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Star Ocean (Power Up Guide) (e)

Copyright 2/2/2000.



Well, after finally getting a chance to play through Star Ocean: The 
Second Story for the Playstation, I decided to go back and play the 
original.  Having played through the original Star Ocean several times, 
I thought I'd write up a quick guide for those of you who like to build 
up your characters to be extremely powerful early on and breeze through 
the rest of the game.

Star Ocean is tied with Tales of Phantasia as being the largest RPG on 
the Super Famicom/SNES at 48 megs.  I believe both games were developed 
by the same team of programmers, just that Star Ocean was published by 
Enix while ToP was published by Namco.  They both share lots of 
similarities such as voice acting and spell names (Ice Needle, Ray, 
Tractor Beam, Extinction, etc.).  Star Ocean is a really fun game and I 
highly recommend all of you to play it (although finding a copy might 
be a little hard... try ebay).  It's not the best RPG by a longshot, 
it's way too short (15 hours max), pretty easy, and the endings (just 
like its sequel) are bad.  But the interesting characters, unique 
battle system, replay value, and most importantly the item creations 
are what make Star Ocean memorable.


Star Ocean's cast is crammed with personality and charisma.  Here I'll 
give my assessment on each character's usefulness as well as my own 
opinion on them.  You can hold up to 8 characters, but you must have 
Ratix, Milly, Iria, and Ronixis in your party in every game.


Well, as the main character in the game, it's not surprising that he's 
the strongest character in battle.  He moves really fast, has a 
powerful attack that has both range and speed, plus he has the best 
killer technique in the game: Shichiseisouhazan (it looks like Claude's 
Twin Slash but has 2 fireballs coming out at the end).  Since Ratix 
can't be removed from the party (i.e. you always have to have him in 
battle), he'll probably have the highest level of all your characters.  
Personally, I'd like to be able to take him out of the adventuring 
party once and a while as using him all the time gets boring.


Originality: always        Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: average   Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: difficult
Sixth Sense: difficult     Blessing of Mana: never


The game's only, and thus best, dedicated healing character.  After 
using this guide and making your characters god-like, I'd doubt Milly 
will be much use to you, as enemies will never damage you.  She's 
probably extremely useful if you played through the game normally, but 
for me, her best use was curing status ailments during/from the Gabriel 
fight.  Her physical attacks do pathetic damage, she's slow in battle, 
and can't equip with much good armor.  The good thing I like about her 
is she has the potential to learn all 10 talents easily, but she'll 
have to begin off with both Love of Animals and Sixth Sense, which 
happens very rarely.


Originality: difficult     Sense of Taste: good
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: average   Rhythm Sense: good
Pitch: good                Love of Animals: difficult
Sixth Sense: difficult     Blessing of Mana: always


A pretty good fighter if you rely on her Killer Techniques, a mediocre 
fighter if you rely on her normal attacks.  Iria's got good speed in 
battle, but she's got a painfully slow normal attack where she runs up 
to the enemy, pauses, then does a somersault kick a la Guile's Flash 
Kick in Streetfighter.  Not a problem when fighting normal enemies, but 
when you're fighting the Gabriel, it's almost suicide unless Gabby was 
distracted by another fighter.  Iria functions best with her projectile 
Killer Techniques done in rapid succession such as her Kikoshou and her 
Dragon Fireball.  Both those moves come out really fast and keep her at 
a safe distance from the enemy.  Later, when she gets her 
Oukahakkenshou and Uraoukasakkou (both are multiple punches that look 
like E.Honda's slaps), she can afford to get closer to the enemy, as 
both those moves protect her entire front.


Originality: never         Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: good
Writing Ability: good      Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: never
Sixth Sense: never         Blessing of Mana: never


One of the game's two attack mages, except unlike the stereotype of 
most RPG mages, this one's pretty good at physical attacks too.  Once 
you power up your characters to Level 100+, magic users will lose their 
usefulness as fighting characters will do more damage, more quickly.  
But Ronixis' powerful bows allow him to continue to do good damage.  
His arrows are fast and allow him to attack from a distance.  It's 
convenient to have Joshua in the party, since having Joshua allows you 
to get a really powerful weapon for Ronixis early.  He's not that 
useful in the Gabriel fight, as at later levels he'll tend to cast 
spells which heal her instead of harming her.  Pray that he starts off 
with Originality; if you're the impatient-type, I'd doubt you'll be 
willing to sit through the whole long scenario on the Federation Space 
Ship after reseting to see what new talents he's gotten.


