Evil Genius (Research Guide) (e)

Evil Genius: Research Guide

Section 1: Legal Information and Introduction

Copyright 2004 Anthony Ventura 

Terms of Use: 
Anyone has the consent of the creator of this guide to distribute this guide by
any means they see fit on the sole condition that no moneys are charged for 
access to this guide. If anyone has charged you money to access this guide then 
contact the creator immediately via email at avalonx1@yahoo.com.

By accessing this guide you consent that the author of this guide is not 
responsible for anything that should happen as a result of use or access to 

Version History: 
Version 1.1: Date 11/01/2004
Item descriptions added. Names of some items corrected. (L) Loot markers added
to appropriate specimens. Fixed the research path on the Equpment Rack.

Version 1.0b: Date 10/31/2004
Initial draft of FAQ written up. all items and how to research them are posted.
Item descriptions should follow shortly.

Contact Information: 
Email me at avalonx1@yahoo.com with questions, comments, complaints, or info. 
DO NOT email me asking me non-research related questions. I will ignore you.
Please include the words EVIL GENIUS in the subject line with all caps, or I 
may mistaken your email for spam and delete it.

Well this is my 2nd guide ever written. I wrote my first a little over a year
ago for PlanetSide. I dont make a habit out of writing guides really. However 
when I really love the game as is the case with Evil Genius, then ill get off 
my fat lazy behind and do something for you fellow aspiring Evil Geniuses. 
This guide is real simple and straight forward. Just shoot through the list of 
items and you will see all the researchable items and the research paths 
needed to complete the item as well as the in-game description of what the 
item is used for. Just pick and choose which items you want to research and you 
should have no trouble at all with the games research aspect. Good luck! ^_^

Section 2: About this guide

The point of this guide is to show you how to research all researchable items
and what those items do. If an item is not listed here then it is not acquired 
by research. Also, there are a few other things you should know about research. 
Some research specimens are loot items that need to be acquired via Acts of 
Infamy. If you dont have that loot item you wont be able to do any research on 
it. Specimens that are loot items will be marked with a (L). Also, some 
researched items are specimens in and of themselves for OTHER researchable 
items. for example the Disguised Sentry gun needs the standard Sentry Gun in 
order to be researched, however the standard Sentry Gun itself is also a 
researchable item. Many of the researchable items can not be researched until 
you get to the 2nd island as 3 of the research tools are not accessible on the 
first island, namely the AI Super Computer, Greenhouse, and Environment 
Chamber. Items that need these tools must wait til the second island. Do note 
that some  items can only be accessed by using cheat codes. Wether the 
creators of the game did this on purpose or these are bugs, I don't know. 
Other than these reasons if you can not research an item than you may have to 
progress the storyline of the game so the necessary specimens become available 
to you. Do note that some items can be acquired via multiple methods. For 
example the Gold Enhancer can be acquired by using the Greenhouse, Centrifuge, 
and Biotank on the Crown Jewels, or by using the AI Supercomputer, Centrifuge, 
and Biotank on the Crown Jewels, or simply by using the Environment Chamber on
the Crown Jewels.

Section 3: Researchable Items

Research Tools

Item: AI SuperComputer
Tools: -
Specimen: Codex of Knowledge
Description: Artificial intelligence reaches new heights in the form of TIM 
(Truly Intelligent Machine). Billions of artificial neural synapses fire within
TIM's circuit boards, blessing him with the ability to analyze data with the 
lightning speed of a machine, and cogitate and understand it like a human 
being. TIM has an eerily human personality, and woe betide anyone who should 
get in his bad books...

Item: Greenhouse
Tools: -
Specimen: Codex of Knowledge
Description: The greenhouse is home to some particularly vicious carnivorous 
plants that can be experimented upon to produce some interesting research 
results. Keep a safe distance though - these plants have a short temper and 
long tendrils...

Item: Environment Chamber
Tools: -
Specimen: Codex of Knowledge
Description: The environment chamber is an advanced piece of laboratory 
research equipment used for developing new objects. It's a dangerous piece of 
kit - if anyone is inside when the machine is started, they're in for a rough 

Item: Impact Stress Analyzer
Tools: Laser OR Centrifuge
Specimen: Standard Door
Description: By subjecting certain samples to a series of punishing blows, 
some interesting research results can be yielded. Just be careful not to 
operate this device while tired or drowsy - the results would no doubt be messy
if anyone were to get caught up in the machinery...

