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Shenmue 2 (e)

                       Shenmue II - FAQ/Walkthrough
                             Japanese Version
                                 by Scream


Author:        Scream
Version:       0.6
Date Started:  09/09/2001
Last Update:   09/30/2001

                       (c) Copyright 2001 Scream

This FAQ cannot be distributed in books, magazines, etc. or in any other
form of printed or electronic media in any way. It may not be given away
as some sort of prize or bonus with a purchase, and it may not be used
for promotional or profitable purposes. Any characters, names, or other
objects are copyright their respective companies. This document and its
author are in no way affiliated with any company involved with this game.

If you wish to use this guide on your site, you may post it without my
permission AS LONG AS this document is NOT changed in any way, shape, or
form. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs
( or Video Game Strategies


  1.    UPDATES
          - Main Menu
          - Making Money
          - Maps
          - Saving
          - Disc 1
          - Disc 2
          - Disc 3
          - Disc 4
  5.    LISTS
          - Amusement List
          - Item List
          - Jukebox List
  6.    SUB-GAMES
          - Arm Wrestling
          - Box Moving
          - Darts 7
          - Excite QTE 2
          - Gambling Job
          - Jukebox
          - Neo Darts
          - QTE Title
          - Space Harrier

          - Battle
          - Shenmue Games
          - YS Games

  8.    MAPS
  9.    SECRETS
 10.    CODES
 11.    SCRIPT
 12.    CHANGES
          - Virtua Fighter 4 Passport
          - Virtua Fighter History/VF4
 15.    CREDITS


+ Version 0.6 (09/30/01)

   - Added "Arm Wrestling" to the sub-games section.
   - The walkthrough now goes up to Green Market Qr.
   - Added some things to the lists.
   - Fixed some minor mistakes.

+ Version 0.5 (09/16/01)

   - First version.



Welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough to one of the greatest games ever created,
Shenmue II. This is updated often, so make sure you check for updates
every now and then. This is only the beginning of the soon-to-be greatest
Shenmue II guide. Enjoy :).





If you have a saved Shenmue II game, then go here and load it up. Simple.


Forget what happened in the original Shenmue? Or never played Shenmue 1?
Then make this your first stop, this section will display a long movie 
that shows what happened in the original Shenmue. The cut-scenes have
been changed around a bit, and the voice actors sound different from the
original Japanese Shenmue. I think they took it from "Shenmue The Movie".
Well, its worth watching before you start your new game so you know what
is going on. Also, you have to insert Disc 4 to be able to access this


Start your adventure into the world of Shenmue II. Choose the left option
to start from a cleared original Shenmue save. This save must be from the
Japanese release of Shenmue. The American and European saves will not
work. If you don't have a saved game, choose the right option.


Takes you to the option menu. Which is this:

      <¥²¡¼¥à¥â¡¼¥É> <¥Æ¥­¥¹¥È¥â¡¼¥É>  <¥·¥Í¥Þ¥â¡¼¥É>   <¥·¥§¥ó¥à¥¨¥â¡¼¥É>

This is from left to right, the default is Game Mode. The option will
cycle through all these. It changes whether you want subtitles and
voices etc...

        <¥¹¥Æ¥ì¥ª>   <¥â¥Î¥é¥ë>

Explains it self. Good sound (stereo) or bad sound (mono). Basically...


Look is the default option, and the best option. It makes the analogue
stick look around. I do not recommend putting control, all it is, is
move around with the analogue stick and you won't be able to look around
either. So leave it as the left option.


The default is the left option. I do not like it like that, as I am used
to the right option which was used in the original Shenmue. It's up to
you, but if you played the original Shenmue I recommend changing it to
the right option.


This is a new feature to Shenmue II. You can play all the games you have
played in the game here for free. They only can be selected when you have
actually played it in the real game. You can also manage your characters
moves. For more information, go to section 7 "Shenmue Collection".


There are lots of ways to make money in Shenmue II. I will go through the
various ways.


A day after Joy gets you the hotel room, she will also take you to this 
job. You can work whenever you feel like it, just by talking to the man 
in the office. You don't even have to bother doing this job again if you
don't feel like it. Theres are lot more freedom with jobs in this
Shenmue. To find out about box moving, read the "box moving" part in
the "Sub-Games" section.


There are a whole bunch of different gambling games to play and risk
all your precious $'s on. Here is a list:

Arm Wrestling

You can read about all these in the sub-games section. If you don't
fancy gambling, then why not get a...


Press Y on a person that runs a pachinko stand (a wooden board), and
select the right option to get this job. Read about it in the "gambling
job" part in the "Sub-Games" section.


If you go into the various pawn shops scattered around the world of 
Shenmue II, you will be able to sell those collectible toys. You won't
get much for a single toy on its own, but if you have the whole
collection of a particular series you will get quite a lot of cash. I 
only really sell figures that I have copies of, as I want to keep the 
complete collection of toys. Not a very good money earner I would say...

3.3 - MAPS

As you may have seen, the areas in Shenmue II are simply gigantic!
Especially when compared to Shenmue 1. So the maps that are sold in
various places in the areas will be your best friend. You will get lost
without these, so I recommend buying every map you come across.

They only cost $10, and you can mark crosses on them for special places
so you can return there later. For example, you could put one at the Pine
Game Arcade, so you always know where it is. You might be thinking "nah,
I can find my own way about", well, thats what I thought. But when you
see how big Shenmue II is, you shall see why maps are important.

If you try to buy the same map for a 2nd time, Ryo will not buy it. So if
you are unsure whether you have that map or not, just try buying it. You
have nothing to lose.

You buy maps from a small stand with "ÃÏ¿Þ" and "MAP" written underneath 
that. It is always outside and near area exits.

3.4 - SAVING

To save your game progress, press the Y button to bring up the inventory
menu. Select the bottom left VMU icon option. It will bring up the save
screen with three slots, choose one and a question will come up. Choose
the left option to confirm your save, or the right option if you changed
your mind and do not want to save.