Originality: average       Sense of Taste: never
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: average   Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: never
Sixth Sense: never         Blessing of Mana: always


I guess Cius could be compared to Dias of Star Ocean 2; really powerful 
but slow in battle.  Cius' regular attack is indeed strong with 
excellent range, but unfortunately it's slow as well.  Not as slow as 
Iria, but definitely not as fast as Ratix's either.  His running speed 
isn't good either, and it takes a while for him to run to an enemy.  
His Killer Techniques are strong, but not incredibly useful.  His best 
technique is the one where he shoots a projectile from the tip of his 
sword.  Not particularly one of my favorite characters, but I don't 
dislike him either.  I really like it when he gets mad in battle and 
his tail gets all zig-zaggy though.  Keep reseting the game right 
before getting him until he has the talent Originality, or else it'll 
be pretty hard to try to develop it later in the game.


Originality: average       Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: never           Design Sense: difficult
Writing Ability: difficult Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: good
Sixth Sense: good          Blessing of Mana: never


Ashlay cannot be in the same party as Cius and vice versa.  So if you 
want one, you gotta give up the other.  Ashlay isn't particularly 
useful in my eyes.  He starts off with significantly more HP than your 
other characters, but the tradeoff is he has the lowest MP in the game.  
Contrary to Ian Kelley's FAQ, I don't think he starts off light years 
ahead of the party, rather his HP boost makes him last just a little 
longer in battle.  In battle, he's pretty good in the beginning, but 
unimpressive in the long run.  He's got average speed, but his attack 
is pretty good and fast.  He starts with 3 Ougis, but unfortunately 
doesn't ever gain a single useful Ougi Technique.  The best reason to 
put him in your party is for Ratix to gain 3 Killer Techniques he 
otherwise wouldn't get if Ashlay wasn't in the party.  Talent-wise, 
Ashlay is a flop as he can never learn any more talents than the ones 
he starts with, at least that was my experience.


Originality: always        Taste of Sense: never
Dexterity: never           Design Sense: never
Writing Ability: always    Rhythm Sense: never
Pitch: never               Love of Animals: always
Sixth Sense: always        Blessing of Mana: never

//////, I mean Fear, is a great fighting character, second to 
Ratix as the best fighter in the game.  She has decent running speed in 
battle, and is powerful to boot.  She fights with 2 boomerang-like 
swords which can hit an enemy up to 4 times (hitting twice when thrown 
and twice when returning back).  Her Killer Techniques are also useful 
as well as they too allow her to attack powerfully from a distance.  
Keep in mind that in order to get her Ougi Techniques, you must have 
either Cius or Ashlay in the party, otherwise she won't be able to 
return back to Astral to receive the Ougi from the King.  It'd be nice 
to have her start off with Originality, but her customizable weapon 
isn't her strongest.


Originality: average       Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: average   Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: average
Sixth Sense: average       Blessing of Mana: never


The other attack mage of the game, who is also part healer.  Joshua, 
like most RPG magic users, has terrible attack power and defense to 
make up for his magic wielding abilities.  You'd think with wings he'd 
be able to move a little faster on the battle field, but unfortunately 
he kinda just floats leisurely towards where ever his destination is.  
This fact makes Joshua as good as dead if Gabriel has her sights on him 
and is closing in towards his direction.  Joshua's pretty much useless 
after you power up everyone, but having him in your party allows you to 
get a powerful weapon for Ronixis early and his Cure All spell comes in 
handy in the Gabriel fight (not as useful as Milly though).  He makes a 
good musician though.


Originality: never         Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: average   Rhythm Sense: good
Pitch: good                Love of Animals: difficult
Sixth Sense: difficult     Blessing of Mana: always


My favorite character in the game, probably because she's the prettiest 
when facing you (her profile's kinda ugly...makes her look like a 
fatty).  Marvel will always join the party if either Ashlay or Joshua 
is in the party.  She'll also join if neither Cius, Ashlay, or Joshua 
is in the party, but only if Ratix is sober enough to convince her to 
do so ;).  Later in the game, you have an option of removing her from 
the party if Joshua is in the group.  Well, Marvel isn't exactly the 
best in battle.  She's probably the slowest "fighter" and her attack (a 
punch) isn't particularly fast or has much range.  Her Killer 
Techniques aren't that useful either except for Hail Orb (the one where 
she throws a little fairy at the enemy that turns into a small 
tornado). Hail Orbs can be thrown in lightning quick succession to keep 
an enemy pinned at a distance (really useful in the Gabriel fight).  
Her Ougi Techniques are good for damaging groups of enemies, as they 
are all-enemy-targeting moves.  Unfortunately she can't throw them out 
in rapid succession like the Hail Orb since she pauses after throwing 
each one.  Marvel is the easiest character to gain all 10 talents (just 
make sure she begins off with both Love of Animals and Sixth Sense); 
plus she can start off as your strongest character since you can 
customize her most powerful weapon as soon as you get her.


