Andere Lösungen

Tecmo Secret of the Stars (e)

Tecmo Secret of the Stars Walkthrough V2.0 
Mark Andrews 
I. Introduction 
II. Walkthrough 
III. Magic List 
IV. Unity Magic 
V. Monster List 
VI. Disclaimer 
I. Introduction 
After I finished writing the other walkthrough several years ago, I really 
didn't plan on changing anything on it. But when I went back to it recently, I 
didn't think a 12 year old's writing was what I wanted to be left up here since 
there were several spelling and grammer errors.  I also decided to rewrite this 
because I usually couldn't answer anyone's questions because I hadn't played the 
game for so long. 
If anyone is interested, there is a Japanese version of the game called 
Aqutallion.  There are a ton of changes between the versions.  The main 
character is named Ren instead of Ray, the character sprite for Ray's father was 
changed.  Like most RPGs for SNES the beer bottle and wine glass picture on top 
of bars was changed to a coffee mug.  And if you can actually read Japanese, the 
dialogue flows together much better too.  Things like what Cat Boo (dora cat buu) 
says when you defeat him were changed also.  In the japanese version he says 
something like "Damnit! I'll remember this.  Next time I'll defeat you without 
fail."  Since I haven't had much time to play the Japanese version I can't 
really say much else about the changes.   
I may update this walkthrough again within 4 more years to add an item list, 
weapon list, armor list, spell description, or jap-eng changes guide.  But don't 
expect it anytime soon.  If there was something in the last version of the 
walkthrough that you liked or whatever, just ask me and I'll send you the old 
II. Walkthrough 
Heart Island 
Recommended lvl. 1 
Monsters: Pig Man, Slime, Red Slime 
You start out in your house, go outside and talk to one of the men out there.  
He asks if you want a plum-plum.  Answer yes, and get as many from him as you 
can, try not to use them if it's unnecessary though, they'll be worth good money 
later in the game.  After that, leave the area and go to the nearest town, 
Recommended lvl. 2 
Monsters: Cat boo(1) 
First off go to the house in the top right corner.  Talk to the cat between the 
two beds.  You'll then fight cat boo who is basically a push over, if you are at 
level 2 you shouldn't have to heal, this is just some quick experience to earn.  
You may want to buy bread from the store if you don't want to use the plum-plums 
you received.  After you leave town, head to the top pair of mountains, there is 
an entrance on the left bottom side of the mountains. 
Path to Star Crest 
Recommended lvl. 4 
Monsters: Pig Man, Slime, Red Slime, Hedgehog 
This is pretty straightforward.  Just go through the path and enter the doorway.  
Step on the gold crest, you'll see a short sequence.  After that David will 
enter and tell you about a path to the volcano.  He tells you the entrance is in 
the other mountain range next to the one  you entered.  From here on you can 
switch between your main party and the Kustera party by going into the menu and 
selecting swap.  Since stepping on the gold crest completely heals you, you 
might as well build both their levels up to 4.  When you are satisfied with 
their levels, go to the volcano entrance. 
Recommended lvl. 4 
Monsters: Bat, Quill, Bad Slime, Red Slime, Slime, Stun Rat, Pig Man, Hedgehog 
Items: Plum-plum, rat-tail, 50 gold, antidote 
After you get to the actual volcano portion there are two barriers.  A yellow, 
which only your main group can open, and a green, which only the Kustera group 
can open.  The first green barrier on the bottom leads to a plum-plum.  Up from 
the entrance to this area is a treasure chest with a rat-tail.  The second green 
barrier leads to 50 gold.  That's pretty much the only things the Kustera can do 
here.  A little ways up the path from the yellow barrier is an antidote, after 
that go through the door at the top.  There's nothing in the next 2 areas.  Once 
you get to the silver area, the door is top right corner next to the lava.  Go 
down the ladder in the next area and you'll be in the inner volcano. 
Inner Volcano 
Recommended lvl. 5 
Monsters: Goblin, Cat Boo(1), Bone, Pig Man, Stun Rat 
Items: NomalHat, Antidote 
Go down the left ladder and straight down, you'll find a nomalhat, which you 
should have already bought from the armor store in likado.  Go right from there 
and you'll find an antidote.  Next, go around the lava pit and up and you'll 
find a bread, then go through the door.  You'll find yourself in a more 
technological area than before, go down the stairs.  Don't mind the doctor there 
for now, just sleep in his bed to restore yourself, then get ready for a fight 
by talking to him. 
Boss: Dr. Gari 
Hp: 125 
Recommended lvl. 6 
Your best strategy here is to just use your normal attack.  He has three attacks, 
blow gas, which does about 8 damage to you, a normal attack, which does about 7 
damage, and blow fire which does around 4 damage.  Whether he blows gas or fire 
usually depends on your actions. (you cast fire, he blows fire, you attack 
normal he blows gas) This battle isn't very difficult, you should only have to 
heal 3 or 4 times. 
After you defeat him, he hits a switch to make his invention make the volcano 
erupt.  Your hit by a shock and pass out.  You awaken on an airplane with Bosen 
and David.  Bosen tells you your father was killed by Homncruse.  Once you 
arrive at old hill, he tells you there are 4 others who will fight with you and 
become Aqutallions, and 11 Kustera who will fight on the "other" team.  After he 
leaves, you regain control.  In the temple on old hill there is a silver crest 
which completely restores you as the gold one did back on heart island.  When 
your done there, leave and head west to Winds. 
Recommended lvl 6 
Monsters: Goblin, Bat, Bad Slime, Bone, Cat Boo(1), Hedgehog, Pig Man, Quill, 
Stun Rat, Red Slime, Slime, Zombi. 
You quickly learn that the town has been destroyed by BadBad.  Go in the house 
on the bottom right side of town and go in the basement.  Some kids tell you 
their friends were captured by badbad and they ask you to rescue them.  After 
you say yes, they leave to wait at old hill.  Once you've done that, leave and 
head southeast to the town of Beegees. 
Recommended lvl 7 
Enter the church and you will have to fight 3 Badmen.  Since David is stronger 
than Ray at this point, I suggest fighting them with David, it will make things 
much easier for you.  After you defeat them the man will tell you BadBad turned 
the people into dogs using a "dog pill".  He tells you to go to his base and 
destroy him.  Tina is reluctant to join an "adult" so bring Ray out there and 
talk to her.  She'll join you.  Build her up as many levels as your patience 
will allow, then head south of Beegees to BadBad's lair. 
BadBad Hideout 
Recommended lvl 9 
Monsters: Badman, Wolf, Bone, Zombi, Ghost(1), PumpKing, echo cat, killer bug, 
King Cat 
Items:Rat-tail, nomalhat, antidote, bread, Plum-plum X 2, telepo, moon-drop, 
Off to the right of the entrance is a rat-tail. Cross the bridge on the left and 
go up the ladder and you will find a nomalhat.  Directly above the second bridge 
is an antidote, after you get that, go through the door on the left.  In the 
next area, go left from the door to get a bread.  Next go up from the entrance 
and you'll find a plum-plum, then go back and go up the ladder.  Follow the path 
and go through the door.  Go right, then up one ladder, cross the bridge on the 
left, then go down to find a telepo.  Go back up and cross the top bridge and go 
through the door.   
Now you are in a mountain area.  Go up the ladders and when you come to a choice 
between three, go up the one on the left first to get a moon-drop, the go up the 
one on the right and down the ladder to get a plum-plum.  Now go up the ladders 
and through the door.  Go right and up a ladder, then go up the ladder on the 
left first to get a restore.  Now go up the ladders to the right and go through 
the door.  There's nothing in the next area so just go up the ladders and enter 
the house. 
