Tales of Rebirth (e)

                                 TALES OF REBIRTH

                                by amusinglydead


System:	Playstation 2		
E-mail: h4ck.lurv3r@hotmail.com
Last Updated: 1/23/11
Version: 1.0

Table of Contents:

Contents: [Search Key]

1. Introduction [TORI] 
2. Updates [TORII]
3. Getting Started [TORIII]
   A. Story [IIIA]
   B. Controls [IIIB]
   C. Characters [IIIC]

4. Walkthrough [ToRIV]
   Part 1: The Search for Claire [ToR1]
      A. - Sulz.........................................................[ToR1A]
      B. - Keketto Hostel...............................................[ToR1B]
      C. - Alvan Mountains..............................................[ToR1C]
      D. - Minal Plains.................................................[ToR1D]
      E. - Minal........................................................[ToR1E]
      F. - Forest Labyrinth.............................................[ToR1F]
      G. - Petnadjanka..................................................[ToR1G]
      H. - The Factory..................................................[ToR1H]
      I. - Toyohose Hostel..............................................[ToR1I]
      J. - Sannytown (First Visit)......................................[ToR1J]
      K. - Farm Fresh Groceries ()......................................[ToR1K]
      L. - Tel Alla Hostel..............................................[ToR1L]
      M. - Sannytown (Second Visit).....................................[ToR1M]
      N. - Karez........................................................[ToR1N]
      O. - Animakal (First Visit) ......................................[ToR1O]
      P. - Oasis........................................................[ToR1P]
      Q. - Animakal(Second Visit).......................................[ToR1Q]
      R. - Climbers' Cavern.............................................[ToR1R]
      S. - Babilograd...................................................[ToR1S]
      T. - Babilograd's Harbor..........................................[ToR1T]
      U. - Balka's Harbor...............................................[ToR1U]
      V. - Balka (First Visit) .........................................[ToR1V]
      W. - Mesechina Caverns............................................[ToR1W]
      X. - Balka (Second Visit).........................................[ToR1X]
      Y. - Underground Passage..........................................[ToR1Y]
      Z. - Karegia Castle (First Visit) ................................[ToR1Z]
      AA. - Balka Prison...............................................[ToR1AA]
      BB. - Karegia Castle (Second Visit) .............................[ToR1BB]

   Part 2: The Trials [ToR2]
      A. - Sulz.........................................................[ToR2A]
      B. - Reassembling the Party.......................................[ToR2B]
      C. - Mesechina Caverns............................................[ToR2C]
      D. - Razilda Harbor...............................................[ToR2D]
      E. - Razilda(First Visit).........................................[ToR2E]
      F. - Mesechina Caverns............................................[ToR2F]
      G. - Razilda (Second Visit).......................................[ToR2G]
      H. - Zeren Wetlands Spring........................................[ToR2H]
      I. - Pipista......................................................[ToR2I]
      J. - Shrine of Fenia..............................................[ToR2J]
      K. - Razilda (Third Visit)........................................[ToR2K]
      L. - Zeren Wetlands Spring Revisited..............................[ToR2L]
      M. - Razilda (Fourth Visit).......................................[ToR2M]
      N. - Kyogen.......................................................[ToR2N]
      O. - Nolzen (First Visit).........................................[ToR2O]
      P. - Tower of Nereg...............................................[ToR2P]
      Q. - Nolzen (Second Visit)........................................[ToR2Q]
      R. - Tower of Wontiga.............................................[ToR2R]
      S. - Belsas' Harbor...............................................[ToR2S]
      T. - Belsas(First Visit)..........................................[ToR2T]
      U. - Shrine of Blue...............................................[ToR2U]
      V. - Nolzen(Third Visit) .........................................[ToR2V]
      W. - Mocrado Village..............................................[ToR2W]
      X. - Stone Ruins..................................................[ToR2X]
      Y. - Belsas (Second Visit)........................................[ToR2Y]
      Z. - Sannytown....................................................[ToR2Z]
   Part 3: Bridging The Gap [TOR3]
      A. - Animakal & Balka.............................................[ToR3A]
      B. - Babilograd & Petnadjanka ....................................[ToR3B]
      C. - Pipista......................................................[ToR3C]
      D. - Minal........................................................[ToR3D]
      E. - Sulz.........................................................[ToR3E]
      F. - Mt. Sovereing................................................[ToR3F]

   Part 4: Final Boss & Aftermath [TOR4]
      A. - Upper Yuris' Realm...........................................[ToR4A]
      B. - Middle Yuris' Realm..........................................[ToR4B]
      C. - Grunhelde....................................................[ToR4C]
      D. - Upper Yuris' Realm...........................................[ToR4D]

5. Extra Stuff [TORIV]
   A. Cyglorg's Chambers [IVA]
   B. Minigames and Sidequests [IVB]
   C. Titles [IVC]
   D. Recipes [IVD]
   E. Battle Book [IVE]

6. Credits [TORV]

1 ) Introduction                                                         [TORI] 

Hey everyone! 
So, this is the first walkthrough I've ever written, so it might not be the 
best one ever, but I tried xD I've always been a fan of the Tales games,
my first one being Phantasia on the SNES. From then on I've been hooked! I've 
played all of the american releases, but was disappointed that a lot of them 
had not been localized! Now my mission is to get the rest imported, and it 
seems like my parents read my mind since they gave me this game last christmas!

I've been studying Japanese for almost two years in school, so I understood 
most of this game on my own, but I did have to use one of the translation 
guides out there to get the best experience. The reason I wrote this 
walkthrough is because I desired a more in-depth one, for the next time I 
re-play Rebirth myself, as well as to share with the rest of the world, lol.

But enough ramblings about me. Some things I'd like to note before getting on 
with the walkthrough is that I wrote this especifically to go along with 
lanyn's translation guide (for the people who don't know Japanese, that is). 

Also, in the English Tales games, the gummies, such as "Apple Gummies" are 
translated as "Apple Gels", but I decided for it to remain as "Apple Gummies"
(etc) in this guide. On the other hand, the check items, such as "Poison Check"
are translated as "Poison Charm" in my guide, just as they are called in the
English versions. Also, while Sannytown is translated as Sunnytown in lanyn's 
translation FAQ, I decided to keep it as Sannytown because that's how the 
english spelling is in the game. 

Additionally, the sidequests #4, & 18 are not covered here fully. For more 
details please refer to lanyn’s Battle Mechanics/Sub Events FAQ.

Oh yeah, I would actually recommend for you to either know katakana, or at 
least learn how recognize it, since you kind of need to the names of the 
towns if you want to use the Quick Traveling option (cowboy-hat-man).

2 ) Updates                                                             [TORII] 

I'll get around this eventually. Some of the things I will be adding in my next
playthrough are:
-the translations for the quests
-the translation with meeting Claire’s fellow kidnapped girls
-the translation for what party members say when separated. 
-the Monster Book list
-a walkthrough for the Bonus Dungeon 

Btw, do excuse my pretty shoddy translations. I know they're not the best, 
but I'm not an expert on japanese quite just yet xD

3 ) Getting Started                                                    [TORIII] 

   A. Story                                                              [IIIA]

                          The Story of Two Tribes

There are two races from the distance past.

               "Knowledge" shall govern "Humas", "Power" shall govern "Gajumas"

In the past, People went through great hardship as they worked together to 
build the Kingdom of Karegia. For many generations since then, Gajuma have 
been crowned as the rulers of this country, and under their rule, peace and 
prosperity continued to thrive.

However, the peace between the two races suddenly began to collapse.

Many lives were lost due to incidents occurring in various places. Due to the 
chaos that began on the death of King Ladras, people called this incident the 
"Dusk of Ladras".

In the north of the village of Sulz, the fate of a cold, lonely youth by the 
name of Veigue would be greatly changed by the "Dusk of Ladras".

One Year Later,

In front of an unsociable Veigue towers a giant ice block. Inside of it, 
Claire, a girl from his childhood, is trapped. This sight has remained 
unchanged since exactly one year ago.

Veigue has tried everything in his power to break Claire's confine, to no 
avail. The only thing he can do is watch... But it is then that a strange duo 
arrives to the village, and are able to melt away the ice that entraps Claire.

The emergence of these two nudge Veigue to leave Sulz, and start on a journey..

Throughout his journey, Veigue will meet many people through a variety of 
circumstances, and he will soon be faced with the problems of Karegia.

Veigue and company will struggle to look for the answer, whilst entangling 
himself with the lives of others. 

Can Veigue find the answer to "What is human?"

Tales of Rebirth Keywords

Tribes and Kingdoms: 
This world is home to two tribes, the Humas who are born with high intellect, 
and the Gajumas who are born with excellent physical abilities. Although the 
Kingdom of Karegia is made up of these two tribes, since its founding, Gajumas 
have been crowned king for generations. Under their rule, the world has thrived
in both peace and prosperity. However, at the same time as the demise of the
late king, the world became covered with a dark shadow, bringing about an end
to the peace of Karegia. 

People's life and spiritual power has produced "special abilities". The power 
of mind and heart, which has been influenced by the spirit of ancient times. 
Due to a certain event, what was originally a Gajuma-only ability, is now a 
power that is indistinguishable between different types of races. The Force 
began to appear within all kinds of people. Force can be expressed in the 
form of art and technology, Force is something that is embodied by the 
"Force Cube".

Things from nature are being transformed into monsters. Quite a few number of 
these monsters called Viruses seem to be popping up all over the world. 
However, currently that number has been starting to increase.

   B. Controls								 [IIIB]

   C. Characters 							 [IIIC]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Veigue Lungberg
Age: 18
Race: Huma
Gender: Man
Height: 183cm
Weight: 71kg

A quiet youth who lives in Sulz. After his parent's death, he has been under 
the care of Claire's family. His blunt and reticent face hide behind a fiery 
passion young man. However ever since the events of the previous year a dark 
shadow has been cast across his face, making him even more quiet and taciturn. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Claire Bennett
Age: 17
Race: Huma
Gender: Woman
Height: 163cm
Weight: 45kg

She grew up alongside with Veigue. She has an unforgettable compassion for 
others and is always cheerful even in the face of adversity. She is always 
worried for everyone around her, especially Veigue.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Age: 13
Race: Huma
Gender: Man
Height: 153cm
Weight: 38kg

A lonely boy who lost his memories. However, despite of this he has a bright 
and vibrant personality, and he is always going around and around, as he 
searches for them. He can sometimes be a little cocky. He travels alongside 
his father-like figure, Eugene, and together they make a rough but brilliant 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Eugene Gallardo
Age: 40
Race: Gajuma
Gender: Man
Height: 193cm
Weight: 108kg

A lithe warrior with a big frame, backed up by his extensive knowledge, wit, 
and combat experience. A quiet character, burdened by his past. A guy whom 
embodies the meaning of being a strong, silent type.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Annie Barrs
Age: 15
Race: Huma
Gender: Woman
Height: 155cm
Weight: 40kg

A young girl aspiring to become a doctor. However, hiding despite her age, 
she hides a dark emotion and commitment. Originally an intelligent, 
sophisticated gentle girl, however after certain events, she began to hate 
the Gajuma race. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tytree Crowe
Age: 17
Race: Huma
Gender: Man
Height: 178cm
Weight: 69kg

A fiery, hot-blooded youth. Unlike Veigue, he likes to talk a lot and make 
others laugh often. He hates injustice and is the type that likes to act 
first before thinking. Because of that, he can be a bit of a troublemaker 
and gets caught up in other people's affairs.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hilda Rhambling
Age: 21
Race: Huma
Gender: Woman
Height: 168cm
Weight: 48kg

A Fortune Teller with a bewitching aura. She uses her Tarot Cards to predict
the future as well as a weapon. She is a cold and unforgiving individual. 
Because of her demanding past, she has a hard time believing in Friendship.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Agarte Lindblum
Age: 20
Race: Gajuma
Gender: Woman
Height: 165cm
Weight: 43kg

The country of Karegia's most beautiful Queen. After her father's sudden 
death, she succeeded the throne and became the ruler of the Humas and Gajuma. 
She possesses a pure heart, and a strong determination. She has the ability 
to take action and cherishes the powerful feelings that come from a pure 
heart, one that knows no right nor wrong. 

4 ) Walkthrough								[TORIV] 

Part 1: The Search for Claire 						[ToR1]

      A. - Sulz.........................................................[ToR1A]
      B. - Keketto Hostel...............................................[ToR1B]
      C. - Alvan Mountains..............................................[ToR1C]
      D. - Minal Plain..................................................[ToR1D]
      E. - Minal........................................................[ToR1E]
      F. - Forest Labyrinth.............................................[ToR1F]
      G. - Petnadjanka..................................................[ToR1G]
      H. - The Factory..................................................[ToR1H]
      I. - Toyohose Hostel..............................................[ToR1I]
      J. - Sannytown (First Visit)......................................[ToR1J]
      K. - Farm Fresh Groceries ()......................................[ToR1K]
      L. - Tel Alla Hostel..............................................[ToR1L]
      M. - Sannytown (Second Visit).....................................[ToR1M]
      N. - Karez........................................................[ToR1N]
      O. - Animakal (First Visit) ......................................[ToR1O]
      P. - Oasis........................................................[ToR1P]
      Q. - Animakal(Second Visit).......................................[ToR1Q]
      R. - Climbers' Cavern.............................................[ToR1R]
      S. - Babilograd...................................................[ToR1S]
      T. - Babilograd's Harbor..........................................[ToR1T]
      U. - Balka's Harbor...............................................[ToR1U]
      V. - Balka (First Visit) .........................................[ToR1V]
      W. - Mesechina Caverns............................................[ToR1W]
      X. - Balka (Second Visit).........................................[ToR1X]
      Y. - Underground Passage..........................................[ToR1Y]
      Z. - Karegia Castle (First Visit) ................................[ToR1Z]
      AA. - Balka Prison...............................................[ToR1AA]
      BB. - Karegia Castle (Second Visit) .............................[ToR1BB]

Sulz 									[ToR1A]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Milk 					Peach Gummy			      |
| Carrots 				Life Bottle			      |
| Potatoes 								      |

The game will start in Sulz, a small quiet village. Our Main Protagonist, 
Veigue, will be sulking inside an ice-looking place, and two newcomers will 
come in to disturb him. 

You will have to fight the red-haired kid, Mao. It’s a pretty easy battle. 
However, you don’t have to win, plus it’s time limited to 60 seconds. You 
won’t be able to use skills at the moment either, so just hit away with your 
sword until it’s over. 

After, you will head outside of here and another small battle will trigger. 
This time it will be against 2 birds and a boar, but on the bright side, your 
new companions will join you in battle! Afterwards they will join the party, 
and you will receive the BATTLE BOOK after an automatic skit.  

When you are finally in control, head left from here. The house with the 
red-ish roof is a Weapon and Armor Store, however there is nothing worth 
buying at the moment (and you don’t have much money in the first place).

Continuing on the left path, in the next screen there will be a house with a 
purple roof. This is the Inn/Food Store. There will be a Save Spot inside as 
well. Use the facilities if you desire before returning to the previous 
screen. This time head up the stairs on the upper left to continue. Enter 
the only house there to trigger a scene.

Afterwards, you will have to exit out of here and head to the Assembly Hall 
(the place where Claire had been frozen). 

Watch the scenes, and after you will be thrown in to battle. Tomah has 
51000 HP, soyou pretty much have no hopes in winning. After he obliterates 
you, Saleh will join in the fun and Claire will be taken away (surprise, 

After the scenes, Mao and Eugene will gain some titles:

Mao: "Boy With Amnesia" +2 Slash Defense Power bonus.
     "Deserter"         +2 Thrust Defense Power bonus.

Eugene: "Ex-Commander"  +2 Slash Defense Power bonus. 

Now head left for a scene with Claire’s parents. After it you will now be able 
to Cook. Awesomeness.

Now before we leave Sulz there are a couple of things to do still. First, 
enter the Inn and talk to the guy manning the Food Store to obtain some MILK,
CARROTS, and POTATOES. Then step outside to talk to the guy running the Item 
Store to receive a PEACE GUMMY and a LIFE BOTTLE. 

Now it’s time for our first sidequest!

*SIDEQUEST #1*		Monica and Steve, Part 1 of 4

Enter the weapon shop and talk to Steve (blonde guy) and a scene will trigger. 
After it, head to the Assembly Hall to talk to Monica and another scene will 
trigger. That will be all for now. 


Finally, after all of this feel free to leave the village. Once in the World 
Map, follow the path, and enter the Great Larulen Bridge.

After a short scene, you will be introduced to the Dark Wings, who are part of 
the army. A small fight will ensue, it’s not really anything worthy, but here 
are their stats.

BOSSES: Ginnal 		HP: 1000 
        Yusia		HP: 500 
        Drumb		HP: 1200 

As you can tell, they’re not that tough. Veigue will fight them alone, and I 
would recommend you to attack Ginnal first, followed by Yusia, and lastly 

After defeating them, you will receive some Milk, Carrots, and Potatoes, along 
with 6 EXP and 6 Gald.

After the battle, exit and then continue following the road until you see a 
small house in the distance. As you approach it a skit will trigger. Head 
inside after. This place is called the Keketto Hostel. 

Keketto Hostel								[ToR1B]

The bear-like Gajuma at the counter will sell you some items and food. Stock up
if needed and then head to the left. This will be the Inn. You will 
automatically rest, but this will be disturbed not long after. What’s going on?
Exit this room to find out what.

Hmm, so they’re being controlled... After the scene you will be back at the 
Inn. To continue, examine the clock on the left wall and that will break the 
mind control. After, exit the Inn.  

You will meet Walt, the third member of the Four Stars. You won’t have to fight
him, luckily.

After he’s gone and you’re back in control, continue following the southern 
path to the Etoray Bridge. 

Once again, you will have to fight the Dark Wings. However, you won’t be alone
this time. Their stats are the same, so just scroll up if you can’t remember 
what they are. 

Maaan I can’t believe they blew out the bridge. It’s never that easy!

We’re going to have to go back to the Keketto Hostel. Behind it there will be 
a small bridge. Cross it, and towards the SW will be a mountain, our next 

Alvan Mountains								[ToR1C]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Red Refine Stone			Peach Gummy x2			      |
| Beef x2				Life Bottle x2			      |
| Lettuce 				Bread 				      |
| 500 Gald								      |

Head inside, and after the first random encounter this notice will pop up:

"The Viruses in this area fortify their defenses after particular attacks. Look
at how the enemy attacks and think about how to time the counterattack. 
Attacking an enemy in a defensive position reduces the damage dealt to 1/4. 
Take care not to attack recklessly and to avoid counterattacks." -lanyn’s 
translation guide.

Keep that in mind as you head up. As you approach the ledge another scene will 
happen. You will now be able to jump ledges by using the CIRCLE button. Best to
do a bit of a jump start. Anyway head up to the top until another scene plays 
out, enabling you to use Veigue’s Force by using the SQUARE button. However,
don’t use his Force to take the upper path just quite yet. First jump down from
there and follow the path to the next screen to obtain a PEACH GUMMY. Then, 
return to the previous screen and take the path below that one which will lead 
to a chest with a LIFE BOTTLE. 

Now return to the previous screen and this time take the highest up path to the
next screen. 

In here, jump down to get to a chest with a LIFE BOTTLE. Then, return to that 
spot and use Veigue’s Force to jump up. The chest here will have 500 Gald. 
Alright! Now continue jumping up to the next platform, but before jumping up 
the next one, jump down and grab the PEACH GUMMY that’s in the next screen. Now
return to take the upper path and there will be a scene.  After it, enter the 
cabin here to take a break. After the scenes you will now be able to Enhance 
your weapons! Basically, after battle you get some enhance points which you can 
attribute to your weapons and armor.  Items can’t hold more than 200 points at 
a time, so don’t forget to use them up! Examine the bag here as well, and you 
will learn how to make HAMBURGERS! 

Anyway, use the Save Spot if you want, before exiting out of here. Continue on
to the left, and approach the snow block. After the scene, you will be able to 
use Mao’s Force, using the SQUARE button as well. 

Make your way down this screen, and at the button melt the blocks on your way 
before continuing to the next screen. Climb down the trunk here and jump to the
next ledge. Here, only melt one block, so you can jump on the remaining one to 
get to the next ledge. Be careful not to climb down the icy path, as you will 
slide. Instead head down the "stairs" so you can jump towards the chest with a
RED REFINE STONE. Now, if you want you can head down the slide (like I did), or
you can take the path by the "stairs" on the right. Either way will ultimately 
take you to the same place. Anyway, after heading down the slide, melt the two 
blocks and some BEEF from the chest there. A scene will now trigger, which will
basically inform you of how to get back to the beginning. By melting only one
of the blocks on the right you can jump up there and make your way back. But
obviously, don’t do that. Instead, head down the stairs to get the four chests
at the bottom. One of them will be slightly hidden by the trees on the right.
It will contain a SAGE herb. The other thee chests contain some LETTUCE, BREAD,
and more BEEF. The peddler here will sell you gummies and life bottles, along
with a whole lot of food. 

Now, before heading towards the exit of this dungeon make sure your HP is up
because as you try to exit, it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Leg Tight 	HP: 8000 	Weak: Water	Strong: Fire 
My Level: 9

This guy has a bit more HP than the guys you’ve face before, but don’t worry. 
Between the three of you, he stands no chance!

During this battle, have Veigue and Eugene corner him, while Mao spell casts in
the background. Make sure Mao isn’t using any fire spells as that will be not 
be useful. 

After defeating him, you will receive a Life Bottle and a Protect Topaz ring 
for your efforts, along 303 EXP and 525 Gald.

After, finally head out of this place. 

Once you are back in the World Map, follow the eastern path. You will notice 
that it will start raining as you continue...

So will your party. After the scene you will end up in the "Minal Plain" which
is a one-time-only area. 

Minal Plains								[ToR1D]

This is a rather unique place, and as I said before, it’s a one-time only area.
You will never be able to come back here after we’re finished with this place. 

In any case, just continue heading east until a scene triggers. It will begin 
raining harder, and then it will begin to snow. Odd. Now continue heading east 
and you will notice that something doesn’t seem quite right... Isn’t that the 
icicle Veigue made earlier? Examine it and another scene will trigger.  After,
head east one more time and SAVE at the Spot before using Mao’s Force on the 
icicle. This will trigger another scene, and subsequently, it will be Boss 
Battle time.  

BOSS: Annie 		HP: 926
My level: 10

Annie is the least of your problems here, but do get rid of her first before 
targeting the three mercenaries that accompany her. Each mercenary will have 
3000 HP. There’s not much strategy to use here. Just hit away until they're 

You will receive 460 EXP and 720 Gald for your efforts. 

After the scenes, continue heading down the road until you arrive at Minal. 

Minal 									[ToR1E]

Soon after you arrive you will meet a young Gajuma named Misha. He will bring 
you to Dr. Curia who will tend to Annie’s injuries. Afterward, you’ll be 
automatically transported outside of the Inn. From here head, enter the house 
on the left with the green roof. Inheriting will become available at this 
point. Now, upgrade your Weapons and Armor from the Gajumas at the top right, 
and stock up on items from the Gajuma on the bottom left. Also, make sure to 
buy a Lucky Cat/Manekineko from here as well, as it will be useful later on. 
Now exit this place and head down the slope to the next screen. There 
building here will be a Bar, but we’ll visit this place later so head to the 
left once more. Enter the house in this screen and check the bag at the
right to learn the SANDWICH recipe. Then exit, and head to the Harbor by 
taking the upper path. Approach the soldiers here for a scene. After, return 
to the previous screen, and after the scene, approach the guy carrying the 
heavy box. At this point you will have two choices to take. 

Do you go in Tomichi’s boat, or do you sneak into the Harbor by carrying 
that box? The latter is easier, but while the former requires you to pay 
1000 Gald (don’t worry, you get it back) you also have more chances to 

Personally, I shall cover Tomichi’s boat, since carrying the box is already 
transcripted by lanyn’s Translation Guide (and Spekio’s), as well as Kouli’s 

Now head to the first screen out of town to speak to Tomichi. Pay him and 
you will end up at the beach. The little rat will try to attack you then, 
but luckily, Veigue’s reflexes are as sharp as ever. 