So you can save ANYWHERE and this save is PERMANENT. Unlike Shenmue 1
where it would delete it upon loading it up. In Shenmue II, you can
continue from the save as many times as you want.

You can also save in the area that you sleep in by selecting the left 


Before you get into the game, after selecting "New Game", you'll be asked
whether or not you would like to continue on from an existing cleared
Shenmue 1 file. Select the left option for yes and the right option for
no. You can ONLY use Japanese Shenmue 1 cleared saves. You cannot use
unfinished Shenmue saves, American saves, and European saves. 

The advantage of using an existing save is that you will retain almost
all of your items, and your cash will be converted into HK $'s. You will
also keep all the moves you learnt and what level of experience they were
on. If you do not have a Japanese clear file, you'll have to make a new
file. Now the walkthrough shall begin...


| HONG KONG | Date: February 23rd, 1987 | Time: 1:00PM                 |

The game will begin with the boat Ryo boarded in Yokosuka, docking into
the port of Hong Kong. Upon arrival, Ryo will read the letter given to 
him by Master Chen, just to make sure he knows what he is going to do in
Hong Kong.

You'll be in the Worker's pier in Aberdeen. I recommend going into the 
menu using the Y button and checking out what items you got, and what has 
changed. After you done that, simply walk forward a few steps. A scene
will commence with the old people playing the music. After some talking
with them, a boy will come up and ask you to put money in the box. Two
options will come up:

               <¤¤¤ì¤ë>            <¤¤¤ì¤Ê¤¤>

If you select "Put in" then Ryo will put $10 into the box. Then the old
people will point to you the direction you should head. If you don't give
them any money, they won't point you in the direction. It is up to you,
it won't affect anything at all.

Now continue walking up the pier, notice the stalls, you can buy zippo
lighters at one of them. Keep walking until a scene starts with some
people, one of them will take a photo of Ryo. A woman with her daughter
will then inform you of the "Free Stay" building just north-east of them.
This is where will Ryo will sleep. You'll get a note from this.

Head towards the "Free Stay" building and buy a map from the machine near
the entrance. Select the left option to buy it. Look to the left of the
map vending machine thing, to see two Gotcha-Gotcha machines. They have
a Sega World one, and a harbor toys one. Buy some if you like. Now walk
into the actual building.

|LOCATION: Free Stay, Worker's Pier, Hong Kong                          |

ITEMS: Winning Can

Not a very nice place is it? Proceed to the end of the room and pick up
the winning can off the shelf. By pressing "A" on your controller
anywhere in this room, a little menu will come up:


Sleep will only be there if it past 8pm in game time. Save explains it
self, and is rather useless. It is useless because you can save anywhere
anyway. Unlike the original Shenmue, "anywhere" saves are permanent and
won't be deleted upon loading it up. So it makes the save option here
rather useless but good to have anyway I guess :). Options is options.
You know the options on the main menu? Well its exactly the same as them.
Let's move on. Leave the building.

|LOCATION: Worker's Pier, Hong Kong                                     |

Once outside, continue the way you were going originally. Feel free to 
buy a Sapporo Soft Drink :). Drinks are $5 each. You see that woman at
the funny looking stall thing? This lady is a fortune teller, she can
tell your fortune for $20. She is a lot different to ol' Lapis in
Yokosuka, she gets out a magnifying glass and examines Ryo's hand. You 
will get a note.

Now continue on your way, and through into a new area. We are still in
Worker's Pier though, just another part of it. Head east and a man will 
offer you the chance to arm wrestle. Choose left to accept the challenge,
and right to decline. I say go for it! 

The rules of Arm Wrestling are simple, press the A button as fast you can 
until Ryo overpowers his opponent.

The first match is really, really simple. You should be able to beat him
no problem, after beating him you will be awarded $10. Not only that, the
man in the red shirt will also give you a note. After that, walk forward
some more to begin a scene with a new main character - Joy. After the
scene you will get a note.

Continue on, make sure you check out the stalls as some of them actually
have buyable stuff. Just keep on continuing south, until you see a road
leading east to Wan Chai (near Bar Swing). Walk up this road past Fu Hoi
Diner and Hong Kong Souvenirs until a cut scene commences. 

You'll meet a gang who will steal Ryo's bag! We are unable to do anything
but watch :(. When you regain control of Ryo, continue your way up the
path to the new area - Queen's St. Oh and BTW, you have lost all your 
items and cash. Including the mirror! So we better go get this bag back 

|LOCATION: Queen's St, Hong Kong                                        |

Make your way down Queen's St until you encounter two drunken thugs. They 
don't like you much, and are rather hostile towards  you. Just as one of 
them pulls out a knife, Joy comes to the rescue and saves you. Ryo tells 
Joy about the gang who took his bag, she points Ryo back in the direction
of the fountain in Worker's Pier. So make your way back there...

|LOCATION: Worker's Pier, Hong Kong                                     |

Look around the fountain area until a scene automatically cuts in. Ryo
will see the kid who took his bag dancing around. A long QTE chase
sequence will begin. The sequence is quite long, but rather easy. If you
perform quite well on the QTE, near the end where Wong goes under a fence
just make sure you press A. You could get every button right except for 
the last one and it will mess everything up. So after Ryo slides under
the falling pipes - the next button is A. OK? Good.


If you successfully do the QTE sequence then Ryo will catch up with Wong.
Sadly, he made it to his buddies, who you will now have to fight. You
will only free battle two of them, they are rather easy, so you shouldn't
have a problem. After beating them, you will follow Wong (the little kid)
to where he hid your bag.


Alright, slow button man, we got to find where our bag is. Go back
through Worker's Pier to the fountain area again. Go right up to the
Pigeon Cafe. You will see an alley to the left of it, make your way
through it. You will see a shop called "Lai Lai Eatery". Approach it and 
free battle the two gang members in there. After this easy but very fun
free battle (well, look at the damage you caused!), Wong will show you
where your bag is.