BadBad House 
Recommended lvl 10 
Monsters: Ghost(1), Wolf, Killer Bug, Bad Man 
Items: 100G, Antidote, MagBranch, Asprin, Dog-Pill, MeatBall, 200G, LethShoes 
As always, if you see a bed, you can rest in it and restore your HP.  Go up the 
stairs straight up from the entrance and you'll find a Hard Suit.  I suggest 
giving it to Tina.  Go back down the stairs and head right from the entrance.  
Follow the path, go up the stairs and save before fighting Bad Bad. 
Boss: Bad Bad 
HP: 280 
Recommended lvl 10 
He's a pushover like Dr. Gari.  Just use normal attacks against him.  He only 
has two attacks, a normal attack, which does 16 damage to a defense of 41, and 
to call for help, which he could never do successfully when I fought him, it 
calls a bad man to fight against you.  You should probably only have to heal 
After you defeat him, he says the exact same thing Cat Boo did when you defeated 
him. (?)  Go down the "wrong exit" and you'll find a load of items.  Among which 
is the Dog Pill.  Go down the stairs on the left when your done and you'll end 
up outside the cave.  Go back to Beegees and talk to the priest.  He'll use the 
dog pill to turn everyone in town back to normal.  Go to the house on the top 
right part of town, there should be a blond man in there named Ryu, talk to him 
and he'll join as a Kustera.  After that, go to the house in the southwest part 
of town, talk to the man blocking the stairs, he'll eventually move, then go 
down the stairs and through the path, you'll be on the world map, head south to 
the Ringo-Bros castle. 
Recommended A-lv. 11 K-lv. 9 
Monsters:ghost(1), Killer Bug, Spider, Bone, Man-Trap 
Items: Derby, Chainmale 
The Kustera have no real purpose here except to get the only treasures here, 
which is pretty straightforward.  With the Aqutallion party, go through the 
yellow barrier on the left and follow the path, and go up two stairs.  Keep 
following the path laid out by a lot of stairs and catwalks until you come to 
the end where you automatically talk to someone.  Save, and follow him. 
Boss: Bingo/Leach 
Bingo HP: 200 Leach HP: 140 
Recommended lvl. 12 
Your best bet is to take out leach first. During the battle leach will cast fast 
2 on Bingo, which doesn't make much difference since you still attack first. 
Bingo has two attacks, a normal attack, which does about 16 to a defense of 47 
and a bolt attack, which does about 12 to everyone in your party.  Leach has a 
normal attack, which does about 12 damage, she can cast fire 1 which does around 
23 damage and she can also use heal 1.  After you defeat Leach, use freeze on 
Bingo since he is weak against it.  When you are attacking Leach, heal yourself 
using Tina when needed. When she is attacking Bingo, heal using Ray.   
After you defeat them, the kids they were experimenting on will be released, 
they'll thank you and all of you will be back at old hill.  When you talk to the 
kids they tell you if they need a carpenter and a farmer.   
World Map 
Recommended A-lv. 13 K-Lv. 12 
Winds-carpenter house: rock bird, holo bird, bad bunny, wolf, echo cat, Pump 
Carpenter house - Giant: wolf, bandit, dragon, Val Eagle, Rock Bird, Pig King 
Head west to the carpenter house, it's directly west of Winds.  Talk to the 
carpenter in the house with your Aqutallion party, he'll tell the one outside to 
go work on old hill.  Continue west and south and you'll come to the town of 
Recommended A-lv. 14 K-lv. 12 
When you enter town, walk to the right and go around the trees north until you 
find a hole. Talk to the person in there several times. If you pay him 100G, you 
can get into Decates to talk to a person that knows something about defeating 
the giant Golan.  In one of the houses in the poor end of town, there is a woman 
who asks you to talk some sense into her husband.  Go to the bar in the middle 
class area and talk to the priest, he'll join the Kustera and his wife will give 
you 500G. In the middle part of town, go to the factory type place near the top 
wall.  Go to the top floor and talk to Dynamite.  He'll give you a graviton in 
exchange for letting him stay in your town after guiding him to old hill.  Go 
back to Giant and go in the large house in the north end of town after saving.  
Go down the stairs and talk to the man behind the door, Golan shows up and 
fights you. 
Boss: Golan 
Recommended A-lv. 14 K-Lv. 12 
First of use the Graviton from the item menu.  It'll shrink him and make him a 
little easier to fight.  His normal attack still does 25 damage to a defense of 
60.  He only has a normal attack, but after shrinking him his speed has gone up 
so you may want to use slow.  The most effective attacks against him are freeze 
and fire, which do a little more damage than regular attacks.  Even though it 
costs much more, it's better to use Freeze lv.2 since it does more damage than 
lv.1 and chances are Tina won't run out of MP before the battle is over. 
After you defeat Golan, Baz will ask if he could work on the fields around Old 
Hill, after you say he can, you go to Old Hill.  After that, go to Decates. 
Recommended A-Lv. 14 K-Lv. 12 
Item: Loincloth, wood shoes, anglehat. 
Go to the east side of town, in one of the houses are two cantidates for mayor.  
Talk to the man between the two boxes, he asks if you are.  After that one of 
the men slips you something.  Talk to the man again and say you are voting.  
After that go to the house with the guy that won and talk to him.  After some 
horribly translated dialogue he'll give you a ticket.  Go to the circus tent and 
talk to the man on the right.  He'll let you in.  Go straight north through the 
door.  Talk to the clown on the right.  The amazing item he is talking about is 
the Loincloth, which has a defense rating of 25 (amazingly).  It is hidden 
somewhere on the right side of the maze.  After you find your way through and go 
up the stairs, there is a treasure chest with wood shoes one the far-left side 
of the area.  From there, go around the top to the right side and then go left 
to get to the center, which has a stairway and anglehat.  After the scene here, 
talk to the priest in the church next to the election house.  He tells you the 
circus was from Bonzley and the only way to get there is through the bridge to 
the south of Winds.  Before you leave for Winds, go to the hospital in Decates, 
talk to the Nurse and get her to join you.  Now go to the bridge place south of 
Winds.  The man there says a kid buried the Key somewhere near Giant.  Go to 
Giant and to the hole on the outside of town, the man is in a passage in the 
right wall of the hole.  He'll give you the key and you can use it to lower the 
bridge to get to Bonzley. 
World Map: Bridge to Sidon Forest 
Monsters: Pig King, Spider, Bandit, fire fly, Zombie, talanchua, Spector, trap 
Cross the Bridge and just keep heading south and west until you come to a shrine 
with a cave visible slightly southeast. 
Kaja-House/Sidon Forest 
Recommended lv. 15 
Go in fall down the hole and talk to the man.  Then leave and head south again.  
Enter the forest between three lakes.  Go south until you're on the border of 
the area Sidon is.  Go right and up and around the trees until you are on the 
right border.  Go right and weave through the trees north until you get to a 
much more dense area of trees, follow the path until you loop around to the 
south end of the area.  Go left the first chance you get when the trees lighten 
up, continue left until the trees are dense again. Then go south to a similar 
area that looped you from the north to the south.  Follow it south until you can 
find your way east to Sidon. 