Originality: difficult     Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: average   Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: average
Sixth Sense: average       Blessing of Mana: always


Tinek's a very good fighter in battle.  Not only is he really fast, but 
he's got excellent range with his spear.  His Killer Techniques are 
pretty good too, being for the most part damaging.  Just don't get too 
close to the enemy, since his defense isn't exactly the best.  You 
gotta love have a werewolf that wears reading glasses in your fighting 
team.  I really haven't played much of him; my experience with him are 
from playing my brother's file.  Make sure he starts off with 


Originality: average       Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing ability: never     Rhythm Sense: average
Pitch: average             Love of Animals: average
Sixth Sense: average       Blessing of Mana: never


Perisie is also a favorite of mine, just because she's so cute.  She's 
really fast in battle with quick attacks too.  Unfortunately her 
attacks don't have much range and she doesn't have good defenses 
either.  Her Killer Techniques for the most part are pretty lame and 
useless, although a lot of them are really cute (like the one where 
Perisie dresses up like a witch and flies across the screen on a 
broomstick).  Stick with regular attacks for her.  Having Perisie in 
your party allows you the chance to get the Bunny Whistle, which 
enables you to call "Bunny" like the one from the "Call Bunny" Super 
Speciality in Star Ocean 2 to allow you to travel without being 
attacked by random encounters.  Apparently it seems like the "animal 
characters" of the game (Tinek the wolf and Perisie the cat) are 
illiterate, as neither of them can start off with or learn the ability 
to write.  Perisie makes an excellent musician though.  Like most 
characters, keep reseting until she gets Originality.


Originality: average       Sense of Taste: average
Dexterity: average         Design Sense: average
Writing Ability: never     Rhythm Sense: always
Pitch: always              Love of Animals: average
Sixth Sense: average       Blessing of Mana: never


The basic concept of making your characters extremely powerful is 
continually fighting Gabriels summoned by the Clarinet 2 song, since 
winning that battle will give you an incredible amount of experience 
points.  Then you can use the Skill Points gained through each level up 
to item creation powerful weapons.  You can start this process as soon 
as you reach Ionis (the town you meet Marvel).  Of course, there are 
some preparations first.


1)	It is important that you not spend any Skill Points (well spending 
one skill point on Ratix's Dash is okay).  Also try to purchase all 
the skills you come across (the really expensive ones at Astral are 
okay to skip, but purchase all other ones).

2)	Ratix MUST have won the C Rank in the Tatory Arena.  The Shichisei
Ougi you get is VERY important.

3)	It's really helpful if you've gotten the Dwarven Sword from the
secret cave on Mt. Metox and mined out some ores (Orihalcon and 
Mithril especially), but not absolutely necessary.

4)	Make sure you've grabbed the Rainbow Diamond in the pirate hideout.


Make sure someone in your party has the talent "Bunsai" (Writing 
Ability) and at least 200 skill points to spare.  Now use 191 of those 
Skill Points to raise this character's Writing ability to level 10 
proficiency.  Then use the remaining 9 points to gain level 1 
proficiency in Dessin, Otamajakushi, and Ensou.  If you have 4 left 
over skill points, gain level 1 proficiency in Koubutsugaku and Cast.

Purchase 20 Research Pens (400 V) at the Item Store in Ionis.  And try 
to write 7 Books on the Skill "Dessin."  After you've gotten 7 books, 
go on to the next section.


Now you need to get money to fund all the item creations you're about 
to undergo.  First you need someone in your party with the talent 
"Design Sense" (preferably someone who has 270 skill points to play 
with).  Use all 7 Dessin Skill books to on the character with the 
Design Sense talent.  If this character has extra skill points, try and 
raise his/her Dessin Skill to level 10 proficiency (it'll take 270 
points to do that).