After some more talking, your party will have to fight against three Sailors, 
each having 2750 HP. After the fight Tomichi will try begging for your 
forgiveness and he will return your money. Afterward you will end back in 
Minal. Head to the middle of town (the screen before the Harbor) and a 
scene will trigger. Claire was in this town?!  After the scene, follow 
Misha back to the Inn and head downstairs. Enter the door in the back to 
meet with Dr. Curia once more.  After some talking, Annie will finally wake 
up. However, her careless words will hurt Misha, whose Force will run out of 

control! We’re going to have to search for him and hope he’s okay. 

Exit the Inn and head to the middle of town for more scenes. We’ll see 
Dr. Curia here again. Afterward, return to the previous screen and take 
the path to the lower left. Misha will be here, but he will run off. So 
we’ll have to return to the first screen of the town and talk to Dr. Curia 
there. Click on the first option that pops up to follow after Misha. A 
small fight will then ensue, and Annie will join to help!

Afterward, head back inside the Inn and downstairs again. More scenes, 
and after leaving the Inn, Annie will join your party.

At this point, a couple more sidequests will open up. And let’s finish 
exploring this town while we’re at it.

If you enter the bar and talk to the waiter in the middle you’ll be able to 
participate in the Waiter/Waitress minigame. The objective is to get the 
drinks to your customers without spilling. If you run too fast, or for too 
long, you will trip and the drink will spill. Later on, there will be people 

walking around and you have to make sure not to bump into them on your way 
to your customer. There will be a timer at the top too, so you’ll have to 
do this fairly quickly, but don’t be too nervous. You’ll only lose some 
Gald if you go over the time, but you will still get your titles. This is 
a nice way to earn money if you get used to it.

You’ll have to do this with every single one of your characters to get their 
"Nice Waiter/Waitress" title. However, since you are still missing two 
members, you’ll have to come back later to complete this. In addition to 
getting everyone a title, once you have completed this with everyone, you 
will get a recipe out of it.

Veigue: "Nice Waiter"    +2 HP Recovery bonus. 
Mao:    "Nice Waiter"    +2 Skill Defense Power bonus. 
Eugene: "Nice Waiter"    +3 Slash Attack Power bonus. 
Annie:  "Nice Waitress"  +2 Thrust Defense Power bonus.


*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 1 of 18
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 1 of 16 

So, from the middle of town, take the upper left exit which we have been 
ignoring until now. In this new screen, we can continue forward into the 
Library, or we can head down the stairs on the right to get to the Gymnasium. 
Head to the Gymnasium first. Talking to the old man inside will begin the 

Completion Old Man quest. Basically, he will give you items depending on how 
many enemies are registered in your Battle Book. For example, having 5 entries
will get you some Step Boots, and so on. Here’s the list of it:

-05 Entries: Step Boots
-10 Entries: Majin Spirit Talisman(Zehhyoujin -> Majinken)
-20 Entries: Apple Gumi
-30 Entries: Fuujin Spirit Talisman(Shunrenjin -> Fuujinken)
-40 Entries: Recovery Refine Stone
-50 Entries: Peach Gummy
-60 Entries: Chamomile
-70 Entries: Mouko Spirit Talisman (Reppashou -> Kogahazan)
-80 Entries: Grape Gummy
-90 Entries: Lavender
-100 Entries: Senkou Spirit Talisman (Zesshouzan -> Senkoushou)
-110 Entries: Switch Gumi
-120 Entries: Kuushin Spirit Talisman (Genryuuzan -> Kuushuuken)
-130 Entries: Sage
-140 Entries: Awakening Refine Stone
-150 Entries: Hyouma Spirit Talisman (Mueishou -> Muhyoushou)
-Once you have completed all the entries, you will receive the "Battle Master"
title for your whole party

Throughout the FAQ, I will remind you to come pick up new items from him from 
time to time. Anyway, after we’re done talking to him, head to the Library. 

Once in here, the first thing you should do is talk to the brown-haired woman 
standing here. Chose the third option when prompted and you will get some new 

Veigue: "Free Youth"               +2 FG Recovery bonus
Mao:    "Free Boy"                 +2 HP Recovery bonus
Eugene: "Free Middle-Aged Man"     +2 FG Recovery bonus
Annie:  "Free Girl"                +10 HP

After, head up the stairs and talk to the purple man here. Remember him as we 
will be talking to him veeery often throughout the game. This starts the 
Mobile Library Quest.  Anyway, when prompted, chose the first option and you 
will receive the LIBRARY CARD. After, head out of here and head back to the 

Talk to the guy behind the counter dressed in blue and he will give you back 
the library book. Now return to the library and speak to the library (purple 
guy) and we’ll be done here... for now. 

The last thing worth mentioning would be that as you approach the first 
screen of Minal you’ll see a guy with a cowboy hat standing there. He will be 
your most useful source of transportation in the beginning of the game. Paying 
him 300 Gald will allow him to take you anywhere you will like. You should 
probably learn to recognize the katakana of every town’s name, to use this 


With all this done, finally head out of Minal. Once you are back at the World 
Map, Follow the path to the SW across a bridge and then continue following it 
until you arrive at the Forest Labyrinth. 

Forest Labyrinth							[ToR1F]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Life Bottle x3 			Bread				      |
| Peach Gummy				Resist Pearl (ring) 		      |
| Lavander				Chamomile 			      |
| Milk 				      	Carrots 			      |
| Potatoes				765 Gald		    	      |

After your first random encounter, this message will pop up. 

"The viruses in this area automatically defend when their ally's Rush Gauge 
(RG) falls below a certain level. Choose a strategy which is difficult to 
defend against such as performing Rush Charges or cooperating with your allies
when attacking. Also, there are cooking recipes that will raise your RG at the 
beginning of battle, so use them wisely." -lanyn’s translation guide

Anyway, once you enter the forest go towards the left until you get a scene. 
Annie will get the title "Aspiring Female Doctor" which has a +2 FG Recovery 
bonus. Now that you are back in control, go down the hidden path you just 
uncovered. (If you keep taking the left path you will be in a continuous 

The next screen looks a little confusing but it’s not really. Go down a bit 
to hit a scene where Mao will scare Annie, only to fall down a small cliff. 
After he gets back up and you are in control head up and into the next screen. 
In this third screen, jump down once and head to the left to get a treasure 
chest with a LIFE BOTTLE. Then go back to the right to jump down the ledge. 
Head back to the right screen and head towards the chest, but be careful not 
to be on the edge or you will fall. The chest contains a LIFE BOTTLE. Head 
back to the left screen again. Here, jump all the way down towards a chest 
that contains BREAD. Now there multiple ways to take, but you’ll ultimately 
end up in the same place. For best results, jump down on to the ledge that’s 
right under the chest where you got the Bread and go up a little before 
taking the first path to the right. You’ll end up near a save point and a 
chest containing a PEACH GUMMY. Go down the stairs and towards right to enter 
a new screen. You’ll see a bunch of chests here but you can only open three 
of them. They contain a RESIST PEARL ring, a LAVENDER herb, and a CHAMOMILE 

Go back to the left screen and this time head south. You’ll see four more 
chests here, but again, you can only get to three of them. These contain 
MILK, CARROTS, and POTATOES. Now head to the right to get that chest you 
missed before to obtain 765 GALD. Return to the screen with the save point 
and go to the left, you’ll be back in the third screen. In here go up and 
take the first path to the right again, but this time don’t had to the next 
screen. Instead jump down the ledge and head to the right. You’ll be back in 
the screen with the save point, however you will come out of a cave and be 
able to enter a new path. With that said, go south to return to a familiar 
screen. Head down the little hill to get to that last treasure chest and 
you’ll receive another LIFE BOTTLE. Then, go up the hill and head to the 
left for a Boss Battle. 

BOSS: Grand Pascu
My level: 17

You’ll face off with against a Grand Pascu and two Perky’s. Naturally, take the
twigs out of the way first before attacking the Pascu. Mao’s Flare Shot is 
really useful in this battle. It’s not too hard a battle, just beware of 
Pascu’s jumps and heal when necessary. 

You’ll receive a Poison Charm and a Magical Pearl for your efforts.

Now exit out of the forest (finally!). On the way there will be a scene, and 
Annie will receive the title "Scaredy Cat" that has a +2 Magic Defense bonus. 

Also, a notice will pop up, alerting you that Skills (Ougis) are now available
from the menu. 

We’re back in the World Map! The walk to Petnadjanka is quite short so just 
follow the path and enter the town.

Petnadjanka								[ToR1G]

After the scene, head into the first house you see and check the crate inside 
to learn how to make FRUIT PUNCH. Exit the house and head north into the next 
screen. You’ll be in the center of the town and a scene will immediately play 
out. There is an Inn here, with a Food Store and a Save Point inside. You can 
pick up some fruits for your Fruit Punch there if you want, and if you sleep 
at the Inn you’ll trigger a skit of Veigue brooding over Claire once again. 

If you head west of the fountain you’ll find an Equipment Store, so feel free 
to get some upgrades.

Anyway after the scene by the fountain is done head up the stairs in the back
and a couple more scenes will play out. Afterward, head towards the factory in
the back. 

The Factory								[ToR1H]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Peach Gummy 				1500 Gald			      |
| Life Bottle x2			Poison Charm (storyline) 	      |
| Bananas				Kiwi 			  	      |
| Panacea Bottle 			Coal (storyline)		      |
| Jutsu Refine Stone			Syrup Bottle	 		      |
| Apple Gummy	    						      	      |

The first thing you should do once in here is check the lockers to the right to
find a PEACH GUMMY. Then head towards the left and as soon as you enter this
room check the drawers to get 1500 GALD. The chest near the Save Point contains
a LIFE BOTTLE.  Head back to the room with the lockers, and this time take the
northern path. Ignore the door to the right and talk to the man near the tree.
You’ll receive a POISON CHARM from him, which you should equip since the
monsters in this area are poisonous. Now go back to that door you passed 
before and enter. 

In this area you’ll need to burn the flowers in your way with Mao’s fire (If 
you forgot how to: Hit the SQUARE button). There is a chest in this area, but 
unfortunately, you can’t get to it yet. Burn the flower in front of the ladder 
and climb up. Head towards the left and hit the lever to open up a path towards
the next screen. 

In this screen there is a huge flower in the middle which you need to examine. 
But first go down the ladder and examine the crates there to receive some 
BANANAS. Anyway, head back up to the big flower and examine it. Mao will try 
to burn it, but nothing will happen. Veigue will freeze it then, but that’ll 
only last for a little bit so quickly head to the right and burn the small blue
flower before the big one unfreezes. You’ll have to do this again with the one
on the left. Burn the small pink flower as well and enter the doorway that you
freed up. There’ll be two treasure chests here, containing a KIWI fruit and a
PANACEA BOTTLE. Also, examine the sacks to obtain COAL. Now return to the
previous screen and go down the rightmost path. Head down the bridge and
towards the furnace in the back. Examine it and say YES when prompted. Mao 
will use the Coal and light up the furnace with his Force and the huge flower 
will finally burn. Go back to the previous screen and take the middle path this
time. You’ll finally be able to get rid of that last blue flower. Now hit the 
lever toactivate the conveyor belt. You’ll have to go around again to reach it.
Before leaving to the next screen however, under the furnace there is a path
you can take. There’s a treasure chest there with a JUTSU REFINE STONE. 

Return to the previous screen and finally take the ladder up and go down the 
conveyor belt. 

Finally, a new area. Burn all the flowers in your way, and don’t forget to 
pick up that chest at the bottom left corner to get a LIFE BOTTLE. Also 
examine the barrels next to the chest to obtain a SYRUP BOTTLE. Don’t forget 
to burn the tiny little orange flower at the bottom near the conveyor belt. 
Now hit the lever to activate the belt. Before getting on it, head up and to 
the right to obtain an APPLE GUMMY. 

Finally take the belt to the next screen, and again burn all the flowers. 

Once you burn the peach-colored flower at the bottom, two paths will open up. 
You can either head up to exit the dungeon and stock up on items if needed or 
you can just continue forward. The next screen is Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Tytree
My level: 19

Although Tytree doesn’t hit very hard, he is EFFING fast, so watch out. Just 
keep hitting him until finally Mao and Eugene will perform their Hi-Ougi, 
Inferno Drive, and finish the battle. 

Sadly, you don’t get any item drops this time around. Boohoo.

However, after the battle is done, you gain a new companion! Yay! ^^

Now head out of the factory, watch some scenes, and exit the town. Our next 
destination is Sannytown, although to get there you first have to head SE 
towards Toyohose Hostel. The path there is pretty direct, you can’t miss it.

Toyohose Hostel								[ToR1I]

Well, the boats we were planning to take were wrecked by a sudden storm 
(*coughs* Saleh >.>), so we have to go collect some wood. Alright, well after 
the scene ends, head over to the right and into a new screen. After enduring a 
kind of amusing pun by Mao, you’ll have to collect some mushrooms along with 
the wood. Once you’ve collected enough, Veigue will speak up and you’ll be 
allowed to leave this screen. However, right before you can leave you’ll hear 
Tytree yell. Veigue will run back to catch Tytree talking a mysterious man, who
tries to persuade him to poison your party in exchange of his sister. 

Dun dun dun!

After the mysterious man jumps off the cliff, hopefully to his death, Veigue 
will hand over the mushrooms to Tytree, and the wood to Eugene. If you picked 
up any mushrooms with white spots, Tytree will tell you that they are 
poisonous, although not lethally so, as they are "Laughing Mushrooms". However 
if you did not pick any of those up, he will be impressed with you! This 
doesn’t affect your game in any other way though. 

Return to the Hostel to hand over the wood to Gugura-san. Hopefully they’ll be 
quick with the repairs. In any case, it’s time to eat. You’ll be automatically 
taken inside of the house, where Veigue will begin to panic over the food and 
refuse to eat it. 

The meal will be interrupted by a commotion outside however. Gugura-san is in 
danger! Head outside to sadly enough, find that the mysterious guy is alive and
well. This time, he’ll be backed up by two pirate-bandit-looking guys. Once
they see you though, they’ll run off to the forest. Let’s follow them and kick 
their asses!

Before the battle starts, you’ll find out that your food was poisoned, so 
almost all your party will be affected by its laughing powers throughout the 
entire battle, which makes for a hilarious sight. Speaking of which, the battle
is piece of cake and not worth noting anything special. As usual, get rid of
the underlings first before tackling the big guy. Conveniently enough, you’ll
receive a PANACEA BOTTLE for your efforts. 

After the battle, you’ll be reassured that Tytree is a good guy after all, 
although not quite bright. While he did throw away the poison he received 
before, you find out that the white-spotted mushrooms are actually not 
poisonous at all. In fact, the plain mushrooms are the poisonous ones! Tytree 
did not mean to intentionally poison everyone, so he’ll be forgiven... this 
time. ^^ He’ll also receive the title "XX Chef" which has a +2 Skill Attack 
Power bonus. 

After all of that, you’ll be back at the house. Gugura-san’s apprentice will 
come in to tell you the reparations are complete. Head outside and talk to 
Gugura-san who’s standing by the pier. 

You’ll be introduced to Mini Rafting here. The objective is to avoid any logs, 
rocks, and enemies on your way to the goal. Every time you hit any obstacles or
enemies you will lose 1 HP, so be careful! If you lose all your health, you’ll
have to try again. The first time is an exception though. 

You can use the CIRCLE button to throw fruit at your enemies once you have 
some, and use X to jump. You can only move left and right. This game is really 
fast so be careful!

There’ll be a couple of items in the water you can pick up, although not all of
them are good for you. You’ll want to pick up as many Fish as you can as they 
increase you score. The Swim Rings recover 1 HP (Max HP is 5) and the Oars 
speed up your movement. Avoid the Bubbles, which will prevent you from jumping. 

If you do manage to touch one however you can easily destroy it by throwing 
fruit at it. Each Fruit you pick up serves for 5 throws. 

If you want to get to Sannytown you have no choice but to participate. Near the
end of the minigame a skit will come up alerting your arrival. Veigue will 
receive the "Rafting Man" title which has a very nice +20 HP bonus. 

If you beat the game with a score of at least 100,000 you’ll receive his 
"S Rafting Man" title, which has a much nicer +70 HP bonus. You’ll need to do 
it for all four different routes though so make sure to come back for it later.

Sannytown								[ToR1J]

Time to explore the new town! As soon as you arrive, head up the slope and hit 
the town. The yellow building on the left is the Item/Equipment Store so feel 
free to upgrade and stock up on anything you need. The green building is the 
Inn/Food Store. Enter it and head up the stairs to examine the pot of food. You
will learn how to make RISOTTO. Yum! 

This town is pretty big, so feel free to explore it on your own. However do 
head down from this screen, past the gardener, and enter the first house you 
see. It’llbe yellow and inside there’ll be an old man with a lot of cats.

*SIDEQUEST #4*		The Cat Loving Old Man

Basically, this old man will give you information on where to find Discovery 
Spots (green circles that will appear on the World Map). After you have found a
certain amount of Spots, he’ll give you some titles, but you’ll need to give 
him the BECKONING CAT item first, which you can buy at the Item Store in Minal. 

There’s 64 Discoveries in total, and you won’t be able to finish this quest 
until near the end of the game. Throughout this walkthrough, I’ll point out 
where to find plenty of these DISCOVERY SPOTS, but I most likely won’t cover 
them all. 

You can get the following titles from him:
-After talking to him once, you’ll receive the "Traveler" title. 

Veigue:  +2 Thrust Defense Power 
Mao:     +2 FG Regeneration 
Eugene:  +2 Thrust Defense Power
Annie:   +2 Thrust Attack Power
Tytree:  +2 Skill Attack Power 
Hilda:   +2 Skill Defense Power 

-Once you found all 7 Slates of the 7 Holy Beasts, everyone will receive their 
"Seven-Star Formation Discovery" title. 

-After making at least 30 Discoveries, the "Adventurer" title. 
-After making at least 40 Discoveries, the "Great Adventurer" title. 
-After making at least 50 Discoveries, the "Unspeakable Adventurer" title. 
-After making all 64 Discoveries, the "World-Amazed Mysterious Discovery"

For more information, please refer to lanyn’s Battle Mechanics/Subquest FAQ.


To continue with the storyline, head to the right of the screen with the 
Inn/Stores. Walk towards the soldier that’s blocking the port to trigger a 
scene. Once again, you will be denied your boating rights. Guess we’ll keep on 
walking then. Head back to the center of the town and a woman will stop you. 
Her daughter Hilda has also been kidnapped, and not too long ago. Looks like 
Saleh and Tohma left west from here, to the Tel Alla Hostel, so let’s catch up 
to them quickly! Exit the town using the southward exit, which is by the Cat 
Loving Old Man’s House. 

We’re back on the World Map. Before following the Western path, first head in
the SE direction and enter the Farm Fresh Groceries. 

Farm Fresh Groceries							[ToR1K]

There’s not much to do here. If you speak to the girl in the middle you’ll 
receive a MAGICAL POT. You’ll have to raise its level to obtain some recipes 
from the girl on the left. 

Throughout the world there will be many FFG locations. You know those Food 
Tickets we’ve been collecting? Once you have collected 54 of them, speak to the
girl in the middle and give them all toh. Afterwards, you’ll have to waste some
money here to raise your Magical Pot Level. 

You will receive the following recipes for doing so: 

Fried Chicken (Level 6+)
Vegetable Salad (Level 12+)
Seafood Gratin (Level 18+) 
Mabo Curry (Level 24) 

There’s nothing else to do here so head out and follow the path towards the 
Tel Alla Hostel. Not too far from Sannytown, if you look towards the Southward 
direction on your compass, you’ll spot a treasure chest with a BANANA TICKET. 
Return to the path and follow it until soon enough you’ll spot the Tel Alla 
Hostel, hidden by a couple of trees. I highly recommend you have Annie in your 
party. Also, save before entering. 

Tel Alla Hostel 							[ToR1L]

You’ll meet Hilda almost immediately. Looks like she was able to escape thanks 
to Claire and Selena, although Tohma’s right on her trail. Head outside the 
Hostel to confront them and you’ll find out that Hilda’s a stinking liar.
You’ll be thrown into combat. Boss Battle time.

BOSS: Hilda	HP: 4420
My level: 20

Not one of the toughest battles, thankfully. You’ll be facing off against Hilda
and three other soldiers. Getting rid of the underlings won’t take too long, so
target them first as usual, before focusing your attack on Hilda. She’s a magic
user, so once you start your attack on her, she won’t be able to retaliate
much, if at all. When you lower her HP down to the 2000’s the battle will be
stopped by Tohma.  

And it will be revealed that Hilda is a “Half”, the child of a Human and a 
Gajuma. Ummm, yeah.

Looks like she was deceived by Tohma as well, and she’s not taking it well. 
Tomah will run off and leave you with an enraged Hilda to battle with. Again.

BOSS: Hilda (Berserk Mode)	HP: 4420
My level: 20

Things are a little tougher now, but thankfully you only have to battle Hilda 
this time around. Sadly, even if you blitz her, she won’t stagger and her magic
attacks are damned strong, so watch out and heal when needed. 

When you get her HP down to around 450 Annie and Veigue will end the fight with
their Hi-Ougi, Ryuuko Metsugazan. If Annie isn’t in your party however, you
will have to beat her thoroughly.

Once again, no item drops, so you’ll have to content yourself with the 1213 EXP

Looks like Hilda pulled an Annie on us. Let’s head back to Sannytown and get 
her to a doctor quickly. Just in case you forgot, you’ll have to follow the
path back in the NE direction. 

Sannytown								[ToR1M]

Once in Sannytown, head to the Inn and enter the room at the bottom for another
scene. Ridiculously enough, yet another Force user decides to appear out of
nowhere once again. Head outside to meet up with your next boss. 

Once outside the Inn another scene will play out. You’ll be introduced with 
another Half by the name of Milista. She is one of the Four Stars... uh-oh. 

She’ll knock your party out for a couple of seconds to chase after her Huma 
prey who ran away during the commotion. Once you are back in control, heal,
stock up on items, save, and follow after her to the next screen. It’s Boss
Battle time. 

BOSS: Milista Clones		HP: 613 each
My level: 21

Well, actually. Not really. You’ll be fighting a couple of her clones, whom all 
have generally low HP. Just attack them until the battle finally ends. 

You won’t get anything out of this battle. Not even experience. Ugh.

After the scene, head back to the Inn to find more clones will be blocking the 
way. Watch Mao and Veigue’s awesome ass-kicking combination at work. Milista
will run off after this, so it’s our job to chase her. If you haven’t saved yet
I suggest you do it now. This time, it really is Boss Battle time. Head up the
stairs and into the next screen.

BOSS: Milista 			HP: 12260 
My level: 21

Milista will be backed up by her never-ending clones in this battle, but just 
ignore them and focus on the real thing. She’ll teleport across the screen from
time to time, so keep make sure you’re hitting her and not her clones. Her
clones always have less HP than her, so it’s not hard to tell who’s who. Just
watch out for her Spectral Field attack as that tends to throw you back. 

You’ll receive a Peach Gummy and a Soul Card for your efforts, along with 1500 
Gald and 1393 EXP.

Well, with that done, Hilda will join your party. You will now be able to 
perform Hi-Ougis. By now you have already seen two of them at work, Veigue’s &
Annie’s “Dragon Tiger Destroy Fang Slash”, and Mao’s & Eugene’s “Inferno
Drive”. Tytree & Hilda will now be able to perform their “Thousand Braver”.

Here are the rest of the combinations you will now be able to perform:
Veigue’s & Mao’s “Embrace End” and Veigue’s & Hilda’s “Celsius Caliber”.
Eugene’s & Annie’s “Soar Break Split Light Flash” and Eugene’s & Hilda’s “Duel 
the Sun” Tytree’s & Mao’s “Crimson Sky Soar” and Tytree’s and Annie’s
“Infinitia Strike”

You’ll also obtain the Collector’s Book. 

Now let’s go look for the girl Milista was chasing earlier. From where you are 
right now, climb down the stairs on your right, then head two screens down. 

Enter the yellow house at the corner and examine the shivering blanket in the
first floor to find Susie. A couple of scenes will play out, and you’ll find
out a little of what the Queen wants with the kidnapped Huma girls. Susie gives
you more questions than answers unfortunately. Oh well. 

Looks like there’s another commotion west of where you are, so go there now. 
A soldier will be addressing the town about the upcoming Crowning Ceremony. 