Boss: Sidon 
Recommended A-Lv. 15 K-Lv. 13 
He has a bolt attack, which does 20 to everyone. A normal attack, which does 30 
to a defense of 60.  A fire lv.2 which does 45 damage, a blow fire attack, which 
does as much as 25 to everyone, and a coma lv.1 attack, which puts one person to 
sleep.  Have Ray attack normally, and have Tina use freeze.  Since Tina is doing 
more damage have Ray heal when necessary. 
When you defeat him you get a moustache.  Take it to the man in gold at the 
Kaja-House.  He gives you 2000G for the moustache and tells you to go south to 
find Bonzley.  One of the people in Bonzley says that Garados hangs out in the 
western mining caves, which is in actuality southwest 
Alpin Caves 
Recommended A-Lv. 15 K-Lv. 14 
Monsters: Armor, Goldog, talanchua, spector, Ice bear, Gas Dragon, Cat Boo(2) 
Items:2000G, cowboyhat X2, moon-drop X2, telepo, 300G, powercane 
Southwest of Bonzley, past the mountains.  In the second room there are yellow 
and green barriers.  The Kustera can get 2000G, Cowboyhat, and a moon-drop.  Go 
through the yellow, past the next room.  Skip the first ladder and go down the 
second one to get a telepo, then go back and go down the first one.  Then go 
left before going down the second ladder to get 300G.  After you go down the 
second ladder go down and to the right to get a moon-drop.  Go left across the 
bridge then go up to get a cowboy hat.  Go down, then up the ladder to get a 
rat-tail.  Then go down the ladder, left and up to the next room.  Go down and 
get a powercane, then go right across the bridge.  Go up the ladder and through 
the door.  There's nothing in the next room, but you can encounter Cat Boo(2).  
If your not careful it can really mess you up.  Garados is in the next room. 
Boss: Garados 
Recommended Lvl. 17 
He has a freeze lv.2 attack, which does 35 to everyone. A normal attack, that 
does 32 to defense 80.  He can also create a snowstorm, which does half as much 
as freeze lv.2.  Ray's most effective attack here is fire lv.2, since it isn't 
unreasonably expensive like freeze lv.2 you can afford to use it the entire 
battle.  Tina should just use freeze lv.1 and heal when needed.  If you aren't 
close to defeating him when Ray is almost out of MP, have Tina start using slow 
so Ray's normal attack can at least do 20 damage. 
After you defeat him, Bonzley is returned to normal and you find out that Cody 
has been turned into gold. (If you talk to him, it seems as if he is just 
sleeping.)  Take him to Kaja-House.  Talk to the man who was turned into gold 
before.  He will restore Cody from gold, but you need to find another way to 
cure his other condition. Head south from Bonzley, You should find a house at 
the edge of the land.  Talk to the younger person in there, he'll tell you to 
take Cody to the star at old hill. 
Once Cody is restored, the kids want you to think of a name for old hill.  Then 
Bosen comes and says Homncruse will soon come and to hurry and find the other 2 
Recommended Lvl. 17 
Go to the north end of town. Go in the center house, which used to be locked, 
talk to the men.  Leona will stop the fight and Dram will appear and take her.  
One of the men says they probably went to the rich end of town.  Go south along 
the river on the right side of the poor area, when you get to the bottom go 
right along a hidden passage, when you stop, try talking, a man should be there 
and he'll sell you explosives for 100G.  go to the border between the poor area 
and the rich area, there will be a part of the wall that's narrow, face that 
part of the wall, go to the menu and choose "timebomb" from the item menu.  The 
wall will open up.  In the house furthest south, there will be a man that says 
he can't sleep.  Go into the other bed, you will fall into a hidden room.  Leona 
joins you and says Dram was going to brasca.  Return to Old Hill and talk to Baz 
in the northern field.  The tunnel digger appears and says that that hole goes 
to another continent.  Go through the passage. 
World Map: Old Tunnel to Box Town 
Monsters:Wolf, Grizzly, Spector, Bohr, trap, dragon,  
Recommended A-Lv. 17 K-Lv. 15 
Just head east until you come to a town. 
Box Town 
Recommended Lvl. 17 
This town is full of boxing fans, the ruler is the strongest boxer, Andy.  Buy 
gloves at the weapon store and challenge Andy. 
Boss: Andy 
Recommended Lvl. 17 
He isn't tough, the only damage either of you can do is attacking normally.  
Heal whenever your life goes below 50. 
Although he is a Kustera he won't join you yet when you defeat him.  Leave and 
head south. 
Recommended lvl. 18 
Considering all those cafZs were bars in the japanese version, look at all those 
barrels of alcohol.  Go into the bottom-left house and talk to Arthur. 
Boss: Arthur 
Recommended Lvl. 18 
He has a blow gas attack, which does virtually nothing, it's the only attack he 
used when I fought him. Just have Ray attack, Tina use Freeze lv.1, Cody attack, 
and Leona use Bolt lv.1  He should go down in 3 rounds. 
Leave town and head further south. 
Recommended lv. 18 
Talk to Arithree in the silver warehouse.  After Defeating his two brothers, 
they will work together to move the "rock" south of his town. 
World Map: Karappon to Codo 
Monsters: Val Eagle, Bohr, Cat Boo(2), Eye Ball  
Head west until you get a chance to go south, then go south.  Keep following the 
path as south as you can. From there just go southeast.  As far as I know, Codo 
is just a stopover place, there's nothing special about it. 
Codo to Lagoon Town 
Monsters: mad bird, Vegilisk, scorpion, Rock 
From there go southwest to the desert.  Then head south to find Lagoon Town.  
After wandering around in Lagoon Town for a while, try to leave, a priest will 
be blocking the path.  It turns out to be Dram, after he leaves go southwest and 
go in town again.  You will be on the real world map now so head south, then 
east when you come to a mountain range. 
Brasca/ Ancient Well 
Recommended A-Lv.19 K-Lv.16 
Monsters: Vegilisk, Rock, ant lion, Beetle, scorpion, bolt fish,  
Items: bread X2, telepo 
When you enter the town it is destroyed.  One of the villagers says he heard 
noises from the well in the north end of town so go up there and enter the well.  
Only Aqutallion can enter here.  Every step in the lava takes 1 damage, if you 
have Cody's spell step however, it does nothing.    Go in the lava to the ladder, 
go down and right into the door to get bread, hit the green switch to drain the 
lava into the area below.  Go into the new lava hole, go left and up the first 
ladder, empty that lava into the bottom area.  There is bread in this room.  
Repeat going left up the ladder and emptying the lava into the area. The next 
switch room has a telepo, after doing the next one, go back to the ladder 
between the first two switches that was too high before, and go through the door. 
Past the next area and through the door there will be an event, after that you 
fight Dram. 
Recommended lv. 20 
He only has a normal attack that does 20 damage to 80, and always does a follow 
up attack after that which does basically the same amount.  Normal attacks 
against him are utterly useless in this fight, unless you use a few slow lv.2 
against him, even then normal attacks can't compare to the power of your spells.  
Use your strongest spells against him, I ran out of MP after doing 960 damage to 
him and that was after going through the dungeon, if you go back to a town to 
replenish your MP before fighting him, you should be fine. 
After you defeat him, you get Dan, and Old Hill is destroyed.  Go back there.  
Talk to Dynamite in Uncle Save's house.  He says he made a boat but needs a 
special nail in order for it to hold an engine.  Go west to the Carpenter house.  
Walk behind the only covered part of the house to get a gold nail.  Now that you 
have the ship, the first thing you need to do is find the four shrines in order 
to become Banalet. 
