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Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon (Items) (e)

Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 17:55:49 +1000

Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon (Chokobo no Fushigi-na Danjon) Lists


Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon Items List


           NAME                   PWR  NOTES

1. Weak Claw (Suijaku no Tsume)    1   Levels go up and down.

2. Addition Claw (Adishonkuroo)    2   Attacks with this gets you EXP.

3. Greedy Claw (Iyashi no Tsume)   2   Attacks with this gets you HP.

4. Leather Claw (Kawa no Tsume)    3   Leather-type Weapon.

5. Wooden Claw (Ki no Tsume)       6   Wooden-type Weapon.

6. Iron Claw (Testsu no Tsume)     9   Iron-type Weapon.

7. Speedy Claw (Chii Tsume)        11  Speeds up ATB.

8. Iron Claw (Hanega no Tsume)     14  Iron-type Weapon.

9. Flame Claw (Fureimukuroo)       14  Fire-type Weapon.

10. Ice Claw (Aisukuroo)           14  Ice-type Weapon.

11. Thunder Claw (Sandaakuroo)     14  Bolt-type Weapon.

12. Wind Claw (Windokuroo)         14  Wind-type Weapon.

13. Toad Claw (Toodokuroo)         14  Turns enemies into frog.

14. Floater Killer (Furootaakiraa) 15  Effective against floating enemies.

15. Plant Killer (Purantokiraa)    15  Effective against plant enemies.

16. Poison Killer (Poizunkiraa)    15  Effective against poison enemies.

17. Dragon Killer (Doragonkiraa)   15  Effective against dragons.

18. Giant Killer (Jaiantokiraa)    15  Effective against giant-type enemies.

19. Undead Killer (Andeddokiraa)   15  Effective against undead enemies.

20. Poison Claw (Doku no Tsume)    15  Can cause poison in enemies.

21. Fatigue Claw (Hirou no Tsume)  15  Can cause exhaustion in enemies.

22. Sleep Claw (Nemuri no Tsume)   16  Can cause sleep in enemies.

23. Confuse Claw (Konran no Tsume) 15  Can cause confuse in enemies.

24. Petrify Claw (Sekka no Tsume)  15  Can cause petrify in enemies.

25. Critic Claw (Kuritikarukuroo)  18 Can cause critical in enemies.

26. Strong Claw (Daiburi no Tsume)  20 High-powered Claw.

27. L3 Claw (Reberu3Desu no Tsume) 20 Casts Level 3 Death every use.

28. L4 Claw (Reberu4Desu no Tsume) 20 Casts Level 4 Death every use.

29. Hitback Claw (Hittobakkukuroo) 20 Counter-attacks when damaged.

30. Double Claw (Daburunokkukuroo) 23 Does double attack every attack.

31. Order Claw (Oodaakuroo)        28 Can do two way attack.

32. Arc Claw (Aakukuroo)           28 Can do three way attack.

33. Cross Claw (Kurosukuroo)       28 Can do four way attack.

34. Circle Claw (Saakurukuroo)     28 Hits every side on enemy.

35. Solid Claw (Fudou no Tsume)    30 Stops ATB meter.

36. Mythril Claw (Misurirukuroo)   30 Mythril-type Claw.

37. Greed Claw (Yokubari no Tsume) 30 Makes pouch stronger.

38. Twoedge Claw (Moroha no Tsume) 30 Both you and enemy take damage.

39. Patience Claw (Gaman no Tsume) 33 Enemy incurs less damage and HP up.

40. Cancel Claw (Kyanserukuroo)    35 Stops enemy's ATB bar.

41. Natural Claw (Nachurarukuroo)  36 All attributes.

42. Multiple Claw (Maruchipurukuroo) 39 3-way attack plus diagonal slash.

43. Shadow Claw (Shadokuroo)       38 Increases Puzzle Capacity.

44. Power Claw (Pawakuroo)         45 Hits are much more powerful.

45. Lucky Claw (Rakkikuroo)        48 Hit rate higher, items easier.

46. Genocide (Jenosaido)           48 Grow in battle.

47. King Claw (Ouja no Tsume)      50 Get the appearance of a king.

48. Gil Claw (Giru no Tsume)       50 Get more Gil after battle.

49. Row Claw (Narabi no Tsume)     52 Use HP to change your strength.

50. Crystal Claw (Kurisutaru no Tsume) 65 Crystal-type Claw.

51. Genji Claw (Genji no Tsume)    90 No possibility of missing.

52. Snatch Claw (Sunacchikuroo)    99 Attack and gain experience (lots)

53. Refresh Claw (Rifuresshukuroo) 99 Attack, get HP at same time.

54. Titanium Claw (Chitanno Tsume) 99 Titanium-type claw.


Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon
Necklace List

             NAME                              NOTES
1. Glass Necklace (Gurasu no Kubiwa)      Glass-type necklace.

