Strife FAQ v 1.00 19 VI 2003 - version 1.00 appears ************************** by Mikael grizzly ************************** ************************** Welcome to the Strife FAQ! Here you will be guided through the Weapons, Enemies, Armor and Locations from Strife. This is my first FAQ ever written, so it wont be ideal... Contents: 1.0.Weapons 1.1. Dagger 1.2. Crossbow 1.3. Assault Gun 1.4. Micro-Missile Launcher 1.5. Twin Grenade Launcher 1.6. Crusader's Flamethrower 1.7. Mauler Blaster 1.8. The ammunition 2.0. Armor 2.1. Leather Armor 2.2. Metal Armor 2.3. Shadow Armor 2.4. Enviromental Suit 3.0. Enemies 3.1. Acolyte 3.2. Crusader Combat Bot 3.3. CyberSpider 3.4. Floating Eye 3.5. Ceiling Gun 3.6. Templar Combat Suit 3.7. Security Bot 3.8. DeathMachine! 4.0. Items and Upgrades 5.0. The Front 5.1. Macil 5.2. Blackbird. 5.3. Feris, the Armorer 5.4. Justin, the Supplier 5.5. Irale, the Black Market Guy 5.6. Gerard, the Medic 5.7. The Soldiers 5.8. Front's Bases 6.0. The town 6.1. The Medic 6.2. The Weapons shop 6.3. The Armory 6.4. Black MArket 6.5. The Old Town Hall 6.6. Governors Mansion 6.7. The Tavern 7.0. THE SIGIL 8.0. Credits *************************** 1.0. Weapons On your feet soldier! Its time you learn about your weapons. 1.1. Dagger First of all, lets see your dagger. Its mounted on your wrist. The blade is sharp, and is designed to deliver maximum damage with as little effort as possible. DAMAGE: Low RATE OF FIRE: High CAPACITY: N/A AMMO: N/A COMMENT: Use it for stealthy kills, otherwise only to kill two Acolytes at the begining of Strife 1.2. Crossbow Dont laugh, the crossbow will be your initial weapon issue. Look at it. It can be loaded with two types of arrows: electric and poisonus. It is a cheap weapon, easy to control and manufacture. DAMAGE: Low RATE OF FIRE:Fairly High CAPACITY: 50/25 AMMO: Electric Arrows/Poison Arrows COMMENT: A good weapon at the begginig of the game. Poison arrows are stealthy and dont invoke the alarm. Great for stealthy kills. If you can use only poison arrows. WHERE: You get it from Rowan for accepting his mission, or from the Sanctuary of The Order 1.3. Assault Gun Now for some serious weaponry. The Assault Gun is a standard issue for the Acolytes and the Rebels. It is really lethal against Acolytes and Spiders. Its not very accurate at far distances, so try to charge on your enemies and then burst them in their faces. Be warned: it's a noisy weapon. DAMAGE: Medium RATE OF FIRE: Very High CAPACITY: 250 AMMO: 5mm Bullets COMMENT: Very good weapon when you get it. Use it until you get the Micro Missile Launcher and the Flamethrower, and a supply of Ammunition to both of them. WHERE: You can buy it from Irale for 250 GP or get from the armory in the Prison. 1.4. MicroMissile Launcher This is a hevy duty rocket launcher designed to destroy machines. No one thought it could be used to kill humans as well. DAMAGE: High Explosive (can hurt you badly) RATE OF FIRE: Medium CAPACITY: 100 AMMO: Order Munitions MicroMissiles COMMENT: This cannon should be your main weapon during the assault on the Castle, and a Weapon to fight the Programmer. WHERE: Guardhouse at the Power Plant 1.5. Heavy Duty Twin Grenade Launcher This gun lobs grenades at long distances. The grenades do hell of a damage! DAMAGE: High Explosive/Flame (can hurt you badly) RATE OF FIRE: Medium CAPACITY: 30/16 AMMO: HighExplosive/Phosphor Grenades COMMENT: An overally good gun, but only to be used at medium distances! WHERE: The Armory in the Sewers 1.6. Flamethrower Usually a weapon of this caliber is attached to a robot, but Irale in the Town can modify it so you can use it with your hands! DAMAGE: High Flame RATE OF FIRE: High CAPACITY: 400 AMMO: Energy Pod COMMENT: Very good antipersonnel and anti spider weapon. WHERE: Give parts from the Rat King to Irale in the