Item: Laser
Tools: Centrifuge OR Stress Impact Analyzer
Specimen: Security Camera
Description: No self-respecting laboratory can be without a giant laser of 
indiscernible purpose. Even if they have no practical use, they just look damn
cool. In this case, the laser does have a function, as it is a valuable 
component necessary for combining with other objects to create new 

Item: Centrifuge
Tools: Laser OR Stress Impact Analyzer
Specimen: Generator
Description: The centrifuge is an advanced piece of laboratory research 
equipment used for developing new objects. When in action, it spins around at a 
dizzying speed...

Item: Biotank
Tools: Laser + Centrifuge + Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Learning Channel
Description: The bio-tanks are an advanced set of laboratory research equipment
used for developing new objects. Constantly bubbling and belching out toxic 
fumes, close contact with them surely can't be healthy...


Item: FREAKS!!
Tools: Biotank + Centrifuge + Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Freezer Rack
Description: Your evil sponsored meddling in the lab has finally paid 
dividends, you have created a Freak - an utter abomination of complete 
devilishness! Freaks are the result of some highly specialist research. Now 
that this option is unlocked you can create Freaks; simply order your minions 
to move a body-bag into the Bio-tank experimental apparatus. Freaks are like 
your minions, you have no direct control over them, they will lumber around 
your base at random, trying to make themselves useful. Freaks will attack any 
enemies they see, regardless of whether they are tagged or not. Freaks are 
unable to regenerate any of their stats, once their artifical life essence has 
drained out of them, they will die and you will have to make some more in the 
lab. However, it is worth noting that you can only have a limited number of 
Freaks alive at any one time.

Island 1

Item: Arcade Cabinet
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Security Desk
Description: The science team has developed a version of one of those 
new-fangled "computer games" for use in the staff room. They're probably just a
passing fad. When minions use the machine they will receive a significant boost
to their attention.

Item: Beehive Trap
Tools: Laser + Biotank
Specimen: Messhall Salad Bar
Description: Full of genetically-altered smart bees, the beehive must be 
approached with caution. If the bees are disturbed, they will swarm over the 
nearest character, relentlessly stinging them. There are different beehives for
attacking each of the five statistics; they can be identified by the coloured 
spot on the roof of the hive as follows:
Red: These bees drain health
Blue: These bees drain loyalty
Yellow: These bees drain smarts
Purple: These bees drain attention
Green: These bees drain endurance
Beehive traps can be built both inside and outside the base.

Item: Bigscreen
Tools: Laser
Specimen: TV Studio
Description: Placing a big screen in the control room has a positive effect on
minion's attention, as all the fresh data flying in keeps them on their toes. 
Clicking on the big screen shows the area of effect.

Item: Bookcase
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Reading Table
Description: This innocent-looking bookcase hide a more sinister purpose. 
Whoever said that 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never 
hurt me' had clearly never seen this bookcase, because these words hurt. A 
pneumatic mechanism forces the central stacks together with force, crushing any
person unfortunate enough to be caught in between. These fiendish bookcases 
make a fine torture device.

Item: Brainiac Machine
Tools: Biotank
Specimen: Reading Table
Description: The archives provide a number of ways for minions to replenish 
their smarts, but it requires time and effort to fully take in a book or 
newspaper. The brainiac machine is the answer for all those impatient dimwits -
using hypnotherapeutic images, the machine can help minions to quickly raise 
their smarts back up to normal levels.

Item: Camouflaged Door
Tools: Biotank
Specimen: Standard Door
Description: Unfortunately the game doesn't provide a description of this item,
but this item is rather simple. It's a shack that goes on top of your base
entrances and conceals them. Tourists and agents wont wander in unless they
actually see your own minions comming out of it. Very useful if your minions
dont need to access topside shacks or hotels.

Item: Charge Cannon
Tools: Laser + Centrifuge + Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Nuclear Power Station
Description: The electroshock cannon is a devastating trap, capable of firing 
out crackling bolts of high voltage electricity. The dancing lightning bolts 
can leap from agent to agent, potentially harming many targets. The downside is
that it has a long charge time, so it is slow to fire at first. However, once 
it gets going it's effects can be lethal. Experiment with the distance between
sensors and traps to get the best effect.

Item: Control Station
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Chalkboard
Description: Control stations are the science team's refined version of the 
control panel. They perform equally as efficiently, but they take up less space
and only need to be manned by one minion, rather than two.