Ray's Shrine 
Boss: Fire 
Recommended lvl. 20 
First stop should be the Fire Shrine since Ray should be ready by now.  It was 
the shrine northeast of Beegees. 
Fire is a little difficult.  Its normal attack does 15, Blow fire can do as much 
as 22, fire lv.1 does 22, fire lv.2 does 35.  Your best strategy here... just 
set the mode to auto and come back in 10 minutes.  That's what I was able to do, 
but if you're fighting, and the computer alternates between attacking first and 
last, you should probably just play manually and heal when your hp gets down to 
After that I just did some meaningless level building, so you may be able to 
beat the next few shrines at two or three levels lower than the recommended 
level.  If you are having trouble with the shrines, try fighting in the ocean 
north of old hill, you come across monster groups that give you as much as 400 
exp per battle. 
Tina's Shrine 
Boss: Mermaid 
Recommended lvl. 22 
Cross the bridge south of Winds, and go west.  At the point where you went south 
to get to the Kaja House, go north to find this shrine. 
The fight here is pretty easy, but also a long fight.  Start by using 2 fast 
lv.2 (not fast lv.3) Then use slow lv.2 a few times on the mermaid until you can 
do 9 damage with a normal attack.  The mermaid can use slow lv.1, fast lv.1, and 
freeze lv.2, or snowstorm, which does as much as 30 damage.  It can also do a 
normal attack, which is different depending on how many times you used fast and 
how many times it used slow.  To speed up the battle, set the message speed to 0 
and turn off the animation. Then set the mode to auto.  Otherwise you should be 
in for a long battle.  Heal whenever your life is below 40. 
Leona's Shrine 
Boss: Clay 
Recommended lvl. 20 
From old hill, sail to the north edge of the continent, then head west. There 
should be a snow-covered island north of the carpenter's house.  Get off the 
ship in the northern end and use step to avoid needless hp damage. 
This boss is simple.  But since Leona doesn't have heal magic, make sure you 
remember to bring healing items.  The boss has attacks which only do as much as 
20 damage, which consists of bolt lv.2, boltstorm, and a normal attack, which 
can be critical and do 50 damage.  Just attack normally and the boss should be 
gone in no time compared to the previous two shrines. 
Cody's Shrine 
Boss:Cold Wind, Hot Wind 
HP: 150 each 
Recommended lvl. 21 
From the entrance of BadBad's cave south of Beegees, just head east. 
Don't be discouraged just because there's two of them.  Each of them has a 
normal attack, which does nothing.  But they can combine attacks to do 30 which 
only counts as a turn for one of them so the other can still attack.  Cold Wind 
can use storm, which does 15 damage, and Hot Wind uses antpwr, which does less 
than 15. Hot Wind can use power lv.1, which doesn't matter because it will still 
do next to nothing for damage.  It doesn't really matter which one you take out 
first since they both do the same amount of damage.   
After completing all four shrines, there will be a short scene, then everyone 
(minus Dan) will become Aqutallion.   
World Map: Ocean 
Monsters: Sea horse, Sea dragon, Sea Snake, Bolt Fish, Blade Fish, Shark, 
Now you have to make your way to the upper Continent.  First go north from old 
hill until you come to an island of mostly mountains.  From there head west.  
You should come to Moreeyes.  If that doesn't work, go south along the shore of 
the continent from Giant. 
Talk to the Woman in the northern house, she's a Kustera and wants to join you 
but she needs a gold moai statue that pirates stole.  Go north from the island 
until you find a cave. 
Ghost(1) Cave 
Monsters: ghost(1), Bone, zombi, Summoner,  
Recommended A-Lv. 23 K-Lv. 20 
Items:  Rat-tail, plum-plum X2, antistop, antidote, 1000G, calm-herb, moon-drop, 
asprin, restore, bread, gold moai 
Go south then down the ladder to get a rat-tail.  Then go east, you will find a 
plum-plum, then go down the ladder and west.  Follow the path around the water 
and go through the door.  If you want to waste time, go southeast to get an 
antistop.  Go south then east and through the door.  Here the Kustera can get a 
plum-plum, antidote, 1000G, and calm-herb.  You can also get a moon-drop, asprin, 
bread, and restore.  Go north and you will have to fight. 
Boss: Undead 
Recommended lv.23 
It has a normal attack, which does about 60, Bolt lv.2, which does about 75, and 
storm lv.2, which does about 45 to everyone.  Have Tina use slow lv.2 a few 
times, and Cody use power lv.2 a few times, then have Ray, and Cody attack 
normally, while Leona uses bolt and Dan uses Bomb.  Have Tina or Dan heal when 
anybody's hp drops below 80. 
After you defeat him, recover the gold Moai, and return to the lady in Moreeyes.  
She says she is Murray and she gives you a blue-orb.  Now from Giant, head north 
and a little to the west.  You should come to an island with a town on the south 
side, Onsaka, and a town on the north side, Edon.  Go to Edon.  In the basement 
of the large house, you can find a brknmoon and a dragswrd.  On the second floor 
of that building go up the stairs in the middle room and say yes to what the 
person there asks you.  Then go to Onsaka and go in the house on the top left.  
Fight Jubei in the right room. 
Boss: Jubei 
Recommended lv.24 
He only has a normal attack that does as much as 40 damage.  Have Ray use his 
highest level fire, Tina use slow, Cody use power then attack, Leona use bolt, 
and Dan use Bomb.  You shouldn't have to heal. 
After he joins you, return to the Edon and talk to the man on the top floor. 
He'll give you the red orb.  Next warp to Bonzley, take your ship and sail south 
along the coast until you come to a small entrance to a cove, which will have a 
small area of green water.  Sail over it, and you will fight. 
Boss: Clarken (nice translation, it should be kraken) 
HP: 1275 
Recommended lv.25 
It can blow gas, which typically does around 35 to everyone, but can do as much 
as 50.  It also has a regular attack that does around 40.  This battle should 
not be hard.  Have Ray use fire lv.3, Leona use Bolt Lv.2, and Cody attack after 
using power lv.2 twice.  Have Tina use slow lv.3 a few times then have her on 
healing along with Dan.  Considering you should be doing at least 250 damage per 
round, this shouldn't last very long. 
After defeating it, you'll get a tacosmin.  Take it and go to the place in 
Decates where you got Dynamite.  Talk to the man in the basement.  You'll take a 
rocket to the upper continent and make a perfect landing in a house (?) then the 
rocket will explode.  The town you landed in is Elekees.  Talk to the man 
upstairs, then leave and head to Booth's castle.  But before you leave, talk to 
the Evelyn in the rightmost white house, and she'll join you as Kustera. 
Upper Continent: Elekees to Booth's Castle 
Monsters: Spy eye, falcon, crawler, moth, beetle, scorpion, vegilisk, ant lion 
As doctor Ash said, Go west then go south along the river.  What he failed to 
mention was to go south around the lake, north back up the river on the west 
side, then head west through the desert as far as you can then head south to 
find Alazina, which is in ruins.  Now, you can do all that, or you can just head 
east, then southeast when you come to a small patch of desert.  I find that way 
much quicker.  Once you finish buying equipment or items, head south, Booth's 
castle is directly south of Alazina so find a path down there. 