Now purchase as many Magic Colors (2000 V) you can.  If you can only 
afford small amount (less than 5), I'd suggest you save before you try 
to item creation in case all of the Magic Colors fail, you can reset.  
Now use the Item Creation "Art" and duplicate as many Trumpets you can 
(you won the Trumpet in the lower levels of the battle arena).  Sell 
all but 1 of the duplicated Trumpets and repeat the process until you 
have enough money to purchase the Violin in Edcart (the previous town).  
Now you can repeat the duplication process with the violin and gain as 
much money as you want.  Use some of this money to purchase all the 
instruments you don't have.


Now have the authoring character try to write 7 books in both 
Otamajakushi and Ensou (14 books total).  These books are difficult to 
write on, so keep purchasing Research Pens and trying.

Use them on a character with the talents "Rhythm Sense" and "Onkan" 
(Pitch).  If none of your characters have both "Rhythm Sense" and 
"Onkan," then use it on a character that has just Rhythm Sense.  If 
none of your characters are rhythmically inclined (unlikely), wait 
until you get Perisie or a new character.  Now have this character try 
to write the songs Clarinet 1, Clarinet 2, and Violin 2.  Keep 
purchasing Creator Pens until you have written all these pieces.

If your characters has Rhythm Sense, but not Onkan, refer to the 
"Gaining Talents" part further in the FAQ.


This part is completely optional; you don't have to do it but it helps.  
Step 1 is to make sure Marvel has the talent "Originality."  She 
probably won't start off with it, but that's okay.  It's quite easy to 
develop it through customization; refer to the "Gaining Talents" 

Use your authoring character to write 7 books on the skill "Craft," and 
use those books on Marvel.  Then have her use skill points to raise the 
skills Bitekikankaku and Kinoubi to level 1.  This should give an 
overall Customize proficiency of 3.

Duplicate 20 Rainbow Diamonds from the one you found in the Pirate 
Hideout event.  Save the game, and have Marvel continually try to 
Customize the Rainbow Diamonds until she can make a Holy Orb.  Only 
customize 19 times (you don't want to use up the last one), and if she 
failed all 19 times, reset and try again.  Eventually you'll get the 
Holy Orb which, with 900 ATK power, will make Marvel a powerhouse.


This part is also completely optional.  If you got the Dwarven Sword in 
Mt. Metox, then this part isn't necessary.  Basically you want to try 
to forge powerful weapons from the Katanakaji item creation.

Have your authoring character write 7 books on the skills "Cast" and 
"Koubutsugaku."  Use the 14 books on a character with the talent 
"Originality."  This character will be your "weapon smith." 

Duplicate 20 Longsword +1 you found from the Astral Cave boss (if you 
don't have Cius or Ashlay, you'll have to make a Longsword +1 from a 
regular Longsword + Damascus).  Duplicate 20 Meteorites you've found in 
a treasure chest on the way to the town Trop.

Purchase 20 Smith Hammers and save the game.  Have your weapon smith 
character try to forge a "Duel Sword" from a Longsword +1 and 
Meteorite.  This particular item creation is very difficult to pull off 
successfully, but it will be VERY helpful if it works.  Give the Duel 
Sword to Ratix.  Ashlay can also use one, but I'd try to make a Mithril 
Sword for him instead since he'll be able to customize that.

Similarly, if Cius is in you party, you can attempt to make a Slayer 
Sword for him using a Claymore +1 and Damascus.  First make the 
Claymore +1 using a regular Claymore and Meteorite, then follow the 
same procedure outline to make Ratix's weapon (duplicate the Claymore 
+1 and Damascus and attempt to forge them).

Remember NOT to use up your last mineral (especially the Meteorite), 
since you'll want to keep at least 1 for duplication.  All you really 
need is a strong weapon for Ratix.  I suggest after you've gotten 1 
Duel Sword to continue on.


First and foremost, you absolutely need the Shichisei Ougi for Ratix, 
found by having him win Rank C of the Tatory Battle Arena.  Raise 
Ratix's "Edarl Swordfighting" skill to at least level 5 (the higher, 
the better).

Assign the Killer Technique "Souhazan" (Twin Slash) in one of his 
technique slots and save the game.  Have your musician play the 
Clarinet 1 song to summon 4 Black Slimes.