Item: Death Cubicle
Tools: Centrifuge
Specimen: Holding Cell
Description: The death cubicle is an advanced version of the cell. When a 
prisoner in a death cubicle is given an execution order, they will 
automatically be disposed of by the built-in mangle, rather than having to 
wait for a minion to execute them.

Item: Disguised Camera
Tools: Centrifuge + Biotank
Specimen: Zoom Lens Camera
Description: The disguised camera is cleverly concealed inside an innocuous 
looking host object, which varies depending on the terrain. This can be placed
outside without arousing the suspicion of agents.

Item: Disguised Holding Cell
Tools: Biotank
Specimen: Chameleon Cloth(L)
Description: Disguised holding cells serve the same purpose as normal holding 
cells, but they are not as obvious. Agents are fooled into thinking that they 
are filing cabinets, so won't gather any heat from them.

Item: Disguised Power Generator
Tools: Centrifuge
Specimen: Generator
Description: The standard power generator is fine for keeping the base ticking
over, but it's also a liability, as investigators will use it as evidence of 
your evil scheming, and saboteurs will try to blow it up if they get the 
chance. The disguised power generator is an altogether safer option. Able to 
generate fifteen units of power like its normal counterpart, it is cunningly 
disguised so as to fool even the most astute of agents. 

Item: Disguised Sentry Gun
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer + Laser
Specimen: Outdoor Sentry Gun
Description: The disguised sentry gun is equally effective, but has a lower 
heat rating, and so will not arouse suspicion quite as readily as the standard 
model. The sentry gun disguise varies according to the terrain.

Item: Disguised Weapons Cabinets
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Chameleon Cloth(L)
Description: The disguised rifle rack serves the same purpose as a normal rifle
rack, but it has a negligible heat rating. 

Tools: Biotank
Specimen: TV Studio
Description: All agents are naturally curious - it's what drives them to 
incessantly poke around the base, after all. The do-not-press trap plays on 
this instinct to meddle, and when agents press the inviting big red button 
they'll suffer one of many annoying effects that whittle away their attention.

Item: Dreadmill
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer + Laser + Centrifuge
Specimen: Egg Chair
Description: The dreadmill is a fiendish piece of equipment from some infernal 
gymnasium. When an agent is caught by it, they'll have to run like the clappers
to keep up. If the dreadmill speeds up even more, they'll be flung off 
backwards; if it stops dead, they'll be flung forwards.

Item: Egg Chair
Tools: Biotank + Centrifuge
Specimen: Learning Channel
Description: The small egg chair is a budget-conscious choice for restoring 
attention to distracted minions. Although stylish, it's not the most practical 
of designs, and minions will take a while to fully recover because of the 

Item: Equipment Storage Rack
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Heavy Shooting Range
Description: The equipment storage rack is an advanced version of the locker, 
allowing more minions to be recruited for a smaller space premium.

Item: Examination Chair
Tools: Biotank + Laser
Specimen: Infirmary Booth
Description: Injured minions can only be healed in the infirmary, in which 
the principle method of health restoration is surgery in the examination 
chair. Admittedly, examination also entails unnecessary surgery, but it 
seems to do the trick.

Item: Field Barrier Door
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Mercury Mirror(L)
Description: Again, the game does not come with a description of this item, and
this one I myself am actually a bit confuzzled over. However according to 
posters on the GameFAQs Evil Genius forum(thanks Fearful Ferret ^_^) this 
particular door is supposed to be much harder to hack than other doors.

Item: Heavy Door
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Standard Door
Description: Again, the game does not come with a description of this item, and
this one I myself am actually a bit confuzzled over. However according to 
posters on the GameFAQs Evil Genius forum(thanks Fearful Ferret ^_^) this 
particular door is supposed to have higher HP than other doors.

Item: Heavy Duty Loudspeakers
Tools: Centrifuge
Specimen: Sonic Generator(L)
Description: Heavy duty loudspeakers have a larger range than their standard 

Item: High Density Capacitor
Tools: Laser + Centrifuge
Specimen: Disguised Power Generator
Description: The high density capacitor is a refined version of the standard 
capacitor. It works in exactly the same way, storing power like an giant 
battery in case of emergency, but it has more energy cells and hence a higher 
storage potential.