Recommended lv.27 
Monsters:  Warrior, Gold Mo, summoner, vampire, gas slag, ghost(2), Vambat, gast 
Items: bread, Wizrobe, Mirror, fireswrd, firearmor, 10000G, red hood 
Ignore those treasure chests on either side of you for now.  Go through the door 
and teleporter and go east to get bread.  Go back west and through the second 
teleporter.  Go north then east and north under the bridge to get a wizrobe, now 
go either west or east to get around to the north side, then go through the 
teleporter and head south and follow the path.  Go up the stairs to the second 
floor and head south and west.  One of the treasure chests is a mirror.  From 
there go to the southeast end of the area, there should be a path that leads to 
an end with no wall, walk off the edge and you will land outside by the treasure 
chest that contains a fireswrd.  Since your back outside after that, you might 
as well return to Alazina to rest.  Back on the second floor, go up the 
teleporter near the place where you fell.  Go north to get a firearmor.  After 
that, go to the west side and go up the stairs to the third floor.  Go south and 
east, you will see a treasure chest. You can't get it by going east, you need to 
go around and approach it from the south, it contains 10000G. If for some reason 
you have much less than maximum MP, you can take a dive off the southwest part 
of this area and get the other item, then return to town to rest. But if you 
don't need to, there is a hidden passage under one of the walkways that will 
take you to the teleporter.  From the teleporter, make your way to the stairs.  
On the Fourth Floor is Booth. 
Boss: Booth 
Recommended lv.27 
He uses bolt lv.1, which does as much as 40 damage.  It can also do a normal 
attack, which does 20 damage.  It can also use fire lv.3 to do 80 damage.  Since 
Slow is useless against him, Use fast lv.3 a few times.  Have Cody equipped with 
the fire sword, since his normal attacks won't do much damage otherwise, and 
have him combine with Ray's fire lv.1 for a strong attack.  Have Leona use bolt 
lv.2, and Tina and Dan heal when needed.  You should never be in serious trouble 
in this fight. 
Instead of using flee to leave the castle, go down the other side of the castle 
if you haven't already to get a red hood.  Now that you have beaten Booth, take 
your business back to Dr. Ash.  He'll give you a niagaran, which will allow your 
ship to sail up waterfalls.   
Upper Upper Continent 
Monsters: Bolt fish, Blade fish, tentacles, roper, ochu, Morpho, Golbird 
Take your ship and sail up the waterfall to the north.  Once up the waterfall, 
continue north to Dengers.  Talk to the woman in the bunny outfit in the north 
end.  Buy three of those from her, and go back south then head west.  When you 
come to the woman town, have Ray, Cody, and Dan equip the bunnysuits.  You will 
be allowed into town.  After the event, Kathy and Beth will join as Kustera.  
You should now have all 11 Kustera, if not, look at my list at the end and 
figure out whom you missed.  It's not required to find all of them but it's 
still something to do. 
Secret Path/ Gara's Castle 
Recommended Lv.28 
Monsters:Cleric, Sourseris, ochu, golbird, roper,  
Items:swim-suit, restore, moon-drop, crown, Idoldress, heels, Icearmor 
Go to the basement on the left side of the building you are in.  After passing 
through the barrier and teleporter, you arrive at the entrance.  Go left and 
down in the pit to get a swim-suit.  Then go up two ladders and through the door.  
You'll find a restore, then hit the switch.  Go around the now filled pit, and 
go inside the empty area and get the moon-drop.  After you go up the ladder, go 
outside then into the castle. 
Go in through the right door and go straight north to get a crown.  Go back down 
then go west and up the stairs.  Go through the door on the left first to get an 
Icearmor.  Then go back and go through the right door, from there it's 
straightforward.  When you get to an area with two stairs, go down the stairs 
first to get an idoldress, then go up the other stairs.  After you go up several 
stairs, and go outside, cross the bridge, then go up one more stairway.  Go out 
the door then go across the walkway to get heels.  Then go back to the other 
tower and go up the stairs to fight Gara. 
Boss: Gara 
Recommended Lv.28 
Use the same strategy here as with Booth.  The only attacks she has is a pitiful 
storm lv.2 which does 30 to everyone, a normal attack, which does 20, and a 
freeze lv.3 which does 60 to everyone.  She can also use bolt lv.2, which does 
70 damage to a character.  Main thing is don't let anybody's HP stay below 80 
for long.  If you could defeat Booth, you can easily beat her. 
After the next event, you now have control of they gyrocopter.  For those of you 
who are in a huge hurry and don't have time to waste on fighting weak enemies, 
this is a huge break for you.   
Once you get to town, you find out the place was completely restored by Bud's 
boss.  Now you also have a blacksmith shop.  Go to Codo and find a hidden 
passage in the back side of the church.  Gonta will now join you as a blacksmith. 
Next you need to go to Hidon, it's the town surrounded by mountains north of 
Cody's shrine.  There is a path to the mountain in the top left area. 
Misty Pass 
Recommended Lv.28 
Monsters:Galuda, Dragoon,  
Items: none 
Just go up the ladders, you eventually come to a lab. Go inside and down the 
stairs.  Inside you'll see a vision of Parakless.  Go into the back room and 
search the machine.  It'll take you to an area where you can learn small pieces 
of information on Homncruse.  When your done, step on the gold crest.  You'll be 
back at the lab and Bosen will appear.  He tells you that you can reduce 
Homncruse's power by disabling the lab in Rimstera, he tells you the entrance is 
in Donto. 
You can find Donto on an island in the lake the east of Decates, it's surrounded 
by mountains.   Talk to everyone, then talk to the man in the house in the top 
left side of town.  The siren will sound and everyone will proceed to the plant.  
Follow them and step on the crest to enter. 
Recommended Lv.28 
Monsters: Legs, Pattloid, robot A, Robot B, New Moon 
Items:rose-shoes, silvarmor, rat-tail, moon-drop 
Go down the hole on the left first, then go up the lower panel, you'll find 
rose-shoes.  Then go north and east to get silvarmor.  Go down the hole in the 
bottom-right corner.  Then go north and go down the next hole, you can get a 
rat-tail.  Continue south then west past the hole to get a moon-drop.  Go down 
the hole, you will be in the engine room.  Hit the switches on all of the ones 
around the center engine.  Then hit the center one. 
After the events go back to Old hill and talk to the twisted mayor.  After that 
those nasty adults steal the town from you kids.  The next place you go is 
Brisben, it's the island north of Old hill.  Go into the center building. 
Recommended Lv.28 
Monsters:Robot A, Robot B, pattloid, Legs, Ice bear, Icedragon, Galuda 
Items:20,000G, Moon-drop, windshoes, Barrier, best claw, elfinbow, iceswrd, 
restore, aqutalium 
When you arrive, the area is destroyed.  Go into the star in the center scorched 
ground. Go down the stairs on the right.  You'll find 20,000G and a moon-drop.  
Go down the stairs then go through the path you'll find Windshoes, then go up 
the stairs you passed.  Next go down the stairs on the top, then down the stairs 
through the path.  Go through the next area then up two stairs.  Go down the 
last stairway on the right.  When you come to two stairways, go down the right 
one first to get a barrier.  Then go down the left one, and get ready to fight 
Recommended Lv.29 
This isn't easy.  He has a normal attack that does 40 damage, Fire Lv.3, which 
does 100, and Bolt lv.3, which does 100 to everyone.  If he uses Bolt lv.3 your 
best off using Regain Lv.2 Since he may use it again.  Have Tina use Fast Lv.3 
whenever she isn't healing.  I had Ray and Leona use Burn Blade and Cody use 
Power Lv.3 on Leona.  Mostly because I forgot to equip the firesword on Cody, 
but it still worked out fine.  If you are lucky you should be able to get 
through this battle without too much of a problem, if not, just level up more.  