Looks like out next destination is Babilograd, however to get there we’re going
to have to cross the Kurodadaku Desert. As you try to leave town, Veigue will
think about Claire, and actually, the game’s POV will change over to Claire.
Not much to do here except talk to everyone. You’ll be back to controlling
Veigue in no time. 

So now that we’re back in the World Map again, there are a couple of things to 
do before heading off to the desert. Let’s return to Sannytown to get started. 

*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 2 of 18
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 2 of 16 

First of all, we have to go back to Minal. The best way to do this is by 
talking to the cowboy-looking man by the northern entrance. It’ll cost you 300
Gald, but it saves you the walk back. Once in Minal, there are a couple things
to do here before heading to the library. 

First, if you didn’t buy the BECKONING CAT item before, you should do so now so
you can give it to the Cat Loving Old Man. 

After, head to the bar to play the Waiter Minigame with Hilda and Tytree. You 
should have already played this with Annie, Eugene, Mao, and Veigue, and if you
haven’t yet, get to it. Once you have done it successfully with all of your
characters you’ll receive the GORGEOUS SALAD recipe. 

Tytree’s “Nice Waiter” title has a +2 Slash Defense Power bonus, while Hilda’s 
“Nice Waitress” title has a +20 HP bonus.

Next, head down to the Gymnasium and talk to the Completion Old Man. You should
get the MAJIN SPIRIT TALISMAN from him, which if you equip on Veigue, will
allow his skill Zehhyoujin to become Majinken.

Lastly, head to the library to continue the Mobile Library quest. Just like 
before, talk to the guy upstairs and he’ll tell you the location of the next 
book. Let’s head back to Sannytown.

Return to the house where you found Susie (if you forgot where that was 
already, from the center of the town, head right, then down a screen). Enter
the yellow house and head up the stairs to talk to a bird-type woman on the
second floor. After obtaining the book you’ll have to return to Minal to hand
it off. You won’t get anything out of this again, but don’t worry this quest
will eventually pay off.

Oh yeah, one last thing. Talk to the woman on the first floor to receive some 
more titles. Tytree will get the “Free Rascal” title that has a +10 HP bonus, 
and Hilda will get the “Free Older Sister” title that has a +2 HP Regeneration 

Now let’s return to Sannytown one last time, and get on with the storyline.

Alright it’s time to head over to the Kurodadaku desert. Follow the main road 
which you took to the Tel Alla Hostel before, but this time keep going until 
you hit the desert. A scene will trigger as soon as you do. Tytree will
complain about the heat and eventually fall into a hole. How clumsy. Thankfully
there seems to be a body of water at the bottom that softened his fall. Let’s
head down to meet him. 

After the scene you find out that you’ve stumbled across a walkway towards 
civilization! Looks like we don’t have to cross the desert after all. 

Karez									[ToR1N]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Saffron 				Peach Gummy			      |
| Life Bottle 				Recovery Refine Stone		      |
| Blue Liquid				Savory 			  	      |
| Panacea Bottle 			Delay Charm		  	      |
| 1500 Gald x2				Rosemary	 		      |
| Bellebane	    						      	      |

So, after the scene ends, you’ll be able to walk around. Take a minute to
listen to the skits. One of them will get you Eugene’s “Dandy” title that has a
+3 HP Regeneration bonus.

Walk towards the next screen and follow the long walkway until you hit a fork. 
There’s nothing up there so head down to examine the rock and a small scene 
will ensue. You’ll finally be able to use Eugene’s Force outside of battle! I
was always curious about what his would do. Anyway, you’ll have to fight
against some enemies but it’s nothing hard.  Note that when using Eugene’s
Force, the longer you hold the SQUARE button down, the more destructive his
power will be. Use it with caution. 

When you are back in control, destroy the next rock in your path and continue 
to head down towards the next screen. You’ll end up in a circular screen with a
well in the middle. Take the southwestern exit and follow along the path until
you come across some thorny vines. Examine it to receive a SAFFRON herb. 

Head back to the room with well. This time take the upper left path. Continue
heading up until you see a water-spurting hole. Just wait for it die down and
pass by it quickly, heading to the left. There’ll be another water-spurting
hole waiting for you. 

Once that one quiets down, head southeast of it for a treasure chest containing
PEACH GUMMY. Backtrack to the hole and this time, continue on to the left. At
the next hole, head down once more to get a LIFE BOTTLE. Finally, backtrack to
the hole one last time and continue on to the left onto the next screen.
Another scene will play out then. 

Once you can move again, you’ll be back in the desert. Examine the treasure 
chest above to get a RECOVERY REFINE STONE. Take advantage of the saving spot
before heading down the ladder once more. Don’t ask me how the heck you can get
into a battle while climbing that ladder, because I don’t get it either. 

Alright, once you’re back down there are two paths you can take. First take the
southwest exit. Destroy the rock in your way and follow along the path until
the next screen. There will be a chest with BLUE LIQUID inside. Don’t bother to
head up as you’ll hit a dead end. Backtrack all the way back to the room with
the ladder, and this time take the right path. Make your way across carefully
to the next screen. If you get thrown down by the water, you’ll end up in that
dead end I mentioned earlier and will have to backtrack once again. The next
screen will have another well in the middle. Take the northeastern path first
and you’ll be able to examine that thorny plant again. This time you will
receive a SAVORY herb.

Return to the previous screen and head south this time. Before taking the SE 
path down, don’t forget to grab the treasure chest on the left which has a
PANACEA BOTTLE. Follow the path to the next screen, and you’ll end up in
another circular room. Head up to grab a DELAY CHARM from a treasure chest.
Return to the previous room and take the SW path until you meet a fork. Well
not really. There’s only one way you can go. Follow the northwestern path to
the next screen. In the next room you will see a ladder.Climb up to find
another ladder up ahead. Climb down to open up a chest with 1500 GALD.
Additionally, take the SE path and examine the thorny vines to pick up a 

Backtrack to the room with the first ladder. Head up until you see another one 
of those thorny plants. Examine it to get a BELLEBANE herb. Finally, just head
up from here to the next screen and you’ll see the final ladder. Climb up and
we’ll finally be out of this dungeon. 

Watch the scene play out. Annie will collapse with a fever and be removed from 
your battle party. Rearrange your party if needed and let’s head out of here.
Our destination is Anikamal, which is south from Karez. Before heading out,
don’t forget to pick up 1500 GALD from the treasure chest above.

Once you’re in the World Map you’ll be able to immediately spot Anikamal. Head 
quickly there and try not to get into battle as the monsters here might be a 
bit too strong for you. There are two treasure chest containing PORK TICKETS to
the east and west of Anikamal, so pick them up when you can. 

Anikamal								[ToR1O]

We need to find a doctor. After the scene, exit the room and talk to the Inn 
keeper, who really won’t be any help. Whatever. Head outside and enter the only
other house here. Examine the pot in the middle of the room to learn the CURRY
RICE recipe. 

Head back outside and talk to the Gajuma woman wearing orange clothes to
trigger a scene. Tch. Looks like she’s not any help either. 

Once the scene ends walk to the upper right to enter a new screen. Talk to the 
bear-like Gajuma to upgrade your equipment if needed as well as to stock up on 
items. Once done, talk to the fishing man to trigger another scene. Man the 
people of this town are @$$holes. 

Continue on to the right and finally you’ll find someone helpful. You’ll have 
to go back to the Inn now. However before entering Annie’s room you’ll notice 
that a peddler is now standing by the saving point.  Sadly he doesn’t sell 
items, but he does sell some nice accessories. Take advantage of it if you have
the money. Anyway, let’s head to Annie’s room. 

Okay bad news, Annie’s contracted a fatal disease which is supposedly
incurable. Well...crap. To top it off you’ll be kicked out of the Inn and
subsequently, the village. Wtf. You’re going to have to head back to Frantz’s
tent for now. 

After a scene the party will decide to go to the Oasis, hoping to find a cure 
for Annie’s disease. Leave town and walk towards the NE direction. There’s a
chest around here with a CARROT TICKET. Also, there is another Farm Fresh
Groceries location around that you can visit if you want. Nearby it, hidden by
some of the trees, will be another chest with a CARROT TICKET.

Oasis									[ToR1P]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| 2000 Gald 				Chicken				      |
| Apple Gummy				Life Bottle		    	      |
| Sage					Fight Pearl (ring)	  	      |
| Pork					Awakening Refine Stone		      |

First of all, I hope you guys have been training because from here on out, the 
monsters get a little tougher. I suggest you all to be in level 27 if you’re 
the type that likes to button smash. With that said, this place is, awesomely 
enough, quite short. Alrighty. First let’s head to the right to pick up some
items. A treasure chest with 2000 GALD is hiding inside of that tree trunk, so
get it and return to the previous screen. Next take the northwestern path and
follow it until you are at a clearing with a river. A treasure chest containing
some CHICKEN will be hidden by the tree’s foliage. Back track to the first
screen and finally take the northeastern path into the tree trunk. 

You will see a couple of purple horses walking around the screen in this area. 
Before you head towards them, look behind the big tree and you should find a 
treasure chest with an APPLE GUMMY hiding behind. 

You can try to avoid the purple horses if you want, but I recommend you fight 
them. If you’ve trained you should have no trouble beating them. If you haven’t
trained... get to it!

Don’t head to the next screen yet. First check out the tree trunk on the top 
that has an entrance. Enter it to get a LIFE BOTTLE, a SAGE herb, and a FIGHT

Exit the tree, fight the purple horses, and head right to the next screen. 

More purple horses. They’re kind of disturbing-looking aren’t they? In any case
get rid of them and head towards that treasure chest at the top right of the
screen, which has some PORK. Follow the path to the left and cross the wooden
bridge to the next screen. 

Alright, there’s a treasure chest here that’s a little hard to see, but it 
contains a AWAKENING REFINE STONE. Take out the four purple horses in your way 
to get to it and it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Live Garo		HP: 12741 
My level: 27	

The Live Garo will be backed up by two of those creepy purple horses. I’d 
personally love to get those out of the way first, however the Live Garo will 
run away if you don’t defeat it fast enough. And by fast enough I mean 30
seconds. There’s a timer on the top of the battle screen that you might not
notice. Keep an eye on it as you charge at the golden horse. Thankfully, even
though it runs away, the damage you deal it will stay the same.  

You’ll receive a Lemon Gummy and a Charge Pearl for your efforts, along with 
4012 Gald and 2557 EXP.

You’ll also obtain Live Garo’s Horn. 

We’re going to have to head back to Anikamal to make the medicine. Head out of 
this place (you’ll be glad to note that the purple horses have finally 
disappeared) and walk in the western direction to reach the town. 

Animakal								[ToR1Q]

W.T.F. These idiot people are throwing stones at you! I wish we could throw 
them back at them. Or at least make use of Veigue’s force and freeze them to
death. Ugh. 

At least the Inn Keeper is finally being nice to you, so head inside the Inn 
and into the room you were in before. Frantz will stay there with Annie so go 
outside of the Inn to wait. 

Not before long, a cured Annie will come out of the Inn, to everyone’s relief. 
However looks like Tytree’s got a mild case of heatstroke, so he’ll collapse on
the ground in the middle of the conversation. Watch the amusing scene that 
follows as Veigue uses his Force to drop a block of ice on Tytree’s red face.
It sizzles... xD

Once you are in control, Annie will become available to battle once more, so 
rearrange your party if you wish. If you sleep at the Inn twice, two new skits 
will become available. You’ll learn that Annie is keeping a diary, and Tytree
had a bad dream about his sister getting married, lol. 

Our next destination is the Climbers’ Cavern. To get there head east of 
Animakal until you see a wooden bridge. You might’ve spotted it on the way to
the Oasis. It’s just past the Farm Fresh Groceries. After crossing the bridge,
explore the little island before continuing on. Just south of the bridge is a
DISCOVERY SPOT, from the Cat Loving Old Man quest. You’ll discover a
RIKISHIFURUUTSU, which I don’t know how to translate, so I’ll just tell you
that it looks like a weird tree. Anyway, after you find it, continue on in the
NE direction until you find another set of bridges. You’ll find a chest with a
LETUCCE TICKET on your way. After you cross the last bridge, you’ll find yet
another Farm Fresh Groceries store. Man these are abundant. Ignore it and
continue to follow the path until you finally arrive at the Climbers’ Cavern.
Please save before entering the dungeon. Also, there’s a chest with a LETTUCE 
TICKET southeast of here.

Climbers' Cavern							[ToR1R]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Rice 				Mind Pearl				      |
| Life Bottle x2		Panic Charm		    	    	      |
| 2575 Gald			Peach Gummy	  	    		      |
| Cheese			Apple Gummy				      |
| Shield Pearl   		Apples 					      |
| Potatoes 			2469 Gald 				      |
| Carrots 			Force Pearl 				      |
| 2100 Gald 								      |

Okay, be careful in here. You see that dark purpleish-blue fog? One second of 
carelessness and BAM. Battle time! And death is imminent. ‘Cause if you stand 
still for too long it will gather around you and trigger a battle that you 
can’t escape! It’s pretty dangerous so if you’re underleveled, seriously watch
out and do your best not to touch the creepy fog, okay? Of course, each battle 
gives you approximately 300 EXP more or less, so it’s not a bad idea to train
despite the whole no escape thing. 

Anyway, head to the left. You’ll spot a treasure chest with some RICE pretty 
soon. Climb up the stairs and into the next screen. 

In this screen head forward and flip the lever on the side to access a chest 
containing a MIND PEARL. Backtrack a bit and take the upper left path up those 
stairs to enter a new screen. Just follow the path until you come outside a 
clearing. There’ll be a treasure chest with a LIFE BOTTLE there. Take the upper
right exit and you’ll be back in the dungeon. A scene will play out after you
walk in a little further. It’s the Dark Wings again! Eerrrr. The Dark Fangs I
mean. ...Okay, apparently they’re called the Dark Claws now...

Anyway, the leader seems to be injured so Annie will help him and then they’ll 
leave you alone. No battle this time. You’ll be back in control soon enough. 
Head up the stairs to get a PANIC CHARM before taking the lower path to the 
next screen. Head down the stairs until the next screen where you will find
another chest trapped behind some bars. Flip the switch like last time and
you’ll be able to get 2575 GALD. Take the lower path out of this screen to end
up in another fork. Take the upper path first to get a PEACH GUMMY from a chest
before heading down the stairs to the right. You’ll end up outside again. Get
the CHEESE from the chest before heading down to where those crates are.
Covered by the foliage there’ll be a chest with an APPLE GUMMY. Climb up the
hill and cross the bridge and you’ll be back in the dungeon. Oh yay. Head up to
get a SHIELD PEARL from a chest hiding behind the wall. You won’t be able to
access the other chest in this room so just continue on to the next screen.

Okay, this room has a Save Point and I HIGHLY suggest that you save. Also check
the barrels to the north of the Save Point to get an APPLE. Walk up the upper
left stairs get some POTATOES from the treasure chest there before exiting to
the next screen. Follow the path to the next screen and get 2469 GALD from the
chest on the way.

In the next screen you can either pull the two levers there to get to the upper
right exit, or just go around them, since the stairs at the upper left take you
there anyway. Once outside there’ll be two chests with some CARROTS and a FORCE
PEARL ring.

Head back inside and this time take the upper left exit. You’ll be ambushed by 
a new face by the name of Donnell. And guess what?

It’s Boss Battle time!

BOSS: Donnell		HP: 37300 
My level: 30

Donnell will be backed up by Saleh and Tomah mud-dolls, who both have 4000 HP. 
Don’t bother getting rid of them just yet as Donnell will just end up reviving 
them. This isn’t a hard battle, just a time consuming one due to Donnell’s 
monstrous HP. 

When you are done you’ll receive a Burst Bottle and a Switch Mail armor for 
your efforts, along with 3000 Gald and 3676 EXP.

After the scene, just have Eugene destroy the debris and you’ll be able to exit
to the next screen. We’re sadly back again in this dungeon and its stupid 
purple-blue fog of doom. Follow the rather straight-forward path to the next
room. In here, walk up and hit the lever to open the way to a chest with 2100
GALD. Head down the stairs and get the chest with a LIFE BOTTLE before heading
up to the next screen. Finally, follow the next three screens and you’ll be out
of this place!

Ah, the good outdoors. Enjoy the nice view along with a SAVORY herb from the 
chest just up ahead. 

Babilograd								[ToR1S]

You hear that lovely, heavenly music? It’s the music of pure awesomeness 
celebrating our escape from the Climber’s Cavern. Alright! 

So, Babilograd has a special type of religion that doesn’t let women talk to 
men that are not part of their family, as well as vice versa.  You’ll have to 
switch characters with your L2/R2 buttons to be able to talk to everyone in 
here. Also, your conversations may change depending if you use a Gajuma or 
Huma character. 

The first thing to do here is to enter the house in the upper left. Examine the
table to learn the OMELETTE recipe. Head outside and take the northern exit.
Enter the house on the right and talk to the man inside for a scene. Looks like
we can’t ride the lift to the port yet, so let’s explore the town. Exit the
house and head up again. You’ll see Ox again, standing in between a random
house and the shopping center. Enter it and stock up on any items you need and
upgrade your weapons accordingly. The accessory peddler will also be there.
Exit through the left and you’ll trigger a scene. Afterwards, head to the Inn,
stock up on food if needed, and save. If you go down from this screen you’ll be
able to find Dana’s house, and she’ll be in the second floor. However, if you
go up from the Inn you’ll eventually find a temple-like building. Enter it and
you’ll notice that it was the building Claire was in not too long ago...

Anyway, now that we’re done exploring it’s time to see the Lift Manager again, 
so head to his house. 

Okay, looks like Walt’s Force is at work here. We’re going to have to 
neutralize it once more so head outside of this house and go up to where Ox is
standing. Enter the house on the right and speak to the woman inside to trigger
a scene. After, head upstairs to talk with her husband. Finally head out of the
house for one last scene.

Time to head to the temple. If you don’t remember how to get there, it’s only 
left of here and then up two screens. 

After the scene check the book by the altar. You’ll receive the BLUE BEAST 
SCRIPTURES. Now we have a short but tedious task ahead of us. You must talk to 
everyone in this town before heading back to the Lift Manager. The keyword is 
ITOSHIKISORA. Lanyn's translation guide should explain how to write it if you
don't known hiragana. Press the TRIANGLE button to finish inputting the 

After the scene exit the house and before heading to the right to ride the lift
go back to the Inn to save. 

Babilograd's Harbor							[ToR1T]

Watch the scene and when you head to the left it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSSES: Walt 		HP: 27420 
        Milista		HP: 17050 

My level: 31

If you’re as leveled up as I am, you won’t have trouble with this battle. 
Thankfully, you should already know how to handle these two due to your 
previous encounters. Focus on Milista first, who not only has less HP but is
probably the most irritating due to her constant teleporting. Beware of her
Spectral Field attack as usual. 

Once you’re down to one, this battle will be a breeze. Walt can inflict Panic 
on you, so if you have any Panic Charms, make sure to equip them. He’s really
not much of a threat alone so you’ll be done in no time. 

You’ll receive a Grape Gummy, a Panic Charm, and a Light Resist ring for your 
efforts, along with 3800 Gald and 4222 EXP.

In the following scene you’ll meet a very important character by the name of 
Milhaust. Walt and Milista will retreat, and Selena along with two other girls 
will finally be saved. Looks like Claire was moved two or so days ago though. 
Heh, did you think it was going to be that easy?

After the scene ends there are a couple things to do before continuing the 

*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 3 of 18
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 3 of 16 

First, return to Babilograd via lift. Enter the Lift Manager’s house before 
exiting it again and you’ll be able to trigger a skit where Hilda will gain her
“Sake Lover” title which has a +3 Thrust Attack Power bonus. Also, if you sleep
at an Inn you might trigger another skit about Annie’s diary. 

With that done, head to the entrance of the town to talk to the man in the 
cowboy hat. It’s time to head back to Minal. Head for the Gymnasium and talk to
the Completion Old Man to receive an APPLE GUMMY. Then head to the Library and
to talk to the guy upstairs as usual before returning to Babilograd’s Harbor.
Now don’t cry but when you ask the guy to transport you back to Babilograd,
you’ll be outside the Climber’s Cavern. Yes, you have to go through this again,
but at least you know the way now! Once in the Harbor, enter the Inn and head
to the second floor to speak with the fish-like Gajuma on the left. Then return
to Minal, talk to the guy in the library. With that done, please endure the
Climber’s Cavern one last time as you make your way back to Babilograd. 

Alright, let’s head to the Harbor. Talk to the sailor by the ship and you’ll be
on your way to Balka!

Balka's Harbor								[ToR1U]

From here, just exit to the left. At the end of this screen there’s an Item 
Store managed by a bear-like Gajuma. Stock up on items if needed and continue 
on to the left. A foreboding scene will play out. If you want, sleep in the Inn
to trigger a skit about Eugene’s childhood. If not, just exit the Harbor and
you’ll end up in the World Map.

It’ll be very foggy but you should be able to see the main path without a 
problem. There’s a Farm Fresh Groceries location around, if you care to look 
for it. Anyway, follow the path to reach the city of Balka!

Balka 									[ToR1V]

Before heading to the Karegia Castle, let’s explore the town first. The 
building to the right is an Inn, so stock up on food and save if you want. The 
man dressed in blue in the upper left corner is a Train Conductor that will 
take you around the city if you talk to him. But let’s walk around first. Take 
the upper right path to find the Item/Accessory Store. The Accessory Store will
now begin selling Onyx rings. Exit the store and head up to the next screen.
There’ll be a Bar here. Enter it and check out one of the tables to get the
CARBONARA recipe. Exit the bar. If you head up the stairs on the left you’ll
end up outside the Karegia Castle, so don’t go there yet. Keep in mind that
there’s another Train Conductor in that area though. Anyway head back to the
first screen. Take the left path this time and you’ll see the Equipment Store.
It sells the same things as the last city, so unless you haven’t upgraded yet,
there’s no need to enter it. Take the upper right path and you’ll find a second
Item Store as well as another Train Operator. Since we’ve explored seen
everything the city has to offer already, go ahead and talk to the conductor
here and choose the second option. You’ll be outside the Castle once more. Time
to head inside. 

The POV will switch back to Claire for now. Exit the room and watch the scene 
that ensues.  Things aren’t looking good for Claire. Let’s save her quickly!

When you are back in control, head over to the Train Conductor and pick the 
third option. Enter the house there and head to the back to trigger a scene.
You’ll meet Yottsua, the country’s best source of information. He’ll direct you
to a man named Jibel who knows how to get inside the Castle. Exit this place
and talk to the conductor once more. Chose the first option to return to the
first screen of the city. Take the upper right exit and enter the red house on
the right. Pass the door and head down the stairs. Inside the next room
there’ll be an old guy sitting in the middle of the room. That’s your target.
When you talk to him a scene will play out. 

You’re going to have to leave two of your party members behind for now. Anyone 
but Veigue and Mao will do. Personally, I left Tytree and Eugene behind. While
I love having Eugene in my party, lately I’m more incline to have Annie for
healing, Mao and Hilda for spells, and Veigue for brute force. 

Anyway, chose whomever you like. Their names will be displayed in this order. 

Finalize Party

When you’re done exit out of the town and head to the northeast. Our 
destination is the Mesechina Cavern. On your way you should find a chest with a
BUTTER TICKET inside, and not too far after that there’ll a DISCOVERY SPOT. I
definitely don’t know how to translate this one either, but it looks like a
gravestone of sorts. Past it will be our next dungeon. 

Mesechina Caverns							[ToR1W]

This is a pretty simple dungeon. Just follow the path and you’ll eventually 
find Hack. After the battle, he’ll run back to town. Before we do the same, 
check along the left wall to find a chest with an APPLE GUMMY inside. Now let’s
head back to Balka. 

Balka									[ToR1X]

Return to Jimbe’s house and he’ll tell you how to get into the Castle. 

...can you believe it’s been right in front of our faces this whole time? After
the scene talk to Hack to receive ANDREW’S SIGHT, which is a staff for Annie.
Doing so will complete *SIDEQUEST #5*. 

Anyway, at this point you should stock up on items, upgrade your weapons and 
whatnot, before taking the path behind Jinbei’s chair. After the scene head 
forward to enter the Castle. 