OK, we're all on the same track now, we have our bag back. We got all the
items back, but we are missing our money! Sadly, we will never see it
again. Wong has very kindly drawn us a map of where to go (its the least
he could do). Doesn't make much sense to us at the moment. Anyways,
remember Queen's St.? Go back there.

|LOCATION: Queen's St, Hong Kong                                        |

Continue down the streets of this area (luckily the drunks are no longer
there), you'll also have to ignore any shops (we are out of cash). Just
keep continuing down these twisty streets until you reach a bridge. 
Admire the dirty green sewage below you, then continue across the bridge.

Also, you should recoqnise this area if you studied the map Wong gave
you. Looks like we are in King's Road. Ryo will stop to admire the big
crossover bridge, which you will now make your way over.

Oh and by all means, feel free to chat with the fellow civilians
wandering around. Even if you can't understand them :). They gave them
voices for a reason you know :) and you never know, you might even get a 
few notes in your notebook. Over the big bridge is a new area...

|LOCATION: Green Market Qr., Wan Chai, Hong Kong                        |

More coming in the next update!

  5.  LISTS


This is a list of all the amusements the many areas of Shenmue II have in 


| Worker's Pier                |
|Arm Wrestling (x3)            |
|Fortune Teller                |
|Gotcha Gotcha - Sega World    |
|Gotcha Gotcha - Harbor Toys   |


| Bar Swing (Worker's Pier)    |
|Jukebox                       |
|Darts 7 (x2)                  |

| Moon Cafe (Golden Qr.)       |
|Jukebox                       |

| Pigeon Cafe (Worker's Pier)  |
|Jukebox                       |

| Pine Game Arcade (Golden Qr.)  |
|Excite QTE 2                    |
|Darts 7 (x2)                    |
|Gotcha Gotcha - Virtua Fighter 2|
|Gotcha Gotcha - Sega Collection |
|Jukebox                         |
|Neo Darts                       |
|Outrun                          |
|QTE Title                       |
|Sapporo Soft Drinks             |
|Slot Machines (1, 5, 10)        |
|Space Harrier                   |

| Slot House W (Golden Qr.)    |
|Jukebox                       |
|Sapporo Soft Drinks           |
|Slot Machines (1, 5, 10, 20)  |



|         NAME         |             USE                  |
|Map                   |Look at the current map           |
|Notebook              |Ryo records all the notes here    |
|Tokens                |Amount of tokens from Slot House  |
|Watch                 |Tells you the time                |
|Sword Guard           |-                                 |
|Phoenix Mirror        |-                                 |
|Letter                |Master Chen's letter              |
|Leaf                  |-                                 |
|Chinese Letter        |-                                 |
|Letter with Circles   |-                                 |


|         NAME         |            SERIES                |
|                      |                                  |


| Bar Swing (Worker's Pier)    |
|Heart Beats                   |
|Hip De Hop                    |
|Go! Go!                       |
|Like A Feeling                |
|Antiquity Tree                |
|Flower Girl                   |
|Dandy Old Man                 |
|Liquor                        |
|Boz Nov                       |
|MJQ                           |

| Moon Cafe (Golden Qr.)       |
|NaNa                          |
|Glyfada                       |
|Y.A.D.A                       |
|Linda                         |
|Antiquity Tree                |
|Flower Girl                   |
|Dandy Old Man                 |
|Liquor                        |
|Boz Nov                       |
|MJQ                           |

| Pigeon Cafe (Worker's Pier)  |
|Heart made of Iron            |
|Girl in the Wind              |
|Tryno-Bass No.012             |
|Gifts                         |
|Authorization #737            |
|Lunch with Waltz              |
|Cool Gambler                  |
|Theme (arrange-i/o)           |
|Sea (remix-i)                 |
|Flower Girl (arrange-i)       |

| Pine Game Arcade (Golden Qr.)|
|Magical Sound Shower          |
|Hang On Main Theme            |
|Space Harrier Main Theme      |
|After Burner                  |
|Antiquity Tree                |
|Flower Girl                   |
|Dandy Old Man                 |
|Liquor                        |
|Boz Nov                       |
|MJQ                           |

| Slot House W (Golden Qr.)    |
|Strong                        |
|Destiny                       |
|Harbor Bar                    |
|Harbor Beats                  |
|Antiquity Tree                |
|Flower Girl                   |
|Dandy Old Man                 |
|Liquor                        |
|Boz Nov                       |
|MJQ                           |



| LOCATION: Streets                 | COST: $20~|

The first match of arm wrestling you do is very, very easy. And when you
do your second match, your in for a surprize. 

The basic rule is to just press A as fast as possible to overpower your
opponent. On harder matches, QTE's are implemented which makes it a lot
more challenging. The QTE will either be "left" or "right". If you press
the right one, you will get a boost and be closer to winning. Pressing
the wrong one will give your opponent the boost. It doesn't seem that
hard in theory. But when your trying to press A as fast as you can and
react to a QTE in a split second - things get rather difficult.

On even more advanced matches, you can lose in the first second. As soon
as the man says to begin, make sure you press A straight away. Otherwise
your opponent can overpower you completely in that second. 

If you win an arm wrestling competition, you'll be awarded with the
amount of money you bet. If you lose, you'll lose the amount of money you
bet. Simple. 

Overall, quite a fun little sub-game. Try it out.


| LOCATION: Worker's Pier           | COST: N/A |

When you wake up in your hotel room for the first time Joy will be
outside. Go outside to meet her and she will take you to the box moving
place at the Worker's Pier.

You will work with another man, he will shout out at commands such as
"left", "right" and "up" etc. You respond to these commands by quickly
pressing the corresponding direction on your D-Pad. When you press the
right button you will move in that direction and the man will shout 
another command. If you fail to press any directional button or press the
wrong one, then the box will fall in the direction it was supposed to go.
But the man will start talking for a few seconds so it wastes your time.

If you cannot understand Japanese, then you may have some problems with
this sub game. Since he says the commands in Japanese. So if you have
this problem read this:

Left  = Hidari da = º¸¤À
Right = Migi da   = ±¦¤À

If you still have trouble understanding what the guy is saying, then try
and remember which Kanji (Japanese symbol) means what. Make sure you
press the buttons quick enough and you will be alright :). If you do
quite good, then the game will start to introduce small combinations to
make things more difficult. Like press left twice.