Lv.29 should be the minimum level you are at with Ray before you attempt to 
fight him.  When I beat him, I was in horrible shape, everyone had practically 
no MP left and everyone was low on life. 
After you beat him you get a best claw, elfinbow, iceswrd, restore, and 
aqutalium.  Use whatever you have left to get out of the cave and back to Old 
Hill.  Dynamite takes you into the shrine and shows you the entrance to 
something.  Now if you haven't already, you need to take the Kustera to the 4 
shrines.  So, in no particular order. 
Star Shrine: Tina 
Monsters: Dragon, Mantrap, killer bug, spider, rockbird, zombie, val eagle, 
Items:anglehat, powercane, asprin X2, plum-plum, restore, ultium, barrier, 1000G 
Recommended Lv. 22 
From the entrance go down the stairs, then go east then south and go down 
another set of stairs.  In that area you'll find an anglehat.  Go east then when 
you come to two paths, take the left one and go down the stairs.  Inside the 
treasure chest, you will find a powercane.  Now go to the right path and go up 
the stairs.  Go south and take the west path, and go south, you'll find an 
asprin.  Continuing west, you'll find a plum-plum.  Now go east and you will 
find a restore.  Now go south and follow the path, then go down the stairs.  Go 
north to find an asprin, then go south, and west your first chance and go down 
the stairs.  Go north to find ultrium, barrier, and 1000G.  Now leave using flee 
or a rat-tail. 
Star Shrine: Ray 
Monsters:stun rat, pig man, bad bunny, killer bug, bat, firefly, man-trap 
Items:  Restore, Moon-drop, 500G, Holy cane, rat-tail, iridium, longswrd, 
Recommended Lv.22 
Don't go down the stairs yet, instead go west and north to get a restore.  
Continue south and go down the stairs.  Go northeast.  Go down the first 
stairway you find, you'll get 500G.  Then go past the next stairway you find and 
go in the last one. Go south to find a moon-drop. Go east and north then go up 
the stairs.  Go back down the stairs on the left and go up the first stairway 
next to it.  Go south, you'll find a holycane, then continue south.  Go down the 
stairs, then go east and up those stairs.  Now go east and north, you'll find a 
rat-tail, then go back to the stairs you saw on your way there and go up them.  
You'll find iridium, longswrd, and antidote.  Now leave. 
Star Shrine: Cody 
Monsters: Gas dragon, Armor, pig king, rock bird, dragon, trap,  
Items:rat-tail, asprin, Crown, 2000G, Moon-drop, firecane, barrier, eledium 
Recommended Lv.22 
Go down two sets of the south stairs then go northwest.  In the lower path, 
you'll find a rat-tail, after you get it, take the stairs north of it.  Go east 
and up the stairs.  Now go down the west stairs and follow the path, you'll find 
an asprin.  Now go down the east stairs.  Take the north path first to get a 
crown, then go back and follow the south path to the stairs.  Go down the stairs, 
follow the path to the next stairs go up, and you'll find 2000G then go south.  
Take the stairs, then go north to get a moon-drop, then go back down and west.  
Up several stairs you'll find a firecane, barrier, and eledium.  Now leave. 
Star Shrine: Leona 
Monsters:Armor, goldog, talanchua, trap, gas dragon, fire fly, dragon, cat 
boo(2), spector,  
Items: calmcane, rat-tail, crown, restore, organium, mirror, boltcane, 5000G 
Recommended Lv.22 
First go south and east, go down two stairs then go east.  Go up the right path 
to get a calmcane.  Continue north and go up the stairs, you'll find a rat-tail.   
Go west then north, you'll find a crown, then head south and go up the stairs.  
Go west, down the stairs, then go north, you'll find a restore.  Now go south 
and up the stairs, you'll be back at the start.  Now go back down two stairs 
like you did at the start, but this time, go up the left path and go west.  Go 
up a few stairs, follow the path south, then go down the stairs, go north.  Go 
up the stairs, east, down the stairs, around the water to the stairs to the east.  
Go south, up the stairs, you'll find 500G then go back down to the division.  Go 
west, up those stairs, then east, up those stairs.  You'll find organium, mirror, 
and a boltcane.  Then leave. 
After you've done all the shrines, go back to old hill and put all the special 
items in storage so the Aqutallion party can take them.  Next go to the back 
room of the shrine and hit the switch on the console, you'll automatically be 
taken to the volcano on Heart Island, then you'll be able to take control of the 
UFO Algos.  Before you go to the last area, you should buy armor from the 
blacksmith, it's the best in the game. 
Dram Area 
Monsters: Legs, Pattloid, galuda, dragoon,  
Items:RoyalSwrd, BrknMoon 
Recommended Lv. 30 
When you enter the cave, Homncruse will revive all his followers.  After that go 
through the gold crest.  Go north and through the gold door, like other areas, 
Kustera go through the silver doors, and Aqutallion go through the gold doors.  
Go east as far as you can then south.  Follow the path until you come to a wall 
with a small yellow thing on it, it should open if you press A next to it.  Go 
through the gold door on the right.  After you open the wall with yellow, go 
back and go through the left door.  Swap and take your Kustera party through the 
left silver door.  Through the path is a RoyalSwrd, continue through the south 
door, Open the wall then go through the next door.  Once you get to the end, 
open the wall so the Aqutallion can get through.  Now switch back and just 
follow the path through the yellow door.  You'll get a BrknMoon, then go through 
the door to fight Dram. 
Boss: Bio Dram 
Recommended Lv. 30 
It doesn't come much easier than this.  All he has a normal attack that does 75 
to one person, if he's lucky.  For this battle Dan will be your only healer.  
Between Cody and Ray, give the weakest one the Ice blade and have them combo 
with Tina to use Ice slash.  Dram has absolutely pitiful defense so just have 
the other two attack normally. 
Booth Area 
Monsters: Sourseris, trool, Gas slag, Vampire, Cleric, Gust. 
Items:Wizrobe, Curecane 
Recommended Lv.31 
When you actually have to make a decision on where to go, open the wall, then go 
through the gold door.  Switch to Kustera.  After going through the silver door, 
go through the path to the right then open the wall.  Now go back and go south 
at the intersection.  Go through the silver door, and continue through the path.  
At the next room go through the next silver door and go through the path.  Open 
the wall, then switch to the Aqutallion party.  Go through the maze.  When you 
come to a split, the left path will lead to a Wizrobe, which is useless at this 
point, and the north path will lead to a curecane and Booth. 
Boss: Bio Booth 
Recommended Lv.31 
He has a normal attack that does 40 damage, Bomb lv.2 that does 80 to everyone, 
Bomb lv.3 that does 100 to everyone, fire lv.3 that does 80 to one person, and 
Bolt lv.2 that does 70 to one.  Your strategy should be the same as with Bio 
Dram except you should have Ray use Fire lv.3 instead of attacking.  Don't 
hesitate to use Regain lv.3.  You can't let your life drop below 100, Since 
there is a chance he will use two Bomb spells in a row. 
Gara Area 
Monsters: Cleric, iron ox, sourseris, new moon, oga, trool,  
Recommended Lv.32 
With Aqutallion, go through until you need to choose which way to go.  Open the 
Wall then go through the door on the southwest side of the room.  Switch to 
Kustera.  Go through the left door, open the wall, then go back and go through 
the right door.  Take the left path, when you get to the point, open the wall, 
now go back to the split and go right, it's a long path around the perimeter.  