Underground Passage							[ToR1Y]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Aqua Powder 			Peach Gummy				      |
| Mighty Onyx			    	   			 	      |

You’ll be happy to know that there will be no battle encounters here. 

With that said, ignore the ladder at the north as that way is a dead end. 
Instead take the stairs on the right and enter the next screen. Pass this 
screen and you’ll end up in a room with a lever and a chest containing AQUA
POWDER. Flip the lever and return to the previous screen. Examine the wall to
open up a door to the next screen. Past this room and you’ll end up at a fork.
Take the upper right door first to obtain PEACH GUMMY and then return to take
the left. Pass the stairs and at the next room a scene will play out. 

This puzzle is pretty simple. You just have to make the left clock look the 
same as the right one, so examine it three times and you’ll be able to continue
on. In the next room, ignore the huge staircase and go up the ladder in the
back to get a MIGHTY ONYX from a chest. Backtrack to the previous room and this
time head up the staircase to exit through the northern door. Head up the
stairs to finally arrive at the Castle. 

Karegia Castle								[ToR1Z]

After the scene exit this room and you’ll spot a Save Point. Naturally, save, 
and then go confront that guard in the way. In the next screen watch as the 
$h!t hits the fan. 

What the heck is going on? We’ll have to find out after the following battle. 
No worries, it’s just henchmen. Give them no quarter! 

Balka's Prison							       [ToR1AA]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Prison Keys (storyline)	Ginnal's Memo (storyline)		      |
| Lemon Gummy			Life Bottle		    	    	      |
| Burst Bottle				  	    		  	      |

Maaaan, I can’t believe we’re in prison. Moreover, I can’t believe those guys 
saved us! The Dark Wings sure are awesome!  They even brought all your 
equipment back! Alright~! Let’s release everyone else and get out of here.
Also, along with your equipment you’ll receive the PRISON KEYS and GINNAL’S 

After you release Eugene and Tytree, you’ll have to do a little puzzle. Examine
the light bulbs and move them in this order: blue, yellow, red, orange, gray. 

The rest of your party will be released, along with some other prisoners that 
had been unfairly thrown in jail. After talking to all of them, check out the 
cells to obtain a LEMON GUMMY, a LIFE BOTTLE, and a BURST BOTTLE. Finally, 
head out of the Prison and towards Balka once more. It will be SE from here. 

Once in Balka, take the underground tunnel back into the Castle.  

Karegia Castle							       [ToR1BB]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Obsidian 			Gungnir		     			      |
| Kuwanjaru			Life Bottle				      |
| Peach Gummy						    	    	      |

Once you come out of the tunnel, exit the room, save, and move to the next 

You can’t head forward, so take the upper left path instead. In the next screen
there will be a bunch of soldiers here, go ahead and fight them all before
moving on. I highly suggest you defeat every guard you come across as each
battle will reward you with 500 exp more or less. Anyway, continue forward
until you reach the fifth screen. A scene will be triggered and you will get
into another battle. After the scene check the other two rooms to rescue the
rest of the girls as well as obtain an OBSIDIAN sword for Veigue, and a GUNGNIR
spear for Eugene. Equip them. 

Exit the rooms and head up. Fight your way out of this room taking the upper 
right path. Head down the stairs and to the next screen. More guards. Beat them
up and continue on to the right, and then the upper right. Finally, you’ll come
across a Save Spot, and I highly suggest you use it. Check the first two rooms
to receive a KUWANJARU tonfa for Mao and a LIFE BOTTLE (there will be another
Save Spot here). Continue on to trigger a scene and it will be Boss Battle 

BOSSES: Saleh 		HP: 34500 
        Tohma		HP: 51000 

My level: 36

These two have a ridiculously high amount of HP!!! For some reason I went into 
this battle with all my heavy hitters, but I recommend you at least have one 
magic user in your party as these two have elemental weaknesses. Saleh’s is
Earth and Tomah’s is Water (though watch as out Tomah is strong against Earth).
I decided to go after Saleh first due to his lower HP and irritating spell
casting. Saleh can hit pretty fast and he can inflict weak on you, so if you
have a Weak Charm now is the time to equip it. His spells are nothing to laugh
at either. Try to blitz him to stop him from casting. 

With Saleh defeated, you can now focus all your attention on Tohma. My party 
had thankfully already taken a third of his HP down while I was focusing on
Saleh. Tomah is much slower than Saleh, but by no means weaker. He can triple
punch you up into the air or knock you down if you’re not careful. Watch out
for his Shade Sorcery attack too. You might be able to finish the battle with 
a Hi-Ougi to boot. 

You’ll receive a Grape Gummy, a Life Bottle, some Green Powder and a Thrust 
Refine Stone for your efforts, along with 4000 Gald and 5572 EXP.

And with that we’ve beaten all of the Four Stars! Give yourself a pat on the 

Now before continuing on, return to the previous screen and enter the third 
door to pick up a PEACH GUMMY from a chest. Also, go back to the Save Point and
use it. AND MAKE SURE ANNIE IS IN YOUR PARTY. Afterwards move on, as it’s time
to save Claire! Milista and Walt will get in your way, but Veigue’s in too much
of a hurry to deal with them and proceeds to shove them out of the way. You
will arrive to the rooftop too late however, and it’ll be Boss Battle time once

BOSS: Geyorkias 		HP: 100000 
My level: 37

Hooooly crap. Prepare yourself for a long, long, HARD battle. Annie is 
SERIOUSLY IMPERATIVE for this battle, so I hope you brought her along like I
asked you to before. You can’t be reckless here, shield often, heal often, and
attack whenever you get the chance. 

When you’re finishing tackling this beast, you’ll be rewarded with an
Hourglass, a Nature Topaz and 6400 EXP. No Gald this time guys /:

Part 2: The Trials 							[ToR2]

      A. - Sulz.........................................................[ToR2A]
      B. - Reassembling the Party.......................................[ToR2B]
      C. - Mesechina Caverns............................................[ToR2C]
      D. - Razilda Harbor...............................................[ToR2D]
      E. - Razilda(First Visit).........................................[ToR2E]
      F. - Mesechina Caverns............................................[ToR2F]
      G. - Razilda (Second Visit).......................................[ToR2G]
      H. - Zeren Wetlands Spring........................................[ToR2H]
      I. - Pipista......................................................[ToR2I]
      J. - Shrine of Fenia..............................................[ToR2J]
      K. - Razilda (Third Visit)........................................[ToR2K]
      L. - Zeren Wetlands Spring Revisited..............................[ToR2L]
      M. - Razilda (Fourth Visit).......................................[ToR2M]
      N. - Kyogen.......................................................[ToR2N]
      O. - Nolzen (First Visit).........................................[ToR2O]
      P. - Tower of Nereg...............................................[ToR2P]
      Q. - Nolzen (Second Visit)........................................[ToR2Q]
      R. - Tower of Wontiga.............................................[ToR2R]
      S. - Belsas' Harbor...............................................[ToR2S]
      T. - Belsas(First Visit)..........................................[ToR2T]
      U. - Shrine of Blue...............................................[ToR2U]
      V. - Nolzen(Third Visit) .........................................[ToR2V]
      W. - Mocrado Village..............................................[ToR2W]
      X. - Stone Ruins..................................................[ToR2X]
      Y. - Belsas (Second Visit)........................................[ToR2Y]
      Z. - Sannytown....................................................[ToR2Z]

Sulz 									[ToR2A]

Abruptly enough, after the battle you will soon find yourself back in Sulz. 
Go figure.

Claire will wake up from her sleep, a little disoriented, but overall fine

Veigue will go get her some water but on his way he hears a commotion taking 
place. Let’s head over to the Assembly Hall. (If you don’t remember, that’s 
where the game begun.)

Watch the following scenes. Something seems amiss with the Gajuma. And 
apparently, it’s not only here. This type of behavior seems to have increased
throughout the whole country! 

Eugene too has been affected and requests your presence, according to Annie. 
She will join your party, and your next destination will be Petnadjanka, to
pick up Tytree. 

Reassembling the Party							[ToR2B]

Exit Sulz and follow the path and you should encounter a DISCOVERY SPOT. This 
time, it looks like it’s a woodpecker, though the katakana reads “Untsutsuki”.

When you reach the Keketto Hostel, you will automatically be taken inside for 
a scene. Annie and Veigue will discuss the recent events. Afterwards leave the 
Inn, and surprisingly enough, Claire will enter it, accompanied by the 
cowboy-hat-man. Looks like she was heading to Balka... I wonder why. Anyway she
will join your party and it will be time to do some side quests!

*SIDEQUEST #1*		Monica and Steve, Part 2 of 4
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 4 & 5 of 16 

Before anything, head to the Alvan Mountains and enter the cave you rested in 
last time. Check the barrel there for a THURST REFINE STONE.

Afterwards, head back to Sulz. We’re finally continuing this sub-event! Once in
Sulz, to talk to Steve in the Weapon Store for a scene and Monica in the 
Assembly Hall for another. That’ll be all for now.

Next up, head to Minal via cowboy-hat-man. Enter the bar and talk to the chef 
in the back, choosing the first option to receive the HAMBURG recipe. Then,
head to the Gymnasium. Helen will be standing outside of it, so talk to her for
a scene. After, enter the Gymnasium to talk to the Completion Old Man. You’ll
receive a FUUJIN SPIRIT TALISMAN, which turns Veigue’s Shunrenjin skill into

Exit the town and head for the Forest Labyrinth. Enter the second screen and 
around the middle climb down those small discreet stairs and examine the wall 
to obtain a GREEN LIQUID. Then head to the next screen and jump down once. 
Approach the wall on the left and examine it to obtain a BELLEBANE herb.  

With that done, exit the forest and head to Petnadjanka. The easiest way to do 
this is by talking the cowboy-hat-man. 

Once there, head to the Factory in the back for a scene and Tytree will join 
your party. Our next destination will be the Climber’s Cavern to pick up some 
more really great items. To get there head to Babilograb via cowboy-hat-man. 

In the Climber’s Cavern, head to the fourth screen and check under the big 
stone pillar to get an ELIXIR.  Proceed to the screen with the save point, and
then forward 3 more screens. Take the eastern exit here to end up outside. Walk
towards the northern edge and check the right to obtain a NASSHEBIRUDO, an
armor for Tytree. 

Finally, continuing on through the cave until you reach Babilograd and take a 
ship to the Balka Harbor before making your way to the Mesechina Cavern. Just 
follow the path to Balka, and from there head NE. 

Mesechina Cavern							[ToR2C]

After the short scene, Mao will join your party. Head to the back of this cave 
to meet up with Eugene. Apparently, the reason he wanted you guys gathered was 
so you could kill him. Looks like whatever is affecting Gajumas is also
affecting him... The party will discuss what to do next and Mao and Claire will
stay behind while the rest head to Razilda to look for medicine. 

Head to Balka’s Harbor to book a ship there. 

Razilda Harbor								[ToR2D]

There’s a boy here that if you give her food she gives you something back. For 
example, I made her a potato and some octopus and he gave me back a SAFIRO 
armor for Eugene. I’m not sure if other combinations will produce something
also or if you'll get the same thing. 

In any case, exit the Harbor and head to the northeast to get to Razilda. 

Razilda 								[ToR2E]

After the scenes you will be allowed to explore the town. Razilda sure is full 
of chickens! It makes me want to kick them a ala Zelda, lol. The first house on
the right is an Inn. Sleep in the Inn and the following morning the innkeeper
will teach you how to make MEATLOAF. Be sure to respond YES to her. Use the
Saving Spot before exiting the house. 

Head to the left. An items shop is here so feel free to stock up if needed. On 
the left side of the Inn there is a bird-like Gajuma who wants a Gummy of every
kind! There is five, and you should have already have all of them in your
inventory unless you used up those rare-types already. The five are: Apple
Gummy, Peach Gummy, Grape Gummy, Switch Gummy, and a Lemon Gummy. You will get
the DASHUTAARO armor for Veigue out of this. 

Continuing on to the left to spot a weapon shop. The vendor won’t be pleased 
with you but she will still sell you her wares. After upgrading your weapons
return to the previous screen and this time take the upper exit, past the old
man and the dog. There will be a lone house here, enter and talk to the man

Looks like the Serenity Pill does exist. Iga will be sympathetic to your cause 
until he hears that you are trying to help a Gajuma. He will proceed to kick 
you out of his house. Man Tytree, why’d you have to open your mouth? 

Then, all of the sudden, Zapie will get excited and run off. Follow him to the 
Inn to see why. 

It’s Hilda! What is she doing here?

Before you know it she will join your party. Our next goal is to find some 
Belde Grass, an ingredient for the Serenity Pill we need, which is in the Azura
Coast. Once you exit the town you will to be automatically taken there. 

Igol, one of the guys you rescued when you were in prison, will be there.  
Apparently Iga is his old man, so he’ll go talk to him to get medicine for you 
since he owes you. Alright! Like Tytree says, helping people really pays off!

You’ll be taken back to Razilda. Enter the Inn and Igol will show up with the 
medicine. After you receive the PILL OF SERENITY, exit the town and another 
scene will ensure. This time you’ll see Claire approaching the Castle. What the
heck is she doing there?

Milhaust will come out and for some reason Claire will call out to him only to 
be ignored. And daaamn Milhaust appears to be in a BAD mood. 

When you are back in control, head to the Razilda Harbor and take a boat back 
to Balka’s. From there, head off to the Mesechina Caverns. 

Mesechina Caverns							[ToR2F]

Once Mao joins your party again, use the Save Point before moving on. When you 
get to Eugene, he will be out of control and it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Eugene (Beserk) 		HP: 7723 
My level: 38

This is not a tough battle. Sure, Eugene is fast and almost impossible to stun, 
but his HP is very low. You should be done with this in no time. 

No item or Gald rewards this time, only 7352 EXP, but that’s understandable.

Watch the fluffy scene that ensues. Doesn’t that warm your heart? ^^

After some more discussion Eugene will join your party once more, and Claire 
will resume her spot as an NPC. Now we’ll need to investigate this cave. Return
to the previous screen and check out the wall on the right (not the one with
the green crystal, but the one beyond that one). You will trigger a scene
before you can examine it. Then, break down the wall by using Eugene’s force. A
new room will be open to you so continue onwards!

Examine the stone tablets for a scene. Afterwards, examine the one on the 
right. Then the one on the left again. The screen will zoom in on the tablet.
You will need to examine the circle near the middle of the tablet, on top of
the two Gajuma-like drawings, to trigger another scene. 

Looks like we have to head back to Razilda. But there are things to do first!

*SIDEQUEST #6*		Mystery of the Iron Factory
*SIDEQUEST #7*		Kindhearted Mister

Btw, although you should already have an idea of what is going on with Claire, 
when you leave the Mesechina Cavern there will be a skit that will clue you in 
even more. 

Anyway, first of all return to Balka’s Harbor to take a ship to Minal. From 
here walk to Petnadjanka or quick jump via cowboy-hat-man. 

Head to the Factory in the back. Once inside, take a left and talk to the man 
in that room. In case you forgot, he’s the Boss of the Factory. After the
scene, head to the entrance of the village and enter the house to talk to 

After, head back to the Factory and talk to all the workers. Btw, the treasure
chests are a liiiiie. You can’t get any of them... for now.

When you finished talking to all the workers, head into the main hallway and a 
scene will ensure. When prompted pick the THIRD OPTION. Afterwards, head to the
room with the big machine in the middle. Examine the door at the upper left for
another scene and then talk to the man in the same room. Finally, talk to the
rest of the workers once more before returning to examine that door again. It’s
finally time to pick up the treasure chests! 

We’re looking for pieces that are round, and only pieces that are round. So 
from where you are now, pick up the chest next to the furnace. Then head down
to the next screen and open the treasure chest that’s next to the worker clad
in blue. After, head to the main hallway and take the first door to the right
and pick up that treasure chest. Lastly, in the room with the big machine in
the middle, head down the ladder on the right to get the last piece of the
emblem from that treasure chest. 

Now go talk to the man in the orange overalls and he will give you an iron 
mold. He’s in the room with the furnace. From here, head down again to talk to
the man in blue. He will make you YURI’S EMBLEM. Finally, go examine the door
once more and place the emblem in its place. The door will open! Head inside
for one last scene. Veigue will receive his GREAT DETECTIVE TITLE, with a +6
Skill Attack Power bonus. Annie will receive the same title, but with only a +3
Skill Attack Power. Tytree on the other hand will receive his SLOPPY DETECTIVE,
which has a +4 Skill Attack Power bonus.

After the scene, pick up the chests to obtain an ELIXIR and 5000 GALD to boot. 
Not bad, right? ^^

And we’re not done yet. Time for the second quest. First off, let’s head to the
Climber’s Cavern. It’s time to pick up that chest we missed last time. Talk to
the cowboy-hat-man head to Babilograd to arrive at your destination. Just
continue through this dungeon until you spot two Gajumas, one of them trapped
next to that treasure chest you couldn’t get before. After talking to the woman
Gajuma you’ll have to return to Petnadjanka... Yeah I know, so much going back
and forth! But anyway once you are there (the easiest way is to get there is
through Babilograd),talk to the Factory’s Boss to receive the NANAKO ORE. With
that in hand, head back to Climber’s Cavern to talk to that woman and you’ll
receive Eugene’s KINDHEARTED MASTER title, which has a +4 Skill Attack Power
bonus. Also, finally get that chest to obtain a LIFE EMERALD ring. 

Phew, finally done with all of this. Only one more thing to do now. Head to 
Sannytown via cowboy-hat-man and enter it before leaving through the southern 
exit. We’re heading off to Karez so follow the path until you get there.

Once in here follow the southeastern path and continue on until you are in the 
6th screen. It should be the room with the ladder in the middle and two exits 
(in addition to the one you came through). Take the southwest exit and follow 
it all the way down until you see a set of pipes. Examine them to obtain some 
FLARE POWDER before returning to the previous screen. Take the southeast exit
this time and in this room, fall down the first opening to find another set of
pipes. Examine them to obtain a JUTSU REFINE STONE. With that, we’re done here.
Head back to Sannytown and to take a boat to Razilda. 

Razilda									[ToR2G]

Head to the Inn to trigger a scene, and after head up to the second floor. 
Examine the purple tapestry on the wall and another scene will ensue. When it’s
done, head down and talk to the Innkeeper before exiting the Inn. From here,
head to the left and enter the first house you see. Talk to the Bear-like
Gajuma woman in there. After the scene, we’ll have to talk to both Leaders of
the village. 

First, go north and you’ll see a goat-like Gajuma standing in front of a house.
Speak to him and only Eugene will be allowed to enter to talk to Fogma, the
Gajuma leader. He will tell you about the two maps needed to find the Power of
Darkness, which they fear. Unfortunately, he does not know of its location. 

After you finish talking to him, examine the tapestry on the second floor.
Another scene will play out and you will receive the GAJUMA FLAG.

Next up, we’ll have to pay Iga a visit. If you don’t remember where his house 
is, from the first screen of the town head left and then down.  Talk to the man
standing in front of the house and Mao, Hilda, and Claire will be allowed 
inside. He will tell you about two keys needed to find the Power of Darkness,
which they consider holy. After the conversation finishes, examine the purple
tapestry in the first floor and after some more talk you will obtain the HUMA 

Now return to the Inn and talk to the Innkeeper to book a room. After a while 
another “password screen” will pop up. There are two passwords you could use to
continue. One of them is HATA, and the other is MONSHOU. Like before, just try
to find the characters in the menu and then press the TRIANGLE to finish 
inputting it. 

The party will realize that by combining both flags, they will find the answer 
they need! Now we only have to find a place that grows all the flowers from the
flags so head outside the Inn and approach the cart of flowers. Another 
password screen will pop up. There are three possible passwords this time:
SAKUKISETSU, SAKUJIKI, or KISETSU, the latter being the easiest to input. 

After the scene ends, head to the Bear-like Gajuma’s house on the left once 
more and you’ll find the florist. Tytree would make such an awesome older
brother, don’t you think? ^^

Anyway, before we head off to the Spring we’ve been looking for, first sleep 
three times at the inn to unlock some additional skits. One of them will be
about Mao talking in his sleep again, another will be the continuation of
Annie’s Diary, and the last one will be about Mao being angry at Tytree for
waking him up from a good dream. 

And with that done it’s time to do another sidequest! ^^

*SIDEQUEST #8*	The Stone Tablets in the Mesechina Cavern, Part 1 of 6 (No 

WARNING: [You don’t get a reward out of this. This just enriches the story for 
you by giving you more background info on the Stone Tablets and whatnot.  If
you don’t know Japanese you can skip over this section if you like. Once I know
more Japanese I might come back and put up translation for it. Until then, read

Alright well let’s head to the Mesechina Cavern. To do this, you’ll have to 
return to the Razilda Harbor and take a ship to Balka’s.

Once at the M. Cavern head to the room with the Tablets to find Hack 
investigating them. Talk to him (chose the first option) and he will tell you
his findings. 

That’s it for now, but we’ll be returning soon. Let’s head back to Razilda for 

From Razilda, head east until you see a huge swamp. Cross through it until are 
near the bottom right of it (looking at the World Map) and you’ll find yourself
at the Zeren Wetlands Spring. 

Zeren Wetlands Spring							[ToR2H]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Lemon Gummy			All-Divide				      |
| Final Cross			Switch Gummy		    	    	      |
| Shingata			Emerald of Darkness (storyline)		      |
| Pirokuseemu	  							      |

Soon after the scene that ensues, a list will pop up. You will have to click on
each of them in the following order: 4, 2, 1, 3.

After the CG cutscene another scene will ensue. Am I the only one that thinks 
Tytree is pretty much this game’s protagonist? Veigue is always sooo silent in 
important times like this! Anyway, once you are back in control you will be in 
your next dungeon. 

This place is a bit like the Climber’s Cavern because it has that same annoying
fog, except this time it’s green. In some ways it could be worse, because this
fog is more spread out than the other one (imo), but at least you can escape
from battles this time (although personally I wouldn’t as each gives you around
800 EXP).

Anyway, first head down the first couple steps and take the first exit you see,
on the upper right. Follow the path in this room and you’ll come across a chest
with a LEMON GUMMY. Exit this place using the lower left path and you’ll end up
in the previous room again. From here jus continue following the lower left
path until the next screen. You’ll end up in Petnadjanka... wait what?

Yup. And only Tytree will be there to boot. Wonder what’s going on... Let’s 
follow Selena and head to the Factory to find out. 

Looks like all of this was some sort of Trial for Tytree. I wonder if there 
will be more for the others? We’ll see.

Now that you are back in the real world, head down those stairs and take the 
upper path first to obtain an ALL-DIVIDE. Continue through the path until you 
see an exit. Take it to return to the previous room. From here, just head down
to pick up a chest with a FINAL CROSS robe for Hilda. Taking the lower left
exit gets you back in Petnadjanka. Tytree’s Trial will continue but not too
long after you’ll end up back in the ruins. Continue on to the next room.

Here you’ll have to use Tytree’s Force to continue on. Stand under the first 
platform until you see the Force cube pop up before pressing SQUARE to use 

Tytree’s Force. Head up the vine you just created and use Tytree’s Force again
to move the lever on the left. Now make another vine attach itself to the above
platform and climb it. Flip the lever on the right to reach a chest with a

Climb up the next platform and hit the lever to fall back down. Head to the
right and hit the lever again before climbing up the next two platforms to
reach a chest with a SHINGATA for Tytree. Now hit the next lever to fall back
down again. 

From here, climb all the way down and return to the previous screen. This will
reset the puzzle. Now backtrack to it again. 

First climb the first platform and activate the lever before heading up. Then, 
activate the second lever and climb down the platform under it. Head to the 
left and climb up again. Climb the leftmost platform here and then the one
above that to activate another lever. Now head all the way down again. Now
climb up the rightmost platform here and then twice again. Activate this last
lever and head back down for the last time, before climbing up the platforms on
the left until you reach your destination. Thankfully a shortcut will open up
after all of this. 

Afterwards Tytree will be back in his hometown. Head to the right from here and
then up. Enter the house on the right for a very important scene. 

When you return to the ruins, use the Save Point in front of you before heading
forward for another scene. It’ll be Boss Battle time!