In battle, have Ratix continually use the "Souhazan" technique until he 
learns the Ougi Tech "Shichiseisouhazan."  It might be helpful to put 
the other 3 characters on a "Do Nothing" strategy.  That way, Ratix can 
kill the Slimes himself for maximum Souhazan use.  The risk of doing 
this is that the 3 characters doing nothing have a far greater chance 
of being killed (the Black Slimes are usually much stronger than you 
characters at this point), but then again, this increases Ratix's 
chance of gaining the Ougi Tech through Anger Explosions.  Hopefully 
Ratix will gain his Ougi Tech soon.  Rest at the inn after the battle, 
save, and try again. 


This is what all the preparation has been done for.  This *WILL* be the 
most difficult battle of the game, since you'll be fighting a very 
powerful boss that you're not supposed to.  You should be at around 
level 30 for Ratix to have a chance; fight Black Slimes from Clarinet 1 
if you're not.  Definitely bring Marvel into this fight if you've 
powered her up with the Holy Orb.  Ronixis equipped with the Elven Bow 
you've found from the Joshua sidequest is also useful.  Duplicate 20 
Resurrection Bottles (or buy 20 at Van if you've been there), duplicate 
20 Recovery Bottles (or buy them at Van), equip Ratix with the 
Shichiseisouhazan Ougi Tech, buy 20 black berries, save the game, and 
pray for victory.  Have your musician play the Clarinet 2 song...

Gabriel: 32000 HP

I've found the "Lower Square" formation with Ratix at position #1 to be 
the most useful formation for this fight.  Gabriel is *VERY* strong and 
she basically will kill you with one hit from either the long range 
swing of her staff or the force shield she puts around herself.  To 
compound this problem, her hits often petrify her targets; so often you 
have to cure BOTH death and petrifaction after she hits a character.  
She comes with 3 Hound Shapes which, although are nowhere near as 
dangerous as Gabby, are still problematic since they too can do lots of 
damage to your characters at this stage in the game and can paralyze 
your characters as well.

The strategy for winning this battle is having Ratix continually use 
Shichiseisouhazan on Gabriel non-stop, hoping that she becomes and 
stays dizzy from the first 2 hits.  Most likely, the only damage you'll 
inflict on Gabby is from the 2 fireballs that shoot out at the end of 
Shichiseisouhazan.  The problem is that since Ratix will probably be 
the only one who can damage Gabby, if she kills him, you're basically 
screwed... and there's MANY ways for her to kill Ratix.

Shichiseisouhazan eats up a LOT of MP, so one character (more likely 2 
characters) will have to be constantly supplying Ratix with black 
berries to keep his MP up.  Those Hound Shapes aren't going anywhere 
either, so another character will have to be dealing with them too.  
Listed below are the strategies I would use for the following 
characters:  (Keep in mind that I'm writing this from the perspective 
of just getting to Ionis, so Tinek and Perisie won't be included).

Ratix: Basically run up to Gabriel and do repeated Shichiseisouhazan.  
Hope that the first two sword swings dizzies her and that you avoid her 
force shield/staff swings as you jump towards her.  Each fireball 
should be doing around 1000-1500 damage; more if Ratix gets an Anger 

Iria: Use Kikoshou to get rid of the 3 Hound Shapes as quickly as 
possible.  Then either manually have her use Kikoshou on the Gabriel 
(it does only 100-200 damage, but more importantly it makes her 
vulnerable to Ratix's attacks) or have her supply blackberries/status 
recovery items when necessary.

Cius: If you have him with the Slayer Sword, have him physically attack 
the Hound Shapes until they're gone.  Then have him supply recovery 
items when necessary.

Ronixis: If you have him with the Elven Bow, have him physically attack 
the Hound Shapes until they're gone.  Then have him constantly casting 
"Earthquake" at the Gabriel (again, it causes only around 200-500 
damage, but it causes her to go into a hit-stun animation which allows 
Ratix's attacks to land).  Use recovery items when necessary.

Joshua: Constantly cast "Earthquake" on Gabriel or use recovery items 
when needed.

Ashlay: If you have him with the Duel Sword/Mithril Sword, have him 
physically attack the Hound Shapes until they're gone.  Then have him 
supply recovery items when necessary.

Marvel: If you have her with the Holy Orb, have her physically attack 
the Hound Shapes until they're gone.  Then have her supply recovery 
items when necessary.

