8. Spiny – for killing it 9. Buzzy Beetle – for killing it Fourth page 1 2 3 4 1. killing the first Bowser with fireballs 2. killing the second Bowser with fireballs 3. killing the third Bowser with fireballs 4. killing the fourth Bowser with fireballs they all form a Bowser picture Fifth page 1 2 3 4 1. killing the fifth Bowser with fireballs 2. killing the sixth Bowser with fireballs 3. killing the seventh Bowser with fireballs 4. killing the eighth Bowser with fireballs they all form a picture of Mario and Luigi shaking hands 12. Toy Box Calendar – for marking dates and calendar sort of stuff. The further you advance in the game the more dates you can mark Fortune Telling – good fun, pick a card they are: extremely lucky – Peach very lucky – Mario lucky – Luigi unlucky – Koopa shell extremely unlucky – Bowser ? Door – this opens up when you save the first mushroom retainer. Eventually the room fills up with seven mushroom retainers and Peach. These are what they do in clockwise order. Peach – lets you shows pictures, messages and music at the start of the game Mushroom #1 – makes speech bubbles Mushroom #2 – logos Mushroom #3 – game pictures Mushroom #4 – banners Mushroom #5 – more game pictures Mushroom #6 – more banners Mushroom #7 – even more banner, press start here for a surprise Yoshi – comes up when you find your first Yoshi Egg in Challenge Mode. He shows you where his eggs are. He shows you more eggs as you progress through Challenge Mode. 13. Secrets "Lost Levels" Easy Access Having trouble getting the 300,000 points required to access the Lost Levels? One easy way is to play the "Fortune Telling" game until you get the Princess' "Extremely Lucky" 5up bonus. Then start a new game with your ten lives and play your way through. Stomp on every enemy and collect every coin, and smash a few superfluous bricks here and there. Always try to grab the top of the flagpole. Somewhere around world 5 you should have more than enough points to qualify. Submitted by Space Dork Access "Lost Levels" You must get a minimum score of 300,000 points. On the Title Screen, select "Luigi" for the hidden "Original Super Mario Bros 2: Lost Levels" game. Submitted by BryceOne Access "You Vs. Boo" You must get a minimum score of 100,000 points. On the Title Screen, select "Boo" for the "You Vs. Boo" bonus levels. Submitted by BryceOne ( Album Pictures To fill your photo album, perform the following actions in any order. Clear world 8-4 (2 pics) Get fireworks after a level Find a hidden 1-up Find a bean stalk Kill a Goomba Kill a squid thing Kill Latiku (guy who throws Spinys) Kill a fish Kill a Hammer Bro Kill a bullet guy Kill a Koopa Troopa (any) Kill a beatle guy Kill Bowser with fireballs Play a Link VS with a friend to get a pic of Mario and Luigi playing VS made Save Peach to get a pic of Mario getting a kiss Trade High scores to get a pic of Toad and Peach trading scores Submitted by Sailor Gemini, Stealth X-14 and Pentium III Easy Points Go to stage 3-2. When you see the first turtle, hit it and kick the shell to the right. Immediately run after it, but don't touch it. If you keep up with it it should hit a lot of ememies and then give you a 1-up. Now let the turtle shell hit you and repeat the process. Continue until you've reached the desired score. Submitted by Andrew4596 Extra Lives Before starting a new game, go to the fortune teller mode (in the toy box). Keep selecting cards until you get an "extremely lucky" card (it has Peach on it). This will give you 10 lives to start with instead of 5. Submitted by KewlDude Finding Yoshi Eggs To find Yoshi Eggs easier in the challenge game this is what you have to do: Find a Yoshi egg in a level Go to the Toy Box In the Toy Box there should be a Yoshi picture. Go down to it and press A. When you click on it is should bring you to a black screen with scrolling numbers on the top. Click A and the numbers will keep slowing down until it stops. It will say what world and level on the top. In the middle it will show a picture of the area where the Yoshi egg is found in that level. Every time you get more eggs it will add more information about where the eggs are. Submitted by Pentium III Fireworks The way fireworks work is if the time that you beat the level ends with a 1, 3, or a 6, you get that many fireworks. Submitted by Erik Mistal Level Select To enable the level select, all you have to do is