2. Ruby Necklace (Rubii no Kubiwa)        Ruby-type necklace.

3. Diamond Necklace (Daiya no Kubiwa)     Diamond Necklace.

4. Fast Necklace (Subayasa no Kubiwa)     Increases speed of kicks.

5. Speed Necklace (Supiido no Kubiwa)     Improvement over Fast Necklace.

6. Leisure Necklace (Nonbiri no Kubiwa)   Decreases speed of kicks.

7. Read Necklace (Yomidori no Kubiwa)     Increases speed of spell book casts.

8. Speedread Necklace (Souyomi no Kubiwa) Improvement over Read Necklace.

9. Slowread Necklace (Yukkariyomi Kubiwa) Decreases speed of spell book casts.

10. Firefly Necklace (Hotaruhi no Kubiwa) Makes character luminous.

11. Moon Necklace (Tsukiakari no Kubiwa)  Improvement over Firefly Necklace.

12. Card Necklace (Kaado no Kubiwa)       Prevents objects getting stolen.

13. Stamina Necklace (Sutamina no Kubiwa) Increases stamina.

14. Health Necklace (Kenkou no Kubiwa)    Improvement over Stamina Necklace.

15. Shoulder Necklace (Katakori no Kubiwa)Decreases Stamina.

16. Return Necklace (Kaifuku no Kubiwa)   Increases HP recovery.

17. Recover Necklace (Rikabarii no Kubiwa)Improvement over Return Necklace.

18. Sorrow Necklace (Fukou no Kubiwa)     Slows down HP Recovery.

19. Forget Necklace (Wasurenai no Kubiwa) Forget where you stand.

20. Toad Necklace (Toodo no Kubiwa)       Turns Chocobo into Toad.

21. Teeny Necklace (Chicchana Kubiwa)     Turns Chocobo small.

22. Mystery Necklace (Fushigi Kubiwa)     Turns Chocobo small and into a Toad.

23. Empty Necklace (Karaburi no Kubiwa)   Misses are increased severly.


Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon Items Lists

             NAME                     DEF           NOTES
1. Weak Saddle (Suijaku no Kura)       1   Level can go up and down.