Fear: Have her attack the Hound Shapes, then use recovery items when 

PROBLEM #1: The most common problem.  Gabriel kills Ratix, while the 
other characters are trying to revive/cure him, Gabby runs over to them 
and kills them.  Nothing much you can do about it.

PROBLEM #2: Also very common.  The Hound Shapes kill off a character, 
Ratix (or another character) gets an Anger Explosion right next to 
Gabriel, she hits him/them as he's getting angry.  Nothing much you can 
do here either.

PROBLEM #3: Gabriel undizzies and hits Ratix, leading to Problem #1/2.  
You can actually do something to alleviate this problem.  Basically 
have other characters that can do damage to Gabriel constantly attack 
her.  Attacks like Iria's Kikoshou, Ronixis' and Joshua's "Earthquake" 
spell, and later Marvel's Hail Orb all do pitiful damage to Gabriel, 
but they all cause her to go into that all-important hit-stun 
animation.  If you constantly barrage her with attacks, she'll stay in 
this hit stun-animation, and thus Ratix and hit her without threat of 

PROBLEM #4: Ratix runs out of MP from doing too many 
Shichiseisouhazans.  This can be solved as well by having characters 
not participating in damaging Gabriel continually supplying Ratix with 
black berries.  Don't let Ratix's MP fall below 50 (75 to be safe).  If 
Ratix runs out of MP, he'll just stand there in front of Gabby as good 
as dead.

If you do manage to beat Gabriel, you'll gain a LOT of experience and 
several levels.  Plus, Gabby sometimes drops Fantastic Swords (720 ATK 
power for Ratix, Cius, Ashlay, or Fear) or Fantastic Armor.  Rest at an 
inn, save the game, and repeat the process.  Once you've gained a few 
more levels, this battle becomes much easier due to the following:

1)	Equipping with Fantastic Swords on Ratix/other characters allow them 
to finish the Hound Shapes with ease.
2)	Equipping with Fantastic Armor greatly reduces damage from the Hound 
Shapes, but the Gabriel can still kill in one hit...
3)	Link combo allows you to do Shichiseisouhazan in succession without 
having to do each one manually once you have enough SP.
4)	Marvel with Hail Orb + Link combo and Iria with Kikoshou + Link 
Combo can keep Gabriel in hit-stun animation indefinitely.
5)	After Ratix gains up to around level 40, the first two hits of 
Shichiseisouhazan will damage Gabriel, making it easier to beat her.  
Plus he'll have enough MP to finish the battle without fear of 
running out of black berry supplements.


Like Star Ocean 2, each time a new character joins your party, they are 
randomly given certain talents.  If that character didn't join with a 
particular talent you had in mind, you could reset the game, acquire 
that character again, and he/she will have a new set of talents.  The 
same thing can be done in SO1, except you have to be careful about a 
character joining as an NPC (non-playable character).  Characters like 
Milly at the beginning of the game, and Iria during the most of the 
introduction will officially join the party (you see them on the status 
screen), but the join as NPCs.  Which means you can't check their 
status screen to find out what talents they have.  More importantly, 
this means that if you save the game when that character is an NPC, 
don't expect their talents to change if you reset (because it's already 
been decided the moment they joined you).

From my experiences, I have never developed the talents "Love of 
Animals" or "Sixth Sense" during the course of the game.  Also, I've 
never developed the talent "Originality" through "Katanakaji" (Weapon 
Forging), even though you need the that talent to be successful at 
Katanakaji item creation.  I've only developed it through 


This section just tells you where to save the game so that if you get a 
character and don't like his/her talents, you can reset and get him/her 
and he/she'll have new ones.  It also tells you approximately how long 
that process will take (provided you skip through the dialogue as fast 
as you can).

Point:   Start of a new game
Time:    4 minutes
Notes:   Always starts with "Originality."

Point:   Start of a new game (remember she starts off as an NPC, and 
         you can't check her stats until after she wakes up Ratix in 
         the middle of the night) 
Time:    14 minutes (yikes!)
Notes:   Always starts with "Blessing of Mana." If she miraculously 
         starts with both "Love of Animals" and "Sixth Sense," you can 
         have her get all 10 talents easy.

Point:   On Mt. Metox, right before she beams down (NPC rule)
Time:    15 minutes (ouch!)
Notes:   none

Point:   On Mt. Metox, right before he beams down (NPC rule)
Time:    15 minutes
Notes:   Always starts with "Blessing of Mana."  If you have the
         patience to go through that 15 minute scene aboard the ship,
         keep reseting until he gets "Originality" (you don't want to
         try to develop "Originality" through Customization with him).