Open the wall then switch back to Aqutallion.  From here there is only one path 
you can take.  You will eventually find a brknmoon and Gara. 
Boss: Bio Gara 
Recommended Lv.32 
She has a normal attack that does 30 damage, bolt lv.2 which does 70 damage, 
storm lv.3 which does 70 to everyone, and storm lv.2 that does 40 to everyone.  
Still, the same strategy as against Bio Dram.  No need to worry since everyone 
should have over 150 hp, there's no way she can defeat you if you use Regain 
lv.2 after storm lv.3.   
Godem Area 
Monsters: oga, gas slag, ghost(2), Vambat, trool, new moon 
Items: mirror, boltswrd,  
Recommended Lv.33 
In this area, you can either take the short road which goes straight to Godem 
and a Mirror, or you can go on a search for items in this area. From the wall 
you open, go east as far as you can, and go through the door.  Open the wall, 
and go through the door in the southeast side of the room.  Go through the wall 
then two more doors and you'll find the boltswrd.  Continue through the doors on 
the left, and make your way back to the entrance through the walls. 
Boss: Bio Godem 
Recommended Lv.34 
After the first few rounds, have Dan use Regain lv.2 regardless of what your 
situation is.  That way you won't be in a huge mess if he uses bolt lv.3.  He 
has a normal attack that does 100 damage, bolt lv.2 that does 70, blow fire 
which does 30 to everyone, and bolt lv.3 that does 100 to everyone.  Once again, 
your most damaging attacks are Ray and Leona attack normally, and Cody and Tina 
combine to use freeze slash.  It should do at least 400 damage each round 
assuming no one gets a critical hit. 
Homncruse area 
Monsters: King Bull, New Moon, guardian, servant, Iron man, Bull Head, Zeratin, 
Wyte, Pilder, arch bull, red dragon, lace, lord 
Items:  plumwater 
Recommended Lv.35 
There isn't much to explain here, just go down the ladder, or go around the hole 
and down the ladder.  On the first basement, you'll find a plumwater. On the 
second basement, you'll find a mirror.  When you step on the Star crest on the 
fourth basement you'll be transported to Homncruse.  You fight him, but the only 
damage you can do to him is with sharp hits, even then all you can do is 2 
damage.  Let yourself be beaten, Bosen will send you away.  Now go to the red 
fountain, which is where Ray became pennon and found the Starcrest.  Go back 
there and through the door behind the floor tile.  You will get the Metlswrd.  
Now go back to Homncruse.  This time when you fight him, use the lightorb.  
He'll turn red. 
Boss: Homncruse(1) 
HP: 3000 
Recommended Lv.37 
He can use bolt lv.2 for 70 damage, blow fire that does 40 to everyone, and a 
fire lv.3 for 80 damage.  It may be different for you but Leona's attack was 
still slightly more powerful than her bolt lv.2, If this isn't true for you then 
you should have her use bolt lv.2 instead of attack.  Have Ray attack normally 
with the Metlswrd, and have Cody and Tina use freeze slash. If Homncruse uses 
blow fire, have dan use Regain lv.2 instead of lv.1, other than that, just have 
him heal when needed. 
Boss: Homncruse(2) 
Recommended Lv.37 
Depending on how you choose to fight him, he can be extremely easy, or extremely 
hard. He has a normal attack that does between 30 and 70 depending on who he is 
attacking (Cody vs Dan).  He can create bolt for 60 to everyone, and Bolt lv.3, 
which does 100 to everyone.  He can also use land lv.3, which cancels all magic 
effects (fast, slow, power).  Use your favorite combinations of attack on him, 
which is my powerhouse strategy or yours that most likely involves the use of 
stat altering abilities.  But if your strategy for attacking does involve using 
fast, or power, I suggest you think of a better idea since he uses land lv.3 
fairly often.  The most important point in this fight is having Dan use Regain 
lv.2 every round.  Yes, he will run out of MP several times, but if you're like 
me, you should have 7 or 8 moon-drops that you've been hoarding throughout the 
game.  Since Leona does the least damage each round, have her use the moon-drops 
on Dan when he gets low.  You may think that's a cheap strategy, but I've seen 
Homncruse use Bolt lv.3 three times in a row.  If you just follow my strategy, 
you'll never be in trouble and the fight should go smoothly. 
That's the end of this walkthrough, enjoy the short ending. 
III. Magic List 
*Note, Characters cannot use magic until they become Pennon. 
Ray		LVLearned	Cost 
Fire lv.1	start		2 
Heal lv.1	3		3 
Coma lv.1	5		3 
Flee lv.1	7		8 
Fly By lv.1	9		8 
Repel lv.1	12		4 
Heal lv.2	13		5 
Fire lv.2	15		4 
Coma lv.2	16		4 
Coma lv.3	18		6 
Life lv.1	19		12 
Land lv.1	22		8 
Life lv.2	23		16 
Fire lv.3	24		10 
Land lv.2	26		14 
Heal lv.3	27		8 
Land Lv.3	29		20 
Heal lv.1	1		3 
Freeze lv.1	3		2 
Fast lv.1	4		2 
Slow lv.1	5		3 
Cure-A lv.1	6		3 
Cure-B lv.1	8		3 
Mute lv.1	11		3 
Freeze lv.2	12		7 
Cure-A lv.2	13		6 
Heal lv.2	14		5 
Fast lv.2	15		4 
Cure-B lv.2	16		6 
Mute lv.2	17		5 
Slow lv.2	18		4 
Life lv.1	19		12 
Cure-A lv.3	20		8 
Mute lv.3	21		7 
Fast lv.3	22		6 
Cure-B lv.3	23		8 
Life lv.2	24		16 
Slow lv.3	25		6 
Heal lv.3	26		8 
Freeze lv.3	28		11 
Life lv.3	30		20 
Heallv.1	start		3 
Flee lv.1	7		8 
Fly By lv.1	9		8 
Bolt lv.1	11		4 
Heal lv.2	13		5 
Bolt lv.2	20		8 
Storm lv.1	start		3 
Coma lv.1	start		3 
Fly By lv.1	11		8 
Step lv.1	13		4 
Coma lv.2	14		4 
Power lv.1	15		4 
Antpwr lv.1	16		4 
Power Lv.2	18		5 
Antpwr Lv.2	20		6 
Coma Lv.3	21		6 
Storm lv.2	22		6 
Antpwr Lv.3	24		0 
Power lv.3	27		6 
Storm Lv.3	29		9 
Bolt lv.1	start		4 
Cure-B lv.1	7		3 
Evade lv.1	10		4 
Mirror lv.1	12		4 
Cure-B lv.2	14		6 
Evade lv.2	15		5 
Antspl Lv.1	17		0 
Vanish Lv.1	18		4 
Mirror Lv.2	20		5 
Cure-B lv.3 21		8 
Bolt Lv.2	23		8 
Vanish lv.2	25		6 
Evade lv.3	26		6 
Mirror lv.3	27		6 
Antspl lv.3	28		0 
Vanish lv.3	29		8 
Bolt lv.3	30		14 
Bomb lv.1	start		5 
Heal lv.1	11		3 
Flee lv.1	13		8 
Heal Lv.2	16		5 
Regain lv.1	19		10 
Bomb lv.2	21		8 
Regain lv.2	23		18 
Heal lv.3	25		8 
Regain lv.3	28		36 
Bomb lv.3	30		15 
Fire lv.1	start		2 
Storm lv.1	start		3 
Coma lv.1	start		3 
Flee lv.1	start		8 
Fly by lv.1	9		8 
Repel lv.1	11		4 
Step lv.1	12		4 
Power lv.1	14		4 
Fire lv.2	15		4 
Coma lv.2	16		4 
Power lv.2	18		5 
Coma lv.3	19		6 
Storm lv.2	20		6 
Fire lv.3	23		10 
Power lv.3	24		6 
Storm Lv.3	25		9 
Freeze lv.1	start		2 
Bolt lv.1 	start		4 
Flee lv.1	start		8 
Fly by lv.1	start		8 
Evade lv.1	start		4 
Freeze lv.2	11		7 
Mirror lv.1	12		4 
Evade lv.2	15		5 
Antspl lv.1	17		0 
Vanish lv.1	18		4 
Mirror lv.2	20		5 
Bolt lv.2	22		8 
Antspl lv.2	23		0 
Vanish lv.2	24		6 
Evade lv.3	25		6 
Mirror lv.3	26		6 
Freeze lv.3	27		11 
Antspl lv.3	28		0 
Bolt lv.3	29		14 
Vanish lv.3	30		8 
Heal lv.1	start		3 
Regain lv.1	start		10 
Fast lv.1	start		2 
Slow lv.1	start		3 
Cure-A lv.1	start		3 
Cure-B lv.1	start		3 
Antpwr lv.1	start		4 
Cure-A lv.2	12		6 
Cure-B lv.2	13		6 
Heal lv.2	14		5 
Fast lv.2	15		4 
Slow lv.2	16		4 
Cure-A lv.3	17		8 
Cure-B lv.3	18		8 
Life lv.1	19		12 
Antpwr lv.2	20		6 
Fast lv.3	21		6 
Antpwr lv.3	22		0 
Regain lv.2	23		18 
Life lv.2	24		16 
Heal lv.3	25		8 
Slow lv.3	26		6 
Regain lv.3	27		36 
Life lv.3	28		20 
IV. Unity Magic 
In order to use Unity Magic, the users need to be at either Banalet or 
Aqutallion.  After you select the magic, you need to select the users on the 
confirm screen in battle, which is the last screen after you chose all your 
attacks.  Thanks to for the last 4. 