2. Leather Saddle (Kawa no Kura)       3   Leather-type Saddle.

3. Wooden Saddle (Ki no Kura)          6   Wooden-type Saddle.

4. Iron Saddle (Testsu no Kura)        9   Iron-type Saddle.

5. Fire Saddle (Honoo no Kura)        14   Fire-type Saddle.

6. Ice Saddle (Koori no Kura)         14   Ice-type Saddle.

7. Thunder Saddle (Kaminari no Kura)  14   Lightning-type Saddle.

8. Wind Saddle (Kaze no Kura)         14   Wind-type Saddle.

9. Poison Saddle (Dokuyoke no Kura)   14   Protects against Poison.

10. Confu Saddle (Konranyoke no Kura) 14   Protects against Confusion.

11. Sleep Saddle (Nemuriyoke no Kura) 14   Protects against Sleep.

12. Slow Saddle (Surouyoke no Kura)   13   Protects against Slow.

13. Fate Saddle (Inochi no Kura)      14   Chocobo gains HP.

14. Steel Saddle (Hagane no Kura)     14   Steel-type Saddle.

15. Rough Mail (Rafumeiru)            16   Weakens giant-type attacks.

16. Silent Saddle (ChinmokuyokeNoKura) 16  Protects against Silence.

17. Tired Saddle (Hirouyoke no Kura)  16   Protects against Fatigue.

18. Spy Saddle (Shinobi no Kura)      17   Makes stealing easier.

19. Onion Saddle (Onion no Kura)      18   Weakens Onion enemies' attacks.

20. Bomb Saddle (Bomu no Kura)        20   Weakens Bomb-type attacks.

21. Turtle Shell (Kame no Koura)      10   Late attacks improve defence.[???]

22. Mirage Saddle (Shinkirou no Kura) 20   Makes Chocobo invisible.

23. Greed Saddle (Yokubari no Kura)   18   Makes pouch stronger.

24. Breath Saddle (Shoushuu no Kura)  24   Gets rid of bad breath.

25. Luck Saddle (Hakodameshi no Kura) 21   Damage taken is relevant to luck.

26. Mythril Mail (Misurirumeiru)      26   Mythril-type Mail.

27. Light Mail (Raitomeiru)           24   Chance of fatigue is less.

28. Natural Mail (Nachurarumeiru)     30   Imdued with all attributes.

29. King Saddle (Ousha no Kura)       36   Gives Chocobo appearance of King.

30. Amulet Mail (Amyurettomeiru)      52   Makes weapons lucky.

31. Dragon Mail (Doragonmeiru)        74   High defense mail.

32. Crystal Mail (Kurisutarumeiru)    52   Crystal-type mail.

33. Accessory Saddle (MonoireNoKura)  44   Damage reduced but Gil reduced.

34. Counter Mail (Kauntaameiru)       50   Counter-attacks when damaged.

35. Genji Saddle (Genji no Kura)      66   Defense-up  (Increases missing).

36. Titanium Saddle (Chitan no Kura)  74   Titanium-type Saddle.


Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon Items List

              NAME                               NOTES
1. Fire Book (Faiya no Hon)           Casts Fire Type spells.

2. Blizzard Book (Burizado no Hon)    Casts Ice Type spells.

3. Thunder Book (Sandaa no Hon)       Casts Thunder Type spells.

4. Aero Book (Earo no Hon)            Casts Wind Type spells.

5. Demi Book (Dimu no Hon)            Casts Earth Type spells.

6. Giant Book (Jain no Hon)           Casts Sky/Giant Type spells.

7. Drain Book (Dorein no Hon)         Casts Draining Type spells.

Stones (Maseki)

              NAME                                 NOTES
1. Ifrit Stone (Ifuriito no Maseki)       Casts Hell Blaze, Fire-type.

2. Shiva Stone (Shiva no Maseki)          Casts D. Dust, Ice-type.

3. Ramuh Stone (Ramuu no Maseki)          Casts Judge Bolt, Thunder-type.

4. Unicorn Stone (Yunikoon no Maseki)     Casts Heel Horn, Healing-type.

5. Gavangle Stone (Gaabanguru no Maseki)  Casts Ruby Light, Non-Elemental.

6. Phoenix Stone (Fenikkusu no Maseki)    Casts Reincarnation Flame, Fire-type.

7. Titan Stone (Taitan no Maseki)         Casts Rage Quake, Non-Elemental.

8. Odin Stone (Oodiin no Maseki)          Casts Deadly Saber, Gunge Lance.

9. Leviathan Stone (Rivaiasan no Maseki)  Casts Ocean Stab, Non-Elemental.

10. Bahamut Stone (Bahamuuto no Maseki)   Casts Terra Flare, Non-Elemental.

11. Chupon Stone (Tyupon no Maseki)       Casts World Collapse, Non-Elemental.

12. Farak Stone (Faraku no Maseki)        Casts Hades 6 Bomber, Non-Elemental.


Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon Monster List:

