Andere Lösungen

Midwinter (e)

Midwinter (Rainbird)

The easiest way of completing the game is to simply go to Shining Hollow as
quickly as possible and blow the whole place up with dynamite. If that seems
a little bit too easy, then blow up the three radio stations to recruit

The most valuable people to recruit are Virginia Caygill (great skier),
Franco Grazzini (great hang-glider), Amelia Randles (excelent recruiter),
and Karl Rudinski and John Stark who are both great drivers.

The best vehicle to get around in is the snow wolf.

If you are going to travel through enemy territory, take a nurse or doctor
with you to patch you up when you get injured.

If you start every game by clicking the mouse in exactly the same place on the 
start screen, every game will be set up identically. 

Don't bother with the tedious procedures of recruitment, just head straight 
for enemy hq with some dynamite and introduce them to Mr. Big explosion. 

When you are on skis. Don't stop to snipe. Get as quickly as you can to the 
nearest garage. You need missiles against the bombers. Try to get a Wolf 
snow-buggy. You can dodge the mortars on skis the same way as on a buggy: turn 
quickly 90 degrees and speed off. If you stop to snipe, the mortars will get 
you. When you get the snow-buggy speed to your next point while blasting the 
bombers as they appear. 

Invulnerablity against missiles: Whether you are skiing or driving a 
now-buggy, the moment you hear the missile being launched, stop immediately 
and begin to turn around. Keep turning on the spot. The missile will narrowly 
miss you then come back and keep pace alongside you for a while until it 
finally speeds off to clobber someone else not so smart. 

Invulnerablity against mortars: Watch for the bomber. It will always come over 
the horizon in front of you. If you are stopped, wait until it is 
approximately half way to you (otherwise it may be able to dodge your missile) 
then blast it. If you are moving fast blast it the moment it appears over the 
horizon. If the bomber does manage to drop mortars turn 90 degrees quickly and 
speed off.