Item: Knockout Gas Cage Trap
Tools: Centrifuge + Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Infirmary X-Ray Chamber
Description: When a hapless agent triggers this trap, a cage falls from the 
ceiling and imprisons the luckless character. Gas is then pumped in, 
drastically reducing whichever stat the gas is designed to target. Initially 
only one type of gas trap is availabe - poison gas. Later on in the game, 
further gas traps may become available through research. The gas traps 
available are as follows, each is color coded according to which stat it 
Red: Poison Gas, drains health
Blue: Hallucinogen Gas, drains loyalty
Yellow: Nerve Gas, drains smarts
Purple: Laughing Gas, drains attention
Green: Knockout Gas, drains endurance.

Item: Laser Trip Beams
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Capacitor
Description: When an agent or inattentive minion walks through the beams, 
whichever trap the sensor is linked to will be triggered.

Item: Laughing Gas Cage Trap
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer + Biotank
Specimen: Loyalty Drain Gas Cage Trap
Description: When a hapless agent triggers this trap, a cage falls from the 
ceiling and imprisons the luckless character. Gas is then pumped in, 
drastically reducing whichever stat the gas is designed to target. Initially 
only one type of gas trap is availabe - poison gas. Later on in the game, 
further gas traps may become available through research. The gas traps 
available are as follows, each is color coded according to which stat it 
Red: Poison Gas, drains health
Blue: Hallucinogen Gas, drains loyalty
Yellow: Nerve Gas, drains smarts
Purple: Laughing Gas, drains attention
Green: Knockout Gas, drains endurance.

Item: Learning Channel
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Mercury Mirror(L)
Description: The Multimedia Educational Zone enables multiple minions to 
replenish their smarts at the same time. The educational broadcast makes 
learning fun! Possibly.

Item: Loyalty Drain Gas Cage Trap
Tools: Biotank
Specimen: Pharmacy Booth
Description: When a hapless agent triggers this trap, a cage falls from the 
ceiling and imprisons the luckless character. Gas is then pumped in, 
drastically reducing whichever stat the gas is designed to target. Initially 
only one type of gas trap is availabe - poison gas. Later on in the game, 
further gas traps may become available through research. The gas traps 
available are as follows, each is color coded according to which stat it 
Red: Poison Gas, drains health
Blue: Hallucinogen Gas, drains loyalty
Yellow: Nerve Gas, drains smarts
Purple: Laughing Gas, drains attention
Green: Knockout Gas, drains endurance.

Item: Messhall Salad Bar
Tools: Biotank
Specimen: Pete Bog(L)
Description: Minions can stuff themselves with limp lettuce to their heart's 
content at the mess hall's salad bar. Their endurance will be replenished at 
a slower rate than if they used the counter, but the salad bar does not have 
to be staffed.

Item: Motion Detector
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Heavy Shooting Range
Description: When an agent enters the motion detector's area of sensitivity, 
whichever trap the sensor is linked to will be triggered. Motion detectors can
be built inside or outside.

Item: Multi-Gym
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Table Tennis
Description: Any minions pumping iron at the multi gym will replenish their 
endurance. Unlike the bunk beds, the multi-gym can be used at any time of the 

Item: Nuclear Power Station
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Chalkboard
Description: The nuclear power generator serves the same purpose as the 
standard power generator but provides more power. Even though it takes up less 
space, its is capable of pumping out a massive thirty-five units of power. 
Just be careful not to let the island paradise become another Chernobyl or 
Three Mile Island.

Item: Pinball Machine
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Roulette Table
Description: A blast on the staffroom pinball machine is a quick way to restore
a minion's attention. Their reaction times and general alertness will quickly 
increase after a few minutes of entranced button bashing. Pinball machines can
also be pressed into service keeping tourists busy in the Casino. In this case
they will simply keep those pesky beach-combers busy instead of them poking 
their noses where they shouldn't.

Item: Pit Punisher
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Pinball Machine
Description: Anyone triggering the pit punisher will fall through the trap 
door into a dark oblivion. As if this wasn't enough, the poor unfortunate 
victim finds themselves sucked down a vast pneumatic system, whereupon they 
are spat back out at some speed; often incurring considerable damage to 
themselves, not to mention acute claustrophobia.

Item: Prometheus Revenge Trap
Tools: Laser + Impact Stress Analyzer + Centrifuge
Specimen: Satans Chimney
Description: It's doubtful that Prometheus had this trap in mind when he 
stole fire from the gods, but who knows. With an incendiary gout of flame, 
this trap is capable of rapidly creating a pleasing dish of agent flambe. 
Just be careful where you place it!

Item: Satans Chimney
Tools: Centrifuge
Specimen: Chalkboard
Description: For an evil barbecue with agents as the main course, Satan's 
Chimney is the only choice. After plummeting through a trapdoor, agents are 
then spewed back up in a fountain of flames. If they survive, their health 
will be very low.