NAME                                GENUS     ATKTYPE       ATTACK NAME
1. Goblin (Goburin)                 None        None      Goblin Attack (Goburin'atakku)
2. Yellow Jelly (Iero Zerii)        None        None      Body Blow (Taiatari)
3. Wild Rat (Wairudo Ratto)         None        None      Godly Stab (Kamitsuki)        
4. Nuts Eater (Nattsu Iitaa)        None        None      Godly Stab, Nut Throw (NattsuNage)
5. Sahagin (Sahagin)                Ice         None      Ice Claw (Koori no Tsume)
6. Hedgehog (Hejjihoggu)            None        None      Needle (Niidoru)
7. Floaterball (Furotaibooru)       Wind       Flying     Body Blow (Taiatari), Aero (Earo)
8. Landturtle (Randotaatoru)        None        None      Scratch(Hikkaki), Rush (Dosshin)
9. Ramia (Ramia)                    Fire        None      Spank (Hirateuchi), Fire (Faia),
                                                          Tempt (Yuuwaku)
10. Supportender (Sapotendaa)       None       Plants     Needle (Niidoru)
11. Black Mage (Kuromadoushi)      Thunder      None      Cane (Tsue), Thunder (Sandaa),
                                                          Sleepel (Suriipuru)
12. Behemoth (Behimoosu)            None        None      Scratch (Hikkaki)
13. Skeleton (Sukereton)            None       Undead     Slash (Kiritsukeru), Poison Gas
14. Marionator (Marioneitaa)        None        None      Crow (Karasu), Petit Meteo (Puchimeteo)
15. Thief (Shiifu)                  None        None      Shuriken throw (Shurikennage),
                                                          Steal (Nesumu)
16. Dark Titan (Daakutaitan)        None        Giant     Headbutt (Zutsuki), Quake (Kueiku)
17. Rockgarter (Rokkugaata)         Ice         None      Blizard (Burizaado), Bad Breath (Su)
                                                          Phlegm (Nen'eki)
18. Dripper (Dorippaa)              Wind        None      Hammer (Hanma), Aero (Earo),
                                                          Magic Hammer (Majikkuhanma)
19. Frost Golem (Furosutogoremu)    Ice         Giant     Icey Iron Fist (Koori no Tekken),
                                                          Ice Rock (Aisurokku)
20. Neon                           Thunder     Flying     Neonball (Neonbooru), Thunder (Sandaa)
                                                          Call (Kooru)
21. Bomb (Bomu)                     Fire       Summon     Self-Destruct (Jibaku)
22. Sabotender (Sabotendaa)         None    Plant/Posion  Needle (Niidoru), Biobarrier (Dokubari)
                                                          Coin Throw (Giru Nage)
23. Ogre (Ooga)                     None       Giant      Fist (Naguri)
24. Onion (Onion)                  Thunder      None      Inazma Sword (Inazuma Soodo), Onion
                                                          Throw (Onion Nage), Soundwave (Keonpa)
25. Moose (Muusu)                   None        None      Bodyblow (Taiatari), Bio (Baio), Sticky
26. Gatlings (Gatoringuzu)          None        None      Needle (Niidoru)
27. Magic Pot (Majikkupotto)        None       Flying     Magic (Majikku), Medicine (Kusuri)
28. Mask (Masuku)                   None       Flying     Curse of the Mask (Masuku no Majinai)
29. God of Death (Shinikami)        None   Flying/Undead  (Drops you to lower level)
30. Devil Chocobo (Debiru Chokobo)  None        None      Purple breath (Paapurupuresu),
                                                          Brain's Eye (Bureinzuai)
31. Pao (Pao)                       Ice         None      Hammer (Hanma), Blizzard (Burizaado)
32. Tree Sprite (Kijin)             Wind       Plant      Calm Exorcism (Nagibarai), Aero (Earo),
                                                          Wizer Hit (Wizaahitto)
33. Steel Bat (Sutiirubatto)        Wind       Flying     Godly Stab (Kamitsuki), Confu Wave
                                                          (Konranonpa), Call (Kooru)
34. Imp (Inpu)                      None        None      Scratch (Hikkagi), Powerpunch (Paawanage)
35. Hill Gigas (Hirugigasu)         None        Giant     Fist (Naguri), Mawashi Hit (Bunmawashi)
36. Zombie (Zonbi)                  Ice        Undead     Scratch (Hikkagi), Touch (Tacchi)
37. Leveltricker (Reberutorikkaa)   None       Machine    Bodyblow (Taiatari), Life2(Raibura),
                                                          L3 Grabber (L3Gurabiga), L3Old (L3Oorudo)
38. Stone Golem (Sutoongoremu)     Thunder      Giant     Thunder Iron Punch (Igazuchi no Tekken)
                                                          Stone Throw (Iwanage)
39. Tonberry (Tonberi)              None        None      Resent (Sakaurami)