BOSS: Eephon 		HP: 77208 
My level: 41

This battle will be a little though, but it’s doable. Guard often, use lots of 
magic against him, and don’t stand too close as Eephon’s sword attacks can down
half of your HP in one go. He has quite a bit of HP so this might take a while,
but play it safely and you’ll finish easily, and perhaps even with a Hi-Ougi.

You’ll receive Dark powder and a Weapon Refiner for your efforts, along with 
11144 EXP and 4000 Gald. Finally some Gald drop!

You’ll also receive the EMERALD OF DARKNESS, and Tytree will be able to learn 
his Souha Tsuiresen skill.

Now, exit out of this dungeon. If you feel like going through the trouble of 
going back in and into the last room again, you’ll be able to get a PIROKUSEEMU
armor for Eugene by examining the stone emblem. 

Whatever you chose to do, our next destination is Pipista, and it’s not too far
from here. Head directly west from where you are now and keep walking alongside
the brown wall to eventually find an entrance to it.  Once inside, head in the
southwestern direction (ignore the Flame-Holders for now). On your way you
should find a chest with LEMON TICKET, and Farm Fresh Groceries location, and
another chest with BEEF TICKET. Also, very near the city of Pipilsta is another
DISCOVERY SPOT, which once again I don’t know how to translate. The picture
will look much like our sandy surroundings. 

Pipista									[ToR2I]

In this town you need to have Eugene as your on-screen character, since
everyone dislikes Humas here.

Anyway, the first building to the left, up the stairs, is the Equipment, Items,
and Accessory Store. Stock up on everything you need and upgrade your gear
before exiting it. After head past Mr. Cowboy-hat-man and enter the house on
the left. Talk to the bird-like Gajuma woman inside and say YES. She’ll teach
you how to make MEAT SAUCE. After, exit the house and continue on to the next
screen. There’s an Inn here, and if you rest there for the night you’ll be able
to trigger a skit about Mao’s dreams once more. More importantly, I wonder what
Hack’s doing in this town and why he’s tied up. Talk to him to find out what’s
going on and afterwards head inside the house on the right to continue. 

When you finished talking to the Chief of the town head back to the first 
screen of the town and enter the house where you got the Meat Sauce recipe.
Talk to the bear-like Gajuma and he’ll let you speak with Hack.

Looks like we were right to come to this village. Now let’s ask around and see 
if anyone knows anything about the Holy Bird. Exit the house and head to the
right screen. 

DO MY EYES DECEIVE ME OR IS THAT AN OSTRICH? Dude, go examine it, right now. 

Say YES when the options pops up to receive an OSTRICH EGG. That is awesome!

Now enter the only house here and talk to the bird-like Gajuma there. He’ll 
tell you more about the Holy Bird, and something else called the Orb of Life. 

Our next destination is the Inn. Head inside and talk to the grocer (the one on
the left). When the options pop up, choose the second one to talk to him. After
the scene check out the stalls of good nearby to continue. The scene that
follows is really funny, and you’ll obtain the SPINY RED CACTUS. Poor Tytree
though, lol.

Finally head back to see the Chief of the town. When you talk to him three 
options will pop up. Choose the second one (it should be yellow) and you will
be allowed to try and revive the Holy Bird. At the next prompt, choose the
first option of the two and the Holy Bird will be revealed! Now return to where
Hack is to release him before making your way back to the Chief’s house again
and back to the altar. Talk to Hack here and he’ll advise you to go investigate
Tsurebena Wastelands. Finally, exit out of the village and head towards the
Flame Holders you passed by before. You should take your time to listen to your
skits, if you don’t already do, because a series of really funny conversations
will ensue ^^

Anyway, enter any of the Flame Holders and a scene will play out. We’re going 
to have to light the “heart” and “wings” so make sure to light the one on the 
middle Flame Holder, which represents the heart, and the ones on the sides,
which would be the wings. You should be able to figure out which they are, as
on the sand, if you notice very carefully, there is a faint drawing of a bird.
If you end up lightning the wrong one, nothing will happen, so no worries.
You’ll find it eventually. 

When you’re done with your task, the next dungeon will pop up. Head to it. 

Shrine of Fenia								[ToR2J]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Buravasu			Poison Charm				      |
| Life Bottle			Lavander		    	    	      |
| Apple Gummy			Kyuraba	   				      |
| Ruby of Fire (storyline) 	Buerosuteru 				      |

Alright, well after the scene, head inside for another short one. Looks like 
it’s Mao’s turn...

There will be a puzzle in this room, and it’s quite simple. Step on the square 
buttons and make the red arrow point to the left, towards the empty basin. 

Then, use Mao’s force on the small open pillar thing on the lower right and a 
staircase will be revealed. Follow it to the next room for another scene. 

Continue on to the next room, which after a while will split into a fork. First
take the lower right path to obtain a BURAVASU armor for Veigue, before taking
the left path to the next screen. 

This puzzle will be a little harder, so pay close attention. You see which 
square is currently pressed? You’re going to have to step on the one to the
left of it when I warn you in a second. Now, light the pillar thing and wait
for it to pass the first red arrow, then step on the switch I mentioned
earlier. When the flame passes through the second red arrow quickly step on the
switch below the one you pressed before (the one between two yellow arrows). 

Another staircase will open up, so follow it to the next room and you’ll see 
another scene. After continue following the path until you reach the next room.
In here there will be a three-way fork up ahead. First head forward to pick up
a POISON CHARM from the chest. Backtrack and take the lower path to obtain  a
LIFE BOTTLE from another chest. Lastly, take the upper path to the next screen
and you’ll see fire. A lot of fire. And we’re gonna have to put it out. But in

First of all go read the Stone Tablet on the left. Then use Mao’s Force to take
out the third flame from the right. Advance, and take out the second flame from
the right before pressing the pink switch to reset the flames. Now take out the
flame that’s behind you all by itself to reach the other pink switch. However,
there will be another flame on your way that you’ll have to shoot first. Now
step the switch and the flames will reset again. Face south (the direction of
the Stone Tablet) and hit the second flame from the left this time.  Head down
and now hit the fourth flame from the left to return to where you were before.
Facing north this time, hit the fourth flame from the left. Finally, hit the
flame on the right to finish this puzzle. Check out the Stone Tablet here and
you’ll regain your health (in case you lost any). Also, you’ll notice that when
you examine the tablet, the flames surrounding the chest here will turn green
momentarily. Shoot all four of them to be able to reach it and you’ll receive a
LAVENDER herb. Now exit out of this room and into another scene. 

So that was Mao’s purpose, huh... Interesting. 

The room will immediately begin with a three-way fork. First, head up to pick 
up that barely visible chest containing an APPLE GUMMY and then up into the
next room. Follow the path and you’ll see a chest with a KYURABA tonfa for Mao.
Go ahead and equip it as it has fairly good stats, before continuing to follow
the path. 

You’ll end back in the previous room. Now take the remaining path to end up in
a room with a Save Point. Use it before continuing on ahead. This will be the
last puzzle of this dungeon.  You’ll have to shoot fire repeatedly, not
directly at the altar, but a little bit more to the right of it. This will
attract the floating thing on the right so keep at it until it approaches it
and a bridge will form. You will meet with Fenia in the next room and it’ll be
Boss Battle time...just kidding!

Watch the following scenes attentively and you’ll receive the RUBY OF FIRE. 

Also, Mao will be able to use the skill Blazing Hearts, and he will also
receive the title ONE WHO WAS CREATED, which has a +2 HP Regeneration bonus,
and also CHILD OF FIRE, which has a +4 Slash Defense Power bonus. However, he
will also lose his BOY WITH AMNESIA title. 

Exit the dungeon. Like last time, if you feel like enduring the annoyingness of
this dungeon again, reenter this place again and head to the last room to 
obtain a BUEROSUTERU armor for Mao. 

Now return to Pipista. 

Head directly to the Chief’s house to find out that Hack has already left back 
to Razilda. Exit the town and a scene will ensue. Agarte is alive! And it looks
like we’ll be able to meet her in Razilda. Awesome, let’s head over ASAP! 

*SIDEQUEST #9*		Enhancement Obsession? 

However, let’s do a small sub-event first. Walk up to the Shrine of Fernia, but
don’t enter the dungeon. Instead face in the SW direction and walk towards the
Flame Holder in that direction. There will be a man here who will upgrade Hilda
and Annie’s armors. Talk to him and after saying YES a list of options will
appear. He’ll be asking you for a Refinishing Stone so pick any of the options
except the very last one, as that will cancel the deal. Do this twice and
you’ll receive Hilda’s REFREL robe and Annie’s WEDDING DRESS. 

After, just head back to Pipista and talk to you-know-who to get to Razilda 
(unless you wanna walk through the swamp again...)

Razilda									[ToR2K]

As soon as you enter you’ll spot Hack running away from something. Looks like 
he’s in trouble! ...again. Follow him to the left screen and talk to the angry 
goat-like Gajuma there for a scene. After, we’ll have to head to Fogma’s house.
He’s the Chief of the Gajuma, in case you don’t remember. 

After that scene, head back to the first screen and you’ll spot Igol standing 
in front of the Inn. Talk to him to continue. Our next destination is the 
Shrine of Eephon. Ugh, I know, traveling all the way back over there... It 
might be easier to head there from Pipista, but that’s your call. 

Sadly, we can’t go and meet up with Agarte. Ah well, until next time.

Btw, if you re-enter the first screen of this town again, there will be a 
black-haired girl here standing next to the cowboy-hat-man. Talk to her as she 
is one of the girls that was kidnapped by Agarte earlier, and a scene with 
Claire will play out. After, head to the Zeren Wetlands Spring again. 

Zeren Wetlands Spring							[ToR2L]

As soon as you enter you’ll see Iga being an a-hole as usual. After the scene, 
take the lower left exit to the next room, and in here take the lower right 
exit to find Hack. You’ll have a fight before you can reach him, but no 
worries, it’s just a normal battle. After the scenes, check the wall nearby to
get an APPLE GUMMY and then head back to Razilda. 

Razilda									[ToR2M]

Whaaaat the heck happened in here! Geez, this town is insane. Well, after 
leaving Hack and Igol in the Inn with Claire, we’ll have to find the two
village leaders to sort this mess out. Head to Fogma’s house and then take the
western path to find everyone fighting. Thankfully, Milhaust will arrive just
in time to settle the disputes... although with Saleh and Tomah in tow. Weird.
Well lets head back to the Inn to talk to Hack about our next move. 

Duuuude Claire and Agarte almost saw each other! So close!  More importantly, 
Idon’t get how we missed seeing Agarte. Where the heck did she go? Well let’s 
head upstairs to meet Hack. He’ll be in the only room you can enter. I guess 
the other one is where Agarte is. In any case, he’ll tell you to head north to
the mountains of Kyogen. Head out of the Inn to meet up with Saleh before
exiting the town. And of course Agarte will finally come out of her room there.
Gah. At least she’ll be following you to Kyogen...

From Razilda, head east until you hit the swamp. Once there, head in the 
northern direction, past a Farm Fresh Groceries location, until you arrive at
the Great Pokunan Bridge. Enter it and talk to the guard for a scene and you’ll
receive a PASS which will allow you to well, pass. Once back in the World Map,
continue forward and you will find another DISCOVERY SPOT, a “Waji” and the
picture will be of some very green lands. Follow the narrow path until you
arrive at a clearing again. From here head in the NW direction and you will
spot Kyogen. 

Kyogen									[ToR2N]

This place is veeery Japanese-y. Definitely one of my favourite towns in this 
game, design-wise. 

However, before we continue on, let’s do some more side-quests finally, eh?


*SIDEQUEST #8*	The Stone Tablets in the Mesechina Cavern, Part 2 of 6 (No 
*SIDEQUEST #10*	Walt and Eugene (No Rewards)

Once again, feel free to skip over this if you wish, as neither of these sub-
events will reward you with any items or titles. 

Now, talk to the cowboy-hat-man to return to Razilda, and from there head to 
the Harbor to take a ship to Balka’s. Once there, first of head to the
Mesechina Caverns to talk to Hack once more. Then, return to Balka and head to
the Karegia Castle. Talk to the purple guard here and he’ll tell you about
GRADE, which will just go under the BATTLE BOOK settings as usual. Anyway, head
up the stairs and you’ll bump into Walt there, and he and Eugene will talk. 

With that one, you can go ahead and return to Kyogen now.

Now that we’re back on Kyogen, you see that long red bridge leading to the left
screen? Take it. This screen will have only one building, which is the Inn.
Enter it and examine the steaming dumplings to obtain the FRUIT CHEESE recipe.
And here I was actually hoping for some dumplings... oh well. Sleep in the Inn
twice to unlock some more skits. One will be of Annie having a “nightmare” of
killing Eugene...The other will be about Mao dreaming of his mom. 

Now head out of the Inn and continue on to the left. Talk to the woman here, 
as she is another one of the kidnapped girls. After, enter the door on the back
if you desire to stock up on items or accessories. Otherwise, just enter the
other door and talk to the man there for a scene. 

The “Garden of Illusion” is what we’re looking for apparently, and it also 
looks like someone else is searching for it. Head to the Inn again and you’ll
find who the culprit is. 

It’s our old friend Frantz! He’ll advise us to go talk to Wan Gin, the leader 
of this town, so exit out of the Inn, head right into the first screen and take
the northern path to Wan’s house. After some scenes, you’ll agree to guard some
items for him for a bit in exchange for information about the Garden of 

Head to the Inn for now for a scene with Frantz, before saving and returning to
Wan’s house. After some more scenes, you’ll notice that Cla- I mean, Agarte is
also in this place, being held hostage ONCE AGAIN, alongside with Claire who
was kidnapped right under our noses. Yeah.

Anyway, you’re going to have to split your party up so aside from Veigue, pick 
2 additional characters to take with you. Their names will be displayed in this

Finally Party

There are three people we have to pick up. One will be outside the 
Item/Accessory Store, another will be outside the Inn (he won’t go with you if
you have Eugene in your party), and the last one will be at the entrance of the
town. Once you finished picking them all up, $h!t will hit the fan once again.
Both Claire and Agarte will be kidnapped by bandits, which had been disguised
at customers! 

Enter Wan’s place and go to the room where “Agarte” and those other girls were 
being kept for another scene, before heading to the first screen of the town.
Frantz will be there and he’ll tell you in what direction the bandits went. Now
exit town and head in the eastern direction, towards that small group of trees
ahead. Before you get there though a battle will trigger and you’ll have to
fight some bandits, who will direct you to the cabin up ahead. Enter the Kyogen
Hostel and you’ll find “Claire” there. Predictably, she won’t say anything
about you-know-who also being kidnapped, but whatever. Let’s head back to 

Enter Wan’s house again and cheer Veigue on! He totally beat Tytree to the 
punch there (literally)! Luckily, we still got the information we wanted. Our
next destination is Nolzen!

But first head towards the Inn where you’ll meet one of the recently kidnapped 
girls, and seriously? I can’t believe “Claire” didn’t get found out by this 
point ._.

Anyway, continue on the left and you’ll find Frantz outside the Item Store. 

Talk to him for one last scene and then exit out of town. Once in the World
Map, head back to the Kyogen Hostel and talk to the man inside. If you give him
some Refining Powder, he’ll give you a weapon. I’m not sure if it varies but I
got a YUWANYAN for Tytree. 

From Kyogen, head west until you see a small downward hill and a chest with an 
ONION TICKET. Continue heading down and then start following the narrower path 
until you come across a bridge. Once past it, the land will be all snowy. Head
in the northeastern direction and follow the path, then start heading more
towards the northwestern direction until you arrive at your destination. 

Nolzen									[ToR2O]

*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 4 of 18
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 7-9 of 16

As soon as you enter Nolzen, you can additionally continue the Mobile Library 
quest. You’ll have to go back to Minal first, as usual, and speak to the guy on
the second floor of the library. It’s a bit troublesome to return there at this
time, but just in case you forgot how to, first get to Razilda via
cowboy-hat-man, then walk to the Harbor to take a ship to Minal. 

Once here, don’t forget to also pay the Gymnasium a visit and talk to the 
Completion Old Man to receive a PEACH GUMMY, a CHAMOMILE herb, and a MOUKO 
SPIRIT TALISMAN, which changes Veigue’s Reppashou skill to Kogahazan.

Afterwards, you’ll have to inconveniently return to Kyogen in the same manner. 
Your target here is the old man who told you about the Garden of Illusion, so 
head to his house which is on the far left of this town. 

Once you received the book, return to Minal’s Library to hand it off. That will
be it for now. However, before heading back to Nolzen, there’s two more small
tasks you can do if you so wish to. 

This is not really part of any important event, and you also won’t get anything
out of it aside from some dialogue, but since we’re in a port town, we might as
well, right?

If you visit Sannytown, towards the northern exit there are two girls looking 
out the bridge. Talking to them will reveal they are Claire’s fellow kidnapped 

If you visit Babilograd, head north of the Inn, towards the Temple and you’ll 
spot a girl standing by herself. She’ll be another one of the kidnapped girls. 

That will be all. You can head to Nolzen now. 

This place is definitely no Flanoir, but still, snowy cities are always pretty 

Now, there are two houses here on the first screen. First, enter the one on the
left and examine the pot to learn the BORSCH recipe. After, exit and head to
the north. Speak to the lone girl standing in front of a statue as she will be
another one of Claire’s acquaintances. 

Sleeping at the Inn here will unlock a skit about Hilda’s Dream. Otherwise head
to the right and get some upgrades from the Weapon Store. The northern path
will also lead to an Equipment store, btw. 

Anyway, when you’re done exploring, head left from the Equipment Store and 
enter the lone house there. Talking to the man inside will trigger a scene. 
After head back to the Inn as it looks like Eugene isn’t feeling to well...

Oddly enough, he’ll leave instead of rest, and soon after there will be some 
sort of commotion going on outside. Exit the Inn and head out of the town to
find Eugene fighting against some Viruses. Hmm.

After the scenes are done, head out of town once more. Our next destination is 
the Tower of Nolzen.  I apologize in advance if my directions aren’t the best,
but traveling in this continent is a pain and a half. Anyway, from Nolzen, head
in the northeastern direction until you find another Farm Fresh Groceries

From here head SE until you notice a fork in your minimap. Take the right path 
(south on the compass) into that dead end and you should find another DISCOVERY
SPOT. This picture should show you some snowy landscapes, much like our

Anyway return to the fork, and from here head northwest. You should eventually 
find a big clearing. There will be a chest with a CHEESE TICKET nearby the
Nereg Hostel, and the Tower of Nereg will be directly east from there.

Tower of Nereg								[ToR2P]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Hyuberion			Weak Charm				      |
| Sunny Robe			Hourglass		    	    	      |
| Mental Topaz			Earth Powder				      |
| Apple Gummy 			Chenkunche				      |

Alright! A new dungeon~ I’ll warn you here that the enemies in this place can 
be a bit tough depending on your level. I would recommend being around level 
47, personally. 

Now head inside and watch the scenes before continuing forward. This room 
should have two little staircases and you’ll want to take the upper left one
first to obtain a HYUBERION staff for Eugene. Then, return to the fork and take
the lower right this time. Pass the following screen and you’ll end up in a
room with a green circle in the middle. Step on it to head up.

From here, take the upper left exit to find a mini-boss. You’ll have to fight 3
Suterucobu, all which have 11,131 HP. It shouldn’t be too tough though. After,
head left again and into another green portal. Head right twice from here to
find two chests. The one at the bottom will have a WEAK CHARM, and the one at
the top will have a SUNNY RAIN robe for Annie. Then, take the northern stairs
to find another room with a green circle. You know the drill. Afterwards, head
left again to fight another mini-boss. This time you’ll have to fight four
Albatrosses(?). This fight will be easier imo, as they have only 8734 HP. 

When the fight is done, head to the next room and ride the green elevator once 
more. Then, exit to the following screen and open the nearby treasure chest to 
obtain an HOURGLASS. There will be a Save Point in this room as well, and I 
suggest you use it before exiting to the next screen. Just continue heading up 
from here until you encounter a blonde girl dressed in red, who is in fact your
next mini-boss. She’ll turn into six Puddles whom will each have 6136 HP. 
Piece of cake.

After, continue heading forward until the next scene plays out. You’re in for 
a big surprise...

And of course, it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSSES: Ginnal (Beserk)		HP: 8720 
        Yusia (Beserk)		HP: 8420
        Drumb (Beserk)		HP: 10542

My level: 47

Go after Yusia first. Not only does she have lower HP, but her spells can get 
annoying. Afterwards you can go after Ginnal if you want, but personally I went
after Drumb. By the time I was done with him my party had already finished off
Ginnal on their own. Considering their HP, this battle won’t take too long. 

However, the rewards are very plentiful and very awesome. You’ll receive an 
Elixir, a Skill Refine Stone, an Estoc sword for Veigue, a Nature Topaz, a Sage
herb, and a Switch Gummy, as well as 25599 EXP, and 9000 Gald. Not bad, right?
Afterwards, watch the scenes that ensue to thankfully find out that this 
dungeon was not just a diversion. The real dungeon has been unveiled! Super. 

Now, before we head back to Nolzen, examine the two chests here that contain a 
MENTAL TOPAZ and some EARTH POWDER. There will also be another chest hiding 
behind one of the nearby pillars, which will have an APPLE GUMMY. 

Finally exit this tower. If you care to obtain a weapon for Tytree called 
CHENKUNCHE, then head back to the seventh screen where you fought the first
guardians of this tower (the stone/metal Golems), and check the upper left side
of the screen. 

Finally, exit out of this place.

You can do a couple of things now. First, if you head to the Nereg Hostel there
will be a lengthy but rewarding mini-game available. I would recommend heading
there and completing the first part of it, but leaving the rest for later as
it’s quite hard. 

Additionally, a sidequest will open up. 

After exiting the Tower, head directly west and enter Nereg Hostel. Talk to the
man inside and you’ll be taken inside of his “dream”.  

This mini-game is called Panic Dreamer. 

The stars on top of your head are your HP. Basically, the point of this game is
to avoid all the obstacles, and in the later stages, additionally eliminate
your opponents. You can watch the tutorial to have an idea of what is expected
of you. Trust nothing, avoid everything. There will # Dreams, and there will be
a tutorial for each of the missions. Also, BE CAREFUL AND AVOID ACCIDENTALLY
PRESSING X CARELESSLY. Once you exit out of a stage you need to start from the
beginning ALL OVER AGAIN. D:

*First Dream*
Stage One, Greenlands
Mission One- Survive alone for 30 seconds. 

Stage Two, Public Bath
Mission One- Survive vs. Ginnal
Mission Two- Survive vs. Yusia and Drumb
Mission Three-Survive vs. The Dark Wings

*Second Dream*
Stage One, Greenlands
Mission One, Survive with Mao for 90 seconds

Clearing the 5th Mission in the second dream will get you the Dream Clear 
title. Clearing all 30 Free Stages will get everyone the Mister/Miss Perfect 

This is one of the hardest mini-games in this game, and personally I haven't 
even finished it yet, therefore the incomplete section. Again, I would 
recommend returning to do this one later and continue on with the story for 

*SIDEQUEST #11*		Auction

This is another rather lengthy but rewarding sub-event. It is missable, so you 
should get it over with as soon as you can. However, due to its tediousness, 
it’s understandable to want to do it in parts, so I will warn you later on when
this quest will no longer be available. 

First of all, we need to return to Balka. Unfortunately, Nolzen currently does 
not offer a quick way to do this, so we’re going to have to walk back to Kyogen
on our own. 

Once in Kyogen, talk to Mr. Cowboy-hat-man and head to Razilda. From there walk
to the Harbor and take a ship to Balka’s.

Finally, once in Balka, enter the Museum which is located west of the first 
screen. Speak to the Curator (guy behind the counter) inside and say yes twice.
Your job here is to retrieve 8 items for the museum, which are being sold at
Kyogen’s Auctions. The items will be at random, and you’ll have to pay for them
out of your own pocket. You will be reimbursed by the museum once you give them
the items however. 

We’ll have to return to Kyogen now. Once there, talk to Wan Gin and the Auction
will begin.  

Using the TRIANGLE button you will raise the price by 50%. 
The SQUARE button will raise the price up by 5%
The X button will end the auction (you will give up).