You will move the boxes for a couple of hours. After a couple of hours, 
you will be paid some money. How much money you get depends on how many 
crates you moved. The average pay you will get on your first few tries 
should be around $75-100.

To get this job later, you must return to the building with the door that
has a "staff wanted" poster on it. To get to this area in the first place
you must go through the gate past the guard in Worker's Pier. He will let
you through as soon as you have been through with Joy.

6.3 - DARTS 7

| LOCATION: Arcade, Bars            | COST: $5  |

Darts 7 is the darts game that can be found in quite a few locatations in
the Shenmue II world. This one is the original and best, the other darts
game is Neo Darts and isn't very good. But Darts 7 is really good!

The aim of the game is of course to get the highest amount of points. You
must know the rules of darts! Press the A button to throw the dart at the
dart board. The trick is to wait for Ryo's hand to go over the highest
scoring area of the dart board then press A. Aim for triple 20, as that
will give you the highest amount of points (60).

If you manage to get over 120 points, you will be awarded a free 2nd game
in which your score will carry over so you can increase it even higher.
If you manage to get over 240 points, you will be awarded another free
game. But you can't another free game after that. You have five darts to
throw in each game, so make them count.

There is also a time bonus, if you throw the dart within the time that is
displayed on the machine then you will get an amount of points depending
on the amount of time you had left. Nothing much though, about 6 or 7
points is the average.

Those that are familiar with the Darts 7 from Yokosuka will feel right at
home with this. As it is exactly the same (if not easier).

However, the Darts 7 has one major change in Shenmue II, you are now able
to challenge people at it. Every location with a Darts 7 machine always
has two of the machines and with one person always playing on the other 
one. Talk to them (with X though not A), and select the left option to 
begin the challenge.

Depending on the person, an amount of money will be bet. Usually $10. If
you manage to beat them you win $10, if not you have to pay them $10.
Sometimes when you beat a person they offer to play again but for an
increased amount of betting money (which you select). It gradually gets
higher and higher until you are doing mega bets of about $300. When the
amount of money betted is increased, so is the difficulty of the
challenge. You will have to get at least 50 points or so with every dart
to stand a chance of winning when you start betting in the 100's.

So make sure you save your game before challenging people, as you don't
want to lose all that hard earned cash. That's about all I can say on
Darts 7. 

6.4 - EXCITE QTE 2

| LOCATION: Pine Game Arcade        | COST: $5  |

I find this the hardest game out of all the games in Shenmue. You will be
pleased to know however, that it is a LOT easier than in Shenmue 1. It is
now possible to get over 300,000 (well, it was possible in Shenmue 1, but
you had to be a QTE god to pull it off). The game is now a bit slower,
which makes it much easier (and better).

The rules are simple, press the button that appears on the screen. Unlike
QTE Title, this game uses all the buttons on your controller (except for
Start and the triggers). So, make sure you get the controller in the
right position in your hands. Left, right, up, down, A, B, X, and Y are
all used in this game.

You have three lives, if you are too slow in pressing the button, or
press the wrong button. You will lose a life. As a bonus, the quicker
you press the right button, the more points you get.

After about 60,000 points, the difficulty will be raised a level to
"Middle". Then after about 98,000 points, it will be raised again to 
"Expert". They try and trick you out by not implementing the Y buttton
until much later on, at around 70,000 points, the Y button will pop up.
So make sure your ready for it.

Not much else to say, except for it takes practice before you can get
over 300,000 points and be awarded the collectible figure for this game.
It sure is tough, but it's possible.


| LOCATION: Any Pachinko Board      | COST: N/A |

If you press Y on a gambling person (the ones standing next to wooden
boards), and choose the right option. The guy will offer you a chance to
work there for a couple of hours. A new choice will come up, pick the 
left option to confirm that you want to work there, or pick the right
option if you do not want to work.

Please note you can only get this job after the "Y" option is made
available for use ($ icon). It is made available after Joy gets you the
hotel room.

Once you get the job, your employer will wander off leaving you to run
his little business on your own. Press the A button to advertise your
little gambling shop, so press it whenever someone walks by. If your
lucky they will approach and question you about it. Now they will either
say they don't want to play and walk away or hopefully, they will say
they want to play.

The rules are simple, you drop a little red ball down the wooden board
with pins sticking out of it and at the bottom of the board are about 5
spaces (depending on the board) seperated by pieces of wood. The 5 
spaces will have either a red spiral (like the Dreamcast logo) or a
cross. The ball goes down the board, bouncing off the pins, and lands in
one of the 5 spaces. If you got it in a spiral space you win a point. If
you got it in a cross space you get nothing. Its the best out of three
rounds. The person with the highest points after the three rounds wins
the game and must pay the other person the amount of money betted.

If it ends up a draw after three rounds the game will continue in a 
'sudden death' situation. So say if you missed and your opponent scored
during 'sudden death', your opponent will win the game.

If you manage to beat your opponent, you get to keep his cash. Of course,
if he wins you will have $50 deducted from your 'bank'. The 'bank' is 
what the employer gave you to start with, it is always $300. The more you
get the higher amount of pay you get when the employer comes back. If you
lost to your opponents frequently, and the amount of money you have is
less than $300 then don't expect to paid too much.

The employer comes back after a couple of hours. You should be paid
around $75 to $100 (if you done well). 


| LOCATION: Most Bars, Cafes        | COST: $5  |

The name says it all. Drop $5 into one of these machines and you will be
able to select a song of your choice to listen to. You can wonder around
the building listening to it, but once you step outside and onto a new
area it will stop playing. Each Jukebox has a selection of different
songs, they are listed in the "Jukebox List" section in the "Lists"
section. So go find out where your favorite song is and listen to it!