40. Mini-Magician (Minimajishan)    None        None      Clatter (Garagara), Absorb (Kyuujuu),
                                                          Little Melody (Chisana Merodi)
41. Mist Dragon (Misutodoragon)     Ice     Flyingdragon  Coldfang (Tsumetaikiba), Coldmist
                                                          (Tsumetaikiri), Dreamist (Yumemerukiri)
42. Time Mage (Jimadoushi)          Fire        None      Firerod (Faiyaroddo), Petit Meteo
                                                          (Pechimeteo), Slow (Suro), Haste (Heisuto)
43. Black Goblin (Burakkugoburin)   Thunder     None      Goblin Attack (Goburinatakku), Thunder
44. Moleball (Moruboru)              None   Plant/Poison  Tentacle (Jokusha), Poison Breath
                                                          (Doku no Iki), Confu Breath (Konran no Iki)
45. Skulleater (Dokuroiitaa)         None       None      Godly Stab (Kamitsuki), Skull Throw
46. Brand Ramia (Burandoramia)       Fire       None      Spank (Hirateuchi), Fire (Faiya), Tempt
47. Aliman (Ariman)                  Wind      Flying     Bodyblow (Taiatari), Death Sentance
                                                          (Shi no Senkoku)
48. Grasha Laborus (Gurasharaborusu) Fire       Giant     Marble Shoot (Hajikitobashi), Blaze
                                                          (Honoo no Muchi)
49. Slag/Slug (Suragu)               Ice        None      Blizzard (Burizaado), Bad Breath (Su),
                                                          Phlegm (Nen'eki)
50. Wearrat (Wearatto)               None      Poison     Scratch (Hikkaki), Poison Fang
                                                          (Doku no Kiba)
51. Grenade (Gureneedo)              Fire      Flying     Self-Destruct (Jibaku)
52. Bloody Bone (Buraddiboon)        None   Undead/Revive Slash (Kiritsukeru), Fatigue Gas
                                                          (Hirou Gasu)
53. Summoner (Shoukanshi)            None       None      Class (Kurasu), Toad (Toodo), Summon
54. Desert Sahagin (Dezaatosahagin)  Fire       None      Blaze Claw (Honoo no Tsume), Sandstorm
55. Pudding (Purin)                  Fire       None      Bodyblow (Taiatari), Fire (Faia), Sticky
56. Metal Hitman (Metoruhittoman)   Thunder     None      Thunderblade (Sandaabureedo), Soundwave
57. Galgi Masera (Garugi Masera)     None       None      Scratch (Hikakki), Silence (Sairensu)
58. Holy Dragon (Hoorii Doragon)     Wind      Dragon     Godly Stab (Kamitsuki), Aero (Earo),
                                                          Holy (Hoorii)
59. Levelchecker (Reberuchekkaa)     None      Machine    Bodyblow (Taiatari),Life2 (Raibura),
                                                          L4 Flare (L4Furea), L3Confu (L3Konfyu)
60. Chestnut Shell (Kurisheeru)      None      Flying     Attack (Atakku), Liteaero (Raitoearo),
                                                          Circleshot (Saakurushoto), Blaze3
                                                          (Burazuga), Jewel (Juueru)
61. Mamon (Mamon)                    Ice        Plant     Calm Exorcism (Nagibarai), Blizzard
                                                          (Burizaado), Wizer Hit (Wizaahitto)
62. Levnant (Rebunanto)              Ice       Undead     Scratch (Hikakki), Touch (Tacchi)
63. Baseogre (Baasaooga)             None       Giant     Knock (Bunnaguri), Upper (Appaa)
64. King Behemoth (Kingubehimoosu)   None       None      Scratch (Hikakki), Meteo (Meteo)
65. Mini Draid (Minidoreido)        Thunder     None      Clatter (Garagara), Thunder (Sandaa),
                                                          Dead Voice (Nakikoe)
66. Master Tonberry (Masutaatonberi) None       None      Knife (Houchou), Resent (Sakaurami)
67. Dark Bahamut (Daakubahamuuto)    None      Dragon     Godly Stab (Kamitsuki), Blow (Fukitobashi)
                                                          Mega Flare (Megafurea)
68. Neo-Dragon (Shinryuu)            None   Flyingdragon  Godly Stab (Kamitsuki), Atomic Ray
                                                          (Atomikkurei), Tidal Wave (Taidoruweibu)
69. Moleball-Great (Moruboorugureeto)None   Plant/Posion  Tentacle (Shokushu), Tane (Tane),
                                                          Poison Breath (Doku no Iki), Confu Breath
                                                          (Konran no Iki), Toad Breath (Toodo no Iki)
70. Omega (Omega)                    None      Machine    Beam Cutter (Biimukattaa), Ultima
                                                          (Arutema), Riprifle (Hadouhou)
Translated by Astroboy