The items you need to retrieve are: a Milk Can, a Bush Baby Statue, an Armor, 
a Painting, a Golden Frying Pan with a Silver Egg, a Cello, a Fabric, and a 

The items might not show up immediately, so you’ll have to exit the town and 
reenter it again (or sleep at the Inn) to start a new auction. Once you receive
one of the 8 items you’ll have to go back and return it to the Curator. For
more information, please refer to lanyn’s “Battle Mechanics/Sub Events”
guide.Getting all 8 Requested items will gain your party their Auction
Specialist title, and you will receive an HOURGLASS from the curator.
Additionally, examining the items at the museum will gain a title for each of
your characters. 

Veigue: “Auction Specialist” +2 HP Recovery
	"Pondering Youth"    +3 Skill Defense Power

Mao:	“Auction Specialist” +2 Skill Defense Power
	“Cute Stuff Lover”   +4 Thrust Defense Power

Eugene: “Auction Specialist” +3 Slash Attack Power
	“Loyal Subject”      +5 Skill Attack Power

Annie:  “Auction Specialist” +2 Thrust Defense Power
	“Critic” 	     +4 Slash Defense Power

Tytree: “Auction Specialist” +3 Slash Attack Power
	“True Chef” 	     +3 HP Regeneration

Hilda:  “Auction Specialist” +2 Thrust Defense Power
	“Cello Player” 	     +4 Slash Defense Power

Additionally, Claire will also receive the title “Honest Girl” and Agarte will 
receive the title “Gorgeous Lady”


Finally, do head back to Nolzen to continue the storyline. It’s been long 

Nolzen									[ToR2Q]

Once you enter Nolzen you’ll notice that the people have been segregated once 
more. Looks like another fight broke out while we were in the Tower of Nereg. 

Well, head to the port, which is in the left screen from the Inn, and talk to 
the solider there. You’ll be told that ships are currently unavailable... 
again! In that moment, Misha, the Gajuma we met in Minal in what seems like
ages ago, will appear. After a short greeting he’ll run along to the Inn to
meet Dr. Curia.. we should follow him as well and see if they can help us get a
ship. Head up the stairs of the Inn to meet them to incur a scene. Afterwards,
head out of the Inn and towards the northeastern part of town, where the
Equipment Store is. After that scene we’re going to have to treat a couple of
patients. I wonder if Annie will be able to handle it...? 

Head to the Inn first until Misha comes running in. The soldier from before is 
in a critical state! Let’s head to the first screen, fast! After some more
scenes, Annie will finally get over her prejudice, although at the cost of
someone’s life...But we might still be able to save the solider. First we need
to find Hilda. She’ll be in the only other house in this screen, so get her and
return to Annie. 

After our miraculous success, we’ll have to go around town curing the rest of
the soldiers. It should be around 5 more patients. Once done, you’ll end up in
the middle of town. Dr. Curia will give you some wonderful news. We have a
ship!!! Now we can travel anywhere we want! Yaaay! Head to the port to receive

Alright, so a few things to note first. Move forward with the CIRCLE Button, 
move backwards with SQUARE, get off the boat with X (you must be near the 
shoreline), and lastly, there ARE random encounters while on the boat. 

With that said, sail SE from Nolzen towards the Bayo Plains. The place is 
really close, you shouldn’t have to sail for more than 10 seconds. The Tower
will be in plain sight, so walk to it. 

Tower of Wontiga							[ToR2R]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Green Liquid			Chamomile				      |
| Akyuibasu			Anaru		    	    	              |
| Apple Gummy			Wing Diamond (storyline)		      |
| Savory								      |

Finally, the next trial! I wonder whose turn it will be this time? 

The first puzzle you are faced with is pretty simple. Step on the 1 (I) of the 
clock and then continue stepping on the rest of the numbers in a clockwise 
order. Once you hear a click, step on the 12 (XII) and then step on the rest of
the numbers in a counterclockwise manner. A staircase will appear. Follow the
path until you trigger a cutscene. Guess we now know whose turn it is. 

Just head up into the next hallway and you’ll return to the Tower of Wontiga.
In this room you’ll finally be able to make use of Annie’s Force. 

A notice will pop up explaining what to do.

“You can spin the waterwheel using Annie's Force of Rain. If you continue to 
hold down the Force Button (SQUARE Button), the range of the precipitation 
will increase. The rain will fall when you release the button. Stop the
waterwheel using the CIRCLE button. You can spin the waterwheel as many times 
as you want using the Force of Rain.

Stopping the wheel on the yellow mark will bring you to a treasure chest. Red 
will allow you to progress further into the dungeon. The rest of the colors 
bring you to dead ends.” –lanyn’s translation guide.

Yellow leads to GREEN LIQUID. Red advances you. Let’s get going. 

After the scene, you’ll be in a new room. The chest at the top contains a 
CHAMOMILE herb, and the one on the right contains an armor for Eugene called 
AKYUIBASU. You’ll have to step on the three white switches to be able to 
continue to the next screen. Be careful of the wind and time your jumps. 

Continue ahead until you find a similar room. Do the same here as before. The 
chest on the right contains a staff for Annie called ANARU. At the upper left 
there is also a path that leads to a chest with an APPLE GUMMY. (Bet you 
freaked out about being stuck huh? No worries, the hole leads to the previous 
screen.) Continue on until you find a Save Point. Use it and head to the next 
screen for another scene. 

Examine the statue in the middle and fire will begin to come out of all of the 
holes on the ground. Put them all out using Annie’s Force and the way to the 
next screen will open up. Finally, you’ll reach the last room of the tower. 
The Sacred Beast in this tower kind of reminds me of a Pokémon, don’t you 
agree? Lol.

Well, here we’ll finally find out about the truth behind Barrs’ death, although
something still seems fishy... After the scenes you’ll receive the WING
DIAMOND. Now exit the dungeon for one last scene, and Annie and Eugene’s
Hi-Ougi “Shouharekkousen” will become available. Annie will also lose her
titles “Girl of Vengeance” and “Gajuma Hater”.  You will also be automatically
transported back to Nolzen. 

Talking to the guard will allow you to board our boat. Talking to the Sailor 
will allow you to simply ride to Belsas, our next destination. Talk to the
former if you wish to reenter the last room of the previous dungeon. Examining
the emblem there will fetch you a SAVORY herb. If not, simply pick the later.
And of course, just as we head inside, “Agarte” will make an appearance. The

Belsas’ Harbor								[ToR2S]

Just exit from here. Once in the World Map you’ll be able to spot a couple 
things. First off, there will be a brown chest with a LIFE BOTTLE (surprising,
right?) up ahead. There will also be another Farm Fresh Groceries location
nearby, and another chest with a SHRIMP TICKET. Lastly, following the path will
lead you straight to Belsas. 

Belsas									[ToR2T]

In Belsas, we’ll meet Susie. We met her back in Sannytown way back when, 
remember? After Susie leaves we’ll also get a glimpse of “Agarte”. Could it
possibly be that we will finally be able to meet face-to-face with her?

In any case, after the scenes head into the Weapon Store on the left to upgrade
your weapons and whatnot. It’s been a while. 

Then, head up into the next screen. There will be an Item Store here as well, 
so stock up if needed. Head north from this screen to trigger another scene. 
Afterwards enter the Inn to save and stock up on food. Doing the latter will 
allow you to learn the POTATO SALAD recipe. 

Finally, head north one last time and speak to the man there. Susie is rich! 
Go figure. The POV will then switch to Agarte for a while. We’ll have to head 
west of the Inn and past the bridge to arrive at the Belsas Slums. After the 
scene, talk to all the Gajuma gathered in the next screen before speaking with 
Janie again. Another scene will play out, and then the POV will switch back to

Watch the scenes play out before returning to the Inn. And sigh in frustration 
as we miss meeting Agarte by a mere second...again. 

Well, once you’re back in control, head towards the bridge once more for 
another scene before heading back to Susie’s Mansion. 

I don’t know about you but I’m getting excited here. It looks like we’ll 
finally be able to meet with Agarte! Let’s head back to the Inn one last time
before exiting it. Watch the scenes play out. Holy Crap. 

Take a few seconds to take in that marvelous cutscene. When you’re finally back
in control, head to the first screen of the town and approach Milhaust. It
looks like he wasn’t able to catch up with Agarte... Well, we don’t have time
to go after her ourselves as we still have a task to do. Let’s exit out of town
and do some sidequests! (You can see Susie throw a small fit if you visit her, 

*SIDEQUEST #12*		Jewel Collector Woman
*SIDEQUEST #13*		Donnell Once Again (No Rewards)
*SIDEQUEST #1*		Monica and Steve, Part 3 of 4
*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 5-6 of 18
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 10 of 16
*SIDEQUEST #8*		The Stone Tablets in the Mesechina Cavern, Part 3 of 6

So many things to do! Let’s start with heading towards Belsas’ Harbor. In here 
there will be a woman who will give you the DISTRANGE weapon for Tytree, and 
the GERYION weapon for Annie if you give her any two jewels. 

After speaking with her, take a ship to Nolzen, and from there, talk to Mr. C 
to get to Kyogen. In Wan Gin’s Mansion, enter the room where Claire and the 
other girls had been kept in before to find…Donnell? What is he doing there?
Talking to the people in the room will give you some light on that. After that,
either return to Nolzen or head to Razilda to take a ship to Minal. 

In here, talk to Mr. C to get to Sulz. As usual, talk to Steve in the Weapon 
Store, and then Monica in the Assembly Hall. Once again, that will be all. Now 
return to Minal. 

Visit the Gymnasium like always and talk to the Completion Old Man. This time 
you’ll receive a GRAPE GUMMY. Now head to the Library and do the usual. This 
time we’ll have to collect a book in Nolzen, so take a ship there and enter the
right house that’s next to the Inn. Talk to the angry old man inside and you’ll
receive the book. Now return to Minal’s Library to hand it off. Talking to the
Librarian again will open up another quest. This time he’ll want you to go the

Let’s head there now via ship, and once there, enter the house that’s east from
the Item Store. Talk to the blue-haired woman inside to receive the book and
return to Minal’s Library to hand it off.

Finally, head to the Mesechina Cavern to talk to Hack and he’ll tell you a bit 
more about the Stone Tablets. 

With that, we’ll be done with all these sidequests. Now take a ship to 
Babilograd’s Harbor to continue with the storyline. 

Once here, take the lift up to the town. Head to the screen that has the Inn to
trigger a scene. After, continue north and enter the Shrine. 

Shrine of Blue								[ToR2U]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Life Bottle			Vital Burner				      |
| Ekusuverun			Aqua Powder		    	    	      |
| Fight Topaz			Apple Gummy		    		      |
| Slash Refine Stone		Water Aquamarine (storyline)		      |
| Dark Powder						      		      |

Head down the stairs and into the dungeon. You’ll immediately encounter these 
blue bubbles in your way which you can freeze over with Veigue’s Force 
(otherwise they’ll freeze you instead). Head forward to the next screen and 
Veigue’s trial will begin. 

At the fork, take the upper path first to get a LIFE BOTTLE from a chest, then 
continue until the next fork and take the lower path for a VITAL BURNER armor 
for Mao. Then, move on to the next screen. Here, head up the first stairs to 
obtain an EKUSUVERUN sword for Veigue, and down the next stairs, to open a 
chest with some AQUA POWDER. The last chest contains a FIGHT TOPAZ. Now head 
to the next screen. 

Get rid of the bubbles in your way to find a Save Spot as well as another fork.
Save, get the chest hidden behind the Save Spot containing an APPLE GUMMY, and
then head down to pick up a GRAPE GUMMY from another chest before exiting to
the next screen.

The puzzle here is simple. All you have to do is freeze all the water that pops
up to unlock the door. Also, pick up the chest here to obtain a SLASH REFINE 

Head to the next room to finally meet Shaorune. We’re going to have to fight 
him, but he’ll be kind enough to give us some time to heal, save again, enhance
our weapons and whatnot. When you’re finally ready, approaching him and it’ll
be Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Shaorune 		HP: 70000
My level: 48

Shaorune, as you can probably tell already, is a water elemental, so do avoid 
using water spells. He’s weak against fire, so feel free to exploit that. I 
brought both Mao and Hilda along specifically for this reason. Annie, as
always, is a must to bring. Have her heal often as Shaorune’s attacks can pack
quite a punch. A few minutes into the fight, he will also use a skill that will
inflict a lot of damage to all of your party, so make sure you are ready for
that. You might be able to end this fight with a Hi-Ougi, as per usual. 

You’ll receive a Protect Refine, some Aqua Powder along with 44575 EXP and 
12000 Gald.

You will also receive the WATER AQUAMARINE, and Veigue’s Houryuumueiken skill 
will become available.  Not to mention, Shaorune will now be available for use.
We can pretty much ride him anywhere. He’s this game’s best mode of

Now head out of the dungeon. If you’d like to receive some DARK POWDER, enter 
it again and head to the last room as usual to check the blue emblem there.

In any case, when you head out of the city, Shaorune will pick you up. Take 
your time to enjoy the skits, and then let’s do some sidequests!

*SIDEQUEST #14*		Milista and Hilda (No Rewards)
*SIDEQUEST #15*		Girl With the Force of Feather, Part 1 of 3
*SIDEQUEST #16*		Peeking Katz (No Rewards)
*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 7-12 of 18 
			(This part of is glitch-y and might not work, but
                        don’t worry, you can still complete parts 13-18 to 
                        get the reward, and the only thing you’re missing out 
                        on is a GRAPE GUMMY)
*MINIGAME #4*		Playing with the Rabbitz, Part 1 of 6

***First, let me explain how to control Shaorune. If you are on the ground and 
wish to fly, press the SQUARE button and you will get an option to then press 
the CIRCLE button. This will get you up in the air.

Now to fly forward use the CIRCLE button, and to fly backwards use SQUARE. X is
to land. You can turn using the left/right direction or L1/R1. You can also use
the up/down to ascend and descend. That will be the basics of it.***

Alright, first of all let’s head to Karez (north side). Let’s make use of our 
new transportation device and head west from here until you get there. Enter 
and head to the sixth area of this dungeon until you see some stairs. Head up
and you’ll see Milista. Talk to her for a scene and we’ll be done here. Now
exit out of here and get back into the air again. 

Out next destination is nearby Nolzen, so let’s get there first. Nolzen is kind
of NE from here. You’ll recognize the area when you’re there in any case. Once
you find Nolzen, fly east until you spot a small green patch on top of the
mountains. That will be the Lenpao Sky Garden. Enter it. 

In this place you’ll have to float! It makes “walking” a little inconvenient, 
but only a little. Keep heading forward and you will eventually find a house. 
Enter it to meet Ninon, a bird-like girl Gajuma. After some talking, the girl 
will give you a LEMON GUMMY. Eugene will also receive his “Good Leader” title 
which has a +3 Skill Defense Power bonus. Now exit out of this place and 
reenter it again. Head to the back once more to speak to Ninon. After the
scene, exit this place again. This time we’ll have to head to the Toyohose
Hostel, (near Petnadjanka), to pick up some mushrooms. 

The Toyohose Hostel should be kind southwest from here. You might have to do a 
bit more flying around. In any case, enter the Hostel and head towards the 
forest. Pick up 7 of the spotted mushrooms (Veigue will alert you when you have
enough) before heading back to the Sky Garden. Hand them over to Ninon for
another scene and you’ll receive a SYRUP BOTTLE this time along with Tytree’s
“Cooking Instructor” title which has a +3 Skill Defense Power bonus. 

Exit the Sky Garden and reenter it again. You will notice that there are now 
mushrooms growing outside of Ninon’s house. Examine them for a scene before 
going inside to talk to her. Hilda will now receive her “Woman Who Understands 
Loneliness” title, which has a +3 Thrust Defense Power bonus. Our next 
destination is Minal.

You must have already completed the first 6 parts of the Mobile Library Quest 
before continuing on. 

Once in Minal, head to the Library and talk to the guy on the top floor. Say 
YES when prompted and a list will pop up. Pick the ninth option to borrow that 
book and head back to the Sky Garden. 

After handing the book to Ninon, exit the Sky Garden before reentering it 
again. Talk to Ninon to get the book back and then head back to Minal to return
it (it’s the second option). This will trigger a scene at the Library. With
this we’ll be done with Ninon for now. 

Since we’re already in Minal, now’s a good time to continue the Mobile Library 
quest. Speak to the Librarian again to borrow some more books. From now on, 
instead of retrieving books, we’re going to be delivering books to people, and 
later on returning them to the library. The good thing about this is that we 
can check out up to three books at a time, so it saves us some time traveling
back and forth, if only a little. 

When the list of books opens up, choose to borrow the first, sixth, and ninth 
books before exiting the town. Our next destination is the Keketto Hostel, NW 
from here. Enter it and talk to the Huma peddler here to lend him one of the 
books. Exit the Hostel and then re-enter it again to get the book back. 

Now head to the Alvan Mountains. Enter the cabin where you once rested way back
at the beginning of this game to find a Gajuma there. Lend him another one of
the books, exit this place, and get the book back from him. 

Next up, head to the Tel Alla Highway Hostel, which is near Sannytown (this is 
where you first fought Hilda). Talk to the Huma here to lend him a book, and 
well... you know the routine by now. After getting the book back, you’ll also 
be rewarded with a GRAPE GUMMY. Awesome! Anyway from here head back to Minal 
and talk to the Librarian. It’s time to borrow a couple more books. 

This time take the third and fourth books and exit out of town. Now head to 
Razilda and talk to the little girl that sells flowers. Lend her the book, get 
it back, move on. Head to Nolzen. Remember that angry old man who lives in the 
house next to the Inn? Do the usual and then finally head back to Minal. We’ll 
be done with this quest for now. 

However, before leaving Minal, head into the shop and buy 15 Beckoning Cats. 
You’ll have to use Eugene as your on-screen characters or else no one will 
sell you anything... >.<

The next sub-event is in the Rabbitz Village. It took me a while to find this 
place, and during my search I stumbled upon yet another DISCOVERY SPOT in this 
small patch of green behind Sulz. There will be a lone tree here. You can’t 
miss it. The “discovery” this time will be KINOBURIBUTA, which I think is
translated into a tree-climbing pig. 

In any case, the Rabbitz Village is NW from Nolzen. It will be in a very small 
snowy island. This place is much like the other Tales Games’ Katz Village. 

Now, enter the only house here and speak to the Katz on the right. He’ll want 
you to hand over 15 Beckoning Cats, which you should have already bought 
before, and in exchange he’ll show you what each of your characters their “Joke
Weapons” are! Sadly, you won’t actually get the weapon. That’s part of another
quest. In any case, each time you give him 15 BC’s he’ll show you one of the

Lastly, speaking to the middle Rabbitz outside will allow you to play a game. 
When the options pop up, choose the first one to continue. You’ll have to 
arrange the order of the characters shown. The first one will be: Mao, Eugene,
Veigue. Press the TRIANGLE button to input your answer. This will allow you to
unlock the Skit Viewing Theater. However you will only be allowed to see the
skits from the beginning of the game. The more “games” you beat, the more skits
you can unlock! However, for now, this is all you can do. 

If you wish to see the skits you’ve unlocked, talk to the Rabbitz again and 
chose the fourth option. 

Now that we’re finally done with all of this, enter Nolzen and head to the 
middle of the town. Talk to Frantz here for a scene and a “password screen”
will pop up. There are two passwords you could use to continue. One of them is
KAADO, and the other is TAROTTO. Like before, just try to find the characters
in the menu and then press the TRIANGLE to finish inputting it. Keep in mind
that this time we’ll be writing in Katakana, the characters that are in the
right side of the screen. 
Afterwards, exit out of town and fly Northeast from here. It’s not too far from
here, but it might be a bit hard to spot the village, as it’s attached to the
mountain and is kind of hidden by the trees. In any case, enter the village a
scene will trigger.

Mocrado Village								[ToR2V]

Entering the red house here will trigger another scene. After it, head to the 
back room and examine the spot left of the wooden doors to obtain the PAELLA 

Exit out of the house. Next, enter the Inn, which is the kind of hidden 
building on the left.  Talk to the bear-like Gajuma inside and to trigger a
couple of skits. Save, stock up on food, rest if needed, and exit the Inn. On
the right side of this screen there are three more buildings. The one in the
middle is the Equipment Store, and the one on the lower right is the Item
Store. Upgrade your weapons accordingly and stock up on items if needed before
entering the house on the upper right. Head to the backroom to meet Hilda’s
mother. Watch the scenes that ensue. Hilda and Claire will engage in a small
slapping fight and you’ll end up back in the Inn. Exit it and return to Naira’s

Afterwards, enter the red house again for another scene. Finally, return to 
Naira’s house one more time and after the scenes it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

Btw, if Hilda isn’t already in your party, you’ll be forced to make it so.

BOSS: Tomah 		HP: 51000
My level: 49

Nothing has really changed from the last time you beat this idiot. His weakness
is still water and his attacks are the same. Remember that he can triple punch
you up into the air or knock you down if you’re not careful. Watch out for his
Shade Sorcery attack too.

But, really? This fight is a piece of cake.

You’ll receive a Life Bottle and a Thrust Refine Stone along with 2786 EXP and 
800 Gald.

Sadness will ensue. After a long series of cutscenes try to exit the town and 
you’ll receive NARIA’S LETTER, TAROT CARDS, as well as an AMETHYST. Now reenter
the town and with Hilda as your on-screen character, enter Naira’s house once
more. Check the orange shrine on the upper left to obtain a weapon for Hilda
called HAIN DELTA. Then, head to the backroom and check around the pots at the
back to obtain a SPELL AIM robe for her as well. Now with Eugene as your
on-screen character, enter the red house and talk to the old man there to
receive the DERUTORUI staff for him. 

Finally, exit the town for good.

*SUB-EVENT #8*	The Stone Tablets in the Mesechina Cavern, Part 4 of 6 (NR)

As this time you can head to the Caverns and talk to Hack. He’ll tell you more 
stuff about the tablets and that’ll be all for now.

Now fly SW from the Alvan Mountains to find our next dungeon.

Stone Ruins								[ToR2W]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Switch Gummy			Paralyze Charm				      |
| Recovery Refine Stone		Baurusutangu 		    	    	      |
| Mind Emerald			Apple Gummy		    		      |
| Elixir			Visconti			       	      |
| Amethyth of Light (storyline)	Beruiru			      		      |

Head inside the ruins for some scenes. Then, grab the chest at the upper left 
containing a SWITCH GUMMY before heading down the stairs. At the fork, take the
upper left path to obtain a PARALYZE CHARM from another chest, which I totally
recommend you wear, as the monsters in this place love to paralyze you. After,
head to the right for another scene. 

Once again, head to the upper left first and take the RECOVERY REFINE STONE in 
this room. Return to the previous room, and at the next fork, head up again to 
pick up a chest with a BAURUSUTANGU armor for Tytree. Finally, take the 
remaining path for another scene. To the right there is a chest with a MIND
EMERALD, and as you approach it another scene will trigger. Don’t head on to
the right screen yet however. First check the other paths to obtain an APPLE
GUMMY (this chest is kind of hidden) and an ELIXIR. Now continue to the next

Here we’ll finally encounter a small puzzle. As you approach the platform in 
front of you, you’ll be able to use Hilda’s Force. You need to aim at the
purple balls that light up. That will cause the platform to activate. On some
of them, to aim correctly you will have to “hold on” to the Force for a bit
longer before releasing it. Use the CIRCLE button while on top of the activated
platform and you’ll be able to ride it. The chest here contains a weapon for
Hilda called VISCONTI. Use the Save Point at the end and move on to the next
screen. It’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Hilda (Phantom)	HP: 36918
My level: 50

This battle won’t take too long, but if you’re careless, it’ll be game over. My
recommended party for this battle is Veigue, Annie, Hilda, and Eugene. Rush at
her with all you’ve got and keep her from casting her spells. You will be done
with this in no time. Just, don’t forget to keep your HP up all the time as her
spells can cause some serious damage (especially Ground Dasher). 

Hilda will end this battle with a pretty epic move, and you’ll receive 67563 
EXP for your efforts. 

You will also receive the AMETHYTH OF LIGHT and Hilda will be able to perform 
the skill Divine Sabre.

Exiting the Stone Ruins will switch the POV to Agarte. I, for one, am pretty 
glad to see what she’s up to. In any case, head to the Castle to watch some
scenes. After, follow Saleh and continue heading east for another scene. I
always knew there was something off about that woman... The POV will switch
back to Veigue after the scenes. 