The songs available from the Jukebox's in Shenmue II are:

After Burner
Antiquity Tree
Authorization #737
Boz Nov
Cool Gambler
Dandy Old Man
Flower Girl
Flower Girl (arrange-i)
Girl in the Wind
Go! Go!
Hang On Main Theme
Harbor Bar
Harbor Beats
Heart Beats
Heart made of Iron
Hip De Hop
Like A Feeling
Lunch with Waltz
Magical Sound Shower
Sea (remix-i)
Space Harrier Main Theme
Theme (arrange-i/o)
Tryno-Bass No.012


| LOCATION: Pine Game Arcade        | COST: $5  |

This less good darts game can still be enjoyable. However, you will be
playing purely on the basis of fun since you will not be awarded a
collectible figure no matter how high your score is.

The point of the game is the same as Darts 7, throw the dart at the
area which will get you the highest points. You have 5 darts. You cannot
get an extra game like Darts 7.

The way Ryo moves his hand has been completely changed for this Shenmue
and it makes it very hard indeed. You will have to look carefully to 
know where your dart is going, so you will find yourself just pressing
the A button randomly. 

You can get a maximum of 500 points. Even if you manage to get that, you
will be rewarded with nothing. Which makes this game worthless. 


| LOCATION: Pine Game Arcade        | COST: $5  |

This is basically the same as the one in Yokosuka. Except that it is
harder and the way Ryo hits the pads is different. It's kind of
distracting the way he hits them at first, but you'll get used to it.

The aim of the game is to press the button that shows up on the machine.
There are three pads on the machine. From left to right, the first one is
X, the second is A, and the third is B. So it is kind of the same layout
as the joypad. This makes it easier. As you progress the pads will come
up faster, and a combination of pads will come up. So be quick. If you
fail to press the button, or you press the wrong button you will lose a
life, you have three lives in total. 

When you reach around 200,000 points, two pads will come up at the same
time. So you have to press two buttons exactly at the same time, not one
after the other, but at the same time. This is where most new players 
lose a life, as they are not holding the joypad in the correct way. So
when your playing this game, make sure you are holding the joypad in a
way that makes it possible for you to easily press two buttons at the
same time.

Once you get over 300,000 points, you have secured your collectible
figure. Just keep going for as long as you can! When you lose all your
lives and if you have got over 300,000 points, the arcade man will give
you the little QTE Title collectible figure. Which is the same as the one
from Yokosuka.

After about 500,000 points, the machine will play a sneaky trick on you,
putting up the pad, then quickly putting down again. I always seem to
lose a life on this bit, as its kind of impossible to tell the pad is
going to be brought back down again. So just be aware of that.

Thats about it for QTE Title. You should practice often on it to brush up
on your QTE skills. But if you really want to be a master of QTE, your
going to have to master the incredibly hard Excite QTE 2.


| LOCATION: Pine Game Arcade        | COST: $5  |

This super fast shoot 'em up returns. If you played the one from Shenmue
Chapter 1: Yokosuka. You will know exactly what this is like. It is 
exactly the same as that one, except for there is no clock in the bottom
right hand corner. Which helps I guess, so you don't get distracted 
wondering what time it is.

Anyways, the rules are simple, dodge and shoot. Do your best to dodge out
of the way of all the objects (tree's, rocks, mammoth's etc..). While 
dodging the objects, keep your finger rapidly pressing one of the four
buttons on your controller! Shoot down everything! You have infinite ammo
so why not put it to good use?

There is one really good tactic to succeeding in this game. It is what I
call, "the circle technique". To do it, just use the d-pad to move around
the screen in a circular motion. This really helps against the later
bosses, and it will be impossible for them to kill you. And by moving 
around in a circle, I don't mean keep on doing it literally. As you will
sooner or later bang into something. Just whenever you move, make sure it
is a circular motion. Do you see? Good. This will keep you alive
throughout the game.

When you get over 5 million points, you will be awarded an extra life.
You start with 2 lives, so it is possible to get a maximum of 3 lives in
this game. Do not waste them.

One thing to remember, you can complete this game with 1 life, its just 
a little more difficult. If you venture deep into the game, all is
going well, and you think you are going to complete it, and then, bang,
you lose two lives just like that. Do NOT despair. As I used to have
that feeling whenever I lost multiple lives. You get a feeling of its all
over. Well, it ain't over until you lose all your lives. So keep going as 
strong as you were going before. If you do this, then you shall succeed. 
I think that is the trick to beating this game. Well, along with 
lightning fast reflexes :).

Upon first play, you will probably be rubbish at it. Again, do NOT
despair. A common rule in Shenmue is that you learn things over time. 
Just keep playing every once and awhile, and you will soon become good at 
it. Practice makes perfect. That is how I became 97th out of 4400 people
in Tokyo, Japan with a total score of 17 million points :). Although I
never completed the game, I can say I came VERY close to it. Maybe one 
day I will finally put Space Harrier to rest, who knows.

When you get over 10 million points, the arcade owner will reward you
with a small Space Harrier collectible toy. Exactly the same as the one
Yuji Nito from Yokosuka gave you. That is why I have two now :).

On progressing through the game, the levels will get tougher, and hell of 
a lot faster. Just keep your concentration level high, and you will be 
fine. On the third version of the level with the diamond things and 
checkered top and bottom floors, thats when the game really starts to get
really hard. You may have to even pause on this level to see what is
coming ahead of you (although it IS possible to do it without pausing).
The first words that came out of my mouth when I was managing to dodge
everything were "I can't believe I am doing this!". Yep, thats how fast
this game gets. This is why it is the best sub-game in Shenmue. 

If you hate Space Harrier, I suggest you go to the arcade and give it
another go. Maybe with my circle technique you will get further and begin
to like it.

After a while, you will begin to get tired of pressing that button over
and over (unless you have a turbo fire joypad). So take a few small
breaks by pressing pause. But do NOT take large 10 minute breaks, as when 
you get back to the game, your brain will have to re-adjust back to Space
Harrier mode. During this time, your concentration level will be lower,
meaning you WILL lose a life. So be careful :).

Thats about all the advice I can give to you on Space Harrier. Its more 
about the mental side of things with this game, so a walkthrough will not
help very much. But I may decide to do one later on in my life...