Town. 1.7. Mauler Blaster Look at this weapon. Is it not beautiful? It can fire like a shotgun, but also has a second fire mode: sends straight a bolt of enrgy, which explodes at impact, sending a wave of energy in all directions. First mode uses 20 cells/shot, the second 30 cells/shot. DAMAGE: Extremely High Energy RATE OF FIRE: Low CAPACITY: 400 AMMO: Energy Pod COMMENT: This weapon will serve you to the end of Strife. WHERE: The Armory in Fortress:Stores 1.8. The ammo Strife is a game with an unusual feature: unlike most FPS' you can buy ammo. Bolts: Two types: electrical and poisonus. Electrical are good for robots, poison are good for living beings (NOTE: Poison bolts dont do any noise at all, so using them wont raise the alarm) Bolts usually come in packs of 10 for electrical, 5 for poisonus. Electrical can be bought in the Town at 5 GP for 40 bolts, and poisonus from Irale (after the Front seizes the Castle) for 200 GP (20 bolts). 5mm Auto Bullets: This ammo is used by the Assault Gun. No bonuses, no penalties. Bullets usually come in clips (10 bullets) and packages (100 bullets). At Irale's clips are for 10 GP each, and the packages are for 30 GP each. MicroMissiles: Very good ammo, will slow down robots and humans. Come in packages with 6 missiles and crates with 40 missiles. Boxes of Rockets can be bought from Justin at the Castle/New Front Base at 50 Gp for one box (20 rockets) Grenades: Two types: HE and Phosphor. HE is good for robots and humans, but Phosphor is better. The fire from the P-grenade will stay there for a while, burning everything around. Grenades are found in piles with 10 grenades (HE) and 8 grenades (P-grenade) HE grenades can be bought from Justin at a price 50 GP for 6 grenades. Energy Pod: a standard ammo for the Flamer and the Blaster. Come in Pods with 40 cells, and packs with 200 cells. Pods can be bought from Justin at the Castle at the price of 75 GP for 100 cells. 2.0. Armor Now we will proceed to your protection. The armor absorbs part of the damage you take, thus exceeding your life. 2.1. Leather Armor Your basic all leather apparel. A cheap alternative to the Metal Armor COST: 50 GP DURABILITY: 100 2.2. Metal Armor Polished metal plates, finely crafted into a suit of armor. The best armor available in Strife. Always carry a spare armor with you! COST: 200 GP DURABILITY: 200 2.3. Shadow Armor This armor makes you partially invisible, making you less vulnerable to enemy fire. Gives no protection. Wears off in time. 2.4. Enviromental Suit This suit protects you from various hazards, such as Slime and Radiation. Will wear off in time. Keep at least two handy. COST: 25 GP MAX: 5 3.0. Enemies Now, let's see who you will be forced to kill... 3.1. Acolyte He is a soldier of the Order. Can be a pain, due to his plentifulness. Acolytes differ in colors and names, but share the same statistics. Some Acolytes wear Shadow Armors, and can kill you easily, because they are almost completely invisible. When you look at an Acolyte with a Shadow Armor, you see a grayish fog. Shoot it till it's dead! Acolytes drop 5mm Clips. WEAPON:Assault Gun LIFE: Low THREAT: Low to medium FIRST ENCOUNTERED: The beginning of the game. 3.2. Crusader Combat roBot Now this is a challenge. These robots are designed specifically for assaults, and can take a beating. Also they can can kill you quite fast. Crusaders drop an Energy Pod and a box of bullets. WEAPON: Triple MiniMissile Launcher, Flamethrower LIFE: High THREAT: High FIRST ENCOUNTERED: The assault on the Castle 3.3. CyberSpider These spiders are one of the most annoying enemies. They leap out of the dark, then start biting your toes. Can kill you fast, if you fail yo detect them. WEAPON: Stainless Steel Claws LIFE: Low THREAT: Medium to high FIRST ENCOUNTERED: The Prison 3.4. Floating Eye Another pain: these robots float! They can hide from your sight, then leap out of nowhere and start shooting you! WEAPON: Laser Beamer LIFE: Medium THREAT: Medium to high FIRST ENCOUNTERED: The Prison 3.5. Ceiling Gun A standard defence for the Order's Castle and the Fortress. If you fail to detect them then you're dead! WEAPON: Double Assault Gun LIFE: Low THREAT: High FIRST ENCOUNTERED: Sewers 3.6. Templar Combat Suit A heavy combat suit, operated by a pilot. The pilot is integrated with the machine, and cannot live without it's life support systems. ComSuit drops an Energy Pod WEAPON: Mauler Blaster LIFE: High THREAT: High FIRST ENCOUNTERED: The Oracle 3.7. Security Bot This robot is a formidable enemy. Fast, little and equipped with good weapons, this robot will definitely be a challenge. You can avoid his shots by strafing. WEAPON: Chainsaw, Rifle LIFE: Medium THREAT: High (contact) to medium (range) FIRST ENCOUNTERED: The Fortress 3.8. DeathMachine! *sigh* Thought the ComSuit was the worst thing you have ever met (except for the bosses)? Then meet DeathMachine!! This robot is way bigger than you, better equipped than you, has a JetPack which gives it the ability to fly and is capable of crushing you in one step. If you encounter this robot, better ready the SIGIL and some MedPatches WEAPON: Twin Grenade Launcher, Twin AutoCannons, Grappler (catches you and pulls you to the machine) LIFE: Extremely high THREAT: EXTREME! FIRST ENCOUNTERED: Proving Grounds 4.0. Items and upgrades Now I will show you some equipment.. MedPatch - this little package contains everything you need to heal yourself a bit. COST: 10 GP (the Town) 15 GP (Fortress:Bailey) HEALING CAPACITY: 10 Hit Points MAX: 20 MedKit - bigger package, which heals a lot more hit points, than the Patch COST: 25 GP (The Town) 30 GP (Fortress:Bailey) HEALING CAPACITY: 20 Hit Points MAX: 15 Field Surgery Kit - automated surgery kit, which will heal you completely in a second! COST: 75 GP (The Town, Fortress:Bailey) HEALING CAPACITY: Heals you to your maximum hit points. MAX: 5 Ammo Satchel - this thingie doubles your ammo carrying capacity, and gives you also some ammo. You can buy another satchel afterwards, but it will only give you the ammo. COST: 300 GP first, 125 GP next AMMO: 20 5mm bullets, 2 Poison Bolts, 4 Electric Bolts, 6 HE Grenades, 4 Phosphor Grenades, 4 Missiles, and 20 Energy Pod Cells MAX: Unlimited Teleport Beacon - this piece of equipment can aid you in assaults - when deployed it will teleport Front rebels to your current location. The Beacon will summon 6 Rebels. COST: 75 GP MAX: 3 Gold Pieces/Coins - this is the official currency in Strife. With these coins you can buy weapons, ammunition, armor and information... Gold comes in three variations: coins (10 GP), bags (25 GP) and boxes (50 GP) Com Unit - you will receive this from Rowan after completing the Sanctuary mission. Through this unit you will receive informations from Blackbird, so its essential for the game. Targetter - this thing mounted on your will help you target enemies; the targetter displays a crosshair, which shows where you are firing. Stamina Implant - this implant will be given to you by Front's medics. Each implant increases your Max. Hit Points by 10. You need Upgrade Tokens awarded by Macil to get Implants. Accuracy - this skill makes your weapons more accurate at far distances. 5.0. The Front The Front is an underground organisation, dedicated to destroying the Order and freeing humanity. The Front is your Ally, dont forget about it. 5.1. Macil Macil is the charismatic and strong leader of the Front. Macil gives you missions and awards Upgrade Tpkens and Gold Pieces for completing his quests. Also you receive from him informations about the Programmer, the Sigil and other targets. Macil is armed with an Assault Gun and wears a standard Front Armor 5.2. Blackbird This woman is your intelligence agent. Pay close attention to her advices, and you might live long enough to destroy the Order. Blackbird will also comment everything you do. She has a good voice too. 5.3. Feris, the Armorer Feris is the Quartermaster of the Front. Feris trains soldiers and supplies bullets for them. You can receive from him Accuracy training and 50 5mm bullets, if you have less than 50 bullets. 