As usual, if you care to make it back to the last room of this dungeon you can 
check the emblem to obtain a BERUIRU armor for Annie. 

Now fly back to Nolzen to speak to Frantz, who will be at the Harbor. After 
watching the scene, exit the town. Our next destination will be Belsas. 

*MINIGAME #4*		Playing with the Rabbitz, Part 2 of 6
*SUB-EVENT #17*		Hilda’s Reading Time
*SUB-EVENT #8*		The Stone Tablets in the Mesechina Cavern, Part 5 of 6
*2 New Recipes!*	Special Pizza, Boat-Wrap Sushi

But first, it’s time for some more sub-events.

Since we’re so nearby, let’s start with going to the Rabbitz village first. 

Talk to the Rabbitz in the middle to unlock part two of this game. This time,
the solution will be: Veigue, Eugene, Annie, Mao. 

Now head to Karez, back to the sixth screen like usual, but instead of going up
the ladder here, take the southeastern exit instead and then head east twice
and up once to find an old man. Talk to him, chose the first option, and he’ll
disappear. Don’t panic, you haven’t messed up! You’ll have to exit out of the
dungeon to receive the SPECIAL PIZZA recipe!

Now, head to Balka’s Harbor and speak with the fortune teller here with Hilda 
as your on-screen character. She’ll be standing right outside of the Inn as per
usual. Doing so will enable Hilda to read your fortunes! Pretty cool, huh? To
do so you’ll have to look for Hilda’s Tarot Cards in the Key Items.

A quick explanation of how that works. 

First, Hilda will ask if you want a Love reading, a Health reading, or a Money 
Reading. Then, she’ll ask if you’re a man or a woman. Next, she’ll ask what 
season you were born: spring, summer, fall, or winter. Finally, pick any two 
cards when prompted and you’ll receive your fortune. Along with your fortune, 
she’ll also tell you what’s your “Lucky Item”, and your “Lucky Color”.  

Anyway, head to the middle of the Harbor and talk to the man on the lower right
who’s cooking a fish over a steamy pot. Pick the first option and he’ll give

Alright, let’s continue on. Incidentally, there is a DISCOVERY SPOT very 
nearby. Directly west (kind of northwest, really) of the Balka Prison there
will be a small patch of trees. Land there to find the spot. This time the
Discovery will be a HAIRY KOALA. 

Anyway, our last destination will be the Mesechina Cavern. Head inside and talk
to Hack to receive some more info on the Tablets and we’ll be done here. 

Belsas									[ToR2X]

Head to Belsas (NW of Balka). Once inside head east of the item shop and enter 
the first house here. You’ll find Mauro inside, (one of the guys you got out of
prison before), who will help us out with our little problem. You will
receivethe CIPHER MEMO after the scenes.

Now exit the town and head to Nolzen. Incidentally, if you fly west from Nolzen
there will be a small island with a DISCOVERY SPOT. This time the discovery
will be AIRFRED’s ??? 

In any case, head to Nolzen’s harbor and speak to the soldier to board your 
ship. Head west (kind of southwest) from here to find a huge whirlpool in the 
water (you might have noticed on your way here that there was a green spot in 
the middle of the ocean? That’s would be it.) 

Examine the whirlpool a couple of times until you trigger a battle. Afterwards 
you’ll receive the PIRATE’s TREASURE CHEST along with the Treasure Hunter 

Veigue: +3 Slash Attack Power 
Mao: 	+3 Slash Attack Power 
Eugene: +3 Thrust Attack Power 
Annie: 	+3 Slash Defense Power 
Tytree: +4 Thrust Defense Power 
Hilda: 	+3 Slash Attack Power

With the treasure in hand, return to Belsas and speak to Mauro. He’ll give you 
the ANCIENT MAP with the expectations that when you find the treasure we can 
split it with him! ...Dude we’re doing all the work, why should we give you a 

Anyway, you’ll be transported to the Inn and Hilda will point out that 
something is not quite right with this map. Zoom in and out with L1/R1 and use
the CIRCLE button to point out what that is. 

To continue on you’ll have to examine the location where Sannytown is supposed 
to be. If you don’t remember, it’s to the left of Balka (center continent with 
moon on top). Point to the very, very thin river mouth.

After, exit from here and fly south from here to Sannytown. 

Sannytown								[ToR2Z]

After the scenes head to the Inn for another one. There will be a Warp Spot 
here (which looks a lot like a Save Spot, really) that you can use to get to 
Randgriz’s Temple. This place will be rather short. All you have to do is have
Eugene talk to the people here and he’ll receive his Force upgrade, along with
the BLACK DIAMOND OF THE EARTH, plus he’ll now have the skill "Jinrai 

Watch the following cutscenes with no small amount of pleasure. We’ve done it!

Now, return to Sannytown to see another scene. Sigh... they were having such a 
nice touching scene too, but it just had to be interrupted! Head west from here
to see what’s going on. 

Looks like things are looking worse! We’re going to have to do something about 
this... after all, we’re heroes! *strikes a pose*

...errr, okay. Head out of town.

Part 3: Bridging The Gap 						[ToR3]

     A. - Animakal & Balka..............................................[ToR3A]
     B. - Babilograd & Petnadjanka .....................................[ToR3B]
     C. - Pipista.......................................................[ToR3C]
     D. - Minal.........................................................[ToR3D]
     E. - Sulz..........................................................[ToR3E]
     F. - Mt. Sovereing.................................................[ToR3F]


Welcome to Part Three, we'll be staring with some sidequests~!

*MINIGAME #4*		Playing with the Rabbitz, Part 3 of 6
*SIDEQUEST #8*		The Stone Tablets in the Mesechina Cavern, Part 6 of 6
*SIDEQUEST #18*		Salvage, 12 Parts

Head to the Rabbitz Village to continue this minigame. This time the answer 
will be: Tytree, Hilda, Eugene, Mao, Veigue

Next up head to the Mesechina Caverns one last time to talk to Hack. Pick the 
first option as usual and we’ll finally be done! Yay!

Now the next sub-event is lengthy, but very rewarding. However, after telling 
you basics of it, I’m going to have to herd you off to look at lanyn’s FAQ for 
this one.

Now, head to Belsas and speak to Mauro. A series of notices will pop up, 
indicating that you have activated the quest. Basically, Mauro will give you a 
hint of where to Salvage for treasure, and afterwards you’ll have to return to 
him to report it, as well as get rewarded. 

If you speak to Mauro again a few options will pop up. The first one will tell 
you the hint again, the second and third one will show you the explanation 
notices again, and the fourth one is just to stop speaking to him.

Anyway, once you head outside of town, if you open up the World Map (R3) and 
then press the TRIANGLE button the Salvage Map will pop up. Here you can mark 
down the location of the hint, and then travel there with the Ship. To mark 
things down on the map, move the cursor using the Right Joystick, and the 
CIRCLE BUTTON to mark the spot. You can also create colorful lines with the 
L1 button.

Once you have arrived at the spot, you will notice that there is a shiny light 
in the water, very ala Wind Waker. Approach it, and then use the X button to 
Salvage. Afterwards, head back to Mauro and hand over what you found to receive
some items as well as the next hint. There are 12 Salvage points in total. To
find out where they all are, please consult lanyn’s Battle Mechanics/Sub Events

Along with all the items, you will also receive the "G Treasure Hunter" title.

Veigue: +6 Skill Defense Power
Mao:    +6 Skill Defense Power
Eugene: +7 Thrust Defense Power
Annie:  +5 HP Regeneration
Tytree: +5 FG Regeneration
Hilda:  +5 HP Regeneration

Animakal & Balka							[ToR3A]

Now head to Animakal, which is SW from Sannytown. With Eugene as your on-screen
character head to the right and enter the house across from the pond. Talk to
the Gajuma dressed in yellow for a scene. 

Wtf. How stupid is this guy? Gah. Well, head out of the city and towards the 
Oasis (east from here). 

In here, take the upper right path and keep heading forward to the very back 
where you found the Live Garo before. You’ll find the couple surrounded by 
monsters, and a small battle will ensue. Afterwards, head back to Animakal. 
Watch Tytree perform his awesome freaking magic tree- I mean trick and then 
head off to battle. After beating all the monsters in this place we’ll be done 
here and he POV will switch back to Agarte.

When you are in control of her speak to the little boy there to trigger 
another scene, then speak to the train conductor in this screen and choose 
the third option. Enter the only store here to obtain some medicine before 
talking to the conductor again. The first option will get you back where you 
need to be. Approach the sick Gajuma here for another scene. Looks like there’s
at least some hope here... 

In any case, Agarte will receive the “Proud Traveler” title and the POV will 
switch back to Veigue. Anyway, this seems like a good time to finish the Mobile
Library quest.

*SIDEQUEST #2*		Mobile Library, Part 13-18 of 18
*SIDEQUEST #3*		Completion Old Man, Part 11 of 16 

Alright, we’re finally going to finish this quest! Head to Minal to speak to 
the Librarian as usual. We’ll have to borrow some more books, so chose the 
seventh, eight, and eleventh books before exiting the town. Our next 
destination is the Forest Labyrinth (kind of SW from here).

In here, head down twice, to the screen with the save point, and you’ll find 
your man there. Lend him the book, exit the forest, and then go back in to
retrieve it. You’ll receive a SWITCH GUMMY for you efforts!

Next up, head to north entrance of Karez (south from here). Continue on to the 
sixth screen as per usual and head up the ladder to meet your target. Lend him 
the book and exit the dungeon. However, when you return to the dungeon he will 
have moved from that spot. To find him, enter Karez from the south entrance and
take the lower left path. From here follow the path to the next screen which
should have a ladder. Head up the ladder here and talk to him there to receive
an ELIXIR before heading to our next destination.

Which is the Babilograd Harbor. As soon as you enter here you will get a 
cutscene, but that’s storyline related. As long as you don’t take the lift up 
however, we’re good to continue pursuing this quest. Anywho, head to the second
floor of the Inn here and talk to the fish-like Gajuma man on the left to lend
him a book. Exit town and return to the Inn to take the book from him. 

After, finally head back to Minal’s Library. This time borrow the second, 
fifth, and tenth books from here before exiting the town. 

Head to Razilda’s Harbor. In here talk to the Gajuma peddler in the back to 
lend him a book. Then exit the town and head to Kyogen Hostel (NE from here). 
You’ll receive an HOURGLASS for your efforts! Awesome. 

Incidentally, talking to the guy on the upper left here gives you the option 
to get some more weapons. This time it will be a SAILOR STAR weapon for Hilda.

Our next destination is Sannytown. Enter the Item Store and speak to the bird-
like Gajuma woman inside to do the usual. Exit out of town, return, get the 
book back, and off we go again. 

Finally, our last location will be in Kyogen.  Head to the leftmost screen and 
talk to the old guy inside the house there (he’s the one who told you about the
Garden of Illusion, remember?). Do your usual, and after you get the book back
head to Minal. 

After returning the books you will get the Book Sommelier title for your party,
which has pretty awesome stats!

Veigue: +3 Slash Defense Power
Mao:    +40 HP 
Eugene: +50 HP 
Annie:  +3 Slash Attach Power
Tytree: +4 Thrust Attack Power
Hilda:  +4 FG Regeneration

Lastly, head to the Gymnasium to receive a LAVENDER herb from the Completion 
Old Man, before finally heading back to Babilograd’s Harbor to continue the 

Babilograd & Petnadjanka 						[ToR3B]

Once in the Harbor, head towards where the lift is to find Dana. Speak to her 
to trigger a scene and smile at Hilda’s words. She sure has changed! ^^

Now make your way out of the Harbor and towards the Climber’s Caverns. Sadly, 
we’re going to have to go through this again. Though on the upside, we’re way 
more leveled up than last time we came here! By now you should know your way 
around this place, so I won’t bother putting directions. When you reach the 
area where you fought Donnell once upon a time, a rockslide will happen once 
again. Naturally, use Eugene to clear the path before continuing on. 

Finally, once you arrive at Babilograd speak to Ox for a scene before heading 
to the Lift Manager’s house. Talk to him and he’ll say he won’t move the lift 
unless we have permission from the priest…. Time to head to the Shrine. Talk 
to the priest for a short scene before heading down the stairs. Just continue 
forward until a scene triggers, followed by a battle. Now head back up or 
“risk becoming gloomy like Veigue” lol.

After the scenes, head towards the Inn for one more. Afterwards, the POV will 
switch back to Agarte’s. 

Once you’re in control, enter the Factory. Head up, then left, and approach 
the workers for a scene. After, talk to everyone again for another scene before
approaching the door on the left.  We’re going to have to flip some levers to
continue now. You won’t be able to touch this one at the moment, but search
around the factory and flip the remaining two before coming back here. Flip
this last lever and another scene will ensue. Agarte will then receive the
title “Awakened Queen”, and the POV will switch back to Veigue.

Pipista 								[ToR3C]

Our next destination is Pipista, so fly there and make sure to have Eugene as 
your on-screen character to be able to enter. Head to the Chief’s house for 
some more scenes before attempting to exit the town. A commotion will break 
out, so head back to where the Chief’s house is to see what’s going on. 

And you think stupidity could not get any stupider... Let’s head out of Pipista
and let’s look for the children. You will be able to find them in one of the
Flame Holders. More specifically, the “head” of the bird in the sand (the one
that’s nearby the Tower). 

After the scenes, return to Pipista to meet with the parents. Watch as Veigue 
actually steps up to his Main Character duties. (But seriously, how did that 
little kid end up with that knife? How?)

The POV will then switch to Agarte’s. Approach the angry bunch of people to 
trigger a scene and we’ll be done here.

Now take your main party to Minal to continue.

Minal									[ToR3D]

Head towards the middle of town to meet up with Misha and Dr. Curia.  After the
scenes, follow them to the Inn. Head down the stairs and enter the room in the
back to continue. Now, before heading off to look for Agarte, return to the Inn
and save. Also, I would recommend you to arrange your party like this: Veigue,
Eugene, Annie, Mao, Hilda, Tytree. Trust me on this. 

Anyway, head to the port and talk to the Gajuma there for another scene. After, 
speak with the soldiers in the middle of town and, as you might’ve guessed, 
it’ll be Boss Battle time.

BOSS: Veigue (Berserk) 		HP: 18835
My level: 51

Had Veigue had a lot more HP than this, this battle would’ve been a major pain 
in the ass. Thankfully, that is not the case. If you arranged your party like I
said earlier, you should be fighting with Eugene. I had thought about having
Tytree as my fighter, but while Tytree is faster, Eugene is stronger. In any
case, with Annie healing, and the other two spell casting, this battle will be
over in no time.

You will get 77610 EXP as a reward.
Watch the scenes and when you’re back in control, make your way up the stairs 
and out of the Inn. Head towards the Library and Misha will tell you where he
last saw Claire run off. Exit the town. 

Follow the western path and enter the Etorat Bridge for more scenes. You will 
have to fight Milhaust here, but don’t bother wasting your items or anything.
You can’t win this one. 

You’ll end up being back at the Inn. Exit for some more scenes. Tytree will be 
waiting for Veige at the beach. In the meanwhile, the party will be scattered 
around town. Talk to them if you wish, though they won’t really say anything 
important. I felt like translating for some reason though, lol.

Mao will be in this screen, the rest will be inside the Inn. Annie will be by 
the Save Spot, while Hilda, Agarte, Dr. Curia and Misha will be downstairs 
inside the rooms.

Mao: Veigue... Tytree is at the beach... aren’t you... going to go?

Annie: Veigue-san... are you.. okay? If there is anything I can do..anything at 
all... please say it... okay? 

Hilda: Is it alright to be here talking to me?

Eugene: Aren’t you going to go where Tytree is?

Agarte: ...

Dr. Curia: Veigue, don’t overexert yourself...alright?

Misha: Veigue-san, you still don’t look too good... please don’t overdo it.

In any case, save and the exit town to continue. Tytree and Veigue will have a 
little fist fight here. You can let Tytree win (like I did~) or you can just 
beat him up. It doesn’t matter who wins in the end. After, just watch the
touching scenes until you’re back in control. Agarte will join the party, and
our next destination is Sulz. Fly NW of here to get there.

Sulz									[ToR3E]

Once inside, we’ll see a cutscene of Milhaust leading Claire back to Balka. I 
wonder if she’s going to be alright...

Well, now that we’re in Sulz take a moment to watch your skits, as Mao’s 
singing will continue. This one will be particularly amusing ^^ Then, head to
Claire’s house to continue. Once again, the party will split up after the
scenes. And once again, I shall attempt translate what your party members say! 

Mao: Hey, Veigue, so this is the way mothers work at home, huh... It’s nice 
isn’t it...

Rakiya (Claire’s mom): Go talk to everyone in the village. The negative air in 
the village... it’s okay to talk to everyone like usual. Veigue... This place 
will always be here for you to return. This is your home. You and Claire can 
always return... we’ll be eagerly waiting.

Annie: This book here, did you read it when you were a kid? I used to love 
“The Tales of Pochumu-san”...

Eugene: I wanted to talk to Marco-san this once. 

Tytree: Oh, Veigue! This view, this air... it’s the best! Well, let’s go. Let’s
listen to what the people of this village have to say...

Now head to Popura’s house for a quick scene before returning to Claire’s. Am I
the only one who thinks Tytree would make an awesome housewife? Just sayin’ ^^

After some more scenes, go talk to everyone in town before heading to the 
Assembly Hall. 

*SIDEQUEST #1*		Monica and Steve, Part 4 of 4

When you are back in control speak with these two twice to finally finish this 
quest. You will receive Veigue’s PARSUNC weapon as well as his title, “Love 
Cupid” which has a +3 FG Regeneration bonus. 

Speak with everyone else and a scene should trigger afterwards. Finally, head 
out of this place and brace yourselves. Something weird is going on.. Head to 
Razilda to find out what.

Holy Crap.

Head to Sannytown and use the warp outside of the Inn. We need to talk to 

After the scenes, head out of town to be even more bewildered. The plot 

And it’s time to do some more sidequests.

*MINIGAME #4 *		Playing with the Rabbitz, Part 4 of 6
*SIDEQUEST #15*		Girl With the Force of Feather, Part 2 of 3
*2 New Recipes!*	Miso Oden, Grasper

You know the drill by now. Head to the Rabbitz village to speak with the one in
the middle. This time the answer will be: Claire, Annie, Eugene, Veigue, 

After, head over to the Lenpao Sky Garden to speak with Ninon. Incidentally, as
you make your way to her house you will see Frantz standing here. 

(okay so I did this one half asleep xD so its most likely inaccurate and just 
an overall horrible translation. I'll fix it next time.)

Annie: Frantz-san! 
Frantz: Oh! It’s you guys. 
Annie: It’s been a while. Frantz-san, why have you come here?
Frantz: I heard there was a Wonder in this place, and so here I am. 
Mao: A Wonder?! Then, this place is one of the “Seven Wonders of the World”?!
Frantz: Indeed. This place is one of them.
Mao: ??? Then you met that guy in Kyogen? You really met him?
Frantz: That’s right. After meeting with so many people, I finally understood.
Annie: Then, ??? did you find the treasure you were looking for?
Frantz: Yes. I’ve found it!
Mao: That’s amazing, Frantz-san! So, this treasure, what type of treasure is 
Frantz: It is a great treasure...
Frantz: It is this wonderful landscape!
Mao: This landscape..is a treasure?
Frantz: That’s right! It is truly wondrous! 
Frantz: ?
Mao: Somehow3.. when Frantz-san calls his place a wonderful landscape, I don’t 
quite get what he means..
Frantz: Hahaha.. you’ll understand when you become an adult!
Tytree: In any case, how did you get here? 
Frantz: I believed in my heart that I could do anything! Hahaha..
Tytree: Huh...
Frantz: Well, it’s time for me to start my next journey. Well then, take care 
until let’s meet again!
Annie: Take care of yourself too!
Mao: Frantz-san is an amazing person, isn’t he.
Eugene: Let’s follow Frantz-san’s example and not give up, let’s go out best. 
Tytree: Yeah, let’s believe in our hearts like him. 

Anyway, speak with Ninon and then exit this place. Head to Kyogen to speak with
Igol, who is standing at the entrance. He’ll give you another PILL OF SERENITY.
Before returning to the Sky Garden, if you want, you can speak to the
black-haired girl in this screen to trigger a scene with “Claire”. After, head
to the leftmost screen to speak with the only girl standing here for another.  

Afterwards, enter the upper house here and talk to the Old Man inside. After 
paying him 50000 Gald, you’ll obtain the MISO ODEN recipe. 

Anyway, return to the Sky Garden to give the medicine to Ninon. You will 
receive an HOURGLASS for your efforts!

Next up, head to the Climber’s Caverns. Head to the area with the Save Spot and
you’ll find Frantz here! Talk to him and he’ll teach you the GRASPER recipe. 

With that, Mao should receive his “Gourmand” title which has a +7 Skill Attack
Power bonus. If he doesn’t, that means you’re still missing the recipes that
you can only receive via Farm Fresh Groceries. 

If you want, you can head to the following locations to speak with the 
kidnapped girls as that will trigger more scenes with “Claire”. 

Nolzen: Town Square
Minal: Inside the Inn, by the Food Store
Petnadjanka: Tytree’s House
Babilograd: North of the Inn

With that, we’ll be done here.

Now head north of Balka to enter Mt. Sovereign. 

Mt. Sovereign								[ToR3F]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Syrup Bottle			Lemon Gummy				      |
| Life Bottle x2		Panacea Bottle 		    	    	      |
| Grape Gummy			Sage			    		      |
| Red Liquid			Purple Liquid			       	      |
| All-Divide			Blue Refine Stone			      |
| Force Emerald			Ankasu					      |
| Elixir			Muscle Emerald				      |
| Mukushimirian			Sage					      |

After the scenes, SAVE before heading inside. You’ll be ambushed by all of the 
Four Stars immediately, and yup, it’ll be Boss Battle time. 

BOSSES: Saleh 	   HP: 34500 	Weak: Earth 	Strong: Wind & Darkness
        Tomah	   HP: 51000    Weak: Water	Strong: Earth, Fire & Darkness 
        Walt	   HP: 27420			Strong: Darkness
        Milista	   HP: 17050	Weak: Water	Strong: Light 

My level: 51

Craaaap, all four at the same time? That’s insane. But at least by now you 
should already know how to handle everyone. Target Milista first as she is the
most annoying,followed by Walt, Tomah and finally Saleh.

You will receive 2 Grape Gummies, a Life Bottle, some Green Powder and a Thrust
Refine Stone, a Panic Charm, and a Light Resist ring, along with 89148 EXP and
7800 Gald.

Afterwards, Walt and Milista will come to their senses, while Saleh and Tomah 
finish things off on their own. You’ll end up inside of the dungeon, so just 
continue forward until you trigger a scene. To continue from here, you’ll have 
to use Annie’s Force to see the invisible path. If you manage to step off of
it, pressing the CIRCLE button repeatedly might save you from falling. Anyway,
be careful and head to the next room. 

Do the same thing here and collect the chests on your way. The one on the left 
will have a SYRUP BOTTLE and the one on the right a LEMON GUMMY. The next room
will have a LIFE BOTTLE on the right and a PANACEA BOTTLE on the left. Finding
the correct path to the next room here is kind of difficult, but the trick is
to approach it from the left side. 

In the next room, we’ll have to make use of Tytree’s Force instead. But first 
open up the chest ahead to obtain a GRAPE GUMMY. Now head up. Ignore the first
lever and climb up again to hit the lever on the left. Then, climb down to hit
the lever you ignored before. After, head up from there twice to hit the third
lever before climbing all the way down. Now make your way up from the left side
to hit the lever at the very top. This will drop you back down a level. Climb
all the way down again before making your way up from the right, to finally
exit this room. 

This puzzle is simple. Just hit all four of the moving pillars with Eugene’s 
Force so the path to the next room opens up. 

In the next room, take the path on the left and follow it to find a chest with 
a SAGE herb inside. Then continue following this path to end up in the previous
room.From here, take the northern path to the next room to find another puzzle
waiting for us. 

Step on the first three switches from the right and use Mao’s Force to fire at 
the red smoke that appears. This will make a chest with RED LIQUID inside 

Next, step on the second, third, and fifth from the right to do the same thing.
This time a chest with PURPLE LIQUID will appear. Lastly, step on the first
three switches from the left and the path to the next room will open. 