7.1 - BATTLE

- Move Management


- QTE Title
- Excite QTE 2
- Darts 7 vs. Ojii-san
- Darts 7 vs. Gee-Mu
- Darts 7 vs. Ratsupu

7.3 - YS GAMES

- Space Harrier
- Out Run
- Hang On
- After Burner

  8.  MAPS

Coming soon...



Play track 2 of any the Shenmue II gameplay CD's to hear an audio message
about playing the CD's as music CD's and how "bad" it is. They are spoken
from various characters from Shenmue II.

DISC 1: Joy
DISC 2: Ryo
DISC 3: Ren
DISC 4: Shen Hua

The Virtua Fighter GD's have a woman saying the warning. It is the same
on both.


Insert any game disc of Shenmue II into your CD ROM drive on your PC to
see extra bonus material the developers so kindly put in. You will find
the secrets in the 'OMAKE' directory of the GD's. Here is what you get:

DISC 1: Shenmue Goodies 2
DISC 2: Shenmue Characters
DISC 3: Shenmue CG Illustration
DISC 4: Shenmue Special Movie


FILES: 121
DESCRIPTION: As there is no passport disc for Shenmue II, the developers
decided to put it on the actual game disc as a HTML file. Scroll down 
and click "go to Shenmue Goodies 2". There are VM animations, in GIF 
format. If you move your mouse over a picture it will begin to do an 
animation. On the top of the main screen, there is a piece of Japanese 
text that says:


"This was drawn up secretly after the development of Shenmue II. It
 cannot be downloaded to VM, but please enjoy this homepage. When the 
 mouse pointer is placed in the face of the character, you can view the



On the left is a menu with these options:


Yellow Heaven Meeting & Gate

- Japanese:


Clicking on a option will take you to the section with GIF animations
relevant to the name. Have fun and enjoy the animations!


SIZE: 1.21MB
DESCRIPTION: When I first saw the name characters mentioned in this file,
I thought "Yes! They have profiles and information about every character
in Shenmue II in HTML format!". But no, it didn't turn out that way. It
was in fact pictures and some information on the main characters. Not 
that is bad or anything, but I would of prefered character profiles for 
everyone in this huge world.

On the first page, scroll down and click on "go to charapage". On the
main page, you will see a menu on the left:


Ryo Hazuki
Shen Hua
Chin Shou



Clicking on a character will bring up pictures with information on them.


DESCRIPTION: The name says it all really, excellent computer generated
graphics of the Shenmue characters ready to put as your wallpaper :).
Enter the main page and choose a option out of the 10 there, they all
lead to a picture. Underneath the picture you will notice some Japanese
writing with the word "zip" in it and a small picture of a PC monitor.
Click the writing to download the zip file with the wallpaper of the
picture you have selected. I like the Nozomi one the best :).


SIZE: 24.4MB
DESCRIPTION: This section is pretty much self-explantory. There are two
movies of Shenmue II to watch. They are MPEG movies. The two movies can
be selected on the right, they are:


GAMEJAM Ending Movie
Promotion Movie


GAMEJAM ¥¨¥ó¥Ç¥£¥ó¥°¥à¡¼¥Ó¡¼

¥×¥í¥â¡¼¥·¥ç¥óÍÑ ¥à¡¼¥Ó¡¼

The movies are very entertaining, so enjoy :).

 10.  CODES

Coming soon...

 11.  SCRIPT

Coming soon...


This section will be up when the English language version is released. As
I cannot compare any two versions, since only one version is out at the
moment :).





Let me begin by saying I was very disappointed with VF NET. The design is
awful, even I can make better web pages than VF NET. I put it aside 
though and said graphics/design don't matter to me, I was expecting to
find a lot of good content.

Well...The content is not very good. All there is, is endless pages of
Japanese text linked to each other. To make it worse, they're not even
linked together properly and I actually got stuck a few occasions as 
there is no link back to the main page. I had to use the slow method of
back, back, back etc...

You may be thinking, well text is not too bad, it will give you lots of
information. That is not exactly true, there is about a few sentences on
each characters moves. Which is not something I find very interesting.
If you can't understand Japanese, the experience is made even worse as
you can't even understand the main content.

Upon connecting I was excited about how it would be, I was thinking it
would be like the Shenmue passport. With nice presentation, lots of 
good information and pretty graphics. But it ended up to be a very slow, 
badly designed, HTML document! Even the HTML files on the gameplay discs 
of Shenmue II are better designed than this.

Also, on top of that, the majority of the sections aren't even open. It
also does not seem to be updated regularly either. My main point is,
how could they release the disc like this!? It's a crime! I bet if Yu
Suzuki saw this he would cry. 

Now, I hear a majority of import gamers cannot get the VF Passport
disc to work. If you want to get it to work, then read on...



If you do not understand Japanese, then you may be very puzzled by this 
disc and not able to do much with it. Read this section to find out how
to play this Passport disc :).


First, you need to sign up for a Japanese internet Dricas account. It is
free. Go to and download the program 
"CHABSIGN". Unzip it and open it up. 

Yes the program looks strange, thats because it is a Japanese program.
From the drop down bar, select "LAN". Then select next which should look
like "__(N)>". Click that.

There will now be a blank screen, which will soon fill up with Japanese
text. It is connecting to Dricas. When it has finished connecing click
"__(A)>". Don't select the "N" one this time as it will exit it. The
program will present to you a form in Japanese, in the two top left input
boxes copy this into them: ¥Ð¥¹¥ï-¥É

Make sure you copy into both of them. You will now see two input boxes
below the ones you just copied into. In these ones, copy and paste:

Again, make sure you paste into both of the two input boxes. Now there
are a couple of drop down boxes to the right of the input boxes you just
filled in. The top one is if you male or female (first option is male,
second is female). The bottom one is your date of birth, which you can
work out easily enough :).