Point:   Outside of Hot, right after you saw him push the weapons 
         merchant against the wall
Time:    1 minute
Notes:   Reset until he has "Originality."

Point:   Outside of Tatory, after you've talked to him and participated
         once in the arena
Time:    1 minute
Notes:   Always starts with "Originality," "Writing Ability," "Love of 
         Animals," and "Sixth Sense."  Never gains any others.

Point:   1) Save outside the southern entrance of Astral before you
            sleep and murder-event occurs [Cius is in your party]
         2) Save before you visit Astral to gain the Astral Emblem
            [Ashlay is in your party]
         3) Save outside the southern entrance of Astral before you
            break Fear out of jail [neither Cius or Ashlay is in your
Time:    1) 2 minutes
         2) 2 minutes
         3) 3 minutes
Notes:   As seen above, you can acquire Fear 3 different ways depending
         on your party composition.

Point:   1) Right before you meet him at the entrance of the Parji no
            Shinden [Cius/Fear/only Ratix&Iria is in your party]
         2) Right before you meet him again and save him inside the
            Parji no Shinden [Ashlay in your party]          
Time:    1) 2 minutes
         2) 5 minutes
Notes:   Always starts with "Blessing of Mana."  Having him with both 
         "Rhythm Sense" and "Onkan" (Pitch) would be nice too.

Point:   Right before you enter Ionis
Time:    5 minutes
Notes:   Always starts with "Blessing of Mana."  Continuing to reset
         until she gets "Love of Animals" and "Sixth Sense" allows her
         to get all 10 talents easily.

Point:   Outside of Tatory right before you fight him in the arena,
         after you've visited Van, but before visiting Silvant
Time:    5 minutes
Notes:   none

Point:   Right before you start a Private Action in Clart Village,
         after you've visited Van, but before visiting Silvant
Time:    3 minutes
Notes:   Always starts with "Rhythm Sense" and "Onkan" (Pitch).
         Starting with "Originality" would be really useful.

Here's how I would go about learning the talents.  I'm also assuming 
that you're using the Violin 2 song to help you develop your talents 
where applicable (I'll note it for each one).  Be aware of the bug 
that's associated with the Violin in the "Miscellany" section of the 

Notes: With the exception of Milly and Marvel, it's usually in your
       best interest to keep reseting the game until your characters 
       starts with "Originiality" (unless they can never learn it).  If 
       they don't start with it, they'll have to develop it through 
       customization, and you'll usually have to make the customizable 
       item through Katanakaji (which hardly ever works).  All leading 
       to the conclusion that it's better to start with "Originality," 
       rather than develop it.
RATIX:   Starts with
MILLY:   After creating a Magic Persia from a Rainbow Diamond, 
         duplicate 20 copies and start customizing while Violin 2 is 
IRIA:    Never learns
RONIXIS: Customize Metal Fangs while Violin 2 is playing
CIUS:    Customize Silver Swords while Violin 2 is playing
ASHLAY:  Starts with
FEAR:    Customize Bloody Swords while Violin 2 is playing
JOSHUA:  Never learns
MARVEL:  Duplicate 20 copies of Rainbow Diamonds and start customizing
         While Violin 2 is playing
TINEK:   Customize Spinning Spears while Violing 2 is playing
PERISIE: Customize Neko Fangs while Violin 2 is playing

Notes: Ronixis and Ashlay will never learn

Use the Cooking item creation with any ingredient repeatedly while 
Violin 2 is playing.

Notes: Cius and Ashlay will never learn

Use the Saiku (Craftsmanship) item creation using any mineral 
(iron/silver/gold are the cheapest) repeatedly while Violin 2 is 

Notes: Ashlay will never learn

Use the Art item creation with the Magic Canvas repeatedly while Violin 
2 is playing.  You could also use Magic Paint, but Magic Canvas is 
cheaper and faster.

Notes: Tinek and Perisie will never learn

Use the Writing item creation for any skill repeatedly while Violin 2 
is playing.

Notes: Ashlay will never learn, and for some reason I've never got my
       Ratix to learn both (he always got one, but never both)

Actually learning these talents are surprisingly easy.  Go into the 
Music menu of a character, select the second command (play), and play 
any song.  If he/she didn't learn it, get out of the menu, switch to 
another character, go into his/her music menu, and repeat the process 
until a character learns Rhythm Sense/Onkan.  It's easier if the song 
being played is "Harmonica 1," since it's the first song on the music 
list.  You can do these all these steps pretty fast if you're quick at 
pressing the D-pad and buttons.  You'll never learn these talents 
through writing music, only through playing instruments.