Pass this screen until you come across a fork. Before heading down the stairs, 
pick up an ALL-DIVIDE from the chest on the left. Then continue on to the next

The puzzle here is easy, and the only thing you have to worry about is your 
timing. Use Hilda’s Force to hit all the purple balls and you’ll be able to
head to the next room. 

In here, take the upper right path for BLUE REFINE STONE, and the upper left 
path for a LIFE BOTTLE. Then take the lower left path to the next room. At the 
following fork, head forward first to obtain a FORCE EMERALD from the chest
before taking the lower right path, which contains an ANKASU weapon for Mao.
Take the remaining path to the next screen. Get an ELIXIR from the chest in
this room before moving on. There will be a MUSCLE EMERALD in the lower left
path and a MUKUSHIMIRIAN armor for Eugene in the upper right path. The
remaining path will lead you to the last puzzle of this dungeon. 

A blue bubble snake will come out of one of the pipes. You will have to use 
Veigue’s Force to freeze it, so that when it goes down one of the pipes, the
entrances will freeze. Once all four entrances are frozen, the path to the next
room will open up.

The next room will be a narrow hallway with a Save Spot. SAVE before continuing
on. It will be Boss Battle time. 

BOSS: Milhaust		HP: 8324
My level: 52

Okay, we’re fighting this one alone. Sadly, we won’t even be able to use items,
so yeah, be very careful. Luckily, he has very low HP, so it’s not impossible
to win this. You will need to guard often in between hits, and especially be
careful of his Hi-Ougi, which shows up within the first 10 seconds of battle.
Leaving Veigue on Auto isn’t a bad idea if you don’t think you can win this.

This time you’ll be rewarded with a Forutisodo(?) sword for Veigue, a Double 
Trick amulet, as well as 135128 EXP, and 20000 Gald.

After the scenes, SAVE once more before continuing on. It’s not over yet.

BOSS: Zilva		HP: 100000		Strong: Light & Darkness
My level: 53

This is going to be a looong fight, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it 
has to be hard. As usual, make sure to bring Annie along for this one as her 
healing is a necessity here. Bring Mao or Hilda along for casting, and Eugene
to back you up. Within the first few seconds of battle, Zilva will cast her
Hi-Ougi, Shade Moon Rebellion, which can take quite a bit of your HP, so make
sure to guard, and heal afterwards. She will use this technique again as you
continue to lower her HP. At around 20000 HP, and definitely at around and 
5000 HP, make sure to have your on HP up and be ready for it. 

You will receive a Misty Emerald, and a Magical Aroma for your efforts, along 
with 155221 EXP, and 20000 Gald.

Phew...we’re finally done...

Not. Did you think the Final Boss was going to THAT easy?  

Alright, as usual, if you care to make your way back to the last room of this 
dungeon, you can pick up a SAGE herb by examining the emblem.

Part 4: Final Boss & Aftermath 						[TOR4]

      A. - Upper Yuris' Realm...........................................[ToR4A]
      B. - Middle Yuris' Realm..........................................[ToR4B]
      C. - Grunhelde....................................................[ToR4C]
      D. - Upper Yuris' Realm...........................................[ToR4D]


Finally, we've reached Part Four ^^

Now before we head off to the final dungeon, there will be a couple of quests 
available for us. 

*MINIGAME #4 *		Playing with the Rabbitz, Part 5-6 of 6
*SIDEQUEST #19*		Arrival of New Goods
*SIDEQUEST #20*		Thick Curtain (No Rewards/ Very Random...)
*SIDEQUEST #21*		Hidden Rabbitz
*BONUS DUNGEON*		Cyglorg’s Chambers 

First off, head to Balka and you will trigger a scene as soon as you enter. 
After it, you can head into the Stores and there will be new stuff available 
for purchase. Aside from new weapons and armors, the Accessory Store will start
carrying the strongest jewels that can be bought, all of the Status Charms and
all the Elemental Accessories. The Item Stores will also start selling Grape
Gummies, so be sure to stock up!

Alright, with that done, head off to the Rabbitz village to finish off this 
minigame. Speak to the one in the middle as usual, and this time you will be 
able to do the final two stages. These are the answers for them:

Stage 5:  Hilda, Claire, Tytree, Mao, Annie, Agarte
Last Stage: Claire, Annie, Tytree, Eugene, Veigue, Hilda

Afterwards, exit the village and reenter it again. Head to the northeastern 
corner here and there will be a hidden Rabbitz there. Speaking to him will 
get your party their Bunny Hunter title. 

Veigue: +6 Thrust Attack Power
Mao: 	+7 Slash Attack Power
Eugene: +7 Thrust Attack Power
Annie:  +7 Slash Attack Power
Tytree: +7 Slash attack power
Hilda:  +7 Thrust Attack Power

Now before exiting this town again, enter the house and examine the little 
figure/wooden statue on the lower left in this room. Then, head off to 
Pipista. Enter the house in this first screen and examine the curtain on 
the upper right. Depending on which on-screen character you examine it with, 
their reactions will vary. This is just a random little event that doesn’t 
do anything for you. I’ll translate what their reactions are another time. 

Anyway, the last thing to point out here is that you can finally go to the 
Cyglorg’s Chambers, this game’s Hidden/Bonus Dungeon. There are 60 floors 
in total, but you can only complete the first 40 if this is your first 
playthrough. For more information about this dungeon, check the Bonus 
Dungeon section below. 

Now, there are two more quests left in this game that we have to complete 
in a little bit, but at this time, you consider taking your time to finish 
some quests you might not have yet, such as:

#2, The Completion Old Man
#4, The Cat Loving Old Man
#11, Auction (LAST CHANCE)
#18, Salvage

#1, Bartending
#2, Mini Rafting
#3, Panic Dreamer
And, if this is your second playthrough, these are some additional quests 
you can access at this moment:

*SUB-EVENT #23*	Movie Rabbitz
Speaking to the Rabbitz on the right will allow you to watch all the movie 
sequences in the game.

*SUB-EVENT #24*	Annihilation Katz
Talking to the Katz on the right that’s inside the house allows you mess 
around with the storyline. More info about this when I actually unlock this 

Now enter Yuris’ Realm.

Upper Yuris’ Realm							[ToR4A]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Recover Emerald		Elixir				    	      |
| Burst Bottle			Life Bottle 		    	    	      |
| Lavander			Savory			    		      |
| Red Liquid			Purple Liquid			       	      |
| Jewel of Wisdom (storyline)				  		      |

Get the chest here containing a RECOVER EMERALD before heading down the stairs.
Use the Save Spot before moving on to the next room. 

In here there will be four stone tablets, each a different color. Use the Force
to break the red ones (second from the left) and enter the house in the back.
Inside there will be a chest with an ELIXIR. You can also examine the big
fountain in the back to recover all your HP and FG. Before exiting the house,
don’t forget to break the red tablet in the left side of the room. Now take the
northwestern path to the next screen. Destroy the red tablet here before
continuing to the left to obtain a BURST BOTTLE from a chest. Then take the
right exit to the next screen. Ignore the green tablet and continue on the 
right to pick up a chest with a LIFE BOTTLE. After, head down to destroy 
three more red tablets here before exiting through that pale yellow doorway 
at the bottom.

In this screen, approach the middle tablet and use Tytree’s Force on it to 
trigger a scene. This will now enable you to destroy green tablets.

Return to the previous screen. You will notice that the flames will now be a 
green color, indicating which color tablet you can currently destroy. Anyway, 
destroy the green tablet on the right, but before entering the next doorway, 
head to the first screen and enter the house with the Recovery Spot. Destroy 
the green tablet here before exiting and taking the upper left path. There 
should be four more green tablets here, to the left. After destroying them, 
make your way back to that doorway I told you to ignore. Enter it and this 
time use Hilda’s Force to hit the rightmost tablet and you will now be able 
to destroy the purple tablets.

Now exit out of here and blast away at the remaining four purple tablets in 
this room if you so desire before taking the lower left path. Get rid of the 
purple tablet here before heading to the first screen once more. Enter the 
house, destroy the tablet inside, exit. Take the upper left path and head 
towards the pale portals. Enter the upper one first. Use Annie’s Force on 
the leftmost tablet here to be able to destroy blue tablets. 

Exit from here and take lower right path. Here there should be three tablets.
Destroy the blue one before heading to the first screen. Enter the house to 
destroy the last tablet here before exiting. 

Now take the right path, and then keep heading right to the next screen 
(it’s above Hilda’s Force portal thing). Destroy the blue tablet here before 
finally returning to the screen with the remaining pale doorway we haven’t 
gone through yet. Use Mao’s Force on the second tablet from the right. 

Exit this room and destroy the remaining red tablets here. Now head off to 
the room with Hilda and Tytree’s doorways and take the lower left path to 
destroy the last red tablet. After, obtain the ability to destroy green 
tablets again and take the path that’s above Hilda’s portal. Destroy the 
green tablet here, before heading off to Hilda’s doorway. After obtaining 
the ability to destroy purple tablets, head to the first screen. Then take 
the upper left path, and in the next screen, the lower right path. Destroy 
the purple tablet here before returning to the previous screen. 

Finally, obtain the ability to destroy blue tablets again, and from there, 
exit that room and take the upper right path. Destroy the two blue tablets 
here and we will finally be able to move on from here. Take the newly 
opened path to the next area. 
Here, you’ll have to make a path using Veigue’s Force on the jumping 
fireballs. Jump on the platforms you create to get across the room. This 
room has a chest with a LAVENDER herb at the upper left, and one with a 
SAVORY on the right. 

Making it across this room will award you with the JEWEL OF WISDOM. 

Middle Yuris’ Realm							[ToR4B]

o~~Item Checklist: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o
| Endaru			50% Stagger Reduce Emerald	    	      |
| Holy Bottle			Elixir x2		    	    	      |
| All-Divide			Saffron			    		      |
| RONGINUSU 			Red Refine Stone			      |
| Lemon Gummy			Misty Emerald				      |
| Sacred			Yellow Refine Stone			      |
| Protect Emerald 		Jewel of Power (storyline)		      |

After the scenes you’ll end up in a purple snowing place. There will be a Save 
Spot here (which you should use) and a one-way teleporter that will lead you to
the beginning of this dungeon. Ignore that and head up to the next screen. 

At the fork, take the right path to the next screen. If you head up from there,
you can pick up an ENDARU armor for Annie, and if you take the lower right path
you can obtain a 50% STAGGER REDUCE EMERALD. Go back three screens to the fork.
This time take the left path to the next screen. Grab the HOLY BOTTLE from the
chest before taking the lower left path at the fork. Follow this path until you
come across a chest with an ELIXIR. After, head back to the fork and take the
upper left path this time. 

As you head up this screen you will see another “Mao” and “Eugene” waiting for 
you. As you approach them, it will morph into a monster with 210000 HP which 
your Mao and Eugene will fight alone. The battle’s not too hard. When you are 
done, approach the place where “Mao” and “Eugene” stood and press the CIRCLE 
BUTTON to teleport to the next area. 

From here, head up to pick up an ALL-DIVIDE from a chest. Then return to the 
previous screen and take the lower right path twice to get to a chest with a 
SAFFRON herb. Return to the previous screen and head through the upper left 
path this time to obtain a RONGINUSU weapon for Eugene. Now return to the 
previous screen again and head back up back up. Take the lower left path to 
pick up a RED REFINE STONE. Continue on to the left and you will find another 
chest in the next screen, containing a LEMON GUMMY.  Head up from here and 
take the right path twice to pick up a MISTY EMERALD from a chest before 
returning here. Finally head up and Hilda and Tytree will have their battle. 
After, take the portal to the next area.
From here, head up to the next screen and at the fork, the lower right path 
twice to find a chest with a SACRED weapon for Hilda. Now go back two screens 
and head up once again. You’ll find a chest with YELLOW REFINE STONE. Then take
the left exit, and head immediately down. In this screen there will be a chest
with an ELIXIR. Return to previous screen, take upper left this time. From here
take the upper left again to find a chest with a PROTECT EMERALD before
returning to the previous screen. 

Heading down thrice will lead you to a screen with “Veigue” and “Annie”. After 
the fight you will receive the JEWEL OF POWER. Use the portal and go through 
the shiny doorway. 

Grunhelde								[ToR4C]

This place will be very short. You can head inside the house here and find the 
ghost of Won Jin selling items. He’s pretty creepy… There will also be another 
one-way portal here, which you will need to take to finish up the last two 
sub-events of the game.

But first, let’s find the Save Spot, since we’ve covered a lot of things so 
far. Head up to the next screen and enter the house here to save. 

*SIDEQUEST #15*		Girl With the Force of Feather, Part 3 of 3 (NR)
*SIDEQUEST #22*		Secret Diary (NR)

After exiting out of Yuris’ Realm, head to the Sky Garden and speak with Ninon.
You will notice that you will no longer be floating!

Additionally, if you head to Balka and enter the Bar you will find Yottsua 
there. Picking the third choice and subsequently paying him 50000 Gald will
allow you to view Annie’s Diary (you need to have Annie as your on-screen
character, of course). 

With that, we’ll be done with all this game’s sidequest! 

Now head back through Yuris’ Realm, all the way to the Grunhelde. Heading north
to the third screen,  past the Store, and the Save Spot, will lead you to
another doorway. Head into the light!

Lower Yuris’ Realm							[ToR4D]

Alright, finally the last part of this dungeon! From here, head up the stairs 
and take the western path to a chest with an ARAKIRASU armor for Tytree. Then, 
backtrack to take the eastern path to the next screen.  

Here, take the western path to the next screen to find a warp. Use it and 
continue on to the left. There will be another warp here, use it and grab the 
two items in this room, an HOURGLASS and a BIGURATON armor for Mao, and an 
APPLE GUMMY (this one is kind of hidden, it’s on the upper right) before
returning. Now, head down the stairs and grab the chest past the red bridge,
containing a CHAMOMILE. After, head to the right and take the lower warp.
Approach the stone tablet up ahead and examine it. You will automatically place
the WISDOM JEWEL there and a scene will ensue.

When you’re back in control, don’t forget to pick up the LIFE BOTTLE at the 
back before returning to the previous room via the warp. Now head all the way
up, taking the upper right exit back to the screen you were in at the 

Once in this room, take the lower right path, past the red bridge, to another
warp, followed by another warp. Head down the stairs here and across the red
bridge to a chest with GREEN REFINE STONE before heading down the nearby stairs
to the next screen. Heading down the next flight of stairs will lead you to two
bridges. Take the left one first and head all the way to the left, ignoring the
stairs, to obtain a chest with a LIFE EMERALD. Then head all the way to the
right and follow the path around until you get to a screen with two warps side
to side.  Take the lower one first and follow this path until you come to
another screen with two warps side to side. Once again, take the lower one
first. Pick up the item from the chest here, a PALE DRAGON weapon for Veigue,
before returning. Now take the upper warp. Once again, examine the stone tablet
here to place the POWER JEWEL, and another scene will trigger. Afterwards, pick
up the SAVORY herb on the upper right before returning to the previous room. 

Head down the stairs here and follow the path back to the other screen that has
the two warps side to side. This time take the upper warp. Head up and the two
doors will open for you. As you approach the a scene will ensue. After it, 
don’t head past the doors yet. There is a hidden chest with an ALL DIVIDE
hiding behind the right-side purple corals. Then, continue to the next screen. 

In this last part of the dungeon it doesn’t really matter which way you go. 

Just keep heading up until you find a Warp. It should take you to a room with a
Save Spot, Claire, Agarte, Milhaust, and the stairs to the Final Boss.

Claire: Veigue, be careful
Agarte: Everyone, the feelings of the people of Karegia are with you. 
Milhaust: I shall remain with Claire and the Queen. 

Anyway, after saving, head up the stairs. It’ll be Final Boss Battle time! ^^

BOSS: Yuris	HP: 210000		
My level: 60

Alright guys, it’s finally time. I hope you managed to level up as much as I 
did in this last dungeon, if not, I suggest you go train! In any case, Yuris
has a massive amount of HP, and he has some pretty powerful spells he can hit
you with. Don’t worry about dying all out of nowhere however, as they wont kill
all your HP in one go if you’re this leveled up. Have Annie healing as always,
and Mao and Hilda casting spells. Personally, I brought Eugene instead of Hilda
this time around, so he can help me hill the Yuris’ Eyes more effectively.
Speaking of which, Yuris will be constantly release eyes to attack you with,
each has around 8000 HP. Be sure to take them out quickly or risk becoming
overwhelmed by them. 

Now enjoy the ending cutscenes/credits! Afterwards, don't forget to save your 
gameand you'll be able to enjoy the Grade Shop for your next playthrough!
Speaking of which:

Grade Shop

Inherit Titles- 100		Inherit Battle Book- 10
Inherit Techs- 900		Inherit Smash Points- 500
Inherit Force Cube- 800		Inherit Cooking Recipes- 100
Inherit Cooking Skills-300	Inherit Orbs- 300
FG Recovery Speed 2x- 100	Gald 2x- 600
Damage 2x- 100			Enhance Points 2x- 950
No Random Encounter- 3000	Inherit Summary Book- 100
Inherit Collector Book- 10	Inherit World Map- 100
2x EXP - 2000			10x EXP- 4000
Grade 2x- 1500			Inherit Items- 700
Inherit Accessories- 2000	Six Characters From Start- 5000

(I wish I had enough Grade for that six chars from start! ;-;)

5) Extra Stuff								[TORIV]

   A. Cyglorg's Chambers 						  [IVA]


   B. Minigames (and Sidequests?) 					  [IVB]


Head to Minal.

If you enter the bar and talk to the waiter in the middle.The objective is to 
get the drinks to your customers without spilling. If you run too fast, or for 
too long, you will trip and the drink will spill. Later on, there will be 
people walking around and you have to make sure not to bump into them on your
way to your customer. There will be a timer at the top too, so you’ll have to 
do this fairly quickly, but don’t be too nervous. You’ll only lose some Gald 
if you go over the time, but you will still get your titles. This is a nice 
way to earn money if you get used to it.

You’ll have to do this with every single one of your characters to get their 
“Nice Waiter/Waitress” title. 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mini Rafting

Head to the Toyohose Hostel (near Petnadjanka).

The objective is to avoid any logs, rocks, and enemies on your way to the goal.
Every time you hit any obstacles or enemies you will lose 1 HP, so be careful!
If you lose all your health, you’ll have to try again. The first time is an
exception though. 

You can use the CIRCLE button to throw fruit at your enemies once you have 
some, and use X to jump. You can only move left and right. This game is really
fast so be careful!

There’ll be a couple of items in the water you can pick up, although not all 
of them are good for you. You’ll want to pick up as many Fish as you can as 
they increase you score. The Swim Rings recover 1 HP (Max HP is 5) and the 
Oars speed up your movement. Avoid the Bubbles, which will prevent you from 
jumping. If you do manage to touch one however you can easily destroy it by 
throwing fruit at it. Each Fruit you pick up serves for 5 throws. 

Playing this the first time will get you the “Rafting Man” title.

If you beat the game with a score of at least 100,000 you’ll receive his 
“S Rafting Man” title. You’ll need to do it for all four different routes 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Panic Dreamer

Head to the Nereg Hostel. Talk to the man inside and you’ll be taken inside 
of his “dream”.  

The stars on top of your head are your HP. Basically, the point of this 
game is to avoid all the obstacles, and in the later stages, additionally 
eliminate your opponents. You can watch the tutorial to have an idea of what 
is expected of you. Trust nothing, avoid everything. There will # Dreams, 
and there will be a tutorial for each of the missions. Also, BE CAREFUL AND 
AVOID ACCIDENTALLY PRESSING X CARELESSLY. Once you exit out of a stage you 
need to start from the beginning ALL OVER AGAIN. D:

*First Dream*
Stage One, Greenlands
Mission One- Survive alone for 30 seconds. 

Stage Two, Public Bath
Mission One- Survive vs. Ginnal
Mission Two- Survive vs. Yusia and Drumb
Mission Three-Survive vs. The Dark Wings

*Second Dream*
Stage One, Greenlands
Mission One, Survive with Mao for 90 seconds


Clearing the 5th Mission in the second dream will get you the Dream Clear 
title. Clearing all 30 Free Stages will get everyone the Mister/Miss Perfect 

This is one of the hardest mini-games in this game, and personally I haven't 
even finished it yet, therefore the incomplete section. Again, I would 
recommend returning to do this one later and continue on with the story for 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Playing with the Rabbitz

Head to the Rabbitz Village.

Speak to the middle Rabbitz outside will allow you to play a game. When the 
options pop up, choose the first one to continue. You’ll have to arrange 
the order of the characters shown. Press the TRIANGLE button to input your 
answer. This will allow you to unlock the Skit Viewing Theater. The more 
“games” you beat, the more skits you can unlock! 

If you wish to see the skits you’ve unlocked, talk to the Rabbitz again 
and chose the fourth option. 

These are the correct answers for each stage.

Stage 1: Mao, Eugene, Veigue. 
Stage 2: Veigue, Eugene, Annie, Mao. 
Stage 3: Tytree, Hilda, Eugene, Mao, Veigue
Stage 4: Claire, Annie, Eugene, Veigue, Tytree
Stage 5:  Hilda, Claire, Tytree, Mao, Annie, Agarte
Last Stage: Claire, Annie, Tytree, Eugene, Veigue, Hilda

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I might add the sidequest section later, but since they are already written in 
the walkthrough itself, and also in lanyn's FAQ, I don't see much point to that
for now.

   C. Titles 								  [IVC]


   D. Recipes								  [IVD]

There are 24 recipes in total, and obtaining all of them will allow Mao to
gain his Gourmant title! Unlike other Tales games though, you do not have a 
starting recipe, you will not be able to begin cooking until you get the 
Hamburger recipe.

Hamburger- found in a bag at the cabin inside the Alvan Mountains.

Sandwich- found in Minal, in the house that's at the middle of town. Check 
the bag inside.

Fruit punch- found inside the first house in Petnadjanka.

Risotto- found by checking the Pot upstairs of the Inn at Sannytown.

Gorgeous Salad- found in Minal after playing the Waiter minigame with all 
your characters.

Curry Rice- found in Animakal by checking the Pot inside the house in the first 

Omelette Rice- found in Babilograph by checking the table inside the house in
the first screen.

Carbonara- found in Balka by checking the table inside the Bar.

Hamburg- found in Minal. You need to to talk to the man at the back of the bar.

Meatloaf- found in Razilda by resting at Inn.

Meat Sauce- found in Pipista inside the house in the first screen.

Fruit Cheese- found in Kyogen by cheking the food at the Inn

Borsch- found in Nolzen by checking the food inside the left house that's on
the first screen.

Potato Salad- found in Belsas after buying food.

Paella- found in Mocrado Village b y checking the bag inside the house at 
the north.

Special Pizza- found by talking to a man inside Karez. To find him, enter 
Karez through the north and head to to the sixth screen, but instead of 
going up the ladder here, take the southeastern exit instead and then 
head east twice and up once to find an old man. Talk to him, chose the 
first option, and he’ll disappear. Don’t panic, you haven’t messed up! 
You’ll have to exit out of the dungeon to recieve the recipe.

Boat-Wrap Sushi- found inside Balka's Harbor. Talk to the man cooking fish.

Miso Oden- found in Kyogen by talking to the Old Man inside the house at the
leftmost screen. You'll have to pay him 50000 Gald though.

Grasper-found in Climbers' Caverns by talking to Frantz who is at the screen
with the Save Spot.

Farm Fresh Groceries recipes:
You need your Magical Pot Level to be 24 to obtain all 4 recipes, so collect 
a lot of Food Tickets!

Fried Chicken (Level 6+)
Vegetable Salad (Level 12+)
Seafood Gratin (Level 18+) 
Mabo Curry (Level 24) 

   E. Monster Book 							  [IVE]


6) Credits 								 [TORV]

-To Namco, for making this amazing game <3

-To Google Translate, cause it was one of my biggest helps! 

-To the internet for providing me the resources to make this guide

-To all of the other Rebirth FAQs, namely lalyn’s, Spekio's, and Kouli's.

-I also want to thank my parents for buying this game for me (: 

This document Copyright (c) 2011 amusinglydead
Tales of Rebirth Copyright (c) 2004 Namco