There will be 6 more lines of input boxes underneath the date of birth. 
Here is what they are:

1. Zip Code. Enter a 3 number combination in the first box, and a 4
   number combination in the 2nd box. For example: 1st: 123, 2nd: 1234

2 & 3. Address. Enter a made up address into these two input boxes.
       For example: Cosmo Canyon Road, Gaia
                    Wan Chai

4. Telephone numbers. There are three input boxes in this line.
   1st: 123456   2nd: 12345   3rd: 12345
   Just enter that in, or a number combination that fits the amount of 
   numbers I have put in.

5. Username. There are three input boxes. Put in the username you want
   most in the first one and then put other usernames you might want if
   your choice is taken up. You MUST fill in all three boxes to continue.

6. Just leave this blank.

Once you have finished. Click "__(N)>", to go to the next part. Not much
longer now. It will ask you if you want to confirm your choices, select
"__(Y)>". If you were successful it will bring up your details. Along
with your username and password. If you wern't successful, try changing
your usernames. Now there will be an input box, this is your Dricas chat
name, so just enter whatever you want to be known by in a chat room here.

Click "__(N)>"

Now make sure you write down all your details! Keep it in a safe place.
Now click finish, and it will show some of your details. Then click OK,
you have now successfully created your Dricas internet account! Well
done. Just make sure you write your details down.


Go to and download the "PlanetWeb Browser"
and you will also need the program "Disc Juggler". You can find Disc
Juggler on this site here: - Just download the free
trial version of it. Thats all you need.

Now install Disc Juggler onto your PC. Then unzip the PlanetWeb file.
Make a note of the directory address it is in. For example:


Now open up Disc Juggler and select "File" then "New". Choose "CD Image
to CD Recorder". A window will come up with lots of options. Look at
the top left corner for the "Source" input box. And copy and paste the
address of the PlanetWeb file on your PC into that box. So I would put it
in "C:\PWDCB1.CDI".

Once you done that, select the "Advanced" tab above the source input box.
Change the mode from the drop down box to "Mode 2".

Now, insert a blank CD into your CD Writer and click "Start". After the
burning process, put the CD into your Dreamcast and start it up. 

WARNING: You will be erasing your ISP settings, which means some games 
         may NOT work until you put your old ISP settings back in. So
         please make a note of them.

On the main menu, press start, and select "Options". Go to "internet 
connection" and erase everything, and put in your Dricas details.

NOTE: If it doesn't take you to the main menu and to a different screen
      with ISP options (has a picture of a keyboard in the background)
      then you must select the second option on that page. The one about
      other ISP settings.

If you are confused, you can put anything in "real name", the dial number
must be blank, and the DNS settings must all be set to just "0". Your
username is your Dricas username you were given (make sure you put the
@???? bit in). Then click OK three times. Then go to E-Mail
account if you want to use E-Mail, and put in the details you were given.
However, for the username part in the E-Mail section, only put the first
part of your username NOT the whole xxx@??? thing. Just the
xxx. Then click save.


Insert your VF Passport disc into your DC and load it up. Select the
bottom option. Confirm the message that comes up, then a question message
will come up. Select the right option, you don't want to connect just

Now, press L on the page when it loads up. Select the option with a 
backwords "E" in it. This is a Japanese character btw. By telling you
this, it will make it easier for you to find the right option.

Click that option with the backwords "E" in it, to be taken to the 
internet settings. Click the option in the bottom right (not the one
right at the bottom, just above that one, its in the main menu thing).
Some more Japanese will come up, go to the 2nd option, and move the 
selection to the middle option then press A. Enter in your ISP phone
number in the first input box. Then leave the rest blank, and then click
the bottom right option to continue.

In the first input box, put in your ISP username. And then your ISP
password in the bow below it. (Remember, your actual ISP settings on
your PC NOT your Dricas settings). Select the bottom right option once 
again to continue, keep pressing it and leaving the rest of the forms 
blank (they are unimportant, unless you want E-Mail). Anyways, keep 
pressing that option until a screen with Dreamcasts appear. Select the 
Dreamcast with "IN PASS" on it. Then again, keep pressing the continue 
option until your back to that main internet screen again. Then exit 
this menu.

When your back on the page, press "L" and go to the bottom option. A 
message will come up, select the left option. It will restart the disc.
On the main menu, select the bottom option again (we are nearly there).

Press A to confirm the first message, on the 2nd message, select the
left option. This will connect you to your ISP. It should work, if not 
then you will have to check your settings and make sure they are right.

When you connect, scroll down the page past all the Japanese text and 
you will see two options in yellow. Pick the left option, this will 
accept the terms and conditions. Now on the next screen will be a 
button, click it :).

If you get an error after clicking the button about SSL, then you must 
press R and select the 2nd from bottom option. It will show the time, 
select the left option to update your time. Now it will work. So people 
who use the import trick that disables your battery, you will have to 
use this.

On the next page will be two input boxes, in the first one type your
Dricas username in (the whole E-Mail address). In the second one, type 
in your password. When you have finished, click the left option at the 

On this page, will be some Japanese writing, scroll down and select the
left option. Another page will load up with more Japanese writing, select
the only option there.

Thats it! You have done it! Press L and choose the last option then
select the left option to restart the disc. Go into the VF.NET option
this time. A message will come up, select the bottom option to connect.

If you did everything right, it will connect. After connecting a message
will come up, press anything to confirm. Then it will load up the web
browser, you will now have to connect again for some reason. So choose
the left option, and it will connect to VF4 NET. Well done! You connected
to VF4 Net from outside of Japan :). Now read the gameplay guide below. 



When you connect, you will be on a plain white page with the VF Net logo
at the top and a button under it. Click the button.

Next is a blue page with 10 links on it. There are 9 links to various 
sections on the VF Net and the 10th link is the one at the bottom with
the telephone symbol next to it. Only 1, 4, 7, 10 are active. They will
probably add the rest later. 

01.  News Page
04.  Weird Section
07.  VF4 Characters
10.  VF Net Help

+ 1. NEWS PAGE +

This section tells you all the latest news on Virtua Fighter. Its all in
Japanese, so if you can't understand it this section is pretty useless to


This section is massive, there are more and more links the deeper you go 
into it. It would be impossible to document here. Just search through it
and have fun :).