Notes: I've never learned this talent during the course of the game.  I
       would assume if you could learn it, to use the Familiar ability
       repeatedly while the Violin 2 is playing.

Notes: Like "Love of Animals," I've never learned this talent during
       the course of the game.  I assume if you could learn it, to have
       the character in position #1 use the Scout ability to change 
       enemy appearance settings.

Notes: You can't learn this talent.  Milly, Ronixis, Joshua, and Marvel 
       will automatically start with it.



If you've read Ian Kelley's FAQ, you'd know that using the Violin to 
learn new talents will result in the game freezing if you pushed any 
button while the gained-a-new-talent music is playing.  And you 
probably also read that the way to avoid it is to wait for the music to 
end before you push the "A" button to continue on.  But what Ian forgot 
to mention was that you CANNOT BE STANDING INSIDE A TOWN.  If you tried 
to acquire a new talent while inside any town, the game will still 
freeze even if you waited until the talent music was over.  Stand in 
the "overworld" map screen (if you can call it that) if you want to use 
the violin to learn talents.

Resting at an inn or drinking from the healing fountain on Mt. Metox is 
suppose to cure you of all status ailments.  But occasionally, if your 
character is inflicted with both the death and petrify status (such as 
after a Black Slime/Gabriel fight), the inn/healing fountain won't cure 
that character to maximum health.  In such cases, you'll have to use an 
item or spell to cure the petrifaction first, then rest at the 
inn/drink the water again.

Sometimes the dungeon music will suddenly stop and repeat itself when 
it's not supposed to.  Nothing special about this bug.

This happened several times to me when fighting the Gabriel.  She'd 
just start move off into the top of the screen and not come back.  None 
of my characters could reach her (but she could still cast Meteor Swarm 
on my party >_<).

When a lot is happening in battle, sometimes when you try to pull up a 
character's combat menu, it'll be invisible.  Well, several times when 
this happen, I was able to go into what appeared to be Marvel's and 
Iria's magic menu!  There were no spells listed of course, but it was 
an interesting bug nonetheless.

I'm not sure if this is a regular bug or if it's just a problem of my 
copy of Star Ocean, but my game files have erased several times, 
resulting in me having to start over again.  Just a warning.

Actually I find this trick very useful, as it allows Ratix to perform 
Shichiseisouhazan from a distance and other characters to use their 
powerful ougi techs without distance restrictions.

Equip any technique in the short and long slots on the "first page" of 
your character's killer techniques menu.  Go over to the second page of 
your character's killer techniques menu and equip the desired technique 
on the slot it normally can't be equipped on.  For instance, Ratix's 
Shichiseisouhazan is usually a short-ranged only attack (except in 
combos), so equip it in the LONG-range slot of the SECOND page.  Go 
back to the first page and remove the long-range killer technique that 
was there.  Now leave the killer technique menu and return, 
Shichiseisouhazan will be in the long-range slot of the first page 
where it normally can't be placed!

Hit the switches in this order: 6, 4, 3 and the door in middle should 

   1     2     3	           4     5     6

Power up your guys to at around level 90 or higher (you'll know when 
they're gods).  Bring Ratix, Iria, Marvel, and Perisie into the fight.  
Have Ratix do repeated Shichiseisouhazan (as usual), Iria do repeated 
Oukahakkenshou or Uraoukasakkou, Marvel do repeated Galaxies, and 
Perisie do repeated Charming Poses (that cute heart attack).  Jie 
should go down in 2 seconds if they all the attacks connect around the 
same time and he didn't put up his shield.


/Ian Kelley/
Obviously for writing the only walkthroughs for the game.  I used his 
FAQs to get a lot of the Technique and skill names.  I also used his 
hiragana/katakana charts back when I first played Dragon Quest 6 and 
Star Ocean back in 1997/1998.  Find it on his webpage at

/Sherwin Tam/
I kinda borrowed the format he used for the talent portion of his Star 
Ocean 2 guide.  I modified it a little, but I'll credit where I got the 

Email me at for any comments, corrections, 
contributions, and all that kind of stuff.  Until Star Ocean 3...