Item: Sentry Gun
Tools: Centrifuge
Specimen: Handgun Cabinet
Description: Sentry guns automatically lock onto and attack any tagged 
characters who move into range. They come equipped with bullets and 
tranquillizer darts to deal both health and endurance damage.

Item: Stupid Gas Cage Trap
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: TV Studio
Description: When a hapless agent triggers this trap, a cage falls from the 
ceiling and imprisons the luckless character. Gas is then pumped in, 
drastically reducing whichever stat the gas is designed to target. Initially 
only one type of gas trap is availabe - poison gas. Later on in the game, 
further gas traps may become available through research. The gas traps 
available are as follows, each is color coded according to which stat it 
Red: Poison Gas, drains health
Blue: Hallucinogen Gas, drains loyalty
Yellow: Nerve Gas, drains smarts
Purple: Laughing Gas, drains attention
Green: Knockout Gas, drains endurance.

Item: Widescreen TV
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer
Specimen: Sonic Generator(L)
Description: Minions are the very definition of 'lowest common denominator', 
so the widescreen TV is ideal for grabbing their interest with its endless 
re-runs of trashy TV soap operas. It can replenish the attention of multiple 
minions at the same time, and doesn't take up much space.

Item: X-Ray Machine
Tools: Centrifuge
Specimen: Pete Bog(L)
Description: By bombarding minions with a dose of radiation, their health 
can be boosted back up. There are probably long-term consequences to this 
sort of treatment, but it's a moot point as none of these minions will 
survive to pensionable age anyway.

Item: Zoom Lens Camera
Tools: Laser
Specimen: Security Camera
Description: The zoom lens camera performs the same function as the standard 
camera, but it has a larger range.

Island 2

Item: Auto-Surgeon
Tools: Biotank + Greenhouse
Specimen: Inifirmary Chair
Description: The infirmary chair does a good job of healing injured minions, 
but it must be manned to be of any use. The autosurgeon incorporates advanced 
AI routines that scan for injuries and heal them without the need for a doctor, 
making health replenishment a much more efficient process.

Item: Brain Washer
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer + AI Supercomputer
Specimen: Sonic Generator(L)
Description: The brain washer is the ideal tool for restoring smarts to 
befuddled minions. As long as they're not squeamish, that is. This remarkable 
device sucks the minion's brain out of their ear, then washes it in a special 
preparation of ionized fluid that repairs broken neural synapses before firing 
the lump of grey matter back into their skull.

Item: Communications Array
Tools: Environment Chamber/Greenhouse + Centrifuge + Impact Stress Analyzer OR 
       AI SuperComputer
Specimen: Codebreaker(L)
Description: The communications array is a powerful piece of equipment, capable
of jacking into the forces of justice's secure networks and scrambling all 
communications. The net result of this interference is that some agents won't 
receive their assignments at all, and so agent activity on the island will be 
reduced. Only one communications array can be built.

Item: Cryogenic Chamber
Tools: Centrifuge + Greenhouse
Specimen: Pete Bog(L)
Description: The cryogenic chamber is an advanced piece of equipment designed 
to replenish a minion's endurance as quickly as possible. When a minion enters 
the chamber, they are placed in a state of suspended animation while nanobots 
repair the effects of physical fatigue. This process is very fast and efficient
at revitalising minions, and essentially eliminates the need for old-fashioned

Item: Damned Damsel
Tools: Laser + AI Supercomputer
Specimen: Chameleon Cloth(L)
Description: Agents are relentless do-gooders, always looking out for 
opportunities to be virtuous. This trap is a great device for exploiting their
chivalrous nature - their instincts are honed to automatically respond to a 
damsel in distress. When they realise that it's just a mannequin, the resultant
confusion saps their smarts.

Item: Flamethrower Rack
Tools: Environment Chamber/AI Supercomputer + Centrifuge + Biotank OR 
Specimen: Jetpack(L)
Description: Turn the heat up on malingering agents with the flamethrower rack.
Mercenaries will use this deadly, if indiscriminate, weapon if the base is set
to yellow or red alert.