First select a character by using the circle thing next to their names.
Then press the button at the bottom to go to a section all about that
character moves.

The section about the character will look like this:

1. Move List/Profile
2. More Moves
3. More Moves
4. More Moves
5. Not Selectable
6. Some text information (not worth going into)

+ 10. VF NET HELP  +

Not much except for a phone number and E-Mail address.

PHONE NUMBER: 0570-057-060  (open 10:00am to 18:00pm)

Thats it :). Not much is it?


This disc is really cool! It has loads of movies, music and information
about every Virtua Fighter game ever released. On the main menu is two

- History
- The making of VF4


In this section first select whether you want to see movies or hear
music using the left and right buttons. Now use the up and down buttons
to select a game. Here is what you get:



Opening Loop
Into the Game


Game Start
Game Over
Name Entry



Texture Mapping
Opening Loop
Into the Game


Virtua Fighter 2
With a clenched fist
Black Cat Moon
The Hermit
Hong Kong Beauty
Young Knight
Ruler of the Seven Seas
Ninja~A Secret~
Song of the Hero
Ride The Tiger
Jacky~VF2 MIX~
Sarah~VF2 MIX~



Motion Capture
Image of V.F.3
Motion Test
Another Costumes
Opening Loop
Into the Game
3tb Opening Loop
Into the Game 3tb


Virtua Fighter 3
Next Challenger
Keen Head
Whisper Dance
Coral Groove
Battle in the Cave
Open the Deadgate
Hermit in Hong Kong
Raging Wind
Ancient Times
On The Circle
The Hall
Tender Steel
Afterimage 2
Tell Me Your Memories
Game Over
Stage Clear
Go for the Next Level
The Killer Mantis
Brandished Fist
Cool Bell
Falling Tears
For You...



Opening Loop
Into the Game
Akira's Ending
Jacky's Ending
Sarah's Ending
Wolf's Ending
Jeffry's Ending
Lau's Ending
Pai's Ending
Lion's Ending
Kage's Ending
Shun's Ending
Dural's Ending


We are VF Kids.
Virtua Fighter 2
With a clenched fist
Black Cat Moon
The Hermit
Hong Kong Beauty
Young Knight
Ruler of the Seven Seas
Ninja~A Secret~
Song of the Hero
Ride The Tiger
Longing (VFK ver.)
Afterimage (VFK ver.)

That's a lot of content. Most of it is very good as well, so check them
all out. Now onto the next section.


You can select

- Character
     - Akira
     - Jacky
     - Sarah
     - Lau
     - Pai
     - Kage
     - Wolf
     - Jeffry
     - Lion
     - Shun
     - Aoi
     - Lei-Fei
     - Vanessa
     - Dural

- Movie
- Information

Selecting a character will bring up loads of pictures of them. If you 
select movie, you can watch these movies:

Ignite Your Heart
Opening Loop A
Opening Loop B
Into the Game

The Ignite Your Heart movie is really cool :). Anyways, after watching in
awe at the movies. Check out the information section. Which of course
contains lots of information :). Its like a series of magazine scans, its
not your average information section. At the end is a picture and message
from Yu Suzuki, the man who made Virtua Fighter and Shenmue (and
countless other ground-breaking games). Yu Suzuki says:

"Creating a game that combines both realistic fighting techniques and
 quality gameplay has been a formidable challenge. If is characteristic
 of the Virtua fighting series. Our goal in developing "Virtua Fighter
 4", was not only to advance this concept, but to also create a sense of
 community among players.

 We hope that this release will see the development of tournaments using
 the new system as well as foster the birth of a new generation of star
 players. We will be happy if, in some small way, we are able to convey
 the depth of the game and the beauty of the fighting techniques to the

And that signals the end of this disc. This is a absolute MUST for any
dedicated VF fan. It may not come out with the English language of
Shenmue II, and it only came out with the Japanese Limited Edition copies 
of Shenmue II so try and get it now before its too late! 

 14.  FAQ  


(1) Q. I cannot get my VF4 Passport Disc to work! I read the help section
       and done it but it didn't work! 

    A. First of all, make sure you have done everything mentioned in that 
       section. Make sure you done these things correctly. Check
       everything you have done. If you are still stuck, then E-Mail me. 


(2) Q. I got the VF4 Passport Disc to work, but I tried it the next day
       and it didn't work. What's going on? 

    A. Make sure you save the ISP settings you entered into the VF4
       passport disc onto your VMU. Otherwise you will have to enter them
       in everytime you load up the disc. It automatically saves them
       when you quit the web browser by select the last option from the
       "L" trigger menu.


(3) Q. When I connect to VF4 Passport Disc it says an error message
       which mentions "SSL" or something. What do I do?

    A. Press the R trigger to bring up the menu. Go down to the 2nd from
       bottom option and select it. You will see the current time. Now
       select the left option, and then the left option again in the next
       message. Your time should update to the real current time. It will
       now work.



This section is for all the people that have helped this FAQ become what
it is. If you contribute towards the FAQ in anyway, or do something
helpful you'll be put on this list.

+ CJayC (
   - For running a great site dedicated to helping people.
   - Posting this FAQ.


If you would like to contact me, please E-Mail me at this address:

If you are unsure of something, please make sure you check this FAQ for
the required information first. If it isn't in the FAQ, then feel free to
E-Mail me and I will try and answer your questions. All questions which
are answered in this FAQ will be ignored.

That's all for now. Check back soon for updates.


(c) Copyright 2001 Scream

This FAQ cannot be distributed in books, magazines, etc. or in any other
form of printed or electronic media in any way. It may not be given away
as some sort of prize or bonus with a purchase, and it may not be used
for promotional or profitable purposes. Any characters, names, or other
objects are copyright their respective companies. This document and its
author are in no way affiliated with any company involved with this game.

If you wish to use this guide on your site, you may post it without my
permission AS LONG AS this document is NOT changed in any way, shape, or
form. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs
( or Video Game Strategies