beat the first quest. Submitted by Stealth X-14 Play as Luigi To play as Luigi, press SELECT on the map screen. Press it again to revert to Mario. Submitted by Charlie Kvamme Unlimited Continues When the "Game Over" screen comes up, hold down A to continue. Submitted by Jeff Shetler ( Unlimited Lives Go in to any level where you can get a 1UP(EXTRA LIFE). This works best in level 8-2. Simply go in and get the 1UP, save it, then turn the game off, then on. When you start the game you'll have an extra life. Do this over and over until you have the amount of lifes you want. NOTE: THIS MUST BE DONE IN THE ORIGINAL MODE. Submitted by Warp Zone On any levels that have one block roofs break through them or go on lifts to get on top of them. Play the whole level on top of the roofs to the VERY end of the roofs. At the end there will be one or more tubes which will warp you to the level shown. Submitted by James Johnson Warp to Levels 6, 7 or 8 On the level 4-2 go stand on the right side of the first falling platforms. Stand underneath the three blocks. Jump up and there will be hidden blocks. Climb on those blocks and hit the left block of the three. A beanstalk will appear. Climb it. You will now be in mushroom land with tons of coins! When you finish this small level, which has no enemies, you will come to a warp zone, where you'll have the chance to warp to the levels 6, 7, or 8. Submitted by Kyle Yoshi Egg Cheat Having trouble finding the Yoshi eggs in Challenge Mode? If you find one Yoshi egg, then the Yoshi Egg Cheat will be activated. Go to Toybox, and click on the Yoshi head. You can then find out where all the other eggs are! Submitted by Pikachu195 Very High Score Cheat All you have to do is go to level 5-1 or 3-2 in the original and hit the first turtle and follow it to the end. You will hit so many other guys with it that you will get an extra guy. Now just let the turtle you hit bounce off the green pipe and kill you. Since you got an extra guy you won't loose any lives and you will just get a lot of points really fast! Technically you can get unlimited points if you want to spend your time doing that. Submitted by Fire power against Boo Once you have accessed "You VS Boo", click on Boo and in the screen where you chose a level press Select and Mario will turn into Super Mario do it again and he will turn into Fiery Mario do it again and he will turn into regular Mario Note: this also works in vs mode against a friend Submitted by Tiger 14. Legal Stuff This is my work and my work only. You may freely distribute this work under strict copyright laws that you will not change, edit this work. When using my work you will include my name and say that I wrote and have you have permission to use it but not abuse it. Thank you. 15. FAQ Q: Who is Peach? A: Peach is the nickname for Princess Toadstool introduced from Super Mario 64. Q: Where are the star and extra courses? A: There are no star and extra courses. These are from Super Mario World for the Super Nintendo. There is however, Super Mario Bros. for Super Players. Q: I shoot fireballs at Bowser but he just deflects them. What do I do? A: The fireballs are not deflecting. Bowser is taking damage. It takes about six or seven hits to defeat him. Q: How to I beat the World 7 Bowser on Original Mode with fireballs if there are no power-ups to get? A: With great skill. The trick is to get a fire flower in World 7-1 and not get hit the rest of the way. Q: What's up with the Pink Boo. It won't change even when I beat it. A: It not whether you beat, it's how good your time is. Q: I need tips on getting a high score on Challenge Mode A: See the Challenge section for tips on achieveing a high score. Q: I need help on World 8-2, World 8-3 and World 8-4 on Lost Levels A: Look in the Super Mario Bros. for Super Players section. 16. Thank you Thank you to Gamesages – cause you rule. #1 code sight. Nintendo – for creating this magnificent game Shigeru Miyamoto – for being the coolest video game producer on the face of the planet Hiroshi Yamauchi – for making Nintendo what it is Jay Gee – for telling me the rest of the album pictures If there are any errors or parts you don't understand in this FAQ then please tell me and I will change it. 17. THE END Sadly enough this FAQ has to come to an end. If there are any errors or parts you don't understand in this FAQ then please tell me and I will change it.