5.4. Justin, the Supplier Justin appears in the Armory in the Castle after you seize control over it. Justin will supply grenades, rockets, energy pods and Teleport Beacons to you. Justin: Box of Rockets 50 GP H-E Grenades 50 GP Energy Pod 75 GP Teleporter Beacon 75 GP 5.5. Irale, the Black Market Guy Irale has his shop located to the right of the Weapons shop in the Town. Irale sells SA-12 Assault Guns, 5mm bullets and can build you a Flamethrower from the parts you receive from the Rat King. After the Sewers, Irale will give you accuracy training. Irale: Assault Gun 250 GP 5mm Clip 10 GP 5mm Box 30 GP After you seize the Castle, Irale will offer more: Phosphor grenades 75 GP Poison Bolts 200 GP 5.6. Gerard, the Medic Gerard is a red haired guy, supplying medical aid to the Front. Gerard has created a Stamina Implant, which increases your Hit Points. The first versions of the implant are designed by him, but the next versions are created using the Order's technological data and materials. Gerard can heal you to your maximum hit points, no matter how bad you feel. Also he will upgrade your implant. 5.7. The Soldiers Front Soldiers are brave and 100% human. They wear brown armors, and are armed with standard Assault Guns. Rebels can be send in to help you, but you need to have a Teleport Beacon. Then Justin and Feris will send backup for you. Soldiers drop a 5mm Clip, just like the Acolytes. 5.8. Front Bases At the beginning of the game, the Front has one base: at the old Town Hall. That base is located underground, and is relatively small. -The Command Center: here you will find Macil, his advisors and researchers. You can talk to the researchers and advisors for some minor tips and gossip. Macil is the one to talk to. -Weapons training: here you will find a Gun Range and Feris. At the Gun Range you can practice shooting moving targets (dont know what thats for: you have actually practiced it at the beginning, in the Sanctuary!). You will receive training and some ammo from Feris, if you're low on it. -Medic: this is the place to go, if you are wounded. Gerard will heal you to full health, and give you a Stamina Implant (if you have the proper Token of course) -Barracks: You can visit this place to talk to the Rebels, see the water source of the Castle and finally, get a 5mm Clip from one of the beds. -Power Plant: here you will find a technician; he will give you a minor clue about Strife. When the Programmer is dead, the Front will claim the Castle and the base in the Town Hall will be deserted. You can return there to find some MedKits, MedPatches, some 5mm Clips in the barracks. If you have a silver key, then check one of the walls where the flag of the Front was - there you will find 200 GP, some MedKits, a targetter and some phosphorous grenade rounds. They forgot to evacuate that spot or what? After the death of the Programmer, the Castle will become Front's new base of operations. -The Command Center: this time its located in a keep. Macil (as always) is in the center, so you dont have to look after him. Look at the monitors beside Macil: they show your worst enemies (until you meet the DeathMachine!). -Weapons training: the Front converted a medical storage facility into an armory and a Gun Range (Its a good idea to get everything from the Storage room before killing the Programmer). Here you will find Feris and Justin, who will supply grenades, rockets, energy pods and beacons. -Medic: here Gerard will supply healing and stamina implant upgrades to you. -Barracks: see above -Power Plant: dont know where it is situated. 