Name				Magic 
Ice fire			fire lv.1, freeze lv.1 
Ice storm			freeze lv.2, storm lv.2 
Bolt storm			storm lv.2 bolt lv.2 
Fire blade			fireswrd, fire lv.1 
Freeze slash		Iceswrd, freeze lv.1 
Bolt break			Boltswrd, bolt lv.1 
Devistate			fire lv.3, freeze lv.3, storm lv.3, bolt lv.3 
Fire storm			Fire lv.1, storm lv.1 
Cure All 			Cure-A lv.3, Cure-B lv.3 
Twin less			antpwr lv.1, antspl lv.1 
No call			repel lv.1, step lv.1 
V. Monster List 
Name			HP	Exp		G		Item won 
AL Beta		250	310		550 
Andy			275	2633		0 
Ant lion		58	78		82 
Arch Bull		400	601		524 
Armor			83	70		62		hand-ax, armor 
Arthur		275	2928		0 
Bad Bad		280	542		0 
Bad Bunny		50	20		20 
Bad Slime		11	8		6		 
Bad Man		40	14		8		Dagger 
Bandit		65	37		26 
Bat			15	3		4 
Beetle		65	80		84 
Big Worm		72	47		53		Holy Cane 
Bingo			200	887		0 
Bio Booth		3400	10543		0 
Bio Dram		3000	9383		0 
Bio Gara		3650	11873		0 
Bio Godem		3900	13490		0 
Blade Fish		95	88		82 
Bohr			108	73		71 
Bolt Fish		90	86		80 
Bone			32	17		12 
Booth			2200	7410		0 
Bull Head		320	410		509 
Cat Boo(1)		35	16		6 
Cat Boo(2)		90	120		32 
Clarken		1275	6588		0 
Clay 			300	4208		0 
Cleric		120	116		375 
Cold Wind		150	2058		0 
Crawler		200	91		111	 
Dr. Gari		125	116		0	 
Dragon		75	68		60		hand-ax	 
Dragoon		235	173		215		agedswrd 
Dram			1030	4627		0 
Echo Cat		60	21		26 
Eye Ball		70	68		66 
Falcon		175	84		87		life vest 
Fire			300	3654		0 
Fire Fly		70	46		34 
Gara			2625	7815		0 
Garados		570	2339		0 
Galuda		150	180		216	 
Gas Dragon		111	70		120 
Gas slag		145	114		223 
Ghost(1)		1	15		11 
Ghost(2)		200	120		278 
Goblin		32	12		10		knife 
Godem			2900	8240		0 
Golan Jr.		440	1195		0 
Golbird		160	145		221 
Gold Mo		195	115		362 
Goldog		64	50		60 
Grizzly		80	55		42 
Guardian		195	217		436 
Gust			125	92		99 
Hedgehog		14	4		4		nomalhat 
Holo Bird		49	19		15		shrtswrd 
Homncruse(1)	3000	0		0 
Homncruse(2)	6800	0		0 
Hot Wind		150	2058		0 
Ice Bear		85	53		58		mittens 
Ice Dragon		180	213		424 
Iron man		210	218		437 
Iron ox		190	201		321 
Jubei			950	5207		0 
Killer Bug		45	30		24 
King Bull		290	405		510 
King Cat		70	64		49 
Lace			250	237		410 
Leach			140	887		0 
Legs			140	135		257 
Lord			145	242		511 
Mad Bird		135	72		69 
Man-Trap		67	47		33		Antidote 
Mermaid		305	3927		0 
Morpho		175	152		288 
Moth			200	107		98		Crown 
New Moon		135	163		294 
Ochu			115	97		220 
Oga			280	226		413 
Pattloid		120	131		230 
Pig King		70	43		31 
Pig Man		16	6		7 
Pilder		300	310		420 
PumpKing		50	24		23 
Quill			17	4		5 
Red Dragon		290	240		500 
Red Slime		11	2		2		 
Robot A		145	151		260 
Robot B		155	147		267 
Rock			60	76		80 
Rock Bird		67	38		27		 
Roper			110	87		210		rose shoes 
Scorpion		60	75		78 
Sea dragon		115	95		88 
Sea horse		95	93		86 
Sea snake		139	101		90 
Servant		170	212		423		moon-drop 
Shark			90	90		83 
Sidon			470	1500		0		Moustache 
Slime			10	1		1		Plum plum 
Spector		1	65		62 
Spider		60	33		29 
Sourseris		125	112		224 
Spy eye		200	90		100		red hood 
Stun Rat		20	7		3 
Summoner		125	95		112 
Talanchua		52	48		37		antidote 
Tentacles		170	106		96 
Trap			70	65		63 
Trool			255	210		401 
Undead		1010	5855		0 
Val Eagle		79	50		56 
Vambat		150	112		227 
Vampire		135	110		221 
Vegilisk		75	84		75 
Warrior		200	95		114 
Wolf			50	35		25		MidSword 
Wyte			230	235		408 
Zeratin		200	220		422 
Zombi			33	18		14		AntiStop, Derby 
Zombie		60	36		39		AntiStop 
VI. Disclaimer 
This walkthrough is Copyright 1996-2001 Mark Andrews.  If you want to use this 
on your website you need to email me.  If I do allow you to use it, it needs to 
be completely unchanged, and you need to give proper credit to me.