Item: Giant Magnet Trap
Tools: Centrifuge + Environment Chamber
Specimen: Nuclear Power Station
Description: The giant magnet trap consists of an incredibly strong magnet 
capable of attracting the iron contained in hemoglobin. Anyone caught by the 
field will be inexorably drawn towards the magnet, where they will either hit 
the wall at speed, suffering health damage, or else be sucked into another 

Item: Gold Enhancer
Tools: Greenhouse/AI Supercomputer + Biotank + Centrifuge OR Environment 
Specimen: Crown Jewels(L)
Description: Using sophisticated alchemical processes, the gold enhancer 
increases the value of your income by a small percentage. Only one gold 
enhancer can be built at any one time.

Item: Messhall Automat
Tools: Biotank + Environment Chamber
Specimen: Pete Bog(L)
Description: The automat is a useful addition to any mess hall. It doesn't need
to be staffed like the counter, but provides a better rate of endurance 
replenishment than the salad bar.

Item: Misdirection Trap
Tools: Centrifuge + AI Supercomputer
Specimen: Communications Array
Description: The misdirection trap bamboozles agents by pointing them in a 
series of conflicting directions. By the time the trap's finished with them, 
their attention will be so low that they can barely recall where they wanted to
go in the first place.

Item: Money Madness
Tools: Laser + Environment Chamber
Specimen: Stockmarket Watchdog
Description: This trap is a sham-ATM stuffed with counterfeit money. When a 
passing agent triggers the trap, the ATM starts spitting out wads of fake cash, 
which the gullible agent believes to be real. As they fill their pockets with 
the filthy lucre, they'll be swayed by the lavishness of the evil lifestyle and 
suffer a severe decrease in loyalty. There are Money Madness traps can be built 
inside your base and also peppered around the island, you'll have to experiment 
to find the best locations for these. Just remember if your minion's attention 
drops then they will fall prey to them too. 

Item: Nut Rupture Flashbang Trap
Tools: Laser + Greenhouse
Specimen: Flamethrower Rack
Description: This delightful palm tree houses some particularly deadly fruits; 
well poisonous coconuts to be precise. When triggered, the toxin-laden coconuts 
are launched high into the air, raining the area with a dreadfully toxic gas. 
Anyone caught in the nauseous cloud will suffer the harmful effects, becoming 
confused as their attention is sapped away.

Item: Pirahna Tank
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer + Greenhouse
Specimen: Venus Man Trap
Description: The quintessential evil trap. No base would be complete without a
tank of these notoriously ravenous fish to dunk unexpecting agents into. If 
they manage to survive the acquatic mauling, they're going to be pretty low on 

Item: Radio Loudspeaker
Tools: AI Supercomputer/Environment Chamber + Laser + Impact Stress 
       Analyzer OR Greenhouse
Specimen: Diamond(L)
Description: Radio loudspeakers are advanced versions of standard 
loudspeakers. Their range is not affected by solid structures, so they can 
alert minions even through walls.

Item: Sawblades Trap
Tools: Impact Stress Analyzer + Environment Chamber
Specimen: Mercury Mirror(L)
Description: The saw blades remain hidden in the floor while dormant, but when 
they are triggered, huge rotating blades erupt from their slots to slice and 
dice anyone unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Item: Schematics Station
Tools: Greenhouse/AI Supercomputer + Laser + Biotank OR Environment Chamber
Specimen: Cannon(L)
Description: A Schematics Station is a very useful piece of hardware, loaded up
with schematics and database of troubleshooting hints for all the objects in 
your evil lair, it'll help your Technicians to work far more efficiently in 
their day-to-day repair work, which in turn will keep your base running more 
smoothly and better able to protect you from those dastardly agents forever 
trying to thwart your plans.

Item: Stockmarket Watchdog
Tools: Environment Chamber/Greenhouse + Laser + Impact Stress Analyzer OR AI 
Specimen: Aztec Amulet(L)
Description: The stock market watchdog helps maximise profits from your 
minion's global stealing activities. With a stock watchdog in the control room, 
deliveries of filthy lucre will be more frequent.

Item: Venus Man Trap
Tools: AI Supercomputer + Centrifuge OR Environment Chamber + Biotank OR 
Specimen: Advanced Laboratory Worktop
Description: The Venus Man Trap is a genetically-modified version of its 
smaller, fly-catching brother. Anyone passing too close to the Venus Man Trap 
risks being enveloped by its gaping maw and partially digested.

Section 4: Credits and Thanks

Thanks go out to Elixir Studios for making this bad ass game. GameFAQs of 
course, for without GameFAQs many a gamer would be stumped out there. And most 
importantly the GameFAQs Evil Genius forum posters and the other FAQ authors 
for providing much needed useful information.