6.0. The Town The town is the place where you can resupply and find important people, like governor Mourel. Dont go trigger happy here, or you will set off the alarm, and youre toast! 6.1. The Medic Lets start with the Medic. He looks like Gerard, but he doesnt offer any free healing though. After the sewers, the Medic will give you an upgrade to your Stamina Implant. Medic: MedPatch 10 GP Medical Kit 25 GP Field Surgery Kit 75 Gp 6.2. The Weapons Shop At the weapons shop Bowyer will offer electric bolts and an Ammo Satchel (see items section) Bowyer: Electric bolts 5 GP Ammo satchel 300 GP first, 125 Gp next 6.3. The Armory The Armorer sells the finest armors in the world of Strife. The prices are high, but definitely worth it. After you seize the Castle, the Armorer will lower the price of the Metal Armor. Armorer: Enviromental Suit 25 GP Leather Armor 50 GP Metal Armor 200/125 GP TIP: To the left of the Armoury you can see a ruined balcony. RUN (shift + up) up to the edge of the river and jump. If you have done it correctly, then you should fall into the balcony. Inside you will see a foundry. Go in and grab that Leather Armor, MedPatch and those coins up the elevator. Then jump through the window to get out. 6.4. Black Market At the Black Market you will find Irale, who will supply you with weapons and ammo. Irale's offer is in the section dedicated to the Front. 6.5. The Old Town Hall This was once a giant, beautiful structure. Now, after the Order destroyed it and placed the Governor, this building is in ruin. No one goes in, no one visits this place. After the Sanctuary go in here and find Geoff. Tell him the password from Blackbird, and he will let you into the Front Base. 6.6. Governor's Mansion The mansion is located by the Tavern. Here governor Mourel rules the Town. Mourel is a reminder that the citizens are free no more. TIP: Inside the mansion turn left and go through the door you see. Down, you will find some MedKits, 5mm Clips and a targetter. 6.7. The Tavern Inside the Tavern you can find a barkeeper, some Acolytes and peasants and a guy upstairs who says he's a talent broker for the rebels. The barkeeper can give you some minor info about the Order, you can get some gossip from the Acolytes and Peasants. But dont take that guys offer. It will lead you to a point where you will be forced to kill the governor, and if you do it, you are stuck in the game. Forever. Mourel is crucial for completing the Prison asiignment. You can kill him afterwards. 7.0. THE SIGIL The SIGIL is a weapon of mass destruction. It uses your health as ammo, so be careful when you use it. SIGIL is made from five pieces, which you obtain from bosses (like the Programmer). Now lets present the effects of each piece. 1 piece: The handle summons a rain of energy to your location, or to the location of the enemy. Each shot costs 4 HP. 2 pieces: Two pieces shot an energy bolt straight. One shot takes 8 HP from you 3 pieces: Shots a wave of energy bolts in the direction you are currently facing. Costs 12 HP 4 pieces: Shots straight a column of energy. Costs 16 HP 5 pieces: The full SIGIL is a combination of all previous pieces. One shot sends a bolt of energy straight, the bolt also carries a 'tail' of energy behind it, and sends horizontally streams of energy. Use this weapon wisely, as one shot takes 20 HP from you. 8.0. Credits You may post this FAQ everywhere, as long proper credit is added. If you post my FAQ, dont alter it! ^____^ I wish to thank GameFAQs as they were an inspiration for me. I thank everyone on this planet, and the CosmoTomato from Mars! GO TOMATO! Mikael Grizzly,